Competency - Based Learning Materials: List of Competencies

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Health, Social, and Other Community

Development Services

Qualification Title: Bookkeeping NCIII

Unit of Competency: Develop and Practice Negotiation Skills

Module Title: Developing and Practice Negotiation Skills


Pagsanjan, Laguna


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Unit of Competency Module Title Code
Lead workplace Leading workplace TRS500311109
1 communication communication

Lead small team Leading small team TRS500311110


Develop and practice Developing and practice TRS500311111

3 negotiation skills negotiation skills

Solve problems related to Solving problems related to TRS500311112

4 work activities work activities

Use mathematical Using mathematical TRS500311113

5 concepts and techniques concepts and techniques

Use relevant technologies Using relevant technologies TRS500311114



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UNIT OF COMPETENCY: Develop and practice negotiation skills

MODULE TITLE: Developing and practice negotiation skills

MODULE DESCRIPTION: This unit covers the skills, knowledge and

attitudes required to collect information in order to negotiate to a desired outcome
and participate in the negotiation.



Upon completion of this module you will be able to:

LO1: Identify relevant information in planning negotiations

LO2: Participate in negotiations


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LEARNING OUTCOME 3.1.1 Identify relevant information in


 Collecting information
 Preparing for negotiation
 Positive negotiating
 Creating non verbal environments
 Active listening
 Different questioning techniques
 Ensure correctness and up to date information
 Personal attributes
 Interpersonal skills
 Analytic skills


 Information on preparing for negotiation is identified and included in the

 Information on creating nonverbal environments for positive negotiating
is identified and included in the plan
 Information on active listening is identified and included in the plan
 Information on different questioning techniques is identified and included
in the plan
 Information is checked to ensure it is correct and up-to- date

The students/learners must be provided with the following:

 Room with facilities necessary for the negotiation process

 Human resources (negotiators)

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 Computer/Laptop  Stapler  Pencils
 Aircon unit  Calculators  Pencil Erasers
 Lecturette  Ballpens
 LCD
 Teacher’s  Ruler
Practical application  Journals
 Arm Chairs
 White Board
 Worksheets
 Written (assorted)
 Interview  Acetate
 demonstration  Marker
 Diskettes/CD
 Envelopes
( Long)
 Registration
 Teacher’s
Record Book
 Worksheets
 Marker Ink
 Ledger Book
 Staple Wire
Plan negotiations

Learning Activities Special Instructions

Read Information Sheet 1.1 on Answer Self-check 1
Read Information Sheet 2 on Answer Self-check 2

Read Information Sheet 3 on Meeting Answer Self-check 3

Read Information Sheet 4 Negotiation Answer Self-check 4

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After reading this Information sheet you should be able to:

 Information on preparing for negotiation is identified and included in the

 Information on creating non-verbal environments for positive negotiating is
identified and included in the plan
 Information on active listening is identified and included in the plan

1.1 Telephone Basics

You are probably used to making informal calls to family and friends. When making
calls to companies, however, some special rules and conventions apply. On this
page we explain how to call someone in a company that you do not know personally
(the most common kind of formal call made by students) and give you some models
and language that you can use.
General rules
When making a formal call, three rules should influence your choice of words:

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• Be brief. Do not waste the receiver's time.
•Be clear. Explain the background and purpose of your call.
• Be polite. Recognize the receiver's point of view. These rules can sometimes
conflict. If you are too brief, you may confuse the receiver or appear impolite. Try
to balance the three rules
Making a call to someone you do not know 
The most difficult calls to make are calls to people that you do not know. Usually,
the purpose of your call will be to make a request for information or a meeting. This
kind of call can be divided into sections according to the function each serves:
• Locate the person
• Make request
• Make arrangement
• Close the call
In the following examples, we will imagine that you are calling Mr. Lau to arrange a
visit to his office.

Locate the person

If the person you want to speak to answers the call, this part is simple. If the
receiver gives her name when he answers your call, you can skip to the next stage.
If the receiver does not give his name, you can confirm that you have the right
person: See example below
 Hello, is that Mr. Lau?
More often the number that you have will connect you to an operator or secretary.
In this case you will have to ask to speak to Mr. Lau:
 Hello, I'd like to speak to Mr. Lau Kam-cheong, please.
If Mr. Lau is not available, you will need to find out when you can speak to him:
Could you tell me when he will be available?
If the person you are calling has a busy schedule, you may have to call several
times. When you are finally connected, it is best to pretend that this is your first
call. Do not mention how difficult it was to make contact! Sometimes, you will not
know the name of the person who might be able to help you. In this case, you can
state your request and then say:
Could you put me through to someone who might be able to help me?
Locating someone at a company can be frustrating if you are passed from person to
person. Try not to let your frustration show

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Make request 
Making a request involves three stages: introducing yourself, giving background,
and making the request itself. Introduce yourself by giving your name and
explaining who you are:
 I'm ...., I'm a first-year student at Hong Kong University....

If you have been given the receiver's name by someone else, you should also
mention this:
 Mr. Chan from Eurasia Products suggested that I call you....
Give the background to your request by explaining why you are making it:
 I'm doing a project on work experience and I need to arrange a visit to a company
in your field....
Make your request politely and clearly. Make sure that the receiver knows exactly
what agreeing to your request will involve: how much of her time will it involve and
what will she or her staff will have to do:
 I wonder if I could pay a visit to your office for an hour or so sometime in the next
two weeks, to talk to one of your staff about....
Make arrangement 
If the person you are calling agrees to your request, it is important to make a clear
arrangement. If you are arranging a meeting, for example, arrange the time and
place and make sure you know where to go and what to do when you get there.
Make a note of all the information so that you do not need to call back again to find
out something you have missed. If the person you are calling cannot agree to your
request, he may modify it. Listen carefully and try to fit in with his schedule. If the
person you are calling cannot agree to your request at all, ask if he knows someone
else who can help:
 Do you know anyone else who might be able to help me?
Whether the receiver can help you or not, thank her and close the call politely.

Close the call 

As the caller, it is your job to close the call when you have got the information you
need. Unless the receiver shows that he wants to talk, it is not polite to chat once
your business is finished. If there is a difficult silence at the end of the call, it is
probably because you are not doing your job of closing the call. You can do this
by confirming the arrangement:
So, I'll come to your office on Monday at 10....
thanking the receiver,

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Thank you very much for your help....
and saying goodbye
In each case, wait for the receiver's response before you go on to the next stage.
Wait until you have heard the receiver say goodbye before you hang-up. Close the
call extracts:
1.2 Telephone Etiquette
A phone is ringing somewhere in your office. By the third ring the call should be
answered. BUT… before you pick up that phone:1. Clear your mind of all but the
task at hand – responding to the caller.2. Prepare your phone voice3. Answer by
the 3rd ring4. Offer your standardized greeting.5. Be prepared before you
respond.6. Treat the caller with respect; be efficient, effective, empathetic and
Clear you’re Mind of all but the Task at Hand – Responding to the Caller
There’s nothing worse than trying to carry on a conversation with
someonewho is reading their emails, looking at documents or distracted withsomet
hing other than your conversation. You can always tell; there’s an extended pause
in the conversation while you wait for a response but, they have none because they
were looking through a magazine while chatting on the phone. It’s frustrating, it’s
rude, it makes you feel unimportant and they are likely to miss important
information for lack of focus.
Be present with your caller
Being present
Requires FOCUS. Your center of interest should be on the caller and their
conversation. Allowing distractions can result in important information being
overlooked or worse, the caller identifies you as a poor provider of customer service
and tells others.
• Turn away from your computer and desk when you answer the phone
• Put down your reading material.
• Focus your attention on the caller 
• Take the gum out of your mouth
• No drinking or eating during the conversation
Prepare Your Phone Voice
How you handle yourself on the phone reflects not only on you, but also your
company. You see it over and over. Someone talking on the phone forms an opinion

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of the person with whom they are talking based on the tone of their voice, their
language skills, etc. It may not be fair, but it happens. According to John
Robertson of EZINE articles, within 60 seconds
peoplewill make assumptions about your education, background, ability and perso
nality based on your voice alone. What reputation do you want to build? What
impression do you want to make? Do you sound like this on the phone? Pay
attention to:
• What you want to say.
• How you want to say it. Your voice is very important to your career and your
personal life. When you are talking 87% of the listener’s opinion of you is based on
how you say it according to Robertson. That means that only 13% remains to make
a positive impression about what we are saying. Project a tone that conveysenthusi
asm, confidence, friendliness and attentiveness. Did you know, when you smile
while you are talking it comes across in your voice? Let your personality shine
through on the phone.
• Take a deep breath before you pick up the phone
• Smile before you speak 
• Assume your speaking voice, controlling speed, tone and volume
• Speak clearly,
Prepare to Offer Your Standard Greeting
YO, Hey, Whazzzzup may be the normal greetings you would expect to
hear the academic setting if you are calling the dorms but they are not generally
accepted telephone etiquette for University offices. Remember the87% rule? Make a
good first impression with an effective, efficient greeting. Identify your company,
then, identify yourself. Or you may name your department (Music Department),
your name (Glenn Campbell). It should be crisp, clean and gives all the information
the caller can handle at this point in the call. Adding phrases such as “good
morning”, “how may I help you” are ok so long as you sound like you mean it.
Elaborate, drawn out greetings
aredistracting and time consuming. You can lose your caller before theconversatio
n begins.
Be Prepared Before You Respond
Be prepared to answer the phone. It’s not an interruption, it’s your job. Have pencil
and paper ready; prepare mentally to be present with the caller. Write down the
caller’s name immediately. If the caller doesn’t identify him or her self – ask for a
name… “May I say whose calling?” “Could I have your name please?” “With whom
am I speaking?” All are polite, appropriate ways to get the caller’s name. Use their
name frequently throughout the conversation. Use all of your listening skills, focus

