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Preprint · August 2020

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1 author:

Asnake Fikre
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

Food legumes for enhanced food and nutritional security, systems productivity and profitability of smallholder farmers in Ethiopia and Uganda, 2015-2018, Austrian
Development Agency, Vienna, Austria View project

ICARDA-USAID project on scaling improved crop technologies of chickpea, faba bean and malt barley in Ethiopia View project

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Full name: Asnake Fikre Woldemedhin

Date of birth: 7/12/1972
Birth: Ethiopia, Arsi
Citizenship: Ethiopian
Institution: EIAR

Degree University Duration (date/mon./year) Major field

B.Sc Alemaya Sep. 1, 1989- Sep. 5, 1992 Plant Science

M.Sc Alemaya Sep. 1, 1997- July 10, 1999 Agronomy/Breeding
PhD Ghent Oct. 2004- Sep. 2008 Applied Biological Sciences
Employment exposure
• 1992: Enumerator household survey at Sheshmene /Kuyera corridor
• 1993-1995: coffee agronomy expert at South Omo zone coffee and tea development office
• 1995-1997: Crop agronomy and protection expert at South Omo, Bako Gazer bureau of agriculture
• 1999: Agricultural Development Expert of zonal planning and economic development at South Omo
• 2000-2002: Pulse Crops research assistant breeder at Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Centre, EARO
• 2002-2004: pulse breeder at associate researcher at EARO
• 2008-2015: Senior pulse breeder /chickpea, lentil/
• Dec. 2016-Nov 2019 Chickpea Breeder and Seed System Specialist in Eastern and Southern Africa at
• Dec. 2019- now EIAR senior pulse researcher
➢ Coordination and Research/Dev’t leadership
• 1998: Team leader in multiplication and dissemination of crops/nurseries at South Omo Agri
• 1999-2000: Head Zonal planning and development department at South Omo Zone
• 2009-2010: Crop Science Research Coordinator at Debre Zeit Agri. Research Centre
• 2012-2013: National Pulse, Oil and Fibre crops Case team coordinator, at EIAR
• 2009-2012: National crop Technology scaling up coordinator EIAR initiative
• 2012-2013: Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Centre Director
• 2013-2015: Crops Research Directorate Director at EIAR
• 2015-2016: Agriculture and Nutrition lab directorate Director at EIAR
• 2016-2019: chickpea and seed system lead and coordinator in Eastern and Southern Africa
➢ Project coordination, resource generation and partnership
• Project development participation and PhD student fellow on grasspea project with Ghent
University 2005-2008
• Project development participation and Focal person and co-PI nutrition dense lentil technology
development Dec 2001-2003
• Project development participation and Coordinator Tropical Legume Chickpea Project 2008-2013
• Coordinator Treasure Legume Project of chickpea 2008-2010
•Project development participation and Co-PI of Feed the Future Chickpea Project in Ethiopian
with UC-Davis 2013-2016
• Project development participation and Co-PI Chickpea root system architecture project with
Edinburg University, 2017-2019
• Led the 15 years [2015-2030] Research Strategy Development Plan of EIAR for about 100
commodities from crop, livestock, natural resources and mechanization
➢ Research and Development contribution
• Released different market class and trait of more than 10 varieties of chickpea, 4 varieties of lentil
and 1 variety of grasspea with teammate
• Released unique value chickpea traits like extrabold, marker-based drought and productivity trait, AB
resistance trait in desi types
• Enabled farmers to produce quality seed nurturing business incubation
• Enabled farmers apply technologies, hence yield impact was more than doubled in a decade and half
• Stimulated Pvt commercial system in the commodity including ECX
• Lead the impactful technology scaling under the MOTO of “ Mitigating the rift in technology and
seed, addressing unaddressed areas”.
➢ Engagement and contribution
• Executive member and president of Crop Science Society of Ethiopia in the two phases service
respectively 2009-2014
• Steering committee member of Agrobiodiversity mainstreaming project of EBI 2011-2012
• Steering committee member of wheat project 2012-2014
• Member of the youth national academy of sciences
• Steering member of CGIAR Research Program 2014-2015
• Board chair on establishment of two PVT seed system
• Editorial committee member on 5 books/proceedings
• Graduate student advisory: mentored 9 PhD and 19 MSc students (annexed below)
• Lead and organized more than 10 national and international research conferences
• Trained 20, 000-30,000 SMS, technicians, farmers in agriculture
• Facilitated numerous capacity building facilities including; green house, lab, vehicle, machines etc
• Advised and backup several farming communities with agri- commercialization affiliations
• Consulted government system in different occasions
• Lead city and agriculture expo of Debre-Zeit/ Bishoftu town
• Consultation on seed module and regulatory environment
• Member Ethiopian Agricultural Professional Association
• Leading the national technology scaling up /2009-2011/ which 20 crop species and 36 varieties were
promoted nationally directly reached about half a million small holder farmers of some 150 districts,
and the approach was taken for extension policy tool
• Member Corporate Strategy Development Team: April 2020 - now
• Member /resource soliciting) on international seed conference organization: March16, 2020 - now

