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A. Translate the following into Bahasa Indonesia and discuss the content with your

Patient education plan for appropriate expression of anger 

Content  Instructional activities  Evaluation 

Help the patient identify Focus on nonverbal behavior. Patient demonstrates an angry
anger  Role plays nonverbal body posture and facial
expression of anger. expression. 
Label the feeling using the
patients preferred words

Give permission for Describe situations in which it Patient describes a situation to

angry feelings.  is normal to feel angry.  which anger would be an
appropriate response. 

Practice the expression Role play fantasized situations Patient participates in role play
of anger.  in which anger is an and identifies behaviors associated
appropriate response  with expression of anger. 

Apply the expression of -Help to identify a real -Patient identifies a real situation
anger to real situation.  situation that makes the that results in anger.
patient angry. -Patient is able to role play
-Role plays a confrontation expression of anger. 
with the object of the anger.
-Provide a positive feedback
for successful expression of

Identify alternative ways -List several ways to express Patient participates in identifying
to express anger anger, with and without alternatives and plans when each
confrontation. might be useful. 
-Role plays alternative
-Discuss situations in which
alternatives would be

Confrontation with a -Provide support during Patient identifies the feeling of

person who is a source confrontation if needed. anger and appropriately confronts
of anger.  -Discuss experience after the object of anger.
confrontation takes place. 
B. Communication strategies
In handling the patients with anger and aggression, nurses have to:

 present a calm appearance 

 speak softly 
 speak in a non-proactive and non-judgmental manner 
 speak in a neutral and concrete way put space between yourself and patient 
 show respect to the patient 
 avoid intense direct eye contact 
 Demonstrate control over the situation without assuming an overly
authoritarian stance. 
 Facilitate the patient’s stance. 
 Listen to the patient 
 Avoid early interpretations 
 Do not make promises that cannot keep. 

In pairs, make a dialog which contain sample of sentences and expression from
each point above.
Patient : Nurse! What would you do now to me? I’m fed up with this medication, I
feel bad and no one understands me, get out of here nurse… I don’t want to
have chemo anymore...
Nurse : Ok… Don’t worry Sir. I’m not going to give you anything right now… I know
that the medication has been too much and it is painful…of course you feel
bad about it… (show respect to the patient)

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