Marketing Plan

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Marketing Plan (Marketing Strategy)

Business plan on rice retailing

At Aiza’s rice retail store, we are aware of the existing competition in the rice retail store
business. It is a rice retailer business that needs a lot of efforts to attract more people’s attention
that can help the business grow. As a result of the competition that exists in this business, we
have observed a lot of things to help us know what our customers need. With this, we will be
able to give them exactly what they want. In the business field, we must always have marketing
strategies to help our business gain attention from consumers. Therefore, the following are the
strategies that will be use in our business:

Digital Marketing –Most of the people has an access to facebook. Therefore, it is

convenient to use facebook and also it will appear to their feed that can boost the sales of the
business. Having a facebook page will help the business to be more popular to people not only in
our area but also to people who can see or visit our facebook page. We will offer free shipping
and free delivery to the consumers online.

Handbills/flyers – it is another way to spread the name of our business than can be placed in
public places. It contains the name, product and information such as number and email of the
business where you can contact the owner just like the business card but the difference is that in
the handbills/flyers, it contains the products and the service that the business can offer to the

Offers free products and discounts – we will give discounts to our first set of customers as well
as our regular customers. We will give customers a loyalty card and coupons. With this, it will
attract consumers to try our product and as a result, it will gain the trust of the consumers and
retain as a loyal consumer. Even though, promotions are a cost to your business, they also have
the power to increase your sales.

Business card – This represents the business name which is Aiza’s rice retail store. It also
includes information on how and where to contact the owner of the business. It also has the
business logo and the owner’s name. This card can have its exposure to the customers.

Packaging – provides an opportunity to highlight the benefits of our rice products. It allows the
consumers to call an attention to certain facts about our product or service. This will determine
the uniqueness of the product from the competitors. If the rice product has a unique packaging,
there will be a better chance to catch the attention of the consumers.

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