Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship: Group 4 (12 HUMSS-D)

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Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship

Group 4 (12 HUMSS-D)

Consas, Reignier
Nasil, Curt Romer
Buduan, Ashley Joy P.
Ensanah, Nurdeline
Garillo, Airiel Denniesse
Maru, Chloi
Ventura, Francheska Denese

Equalitarianism for LGBT People


1. To protect LGBT Community from violence, discrimination, and criminalizing

2. To promote social equality for LGBT community and avoid social stigma

3. Engage global level to develop and safeguard LGBT people human rights.


LGBT Community experiences higher rates stigma, discrimination, violence, and

marginalization which put them at a higher risk of sexual assault. Homosexuals have greater

incidences of utterly despise violence, which frequently manifest people to do sexual assault to

them. To help people like LGBT community we can create a better community for each and

every one
Everything that serves to improve the visibility of LGBT people, to get beyond the

preconceptions and misconceptions. To demonstrate that homosexual hold a certain spectrum of

positions in life and in a society, everyone who can help them to accelerate social transformation.

LGBT community should have safe zone wherein they could communicate to

others in a non-judgmental setting, gain help, and engage to the support they also need.



Project Title: No to Child Labor, Yes to Children’s Education

Goal: 1. To help and promote education to children who work early for their family.

Project Proposal: Education seminar for ages 6 to 12 years old to help children experiences child

labor due to poverty.


Education is very important in one’s life. It is a tool that aids in the acquisition of

information and attainment of enlightenment within a child’s mind.

Child labor occurs for variety of causes. Parents who do not have access to education will

eventually force their children to work. The goal of this project is to help ren to know the

virtuous expansion goal of education, to develop their skills, the harmonious coexistence of

physical, cognitive, psychological, and artistic aspects of their selves

Child labor is a serious problem that mostly experience in such a small community.

Children forced to work to provide for their family and do not care about education anymore as

long they can earn money.

Relevance of education to children’s lives is that education equips children with the skills

to read extensively, participate political discussion, and actively participate in a social and

cultural life of their community.

The target beneficiary are children from 5-12 years old from Barangay Baliwasan at 1:00

pm in San Jose Rd., Baliwasan, Baliwasan Central School Covered Court, Zamboanga City



Stages of a Participatory Development Project from an Institutional Perspective 

1.Research Stage is where the development problem is accurately defined.
2. Design Stage defines the actual initiatives. 
3. Implementation Stage is when the planned intervention is implemented.
4. Evaluation Stage participation ensures that the
most significant changes are voiced, brought to common attention, and assessed.
Local Development Planning STEPS:  
1. Major Development Concerns and Priorities of the Locality; 
2. Development of Visions and Goals; 
 3. Development Strategy; 
4. Sectoral/Spatial Priorities; 
 5. Medium-Term Fiscal Plan; and 
 6. Public Investment Requirements.
Essential Reasons of Participatory Development 
1. It strengthens civil society and the economy by empowering groups, communities, and
organizations to negotiate with institutions and bureaucracies, thus influencing public policy and
providing a check on the power of government; and  
2. It enhances the efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of development programs.

Activity 1: Graphic Organizer

Program Issues addressed Benefits Outcomes

Philippines Savings for the communities to Assisting disaster Coordination with
open  use to improve their  victims in obtaining impoverished communities
government finances and rebuild land tenure, in disaster-prone areas to
partnership  Their communities. rebuilding or assist them in reducing the
national improving their risk they may face.
action plan homes, and gaining
access to
opportunities to
improve their
financial situation.
HPFPI Increasing the government’s Approval of the Strengthening citizen
community integrity by being more open Freedom of participation in government
disaster about how the state budget is Information Act and affairs by allowing them to
intervention spent and how much money is increased public participate in auditing the
projects taken from industries that rely access to government state finances and
on natural resources. data. budgeting, as well as by
providing businesses with a
channel to address the
country’s economic
Developmen Using technology to improve Developing a Conducting research and
t and farm productivity and strengthen livelihood enterprise developing sub-products for
delivery of agro-first ecosystems, resulting in order to earn a farmers and fishermen.
extension in food security and poverty higher income while
programs in reduction. adhering to the
state colleges principles of
and sustainable
universities development.
A. Exercises


• Kapit-Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan - Comprehensive Delivery of Social Services.

• Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program.


Kalahi-CIDSS - The development objective of Kalahi-CIDSS is to have

barangays/communities of targeted municipalities become empowered to achieve

improved access to services and to participate in more inclusive local planning,

budgeting, and implementation.

