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Enhance innovation and agility

with Digital Twins

Executive Summary
There’s no denying we live in uncertain and rapidly changing times and companies are looking for
every opportunity to become more agile. Digital twins is a rapidly emerging technology that delivers
to this end. Not to be confused as a mere dashboard, a digital twin is a virtual replica of a physical
object, machine part, system, process or entire lifecycle. Digital twin technology enables real-time
monitoring and control, the ability to learn with AI and ML, to autonomously update, self-heal, and
even improve systems and designs over time.
This paper seeks to achieve four objectives. First, to help the reader understand Digital twin
technology and its potential. Second, to provide a structured way of looking at the various use cases
and applications of this technology. Third, to feature Microsoft partners who have differentiated
capabilities that bring digital twin visions to life. Fourth, to discuss the Azure Digital Twin platform
and other investments from Microsoft in this space.
Digital twin technology is commonly applied to manufacturing across key applications that span
manufacturing scenarios/use-cases.
The priority scenarios, or use cases, as they relate in Manufacturing are 1) Product, 2) Factory,
3) Supply Chain, and 4) Spaces. The top applications include configuration management, asset
management, process control, performance management and simulation modeling.
Configuration management tracks bills of materials, around assets as designed, manufactured,
configured, and maintained. E.g. For complex & expensive assets like aircrafts this information is
typically maintained by tail number. Asset management deals with telemetry of an asset itself and
gives insight in to how something is working. E.g. an inlet and outlet pressure of an air compressor
might provide visibility into its health & operations. Process Control is a bigger application of an
end-to-end processes which includes multiple sub systems or sub-components. This could be a
chemical processing plant or a manufacturing assembly line. Performance management records and
surfaces the performance of a process or supply chain. Computed KPIs like Customer service levels,
on time deliveries etc. are key indicators of a supply chain performance.

Digital Twin Applications

Applications in Manufacturing
Executive Summary
Simulation modeling involves creating and analyzing a digital prototype of a physical system to
predict its performance. Newer applications in simulation even include an ability to generate
telemetry when a physical device does not exist, like in the early stages of prototyping or where a
physical sensor cannot be placed E.g. at the center of a molten steel flow where high temperatures
make it difficult to place any sensors. The dynamic nature of these technologies means they can be
applied in different ways across key scenarios around product, factory, supply chain and spaces.
Microsoft’s Azure Digital Twins is a Platform as a Service that manufactures can use to develop and
create comprehensive models of physical environments, to model the relationships and interactions
between people, places, devices and more. Azure Digital Twins makes it simple to query data from a
unified space rather than disparate sensors, and build reusable, highly scalable, spatially aware
experiences that link streaming data across the physical and digital world.
Microsoft is working with partners and the ecosystem (for example the new Digital Twins
Consortium) to help create rich and secure standards for systems collaboration and information
interchange in the world of digital twins. Microsoft and its partners offer a broad portfolio of
packaged IP for businesses to bring their digital twin vision to life and further digitize their value
chain. This paper contains incredible success stories by ISV partners (The Marsden Group, Willow,
Aras, Ansys, Bentley, Blue Yonder, Sight Machine, Simio and PTC) along with SI partners (Accenture,
Capgemini, EY, Sigma, and Infosys) all of whom have deep expertise in the digital twin space.
Read on to learn more or connect with Microsoft or any of the listed partners to learn
more about how we can work together to bring your digital twin vision to life.

Digital Twin Applications in Manufacturing

Table of Contents

1 Executive Summary

2 A technology paradigm for the future, with roots in the past

3 Digital twins deliver agility in manufacturing

A digital twin is…
Greater agility is critical in today’s market
Digital Twins mean moving faster

4 Real-world transformation through Digital Twins

Remote Control and Communication with Unilever
Rewind and Replay for “What If?” Scenarios with thyssenkrupp
Serialized Asset Tracking and Monitoring with Rolls-Royce
Digital Verification and Validation with V4i

5 Common patterns and Use Cases in Manufacturing

Configuration management
Asset management
Process control
Performance management
Simulation modeling

6 Transformative partnerships powered by Microsoft

Azure Digital Twins
Mixed reality and AI
Embracing open standards

7 Conclusion
Digital transformation, together
Next steps

8 Appendix: Customer Stories

In April of 1970, the world witnessed the
A technology paradigm for the safe splashdown of Apollo 13, and the
future, with roots in the past power and potential of what we know
today as a “digital twin” was made manifest.
Today, fifty years later, it is that same
Approximately six and a half minutes after a responsiveness and agile shift from
successful television broadcast from the challenge to solution that makes digital
Apollo 13 command module, a routine twins critical to manufacturers.
activity caused a tank explosion, critically
damaging the main engine. With repairs
required and valuable oxygen leaking into
space, both the astronauts onboard and
engineers at NASA mission control A recent survey by Gartner
scrambled to find a solution. reports that 75 percent of
Utilizing machines that were exact organizations implementing IoT
replicas of the space craft, in conjunction
with computer calculations and analysis, the
already use digital twins or plan
engineers quickly troubleshot several “what to within a year. The number of
if” scenarios, making modifications, until organizations using digital twins
they felt they had a solution that could bring
the astronauts to safety. A process of fixes
is expected to triple by 2022. iv
validated on ground was transmitted to the
astronauts who replicated it—or mirrored
it—200,000 miles away in space.

