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Power Control

Feature Parameter Description

Issue 03

Date 2013-05-20


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Power Control Contents

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Intended Audience ........................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.3 Change History.............................................................................................................................. 1-1

2 Overview of Power Control ....................................................................................................2-1

2.1 LBFD-002016 Dynamic Downlink Power Allocation ..................................................................... 2-1
2.2 LBFD-002026 Uplink Power Control ............................................................................................. 2-1

3 Downlink Power Control .........................................................................................................3-1

3.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Power Allocation for Cell-specific Reference Signals ................................................................... 3-1
3.3 Power Allocation for Synchronization Signals ............................................................................... 3-1
3.4 Power Allocation for the PBCH ..................................................................................................... 3-1
3.5 Power Allocation for the PCFICH .................................................................................................. 3-2
3.6 Power Allocation for the PHICH .................................................................................................... 3-2
3.7 Power Allocation for the PDCCH Carrying Dedicated Control Information ................................... 3-2
3.8 Power Allocation for the PDSCH Carrying RACH Response, Paging Messages, and SIBs ........ 3-3
3.9 Power Allocation for the PDSCH Carrying Information Other Than RACH Response, Paging
Messages, and SIBs ........................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.9.1 Basics of PDSCH Power Calculation ................................................................................... 3-3
3.9.2 Power Control Mechanism for the PDSCH .......................................................................... 3-4
3.9.3 PDSCH Power Adjustment ................................................................................................... 3-5

4 Uplink Power Control...............................................................................................................4-1

4.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Power Control for the PRACH....................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2.1 Basics of PRACH Power Calculation ................................................................................... 4-1
4.2.2 Po _ pre Setting by the eNodeB ............................................................................................ 4-2
4.2.3 PRACH Power Ramping for the UE ..................................................................................... 4-2
4.3 Power Control for the PUSCH....................................................................................................... 4-2
4.3.1 Basics of PUSCH Power Calculation ................................................................................... 4-2
4.3.2 Initial Power Setting for the PUSCH by the eNodeB ............................................................ 4-3
4.3.3 Transmit Power Adjustment for the PUSCH by the eNodeB ................................................ 4-3
4.3.4 Msg3 Power Control in Random Access .............................................................................. 4-4
4.4 Power Control for the PUCCH ...................................................................................................... 4-5
4.4.1 Basics of PUCCH Power Calculation ................................................................................... 4-5
4.4.2 Initial Power Setting for the PUCCH by the eNodeB............................................................ 4-6
4.4.3 Transmit Power Adjustment for the PUCCH by the eNodeB................................................ 4-6
4.5 Power Control for Sounding Reference Signals ........................................................................... 4-6
4.5.1 Basics of SRS Power Calculation ........................................................................................ 4-6

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Power Control Contents

4.5.2 SRS Transmit Power Setting by the eNodeB ....................................................................... 4-7

5 Related Features .......................................................................................................................5-1

5.1 Downlink Power Control ................................................................................................................ 5-1
5.1.1 Required Features ................................................................................................................ 5-1
5.1.2 Mutually Exclusive Features ................................................................................................. 5-1
5.1.3 Affected Features ................................................................................................................. 5-1
5.2 Uplink Power Control .................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.2.1 Required Features ................................................................................................................ 5-2
5.2.2 Mutually Exclusive Features ................................................................................................. 5-2
5.2.3 Affected Features ................................................................................................................. 5-2

6 Impact on the Network ............................................................................................................6-1

6.1 Downlink Power Control ................................................................................................................ 6-1
6.1.1 Impact on System Capacity .................................................................................................. 6-1
6.1.2 Impact on Network Performance .......................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Uplink Power Control .................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2.1 Impact on System Capacity .................................................................................................. 6-2
6.2.2 Impact on Network Performance .......................................................................................... 6-2

7 Engineering Guidelines...........................................................................................................7-1
7.1 When to Use Power Control.......................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.1 Downlink Power Control ....................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.2 Uplink Power Control ............................................................................................................ 7-2
7.2 Information to Be Collected ........................................................................................................... 7-2
7.3 Network Planning .......................................................................................................................... 7-2
7.4 Deploying Downlink Power Control ............................................................................................... 7-2
7.4.1 Deployment Requirements ................................................................................................... 7-2
7.4.2 Data Preparation .................................................................................................................. 7-3
7.4.3 Initial Configuration ............................................................................................................. 7-10
7.4.4 Activation Observation .........................................................................................................7-11
7.4.5 Deactivation ........................................................................................................................ 7-25
7.5 Deploying Uplink Power Control ................................................................................................. 7-25
7.5.1 Deployment Requirements ................................................................................................. 7-25
7.5.2 Data Preparation ................................................................................................................ 7-26
7.5.3 Initial Configuration ............................................................................................................. 7-30
7.5.4 Activation Observation ........................................................................................................ 7-31
7.5.5 Deactivation ........................................................................................................................ 7-41
7.6 Performance Optimization ........................................................................................................... 7-41
7.7 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................... 7-42

8 Parameters .................................................................................................................................8-1
9 Counters ......................................................................................................................................9-1

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Power Control Contents

10 Glossary ..................................................................................................................................10-1
11 Reference Documents .........................................................................................................11-1

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Power Control 1 Introduction

1 Introduction
1.1 Scope
This document describes features related to power control in terms of implementation, parameters
involved, feature relationships, network impact, and engineering guidelines.
Any managed objects (MOs), parameters, alarms, or counters described in this document correspond to
the software release delivered with this document. In the event of updates, the updates will be described
in the product documentation delivered with the latest software release.

1.2 Intended Audience

This document is intended for:
 Personnel who need to understand power control
 Personnel who work with Huawei Long Term Evolution (LTE) products

1.3 Change History

This section provides information about the changes in different document versions.
There are two types of changes, which are defined as follows:
 Feature change: refers to a change in the power control feature of a specific product version.
 Editorial change: refers to a change in wording or the addition of information that was not described in
the earlier version.

Document Issues
The document issues are as follows:
 03 (2013-05-20)
 02 (2012-12-29)
 01 (2012-03-30)
 Draft A (2012-01-10)

03 (2013-05-20)
Compared with issue 02 (2012-12-29) of eRAN3.0, issue 03 (2013-05-20) of eRAN3.0 includes the
following changes.

Change Type Change Description Parameter Change

Feature change None None
Editorial change Added configuration suggestions on three values None
(cell-specific reference signal power, PA, and PB). For
details, see section 7.1.1 "Downlink Power Control."

02 (2012-12-29)
Compared with issue 01(2012-03-30) of eRAN3.0, issue 02 (2012-12-29) of eRAN3.0 includes the
following changes.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 1 Introduction

Change Type Change Description Parameter Change

Feature change None None
Editorial change  Optimized the technical description. None
 Modified the activation observation methods for
uplink and downlink power controls. For details,
see chapter 7 "Engineering Guidelines."

01 (2012-03-30)
This is the first official release.
Compared with draft A (2012-01-10) of eRAN3.0, issue 01 (2012-03-30) of eRAN3.0 includes the
following changes.

Change Type Change Description Parameter Change

Feature change None None
Editorial change Revised chapter 7 "Engineering Guidelines." None

Draft A (2012-01-10)
This is a draft.
Compared with issue 01 (2011-12-24) of eRAN2.2, draft A (2012-01-10) of eRAN3.0 includes the
following changes.

Change Type Change Description Parameter Change

Feature change None None
Editorial change  Optimized the technical description. None
 Added chapters 5 "Related Features" and 6 "Impact
on the Network."

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Power Control 2 Overview of Power Control

2 Overview of Power Control

E-UTRAN systems use the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) technology on the
downlink and the Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) technology on the
uplink. With these technologies, the subcarriers of user equipment (UEs) in a cell are orthogonal. Power
control compensates for path loss and shadow fading, counteracts interference between intra-frequency
E-UTRAN cells, and helps meet coverage and capacity requirements. Power control in E-UTRAN is
classified by signal direction into uplink power control and downlink power control.
In the E-UTRAN, power control is performed on eNodeBs and UEs for the following purposes:
 Ensuring quality of service
Power control adjusts the transmit power of eNodeBs and UEs to the optimal levels to provide services
of a certain quality level that meets the requirement for the block error rate (BLER).
 Reducing interference
Power control reduces interference in a cell, which mainly comes from neighboring cells.
 Lowering power consumption
Uplink power control lowers the power consumption of UEs.
 Expanding coverage and capacity
Downlink power control allocates different power to UEs at different locations to meet requirements for
coverage. In addition, downlink power control reduces the transmit power allocated to each UE to a
minimum, so that the allocated power meets the requirement for the signal to interference plus noise
ratio (SINR). In this way, downlink power control expands system capacity.
Interference to neighboring cells mainly comes from UEs on cell edges. To reduce interference, uplink
power control uses a technique known as Fractional Power Compensation (FPC) to lower the
interference to neighboring cells, increasing network capacity.
This document describes the following features:
 LBFD-002016 Dynamic Downlink Power Allocation
 LBFD-002026 Uplink Power Control

2.1 LBFD-002016 Dynamic Downlink Power Allocation

This feature is basic. Downlink power control is performed on downlink physical signals, traffic channels,
and control channels. It allocates power to the following signals and channels:
 Cell-specific reference signal
 Synchronization signal
 Physical broadcast channel (PBCH)
 Physical control format indicator channel (PCFICH)
 Physical downlink control channel (PDCCH)
 Physical downlink shared channel (PDSCH)
 Physical HARQ indicator channel (PHICH)

Currently, eNodeBs do not support the physical multicast channel (PMCH).

2.2 LBFD-002026 Uplink Power Control

This feature is basic. Uplink power control is performed on uplink physical signals, traffic channels, and
control channels. It controls power of the following signals and channels:

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Power Control 2 Overview of Power Control

 Physical random access channel (PRACH)

 Physical uplink shared channel (PUSCH)
 Physical uplink control channel (PUCCH)
 Sounding reference signal (SRS)

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Power Control 3 Downlink Power Control

3 Downlink Power Control

3.1 Overview
This chapter describes the basic feature LBFD-002016 Dynamic Downlink Power Allocation.
Downlink power control is achieved using either of the following techniques:
 Fixed power assignment
Fixed power assignment is applicable to the cell-specific reference signal, synchronization signal,
PBCH, PCFICH, and the PDCCH and PDSCH that carry common information of the cell. Users
configure fixed power based on channel quality. The configured power must meet the requirements for
the downlink coverage of the cell.
 Dynamic power control
Dynamic power control is applicable to channels such as PHICH, PDCCH, and PDSCH. Dynamic
power control lowers interference, expands cell capacity, and increases coverage while meeting users'
quality of service (QoS) requirements.
For details about configuring parameters, see chapter 7 "Engineering Guidelines."

3.2 Power Allocation for Cell-specific Reference Signals

The cell-specific reference signal is transmitted in all downlink subframes. The signal serves as a basis
for downlink channel estimation, which is used for data demodulation.
The power for the cell-specific reference signal is set using the PDSCHCfg.ReferenceSignalPwr
parameter, which indicates the energy per resource element (EPRE) of the cell-specific reference signal.

3.3 Power Allocation for Synchronization Signals

The synchronization signal is used for cell search and system synchronization. There are two types of
synchronization signals, the primary synchronization channel (P-SCH) and the secondary
synchronization channel (S-SCH).
The offset of the power for the P-SCH and S-SCH against the power for the cell-specific reference signal
is set using the CellChPwrCfg.SchPwr parameter.
The transmit power for the P-SCH and S-SCH is calculated using the following formula:
PowerSCH = ReferenceSignalPwr +SchPwr

3.4 Power Allocation for the PBCH

On the PBCH, broadcast messages are sent in each frame. The messages carry the basic system
information of the cell, such as the cell bandwidth, antenna configuration, and frame number.
The offset of the power for the PBCH against the power for the cell-specific reference signal is set using
the CellChPwrCfg.PbchPwr parameter.
The transmit power for the PBCH is calculated using the following formula:
PowerPBCH = ReferenceSignalPwr + PbchPwr

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Power Control 3 Downlink Power Control

3.5 Power Allocation for the PCFICH

The PCFICH carries the number of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) symbols used for
PDCCH transmission in a subframe. The PCFICH is always mapped to the first OFDM symbol of each
The power for the PCFICH is set using the CellChPwrCfg.PcfichPwr parameter, which indicates an
offset of the power for the PCFICH against the power for the cell-specific reference signal.
The transmit power for the PCFICH is calculated using the following formula:
PowerPCFICH = ReferenceSignalPwr + PcfichPwr

3.6 Power Allocation for the PHICH

The PHICH carries the ACK/NACK information of hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ). ACK and
NACK are short for acknowledgment and negative acknowledgment, respectively.
A high probability of the UE incorrectly demodulating the PHICH will severely affect user throughput.
Power control ensures the performance of the PHICH for all UEs.
Power control for the PHICH is set using the CellAlgoSwitch.DlPcAlgoSwitch parameter.
When PhichInnerLoopPcSwitch under CellAlgoSwitch.DlPcAlgoSwitch is selected, the transmit
power for the PHICH is periodically adjusted to adapt to change in path loss and shadow fading
according to the difference between the estimated SINRRS and SINRTarget. The SINRRS is estimated
based on the channel quality indicator (CQI). To minimize the impact of SINRTarget on cell radius, power
efficiency, and cell capacity, SINRTarget is set to a fixed value 0. If SINRRS is less than SINRTarget, increase
the transmit power. Otherwise, decrease the transmit power.
When PhichInnerLoopPcSwitch under CellAlgoSwitch.DlPcAlgoSwitch is not selected, the power
for PHICH is set using the CellDlpcPhich.PwrOffset parameter, which indicates an offset of the power
for the PHICH against the power for the cell-specific reference signal. The PHICH occupies very few
resources, which means decreasing its transmit power cannot significantly reduce power consumption.
In addition, the PHICH carries the ACK/NACK messages for the uplink data, which requires high
accuracy. Decreasing the transmit power of the PHICH may reduce accuracy and uplink data rate.
Therefore, PhichInnerLoopPcSwitch is not selected by default in commercial networks.

3.7 Power Allocation for the PDCCH Carrying Dedicated Control

The dedicated control information carried on the PDCCH is as follows:
 Uplink scheduling information (DCI format 0, where DCI stands for downlink control information)
 Downlink scheduling information (DCI format 1/1A/1B/2/2A)
 PUSCH/PUCCH transmit power control (TPC) commands (DCI format 3/3A)
A high probability of the UE incorrectly demodulating the PDCCH will severely affect user throughput.
Power control ensures the performance of the PDCCH for all UEs.
Power control for the PDCCH is set using the CellAlgoSwitch.DlPcAlgoSwitch parameter.
When the PdcchPcSwitch parameter under CellAlgoSwitch.DlPcAlgoSwitch is selected, the eNodeB
checks the received discontinuous transmission (DTX) value and determine whether the transmit power
for the PDCCH meets the PDCCH reliability requirements. If the requirements cannot be met, the
eNodeB increases the PDCCH transmit power.

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Power Control 3 Downlink Power Control

When PdcchPcSwitch under CellAlgoSwitch.DlPcAlgoSwitch is not selected, the PDCCH uses fixed
power assignment. In this case, the offset of the power for the PDCCH against the power for the
cell-specific reference signal is set using the CellDlpcPdcch.DediDciPwrOffset parameter.

3.8 Power Allocation for the PDSCH Carrying RACH Response,

Paging Messages, and SIBs
When the PDSCH carries the RACH response, paging messages, and D-BCH (transmitting SIBs),
power control is performed to ensure coverage.
The power for the PDSCH carrying RACH response is set using the CellChPwrCfg.RaRspPwr
parameter, the power for the PDSCH carrying paging messages is set using the CellChPwrCfg.PchPwr
parameter, and the power for the PDSCH carrying D-BCH is set using the CellChPwrCfg.DbchPwr
parameter. Each of these three parameters indicates a power offset against the power for the
cell-specific reference signal.

3.9 Power Allocation for the PDSCH Carrying Information Other

Than RACH Response, Paging Messages, and SIBs
Power control for the PDSCH effectively improves system throughput and spectral efficiency.

Adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) and HARQ also improve system throughput and spectral efficiency. You can use
them in combination with power control.

