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Fifth Edition Feats

Over 150
New Core Feats!

5th Edition
Designed & Written by: Brian Berg
Additional Content by: PJ Harn and Edward Long
Editing: Brian Berg and PJ Harn
Cover Design: Brian Berg
Layout: Brian Berg
Artwork: ‘Warrior and a Dragon’ Cover Art by Luslo Ludrovan; interior artwork: ‘Water Elemental’ by JE Stock
Art, ‘Human Scout’ by Hopsy Graphic Art and ‘Tiefling Wizard’ by Vagelio Kaliva.

Product Identity: The Total Party Kill Games (TPK Games) company, names and logos; the “Fifth Edition Feats”
name and logo; all original artwork, backgrounds, and logos; all trade dress, and graphic design elements are
©Total Party Kill Games.

Open Content: All game mechanics, proper names of classes, prestige classes, archetypes, feats, skills, spells, magic
items, monsters, rituals, artifacts AND/OR the names of abilities presented within this book are open game content
as described in the Open Gaming License.

Published by Total Party Kill Games, LLC. 1st printing, March 1, 2016.

A QUICK nOTE about aCTIONS • Your Dexterity bonus increases by
A lot of the feats in this book are dependent +1.
on actions, and in order to understand how • You may substitute your Dexterity
the feats truly work, you should have a bonus to any combat maneuver
good grasp on actions in 5e. Please refer to attempt that uses Strength instead.
the game handbook. • Once per rest, as a bonus action, you
can gain advantage on any Dexterity-
based combat maneuver* attempt.
Acrobatic *See Total Party Kill Games’ Fifth Edition Options title for more
You are skilled at leaping, jumping and information on combat maneuvers.
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Acrobatics Alertness
proficiency You are always cautious of danger, and are
• Your Strength or Dexterity score rarely caught unaware.
(choose one) increases by +1. Prerequisite: Perception proficiency
• You gain expertise with the • You have a +2 bonus to initiative
Acrobatics proficiency. checks.
• You can stand from prone by only • You are never surprised, so long as
expending 5’ of your total you are not stunned or unconscious.
movement. • Enemies never gain advantage when
• Once per short rest you can gain striking you from stealth.
advantage on any Dexterity based
skill check.
Alignment Channel
You can channel divine energy to affect
Acrobatic Steps outsiders that possess opposing alignments.
You can easily move over and through Prerequisite: Channel Divinity
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Acrobatics • Your Wisdom score increases by +1.
proficiency • Instead of its normal effect, you can
choose to have your ability to
• Your Dexterity score increases by +1. Channel Divinity turn outsiders of
• Whenever you move, you may opposing alignment subtypes
move through up to half of your (Law/Chaos and Good/Evil). Neutral
movement through difficult terrain clerics must choose which alignments
each round as if it were normal subtypes they can affect when taking
terrain. this feat. If you choose to turn
• Once per short rest you can ignore creatures of the chosen alignment
all slowing effects of difficult terrain. subtype, your channel energy has no
effect on other creatures. Note that
you cannot destroy creatures with
Agile Maneuvers this feat.
You’ve learned to use your quickness in • Thanks to your faith and connection
place of brute force when performing to an alignment, the save DC for
combat maneuvers. your Channel Divinity ability
Prerequisite: Dex 13+
increases by +1 against foes with
opposing alignments.

Animal Affinity • You gain expertise with the Athletics
You are skilled at working with animals and
• You can climb at your full movement
rate instead of halved.
Prerequisite: Animal Handling proficiency
• You can perform a running long
• You gain expertise with all Animal jump or running high jump after
Handling skill checks. moving 5’ instead of the usual 10’.
• You can verbally command any of • Once per short rest you can gain
your beast companions or mounts to advantage on any Strength or
take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Constitution based skill check.
Dodge, Help or Move as a free
action during your turn. Your beast Augmented Conjuring
companion must be able to see or Your conjured creatures are more powerful
hear you in order to use this ability. and robust.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Arcane Shield
• Each creature you conjure with any
You can convert any spell into a defense.
summon spell gains a +2 bonus to
Prerequisite: Ability to cast arcane spells
attacks and damage and a bonus of
• As a reaction, you can sacrifice a spell +2 hit points per HD for the
or spell slot of 1st level or higher and duration of the spell that summoned
gain a shield bonus to AC equal to it.
the level of the spell or spell slot you
sacrificed for 1 minute. Cantrip spells
may not be sacrificed in this manner.
Foes unaware of your presence are downed
with ease.
Arcane Strike Prerequisites: Stealth proficiency, Sneak
You draw upon your arcane power to Attack class ability.
enhance your weapons with magical energy.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast arcane spells. • When you attack a foe that is
unaware of your presence you gain
• Weapons you hold glow with arcane +1 to your critical threat range.
power and count as though they are • You also add an amount of damage
magical weapons. equal to your sneak attack dice
• You gain a +1 bonus to attacks and when you deal a critical hit.
damage with these weapons as long
as you are holding them. BEAST Slayer
• Ranged weapons also grant these
You’ve been trained to fight against all
bonuses on attacks and damage, but
manner of dangerous beasts and survive.
the magic fades after striking their
Prerequisites: Wis 13+, Nature proficiency
• You gain a +1 to attacks made
Athletic against beasts and a +1 bonus to AC
against their attacks.
You possess inherent physical prowess.
• You gain a bonus equal to your
Prerequisites: Str and Con 13+, Athletics
proficiency bonus on all Survival
checks to track beasts.

• Your critical threat range against • When an adjacent ally is attacked,
beasts increases by +1. you may use a reaction to redirect
the attack to yourself.
You are skilled at attacking opponents that Bouncing Spell
you cannot clearly perceive. You can direct a failed spell against a
Prerequisites: Wis 13+, Perception different target.
proficiency Prerequisite: Ability to cast 2nd level spells.

• As long as you can hear an • Whenever a bouncing spell targeting

opponent, they do not gain a single creature has no effect on its
advantage on attacks against you intended target (whether due to
when you cannot see. resistance or a successful saving
• As long as you can hear an throw) you may, as a bonus action,
opponent, your attacks do not suffer redirect it to target another eligible
disadvantage when you cannot see. creature within the spell’s range. The
• You can make Perception checks to redirected spell behaves in all ways
discern the location of targets within as if its new target were the original
30’ while unable to see. You can target for the spell. Spells that affect
discern the location of targets farther a target in any way (including a
away than 30’, but suffer lesser effect from a successful saving
disadvantage on the skill check. throw) may not be redirected in this
manner. A bouncing spell uses up a
Blocking Expertise spell slot or level one level higher
than the spell’s actual level.
You turn away even the fiercest blows with
your shield.
Prerequisite: Shield proficiency Metamagic?
Feats of metamagic allow for spellcasters to
• Your Strength score increases by +1.
further enhance their spells, much like
• When you wield a shield and are sorcerers. To perform metamagic, you must
dealt a critical attack, you have a be able to cast spells. When you do cast a
50% chance to negate the critical spell, you choose a level of ability for that
hit. spell, and then increase the spell slot a
number of levels based on the cost of the
Bodyguard metamagic feat. You do not gain any
Your are adept at warding off enemies benefits of casting the spell at this higher
attacking nearby allies. level, aside from what is listed in the
Prerequisite: Shield proficiency, Combat metamagic feat.