Apollo 13: First application of a Twin, by NASA

April 1970

1,000 degrees

Oxygen: 15%

Fans: Off
The term ‘digital twin’ is believed to be
Digital twins deliver agility in coined by Dr. Michael Grieves during a 2002
Digital twins deliver agility in presentation on product optimization within
manufacturing Product Lifecycle Management. During his
manufacturing presentation at University of Michigan, he
spoke of a “management center” that held
A digital twin is… insights on real space and virtual space,
facilitated the sharing of data and
information between the two. v
Digital twins are virtual replicas of physical
Used in conjunction with IoT, today’s digital
assets and, even though there are many
twins unlock the abilities Grieves envisioned:
applications for the technology, twins share monitor and manage production remotely,
a common implementation pattern. Twins gain invaluable information for both real-
are built using computer-aided design time decision-making, strategic planning,
(CAD), bill of materials, simulation models, and energy cost-savings, time reduction,
IoT sensors, time-series data, maintenance operational efficiency, and innovation.
records, and any other data a manufacturer
wishes to bring together. The data is then
By 2022, Gartner expects 85 percent of
managed, unified, and modeled to build a
all IoT platforms will include some digital
high-fidelity digital representation of the
twin monitoring, and a few cities will take
physical reality.
the lead in showing the utility value of
Once modeled, a visualization layer provides digital twin smart city technology. xvii
insights, easy consumption, interaction, and
manipulation. This enables users to
A recent issue of the MIT Sloan
predicting failures, assess future
Management Review discussed the power
performance, and provide opportunities for of IoT and digital twins, “Supported by an
optimization. Digital twins are further able to estimated 25 billion connected global
integrate with artificial intelligence, machine sensors by 2021, digital twins will soon exist
learning, and analytics to create living for millions of things. A jet engine, a human
simulation models that change in tandem heart, even an entire city can all have a
with their physical counterparts. iii digital twin that mirrors the same physical
and biological properties as the real thing.
The implications are profound: real-time
Greater agility is critical in assessments and diagnostics much more
today’s market precise than currently possible; repairs
literally executed in the moment; and
Demand uncertainty and disruptions are innovation that is faster, cheaper, and
taxing planning systems to the brink and more radical.” vi
manufacturers are no longer able to depend The promise of Digital Twins, and the agility
on statistical forecasting models and scale they offer, is driving the technology in to
economies of mass production. With change the mainstream for manufacturers. Gartner
the only constant, it is no wonder that a reports that the digital twins market last
recent report by the United Nations year (2019) was USD 3.8 billion and is
Industrial Development Organization expected to grow to USD 35.8 billion,
(UNIDO) said it is critical that manufacturers ~10x increase, by 2025, at a CAGR of
37.8 percent. Vii
adopt supply-chain wide technology that
supports greater agility. ii
Digital Twins mean
“…digital twins give you the
moving faster
power of prescience to re-write
Technology has always made it possible to the future of your business.”
move faster, see things sooner and make
better decisions. The potency of an – Çağlayan Arkan, Vice President,
IoT/Digital Twins mix is that it creates a new Manufacturing Industry, Microsoft
digital feedback loop for manufacturers. As
connections and communication between
products, assets and processes become In a recent study Gartner found that, while
more ubiquitous, the opportunity to use only 25% of manufacturers recognized
data to further automate, up-level, innovate Digital Twin as an important emerging
increases drastically. technology, many were utilizing digital twin
Feedback loops foster exponential learning technology without even realizing it.
and adaptability. “We see a world in the not- That’s ok and is often the case with
too-distant future where every business is emerging technologies, “digital twins give
powered by these digital feedback loops and you the power of prescience to re-write the
it becomes a normal part of doing business,” future of your business…from empowering
Sam George, Corporate Vice President of the remote, intelligent operations to ensuring
Azure IoT Engineering Team said in a recent business resiliency, to enabling the agility to
article, “companies that aren’t powered by predict and respond to real-time changes, ”
digital feedback loops will find themselves at says Çağlayan Arkan, Vice President,
a competitive disadvantage.” Manufacturing Industry, Microsoft.
While new technologies often feel out of
reach, digital twins are not for most. Believe
it or not, many companies actually use
applications supported by digital twin-like
capabilities to function right now.

