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Mobility Management in Connected Mode

Feature Parameter Description

Issue 07

Date 2013-05-20


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Mobility Management in Connected Mode Contents

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Intended Audience......................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.3 Change History.............................................................................................................................. 1-1

2 Overview of Mobility Management in Connected Mode .................................................2-1

2.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2 Benefits ......................................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.3 Architecture ................................................................................................................................... 2-3

3 Technical Overview and Basic Concepts ...........................................................................3-1

3.1 Measurement for a Handover ....................................................................................................... 3-2
3.1.1 Measurement Objects .......................................................................................................... 3-3
3.1.2 Reporting Configuration........................................................................................................ 3-4
3.1.3 Other Parameters ................................................................................................................. 3-6
3.1.4 Setting of Parameters Mapped to QCIs ............................................................................... 3-8
3.2 Decision on a Handover ................................................................................................................ 3-9
3.3 Execution of a Handover ............................................................................................................... 3-9
3.3.1 X2/S1 Adaptation for a Handover ......................................................................................... 3-9
3.3.2 Data Forwarding ................................................................................................................. 3-10
3.3.3 RRC Connection Re-Establishment After a Handover Failure ........................................... 3-11
3.4 Neighbor Relationship Management ........................................................................................... 3-11
3.5 UE Capability Configuration ........................................................................................................ 3-12
3.6 Redirection .................................................................................................................................. 3-12
3.7 Blind Handovers .......................................................................................................................... 3-14
3.8 SPID-based Handovers Back to the HPLMN .............................................................................. 3-16
3.9 Inter-PLMN Handovers ............................................................................................................... 3-17
3.10 E-UTRAN to UTRAN CS/PS Steering ....................................................................................... 3-17

4 Intra-Frequency Handover......................................................................................................4-1
4.1 Cause of an Intra-Frequency Handover ........................................................................................ 4-1
4.1.1 Coverage-based Handover .................................................................................................. 4-1
4.1.2 Load-based Handover .......................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Measurement Phase of an Intra-Frequency Handover ................................................................. 4-1
4.2.1 Intra-Frequency Measurement Configuration....................................................................... 4-2
4.2.2 Event A3 Triggering .............................................................................................................. 4-3
4.3 Decision Phase of an Intra-Frequency Handover ......................................................................... 4-4
4.4 Execution Phase of an Intra-Frequency Handover ....................................................................... 4-5
4.4.1 Execution Policy ................................................................................................................... 4-5
4.4.2 Retry and Penalty ................................................................................................................. 4-5
4.5 Signaling Procedure of a Typical Intra-Frequency Handover ....................................................... 4-6

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode Contents

4.5.1 Signaling Procedure of a Successful Handover ................................................................... 4-6

4.5.2 RRC Connection Re-Establishment After a Handover Failure ............................................. 4-8

5 Inter-Frequency Handover......................................................................................................5-1
5.1 Measurement Triggering/Stopping Phase of an Inter-Frequency Handover ................................ 5-1
5.1.1 Coverage-based Handover .................................................................................................. 5-1
5.1.2 Load-based Handover .......................................................................................................... 5-4
5.1.3 Frequency-Priority-based Handover .................................................................................... 5-4
5.1.4 Distance-based Handover .................................................................................................... 5-6
5.1.5 Service-based Handover ...................................................................................................... 5-7
5.1.6 UL-Quality-based Handover ................................................................................................. 5-8
5.2 Measurement Phase of an Inter-Frequency Handover ................................................................. 5-9
5.2.1 Inter-Frequency Measurement Configuration....................................................................... 5-9
5.2.2 Setup of Measurement Gaps.............................................................................................. 5-10
5.2.3 Inter-Frequency Handover Triggering ................................................................................ 5-10
5.3 Decision Phase of an Inter-Frequency Handover ....................................................................... 5-13
5.4 Execution Phase of an Inter-Frequency Handover ..................................................................... 5-13
5.5 Signaling Procedure of a Typical Inter-Frequency Handover ..................................................... 5-13
5.5.1 Signaling Procedure of a Successful Handover ................................................................. 5-13
5.5.2 RRC Connection Re-Establishment After a Handover Failure ........................................... 5-14

6 Inter-RAT Handover ..................................................................................................................6-1

6.1 Measurement Triggering/Stopping Phase of an Inter-RAT Handover ........................................... 6-1
6.1.1 Coverage-based Handover .................................................................................................. 6-1
6.1.2 Load-based Handover .......................................................................................................... 6-4
6.1.3 Service-based Handover ...................................................................................................... 6-4
6.1.4 UL-Quality-based Handover ................................................................................................. 6-5
6.1.5 Distance-based Handover .................................................................................................... 6-6
6.2 Measurement Phase of an Inter-RAT Handover ........................................................................... 6-6
6.2.1 Inter-RAT Measurement Configuration ................................................................................. 6-6
6.2.2 Setup of Measurement Gaps................................................................................................ 6-7
6.2.3 Inter-RAT Measurement Priorities ........................................................................................ 6-7
6.2.4 Inter-RAT Handover Triggering ............................................................................................. 6-8
6.3 Decision Phase of an Inter-RAT Handover ................................................................................. 6-11
6.4 Execution Phase of an Inter-RAT Handover ............................................................................... 6-11
6.4.1 Inter-RAT Handover Policy Selection ................................................................................. 6-11
6.4.2 Retry and Penalty ............................................................................................................... 6-14
6.5 Signaling Procedure of a Typical Inter-RAT Handover................................................................ 6-14
6.5.1 Signaling Procedure of a Successful Handover ................................................................. 6-14
6.5.2 RRC Connection Re-Establishment After a Handover Failure ........................................... 6-17

7 Related Features .......................................................................................................................7-1

7.1 Intra-Frequency Handover ............................................................................................................ 7-1
7.1.1 Required Features ................................................................................................................ 7-1

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode Contents

7.1.2 Mutually Exclusive Features ................................................................................................. 7-1

7.1.3 Affected Features ................................................................................................................. 7-1
7.2 Inter-Frequency Handover ............................................................................................................ 7-1
7.2.1 Required Features ................................................................................................................ 7-1
7.2.2 Mutually Exclusive Features ................................................................................................. 7-1
7.2.3 Affected Features ................................................................................................................. 7-1
7.3 Inter-RAT Handover ...................................................................................................................... 7-2
7.3.1 Required Features ................................................................................................................ 7-2
7.3.2 Mutually Exclusive Features ................................................................................................. 7-2
7.3.3 Affected Features ................................................................................................................. 7-2

8 Impact on the Network.............................................................................................................8-1

9 Engineering Guidelines ...........................................................................................................9-1
9.1 Coverage-based Intra-frequency Handover .................................................................................. 9-1
9.1.1 When to Use Coverage Based Intra-frequency Handover ................................................... 9-1
9.1.2 Required Information ............................................................................................................ 9-1
9.1.3 Data Preparation................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.4 Deployment Requirements ................................................................................................... 9-6
9.1.5 Activation .............................................................................................................................. 9-6
9.1.6 Activation Observation .......................................................................................................... 9-7
9.1.7 Reconfiguration .................................................................................................................... 9-8
9.1.8 Deactivation ........................................................................................................................ 9-11
9.1.9 Performance Monitoring ..................................................................................................... 9-11
9.1.10 Parameter Optimization .................................................................................................... 9-12
9.1.11 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................ 9-13
9.2 Coverage-based Inter-frequency Handover ................................................................................ 9-14
9.2.1 When to Use Coverage-based Inter-frequency Handover ................................................. 9-14
9.2.2 Required Information .......................................................................................................... 9-14
9.2.3 Data Preparation................................................................................................................. 9-15
9.2.4 Deployment Requirements ................................................................................................. 9-18
9.2.5 Activation ............................................................................................................................ 9-18
9.2.6 Activation Observation ........................................................................................................ 9-20
9.2.7 Reconfiguration .................................................................................................................. 9-20
9.2.8 Deactivation ........................................................................................................................ 9-27
9.2.9 Performance Monitoring ..................................................................................................... 9-27
9.2.10 Parameter Optimization .................................................................................................... 9-28
9.2.11 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................ 9-30
9.3 Frequency-Priority-based Inter-Frequency Handover................................................................. 9-31
9.3.1 When to Use Frequency-Priority-based Inter-Frequency Handover .................................. 9-31
9.3.2 Required Information .......................................................................................................... 9-31
9.3.3 Data Preparation................................................................................................................. 9-31
9.3.4 Deployment Requirements ................................................................................................. 9-33

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode Contents

9.3.5 Activation ............................................................................................................................ 9-33

9.3.6 Activation Observation ........................................................................................................ 9-35
9.3.7 Reconfiguration .................................................................................................................. 9-35
9.3.8 Deactivation ........................................................................................................................ 9-38
9.3.9 Performance Monitoring ..................................................................................................... 9-38
9.3.10 Parameter Optimization .................................................................................................... 9-38
9.3.11 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................ 9-38
9.4 Distance-based Inter-frequency Handover ................................................................................. 9-39
9.4.1 When to Use Distance-based Inter-frequency Handover ................................................... 9-39
9.4.2 Required Information .......................................................................................................... 9-39
9.4.3 Data Preparation................................................................................................................. 9-39
9.4.4 Deployment Requirements ................................................................................................. 9-40
9.4.5 Activation ............................................................................................................................ 9-41
9.4.6 Activation Observation ........................................................................................................ 9-42
9.4.7 Reconfiguration .................................................................................................................. 9-43
9.4.8 Deactivation ........................................................................................................................ 9-45
9.4.9 Performance Monitoring ..................................................................................................... 9-45
9.4.10 Parameter Optimization .................................................................................................... 9-45
9.4.11 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................ 9-45
9.5 Service-based Inter-frequency Handover ................................................................................... 9-45
9.5.1 When to Use Service-based Inter-frequency Handover ..................................................... 9-45
9.5.2 Required Information .......................................................................................................... 9-45
9.5.3 Data Preparation................................................................................................................. 9-46
9.5.4 Deployment Requirements ................................................................................................. 9-48
9.5.5 Activation ............................................................................................................................ 9-48
9.5.6 Activation Observation ........................................................................................................ 9-50
9.5.7 Reconfiguration .................................................................................................................. 9-50
9.5.8 Deactivation ........................................................................................................................ 9-52
9.5.9 Performance Monitoring ..................................................................................................... 9-52
9.5.10 Parameter Optimization .................................................................................................... 9-52
9.5.11 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................ 9-52
9.6 UL-Quality-based Inter-Frequency Handover ............................................................................. 9-52
9.6.1 When to Use UL-Quality-based Inter-Frequency Handover .............................................. 9-52
9.6.2 Required Information .......................................................................................................... 9-52
9.6.3 Data Preparation................................................................................................................. 9-53
9.6.4 Deployment Requirements ................................................................................................. 9-53
9.6.5 Activation ............................................................................................................................ 9-53
9.6.6 Activation Observation ........................................................................................................ 9-55
9.6.7 Reconfiguration .................................................................................................................. 9-56
9.6.8 Deactivation ........................................................................................................................ 9-58
9.6.9 Performance Monitoring ..................................................................................................... 9-58
9.6.10 Parameter Optimization .................................................................................................... 9-58

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode Contents

9.6.11 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................ 9-58

9.7 Coverage-based Inter-RAT Handover ......................................................................................... 9-59
9.7.1 When to Use Coverage-based Inter-RAT Handover .......................................................... 9-59
9.7.2 Required Information .......................................................................................................... 9-59
9.7.3 Data Preparation................................................................................................................. 9-59
9.7.4 Deployment Requirements ................................................................................................. 9-77
9.7.5 Activation ............................................................................................................................ 9-78
9.7.6 Activation Observation ........................................................................................................ 9-82
9.7.7 Reconfiguration .................................................................................................................. 9-83
9.7.8 Deactivation ........................................................................................................................ 9-91
9.7.9 Performance Monitoring ..................................................................................................... 9-91
9.7.10 Parameter Optimization .................................................................................................... 9-92
9.7.11 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................ 9-93
9.8 UL-Quality-based Inter-RAT Handover ....................................................................................... 9-95
9.8.1 When to Use UL-Quality-based Inter-RAT Handover ......................................................... 9-95
9.8.2 Required Information .......................................................................................................... 9-95
9.8.3 Data Preparation................................................................................................................. 9-95
9.8.4 Deployment Requirements ................................................................................................. 9-96
9.8.5 Activation ............................................................................................................................ 9-97
9.8.6 Activation Observation ........................................................................................................ 9-99
9.8.7 Reconfiguration ................................................................................................................ 9-100
9.8.8 Deactivation ...................................................................................................................... 9-102
9.8.9 Performance Monitoring ................................................................................................... 9-102
9.8.10 Parameter Optimization .................................................................................................. 9-102
9.8.11 Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................. 9-102
9.9 Distance-based Inter-RAT Handover ........................................................................................ 9-103
9.9.1 When to Use Distance-based Inter-RAT Handover .......................................................... 9-103
9.9.2 Required Information ........................................................................................................ 9-103
9.9.3 Data Preparation............................................................................................................... 9-103
9.9.4 Deployment Requirements ............................................................................................... 9-104
9.9.5 Activation .......................................................................................................................... 9-105
9.9.6 Activation Observation ...................................................................................................... 9-107
9.9.7 Reconfiguration ................................................................................................................ 9-107
9.9.8 Deactivation ...................................................................................................................... 9-109
9.9.9 Performance Monitoring ................................................................................................... 9-109
9.9.10 Parameter Optimization .................................................................................................. 9-110
9.9.11 Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................. 9-110
9.10 Service-based Inter-RAT Handover ........................................................................................ 9-110
9.10.1 When to Use Service-based Inter-RAT Handover .......................................................... 9-110
9.10.2 Required Information ...................................................................................................... 9-110
9.10.3 Data Preparation ............................................................................................................ 9-110
9.10.4 Deployment Requirements ............................................................................................. 9-112

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode Contents

9.10.5 Activation ........................................................................................................................ 9-113

9.10.6 Activation Observation .................................................................................................... 9-115
9.10.7 Reconfiguration .............................................................................................................. 9-116
9.10.8 Deactivation .................................................................................................................... 9-118
9.10.9 Performance Monitoring ................................................................................................. 9-118
9.10.10 Parameter Optimization ................................................................................................ 9-118
9.10.11 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................ 9-118
9.11 E-URTAN to UTRAN CS/PS Steering ..................................................................................... 9-118
9.11.1 When to Use E-URTAN to UTRAN CS/PS Steering ....................................................... 9-118
9.11.2 Required Information ...................................................................................................... 9-118
9.11.3 Data Preparation ............................................................................................................. 9-119
9.11.4 Deployment Requirements ............................................................................................. 9-120
9.11.5 Activation......................................................................................................................... 9-121
9.11.6 Activation Observation .................................................................................................... 9-122
9.11.7 Reconfiguration ............................................................................................................... 9-122
9.11.8 Deactivation .................................................................................................................... 9-122
9.11.9 Performance Monitoring ................................................................................................. 9-122
9.11.10 Parameter Optimization ................................................................................................ 9-122
9.11.11 Troubleshooting............................................................................................................. 9-122

10 Parameters .............................................................................................................................10-1
11 Counters ..................................................................................................................................11-1
12 Glossary ..................................................................................................................................12-1
13 Reference Documents .........................................................................................................13-1

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential vi

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 1 Introduction

1 Introduction
1.1 Scope
Mobility management is performed to support mobility of user equipment (UEs). It informs the network of
the UEs' current locations, provides the network with UE identities, and maintains physical channels. In
an evolved UTRAN (E-UTRAN), mobility management can be performed in connected mode or idle
mode, depending on Radio Resource Control (RRC) states.
This document describes mobility management in connected mode. In this mode, the mobile network
ensures continuity of physical channels and provides uninterrupted communication service for UEs in
connected mode through handovers when the UEs are moving in the network. A handover is a
procedure where the serving cell of a UE in connected mode is changed. Handovers can be classified as
follows: intra-frequency, inter-frequency, and inter-RAT.
Unless otherwise specified, "handover" in this document is a generic term including the handover, cell
change order (CCO), and redirection procedures.
In idle mode a UE is powered on but does not have an RRC connection to the radio network. When idle,
UEs report their locations to the network, and the E-UTRAN NodeB (eNodeB) broadcasts system
information, which can be used by UEs to select suitable cells. For details about mobility management in
idle mode, see Idle Mode Management Feature Parameter Description.
Any managed objects (MOs), parameters, alarms, or counters described in this document correspond to
the software release delivered with this document. In the event of updates, the updates will be described
in the product documentation delivered with the latest software release.

1.2 Intended Audience

This document is intended for:
 Personnel who need to understand mobility management in connected mode
 Personnel who work with Huawei Long Term Evolution (LTE) products

1.3 Change History

This section provides information about the changes in different document versions.
There are two types of changes, which are defined as follows:
 Feature change: refers to a change in the mobility management in connected mode feature of a
specific product version.
 Editorial change: refers to a change in wording or the addition of information that was not described in
the earlier version.

Document Issues
The document issues are as follows:
 07 (2013-05-20)
 06 (2013-02-27)
 05 (2012-12-29)
 04 (2012-09-20)
 03 (2012-06-30)
 02 (2012-05-11)

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 1 Introduction

 01 (2012-03-30)
 Draft A (2012-01-10)

07 (2013-05-20)
Compared with issue 06 (2013-02-27) of eRAN3.0, issue 07 (2013-05-20) of eRAN3.0 includes the
following changes.

Change Type Change Description Parameter Change

Feature change None None
Editorial change Added descriptions of E-UTRAN to UTRAN CS/PS None
Steering. For details, see section 3.10 "E-UTRAN to
UTRAN CS/PS Steering" and chapter 9.11
"E-URTAN to UTRAN CS/PS Steering."
Optimized engineering guidelines. For details, see
chapter 9 "Engineering Guidelines."

06 (2013-02-27)
Compared with issue 05 (2012-12-29) of eRAN3.0, issue 06 (2013-02-27) of eRAN3.0 includes the
following changes.

Change Type Change Description Parameter Change

Feature change None None
Editorial change Modified descriptions of admission failure. For None
details, see section 4.4.2 "Retry and Penalty."

05 (2012-12-29)
Compared with issue 04 (2012-09-20) of eRAN3.0, issue 05 (2012-12-29) of eRAN3.0 includes the
following changes.

Change Type Change Description Parameter Change

Feature change None None
Editorial change  Modified descriptions of redirection. For details, None
see section 3.6 "Redirection."
 Added the flowchart for inter-RAT handover policy
selection. For details, see section 6.4.1 "Inter-RAT
Handover Policy Selection."

04 (2012-09-20)
Compared with issue 03 (2012-06-30) of eRAN3.0, issue 04 (2012-09-20) of eRAN3.0 includes the
following changes.

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1-2

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 1 Introduction

Change Type Change Description Parameter Change
Feature change None None
Editorial change  Added the limitation on the number of None
inter-frequency and inter-RAT frequencies that a
UE can measure. For details, see section 3.1.1
"Measurement Objects."
 Added the limitation on the number of neighboring
cells in a measurement configuration message.
For details, see section 3.4 "Neighbor Relationship
 Added licenses related to Single Radio Voice Call
Continuity (SRVCC). For details, see section
9.10.4 "Deployment Requirements."
 Added parameters for setting an inter-RAT
handover policy. For details, see section 6.4.1
"Inter-RAT Handover Policy Selection."

03 (2012-06-30)
Compared with issue 02 (2012-05-11) of eRAN3.0, issue 03 (2012-06-30) of eRAN3.0 includes the
following changes.

Change Type Change Description Parameter Change

Feature change None None
Editorial change  Modified the description of blind handover priority None
configurations. For details, see sections 9.2.10
"Parameter Optimization" and 9.7.10 "Parameter
 Modified some descriptions. The protocol releases
and chapters referenced in the protocols are

02 (2012-05-11)
Compared with issue 01 (2012-03-30) of eRAN3.0, issue 02 (2012-05-11) of eRAN3.0 includes the
following changes.

Change Type Change Description Parameter Change

Feature change None None
Editorial change Modified some descriptions. None

01 (2012-03-30)
This is the first official release.

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1-3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 1 Introduction

Compared with draft A (2012-01-10) of eRAN3.0, issue 01 (2012-03-30) of eRAN3.0 includes the
following changes.

Change Change Description Parameter Change

Feature Added the feature LOFD-001078 E-UTRAN to Added the following parameters:
change UTRAN CS/PS Steering. For details, see section  UtranNFreq.PsPriority
3.7 "Blind Handovers."
 UtranNFreq.CSPriority
 ENodeBAlgoSwitch.FreqLaye
Added A2-based blind handover. For details, see Added the
section 6.1.1 "Coverage-based Handover." InterRatHoCommGroup.BlindH
OA2ThdOffset parameter.
Added event A5 and event B2 for inter-frequency Added the following parameters:
and inter-RAT handover, respectively. For details,  EutranInterNFreq.InterFreqHo
see sections 5.2.3 "Inter-Frequency Handover EventType
Triggering" and 6.2 "Measurement Phase of an
Inter-RAT Handover."
 InterRatHoComm.InterRatHoE
Changed the ID of the threshold parameter for Changed DistHOThd
distance-based handover. to DistBasedHO.DistBasedHOT
Editorial Modified the wording of some descriptions. None

Draft A (2012-01-10)
This is a draft.
Compared with issue 02 (2011-12-24) of eRAN2.2, draft A (2012-01-10) of eRAN3.0 includes the
following changes.

Change Change Description Parameter Change

Feature Modified the mechanism of Added the following parameters to the
change frequency-priority-based inter-frequency InterFreqHoGroup MO:
handovers. For details, see section 5.1.3  InterFreqHoGroup.FreqPriInterFreq
"Frequency-Priority-based Handover." HoA2ThdRsrp
 InterFreqHoGroup.FreqPriInterFreq
Added the function of SPID-based None
handovers back to the HPLMN. For
details, see section 3.8 "SPID-based
Handovers Back to the HPLMN."

