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Gangadhar / International Journal of New Technologies in Science and Engineering

Vol. 5, Issue. 5, 2018, ISSN 2349-0780

Radiation Pattern for Broad Side Array and End Fire

Array Antennas
H. Gangadhar
Assistant Professor, E&CE Department, HKES’s SLN Engineering College, Raichur, Karnataka, India,
Email: [email protected]

Abstract— Antenna arrays are becoming increasingly important in wireless communications. In the
antenna array system, the commonly used Antenna arrays are broadside array and end fire array. In
many applications we have the maximum radiation of an array directed normal to the axis of the
array, which is known as Broad side Array. The overall radiation pattern of an array is determined
by array factor combined with the radiation pattern of the antenna element. The overall radiation
pattern results in certain directivity and different lobes with different number of elements. Thus in
this paper analysis is made on the effect of number of elements on broadside array and end fire array.
And the comparative conclusions are drawn.

Keywords- end-fire array; broad side array; array factor.


The broadest definition of an antenna is that it is transducer-it changes energy from one form into
another. A receiving antenna changes electromagnetic energy into electric or magnetic energy. A
transmitting antenna changes the energy from electric or magnetic into electromagnetic energy. Current
flowing in the antenna induces the electric and magnetic fields. Antennas have been used for over a century
in a variety of applications. They can transmit over a massive range of frequencies, from a fraction of a
kilohertz to over one hundred gigahertz.

An antenna does not radiate uniformly in all directions. For the sake of a reference, we consider a
hypothetical antenna called an isotropic radiator having equal radiation in all directions. A directional
antenna is one which can radiate or receive electromagnetic waves more effectively in some directions than
in others. The relative distribution of radiated power as a function of direction in space is called the radiation
pattern of the antenna. Instead of 3D surface, it is common practice to show planar cross section radiation
pattern. E-plane and H-plane patterns give two most important views. The E-plane pattern is a view obtained
from a section containing maximum value of the radiated field and electric field lies in the plane of the
section. Similarly when, such a section is taken, such that the plane of the section contains H-field and the
direction of maximum radiation.

The maximum radiation of a short dipole is along the direction perpendicular to the axis of the
dipole, but when polar angle decreases the radiation also decreases. This type of radiation characteristics
may be used for broadcast services. In point to point communication, the most of the energy is desired to be
radiated in one particular direction which means that to have greater directivity in a desired direction [3].
This can be accomplished by making group of antennas excited simultaneously which is not possible by a
single dipole antenna. Such a group of antennas is called an antenna array. Generally antenna array is the
radiating system in which several identical or non-identical and/or either similarly oriented or differently
oriented antennas are placed properly so as to get field strength at a far distance from the radiating system by
combining radiations at point from all the antennas in the system [2].

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Vol. 5, Issue. 5, 2018, ISSN 2349-0780

This paper will give a brief introduction to antenna arrays and then discuss the various antenna array
types and their counter applications.

It is difficult for a single antenna like motor connected parabolic dish to scan a radiation pattern or
beam because the entire antenna system has to rotate to change the direction of the beam which leads to a
considerable amount of aerodynamic drag when the antenna is airborne. Even when the antenna is on the
ground plane and directs its beam in a direction to catch the target, the target will be in different direction due
to its velocity being high and it will always be out of sight. It is possible to scan the beam from the array
antenna electronically and it can be with either phase control or frequency control[1]. Array antennas are
extremely useful in both airborne as well as ground based applications. Since there is no movement of the
antenna there will be no aerodynamic drag with antenna array. Moreover, arrays provide a greater number
of parameters and offer better flexibility for the designer [2]. Using antenna array gain and directivity can
be increased and beam width can be reduced [3]. Broad side array, end fire array, collinear array and
parasitic array are some of the practically used forms of antenna array. Circular Array is one of the most
widely used antenna array designs. Its applications include radio direction finding, air and space navigation,
underground propagation, radar, sonar, and many other applications [1]. A broadside uniform circular array
radiates (receives) not only in the broadside direction, but, in the other directions as well. Such an array has
a significant power loss due to along resting plane scanning property. The power radiation or reception
pattern of a circular array is dependent on the linear distance between two consecutive elements, the radius,
and the number of elements. Broadside arrays are used for a wide range of radio waves. At decameter
(short) wavelengths, they are used chiefly for radio broadcasting over long distances [4].