• You may grant your shield bonus to Burning Spell

a single adjacent ally instead of You cause creatures to take extra damage
yourself. when you affect them with a spell that has
• When an adjacent ally is attacked, the acid or fire descriptor.
you may use a reaction to cause the Prerequisite: Ability to cast 2nd level spells
attack to suffer disadvantage.
• If you cast a spell that deals acid or
fire damage, you can cause that

spell to continue to burn, dealing • If you take the Dash action, you may
more damage the following round. spend a bonus action to make a
You must increase the level of the melee attack or Shove attack during
spell cost by one, and the spell or after your movement.
deals two dice of damage the • If you move at least 10’ in a straight
following round to all affected line during your Dash action, you
targets. Saves continue to apply. gain a +5 bonus to damage on your
attack or Shove a target 10’ away.
Catch Off-Guard • You do not suffer advantage on
attacks against you in rounds in
Foes are surprised by your skilled use of
which you have charged.
unorthodox and improvised weapons.
*See Total Party Kill Games’ Fifth Edition Options title for more
• You do not suffer disadvantage when information on combat maneuvers.

using an improvised melee weapon.

• You gain advantage on attacks Cleave
against unarmed opponents when
You can strike many adjacent foes with a
wielding an improvised melee
single blow.
Prerequisites: Str 13+, Power Attack
• If an opponent is unaware of your
intention to use an improvised object
• You can make an attack against a foe
as a weapon, your first attack with
within reach that cleaves into other
that improvised melee weapon is
foes. If you hit, you deal damage
made with advantage.
normally and can make an additional
attack as a bonus action against a foe
Channel Smite that is adjacent to the previous foe
You can channel your divine energy through and also within reach. This cleave
a melee weapon you wield. attack only counts as one action (and
Prerequisites: Channel Divinity or Lay on your bonus action).
Hands class feature. • When you cleave, your movement is
halved for your current turn.
• You can choose to spend one use of • At 5th level, and each additional five
your channel divinity abilities as a levels, you may make an additional
bonus action. If you are good and hit attack against another adjacent foe
an undead creature, that creature that you also threaten as part of your
takes 2d6 additional radiant damage. cleave action.
If you are evil and you hit a living
creature, that creature takes 2d6
additional necrotic damage. Combat Caster
• When you hit with an attack, as a You are adept at spellcasting when
bonus action you can add an amount threatened or distracted.
of radiant damage up to your level
from your Lay on Hands pool. • Whenever attempting to maintain
concentration on spells in combat,
you gain advantage.
Charging Expertise • You can cast spells, even when
You rush into combat, making a brutal holding weapons or shields.
attack at the end of a charge. • When opponents provoke attacks of
opportunity, you can spend your

reaction to cast a cantrip at that cleric makes a spellcasting check and
target. the highest roll takes control.
• You can control a number of undead
Combat Expertise whose combined hit dice are equal
or less than your cleric level.
You can increase your defense at the
expense of your accuracy.
Prerequisite: Dex 13+ Concussive Spell
You cause creatures to be disoriented when
• Your Dexterity score increases by +1. you affect them with a spell that has the
• You may choose to suffer sonic descriptor.
disadvantage on all attacks in a Prerequisite: Ability to cast 3nd level spells
round in order to force all
opponents to suffer disadvantage on • When you deal thunder damage
all attacks against you. with a spell, a concussive wave of
energy rattles creatures affected by
the spell. A concussive spell causes
Combat Reflexes creatures that take damage from a
You quickly press the advantage of your spell that has the sonic descriptor to
foes’ mistakes. have disadvantage on attack rolls,
Prerequisite: Dex 13+ saving throws, skill checks, and
• You can perform a number of ability checks for a number of
opportunity attacks per round equal rounds equal to the actual spell
to your Dexterity modifier level of the spell. A concussive spell
(minimum 1). only affects spells with the sonic
• You gain advantage on all descriptor. A concussive spell uses
opportunity attacks. up a spell slot two levels higher
than the spell’s actual level.

Command Undead Crossbow Expertise

Using foul powers of necromancy, you can
command undead creatures, making them You are a master with the crossbow.
into your servants. Prerequisite: Crossbow proficiency
Prerequisites: Evil Alignment, Channel • You can make the normal amount of
Divinity class feature. attacks with loaded weapons,
• As an action, you can use one of ignoring the loading quality.
your uses of Channel Divinity to • You do not suffer Disadvantage on
mentally enslave undead within 30 ranged attacks made within 5’ of a
feet. You make a Turn Undead threatening creature.
check as normal. Those undead that • If you have a loaded hand crossbow
would be destroyed fall under your in your off-hand, you can fire it as a
control, obeying your commands to bonus action.
the best of their ability. Intelligent
undead shrug off your control after Danger Sense
24 hours. Controlled undead can Your skill at sensing danger allows you to
have their will usurped by other avoid harm more easily than others.
clerics with this ability. When Prerequisites: Wis 13+, Insight proficiency
attempting to maintain control, each

• Your Wisdom score increases by Deceitful
+1. You are skilled at deceiving others, both
• Once per short you can gain with the spoken word and with physical
advantage on any initiative roll. disguises.
• When subjected to any effect Prerequisite: Deception proficiency
that allows a Wisdom or
Intelligence save, you may make • You gain expertise in the Deception
an Insight check instead. skill.
• Once per short rest you can gain
Darting Strike advantage on any Deception skill
Your quick attacks are more difficult to check.
Prerequisite: Dex 15+ Defensive Combat
• Your Dexterity score increases by Training
+1. You excel at defending yourself from all
• When moving at least a 10’ before manner of combat maneuvers.
an attack, you gain a +1 bonus on Prerequisite: Dex 13+
that attack.
• You add your proficiency bonus as a
bonus on all saves against combat
Dazzling Display maneuvers such as trips, pushes,
Your skill with your weapon can frighten disarms, etc.*
enemies. • You can spend a reaction to negate a
Prerequisite: Intimidate proficiency charging opponent’s free attack.
• You do not suffer advantage on
• While wielding a weapon or attacks against you when you are
unarmed strike, you can perform a flanked.
bewildering show of prowess. You
*See Total Party Kill Games’ Fifth Edition Options title for more
can take an action to make an information on combat maneuvers.
Intimidate check to frighten all foes
within 30 feet who can see your
Defensive Weapon
Deadly Stroke You know how to defend yourself against a
With a well-placed strike, you can bring a certain class of weaponry.
swift and painful end to most foes. Prerequisite: Int 13+
Prerequisite: Weapon Specialization. • Choose a type of weapon (finesse,
• If you attack a blinded, restrained, heavy, light, reach, thrown or two-
stunned or incapacitated foe with the handed). By spending a reaction,
weapon you have chosen with you force opponents wielding
weapon specialization, you weapons of that category to suffer
automatically deal a critical hit. disadvantage on their attack against
• When you drop a foe to below 0 hit you.
points, they suffer an additional
amount of damage equal to your Defensive Expertise
weapon’s base damage dice. You never let down your guard, and take
advantage of every time your foes do.