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1-4

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 1 Introduction

Change Change Description Parameter Change
Added the function of inter-PLMN None
handovers. For details, see section 3.9
"Inter-PLMN Handovers."
Added the functions of distance-based Added the following parameters to
inter-frequency and inter-RAT handovers. the DistBasedHO MO:
For details, see section 5.1.4  DistBasedHO.DistBasedMeasObjTy
"Distance-based Handover." pe
 DistHOThd
Added the
parameter to the CellAlgoSwitch MO.
Added the function of service-based Added the following parameters to the
inter-frequency handovers. For details, ServiceIfHoCfgGroup MO:
see section 5.1.5 "Service-based  ServiceIfHoCfgGroup.InterFreqHoS
Handover." tate
 ServiceIfHoCfgGroup.ServiceIfHoCf
Added the switch for service-based
inter-frequency handovers under the
Added the function of UL-quality-based Added the switch for UL-quality-based
inter-frequency handovers. For details, inter-frequency handovers under the
see section 5.1.6 "UL-Quality-based ENodeBAlgoSwitch.HoAlgoSwitch
Handover." parameter.
Added events A5 and B2. For details, see Added the following parameters:
sections 5.2.3 "Inter-Frequency Handover  EutranInterNFreq.InterFreqHoEvent
Triggering" and 6.2 "Measurement Phase Type
of an Inter-RAT Handover."
 InterRatHoComm.InterRatHoEventT
Editorial Optimized engineering guidelines. For None
change details, see chapter 7.

Renamed a handover type from None

"UL-power-based handovers" to
"UL-quality-based handovers".

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1-5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 2 Overview of Mobility Management in Connected Mode

2 Overview of Mobility Management in Connected Mode

Mobility management is performed to support the mobility of user equipment (UEs). It informs the
network of the UEs' current locations, provides the network with UE identities, and maintains physical
channels. In an evolved UTRAN (E-UTRAN), mobility management can be performed in connected
mode or idle mode, depending on Radio Resource Control (RRC) states.
Mobility management in connected mode is a process in which the serving cell of a UE in connected
mode is changed through handovers. Handovers can be classified by handover target as follows:
intra-frequency, inter-frequency, and inter-RAT, as shown in Figure 2-1. "Handover" in this document is a
generic term that includes the packet switched (PS) handover, single radio voice call continuity (SRVCC),
cell change order with or without network assisted cell change (CCO/NACC), and redirection
Figure 2-1 Mobility management classifications

The following contents are not included in this documents:

 Cell selection and reselection. For details, see Idle Mode Management Feature
Parameter Description.
 Circuit switched fallback (CSFB). For details, see CS Fallback Feature Parameter Description.
 Load-based handover. For details, see MLB Feature Parameter Description.
The basic features included in this document are as follows:
 LBFD-00201801 Coverage Based Intra-frequency Handover
 LBFD-00201802 Coverage Based Inter-frequency Handover
 LBFD-00201804 Distance Based Inter-frequency Handover

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 2 Overview of Mobility Management in Connected Mode

 LBFD-00201805 Service Based Inter-frequency Handover
The optional features included in this document are as follows:
 LOFD-001019 PS Inter-RAT Mobility between E-UTRAN and UTRAN
 LOFD-001020 PS Inter-RAT Mobility between E-UTRAN and GERAN
 LOFD-001043 Service based inter-RAT handover to UTRAN
 LOFD-001046 Service based inter-RAT handover to GERAN
 LOFD-001072 Distance based Inter-RAT handover to UTRAN
 LOFD-001073 Distance based Inter-RAT handover to GERAN
 LOFD-001078 E-UTRAN to UTRAN CS/PS Steering

2.1 Introduction
Handover Types By Handover Target
Handovers are classified by handover target into the following types: intra-frequency, inter-frequency,
and inter-RAT.
 Intra-frequency handover
An intra-frequency handover is performed between cells on the same frequency in the LTE system. A
network may use one frequency in different geographical areas, and therefore the eNodeB needs to
support handovers within one frequency in the system.
 Inter-frequency handover
An inter-frequency handover is performed between cells on different frequencies in the LTE system. A
network may use different frequencies, and therefore the eNodeB needs to support handovers
between different frequencies within the system.
Handovers between LTE FDD cells and LTE TDD cells are inter-mode handovers and follow the
common inter-frequency handover procedure.
 Inter-RAT handover
An inter-RAT handover is performed from LTE to any of the following RATs:
− Global System for Mobile communications (GSM)
− Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA)
− Time Division-Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access (TD-SCDMA)
− Code Division Multiple Access 2000 (CDMA2000)
Different areas may be covered by different systems, and therefore LTE supports handovers between
different RATs to ensure uninterrupted service provision.

Handover Types By Handover Cause

Handovers are classified by handover cause into the following types: coverage-based, load-based,
service-based, distance-based, UL-quality-based, and frequency-priority-based.
 Coverage-based handover
When a UE moves to the edge of a cell, the eNodeB initiates a coverage-based handover to ensure
that the UE is connected to the best cell during its movement. Coverage-based handovers prevent call
drops caused by deterioration of the signal quality in the cell.
 Load-based handover

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When a cell is heavily loaded or even congested, its neighboring cells might be lightly loaded. To
optimize the utilization of system resources in such situations, load-based handovers are performed.
The eNodeB initiates a load-based handover when a cell is heavily loaded.
 Service-based handover
To better serve high-speed data services in an LTE system, the service steering function can steer
UEs with voice services to other LTE frequencies or RATs. The eNodeB recognizes the UEs with voice
services and performs service-based handovers for them to implement service steering.
 Distance-based handover
In a network with severe cross-cell coverage, UEs may experience call drops upon moving out of the
coverage of the serving cell. To prevent such call drops, distance-based inter-frequency or inter-RAT
handovers are performed.
 UL-quality-based handover
When the channel quality in the uplink is unsatisfactory, call drops may occur if handovers are not
performed promptly. To solve this problem, UL-quality-based handovers can be performed to divert
UEs to other LTE frequencies or RATs.
 Frequency-priority-based handover
When an eNodeB provides both 5 MHz and 20 MHz bandwidths on a low band (for example, the 900
MHz band) and a high band (the 2600 MHz band) respectively, a frequency-priority-based
inter-frequency handover can be performed to preferentially carry services in the high band while
sparing the low band for continuous coverage.

2.2 Benefits
Mobility management in connected mode provides the following benefits:
 Ensures the continuity of radio network coverage and provides uninterrupted communication services
for UEs.
 Provides means to transfer UEs and supports flexible networking to meet operators' service steering
and load balancing requirements.

2.3 Architecture
Figure 2-2 shows the network architecture for mobility management in connected mode. Standardized
interfaces are used in the communication between eNodeBs, eNodeB and mobility management entity
(MME), and eNodeB and UEs.

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Figure 2-2 Network architecture for mobility management in connected mode

 S1 interface
The eNodeB and MME/serving gateway (S-GW) communicate through the S1 interface. In an
inter-eNodeB handover for which an X2 interface is unavailable between the source and target
eNodeBs, or in an inter-RAT handover to UTRAN or GREAN, handover signaling is exchanged
through the S1 interface. For details about the S1 interface, see 3GPP TS 36.413 V10.1.0 (2011-03).
3GPP is short for 3rd Generation Partnership Project.
 X2 interface
eNodeBs communicate with each other through the X2 interface. In an inter-eNodeB handover
for which an X2 interface is available between the source and target eNodeBs, handover signaling is
exchanged through the X2 interface. For details about the X2 interface, see 3GPP TS 36.423 V10.1.0
 Uu interface
The eNodeB and UEs communicate through the Uu interface. The Uu interface is also called the radio
interface. For details about the Uu interface, see 3GPP TS 36.331 V10.1.0 (2011-03).

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3 Technical Overview and Basic Concepts

This chapter provides an overview of handover procedures and describes basic handover-related
concepts defined by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). For details about the concepts, see
chapter 10 in 3GPP TS 36.300 Release 10 issued in March 2011.
Figure 3-1 Handover phases

Redirection control shown in Figure 3-1 is irrelevant to handovers. This type of redirection and the cell reselection priority
are not described in this document. For details about these entities, see Idle Mode Management Feature
Parameter Description, Admission and Congestion Control Feature Parameter Description, and S1-Flex Feature
Parameter Description.

As shown in Figure 3-1, a handover consists of three phases:

1. Handover measurement
Different types of handover measurements have different triggering causes, as described in Table 3-1.
2. Handover decision
In the handover decision phase, the eNodeB checks the measurement results reported by the UE and
determines whether to initiate a handover.
3. Handover execution
In the handover execution phase, the eNodeB controls the procedure of UE handover to the target cell
based on the decision, to complete the handover.

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Table 3-1 Measurement triggering causes of handovers
Handover Type Measurement Triggering
Coverage-based Intra-frequency When a UE attempts to establish a radio bearer,
the intra-frequency measurement configuration is
delivered by default to the UE through the RRC
Connection Reconfiguration message.
 Inter-frequency The eNodeB delivers the measurement
 Inter-RAT configuration to the UE when the signal quality in
the serving cell is lower than the associated
Load-based  Intra-frequency The measurements are triggered by the Mobility
 Inter-frequency Load Balancing (MLB) algorithm.
 Inter-RAT
Frequency-priority-based Inter-frequency If the eNodeB provides coverage of the 900 MHz
and 2600 MHz bands, the eNodeB delivers the
frequency-priority-based inter-frequency
measurement configuration to UEs when the
signal quality in the serving cell is higher than the
associated threshold.
Service-based  Inter-frequency The eNodeB triggers the measurements after
 Inter-RAT identifying the UE having certain service
UL-quality-based  Inter-frequency The eNodeB triggers the measurements after it
 Inter-RAT detects unsatisfactory UL quality for the UE.

Distance-based  Inter-frequency The eNodeB triggers the measurements after it

 Inter-RAT detects that the distance between the eNodeB
and the UE exceeds a threshold.

The handover-related parameters can be automatically optimized by the Mobility Robustness

Optimization (MRO) algorithm.
The information about neighboring cell management and gap pattern control is contained in the
measurement configuration, which is delivered from the eNodeB to the UE. The neighboring cell
management can be automatically performed by the Automatic Neighbor Relation (ANR) function. Gap
patterns are used in the measurements for inter-frequency or inter-RAT handovers.
The subsequent sections describe the concepts and key parameters involved in a handover.

3.1 Measurement for a Handover

After a UE establishes a radio bearer, the eNodeB delivers the measurement configuration to the UE in
an RRC Connection Reconfiguration message. The configuration varies depending on the eNodeB's
support for various types of mobility in connected mode:
 If the serving cell needs to be measured, the eNodeB delivers the configuration for measuring the
serving cell to the UE.

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 If intra-frequency handover is enabled, the eNodeB delivers the intra-frequency measurement
configuration to the UE.
 After an inter-frequency or inter-RAT measurement is triggered, the eNodeB delivers the
inter-frequency or inter-RAT measurement configuration to the UE, and sets up measurement gaps.
The UE then performs gap-assisted inter-frequency or inter-RAT measurements. Inter-frequency and
inter-RAT measurements can use the same gap pattern, but the eNodeB is able to differentiate
between the gap configurations for inter-frequency and inter-RAT measurements.
The measurement configuration consists of measurement objects, reporting configurations, and other
parameters. The rest of section 3.1 describes the concepts related to measurement configuration.

3.1.1 Measurement Objects

Measurement objects are the objects that UEs should measure. Measurement object information
includes the target system and target frequency for a UE to measure, as well as the measurement
bandwidth and frequency-specific offset.

Target System
 For measurement of the serving cell or an intra-frequency neighboring cell, the target system is
 For an inter-frequency measurement, the eNodeB determines the target system based on the UE
measurement capability. If the UE supports inter-frequency measurement in connected mode, the
target system is E-UTRAN.
 For an inter-RAT measurement, the eNodeB determines the target system based on the UE
measurement capability as follows:
− If the UE supports measurement of UTRAN frequencies, the target system can be UTRAN.
− If the UE supports measurement of GERAN frequencies, the target system can be GERAN.
− If the UE supports measurement of CDMA2000 frequencies, the target system can be CDMA2000.

Target Frequency
The eNodeB determines target frequencies based on a list of neighboring cells in the selected target
system. If the service is an emergency call, the eNodeB determines the target frequencies based on the
complete neighboring cell list. If the service is not an emergency call, the eNodeB determines the target
frequencies based on the neighboring cell list that excludes the following cells:
 Blacklisted neighboring cells
 Neighboring cells that have a different PLMN from the serving cell, if the inter-PLMN handover switch
is turned off
For details about inter-PLMN handovers, see section 3.9 "Inter-PLMN Handovers."
 Neighboring cells with a handover prohibition flag
 Neighboring cells in the areas indicated by the information element (IE) Handover Restriction List in
the INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message sent from the MME
If ANR is enabled, the eNodeB does not determine target frequencies based on the neighboring cell list. For details, see
ANR Management Feature Parameter Description.
The number of inter-frequency and inter-RAT frequencies configured on an eNodeB should not exceed the number
specified in 3GPP TS 36.133 (see section in 3GPP TS 36.133 Release 10 issued in December, 2010). If the
number of configured inter-frequency and inter-RAT frequencies exceeds the limit, certain frequencies cannot be
measured by UEs.

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The eNodeB of the current release can prioritize UTRAN frequencies for measurements and may deliver
only high-priority UTRAN frequencies as measurement objects. Priority-based measurement is
controlled by UtranFreqLayerMeasSwitch under the ENodeBAlgoSwitch.FreqLayerSwtich
parameter. For details, see section 6.2.3 "Inter-RAT Measurement Priorities."

Measurement Bandwidth and Frequency-specific Offset

For UEs in the E-UTRAN, information about a measurement object also includes:
 Measurement bandwidth
The measurement bandwidth is the cell bandwidth on which the UE performs measurements. If the
measurement bandwidth is not specified, the eNodeB includes the downlink (DL) bandwidth of the
serving cell in the measurement configuration by default and delivers the information to the UE.
 Frequency-specific offset
The frequency-specific offset is included in the measurement object information because it is set for
each frequency. This offset adjusts the probability of triggering a handover to a specific frequency. For
example, a cell on frequency A and a cell on frequency B are both candidate cells for a handover.
Then, the offset for frequency A can be increased to raise the probability of selecting the cell on
frequency A as the target cell. The value of a frequency-specific offset can be either positive or
negative. A positive value raises the handover triggering probability, and a negative value lowers the
For details about parameters for E-UTRAN measurement configurations, see sections 4.2.1
"Intra-Frequency Measurement Configuration" and 5.2.1 "Inter-Frequency Measurement

3.1.2 Reporting Configuration

The concept of event-triggered reporting as specified in section 5.5 in 3GPP TS 36.331 Release 10
issued in March 2011 is used by the handover measurement and decision phases. Reporting
configurations consist of the parameters related to specific events. Currently, the eNodeB supports
mechanisms as responses to the following events:
 Event A1 indicates that the signal quality in the serving cell is higher than a specified threshold. When
the information about the cells that meet the triggering condition is reported, the eNodeB stops
inter-frequency or inter-RAT measurements. However, in frequency-priority-based inter-frequency
handovers, event A1 is used to start inter-frequency measurements.
 Event A2 indicates that the signal quality in the serving cell is lower than a specified threshold. When
the information about the cells that meet the triggering condition is reported, the eNodeB starts
inter-frequency or inter-RAT measurements. However, in frequency-priority-based inter-frequency
handovers, event A2 is used to stop inter-frequency measurements.
 Event A3 indicates that the signal quality in at least one intra-frequency or inter-frequency neighboring
cell is higher than that in the serving cell. When the information about the cells that meet the triggering
condition is reported, the source eNodeB sends an intra-frequency or inter-frequency handover
 Event A4 indicates that the signal quality is higher than a specified threshold in at least one
inter-frequency neighboring cell. When the information about the cells that meet the triggering
condition is reported, the source eNodeB sends an inter-frequency handover request.
 Event A5 indicates that the signal quality in the serving cell is lower than a threshold and that the
signal quality in at least one inter-frequency neighboring cell is higher than another threshold. When
the information about the cells that meet the triggering condition is reported, the source eNodeB sends
an inter-frequency handover request.

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 Event B1 indicates that the signal quality is higher than a specified threshold in at least one inter-RAT
neighboring cell. When the information about the cells that meet the triggering condition is reported,
the source eNodeB sends an inter-RAT handover request.
 Event B2 indicates that the signal quality in the serving cell is lower than a threshold and that the
signal quality in at least one inter-RAT neighboring cell is higher than another threshold. When the
information about the cells that meet the triggering condition is reported, the source eNodeB sends an
inter-RAT handover request.
Each event may have different sets of the threshold and other event-associated parameters, with each
set of the parameters mapped to a QoS Class Identifier (QCI).
The UE reports measurement results in event-triggered periodical mode, which is described in the next

Event-Triggered Periodical Reporting

After an event is reported for the first time, the measurement results associated with the event are
reported periodically. This reporting mode is called event-triggered periodical reporting. The UE sends
the measurement results to the eNodeB in event-triggered periodical reporting mode. The periodical
reporting is stopped when the leaving condition is met or after the UE receives a handover command.
Event-triggered periodical reporting has the following benefits:
 Reduces the impact of loss of measurement reports or failures in internal processing on handovers.
 Enables retries of access in case of admission rejection.
 Provides complete measurement results by updating cell information in periodical reports, since a
single measurement report may not contain information about all neighboring cells that meet an event
triggering condition and neighboring cells meeting the condition may change with UE movement.

Hysteresis and Time-to-Trigger

Hysteresis and time-to-trigger are key parameters for the UE to decide whether to report an event.
These parameters directly affect handover performance of the system. The two parameter types are set
in the measurement configuration for the associated events.
To reduce the number of event reports generated because of radio signal fluctuation, the hysteresis to
the signal quality is used in the entering and leaving conditions for each event. The setting of the
hysteresis affects the triggering of the corresponding event. A larger value of the hysteresis results in a
lower probability of event triggering, affecting the user experience. A smaller value of the hysteresis
results in a higher probability of event triggering, but it also leads to a higher probability of incorrect
handover decisions and ping-pong handovers.
When the entering condition of an event is met, the UE does not report the cell measurement result
associated with the event to the eNodeB until the entering condition is met throughout a specified period,
as defined by the time-to-trigger parameter. This prevents unnecessary handovers. Time-to-trigger is set
for each event, significantly reducing the average number of handovers and the number of incorrect

Triggering Quantity and Reporting Quantity

The quantities Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP) and Reference Signal Received Quality
(RSRQ) are used to measure the E-UTRAN cell quality. Based on the RSRP, the RSRQ takes
interference into consideration. The triggering quantities and reporting quantities for events are
configurable. The options are RSRP, RSRQ, or both. Based on the triggering quantities specified by the
eNodeB, the UE performs event evaluation. When the corresponding signal quality in cells meets the
triggering condition for a specific event, the UE reports the information about the cells to the eNodeB.

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3.1.3 Other Parameters
Before evaluating the reporting criteria and sending measurement reports, the UE performs layer 1 (L1)
filtering and L3 filtering on the measurement results. The L1 filtering is performed by the UE at the
physical layer to eliminate the impact of fast fading on the measurement results. No user configuration is
required for the L1 filtering. The L3 filtering aims at eliminating the impact of shadow fading and certain
fast fading. In this way, better measurement data is provided for the evaluation of the reporting criteria.
Based on the triggering quantity, two L3 filtering coefficients are applicable: one for RSRP
measurements and the other for RSRQ measurements.
The UE performs L1 filtering, L3 filtering, and evaluation of reporting criteria according to the model
shown in Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-2 Measurement model

The measurement points shown in Figure 3-2 are described as follows:

 A is the measurement value at the physical layer.
 B is the measurement value obtained after L1 filtering. It will be provided for the higher layers.
 C is the measurement value obtained after L3 filtering.
 C' is other measurement values, such as the Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) and the
Channel Quality Indicator (CQI). These values are measured in the same way as C, except that no L3
filtering is applied to them.
 D is measurement report information sent from the UE to the eNodeB.
 Parameters (a) include the filtering coefficient for L3 filtering, and parameters (b) include the reporting
According to section in 3GPP TS 36.331 Release 10 issued in March 2011, before evaluating the
reporting criteria and sending measurement reports, the UE performs L3 filtering on the measurement
result by using the following formula:
Fn = (1 - a) x Fn-1 + a x Mn
 Mn is the nth measurement value received from the physical layer. The interval at which measurement
values are received at the physical layer is subject to UE implementation. The details are not provided
in this document.
 Fn-1 is the (n - 1)th filtered measurement value.
 Fn is the nth filtered measurement value.
 a = 1/2(k/4). It is a weighting factor for the current measurement quantity. In the formula, k is the L3
filtering coefficient. If k is set to 0 (that is, a = 1), L3 filtering is not applicable.

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The L3 filtering coefficient k for different networks is specified by different parameters. The details are as
 The L3 filtering coefficients for the E-UTRAN are specified by the
HoMeasComm.EutranFilterCoeffRSRP and HoMeasComm.EutranFilterCoeffRSRQ parameters.
 The L3 filtering coefficients for the Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (UTRAN) are specified
by the HoMeasComm.UtranFilterCoeffRSCP and HoMeasComm.UtranFilterCoeffECN0
 The L3 filtering coefficient for the GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network (GERAN) is specified by the
HoMeasComm.GeranFilterCoeff parameter.
A larger value of the filtering coefficient indicates a greater smoothing effect and a higher anti-fading
capability, but also a lower capability of tracing signal fluctuation.