4Ps- their main Objectives is to give social assistance, giving monetary support to

extremely poor families to respond to their immediate needs; and social development,

breaking the intergenerational poverty cycle by investing in the health and education of

poor children through programs such as:

Health check-ups for pregnant women and children aged 0 to 5;

Deworming of schoolchildren aged 6 to 14;

Enrollment of children in daycare, elementary, and secondary schools; and

Family development sessions.

Reflection on the Program:

Community projects around the world play an important role in the development

of society, ranging from social enterprises in some of the poorest rural areas of the globe,

to projects designed to enhance quality of life for the more vulnerable members of society

in any country or region, Philippines implement different approaches and programs

within the country in order to rengthen local communities' participation in local

governance and develop their capacity to design, implement and manage activities that

reduce poverty. One of the poverty alleviation programs of the Philippine Government

being implemented by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Is

Kalahi - CIDSS or Kapit-Bisig Laban sa KahirapanThey Helps communities in poor

municipalities identify challenges around reducing poverty and make informed decisions

on a range of locally identified options for development, Gives control of resources to

address local poverty to communities; and Builds the capacity of both state (including

local governments) and civil society stakeholders to provide assistance and respond to

calls for support from poor communities as they implement development initiatives. 4ps

on the other hand also known as PANTAWID PAMILYANG PILIPINO is also one of

the alleviation of poverty program of the Philippines it is a human development measure

of the national government that provides conditional cash grants to the poorest of the

poor, to improve the health, nutrition, and the education of children aged 0-18. One of

our member is a 4ps beneficiary When she and her family became a beneficiary of the

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps ) their life improved and they are very

grateful to 4Ps bacause it does not only give financial assistance but also ensure their

education Attainment.

Activity 1: Situational Analysis and Narrative Report

Situation: Supposing that there will be an International Conference of the different religious

denominations organized by the United Nations. The objective of this conference is to discuss

Ecumenism, promote unity amidst religious diversity and to end conflict brought about by

different beliefs. As a youth advocate, you are invited to present the positive and negative effects

of religion and to promote unity despite having religious diversity. You are tasked to present it

by way of a narrative report consisting of articles and editorial coming from credible resources.


There are about four thousand and two hundred religions that are active today. Most of

these are familiar to us like Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, and many more

to mention. And as we are all aware of, religions can cause wars and conflicts between one

another, these are called holy wars or religious wars. A religious war or holy war is a war

primarily caused or justified by differences in religion. In the modern period, debates are

common over the extent to which religious, economic, or ethnic aspects of a conflict

predominate in a given war. The violence between the Israelis and the Palestinians today is an

example of religious and political conflict. Several wars have been fought between Israel and its

Arab neighbors. Israeli military superiority resulted in the capture of land from its Arab

neighbors. Among all holy wars, the largest one yet is The Crusades, The Crusades were a series

of military campaigns that took place during the 11th through 13th centuries against the Muslim

Conquests. Ecumenism is the concept and principle in which Christians who belong to different

Christian denominations work together to develop closer relationships among their churches and
promote Christian unity. Ecumenism is any type of effort which aims to unite different

denominations of Christianity. There are a range of ecumenical communities which, although run

differently, have the same aim; to unite Christians from different denominations and

backgrounds in worship and community. Ecuminism is one way to promote unity amidst

diversity. It may all be pleasant when you talk about it since religion is all about holiness and

sacredness, but like everything else there are positive and negative sides to religion. Many

religions teach that some people will go to hell after they die. That’s a pretty dark thing to

believe. It’s pretty harsh to say that someone deserves to suffer for all eternity (Gliatto, 2020).

Another negative aspect of religious involvement is the idea that some people believe that illness

may be the result of punishment for sins or wrongdoings (Ellison, 1994). People who violate

religious norms may experience feelings of guilt or shame, or they may fear punishment from

God (Ellison & Levin, 1998). We believe so much in our religions that we associate it in every

aspect of our lives. However, the religious view that “everything happens for a reason” can be

comforting during difficult times (Gliatto, 2020). Most studies have also found a positive

association between religiosity and other factors associated with well-being such as optimism

and hope (12 out of 14 studies), self-esteem (16 out of 29 studies, but only one with a negative

association), sense of meaning and purpose in life (15 out of 16 studies), internal locus of

control, social support (19 out of 20) and being married or having higher marital satisfaction (35

out of 38) (Archer,2017). Religion builds community. The deep sense of community that one

finds in religion is difficult to find anywhere else. (Gliatto, 2020) Religious beliefs vary

depending on the person or an individual’s religion. Oftentimes, we practice activities that may

seem odd to the eyes of those unlike us, but this should not stop us from being together as one.
We cannot clash against each other if what our religion teaches us is peace and unity. We, no

matter what we believe in, should live as one in harmony.


