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Kundalini Reiki Millennium



Ole Gabrielsen
The well known medical symbol Caduceus (also called the Staff of Hermes)
carries the hidden meaning of the Kundalini Awakening!

The staff itself represents the Kundalini channel (Sushumna). The head of the
staff represents the crown chakra and the wings represent freedom and
liberation! The 2 snakes represent the double-stranded DNA.

DNA is the physical representation of the Awakened Kundalini energy.

In the Kundalini Reiki Millenium system, 2 energy channels are


Starting at the root chakra, these 2 energy pathways are spiraling up and
around the spine and out of the crown chakra. These 2 energy channels
are often symbolically referred to as the “kundalini snakes”. They don't
have anything to do with snakes, but merely acting as a symbol of the

When the Kundalini is awakened, including the 2 energy pathways, it

activates the DNA, as the awakened Kundalini represents it and is a
blueprint of it.

Like a tuning fork, the DNA begins to sing along with the awakened
kundalini and becomes activated. As a result, this will help activate
hidden gifts, our true potential, and talents from the DNA, forgotten
memories and talents from past lives.

During the Kundalini Reiki Millennium attunement, the following 3

steps are automatically performed:

In step 1, all of the knots/blocks in the chakras are removed (except for
the root chakra). The main energy channel, from the crown chakra to the
root chakra, is cleansed and prepared for the Kundalini awakening that
you will experience in step 2. The Heart chakra becomes enlarged and
the energy channel from the hands to the Crown chakra is opened so
that the Reiki energy can flow.

Once the Kundalini is activated in step 2, all of the main/primary

chakras and the energy channels will be cleansed and opened.

Here you can get a clearer picture of what actually happens during the 3
steps in the attunement procedure:

Before step 1

After step 1

An opening and cleansing of the Crown chakra, the Heart chakra, the
energy channels of the hands, the hand chakras and the main energy
channel, which runs from the Root chakra to the Crown chakra, is
performed as a preparation to the Kundalini awakening in step 2.

After step 2

The first step is strengthened. The Third eye chakra is opened. The Kundalini
is awakened. The Kundalini energy is continuously released out of the
Crown chakra.

After step 3

Previous steps are strengthened; all chakras are opened and strengthened.
All channels are enlarged. Kundalini "fire" is reaching Crown chakra and
bursting out of this.

Testing the energy after you have received the attunement

Find a place where you will not be disturbed. You can sit in a chair or lie
on a couch.

- First, place your hands on your stomach. Now think the word
“Kundalini Reiki” to start the energy. This will start the energy instantly.
Keep your hands there for three to five minutes (or as long as you like).
When you use the words “Kundalini Reiki” you are activating your
"Kundalini fire" as the healing energy, mixed with Reiki.

- Next, place your hands over your eyes and keep this position again for
three to five minutes.

- Lastly, place your hands in the middle of your chest (heart chakra) for
three to five minutes.

- End the mini healing session by rubbing your hands, rising up, and
becoming “wide awake.”

Remember that this is only an example. You can place your hands on
any place of concern, either on the skin or one to two inches above.

Also, do not “try” too hard to either feel the energy or move/project it. It
will flow automatically once you have started the energy.

Healing Another Person

After the self-healing, you might want to try out healing a friend or
partner. You can use the same technique as in the self-healing.

- Make sure your friend is comfortable, either sitting or lying down.

- Start the healing session by saying a prayer like this:

God, I ask that we will be protected during this session and that we will
receive the guidance we need.

I ask that that or those Ascended Masters, Angels and Archangels that
are needed in this session will come now and give (name) the healing
he/she needs. Thank you!

- Place your hands on your friend’s stomach. Think the word “Reiki” to
start the energy. Keep your hands there for three to five minutes (or as
long as you like).

- Next, place your hands above your friend’s eyes for three to five

- Lastly, place your hands in (or one to two inches above) the middle of
your friend’s chest for three to five minutes.

- End the session by rubbing your hands, and when your friend is ready,
let him/her tell you about any experiences he/she had during the
session. Give thanks to God and spiritual helpers.