Measurement Gap
A measurement gap is a time period during which the UE performs measurements on a neighboring
frequency of the serving frequency. Measurement gaps are applicable to inter-frequency and inter-RAT
measurements. The UE performs inter-frequency or inter-RAT measurements only within the
measurement gaps. In most cases, one UE has only one receiver, and consequently one UE can receive
the signals on only one frequency at a time. For details about measurement gaps, see section 10.1.3 in
3GPP TS 36.300 Release 10 issued in March 2011.
When inter-frequency or inter-RAT measurements are required, the eNodeB delivers the measurement
gap configuration, and then the UE starts gap-assisted measurements accordingly. As shown in Figure
3-3, Tperiod denotes the repetition period of measurement gaps, and TGAP denotes the
gap width, within which the UE performs measurements.
When gap-assisted measurements for various handover types co-exist, the eNodeB records the
measurements based on these types. Different gap-assisted measurements can share the same
measurement gap configuration. A UE releases measurement gaps only after all gap-assisted
measurements are stopped.
Two measurement gap patterns are available: pattern 1 and pattern 2. In pattern 1, TGAP is 6 ms and
Tperiod is 40 ms. In pattern 2, TGAP is 6 ms and Tperiod is 80 ms. The pattern to use is specified by the
HoMeasComm.GapPatternType parameter.

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Figure 3-3 Structure of a measurement gap

Cell Individual Offset

Specific Cell Individual Offset (CIO) values can be set for the serving cell and its neighboring cells. (Ocs
and Ocn described in this document denote the CIO for the serving cell and the CIO for the neighboring
cell respectively.) When the quality of signals fluctuates, the probability of triggering handovers to or from
a specific cell can be adjusted by changing the value of CIO. This reduces the risk of dropped calls. The
CIO values are adjusted automatically by the MRO function.
According to section 6.3.5 in 3GPP TS 36.331 Release 10 issued in March 2011, CIO values are
contained in the IE Neighbour cell list in the measurement configuration. The CIO value can adjust the
boundary of the associated cell for a handover. A smaller value of CIO for the serving cell results in a
higher probability of handovers from the serving cell, and a larger value of CIO for the target cell also
results in a higher probability of handovers to the target cell.

3.1.4 Setting of Parameters Mapped to QCIs

The E-UTRAN, which offers all packet switched (PS) services, provides differentiated quality of service
(QoS) configurations to achieve prioritization and different user experience. To this end, different types of
services can be mapped to different QCIs. The parameters corresponding to each QCI can be set for
different types of measurements and different events. Therefore, besides that the key requirements for
mobility, coverage continuity, and the call drop rate are fulfilled, the following purposes can be achieved:
timely handovers, better UE data transmission performance before the handover, decrease in UE power
consumption for measurements, reduction in the number of handovers, and further decrease in the risk
of ping-pong handovers. For detailed QCI-related information, see section 6.1.7 in 3GPP TS 23.203
Release 10 issued in March 2011.
If a coverage-based handover is required when there are multiple types of services running on a UE, the
handover considers the service with the QCI that is mapped to the highest priority. For example, when a
UE has three types of ongoing services, a handover is performed on condition that the target cell allows
admission of the service with the highest priority. In this situation, the resources for the two types of
services are released if the target cell rejects admission of the other two types of services.

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If a load- or frequency-priority-based handover is required when there are multiple types of services
running on a UE, the handover can be performed only when the target cell meets the requirements of all
the services for the attributes mapped to the QCIs.

3.2 Decision on a Handover

In the handover decision phase, the eNodeB checks the measurement result reported by the UE. Based
on the check, the eNodeB determines whether a handover needs to be initiated and, if so, to which cell
the UE is to be handed over.
The eNodeB derives a list of candidate cells from the measurement report sent by the UE. The
candidate cells are sorted in descending order of measured signal strength. As a second step, the
eNodeB filters the candidate cells. If among the candidate cells, the measurement result of an
intra-eNodeB cell is the same as that of an inter-eNodeB cell, the eNodeB assigns the intra-eNodeB cell
a priority, which will prevent signaling and data forwarding required in an inter-eNodeB handover.
The eNodeB then sends a handover request to the target cell at the top of the candidate cell list. If the
handover request fails, the eNodeB sends the handover request to the next target cell. If the eNodeB
has tried all cells indicated in the measurement report but failed to perform a handover, the
eNodeB waits for the next measurement report from the UE.

3.3 Execution of a Handover

In the handover execution phase, the UE and the eNodeB exchange signaling over the radio interface
according to 3GPP TS 36.331 Release 10 issued in March 2011. During an inter-eNodeB handover, the
source eNodeB and the target eNodeB exchange signaling and data through X2/S1 adaptation. The LTE
system uses hard handovers, that is, only one radio link is connected to a UE at a time. Therefore, to
prevent user data loss at the eNodeB during the handover, data forwarding is performed to ensure
eNodeB data integrity. Loss of data may cause a decrease in the data transfer ratio and an increase in
the data transfer delay.

3.3.1 X2/S1 Adaptation for a Handover

Intra-frequency and inter-frequency handovers are both applicable in the architecture shown in Figure
3-4, that is, intra-eNodeB handover, intra-MME inter-eNodeB handover, and inter-MME inter-eNodeB
handover. For details about the X2 interface, see 3GPP TS 36.423 Release 10 issued in March 2011.
For details about the S1 interface, see 3GPP TS 36.413 Release 10 issued in March 2011.

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Figure 3-4 Example of the network architecture

In the case of an intra-MME inter-eNodeB handover (handover between eNodeB 1 and eNodeB 2 shown
in Figure 3-4), the source eNodeB checks whether the X2 interface is available between the source and
target eNodeBs or not and then automatically selects a path for the handover as follows:
 If the X2 interface is available, the handover request is sent over the X2 interface. Data forwarding is
also performed over the X2 interface.
 If the X2 interface is unavailable, the handover request is sent over the S1 interface. Data forwarding
is also performed over the S1 interface.
In the case of an inter-MME inter-eNodeB handover (handover between eNodeB 1 and eNodeB 3 shown
in Figure 3-4), the handover request is sent over the S1 interface. In addition, the source eNodeB
checks whether the X2 interface is available between the source and target eNodeBs or not and then
automatically selects a path for data forwarding as follows:
 If the X2 interface is available, data forwarding is performed over the X2 interface.
 If the X2 interface is unavailable, data forwarding is performed over the S1 interface.
In the case of an inter-RAT handover to the UTRAN or GERAN, the eNodeB sends a handover request
and forwards data over the S1 interface.
In the case of an inter-RAT handover to CDMA2000 High Rate Packet Data (HRPD), either an optimized
handover or a non-optimized handover is applicable, depending on whether the pre-registration of the
UE to the target CDMA2000 HRPD system has succeeded or not. If the pre-registration to the target
CDMA2000 HRPD system has succeeded, an optimized handover is executed, in which the eNodeB
sends the handover request over the S1 interface. If the pre-registration has failed, a non-optimized
handover is executed, in which the UE sends the handover request.

3.3.2 Data Forwarding

The data forwarding process is as follows: After the source eNodeB sends a handover command to the
UE, the UE detaches the connection from the source eNodeB. The source eNodeB then forwards the
uplink (UL) data that is received out of order and the DL data to be transmitted, to the target eNodeB.

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Data forwarding prevents a decrease in the data transfer ratio and an increase in the data transfer delay
that are caused by user data loss during the handover.
Intra-eNodeB handovers do not require data forwarding. In the case of an inter-eNodeB handover, the
source eNodeB selects a data forwarding path by using the X2/S1 adaptation mechanism.
In the case of an inter-RAT handover to the UTRAN, GERAN, or CDMA2000 network, the eNodeB
forwards the data to the S-GW.
For details about data forwarding, see sections 10.1.2 and 10.2.2 in 3GPP TS 36.300 Release 10 issued
in March 2011.

3.3.3 RRC Connection Re-Establishment After a Handover Failure

When a handover fails, the UE performs a cell selection procedure and then initiates a procedure of
RRC connection re-establishment towards the selected cell. The eNodeB makes a decision based
on whether the context of the UE is present. If the eNodeB accepts the re-establishment request, the UE
accesses the selected cell, avoiding a dropped call caused by the handover failure. According to section
5.3.7 in 3GPP TS 36.331 Release 10 issued in March 2011, the context of the UE is present only at the
prepared cell. The eNodeB to which the prepared cell belongs checks the context of the UE and then
accepts the RRC connection re-establishment request of the UE. The requests of re-establishment
towards other cells will be rejected.

A prepared cell can be one of the following cells: the source cell, a cell towards which handover preparation has been
performed, and a cell under the same eNodeB as either of the preceding cell.

3.4 Neighbor Relationship Management

Neighbor relationships define the relationships that the serving cell has with its neighboring cells and
they play a fundamental role in handovers. Neighbor relationship management determines whether to
allow the following:
 Automatic removal of a neighbor relationship by ANR
 Handover of UEs from the serving cell to the neighboring cell
 Handover over an X2 interface
However, the flag indicating whether to allow handover over an X2 interface has not yet been introduced
to Huawei eNodeBs. For details about how ANR manages neighbor relationships, see ANR
Management Feature Parameter Description.
Neighbor relationships are planned in the network design stage. They are automatically adjusted by
ANR, if configured. The ANR function reduces the risk of missing neighboring cells and solves the
problems of inappropriate neighbor relationships caused by collisions of physical cell IDs or by physical
positions. In this way, the call drop rate is reduced and the handover success rate is increased. For
details, see 3GPP TS 32.511 Release 10 issued in March 2011.
There are three types of neighboring cells:
 Intra-frequency neighboring cell
An intra-frequency neighboring cell is a neighboring cell whose DL E-UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency
Channel Number (EARFCN) is the same as the DL EARFCN of the serving cell. A maximum of 64
intra-frequency neighboring cells can be configured for an E-UTRAN cell.
 Inter-frequency neighboring cell
An inter-frequency neighboring cell is a neighboring cell whose DL EARFCN is different from the DL
EARFCN of the serving cell. A maximum of 64 inter-frequency neighboring cells can be configured for

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an E-UTRAN cell. The neighboring cells can be located on a maximum of 8 neighboring E-UTRAN
frequencies. Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) cells can be configured as inter-frequency neighboring
cells of Time Division Duplex (TDD) cells. TDD cells can also be configured as inter-frequency
neighboring cells of FDD cells. Huawei eNodeB supports interoperability between LTE FDD and LTE
 Inter-RAT neighboring cell
Inter-RAT neighboring cells are neighboring UTRAN cells, neighboring GERAN cells, and neighboring
CDMA2000 cells. The maximum configurations of neighboring cells and frequencies for an E-UTRAN
cell are as follows: 64 neighboring UTRAN cells and 16 neighboring UTRAN frequencies; 64
neighboring GERAN cells and 16 neighboring GERAN frequency groups; 32 neighboring CDMA2000
HRPD cells and 32 neighboring CDMA2000 1x Radio Transmission Technology (1xRTT) cells.
The number of neighboring E-UTRAN cells configured on an eNodeB should not exceed 32, which was specified in 3GPP
TS 36.331 (see section 6.4 in 3GPP TS 36.331 Release 10 issued in March, 2011). The same limitation applies to the
neighboring UTRAN cells and neighboring CDMA2000 (including CDMA2000 HRPD and CDMA2000 1xRTT) cells. If the
number of neighboring E-UTRAN, UTRAN, or CDMA2000 cells exceeds 32, certain neighbor relationships cannot be
carried in measurement configuration messages.

To reduce delay, the eNodeB may select a target cell for handover in the absence of the measurement
information. This type of handover is called a blind handover. The candidate cells for a blind handover
must be the neighboring cells with blind-handover priorities other than priority 0. For details about the
parameters for blind-handover priorities, see section 3.7 "Blind Handovers."
In the configuration of inter-frequency neighboring cells, the EutranInterFreqNCell.BlindHoPriority
parameter is also used to differentiate between inter-frequency neighboring cells for
frequency-priority-based handovers and those for handovers triggered by other causes. Values 17 to 32
of this parameter are dedicated to frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handovers. A
frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handover can be triggered only if the target inter-frequency
neighboring cell is configured with a blind-handover priority in the range of 17 to 32. Blind-handover
priorities 0 to 16 apply to inter-frequency handovers triggered by causes other than frequency priorities.

Ensure that neighboring cells are correctly configured. Otherwise, a handover (a generic term including the handover,
CCO, and redirection procedures) cannot be triggered.

3.5 UE Capability Configuration

Mobility management in connected mode has requirements on the following UE capabilities: access to
the LTE system, the system (including the release and frequency band) it supports, and the reception
and transmission capabilities (for example, single/dual radio or dual receiver).
The MME may inform the eNodeB of UE capabilities. If the MME does not inform the eNodeB of UE
capabilities, the eNodeB initiates UE capability transfer over the radio interface to a UE, and the UE
informs the eNodeB of the UE capabilities through the UECapabilityInformation IE. For details, see
section 5.6.3 in 3GPP TS 36.331 Release 10 issued in March 2011.

3.6 Redirection
Redirection is a method of transferring UEs between cells and is a type of handover when "handover" is
used as a generic term. When a handover cannot be performed in an emergency or due to equipment
limitations, the eNodeB sends the UE an RRC Connection Release message, which contains
information about a neighboring frequency in the LTE system or in another RAT system. Using this
message, the eNodeB instructs the UE to initiate a random access procedure towards an inter-frequency
or inter-RAT neighboring cell so that the UE can resume its services.

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Compared with handovers, redirections do not include a procedure for initiating a handover request
towards a neighboring cell and therefore have lower requirements for equipment capabilities and require
less time. The two methods differ in the way to transfer UEs.
Redirections are triggered if a device in the network or the UE involved does not support inter-frequency
or inter-RAT handovers. If both the network and UE support inter-frequency or inter-RAT handovers,
handovers are recommended.
The UTRAN, GERAN, and CDMA2000 network are often mature, and may not support inter-RAT
handovers from the E-UTRAN. In this situation, redirections instead of inter-RAT handovers can be
performed on UEs. Therefore, network capabilities must be collected to determine whether to enable
handovers or redirections for UE transfer. To enable handovers or redirections, turn on the
corresponding switch under the ENodeBAlgoSwitch.HoModeSwitch parameter. If both handovers and
redirections are enabled, the eNodeB preferentially uses handovers to transfer UEs.
During an inter-RAT handover, if the eNodeB determines that the UE does not support inter-RAT
measurements or handovers based on the results of a UE capability inquiry procedure, the eNodeB
sends an RRC Connection Release message to the UE to perform a redirection. This message contains
information about the target frequency for the redirection.
The eNodeB determines whether the UE is capable of inter-RAT measurements and handovers in an
adaptive manner, without requiring user configuration.
Figure 3-5 shows the UE capability inquiry procedure. For details, see section 5.6.3 in 3GPP TS 36.331
Release 10 issued in March 2011.
Figure 3-5 UE capability inquiry procedure

In the UE Capability Information message reported by the UE, the featureGroupIndicators IE

indicates whether the UE is capable of frequency-specific or RAT-specific measurements and handovers.
For details about this IE, see Annex B.1 in 3GPP TS 36.331 Release 10 issued in March 2011.
If an SPID is configured for a UE in the EPC or the eNodeB is configured with dedicated frequency
priorities, the eNodeB may deliver a dedicated priority in the idleModeMobilityControlInfo IE of the
command for a redirection. For details about the principles and configuration of SPIDs, see Flexible User
Steering Feature Parameter Description. For details about dedicated priority configuration for UEs in idle
mode, see Idle Mode Management Feature Parameter Description.
In an inter-frequency handover, if the UE does not support inter-frequency or inter-RAT measurements,
the eNodeB performs a blind handover or a blind redirection to transfer the UE to a neighboring cell. For
details about blind handovers and blind redirections, see section 3.7 "Blind Handovers."
The eNodeB supports flash redirections to UTRAN and GERAN. The flash redirection function is
controlled by the ENodeBAlgoSwitch.RedirectSwitch parameter. If a switch under the
ENodeBAlgoSwitch.RedirectSwitch parameter is turned on, the eNodeB includes the system
information of the target cell in the redirection command. This enables the UE to access the target cell
sooner because the UE does not need to read the system information. During a flash redirection

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procedure, the eNodeB uses the RAN information management (RIM) procedure to acquire system
information of the target cell. To use RIM, ensure that the devices in the core network and target RAN
also support the RIM procedure. For details about RIM, see CS Fallback Feature Parameter Description.
Note that only UEs compliant with Release 9 and later releases support the flash redirection function.

3.7 Blind Handovers

"Blind handover" is a generic term for handover, CCO, or redirection for which measurements are not
performed. Unless otherwise specified, this definition applies to all subsequent chapters of this
Blind handovers exclude neighboring cell measurements and therefore reduce the amount of and time
required for signaling exchange over the radio interface. If eNodeBs decide to perform blind handovers,
they directly deliver handover commands, CCO indicators, or redirection indicators to the UEs. Blind
handovers are used for inter-frequency and inter-RAT mobility. Inter-frequency or inter-RAT blind
handovers require setting of blind-handover priorities for neighboring cells.
In most cases, blind handovers are not recommended, because the absence of neighboring cell
measurements increases the risk of handover failure. However, blind handovers are appropriate in any
of the following situations:
 The target cell of a blind handover covers the same area as the source cell, which ensures a
successful handover.
 A UE does not support inter-frequency or inter-RAT measurements, in which case only blind
handovers can be performed.
 Operators have strict delay requirements for features such as circuit switched fallback (CSFB), and
therefore gap-assisted measurements must be skipped to save time. For CSFB, inter-frequency load
balancing, or inter-RAT load sharing, the eNodeB does not deliver a measurement configuration but
forcibly performs a blind handover, if BlindHoSwitch under the ENodeBAlgoSwitch.HoModeSwitch
parameter is turned on. Other inter-frequency or inter-RAT handovers are not under the control of
 An emergency situation occurs. For example, a coverage-based inter-RAT blind handover might be
triggered by event A2. For details, see section 6.1.1 "Coverage-based Handover."
Due to the absence of neighboring cell measurements during blind handovers, the eNodeB determines
the target frequency and cell based on priority configurations:
1. The eNodeB determines the inter-RAT blind handover target system based on the following
− CSFallBackBlindHoCfg.InterRatHighestPri

− CSFallBackBlindHoCfg.InterRatSecondPri

− CSFallBackBlindHoCfg.InterRatLowestPri

2. If UTRAN is selected as the target system that supports E-UTRAN to UTRAN CS/PS steering, the
eNodeB determines the target frequency based on whether the UE is performing PS or CS services:
− If
a coverage-based inter-RAT blind handover to UTRAN is triggered for a UE that is performing PS
services, the eNodeB hands over the UE preferentially to a frequency with a high PS service priority.
The UtranNFreq.PsPriority parameter specifies the PS service priorities.
− If
a blind handover is triggered for CSFB to UTRAN, the eNodeB hands over the UE preferentially to
a frequency with a high CS service priority. The UtranNFreq.CsPriority parameter specifies the CS
service priorities.

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E-UTRAN to UTRAN CS/PS steering is addressed by the optional feature LOFD-001078 E-UTRAN to UTRAN CS/PS
Steering. This steering function is controlled by UtranFreqLayerBlindSwitch under the
ENodeBAlgoSwitch.FreqLayerSwtich parameter.
3. The eNodeB determines the target cell based on the blind-handover priorities of neighboring cells.
The blind-handover priorities are specified by the following parameters:
− The
EutranInterFreqNCell.BlindHoPriority parameter specifies the blind-handover priority of an
E-UTRAN inter-frequency neighboring cell.
− TheUtranNCell.BlindHoPriority parameter specifies the blind-handover priority of a UTRAN
neighboring cell.
− TheGeranNcell.BlindHoPriority parameter specifies the blind-handover priority of a GERAN
neighboring cell.
− TheCdma2000HrpdNcell.BlindHoPriority or Cdma20001XRTTNcell.BlindHoPriority parameter
specifies the blind-handover priority of a CDMA2000 neighboring cell.

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Figure 3-6 Procedure for selecting the target cell

3.8 SPID-based Handovers Back to the HPLMN

Assume that operator B provides LTE coverage for the entire network while operator A provides LTE or
UMTS coverage for only a part of the network. Generally, when a UE subscribed to operator A moves out
of its home PLMN (HPLMN), which is operator A's E-UTRAN or UTRAN, the roaming function enables

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the UE to access operator B's E-UTRAN. Now, a new function, subscriber profile ID-based (SPID-based)
handover back to the HPLMN, is designed to hand the UE back to its HPLMN when the UE moves back
to operator A's E-UTRAN or UTRAN.
SPID-based handover back to the HPLMN is a feature provided by the flexible user steering feature. For
details about its principles, configuration, and trigger conditions, see Flexible User Steering Feature
Parameter Description. The following lists important information about such a handover:
 A UE can perform such a handover only if its HPLMN is a part of an E-UTRAN or UTRAN.
 After such a handover is triggered, inter-frequency or inter-RAT measurements are started. The
measurement configuration, handover decision, and handover execution processes are the same as
those for an inter-frequency or inter-RAT handover. In addition, parameter settings and the conditions
for stopping neighboring cell measurement for such a handover are the same as those for a
service-based inter-frequency or inter-RAT handover. For details, see sections 5.1.5 "Service-based
Handover" and 6.1.3 "Service-based Handover."
 Such a handover is also an inter-PLMN handover. For details about inter-PLMN handovers, see the
next section.