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your attention on the caller, speak calmly and choose your words. Be careful to
avoid jargon or acronyms not universally familiar.
• Listen not only to what the speaker is saying but to their unspoken
• Thoughts as well. What is it this person isn’t saying that is important to the
• Be sure to get clarification. “If I understand you correctly…”, “So you’re
• saying that…” “This is what I understand you are telling me…”
1.3 The phone call and Customer Service
Treat the Caller with Respect; Be Efficient, Effective, Empathetic andResponsive5
Forbidden Phrases
1. “I Don’t Know”
2. “I/We Can’t Do That”
3. “You Have To”
4. “Just a Second”
5. “No”Be positive, a problem solver, honest and helpful.

Be positive, a problem solver, honest and helpful.

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Problem Callers
Problem callers don’t usually start out that way. Something happens to make them
go ballistic. Customers have an expectation of how they ought to be treated and if
you fail to meet that expectation, they become agitated. When you get a caller on
the phone that is getting agitated:
Allow them to vent. Stay calm and be sincere. Remember the 87% rule – if you
aren’t sincere the caller will know immediately. Don’t jump in, even if you have
heard the same thing 10 times. The caller will be offended. A sincere voice will have
a calming effect on the caller. If you become upset or defensive you will make a bad
situation worse.
• Don’t over-react to trigger words. Callers will often try to push your buttons.
• Listen completely to the complaint, allows the caller to vent. Only when they are
finished should you comment.
• If the call is long-distance you might offer to call them back to avoid phone
charges. This can have an immediate positive impact.

Acknowledge their feelings. “I can hear that you are upset by this” or “I can tell this
situation is upsetting you”.
• To help with this process, keep family pictures in your work area. Pretend you are
talking to someone you know and like while you are working with your caller.
• Force yourself to focus on solving the problem rather thaninternalizing the
caller’s attacks.
• Don’t blame anyone for the problem, no matter who is at fault. It’s
counterproductive to resolving the issue.
It doesn’t matter who’s at fault. Anyone who has been inconvenienced wants an
apology. You don’t have to agree with the caller, but should express regret that
there is a problem. Empathize with the person’s feelings and apologize, sincerely
… “I’m really sorry this happened”.
This makes the caller feel that you have aligned with them.
It’s hard to be upset with someone who is sympathetic and trying to help.

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• Use the person’s name a lot and apologize frequently.
• Solve the problem.
Suggest agreeable solutions. Ask how you can help and if it’s reasonable, do it; if
not, find a compromise. Make sure something is done.
• Take it upon yourself to ensure the customer gets some satisfaction.
• Handling difficult customers isn’t easy. Remembering the Golden Rule, “Do unto
others as you would have them do unto you”, and putting it into action with
difficult customers, will help increase your job satisfaction.
• Paraphrase the problem and repeat it to the caller – get clarification before
offering solutions.
• Work with your managers to streamline office/departmental procedures so people
who answer the phone are empowered to solve the customer’s problem.
• Picture how good it feels to solve a problem and send someone away satisfied. It
makes your whole day better

Screening Calls
Screening calls is often an unpleasant part of the job. But it is sometimes
necessary because the person for whom you are screening does not
alwayshave time to talk or want to talk to the caller. Key to handling thesesituation
s is considering the “availability” of the called party. In order to keep a caller from
being irate over not finding the person they are calling available to them, try

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sequencing the questions to avoid a conflict. Sample
Conversation:Receptionist: “Bookkeeping, James Stewart”Caller: “Is Ms. Stell availa
ble”Receptionist: “I’m sorry, Ms. Stell is unavailable at this time, may Itake your
name and number and have her return your call? Or may I help you?” (Note: you
have given the caller the expectation a phone call will be returned but also offered
immediate assistance if
desired.)Caller: “This is Sam Davis, would you please tell her I called, she has my
number. “Receptionist: “Mr. Davis, she has asked me to interrupt if you should
call, so please hold while I tell her you are on the line.” (Had Mr. Davis not been
someone who should be passed through you have left no room for doubt about
• Have a list of callers for whom you should always interrupt
Placing Callers on Hold
The other line is ringing, and you are anxious to answer…requiring you to put
your current caller on Hold – it’s a necessary evil. We all hate being on Hold. So
when it’s necessary to place a caller on Hold, check with them first to determine if
they can/want to Hold.
For an answer. Remember back when we talked about “being present” with your
caller? If you are present with your caller it is only polite to let them decide if they
will hold, go to voice mail, or call back. Handle your current caller before you rush
off to another…first come, first serve. The availability of Ms. Stell.)Once you have
placed a caller on Hold, check back every 15-30 seconds to update them. Thank
them for holding and be as specific as you can about how much longer you expect
to keep them on Hold. Each time allow them the opportunity to decide if they would
like to continue Holding.
Transferring Calls
When the caller needs to be transferred, be polite and ask if they would like to be
transferred. Ask the caller for their number in case you lose them during the
transfer. Give the caller the name of the person to whom you are transferring them
along with their number in case the call does not go through or in case they would
like to call later. If at all possible, stay on the line until the transfer
is complete.If you have a frustrated caller who has been transferred several times
already, do not transfer them again. Take ownership of their situation. Call the
appropriate party; ensure they have a solution to the situation, only then should
you transfer the caller. If you don’t know how to fix the situation, take the caller’s
name and number, find the appropriate person and have them return the call.
Check back to make sure the caller’s situation has been resolved. The caller will
always remember your kindness and will tell others about your terrific customer
service skills.

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• Treat the caller as you would want to be treated
• Look at those pictures in your work area; help the caller as if they were family
• Make it your goal to call them back within 4 hours if you have to do research to
help them with their situation
Taking Messages
When taking a message for someone else, be sure you get the following information
recorded: 1. The caller’s name and company/department2. The correct spelling of
the caller’s name, date and time of the call3. Complete telephone number 4. Brief
explanation for call. Be sure to verify this information with the caller to make sure
you have taken the message correctly and give him/her the opportunity to check
what they told you.
If someone is covering the phones for you, pick up your messages when you return.
Don’t wait for them to come to you.

Voice Mail
Voice mail can be a very effective tool for communication if it is used correctly. In
general people don’t mind getting transferred to voice mail if it gives them helpful
information. Your voice mail message should be short and to the point. When
forced to leave a message, callers prefer to get right to it, not listen to a longwinded
voice mail greeting. Don’t state the obvious, (I’m away from my desk or on the other
line). State your department, your name and leave clear instruction as to what
information you need from the caller such as
 Name and phone number, Best time for you to return the call Brief summary of
the reason for calling
• Sample voice mail: “Asian Academy of Business and Computers; Mary dela Cruz.
I will be out of the office until Tuesday. Please leave your name, number, and a
brief message as to the nature of your call. I will respond when I return.”
• Sample voice mail: “Asian Academy of Business and Computers; Mary dela Cruz..
I will be out of the office until Tuesday. Please leave your name, number, and a
brief message as to the nature of your call. I will respond when I return. If you need
immediate assistance please contact Jeeves Butler at x5555.
• Sample voice mail if you change your voice mail daily: “Asian Academy of
Business and Computers; Mary dela Cruz. Today is (date). At the tone, please leave
your name, a brief message regarding your call, along with your phone number and
the best time to call you back.” If you are going to be away from the office, say so

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and leave your date of return so people will know when they might expect a
response. If you are going to be out for an extended period, you should consider
offering information on another source for helping the caller. In this case, you
would state your department name, your name and information about who the
caller can contact for assistance. If you plan to refer your calls to another member
of your department, be sure to make arrangements with them ahead of time. Leave
them a cheat sheet on how to handle special procedures.



After reading this Information sheet you should be able to:

 Information on different questioning techniques is identified and included in

the plan
 Information is checked to ensure it is correct and up to- date

2.1 Oral Presentation

Making a good oral presentation is an art that involves attention to the needs of
your audience, careful planning, and attention to delivery. This page explains some
of the basics of effective oral presentation. It also covers use of notes, visual aids
and computer presentation software.
Some basic questions to ask about an audience are:
1. Who will I be speaking to?
2. What do they know about my topic already?