3.9.1 Basics of PDSCH Power Calculation

In power control for the PDSCH, OFDM symbols in one slot can be classified into type A and type B:
 Type A symbols are those that appear during a symbol period when there is no reference signal.
 Type B symbols are those that appear during a symbol period when there are reference signals.
Table 3-1 lists the OFDM symbol indexes within a slot where the ratio of the corresponding PDSCH
EPRE to the cell-specific reference signal EPRE is denoted by ρA or ρB.
Table 3-1 OFDM symbol indexes
Number of Symbol Indexes Where the Ratio Is Symbol Indexes Where the Ratio Is
Antenna Ports Denoted by ρA Denoted by ρB
Normal Cyclic Extended Cyclic Prefix Normal Cyclic Prefix Extended Cyclic
Prefix Prefix
One or two 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 1, 2, 4, 5 0, 4 0, 3
Four 2, 3, 5, 6 2, 4, 5 0, 1, 4 0, 1, 3

Power control for the PDSCH determines the EPREs of different OFDM symbols by using ρA and ρB. ρA
is used to determine the PDSCH EPRE for symbol type A, and ρB is used to determine the PDSCH
EPRE for symbol type B.
The transmit power for the two types of OFDM symbols corresponding to the transmit power for the RE
on the PDSCH is defined by PPDSCH_A and PPDSCH_B. The calculation formulas are as follows:
 PPDSCH_A = ρA + PDSCHCfg.ReferenceSignalPwr
 PPDSCH_B = ρB + PDSCHCfg.ReferenceSignalPwr

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Power Control 3 Downlink Power Control

ρA = PA. PA is sent to the UE by means of RRC signaling for PDSCH demodulation.

ρB depends on the power factor ratio ρB/ρA. Table 3-2 lists the values of the cell-specific ratio ρB/ρA
corresponding to different PB values in scenarios with different quantities of antenna ports. PB is set
using the PDSCHCfg.Pb parameter.
Table 3-2 Values of the cell-specific ratio ρB/ρA for different PB values and quantities of antenna ports
PB ρB/ρA
One Antenna Port Two or Four Antenna Ports
0 1 5/4
1 4/5 1
2 3/5 3/4
3 2/5 1/2

3.9.2 Power Control Mechanism for the PDSCH

Power control for the PDSCH is related to the settings of the ENodeBAlgoSwitch.DlIcicSwitch
parameter and the switch for the downlink inter-cell interference coordination (ICIC). Power control for
the PDSCH is set using the CellAlgoSwitch.DlPcAlgoSwitch parameter, as described in Table 3-3.
Table 3-3 Power control mechanism for the PDSCH
Switch Setting Power Control Mechanism for the PDSCH
The ENodeBAlgoSwitch.DlIcicSwitch parameter is PA is set using the CellDlpcPdsch.CcuPa and
set to DlIcicDynamicSwitch_ON_ENUM or CellDlpcPdsch.CeuPa parameters for the cell
DlIcicStaticSwitch_ON_ENUM, indicating that center user (CCU) and cell edge user (CEU),
downlink ICIC is enabled. respectively. In this way, transmit power is
Dynamic power adjustment is not performed for
the PDSCH.
 The ENodeBAlgoSwitch.DlIcicSwitch parameter Dynamic power adjustment for the PDSCH is
is set to DlIcicSwitch_OFF_ENUM, indicating that performed. For details, see section 3.9.3 "PDSCH
downlink ICIC is disabled. Power Adjustment."
 The CellDlpcPdschPa.PdschPaAdjSwitch
parameter is set to ON or PdschSpsPcSwitch
under the CellAlgoSwitch.DlPcAlgoSwitch
parameter is selected.
 The ENodeBAlgoSwitch.DlIcicSwitch parameter Power control for the PDSCH uses fixed power
is set to DlIcicSwitch_OFF_ENUM, indicating that assignment. PA is set using the
downlink ICIC is disabled. CellDlpcPdschPa.PaPcOff parameter.
 PdschSpsPcSwitch under the
CellAlgoSwitch.DlPcAlgoSwitch parameter is not
selected and the
CellDlpcPdschPa.PdschPaAdjSwitch parameter
is set to OFF.

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Power Control 3 Downlink Power Control

3.9.3 PDSCH Power Adjustment

During service provision, the PDSCH power adjustment algorithm tracks path loss and shadow fading
and periodically and dynamically adjusts the transmit power to meet the requirements for channel quality.
This is the purpose of PDSCH power adjustment.
Based on the service types carried on the PDSCH, scheduling on the PDSCH consists of dynamic
scheduling and semi-persistent scheduling. Power control for the PDSCH uses different mechanisms for
these two scheduling modes.

Power Control for the PDSCH in Dynamic Scheduling Mode

The power for the PDSCH is determined and dynamically adjusted based on PA when the
CellDlpcPdschPa.PdschPaAdjSwitch parameter is set to ON. PPDSCH_A and PPDSCH_B, the initial
transmit power for the PDSCH, are calculated as follows:
1. The eNodeB uses the CQI to estimate the SINRRS of the cell-specific reference signal. If no CQI is
reported, the default SINRRS_Initial value of the system is used.
2. To improve the user experience for UEs remote from the cell center, you need to set the target
CQITarget. To minimize the interference to neighboring UEs and ensure the user experience of other
UEs in the cell, set the target CQITarget to a value around downlink MCS order 0.
3. The initial power offset for the PDSCH, namely, PO_PDSCH, is calculated based on the estimated
SINRRS and CQITarget.
4. As indicated in section 6.3.2 "Radio resource control information elements" in 3GPP TS 36.331
V9.8.0 (2011-09), PA is a discrete enumerated value whose value range is {−6, −4.77, –3, −1.77, 0, 1,
2, 3}. Therefore, PO_PDSCH needs to be mapped to PA.
5. The initial transmit power for the PDSCH, namely, PPDSCH_A and PPDSCH_B, is calculated based on PA
and PB, respectively. The target value is fixed whereas PA is a discrete value. Therefore, ping-pong
PA adjustment may occur.
Figure 3-1 shows the process for calculating the initial PA value.

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Power Control 3 Downlink Power Control

Figure 3-1 Process for calculating the initial PA value

When the eNodeB receives a CQI reported by the UE, it compares the reported CQI with the previous
CQI. If the difference between the two CQI values is great, the process for re-calculating the PA for the
UE is started. For details, see Figure 3-1.

Power Control for the PDSCH in Semi-Persistent Scheduling Mode

Power control for the PDSCH in semi-persistent scheduling mode is set using the
CellAlgoSwitch.DlPcAlgoSwitch parameter and takes effect only on the UEs that adopt the
modulation mechanism of quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK). When PdschSpsPcSwitch under
CellAlgoSwitch.DlPcAlgoSwitch is selected, the RB resources occupied by the PDSCH for a UE are
fixed, and the modulation and coding scheme (MCS) is also fixed. Based on the difference between the
measured Initial Block Error Rate (IBLER) of voice over IP (VoIP) packets and IBLERTarget, the transmit
power for the PDSCH is periodically adjusted to meet the requirements for IBLERTarget. If the measured
IBLER is less than IBLERTarget, transmit power is decreased. Otherwise, transmit power is increased.

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Power Control 4 Uplink Power Control

4 Uplink Power Control

4.1 Overview
This section describes the basic principles of power control for the PUSCH and PUCCH. The basic
feature involved is LBFD-002026 Uplink Power Control.

Power control for the SRS and PRACH is not conventional. In addition, the power for the SRS is determined by the result
of power control for the PUSCH. Therefore, this section does not describe power control for the SRS and PRACH. For
related descriptions, see section 4.2 "Power Control for the PRACH" and section 4.5 "Power Control for Sounding
Reference Signals."

Power control for the PUSCH and PUCCH how the eNodeB adjusts the transmit power of UEs by means
of TPCs.
Based on the power control parameter settings, interference to neighboring cells, and the results of
uplink data transmission measurement performed by the eNodeB, the uplink power control algorithm
calculates the TPC of a UE and sends the TPC to the UE by means of the PDCCH. Based on the
mapping defined in section 5.1 "Uplink power control" in 3GPP TS 36.213 V9.3.0 (2010-09), the UE
converts the TPC to the power adjustment value. Then, the UE determines its transmit power based on
factors such as the power adjustment value, its own maximum transmit power, the nominal power of the
cell, the path loss, the MCS, and radio resources. By adjusting the TPC, power control enables the
transmission performance of radio link to converge to the target value. In addition, TPC adjustment
suppresses the inter-cell interference.
For details about how to configure parameters, see chapter 7 "Engineering Guidelines."

4.2 Power Control for the PRACH

The purpose of power control for the PRACH is to ensure the random access success rate, minimizes
transmit power, reduce interference to neighboring cells, and increase UE battery life.

4.2.1 Basics of PRACH Power Calculation

The PRACH power is calculated using the following formula:

PPRACH  min{PCMAX , Po _ pre  PL   preamble  ( N pre  1)   step }


 PCMAX is the maximum transmit power of the UE.

 Po _ pre is the target power expected by the eNodeB when the requirements for the preamble detection
performance are met and the PRACH preamble format is 0. The initial value of Po _ pre is set using the
RACHCfg.PreambInitRcvTargetPwr parameter.
 PL is the downlink path loss estimated by the UE. This value is obtained based on the reference
signal received power (RSRP) measurement value and the transmit power for the cell-specific
reference signal. The transmit power for cell-specific reference signals is set using the
PDSCHCfg.ReferenceSignalPwr parameter. The Alpha filtering coefficient for filtering the RSRP
measurement values is set using the CellUlpcDedic.FilterRsrp parameter. The UE acquires the two
parameters from SIBs.
  preamble is the offset of the power for the current preamble format against preamble format 0.

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Power Control 4 Uplink Power Control

 N pre is the number of times the UE sends the preamble. This value cannot exceed the maximum
number of preamble transmissions.
  step is the preamble power ramping step. This value is set using the RACHCfg.PwrRampingStep

The eNodeB sends Po _ pre and  step to a UE by broadcasting system information, and the UE
calculates the transmit power for the random access preamble based on Po _ pre ,  step , PL , and the
recorded N pre .

4.2.2 Po _ pre Setting by the eNodeB

The eNodeB sets the value of Po _ pre using the RACHCfg.PreambInitRcvTargetPwr parameter. If this
parameter is set to a small value, the probability that a preamble is correctly decoded decreases. If this
parameter is set to a large value, interference to neighboring cells increases.

4.2.3 PRACH Power Ramping for the UE

If random access by the UE fails before reaching the maximum number of preamble transmissions,
PRACH power ramping is performed, and the preamble is retransmitted. The PRACH power ramping
process is as follows:
1. The UE sends a random access preamble.
2. If the eNodeB correctly detects this preamble, it sends a random access response.
3. If the UE does not receive a random access response is not correctly detected, the UE accumulates
N pre
, recalculates the transmit power according to the PRACH power ramping step, and selects
another random access preamble.

4.3 Power Control for the PUSCH

The purposes of power control for the PUSCH are as follows:
 Lowering interference to neighboring cells and increasing cell throughput
 Ensuring services rates for users on cell edges

4.3.1 Basics of PUSCH Power Calculation

For each UE, the transmit power for the PUSCH is calculated using the following formula:

PPUSCH (i)  min{PCMAX ,10 log( M PUSCH (i))  Po _ PUSCH    PL  TF (i)  f (i)}

 i is the subframe number (for example, when i = 9, i is the ninth uplink subframe).
 PCMAX is the maximum transmit power of the UE.
 M PUSCH (i) is the number of RBs used by the ith uplink subframe.
 Po _ PUSCH is the receive power expected by the eNodeB.
  is the path loss compensation factor.  is set using the CellUlpcComm.PassLossCoeff

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Power Control 4 Uplink Power Control

 PL is the downlink path loss estimated by the UE. For details, see section 4.2.1 "Basics of PRACH
Power Calculation."
  TF (i) is the offset of the power for the current MCS format against the reference MCS format. If the
CellUlpcDedic.DeltaMcsEnabled parameter is set to 0,  TF (i) is 0. Otherwise, the impact of
 TF (i) is considered.
 f (i) is the adjustment of the PUSCH transmit power of the UE. This value is obtained based on the
TPC information on the PDCCH.

Po _ PUSCH is determined by the eNodeB and reflects the receive power density expected by the eNodeB
when the requirements for the PUSCH demodulation performance are met. The calculation formula is as



 Po _ NOMINAL _ PUSCH is the transmit power density for the PUSCH expected by the eNodeB when the
correct PUSCH demodulation is ensured. Po _ NOMINAL _ PUSCH is set using the
CellUlpcComm.P0NominalPUSCH parameter.
 Po _ UE _ PUSCH is the offset of the power for the UE against Po _ NOMINAL _ PUSCH . This value reflects the
impact of the UE level, service type, and channel quality on the transmit power for the PUSCH.

4.3.2 Initial Power Setting for the PUSCH by the eNodeB

In the initial stages after a UE accesses the network or is handed over to another cell, the measurement
values required for power control may not be obtained. At this time, the transmit power density for the
PUSCH needs to be set based on Po _ NOMINAL _ PUSCH and  , which are the nominal power for the cell
and the path loss compensation factor, respectively. In this way, the UE on a cell edge can successfully
access the network and maintain the service. Po _ NOMINAL _ PUSCH and  affect the transmit power
density. Small values of these two factors result in a decrease in the access success rate and service
rate. Large values cause an increase in the transmit power in the early phase after UE access and also
cause the interference to neighboring cells.

4.3.3 Transmit Power Adjustment for the PUSCH by the eNodeB

During service provision, path loss and shadow fading need to be tracked and the transmit power
density needs to be dynamically adjusted. The purposes of power adjustment for the PUSCH are to
meet service quality requirements, reduce transmit power, lower interference to neighboring cells, and
increase system capacity.
Based on the service types carried on the PUSCH, scheduling on the PUSCH consists of dynamic
scheduling and semi-persistent scheduling. Power control for the PUSCH uses different mechanisms for
these two scheduling modes.
In dynamic scheduling, power control for the PUSCH is set using the CellAlgoSwitch.UlPcAlgoSwitch
parameter. The principles are as follows:
When InnerLoopPuschSwitch under CellAlgoSwitch.UlPcAlgoSwitch is selected, the eNodeB
estimates the transmit power density of the UE and then periodically adjusts the transmit power for the
PUSCH to adapt to change in the channel environment and traffic load based on the difference between
the estimated transmit power density and the target transmit power density. If the estimated transmit

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Power Control 4 Uplink Power Control

power density is greater than the target transmit power density, the eNodeB sends a TPC command,
ordering a decrease in transmit power. If the estimated transmit power density is less than the target
transmit power density, the eNodeB sends a TPC command, ordering an increase in transmit power.

The transmit power density in the E-UTRAN system refers to the transmit power of an RB.

In semi-persistent scheduling, power control for the PUSCH is set using the
CellAlgoSwitch.UlPcAlgoSwitch parameter. The principles are as follows:
When CloseLoopSpsSwitch under CellAlgoSwitch.UlPcAlgoSwitch is selected, the transmit power
for the PUSCH is periodically adjusted to adapt to change in the channel environment based on the
difference between the measured IBLER and IBLERTarget:
 If the measured IBLER is greater than IBLERTarget, the eNodeB sends a TPC command to the UE,
ordering an increase in transmit power.
 If the measured IBLER is less than IBLERTarget, the eNodeB sends a TPC command to the UE,
ordering a decrease in transmit power.
The value of IBLERTarget is determined based on the requirement of the service in semi-persistent
The PUSCH TPCs of multiple UEs in semi-persistent scheduling are sent to the UEs in DCI format 3/3A.
In this way, signaling overheads on the PDCCH are reduced.