3.9 Inter-PLMN Handovers

Generally, the PLMN of the target cell of a UE handover must be the same as the serving PLMN of the
UE to ensure that the access request of the UE will not be rejected by the target network. As a result,
before delivering a handover command, the eNodeB checks the PLMN of the target cell. If the PLMN of
the target cell is the same as the serving PLMN of the UE, then it delivers the handover command.
Currently, an operator may own multiple PLMNs, which it uses to provide coverage for different RATs. To
enable UE handovers between PLMNs owned by the same operator, inter-PLMN handovers are
To allow inter-PLMN handovers, you need to turn on the switch
InterPlmnHoSwitch(InterPlmnHoSwitch) under the ENodeBAlgoSwitch.HoAlgoSwitch parameter
and configure source and target PLMN pairs for inter-PLMN handovers. To configure a source and target
PLMN pair, you need to specify the source operator ID (CnOperator.CnOperatorId), MCC of the target
PLMN (InterPlmnHoList.TarMcc), MNC of the target PLMN (InterPlmnHoList.TarMnc). This source
operator ID references a CnOperator MO, in which the MCC and MNC of the source PLMN are
specified. When the conditions for a UE handover are met, the eNodeB will hand over the UE from the
source PLMN to the target PLMN.

3.10 E-UTRAN to UTRAN CS/PS Steering

This section describes the optional feature LOFD-001078 E-UTRAN to UTRAN CS/PS Steering.
On live networks, operators may have multiple UTRAN frequencies deployed and have plans to use
different UTRAN frequencies for CS and PS services. Operators expect CS or PS services to be
performed on specific UTRAN frequencies.
Huawei eNodeBs support E-UTRAN to UTRAN CS/PS Steering. When this feature is enabled, an
eNodeB identifies services of UEs that fall back to UTRAN as CS services and services of UEs that
perform coverage-based handovers to UTRAN as PS services. The eNodeB hands UEs with CS or PS
services over to different UTRAN frequencies based on the CS or PS service priorities configured for the
UTRAN frequencies.
E-UTRAN to UTRAN CS/PS Steering prevents further intra-RAT handovers in the UTRAN for service
steering based on the frequency priorities configured on the UTRAN side. With E-UTRAN to UTRAN
CS/PS Steering enabled, the eNodeB can adjust frequency priorities during the measurement phase of a
measurement-based handover or during a blind handover. For details about priority adjustment, see the
following references.

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For Details About Priority Adjustment in... See...
Measurement-based For coverage reasons Section 6.2.3 "Inter-RAT Measurement Priorities"
For CSFB CS Fallback Feature Parameter Description
Blind handovers Section 3.7 "Blind Handovers"

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 4 Intra-Frequency Handover

4 Intra-Frequency Handover
An intra-frequency handover consists of the following phases:
 Measurement phase
The UE performs measurements according to the measurement configuration delivered from the
eNodeB. When the signal quality in at least one intra-frequency neighboring cell meets the configured
triggering condition of event A3, the UE sends the measurement result to the eNodeB.
 Decision phase
The eNodeB generates a list of candidate cells and makes a handover decision based on the
measurement result.
 Execution phase
The handover from the serving cell to the target cell is executed.
The coverage- and load-based intra-frequency handovers use the same procedures. The major
difference between them is the cause of the handover.

4.1 Cause of an Intra-Frequency Handover

4.1.1 Coverage-based Handover
Coverage-based intra-frequency handovers are addressed by the basic feature LBFD-00201801
Coverage Based Intra-frequency Handover.For details about the engineering guidelines for this feature,
see section 9.1 "Coverage-based Intra-frequency Handover".
When a UE establishes a radio bearer, the eNodeB sends the UE the intra-frequency measurement
configuration, according to which the UE performs measurements. When the UE moves from the serving
cell to a neighboring cell, the eNodeB initiates a coverage-based intra-frequency handover if the
measurement results indicate that the signal quality in the neighboring cell is higher than that in the
serving cell. It is enabled or disabled by the corresponding switch under the
ENodeBAlgoSwitch.HoAlgoSwitch parameter.

4.1.2 Load-based Handover

When the serving cell load reaches the threshold for intra-frequency load balancing, the MLB algorithm
changes the CIO values to initiate a load-based intra-frequency handover. In the procedure for changing
CIO values, the serving cell sends a CIO change request to the target cell, and if the target cell sends
back a positive response, both the CIO values for the serving cell and target cell are changed.
After the CIO values are changed, the eNodeB sends the new CIO values to UEs for which E-UTRAN
Radio Access Bearers (E-RABs) are to be established and to CEUs for which E-RABs have been
established. Note that which UEs are CEUs is determined by the Inter-Cell Interference Coordination
(ICIC) algorithm. As the eNodeB initiates load-based intra-frequency handovers by changing CIO values,
such handovers are performed for CEUs.
For details about how to change CIO values, see MLB Feature Parameter Description. For details about
how to determine CEUs, see ICIC Feature Parameter Description.

4.2 Measurement Phase of an Intra-Frequency Handover

Coverage- and load-based intra-frequency handovers use the same measurement configuration except
the CIO values.
The intra-frequency measurement results are the basis for the eNodeB to make an intra-frequency
handover decision. After a UE establishes a radio bearer, the eNodeB delivers the measurement

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 4 Intra-Frequency Handover

configuration to the UE in an RRC Connection Reconfiguration message. When the UE is in connected
mode or a handover is complete, the eNodeB checks whether the measurement configuration for the UE
needs to be updated.
 If the configuration needs to be updated, the eNodeB delivers the entirely or partially updated
measurement configuration to the UE through an RRC Connection Reconfiguration message.
 If the configuration does not need to be updated, the eNodeB does not deliver updated measurement
configuration. In this case, the UE uses the original measurement configuration.
Based on the measurement configuration, the UE measures all cells on the associated frequency within
the measurement scope. If the measurement result meets the entering condition of event A3 for a period
defined by time-to-trigger, the UE reports the measurement result to the eNodeB. After the reporting, if
the measurement result meets the leaving condition of the event throughout the time-to-trigger, the UE
stops reporting the measurement result to the eNodeB.

4.2.1 Intra-Frequency Measurement Configuration

In the measurement configuration for an intra-frequency handover, a measurement object is set for the
frequency, and the measurement object can be linked to one or more reporting configurations. The
measurement configuration includes the following basic information:
 Intra-frequency measurement object
The information on a measurement object includes the frequency (Cell.DlEarfcn), measurement
bandwidth (CellResel.MeasBandWidth), and frequency-specific offset (Cell.QoffsetFreq).
 Reporting configuration
The reporting configuration includes the following A3-related information:
− Offset for the event (IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3Offset)
− Hysteresis (IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3Hyst)
− Time-to-trigger (IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3TimeToTrig)
− Triggering quantity (IntraRatHoComm.IntraFreqHoA3TrigQuan)
− Maximum number of cells to be reported (IntraRatHoComm.IntraRATHoMaxRprtCell)
− Interval between reports (IntraRatHoComm.IntraFreqHoRprtInterval)
− Number of periodical measurement reports to be sent after the event is triggered
− Reporting quantity (IntraRatHoComm.IntraFreqHoA3RprtQuan)
When a UE attempts to establish the first radio bearer, the eNodeB sends the UE an RRC Connection
Reconfiguration message in which:
− The
value of IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3Offset is the smallest one among the offset values
mapped to all QCIs.
− The values of IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3Hyst and
IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3TimeToTrig are those mapped to the same QCI as the smallest
When the UE attempts to establish a subsequent radio bearer, the eNodeB updates the measurement
configuration only if the required value of IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3Offset is smaller than
the latest value of IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3Offset delivered to the UE.
 Measurement quantity configuration
The measurement quantity configuration defines the L3 filtering coefficients
(HoMeasComm.EutranFilterCoeffRSRP and HoMeasComm.EutranFilterCoeffRSRQ).

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 4 Intra-Frequency Handover

4.2.2 Event A3 Triggering
Intra-frequency handovers are triggered by event A3, which is reported in event-triggered periodical
reporting mode.
The triggering of event A3 indicates that at least one neighboring cell is offset better than the serving cell.
Section in 3GPP TS 36.331 Release 10 issued in March 2011 defines the entering and leaving
conditions of event A3 as follows:
 Entering condition: Mn + Ofn + Ocn - Hys > Ms + Ofs + Ocs + Off
 Leaving condition: Mn + Ofn + Ocn + Hys < Ms + Ofs + Ocs + Off
The variables in the preceding formulas are described as follows:
 Mn is the measurement result of the neighboring cell.
 Ofn is the frequency-specific offset for the frequency of the neighboring cell. It is specified by the
Cell.QoffsetFreq parameter. This variable is contained in the associated measurement object IE in
the measurement configuration.
 Ocn is the cell-specific offset (that is, CIO) for the neighboring cell. It is specified by the
EutranIntraFreqNCell.CellIndividualOffset parameter. If the value of this parameter is not 0, the
eNodeB delivers this parameter to the UE through the measurement configuration. If the value is 0, the
eNodeB does not deliver this parameter. In this case, the UE uses the default value 0. To initiate a
load-based intra-frequency handover, the eNodeB changes the CIO values of the neighboring cell and
serving cell based on the cell load.
 Ms is the measurement result of the serving cell.
 Ofs is the frequency-specific offset for the serving frequency. It is specified by the Cell.QoffsetFreq
parameter. This variable is contained in the associated measurement object IE in the measurement
 Ocs is the cell-specific offset for the serving cell. It is specified by the Cell.CellSpecificOffset
parameter. This parameter is contained in the associated measurement object IE in the delivered
measurement configuration.
 Hys is the hysteresis for event A3. It is specified by the IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3Hyst
parameter and contained in the delivered measurement configuration.
 Off is the offset for event A3. It is specified by the IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3Offset
parameter. This A3-specific parameter adjusts the probability of triggering handovers. The sum of the
value of this parameter and the measurement result is used in the evaluation of event reporting. This
parameter is contained in the associated measurement object IE in the delivered measurement
configuration. The value of this parameter can be either positive or negative. A positive value lowers
the probability of triggering the event for handovers, and a negative value raises the probability.
 For Mn and Ms in the preceding formulas, the quantity is specified by the
IntraRatHoComm.IntraFreqHoA3TrigQuan parameter. The options are RSRP and RSRQ.
According to section 6.3.5 in 3GPP TS 36.331 Release 10 issued in March 2011, this parameter is
contained in the reporting configuration of the measurement configuration.
For example: Both Hys and Off are set to 2 dB. The eNodeB detects that the signal quality in the source
cell always drops rapidly and the signal quality in the target cell always rises quickly during handovers. In
this situation, to facilitate handovers from the serving cell to the neighboring cell, the eNodeB sets Ocs to
-1 dB and Ocn to 1 dB. In addition, intra-frequency handovers do not require the setting of
frequency-specific offsets. That is, Ofs and Ofn take the value of 0 dB. Therefore, in this situation, the
entering condition of event A3 is as follows:
Mn + 0 + 1 - 2 > Ms + 0 - 1 + 2

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 4 Intra-Frequency Handover

This means that the entering condition is met provided that the measurement result of the neighboring
cell is 2 dB greater than that of the serving cell.
Figure 4-1 shows the event A3 triggering mechanism. If the entering condition of the event is met
throughout the time specified by IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3TimeToTrig, the UE reports event
A3 and starts the event-triggered periodical reporting. Then, if the leaving condition of the event is met
throughout the time specified by IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3TimeToTrig, the UE stops
reporting event A3. This process involves the following parameters:
 IntraRatHoComm.IntraFreqHoA3RprtQuan: specifies the reporting quantity for intra-frequency
handover event A3. This refers to the quantity to be included in the measurement reports.
 IntraRatHoComm.IntraFreqHoRprtInterval: specifies the interval between the reports that are
triggered by event A3. This parameter controls the frequency of the periodical measurement reports
sent by the UE. This reduces the signaling load on the radio interface.
 IntraRatHoComm.IntraRATHoMaxRprtCell: specifies the maximum number of cells to be included in
the measurement report for an intra-RAT handover. In the case of event A3 for an intra-frequency
handover within the E-UTRAN, this parameter specifies the maximum number of cells to be included
in the measurement report of event A3 in order of the signal quality associated with the A3 triggering
quantity in the cells.
 IntraRatHoComm.IntraRATHoRprtAmount: specifies the number of event-triggered periodical
reports for an intra-RAT handover. The number of event-triggered periodical reports is set to restrict
handover retries.
Figure 4-1 Event A3 triggering mechanism

4.3 Decision Phase of an Intra-Frequency Handover

In the handover decision phase, the eNodeB checks the measurement result reported by the UE. Based
on the check, the eNodeB determines whether an intra-frequency handover needs to be initiated and, if
so, to which cell the UE is to be handed over.

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 4 Intra-Frequency Handover

After receiving the measurement report from the UE, the eNodeB generates a list of candidate
cells, which meet the triggering condition of event A3. As a second step, the eNodeB filters the candidate
cells. If the measurement result of an intra-eNodeB cell is the same as that of an inter-eNodeB cell
among the candidate cells, the eNodeB prioritizes the intra-eNodeB cell to prevent signaling and data
forwarding required in an inter-eNodeB handover. If the measurement results of multiple intra- or
inter-eNodeB cells are identical, the eNodeB randomly selects one of the cells for handover.

4.4 Execution Phase of an Intra-Frequency Handover

The intra-frequency handover execution is controlled by the eNodeB, and the path switching process is
performed jointly by the UE and the eNodeB.

4.4.1 Execution Policy

After making an intra-frequency handover decision, the eNodeB initiates a handover towards the best
cell among the candidate cells. By checking whether the X2 interface is available between the source
and target eNodeBs and whether the two eNodeBs are connected to the same MME, the source
eNodeB determines whether to initiate the handover over the X2 interface or over the S1 interface.
If the handover is successfully initiated, the source eNodeB performs DL data forwarding. After the
forwarding is complete, the target eNodeB (in the case of the handover initiated over the X2 interface) or
the MME (in the case of the handover initiated over the S1 interface) responds with a resource release
message, to request the source eNodeB to release the associated resources. If the handover fails to be
initiated, the UE performs a cell selection procedure and then initiates a procedure of RRC connection
re-establishment towards the selected cell.

4.4.2 Retry and Penalty

In the execution phase of an intra-frequency handover, the eNodeB tries the next best cell among the
candidate cells to initiate the handover if the admission to the target cell fails. If the handover still fails to
be initiated after the eNodeB tries all the candidate cells, the eNodeB waits for the next set of
event-triggered periodical reports and, if necessary, performs the next cycle of handover attempts. The
eNodeB imposes a penalty on a cell where a non-resource-induced admission failure has occurred. In a
handover attempt, the eNodeB does not send a handover request to such a cell. This increases the
handover success rate and reduces the number of dropped calls caused by handover failures.
After the eNodeB receives, from a UE, a measurement report containing information about a cell
on which penalty has been imposed for 10 times, the eNodeB can send a handover request to this cell
again, which is called a retry. If a non-resource-induced admission failure occurs in this cell again, the
eNodeB will send no more handover requests for the UE to this cell. The purpose is to prevent a sharp
increase in the call drops caused by unexpected problems.
If a UE reestablishes its RRC connection to the source cell after a handover fails due to radio interface
failure, the eNodeB performs handover attempts for this UE based on the new measurement report sent
from the UE. If the target cell is the same as in a previous handover attempt, this is also a retry. If 10
consecutive handover retries in the same target cell all fail due to radio interface failures, the eNodeB will
send no more handover requests for this UE to this target cell. The purpose is to prevent a sharp
increase in the call drops caused by unexpected problems.
The retry and penalty mechanism for inter-frequency and inter-RAT handovers is the same as that for
intra-frequency handovers.

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 4 Intra-Frequency Handover

 Based on the failure cause, admission failure can be divided into two types: resource-induced and
non-resource-induced. After a handover request is sent from the source cell to the target cell, the admission control of
the target cell is performed. If the target cell responds with a resource preparation failure message, this admission
failure is called resource-induced failure. If the target cell responds with a failure message with other causes or no
message is received within a specified time, this admission failure is called non-resource-induced failure.
 The radio interface failure is the handover procedure failure caused by failure in transmitting signaling messages over
the radio interface after the source eNodeB sends the handover command.

4.5 Signaling Procedure of a Typical Intra-Frequency Handover

4.5.1 Signaling Procedure of a Successful Handover
Intra-frequency handovers are applicable to intra-eNodeB handovers, intra-MME inter-eNodeB
handovers, and inter-MME inter-eNodeB handovers. For either of the latter two handover types, the
signaling procedure varies depending on whether the X2 interface is available between the eNodeBs.

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 4 Intra-Frequency Handover

Figure 4-2 Signaling procedure of an intra-MME inter-eNodeB handover

The signaling procedure shown in Figure 4-2 is described as follows:

1. When the UE establishes a radio bearer, the source eNodeB sends the UE an RRC Connection
Reconfiguration message that contains the measurement configuration. The measurement
configuration is set by the source eNodeB to control the measurements of the UE in connected
2. The UE sends measurement reports to the source eNodeB based on the measurement results.
3. The source eNodeB makes a handover decision based on the measurement reports.
4. After deciding that a handover is preferred, the source eNodeB sends a Handover Request message
to the target eNodeB, to request the target eNodeB to prepare for the handover.
5. The target eNodeB makes admission decisions. If resources can be granted by the target eNodeB,
the target eNodeB performs admission control depending on the QoS information about the Evolved
Packet System (EPS) bearer.

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 4 Intra-Frequency Handover

6. The target eNodeB prepares L1/L2 resources for the handover and then sends a Handover Request
Acknowledge message to the source eNodeB.
Data forwarding starts when the source eNodeB receives the Handover Request Acknowledge message or when the
source eNodeB sends the UE an RRC Connection Reconfiguration message that contains the mobilityControlInfo IE.
7. The source eNodeB sends the UE an RRC Connection Reconfiguration message that contains the
mobilityControlInfo IE, indicating that the handover should start.
8. The UE performs a procedure of random access towards the target eNodeB, to achieve the UL
synchronization of the UE with the target eNodeB.
9. After successfully accessing the target cell, the UE sends the target eNodeB an RRC Connection
Reconfiguration Complete message, indicating that the handover procedure is complete. At this time,
the target eNodeB can start sending data to the UE.
10. The DL data path switching is performed.
11. The target eNodeB sends the source eNodeB a UE Context Release message, to inform the source
eNodeB of the success of the handover and to trigger the release of the resources at the source
12. After receiving the UE Context Release message, the source eNodeB releases the radio and
control-plane resources associated with the UE context.
In the case of an intra-MME handover between eNodeBs where the X2 interface is unavailable, the
signaling and the data forwarding between the two eNodeBs as shown in Figure 4-2 are implemented
over the S1 interface, which is an indirect route compared with the route over the X2 interface.
In the case of an inter-MME handover between eNodeBs where the X2 interface is available, the
signaling between the two eNodeBs as shown in Figure 4-2 is implemented through the S1 interface and
Evolved Packet Core network (EPC), which is an indirect route compared with the route over the X2
interface. In addition, the data forwarding between them is implemented over the X2 interface.
In the case of an inter-MME handover between eNodeBs where the X2 interface is unavailable, the
signaling and the data forwarding between the two eNodeBs as shown in Figure 4-2 are implemented
over the S1 interface and EPC, which is an indirect route compared with the route over the X2 interface.

4.5.2 RRC Connection Re-Establishment After a Handover Failure

According to 3GPP TS 36.331, the UE performs a cell selection procedure and then initiates a procedure
of RRC connection re-establishment towards the selected cell, after a handover failure. The RRC
connection re-establishment may be successful only when the selected cell is one of the prepared cells.
The RRC connection re-establishment procedure is of two types: successful re-establishment and failed
A successful re-establishment procedure, according to Figure 4-3, consists of the following steps:
1. The UE sends an RRC Connection Reestablishment Request message to the eNodeB to which the
prepared cell belongs, to request the re-establishment of the RRC connection.
2. The eNodeB responds with an RRC Connection Reestablishment message to indicate that it accepts
the request.
3. The UE performs the RRC connection re-establishment and sends an RRC Connection
Reestablishment Complete message.

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 4 Intra-Frequency Handover

Figure 4-3 Successful RRC connection re-establishment procedure

If the RRC connection re-establishment fails, the UE enters the idle mode. A failed re-establishment
procedure, according to Figure 4-4, consists of the following steps:
1. The UE sends an RRC Connection Reestablishment Request message to the eNodeB to which the
prepared cell belongs, to request the re-establishment of the RRC connection.
2. The eNodeB responds with an RRC Connection Reestablishment Reject message to indicate that it
rejects the request.
Figure 4-4 Failed RRC connection re-establishment procedure

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 5 Inter-Frequency Handover

5 Inter-Frequency Handover
An inter-frequency handover consists of the following phases:
 Measurement triggering/stopping phase
The measurement triggering/stopping phase varies according to the cause of the inter-frequency
 Measurement phase
The eNodeB delivers the inter-frequency measurement configuration to the UE, and the UE performs
inter-frequency measurements accordingly. When the signal quality in at least one inter-frequency
neighboring cell meets the configured triggering condition of event A4, the UE reports the
measurement results.
 Decision phase
The eNodeB checks the measurement results and generates a list of candidate cells.
 Execution phase
The handover from the serving cell to the target cell is executed.

5.1 Measurement Triggering/Stopping Phase of an

Inter-Frequency Handover
5.1.1 Coverage-based Handover
Coverage-based inter-frequency handovers are addressed by the basic feature LBFD-00201802
Coverage Based Inter-frequency Handover. For details about the engineering guidelines for this feature,
see section 9.2 "Coverage-based Inter-frequency Handover".
The eNodeB delivers the inter-frequency measurement configuration to a UE in connected mode when
the signal quality in the serving cell is lower than the associated threshold. According to the
measurement configuration, the UE performs inter-frequency measurements. The UE stops the
inter-frequency measurements when the signal quality in the serving cell is higher than the associated
threshold. Huawei eNodeB treats events A2 and A1 defined in sections and in 3GPP TS
36.331 Release 10 issued in March 2011 as the events for triggering and stopping measurements for
coverage-based inter-frequency handovers, respectively. It is enabled or disabled by the corresponding
switch under the ENodeBAlgoSwitch.HoAlgoSwitch parameter.