➢ Publications (J + …)
= Published so far > 100 manuscripts/
~[5% books/chapters, 70% journal manuscripts, 20% proceedings, 10% manuals/booklets, guidelines)
1. Amare Tsehaye , Asnake Fikre & Muluken Bantayhu .2020. Genetic variability and association analysis of
Desi-type chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) advanced lines under potential environment in North Gondar,
Ethiopia, Cogent Food & Agriculture, 6:1, 1806668
2. Essegbemon Akpo Gebrekidan Feleke, Asnake Fikre, Mekasha Chichaybelu Chris O. Ojiewo and Rajeev K. Varshney.2020 Analyzing Pathways
of Nurturing Informal Seed Production into Formal Private Ventures for Sustainable Seed Delivery and Crop Productivity:Experiences from Ethiopia.
Sustainability 2020, 12(17), 6828;.
3. Thibaut Bontpart, Cristobal Conch,, Mario Valerio Giuffrida, Ingrid Robertso, Asnake Fikre, Tulu Degefu, Nigusie Girma,
Kassahun Tesfay, Teklehaimanot Haileselassie, Masresha Fetene, Sotirios A. Tsaftaris and Peter Doerner.2020.Affordable and
robust phenotyping framework to analyse root system architecture of soil-grown plants. The Plant Journal, (2020), doi:
4. Amare Tsehaye and Asnake Fikre. 2020. Genetic Diversity Analysis for Some Desi Type Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
Advanced Lines. American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. 2020; 8(2): 27-35
5. አስናቀ ፍቅሬ (ዶ/ር)፡፡2012፡፡ ስቀለው! እሰረው! የተሳተ የመልማት ማህደር፡፡ ማስተር ማተሚያ ድርጅት አዲስ አበባ ኢትዮጵያ፡፡
6. √Manish Roorkiwal, Chellapilla Bharadwaj, Rutwik Barmukh, Girish P. Dixit, Mahendar Thudi, Pooran M. Gaur,
Sushil K. Chaturvedi, Asnake Fikre, Aladdin Hamwieh, Shiv Kumar, Supriya Sachdeva, Chris O. Ojiewo, Bunyamin Tar’an,
Nigusie Girma Wordofa, Narendra P. Singh, Kadambot H. M. Siddique, Rajeev K. Varshney. 2020. Integrating genomics
for chickpea improvement: achievements and opportunities. Theoretical and Applied Genetics: 133, pp;1703–1720.
7. √ Lijalem Korbu 1 & Bizuwork Tafes 1 & Girma Kassa 1 & Tesfashbamlak Mola 2 & Asnake Fikre. 2020.Unlocking the genetic
potential of chickpea through improved crop management practices in Ethiopia. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable
Development (2020) 40:13
8. √Zeru Yimer, Wasihun Yaregal, Asnake Fikre, Tulu Degefu and Ganga Rao.2020. Large-plot based performance evaluation of
pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.) Varieties for grain yield and agronomic traits under irrigation condition in Mandura
District, North-West, Ethiopia. International Journal of Research in Agronomy 2020; 3(1): 08-12
9. √Asnake Fikre and Dagnachew Bekele.Chickpea Breeding and Crop Improvement in Ethiopia: Past, Present and the Future.
Universal Journal of Agricultural Research 8(2): 33-40, 2020.
10. √BekeleN, B Tesso and A Fikre, 2019. Assess farmer’s skills on Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) seed qualities and its components
in East showa Zone, Ethiopia. Inter J AgriBiosci, 8(6): 306-311. (©2019 IJAB. All rights reserved)
11. √Nigussu Bekele, Bulti Tesso and Asnake Fikre. 2019. Assessment of seed quality parameters in different seed
sources of chickpea (Cicer arietinum (L.) African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 14(33), pp. 1649-1658.
12. √Jean Claude Rubyogo, Essegbemon Akpo, Lucky Omoigui, Gaur Pooran, Sushil Kumar Chaturvedi, Asnake Fikre,
Desmae Haile, Ajeigbe Hakeem, Emmanuel Monyo, Stanley Nkalubo, Berhanu Fenta, Papias Binagwa, Michael
Kilango, Magdalena Williams, Omari Mponda, David Okello, Mekasha Chichaybelu, Amos Miningou, Joseph
Bationo, Dramane Sako, Zoumana Kouyate, Sory Diallo, Richard Oteng‐Frimpong, Julius Yirzagla, Teryima
Iorlamen, Umar Garba, Haruna Mohammed, Chris Ojiewo, Alpha Kamara, Rajeev Varshney, Shyam Narayan Nigam,
Pasupuleti Janila, Hajisaheb Lalasab Nadaf, Sylvia Kalemera1. 2019. Market‐led options to scale up legume seeds in
developing countries: Experiences from the Tropical Legumes Project. Plant Breeding,1–13.
13. √Alex Greenlona, Peter L. Changa,b, Zehara Mohammed Damtewc,d, Atsede Muletac, Noelia Carrasquilla-Garciaa,
Donghyun Kime, Hien P. Nguyenf, Vasantika Suryawanshib, Christopher P. Kriegg, Sudheer Kumar Yadavh, Jai
Singh Patelh, Arpan Mukherjeeh, Sripada Udupai, Imane Benjellounj, Imane Thami-Alamij, Mohammad Yasink,
Bhuvaneshwara Patill, Sarvjeet Singhm, Birinchi Kumar Sarmah, Eric J. B. von Wettbergg,n, Abdullah Kahramano,
Bekir Bukunp, Fassil Assefac, Kassahun Tesfayec, Asnake Fikre, and Douglas R. Cook. 2019. Global-level
population genomics reveals differential effects of geography and phylogeny on horizontal gene transfer in soil
bacteria. Vol.10, No.9.
14. √Nigusie Girma, Firew Mekibib, Asnake Fikre, Gemechu Keneni, Ganga Rao and Chris Ojiewo.2019.
Estimate of Heritability and Correlation Analysis for Nitrogen Fixation, Yield and Associated Traits in
Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue
15. √Yidnekachew Wondimu and Asnake Fikre. 2019.The Economics of Targeting and Sustaining a Niche Market: A
Case Study of Green Pod Chickpea Marketing in Ethiopia.Jouranal of Economics and Sustainable Development.
V10:no 9.
16. √Dagnachew B, Kassahun T, Asnake F (2019) Recent Developments in Genomic Selection for Minor Gene
Quantitative Disease Resistance Plant Breeding. Plant Pathol Microbiol. 10:478. doi: 10.24105/2157-7471.10.478.
17. √Ebisa Olika, Solomon Abera and Asnake Fikre. 2019. Physicochemical Properties and Effect of Processing Methods
on Mineral Composition and Antinutritional Factors of Improved Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Varieties Grown in
Ethiopia. International Journal of Food Science. Volume 2019, Article ID 9614570, 7 pages
18. √Rajeev K. Varshney , Mahendar Thudi 1, Manish Roorkiwal, Weiming He , Hari D. Upadhyaya1, Wei Yang, Prasad
Bajaj , Philippe Cubry, Abhishek Rathore, Jianbo Jian , Dadakhalandar Doddamani1, Aamir W. Khan, Vanika Garg,
Annapurna Chitikineni1, Dawen Xu, Pooran M. Gaur, Narendra P. Singh, Sushil K. Chaturvedi, Gangarao V. P. R.
Nadigatla , Lakshmanan Krishnamurthy, G. P. Dixit, Asnake Fikre, Paul K. Kimurto, Sheshshayee M. Sreeman,
Chellapilla Bharadwaj , Shailesh Tripathi 1, Jun Wang, Suk-Ha Lee David Edwards , Kavi Kishor Bilhan Polavarapu, R.
Varma Penmetsa , José Crossa Henry T. Nguyen , Kadambot H. M. Siddique, Timothy D. Colmer, Tim Sutton , Eric
von Wettberg , Yves Vigouroux , Xun Xu and Xin Liu. 2019. Resequencing of 429 chickpea accessions from 45
countries provides insights into genome diversity, domestication and agronomic traits. NATURE GENETICS.
19. √Thibaut Bontpart, Cristobal Concha, Valerio Giuffrida, Ingrid Robertson, Kassahun Admkie, Tulu Degefu, Nigusie
Girma, Kassahun Tesfaye, Teklehaimanot Haileselassie, Asnake Fikre, Masresha Fetene, Sotirios A. Tsaftaris, Peter
Doerne.2019. Affordable and Robust phenotyping framework to analyze root system architecture of soil-grown plants.
20. √Dagnachew Bekele, Kassahun Tesfaye and Asnake Fikre. 2019.Applications of Virus Induced Gene Silencing
(VIGS) in Plant Functional Genomics Studies. Journal of Plant Biochemistry & Physiology; 7:1 (2329-9029).
21. Daniel Asfaw and AsnakeFikre. 2019.Effect of Processing Methods on Mineral Contents of Selected
Lentils (Lens Culinuris) Varieties (Derash and Alemaya) Grown in Ethiopia. Food Science and Quality Management
ISSN 2224-6088, Vol.88
22. √Asnake Fikre, Lijalem Korbu, Million Eshete, Dagnachew Bekele, Niguse Girma, Redwan Mohamed, Syum Assefe, Daniel