Again, please remember that this is a sample session. You can extend it
anytime by including more hand positions, for example, on the feet, at
the top of the head, any places of concern, etc. Let your intuition lead

you. Sometimes a spot only needs one minute, and you will feel
somehow prompted to move on. At other times you might spend more
than five minutes on one spot. Serene music is also nice to play when
performing healing sessions.

For distant healing, simply cup your hands together and imagine the
person inside the cupped hands. Then start the energy flow. ​It’s not
important how precisely you visualize the person, the intention to heal
the object is enough to get the energy flowing to the right place.

After healing a person, it’s highly recommended that you “disconnect”

from the receiver and then perform a short grounding exercise.

Spiritual Hygiene

At the beginning of my healing career, I had a clinic, where I received

people for healing. I had very nice results, but after the day I would
always feel drained and sometimes get a headache. That is because I was
still spiritually connected to my clients and they were still receiving
energy from me, even though they had left my clinique. All this became
better when I began disconnecting and ground after each client.

Following are a few tips for better spiritual hygiene.


When performing a healing session, you connect to the person you are
sending healing to. Cutting the etheric threads that are created is
important. If you do not do this, staying connected to that person is
possible. This could result in the draining of your energy.

All you have to do when finished with the healing is, to ask God to help
you disconnect from the receiver. Then make a fast “karate chop” in
front of you, while saying something like “Cut all threads!” Do this one to
three times. Often after doing this, you will most likely feel relief.


After cutting threads, it’s good to do a grounding exercise. If you have

outside access, stand on the ground bare feet and mentally say, “I now
ground!” Stand for two to five minutes. If you do not have access to the
ground or it’s just too cold, just imagine that you are standing on the

This is an important exercise to do to balance yourself after a healing

session​ ​because if you have accumulated too much energy in your body,
it could result in a headache. If you have too little energy, it could result
in tiredness. Grounding will either relieve you from being over energized
or give you new energy.

The energy will always flow to where it is needed. Here is an analogy to

help you understand how it works:

If you threw a bucket of water (the water symbolizing the energy) onto a
path filled with potholes, what happens? The water gathers in the
potholes. You don’t need to go to each individual hole and fill them all
one by one, the water will run into the holes of its own accord. This is
how energy works. Get the energy flowing, and it will gather in the places
it is needed of its own accord.

Cleansing a room/house

It is simple to cleanse a room/house of negative energies. One way is to

use the remote, long-distance method, but instead of thinking of a name
you could instead think about the specific room/house e.g. ”Claire’s
room/house” etc, and start the energy flow. This usually lasts 3-5

Healing the Karmic band

There is always a karmic band between those we hold closest and

ourselves, or those we have once held close. These bands can sometimes
weigh us down and have negative influences on our physical body parts
and energy. Very often relationships grow stronger when healing the
karmic band. You should use this type of healing between yourself and
those you hold dear or have once held dear.

For this, you could use the remote, long-distance healing technique. If
you, for example, wish to improve the relationship between yourself and
your mother, you could write ”my relationship with my mother” with
your finger in the palm of your hand. Place your palms together and start
the energy flow.

If you are healing a relationship for someone else, then you could write ”
Robert’s relationship with his mother” and start the energy flow. This
method can be used in both near and long-distance situations. This
procedure usually lasts 3-5 minutes, but don’t be surprised if it
sometimes takes a little longer.

Situation/qualities healing

You can also help heal a situation or a personal quality/character trait.

Try, for example, to heal jealousy, nervousness, anxiety, toothache,
patience, sorrow, anger, improving communication, your singing voice,
etc. Then write or think e.g. ”My anger”, ”my communication”, or for
someone else ”Kurt’s toothache”.

Remember that it should always ”feel right” when you start a healing
procedure. There are actually some things that aren’t supposed to be
tampered with, but I believe that you, with practice, will be able to
distinguish what should be healed and what should be left alone.

Kundalini Reiki can also be used on animals.

Kundalini Reiki Meditation

You can use a specific meditation that helps the cleansing process of
your energy system. The meditation takes about 5 minutes.

It will enhance and strengthen your Kundalini energy. By doing this, all
of the chakras and the energy channels light up and helps the cleansing
process of your chakras.