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3. What will they want to know about my topic?
4. What do I want them to know by the end of my talk? By basing the content and
style of your presentation on your answers to these questions, you can make sure
that you are in tune with your audience. What you want to say about your topic
may be much less important than what your audience wants to hear about it.
In an effective presentation, the content and structure are adjusted to the medium
of speech. When listening, we cannot go back over a difficult point to understand it
or easily absorb long arguments. A presentation can
easily be ruined if the content is too difficult for the audience to follow or if the
structure is too complicated. As a general rule, expect to cover much less content
than you would in a written report. Make difficult points easier to understand by
preparing the listener for them, using plenty of examples and going back over them
later. Leave time for questions within the
presentation.Give your presentation a simple and logical structure. Include anintro
duction in which you outline the points you intend to cover and a conclusion in
which you go over the main points of your talk.


It is likely that you already have a topic and you know what you want to say about
it. This is the content of your presentation. You may already have the content of
your presentation in written form: for example in a written report. Whether your
content is already written down or you are beginning from scratch, you may need
to cut it down for your presentation. Why?
• You will need to fit your content within the time limit. Think carefully about how
much information you can reasonably present in the time allowed and select the
most important point.
• You will need to hold the interest and attention of your
audience.Many people lose interest towards the end of presentations thatcontain
too much information. Think carefully about the key points that you want to get
across and build your presentation around them.
• Some kinds of information, such as technical explanations and tables of figures,
are difficult for listeners to absorb during a presentation. Think about summarizing
this kind of information or referring the listeners to a document they can read after
the presentation.
• You will need to leave time for examples and illustrations of
your points. Think carefully about how you will support and explain yourkey

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• You will need to leave time for an introduction, conclusion andquestions or
comments. During this time you are likely to be repeating points made in the
main body of your talk.
Three points to think about when preparing the content of a presentation:
• What are your key points? Most good presentations have no more than5 key
• How will you support your key points with examples andillustrations?
• How will you make it easy for your audience to follow your key points?
Most presentations will consist of an introduction, the body of the talk and a
conclusion. The introduction prepares the audience for what you will say in the
body of the talk and the conclusion reminds them of your key points. Good
presentations raise questions in the listeners' mind. Good speakers encourage
questions both during and after the presentation and are prepared to answer them.
A good introduction does four things:
• Attracts and focuses the attention of the audience
• Puts the speaker and audience at ease
• Explains the purpose of the talk and what the speaker would like to achieve
• Gives an overview of the key points of the talk It is often a good idea to begin a
talk with a question, a short story,
aninteresting fact about your topic or an unusual visual aid. Manyspeakers follow
this with an overhead transparency that shows the title, aim and outline of the
The body of a presentation must be presented in a logical order that is easy for the
audience to follow and natural to your topic. Divide your content into sections and
make sure that the audience knows where they are at any time during your talk. It
is often a good idea to pause between main sections of your talk. You can ask
for questions, sum up the point or explain what the next point will be. If you have
an OHT with an outline of your talk on it, you can put this on the projector briefly
and point to the next section. Examples, details and visual aids add interest to a
presentation and help you get your message through. Here are some questions you
can ask yourself about the examples you include:
• Are they relevant to the experience of the audience?
• Are they concrete?

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• Will the audience find them interesting?
• Are they varied?
• Are they memorable?
A good conclusion does two things:
• Reminds the audience of your key points
• Reinforces your message Your conclusion should end the presentation on a
positive note and make the audience feel that have used their time well listening to
Many speakers worry about questions from the audience. However, questions show
that the audience is interested in what you have to say ad can make the talk more
lively and interactive. You should be more worried if there are no questions at all!
One way of handling questions is to point to questions you would like to discuss as
you are talking. You can control questions better if you leave pauses during your
talk and ask for questions. It is important not to let question and answer sessions
during the talk go on too long, however. Answer briefly or say you will deal with the
question at the end. Make sure you are ready to go on with your talk when
questions have finished.
People vary in their ability to speak confidently in public, buteveryone gets nervous
and everyone can learn how to improve their presentation skills by applying a few
simple techniques. The main points to pay attention to in delivery are the quality of
your voice, your rapport with the audience, use of notes and use of visual aids.
Voice quality involves attention to volume, speed and fluency, clarity and
pronunciation. The quality of your voice in a presentation will improve dramatically
if you are able to practice beforehand in a room similar to the one you will
be presenting in.Rapport with the audience involves attention to eye contact,
sensitivity to how the audience is responding to your talk and what you look like
from the point of view of the audience. These can be improved by practicing in front
of one or two friends or video-taping your rehearsal.
 Voice quality
Your voice is your main channel of communication to the audience, so make sure
you use it to its best effect.

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Is your voice loud enough or too loud? Adjust your volume to the size of the room
and make sure the people at the back can hear. In a big room take deep breaths
and try to project your voice rather than shout.
 Speed and fluency
Speak at a rate so your audience can understand your points. Do not speedup
because you have too much material to fit into the time available. Try not to leave
long pauses while you are looking at your notes or use fillers such as 'um' or 'er'.
Use pauses to allow the audience to digest an important point. Repeat or rephrase
difficult or important points to make sure the audience understands.
Speak clearly. Face the audience and hold your head up. Your speech will beclearer
if you look directly at the members of the audience while you speak. Keep your
hands and notes away from your mouth and keep your eyes on the audience when
you are talking about overhead transparencies. If you have to look at the
whiteboard or the overhead projector, stop talking until you are ready to face the
audience again.
You may not be able to improve your general pronunciation much before an
important presentation. However, you can make sure you know how
to pronounce names and difficult words. Do not use exagerrated intonation
or pronunciation of individual words. Your natural speaking style will be good
enough as long as you speak clearly.
 Engaging the audience
One of the secrets of a good presentation is to involve the audience.
 Maintain eye contact 
Look your audience in the eyes. Spread your eye contact around theaudience
including those at the back and sides of the room. Avoid looking at anyone too long
because this can be intimidating!
 Ask for feedback 
You can involve the audience by asking occasional questions. Try to ask genuine
questions to which you do not already know the answer and show interest in any
replies. Leave time for the audience to think and try to avoid answering your
questions yourself or telling members of the audience that their answers are wrong.
Questions to the audience work well when you manage to make those who answer
them feel that they have contributed to your presentation. You can also pause
occasionally to ask if anyone has any questions for you. If a question disrupts the
flow of your talk too much, you can say that you will answer it later (but don't
forget to do it!). Before you ask for questions, make sure you are ready to pick up
your presentation again when the Q & Asession has finished.

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 Look confident 
It is natural to feel nervous in front of an audience. Experienced speakers avoid
looking nervous by breathing deeply, speaking slowly and
avoidingunnecessary gestures or movements. Smiling and focusing attention onme
mbers of the audience who show interest can also help you feel more confident as
your talk progresses.
Good speakers vary a great deal in their use of notes. Some do not use notes at all
and some write out their talk in great detail. If you are not an experienced speaker
it is not a good idea to speak without notes because you will soon lose your thread.
You should also avoid reading a prepared text aloud or memorizing your speech
as this will be boring. The best solution may be to use notes with headings and
points to be covered. You may also want to write down key sentences. Notes can be
on paper or cards. Some speakers use overhead transparencies as notes. Thetrick
in using notes is to avoid shifting your attention from the audience for too long.
Your notes should always be written large enough for you to see without moving
your head too much.
Tips on Notes
One of the decisions you have to make before you give a presentation is how to
remember what you are going to say. Experienced presenters use a variety of
methods. On this page we outline the advantages and disadvantages of each. It is
up to you to decide which is best for you.
 Speaking without notes
Some presenters do not use notes at all. They just remember the outline of what
they are going to say and talk.
: If you do it well, you will seem natural, knowledgeable and confident of your topic.
You will also find it easier to establish rapport with the audience because you can
give them your full attention.
It is easy to lose your thread, miss out whole sections of your talk or to go over the
time limit. People who speak without notes often fail to convey a clear idea of the
structure of their ideas to the audience. This is a high-risk strategy. A few people
can present effectively without notes. If you are one of them, good luck!
 Reading from a script 
Some experienced presenters write down every word they intend to say. They may
read the whole script aloud or they may just use it as a back-up.

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You will find it easier to keep within the time limit. You are likely to less nervous
and make fewer mistakes.
It is difficult to establish rapport with the audience. You may sound like you are
reading aloud rather than speaking to an audience. Listeners often lose interest in
a presentation that is read aloud. This is a low-risk strategy employed by many
experienced non-native speaker presenters. If you use it, you will need to develop
the skill of reading aloud while still sounding natural. Few people can do this
 Note cards
Many presenters write down headings and key points on cards or paper. They use
them as reminders of what they are going to say.
You will find it easier to establish rapport with the audience. Your presentation will
be structured but you will sound natural.
You may find it difficult to keep within the time limit. If your notes are too brief,
you may forget what you intended to say. This is a medium-risk strategy used by
many experienced presenters and the one most often recommended. The
disadvantages of notecards can be overcome if you practice your presentation
before you give it.
Overhead transparencies
Some presenters use their OHTs as notes. They use them like notecards as
reminders of what they are going to say. Handouts and PowerPoint presentations
can be used in the same way.
It is easy to establish rapport with the audience because you is sharing your notes
with them. You will sound natural and your presentation will seem well-organized.
You may find it difficult to keep within the time limit. Your presentation may be
dominated by your OHTs. Unless you are careful, you may find that you are talking
to the overhead projector rather than the audience. This is a medium-to-high-risk
strategy. Used well, it can be very effective, especially by presenters who are used
to speaking without notes.