Admasu, Getachew Tilahun, Tewdros Tesfaye, Niguse Kefelegn, Tadele Tadesse, Yiheys Rezene, Yonas Moges, Shiv Kumar,
Zewdie Bishaw, Pooran Guar, Rajeev Varshney, and Seid Ahmed. 2018. A decade of research progress in chickpea and lentil
breeding and genetics in Ethiopia. EJCS special volume 6: 87-101.
23. √Negussie Tadesse, Seid Ahmed, Asrat Zewdie, Million Eshete, Asnake Fikre, Gemechu Keneni, Wulita Wondwosen, Beyene
Bitew, Asnakech Tekaglign, Berhanu Bekele, Samuel Sahile, Wubshet Alemu, Ermias Teshome, Teklay Abebe, Tolessa Bedassa,
Yasin Goa and Ersulo Lirie. 2018. Ethiopia. Progresses in diseases management research in highland food and forage legumes of
Ethiopia. EJCS special volume 6: 296-305.
24. √Pooran M Gaur, Srinivasan Smineni, Mahendar Thudi, Shailesh Tripathi, Sobhan B Sajja, Veera Jayalakshmi, DM Mannur, A
Vijay Kumar, NVPR Ganga Rao, Chris Ojiewo, Asnake Fikre, Paul Kimurto, Robert O Kileo, Nigusie Girma, Sushil K
Chaturvedi and Rajeev K Varshney. 2018. Advances in Food Legumes Research at ICRISAT. EJCS, special volume 6:1-48.
25. √Awol MOHAMMED, Asnake FIKRE. 2018. Correlation and path coefficient analysis among seed yield and yield related traits
of Ethiopian chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) landraces. Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 111 - 3, december 2018 str. 661 – 670.
26. √ አስናቀ ፍቅሬ፡፡ ግብርናችንና ስልጣኔው፡ ከእኛ እስከ ነጩ የግብርና አብዮት ፡፡ 2010 ዓ.ም: ናሽናል ማተሚያ ድርጅት፤ አዲሰ አባባ፡፡ (Asnake Fikre. 2018.
Our agriculture and modernization; distance to the white revolution. National printing press, pp 169 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)).
27. √Pooran M. Gaur, Srinivasan Samineni,Mahendar Thudi, Shailesh Tripathi, Sobhan B. Sajja, Veera Jayalakshmi4, Durdundappa
M. Mannur, Adiveppa G. Vijayakumar, Nadigatla V. P. R. Ganga Rao, Chris Ojiewo, Asnake Fikre, Paul Kimurto, Robert O.
Kileo, Nigusie Girma, Sushil K. Chaturvedi, Rajeev K. Varshney, Girish P. Dixit. 2018. Integrated breeding approaches for
improving drought and heat adaptation in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Wiley Plant Breeding. 2018;1–12.
28. √Mekasha Chichaybelu, Tesfaye Geleta, Nigusie Girma, Asnake Fikre, Million Eshete, and Chris O. Ojeiwo.2018. Innovative
Partnership in Chickpea Seed Production and Technology Dissemination: a Decade of Lessons in Ethiopia. EJCS, volume 6: 1-18.
29. √Asnake Fikre, Assefa Funga ,Lijalem Korbu, Million Eshete, Niguse Girma, Asrat Zewdie, Dagnachew Bekele, Redwan
Muhamed, Ketema Daba and Chris Ojiewo. 2018. Stability Analysis in Chickpea Genotype Sets as Tool for Breeding Germplasm
Structuring Strategy and Adaptability Scoping. EJCS, volume 6: 19-37
30. √Setotaw Ferede, Asnake Fikre and Seid Ahmed.2018. Assessing the Competitiveness of Smallholders Chickpea Production in
the Central Highlands of Ethiopia. EJCS, volume 6: 51-65
31. √Tsedalu Jemberu, Asnake Fikre, Yimer Abeje1, Birkie Tebabal1, Yonas Worku1 and Tesfaye Jorgi.2018.Agronomic and
Economic Evaluation of Wheat-Chickpea Double Cropping on the Vertisol of Takusa, North Western Ethiopia. . EJCS, volume
32. √Alemu Abate,Firew Mekbib, Asnake Fikre and Seid Ahmed.2018.Genetic Variability and Heritability in Ethiopian Grasspea
(lathyrus sativus l.) Accessions EJCS, volume 6;79-94.
33. √Tesfashbamlak Mola, Shimelis Alemayehu, Asnake Fikre, Chris Ojiewo, Ketema Alemu, and Tulu Degefu.2018.Heat Tolerance
Responses of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Genotypes in the Thermal Zone of Ethiopia, a Case of Werer Station . EJCS, volume
34. √Tulu Degefu, Endalkachew Wolde-meskel, Zikie Ataro, Asnake Fikre, Tilahun Amede and Chris Ojiewo. 2018.Groundnut
(Arachis hypogaea L.) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) growing in Ethiopia are nodulated by diverse rhizobia. African
Journal of Microbiology Research Vol. 12(9), pp. 200-217, 7 March,2018.
35. √Eric J.B. von Wettberg, Peter L. Chang, Fatma Başdemir, Noelia Carrasquila-Garcia, Lijalem Balcha Korbu6, Susan M. Moenga,
Gashaw Bedada, Alex Greenlon, Ken S. Moriuchi, Vasantika Singh, Matilde A. Cordeiro, Nina V. Noujdina, Kassaye Negash
Dinegde, Syed Gul Abbas Shah Sani, Tsegaye Getahun, Lisa Vance, Emily Bergmann, Donna Lindsay, Bullo Erena Mamo, Emily
J. Warschefsky, Emmanuel Dacosta-Calheiros, Edward Marques, Mustafa Abdullah Yilmaz, Ahmet Cakmak, Janna Rose, Andrew
Migneault, Christopher P. Krieg, Sevgi Saylak, Hamdi Teme, Maren L. Friesen, Eleanor Siler, Zhaslan Akhmetov, Huseyin
Ozcelik, Jana Kholova, Canan Can, Pooran Gaur, Mehmet Yildirim, Hari Sharma, Vincent Vadez, Kassahun Tesfaye, Asnake
Fikre Woldemedhin, Bunyamin Tar’an, Abdulkadir Aydogan, Bekir Bukun, R. Varma Penmetsa, Jens Berger, Abdullah
Kahraman, Sergey V. Nuzhdin & Douglas R. Cook. 2018. Ecology and genomics of an important crop wild relative as a prelude to
agricultural innovation. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS| (2018) 9:649.
36. √M. Shiferaw, T. Tamado and F. Asnake.2018. Effect of Plant Density on Yield Components and Yield of Kabuli Chickpea (Cicer
arietinum L.) Varieties at Debre Zeit, Central Ethiopia. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science.21(6): 1-6.
37. √Ebisa Olika Keyata, Solomon Abera, Asnake Fikre. 2018. Effect of Processing Methods on Proximate Composition and
Functional Properties of Improved Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Varieties Grown in Ethiopia. Food Science and Quality
Management. Vol.72
38. √Tulu Degefu1, Endalkachew Wolde-meskel, Makka Adem, Asnake Fikre, Tilahun Amede and Chris Ojiewo. 2018.
Morphophysiological diversity of rhizobia nodulating pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.) growing in Ethiopia. African Journal
of Biotechnology. Vol. 17(6), pp. 167-177.
39. √Megersa Tadesse, Assefa Funga, Asnake Fikre, Tulu Degefu, Million Eshete, Lijalem Korbu, Nigussie Girma, Dagnachew
Bekele, Ridwan Mohamed, Chris O. Ojiewo & Pooran Gaur.2018.Breeding Progress for Grain Yield and Yield Related Characters
of Kabuli Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in Ethiopia Using Regression Analysis. Journal of Agricultural Science; Vol. 10, No. 2;
2018 ISSN 1916-9752 E-ISSN 1916-9760.
40. √Chris Ojiewo,Emmanuel Monyo, Haile Desmae, Ousmane Boukar, Clare Mukankusi-Mugisha, Mahendar Thudi, Manish K.
Pandey, Rachit K. Saxena, Rajeev K. Varshney, Pooran M. Gaur, Sushilk Chaturvedi, Asnake Fikre, NPVR Ganga Rao, CV
SameerKumar, Patrick Okori, Pasupuleti Janila, Jean Cloude Rubyogo, Chigeza Godfree, Essegbemon Akpo, Lucky Omoigui,
Stanley Nkalubo, Berhanu Fenta, Papias Binagwa, Michael Kilango, Magdalena Williams, Omari Mponda, David Okello,
Mekasha Chichaybelu, Amos Miningou, Joseph Bationo, Dramane Sako, Sory Diallo, Candidus Echekwu, Muhammad Lawan
Umar, Richards Oteng Frimpong, Haruna Mohammed, Jeff Ehlers. 2018. Genomics, genetics and breeding of tropical legumes for
better livelihoods of smallholder farmers. Plant Breeding. 2017;1–13.
41. √Asnakech Tekalign1, Julia Sibiya1, John Derera1, and Asnake Fikre. 2017. Analysis of genotype × environment interaction and
stability for grain yield and chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae) disease resistance in faba bean (Vicia faba). AJCS 11(10):1228-1235
42. √Nigusie Girma, Asnake Fikre & Chris O. Ojiewo.2017. The Genotypic and Phenotypic Basis of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
Cultivars for Irrigation-Based Production in Ethiopia. ISSN:1835-2707 doi: 10.21475/ajcs.17.11.10.pne413.