4.3.4 Msg3 Power Control in Random Access

Msg3 in the random access procedure is the RRC Connection Request message. When the PUSCH
carries Msg3, the transmit power of each UE's PUSCH is calculated using the following formula:

PPUSCH (i)  min{PCMAX ,10 log( M PUSCH (i))  PO_pre   PREAMBLE _ Msg3  PL   TF (i)  f (i)}

 i is the subframe number (for example, when i = 9, i is the ninth uplink subframe).
 PCMAX is the maximum transmit power of the UE.
 M PUSCH (i) is the number of RBs used by the ith uplink subframe.
 Po _ pre is the target power expected by the eNodeB when the requirements for the preamble detection
performance are met and the PRACH preamble format is 0.
  PREAMBLE _ Msg3 is the preamble delta value of Msg3. This value is set using the
CellUlpcComm.DeltaPreambleMsg3 parameter.
 PL is the downlink path loss estimated by the UE. For details, see section 4.2.1 "Basics of PRACH
Power Calculation."
  TF (i) is the offset of the power for the current MCS format against the reference MCS format. For
details, see section 4.3.1 "Basics of PUSCH Power Calculation."
 f (i) is the adjustment of the PUSCH transmit power of the UE. This value is obtained based on the
TPC information on the PDCCH.

The transmit power for Msg3 is determined based on Po _ pre and the parameters related to power
control for the PUSCH. For details about Po _ pre , see section 4.2 _Ref276369212"Power Control for the

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Power Control 4 Uplink Power Control

4.4 Power Control for the PUCCH

The PUCCH carries the ACK/NACK information, CQIs, and schedule request (SR) information related to
downlink data. When the probability of incorrect demodulation on the PUCCH is high, user throughput is
severely affected.
The purposes of power control for the PUCCH are to ensure the PUCCH performance and reduce the
interference to neighboring cells.

4.4.1 Basics of PUCCH Power Calculation

The transmit power for the PUCCH is calculated using the following formula:

PPUCCH (i)  min{PCMAX , P0 _ PUCCH  PL  hn CQI , nHARQ    F _ PUCCH ( F )  g (i)}

 i is the subframe number (for example, when i = 9, i is the ninth uplink subframe).
 PCMAX is the maximum transmit power of the UE.
 P0 _ PUCCH is the receive power expected by the eNodeB.
 PL is the downlink path loss estimated by the UE. This value is obtained based on the measured
RSRP and the transmit power for the cell-specific reference signal. The Alpha filtering coefficient for
filtering the RSRP measurement values is set using the CellUlpcDedic.FilterRsrp parameter.
 h n CQI , nHARQ  is determined by the PUCCH format. nCQI is the number of information bits of the CQI,
and it reflects the impact of the number of CQI bits of the PUCCH on the power. nHARQ is the number of
information bits of HARQ, and it reflects the impact of the number of HARQ signaling bits of the
PUCCH on the power.
  F _ PUCCH ( F ) reflects the transmission format of the PUCCH on the transmit power. It is set using the
CellUlpcComm.DeltaFPUCCHFormat1, CellUlpcComm.DeltaFPUCCHFormat1b,
CellUlpcComm.DeltaFPUCCHFormat2, CellUlpcComm.DeltaFPUCCHFormat2a, and
CellUlpcComm.DeltaFPUCCHFormat2b parameters.
 g (i) is the adjustment of the transmit power of the UE's PUCCH, and it is obtained based on the TPC
information on the PDCCH.

P0 _ PUCCH is determined by the eNodeB and is the receive power expected by the eNodeB when the
requirements for the PUCCH demodulation performance are met. The calculation formula is as follows:



 Po _ NOMINAL _ PUCCH is the target signal power expected by the eNodeB for the reference transmission
format. Po _ NOMINAL _ PUCCH is set using the CellUlpcComm.P0NominalPUCCH parameter.

 Po _ UE _ PUCCH is the offset of the power for the UE against Po _ NOMINAL _ PUCCH . This value reflects the
impact of the UE level, service type, and channel quality on the transmit power for the PUCCH.

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Power Control 4 Uplink Power Control

4.4.2 Initial Power Setting for the PUCCH by the eNodeB

In the initial stages after a UE accesses the network or is handed over to another cell, the transmit power
for the PUCCH is set using the nominal power Po _ NOMINAL _ PUCCH . This ensures that UEs on the cell
edge can successfully attach to the network.

4.4.3 Transmit Power Adjustment for the PUCCH by the eNodeB

During service provision, path loss and shadow fading need to be tracked and the transmit power needs
to be periodically and dynamically adjusted to meet the requirements for channel quality. This is the
purpose of PUCCH power adjustment.
Power control for the PUCCH is set using the CellAlgoSwitch.UlPcAlgoSwitch parameter. The
principles are as follows:
When InnerLoopPucchSwitch under CellAlgoSwitch.UlPcAlgoSwitch is selected, the transmit power
for the PUCCH is periodically adjusted to adapt to change in the channel environment based on the
difference between the measured SINR and SINRTarget:
 If the measured SINR is greater than SINRTarget, the eNodeB sends a TPC command to the UE,
ordering an increase in transmit power.
 If the measured SINR is less than SINRTarget, the eNodeB sends a TPC command to the UE, ordering
a decrease in transmit power.
The value of SINRTarget is determined based on the BLER requirements in different PUCCH formats and
the decoding capability of the eNodeB.
The PUCCH TPCs of multiple UEs in semi-persistent scheduling are sent to the UEs in DCI format 3/3A.
This reduces signaling overheads on the PDCCH.

4.5 Power Control for Sounding Reference Signals

The SRS is used for uplink channel estimation and uplink timing. Power control for the SRS ensures the
accuracy in uplink channel estimation and uplink timing.

4.5.1 Basics of SRS Power Calculation

The SRS power is calculated using the following formula:

PSRS (i)  min{PCMAX , 10 log( M SRS )  PSRS _ OFFSET  P0 _ PUSCH    PL  f (i)}

 i is the subframe number (for example, when i = 9, i is the ninth uplink subframe).
 PCMAX is the maximum transmit power of the UE.
 M SRS is the transmission bandwidth of the SRS.
 PSRS _ OFFSET is the offset of the SRS power against the PUSCH power. This value is set using the
CellUlpcDedic.PsrsOffsetDeltaMcsDisable or CellUlpcDedic.PSrsOffsetDeltaMcsEnable
parameters based on different CellUlpcDedic.DeltaMcsEnabled values.
 Po _ PUSCH is the value in dynamic scheduling for the PUSCH.
  is the path loss compensation factor, and it is set using the CellUlpcComm.PassLossCoeff

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Power Control 4 Uplink Power Control

 PL is the downlink path loss estimated by the UE. This value is calculated based on the measured
RSRP value and the transmit power for the cell-specific reference signal. The Alpha filtering coefficient
for filtering the RSRP measurement values is set using the CellUlpcDedic.FilterRsrp parameter.
 f (i) is the adjustment of the transmit power of the UE's PUSCH, and it is obtained based on the TPC
information on the PDCCH.

4.5.2 SRS Transmit Power Setting by the eNodeB

The transmit power for the SRS is determined based on the configured SRS power offset, resource
amount, and the parameters related to power control for the PUSCH, namely, Po _ PUSCH and f (i ) .

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Power Control 5 Related Features

5 Related Features
Power control involves the basic features LBFD-002016 Dynamic Downlink Power Allocation and
LBFD-002026 Uplink Power Control. This chapter describes their relationships with other features.

5.1 Downlink Power Control

Downlink power control is related to the following features:
 LBFD-002025 Basic Scheduling
 LOFD-00101502 Dynamic Scheduling
 LOFD-00101501 CQI Adjustment
 LOFD-001016 VoIP Semi-persistent Scheduling
 LBFD-00202201 Downlink Static Inter-Cell Interference Coordination
 LOFD-00101401 Downlink Dynamic Inter-Cell Interference Coordination
Figure 5-1 shows the interactions between downlink power control and downlink CQI adjustment,
downlink ICIC, and downlink scheduling.
Figure 5-1 Interactions between downlink power control and other algorithms

5.1.1 Required Features


5.1.2 Mutually Exclusive Features


5.1.3 Affected Features

 LBFD-002025 Basic Scheduling and LOFD-00101502 Dynamic Scheduling
Enabling PDCCH power control causes power changes and therefore affects the two scheduling
features. The power change increases the downlink throughput and decreases the call drop rate.
 LOFD-00101501 CQI Adjustment
If the CQI adjustment switch (specified by CellAlgoSwitch.CqiAdjAlgoSwitch) is turned on, the
eNodeB adjusts the CQIs reported by UEs to provide more accurate CQIs for PDSCH power control,
improving the performance of PDSCH power control.
 LOFD-001016 VoIP Semi-persistent Scheduling

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Power Control 5 Related Features

The downlink VoIP semi-persistent scheduling algorithm provides the achieved downlink BLER as an
input to the downlink semi-persistent power control algorithm. The BLER is a prerequisite for enabling
PDSCH power adjustment in semi-persistent scheduling.
 LBFD-00202201 Downlink Static Inter-Cell Interference Coordination, LOFD-00101401 Downlink
Dynamic Inter-Cell Interference Coordination, and Adaptive Inter-Cell Interference Coordination - LTE
The downlink ICIC algorithm provides the downlink power control algorithm with the ICIC switch status
and UE types (CCU or CEU). The downlink power control affects the transmit power and therefore
ICIC features.

5.2 Uplink Power Control

Uplink power control is related to the following features:
 LBFD-002025 Basic Scheduling
 LOFD-00101502 Dynamic Scheduling
 LOFD-001016 VoIP Semi-persistent Scheduling
 LBFD-002010 Random Access Procedure
Figure 5-2 shows the interactions between uplink power control and uplink scheduling as well as the
random access procedure.
Figure 5-2 Interactions between uplink power control and other algorithms

PH: power headroom TBS: transport block size

5.2.1 Required Features


5.2.2 Mutually Exclusive Features


5.2.3 Affected Features

 LBFD-002025 Basic Scheduling and LOFD-00101502 Dynamic Scheduling
The uplink power control algorithm provides the uplink scheduling algorithm with the power headroom
for a UE. Based on the power headroom, the scheduler determines an MCS and the number of RBs
for the UE to maximize system throughput while meeting the QoS requirements of the UE.
The uplink scheduling algorithm provides the uplink power control algorithm with the TBS and the
number of allocated RBs. UE power is set based on this algorithm.
In addition, the uplink scheduling algorithm provides information such as the PUCCH format and SRS
resource amount for related power setting.
 LOFD-001016 VoIP Semi-persistent Scheduling
The uplink VoIP semi-persistent scheduling algorithm provides the achieved uplink BLER as an input
to the uplink power control algorithm. The BLER is a prerequisite for enabling PUSCH power
adjustment in semi-persistent scheduling. If uplink semi-persistent scheduling is enabled, it is

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Power Control 5 Related Features

recommended that CloseLoopSpsSwitch be turned on to enable power control for the PUSCH in
semi-persistent scheduling mode.
 LBFD-002010 Random Access Procedure
The random access procedure provides the uplink power control algorithm with information such as
the preamble format and the number of times the UE sends the preamble. Based on this information,
the uplink power control algorithm maintains the transmit power of the UE above the required level
during the random access procedure.

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Power Control 6 Impact on the Network

6 Impact on the Network

This chapter describes the impact of power control on system capacity and network performance.

6.1 Downlink Power Control

This section describes the impact of downlink power control, which involves channels such as the

6.1.1 Impact on System Capacity

Power control for the PDSCH has an immediate impact on downlink system capacity. The settings of PA,
PB, and power for cell-specific reference signals all affect cell throughput. These settings determine the
total power used in a cell. Large values result in high interference to neighboring cells, and small values
cause a waste of power, less coverage, and reduced throughput.
Turning on CellDlpcPdschPa.PdschPaAdjSwitch may increase the data rate of UEs under severe
interference in the downlink. However, turning on this switch may waste RB resources in multi-UE
scenarios. This will bring negative gains to cell throughput and increase overall interference on the entire
Good performance of the PCFICH, PHICH, and PDCCH ensures basic functionality of the system.
Power control for these channels affects channel reliability, and channel reliability in turn affects various
performance indicators:
 Power control for the PCFICH has an impact on PDCCH demodulation and uplink and downlink
 Power control for the PHICH has an impact on uplink ACK/NACK demodulation and uplink HARQ and
therefore affects indicators such as uplink throughput and latency.
 The PDCCH carries UE-specific information. Power control for the PDCCH has an impact on
indicators such as uplink and downlink throughput and latency.

6.1.2 Impact on Network Performance

Downlink power control has an impact on key performance indicators (KPIs) in the following aspects:
 Access success rate
Downlink power control affects message transmission reliability during the access procedure. The
power offsets for downlink channels affect the network coverage for access. To enhance coverage,
ensure that the coverage levels of uplink and downlink channels are the same.
 Handover success rate
For example, power control for the PDCCH and PDSCH affects delivery of handover commands. This
has an impact on the handover success rate.
 Service drop rate
For example, power control for the PDCCH affects PDCCH reliability and further affects transmission
on other uplink and downlink channels. This has an impact on the service drop rate.

6.2 Uplink Power Control

This section describes the impact of uplink power control, which involves channels such as the PUSCH,

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Power Control 6 Impact on the Network

6.2.1 Impact on System Capacity

Uplink power control has an impact on system capacity in following aspects:
 Power control for the PUSCH determines the transmit power of each UE and the number of RBs
allocated for uplink transmission. Therefore, it has an immediate impact on uplink system capacity.
 Power control for the PUCCH affects the reliability of uplink control information transmission. The
control information includes ACKs/NACKs. Therefore, the power control has an impact on downlink
 Power control for SRS affects the accuracy of timing advance and SINR measurements and has an
impact on the performance of functions such as AMC. Therefore, the power control affects system

6.2.2 Impact on Network Performance

Uplink power control has an impact on KPIs in the following aspects:
 Access success rate
Uplink power control affects message transmission reliability during the access procedure.
In addition, uplink power control determines the coverage levels of channels and affects the network
coverage for access. To enhance coverage, ensure that the coverage levels of uplink and downlink
channels are the same.
 Handover success rate
For example, power control for the PUSCH and PUCCH affects measurement reporting; power control
for the PRACH, PUSCH, and PUCCH affects the random access procedure.
 Service drop rate
For example, power control for the PUSCH and PUCCH affects transmission reliability on uplink
channels. This has an impact on the service drop rate.

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Power Control 7 Engineering Guidelines

7 Engineering Guidelines
This chapter provides engineering guidelines for power control.

7.1 When to Use Power Control

7.1.1 Downlink Power Control
This section describes when to use downlink power control.

Dynamic Power Adjustment for the PHICH

It is recommended that dynamic power adjustment for the PHICH (controlled by
PhichInnerLoopPcSwitch) be disabled to use fixed power allocation for the PHICH. This is because
this type of power adjustment is generally used to reduce the transmit power for the PHICH, which
occupies very few resources. The PHICH carries the ACK/NACK messages for the uplink data, which
requires high accuracy. In addition, the default value of the PHICH power offset can satisfy PHICH
demodulation. Therefore, decreasing the transmit power for the PHICH cannot significantly reduce
power consumption but will reduce accuracy and uplink data rate.

Power Control for the PDCCH Carrying Dedicated Control Information

It is recommended that dynamic power adjustment for the PDCCH (controlled by PdcchPcSwitch) be
enabled to reduce the service drop rate and increase the throughput for CEUs.

PA Adjustment for the PDSCH in Dynamic Scheduling Mode

It is recommended that PA adjustment for the PDSCH in dynamic scheduling mode (controlled by
CellDlpcPdschPa.PdschPaAdjSwitch) be disabled to use fixed power allocation for the PDSCH. This
is because this type of power adjustment is used in severe interference to improve the user experience
for UEs remote from the cell center. However, turning on this switch may waste RB resources in multi-UE
scenarios. This will bring negative gains to cell throughput and increase overall interference on the entire

The setting of CellDlpcPdschPa.PdschPaAdjSwitch takes effect only when downlink ICIC is disabled.

Power Control for the PDSCH in Semi-Persistent Scheduling Mode

It is recommended that power control for the PDSCH in semi-persistent scheduling mode (controlled by
PdschSpsPcSwitch) be disabled to use fixed power allocation for the PDSCH. This is because the
power control brings gains in only few scenarios.

The setting of PdschSpsPcSwitch takes effect only when downlink ICIC is disabled.