Antenna array is a systematic arrangement of radio antennas working together. Kinds of antenna
array include: Antenna array (electromagnetic), a geometrical arrangement of antenna elements with a
deliberate relationship between their currents, forming a single antenna usually to achieve a desired
radiation pattern.

An array of antennas may be used in a variety of ways to improve the performance of a

communications system. Perhaps most important is its capability to cancel co channel interferences. An
array works on the premise that the desired signal and unwanted co channel interferences arrive from
different directions. The beam pattern of the array is adjusted to suit the requirements by combining signals
from different antennas with appropriate weighting. An array of antennas mounted on vehicles, ships,
aircraft, satellites, and base stations is expected to play an important role in fulfilling the increased demand
of channel requirement for these services.

The study of a single small antenna indicates that the radiation fields are uniformly distributed and
antenna provides wide beam width, but low directivity and gain. For example, the maximum radiation of
dipole antenna takes place in the direction normal to its axis and decreases slowly as one moves toward the
axis of the antenna. The antennas of such radiation characteristic may be preferred in broadcast services
where wide coverage is required but not in point to point communication. Thus to meet the demands of point
to point communication, it is necessary to design the narrow beam and high directive antennas, so that the
radiation can be released in the preferred direction. The simplest way to achieve this requirement is to
increase the size of the antenna, because a larger-size antenna leads to more directive characteristics. But
from the practical aspect the method is inconvenient as antenna becomes bulky and it is difficult to change
the size later. Another way to improve the performance of the antenna without increasing the size of the
antenna is to arrange the antenna in a specific configuration, so spaced and phased that their individual
contributions are maximum in desired direction and negligible in other directions. This way particularly, we
get greater directive gain. This new arrangement of multi-element is referred to as an array of the antenna.
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H. Gangadhar / International Journal of New Technologies in Science and Engineering
Vol. 5, Issue. 5, 2018, ISSN 2349-0780

The antenna involved in an array is known as element. The individual element of array may be of any form
(wire. dipole. slot, aperture. etc.). Having identical element in an array is often simpler, convenient and
practical, but it is not compulsory. The antenna array makes use of wave interference phenomenon that
occurs between the radiations from the different elements of the array. Thus, the antenna array is one of the
methods of combining the radiation from a group of radiators in such a way that the interference is
constructive in the preferred direction and destructive in the remaining directions. The main function of an
array is to produce highly directional radiation. The field is a vector quantity with both magnitude and
phase. The total field (not power) of the array system at any point away from its centre is the vector sum of
the field produced by the individual antennas. The relative phases of individual field components depend on
the relative distance of the individual clement and in turn depend on the direction.

When an element is excited, the radiated fields induce currents on nearby elements, which produce
an additional contribution to the radiated fields. The equivalent current for an element in an array has a large
component on the driven element, and smaller components on the other elements around the driven
elements. For elements near the edge of the array, the coupled currents are different because there are fewer
nearby elements than is the case for elements in the interior of the array. Even though the elements in the
array are identical, the elements in the array are effectively represented by different equivalent currents.
This means that the embedded element radiation pattern (including radiation from currents induced on
neighboring elements) is different from the radiation pattern of the antenna element in isolation [3,4]. The
array factor can be controlled by adjusting the complex excitations. The array radiation pattern is the product
of the array factor and the pattern of one element located at the origin. If the array elements are electrically
small, then the element pattern is broad and slowly varying with angle, and the array factor dominates in
determining the shape of the radiation pattern. If the elements were ideal isotropic radiators, then the
radiation pattern is equal to the array factor. The theory of array antenna beam forming provides methods for
designing the excitations and locations of the elements in order to achieve various goals for the radiation
pattern, such as high gain, electronic beam steering, low side lobes, or interference nulling [8,9].

i. BROAD SIDE ARRAY: This is a type of array in which the number of identical elements is placed on a
supporting line drawn perpendicular to their respective axes. Elements are equally spaced and fed with a
current of equal magnitude and all in same phase. The advantage of this feed technique is that array fires in
broad side direction (i.e. perpendicular to the line of array axis, where there are maximum radiation and
small radiation in other direction). Hence the radiation pattern of broadside array is bidirectional and the
array radiates equally well in either direction of maximum radiation.