43. √Ashutosh Sarker, Asnake Fikre, Ali M Abd EL-Moneim, Hani Nakkoul, Moray Singh. 2017. Reducing anti-nutritional factor
and enhancing yield with advancing time of planting and zinc application in grasspea in Ethiopia. Journal of the Science of Food
and Agriculture · DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.8433
44. √Asnake Fikre Woldemedhin. 2017. Research and development with grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L) in Ethiopia. LAP
LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Rep of Moldova.
45. √ Nigusie Girma,Firew Mekibib ,AsnakeFikre, GemechuKeneni,GangaRaoNVPR,PooranGaur, Chris O. Ojiewo. 2017.
Heterosis For Nitrogen Fixation And Seed Yield And Yield Components IN CHICKPEA (Cicer arietinum L.). Agricultural
Research. International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research:2313-0393
46. √Assefa Funga, Megersa Tadesse, Million Eshete, Asnake Fikre, Lijalem Korbu, Nigussie Girma,
Dagnachew Bekele, Ridwan Mohamed, Zewdie Bishaw, Ganga Rao NVPR, Moses Siambi,
Emmanuel Monyo, Pooran Gaur, Chris Ojiewo.2017. Genotype by environment interaction on yield stability of desi type chickpea
(Cicer arietinum L.) at major chickpea producing areas of Ethiopia. Australian Journal of Crop Ssciences: 11(02):212-219.
47. √Megersa Tadesse, Asnake Fikre, Million Eshete, Nigusie Girma, Lijalem Korbu, Ridwan Mohamed, Dagnachew, Bekele, Assefa
Funga& Chris O. Ojiewo.2016. Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis for Various Quantitative Traits in Desi Chickpea
Genotypes under Rainfed Conditions in Ethiopia. . Journal of Agricultural Science; Vol. 8, No. 12; 2016.
48. √Gemechu Keneni, Asnake Fikre and Million Eshete.2016. Reflections on Highland Pulses Improvement Research in Ethiopia.
EIAR 50th Year Jubilee Anniversary Special Issue:1-16.
49. √Asnake Fikre. 2016a.Crop improvement in the ever-advancing adverse agricultural environment: the anxiety of the shock. Crop
Science Society of Ethiopia. Sebil. Volume 16. Proceeding of the biennial conference1-2 Oct, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
50. √Tadesse G., Sentayehu A., Asnake F., Tizazu Degu, Molla M., Asmamaw A. and Gezahegn T. 2016. Combining Ability studies
for yield and yield components in selected soybean lines. Crop Science Society of Ethiopia. Sebil. Volume 16. Proceeding of the
biennial conference1-2 Oct, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
51. √Jean-Claude Rubyogo,, Mula G Myer, Hakeem Ajeigbe, Alpha Kamara, Steven Boahen, Robin Buruchara, Hari D Upadhyaya,
Janila Pasupuleti, Patrick Okori, Haile Desmae,Ousmane Boukar, Christian Fatokun, Ousmane Coulibaly, Clare Mukhankusi,
Steve Beebe, Pooran M Gaur, Ganga Rao NVPR, Chris Ojiewo, Sameer Kumar CV, Hesham Agrama,Robin Buruchara, Steve
Beebe, Omari Mponda, Juma Mfaume, Phillipo Mashamba,Stephen Lyimo, Rose Ubwe, David K. Okello, Yuventino Obong,
Robert Kileo, Paul M Kimurto, Asnake Fikre, Million Eshete, Justus Chintu, Geoffrey Kananji, Francis Maideni, Albert
Chamango, Virginia Chisale, Manuel Amane, Amade Muitia, Candidus Echekwu,Amos Miningou, Nicholas Denwar, Ondie
Kodio, Mamadou Touré, Haruna Mohammed, Issa Drabo, Bruce Mutari, Goodwill Makunde, David Karanja, Sostene Kweka,
Michael Kilango, Magdalena Williams, Michael Ugen, Stanley Nkabulo, Kidane Tumsa, Jandeka Mahasi, Frederick Baijukya and
Emmanuel S Monyo. 2016. Integrated seed systems delivering on the promise: experiences from Tropical Legumes II. IN Monyo ES
and Varshney RK, eds. 2016. Seven seasons of learning and engaging smallholder farmers in the drought-prone areas of sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia hrough
Tropical Legumes, 2007–2014. ICRISAT, ISBN 978-92-9066-568-7. 236 pp.
52. √Asnakech Tekalign,John Derera,Julia Sibiya,Asnake Fikre.2016. Participatory assessment of production threats, farmers’ desired
traits and selection criteria of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) varieties: opportunities for faba bean breeding in Ethiopia. Indian J. Agric. Res.50
(4) 2016 : 295-302.