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Visual aids help to make a presentation livelier. They can also help the audience to
follow your presentation and help you to present information that would be difficult
to follow through speech alone.
The two most common forms of visual aid are overhead transparencies (OHTs) and
computer slide shows (e.g. PowerPoint). Objects that can be displayed or passed
round the audience can also be very effective and often help to relax the audience.
Some speakers give printed handouts to the audience to follow as they speak.
Others prefer to give their handouts at the end of the talk, because they
can distract the audience from the presentation.
Tips on OHTs
The aim of using transparencies is to support the points you want to make in
speech. The audience will be able to follow better if they can see your key points
and examples as well as hearing them. OHTs can
• Reinforce a point you have made
• Show what something looks like
• Illustrate relationships
• Show information patterns
•Present figures or graphs
• summarize key points
• Help the audience follow passages or quotations you read aloud OHTs are not the
only form of visual aid available to you. For example, if you want to show what
something looks like, it may be better to show the audience the thing itself rather
than a picture of it.
To be effective, OHTs must be attractive and easy to read. Some basic rules are:
•Use large fonts and images
•Present one key point or example per OHT
•Use headings and bullet points in preference to lines of text
•Use strong colours and don't use too many
•Use simple graphs in preference to tables of figures
•Pay attention to layout. Use the center of the OHT rather than the edges
Using overhead projectors

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Overhead projectors are designed to allow the speaker to project an image while
facing the audience. The image may be a picture or graphic, notes indicating the
points you are making or longer texts that you want to read aloud. Whenever you
use an OHT, the attention of the audience will be divided between you and the
image, so there are a few basic rules to follow:
• Make sure the image can be seen. If possible go to the room in advance and check
that everything on your OHTs can be read easily from the back of the room.
• If possible, make sure the projector is in a convenient position.
Decidewhere you want to stand when speaking and then position the projector whe
re you can get to it easily. This will usually be on theside of your body that you
normally use for writing (i.e. your left side if you are left-handed)
•Keep your slides in order in a pile next to the projector and put them back in order
in another pile as you take them off the projector.
• If possible, control the lighting in the room yourself so that there is always a light
shining on you. If your OHTs are easy to read, you will not need to turn off the
• When you are presenting, avoid looking at the projected image and the
transparency on the projector. It is a good idea to print out your slides on paper to
keep with your notes so you can refer to them while you are speaking.
• If you want to draw attention to a point on an OHT, put a pen on top of it and
leave it pointing at the point you want to draw attention to. Don't point with your
finger because you will have to look at the projector while you do so.
• If you want the audience to read longer texts on OHTs (e.g. quotations or tables of
figures) give them time to do so. There is no point in putting an OHT on the
projector if the audience does not have time to read it.
• Make sure you explain the content and purpose of each OHT. The main rule is to
use OHTs to support your talk. Don't let them dominate it.
OHTs and handouts
Some speakers give handouts for the audience to read while they are talking. The
advantage of OHTs over handouts is that they focus attention on you and your talk.
If you want to give a handout, it is often a good idea to wait until the end of the
presentation before distributing it. Often members of the audience want to note
down points from your OHTs. This can distract them from following the
presentation, so it is a good idea to distribute information that the audience will
want to note down on handout. As soon as someone starts taking notes, tell the
audience that they do not need to do so because they will get the information on
the handout.
2. Written Presentations (Reports)

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Written reports are frequently used to convey information within the workplace.
Reports can be informal (e-mails, memos, letters, etc.) or formal. This module
focuses on formal reports.
What is a report?
All reports have the same purpose: to convey information. Reports differ from
essays in two main ways.
• The purpose of a report is to convey information, while the purpose of an essay is
to demonstrate your knowledge of the subject and writing skills.
• The information in a report will usually be new to the reader, while the
information in an essay may already be known. There are two basic kinds of report.
• Informational reports tell the reader about a topic. They present information
without analysis or recommendations. The report writer’s task is to select
and emphasize the relevant facts clearly and concisely.
• Analytical reports tell the reader to do something. They analyzed interpret data
and make recommendations. The report writer’s task is to select and
emphasized the facts and arguments that support the recommendations.
2.3 The Writing Process
Writing a report requires hours of work. Approaching the task systematically helps
you break down a large job into smaller, more manageable tasks. The logical steps
for writing a report are listed below and explained in this module.

Step 1:
 Identify a Report Topic
Step 2
: Understand Your Audience
Step 3:
 Focus and Refine Your Topic
Step 4:
 Create a Working Bibliography
Step 5:
 Evaluate and Synthesize Resources
Step 6:
 Take Notes on What You Read
Step 7:

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 Organize Your Ideas and Create Structure
Step 8:
 Write the First Draft
Step 9:
 Revise and Edit the Report
Step 10:
 Cite Your References
2.4 Sections of a report 
Formal reports also take many forms depending on the field and topic. Many
companies and organizations have their own house styles for reports. Formal
reports are usually divided into sections with numbered headings. Although report
formats vary, most reports contain the following sections.
Title page
Apart from the title of the report, which should give a clear idea of the topic of the
report, a title page usually includes:
• Your name and position
• The name of the person or group that the report is addressed to
• The names of anyone else the report is distributed to
• The date
The contents page should list the main section headings of the report with page
numbers. It may also list the tables and figures in the report.
Executive summary
A good executive summary allows a busy reader to get the main points of the report
without reading the whole report. It should be short and should include:
• The purpose of the report
• The problem or issues dealt with and the main points ofdiscussion
• The conclusions of the report
• Any recommendations made. The executive summary comes at the beginning of
the report, but it is a good idea to write it after you have finished writing the whole

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The introduction explains the background to the report, its purpose and the points
covered. A good introduction will be short and will help to guide the reader.
Main body
The main body of the report should contain a clear explanation of what you have
discovered and how you have found it out. It is often divided into sections with
headings that describe the topics covered. Another way to divide up the main body
• Procedure
 - what you did
• Findings
 - what you have found out
• Discussion
 - relating what you have found out to what the reader already knows
Many reports contain tables and figures. Each table or figure should have a caption
containing a number and a title. You should only include tables’ and figures which
contribute to the information you want to convey. It is not necessary to summarise
all the information in a table in your text, but you should always explain the main
points illustrated in the text following the table.

This contains the conclusions you draw from the information presented in the main
body of the report. Conclusions should be firmly and briefly stated. You should not
introduce new information.
Recommendations are suggestions for actions or changes. They should be specific
rather than general. If the purpose of the report is simply to present information on
a topic for discussion, a recommendations section may not be necessary.
A report may contain references or recommendations for reading in a bibliography.
A bibliography may not be necessary, however. In reports, full references to
readings introduced in the text are often given as footnotes.
Appendices may include tables, texts, graphs, diagrams, photographs,questionnair
es, etc. You should put these in an appendix when placing them in the main body

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of the report would interrupt the process of reading. Items in an appendices should
be referred to somewhere in the main body. If you do not need to refer to them in
the main body, you might think about whether you need to include them at all.
Report formats
A formal report should be formatted so that it is easy to read and looks professiona
l. Microsoft Word and other word-processing packages can help you to:
•Use attractive fonts and page layouts
•Insert page numbers
•Automatically number headings
•Draw tables and figures
•Automatically number table and figure captions and insertreferences to them in
the text
• Generate a table of contents and lists of tables and figures.
Before you produce your report, spend some time reading the help
information provided with your word-processor to find out how to use these
If you use Microsoft Word, you may also use a report template, which will give you
a basic layout for a professional report before you start writing.


Instructions -- Complete these sentences by filling in the blanks

1. In the introduction to __________ the writer may tell the reader what is covered,
but the beginning of __________ is much more specific with background and
purpose sections.
2. The conclusion of __________ may simply sum up the preceding arguments, but
the end of __________ is much more specific and often includes recommendations
and/or solutions.
3. The format of __________ is much more rigidly constrained than that
of __________. The logical development of material in __________ must be rigorously
4.__________ uses headings and figures to make contents immediately clear, and
points may be numbered and in note form. __________ may use some headings, but
numbers are seldom used.

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5. A bibliography must be included at the end of every __________ and may be
included at the end of __________.
B. Create a written report by choosing a topic below. Follow the sections of a
written report
1. Many students like you are contemplating systems’ certification beyond the
undergraduate degree. What are the most popular, and useful,
certification programs available? Is it worth the effort? What programs would you
recommend? Why?
2. Many management information systems (MIS) students wonder whether basic
writing skills will be an important aspect of their jobs. You’re curious, too, so you
decide to write a report that investigates what MIS jobs involve. In addition, you
wonder whether the course requirements in your business school serve to prepare
MIS majors for the kinds of on-the-job writing they will do. After you’ve researched
and analyzed these issues, offer recommendations to fellow students
3. Your college has decided to offer each student the opportunity to establish a Web
presence on its server through a personal home page. As the head of media and
information technologies, it’s your job to develop clear and understandable
directions for students who want to create their own Websites—whether they use
html or any of the popular Web-page-creation software. After carefully analyzing
your audience’s needs, and investigating your college’s regulations about content
and security, present students with a set of directions.