Fig.1.a: Linear broadside array of six radiating dipoles all elements in phase showing the position of the
polar pattern

In Fig.1.a the elements are arranged in horizontal plane with spacing between elements and radiation
is perpendicular to the plane of array (i.e. normal to plane of paper). They may also be arranged in vertical
and in this case radiation will be horizontal. Thus, it can be said that broadside array is a geometrical
arrangement of elements in which the direction of maximum radiation is perpendicular to the array axis and
to the plane containing the array clement. A typical arrangement and Radiation pattern of a broad side array
is shown in Fig.1.a. The bidirectional pattern of broadside array can be converted into unidirectional by
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H. Gangadhar / International Journal of New Technologies in Science and Engineering
Vol. 5, Issue. 5, 2018, ISSN 2349-0780

placing an identical array behind this array at distance of /4 fed by current leading in phase by 900.

Fig.1.b.Linear end fire arrays of six radiating dipoles all elements in phase showing the position of the polar

ii. End Fire Array: The end fire array is very much similar to the broadside array from the point of view of
arrangement. But the main difference is in the direction of maximum radiation. In broadside array, the
direction of the maximum radiation is perpendicular to the axis of array; while in the end fire array, the
direction of the maximum radiation is along the axis of array. Thus in the end fire array number of identical
antennas are spaced equally along a line. All the antennas are fed individually with currents of equal
magnitudes but their phases vary progressively along the line to get entire arrangement unidirectional
finally. i.e. maximum radiation along the axis of array. Thus end fire array can be defined as an array with
direction of maximum radiation coincides with the direction of the axis of array to get unidirectional radiation
and its radiation pattern is shown in fig.1.b.

The capability of an antenna to increase the quality of the performance is depends on their
parameters such as number of elements, spacing between elements, phase and amplitude excitation. The
main parameters for linear array antenna are the number of elements and spacing elements which must be
taken into consideration. Hence, these parameters are used to determine the antenna performance on the
gain and HPBW.
The array factor(A.F.) is fundamental of the antenna parameters. It is the ratio of the magnit ude of
the resultant filed to magnitude of the maximum filed. This represents the relative value of the filed as
function of  .
A.F . = (1)
Where, ET represents total field intensity at point P, due to n number of sources having currents of
amplitude and phase and maximum filed is Emax .
This paper described the impact of the spacing and the number of elements on gain and HPBW
through array factor algorithm for linear array antenna and simulated using MATLAB software as

The array factor depends on the number of elements, the element spacing, amplitude and the phase
of the applied signal to each element [1]. The antenna array can aligned either z-axis or x and y-axis. A
uniform array is defined by uniformly spaces identical elements of equal magnitude with linearly
progressive phase from element to element [2]. The radiation pattern of the array excluding the element
pattern is referred to as the array factor. A general form for along the z-axis for linear array is given by [3].


The phasing of the uniform linear array elements may be chosen such that the main lobe of the array
pattern lies along the array axis (end-fire array) or normal to the array axis (broadside array).

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H. Gangadhar / International Journal of New Technologies in Science and Engineering
Vol. 5, Issue. 5, 2018, ISSN 2349-0780

n-element uniform linear array:

At high frequencies, for point to point communication, it is necessary to have a pattern with single beam
radiation. Such highly directive single beam pattern can be obtained by increasing the point sources in the
arrow from 2 to N say. An array of N elements is said to be linear array if all the individual elements are
spaced(d) equally along a line. An array is said to be uniform array if the elements in the array are fed with the
currents with equal magnitudes and with uniform progressive phase shift along the line.
Phase angle:  = ( +  d cos  ) (2)
Equation.(1) indicates the total phase difference of the fields from adjacent sources calculated at P. similarly
 is the progressive phase shift between two adjacent sources. The value of  may lie between 00 and
1800 . If  = 00 , we get n-element uniform linear broad side array. If  = 1800 , we get n element uniform
end fire array.  is phase shift(  = 2 ),  = wave length.

The maximum of the array factor occurs when the array phase function (angle) is zero.