Here are the instructions for the meditation:

1. Sit or lay down with your eyes open or closed.

2. Think the words "Kundalini Reiki Meditation" once. The process will
then start and automatically stop after around 5 minutes. Just relax and
enjoy the energy.
You can use this meditation once every day, for as many days as you like.

This meditation is ​not​ mandatory for the Kundalini to work. It’s simply
another tool that you can use if you feel for it.

Extra Attunements

Diamond Reiki:​ During the opening, an etheric diamond will be

placed in the crown chakra. It works so that all the Reiki energy that
flows through this chakra takes on the diamond’s properties. This is a
strong energy that enlightens and heals everything in its path as long as
there are no underlying unresolved problems.

Instructions for use:​ To use this technique, simply think ”Diamond

Reiki” instead of ”Kundalini Reiki”. This strengthens the Reiki energy
with the properties of a diamond.

Crystalline Reiki:​ Overall of the body we have small deposits of

certain crystals. These are exit points for the traumas we have
experienced through life. Every time we put off or postpone dealing with
a trauma, a crystal forms. A trauma can be anything from a broken arm,
a sprain, sorrow, etc. If e.g. someone breaks their arm, a crystal form to
hold the memory of the pain and the feelings of that trauma. If there
aren’t any unresolved problems or feelings behind this trauma, the
crystals can be dissolved and healed. Almost every crystal around the
body can be healed.

Instructions for use:​ A complete treatment consists of two healing

sessions. Each session should last around 15 minutes, and both hands
must be touching the patient. A Crystalline Reiki treatment cannot be
given as long-distance healing. Although when giving yourself a

treatment you should use the long-distance method, as it is yourself you
are healing. It is only necessary to give one treatment per person.

DNA Reiki:​ This strengthens the ability to heal DNA strands (our
blueprint). We can now go in and heal the negative spiritual causes of
inherited genetics and diseases. You will see noticeable results after the
first 3 weeks.

Instructions for use:​ This healing can be used for both “hands-on”
and remote, long-distance treatments. Put your hands together and
think ”DNA Reiki”. It is only necessary to give one treatment per person.
The healing usually takes 3-5 minutes.

The trauma of birth:​ The most severe trauma is usually the process of
being born. For the gentlest release from this trauma, you have to use a
specific type of energy whilst healing.

Instructions for use:​ This healing can be used for both “hands-on”
and remote, long-distance treatments. Put your hands together and
think ”Birth trauma Reiki”. It is only necessary to give one treatment per
person. The healing usually takes 3-5 minutes.

Location Reiki:​ Just as there are karmic bands/ties between people,

there is also a band/tie between people, places, and even the Earth.
These bands can weigh us down and sometimes have an influence on our
physical health. The energy used here is a little different than that of
Diamond Reiki and gives optimal results.

Instructions for use:​ This healing can be used for both “hands-on”
and remote, long-distance treatments. Put your hands together and

think ”Location Reiki”. It is only necessary to give one treatment per
person. The healing usually takes 3-5 minutes.

Past life Reiki:​ This is to heal the blockages from your earlier life.

Instructions for use:​ This can be used as a “hands-on” or remote,

long-distance healing. Put your hands together and think ”Past life
Reiki”. There should be 3 sessions to complete treatment.

Balance:​ After this opening, you can in 30 seconds, via a specific hand
position balance all of the energy systems in the body.

Instructions for use:​ Hold the tips of your fingers and thumbs
together for 30 seconds. This starts the balancing of your complete
energy system. It takes around an hour and should only be done once a

The Treatments

It’s a good idea to first heal yourself with a Crystalline, DNA, Location,
Past Life, and Birth trauma Reiki treatment, before performing these
extra healing methods on others.

Then you can go on to try Birth trauma healing, Location healing, Past
life healing, and then DNA healing...and if it isn’t remote, long-distance
healing and the patient can come the next day or at a later time,
Crystalline healing.

Passing on the Kundalini Reiki Millennium System

Have the receiver preferably sitting on a chair, with hands in prayer


Hold the receiver’s hands and think “Kundalini Reiki Millennium”. Hold
this position until you feel a sense of completeness.