Configuration Suggestions on Cell-specific Reference Signal Power, PA, and

The three values (cell-specific reference signal power [denoted by PRS in this section], PA, and PB)
determine the transmit power for cell-specific reference signals, transmit power for data, and the numeric
relationship between the two types of transmit power. The three values affect downlink throughput and
some important KPIs such as the handover success rate and access success rate.
To improve downlink throughput and KPIs, configuration suggestions are provided as follows, which vary
depending on the main source of interference to the data of the local cell:

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Power Control 7 Engineering Guidelines

 The main source of interference is cell-specific reference signals transmitted in neighboring cells.
This is true when neighboring cells are lightly loaded (cell load is lower than 20%). In this case, an
effective measure is to increase the transmit power for data and decrease that for cell-specific
reference signals in both the local cell and the neighboring cells. Specifically, the following settings are
recommended: PRS = 15.2 dBm, PA = 0, and PB = 0.
 The main source of interference is data transmitted in neighboring cells.
This is true when neighboring cells are heavily loaded. In this case, an effective measure is to increase
the transmit power for cell-specific reference signals in the local cell to improve the PDSCH
demodulation performance. Specifically, the following settings are recommended: PRS = 18.2 dBm, PA
= 3, and PB = 1.

7.1.2 Uplink Power Control

This section describes when to use uplink power control.

Inner-Loop Power Control for the PUSCH in Dynamic Scheduling Mode

It is recommended that inner-loop power control for the PUSCH in dynamic scheduling mode (controlled
by InnerLoopPuschSwitch) be enabled to achieve higher CEU throughput and fairness between users.

Closed-Loop Power Control for the PUSCH in Semi-Persistent Scheduling

It is recommended that power control for the PUSCH in semi-persistent scheduling mode (controlled by
CloseLoopSpsSwitch) be enabled or disabled as follows:
 Enable power control if uplink semi-persistent scheduling is enabled. In this situation, TPC commands
are adjusted based on correctness of the received initial-transmission data packets to decrease the
IBLER, improving VoIP service performance.
 Disable power control if uplink semi-persistent scheduling is disabled.

If the power control described in this section is enabled, it is recommended that inner-loop power control for the PUSCH in
dynamic scheduling mode also be enabled.

Inner-Loop Power Control for the PUCCH

It is recommended that inner-loop power control for the PUCCH (controlled by InnerLoopPucchSwitch)
be enabled to ensure PUCCH signal quality.

7.2 Information to Be Collected


7.3 Network Planning


7.4 Deploying Downlink Power Control

7.4.1 Deployment Requirements
Downlink power control has no requirement for the operating environment, transmission networking, and

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7.4.2 Data Preparation

This section describes generic data and scenario-specific data to be collected. Generic data is
necessary for all scenarios and must always be collected. Scenario-specific data is collected only when
necessary for a specific scenario.
There are three types of data sources:
 Network plan (negotiation required): Parameters are planned by operators and negotiated with the
EPC or peer transmission equipment.
 Network plan (negotiation not required): Parameters are planned and set by operators.
 User-defined: Parameters are set as required by users.

Generic Data
Power Settings for Cell-specific Reference Signals
The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the PDSCHCfg managed object (MO)
to configure the cell-specific reference signal power.

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell ID PDSCHCfg.Lo Network plan Set this parameter based on the network plan.
calCellId (negotiation This parameter specifies the local identity of a
not required) cell. Ensure that this parameter has been set
in the related Cell MO.
Reference signal PDSCHCfg.Ref Network plan Set this parameter based on the network plan
power erenceSignalP (negotiation during eNodeB deployment. Reference signal
wr not required) power is used for cell identification, channel
estimation, path loss estimation, and handover
measurement. Reference signal power serves
as a benchmark for channel powers.

Power Settings for Synchronization Signals

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellChPwrCfg MO to configure the
synchronization signal power.

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell ID CellChPwrCfg. Network plan Set this parameter based on the network plan.
LocalCellId (negotiation This parameter specifies the local identity of a
not required) cell. Ensure that this parameter has been set
in the related Cell MO.
SCH power CellChPwrCfg. Network plan This parameter specifies the offset of the
SchPwr (negotiation synchronization signal power relative to the
not required) reference signal power specified by
The value 0 is recommended.

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Power Settings for the PBCH

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellChPwrCfg MO to configure the
PBCH power.

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell ID CellChPwrCfg.LocalCellId Network Set this parameter based on the network
plan plan. This parameter specifies the local
(negotiation identity of a cell. Ensure that this
not parameter has been set in the related
required) Cell MO.
PBCH power CellChPwrCfg.PbchPwr Network This parameter specifies the offset of the
plan PBCH power relative to the reference
(negotiation signal power specified by
not PDSCHCfg.ReferenceSignalPwr.
required) The value -600 is recommended for
common scenarios and peak rate tests.

Power Settings for the PCFICH

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellChPwrCfg MO to configure the
PCFICH power.

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell ID CellChPwrCfg.LocalCellId Network Set this parameter based on the network
plan plan. This parameter specifies the local
(negotiation identity of a cell. Ensure that this
not parameter has been set in the related
required) Cell MO.
PCFICH CellChPwrCfg.PcfichPwr Network This parameter specifies the offset of the
power plan PCFICH power relative to the reference
(negotiation signal power specified by
not PDSCHCfg.ReferenceSignalPwr.
required) The value -600 is recommended for
frequency division duplex (FDD) cells.

Power Settings for the PHICH

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellChPwrCfg MO to configure the
PHICH power offset when power control is disabled for the PHICH.

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Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell ID CellChPwrCfg.LocalCellId Network Set this parameter based on the network
plan plan. This parameter specifies the local
(negotiation identity of a cell. Ensure that this
not parameter has been set in the related
required) Cell MO.
Phich Pc Off CellDlpcPhich.PwrOffset Network This parameter specifies the offset of the
Power Offset plan PHICH power relative to the reference
(negotiation signal power specified by
not PDSCHCfg.ReferenceSignalPwr when
required) PhichInnerLoopPcSwitch under the
parameter is not selected.
The value 0 is recommended.

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellAlgoSwitch MO to configure
the PHICH inner-loop power control switch.

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell ID CellAlgoSwitc Network plan Set this parameter based on the network plan.
h.LocalCellId (negotiation This parameter specifies the local identity of a
not required) cell. Ensure that this parameter has been set
in the related Cell MO.
Downlink power CellAlgoSwitc Network plan This parameter specifies the switches used to
control algorithm h.DlPcAlgoSw (negotiation enable or disable power control for the
switch itch not required) PDSCH, PDCCH, and PHICH.
PhichInnerLoopPcSwitch under this
parameter specifies the PHICH inner-loop
power control switch. If this switch is turned
off, the initial PHICH transmit power must be
set. If this switch is turned on, the eNodeB
adjusts the PHICH transmit power to enable
the actual receiver SINR to converge on the
target SINR. It is recommended that this
switch be turned off.

Power Settings for the PDCCH Carrying Dedicated Control Information

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellDlpcPdcch MO to configure the
power offset for the PDCCH that carries dedicated control information.

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Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell ID CellDlpcPdcc Network plan Set this parameter based on the network plan.
h.LocalCellId (negotiation This parameter specifies the local identity of a
not required) cell. Ensure that this parameter has been set
in the related Cell MO.
DCI power offset CellDlpcPdcc Network plan This parameter specifies the offset of the
for dedicated h.DediDciPwr (negotiation PDCCH power relative to the reference signal
control Offset not required) power specified by
PDSCHCfg.ReferenceSignalPwr when the
PDCCH carries dedicated control information
and PdcchPcSwitch under the
CellAlgoSwitch.DlPcAlgoSwitch parameter
is not selected
The value -30 (corresponding to -3 dB) is

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellAlgoSwitch MO to configure
the PDCCH power control switch.

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell ID CellAlgoSwitc Network plan Set this parameter based on the network plan.
h.LocalCellId (negotiation This parameter specifies the local identity of a
not required) cell. Ensure that this parameter has been set
in the related Cell MO.
Downlink power CellAlgoSwitc Network plan This parameter specifies the switches used to
control algorithm h.DlPcAlgoSw (negotiation enable or disable power control for the
switch itch not required) PDSCH, PDCCH, and PHICH.
PdcchPcSwitch under this parameter
specifies the PDCCH power control switch. If
this switch is turned off, power is evenly
allocated to the PDCCH. If this switch is turned
on, the PDCCH power is dynamically adjusted.
It is recommended that this switch be turned

Power Settings for the PDSCH Carrying Information Other Than RACH Response, Paging
Messages, and SIBs
The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellDlpcPdschPa MO to configure
the PA adjustment switch.

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Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell ID CellDlpcPdsch Network plan Set this parameter based on the network plan.
Pa.LocalCellId (negotiation This parameter specifies the local identity of a
not required) cell. Ensure that this parameter has been set
in the related Cell MO.
PA adjusting CellDlpcPdsch Network plan This parameter specifies the switch for
switch Pa.PdschPaAd (negotiation adjusting PA through power control for the
jSwitch not required) PDSCH in dynamic scheduling mode. If this
parameter is set to ON(On), PA is adjusted
dynamically when the channel quality is either
extremely good or bad.
The value OFF(Off) is recommended.

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellAlgoSwitch MO to configure
the switch for PDSCH power control during semi-persistent scheduling.

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell ID CellAlgoSwitc Network plan Set this parameter based on the network plan.
h.LocalCellId (negotiation This parameter specifies the local identity of a
not required) cell. Ensure that this parameter has been set
in the related Cell MO.
Downlink power CellAlgoSwitc Network plan This parameter specifies the switches used to
control algorithm h.DlPcAlgoSw (negotiation enable or disable power control for the
switch itch not required) PDSCH, PDCCH, and PHICH.
PdschSpsPcSwitch under this parameter
specifies the switch for PDSCH power control
in semi-persistent scheduling mode. If this
switch is turned off, power is evenly allocated
to the PDSCH in semi-persistent scheduling
mode. If this switch is turned on, power control
is applied to the PDSCH in semi-persistent
scheduling mode, ensuring communication
quality (indicated by IBLER) of VoIP services
when the QPSK modulation scheme is used. It
is recommended that this switch be turned off.

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the PDSCHCfg MO to configure PB.

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell ID PDSCHCfg.LocalCellId Network Set this parameter based on the network
plan plan. This parameter specifies the local
(negotiation identity of a cell. Ensure that this parameter
not has been set in the related Cell MO.

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Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Pb PDSCHCfg.Pb Network This parameter specifies PB, which is the
plan index of a power factor ratio related to the
(negotiation Energy Per Resource Element (EPRE) on
not the PDSCH. This factor is determined by
required) the value of this parameter and the number
of antenna ports.
The value 0 is recommended for
single-antenna configurations. The value 1
is recommended for dual-antenna

Power Settings for the PDSCH Carrying RACH Response, Paging Messages, and SIBs
The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellChPwrCfg MO to configure
power offsets for the PDSCH that carries RACH response, paging messages, and SIBs.

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell ID CellChPwrCfg.LocalCellId Network Set this parameter based on the network
plan plan. This parameter specifies the local
(negotiation identity of a cell. Ensure that this
not parameter has been set in the related
required) Cell MO.
DBCH power CellChPwrCfg.DbchPwr Network This parameter specifies the offset of the
plan power for broadcast information on the
(negotiation PDSCH relative to the reference signal
not power specified by
required) PDSCHCfg.ReferenceSignalPwr.
The value -600 is recommended for
common scenarios and peak rate tests.
PCH power CellChPwrCfg.PchPwr Network This parameter specifies the offset of the
plan power for paging information on the
(negotiation PDSCH relative to the reference signal
not power specified by
required) PDSCHCfg.ReferenceSignalPwr.
The value 0 (corresponding to 0 dB) is
Rach CellChPwrCfg.RaRspPwr Network This parameter specifies the offset of the
response plan power for random access responses on
power (negotiation the PDSCH relative to the reference
not signal power specified by
required) PDSCHCfg.ReferenceSignalPwr.
The value 0 (corresponding to 0 dB) is

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Scenario-specific Data
Scenario 1: Downlink ICIC Disabled
The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellDlpcPdschPa MO to configure
PA for PDSCH power control.

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell ID CellDlpcPdschPa.LocalCellId Network Set this parameter based on the
plan network plan. This parameter specifies
(negotiation the local identity of a cell. Ensure that
not this parameter has been set in the
required) related Cell MO.
PA for even CellDlpcPdschPa.PaPcOff Network This parameter specifies the PA value
power plan used when PDSCH power control is
distribution (negotiation disabled, downlink ICIC is disabled,
not and power is evenly distributed for the
required) PDSCH.
The value DB_3_P_A(-3 dB) is
recommended for multi-antenna
configurations. The value DB0_P_A(0
dB) is recommended for
single-antenna configurations.

Scenario 2: Downlink ICIC Enabled

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellDlpcPdsch MO to configure
PDSCH power control settings.

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell ID CellDlpcPdsch.LocalCellId Network Set this parameter based on the network
plan plan. This parameter specifies the local
(negotiation identity of a cell. Ensure that this
not parameter has been set in the related
required) Cell MO.
Center UE CellDlpcPdsch.CcuPa Network This parameter specifies the PA value for
PA plan CCUs when downlink ICIC is enabled.
(negotiation The value PA_NEG6(-6) (corresponding
not to -6 dB) is recommended.
Edge UE PA CellDlpcPdsch.CeuPa Network This parameter specifies the PA value for
plan CEUs when downlink ICIC is enabled.
(negotiation The value PA_NEG1DOT77(-1.77)
not (corresponding to -1.77 dB) is
required) recommended.

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7.4.3 Initial Configuration

Configuring a Single eNodeB Using the GUI
Configure a single eNodeB using the Configuration Management Express (CME) graphical user
interface (GUI) based on the collected data described in section 7.4.2 "Data Preparation." For details,
see the procedure for configuring a single eNodeB on the CME GUI described in eNodeB Initial
Configuration Guide.

Configuring eNodeBs in Batches

To configure eNodeBs in batches, perform the following steps:
Step 1 On the GUI, set the parameters listed in the table for a specific scenario in this section, and save
the parameter settings as a user-defined template.
The parameters are the same as those described in section 7.4.2 "Data Preparation."
Step 2 Fill in the summary data file with the name of the user-defined template.
The parameter settings in the user-defined template will be applied to the eNodeBs after you import the
summary data file into the CME.

For descriptions of the user-defined template and summary data file and also the detailed procedure for
configuring eNodeBs in batches, see eNodeB Initial Configuration Guide.
Switch Setting for PDCCH Power Control, PHICH Power Control, and PDSCH Power Control in
Semi-Persistent Scheduling Mode
The following table lists the parameter that includes the switches for PDCCH power control, PHICH
power control, and power control for the PDSCH in semi-persistent scheduling mode.

MO Parameter Group Name Parameter

CELLALGOSWITCH CellAlgoSwitch LocalCellId, Downlink power control algorithm

PDSCH Power Settings

 Scenario 1: downlink ICIC disabled
MO Parameter Group Name Parameter
CELLDLPCPDSCHPA CellDlpcPdschPa LocalCellId, PA adjusting switch, PA for even
power distribution(dB)

 Scenario 2: downlink ICIC enabled

MO Parameter Group Name Parameter
CELLDLPCPDSCH CellDlpcPdsch LocalCellId, Center UE Pa, Edge UE Pa

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Configuring a Single eNodeB Using MML Commands

Run the MOD CELLALGOSWITCH command to enable the downlink power control algorithm.

7.4.4 Activation Observation

Power Allocation for Cell-specific Reference Signals
To verify whether power allocation for cell-specific reference signals takes effect, perform the following
Step 1 On the M2000 client, choose Monitor > Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace Management.
Step 2 In the navigation tree of the displayed Signaling Trace window, choose Trace Type > LTE >
Application Layer > Uu Interface Trace. Double-click Uu Interface Trace.
Step 3 Set task information in the displayed Uu Interface Trace dialog box and click Finish.
The Uu interface signaling tracing task is started.
Step 4 Double-click the new task in the task list on the right of the Signaling Trace Management tab
page. The task monitoring tab page is displayed.
Step 5 Deactivate the cell and then activate it.
Step 6 After the cell is activated, find the referenceSignalPower IE in the first RRC_SYS_INFO
message traced over the Uu interface. Then, check whether the value for the
referenceSignalPower IE is consistent with the value for PDSCHCfg.ReferenceSignalPwr.
If the values are consistent, the configuration takes effect. In Figure 7-1, the value for the
referenceSignalPower IE is 18, which means 18 dBm. The value configured for
PDSCHCfg.ReferenceSignalPwr is 182, which means 18.2 dBm. The two values are the same.
The minor margin of error is caused by the precision of IE values defined in 3GPP specifications.