 = ( + kd cos  ) = 0 (3)
For a broadside array, in order for the above equation to be satisfied with  = 90 degrees, the phase
angle  must be zero. In other words, all elements of the array must be driven with the same phase. With
 = 00 degree, the normalized array factor reduces ( AF )n to
 Nd 
sin  cos  
( AF ) n =
1  2  (4)
N  d 
sin  cos  
 2 
Here, If we plot the array pattern for  = 90 degrees, we find that the element pattern is unity and
the array pattern is the same as the array factor. Thus, the main beam of the array of x- directed short dipoles
lies along the y-axis. The nulls of the array element pattern along the x-axis prevent the array from radiating
efficiently in that broadside direction. End-fire arrays may be designed to focus the main beam of the array
factor along the array axis in either the  = 00 or  = 1800 directions [2]. Given that the maximum of the
array factor occurs when  =  +  d cos  = 0 .
In order for the above equation to be satisfied with  = 0 degree, the phase angle  must be equal to
negative of  d as given in equation

 = − d (5)
For  = 180 , the phase angle  must be  = +kd
The normalized array factor for an end-fire array reduces to
 Nd 
sin  (cos  1) 
( AF ) n =
1  2  (7)
N  d 
sin  (cos  1) 
 2 
Thus using these equations (1) and (2) radiation pattern can be plotted. It is known that antenna
arrays with different structures may radiate the different far-field characters, and generate the diversity of
radiation patterns. Therefore, the effect of number of elements is analyzed and a comparison of radiation
patterns between these two forms of antenna arrays is done. This work is carried out in this paper and
conclusions are drawn.

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H. Gangadhar / International Journal of New Technologies in Science and Engineering
Vol. 5, Issue. 5, 2018, ISSN 2349-0780


The optimization of directivity, number of minor lobes and main lobes for the various numbers of
elements for broadside array and end fire array can be done by varying the number of elements to be placed
then the analysis is done. And comparison is done between both. The radiation pattern is obtained using the
MATLAB software.

a) Radiation pattern of BSA:

In many applications it is desirable to have the maximum radiation directed normal to the axis of the
array( max = 900 ). To optimize the design, the maxima of the single element and of the array factor should
both be directed toward max = 900 . Its radiation pattern also depends on choosing of the radiators and the
proper separation and excitation of the individual radiators.
The first maximum of the array factor occurs when
 N   N 
sin   sin  
( AF ) n =
1  2   2  (8)
N    
sin   sin  
2 2
  =  d cos  +  = 0 (9)
Since it’s desired to have maximum directed toward  max = 90 , then 0

  =  d cos  +  = 0 ; here  = 0

It is necessary that all the elements have the same phase excitation (in addition to the same amplitude
excitation), the separation between the elements can be of any value. To ensure that there are no principal
maxima in other direction, which are referred to as grating lobes, the separation between the elements should
not be equal to multiples of a wavelength.
One of the objectives in many designs is to avoid multiple maxima, in addition to the main
maximum, which are referred to as grating lobes. Often it may be required to select the largest spacing
between the elements but with no grating lobes.
Case 1: dmax   To avoid any grating lobe, the largest spacing between the elements should be less one
Case 2: dmax = 
Case 3: if the spacing between the elements is chosen between   d  2 ,
i. Then the maximum of figure 6.6 toward  0 = 00 shifts toward the angular region 00   0  900.
ii. While the maximum toward  0 = 1800 shifts toward 900   0  1800.
Case 4: d = 2 :
When d = 2 , there are maxima towards 00 , 600 ,900 ,1200 and1800.

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H. Gangadhar / International Journal of New Technologies in Science and Engineering
Vol. 5, Issue. 5, 2018, ISSN 2349-0780

Fig.2. Raidation pattern of end-fire array.

b) Radiation pattern of EFA:

It is desirable to direct its radiation pattern along the axis of the array(end-fire). It may be necessary
that it radiates towards only one direction ( max = 00 or 1800 ).
Case 1: To direct the first maximum toward max = 00
  =  d cos  +  = 0 ; Here max = 00