The path for every forward-thinking
manufacturer is to incrementally transition
from sparingly or unknowingly using digital “Azure Digital Twins gives you
twin-like technology to using it in strategically the ability to model anything,
in different phases of a process or lifecycle.
Manufacturers can start in very specific, very
create a live digital replica to
limited scenarios that provide the most control the present, track the
business value, long- or short-term, that past, simulate possibilities and
makes sense and then expand as new
opportunities become apparent.
predict the future.”
– Sam George, Corporate Vice
Real-world transformation President, Azure IoT, Microsoft
through Digital Twins
particularly compelling transformational
The potential of digital twins is only stories in different areas of manufacturing.
limited by the type of data that is available. 1. Remote control and communication
It is one thing to talk about it, it is another at Unilever
thing entirely to show it.
2. Rewind and Replay for “What If?”
There are many incredible stories in this Scenarios with thyssenkrupp
paper, but the next section highlights four
3. Serialized Asset Tracking and
Monitoring with Rolls-Royce
4. Digital Verification and
Validation with V4i
Remote Control and In fact, operators on the floor now trust the
Communication with Unilever twin more than themselves to monitor
settings like soap moisture levels and batch
The Marsden Group, a Microsoft Partner, process efficiency for optimal productivity.
delivered this key capability to Unilever, the Unilever Chief Engineer Dave Penrith says
manufacturer of products like Dove, “The more data it gets, the more it learns.
Vaseline, and Ben & Jerry’s. The more it learns, the faster it learns,
Using Azure IoT Edge and Azure Industrial and it starts to learn at an increasingly
IoT Platform capabilities, Marsden’s TwinIQ exponential rate.”
solution provides Digital Twin and Optimiser As a result, Unilever has digitized their
accelerator frameworks for the rapid factories to a point where not only are they
discovery and enablement of digital able to run them lights out, but also pivot
transformation. production almost immediately from making
The twin leverages huge volumes of data ice-cream to making hand sanitizers. This is
from factory equipment to build a digital a remarkable example
model. It learns and improves in real-time of a customer experiencing the benefits of
with AI and ML capabilities while enabling end-to-end digital transformation.
real-time data intelligence sharing,
conversation, and collaboration.
Remote connectivity gives Unilever Link to Partner
employees the ability to hand over control
of specific operations to the digital twin Link to full story


Unilever uses digital Temperature

twins to monitor,
optimize, and control
production processes
monitor processes and patterns, and rapidly
Rewind and Replay for “What identify problems using ‘what if’ simulations
If?” Scenarios with thyssenkrupp for fire evacuation and other emergency
management scenarios.
thyssenkrupp collaborated with Willow and
Microsoft to create a digital twin of These critical insights help thyssenkrupp
thyssenkrupp’s 246-meter Innovations Test improve elevator maintenance and be
Tower. Part of the project was to experiment proactively responsive to critical
with elevator technology, creating a building emergencies. From a building maintenance
design that reduces space lost to traditional perspective, the same twin can provide
rope elevators to free up more livable real visibility into maintenance needs and the
estate. The other part was to help real estate capability to rewind and replay if something
owners and managers reduce costs and goes wrong in the building infrastructure.
increase tenant satisfaction. The Willow Twin, and projects like it,
promise to open new possibilities for smart
With that in mind, the team created “Willow architecture and for remedying social
Twin,” a digital replica of the building challenges like overcrowding.
supported by Microsoft Azure. This is a twin
of an entire building. It generates analytics
on the elevator around different use
scenarios and collects real-time data on the
ways both staff and guests utilize not just
the elevator, but the entire building space
over the course of a day. Digital twin
analytics and intelligence replay enables Link to Partner
real-time connectivity of both people and Link to full story
data-driven systems across the building to

The digital twin enables

thyssenkrupp to do
emergency evacuation
Rolls-Royce is also able to model a
Serialized Asset Tracking and myriad of scenarios virtually, often with
Monitoring with Rolls-Royce complex calculations to generate optimal
fuel recommendations and flight routes
Rolls-Royce has more than 13,000 and bring significant operational cost
commercial aircraft engines in service savings for their airline customers.
around the world. Within these engines
Rolls-Royce has embedded hundreds of Because they can monitor engines
sensors for Engine Health Management. on-wing, they were able to create new
The onboard sensors provide serialized business models and offer their product-as-
telemetry for each engine and provide a-service well known in the industry as
accurate insight into engine health, “Power by the Hour.”
performance, fuel usage, service needs
and more.
The massive amount of disparate data is
continuously collected, monitored, and
aggregated via a digital solution built on
Microsoft Azure. The digital twin enables a
digital feedback loop that not only drives
product updates and informs and optimizes
maintenance processes but also enables
Roll-Royce to monitor the entire fleet of
these engines in flight and assure their Link to full story
availability and uptime.