53. Gemechu Keneni, Endashaw Bekele, Muhammad Imtiaz Seid Ahmed, Tolessa Debele, Fassil Assefa,Emana Getu, Asnake
Fikre,and Lijalem Kobru. 2014. Tapping Genetic Variation in Chickpea Landrace Collections to Enhance Productivity and
Farming System Sustainability: What does Ethiopia have to offer? . In Lijalem Korbu, Tebikew Damite and Asnake Fikre (eds).
Harnessing Chickpea Value Chain for Nitrition Security and Commercialization of Smallhoder Agriculture in Africa. Jan 30-2
Feb, Debere Zeit , Ethiopia.
54. √Asnake Fikre. 2016b.Unraveling Valuable Traits in Ethiopian Grain Legumes Research Hastens Crop Intensification and
Economic Gains: A Review. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research 4(5): 175-182, 2016

55. √Zeleke Ashango, Berhanu Amsalu , Kidane Tumisa , Kassaye Negash, Asnake Fikre. 2016. Seed Yield Stability and Genotype x
Environment Interaction of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Lines in Ethiopia. International Journal of Plant Breeding and
Crop Science, 3(2): 135-144.
56. √Asnake F. Woldemedhin. 2016c. Progresses of chickpea research and development in Ethiopia. In Lijalem Korbu, Tebikew
Damite and Asnake Fikre (eds). Harnessing Chickpea Value Chain for Nitrition Security and Commercialization of
Smallhoder Agriculture in Africa. Jan 30-2 Feb, Debere Zeit , Ethiopia.
57. √ Fisseha Zegeye, Rehima Mussema,Million Eshete, Sherif Aliy and Asnake Fikre. 2016. Gender in chickpea research and
development of Ethiopia: achievements, challenges and future direction. In Lijalem Korbu, Tebikew Damite and Asnake Fikre
(eds). Harnessing Chickpea Value Chain for Nitrition Security and Commercialization of Smallhoder Agriculture in Africa. Jan
30-2 Feb, Debere Zeit , Ethiopia
58. √Addisu Asrat, Tamado Tana,Asnake Fikre.2016. Response of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) to rates of nitrogen and phosphorus
fertilizer at Debre Zeit, Central Ethiopia. In Lijalem Korbu, Tebikew Damite and Asnake Fikre (eds). Harnessing Chickpea Value
Chain for Nutrition Security and Commercialization of Small hoder Agriculture in Africa. Jan 30-2 Feb, Debere Zeit , Ethiopia
59. √Abebe Sori , R P S Tomer,Asnake Fikre. 2016. Effect of Hydro- and osmo- priming on seed quality of chickpea (Cicer arietinum
L.). In Lijalem Korbu, Tebikew Damite and Asnake Fikre (eds). Harnessing Chickpea Value Chain for Nutrition Security and
Commercialization of Small hoder Agriculture in Africa. Jan 30-2 Feb, Debere Zeit , Ethiopia
60. √Shiferaw Mebrat, Tamado Tana, Asnake Fikre.Response of Kabuli chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) varieties to plant spacing at
Debre Zeit, central Ethiopia. 2016. In Lijalem Korbu, Tebikew Damite and Asnake Fikre (eds). Harnessing Chickpea Value Chain
for Nitrition Security and Commercialization of Smallhoder Agriculture in Africa. Jan 30-2 Feb, Debere Zeit , Ethiopia.
61. √Lijalem K. Balcha, Nigussie G. Hordofa,Asnake Fikre. 2016.The Role of International Research Collaboration in Broadening
Genetic Base of Chickpea in Ethiopia: implications on local germplasm use. In Lijalem Korbu, Tebikew Damite and Asnake Fikre
(eds). Harnessing Chickpea Value Chain for Nitrition Security and Commercialization of Smallhoder Agriculture in Africa. Jan
30-2 Feb, Debere Zeit , Ethiopia
62. √Dagnachew Bekele, Asnake Fikre,Million Eshete,Nigusie Girma. 2016..Genetic progresses achieved in Ethiopian chickpea
(Cicer arietinum L.) breeding program based on grain yield and seed size. In Lijalem Korbu, Tebikew Damite and Asnake Fikre
(eds). Harnessing Chickpea Value Chain for Nitrition Security and Commercialization of Smallhoder Agriculture in Africa. Jan
30-2 Feb, Debere Zeit , Ethiopia.
63. √Asnakech Tekalign,John Derera,Julia Sibiya,Asnake Fikre . 2015. Gene action determining grain yield and chocolate spot
(Botrytis fabae) resistance in faba bean.Euphytica 207(2)
64. √Asnake Fikre. 2015. Experience and challenges of scalling crop innovations using improved crop varieties; the case of EIAR. In
Eyasu E and van Beek, C.L. scaling innovations of agricultural best practices in Ethiopia: Experience and challenges. proceeding
of CASCAPE national stakeholder conference23-24, sep 2014. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
65. √Getachew Tilahun Firew Mekbib, Asnake Fikre and Million Eshete.2015. Genotype x environment interaction and stability
analysis for yield and yield related traits of Kabuli-type Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in Ethiopia. African Journal of
Biotechnology. Vol. 14(18), pp. 1564-1575, 6 May, 2015
66. √Getachew Tilahun, Firew Mekbib, Asnake Fikre. 2015. GENETIC DIVERGENCE AND CHARACTER ASSOCIATION OF
Research in Agricultural Sciences, 2015, 2(4):99-107
67. √Daniel Admasu Bogale1, Firew Mekbib, Asnake Fikre. 2015.Genetic Improvement of Lentil [Lens culinaris Medikus]Between
1980 and 2010 in Ethiopia. 284-292. Malays. j. med. biol. res.
68. √Mahendar Thudi, Hari D. Upadhyaya, Abhishek Rathore, Pooran Mal Gaur, Lakshmanan Krishnamurthy, Manish Roorkiwal,
Spurthi N. Nayak, Sushil Kumar Chaturvedi, Partha Sarathi Basu, N. V. P. R. Gangarao, Asnake Fikre, Paul Kimurto, Prakash C.
Sharma, M. S. Sheshashayee, Satoshi Tobita, Junichi Kashiwagi, Osamu Ito, Andrzej Killian,Rajeev Kumar Varshney. 2014.
Genetic Dissection of Drought and Heat Tolerance in Chickpea through Genome-Wide and Candidate Gene-Based association
Mapping Approaches. PLoS ONE 9(5): e96758. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0096758
69. √Eshetu Derso and Asnake Fikre. 2014. potential influence of climate change on emerging and re-emerging plant diseases and
their management strategies . 22nd annual conference of plant protection society of Ethiopia.
70. √Asnake FIKRE.2014.An overview of chickpea improvement research program in Ethiopia.The journal of the International
Legume Society.Issue 3 • June 2014.
71. √Fikre A, Eshete M, Ganga-Rao NVPR and Silim S. 2014. Chickpea Strategy for Ethiopia. In Grain Legumes
Strategies and Seed Roadmaps for Select Countries in Sub Saharan Africa and South Asia (Monyo ES and Gowda CLL, eds.).
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Tropical Legumes II Project Report.284 pp
72. √R. Varma Penmetsa, Alex Greenspan,Noelia Carrasquilla-Garcia, Eleanor A. Siler,Janna Rose,Asnake Fikre,Rajeev K
Varshney,Maren L Friesen,Sergey Nuzhdin,Bekir Bukun,Jens D Berger,Abdullah Kahraman,J von Wettberg,Douglas R. Cook.
2014. Ecological Genomics at Chickpea's Center of Origin: Mining Wild Crop Relatives for Climate Resilience and Nitrogen
Fixation for Crop Improvement in the Developing World. Conference: International Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXII
73. √Rajeev K. Varshney, Himabindu Kudapa, Lekha Pazhamala, Annapurna Chitikineni,Mahendar Thudi, Abhishek Bohrac, Pooran
M. Gaur, Pasupuleti Janila, Asnake Fikre, Paul Kimurto & Noel Ellis.2014. Translational Genomics in Agriculture: Some
Examples in Grain Legumes. Mortimer House,37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK.
74. √Mahendar ThudiA, Pooran M. GaurA, Lakshmanan KrishnamurthyA, Reyazul R. MirA,Himabindu KudapaA, Asnake Fikre B,
Paul KimurtoC, Shailesh TripathiD, Khela R. SorenE, Richard MulwaC, Chellapilla BharadwajD, Subhojit Datta E, Sushil K.
ChaturvediEand Rajeev K. VarshneyA.2014.Genomics-assisted breeding for drought tolerance in chickpea. Functional Plant
Biology. http//
75. √Million Eshete, Sherif Aliye, Asnake Fikre and Chris O. Ojiewo.2013. Community Seed Production of Chickpea (Cicer
arietinum L.) and Lentil (Lens culinaris Medic) in Ethiopia. IN Ojiewo CO, Kugbei S, Bishaw Z & Rubyogo JC, eds. Workshop
Proceedings, 9-11 December 2013. FAO, Rome& ICRISAT, Addis Ababa. 176 pp