Prerequisite: Dex 13+ DEMON Slayer
• If you hit a target with an attack of You’ve been trained to fight creatures of the
opportunity, they are not able to lower planes and survive.
move until the beginning of their Prerequisite: Wis 13+, Arcana or Religion
next turn. proficiency
• All creatures leaving your threatened
• You gain a +1 bonus to attacks made
spaces suffer opportunity attacks.
against demons or devils and a +1
Using the disengage action does not
bonus to your AC against their
avoid this attack of opportunity, but
other special abilities or feats that
• You may reroll a failed save against a
state you can avoid attacks of
devilish or demonic creature’s special
opportunity from movement do.
ability. You may only use this ability
• When a foe that you threaten rolls a
once per short rest.
1 on an attack roll, you may make an
• Your critical threat range against
attack of opportunity as a reaction.
demons and devils increases by +1.

Deflect Arrows Diehard

You can knock arrows and other projectiles
You are especially hard to kill.
off course, preventing them from hitting
Prerequisite: Endurance.
Prerequisites: Dex 15+, Unarmed Fighting • You gain a +1 bonus to your
or Martial Arts class feature Constitution score.
• You do not die immediately until
• If you would normally be hit with a
you reach an amount of negative hit
ranged attack and are not unaware,
points equal to your Con score plus
you may make a Dexterity save as a
your level.
reaction. If your save is greater than
• You gain a +2 bonus on death saves.
the attack, it is deflected.

Deft Hands Dirty Fighter

You’ll use anything to your advantage in
You have exceptional manual dexterity.
Prerequisite: Sleight of Hand proficiency
Prerequisite: Int 13+
• You gain expertise in the Sleight of
• As a bonus action, you can cause a
Hand skill.
foe to suffer disadvantage on their
• You gain a bonus equal to your
attacks this round. The target gains
proficiency bonus on Dexterity
an Intelligence or Dexterity save
checks made to disable devices and
(their choice) with a DC of 8 + your
proficiency bonus + your Intelligence
• Once per short rest you can gain
bonus. If they save, there is no
advantage on any Sleight of Hand
skill check or any Dexterity check
• By expending a bonus action, you
made to disable devices or traps.
gain +1d4 on all attack rolls against a
single target during this round.

Disarm Expertise the spell. Targets that avoid the
spell’s effects avoid this feat’s effect
You are skilled at disarming an enemy.
as well. A disruptive spell uses up a
Prerequisites: Str or Dex 13+
spell slot one level higher than the
• When you perform a disarm
spell’s actual level.
maneuver, you do so with advantage
on your ability check.
• Opponents suffer disadvantage when Distant Spell
they attempt to disarm you. Your spells are capable of a far reach.
• You do not suffer disadvantage when Prerequisite: Ability to cast 2nd level spells
attempting to disarm two-handed
weapons. • When you cast a spell that has a
*See Total Party Kill Games’ Fifth Edition Options title for more
range of 5 feet or greater, you can
information on combat maneuvers. increase the spell level by one to
double the range of the spell.
• When you cast a spell that has a
Disorienting Blow range of touch, you can increase the
You make a hammering attack that spell level by one to make the range
disorients your target. of the spell 30 feet.
Prerequisite: Str 13+

• Your Strength or Dexterity score Dodging Expertise

(choose one) increases by +1. Your training and reflexes allow you to react
• You may make an attack with a -5 swiftly to avoid an opponent’s attacks.
penalty. If that attack hits, your Prerequisite: Dex 13+
target is unable to use reactions or
bonus actions until the beginning of • You gain a +1 bonus to your AC as
their next turn. long as you are not unaware of an
• Once per short or long rest you can
Disrupting Strike use a reaction to take the Dodge
With a well-placed attack, you make it action.
harder for a nearby opponent to cast spells.
• If you make a successful melee or Dragon Slayer
ranged attack against an opponent You’ve been trained to fight dragonkind and
casting a spell within 30 feet, the survive.
concentration DC to successfully cast Prerequisite: Wis 13+, Arcana or Nature
the spell is increased by +4. proficiency

• You gain a +1 to attacks made

Disruptive Spell against dragons and a +1 bonus to
Your magical energies cling to enemies, AC against their attacks.
interfering with their spellcasting. • You add a bonus equal to your
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 2nd level spells proficiency bonus on all saves against
dragon fear or breath weapons.
• Targets affected by a disruptive spell • Your critical threat range against
must make concentration checks dragons increases by +1.
when using spells or spell-like abilities
(DC equals the save DC of the
disruptive spell) for the duration of

Dreadful Carnage • You gain a +1 bonus to AC when
fighting with a single weapon and no
Slaying an enemy demoralizes your other
nearby foes.
• As a reaction when you are attacked
Prerequisites: Str 15+, Power Attack
by a melee attack you can add your
• Whenever you reduce an enemy to 0 proficiency bonus to your AC against
or fewer hit points, you can make an that attack.
Intimidate skill check to demoralize
all enemies within 30 feet as a free Dungeoneer
action. Enemies that cannot see both
You are a master of underground and
you and the enemy you reduced to 0
dungeon exploration.
or fewer hit points are unaffected.
Prerequisite: Perception proficiency
Demoralized (Condition) • When searching for (or passing by)
Demoralized targets suffer disadvantage on secret doors, you gain advantage on
all attacks and skill tests against you for a skill checks to notice them.
number of rounds equal to your proficiency • You add your proficiency bonus on
bonus. Resisting the Intimidate skill is a Dexterity saves made to avoid the
Wisdom save DC 8 + the creature’s effects of traps.
proficiency bonus + Strength or Charisma • When searching for traps, you do
bonus. not suffer any movement penalties.

Duelist Eagle-Eyed
You are a consummate master of the fencing Your eyesight is especially keen, and you
blade. To you, combat is an art form. pick up on minute details.
Prerequisite: Dex 13+

Prerequisites: Perception or Investigation
proficiency Elemental Mastery
• You gain expertise with the You are a master of the elemental forces,
Perception and Investigation skills. marrying the elements to magic.
• You can read lips of targets you can Prerequisite: Ability to cast spells.
see as long as you speak the same
• Choose an energy type (acid, cold,
fire, lightning or thunder). When
• You never suffer disadvantage on
you cast spells of this type, your
Perception checks due to distance.
target does not gain any resistance to
that energy type.
Elemental Channel • Once per short rest when you cast a
Choose one elemental subtype, such as air, spell of the chosen energy type you
earth, fire, or water. You can channel can reroll the damage and take the
divinity energy to turn or destroy outsiders best result.
that possess your chosen elemental subtype.
Prerequisite: Channel Divinity class feature. Elemental Spell
• Your Wisdom score increases by +1. You can manipulate the elemental nature of
• Instead of its normal effect, you can your spells.
choose to have your ability to Prerequisite: Ability to cast 1st level spells
Channel Divinity turn or destroy
outsiders of your chosen elemental
subtype. If you choose to turn or
destroy creatures of the chosen
elemental subtype, your channel
energy has no effect on other
• Thanks to your connection to an
element, the save DC for your
Channel Divinity ability increases by
+1 against foes with that elemental

Elemental Focus
Your spells of a certain element are more
difficult to resist.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 1st level spells

• Choose one energy type (acid, cold,

electricity, or fire). Add +1 to the
Difficulty Class for all saving throws
against spells that deal damage of the
energy type you select.
• Once per long rest when you cast a
spell with your chosen energy type,
you can force an opponent to suffer
disadvantage on their saving throw.