LEARNING OUTCOME 3.1.2 Participate in negotiations


 Questioning techniques
 Codes of practice and guidelines for the organization
 Organizations policy and procedures for negotiations
 Decision making and conflict resolution strategies procedures
 Problem solving strategies on how to deal with unexpected questions and
attitudes during negotiation
 Flexibility
 Empathy
 Interpersonal skills to develop rapport with other parties
 Communication skills (verbal and listening)

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 Observation skills
 Negotiation skills


 Criteria for successful outcome are agreed upon by all parties

 Desired outcome of all parties are considered
 Appropriate language is used throughout the negotiation
 A variety of questioning techniques are used
 The issues and processes are documented and agreed upon by all
 Possible solutions are discussed and their viability assessed
 Areas for agreement are confirmed and recorded
 Follow-up action is agreed upon by all parties

The students/learners must be provided with the following:

 Room with facilities necessary for the negotiation process

 Human resources (negotiators
 Computer/Laptop  Stapler  Pencils
 Aircon unit  Calculators  Pencil Erasers
 Lecturette  Ballpens
 LCD Projector
 Group discussion  Ruler
 Teacher’s
 Film showing  Journals
 Arm Chairs
 White Board  Ledger
 Worksheets
 Written (assorted)
 Interview  Acetate
 Marker
 Demonstration
 Diskettes/CD
 Envelopes
( Long)
 Registration
 Teacher’s
Meetings  Worksheets
 Marker Ink
 Ledger Book
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After reading this Information sheet you should be able to:

 Criteria for successful outcome are agreed upon by all parties
 Desired outcome of all parties are considered
 Appropriate language is used throughout the negotiation


A meeting is a gathering of two or more people that has been convened for
the purpose of achieving a common goal through verbal interaction, such as
sharing information or reaching agreement. Meetings may occur face to face or
virtually, as mediated by communications technology, such as a telephone
conference call, a skyped conference call or a video conference call. Thus, a
meeting may be distinguished from other gatherings, such as a
chanceencounter (not convened), a sports game or a concert (verbal interaction is
incidental), a party or the company of friends (no common goal is to be
achieved)and a demonstration (whose common goal is achieved mainly through the
number of demonstrators present, not verbal
interaction).Commercially, the term is used by meeting planners and other meeting 
professionals to denote an event booked at a hotel, convention center or any other
venue dedicated to such gatherings. In this sense, the term meeting covers a
lecture (one presentation), seminar (typically several presentations, small audience,
one day), conference (mid-size, one or more days), congress (large, several
days),exhibition or trade show (with manned stands being visited by passers-
by),workshop (smaller, with active participants), training course, team-building
session and kick-off event.
How do you know it's time to call a meeting? What type of meeting is it? What's the
purpose of the meeting? Here are some typical situations when a meeting may be
called for.
• You're managing a project.
 Projects tend to require meetings at various stages: at the beginning, as the project
plan is coming together, and at regular intervals while the work is being done.
Toward the end of the project, depending on its size, daily meetings could be
•You're managing people.
 Many bosses call weekly staff meetings in addition to weekly one-on-one meetings
with their direct reports. These standing meetings provide a chance to review the
work accomplished in the previous week and look ahead to what will be
accomplished in the coming week. Weekly one-on-one meetings also give the
chance to provide feedback outside the performance review process.

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• You're managing a client.
 Many types of companies, especially professional services firms, make
presentations to clients - sales presentations, kickoff meetings, interim status
meetings, and final presentations. Ongoing relationships also typically involve
periodic meetings.
•Email is getting complicated.
 When an email conversation gets increasingly complex, it can be time to call
a meeting so that the conversation can take place in spoken words - which can be
quicker than a series of carefully crafted email responses. A conference call or an
in-person meeting may be necessary.
•Problems are arising.
 If a project is getting off course, interpersonal conflicts are escalating, or any other
emergency occurs, it's time to call a meeting. Groups are great at some tasks, like
weighing alternatives and generating ideas. But sometimes a meeting is not the
best or most efficient way to get something done. Some types of work are best done
in subcommittees - even subcommittees of one - then presented to the larger group
for review and approval. An example is the group asked to provide comments and
suggested changes to a document. It is said that a committee can write
the Declaration of Independence, provided they appoint subcommittee with Thomas
Jefferson as chair.
What type of meeting is it?
The purpose of the meeting should help determine the appropriate format. If it's to
get clarification on something, a quick question at the water cooler or a visit to
someone's office may take the place of a meeting. The length and formality of the
meeting will vary depending on how many people are invited, how much notice is
given, the size of the company (larger companies often have more
formal meeting protocols than smaller ones), and who's leading the meeting. The
basic types of meetings are as follows.
• Standing meeting.
 A regularly scheduled appointment, such as a weekly one-on-one with a boss or
a department; or a project meeting taking place at intervals until the project is
over. Since these meetings recur, their format and agenda become relatively
well established. Although it's important to hold these meetings at routine intervals
for convenience and consistency, at times they can be rescheduled.

•Topical meeting.
 A gathering called to discuss one subject, such as a work issue or a task related to
a project.

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 A highly structured meeting where one or more people speak and a moderator
leads the proceedings. The purpose is usually to inform. Attendees may have an
opportunity to ask questions, but typically their participation is limited.
 A highly structured, moderated meeting, like a presentation, where various
participants contribute following a fixed agenda.
•Emergency meeting.
 A meeting called to address a crisis, whether internal or external. Such meetings
are often arranged with very little notice, but attendance is mandatory. If the
emergency meeting conflicts with another appointment, the emergency meeting
typically takes precedence.
 A structured meeting with an educational purpose. Seminars are usually led by
people with expertise in the subject matter.
•Quick business meetings
(just to check-in, coordinate, share info, prepare for next steps, anticipate customer
or employee needs, answer questions for each other, etc.)
•Stand-up” meetings
(no more than 10 minutes to plan the day, make announcements, set expectations,
assure understanding and alignment, identify upcoming difficulties, etc.)
•Business meetings
(with customers, clients, colleagues, etc.; often require presentations.)
•Staff meetings
(to clear calendars, coordinate unit activities, share info, etc.)
•Management Team meetings
(to solve problems, make decisions, set policy, etc.)
•Interdepartmental meetings
(to get input, interpret decisions and policies, share info, etc.)

•Coordinating meetings
(to assure all know what’s happening when and who is responsible.)
•Board meetings
(to report results, set policies and directions, scan for needed changes, etc.)

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•Team building meetings
(to communicate together, resolve conflicts, share impressions and feelings, gain
alignment and commitment to goals, strengthen relationships, clear out debris
from disputes, develop or deepen interpersonal trust, etc.)
•Project Team meetings
(to define results, methods, schedules, responsibilities, policies, etc.)
•Creative product development meetings
(to define new markets, create new products, etc.)
•Community meetings
(to interpret decisions, get input, build relationships, gain trust, etc.)
•Conferences and Retreats
(to share information, work through strategies and tactics, involve people, set long-
range directions, work in sub-groups as well as in total group, etc.)
3.2 Planning and Running a Meeting 
Here is a solid basic structure for most types of meetings. This assumes you have
considered properly and decided that the meeting is necessary, and also that you
have decided (via consultation with those affected if necessary or helpful) what sort
of meeting to hold.
1.plan - use the agenda as a planning tool
2.circulate the meeting agenda in advance the meeting - keep control, agree outcomes, actions and responsibilities, take
4.write and circulate notes - especially actions and accountabilities5.follow up
agreed actions and responsibilities
This helps to remember how to plan effective meetings, and particularly how to
construct the meeting agenda, and then notify the meeting delegates:

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What is the meeting's purpose, or purposes? Always have a clear purpose;
otherwise don't have a meeting. Decide the issues for inclusion in the meeting and
their relative priority: importance and urgency - they are quite different and need
treating in different ways. Important matters do not necessarily need to
beresolved quickly. Urgent matters generally do not warrant a lot ofdiscussion.
Matters that are both urgent and important are clearly serious priorities that need
careful planning and management. You can avoid the pressure for 'Any Other
Business' at the end of the meeting if you circulate a draft agenda in advance of the
meeting, and ask for any other items for consideration. ('Any Other Business' often
creates a free-for-
all session that wastes time, and gives rise to new trickyexpectations, which if not
managed properly then closes the meeting on a negative note.)
Decide the type of outcome (i.e., what is the purpose) for each issue, and put this
on the agenda alongside the item heading. This is important as
peopleneed to know what is expected of them, and each item will be more producti
ve with a clear aim at the outset. Typical types of outcomes are:
•Planning (eg workshop session)
•Generating ideas
•Getting feedback
•Finding solutions
•Agreeing (targets, budgets, aims, etc)
•Policy statement
•Guest speaker - information, initiatives, etc.
Put the less important issues at the top of the agenda, not the bottom. If
you put them on the bottom you may never get to them because you'll tend tospen