76. √Rajeev K.Varshney, S. Murali Mohana Pooran M.Gaur N.V.P.R.Gangaraoe Manish K.Pandeya Abhishek Bohrag Shrikant
L.Sawargaonkar Annapurna Chitikineni Paul .Kimurto Pasupuleti Janilaa .B.Saxena Asnake Fikre Mamta Sharma Abhishek
Rathore Aditya Pratap ShaileshTripathi Subhojit Dattag S.K.Chaturvedig C.L.L.Gowdaa. Achievements and prospects of
genomics-assisted breeding in three legume crops of the semi-arid tropics. Biotechnology Advances Volume 31, Issue 8,
77. √Tabikew Damite Asnake Fikre Million EsheteMillion Eshete. 2013.Efficacy of reduced insecticide rates for pea aphid,
acyrthosipho pisum control on lentil. 15th annual conference of the crop science society of Ethiopia Vol: 15.
78. √Asnake Fikre. 2012a.Variety popularization and seed dissemination of rust resistant wheat varieties: EIAR’s experience in pre-
scaling out/up. Proceedings of the RR wheat scaling up workshop held Feb. 2012, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
79. √Asnake Fikre. 2012b. Pre-scaling up of rice technologies: EIAR experience. Proceedings of the rice research and development
seminar, March 2012, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
80. √Asnake Woldemedhin Fikre. 2012c. Gamma Irradiation-Derived, Methionine-Enriched Mutant Lines of Lathyrus sativus L.
Bioremediation, Biodiversity and Bioavailability ©2012 Global Science Books (available online).
81. √Asnake Fikre, Adugna Wakjira, Frew Mekbib, Setegn Gebeyehu. 2012d. The Informal Seed System in Ethiopia: Practices and
Development. In Adefris T/Wold, Asnake Fikre, Dawit Alemu, Lemma Desalegn, Abebe Kirub (eds), a moment in Ethiopian seed
system. (2012). PP 237-252.
82. √Million Eshete, Sherief Aliye, Asnake Fikre and Lijalem Korbu. 2012e. Integrated system in chickpea and lentil seed
multiplication, delivery and impact. In Adefris T/Wold, Asnake Fikre, Dawit Alemu, Lemma Desalegn, Abebe Kirub (eds), a
moment in Ethiopian seed system. (2012). PP 407-415.
83. √Asnake Fikre, Taye Tadesse, Gebremedihin G/Giorgies, Abrha Kebede, Birhanu Arbisse, Alemat, Solomon Hailu.
2011a.Scaling up crop technologies in five weredas of Tigray region. In Kebebew Assefa, Asnake Fikre, Dawit Alemu and
Adefris T/wold (eds). Mitigating crop technologies and seed gaps. EIAR, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
84. √Asnake Fikre. 2011b. POTENTIALS And Possibilities Of Enhancing Production, Productivity, Quality And Marketing Of
Oilseeds In Ethiopia. Review Proceeding On Oilseeds; Engine For Economic Development. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
85. √Asnake Fikre, Tesgera Negwo, Yu-Haey Kuo, Fernand Lambein, Seid Ahmed .2011c.Climatic, edaphic and altitudinal factors
affecting yield and toxicity of Lathyrus sativus grown at five locations in Ethiopia. Journal of Food and chemical
toxicology.Volume: 49, Issue: 3, Pages: 623-630
86. √A Fikre, M Van Moorhem, S Ahmed, F Lambein, G Gheysen.2011d. Studies on neurolathyrism in Ethiopia: dietary habits,
perception of risks and prevention. Food and chemical toxicology .Volume: 49, Issue: 3, Pages: 678-684
87. √Asnake Fikre, Alemu Yami, Yu-Haey Kuoa, Seid Ahmed, Godelieve Gheysen, Fernand Lambein.2009.Effect of methionine
supplement on physical responses and neurological symptoms in broiler chicks fed grass pea (Lathyrus sativus)-based starter
ration. Food and Chemical Toxicology Volume 48, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 11-17
88. √PM Gaur, NVPR Ganga Rao, CLL Gowda, Said Silim, PM Salimath, DM Mannur, V Jayalakshmi, Y Satish, A
Fikre, K Assefa, R Kileo, W Thagana, S Tripathi, V Vadez, L Krishnamurthy, S Pande, HC Sharma, and Rajeev
Varshney.2009. Enhancing chickpea productivity and production in drought-prone areas of sub-Saharan Africa and
South Asia. Proceedings on Lessons from Two Years of Tropical Legumes II Second Annual Review and Planning
Meeting 16–20 November 2009, Bamako, Mali.
89. √NVPR Ganga Rao, S Silim, PM Gaur, CLL Gowda, K Assefa, A Fikre, W Thagana, R Kileo. 2009. ICRISAT
chickpea seed production and delivery strategy in ESA and SA. Proceedings on Lessons from Two Years of
Tropical Legumes II Second Annual Review and Planning Meeting 16–20 November 2009, Bamako, Mali.
91. √Fikre A., Korbu L., Kuo Y.-H., Lambein F. (2008). The contents of the neuro-excitatory amino acid ß-ODAP (-N-oxalyl-L-,-
diaminopropionic acid), and other free and protein amino acids in the seeds of different genotypes of grass pea (Lathyrus sativus
L.). Food Chemistry 110: 422-427.
92. E Fikru, A Sarker, A Fikre, S Ahmed, K Ali, William Erskine. 2007. Registration of Asano. Journal of plant
registrations. (Reg. No. CV-24, PI 643452).
93. A. Fikre, A. Sarker , S. Ahmed, K. Ali, W. Erskine. 2007. Registration of ‘Teshale’ Lentil.. JPR.
94. √Fikre, A. 2007. Grass pea. A research review handbook. Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Addis, Ababa
95. √Malhotra, R.S., Bejiga, G., Anbessa, Y., Eshete, M., Taddesse, N., Daba, K., Fikre, A., Ahmed, S. and Khalaf, G. 2007.
Registration of 'Teji' a kabuli Chick pea. Journal of plant registration. Crop Science Society of America, USA 1:111.
96. √Malhotra, R.S., Bejiga, G., Anbessa, Y., Eshete, M., Taddesse, N., Daba, K., Fikre, A., Ahmed, S. and Khalaf, G. 2007.
Registration of 'Ejere' a kabuli Chick pea. Journal of plant registration. Crop Science Society of America, USA 1:112.
97. √Fikre, A., Lambein, F., and Gheysen, G. 2006a. A life saving food plant producing more neurotoxin under environmental
stresses. Comm. Appl. Biol. Sci. Ghent University, Vol 71(1) 79-82. Poster and proceeding presentation
98. √Fikre, A. and Bejiga, G. 2006b. Breeding lentil for wider adaptation. In Ali K, Keneni G., Ahmed S., Malhautra R., Bainwal S.,
Makkouk K and Halila M.H. (eds). 2006. Food and forage legumes of Ethiopia; progress and prospects. Proceeding of the
workshop on food and forage legumes22-23 sep. 2003. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
99. √Getachew A., Asnake F. and Ayalew B.2006. Soil fertility and crop management in highland pulses in central highland of
Ethiopia. In Ali K, Keneni G., Ahmed S., Malhautra R., Bainwal S., Makkouk K and Halila M.H. (eds). 2006. Food and forage
legumes of Ethiopia; progress and prospects. Proceeding of the workshop on food and forage legumes22-23 sep. 2003. Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia.
100. Legesse D., Senait R., Asnake F and Demisie M., 2005a. Adoption of chickpea varieties in the central high lands of Ethiopia.
Research reports no 62. EARO, Addis Ababa.
101. Senait R., Legesse D., Demisie M., Asnake F and Aden A.H. 2005b. Impact of research and technologies in selected lentil-
growing areas of Ethiopia. Research reports no 67. EARO, Addis Ababa.