• Choose one energy type: acid, cold, Extra Channel
electricity, or fire. You may replace a You can channel divine energy more often.
spell’s normal damage with that Prerequisite: Channel Divinity class feature.
energy type or split the spell’s
damage, so that half is of that energy • You can channel energy three
type and half is of its normal type. additional times per long rest.
An elemental spell uses up a spell slot
one level higher than the spell’s
actual level. Extra Fighting Style
Your versatility training in combat allows
you to gain an additional fighting style.
Empowered Spell Prerequisite: Fighting Style class feature.
Your channel additional energy into your
spells, causing them to deal great harm. • You may choose an extra combat
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 2nd level spells. style from your class.

• When you roll damage for a spell,

you can increase the spell’s level by
Extra Ki
one to reroll a number of the
Your ki pool is greater than most.
Prerequisite: Ki class feature.
damage dice up to your primary
casting stat modifier (minimum of • Your ki pool increases by 3.
one). You must use the new rolls.

Extra Lay On Hands

Endurance You can use your Lay on Hands ability more
Harsh conditions or long exertions do not often.
easily tire you. Prerequisite: Lay on Hands class feature.
Prerequisite: Con 13+
• You treat your effective paladin level
• Your Constitution score increases by as +3 higher when determining your
+1. Lay on Hands pool.
• You have advantage on all saves
made to resist exhaustion, running
out of breath, starvation and thirst, Extra Inspiration
heat and cold. Your performances are greatly inspiring.
• You can sleep in armor that you are Prerequisite: Bardic Inspiration class feature.
proficient in.
• You gain three additional bardic
inspiration dice whenever you use
Extended Spell the bardic inspiration class feature.
Your spells can last a great deal longer than
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 2nd level spells. Extra Rage
You can use your rage ability more than
• When you cast a spell that has a normal.
duration of 1 minute or longer, you Prerequisite: Rage class feature.
can increase your spell’s level to
double its duration, to a maximum • You can rage for 3 additional times
duration of 24 hours. per day.

Extra Skills temporary hit points, you fall
unconscious and are dying as normal.
You have a versatile skill set.
• Choose any three skills you are not Fleet
already proficient in. You gain
You are faster than most.
proficiency with those skills.
Prerequisite: Dex 13+

Favored Defense • Your movement increases by 5 feet.

• While you are wearing light or no
Your cunning is your shield against your
armor, your base speed increases by
quarry’s attacks.
an additional 5 feet.
Prerequisite: Favored enemy class feature.
• When you move at least 30 feet
• Your Wisdom or Intelligence (choose during your turn, your AC increases
one) increases by +1. by +1.
• You add half of your proficiency
bonus to your AC when attacked by Fortuitous
a favored enemy.
You have an uncanny amount of luck.
Prerequisites: Cha 15+ or Halfling
Feint Expertise • You gain four d4s you can use
You are skilled at faking out an enemy in
towards lucky moments each day.
• You can add these dice to any attack,
Prerequisite: Int 13+
skill check or saving throw, even
• When you perform a feint after you see the results. You may
maneuver, you do so with advantage also use more than one die.
on your ability check. • You can use these dice to subtract
• Opponents suffer disadvantage when from a foe’s attack or skill check
they attempt to feint you. against you, or on their save against
• You can attempt to feint a target a one of your abilities.
number of times equal to your
Intelligence modifier instead of just Giant Slayer
You’ve been trained to fight creatures much
*See Total Party Kill Games’ Fifth Edition Options title for more larger than yourself and survive.
information on combat maneuvers.
Prerequisite: Dwarf or Wis 13+ and Nature
Fight On
• You gain advantage on all attacks
You can keep fighting even after you should
made against creatures at least two
be dead.
size categories larger than you.
Prerequisites: Con 13+
• You gain a +2 bonus to AC when
• Once per long rest and as a reaction, fighting creatures at least two sizes
you can gain a number of temporary larger than you. If the creature is
hit points equal to your 1d8 + your only one size larger, you only gain a
Constitution modifier. These +1 bonus to AC.
temporary hit points last for 1 • Your critical threat range against
minute. If your hit points drop giants increases by +1.
below 0 due to the loss of these

Great Fortitude you and the creature are restrained
and immobile.
You are resistant to poisons, diseases, and
• You can grapple creatures up to one
other maladies.
size larger than you without them
Prerequisite: Con 13+
escaping automatically.
• Increase your Constitution score by *See Total Party Kill Games’ Fifth Edition Options title for more
+1. information on combat maneuvers.

• You gain proficiency in Constitution

saves. Healing Chakra
You can use Ki to heal yourself and others.
Great Strength Prerequisites: Wis 15+, Ki class feature
You are herculean in strength, capable of
• As an action, you can spend a Ki
great feats of endurance.
point to automatically stabilize
Prerequisite: Str 13+
another creature. They become
• Increase your Strength score by +1. conscious with a number of hit
• You gain proficiency in Strength points equal to your Wisdom
saves. modifier.
• If you fail a death save, you can
expend a point of Ki to reroll that
Great Weapon Expertise save.
You are a master of wielding heavy • As an action you can expend a point
weapons. of Ki to heal another creature. They
regain 1d6 points plus your Wisdom
• When wielding a heavy weapon, modifier.
you may reroll damage once per
round, keeping the better result.
• When wielding a heavy weapon, Heavy Armor Expertise
you can take a penalty of -5 to grant You know how to use heavy armor to its
a +5 bonus to your damage. fullest.
• If you hit a foe with a heavy Prerequisite: Heavy Armor Proficiency
weapon, you may spend a bonus
• Increase your Strength score by +1.
action to make a Shove attack
• If you are wearing heavy armor, you
against that same target.
reduce all physical damage taken by
3 points.
Grappling Expertise
You are adept at grappling and close-quarter Heavy Armor
physical combat.
Prerequisite: Str 13+ Proficiency
You can wear heavy armor without penalty.
• If you have a creature grappled, you Prerequisite: Medium armor proficiency
gain advantage on all attacks against
them. • Increase your Strength score by +1.
• If you have a creature grappled, you • You gain proficiency with heavy
can spend a bonus action to attempt armors.
to pin the creature. Make another
grapple check. If you succeed, both

Heighten Spell to do so. You can use this ability
again after a long rest.
Your spells are incredibly difficult to resist.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 3rd level spells.