Then you are done and can proceed to the next if there are more

For distant attunements simply imagine that you are holding the
receiver’s hands.

When you are done, use the ​disconnect​ and ​grounding​ exercises
explained in this manual.

When you are performing attunement, you can let the participants feel
the area 40 cm (15”) over each other’s heads before and after the
attunement. In this way, they will be able to feel the difference between
the active and inactive Kundalini.

It’s recommended for children to be at least 8 years old before attuning

them to Kundalini Reiki.

How to manually activate the kundalini

When you are attuning a person to Kundalini Reiki, this process is

happening automatically. I did though decide to also include a manual
way to activate the Kundalini.

To recap: To have an awakened Kundalini means that your body is able

to absorb and transform the life force energy Earth emits. You are like a
rechargeable battery and the earth is a battery charger, constantly
providing you with life force.

If the battery does not function properly, the charger will not be able to
charge up the battery to its full capacity. Clearing the connection to
Earth, the chakras and the main energy channel (also called the
Sushumna) will return the natural flow to the energy system. This
stronger energy flow in the body will also help itself to clear stagnated
energy and blocks. Further, any Kundalini related issues will be solved.

The steps:

This is how I activate the Kundalini for a person – Remember it’s only
an example.

1. Ask God for help and guidance in the process.

2. Cup your hands and mentally imagine, that the connection from the
person to the Earth is cleansed (from the Root chakra and to Earth).

3. Now do the same with the chakras, starting with the Hara chakra and
all the way up to the Crown Chakra. Simply cup your hands and imagine
each chakra inside your hands (one at a time), and mentally state:

4. Do the same with the root chakra. You will most likely experience, that
this is the chakra with the most blockages.

5. Imagine the Kundalini channel (“Sushumna”), going from the root

chakra and up to the crown chakra. Have an intention that this channel
is cleansed and widened to the perfect size for that person. Cup your
hands and mentally state once: “Kundalini channel cleanse and widen”.

6. Imagine the person in your cupped hands. Mentally state once:

“Activate Kundalini”. If you are sensitive to energy, you will feel a flow
going on. Do this for 30-60 seconds. The Kundalini is now activated.
This activation will continue to enhance and integrate for at least 24

How long you should stay at each step, depends on you and the person.
The more trained you become, the faster you will be able to perform the
activation for people. It DOES help a lot to be sensitive to energy, but it’s
not a requirement.

Many times I get the question “Is there something I can do to keep the
Kundalini flow strong?”

When your Kundalini is activated, it should continue to “work”, as it is

the natural flow of your energy system.

There can arise certain situations in life, that can “weaken” the already
active flow. This could be traumas or releasing a lot of blocks/negative

You can use meditation and visualization as a way to clear out any
stagnated energy, that is stuck anywhere in your system. Here’s an

Simply imagine that energy/life force is emitting from Earth. Imagine
that this life force is entering up through your legs, up through all your
chakras, starting with the Root Chakra and ending through and out of
your Crown chakra, like a fountain. Keep this flow for as long as you like,
until you feel a release.

This method can be repeated every week or whenever you feel like.

Q: Will an activated Kundalini help me to better shield myself from

EMF (Electro-Magnetic Fields)?​

A: Yes, it will. As a result of the Kundalini Activation, your body’s natural

defense mechanism will become stronger.

Q: I felt the Kundalini energy very much when it was activated and the
days after. Then the feeling decreased. Is this normal?​

A: Usually the Kundalini flow (or any attunement) is felt much during or
right after its activation…and then it appears to fade….and suddenly you
might not notice it anymore…and then you might doubt if the Kundalini
is still active. This is normal.

Imagine that you slip into a bathtub with very hot water. In the
beginning, it feels very hot. But as you have been in the water for some
time, you begin to get used to the water temperature. And suddenly,
when the water has reached the exact same temperature as your body,
you do not feel the water at all! Only of course if you move, then you will
feel it’s friction – but the water itself is not felt, because it has the same
temperature as your body.

It’s the same with the awakened Kundalini. Once it’s integrated and you

have ​become​ the enhanced energy, you will not feel it as something
different from you – you are just it. It’s a natural part of you.


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