OT in Emerging Practices Quick Reference Guide

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The Role of Occupational Therapists play an active role in evolving their ways of practice in evaluation,
Occupational Therapy treatment, and research to better their profession and outcomes as a whole.
❖ Using models and frameworks to support the use of new and emerging forms of
❖ Participating in research studies that have a goal of advancing health and wellness.
❖ Adapt to the new and growing needs of the public in health and wellness.
❖ Continue to educate themselves through research on matters that may impact their
clinical perspective.
❖ Advocate for the need of OT in healthcare by using recent evidence-based sources
that proves its worth

The Interprofessional The interprofessional teams may communicate with each other in several ways including in
team person team meetings, phone call conversations, video call meetings, and written
conversation via email, chat room site, or faxed documentation.
OT Provide therapeutic treatment interventions that are effective
and most reflective of current research.

Journalists Study, document, and publish literature that builds on existing

studies with quantitatively or qualitatively rich information
pertaining to health and wellness.

Psychologists Take a psychological approach to examining, studying,

gathering, and reporting data that contributes to a pool of
psychological research on advancements in the medical fields.

Sociologists Take a sociological approach to examining, studying, gathering,

and reporting data that contributes to a pool of sociological
research on advancements in the medical fields.

Physicians They used their wide range of knowledge and skill set to
effectively assess, diagnose, and treat patients with current
medicine. They also refer patients to internal and external
services that specialize in specific needs.

Medical Use their knowledge and skill set to be creative and innovative
Engineers when designing the proper technology devices/tools for medical
treatment or accommodations.

Orthotist & Create and find the proper fit of braces, splints, and prosthetic
Prosthetist limbs to support patients with injured or amputated body parts.

Frames of References
Developmental Frame of Reference can be used to guide interventions in emerging practice
because it focuses on evolving stages of life in individuals. It is supported by theories such as
Piaget’s stages of intellect describing the mental development of children. Understanding and
referencing this FOR would support the justification for using evolving treatments to
correlate with the natural change that people go through.

Ex: An occupational therapist may refer to this FOR to justify using new and emerging
technology that correlates with the developmental level that a child is in. They may explain
how the specific knowledge and skill set that a child currently has is most appropriate for
implementing the use of certain technology. It may support the reason why a 10 year old
child may benefit more from using an IPad for homework, rather than a 1 year old using an
IPad for play.

Motor Control & Learning Frame of Reference can be used to guide interventions in
emerging practice that focus on motor control and motor learning issues. It highlights a
person’s ability to adapt and be flexible to their environment.

Ex: Using virtual reality therapy to incorporate realistic environmental scenarios into
treatment sessions where clients can practice motor control and learning safely with less risk.
Like an older adult patient learning to cross a busy street safely through a VR device.

Educate and Advocate Occupational Therapy promotes and supports maximum occupational performance, recovery,
health, well-being, and satisfaction all through the use of occupation based therapy. As an
OT, it is my duty to take a holistic approach to evaluating and treating my clients and
meeting their needs. It is also my responsibility to make appropriate referrals for care and
services that are beyond my scope of practice. The Person-Environment-Occupation model
emphasizes the interactions between a person, their surroundings, and the roles that shape
their activities of daily living. I use this to evaluate and treat clients/patients who need to
improve their health and well-being in multiple4 aspects of their life. I support the care and
services provided by team members by educating my client./patient on the benefits of
interprofessional treatment to address more than one area of health. I play an active role in
the recovery process of clients/patients who seek improved performance and self fulfilment
in day to day activities.

The Variables that

Influence Practice Healthcare Keep updated on new and emerging policies, technology, and
medicine that could change the way that treatment is
administered amongst interprofessionals in emerging practice
(OT, PT, PA, RN, etc.)
Ex: Subscribing to healthcare news journals and blogs that are
frequently updated and based on credible research such as the
NEJM Catalyst journal.

Education Health professionals should continue to educate themselves

and their client/patient through evidence based research on
new and upcoming ideas, devices, theories in the medical field.
This will ensure the opportunity to use the best and most
reliable intervention techniques in treatment.
Ex: Offering medical pamphlets and brochures to patients for
informational purposes.

Community Helping clients/patients become aware of new or unheard of

programs, businesses, and organizations that are local and that
may benefit their overall health and wellbeing.
Ex: Providing information to an eldery client about local
grocery delivery services to eliminate concerns related to
traveling to and from the market.

Political Remain informed and aware of new and changed policies that
influence health care systems and professionals. In order to
ensure that needs are being met within the scope of practices
and resulting in successful outcomes, health care professionals
must advocate for their own needs and their client’s needs for
political impact.
Ex: Join and participate in associations or run for office chair
within the state or country to focus on bettering the specific
health care profession.

Social Systems Clinicians and health care professionals should consider

socioeconomic and sociocultural backgrounds of their
clients/patients to have a better perspective on their mental,
physical, and spiritual state. They can provide better quality
care when they understand their client/patient more.
Ex: Researching the school that your child client attends to
contact teachers and gather information about their daily
school schedule.

The Referral Process

Internal An OT may refer their client to another OT that specializes
in something outside of their own scope of practice.
Ex: An OT that specializes in driving rehab may refer a
client to an OT who specializes in hand therapy to assess
and treat arthritic related pain in their hands affecting the
way they grip their steering wheel.

External An OT may refer their client to another professional for

services outside their own scope of practice.
Ex: An OT that specializes in perinatal care may refer their
patient to a psychiatrist to treat their postpartum

Community-based An Ot may refer their client to a community-based

organization or program for additional support and
Ex: An OT may refer their client to services from a local
“Geek Squad” technical support team that can assist them
in using their new assistive electronic devices.

Care coordination and Care coordination

Case management In acute care settings, OTs often collaborate with Prosthetists to treat a patient who has
sustained an upper extremity amputation. An OT may help educate the patient on wound care
and use of the prosthesis while they recover.

Case Management
A pediatric case manager may collaborate with an OT and psychiatrist to coordinate a
treatment plan that supports the mental and physical development of a child who was the
only survivor in a vehicle accident. They may refer to recent research studies that suggest the
best way to treat childhood trauma.

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