• When you cast a spell that forces a

Improved Beast
creature to make a saving throw to Companion
resist its effects, you can increase the Your beast companion is of greater power
spell by two levels to give one target than most of its kind.
of the spell disadvantage on its first Prerequisite: Beast Companion class
saving throw made against the spell. feature, Animal Handling proficiency

• Your beast companion may be up to

You know which plants and herbs to use to • Your beast companion’s natural
make herbal poultices and unguents. attacks count as magical and silver
Prerequisites: Wis 13+, Nature proficiency for the purposes of over-coming
• You gain proficiency with the
herbalist kit.
• You can spend one hour to create a Improved Channel
number of herbal healing salves Divinity
equal to your proficiency bonus. Your divine energy is harder to resist.
These salves add +1d6 hit points to a Prerequisite: Channel Divinity class feature.
target’s recovery dice during rest.
Your salves are only good for 24 • Add +1 to the DC of saving throws
hours. made to resist the effects of your
• You can spend one hour to create a channel divinity abilities.
powerful healing salve that functions • You treat your effective cleric level as
as lesser restoration. +2 levels higher for the purposes of
calculating affected undead with the
Destroy Undead class feature.
Heroic Defiance
You struggle on when others would fall.
Prerequisites: Diehard or Endurance. Improved Critical
Attacks made with your chosen weapon are
• Once per day as an immediate action
quite deadly.
you can delay the onset of one Prerequisite: Weapon Specialization
harmful condition or affliction (such
as frightened, paralyzed, stunned, • When using the weapon you selected
and so on). Activating this feat for Weapon Specialization, your
delays the onset of the condition threat range is increased by +1.
until the end of your next turn, after
which time the condition takes its
normal effect. This feat has no effect Improved Initiative
on hit point damage or ability Your quick reflexes allow you to react
damage. rapidly to danger.
• You may reroll failed saving throws
• You gain a +5 bonus on initiative
three times each day. You may use
the new result if it would benefit you

• You always go first in initiative when can benefit from these temporary hit
tied with other creatures unless they points again until they have taken at
too have Improved Initiative. If so, least a short rest.
roll again or use the highest Dexterity
Iron Will
You are more resistant to mental effects.
Improvised Weapon Prerequisite: Wis 13+
Mastery • Increase your Wisdom score by +1.
You can turn nearly any object into a deadly • You gain proficiency in Wisdom
weapon, from a razor-sharp chair leg to a saves.
sack of flour.
Prerequisite: Catch Off-Guard
• Increase the amount of damage dealt Through body hardening techniques, you can
by the improvised weapon by one shrug off some blows without the use of
step (for example, 1d4 becomes 1d6) armor.
to a maximum of 1d8 (1d10 if the Prerequisite: Con 15+
improvised weapon is two-handed).
• Improvised weapons in your hands • Your Constitution score increases by
also have a critical threat range of +1.
19–20. • You may add your Con bonus to AC
when not wearing armor.

You have studied with spellcasters, and Keen Intellect
picked up a few tricks. Your intellect is practiced and sharp.
Prerequisite: Int 15+
• Choose two cantrips and a first level
spell from the spell list of any single • Your Intelligence score increases by
class. You may cast the cantrips at +1.
will and the first level spell once per • You can recall anything you’ve seen
long rest. Your primary casting stat or heard within a number of weeks
and save DCs are determined by the equal to your Intelligence modifier.
casting stat of the class chosen. • Once per long rest you can gain
advantage on any Intelligence-based
skill check.
Inspiring Leadership • By discussing a problem with your
You are capable of awe-inspiring leadership, allies, you can turn any Insight or
and that leadership gives your allies strength. Investigation check into a group skill
Prerequisite: Cha 13+ check.
• If you spend at least 5 minutes giving
a rousing speech you can make a Light Armor
Charisma or Performance check with Proficiency
a DC of 15. If you succeed, all allies
You know how to wear light armor without
within 30’ gain 5 temporary hit
points. If you succeed with a DC of
20 or better, this bonus increases to • Increase your Strength or Dexterity
10 temporary hit points. No creature score (choose one) by +1.

• You gain proficiency with light codes is equal to your Intelligence
armors. score + your proficiency bonus.

Lightning Reflexes LungING Attack

You have faster reflexes than normal. You can strike foes that would normally be
Prerequisite: Dex 13+ out of reach.
• Increase your Dexterity score by +1. • You can declare that any attack you
• You gain proficiency in Dexterity make is a lunge attack. This increases
saves. the reach of your melee attacks by 5
• When you do so, you gain a +2
Lightning Stance bonus to damage on all lunge
The speed at which you move makes it attacks, but put yourself in an
nearly impossible for opponents to strike awkward position, and all attacks
you. made against you have advantage
Prerequisites: Dex 17+, Dodging Expertise until the beginning of your next turn.
You must decide to use this ability at
• If you Dash during your turn, you
the beginning of your turn, before
also gain the benefits of the Dodge
any attacks are made.
• When lunging, you threaten an
additional 5 feet.
You help your allies avoid being surprised.
Prerequisite: Perception proficiency
Lycanthrope Slayer
You’ve been trained to fight shapeshifters
• Your Dexterity or Wisdom score and survive.
(choose one) increases by +1. Prerequisite: Wis 13+, Arcana proficiency
• Allies within 30’ may use your
• You gain a +1 bonus to attacks made
Perception checks to determine
against lycanthropes and a +1 bonus
to your AC against their attacks.
• Adjacent allies may use your
• You gain advantage on all Insight or
initiative checks to determine
Investigation checks made to
initiative order.
discover the true nature of a
Linguistics Expert • Your critical threat range against
You are a scholar of languages, ancient lycanthropes increases by +1.
tongues and scripts.
Prerequisite: Int 13+ Magical Aptitude
• You learn three languages of your You have a knack for magic.
choice. Prerequisites: Int 13+, Arcana proficiency
• You can get rough impressions of the
• Your Intelligence, Wisdom or
meaning of written and spoken
Charisma score (choose one)
languages you don’t know with a DC
increases by +1.
15 Intelligence check.
• You gain expertise in the Arcana skill.
• You can also create secret
codes. The DC to understand your