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Figure 7-1 RRC_SYS_INFO message


Power Allocation for Synchronization Signals

On the M2000 client, check the setting of the cell-specific reference signal power. Then, run the LST
CELLCHPWRCFG command to check the synchronization signal power setting in each cell.
Figure 7-2 shows an example of the result.

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Figure 7-2 Example of the synchronization signal power

Power Allocation for the PBCH

On the M2000 client, check the setting of the cell-specific reference signal power. Then, run the LST
CELLCHPWRCFG command to check the PBCH power setting in each cell.
Figure 7-3 shows an example of the result.
Figure 7-3 Example of the PBCH power

Power Allocation for the PCFICH

On the M2000 client, check the setting of the cell-specific reference signal power. Then, run the LST
CELLCHPWRCFG command to check the PCFICH power setting in each cell.
Figure 7-4 shows an example of the result.

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Figure 7-4 Example of the PCFICH power

Power Allocation for the PDSCH Carrying RACH Response, Paging Messages,
and SIBs
On the M2000 client, check the setting of the cell-specific reference signal power. Then, run the LST
CELLCHPWRCFG command to check the power setting for the PDSCH that carries the RACH
response, paging messages, and SIBs in each cell.
Figure 7-5 shows an example of the result.
Figure 7-5 Example of the power for the PDSCH carrying RACH response, paging messages, and SIBs

Power Control for the PHICH

To verify the power control for the PHICH, perform the following steps:
Step 1 On the M2000 client, choose Monitor > Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace Management.
Step 2 In the navigation tree of the displayed Signaling Trace window, choose Trace Type > LTE >
Application Layer > S1 Interface Trace. Double-click S1 Interface Trace.
Step 3 Set task information in the displayed S1 Interface Trace dialog box and click Finish. The S1
interface signaling tracing task is started.
Step 4 Double-click the new task in the task list on the right of the Signaling Trace Management tab
The task monitoring tab page is displayed.

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Step 5 Enable a UE to access the cell. Wait until the UE inactivity timer expires and the UE enters
RRC_IDLE mode. Then, perform an 80 Mbit/s uplink UDP data transmission. The UE enters
RRC_CONNECTED mode. Check the values for the mMEC and m-TMSI IEs in the
S1AP_INITIAL_UE_MSG message traced over the S1 interface, as shown in Figure 7-6.
Figure 7-6 S1AP_INITIAL_UE_MSG message

Step 6 In the navigation tree of the Signaling Trace window, choose Trace Type > LTE > User
Performance Monitoring > DL Power Control Monitoring. Double-click DL Power Control
Step 7 In the displayed DL Power Control Monitoring dialog box, set UEID-MME to the decimal value
for the mMEC IE, and set UEID-TMSI/Trace Reference NO. to the decimal value for the m-TMSI
IE, as shown in Figure 7-7. Then, click Finish to start the UE downlink power control monitoring.

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Figure 7-7 DL Power Control Monitoring dialog box (1)

Step 8 Double-click the new task in the task list on the right of the Signaling Trace Management tab
page. The task monitoring tab page is displayed.
Step 9 Check the real-time value for Power Offset of PHICH (0.01dB), as shown in Figure 7-8.
When PhichInnerLoopPcSwitch is disabled, the eNodeB allocates fixed power to the PHICH. In
this situation, the value for Power Offset of PHICH (0.01dB) is the same as that for
CellDlpcPhich.PwrOffset. When PhichInnerLoopPcSwitch is enabled, the eNodeB
dynamically adjusts the PHICH power. In this situation, the values for Power Offset of PHICH
(0.01dB) and CellDlpcPhich.PwrOffset may be different.

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Figure 7-8 DL Power Control Monitoring dialog box (2)


Power Control for the PDCCH Carrying Dedicated Control Information

To verify the power control for the PDCCH carrying dedicated control information, perform the following
Step 1 On the M2000 client, choose Monitor > Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace Management.
Step 2 In the navigation tree of the displayed Signaling Trace window, choose Trace Type > LTE >
Application Layer > S1 Interface Trace. Double-click S1 Interface Trace.
Step 3 Set task information in the displayed S1 Interface Trace dialog box and click Finish. The S1
interface signaling tracing task is started.
Step 4 Double-click the new task in the task list on the right of the Signaling Trace Management tab
The task monitoring tab page is displayed.
Step 5 Enable a UE to access the cell. Wait until the UE inactivity timer expires and the UE enters
RRC_IDLE mode. Then, perform a 150 Mbit/s downlink UDP data transmission. The UE enters
RRC_CONNECTED mode. Check the values for the mMEC and m-TMSI IEs in the
S1AP_INITIAL_UE_MSG message traced over the S1 interface, as shown in Figure 7-9.

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Figure 7-9 S1AP_INITIAL_UE_MSG message

Step 6 In the navigation tree of the Signaling Trace window, choose Trace Type > LTE > User
Performance Monitoring > DL Power Control Monitoring. Double-click DL Power Control
Step 7 In the displayed DL Power Control Monitoring dialog box, set UEID-MME to the decimal value
for the mMEC IE, and set UEID-TMSI/Trace Reference NO. to the decimal value for the m-TMSI
IE, as shown in Figure 7-10. Then, click Finish to start the UE downlink power control

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Figure 7-10 DL Power Control Monitoring dialog box (1)

Step 8 Double-click the new task in the task list on the right of the Signaling Trace Management tab
The task monitoring tab page is displayed.
Step 9 Move the UE to the cell center and check the real-time value for Power Offset of
PDCCH(0.01dB), as shown in Figure 7-11.
When the UE is in the cell center, the power of the PDCCH is small, and accordingly the value for
Power Offset of PDCCH(0.01dB) is small.

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Figure 7-11 DL Power Control Monitoring dialog box (2)

Step 10 Move the UE to the cell edge and check the real-time value for Power Offset of PDCCH(0.01dB),
as shown in Figure 7-12.
When PdcchPcSwitch is turned on and the UE is in the cell edge, the eNodeB increases the
power of the PDCCH. When the value for Power Offset of PDCCH(0.01dB) in this step is greater
than that in Step 9, power control for the PDCCH carrying dedicated control information takes
effect. When PdcchPcSwitch is turned off, the eNodeB does not adjust the power of the PDCCH,
which means the two values are the same.

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Figure 7-12 DL Power Control Monitoring dialog box (3)


Power Settings for the PDSCH Carrying Channels Other Than RACH
Response, Paging Messages, and SIBs
Step 1 On the M2000 client, choose Monitor > Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace Management.
Step 2 In the navigation tree of the displayed Signaling Trace window, choose Trace Type > LTE >
Application Layer > Uu Interface Trace. Double-click Uu Interface Trace.
Step 3 Set task information in the displayed Uu Interface Trace dialog box and click Finish.
The Uu interface signaling tracing task is started.
Step 4 Double-click the new task in the task list on the right of the Signaling Trace Management tab
page. The task monitoring tab page is displayed.
Step 5 Deactivate the cell and then activate it. After the cell is activated, find the p-b IE in the first
RRC_SYS_INFO message traced over the Uu interface, as shown in Figure 7-13. Then, check
whether the value for the p-b IE is consistent with the value for PDSCHCfg.Pb.
If the values are consistent, the settings for PDSCHCfg.Pb take effect.

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Figure 7-13 RRC_SYS_INFO message

Step 6 In the navigation tree of the displayed Signaling Trace window, choose Trace Type > LTE >
Application Layer > S1 Interface Trace. Double-click S1 Interface Trace.
Step 7 Set task information in the displayed S1 Interface Trace dialog box and click Finish.
The S1 interface signaling tracing task is started.
Step 8 Double-click the new task in the task list on the right of the Signaling Trace Management tab
The task monitoring tab page is displayed.
Step 9 Enable a UE to access the cell. Wait until the UE inactivity timer expires and the UE enters
RRC_IDLE mode. Then, perform a 150 Mbit/s downlink UDP data transmission. The UE enters
RRC_CONNECTED mode. Check the values for the mMEC and m-TMSI IEs in the
S1AP_INITIAL_UE_MSG message traced over the S1 interface, as shown in Figure 7-14.

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Figure 7-14 S1AP_INITIAL_UE_MSG message

Step 10 In the navigation tree of the Signaling Trace window, choose Trace Type > LTE > User
Performance Monitoring > DL Power Control Monitoring. Double-click DL Power Control
Step 11 In the displayed DL Power Control Monitoring dialog box, set UEID-MME to the decimal value
for the mMEC IE, and set UEID-TMSI/Trace Reference NO. to the decimal value for the m-TMSI
IE, as shown in Figure 7-15. Then, click Finish to start the UE downlink power control

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Figure 7-15 DL Power Control Monitoring dialog box (1)

Step 12 Double-click the new task in the task list on the right of the Signaling Trace Management tab
page. The task monitoring tab page is displayed.
Step 13 Check the real-time value for PDSCH PA (0.01dB), as shown in Figure 7-16.
When downlink ICIC is disabled and PdschPaAdjSwitch is turned off, the eNodeB allocates fixed
power to the PDSCH. In this situation, the value for PDSCH PA (0.01dB) is the same as the value
for CellDlpcPdschPa.PaPcOff. When downlink ICIC is enabled, the eNodeB allocates power to
the PDSCH according to UE attributes. In this situation, the value for PDSCH PA (0.01dB) is the
same as the value for CellDlpcPdsch.CcuPa or CellDlpcPdsch.CeuPa. For details about
downlink ICIC-triggered UE attribute decision making, see ICIC Feature Parameter Description.

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Figure 7-16 DL Power Control Monitoring dialog box (2)


7.4.5 Deactivation
Dynamic Power Adjustment for the PHICH
Run the MOD CELLALGOSWITCH command with the PhichInnerLoopPcSwitch check box cleared
under the CellAlgoSwitch.DlPcAlgoSwitch parameter.

Power Control for the PDCCH Carrying Dedicated Control Information

Run the MOD CELLALGOSWITCH command with the PdcchPcSwitch check box cleared under the
CellAlgoSwitch.DlPcAlgoSwitch parameter.

PA Adjustment for the PDSCH in Dynamic Scheduling Mode

Run the MOD CELLDLPCPDSCHPA command with the CellDlpcPdschPa.PdschPaAdjSwitch
parameter set to OFF(Off).

Power Control for the PDSCH in Semi-Persistent Scheduling Mode

Run the MOD CELLALGOSWITCH command with the PdschSpsPcSwitch check box cleared under
the CellAlgoSwitch.DlPcAlgoSwitch parameter.

7.5 Deploying Uplink Power Control

7.5.1 Deployment Requirements
Uplink power control has no requirement for the operating environment, transmission networking, and

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7.5.2 Data Preparation

Generic Data
PRACH Power Settings
The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the RACHCfg MO to configure the
PRACH power control settings.

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell ID RACHCfg.Loc Network plan Set this parameter based on the network plan.
alCellId (negotiation This parameter specifies the local identity of a
not required) cell. Ensure that this parameter has been set
in the related Cell MO.
Power ramping RACHCfg.Pwr Network plan This parameter specifies the preamble power
step RampingStep (negotiation ramping step. If multiple attempts to access
not required) the PRACH fail, the UE increases the transmit
power for random access preambles by a
step specified by this parameter to ensure
successful access.
The value
Preamble initial RACHCfg.Prea Network plan This parameter specifies the target UE
received target mbInitRcvTarg (negotiation transmit power for the PRACH expected by
power etPwr not required) the eNodeB for preamble detection when
PRACH preamble format 0 is used.
The value DBM_104(-104dBm) is

PUSCH Power Settings

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellUlpcComm MO to configure
PUSCH power control settings.

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell ID CellUlpcCom Network plan Set this parameter based on the network plan.
m.LocalCellId (negotiation This parameter specifies the local identity of a
not required) cell. Ensure that this parameter has been set
in the related Cell MO.
Path loss CellUlpcCom Network plan This parameter specifies the compensation
coefficient m.PassLossC (negotiation factor for path loss. It is used in uplink power
oeff not required) control. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.213.
The value AL07(0.7) is recommended.

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Power Control 7 Engineering Guidelines

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

P0 nominal CellUlpcCom Network plan This parameter specifies the target UE
PUSCH m.P0NominalP (negotiation transmit power for the PUSCH expected by
USCH not required) the eNodeB for normal demodulation of the
PUSCH. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.213.
The value -67 (corresponding to -67 dBm) is

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellUlpcDedic MO to configure the
dedicated RRC parameters for PUSCH power control.

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell ID CellUlpcDedic. Network plan Set this parameter based on the network plan.
LocalCellId (negotiation This parameter specifies the local identity of a
not required) cell. Ensure that this parameter has been set
in the related Cell MO.
Delta-MCS CellUlpcDedic. Network plan This parameter specifies whether to use delta
enable or disable DeltaMcsEnabl (negotiation MCS (the difference between MCSs) during
indication ed not required) adjustments on the UE transmit power.
The value UU_DISABLE(Disable) is
RSRP filtering CellUlpcDedic. Network plan This parameter specifies the Alpha filtering
coefficient FilterRsrp (negotiation coefficient used by the UE to filter RSRP
not required) measurement values during path loss
The value
_COEFF) is recommended.

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellAlgoSwitch MO to configure
the closed-loop power control switch for the PUSCH in semi-persistent scheduling mode and the
inner-loop power control switch for the PUSCH in dynamic scheduling mode.

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell CellAlgoSwitch.LocalCellId Network Set this parameter based on the
ID plan network plan. This parameter
(negotiation specifies the local identity of a cell.
not Ensure that this parameter has been
required) set in the related Cell MO.

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Power Control 7 Engineering Guidelines

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Uplink CellAlgoSwitch.UlPcAlgoSwitch Network CloseLoopSpsSwitch under this
power plan parameter specifies the closed-loop
control (negotiation power control switch for the PUSCH
algorithm not in semi-persistent scheduling mode.
switch required) If this switch is turned off,
closed-loop power control is not
performed on the PUSCH in
semi-persistent scheduling mode. If
this switch is turned on, the eNodeB
adjusts TPC commands based on
whether the received
initial-transmission packets are
correct in order to decrease the
IBLER. It is recommended that this
switch be set to the same state as
the semi-persistent scheduling
InnerLoopPuschSwitch under this
parameter specifies the inner-loop
power control switch for the PUSCH
in dynamic scheduling mode. If this
switch is turned on, inner-loop power
control is performed for the PUSCH
in dynamic scheduling mode. It is
recommended that this switch be
turned on.

PUCCH Power Settings

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellUlpcComm MO to configure
PUCCH power control parameters.

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell ID CellUlpcCom Network plan Set this parameter based on the network plan.
m.LocalCellId (negotiation This parameter specifies the local identity of a
not required) cell. Ensure that this parameter has been set
in the related Cell MO.
P0 nominal CellUlpcCom Network plan This parameter specifies the target UE
PUCCH m.P0NominalP (negotiation transmit power for the PUCCH expected by
UCCH not required) the eNodeB for normal demodulation of the
PUCCH. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.213.
The value -105 (corresponding to -105 dBm) is
DeltaF for CellUlpcCom Network plan This parameter specifies the Delta value
PUCCH format 1 m.DeltaFPUCC (negotiation corresponding to PUCCH format 1. The value
HFormat1 not required) DELTAF0(0dB) is recommended.

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Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

DeltaF for CellUlpcCom Network plan This parameter specifies the Delta value
PUCCH format m.DeltaFPUCC (negotiation corresponding to PUCCH format 1b. The value
1b HFormat1b not required) DELTAF3(3dB) is recommended.

DeltaF for CellUlpcCom Network plan This parameter specifies the Delta value
PUCCH format 2 m.DeltaFPUCC (negotiation corresponding to PUCCH format 2. The value
HFormat2 not required) DELTAF1(1dB) is recommended.