✓ Chickpea seed production system in the SNNPR of Ethiopia. Sheleme et al 2015.
✓ Research principles and governance in crops research directorate

1. Asnake Fikre and Tulu Degefu. 2019. A Guide to Accelerated Breeding Cycle in Chickpea to
Enhance Rate of Gain. Technial manual No. 1/2019. ICRISAT, Addis ababa, Ethiopia.
2. Asnake Fikre, Tulu Degefu, Kasahun Admike, and Peter Doerner. 2019. Rhizobox-Based Study of
Chickpea( Cicer arietinum L.) Root System Architecture: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for
Phenotyping and Screening to Complement Pre-Breeding. Technical manual No. 2/2019/.
ICRISAT, Addis ababa, Ethiopia.
3. , Asnake, Tebikew , kibebew b seed
Poster presentations and abstracts

1. Asnake Fikre, TadesseSefera, Million Eshete, KidaneTumsa. Unraveling breeding traits in Ethiopian
legume research hastened intensification and economic gains.2014. Poster on a joint conference of the 6th
International Food Legumes Research Conference (IFLRC VI) and 7th International Conference on
Legume Genetics and Genomics (ICLGG VII). Saskatoon, Canada.

Pooran M Gaur, C Siva Kumar, Mahendar Thudi, L Krishnamurthy, Spurthi Nayak, Paul Kimurto, Asnake
Fikre, Rajeev K Varshney .2014.Marker-assisted Breeding for Drought Avoidance Root Traits in Chickpea.

3. Asnake Fikre, Tebikew Damite, Sherif Alyi, Niguse Girma, Million Eshete, Sitotaw Ferede. 2012.
Productivity and production based discrimination of Chickpea and Lentil growing regions of Ethiopia. poster

4. Asnake Fikre (PhD) and Wondafrash Mulugeta. 2012. RESEARCH-DEVELOPMENT INTERFACE ON


5. Mahendar Thudi, HariD Upadhyaya, Abhishek Rathore, Pooran M Gaur, L Krishnamurthy, Manish
Roorkiwal, SpurthiN Nayak, SushilK Chaturvedi,NVPR Gangarao, Asnake Fikre, Paul Kimurto, Prakash
Sharma, MS Sheshashayee, Satoshi Tobita, Junichi Kashiwagi, Osamu Ito, Rajeev K. Varshney . 2012.
Understanding the Genetic Architecture of Drought and Heat Tolerance in Chickpea through Genome-wide
and Candidate Gene-based Association Mapping

6. Rajeev Varshney,Hari Upadhayaya,L Krishnamurthy,Pooran Gaur,Hari Sharma,Paul Kimurto,Mahendar

Thudi, Asnake Fikre, Million Eshete,Robert Kileo,Andrzej Killian,Greg May,Doug Cook.2011.Harnessing
The Potential Of Germplasm Collections Through Genomic Tools For Crop Improvement In Chickpea.
Plant & Animal Genomes XIX Conference.

7. Pooran M Gaur, C Siva Kumar, Mahendar Thudi, L Krishnamurthy, Spurthi Nayak, Paul Kimurto, Asnake
Fikre, Rajeev K Varshney . 2011. Marker-assisted Breeding for Drought Avoidance Root Traits in Chickpea.

8. Lambein, F., Diasolua, D.N, Fikre, A, Banea Mayambu, J.-P and Kuo Y-H. 2008. Nutritional improvement
of grass pea and cassava to prevent lathyrism and konzo. Science with Africa, March 3-7, 2008 Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia. Abstract.

9. Lambein, F., Fikre, A. Van Moorhem, M. and Kou, Y.-H. 2007. Lathyrus sativus (grass pea), from toxic
plant to wonder crop. Integrating legume biology for sustainable agriculture. Lisbon, Portugal. Abstract.

10. Fikre, A. 2007. Intervention, gap analysis and applicability with regard to grass pea utilization in Ethiopian
context. Seminar presentation. DZARC, Ethiopia, Aug 18-22, 2007.