Inter-Frequency Measurement Triggering by Event A2

In a coverage-based inter-frequency handover, event A2 triggers inter-frequency measurements. The
triggering of event A2 indicates that the signal quality in the serving cell is lower than a specified
threshold. When the triggering condition of event A2 is met, event A2 is reported to the eNodeB. After
this, the eNodeB sends the inter-frequency measurement configuration to the UE. Section in
3GPP TS 36.331 Release 10 issued in March 2011 defines the entering and leaving conditions of event
A2 as follows:
 Entering condition: Ms + Hys < Thresh
 Leaving condition: Ms - Hys > Thresh
The variables in the preceding formulas are described as follows:
 Ms is the measurement result of the serving cell.
 Hys is the hysteresis for event A2. It is specified by the InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA1A2Hyst

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 Thresh is the threshold for event A2. It can be specified by either the
InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA2ThdRSRP parameter or the
InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA2ThdRSRQ parameter, depending on the setting of the
IntraRatHoComm.InterFreqHoA1A2TrigQuan parameter (triggering quantity for inter-frequency
measurement events A1 and A2). The threshold parameters
InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA2ThdRSRP and InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA2ThdRSRQ
correspond to the triggering quantity settings RSRP and RSRQ, respectively.
Figure 5-1 shows the event A2 triggering mechanism. For inter-frequency measurement event A2, the
eNodeB specifies two sets of parameters, with respect to the RSRP and RSRQ quantities. When
IntraRatHoComm.InterFreqHoA1A2TrigQuan is set to BOTH, event A2 is reported and the eNodeB
delivers the inter-frequency measurement configuration to the UE if the signal quality in the serving cell
is lower than the threshold (either the value of InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA2ThdRSRP or the
value of InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA2ThdRSRQ) minus the hysteresis throughout the
time-to-trigger specified by the InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA1A2TimeToTrig parameter. When
IntraRatHoComm.InterFreqHoA1A2TrigQuan is set to RSRP or RSRQ, event A2 is reported if the
signal quality in the serving cell is lower than the related threshold minus the hysteresis throughout the
time-to-trigger specified by the InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA1A2TimeToTrig parameter.
Figure 5-1 Event A2 triggering mechanism

After event A2 is reported, the eNodeB delivers the measurement configuration related to event A3, A4,
or A5 to the UE. For details about the triggering of inter-frequency handovers, see section 5.2.3
"Inter-Frequency Handover Triggering."

Inter-Frequency Measurement Stopping by Event A1

In a coverage-based inter-frequency handover, event A1 may stop inter-frequency measurements. The
triggering of this event indicates that the signal quality in the serving cell is higher than a specified
threshold. When the triggering condition of event A1 is met, event A1 is reported to the eNodeB. After
this, the eNodeB may instruct the UE to stop the inter-frequency measurements. Section in
3GPP TS 36.331 Release 10 issued in March 2011 defines the entering and leaving conditions of event
A1 as follows:
 Entering condition: Ms - Hys > Thresh

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 5 Inter-Frequency Handover

 Leaving condition: Ms + Hys < Thresh
The variables in the preceding formulas are described as follows:
 Ms is the measurement result of the serving cell.
 Hys is the hysteresis for event A1. It is specified by the InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA1A2Hyst
 Thresh is the threshold for event A1. It can be specified by either the
InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA1ThdRSRP parameter or the
InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA1ThdRSRQ parameter, depending on the setting of the
IntraRatHoComm.InterFreqHoA1A2TrigQuan parameter (triggering quantity for inter-frequency
measurement events A1 and A2). The threshold parameters
InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA1ThdRSRP and InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA1ThdRSRQ
correspond to the triggering quantity settings RSRP and RSRQ, respectively.
Figure 5-2 shows the event A1 triggering mechanism.
When IntraRatHoComm.InterFreqHoA1A2TrigQuan is set to RSRP or RSRQ, event A1 is reported if
the RSRP or RSRQ in the serving cell remains higher than the RSRP or RSRQ threshold plus the
hysteresis throughout the time-to-trigger specified by the
InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA1A2TimeToTrig parameter. If the eNodeB receives an event A1
report, it stops the coverage-based inter-frequency measurement.
When IntraRatHoComm.InterFreqHoA1A2TrigQuan is set to Both, event A1 is reported if the signal
quality in the serving cell remains higher than the threshold (either the value of
InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA1ThdRSRP or the value of
InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA1ThdRSRQ) plus the hysteresis throughout the time-to-trigger. If
neither of the RSRP and RSRQ measurement results in an event A1 report meets the leaving condition
for event A1, the eNodeB stops the coverage-based inter-frequency measurement.
Figure 5-2 Event A1 triggering mechanism

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 5 Inter-Frequency Handover

5.1.2 Load-based Handover
For details about the engineering guidelines for this feature, see MLB Feature Parameter Description.
The triggering and stopping of inter-frequency measurements for a load-based handover are determined
by the MLB algorithm. When the load of the serving cell reaches the threshold for inter-frequency load
balancing, the MLB algorithm selects a number of UEs based on the frequency capabilities of the UEs,
and resource usage and then instructs the UEs to perform gap-assisted inter-frequency measurements
for load-based handovers. The MLB algorithm also determines the cells on which the measurements
need to be performed. The eNodeB delivers the measurement configuration to specific UEs based on
the outputs from the MLB algorithm, that is, the information about the UEs and the target cells of
measurements. For details about how to determine the UEs and cells, see MLB Feature
Parameter Description.
After load-based inter-frequency measurements are triggered, the eNodeB does not process the outputs
from the MLB algorithm if the eNodeB detects that measurement gaps have been set up and that there
are measurement gaps for other types of handovers. Otherwise, the eNodeB sets up the measurement
gaps for load-based handovers.
If a UE has performed gap-assisted measurements for a load-based inter-frequency handover for a long
time but fails to trigger such a handover, the eNodeB will release the measurement gaps for load-based
handovers to stop the load-based inter-frequency measurements.
A blind handover is performed if the blind handover is enabled (that is, the corresponding switch under
the ENodeBAlgoSwitch.HoModeSwitch parameter is turned on) and blind handover to the target cell
is applicable.

5.1.3 Frequency-Priority-based Handover

For details about the engineering guidelines for this feature, see section 9.5 "Frequency-Priority-based
Inter-Frequency Handover".
Frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handovers (referred to as frequency-priority-based handovers
in this section) are performed from a low band (for example, the 900 MHz band) to a high band (for
example, the 2600 MHz band). When an eNodeB provides 5 MHz and 20 MHz bandwidths in the low
and high bands, respectively, frequency-priority-based handovers can be performed to preferentially
carry services in the high band while sparing the low band for continuous coverage. Figure 5-3 shows a
frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handover.
Figure 5-3 Frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handover

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Frequency-priority-based handover is enabled or disabled by the corresponding switch under the
CellAlgoSwitch.FreqPriorityHoSwitch parameter.
The EutranInterFreqNCell.BlindHoPriority parameter must be set to a value within the range of 17 to
32 for neighboring cells that will be target cells of frequency-priority-based handovers. This parameter
can be set to a value within the range of 0 to 16 for other types of handover.
Event A1 triggers measurements for frequency-priority-based handovers. The eNodeB delivers
A1-related parameters to UEs only when the corresponding handover switch under the
CellAlgoSwitch.FreqPriorityHoSwitch parameter is turned on.
The IntraRatHoComm.FreqPriInterFreqHoA1TrigQuan parameter specifies the event A1 triggering
quantity for frequency-priority-based measurement, which can be either RSRP or RSRQ. If the triggering
quantity is RSRP, the threshold for this event is specified by the
InterFreqHoGroup.FreqPriInterFreqHoA1ThdRsrp parameter. If the triggering quantity is RSRQ, the
threshold for this event is specified by the InterFreqHoGroup.FreqPriInterFreqHoA1ThdRsrq
Other parameters related to event A1 for frequency-priority-based measurement are the same as those
for coverage-based inter-frequency measurement.
After receiving an event A1 report from a UE, the eNodeB proceeds as follows:
 If frequency-priority-based blind handovers are enabled (that is, the corresponding switch under the
CellAlgoSwitch.FreqPriorityHoSwitch parameter is turned on), the eNodeB selects the neighboring
cell with the highest blind-handover priority to perform a handover.
 If frequency-priority-based blind handovers are disabled, the eNodeB delivers the inter-frequency
measurement configuration to the UE. If the triggering condition of event A4 is fulfilled, the UE sends a
frequency-priority-based event A4 report to the eNodeB. (The triggering of event A4 for a
frequency-priority-based handover is similar to that for a coverage-based inter-frequency handover.
For details, see section 5.2.3 "Inter-Frequency Handover Triggering.") If the target cell has a priority
from 17 to 32, the eNodeB decides to perform a handover to the target cell. Otherwise, the eNodeB
decides not to perform a handover.
Before delivering the measurement configuration related to event A4 and the measurement gap
configuration, the eNodeB checks whether the measurement gap has been activated for use in other
types of handovers. If the measurement gap has been activated, the eNodeB delivers only the
measurement configuration related to event A4. If not, the eNodeB delivers both.
In frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handovers, events A1 and A2 are used to start and stop
inter-frequency measurements, respectively. The triggering quantities for events A1 and A2 are the same
and delivered to the UE at the same time.
Event A2 in frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handovers uses the same set of parameters as
event A2 in coverage-based inter-frequency handovers, except that their thresholds differ. The threshold
for event A2 in frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handovers varies depending on its triggering
 If the triggering quantity is RSRP, this threshold is specified by the
InterFreqHoGroup.FreqPriInterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp parameter.
 If the triggering quantity is RSRQ, this threshold is specified by the
InterFreqHoGroup.FreqPriInterFreqHoA2ThdRsrq parameter.
If event A2 is reported after frequency-priority-based inter-frequency measurements have started, the
eNodeB stops the measurements.

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 5 Inter-Frequency Handover

5.1.4 Distance-based Handover
Distance-based inter-frequency handovers are addressed by the basic feature
LBFD-00201804 Distance Based Inter-frequency Handover. For details about the engineering guidelines
for this feature, see section 9.4 "Distance-based Inter-frequency
In the early phase of LTE network construction, operators may use different frequency bands to cover
different areas. Assume that the 1800 MHz band is used to cover the urban area and the 800 MHz band
is used to cover the suburban area. If there are only a few buildings along the border between the urban
area and the suburban area, the RF signals from an urban cell on the 1800 MHz band may be able to
travel a long distance (typically three times the distance between sites), causing cross-cell coverage to a
suburban cell on the 800 MHz band.
However, there are often restrictions on neighbor relationships, for example, the layer difference or
distance between the serving cell and its neighboring cell cannot exceed a certain limit. Therefore, it is
probable that the 1800 MHz cell does not have a neighbor relationship with the 800 MHz cell but they
overlap in coverage. If this is true, call drops may occur.
Distance-based inter-frequency handover applies in high- and low-band hybrid networks where cells on
the low band cover a larger area than cells on the high band and severe cross-cell coverage occurs. In a
distance-based inter-frequency handover, the deviation in the estimated distance between the UE and
eNodeB is about 100 to 150 meters.
Figure 5-4 Illustration for the motivation behind distance-based handovers

As shown in Figure 5-4, F1 and F2 indicate two frequencies: Cell 1 uses F1, and Cells 2, 3, and 4 all use
F2. The gray area in the figure (Cell 1) is covered by F1, while the light yellow area (Cells 2, 3, and 4) is
covered by F2. It is obvious that cell 1 exerts cross-cell coverage to the other three cells.
Assume that the UE moves along the direction indicated by the arrow. As the UE moves, F1 provides
sustained signal quality and therefore inter-frequency measurements are not triggered for the UE
even when the UE has been in the coverage of F2 for a long time. Gradually, the UE enters the overlap
coverage between Cell 1 and Cell 4. Considering the long distance between the two cells, it is unlikely
that Cell 4 is configured as a neighboring cell of Cell 1. As a result, as soon as the UE leaves the
coverage of Cell 1, it experiences a call drop. To prevent such a call drop and ensure service continuity,
the UE should have been handed over to F2 earlier.

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 5 Inter-Frequency Handover

Distance-based handovers are controlled by the CellAlgoSwitch.DistBasedHoSwitch parameter. To
enable distance-based inter-frequency handovers, set the DistBasedHO.DistBasedMeasObjType
parameter to E-UTRAN.
Distance-based inter-frequency handovers are triggered by the eNodeB based on the distance between
the eNodeB and the UE. If the switch for distance-based handovers is turned on for a cell, the home
eNodeB of the cell keeps monitoring the distance to each UE. Upon detecting that the distance to a UE
exceeds the threshold specified by the DistBasedHO.DistBasedHOThd parameter, the eNodeB
decides that the UE has moved to a location far from the cell center. Then, it delivers the measurement
configuration related to event A4 to the UE, instructing the UE to perform gap-assisted inter-frequency
measurements. The triggering of event A4 in distance-based inter-frequency handovers is the same as
that in coverage-based inter-frequency handovers. For details, see section 5.2.3 "Inter-Frequency
Handover Triggering."
To sum up, distance-based inter-frequency handovers ensure the prompt triggering of inter-frequency
measurements, increasing the probability that UEs are promptly handed over to inter-frequency
neighboring cells with better signal quality.
Before delivering the measurement configuration related to event A4 and the measurement gap
configuration, the eNodeB checks whether the measurement gap has been activated for use in other
types of handovers. If the measurement gap has been activated, the eNodeB delivers only the
measurement configuration related to event A4. If not, the eNodeB delivers both.
While the measurements for a distance-based inter-frequency handover are being taken, if the eNodeB
detects that the distance to the UE falls below the threshold, the measurements are immediately

5.1.5 Service-based Handover

Service-based inter-frequency handovers are addressed by the feature LBFD-00201805 Service Based
Inter-frequency Handover. For details about the engineering guidelines for this feature, see section 9.5
"Service-based Inter-frequency Handover".
Service-based inter-frequency handovers are applicable to two neighboring E-UTRAN frequencies that
cover the same area. Based on the QCIs of the services that are running on a UE, the eNodeB can
divert the UE to an appropriate co-coverage E-UTRAN frequency by means of a service-based
inter-frequency handover.
To implement service-based inter-frequency handovers, operators need to configure service-based
inter-frequency handover policies. Each service-based inter-frequency handover policy has an ID
(ServiceIfHoCfgGroup.ServiceIfHoCfgGroupId) and specifies the frequency
(EutranInterNFreq.DlEarfcn) that is preferentially used to carry the services of a specific operator
(CnOperator.CnOperatorId). Since the services of each operator are further classified by QCIs, each
QCI can be associated with a service-based inter-frequency handover policy so that the frequency
specified by the policy preferentially carries the services with this QCI.
Service-based inter-frequency handovers are controlled by the corresponding switch under the
ENodeBAlgoSwitch.HoAlgoSwitch parameter. If this switch is turned on, the eNodeB triggers a
service-based inter-frequency handover for a UE based on the highest-priority QCI of the services
running on the UE. If the highest-priority QCI is associated with a service-based inter-frequency
handover policy with the ServiceIfHoCfgGroup.InterFreqHoState parameter set to PERMIT_HO, and
there is at least one neighboring cell working on the frequency, the eNodeB delivers the measurement
configuration related to event A4 to the UE. In the measurement configuration, the target frequency is
the value of ServiceIfHoCfgGroup.DlEarfcn. The triggering of event A4 in service-based
inter-frequency handovers is the same as that in coverage-based inter-frequency handovers. For details,
see section 5.2.3 "Inter-Frequency Handover Triggering."

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Section 6.1.7 in 3GPP TS 23.203 Release 10 issued in March 2011 specifies QCIs for different services,
as shown in Table 5-1.
Table 5-1 Standardize QCIs for different services
QCI Resource Priority Packet Packet Error Example Services
Type Delay Loss Rate
1 GBR 2 100 ms 10-2 Conversational voice
2 4 150 ms 10-3 Conversational video (live
3 3 50 ms 10-3 Real-time gaming
4 5 300 ms 10-6 Non-conversational video (buffered
5 Non-GBR 1 100 ms 10-6 IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)
6 6 300 ms 10-6  Video (buffered streaming)
 TCP-based (for example: www,
e-mail, chat, FTP, P2P file
sharing, progressive video)
7 7 100 ms 10-3  Voice
 Video (live streaming)
 Interactive gaming
8 8 300 ms 10-6  Video (buffered streaming)
9 9
 TCP-based (for example: www,
e-mail, chat, FTP, P2P file
sharing, progressive video)

Before delivering the measurement configuration related to event A4 and the measurement gap
configuration, the eNodeB checks whether the measurement gap has been activated for use in other
types of handovers. If the measurement gap has been activated, the eNodeB delivers only the
measurement configuration related to event A4. If not, the eNodeB delivers both.
If a UE has performed gap-assisted measurements for a service-based inter-frequency handover for a
long time but fails to trigger such a handover, the eNodeB releases the measurement gaps for
service-based inter-frequency handovers to stop the measurements.

5.1.6 UL-Quality-based Handover

UL-quality-based inter-frequency handovers are addressed by LBFD-00201802 Coverage Based
Inter-frequency Handover. For details about the engineering guidelines for this feature, see section 9.6
"UL-Quality-based Inter-Frequency Handover".
UL-quality-based inter-frequency handovers are triggered based on the UL signal quality. When the UL
signal quality is unsatisfactory, call drops may occur if handovers are not performed in time. The eNodeB
checks the uplink signal quality. If the eNodeB finds that the uplink signal quality is poor, the eNodeB
initiates an inter-frequency handover in a timely manner so that call drops can be prevented.

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UL-quality-based inter-frequency handovers are controlled by the corresponding switch under the
ENodeBAlgoSwitch.HoAlgoSwitch parameter. If this switch is turned on, once the eNodeB detects
unsatisfactory UL quality, it delivers the measurement configuration related to event A4 to the UE. The
triggering of event A4 in UL-quality-based inter-frequency handovers is the same as that in
coverage-based inter-frequency handovers. For details, see "Event A4 Triggering" in section 5.2.3
"Inter-Frequency Handover Triggering."
Before delivering the measurement configuration related to event A4 and the measurement gap
configuration, the eNodeB checks whether the measurement gap has been activated for use in other
types of handovers. If the measurement gap has been activated, the eNodeB delivers only the
measurement configuration related to event A4. If not, the eNodeB delivers both.
During gap-assisted measurements for a UL-quality-based inter-frequency handover, once the eNodeB
finds the UL quality restored, the measurements are stopped.
When the measurement gaps for UL-quality-based inter-frequency handovers are released, the
gap-assisted measurements for other types of handovers are not affected. The measurement gap
configuration stops only when all gap-assisted measurements are stopped.

5.2 Measurement Phase of an Inter-Frequency Handover

When inter-frequency measurements are required, the eNodeB delivers to the UE a Measurement
Configuration message containing the inter-frequency measurement configuration, instructing the UE to
perform inter-frequency measurements. If the triggering condition of inter-frequency handover event A4
is met, event A4 is reported. Based on the reported inter-frequency measurement result, the eNodeB
makes an inter-frequency handover decision.
The measurement phase of the inter-frequency handover consists of inter-frequency measurement
configuration, setup of measurement gaps, and triggering of event A4.

5.2.1 Inter-Frequency Measurement Configuration

In the measurement configuration for an inter-frequency handover, a measurement object is set for each
frequency, and each measurement object can be linked to one or more reporting configurations. The
measurement configuration includes the following basic information:
 Inter-frequency measurement object
The information on a measurement object includes the frequency (EutranInterNFreq.DlEarfcn),
measurement bandwidth (EutranInterNFreq.MeasBandWidth), and frequency-specific offset
 Reporting configuration
The reporting configuration includes the following A4-related information:
− Hysteresis (InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA4Hyst)
− Time-to-trigger (InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA4TimeToTrig)
− Triggering quantity (the same as the setting of IntraRatHoComm.InterFreqHoA1A2TrigQuan)
− Maximum number of cells to be reported (IntraRatHoComm.IntraRATHoMaxRprtCell)
− Interval between reports (IntraRatHoComm.InterFreqHoRprtInterval)
− Number of periodical measurement reports to be sent after the event is triggered
− Reporting quantity (IntraRatHoComm.InterFreqHoA4RprtQuan)
 Measurement quantity configuration
The measurement quantity configuration defines the L3 filtering coefficients
(HoMeasComm.EutranFilterCoeffRSRP and HoMeasComm.EutranFilterCoeffRSRQ).

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 Measurement gap configuration
The measurement gap configuration defines the gap pattern (HoMeasComm.GapPatternType).

5.2.2 Setup of Measurement Gaps

The gap-assisted mode is applied to inter-frequency measurements. After event A2 is reported, the
eNodeB delivers the inter-frequency measurement configuration that contains the measurement gap
configuration. From the measurement gap configuration, the UE can acquire the start time of the gaps,
repetition period, and gap width. Based on this, the UE performs inter-frequency measurements within
the gaps.
The gap pattern is specified by the HoMeasComm.GAPPatternType parameter, which indicates the
repetition period and gap width. If the parameter is set to GAP_PATTERN_TYPE_1, the repetition period
is 40 ms and the gap width is 6 ms. If the parameter is set to GAP_PATTERN_TYPE_2, the repetition
period is 80 ms and the gap width is 6 ms.
The gap-assisted measurement may conflict with Discontinuous Reception (DRX), semi-persistent
scheduling, or both. In the case of this conflict, the gap-assisted measurement takes precedence. This,
however, affects data transmission quality. To solve this problem, the design of measurement gaps
takes DRX and semi-persistent scheduling into consideration. The start time of the measurement gaps
can be adjusted in a way that the conflicts with DRX, semi-persistent scheduling, or both are
minimized whereas gap-assisted measurements are performed in a timely fashion.