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d all the time on the big issues. Ensure any urgent issues are placed up the
agenda. Non-urgent items place down the agenda - if you are going to miss any you
can more easily afford to miss these. Try to achieve a varied mix through the
running order - if possible
avoid putting heavy controversial items together - vary the agenda to createchange
s in pace and intensity. Be aware of the tendency for people to be at their most
sensitive at
the beginning of meetings, especially if there is attendees who are keen to stamp
their presence on proceedings. For this reason it can be helpful to schedule a
particularly controversial issue later in the sequence, which
gives people a chance to settle down and relax first, and maybe get some of thespa
rring out of their systems over less significant items. Also be mindful of the lull that
generally affects people after lunch, so try to avoid scheduling the most boring item
of the agenda at this time;
insteadafter lunch get people participating and involved, whether speaking, present
ing, debating or doing other active things.
Consider the time required for the various items rather than habitually or
arbitrarily decide the length of the meeting. Allocate a realistic time slot for each
item. Keep the timings realistic - usually things take longer than
youthink.Long meetings involving travel for delegates require pre-meeting
refreshments 30 minutes prior to the actual meeting start time. Put plenty of
breaks into long meetings. Unless people are participating and fully involved, their
concentration begins to drop after just 45 minutes.
Breaks don't all need to be 20 minutes for coffee and cigarettes. Fiveminutes every
45-60 minutes for a quick breath of fresh air and leg-stretch will help keep
people attentive. Unless you have a specific reason for arranging one, avoid formal
sit-down restaurant lunches - they'll add at least 30 minutes unnecessarily to the
lunch break, and the whole thing makes people drowsy. Working lunches aregreat,
but make sure you give people 10-15 minutes to get some fresh air and move about
outside the meeting room. If the venue is only able to provide lunch in the
restaurant, arrange a buffet, or if a sit-down meal is unavoidable save some time by
the giving delegates' menu choices to the restaurant earlier in the day. It's
not essential, but it is usually helpful, to put precise (planned) times for
each item on the agenda. What is essential however is for you to have thought
about and planned the timings so you can run the sessions according to a
schedule. In other words, if the delegates don't have precise timings on their
agendas - make sure you have them on yours. This is one of the biggest
responsibilities of the person running the meeting, and is a common failing, so plan
and manage this aspect firmly. People will generally expect you to
control the timekeeping, and will usually respect a decision to close a discussion
for the purpose of good timekeeping, even if the discussion is still in full flow.

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It's often obvious who should attend; but sometimes it isn't. Considerinviting
representatives from other departments to your own department meetings - if
relationships are not great they will often appreciate
beingasked, and it will help their understanding of your issues, and yourunderstan
ding of
theirs.Having outside guests from internal and external suppliers helps buildrelatio
nships and strengthen the chain of supply, and they can often also shed new light
on difficult issues too. Use your discretion though – certain sensitive issues should
obviously not be aired with 'outsiders' present. Avoid and resist senior managers
and directors attending your meetings unless you can be sure that their presence
will be positive, and certainly
notintimidating. Senior people are often quick to criticise and pressurisewithout
knowing the facts, which can damage team relationships, morale, motivation and
trust. If you must have the boss at your meeting, try to limit their involvement to
lunch only, or presenting the awards at the end of the meeting. In any event, tell
your boss what you are trying to achieve at the meeting and how – this gives you
more chance in controlling possible interference. 
Ensure the date you choose causes minimum disruption for all concerned. It's
increasingly difficult to gather people for meetings, particularly from different
departments or organizations. So take care when finding the best date - it's a very
important part of the process, particularly if senior people are involved. For
meetings that repeat on a regular basis the easiest way to set dates is to agree
them in advance at the first meeting when everyone can commit there and then.
Try to schedule a year's worth of meetings if possible, and then you can circulate
and publish the dates, which helps greatly to ensure people keep to them and that
no other priorities encroach. Pre-planning meeting dates is one of the keys to
achieving control and well-organized meetings. Conversely, leaving it late to agree
dates for meetings will almost certainly inconvenience people, which is a major
source of upset. Generally try to consult to get agreement of best meeting dates for
everyone, but ultimately you will often need to be firm. Use the 'inertia method', i.e
., suggest a date and invite alternative suggestions, rather than initially asking for
suggestions, which rarely achieves a quick agreement.
Times to start and finish depend on the type and duration of the meeting and the
attendees' availability, but generally try to start early, or finish at the end of the
working day. Two-hour meetings in the middle of the day waste a lot of time in
travel. Breakfast meetings are a good idea in certain cultures, but can be too
demanding in more relaxed environments. If attendees have long distances to travel
(i.e., more than a couple of hours, consider overnight accommodation on the night
before. If the majority has to stay overnight it's often worth getting the remainder to
do so as well because the team building benefits from evening
socialisingare considerable, and well worth the cost of a hotel room. Overnightacco
mmodation the night before also allows for a much earlier start. By the same token,

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consider people's travelling times after the meeting, and don't be unreasonable -
again offer overnight accommodation if warranted - it will allow a later finish, and
generally keep people happier. As with other aspects of the meeting arrangements,
if in doubt always
ask people what they prefer. Why guess when you can find out what peopleactually
want, especially if the team is mature and prefers to be consulted anyway.
Many meetings are relatively informal, held in meeting rooms 'on-site' and do not
warrant extensive planning of the venue as such. On the other
hand, big important meetings held off-site at unfamiliar venues very definitelyrequi
re a lot of careful planning of the venue layout and facilities. Plan the venue
according to the situation - leave nothing to chance.
Venue choice is critical for certain sensitive meetings, but far less so for routine, in-
house gatherings. Whatever, there are certain preparations that are essential, and
never leave it all to the hotel conference organizer or your own facilities department
unless you trust them implicitly. Other people will do their best but they're not
you, and they can't know exactly what you want. You must ensure the room is
right - mainly, that it is big enough with all relevant equipment and services. It's
too late to start hunting for a 20ft power extension lead five minutes before the
meeting starts. Other aspects that you need to check or even set up personally are:
•table and seating layout
•top-table (if relevant) position
•tables for demonstration items, paperwork, hand-outs, etc
•electricity power points and extensions
•heating and lighting controls
• projection and flip chart equipment positioning and correct operation
•whereabouts of toilets and emergency exits - fire drill
•confirm reception and catering arrangements
• back-up equipment contingency. All of the above can and will go wrong unless
you check and confirm – when you book the venue and then again a few days
before the meeting. For a big important meeting, you should also arrive an hour
early to check everything is as you want it. Some meetings are difficult enough
without having to deal with domestic or logistics emergencies; and remember if
anything goes wrong it reflects on you - it's your credibility, reputation and control
that's at stake. Positioning of seating and tables is important, and
for certain types of meetings it's crucial. Ensure the layout is appropriate for the
•Formal presentations to large groups - theatre-style - the audience in rows,
preferably with tables, facing the chairman.

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•Medium-sized participative meetings - horse-shoe (U) table layout with the open
part of the U facing the chairman's table, or delegates' tables arranged 'cabaret'
•Small meetings for debate and discussion - board-room style – one rectangular
table with chairman at one end.
•Relaxed team meetings for planning and creative sessions – lounge style, with easy
chairs and coffee tables. Your own positioning in relation to the group is important.
If you are confident and comfortable and your authority is in no doubt you should
sit close to the others, and can even sit among people. If you expect challenge or
need to control the group strongly set yourself further away and clearly central,
behind a top-table at the head of things. Ensure everyone can see screens and flip
charts properly - actually sit in the chairs to check - you'll be surprised how poor
the view is from
certain positions.Set up of projectors and screens is important - strive for the perfe
ctrectangular image, as this gives a professional, controlled impression as soon as
you start. Experiment with the adjustment of projector and screen until it' show
you want it. If you are using LCD projector and overhead projector (a rare beast
these days) you may need two screens. A plain white wall is often better than a
poor screen. People from the western world read from left to right, so if you want
to present anything in order using different media, set it up so that people can
follow it naturally from left to right. For instance show introductory bullet points
(say on a flip chart on the left - as the audience sees it) and the detail for each
point (say on projector and screen on the right).Position screens and flip chart
where they can be used comfortably without obscuring the view. Ensure the
speaker/chairman's position is to the side of the screen, not in front of it obscuring
the view. Ensure any extension leads and wiring is taped to the floor or otherwise
safely covered and protected.
Supply additional flip chart easels and paper, or write-on acetates and pens, for
syndicate work if applicable. You can also ask people to bring
laptopsfor exercises and presentation to the group assuming you have LCD project
or is available and compatible.In venues that have not been purpose-
built for modern presentations, sometimes the lighting is problematical. If there are
strong fluorescent lights above the screen that cannot be switched off
independently, it is
sometimes possible for them to be temporarily disconnected (by removing the start
er, which is a small plastic cylinder plugged into the side of the tube holder). In
older buildings it sometimes possible to temporarily remove offending light- bulbs if
they are spoiling the visual display, but always enlist the help of one of the venue's
staff rather than resorting to DIY. Finally, look after the venue's staff - you need
them on your side.
Most business users treat hotel and conference staff disdainfully - show themsome
respect and appreciation and they will be more than helpful.