11. Fikre, A., Ahmad, S., Lambein, F. and Gheysen, G. 2007. The incidence of neurolathyrism is strongly linked
to age, gender and grass pea food type in Ethiopia. First GAP Symposium: Heritage and/as reproduction in
Africa: outcomes and limits, Ghent University. Poster presentation and abstract

12. Fikre, A., Yami, A., Kuo, Y.-H. and Lambein, F. 2007. Protective effect of methionine on acute
neurolathyrism in chicks. First GAP Symposium: Heritage and/as reproduction in Africa: outcomes and
limits, Ghent University. Poster presentation and abstract.

13. Van Moorhem, M., Fikre, A., Lambein, F. and Leybaert, L. 2008. Lathyrus sativus (grass pea), from toxic
plant to wonder crop. Science with Africa, March 3-7, 2008 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Abstract.

Students mentorship/advisory
No Name Title Date University
1 MSc Ebisa Olika Effect Of Processing Methods On Nutritional Composition, 2014 Haramaya
Keyata Physicochemical And Functional Properties Of Selected And Improved
Chickpea Varieties Of Natoli And Arerti Grown In Ethiopia
2 MSc Abebe Sori Effect Of Hydro And Osmo Priming On Seed Quality And Yield Of 2011 Hramaya
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
3 MSc Addisu Asrat Response Of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Varieties To Rates Of 2012 Hramaya
Nitrogen And Phosphorus Fertilizer At Debre Zeit, Central Ethiopia
4 PhD Asnakech Farmers’ Perception On Faba Bean Production Constraints, And 2014 University Of
Beyene /Phd/ Chocolate Spot (Botrytis Fabea) Disease: Assessing Resistance Breeding Kwazulu-
Needs For Faba Bean In Three Districts Of Ethiopia Natal
5 MSc Seyoum Asefie Evaluation And Characterization Of Selected Chickpea (Cicer arietinum 2013 Bahir Dar
L.) Genotypes For Drought Prone Environments In Ethiopia
6 MSc Daniel Asfaw Effect Of Processing Methods On Nutritional Composition, Anti- 2014 Haramaya
Nutritional Factors And Functional Properties In Selected Lentil Varieties
(Derash And Alemaya) Grown In Ethiopia
7 PhD Alemu Abate Genetic Variability, Association Of Traits And Genotype By 2016 Hramaya
Asfaw Environment Interaction Studies On Ethiopian Grass Pea (Lathyrus
Sativus L.) Genotypes
8 PhD Musa Jarso Genetic Improvement Of Adapted Ethiopian Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum 2017 Addis Ababa
/Phd/ L.) Cultivars For Drought Tolerance Through Marker-Assisted Backcross
9 MSc Niguse Girma The Genetic Study Of Heritability Of Nitrogen Fixation In Ethiopian 2015 Hramaya
Chickpea Varieties
10 MSc Getachew Genotype X Environment Interaction And Stability Analysis For Yield 2012 Haramaya
Tilahun And Associated Parameters Of Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.)
Genotypesin Ethiopia.
11 PhD Lijalem Korbu Genetic Study Of Chickpea (Cicer Areitinum L) Using Reverse 2019 Aau &
Introgressed (Revils) And Advanced Backcross Introgression (Abi) Lines Ucdavis
Derived From Wild (Cicer Reticulatum) Accessions
12 MSc Shiferaw Response Of Kabuli Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Varieties To Plant 2013 Hramaya
Mebrat Spacing At Debre Zeit, Central Ethiopia
13 MSc Amare Tsehay Genetic Variability, Trait Association And Path Analysis Of Desi Type 2019 Bahir Dar
Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Breeding Lines Under Potential
Environments Of North Gondar, Ethiopia
14 MSc Ansha Ahmed Genetics Diversity Of Kabuli And Desi Type Chickpea Genotypes For 2019 Addis Ababa
Agro-Morphological Traits, Nutritional Composition And Issr Marker.
15 MSc Genet Genetic Progress For Protein Content, Yield And Yield Components Of 2018 Haramaya
Mengistu Kabuli Type Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Varieties In Ethiopia
16 MSc Gebrekidan Effect Of Rehizobum Inoculation, P And S Application On Nodulation, 2018 Hawassa
Feleke Nutrient Utilization And Yield Responses Of Lentil (L.C) In Adaa
District, Central Hl Of Ethiopa
17 PhD Zehara Improving Nitrogen Fixation In Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Through 2019 Aau
Muhamed/Phd/ Harnessing Root Rhizobial Genomic Diversity, Isolated From Major &Ucdavis
Growing Regions Of Ethiopia
18 MSc Azimeraw Effect Of Seed Storage Duration On Seed Quality, Yield And Yield 2018 Hramaya
Goshu Hibistu Related Traits Of Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Varieties At Debre Ziet,
19 PhD Brhanu Arbisie Determining The Diversity Levels, Association And Genetic Parameters 2021 Mekele
/Phd/ For Nutrient Density Among Elite Chickpea Resources In Ethiopia
20 MSc Mohammed Growth, Nodulation And Yield Response Of Chickpea Varieties (Cicer 2019 Jimma
Hamid Arietinum L.) To Different Rates Of Npsb Fertilizer And Innoculation
At Meskan District, Southern Ethiopia.
21 MSc Amanuel Assessing Genetic Variability And Association Among Grain Yield And 2020 Haramaya
Tekalign Related Traits Of Kabuli Chickpea (C. Arietinum L) Genotypes Under
Woyessa Drought Prone Ecology Of Goro And Ginner
22 PhD Daganachew Genomics Assisted Resistance Breeding For The Development Of 2020 Aau&Ucdavis
Bekele/Phd/ Fusarium Wilt (Fusariumoxysporum F.Sp. Ciceris) Resistant Chickpea
(Cicer Arietinum L.) Genotypes In Ethiopia
23 MSc Fasil Hailu Genetic Variability And Character Association Of Some Kabuli Type 2018 Jimma
Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Genotypes For Yield And Its Related
Traits At Debre-Zeit And Akaki
24 MSc Nigusu Bekele Assessment Of Seed Quality Parameters In Different Seed Sources Of 2018 Haramaya
Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) In Oromia
25 MSc Mengistu Study The Genetic Diversity On Protein, Zinc And Iron In Germplasm 2019 Behir Dar
Tefera Yirga Pools Of Desi And Kabuli Type Chickpeas (Cicer Arietinum L.) As
Implicated In Quality Breeding
26 PhD Kassaye Enhancing Chick Pea Gene Pools With Beneficial Traits Using The Wild 2020 Aau&Ucdavis
Negash/Phd/ Relatives
27 PhD Tsegaye Breeding For Heat Stress Tolerance In Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) 2020 Aau
Getahun/Phd/ Through Phenotyping, Molecular And Genomic Approaches &Ucdavis
28 MSc Addisu Genetic Association and Divergence of Ethiopian Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum- 2016 AAU
Alemayehu graceum) Germplasms for Grain Yield, Nodulation, Nutritional Composition and
Nutraceutical Properties
29 PhD Shigute Adisu Distribution, diversity, and integrated management of AB /Didymella 2019 Har. U
rabiei/ of CP (C.arietinum L) in Ethiopia

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