Rolls-Royce has
enabled serialized
tracking of assets
With design cycle times and prototyping
Digital Verification and costs being what they are, digital twins offer
Validation with V4i a sound alternative to better physical
testing and validation while cutting cost.
Reducing or removing the need to Digital twins also provide a protected way
prototype is would be a game-changer for to mitigate risk and verify the safety and
most, if not all, manufacturers. V4i is a functionality of autonomous functions.
private-public consortium managed by the Digital verification and validation saves
National Center for Defense Manufacturing both time and money and creates new
and Machining (NCDMM) and is on a opportunities for agility in future
mission to provide advanced assurance in product design processes.
product development and manufacturing.
As a founding member of the consortium,
Microsoft enables a cloud-based, high-
performance computing and collaborative
design environment for manufacturers to
conduct multi-physics simulations and
systems modeling across the value-chain.
By leveraging the Azure platform, Microsoft
and V4i helps manufacturers develop trust
in their digital models and enable virtual Link to Organization
verification and validation of their designs.

Microsoft and V4i help

manufacturers develop
trust in their digital
models and enable
virtual verification and
validation of their designs.
supply chains. Manufacturers can model
Common patterns and Use horizontally and vertically across the
value chain at each facility and phase of
Cases in Manufacturing operation.
4. Spaces scenario – Simulation of
These incredible stories clearly demonstrate buildings from construction to
the power of digital twin technology. As maintenance. When digital twins are
manufacturers imagine building with this new applied in a space scenario, engineers
technology, they will need to bring together use them to construct every detail of a
various dimensions of data, build a graphical large environment virtually. This data
relationship across the data elements and can inform both construction during the
ingest massive amounts of timeseries and building process and can help monitor
other data from IoT devices and multiple and control the actual physical space
other business systems. They will also need to once it is built.
build intelligent mechanisms to query the
data to generate insights and for users to
Priority Scenarios
interact with the digital twin.
Before these decisions can be made Product
thoughtfully, it is important to understand the [Connected Product Innovation]
intersection between critical use cases, the
digital twin applications that are relevant in Factory
those cases, and the Microsoft partners with [Factory of the Future]
IP that can drive those transformative efforts.
Supply Chain
Let’s walk through the top use cases and
[Intelligent Supply Chain]
explain where these applications for digital
twin typically operate in the areas of:
1. Product design – Design and lifecycle [Smart Buildings]
of an asset. The extent a digital twin
technology can replicate an entire product
cannot be overstated. All physical parts,
mechanical pieces, software, electrical Within these top use cases, there are key
systems, etc., applications that are most relevant to
can all be brought into a twin. manufacturing, including 1) Configuration
2. Factory optimization – Production of an Management, 2) Asset Management, 3)
asset. In factory optimization, digital twin Process Control, 4) Performance
technology is used to experiment with best Management and 5) Simulation Modeling
production practices, optimize production Throughout this next section, there will
quality and efficiency, test what if scenarios be mentions of and links to partner stories
related to changes in demand, design, or features later in the document. These
other parameters, troubleshoot, and find partners own specific IP that uniquely drive
the most operationally efficient approaches transformational efforts in a particular area.
to producing their product or products. Follow the links to click down on a
3. Supply Chain management – Insight from particular story.
raw materials to distribution. Digital twins
can replicate entire, often multi-enterprise,
Configuration management Process control
Configuration management is the ability to Process control applications provide a
have an exact digital representation of a virtual representation of every aspect of a
physical product or asset as it presently process like what happens in a factory or a
exists. It mirrors a specific unit in operation plant floor. These applications improve
such as an individual vehicle by VIN or productivity by creating a robust data
unique aircraft engine as seen in the Rolls pipeline and a foundation for exploring
Royce story. As the real-world asset gets variances and correlations in both batch
maintained, updated or retrofitted, and streaming production data, in real-time.
manufacturers see those changes and Manufacturers can capture interactions
accurately understand the current status. between multiple digital devices, production
Configuration management provides the systems and even ERP and environmental
necessary context for interpretation and sources across operations for an end-to-
analysis of sensor data streaming back from end process view, real-time management,
a specific asset in the field. continuous productivity improvement and
autonomous forward-looking decision
Featured partner story: making. By contextualizing these data
sources, these productivity platforms
provide end-to-end visibility into higher
Aras was brought in to help Microsoft’s level manufacturing processes and enable
devices business unify product data from bi-directional control.
multiple business lines into a single system
on Azure. As a result, Microsoft is in a better
position to get devices to market faster with Featured partner stories:
better PLM processes.
Sight Machine worked with a global paper
manufacturer to create a twin of all
Asset management production (15,000+ tags, 24 hours a day)
that now maps detailed process, quality,
Asset management makes it possibly to see
and downtime data to specific production
live-streaming telemetry from a device, asset,
batches; transforming the business’ ability
or product and allow you to remotely control
to solve production problems.
the device or asset. It can also use real-time
data to accurately assess scenario implications
for other aspects of an asset or process. Featured partner stories:

Featured partner story:

Simio collaborated with a >$10B global ETO
industrial equipment manufacturer to
PTC worked with Howden to create a twin of create a simulation-based process digital
globally-dispersed products and broadcast it twin fully integrated into SAP, built and
to front-line workers standing in front of the driven entirely from their data to improve
physical product for use cases like procedural on time delivery while reducing costs.
guidance and parts identification through
mixed reality.
Performance management Simulation modeling
Performance management supplies visibility Simulation modeling enables the creation
and control to a system’s key performance of a digital entity even before the physical
metrics. For example, it connects assets are made, or where gathering
components within a supply chain and telemetry from a sensor is not an option, by
continuously generate real-time insights using a library of simulation models and
from data it receives from the value chain capabilities. The interesting evolution of this
and each stage of the production process. technology is its extension into the world of
This level of insight helps manufacturers operations, for example as a simulated
predict patterns before they happen, sense proxy for a physical sensor where for
disruptions, understand the consequences of example due to environmental conditions
different options, and provide prescriptive like very high temperatures a sensor cannot
recommendations for optimal performance be placed, e.g. at the core of a molten steel
along the entire value chain flow or the center of a jet exhaust. The
result is ultrafast modeling, the ability to
perform a myriad “what-if” analyses and
Featured partner story:
build, validate and deploy complex systems
more easily. This modeling capability also
Blue Yonder uses their Luminate Control facilitates real-time data transfer and
Tower, a digital twin of an enterprise supply support the creation of reusable
chain, to find bottle necks, test supply chain components.
designs, proactively detect risk and deliver
prescriptive guidance to manufacturing Featured partner story:

Ansys collaborated with Volkswagen to

Featured partner story: develop a simulation-based digital twin of
an electric car battery pack and deployed a
six-step multi-physics simulation approach
Bentley Systems worked with Microsoft using their Ansys Twin Builder. This enabled
and Schnieder Electric to create a digital twin virtual prototyping that increased the
of Microsoft Asia Pacific headquarters in quality of design while also vastly
Singapore using their OpenCities planner accelerated the time-to-delivery.
These incredible partners stories are powered
by investments and technology that Microsoft
has built over the last few years. Let us dive
into these investments next.
DTDL, enables the creation of a device
Transformative partnerships capability model to describe the parts of a
powered by Microsoft device to enable clear and accurate
transmission of device data throughout the
digital ecosystem.
Of course, Azure is the world’s first cloud
Azure Digital Twins offering to deliver an end-to-end, unified
approach to IoT security. Digital twins in and
Azure Digital Twins is a service that gives of themselves virtually eliminate blind spots
manufacturers a platform to develop and with unified security monitoring and
create these comprehensive models of respond to incidents quickly with integrated
physical environments, to model the threat intelligence.
relationships and interactions between
Beyond that Azure Digital Twins provide
people, places, devices and more.
security through access control and Azure
Manufacturers can query data from a unified
Active Directory (AAD). Role-Based Access
space rather than disparate sensors, and build
Control and Azure Active Directory serve as
reusable, highly scalable, spatially aware
automated gatekeepers for people or
experiences that link streaming data across
devices, specifying what actions are
the physical and digital world. It is currently in
allowed—and helping to ensure security,
being piloted by a broad set of customers and
data privacy, and compliance.
partners from a wide range of industries.
By removing these layers of complexity and
As part of this effort, Microsoft has been
accelerating the creation of innovative
developing a Digital Twin definition language
spatial intelligence solutions, Azure Digital
(DTDL) to better facilitate communication
Twin supplies what manufacturers need to
across different digital twin technologies.
become more agile and responsive as they
create the next wave of innovation in IoT.
Microsoft is currently working with such
Mixed reality and AI technologies on a variety of projects.
Once such project is within the Microsoft
Just as the current existence of IoT Operations Applications Group where a team
technology makes digital twins powerful, is building a digital twin of a warehouse and
the opportunities to augment digital twins enabling Microsoft Dynamics 365 Operations
with mixed reality or AI are significant. to consume digital twin insights through the
lens of mixed reality.
It is through the combination of
observational, transactional, and A warehouse digital twin supports the
behavioral data that humans are providing “always-on” operational needs of warehouses
the blueprint to interact with machines, train that are essential in the manufacturing supply
the machines and to take informed action chain. What happens in the warehouse can
based upon specific kinds of data. Gathering impact quality, shipping, and customer
“behavioral data” via digital twin technology loyalty.
in conjunction with compute-intensive AI When used in conjunction with mixed reality
and simulation solutions is posed poised to technology, the aim is to facilitate the
fuel immersive visual experiences via mixed collection and injection of both digital and
reality devices like HoloLens. behavioral data back into Dynamics 365
digital twin. This combination of visualizing,
collecting, and parsing forms the feedback
loop that fuels effective and insightful AI,
that can ultimately be configured to control
The benefits of Digital Twins, Mixed Reality certain aspects of the warehouse operations.
and AI to manufacturers include the
ability to: Embracing open standards