  =  d +  = 0   = − d
Case 2: If the first maximum is desired toward max = 1800 , then
  =  d cos max +  = 0 ; here max = 1800
  = − d +  = 0   =  d
Thus end-fire radiation is accomplished when  = −  d for ( max = 00 ) or  =  d for ( max = 1800 )
Case 3: if the elements separation exists simultaneously in both directions ( max = 00 and max = 1800 ) as
long as  =   d .
Case 4: if the element spacing is multiple of a wavelength ( d = n , n = 1, 2,3.... )
Then in addition to having end-fire radiation in both directions, there also exist maxima in the broadside
To have only one end-fire maximum and to avoid any grating lobes, the maximum spacing between
the elements should be less than d max =  .
c) Effect of the number of elements on Radiation pattern

In this subsection, it is analyze the effect of number of elements on the radiation patterns of both
the arrays and then they are compared. In case of end fire array, direction of main lobe remains unchanged,
as the spacing remains unchanged throughout the results that are obtained. But the minor lobes increased
and main lobe little bit become narrow as the number of elements increases. In case of broadside array, it is
clearly shown in results its directivity is more than end fire array as the main lobe is very much narrow, and
also pattern is symmetrical, but the grating lobes appears with increase in number of elements. End fire
array is unidirectional as spacing is constant here, only the number of elements are varied, it may be
bidirectional if the spacing is increased. The broadside array is bidirectional as it is shown in results, and
produces more symmetrical pattern and can be used for long distance communication where directivity
needed to be strong. End fire array provide directional radiations and stable unidirectional radiation pattern.
Thus to get more directivity size of array has to be more. It can be used in satellite dish antennas, where a
very high directivity is needed, because they are to receive signals from a fixed direction.

The Effect of number of elements on the radiation pattern of broadside array and end fire array are
analyzed and compared in present paper. In general the directivity of broadside array is strongest as
compared to end fire array, but the end fire produces stable unidirectional radiations. And broadside array
give more symmetric pattern as the pattern is bidirectional and can be used for long distance communication
as their directivity is strong. The end fire array can be used to construct directional antennas and can be
used in satellite dish antenna to receive signal from fixed direction.

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H. Gangadhar / International Journal of New Technologies in Science and Engineering
Vol. 5, Issue. 5, 2018, ISSN 2349-0780


The author acknowledge with thanks, the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
HKES’s SLN College of Engineering, Raichur, Karnataka, India for providing facilities and support to carry
out this research work.


[1] The above theory was taken from the excellent book by, L.V. Blake, “Antennas,” Artech House, Inc.
(1984) (ISBN 0-89006-154-8). (Originally published by John Wiley & Sons, 1966.)

[2] W.W. Hansen and J.R. Woodyard, “A New Principle in Directional Antenna Design,” Proceedings IRE,
26, 333-335 (March 1938).

[3] Boro M.Reljic, MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 50, No. 1, January
2008 DOI 10.1002/mop.

[4] G. S. N. Raju, Antennas and Wave Propagation, Pearson Education, Singapore: 2006.

[5] H. Oraizi, M. T. Noghani, "Design and optimization of linear and planar slot arrays on rectangular
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[7] Amanpreet K. and Amandeep S. 2012. Analyze the effect of Number of elements on Radiation pattern
of Broadside array and End fire array. International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 45, No. 18,

[8] Kraus J.D. 1988, Antennas. McGraw-Hill, Inc., USA, 2nd Edition, 26.

[9] Krishna P.R., Lakshmi S.S., Sreedevi I., Khan H., Aditya M.P.K., Krishna V.V., Lavanya J. 2012.
Sidelobe suppression of concentric circular arrays using non-conventional beam forming technique.
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER), Vol. 2, No 3, 635-638.

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H. Gangadhar / International Journal of New Technologies in Science and Engineering
Vol. 5, Issue. 5, 2018, ISSN 2349-0780


H Gangadhar received the B.E degree in E&CE from, RGMCET, Nandyal, JNTU,
Hyderabad, India in 2006 and M.Tech degree in E&CE from Pondicherry Engineering
College, Pondicherry University, India in 2008, respectively. He is currently working
as Assistant Professor in E&CE department in HKES’s SLN College of Engineering,
Raichur, India. He has published 3 papers in international conferences and 2
international journals. His major research areas include Non-linear filtering techniques
in image processing, Design and Analysis of Radiation Pattern of different Antennas.

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