5.2.3 Inter-Frequency Handover Triggering

Coverage-based inter-frequency handovers can be triggered by event A3, A4, or A5, while other types of
inter-frequency handover can be triggered only by event A4. The type of event used to trigger
coverage-based inter-frequency handovers to a neighboring E-UTRAN frequency is specified by the
EutranInterNFreq.InterFreqHoEventType parameter.
Events A3, A4, and A5 all adopt event-triggered periodical reporting mode.

Event A3 Triggering
For details about how event A3 is triggered, see section 4.2.2 "Event A3 Triggering" about
intra-frequency handovers.
Event A3 in inter-frequency handovers uses the same set of parameters with that in intra-frequency
handovers, except the offset and frequency-specific offset. Specifically, the offset for this event A3 is
specified by the InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA3Offset parameter and applies to all inter-frequency
handovers triggered by this event A3, and the frequency-specific offset is specified by the
EutranInterNFreq.QoffsetFreq parameter for each neighboring E-UTRAN frequency.
The measurement quantities for events A1 and A2 are both RSRP. The RSRP thresholds for triggering
events A1 and A2 are specified by the InterFreqHoGroup.A3InterFreqHoA1ThdRsrp and
InterFreqHoGroup.A3InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp parameters, respectively.

Event A4 Triggering
The triggering of event A4 indicates that the signal quality is higher than a specified threshold in at least
one neighboring cell. Section in 3GPP TS 36.331 Release 10 issued in March 2011 defines the
entering and leaving conditions of event A4 as follows:
 Entering condition: Mn + Ofn + Ocn - Hys > Thresh
 Leaving condition: Mn + Ofn + Ocn + Hys < Thresh
The variables in the preceding formulas are described as follows:

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 Mn is the measurement result of the neighboring cell.
 Ofn is the frequency-specific offset for the frequency of the neighboring cell. It is specified by the
EutranInterNFreq.QoffsetFreq parameter, which is contained in the associated measurement object
IE in the measurement configuration.
 Ocn is the cell-specific offset for the neighboring cell. It is specified by the
EutranInterFreqNCell.CellIndividualOffset parameter. If the value of this parameter is not 0, the
eNodeB delivers this parameter to the UE through the measurement configuration. If the value is 0, the
eNodeB does not deliver this parameter. In this case, the UE uses the default value 0.
 Hys is the hysteresis for event A4. It is specified by the InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA4Hyst
parameter and contained in the delivered measurement configuration.
 The time-to-trigger for event A4 is specified by the InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA4TimeToTrig
parameter. Event A4 is reported only when the signal quality of at least one neighboring meets the
entering condition throughout the time-to-trigger.
 Thresh is the threshold for event A4. This threshold varies depending on the triggering quantity or
reporting quantity. Table 5-2 describes the triggering quantity, reporting quantity, and threshold for
each type of inter-frequency handover.
Table 5-2 Parameter related to event A4
Inter-Frequency Triggering Reporting Quantity Threshold
Handover Type Quantity
Coverage-based Same as the RSRP InterFreqHoGroup.InterFre
handovers triggering quantity qHoA4ThdRSRP
for event A2
RSRQ InterFreqHoGroup.InterFre

Both Both the RSRP- and

RSRQ-based measurement
results meet the
corresponding conditions.
Distance- and RSRP RSRP InterFreqHoGroup.InterFre
UL-quality-based Same as the qHoA4ThdRSRP
handovers triggering
RSRQ quantity, or RSRQ InterFreqHoGroup.InterFre
both RSRP and qHoA4ThdRSRQ
RSRQ, or Both specified by the Both Both the RSRP- and
both RSRP IntraRatHoCo RSRQ-based measurement
and mm.InterFreq results meet the
RSRQ, as HoA4RprtQua corresponding conditions.
specified n parameter
Load-, by the RSRP RSRP InterFreqHoGroup.InterFre
frequency-priority-, IntraRatH qLoadBasedHoA4ThdRSR
and service-based oComm.In P
handovers terFreqHo
A4TrigQu RSRQ RSRQ InterFreqHoGroup.InterFre
an qLoadBasedHoA4ThdRSR
parameter Q
Both Both Both the RSRP- and
RSRQ-based measurement
results meet the
corresponding conditions.

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 5 Inter-Frequency Handover

If the IntraRatHoComm.InterFreqHoA4TrigQuan parameter is set to BOTH, both the RSRP- and RSRQ-based
measurement configurations are delivered. If the IntraRatHoComm.InterFreqHoA4RprtQuan parameter is set to BOTH,
an inter-frequency handover can be triggered only when neither of the RSRP- and RSRQ-based measurement results of a
neighboring cell meets the leaving condition of event A4.

Figure 5-5 shows the event A4 triggering mechanism. When the RSRP- or RSRQ-based measurement
result meets the triggering condition of event A4, the UE reports the information about the cell where the
event is triggered, to ensure that the inter-frequency handover is triggered in a timely fashion.
Figure 5-5 Event A4 triggering mechanism

According to section in 3GPP TS 36.331 Release 10 issued in March 2011, the following
A4-related parameters are provided in the reporting configuration of the measurement configuration:
 IntraRatHoComm.InterFreqHoA4RprtQuan: specifies the reporting quantity for inter-frequency
handover event A4. This refers to the quantity to be included in the measurement reports.
 IntraRatHoComm.InterFreqHoRprtInterval: specifies the interval between the reports that are
triggered by event A4. This parameter controls the frequency of the periodical measurement reports
sent by the UE. This reduces the signaling load on the radio interface.
 IntraRatHoComm.IntraRATHoMaxRprtCell: specifies the maximum number of cells to be included in
the measurement report for an intra-RAT handover. In the case of event A4 for an inter-frequency
handover within the E-UTRAN, this parameter specifies the maximum number of cells to be included
in the measurement report of event A4. The limitation on the number of cells to be reported can save
resources on the radio interface.
 IntraRatHoComm.IntraRATHoRprtAmount: specifies the number of event-triggered periodical
reports for an intra-RAT handover. The number of event-triggered periodical reports is set to restrict
handover retries.

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 5 Inter-Frequency Handover

Event A5 Triggering
The triggering of event A5 indicates that the signal quality in the serving cell is lower than a specified
threshold and the signal quality in at least one neighboring cell is higher than another specified threshold.
Section in 3GPP TS 36.331 Release 10 issued in March 2011 defines the entering and leaving
conditions of event A5 as follows:
 Entering condition: Ms + Hys < Thresh 1 and Mn + Ofn + Ocn - Hys > Thresh 2
 Leaving condition: Ms - Hys > Thresh 1 or Mn + Ofn + Ocn + Hys < Thresh 2
Event A5 uses the same set of parameters with event A4 except Thresh 1 and Thresh 2. Thresh 1 for
event A5 is the same as the threshold for event A2 in coverage-based inter-frequency handovers, while
Thresh 2 for event A5 is the same as the threshold for event A4 in coverage-based inter-frequency
handovers. Table 5-3 lists the parameters specifying the two thresholds.
Table 5-3 Parameter related to event A5
Triggering Quantity Thresh 1 Thresh 2
RSRP InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA2Th InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreq
RSRQ InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA2Th InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreq

5.3 Decision Phase of an Inter-Frequency Handover

In an inter-RAT handover, if the UE reports that it does not support inter-RAT measurements or
handovers, the eNodeB decides to perform a redirection procedure to transfer the UE to an inter-RAT
neighboring cell. Following illustrates the details:
 If the UE does not support inter-frequency measurements and if at least one inter-frequency
neighboring cell has been assigned a blind-handover priority, the eNodeB makes a blind-redirection
decision based on the event A2 report. If deciding to perform a blind redirection procedure, the
eNodeB delivers an RRC Connection Release message to the UE.
 If the UE supports measurements on an inter-RAT system but does not support handovers to that
system, the eNodeB delivers the measurement configuration related to event A3, A4, or A5, to the UE.
If the triggering condition of event A3, A4, or A5 is met, the eNodeB sends the UE an RRC Connection
Release message, instructing the UE to perform a redirection to an inter-RAT neighboring cell.
For details, see section 4.3 "Decision Phase of an Intra-Frequency Handover."

5.4 Execution Phase of an Inter-Frequency Handover

The execution mechanism of an inter-frequency handover is the same as that of an intra-frequency
handover. For details, see section 4.4 "Execution Phase of an Intra-Frequency Handover."

5.5 Signaling Procedure of a Typical Inter-Frequency Handover

5.5.1 Signaling Procedure of a Successful Handover
The signaling procedure of a successful inter-frequency handover is the same as that of a successful
intra-frequency handover procedure. For details, see section 4.5.1 "Signaling Procedure of a Successful

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 5 Inter-Frequency Handover

5.5.2 RRC Connection Re-Establishment After a Handover Failure
The RRC connection re-establishment procedure performed after an inter-frequency handover failure is
the same as that performed after an intra-frequency handover failure. For details, see section 4.5.2
"RRC Connection Re-Establishment After a Handover Failure."

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 6 Inter-RAT Handover

6 Inter-RAT Handover
An inter-RAT handover consists of the following phases:
 Measurement triggering/stopping phase
The measurement triggering/stopping phase varies according to the cause of the inter-RAT handover.
 Measurement phase
The eNodeB delivers the inter-RAT measurement configuration, and the UE performs inter-RAT
measurements accordingly. When the signal quality in at least one inter-RAT neighboring cell meets
the configured triggering condition of event B1, the UE reports the measurement results.
 Decision phase
The eNodeB checks the measurement results and generates a list of candidate cells.
 Execution phase
The handover from the serving cell to the target cell is executed.
The coverage-, load-, service-, UL-quality-based, and distance-based inter-RAT handovers use the
same procedure except for the measurement triggering/stopping phase.
This chapter describes the following optional features:
 LOFD-001019 PS Inter-RAT Mobility between E-UTRAN and UTRAN
 LOFD-001020 PS Inter-RAT Mobility between E-UTRAN and GERAN
 LOFD-001021 PS Inter-RAT Mobility between E-UTRAN and CDMA2000
 LOFD-001022 SRVCC to UTRAN
 LOFD-001023 SRVCC to GERAN

6.1 Measurement Triggering/Stopping Phase of an Inter-RAT

6.1.1 Coverage-based Handover
Coverage-based inter-RAT handovers are addressed by the following optional features:
 LOFD-001019 PS Inter-RAT Mobility between E-UTRAN and UTRAN
 LOFD-001020 PS Inter-RAT Mobility between E-UTRAN and GERAN
For details about engineering guidelines for coverage-based inter-RAT handovers, see section 9.7
"Coverage-based Inter-RAT Handover".
During a coverage-based inter-RAT handover, the eNodeB may deliver two sets of A2-related
measurement configurations: one for triggering inter-RAT measurements and the other for triggering
blind handovers. Because the event A2 threshold for blind handovers is lower than the event A2
threshold for inter-RAT measurements, inter-RAT measurements are triggered earlier than blind
handovers. When the signal quality in the serving cell is lower than the event A2 threshold for inter-RAT
measurements, the eNodeB delivers the inter-RAT measurement configuration and the UE performs
inter-RAT measurements.
If the signal quality of the serving cell further deteriorates to the event A2 threshold for blind handovers
but the UE has not been handed over, the eNodeB determines that the serving cell can no longer
provide services and hands over the UE to an inter-RAT frequency that has not been measured. The
InterRatHoCommGroup.BlindHOA2ThdOffset parameter specifies the difference between the event
A2 threshold for inter-RAT measurements and the event A2 threshold for blind handovers.

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 6 Inter-RAT Handover

The eNodeB delivers only the A2-related measurement configuration for blind handovers in either of the
following scenarios:
 The UE does not support measurements of any inter-RAT system.
 The InterRatHoCommGroup.BlindHOA2ThdOffset parameter is set to 0, which means that the
event A2 threshold for inter-RAT measurements is the same as the event A2 threshold for blind
The UE stops the inter-RAT measurements when the signal quality in the serving cell is higher than the
associated threshold. Huawei eNodeB treats events A2 and A1 defined in sections and in
3GPP TS 36.331 Release 10 issued in March 2011 as the events for triggering and stopping
coverage-based inter-RAT measurements, respectively.
The other mechanisms of events A2 and A1 for inter-RAT measurements are the same as those
described in section 5.1.1 "Coverage-based Handover", but the parameters related to an inter-RAT
handover are different from those related to an inter-frequency handover.

Triggering of Inter-RAT Measurements or Blind Handovers by Event A2

In a coverage-based inter-RAT handover, event A2 triggers inter-RAT measurements or a blind handover.
The triggering of this event indicates that the signal quality in the serving cell is lower than a specified
threshold. When the triggering condition of event A2 is met, event A2 is reported to the eNodeB. After
this, the eNodeB sends the inter-RAT measurement configuration to the UE or performs a blind
handover for the UE. Section in 3GPP TS 36.331 Release 10 issued in March 2011 defines the
entering and leaving conditions of event A2 as follows:
 Entering condition: Ms + Hys < Thresh
 Leaving condition: Ms - Hys > Thresh
The variables in the preceding formulas are described as follows:
 Ms is the measurement result of the serving cell.
 Hys is the hysteresis for event A2. It is specified by the
InterRatHoCommGroup.InterRatHoA1A2Hyst parameter.
 Thresh is the threshold for event A2. It can be specified by either the
InterRatHoCommGroup.InterRatHoA2ThdRSRP parameter or the
InterRatHoCommGroup.InterRatHoA2ThdRSRQ parameter, depending on the setting of the
InterRatHoComm.InterRatHoA1A2TrigQuan parameter (triggering quantity for inter-RAT
measurement events A1 and A2). The threshold parameters
InterRatHoCommGroup.InterRatHoA2ThdRSRP and
InterRatHoCommGroup.InterRatHoA2ThdRSRQ correspond to the triggering quantity settings
RSRP and RSRQ, respectively. The event A2 threshold for blind handovers is equal to the event A2
threshold for inter-RAT measurements minus the value of the
InterRatHoCommGroup.BlindHOA2ThdOffset parameter.
Event A2 for blind handovers and that for inter-RAT measurements have the same parameter settings
except the thresholds for the events.
Figure 6-1 shows the event A2 triggering mechanism. Inter-RAT measurement event A2 is used as an
example. For inter-RAT measurement event A2, the eNodeB specifies two sets of parameters, with
respect to the RSRP and RSRQ quantities. When InterRatHoComm.InterRatHoA1A2TrigQuan is set
to BOTH, event A2 is reported and the eNodeB delivers the inter-RAT measurement configuration to the
UE if the signal quality in the serving cell is lower than the threshold (either the value of
InterRatHoCommGroup.InterRatHoA2ThdRSRP or the value of
InterRatHoCommGroup.InterRatHoA2ThdRSRQ) minus the hysteresis throughout the time-to-trigger
specified by the InterRatHoCommGroup.InterRatHoA1A2TimeToTrig parameter. When
InterRatHoComm.InterRatHoA1A2TrigQuan is set to RSRP or RSRQ, event A2 is reported if the

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 6 Inter-RAT Handover

signal quality in the serving cell is lower than the related threshold minus the hysteresis throughout the
time-to-trigger specified by the InterRatHoCommGroup.InterRatHoA1A2TimeToTrig parameter.
Figure 6-1 Event A2 triggering mechanism

After receiving an event A2 report that triggers inter-RAT measurements, the eNodeB delivers the
measurement configuration related to event B1 to the UE. For details, see section 6.2.4 "Inter-RAT
Handover Triggering."
After receiving an event A2 report that triggers a blind handover, the eNodeB starts a blind handover.
This blind handover is achieved only by performing a CCO or redirection procedure, because an event
A2-triggered blind handover indicates an urgent situation where the serving cell cannot provide the
required service quality.

Stopping of Inter-RAT Measurements by Event A1

In a coverage-based inter-RAT handover, event A1 stops inter-RAT measurements. The triggering of
event A1 indicates that the signal quality in the serving cell is higher than a specified threshold. Section in 3GPP TS 36.331 Release 10 issued in March 2011 defines the entering and leaving conditions
of event A1 as follows:
 Entering condition: Ms - Hys > Thresh
 Leaving condition: Ms + Hys < Thresh
The variables in the preceding formulas are described as follows:
 Ms is the measurement result of the serving cell.
 Hys is the hysteresis for event A1. It is specified by the
InterRatHoCommGroup.InterRatHoA1A2Hyst parameter.
 Thresh is the threshold for event A1. It can be specified by either the
InterRatHoCommGroup.InterRatHoA1ThdRSRP parameter or the
InterRatHoCommGroup.InterRatHoA1ThdRSRQ parameter, depending on the setting of the
InterRatHoComm.InterRatHoA1A2TrigQuan parameter (triggering quantity for inter-RAT
measurement events A1 and A2). The threshold parameters
InterRatHoCommGroup.InterRatHoA1ThdRSRP and

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InterRatHoCommGroup.InterRatHoA1ThdRSRQ correspond to the triggering quantity settings
RSRP and RSRQ, respectively.
Figure 6-2 shows the event A1 triggering mechanism.
When InterRatHoComm.InterRatHoA1A2TrigQuan is set to RSRP or RSRQ, event A1 is reported if
the RSRP or RSRQ in the serving cell remains higher than the RSRP or RSRQ threshold plus the
hysteresis throughout the time-to-trigger specified by the
InterRatHoCommGroup.InterRatHoA1A2TimeToTrig parameter. If the eNodeB receives an event A1
report, it stops the coverage-based inter-RAT measurement.
When InterRatHoComm.InterRatHoA1A2TrigQuan is set to Both, event A1 is reported if the signal
quality in the serving cell remains higher than the threshold (either the value of
InterRatHoCommGroup.InterRatHoA1ThdRSRP or the value of
InterRatHoCommGroup.InterRatHoA1ThdRSRQ) plus the hysteresis throughout the time-to-trigger. If
neither of the RSRP and RSRQ measurement results in an event A1 report meets the leaving condition
for event A1, it stops the coverage-based inter-RAT measurement.
Figure 6-2 Event A1 triggering mechanism

When the measurement gaps for coverage-based inter-RAT handovers are released, the gap-assisted
measurements for other types of handovers are not affected. The measurement gap configuration stops
only when all gap-assisted measurements are stopped.

6.1.2 Load-based Handover

The mechanisms of triggering/stopping load-based inter-RAT measurements are the same as those of
triggering/stopping load-based inter-frequency measurements. For details, see section 5.1.2
"Load-based Handover."

6.1.3 Service-based Handover

Service-based inter-RAT handovers are addressed by the following optional features:

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 LOFD-001043 Service based inter-RAT handover to UTRAN
 LOFD-001046 Service based inter-RAT handover to GERAN
For details about engineering guidelines for service-based inter-RAT handovers, see section 9.10
"Service-based Inter-RAT Handover".
In a service-based handover, the eNodeB hands over a UE to another system based on the type of the
service running on the UE. For each operator (CnOperator.CnOperatorId), a service-based inter-RAT
handover policy (ServiceIrHoCfgGroup.ServiceIrHoCfgGroupId) can be specified. The applicability of
handover can be specified separately for services with different QCIs from QCI 1 to QCI 9. The
applicability of handover is set through the ServiceIrHoCfgGroup.InterRatHoState parameter, whose
values are MUST_HO, NO_HO, and PERMIT_HO.
 If the ServiceIrHoCfgGroup.InterRatHoState parameter is set to MUST_HO for a QCI, the eNodeB
delivers the service-based handover measurement configuration to a UE when the UE initiates a
service with that QCI. A UE that does not support inter-RAT measurements cannot initiate blind
handovers or redirections even if the ServiceIrHoCfgGroup.InterRatHoState parameter is set to
 If the ServiceIrHoCfgGroup.InterRatHoState parameter is set to NO_HO for a QCI, the eNodeB
does not deliver the service-based handover measurement configuration to a UE on which a
service with that QCI is running, even if the UE initiates a service for which
ServiceIrHoCfgGroup.InterRatHoState is set to MUST_HO.
 If the ServiceIrHoCfgGroup.InterRatHoState parameter is set to PERMIT_HO for a QCI, the
eNodeB does not deliver the service-based handover measurement configuration to a UE when the
UE initiates a service with that QCI. When a service with that QCI is running on the UE, the eNodeB
delivers the service-based handover measurement configuration to the UE if the UE initiates a service
for which ServiceIrHoCfgGroup.InterRatHoState is set to MUST_HO.
Assume that an operator plans to use bearers with a QCI of 1 to carry voice over IP (VoIP) services,
bearers with a QCI of 5 to carry IMS signaling, and bearers with a QCI of 9 as default bearers. The
operator also hopes that UEs performing only VoIP services are served by an inter-RAT system to
ensure the service continuity while sparing E-UTRAN resources. Then, the recommended values of the
ServiceIrHoCfgGroup.InterRatHoState parameter are as follows:
 The value MUST_HO is recommended for QCI 1.
 The value NO_HO is recommended for QCI 2 to QCI 4, and QCI 6 to QCI 8.
 The value PERMIT_HO is recommended for QCI 5 and QCI 9.
If a service-based inter-RAT handover is not initiated after the gap-assisted measurements are
performed for a relatively long time, the eNodeB instructs the UE to stop the service-based inter-RAT
measurements and release the measurement gaps.
Even after service-based inter-RAT measurements are triggered, they are not performed if the eNodeB
detects that measurement gaps for other types of handovers have been set up. Otherwise, the eNodeB
sets up the measurement gaps for service-based handovers. When the measurement gaps for
service-based handovers are released, the gap-assisted measurements for other types of handovers are
not affected. The measurement gap configuration stops only when all gap-assisted measurements are
Service-based handovers to another RAT can be enabled or disabled by the corresponding switch under
the ENodeBAlgoSwitch.HoAlgoSwitch parameter.