• Unlock immediate value through quick “As manufacturers think about building agility
digital twin construction and integration into their supply chains, there is increasing
with ERP data. realization that these efforts cannot occur in
• Bring digital twin insights to first-line workers isolation,” states Deloitte’s 2020
to collect second order insights as part of a Manufacturing Industry Outlook. “The need
behavioral data feedback loop. to cultivate a strong ecosystem is a trend that
• Connect data with AI to determine solutions
has emerged, and our research shows that it
for specific use cases. is an increasingly effective strategy for
manufacturers, especially as it relates to
• Increase operational efficiency. digital momentum.”
• Secure consistency in packaging and shipping. In line with that, Microsoft has been taking
• Build trust with supply chain partners part in a multi-year collaboration of industry
and customers with an optimized leaders (e.g. OPC Foundation) and has
fulfillment process. adopted an open standard for exchanging
information in a rich, object-oriented, and
secure way. OPC Unified Architecture (OPC
UA) is the industrial interoperability standard
that scales from sensor to cloud.
It facilitates the creation of semantically rich
information models and provides secure data Our SI partners like Accenture, Capgemini,
exchange between industrial equipment and EY, Sigma, and Infosys also have deep
systems, including discovery as well as expertise in the digital twin space. Microsoft
command & control. It is open source, cross-
platform, vendor-neutral, and supports also actively partners with emerging
companion specifications/ extensions to other companies and niche startups in this space
industrial standards like BACnet, MTP or MT like Majik, Jitsuin, Datanomix, Supply Chain
Connect. Wizard and DeviceTone.
Of course, there are many others who are
ready to support your digital transformation
Conclusion no matter what stage or region you’re in.
Together, we can unlock entirely new
business models that support continuous
agility, advanced productivity, and ongoing
Digital transformation, together innovation.

Digital twin technology gives you an Next steps

opportunity to not just stay abreast of today’s
unprecedented pace of data flow,
connectivity, and collaboration but use it to Take a moment to explore Microsoft Azure
fuel advantages for your business. Digital Twins and the Microsoft partners
creating innovative digital twin solutions for
And there is no doubt business will be manufacturing companies like yours around
entering new frontiers in the coming months the globe.
and years.
Connect with Microsoft or any of the listed
A new, broader evolution of enterprise-level
partners to learn more about how we can
twins is already evolving, and with that we’ll
work together to bring your digital twin
likely see even more uses for digital twins in
vision to life.
manufacturing in robotics, the development
of remote command centers, the enablement
of new capabilities with Over-The-Air updates,
more immersive integration with Mixed
Reality, and even deeper, more connected Learn more about:
monitoring and insights. Digital twins will Microsoft Azure Digital Twins
seamlessly integrate with the Internet of
Visit the Azure Marketplace
Things and open it to countless new
possibilities. See digital twin results on App Source
Microsoft and its ISV and SI partners offer an For more information, visit
invaluable ecosystem for business like yours
to further digitize your supply chain.
There are many incredible success stories by
ISV partners like The Marsden Group, Willow,
Aras, Ansys, Bentley, Blue Yonder, Sight
Machine, Simio, Siemens, AVEVA, Iconics,
Hexagon and PTC, many of which have been
Appendix: Customer Stories
Simulation modeling: Customer Story
Result: Volkswagen Motorsport’s car ran the
Featured Partner: Ansys
course faster than any other car ever had.
Volkswagen Motorsport had only nine
months to design, test, and build their Ansys Twin Builder can help
electric car entry for the Pikes Peak manufacturers:
International Hill Climb. Also known as The
Race to the Clouds, this annual invitational is
• Simulate baseline and failure data
a race to the summit of Pikes Peak. With a
resulting in accurate, physics-based
goal to beat the previous electric vehicle
digital twin models.
• Use physics-based predictive models to
Volkswagen Motorsport engaged Microsoft increase accuracy and improve ROI from
partner Ansys and its simulation solution the predictive maintenance programs.
Ansys Twin Builder. Volkswagen engineers
• Leverage “what-if analyses” to simulate
needed an electric car battery pack that
different solutions before selecting the
could get the team up Pikes Peak with
best one.
power to spare. But it needed to fit the given
chassis and target weight. This required a • Use virtual sensors to estimate critical
series of simulations, to determine the cell quantities through simulation. Simulation
selection, battery pack size, battery cooling models can bring in IoT data into it the
and charging efficiency. Ansys Twin builder for visibility and
Volkswagen Motorsport and Ansys
developed a simulation-based digital twin • Compile simulations into runtime
and deployed a six-step multi-physics modules that can be automatically
simulation approach using Ansys Twin integrated into IoT processing systems,
Builder. The simulations perfected, tested, reducing the heavy lift of IoT
and validated the electric car battery pack’s customization.
electrical and thermal properties.

Ansys Solution architecture

Asset management: Customer Story
Featured Partner: PTC
PTC defines Digital twins as digital models that virtually represent their physical counterparts:
industrial assets, processes, people, and places. This virtual representation of a physical product,
an operational process, or a person’s task is used to understand or predict the physical
counterpart by leveraging both the business system data that defines it, and its physical world
experience, captured through sensors.