DeltaF for CellUlpcCom Network plan This parameter specifies the Delta value
PUCCH format m.DeltaFPUCC (negotiation corresponding to PUCCH format 2a. The value
2a HFormat2a not required) DELTAF2(2dB) is recommended.

DeltaF for CellUlpcCom Network plan This parameter specifies the Delta value
PUCCH format m.DeltaFPUCC (negotiation corresponding to PUCCH format 2b. The value
2b HFormat2b not required) DELTAF2(2dB) is recommended.

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellAlgoSwitch MO to configure
the PUCCH inner-loop power control switch.

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell ID CellAlgoSwitch Network plan Set this parameter based on the network plan.
.LocalCellId (negotiation This parameter specifies the local identity of a
not required) cell. Ensure that this parameter has been set
in the related Cell MO.
Uplink power CellAlgoSwitch Network plan InnerLoopPucchSwitch under this parameter
control algorithm .UlPcAlgoSwit (negotiation specifies the PUCCH inner-loop power control
switch ch not required) switch. If this switch is turned on, inner-loop
power control is performed for the PUCCH.
It is recommended that this switch be turned

Sounding Reference Signal Power Settings

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellUlpcDedic MO to configure the
offset of the sounding reference signal power relative to the PUSCH power.

Parameter Name Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell ID CellUlpcDedi Network plan Set this parameter based on the network plan.
c.LocalCellId (negotiation This parameter specifies the local identity of a
not required) cell. Ensure that this parameter has been set
in the related Cell MO.

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Power Control 7 Engineering Guidelines

Parameter Name Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Power Offset of CellUlpcDedi Network plan This parameter specifies the offset of the
SRS to PUSCH c.PSrsOffset (negotiation sounding reference signal power relative to the
with DeltaMcsDis not required) PUSCH power when
DeltaMcsEnabled able CellUlpcDedic.DeltaMcsEnabled is set to
Off UU_DISABLE(Disable).
The value -30 (corresponding to -3 dB) is
Power Offset of CellUlpcDedi Network plan This parameter specifies the offset of the
SRS to PUSCH c.PSrsOffset (negotiation sounding reference signal power relative to the
with DeltaMcsEna not required) PUSCH power when
DeltaMcsEnabled ble CellUlpcDedic.DeltaMcsEnabled is set to
On UU_ENABLE(Enable).
The value -30 (corresponding to -3 dB) is

Scenario-specific Data

7.5.3 Initial Configuration

Configuring a Single eNodeB Using the GUI
Configure a single eNodeB using the CME GUI based on the collected data described in section 7.5.2
"Data Preparation." For details, see the procedure for configuring a single eNodeB on the CME GUI
described in eNodeB Initial Configuration Guide.

Configuring eNodeBs in Batches

To configure eNodeBs in batches, perform the following steps:
Step 1 On the GUI, set the parameters listed in the table provided in this section, and save the
parameter settings as a user-defined template.
The parameters are the same as those described in section 7.5.2 "Data Preparation."
Step 2 Fill in the summary data file with the name of the user-defined template.
The parameter settings in the user-defined template will be applied to the eNodeBs after you import
the summary data file into the CME.

For descriptions of the user-defined template and summary data file and also the detailed procedure for
configuring eNodeBs in batches, see eNodeB Initial Configuration Guide.
This following table lists the parameter that includes the switches for inner-loop power control for the
PUSCH in dynamic scheduling mode, closed-loop power control for the PUSCH in semi-persistent
scheduling mode, and PUCCH power control.

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Power Control 7 Engineering Guidelines

MO Parameter Group Name Parameter Remarks

CELLAL CellAlgoSwitch LocalCellId, Uplink power Closed-loop power control for
GOSWIT control algorithm switch the PUSCH in semi-persistent
CH scheduling mode takes effect
only when uplink
semi-persistent scheduling is

Configuring a Single eNodeB Using MML Commands

Run the MOD CELLALGOSWITCH command to enable the uplink power control algorithm.

7.5.4 Activation Observation

To verify whether uplink power control takes effect, perform the operations in this section.

PRACH Power Settings

Step 1 On the M2000 client, choose Monitor > Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace Management.
Step 2 In the navigation tree of the displayed Signaling Trace window, choose Trace Type > LTE >
Application Layer > Uu Interface Trace. Double-click Uu Interface Trace.
Step 3 Set task information in the displayed Uu Interface Trace dialog box and click Finish.
The Uu interface signaling tracing task is started.
Step 4 Double-click the new task in the task list on the right of the Signaling Trace Management tab
The task monitoring tab page is displayed.
Step 5 Deactivate the cell and then activate it. After the cell is activated, find the powerRampingStep
and preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower IEs in the first RRC_SYS_INFO message traced over
the Uu interface, as shown in Figure 7-17. Then, check whether the values for the two IEs are
consistent with the values for RACHCfg.PwrRampingStep and
RACHCfg.PreambInitRcvTargetPwr, respectively. If the values are consistent, the PRACH
power settings take effect.

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Figure 7-17 RRC_SYS_INFO message


PUSCH Power Settings

Step 1 On the M2000 client, choose Monitor > Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace Management.
Step 2 In the navigation tree of the displayed Signaling Trace window, choose Trace Type > LTE >
Application Layer > Uu Interface Trace. Double-click Uu Interface Trace.
Step 3 Set task information in the displayed Uu Interface Trace dialog box and click Finish.
The Uu interface signaling tracing task is started.
Step 4 Double-click the new task in the task list on the right of the Signaling Trace Management tab
The task monitoring tab page is displayed.
Step 5 Deactivate the cell and then activate it. After the cell is activated, find the p0-NominalPUSCH and
alpha IEs in the first RRC_SYS_INFO message traced over the Uu interface, as shown in Figure
7-18. Then, check whether the values for the two IEs are consistent with the values for

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Power Control 7 Engineering Guidelines

CellUlpcComm.P0NominalPUSCH and CellUlpcComm.PassLossCoeff, respectively. If the

values are consistent, the PUSCH power settings take effect.
Figure 7-18 RRC_SYS_INFO message

Step 6 Enable a UE to access the cell, and find the deltaMCS-Enabled and filterCoefficient IEs in the
first RRC_CONN_SETUP message traced over the Uu interface, as shown in Figure 7-19. Then,
check whether the values for the two IEs are consistent with the values for
CellUlpcDedic.DeltaMcsEnabled and CellUlpcDedic.FilterRsrp, respectively.
If the values are consistent, the PUSCH power settings take effect.

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Figure 7-19 RRC_CONN_SETUP message

Step 7 On the M2000 client, choose Maintenance > MML Command.

Step 8 In the navigation tree of the displayed MML Command window, select the eNodeB that the
current cell belongs to.
Step 9 Run the LST CELLALGOSWITCH command and record the values for
CellAlgoSwitch.UlPcAlgoSwitch, as shown in Figure 7-20.
Figure 7-20 LST CELLALGOSWITCH command result

Step 10 Run the MOD CELLALGOSWITCH command. In this step, set

CellAlgoSwitch.UlPcAlgoSwitch to InnerLoopPuschSwitch:Off, which means to turn off the
PUSCH dynamic scheduling inner-loop power control switch.

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Step 11 Enable the UE to access the cell in the cell center. Then, perform an 80 Mbit/s uplink UDP data
Step 12 In the navigation tree of the Signaling Trace window, choose Trace Type > LTE > Cell
Performance Monitoring > Usage of RB Monitoring. Double-click Usage of RB Monitoring.
Step 13 Set task information in the displayed Usage of RB Monitoring dialog box and click Finish. The
cell RB usage tracing task is started.
Step 14 Double-click the new task in the task list on the right of the Signaling Trace Management tab
The task monitoring tab page is displayed.
Step 15 Check the real-time value for Uplink Equivalent Used RB Num, as shown in Figure 7-21. When
the UE is in the cell center, the value for Uplink Equivalent Used RB Num approximates 1000
times the uplink cell bandwidth. Move the UE from cell center to cell edge until the value for
Uplink Equivalent Used RB Num becomes about 500 times the uplink cell bandwidth. Then,
record this value.
Figure 7-21 Usage of RB Monitoring dialog box (1)

Step 16 Run the MOD CELLALGOSWITCH command. In this step, set

CellAlgoSwitch.UlPcAlgoSwitch to InnerLoopPuschSwitch:On, which means to turn on the
PUSCH dynamic scheduling inner-loop power control switch.
Step 17 Enable the UE to access the cell in the position described in Step 15. Then, perform an 80 Mbit/s
uplink UDP data transmission.
Step 18 Check the real-time value for Uplink Equivalent Used RB Num, as shown in Figure 7-22.
When the PUSCH dynamic scheduling inner-loop power control switch is turned on, the value for
uplink PUSCH RB decreases slowly when the UE moves to the cell edge. If the value for Uplink

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Equivalent Used RB Num in Step 18 is greater than that obtained in Step 9, the PUSCH dynamic
scheduling inner-loop power control takes effect.
Figure 7-22 Usage of RB Monitoring dialog box (2)

Step 19 Run the MOD CELLALGOSWITCH command to restore CellAlgoSwitch.UlPcAlgoSwitch.


PUCCH Power Settings

Step 1 On the M2000 client, choose Monitor > Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace Management.
Step 2 In the navigation tree of the displayed Signaling Trace window, choose Trace Type > LTE >
Application Layer > Uu Interface Trace. Double-click Uu Interface Trace.
Step 3 Set task information in the displayed Uu Interface Trace dialog box and click Finish.
The Uu interface signaling tracing task is started.
Step 4 Double-click the new task in the task list on the right of the Signaling Trace Management tab
The task monitoring tab page is displayed.
Step 5 Deactivate the cell and then activate it.
Step 6 After the cell is activated, find the values for the following IEs in the first RRC_SYS_INFO
message traced over the Uu interface, as shown in Figure 7-23:
 p0-NominalPUCCH
 deltaF-PUCCH-Format1

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 deltaF-PUCCH-Format1b
 deltaF-PUCCH-Format2
 deltaF-PUCCH-Format2a
 deltaF-PUCCH-Format2b
Step 7 Check whether the values for these IEs are consistent with the values for the following
parameters, respectively:
 CellUlpcComm.P0NominalPUCCH
 CellUlpcComm.DeltaFPUCCHFormat1
 CellUlpcComm.DeltaFPUCCHFormat1b
 CellUlpcComm.DeltaFPUCCHFormat2
 CellUlpcComm.DeltaFPUCCHFormat2a
 CellUlpcComm.DeltaFPUCCHFormat2b
If the values are consistent, the PUCCH power settings take effect.
Figure 7-23 RRC_SYS_INFO message

Step 8 In the navigation tree of the displayed Signaling Trace window, choose Trace Type > LTE >
Application Layer > S1 Interface Trace. Double-click S1 Interface Trace.

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Step 9 Set task information in the displayed S1 Interface Trace dialog box and click Finish.
The S1 interface signaling tracing task is started.
Step 10 Double-click the new task in the task list on the right of the Signaling Trace Management tab
The task monitoring tab page is displayed.
Step 11 Enable a UE to access the cell in the cell center. Wait until the UE inactivity timer expires and the
UE enters RRC_IDLE mode. Then, perform a 150 Mbit/s downlink UDP data transmission. The
UE enters RRC_CONNECTED mode. Check the values for the mMEC and m-TMSI IEs in the
S1AP_INITIAL_UE_MSG message traced over the S1 interface, as shown in Figure 7-24.
Figure 7-24 S1AP_INITIAL_UE_MSG message

Step 12 In the navigation tree of the Signaling Trace window, choose Trace Type > LTE > User
Performance Monitoring > UL Power Control Monitoring. Double-click UL Power Control
Step 13 In the displayed UL Power Control Monitoring dialog box, set UEID-MME to the decimal value
for the mMEC IE, and set UEID-TMSI/Trace Reference NO. to the decimal value for the m-TMSI
IE, as shown in Figure 7-25. Then, click Finish to start the UE uplink power control monitoring.

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Figure 7-25 UL Power Control Monitoring dialog box (1)

Step 14 Double-click the new task in the task list on the right of the Signaling Trace Management tab
page. The task monitoring tab page is displayed.
Step 15 Check the real-time value for PUCCH SINR (0.01dB) and PUCCH SINR Target (0.01dB), as
shown in Figure 7-26.
When the PUCCH inner-loop power control switch is turned on, the eNodeB periodically adjusts
the transmit power of the PUCCH. When the UE is in the cell center, the value for PUCCH SINR
(0.01dB) fluctuates around the value for PUCCH SINR Target (0.01dB). When the PUCCH
inner-loop power control switch is turned off and the UE is in the cell center, the value for PUCCH
SINR (0.01dB) does not approximate the value for PUCCH SINR Target (0.01dB). Instead, it
fluctuates around a relatively larger value.

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Figure 7-26 UL Power Control Monitoring dialog box (2)


Sounding Reference Signal Power Settings

Step 1 On the M2000 client, choose Monitor > Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace Management.
Step 2 In the navigation tree of the displayed Signaling Trace window, choose Trace Type > LTE >
Application Layer > Uu Interface Trace. Double-click Uu Interface Trace.
Step 3 Set task information in the displayed Uu Interface Trace dialog box and click Finish.
The Uu interface signaling tracing task is started.
Step 4 Double-click the new task in the task list on the right of the Signaling Trace Management tab
The task monitoring tab page is displayed.
Step 5 Enable a UE to access the cell and find the deltaMCS-Enabled and pSRS-Offset IEs in the
RRC_CONN_SETUP message traced over the Uu interface, as shown in Figure 7-27.
 If the value for the deltaMCS-Enabled IE is en0, check whether the value for the pSRS-Offset IE is
consistent with the value for CellUlpcDedic.PSrsOffsetDeltaMcsDisable.
 If the value for the deltaMCS-Enabled IE is not en0, check whether the value for the pSRS-Offset IE is
consistent with the value for CellUlpcDedic.PSrsOffsetDeltaMcsEnable.
If the values are consistent, sounding reference signal power settings take effect. In Figure 7-27, the
values for the deltaMCS-Enabled IE, pSRS-Offset IE, and
CellUlpcDedic.PSrsOffsetDeltaMcsDisable are en0, 5, -3 dB, respectively. According to the
algorithm defined in 3GPP TS 36.331, the value 5 for the pSRS-Offset IE equals -3 dB (-10.5 + 1.5 x 5
= -3 dB), which means the values for the pSRS-Offset IE and
CellUlpcDedic.PSrsOffsetDeltaMcsDisable are consistent.

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Figure 7-27 RRC_CONN_SETUP message


7.5.5 Deactivation
Inner-Loop Power Control for the PUCCH
Run the MOD CELLALGOSWITCH command with the InnerLoopPucchSwitch check box cleared
under the CellAlgoSwitch.UlPcAlgoSwitch parameter.

Inner-Loop Power Control for the PUSCH in Dynamic Scheduling Mode

Run the MOD CELLALGOSWITCH command with the InnerLoopPuschSwitch check box cleared
under the CellAlgoSwitch.UlPcAlgoSwitch parameter.