Activity 1: Community Profile (to be input in google form)

Activity 2:

A. Calamity Readiness Agree Disagree

My community is educated about what to do during calamities both
natural and manmade.
An annual drill about calamities is being held in our community.

Every household in our community set asides foods, clothing, and basic
needs in case of calamities.
We are sure that we can get help from authorities or other community
members during calamities.
When asked to evacuate, everyone in our community will evacuate.

B. Medical Help and Facilities

Our community helps immediately in times of medical help.

We have enough medical facilities in our community that is within our

We, the community members, are taught about basic first-aid help.

There are medical professionals in our community we can always ask for
help to.
The community members are informative about first-aid help and the do's
and don'ts during medical emergencies.
C. Safety of Community Members
The community members are always on the look-out for possible
dangerous activities.
They are grouped together to help one another from danger.

They support each other when a ruckus emerges or something else.

The community members handle dangerous situations in a collective and
calm manner.
The members do not hesitate to lend a hand in hideous times.

D. Member’s freedom of expression

The members are able to talk all their complaints and express their
dissatisfaction towards something they find unsatisfying.
The members conduct an open forum often to resolves small inner
The community resolve their issues and problems by talking it out.

Acting as civilized people and do not resort to anger first but to think
calmly and assessing the situation first.
The community members become each other’s ears or a shoulder to hold

Proposed Project Title:

People in Community as Ecosaver
Consas, Reignier
Nasil, Curt Romer
Buduan, Ashley Joy P.
Ensanah, Nurdeline
Garillo, Airiel Denniesse
Maru, Chloi
Ventura, Francheska Denese
Grade & Section: 12 HUMSS – D

Aims to increase environmental awareness among many communities
Young Adult Ecosaver  Seminars Every Sunday starting  Volunteers
Program. Involve about the June 27, 2021, at 9:00 from barangay
children and their parents proper in the morning until officials.
in the implementation of disposal of 11:00 in the morning.  People in the
environmentally sound waste from community
solid waste management home. ages 5 years
methods. Encourage  Clean up drive Every Sunday after old – 60 years
everyone in a community within their Seminar, 1:00 in the old.
to separate their trash at respective afternoon until 3:00 in  Barangay
home and promote the areas. the afternoon officials
behavior throughout the  Tanod
community.  Barangay SK

Activity 1: Thinking Blast

“Planong Aksiyong Pangkomunidad” 

Objective: To apply skills in the actual writing of a community plan.  

1. Collect the necessary data.  
2. Upon collecting the necessary information about your chosen community, you may now
consolidate and examine the data.  
3. Based on your examination, extract community problems and undertake community
exploration, interpretation, and prioritization.  
4. Based on the result data prioritization, identify possible projects.  5. Choose a community
project then make the community action plan for the project. 

Week 5 
Project propasal. 

             Waste management System

1. General information

1.1. Barangay Baliwasan  

1.2.  By the grade 12 students

2. Rationale
2.1. The average waste being produce in each barangay everyday are around 3-6 trucks of

garbage, given the fact that the bins provided by the local government is not durable even the

biodegradable and non - biodegradable waste are mixed. 

2. 2. The crucial need of this project to be implanted in each barangay inside the city is to

promote social change. Enjoy and achieve environmental friendly community. 

3. Objectives. 

 To achieve eco-friendly place, safe and Comfortable for all

 To let the people be disciplined and mindful of own waste

 To able to help the environment through 3R's 


As a student In the community 

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Able to lead and start a step Others don’t Eco friendly and hazard Physical,

to make a change believe and free from any health chemical

make fun illness  pollution 

Can contribute to lessen the Doubt in self Prevent the waste to be in

waste and make things out of the sewers, results to clog

it, along the lines of recycle, pathways of sewers. 

fertilizer and etc

Can make and mold the Prevents flood 

community into a better one. 

5 . Roles and responsibilities. 

       People of community - the one who will be responsible of their own waste, manage and

segregate the things from biodegradable, non – biodegradable and for Recyclable ones.

       Barangay officials – to let the people gather to let them be inform and reminded by the waste

management system and its good and better benefits in both community and personal. 

      Local government officials – who will support and agree the waste management.

6. Work plan template 

Activity Venue Time Expected Resources Budget Resource Person in

frame output needed mobilization charge

Waste Barangay Every Waste will 3 different Ten (10) Community Each

managemen day  be trash bins.  to fifteen meetings; to let individual

t system segregated  (15) them be

thousand informed,

practice and

how to


effectively and

1– Barangay

biodegrada official




1. Rec





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