• Once per short rest you can gain Medium Armor
advantage on any Arcana skill check.
You are well-trained in the use of medium
Mage Killer armor to deflect blows.
You are a hunter and slayer of all who
practice spellcraft. • You no longer suffer disadvantage on
Prerequisite: Arcana proficiency Stealth skill checks.
• Your maximum Dexterity bonus to
• Spellcasters that you threaten AC increases by +1 when you are
provoke attacks of opportunity wearing medium armor.
when casting spells in your presence.
• If you harm a spellcaster while they
are concentrating on a spell, they Medium Armor
suffer disadvantage on the Proficiency
concentration check. You can wear medium armor without
• If you see a creature cast a spell, you penalty.
gain a bonus of +1d4 on all attack Prerequisite: Light armor proficiency
rolls against that creature for one
minute. • Increase your Strength by +1.
• You gain proficiency with medium
You can fire multiple arrows in a single shot.
Prerequisite: Dex 15+, Rapid Shot Mobility
You can easily move through a dangerous
• When you make a ranged attack, melee.
you can make another ranged attack Prerequisite: Dex 13+
against the same target or another
target within 10’ of that target. • If you take the Dash action, you are
not hindered by difficult terrain that
Master Craftsman • When you exit a creature’s
You are a master artisan, capable of crafting threatened area, you do not provoke
great works of stunning beauty and attacks of opportunity.
effectiveness. • You can move through a number of
Prerequisite: Int 13+ enemy squares equal to your
• You gain proficiency with any two Dexterity bonus each round as
tools of your choice. though they were friendly.
• You craft items at a rate of 50 gp per
day instead of 25 gp. Mounted Warrior
• You can craft weapons and armor You are adept at warfare on the back of a
that are effectively a +1 enhancement mount.
bonus, but they do not count as Prerequisite: Animal Handling proficiency
magical, nor radiate magic.
• While mounted, you gain advantage
on melee attack rolls against foes that
are smaller than your mount.

• You do not suffer disadvantage when Parting Shot
making ranged attacks while
You are an expert skirmisher, able to rain
missiles upon your enemies whether
• As a reaction to an attack on your
advancing or retreating.
mount, you can make an Animal
Prerequisite: Dex 15+
Handling check and treat this result
as your mount’s AC or if you have a • When you use the disengage action,
shield, you can grant your shield’s you can make a single ranged attack
AC to your mount as a reaction. at any point during your movement
You lose your shield bonus until the as a bonus action.
beginning of your next turn.

Penetrating Strike
Overrun Expertise Your attacks penetrate the defenses of most
You are a master of the overrun maneuver. foes.
Prerequisite: Str 13+ Prerequisites: Power Attack or Weapon
• You gain advantage on all overrun
maneuver attempts that you make. • Your Strength or Dexterity score
• Opponents suffer disadvantage on (choose one) increases by +1.
overrun maneuver attempts against • Once per short rest, when you make
you. a successful attack, your attack
• If you make a charge as part of a ignores nonmagical physical damage
Dash action, you can overrun a resistance.
target as a free action.

*See Total Party Kill Games’ Fifth Edition Options title for more
information on combat maneuvers.
Persistent Spell
You can modify a spell to become more
tenacious when its targets resist its effect.
Parry Spell Prerequisite: Ability to cast 3rd level spells
You can parry an enemy spell back at its
caster. • Whenever a creature targeted by a
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Arcana proficiency persistent spell or within its area
succeeds on its saving throw against
• As a reaction, you can attempt to the spell, it must make another
parry any spell that requires an saving throw against the effect. If a
attack roll. You make an attack roll creature fails this second saving
against the attack roll of the throw, it suffers the full effects of the
incoming spell attack. If you spell, as if it had failed its first saving
succeed, you parry the spell away throw. A persistent spell uses up a
harmlessly. spell slot two levels higher than the
• If you take a -5 penalty to your parry spell’s actual level. Spells that do not
roll and succeed, you can parry that require a saving throw to resist or
spell back at its caster. Use your lessen the spell’s effect do not benefit
parry roll as the spell attack roll. from this feat.

Persuasive • You gain advantage on any ranged
attack made within 30’ against
You are skilled at swaying attitudes and
targets that do not have cover.
intimidating others into your way of
• Ranged attacks made against
adjacent targets have neither
Prerequisites: Cha 13+, Persuasion
advantage nor disadvantage.

• You gain expertise with the Polearm Expertise

Persuasion skill.
You are a master of polearm weapons.
• Once per short rest you can gain
advantage on any Charisma-based • When you attack with a pole
skill check. weapon or staff, you can use a bonus
action to attack with the other end
of your weapon, dealing 1d4
bludgeoning damage plus your
Strength modifier.
• While using a reach weapon,
opponents incur opportunity attacks
when they enter and exit your
threatened area.

Power Attack
You can make exceptionally deadly melee
attacks by sacrificing accuracy for strength.
Prerequisite: Str 13+

• When wielding any non-light melee

weapon, you can choose to suffer a -
5 penalty to attack rolls to gain +10
points of damage.
• In addition, you may reroll 1s on
damage rolls when using power
attack. You must use the new result.
• You treat object’s ACs as if they were
3 points less.

You are a capable healer, able to mend
wounds and treat ailments.
Point-Blank Shot Prerequisites: Int or Wis 13+, Medicine
You are especially accurate when making proficiency
ranged attacks against close targets.
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Perception • When you use a healer’s kit and
proficiency stabilize a dying target, they become
conscious with 1d4 hit points.
• You can use a healer’s kit to tend to
a character’s wounds. The character

regains a recovery die, and this Raging Vitality
recovery die does not count against
While raging, you are full of vigor and
their daily total. A character may
only benefit from this bonus
Prerequisites: Con 15+, rage class feature.
recovery die once per long rest.
• Under your care, characters • Whenever you are raging, you gain a
expending recovery dice during rest number of temporary hit points
gain a bonus amount of additional equal to your level. These
hit points equal to your Intelligence temporary hit points do not stack
or Wisdom modifier (choose one) with temporary hit points from any
for each recovery die they spend. other source. These temporary hit
points are removed when you exit
Quick Draw rage.
• While raging, you have advantage
You can draw weapons faster than most.
on Constitution checks and
Prerequisite: Dex 13+
Constitution saves.
• You can draw weapons as a free
action instead of as part of a move Rapid Shot
action. You can make an additional ranged attack.
• You gain a +2 bonus on Initiative. Prerequisite: Dex 13+
• Even if you are surprised, you can
still draw your weapons. • When making a attack action with a
non-loading ranged weapon, you
can make an additional attack this
Quicken Spell round as a bonus action. You gain
You can cast spells in a blink of an eye. your full Dexterity bonus to damage
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 4th level spells on this bonus attack.
• When you cast a spell that has a
casting time of 1 action, you can Razortooth
increase the spell level by three to Your powerful jaws and steely teeth are
change the casting time to 1 bonus deadly enough to give you a bite attack.
action for this casting. Prerequisite: Half-orc
• A quickened spell does not suffer
disadvantage when cast adjacent to • Your Strength or Constitution score
threatening foes. (choose one) increases by +1.
• As a bonus action, you can make a
bite attack for 1d4 points of damage.
Raging Strength You’re considered proficient in this
While raging, your attacks do even more attack and can apply feats or effects
damage. appropriate to natural attacks to it.
Prerequisites: Str 15+, Rage class feature

• Whenever you are raging, you deal Ritualist

+3 additional points of damage with You know how to cast some of your spells
your melee attacks. as rituals.
• You can reroll 1s on damage Prerequisites: Int, Wis or Cha 13+
rolls. You must keep the new result.
• You can cast spells as rituals. These
spells must have the ritual tag. You
cannot cast a ritual with a spell level Rousing Performance
of greater than half your level.
Your bardic inspiration can affect more than
• When you gain this feat, choose two
one person.
first level spells from a class of your
Prerequisites: Cha 15+, Performance
choosing that have the ritual
proficiency, Bardic Inspiration class feature.
tag. You cast these spells as a
member of that class, using their • When you perform a bardic
primary casting stat. performance, you can choose to
• You can add other rituals to your affect more than one target. Until
spellbook. The rituals must belong the end of the encounter, all allies
to your chosen ritual casting within 60’ of you gain +1d4 on
class. Adding new rituals costs 50 gp attacks, saves or skill checks (choose
per level of spell and takes 2 hours one each time you activate this
per level of the spell. ability).