6.1.4 UL-Quality-based Handover

UL-quality-based inter-RAT handovers are addressed by the following optional features:
 LOFD-001019 PS Inter-RAT Mobility between E-UTRAN and UTRAN

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 LOFD-001020 PS Inter-RAT Mobility between E-UTRAN and GERAN
For details about engineering guidelines for UL-quality-based inter-RAT handovers, see section 9.8
"UL-Quality-based Inter-RAT Handover".
The mechanism of triggering/stopping of UL-quality-based inter-RAT measurements is the same as
those of triggering/stopping UL-quality-based inter-frequency measurements. UL-quality-based
inter-RAT handover is enabled or disabled by the corresponding switch under the
ENodeBAlgoSwitch.HoAlgoSwitch parameter.
If this switch is turned on, once the eNodeB detects poor UL signal quality, it delivers to the UE the
measurement gap configuration and the measurement configuration related to event B1. The UE
performs inter-RAT measurements and reports the results to the eNodeB. Then, the eNodeB
decides whether to perform an inter-RAT handover. For the parameters related to gap-assisted
inter-RAT measurements and event B1, see sections 6.2.2 "Setup of Measurement Gaps" and 6.2.4
"Inter-RAT Handover Triggering."

6.1.5 Distance-based Handover

Distance-based inter-RAT handovers are addressed by the following optional features:
 LOFD-001072 Distance based inter-RAT handover to UTRAN
 LOFD-001073 Distance based inter-RAT handover to GERAN
For details about engineering guidelines for distance-based inter-RAT handovers, see section 9.9
"Distance-based Inter-RAT Handover".
In a distance-based inter-RAT handover, the deviation in the estimated distance between the UE and
eNodeB is about 100 to 150 meters. This type of handover applies in scenarios where both LTE and
non-LTE systems are deployed and the LTE system causes severe cross-cell coverage to the non-LTE
system. Distance-based inter-RAT handover can reduce the probability that UEs cannot be handed over
to a non-LTE cell with which the LTE cell does not have a neighbor relationship but they overlap in
The mechanism of triggering/stopping distance-based inter-RAT measurements is the same as those of
triggering/stopping distance-based inter-frequency measurements. For details, see section 5.1.4
"Distance-based Handover."
To enable distance-based inter-RAT handovers, set the DistBasedHO.DistBasedMeasObjType
parameter to UTRAN or GERAN.

6.2 Measurement Phase of an Inter-RAT Handover

6.2.1 Inter-RAT Measurement Configuration
In the measurement configuration for inter-RAT handover, the information on measurement objects is set
for each RAT; each measurement object can be linked to one or more reporting configurations and each
reporting configuration can also be linked to one or more measurement objects. The measurement
configuration includes the following basic information:
 Inter-RAT measurement object
− In
the case of UTRAN, the information on a measurement object includes the DL frequency
(UtranNFreq.UtranDlArfcn) and the frequency-specific offset (UtranNFreq.OffsetFreq).
− In
the case of GERAN, the information on a measurement object includes the group of neighboring
GERAN carrier frequencies (GERANNFREQGROUP) and the frequency-specific offset for the group

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− Inthe case of CDMA2000, the information on a measurement object includes the band class
(Cdma2000Nfreq.BandClass), frequency (Cdma2000Nfreq.Frequency), and frequency-specific
offset (Cdma2000Nfreq.OffsetFreq).
 Reporting configuration
The reporting configuration includes the InterRatHoComm.InterRATHoMaxRprtCell and
InterRatHoComm.InterRATHoRprtAmount parameters, which specify the maximum number of cells
to be included in the measurement report for an inter-RAT handover and the number of periodical
measurement reports to be sent after event B1 is triggered respectively. These two parameters are
common to inter-RAT handovers; that is, they are not RAT-specific. The parameters mapped to QCIs,
however, are RAT-specific.
 Measurement quantity configuration, including the RAT-specific measurement quantities and L3
filtering coefficients
− The measurement quantity configuration for UTRAN FDD defines the measurement quantity
(InterRatHoComm.InterRATHoUtranB1MeasQuan) and filtering coefficients
(HoMeasComm.UtranFilterCoeffRSCP and HoMeasComm.UtranFilterCoeffECN0).
− Themeasurement quantity configuration for UTRAN TDD defines the measurement quantity (RSCP)
and filtering coefficient (HoMeasComm.UtranFilterCoeffRSCP).
− The measurement quantity configuration for GERAN defines the measurement quantity (RSSI) and
filtering coefficient (HoMeasComm.GeranFilterCoeff).
− The measurement quantity configuration for CDMA2000 HRPD defines the measurement quantity
(pilot strength).
RSCP: received signal code power
RSSI: received signal strength indicator
 Measurement gap configuration
The measurement gap configuration defines the gap pattern (HoMeasComm.GapPatternType).

6.2.2 Setup of Measurement Gaps

The setup of gaps for inter-RAT measurements is the same as that of gaps for inter-frequency
measurements. For details, see section 5.2.2 "Setup of Measurement Gaps."

6.2.3 Inter-RAT Measurement Priorities

For a coverage-based inter-RAT handover to UTRAN, the eNodeB can control the UTRAN frequency
measurement priority based on the operator requirements. This function is available only if
LOFD-001078 E-UTRAN to UTRAN CS/PS Steering is activated.
The UE preferentially measures a specified UTRAN frequency. UtranFreqLayerMeasSwitch under the
ENodeBAlgoSwitch.FreqLayerSwtich parameter specifies whether to enable UTRAN frequency
measurement prioritization. The UtranNFreq.PsPriority parameter specifies the measurement priority
of a UTRAN frequency.
If UtranFreqLayerMeasSwitch is turned on and some UTRAN frequencies have a high priority to carry
PS services, the eNodeB delivers only the information about these UTRAN frequencies to the UE for
measurement. If all UTRAN frequencies have a high or low priority to carry PS services, the eNodeB
delivers the information about all UTRAN frequencies to the UE for measurement.
This type of priority-based handling applies only to inter-RAT measurements on the UTRAN.

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 6 Inter-RAT Handover

6.2.4 Inter-RAT Handover Triggering
Coverage-based inter-RAT handovers can be triggered by event B1 or B2, while other types of inter-RAT
handover can be triggered only by event B1. If event B2 is used to trigger non-coverage-based inter-RAT
handovers, cell center users (CCUs) do not report event B2. The type of event used to trigger
coverage-based inter-RAT handovers is specified by the InterRatHoComm.InterRatHoEventType
Before a coverage-based inter-RAT handover is triggered, the eNodeB checks whether the UE supports
events B1 and B2. If the UE supports only event B2, event B2 is used to evaluate whether to trigger a
coverage-based inter-RAT handover. If the UE supports both events, the
InterRatHoComm.InterRatHoEventType parameter determines the event type for triggering a
coverage-based inter-RAT handover.
Events B1 and B2 both adopt event-triggered periodical reporting mode.

Event B1 Triggering
The triggering of event B1 indicates that the signal quality is higher than a specified threshold in at least
one neighboring cell. Section in 3GPP TS 36.331 Release 10 issued in March 2011 defines the
entering and leaving conditions of event B1 as follows:
 Entering condition: Mn + Ofn - Hys > Thresh
 Leaving condition: Mn + Ofn + Hys < Thresh
The variables in the preceding formulas are described as follows:
 Mn is the measurement result of the neighboring cell.
 Ofn is the frequency-specific offset for the frequency of the neighboring cell. It is specified by the
UtranNFreq.OffsetFreq parameter, which is contained in the associated measurement object IE in
the measurement configuration.
 Hys is the hysteresis for event B1. The hysteresis values for inter-RAT handovers to UTRAN, GERAN,
and CDMA2000 (specified by the InterRatHoUtranGroup.InterRATHoUtranB1Hyst,
InterRatHoGeranGroup.InterRATHoGeranB1Hyst, and
InterRatHoCdmaHrpdGroup.InterRATHoCDMAB1Hyst parameters respectively) are included in the
delivered measurement configuration.
 Thresh is the threshold for event B1. The values of Thresh are set on the basis of the measurement
quantities for each RAT.
Figure 6-3 shows the event B1 triggering mechanism. Triggering of event A2 is based on the E-UTRAN
quantity (RSRP or RSRQ). Triggering of event B1 is based on the measurement quantities and
thresholds listed in Table 6-1. The measurement quantity for UTRAN can be RSCP, Ec/No, or both as
specified by the InterRatHoComm.InterRATHoUtranB1MeasQuan parameter. When
InterRatHoComm.InterRATHoUtranB1MeasQuan is set to UTRAN_BOTH, the eNodeB delivers both
RSCP and Ec/No measurement quantities to the UE.
Section 5.5.5 in 3GPP TS 36.331 Release 10 issued in March 2011 specifies that UEs can report RSCP and Ec/No
quantities of the UTRAN at the same time. For UEs that are compliant with earlier releases, the eNodeB sends only the
RSCP-related measurement configuration to the UEs even if the InterRatHoComm.InterRATHoUtranB1MeasQuan
parameter is set to UTRAN_BOTH.

When the quantity-based measurement result meets the triggering condition of event B1, the UE reports
the information about the cell where the event is triggered to ensure that the inter-RAT handover is
triggered in a timely fashion. The time-to-trigger for event B1 related to handovers to UTRAN, GERAN,
and CDMA2000 is specified by the InterRatHoUtranGroup.InterRATHoUtranB1TimeToTrig,

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InterRatHoGeranGroup.InterRATHoGeranB1TimeToTrig, and
InterRatHoCdmaHrpdGroup.InterRATHoCDMAB1TimeToTrig parameters, respectively.
These parameters can be set to different values to differentiate the rates for reporting event B1 related to
handovers to UTRAN, GERAN, and CDMA2000. The eNodeB sends a handover request to the
inter-RAT neighboring cell for which event B1 is reported first. For example, if the value of the
InterRatHoGeranGroup.InterRATHoGeranB1TimeToTrig parameter is greater than the value of the
InterRatHoUtranGroup.InterRATHoUtranB1TimeToTrig parameter and a UE reports event B1 for a
handover to UTRAN first, the eNodeB preferentially sends a handover request to a neighboring UTRAN
Figure 6-3 Event B1 triggering mechanism

Table 6-1 Thresholds considered in event B1 evaluation

System Measurement Handover Type Threshold
 Coverage-based InterRatHoUtranGroup.InterRATHoUtr
 UL-quality-based anB1ThdRSCP
 Distance-based
 Load-based InterRatHoUtranGroup.LdSvBasedHo
 Service-based UtranB1ThdRSCP

Ec/No  Coverage-based InterRatHoUtranGroup.InterRATHoUtr

 UL-quality-based anB1ThdEcN0
 Distance-based
 Load-based InterRatHoUtranGroup.LdSvBasedHo
 Service-based UtranB1ThdECN0

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System Measurement Handover Type Threshold
GERAN RSSI  Coverage-based InterRatHoGeranGroup.InterRATHoGe
 UL-quality-based ranB1Thd
 Distance-based
 Load-based InterRatHoGeranGroup.LdSvBasedHo
 Service-based GeranB1Thd

CDMA2000 Pilot strength Load-based InterRatHoCdma1xRttGroup.InterRAT


According to section in 3GPP TS 36.331 Release 10 issued in March 2011, the following
B1-related parameters are provided in the reporting configuration of the measurement configuration:
 InterRatHoComm.InterRATHoUtranRprtInterval,
InterRatHoComm.InterRATHoGeranRprtInterval, and
InterRatHoComm.InterRATCDMAHRPDRprtInterval: specify the interval between the reports that
are triggered by event B1. This parameter controls the frequency of the periodical measurement
reports sent by the UE. This reduces the signaling load on the radio interface.
 InterRatHoComm.InterRATHoMaxRprtCell: specifies the maximum number of cells to be included in
the measurement report of event B1 for an inter-RAT handover. The limitation on the number of cells to
be reported can save resources on the radio interface.
 InterRatHoComm.InterRATHoRprtAmount: specifies the number of periodical reports to be sent
after event B1 is triggered. The number of event-triggered periodical reports is set to restrict handover

Event B2 Triggering
The triggering of event B2 indicates that the signal quality in the serving cell is lower than a specified
threshold and the signal quality in at least one neighboring cell is higher than another specified threshold.
Section in 3GPP TS 36.331 Release 10 issued in March 2011 defines the entering and leaving
conditions of event B2 as follows:
 Entering condition: Ms + Hys < Thresh 1 and Mn + Ofn - Hys > Thresh 2
 Leaving condition: Ms - Hys > Thresh 1 or Mn + Ofn + Hys < Thresh 2
Event B2 uses the same set of parameters as event B1 except four parameters: the triggering quantity
related to Thresh 1, the measurement quantity related to Thresh 2, Thresh 1, and Thresh 2. For details
about the four parameters, see Table 6-2 and Table 6-3.
Table 6-2 Thresh 1 for event B2
Triggering Quantity Thresh 1
Same as the triggering RSRP InterRatHoCommGroup.InterRatHoA2ThdRSRP
quantity for event A2
RSRQ InterRatHoCommGroup.InterRatHoA2ThdRSRQ

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Table 6-3 Thresh 2 for event B2
Measurement Quantity Thresh 2
UTRAN RSCP InterRatHoUtranGroup.InterRATHoUtranB1ThdRSCP
Ec/No InterRatHoUtranGroup.InterRATHoUtranB1ThdEcN0
GERAN RSSI InterRatHoGeranGroup.InterRATHoGeranB1Thd
CDMA2000 Pilot strength InterRatHoCdma1xRttGroup.InterRATHoCDMAB1ThdPS

6.3 Decision Phase of an Inter-RAT Handover

In the handover decision phase, the eNodeB checks the measurement result reported by the UE. The
eNodeB then determines whether an inter-RAT handover needs to be initiated and, if so, to which cell
the UE is to be handed over. After receiving the measurement report associated with event B1 or B2
from the UE, the eNodeB generates a list of candidate cells, which meet the triggering condition of event
B1 or B2. As a second step, the eNodeB initiates a handover towards the best cell among the candidate
cells. If the eNodeB receives measurement reports, it processes the reports in a First In First Out (FIFO)
In the decision phase of a service-based inter-RAT handover, the eNodeB decides not to perform a
handover for a UE if the eNodeB detects that a service for which handover is not allowed is running on
the UE.

6.4 Execution Phase of an Inter-RAT Handover

6.4.1 Inter-RAT Handover Policy Selection
The following inter-RAT handover policies or modes are available:
 PS handover: It applies to PS services. In PS handover, services are handed over from the PS domain
of the source system to the PS domain of the target system to ensure continuous service provision.
 Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC): It applies to voice services. In the case of SRVCC, the
services are handed over from the LTE system to the circuit switched (CS) domain of the target system.
A PS handover may be performed at the same time. The UtranExternalCell.CsPsHOInd or
GeranExternalCell.CsPsHOInd parameter specifies whether the target cell supports a concurrent PS
handover during an SRVCC procedure.
 Cell Change Order with or without Network Assisted Cell Change (CCO/NACC): It is specific to the
GSM cases. During the CCO/NACC, the UE is ordered to switch to the GERAN idle mode, and
consequently it can try to access the GSM network. The procedure is simple but causes a long delay.
In GSM, however, the CCO/NACC mode substitutes for PS handover. For the CCO with NACC, the
eNodeB must acquire the system information from the target system and then send the information to
the UE through a handover command, which accelerates the UE access to the target GSM cell. To use
NACC, you need to enable CCO handover policies.
 Redirection: It is the simplest method to transfer UEs to an inter-RAT system. The 3GPP protocols
stipulate that UEs that can work in another RAT also support redirections to the RAT.
Each handover policy is controlled by the corresponding switch under the
ENodeBAlgoSwitch.HoModeSwitch parameter. Operators can enable handover policies based on
their own system capabilities.
Each standardized or extended QCI can be configured with a specific inter-RAT handover policy. An
inter-RAT handover policy is configured by using the INTERRATPOLICYCFGGROUP MO, and the

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policy ID is specified by the StandardQci.InterRatPolicyCfgGroupId parameter. The configured policy
can be assigned to a standardized or extended QCI by using the STANDARDQCI or EXTENDEDQCI

Do not change the inter-RAT handover policy for each QCI unless necessary.
A bearer with a QCI of 1 carries VoIP services. Redirection for QCI 1 will affect user experience with VoIP services. If the
target system does not support VoIP services, you are advised not to enable redirection for VoIP services.

The eNodeB determines the handover policy to use based on the following factors: enabled handover
policies under the ENodeBAlgoSwitch.HoModeSwitch parameter, QCI of the radio bearer of the UE,
UE capabilities, and target RAT. The eNodeB selects from the enabled handover policies in descending
order: PS handover, SRVCC, CCO/NACC, and redirection. SRVCC can be triggered only if the UE is
using VoIP services and supports SRVCC. Figure 6-4 shows the flowchart for handover policy selection.

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Figure 6-4 Flowchart for handover policy selection

The LTE system is incapable of carrying CS services. If an E-UTRAN UE needs to start a

mobile-originated or mobile-terminated CS service, the UE will be moved to another RAT by means of
CSFB. For details, see CS Fallback Feature Parameter Description.

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6.4.2 Retry and Penalty
The retry and penalty mechanisms of an inter-RAT handover are the same as those of an
intra-frequency handover. For details, see section 4.4.2 "Retry and Penalty" about intra-frequency

6.5 Signaling Procedure of a Typical Inter-RAT Handover

6.5.1 Signaling Procedure of a Successful Handover
Based on the QCI of the radio bearer of the UE and the type of the target cell, the eNodeB determines
the handover policy, which can be PS handover, SRVCC, or CCO/NACC. The associated signaling
procedures are described in the subsequent sections. For any type of inter-RAT handover, the eNodeB
sends the handover request over the S1 interface to the MME, and then the MME sends it through the
core network to the target RAN.

Signaling Procedure of a PS Handover to UTRAN or GERAN

Figure 6-5 shows the signaling procedure of a PS handover to UTRAN or GERAN. The dashed lines in
the figure indicate the procedures in the core network. For details, see section 5.5.2 in 3GPP TS 23.401
Release 10 issued in March 2011.
Figure 6-5 Signaling procedure of a PS handover to UTRAN or GERAN

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Signaling Procedure of an Optimized PS Handover to CDMA2000 HRPD
Figure 6-6 shows the signaling procedure of an optimized PS handover to CDMA2000 HRPD. The
dashed lines in the figure indicate the procedures in the core network. In the case of a non-optimized
handover to CDMA2000 HRPD, the UE takes the initiative to perform the handover, which is not
controlled by the network. For details, see chapter 9 in 3GPP TS 23.402 Release 10 issued in March
Figure 6-6 Signaling procedure of an optimized PS handover to CDMA2000 HRPD

Signaling Procedure of SRVCC to UTRAN or GERAN

Figure 6-7 shows the signaling procedure of SRVCC to UTRAN or GERAN. For details, see section 6.2
in 3GPP TS 23.216 Release 10 issued in March 2011.

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Figure 6-7 Signaling procedure of SRVCC to UTRAN or GERAN

Signaling Procedure of CCO/NACC to GERAN

Figure 6-8 shows the signaling procedure of CCO/NACC to GERAN. In the case of CCO/NACC to
GERAN, the eNodeB directly orders the UE to switch to the GERAN, instead of sending a handover
request over the S1 interface. In the procedure shown in the figure, steps 3 to 8 are used to request the
system information of the GERAN. They are applicable only to CCO with NACC. For details, see section
5.6 in 3GPP TS 23.401 Release 10 issued in March 2011.

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Figure 6-8 Signaling procedure of CCO/NACC to GERAN

6.5.2 RRC Connection Re-Establishment After a Handover Failure

The RRC connection re-establishment procedure performed after an inter-RAT handover failure is the
same as that performed after an intra-frequency handover failure. For details, see section 4.5.2 "RRC
Connection Re-Establishment After a Handover Failure" about intra-frequency handovers.

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 7 Related Features

7 Related Features
7.1 Intra-Frequency Handover
7.1.1 Required Features
Load-based intra-frequency handovers are triggered by the intra-frequency mobility load balancing (MLB)
function. For details about the triggering causes, see MLB Feature Parameter Description.
During an intra-frequency handover, the UE needs to initiate a random access procedure to the target
E-UTRAN cell. For details about random access procedures, see Connection Management Feature
Parameter Description.

7.1.2 Mutually Exclusive Features


7.1.3 Affected Features


7.2 Inter-Frequency Handover

7.2.1 Required Features
Load-based inter-frequency handovers are triggered by the inter-frequency MLB function. For details
about the triggering causes, see MLB Feature Parameter Description.
During an inter-frequency handover, the UE needs to initiate a random access procedure to the target
E-UTRAN cell. For details about random access procedures, see Connection Management Feature
Parameter Description.

7.2.2 Mutually Exclusive Features

VoIP services and the service-based inter-frequency handover feature are mutually exclusive. If an
operator plans to use a frequency band in the LTE system to carry VoIP services, the service-based
inter-frequency handover feature cannot be enabled for services with a QCI of 1 in this frequency band.
If the service-based inter-frequency handover feature is enabled in this situation, VoIP services cannot
be used.

7.2.3 Affected Features

Good practice is to avoid enabling multiple inter-frequency handover types (excluding coverage-based
inter-frequency handovers) on multiple E-UTRAN frequencies. If multiple inter-frequency handover types
are enabled on multiple E-UTRAN frequencies, ping-pong handovers may occur due to the diverse
triggering conditions of different inter-frequency handover types.
If coverage-based inter-frequency handovers are enabled on multiple E-UTRAN frequencies and
another inter-frequency handover type is to be enabled on one frequency (for example, F1), ensure that
the threshold for event A4 for this inter-frequency handover type is greater than the threshold for
inter-frequency measurement event A2. To further elaborate on the two thresholds mentioned here, the
threshold for event A4 is configured on the eNodeB providing F1, while the threshold for inter-frequency
measurement event A2 is configured on the eNodeB providing a neighboring E-UTRAN frequency of F1.

