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A business combination in which a new corporation is created and two or more existing

corporations are combined into the newly created corporation is called a

A business combination occurs when a company acquires an equity interest in another entity
and has
control over the entity, irrespective of the percentage owned
In a business combination, when the fair value exceeds the investment cost, which of the
following statements is correct?
A gain from a bargain purchase is recognized for the amount that the fair value of the
identifiable net assets acquired exceeds the acquisition price
   Goodwill arising from a business combination is
never amortized.
Kennedy Company is acquiring Ross Company in an acquisition. What date should be used as
the acquisition date for the transaction? 
The date Kennedy obtains control of Ross. 
Lebow Corp. acquired control of Wilson Corp. by purchasing stock in steps. Which of the
following regarding this type of acquisition is true? 
The previously held shares should be remeasured at fair value on the acquisition date and the
gain recognized in earnings of the period. 
Which of the following is not one of those steps in accounting for an acquisition in business
Prepare pro forma financial statements prior to acquisition

On December 31, Year 2, Saxe Corporation was acquired by Poe Corporation. In

the business combination, Poe issued 200,000 shares of its 10 par common stock,
with a market price of 18 a share, for all of Saxe’s common stock. The stockholders’
equity section of each company’s balance sheet immediately before the combination
  Poe Saxe
Common stock 3,000,000 1,500,000
Additional paid-in 1,300,000 150,000
Retained earnings 2,500,000 850,000
  6,800,000 2,500,000
In the December 31, Year 2 consolidated balance sheet, additional paid-in capital
should be reported at 
In a business combination, an acquirer's interest in the fair value of the net assets acquired
exceeds the consideration transferred in the combination. Under IFRS3 Business combinations,
the acquirer should:

recognise the excess immediately in profit or loss

Raphael Company paid 2,000,000 for the net assets of Paris Corporation and Paris was then
dissolved. Paris had no liabilities. The fair values of Paris’ assets were 2,500,000. Paris’s only
non-current assets were land and equipment with fair values of 160,000 and 640,000,
respectively. At what value will the equipment be recorded by Raphael?


Which of the following situations would require the use of the acquisition method in a business

The purchase of more than 50% of a business

Which of the following is a reason why a company would expand through a combination, rather
than by building new facilities?

All of the other choices are possible reasons that a company might choose a

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