Savage Warrior
Your blows strike with great fury, driving
your enemies before you.
Prerequisite: Str 13+, Intimidate proficiency

• You can reroll damage dice results of

1 or 2. You must use the new result,
even if they are 1s or 2s.
• You gain expertise with the
Intimidate skill.

Selective Spell
Your allies need not fear friendly fire.
Prerequisite: Int 15+, Arcana proficiency,
Ability to cast 2nd level spells

• When casting a selective spell with an

area effect and an instant duration,
you can choose a number of targets
in the area equal to your primary
spellcasting ability modifier. These
targets are excluded from the effects
of your spell. A selective spell uses up
a spell slot one level higher than the
spell’s actual level. Spells that do not
have an area of effect or a duration
of instantaneous do not benefit from
this feat.

Sharp Shot
Your skill with ranged weapons allows you
to make amazing shots with ease.

Prerequisite: Dex 15+ Shield of Swings
• You do not suffer disadvantage when A wild frenzy of attacks serves to bolster
attacking beyond your weapon’s your defenses.
normal range. Note that this does Prerequisite: Extra Attack class feature
not allow you to shoot beyond your
• If you attack more than once per
weapon’s maximum range.
round using your extra attack class
• Your ranged attacks ignore all but
feature, you gain a +1 bonus to your
total cover and you never suffer
AC for each extra attack you make
disadvantage for firing into melee.
that round.
• When making a ranged attack, you
can choose to suffer a -5 penalty to
the attack roll. If the attack hits, you Sidestep
gain a +10 bonus to the attack’s You can reposition yourself after a foe’s
damage. missed swing.
Prerequisites: Dex 13+
Shield Expertise • Your Dexterity score increases by +1.
Your skill with shields allows you to fight
• Whenever an opponent misses you
with it without hindrance.
with a melee attack, you may move
Prerequisites: Str 13+, Shield proficiency
5 feet as a reaction.
• You can make an attack or Shove • This movement does not provoke
action with a shield as a bonus opportunity attacks and does not
action. Medium-sized shields deal count against your total movement.
1d6 points of damage.
• As long as you are aware of an Skill Focus
attack and not otherwise
You are particularly adept at a certain skill.
incapacitated, you can add +2 to
Prerequisite: Proficiency in a chosen skill.
your Dexterity saves against spell or
attack effects that only affect you. • You gain expertise in a chosen skill.
• When faced with a Dexterity save for
half damage while wielding a shield
greater than a buckler, you Slam Expertise
automatically take half effect (even if You are skilled at slamming into an enemy
you fail), and if you succeed, you and throw them off balance.
suffer no damage. Prerequisite: Str 13+

• When you perform a slam

Shield Mastery maneuver, you do so with advantage
Your skill with shields is nearly unmatched. on your Strength check.
Prerequisite: Shield Expertise • You can slam or shove targets up to
two sizes larger than you.
• When you wield a shield of any • In addition to knocking a foe back or
kind, your AC improves by +1. prone, your slam also deals 1d6
• You may add your Strength modifier damage plus your Strength modifier.
to off-hand attacks made with
shields. *See Total Party Kill Games’ Fifth Edition Options title for more
information on combat maneuvers.

Snap Shot • Your Intelligence score increases by
With a ranged weapon, you can take
• Each time you take this feat, choose a
advantage of any opening in your
number of spells that you already
opponent’s defenses.
know equal to your 3 + your
Prerequisite: Dex 13+
Intelligence modifier. From that
• While wielding a ranged weapon point on, you can prepare these
you are proficient in, you may attack spells without referring to a
adjacent foes without suffering spellbook.
• You can make ranged attacks as Spell Penetration
attacks of opportunity and gain +2
Your spells break through resistances more
damage on all such attacks of
easily than most.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus

Spell Assassin • When casting a spell of the school

you have chosen for Spell Focus, you
You cast spells with a deadly finality.
ignore the resistance of targets.
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Ability to cast any

• Your range with spells that require

Spirited Charge
Your mounted charge attacks are capable of
attack rolls is doubled.
dealing a tremendous amount of damage.
• You ignore all but total cover when
Prerequisites: Mounted Warrior
making spell attacks.
• You can subtract -5 on a spell’s attack • When mounted and using the Dash
roll and gain +5 to damage. action to charge, your threat range
increases by +1.
Spell Focus • You may choose to subtract -5 from
your attack rolls when using Spirited
Spells you cast of a particular school are
Charge to deal an additional +10
more difficult to resist.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast spells.

• Choose a school of magic. You add Stand Still

half your proficiency bonus as an
You can stop foes that try to move past you.
additional bonus to the DC of saving
Prerequisites: Str 13+, Combat Reflexes.
throws against spells from the school
of magic you select. • When a foe moves through squares
• You gain advantage on all saves you threaten, you can spend a
against that school of magic. reaction and that enemy cannot
move for the rest of his turn unless it
makes a successful overrun
Spell Mastery attempt. An enemy stopped in this
You have mastered a small handful of spells, way can still take the rest of his
and can prepare these spells without action, but cannot move.
referencing your spellbooks at all.
Prerequisite: 1st-level wizard.
*See Total Party Kill Games’ Fifth Edition Options title for more
information on combat maneuvers.

Stealthy Strong Personality
You are skilled at stealth. Your sense of self never wavers, and your
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Stealth proficiency ego is rarely challenged.
Prerequisite: Cha 13+
• You can make hide checks when you
are only lightly obscured from sight. • Increase your Charisma score by +1.
• If you are hidden and make a ranged • You gain proficiency in Charisma
attack against an unaware target, you saves.
remain hidden.
• You can see in dim light without Subtle Spell
You can cast spells without others being
aware of it.
Steel Soul Prerequisite: Ability to cast 2nd level spells.
You are especially resistant to magic.
• When you cast a spell, you can
Prerequisite: Dwarf
increase the spell level by one to cast
• You may add your proficiency bonus it without any somatic or verbal
as a bonus on all saves against magic. components.
• Once per short rest you can gain
advantage on a save against Sunder Expertise
magic. You may not use this ability
Your devastating strikes cleave through
again until you’ve completed a short
weapons and armor and into their wielders,
damaging both item and wielder alike in a
single terrific strike.
Steeled Mind Prerequisite: Power Attack
Your mind is extraordinarily keen, and your
• You gain advantage on all Sunder
mental defenses are nearly impossible to
• Opponents have disadvantage when
Prerequisite: Int 13+
attempting to make Sunder attempts
• Your Intelligence score increases by against you.
+1. • If you sunder a target’s weapons,
• You gain proficiency in Intelligence armor or shield, you can spend a
saves. bonus action to also deal your
weapon’s base damage to the target.