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There’s a lot to remember, so, particularly for big important meetings and training sessions,
use a meetings checklist to make sure you plan properly and don’t miss anything:

Meeting Checklist
Done Comments Date/ Ref.
Notes of last meeting
Materials (as
required by agenda
Reference material
for ad-hoc queries
Results and
performance data
Equipment (make
separate checklist)
Electric power (if
Note-paper, pens,
Guest care/

Produce the meeting agenda. This is the tool with which you control the meeting.
Include all the relevant information and circulate it in advance. If you want to avoid
having the ubiquitous and time-wasting 'Any Other Business' on your agenda,
circulate the agenda well in advance and ask for additional items to be submitted
for consideration. Formal agendas for board meetings and committees will normally
have an established fixed format, which applies for every meeting. This type of
formal agenda normally begins with:
1. Apologies for absence
2. Approval of previous meeting's minutes (notes)

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3. Matters arising (from last meeting) and then the main agenda, finishing with 'any
other business'.
For more common, informal meetings (departmental, sales teams, projects, ad-hoc
issues, etc.),try to avoid the formality and concentrate on practicality. For each
item, explain the purpose, and if a decision is required, say so. If it's a creative
item, say so. If it's for information, say so. Put timings, or time-per-item, or both
(having both is helpful for you as the chairman). If you have guest speakers or
presenters for items, name them. Plan coffee breaks and a lunch break if relevant,
and ensure the caterers are informed. Aside from these formal breaks you should
allow natural 'comfort' breaks every 45-60 minutes, or people lose concentration
and the meeting becomes less productive.

(Meeting Title) Monthly Sales Meeting- ABC Co.- NCR RegionVenue, Time,
Date) Conference Room, Dusit Hotel- 0900hrs Monday09/05/08
Coffee available from 0830hrs – Dress is smart casual

9:00:00 AM Warm up and New starters Ria 15

introductions. Cruz and Art Diaz.
Guests are Joseph
Gonzales, Fleet
Manager; Jim Perez,
Off Shore Product
Manager; and Billy
Ferrer, Tech-range
Chief Engineer
9:15:00 AM Health and safety Revised procedures 15
update for hazardous
chemical at
production facility
9:30:00 AM Product revision Tech-range Model 13 30
update. now has stand-by
model control.
Product will be
10:00:00 AM Coffee Chance for hands-on 15
the new Model 3
10:15:00 AM Sales results & Ensure you bring 60
forecast qtr2 forecast data
and be prepared to
present prospect
lists and activities.
11:15:00 AM New product launch The new Digi-range 60
is launched in
month five. Product
demonstrations and
presentations of
performance data.
USP’s benefits for
key sectors, and
details of launch

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12:30:00 PM Major accounts Brainstorming 45
initiatives session- How can we
accelerate major
development in
offshore sector? –Do
some preparatory
thinking about this
1:15:00 PM Lunch Buffet in the meeting 45
2:00:00 PM New product lunch The new Digi-range 120
is launched in
month five. Product
demonstrations and
presentations of
performance data.
USP’s benefits for
key sectors, and
details of launch
4:00:00 PM Coffee 30
4:30:00 PM New Company Car Presentation from 45
Scheme Fleet Manager,
Joseph Gonzales
about new car
5:15:00 PM Awards and Qtr1 Sales Awards 45
Incentives and launch of Qtr2
Sales Incentives
6:00:00 PM Meeting review, 30
questions, close

The key to success is keeping control. You do this by sticking to the agenda,
managing the relationships and personalities, and concentrating on outcomes.
Meetings must have a purpose. Every item must have a purpose. Remind yourself
and the group of the required outcomes and steer the proceedings towards
making progress, not hot air. Politely suppress the over-zealous, and encourage the
nervous. Take notes as you go, recording the salient points and the agreed actions,
with names, measurable outcomes and deadlines. Do not record everything word-
for-word, and if you
findyourself taking over the chairmanship of a particularly stuffy group which prod
uces reams of notes and very little else, then change things. Concentrate onachievi
ng the outcomes you set the meeting when you drew up the agenda. Avoid racing
away with decisions if your aim was simply discussion and
involving people. Avoid hours of discussion if you simply need a decision. Avoid de
bate ifyou simply need to convey a policy issue. Policy is policy and that is that.
Defer new issues to another time. Practice and use the phrase 'You may have
a point, but it's not for this meeting we'll discuss it another time.' (And thenremem
ber to do it.)If you don't know the answer says so - be honest - don't waffle -

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say that you'll get back to everyone with the answer, or append it to the meeting
notes. If someone persistently moans on about a specific issue that is not on the
agenda, quickly translate it into a simple exploratory or investigative project, and
bounce it back to them, with a deadline to report back their findings and
recommendations to you. Always look at how people are behaving in meetings -
look for signs of tiredness, exasperation, and confusion, and take necessary action.
As a general rule, don't deviate from the agenda, but if things get very heavy, and
the next item is very heavy too, swap it around for something participative coming
later on the agenda - a syndicate exercise, or a team game, a quiz, etc.
Who takes the meeting notes or minutes, keeps command (minutes is a more
traditional term, and today describes more formal meetings notes).You must take
the notes yourself, unless the meeting format dictates a formal secretary, in which
case ensure the secretary is on your side. Normally you'll be able to take the notes.
They are your instrument of control, so don't shirk it or give them to someone else
as the 'short straw’. If you are seen to take the notes, two things happen:
• people respect you for not forcing them to do it
• people see that you are recording agreed actions, so there's no escaping them.
Meeting notes are essential for managing meeting actions and outcomes. They
alsocement agreements and clarify confusions. They also prevent old chestnutsrea
ppearing. A meeting without notes is mostly pointless. Actions go unrecorded and
therefore forgotten. Attendees feel that the meeting was largely pointless because
there's no published record. After the meeting, type the notes (it's usually quicker
for you to do it), and
circulatethem straight away, copy to all attendees, including date of next meeting if
applicable, and copy to anyone else who should see the notes. The notes should be
brief or people won't read them, but they must still be precise and clear. Include
relevant facts, figures, accountabilities, actions and timescales. Any agreed actions
must be clearly described, with person or persons named responsible, with a
deadline. The final crucial element is following up the agreed actions (your own
included). If you run a great meeting, issue great notes, and then fail to ensure the
actions are completed, all is lost, not least your credibility. You must follow up
agreed actions and hold people to them. If you don't they will very soon learn that
they can ignore these agreements every time - negative conditioning - it's the death
of managing teams and results. By following up agreed actions, at future meetings
(When there is an eager audience waiting to see who's delivered and who
hasn't),you will positively condition your people to respond and perform, and you
will make meetings work for you and your team.


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Here is a simple structure for formal meeting notes involving a group of people
within an organization:
•Heading: for example - Notes of Management Meeting (if a one-off
meetingto consider a specific issue then include purpose in the heading asappropri
•Date and Time:
•Apologies for absence:
•In attendance: (if appropriate - guests not normally present at regularmeetings,
for instance speakers or non-board-members at board meetings) Followed by
numbered agenda items, typically:
1. Approval of previous meeting notes/minutes:
2. Matters arising: (items arising from meeting or continued from previous meeting
which would not be covered by normal agenda items)And then other items as per
agenda, for example (these are some of the
many possible typical reports and meeting items discussed within a business or bo
ardmeeting; other types of meetings would have different item headings):
3. Finance/financial performance
4. Sales
5. Marketing and Business Development
6. Operations or Divisional Activities
7. Manufacturing
8. Distribution
9. Environmental
10. Quality Assurance, etc.
11. Human Resources
12. Projects
13. Communications and Team Briefing Core Brief
14. Any other business (AOB - issues not covered under other agenda items)
15. Date of next meeting
•Time meeting finished (normally for formal meetings only)

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•Signed and dated as a true record (signed by the chair-person - normally for
formal meetings only)
•Writer's initials, file reference and date (useful on all types of meeting
notes) Normally the items and points within each item are numbered 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 
etc., then 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, etc. Importantly, all actions agreed in the meeting need
to be allocated to persons present at the meeting. It is not normally appropriate or
good practice to allocate an action to someone who is not present at the meeting.
Actions that are agreed but not allocated to anyone will rarely be implemented.
Responsibility for actions can be identified with a person's name or initials a.s.a.p.
appropriate. Action points and persons responsible can be highlighted or detailed
in a right-margin column if helpful. These days verbatim minutes (precise word-for-
word records) are only used in
themost formal situations. Modern meeting notes should ideally concentrate on
actions and agreements. Reports should if possible be circulated in advance of
meetings giving delegates adequate time to read and formulate reactions and
answers to any queries raised. It is not good practice to table a report at a meeting
if opportunity exists to circulate the report beforehand.
Reports can be appended to the meeting notes or minutes to which they relate.
 Meeting notes template

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A. Multiple Choices: Choose the best answer which corresponds to the question.
1. When should you call a meeting?
 a. Anytime your group needs to share information. 
b. When a meeting is the best way to achieve your objective.
c. At least once each day. 
d. Never. Meetings are always a waste of time.

2. What is your objective and how do you find it?

 a. Look for the goal, the purpose, the basic reason for holding a meeting. 
b. If the meetings are routine, identifying an objective is unnecessary.
c. As the meeting begins, decide as a group what the objective of that meeting
should be.
d. Meeting objective? Sounds overrated to me.