Howden, a manufacturer of industrial manufacturer’s existing 3D machine models

products, called on Microsoft partner PTC to create mixed reality instructions with Vuforia
unify their processes and help them enhance Studio. PTC has also helped Howden
their customer experience across the transform it’s own factory by creating digital
lifecycle of their products. twins for factory operations (process) and
With expertise in industrial IoT, digital twin machine operators (people).
applications, augmented reality, and product
lifecycle management, PTC created a twin for PTC helped Howden:
Howden’s globally dispersed products using
digital definitions sourced from Engineering • Respond more quickly and effectively to
and broadcast to the front-line workers customer needs.
standing in front of the physical product for • Deliver effective training and reduce
use cases like procedural guidance and parts downtime by monitoring deployed
identification. machines and creating augmented reality
PTC’s ThingWorx Industrial IoT platform and experiences. xii
Microsoft Azure help streamline real-time • Create predictive and simulation models
collection and response to IoT data, to assess complex scenarios and forecast
enhancing Howden’s customers’ experience failures.
of owning and maintaining Howden • Remotely troubleshoot,
equipment. The information also helps the patch, or update software

PTC Solution architecture

Process control: Customer Story
Featured Partner: Sight Machine Sight Machine helps this
A global paper manufacturer wanted to manufacturer:
reduce scrap rates, limit changeover
inefficiencies, improve consistency of product • View how machine parameters impact
quality, and reduce high energy costs downtime and quality.
associated with operations. Gaining accurate
insight into data and where breakdowns in • Conduct fast, accurate root-cause
production occur was imperative. Sight discovery to maximize uniformity.
Machine unifies all data inputs continuously
(i.e. 15,000+ tags, 24 hours/ day) within the • Better leverage data to improve
manufacturer's production process and operational efficiencies.
creates a standard data model and
continuously updated digital twin of the entire • Easily optimize machine settings for each
end-to-end process from pulp to paper. From paper grade.
machine operators to the CEO, everyone can
quickly visualize and establish correlations • Gain actionable insights into optimal
across any set of variables to identify process settings to reduce energy.
bottlenecks and opportunities for productivity
improvements. • Maximize the value of their aging assets
They can now map detailed process, quality while minimizing the unit cost of
and downtime data to specific production production.
batches, transforming it into actionable
intelligence. Supported by Azure, Sight
Machine’s solution enables new levels of
insight and action giving the paper
manufacturer the ability to solve previously
impenetrable problems.

Sight Machine Solution architecture

PLCs & IoT

Sight Machine
Machine Data Hub
Applications Plant Manager

Machine Operator
Lab Data

Energy Process/
Sight Machine
Ops Engineer
on Azure

Azure ML Microsoft PowerBI Data Scientist

Performance management: Customer Story
sources from suppliers, customers, and
Featured Partner: Blue Yonder
digital sources (like RFID), Blue Yonder’s
Blue Yonder’s Luminate Control Tower is a Luminate Control Tower enables the home
manifestation of the digital twin for an appliance manufacturer to quickly discover
enterprise’s supply chain network. It provides and address bottlenecks, test supply chain
real-time visibility into the enterprise’s end- design changes, proactively detect risk in
to-end supply chain, predicts exceptions, real-time and offer prescriptive guidance to
and provides a framework for stakeholder supply chain and manufacturing operations.
collaboration and issue resolution. With
machine learning based insights, the Blue Yonder can help manufacturers:
Luminate Control Tower helps manufacturers
and distributors predict patterns before they
• Digitally orchestrate its supply chain
happen, sense disruptions, understand the
without latency: 15 percent increase in
business impact of different options, and
operational efficiency and 10 percent
provide prescriptive recommendations for
decrease in carrying costs.
optimal performance along the entire
value chain. • Continuously gain insights to discover,
interpret, and act on real-time
Built on the Microsoft Azure platform, Blue information from the entire digital
Yonder’s Luminate Control Tower helped a ecosystem, including third-party data.
Global multinational home appliance
• Make informed, optimized decisions in
manufacturer, leverage the power of supply
chain digital twins in providing end-to-end real-time to improve customer delivery
visibility along with real-time insights into performance.
supply chain dynamics and behavior. With • Actualize better ways to reduce costs,
the ability to ingest data from all relevant enhance quality, and improve end-to-end
planning and production resources including performance as the Luminate Control
ERP, TMS, and WMS, as well as external data Tower learns from itself.