Strike Back *See Total Party Kill Games’ Fifth Edition Options title for more
information on combat maneuvers.
You can strike at foes that attack you using
their superior reach, by targeting their limbs
or weapons as they come at you. Taunt
Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes Your vicious words infuriate others.
Prerequisites: Cha 13+, Intimidate
• Your Dexterity score increases by +1. proficiency
• You can expend a reaction to make
an opportunity attack against any foe • Your Charisma score increases by +1.
that attacks you with reach. • You gain expertise in the Intimidate

• When you use the Intimidate skill,
you can force an opponent to make
a Wisdom save versus your
Toppling Spell
Intimidate check. If they fail, they Your spells with that deal damage also
must use their next action to move knock the affected creatures prone.
closer and attack you. Prerequisite: Ability to cast 3rd level spells.
• If you use the Intimidate skill to • The impact of your spell is strong
fluster a target, they suffer enough to knock the target prone. If
disadvantage on all Persuasion checks a target takes damage from your
for a number of rounds equal to spell, they must also make a
your proficiency bonus. Dexterity or Strength (target’s choice)
save to avoid being knocked prone.
Thespian Use the DC of the spell to determine
You are skilled at impersonation and drama. the trip maneuver DC. A toppling
Prerequisite: Cha 13+ spell uses up a spell slot two levels
higher than the spell’s actual level.
• Your Charisma score increases by +1.
• When impersonating another
person’s looks, mannerisms or
speech, you gain advantage on You have enhanced physical stamina.
Deception or Performance skill Prerequisite: Con 13+
checks. • You gain a number of hit points
equal to twice your level.
Thundering Spell • When you gain new levels, you gain
You can conjure your spells into existence an additional +2 hit points.
with blaring thunder or fearful shrieks, • You recover 1 additional hit point
deafening creatures damaged by their effects. whenever you roll a recovery die.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 3rd level spells

• You can modify a spell to deafen a Trip Expertise

creature damaged by the spell. When You can easily knock enemies prone and
a creature takes damage from this exploit their weakened position.
spell, it becomes deafened for a Prerequisite: Dex 15+
number of rounds equal to the
• You gain advantage on all Trip
original level of the spell. If the spell
allows a saving throw, a successful
• Opponents have disadvantage when
save negates the deafening effect. If
attempting to make Trip attempts
the spell does not allow a save, the
against you.
target can make a Constitution save
• When an opponent stands from
to negate the deafening effect. If the
prone, you automatically gain an
spell effect also causes the creature to
opportunity attack against them.
become deafened, the duration of
this metamagic effect is added to the *See Total Party Kill Games’ Fifth Edition Options title for more
information on combat maneuvers.
duration of the spell. A thundering
spell uses up a spell slot two levels
higher than the spell’s actual level.
Spells that do not inflict damage do
not benefit from this feat.

Twinned Spell Two-Weapon Rend
You can cast a spell and have it affect two Striking with both of your weapons
targets instead of one. simultaneously, you can use them to deliver
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 2nd level spells. devastating wounds.
Prerequisites: Dex 15+, Two-Weapon
• When you cast a spell that targets Fighter
only one creature and doesn’t have a
range of self, you can choose to • If you hit an opponent with both
double the spell’s level to target a your primary attack and your off-
second creature in range with the hand bonus attack, you deal an
same spell (1 sorcery point if the spell additional +5 points of damage.
is a cantrip). To be eligible, a spell
must be incapable of targeting more
than one creature at the spell’s UNDEAD Slayer
current level. For example, magic You’ve been trained to fight the living dead
missile isn’t eligible, but firebolt is. and survive.
Prerequisite: Int or Wis 13+, Arcana or
Religion proficiency
Two-Weapon Fighter
• You gain a +1 bonus to attacks made
You can fight with a weapon wielded in
against undead and a +1 bonus to
each of your hands.
your AC against their attacks.
Prerequisite: Dex 13+
• You may reroll a failed save against
• You gain your ability bonus on off- an undead creature’s ability. You
hand attacks when dual-wielding may only use this ability once per
two weapons. short rest.
• You can use two-weapon fighting • Your critical threat range against
with one-handed melee weapons, undead increases by +1.
even if they aren’t light weapons.
• You can draw or put away both Unarmed Fighting
weapons as a single action when you
You are skilled at fighting while unarmed.
could normally draw or put away a
Prerequisites: Str and Con 15+
• Increase your Strength or
Constitution score by +1.
Two-Weapon Fighting • You gain proficiency with improvised
Mastery weapons and unarmed strikes. Your
unarmed strikes deal 1d4 damage
You are especially skilled at fighting with
(1d3 for small creatures and 1d6 for
two weapons.
large). You are treated as armed
Prerequisites: Dex 15+, Two-Weapon
when unarmed fighting.
• If you hit a target with an unarmed
• When fighting with two weapons, strike on your turn, as a bonus action
you gain a +1 bonus to AC. you can make a grapple attack.
• You gain an extra attack action when
wielding two weapons.
Weapon Expert
You know how to handle more weapons
than most of your class.

area. Any numeric measurements of
• Your Strength or Dexterity score the spell’s area increase by
(choose one) increases by +1. 100%. Spells that do not have an
• You gain proficiency with any five area of one of these four sorts are
martial weapons. not affected by this feat.

Weapon Specialization Wise

You are especially skilled with one type of You are possessed of great wisdom and
weapon. other seek you out for answers.
Prerequisite: Proficiency with selected Prerequisite: Wis 15+
• Your Wisdom score increases by +1.
• Choose one weapon. You gain a +1 • You gain proficiency in the Insight
bonus on all attack rolls you make skill if you did not already possess it.
using the selected weapon. • You always know what direction you
• With your chosen weapon, you also are facing and always know the time
gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls. of day within an hour.
• Once per short rest you can gain • Once per long rest you can gain
advantage on an attack roll made advantage on any Wisdom-based
with your chosen weapon. skill check.

Widen Spell
You can cast your spells so that they occupy
a larger space.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 3rd level spells.

• You can increase a spell’s level by

two to alter a burst, emanation, or
spread-shaped spell to increase its

OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights,
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Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb,
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on
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3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing,
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Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use
this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, Advanced Player's Guide. Copyright 2010 Paizo Publishing, LLC;
royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this Author: Jason Bulmahn.
License to Use, the Open Game Content.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic. © 2011, Paizo
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Colin
contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-
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6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat. © 2011, Paizo
NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Colin
COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-
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of any original Open Game Content you Distribute.
Fifth Edition Feats. Copyright, 2016 Total Party Kill Games.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Author(s): Brian Berg
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Laying Waste
The Guide to Critical Combat


600 Critical Hit and Fumble

Effects, plus New Feats and

5th Edition

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