3. Should you hold meetings on a regular basis?

 a. Yes. Regular meetings are the only way for a group to communicate effectively. 
b. Yes. However, routine meetings require a clearly defined objective and each
meeting must contribute to the fulfillment of this objective.
c. No. Meetings should never be held on a regular basis.
d. Yes. How else are we supposed to catch up on office gossip?

4. Who should participate?
 a. Anyone who wants to participate. The more the merrier! 
b. Anyone who has anything to do with what will be discussed at the meeting. After
all, we wouldn’t want to exclude anyone.
c. Those that can influence the fulfillment of the meeting objective.
d. Those who are entertaining, tell great jokes and make meetings fun.

5. What should a good agenda include?

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a. The objective of the meeting, the issues to be discussed, the time the
meeting will begin and end, the location, the participants involved and what
is expected of the participants in terms of preparation before the meeting. 
b. The objective of the meeting, the issues to be discussed, the time the meeting will
begin and end, the location and the participants involved.
c. The issues to be discussed, the time the meeting will begin and end, the location,
the participants involved and what is expected of the participants in terms of
preparation before the meeting.
d. The types of food and drinks that will be served. This is the most interesting
aspect of the meeting anyhow.

6. Is it necessary for the agenda to be distributed before a meeting?

a. Yes. The agenda should be distributed at least one week before the meeting. This
gives participants enough time to prepare for the meeting. 
b. Yes. The agenda should be distributed at least one day before the meeting.
This gives participants time to prepare for the meeting discussion.
c. No. Distributing the agenda as participants enter the meeting room is sufficient.
d. No. What’s the point? We never follow the meeting agenda anyway.

7. Is it appropriate to hold a meeting in a restaurant?

 a. Yes. But only if you’re in the food business. 
b. No. Meetings are most productive when they occur in a boardroom.
c. Yes. If the objective is to establish a social as well as a business
d. No. Food puts people to sleep.

8. How can you keep a meeting from running overtime?

a. Buy an extra-large alarm clock for your meeting room. When the alarm rings, the
meeting’s over
b. Make each meeting participant contribute a dollar for each minute the meeting
runs overtime.
c. Set a time limit in advance and stick to it!
d. It’s impossible. Your meetings run overtime so often that you don’t know what
"on time" means anymore.

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9. When do you end a meeting?
a. Adjourn the meeting only once it has run 10 minutes overtime. 
b. Always adjourn the meeting once the objective has been accomplished.
c. Once every person in the room has fallen asleep.
d. Once all the donuts and coffee are gone.

10. How can you best evaluate the success of your meeting?
a. At the end of the meeting count how many of the agenda items were
discussed. The more agenda items covered, the more successful the meeting. 
b. To get an accurate picture of the meeting's effectiveness, ask participants for
their written opinions.
c. If the meeting finishes on time, the meeting was successful.
d. Count how many people are still awake in the room. The more open eyes, the
more successful the meeting.


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After reading this Information sheet you will be able to:

 A variety of questioning techniques are used

 The issues and processes are documented and agreed upon by all parties
 Possible solutions are discussed and their viability assessed
 Areas for agreement are confirmed and recorded
 Follow-up action is agreed upon by all parties


 is a dialogue intended to resolve disputes, to produce an agreement upon courses
of action, to bargain for individual or collective advantage, or to craft outcomes to
satisfy various interests? It is the primary method of alternative dispute resolution.
It is the process involving the ability to listen, analyses and take the right step
4.1 Negotiating principles
1. Set the tone offset any bad rumors and be candid
2. Utilize "human factors" and be open about feelings and motives: this will
enhance trust.
3. Avoid presenting too many issues, highlight the strongest ones.
4. Avoid deadlines, lessening the chance for needless concessions.
5. Summarize frequently: this enhances understanding.
6. Present arguments calmly, without personalization, and make sure they are
logically supported.
7. Avoid use of personal opinions in arguments.
8. Avoid ultimatums and other forms of non-negotiable demands.
9. Admit, when appropriate, the validity of the other party's arguments
4.2 The six stages in the negotiating process
 Stage 1 - Statement of Intent to Negotiate
Stage 2 - Readiness to Negotiate.
Convene an initial meeting of the parties this will be the first occasion on
which they sit down
at atable with representatives. This meeting allows the parties toexchange
information, consider the criteria for determining
the parties' readiness to negotiate and generally identify issues ofconcern. The

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meeting usually takes place in neutral venue. The three parties must demonstrate
that they have a commitment to negotiate, a qualified negotiator, sufficient
resources, a mandate, and a process to develop that mandate and ratification
Stage 3 - Negotiation of a Framework Agreement.
The framework agreement is, in effect, the "table of contents" of a comprehensive
agreement. The parties agree on the subjects to be negotiated
andan estimated time frame for stage four agreement-in-principlenegotiations.
Stage 4 - Negotiation of an Agreement in Principle.
This is where substantive negotiations begin. The three parties examine in detail
the elements outlined in their framework agreement. The goal is to reach agreement
on each of the topics that will form the basis of the agreement. These agreements
will identify and define arrange of rights and obligations, including: existing and
future interests; structures; relationship of laws; regulatory
processes;amending processes; dispute resolution; financial component;fiscal
relations and so on. The agreement in principle also lays the groundwork for
implementation of the final agreement.
Stage 5 - Negotiation to finalize an agreement.
The agreement formalizes the new relationship among the parties and embodies the
agreements reached in the agreement in principle. Technical and legal issues are
resolved at this stage.
Stage 6 - Implementation of the agreement.
implementation plans need to be tailored to specific agreements. The plans toimple
ment the agreement are put into effect or phased in asagreed. With time, all
aspects of the agreement will be
realizedand with continuing goodwill, commitment and effort by all parties, the
new relationship will come to maturity.
1. Make proposals.
2. State conditions.
3. Express concerns.
4. Search for common interests.
5. Begin to identify those concessions you could make that would hold most
influence over the other side – and those they would be willing to make in return.
6.Use positive body language.

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7. Listen out for offers to settle - key words are IF and THEN.
8. Start making concessions.
9. Every concession should have a condition - IF you … THEN I will …
10. Conserve your concessions - don’t give everything away too soon.
11. Don’t be afraid to say no.
12. Be aware that adjournments, especially at this stage in the negotiation, may
give the impression that you are considering an offer.
13. Usually one final concession: “IF you do that, THEN we have a deal!”
14. Gain commitment.
15. Record and agree results.
16. Leave satisfied – both sides should be happy with what has been agreed.
4.3 The Language of Negotiation
 - Most Favorable Position (this is what you are aiming for)
 - Walk Away Position (the stage at which you would withdraw from thenegotiation)
 - Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (if you can’t agree, thenwhat next?)
 - Inexpensive Valuable Concessions (valued highly by the other side butmay cost
you little)
TO - Time Out (use if new information comes to light that causes you toreconsider)
7 Deadly Sins of Negotiating! Pride
 - Be prepared to compromise

 - Don’t bite off more than you can chew
 - Handle objections calmly

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 - Priorities needs/wants
 - Know competitors strengths & weaknesses… AND your own
 - Do your homework 
 - Don’t look desperate to settle


A. True or False: Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is

__________1. Negotiation is a key skill - for life T

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__________2. Negotiation should be win/win T
__________3. Negotiation is a process which can't be learnt F
__________4. Preparation is vital in negotiation. T
__________5. It is important in negotiation to be aware of your own style and perfor
mance and seek every opportunity to improve. T
B. Test your negotiation skills. 
1. You want to sell your yacht and you know that you would be very fortunate to
get as much as £225 000 for it. While you are considering placing the
advertisement, a keen yachtsman approaches you and offers £250 000 in cash
immediately for your boat. Do you:
A. Accept his offer without further ado?
B. Tell him to wait until the boat is advertised?
C. Haggle?
2. A customer, who buys simple forged metal components from you, tells you that
they have decided to make them in-house when the current order is delivered. Do
A. Offer to discuss your prices?
B. Warn him that in-house manufacturing of these components would be more
expensive when tooling, casting dies and quality controls are considered?
C. Suggest that you discuss the problem with him?
D. Say ‘Fine’, wish them the best and to come back if they experience problems?
3. Do you see negotiating as being about:
A. A fair and equal transaction?
B. Compromising?
C. Making a joint decision in which you get some of what you want and they
get some of what they want?
4. You are engaged in extremely difficult negotiations with a Lebanese government
department. After much haggling over finance for a rural road project, they make a
small unilateral concession on their demand for irrevocable letters of credit. Do
A. Note the concession but otherwise ignore it?
B. Reciprocate with a concession of your own?
5. You are a package tour operator negotiating with a Spanish hotel chain on the
terms for next season's holiday bookings. The price they are asking per person per

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week in their hotels is £45 higher than your current offer. They offer to ‘split
the difference’ 50–50. Do you:
A. Suggest, say, 55–45 in your favor?
B. Say you can't afford to split the difference?
C. Agree to their offer?
D. Agree, if it is 75–25 in your favor?

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