7.6 Performance Optimization


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7.7 Troubleshooting

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Power Control 8 Parameters

8 Parameters
Table 8-1 Parameter description
MO Parameter ID MML Feature ID Feature Description
Command Name

CellDlpcPd CcuPa MOD LBFD-0020 Dynami Meaning:Indicates the PA value of cell

sch CELLDLPCPD 16 / c center UEs when DL ICIC is enabled.
SCH TDLBFD-0 Downlin
02016 k Power GUI Value Range:PA_NEG6(-6dB),
LST Allocati PA_NEG4DOT77(-4.77dB),
SCH 1401 / PA_NEG1DOT77(-1.77dB),
TDLOFD-0 Downlin PA_0(0dB), PA_1(1dB), PA_2(2dB),
0101401 k PA_3(3dB)
c Unit:dB
Inter-Ce Actual Value Range:PA_NEG6,
Interfer PA_NEG1DOT77, PA_0, PA_1, PA_2,
ence PA_3
ation Default Value:PA_NEG6(-6dB)

CellDlpcPd CeuPa MOD LBFD-0020 Dynami Meaning:Indicates the PA value of cell

sch CELLDLPCPD 16 / c edge UEs when DL ICIC is enabled.
SCH TDLBFD-0 Downlin
02016 k Power GUI Value Range:PA_NEG6(-6dB),
LST Allocati PA_NEG4DOT77(-4.77dB),
SCH 1401 / PA_NEG1DOT77(-1.77dB),
TDLOFD-0 Downlin PA_0(0dB), PA_1(1dB), PA_2(2dB),
0101401 k PA_3(3dB)
c Unit:dB
Inter-Ce Actual Value Range:PA_NEG6,
Interfer PA_NEG1DOT77, PA_0, PA_1, PA_2,
ence PA_3
ation Default

CellAlgoSw CqiAdjAlgoSwitc MOD LOFD-0010 UL 2x2 Meaning:CqiAdjAlgoSwitch: Indicates

itch h CELLALGOS 02 / MU-MI the switch used to control whether to
WITCH TDLOFD-0 MO allow the eNodeB to adjust the
01002 UE-reported CQI on the basis of Initial
LST CQI Block Error Rate (IBLER).
WITCH 1501 / ent If this switch is turned on, the CQI
TDLOFD-0 adjustment algorithm is enabled. In the
0101501 Dynami case, the eNodeB would adjust the
c UE-reported CQI based on the IBLER.
LOFD-0010 Schedul

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 8 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Feature ID Feature Description

Command Name
1502 / ing If this switch is turned off, the CQI
TDLOFD-0 adjustment algorithm is disabled. In
0101502 this case, the eNodeB would not adjust
the UE-reported CQI based on the
StepVarySwitch: Indicates the switch
used to enable or disable the
variable-step-based adjustment
If this switch is turned on, the
variable-step-based adjustment
algorithm is enabled to accelerate the
convergence of IBLER. In this case,
rapid adjustment at large steps is
applied if there is a relatively large
difference between the measured
IBLER and target IBLER; fine-tuning at
small steps is applied if the measured
IBLER approaches the target IBLER.
If this switch is set to Off, the
adjustment is performed at a fixed
GUI Value Range:CqiAdjAlgoSwitch,
Actual Value Range:CqiAdjAlgoSwitch,
Default Value:CqiAdjAlgoSwitch:On,

CellChPwr DbchPwr MOD LBFD-0020 Physica Meaning:Indicates the offset of the

Cfg CELLCHPWR 03 / l transmit power for broadcast
CFG TDLBFD-0 Channe information on the PDSCH channel
02003 l relative to the reference signal power.
LST Manage
CELLCHPWR LBFD-0020 ment GUI Value Range:-3175~3175
CFG 09 /
TDLBFD-0 Broadc Unit:0.005dB
02009 ast of Actual Value Range:-15.875~15.875,
LBFD-0020 informat step:0.005
16 / ion Default Value:-600
02016 Dynami
k Power

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-2

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 8 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Feature ID Feature Description

Command Name

CellDlpcPd DediDciPwrOffs MOD LBFD-0020 Dynami Meaning:Indicates the offset of the DCI
cch et CELLDLPCPD 16 / c power relative to the reference signal
CCH TDLBFD-0 Downlin power when the PDCCH channel
02016 k Power carries dedicated control information.
LST Allocati
CELLDLPCPD on GUI Value Range:-150~150
Actual Value Range:-15~15, step:0.1
Default Value:-30

CellUlpcCo DeltaFPUCCHF MOD LBFD-0010 3GPP Meaning:Indicates the Delta value

mm ormat1 CELLULPCC 01 / R8 corresponding to PUCCH format 1. For
OMM TDLBFD-0 Specific details, see 3GPP TS 36.213.
01001 ations
LST GUI Value Range:DELTAF_2(-2dB),
OMM 09 / ast of
TDLBFD-0 system Unit:dB
02009 informat Actual Value Range:DELTAF_2,
26 / Uplink Default Value:DELTAF0(0dB)
TDLBFD-0 Power
02026 Control

CellUlpcCo DeltaFPUCCHF MOD LBFD-0010 3GPP Meaning:Indicates the Delta value

mm ormat1b CELLULPCC 01 / R8 corresponding to PUCCH format 1b.
OMM TDLBFD-0 Specific For details, see 3GPP TS 36.213.
01001 ations
LST GUI Value Range:DELTAF1(1dB),
OMM 09 / ast of
TDLBFD-0 system Unit:dB
02009 informat Actual Value Range:DELTAF1,
26 / Uplink Default Value:DELTAF3(3dB)
TDLBFD-0 Power
02026 Control

CellUlpcCo DeltaFPUCCHF MOD LBFD-0010 3GPP Meaning:Indicates the Delta value

mm ormat2 CELLULPCC 01 / R8 corresponding to PUCCH format 2. For
OMM TDLBFD-0 Specific details, see 3GPP TS 36.213.
01001 ations
LST GUI Value Range:DELTAF_2(-2dB),
OMM 09 / ast of DELTAF2(2dB)
TDLBFD-0 system

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 8 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Feature ID Feature Description

Command Name
02009 ion Unit:dB
LBFD-0020 Uplink Actual Value Range:DELTAF_2,
TDLBFD-0 Control
02026 Default Value:DELTAF1(1dB)

CellUlpcCo DeltaFPUCCHF MOD LBFD-0010 3GPP Meaning:Indicates the Delta value

mm ormat2a CELLULPCC 01 / R8 corresponding to PUCCH format 2a.
OMM TDLBFD-0 Specific For details, see 3GPP TS 36.213.
01001 ations
LST GUI Value Range:DELTAF_2(-2dB),
OMM 09 / ast of
TDLBFD-0 system Unit:dB
02009 informat Actual Value Range:DELTAF_2,
26 / Uplink Default Value:DELTAF2(2dB)
TDLBFD-0 Power
02026 Control

CellUlpcCo DeltaFPUCCHF MOD LBFD-0010 3GPP Meaning:Indicates the Delta value

mm ormat2b CELLULPCC 01 / R8 corresponding to PUCCH format 2b.
OMM TDLBFD-0 Specific For details, see 3GPP TS 36.213.
01001 ations
LST GUI Value Range:DELTAF_2(-2dB),
OMM 09 / ast of
TDLBFD-0 system Unit:dB
02009 informat Actual Value Range:DELTAF_2,
26 / Uplink Default Value:DELTAF2(2dB)
TDLBFD-0 Power
02026 Control

CellUlpcDe DeltaMcsEnable MOD LBFD-0020 Uplink Meaning:Indicates whether the

dic d CELLULPCDE 26 / Power transmit power of the UE is adjusted
DIC TDLBFD-0 Control according to the difference between
02026 MCSs. indication is contained in an
LST RRC message signaled to the UE.
DIC In the message,this indication
occupies one bit. The value 0, which
means disabled, indicates that ΔTF is
equal to 0 because Ks is equal to 0.
The value 1, which means enabled,
indicates that ΔTF is calculated on the
condition that Ks is equal to 1.25.
GUI Value

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-4

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 8 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Feature ID Feature Description

Command Name
Actual Value Range:UU_DISABLE,
Default Value:UU_DISABLE(Disable)

CellUlpcCo DeltaPreamble MOD LBFD-0010 3GPP Meaning:Indicates the power offset

mm Msg3 CELLULPCC 01 / R8 (delta value) of message 3 relative to
OMM TDLBFD-0 Specific the preamble. This power offset has a
01001 ations step size of 2. For details, see 3GPP
LST TS 36.213.
OMM 09 / ast of GUI Value Range:-1~6
TDLBFD-0 system
02009 informat Unit:2dB
ion Actual Value Range:-2~12, step:2
26 / Uplink Default Value:4
TDLBFD-0 Power
02026 Control

ENodeBAlg DlIcicSwitch MOD LBFD-0020 Downlin Meaning:Indicates the DL ICIC

oSwitch ENODEBALG 2201 / k Static algorithm switch. There are four states.
0202201 ll DlIcicSwitch_OFF_ENUM:Indicates
LST Interfer that DL ICIC is disabled.
OSWITCH 1401 / DlIcicDynamicSwitch_ON_ENUM:Indic
Coordin ates that dynamic DL ICIC is enabled.
TDLOFD-0 ation
0101401 DlIcicStaticSwitch_ON_ENUM:Indicate
Downlin s that static DL ICIC is enabled.
Dynami DlIcicReuse3Switch_ON_ENUM: This
c state will be removed in the later
Inter-Ce versions. In this version, the setting of
ll this state is still synchronized between
Interfer the M2000 and the eNodeB, but it is no
ence longer used internally. Therefore, avoid
Coordin using this state.
GUI Value
Actual Value

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 8 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Feature ID Feature Description

Command Name

CellAlgoSw DlPcAlgoSwitch MOD LBFD-0020 Physica Meaning:Indicates the switches used

itch CELLALGOS 03 / l to enable or disable power control for
02003 l
LST Manage PdschSpsPcSwitch: Indicates the
CELLALGOS LBFD-0020 ment switch for power control during
WITCH 09 / semi-persistent scheduling on the
TDLBFD-0 Broadc PDSCH. If the switch is turned off,
02009 ast of power is allocated evenly during
system semi-persistent scheduling on the
LBFD-0020 informat PDSCH. If the switch is turned on,
16 / ion power control is applied during
TDLBFD-0 semi-persistent scheduling on the
02016 Dynami PDSCH, ensuring communication
c quality (indicated by IBLER) of VoIP
Downlin services in the QPSK modulation
k Power scheme.
on PhichInnerLoopPcSwitch: Indicates
the switch for PHICH inner-loop power
control. If the switch is turned off, only
the initial transmit power for the PHICH
is set. If the switch is turned on, the
eNodeB controls the physical channel
transmit power to enable the receive
SINR to converge to the target SINR.
PdcchPcSwitch: Indicates the switch
for PDCCH power control. If the switch
is turned off, power is allocated evenly
to PDCCH. If the switch is turned on,
power allocated to PDCCH is adjusted
GUI Value Range:PdschSpsPcSwitch,
Actual Value
Default Value:PdschSpsPcSwitch:Off,

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-6

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 8 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Feature ID Feature Description

Command Name

CellUlpcDe FilterRsrp MOD LBFD-0020 Uplink Meaning:Indicates the alpha filtering

dic CELLULPCDE 26 / Power coefficient used by the UE during
DIC TDLBFD-0 Control RSRP measurement for path loss
02026 estimation.
Actual Value

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-7

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 8 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Feature ID Feature Description

Command Name

RACHCfg LocalCellId LST LBFD-0010 3GPP Meaning:Indicates the local ID of the

RACHCFG 01 / R8 cell. It uniquely identifies a cell within a
TDLBFD-0 Specific BS.
MOD 01001 ations
RACHCFG GUI Value Range:0~17
Actual Value Range:0~17
Default Value:None

CellDlpcPd LocalCellId LST LBFD-0020 Dynami Meaning:Indicates the local ID of the

sch CELLDLPCPD 16 / c cell. It uniquely identifies a cell within a
SCH TDLBFD-0 Downlin BS.
02016 k Power
MOD Allocati GUI Value Range:0~17
SCH Unit:None
Actual Value Range:0~17
Default Value:None

CellChPwr LocalCellId LST None None Meaning:Indicates the local ID of the

Cfg CELLCHPWR cell. It uniquely identifies a cell within a
MOD GUI Value Range:0~17
CFG Unit:None
Actual Value Range:0~17
Default Value:None

CellUlpcCo LocalCellId LST LBFD-0010 3GPP Meaning:Indicates the local ID of the

mm CELLULPCC 01 / R8 cell. It uniquely identifies a cell within a
OMM TDLBFD-0 Specific BS.
01001 ations
MOD GUI Value Range:0~17
OMM Unit:None
Actual Value Range:0~17
Default Value:None

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-8

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 8 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Feature ID Feature Description

Command Name

CellDlpcPd LocalCellId LST None None Meaning:Indicates the local ID of the

schPa CELLDLPCPD cell. It uniquely identifies a cell within a
MOD GUI Value Range:0~17
SCHPA Unit:None
Actual Value Range:0~17
Default Value:None

CellDlpcPd LocalCellId LST LBFD-0020 Dynami Meaning:Indicates the local ID of the

cch CELLDLPCPD 16 / c cell. It uniquely identifies a cell within a
CCH TDLBFD-0 Downlin BS.
02016 k Power
MOD Allocati GUI Value Range:0~17
CCH Unit:None
Actual Value Range:0~17
Default Value:None

CellAlgoSw LocalCellId LST None None Meaning:Indicates the local ID of the

itch CELLALGOS cell. It uniquely identifies a cell within a
MOD GUI Value Range:0~17
WITCH Unit:None
Actual Value Range:0~17
Default Value:None

PDSCHCfg LocalCellId LST None None Meaning:Indicates the local ID of the

PDSCHCFG cell. It uniquely identifies a cell within a
PDSCHCFG GUI Value Range:0~17
Actual Value Range:0~17
Default Value:None

CellUlpcDe LocalCellId LST None None Meaning:Indicates the local ID of the

dic CELLULPCDE cell. It uniquely identifies a cell within a
MOD GUI Value Range:0~17
DIC Unit:None

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-9

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 8 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Feature ID Feature Description

Command Name
Actual Value Range:0~17
Default Value:None

CellUlpcCo P0NominalPUC MOD LBFD-0010 3GPP Meaning:Indicates the target UE

mm CH CELLULPCC 01 / R8 transmit power for the PUCCH
OMM TDLBFD-0 Specific expected by the eNodeB on condition
01001 ations that normal demodulation can be
LST performed. For details, see 3GPP TS
CELLULPCC LBFD-0020 Broadc 36.213.
OMM 09 / ast of
TDLBFD-0 system GUI Value Range:-127~-96
02009 informat
ion Unit:dBm
26 / Uplink Actual Value Range:-127~-96
TDLBFD-0 Power Default Value:-105
02026 Control

CellUlpcCo P0NominalPUS MOD LBFD-0010 3GPP Meaning:Indicates the nominal P0

mm CH CELLULPCC 01 / R8 value of the PUSCH. It is used in UL
OMM TDLBFD-0 Specific power control. For details, see 3GPP
01001 ations TS 36.213.
CELLULPCC LBFD-0020 Broadc GUI Value Range:-126~24
OMM 09 / ast of
TDLBFD-0 system Unit:dBm
02009 informat Actual Value Range:-126~24
LBFD-0020 Default Value:-67
26 / Uplink
TDLBFD-0 Power
02026 Control

CellDlpcPd PaPcOff MOD LBFD-0020 Dynami Meaning:Indicates the PA to be used

schPa CELLDLPCPD 16 / c when PA adjustment for PDSCH power
SCHPA TDLBFD-0 Downlin control is disabled, downlink ICIC is
02016 k Power disabled, and the even power
LST Allocati distribution is used for the PDSCH.
SCHPA GUI Value Range:DB_6_P_A(-6 dB),
DB_4DOT77_P_A(-4.77 dB),
DB_3_P_A(-3 dB),
DB_1DOT77_P_A(-1.77 dB),
DB0_P_A(0 dB), DB1_P_A(1 dB),
DB2_P_A(2 dB), DB3_P_A(3 dB)
Actual Value Range:DB_6_P_A,
DB_4DOT77_P_A, DB_3_P_A,
DB_1DOT77_P_A, DB0_P_A,
DB1_P_A, DB2_P_A, DB3_P_A

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-10

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 8 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Feature ID Feature Description

Command Name
Default Value:DB_3_P_A(-3 dB)

CellUlpcCo PassLossCoeff MOD LBFD-0010 3GPP Meaning:Indicates the compensation

mm CELLULPCC 01 / R8 factor for path loss. It is used in UL
OMM TDLBFD-0 Specific power control. For details, see 3GPP
01001 ations TS 36.213.
CELLULPCC LBFD-0020 Broadc GUI Value Range:AL0(0), AL04(0.4),
OMM 09 / ast of AL05(0.5), AL06(0.6), AL07(0.7),
TDLBFD-0 system AL08(0.8), AL09(0.9), AL1(1)
02009 informat
ion Unit:None
26 / Uplink Actual Value Range:AL0, AL04, AL05,
TDLBFD-0 Power AL06, AL07, AL08, AL09, AL1
02026 Control Default Value:AL07(0.7)