Blue Yonder Solution Architecture

Customer Apps 3rd Party Apps
Dataset BlueYonder API Gateway
Contract Manufacture, Factories

Luminate Control Tower

Luminate Retail Luminate Planning Luminate Logistics

N-Tier Suppliers
STREAMING DATA Data Intelligence Extends/ Enhances JDA Applications - Includes IoT, ML, AI SaaS

BlueYonder Data Platform Customers, Distributors, Retailers


Retail Planning Execution

In-house developed Custom Enterprise Enterprise
systems Systems
Configuration management: Customer Story
management is correctly represented and
Featured Partner: Aras
has digital thread traceability. Aras
As a manufacturer of a wide range of Innovator now serves as the global
electronics and systems, Microsoft manages backbone at the heart of Microsoft's PLM
vast amounts of product data. Everything implementation. Microsoft is now in a better
from Surface computers, XBOX consoles and position to accelerate the latest devices to
HoloLens headsets to the servers, storage market due to Aras’s innovative approach
and networking in the Azure data centers to PLM.
around the world. When the Microsoft
Device Group needed to unify the product Aras helped Microsoft:
data from multiple business lines into a
single system, Microsoft turned to Aras and
• Align and unify fragmented systems
their Aras Innovator low-code platform.
supporting critical tasks such as the
To achieve the necessary collaboration and global product development, prototype
remote management required, Aras was testing, and supplier quality.
deployed on Azure. Aras Innovator has
• Connect and trace each product’s digital
proven to be an open and resilient platform
for PLM processes and much more, just what assets – and their revisions over the
Microsoft was looking for to support its lifecycle – including versions of BOMs,
global ecosystem of design partners and parts, software, electronics, CAD models,
contract manufacturers. Aras enabled the documents, manuals, and more.
rapid delivery of highly flexible, upgradeable • Support complex analysis of
solutions to manage the complex product configuration management, including
variants for engineering, manufacturing, and variants and options, with “closed-loop”
supply chain operations. traceability to verify requirements.
Aras helps ensure that critical product
information vital to configuration

Digital Twin Configuration + Digital Twin Performance

Process control: Customer Story
operating departments for instant access
Featured Partner: Simio
and displayed on large electronic display
A multinational ETO corporation boards installed in each work area across
manufacturing robotics, heavy electrical the factory, updated whenever a re-
equipment, and automation technology schedule occurs due to real-time changes in
needed to better understand, integrate, and demand priorities or shop floor events.
schedule its complex manufacturing
operations. They also wanted to improve Simio helped the corporation:
material availability, reduce the cost of
production while improving on-time delivery
• Deploy a cloud-based digital twin of the
by removing the disconnect between master
factory to autonomously schedule all
planning and detailed production scheduling.
tasks in the facility
Simio was deployed to create simulation- • Drive significant improvement in
based process digital twin fully integrated throughput and on-time delivery
into SAP incorporating all the operational resulting in a substantial ROI
constraints (i.e. equipment, tooling, labor,
• Analyze and understand manufacturing
transportation), business rules (operating
constraints – gaining total transparency
requirements, labor requirements, inventory
into all tasks from equipment design
policies, maintenance policies) and detail
through shipping
decision logic (i.e. equipment selection, labor
allocation, material allocation). Simio became • Align the master plan with the detailed
the engine for creating an optimal schedule production schedule to ensure material
for all tasks in the facility, ensuring complete availability and on-time delivery.
synchronization between all production • Evaluate the impact of additional demand
departments, engineering, and master to easily and confidently respond faster
planning. around cost and timeline
The results and schedule are distributed via a for competitive bids.
cloud platform to all stakeholders and

The Simio Process Digital Twin

Process control: Customer Story
specific tastes or needs, and unlock new
Featured Partner: Bentley
efficiencies, improvements, and
With the vision of creating the workplace of opportunities.
the future, Microsoft partnered with software
company Bentley Systems and automation Bentley’s OpenCities Planner helps
specialist Schneider Electric to create a digital customers:
twin of Microsoft’s Asia Pacific
headquarters in Singapore.
• Design, visualize, and communicate
The digital twin – a virtual replica of the projects of all types from signature
facility – was developed using Bentley’s buildings to city-scale developments and
OpenCities Planner and Microsoft’s Azure IoT smart cities.
Hub and Power BI analytics service.
OpenCities Planner is a cloud-based service • Better manage energy consumption.
that enables visualization of 2D, 3D, and GIS
• Streamline facilities management and
data in a “single pane of glass” accessible
from anywhere 24/7.
The team implemented sensors and • Simulate and plan for the impact of
telemetry throughout the building to create a extreme weather events and workplace
connected workplace. These sensors collect security incidents.
data about lighting, air quality and
temperature enabling the real estate group
to monitor and adjust the usage, energy and
utilities of the facility. They also enable
modelling of the relationships between
people, places, and devices. By correlating
data across the physical and digital worlds
Microsoft can easily adapt the space to suit

Bentley iTwins Digital Twin

iTwins enable you to visualize the asset, Engineering
track change, and perform analysis to • Specs
better understand and optimize asset • Drawings
performance. •
• BIM models
• Analyses
• Geotech
• OEM specs

• IoT feeds
• Sensors
Timeline of
• Drones
• Cameras
• Point clouds

Information AI/ML
• Asset tags Visibility
• Work orders
• Maintenance
• Inspection
records iTwins are continuously updated with data from the physical asset. This data is used to
understand and model the asset's performance.
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© 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This material is provided for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes
no warranties, express or implied.

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