PDSCHCfg Pb MOD LBFD-0020 Physica Meaning:Indicates the scaling factor

PDSCHCFG 03 / l index of the Energy Per Resource
TDLBFD-0 Channe Element (EPRE) on the PDSCH. This
LST 02003 l scaling factor is determined by the
PDSCHCFG Manage value of this parameter and the
LBFD-0020 ment antenna port. For details, see 3GPP
09 / TS 36.213.
TDLBFD-0 Broadc
02009 ast of GUI Value Range:0~3
LBFD-0020 informat Unit:None
16 / ion
TDLBFD-0 Actual Value Range:0~3
02016 Dynami Default Value:1
k Power

CellChPwr PbchPwr MOD LBFD-0020 Physica Meaning:Indicates the offset of the

Cfg CELLCHPWR 03 / l PBCH transmit power relative to the
CFG TDLBFD-0 Channe reference signal power.
02003 l
LST Manage GUI Value Range:-3175~3175
CFG 09 / Unit:0.005dB
TDLBFD-0 Broadc Actual Value Range:-15.875~15.875,
02009 ast of step:0.005
LBFD-0020 informat Default Value:-600
16 / ion
02016 Dynami

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-11

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 8 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Feature ID Feature Description

Command Name
k Power

CellChPwr PcfichPwr MOD LBFD-0020 Physica Meaning:Indicates the offset of the

Cfg CELLCHPWR 03 / l PCFICH transmit power relative to the
CFG TDLBFD-0 Channe reference signal power.
02003 l
LST Manage GUI Value Range:-3175~3175
CFG 09 / Unit:0.005dB
TDLBFD-0 Broadc Actual Value Range:-15.875~15.875,
02009 ast of step:0.005
LBFD-0020 informat Default Value:-600
16 / ion
02016 Dynami
k Power

CellChPwr PchPwr MOD LBFD-0020 Physica Meaning:Indicates the offset of the

Cfg CELLCHPWR 03 / l transmit power for the paging
CFG TDLBFD-0 Channe information on the PDSCH channel
02003 l relative to the reference signal power.
LST Manage
CELLCHPWR LBFD-0020 ment GUI Value Range:-3175~3175
CFG 09 /
TDLBFD-0 Broadc Unit:0.005dB
02009 ast of Actual Value Range:-15.875~15.875,
LBFD-0020 informat step:0.005
11 / ion Default Value:0
02011 Paging
LBFD-0020 Dynami
16 / c
TDLBFD-0 Downlin
02016 k Power

CellDlpcPd PdschPaAdjSwit MOD LBFD-0020 Dynami Meaning:Indicates the switch for

schPa ch CELLDLPCPD 16 / c adjusting the PA through power control
SCHPA TDLBFD-0 Downlin on the PDSCH. If this parameter is set
02016 k Power to ON, the PA is adjusted dynamically
LST Allocati when the channel quality is extremely
CELLDLPCPD on good or bad.

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-12

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 8 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Feature ID Feature Description

Command Name
SCHPA GUI Value Range:OFF(Off), ON(On)
Actual Value Range:OFF, ON
Default Value:OFF(Off)

RACHCfg PreambInitRcvT MOD LBFD-0010 3GPP Meaning:Indicates the target UE

argetPwr RACHCFG 01 / R8 transmit power for the PRACH
TDLBFD-0 Specificexpected by the eNodeB when PRACH
LST 01001 ations preamble format 0 is applied on
RACHCFG condition that requirements for
LBFD-0020 Uplink preamble detection performance are
26 / Power met.
TDLBFD-0 Control
02026 For details, see 3GPP TS 36.321.
GUI Value
DBM_98(-98dBm), DBM_96(-96dBm),
DBM_94(-94dBm), DBM_92(-92dBm),
Actual Value Range:DBM_120,
DBM_118, DBM_116, DBM_114,
DBM_112, DBM_110, DBM_108,
DBM_106, DBM_104, DBM_102,
DBM_100, DBM_98, DBM_96,
DBM_94, DBM_92, DBM_90
Default Value:DBM_104(-104dBm)

CellUlpcDe PSrsOffsetDelta MOD LBFD-0020 Uplink Meaning:Indicates the power offset of

dic McsDisable CELLULPCDE 26 / Power the sounding reference signal to the
DIC TDLBFD-0 Control PUSCH when DeltaMcsEnabled is set
02026 to UU_DISABLE.
DIC Range:-105,-90,-75,-60,-45,-30,-15,0,1

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-13

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 8 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Feature ID Feature Description

Command Name
Actual Value Range:-10.5~12, step:1.5
Default Value:-30

CellUlpcDe PSrsOffsetDelta MOD LBFD-0020 Uplink Meaning:Indicates the power offset of

dic McsEnable CELLULPCDE 26 / Power the sounding reference signal to the
DIC TDLBFD-0 Control PUSCH when DeltaMcsEnabled is set
02026 to UU_ENABLE.
DIC Range:-30,-20,-10,0,10,20,30,40,50,6
Actual Value Range:-3~12
Default Value:-30

CellDlpcPhi PwrOffset MOD LBFD-0020 Dynami Meaning:Indicates the power offset

ch CELLDLPCPH 16 / c between the PHICH TX power and the
ICH TDLBFD-0 Downlin RS power. This offset is used when
02016 k Power PHICH power control is disabled.
LST Allocati
CELLDLPCPH on GUI Value Range:-150~150
Actual Value Range:-15~15, step:0.1
Default Value:0

RACHCfg PwrRampingSte MOD LBFD-0010 3GPP Meaning:Indicates the step by which

p RACHCFG 01 / R8 the TX power for random access
TDLBFD-0 Specificpreambles is increased each time after
LST 01001 ations a RACH access failure. If multiple
RACHCFG attempts to access the PRACH fail, the
LBFD-0020 Uplink UE increases the TX power for random
26 / Power access preambles by a step specified
TDLBFD-0 Control by this parameter each time after an
02026 access failure to ensure successful
For details, see 3GPP TS 36.321.
GUI Value

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-14

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 8 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Feature ID Feature Description

Command Name
Actual Value

CellChPwr RaRspPwr MOD LBFD-0020 Physica Meaning:Indicates the offset of the

Cfg CELLCHPWR 03 / l transmit power for the random access
CFG TDLBFD-0 Channe responses on the PDSCH channel
02003 l relative to the reference signal power.
LST Manage
CELLCHPWR LBFD-0020 ment GUI Value Range:-3175~3175
CFG 09 /
TDLBFD-0 Broadc Unit:0.005dB
02009 ast of Actual Value Range:-15.875~15.875,
LBFD-0020 informat step:0.005
10 / ion Default Value:0
02010 Rando
LBFD-0020 Access
16 / Proced
TDLBFD-0 ure
k Power

PDSCHCfg ReferenceSignal MOD LBFD-0020 Physica Meaning:Indicates the cell reference

Pwr PDSCHCFG 03 / l signal power of each physical antenna.
TDLBFD-0 Channe However, the cell reference signal
LST 02003 l power delivered in SIB2 is that of each
PDSCHCFG Manage logical antenna. The cell reference
LBFD-0020 ment signal transmit (TX) power of each
09 / logical antenna is calculated by using
TDLBFD-0 Broadc the formula: 10 x log(Number of
02009 ast of physical antennas/Number of logical
LBFD-0020 informat antennas) + ReferenceSignalPwr. The
16 / number of physical antennas refers to
ion the number of TX channels specified
02016 Dynami by the ANTM parameter in the Sector
c MO. The number of logical antennas
Downlin refers to the number of antenna ports
k Power for transmitting cell-specific reference
Allocati signals in a cell as defined in 3GPP

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-15

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 8 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Feature ID Feature Description

Command Name
on specifications. In FDD mode, the
number of logical antennas equals the
number of physical antennas. In TDD
mode, there are permanently two
logical antennas if the number of
physical antennas is greater than or
equal to 2, and one logical antenna if
the number of physical antennas is 1.
GUI Value Range:-600~500
Actual Value Range:-60~50, step:0.1
Default Value:182

CellChPwr SchPwr MOD LBFD-0020 Physica Meaning:Indicates the offset of the

Cfg CELLCHPWR 03 / l transmit power for the cell
CFG TDLBFD-0 Channe synchronization signals relative to the
02003 l reference signal power.
LST Manage
CELLCHPWR LBFD-0020 ment GUI Value Range:-3175~3175
CFG 09 /
TDLBFD-0 Broadc Unit:0.005dB
02009 ast of Actual Value Range:-15.875~15.875,
LBFD-0020 informat step:0.005
16 / ion Default Value:0
02016 Dynami
k Power

CellAlgoSw UlPcAlgoSwitch MOD LBFD-0020 Broadc Meaning:Indicates the switches used

itch CELLALGOS 09 / ast of to enable or disable power control for
02009 informat
LST ion CloseLoopSpsSwitch: If this switch is
CELLALGOS LBFD-0020 turned off, closed-loop power control is
WITCH 26 / Uplink not performed for PUSCH in
TDLBFD-0 Power semi-persistent scheduling mode. If
02026 Control this switch is turned on, TPC
commands are adjusted based on
correctness of the initially received
data packet to decrease the IBLER.
InnerLoopPuschSwitch: If this switch is
turned off, inner-loop power control is
not performed for PUSCH in dynamic
scheduling mode. If this switch is

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-16

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 8 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Feature ID Feature Description

Command Name
turned on, inner-loop power control is
performed for PUSCH in dynamic
scheduling mode.
PhSinrTarUpdateSwitch is the switch
used to enable or disable PH-based
SINR target updates in dynamic
scheduling mode. This switch will be
removed in the later versions. In this
version, the setting of this switch is still
synchronized between the M2000 and
the eNodeB, but it is no longer used
internally. Therefore, avoid using this
switch. This function is incorporated
into inner-loop power control for
PUSCH in dynamic scheduling mode.
Therefore, to enable this function, set
InnerLoopPuschSwitch to On.
InnerLoopPucchSwitch: If this switch is
turned off, inner-loop power control is
not performed for PUCCH. If this
switch is turned on, inner-loop power
control is performed for PUCCH.
OiSinrTarUpdateSwitch: This switch
will be removed in the later versions. In
this version, the setting of this switch is
still synchronized between the M2000
and the eNodeB, but it is no longer
used internally. Therefore, avoid using
this switch. This function is
incorporated into inner-loop power
control for PUSCH in dynamic
scheduling mode. Therefore, to enable
this function, set
InnerLoopPuschSwitch to On.
PowerSavingSwitch: This switch will
be removed in the later versions. In this
version, the setting of this switch is still
synchronized between the M2000 and
the eNodeB, but it is no longer used
internally. Therefore, avoid using this
GUI Value

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-17

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 8 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Feature ID Feature Description

Command Name
Actual Value

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8-18

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 9 Counters

9 Counters
Table 9-1 Counter description
Counter ID Counter Name Counter Feature ID Feature Name

1526727396 L.ChMeas.CQI.DL.0 Number of reports LBFD-002016 Dynamic Downlink

with wideband CQI Power Allocation
of 0 LBFD-002025
Basic Scheduling
Dynamic Downlink
TDLBFD-002025 Power Allocation
Basic Scheduling

1526727397 L.ChMeas.CQI.DL.1 Number of reports LBFD-002016 Dynamic Downlink

with wideband CQI Power Allocation
of 1 LBFD-002025
Basic Scheduling
Dynamic Downlink
TDLBFD-002025 Power Allocation
Basic Scheduling

1526727398 L.ChMeas.CQI.DL.2 Number of reports LBFD-002016 Dynamic Downlink

with wideband CQI Power Allocation
of 2 LBFD-002025
Basic Scheduling
Dynamic Downlink
TDLBFD-002025 Power Allocation
Basic Scheduling

1526727399 L.ChMeas.CQI.DL.3 Number of reports LBFD-002016 Dynamic Downlink

with wideband CQI Power Allocation
of 3 LBFD-002025
Basic Scheduling
Dynamic Downlink
TDLBFD-002025 Power Allocation
Basic Scheduling

1526727400 L.ChMeas.CQI.DL.4 Number of reports LBFD-002016 Dynamic Downlink

with wideband CQI Power Allocation
of 4 LBFD-002025
Basic Scheduling
Dynamic Downlink
TDLBFD-002025 Power Allocation
Basic Scheduling

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 9 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Feature ID Feature Name


1526727401 L.ChMeas.CQI.DL.5 Number of reports LBFD-002016 Dynamic Downlink

with wideband CQI Power Allocation
of 5 LBFD-002025
Basic Scheduling
Dynamic Downlink
TDLBFD-002025 Power Allocation
Basic Scheduling

1526727402 L.ChMeas.CQI.DL.6 Number of reports LBFD-002016 Dynamic Downlink

with wideband CQI Power Allocation
of 6 LBFD-002025
Basic Scheduling
Dynamic Downlink
TDLBFD-002025 Power Allocation
Basic Scheduling

1526727403 L.ChMeas.CQI.DL.7 Number of reports LBFD-002016 Dynamic Downlink

with wideband CQI Power Allocation
of 7 LBFD-002025
Basic Scheduling
Dynamic Downlink
TDLBFD-002025 Power Allocation
Basic Scheduling

1526727404 L.ChMeas.CQI.DL.8 Number of reports LBFD-002016 Dynamic Downlink

with wideband CQI Power Allocation
of 8 LBFD-002025
Basic Scheduling
Dynamic Downlink
TDLBFD-002025 Power Allocation
Basic Scheduling

1526727405 L.ChMeas.CQI.DL.9 Number of reports LBFD-002016 Dynamic Downlink

with wideband CQI Power Allocation
of 9 LBFD-002025
Basic Scheduling
Dynamic Downlink
TDLBFD-002025 Power Allocation
Basic Scheduling

1526727406 L.ChMeas.CQI.DL.10 Number of reports LBFD-002016 Dynamic Downlink

with wideband CQI Power Allocation
of 10 LBFD-002025
Basic Scheduling

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9-2

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 9 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Feature ID Feature Name

TDLBFD-002025 Dynamic Downlink
Power Allocation
Basic Scheduling

1526727407 L.ChMeas.CQI.DL.11 Number of reports LBFD-002016 Dynamic Downlink

with wideband CQI Power Allocation
of 11 LBFD-002025
Basic Scheduling
Dynamic Downlink
TDLBFD-002025 Power Allocation
Basic Scheduling

1526727408 L.ChMeas.CQI.DL.12 Number of reports LBFD-002016 Dynamic Downlink

with wideband CQI Power Allocation
of 12 LBFD-002025
Basic Scheduling
Dynamic Downlink
TDLBFD-002025 Power Allocation
Basic Scheduling

1526727409 L.ChMeas.CQI.DL.13 Number of reports LBFD-002016 Dynamic Downlink

with wideband CQI Power Allocation
of 13 LBFD-002025
Basic Scheduling
Dynamic Downlink
TDLBFD-002025 Power Allocation
Basic Scheduling

1526727410 L.ChMeas.CQI.DL.14 Number of reports LBFD-002016 Dynamic Downlink

with wideband CQI Power Allocation
of 14 LBFD-002025
Basic Scheduling
Dynamic Downlink
TDLBFD-002025 Power Allocation
Basic Scheduling

1526727411 L.ChMeas.CQI.DL.15 Number of reports LBFD-002016 Dynamic Downlink

with wideband CQI Power Allocation
of 15 LBFD-002025
Basic Scheduling
Dynamic Downlink
TDLBFD-002025 Power Allocation
Basic Scheduling

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9-3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 9 Counters

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9-4

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 10 Glossary

10 Glossary
For the acronyms, abbreviations, terms, and definitions, see Glossary.

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Power Control 11 Reference Documents

11 Reference Documents
This chapter lists the reference documents related to power control:
[1] 3GPP TS 36.300, "Overall description, Stage 2"
[2] 3GPP TS 36.211, "Physical channels and modulation"
[3] 3GPP TS 36.213, "Physical layer procedures"
[4] 3GPP TS 36.331, "Radio Resource Control (RRC); Protocol specification"
[5] eNodeB MO Reference
[6] eNodeB Performance Counter Reference
[7] eNodeB Initial Configuration Guide
[8] ICIC Feature Parameter Description

Issue 03 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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