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7.3 Inter-RAT Handover
7.3.1 Required Features
Load-based inter-RAT handovers are triggered by the inter-RAT MLB function. For details about the
triggering causes, see MLB Feature Parameter Description.
Coverage-based inter-RAT handover is fundamental to other types of inter-RAT handover. Before
enabling other types of inter-RAT handover, enable coverage-based inter-RAT handover.
If VoIP services are not deployed in inter-RAT networks, you are advised to use the inter-RAT SRVCC
policy. The SRVCC feature must be used if the inter-RAT SRVCC policy is required.
The LOFD-001078 E-UTRAN to UTRAN CS/PS Steering feature requires that the LOFD-001019 PS
Inter-RAT Mobility between E-UTRAN and UTRAN and LOFD-001033 CS Fallback to UTRAN features
be activated.

7.3.2 Mutually Exclusive Features

VoIP services and the service-based inter-RAT handover feature are mutually exclusive. If an operator
plans to use the LTE system to carry VoIP services, the service-based inter-RAT handover feature
cannot be enabled for services with a QCI of 1. If the service-based inter-RAT handover feature is
enabled in this situation, VoIP services cannot be used.

7.3.3 Affected Features


Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-2

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 8 Impact on the Network

8 Impact on the Network


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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 9 Engineering Guidelines

9 Engineering Guidelines
This chapter provides engineering guidelines for mobility management in connection mode.

9.1 Coverage-based Intra-frequency Handover

9.1.1 When to Use Coverage Based Intra-frequency Handover
Mobility management is fundamental to service continuity. Coverage-based intra-frequency handovers
are used by default. You are advised to keep this type of handover enabled.

9.1.2 Required Information

Coverage-based intra-frequency handover is a basic feature and has no special requirements for the
network and UE.
To ensure the performance of coverage-based intra-frequency handover, verify that the E-UTRAN
provides effective and continuous coverage. If there are coverage holes in the E-UTRAN,
coverage-based intra-frequency handover may not achieve satisfactory performance.
In addition, collect information about intra-frequency neighbor relationships to ensure the integrity of
such relationships.

9.1.3 Data Preparation

This section describes the data that you need to collect for setting parameters. Required data is data that
you must collect for all scenarios. Collect scenario-specific data when necessary for a specific feature
deployment scenario.
There are three types of data sources:
 Network plan (negotiation required): parameter values planned by the operator and negotiated with
the EPC or peer transmission equipment
 Network plan (negotiation not required): parameter values planned and set by the operator
 User-defined: parameter values set by users.

Required Data
This section describes the data required for configuring neighbor relationships with intra-frequency
E-UTRAN cells.
The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the EutranExternalCell managed
object (MO) to configure an external E-UTRAN cell. This MO is required only if an intra-frequency
neighboring cell is under a different eNodeB from the local cell.

Paramete Parame Data Setting Notes

r Name ter ID Source
Mobile Eutran Network This parameter specifies the mobile country
country Externa plan code (MCC) of the home eNodeB of the external
code lCell.Mc (negotiat E-UTRAN cell. If this external cell works in RAN
c ion sharing mode, set this parameter to the MCC of
required the primary operator.
) This parameter references the corresponding
parameter defined in the CnOperator MO on
the peer eNodeB.

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9-1

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Paramete Parame Data Setting Notes
r Name ter ID Source
Mobile Eutran Network This parameter specifies the mobile network
network Externa plan code (MNC) of the home eNodeB of the external
code lCell.M (negotiat E-UTRAN cell. If this external cell works in RAN
nc ion sharing mode, set this parameter to the MNC of
required the primary operator.
) This parameter references the corresponding
parameter defined in the CnOperator MO on
the peer eNodeB.
eNodeB Eutran Network This parameter specifies the ID of the home
ID Externa plan eNodeB of the external E-UTRAN cell. It
lCell.eN (negotiat uniquely identifies the eNodeB within the entire
odeBId ion network.
required This parameter references the corresponding
) parameter defined in the eNodeBFunction MO
on the peer eNodeB.
Cell ID Eutran Network This parameter specifies the ID of the external
Externa plan E-UTRAN cell. It uniquely identifies a cell within
lCell.Ce (negotiat an eNodeB.
llId ion This parameter references the corresponding
required parameter defined in the Cell MO on the peer
) eNodeB.
Downlink Eutran Network This parameter specifies the DL EARFCN of the
EARFCN Externa plan external E-UTRAN cell.
lCell.Dl (negotiat
Earfcn ion
Physical Eutran Network This parameter references the corresponding
cell ID Externa plan parameter defined in the Cell MO on the peer
lCell.Ph (negotiat eNodeB.
yCellId ion
Tracking Eutran Network This parameter references the corresponding
area code Externa plan parameter defined in the CnOperatorTa MO on
lCell.Ta (negotiat the peer eNodeB.
c ion

(Optional, required only if the home eNodeB of the external E-UTRAN cell works in eRAN sharing with
common carrier mode) The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the
EutranExternalCellPlmn MO to configure an additional PLMN ID (representing a secondary operator)
for an external E-UTRAN cell.

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
Mobile EutranExtern Network plan This parameter specifies the MCC of the
country code alCellPlmn.M (negotiation primary operator.
cc required) This parameter references the
corresponding parameter defined in the
CnOperator MO on the peer eNodeB.
Mobile EutranExtern Network plan This parameter specifies the MNC of the
network alCellPlmn.M (negotiation primary operator.
code nc required) This parameter references the
corresponding parameter defined in the
CnOperator MO on the peer eNodeB.
eNodeB ID EutranExtern Network plan This parameter specifies the ID of the
alCellPlmn.e (negotiation home eNodeB of the external E-UTRAN
NodeBId required) cell. It uniquely identifies the
eNodeB within the entire network.
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter defined in the
eNodeBFunction MO on the peer
Cell ID EutranExtern Network plan This parameter specifies the ID of the
alCellPlmn.C (negotiation external E-UTRAN cell. It uniquely
ellId required) identifies a cell within an eNodeB.
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter defined in the
Cell MO on the peer eNodeB.
Share EutranExtern Network plan This parameter specifies the MCC of the
mobile alCellPlmn.S (negotiation secondary operator for the external
country code hareMcc required) E-UTRAN cell.
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter defined in the
CnOperator MO on the peer eNodeB.
Share EutranExtern Network plan This parameter specifies the MNC of the
mobile alCellPlmn.S (negotiation secondary operator for the external
network hareMnc required) E-UTRAN cell.
code This parameter references the
corresponding parameter defined in the
CnOperator MO on the peer eNodeB.

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the EutranIntraFreqNCell MO to
configure the neighbor relationship with an intra-frequency E-UTRAN cell.

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Parameter Parameter Data Source Setting Notes
Name ID
Local cell EutranIntraF Network plan Ensure that this parameter has been set in
ID reqNCell.Lo (negotiation not a Cell MO.
calCellId required)
Mobile EutranIntraF Network plan This parameter specifies the MCC of the
country reqNCell.Mc (negotiation home eNodeB of the intra-frequency
code c required) neighboring E-UTRAN cell. If this
neighboring E-UTRAN cell works in RAN
sharing mode, set this parameter to the
MCC of the primary operator.
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter defined in the
CnOperator MO on the peer eNodeB.
Mobile EutranIntraF Network plan This parameter specifies the MNC of the
network reqNCell.Mn (negotiation home eNodeB of the neighboring
code c required) E-UTRAN cell. If this neighboring
E-UTRAN cell works in RAN sharing
mode, set this parameter to the MNC of
the primary operator.
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter defined in the
CnOperator MO on the peer eNodeB.
eNodeB ID EutranIntraF Network plan This parameter specifies the ID of the
reqNCell.eN (negotiation home eNodeB of the neighboring
odeBId required) E-UTRAN cell. It uniquely identifies the
eNodeB within the entire network.
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter defined in the
eNodeBFunction MO on the peer
Cell ID EutranIntraF Network plan This parameter specifies the ID of the
reqNCell.Cel (negotiation neighboring E-UTRAN cell. It uniquely
lId required) identifies a cell within an eNodeB.
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter defined in the
Cell MO on the peer eNodeB.

Scenario-specific Data
The following table describes the parameter that must be set in the ENodeBAlgoSwitch MO to
configure coverage-based intra-frequency handover.

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Paramet Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
er Name
Handove ENodeBAlgoS Network plan To enable coverage-based intra-frequency
r Algo witch.HoAlgo (negotiation handover, select the
switch Switch not required) IntraFreqCoverHoSwitch(IntraFreqCoverH
oSwitch) check box under this parameter.

By default, the intra-frequency handover parameter group Group0 is used for services with all QCIs. To
apply different intra-frequency handover parameter groups to services based on the QCI, the
corresponding parameter group ID must be changed.
The following table describes the parameter that must be set in the CellStandardQci MO to configure
parameter groups for services with standard QCIs.

Parameter Parameter Data Setting Notes

Name ID Source
Local cell ID CellStanda Network Ensure that this parameter has been set in a
rdQci.Loca plan Cell MO based on the network plan.
lCellId (negotiatio
n not
QoS Class CellStanda Network This parameter specifies the index of the
Indication rdQci.Qci plan standard QCI for which the parameter group is
(negotiatio configured.
n not
Intrafreq CellStanda Network This parameter specifies the index of the
handover rdQci.Intra plan intra-frequency handover parameter group.
group ID FreqHoGro (negotiatio
upId n not

The following table describes the parameter that must be set in the CellExtendedQci MO to configure
parameter groups for services with extended QCIs.

Parameter Parameter Data Source Setting Notes

Name ID
Extended QCI CellExtend Network plan Set this parameter to the index of the
edQci.Exte (negotiation extended QCI for which the parameter
ndedQci not required) group is configured.
Local cell ID CellExtend Network plan Ensure that this parameter has been set in
edQci.Local (negotiation a Cell MO based on the network plan.
CellId not required)

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Parameter Parameter Data Source Setting Notes
Name ID
Intrafreq CellExtend Network plan Set this parameter to the index of the
handover edQci.Intra (negotiation corresponding parameter group.
group ID FreqHoGro not required)

For details about the index of the intra-frequency parameter group and the corresponding thresholds,
see section 9.1.7 "Reconfiguration".

9.1.4 Deployment Requirements

Operating Environment
Coverage-based intra-frequency handovers have no requirements for operating environment.

Transmission Networking
Coverage-based intra-frequency handovers have no requirements for transmission networking.

Coverage-based intra-frequency handovers have no requirements for licenses.

9.1.5 Activation
Configuring a Single eNodeB Using the GUI
Configure a single eNodeB in the general configuration window on the Configuration Management
Express (CME) based on the MO and parameters as described in section 9.1.3 "Data Preparation."
See the M2000 Help for more information about operations in the general configuration window. Press
F1 to launch M2000 Help. Navigate to Introduction to the LTE General Configuration Window and refer
to the generic procedure for setting parameters using the CME graphical user interface (GUI).
To find MOs in the planned area, use either of the following methods:
 In the Object Group pane, find MOs in the navigation tree. This method applies to users who are
familiar with the navigation tree.
 In the Search pane, search an MO. This method applies to users who are unfamiliar with the
navigation tree.

Configuring eNodeBs in Batches

To configure eNodeBs in batches, perform the following steps:
Step 1 On the GUI, set the parameters listed in the table for a specific scenario in this section, and save
the parameter settings as a user-defined template.
The parameters are the same as those described in section 9.1.3 "Data Preparation."
Step 2 Fill in the summary data file with the name of the user-defined template.
The parameter settings in the user-defined template will be applied to the eNodeBs after you import
the summary data file into the CME.

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 9 Engineering Guidelines


For descriptions of the user-defined template and summary data file and also the detailed procedure for
configuring eNodeBs in batches, see eNodeB Initial Configuration Guide.
Table 9-1 Coverage-based Intra-Frequency Handover
MO Parameter Group Parameter
ENODEBALG ENodeBAlgoSwitch Handover Algo switch
EUTRANEXT EutranInterFreqNCell Mobile country code, Mobile network code, eNodeB identity,
ERNALCELL Cell identity, Downlink EARFCN, Uplink EARFCN indicator,
Uplink EARFCN, Physical cell identity, Tracking area code,
Cell name
EUTRANEXT EutranExternalCellPl Mobile country code, Mobile network code, eNodeB identity,
ERNALCELL mn Cell identity, Share mobile country code, Share mobile
PLMN network code
EUTRANINT EutranIntraFreqNCell Local cell identity, Mobile country code, Mobile network
RAFREQNCE code, eNodeB identity, Cell identity, Cell individual
LL offset(dB), Cell offset(dB), No handover indicator, No
remove indicator, ANR flag, Local cell name, Neighbour cell

Configuring a Single eNodeB Using MML Commands

Step 1 Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command to enable coverage-based intra-frequency
Step 2 Run the following commands to add neighbor relationships with intra-frequency E-UTRAN cells:

9.1.6 Activation Observation

The observation procedure is as follows:
Step 1 Trace messages over the Uu interface on the M2000 client after UEs access the network. Check
the measurement configuration of the serving cell in the RRC_CONN_RECFG message,
including the cell frequency, bandwidth, cell ID, PCI, and event A3 reporting.
Step 2 Trace messages over the Uu interface while the UE is moving towards an intra-frequency
neighboring cell. Check the target cell access information in the RRC_CONN_RECFG message.
This message is a handover command.

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9.1.7 Reconfiguration
Intra-Frequency Handover Parameters
Intra-frequency handover parameters are contained in the IntraFreqHoGroup MO. The following table
provides suggestions on how to reconfigure these parameters.

Paramete Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

r Name
Local cell IntraFreqHoGroup Network plan Ensure that this parameter has been set
ID .LocalCellId (negotiation in a Cell MO based on the network plan.
not required)
Intrafreq IntraFreqHoGroup Network plan This parameter specifies the ID of the
handover .IntraFreqHoGrou (negotiation parameter group related to
group ID pId not required) intra-frequency handovers.
If you want to set different
intra-frequency handover parameters
for services with a specific QCI, you
must create a parameter group, and
reference the parameter group ID to the
corresponding QCI. For detailed
configuration, see section
"Scenario-specific Data".
Intrafreq IntraFreqHoGroup Network plan This parameter specifies the hysteresis
handover .IntraFreqHoA3Hy (negotiation for intra-frequency handover event A3.
hysteresis st not required) A larger hysteresis value causes a
lower probability of triggering event A3,
affecting user experience. A smaller
hysteresis value causes a higher
probability of triggering event A3 but
also a higher probability of incorrect
handover decisions and ping-pong
It is recommended that the default value
be used. You can suitably decrease the
value in areas with slight signal

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9-8

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Paramete Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
r Name
Intrafreq IntraFreqHoGroup Network plan This parameter specifies the offset for
handover .IntraFreqHoA3Off (negotiation intra-frequency handover event A3.
offset set not required) A larger value causes a lower
probability of triggering event A3. A
smaller value causes a higher
It is recommended that you adjust the
parameter value based on the
application scenario. Increase the
parameter value if premature
intra-frequency handovers
occur. Decrease the parameter value if
delayed intra-frequency handovers
Intrafreq IntraFreqHoGroup Network plan This parameter specifies the
handover .IntraFreqHoA3Ti (negotiation time-to-trigger for intra-frequency
time to meToTrig not required) handover event A3.
trigger The time-to-trigger setting can reduce
the average number of handovers and
the number of incorrect handovers and
can also prevent unnecessary
handovers. The average number of
handovers has a negative
correlation with the time-to-trigger. At
the same time, an excessively large
time-to-trigger value results in a high
risk of call drops.
It is recommended that you adjust the
parameter value with
set based on the application scenario.
Increase the parameter value if
premature intra-frequency handovers
occur. Decrease the parameter value if
delayed intra-frequency handovers

Cell Individual Offset for Intra-Frequency Neighboring Cells

The following table provides the parameter that must be set in the EutranIntraFreqNCell MO to adjust
cell individual offset for the intra-frequency neighboring cells.

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9-9

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Parameter Parameter Data Source Setting Notes
Name ID
Cell EutranIntr Network plan This parameter affects the probability of
individual aFreqNCel (negotiation reporting intra-frequency measurement events.
offset l.CellIndivi not required) A larger parameter value indicates a higher
dualOffset probability.
If there are multiple target cells for the
intra-frequency handover and related handover
parameters need to be optimized, you can
decrease this parameter value for a
neighboring cell to reduce the possibility of the
handover to the neighboring cell, or you can
increase this parameter value for a neighboring
cell to raise the possibility of the handover to
the neighboring cell.

For detailed parameter configuration for intra-frequency neighboring cells, see the "Required Data" part
in 9.1.3 Data Preparation.

Intra-RAT Intra-Frequency Handover Parameters

Intra-RAT intra-frequency handover parameters are contained in the IntraRatHoComm MO. The
following table provides suggestions on how to reconfigure these parameters.

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

Max report IntraRatHoC Network plan This parameter specifies the maximum
cell number omm.IntraRa (negotiation not number of cells to be included in each
tHoMaxRprt required) intra-frequency or inter-frequency
Cell measurement report after the
corresponding event is triggered. Set this
parameter to a larger value if the eNodeB
requires more candidate cells to make a
handover decision. An excessively large
value, however, causes a waste of air
interface resources.
It is recommended that the default value
be used.
Measuremen IntraRatHoC Network plan This parameter specifies the number of
t report omm.IntraRa (negotiation not intra-frequency or inter-frequency
amount tHoRprtAmo required) periodical measurement reports to be
unt sent after the corresponding event is
triggered. Set this parameter to a larger
value if the eNodeB requires more
measurement reports to make a
handover decision. An excessively large
parameter value, however, causes
a waste of air interface resources.
It is recommended that the default value
be used.

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
A3 IntraRatHoC Network plan This parameter specifies the triggering
measuremen omm.IntraFr (negotiation not quantity for intra-frequency handover
t trig quantity eqHoA3Trig required) event A3. The parameter can be either
Quan RSRP or RSRQ. RSRQ-based
measurement results reflect signal quality
in real time, whereas RSRP-based
measurement results are stable with little
signal fluctuation. It is recommended that
the default value be used.
A3 IntraRatHoC Network plan This parameter specifies the reporting
measuremen omm.IntraFr (negotiation not quantity to be included in the
t report eqHoA3Rprt required) measurement reports after
quantity Quan intra-frequency handover event A3 is
triggered. The parameter can be either
the same as the triggering quantity for
this event A3 or both RSRP and RSRQ.
That is, the measurement results of the
serving cell and neighboring cells can be
RSRP-based, RSRQ-based, or both in
A3-related measurement reports.
It is recommended that the default value
be used.
Intrafreq IntraRatHoC Network plan This parameter specifies the interval
measuremen omm.IntraFr (negotiation not between the reports that are triggered by
t report eqHoRprtInt required) intra-frequency handover event A3.
interval erval A smaller value causes more
measurement reports and greater
consumption of air interface resources,
but a higher probability of triggering
handover. An excessively large
parameter value, however, causes a long
delay in retries and a low handover
success rate.
It is recommended that the default value
be used.

9.1.8 Deactivation
To deactivate coverage-based intra-frequency handover, disable its algorithm by running the MOD
ENODEBALGOSWITCH command and clear the IntraFreqCoverHoSwitch option under the
Handover Algo switch parameter.

9.1.9 Performance Monitoring

For details about how to monitor and evaluate load-based intra-frequency handovers, see MLB Feature
Parameter Description.

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9-11

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Coverage-based intra-frequency handovers ensure service continuity when users move around.
How well these handovers serve this purpose reflects their performance. After activating
coverage-based intra-frequency handover, check the following key performance indicators (KPIs) to
monitor and evaluate handover performance:
 KPIs indicating handover success rates, including the following:
− Inter-eNB Intra-frequency Handover In Success Rate
− Inter-eNB Intra-frequency Handover Out Success Rate
− Intra-eNB Intra-frequency Handover In Success Rate
− Intra-eNB Intra-frequency Handover Out Success Rate
 KPI indicating the call drop rate: Abnormal Release Rate
If the handover success rates have not noticeably fallen and the call drop rate has not noticeably risen
after coverage-based intra-frequency handover was activated, this type of handover has been delivering
good performance.

9.1.10 Parameter Optimization

The offset in event A3 for coverage-based intra-frequency handovers is specified by the
IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3Offset parameter. This parameter determines the A3-based
handover threshold and the probability of reporting event A3. Tune this parameter if the handover
threshold for the live network needs to be adjusted to achieve an optimal handover area size.
Note the following when tuning this parameter:
 A larger value for the IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3Offset parameter may increase the
probability of service drops. This is because a larger value makes it more difficult for event A3 to be
reported and therefore for a handover to be triggered. As a result, a UE may not be promptly handed
over to an intra-frequency neighboring cell even when the signal quality of the serving cell is not
adequate to ensure service quality.
 A smaller value for the IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3Offset parameter may also increase the
probability of handover failure. This is because a smaller value of this parameter makes it easier for
event A3 to be reported and therefore for a handover to be triggered. As a result, a UE may be handed
over to an intra-frequency neighboring cell when the signal quality of this cell is not yet adequate to
ensure service quality.
If many handover failures are caused due to handover delays, lower the handover threshold. If many
ping-pong handovers occur, increase the handover threshold. The
IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3Offset parameter can be adjusted for an eNodeB or the entire
network based on the network conditions.

The hysteresis in event A3 for coverage-based intra-frequency handovers is specified by the
IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3Hyst parameter. This parameter determines the strictness of the
conditions for entering or leaving event A3. Tune this parameter to minimize the probability of frequently
entering and leaving event A3.
 A larger value for the IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3Hyst parameter makes it more difficult to
meet the conditions for entering and leaving event A3. As a result, it is less probable for UEs to
frequently enter and leave event A3.

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 A smaller value for the IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3Hyst parameter makes it easier to meet
the conditions for entering and leaving event A3. As a result, it is more probable for UEs to frequently
enter and leave event A3.
If UEs frequently enter and leave event A3, raise the value for the
IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3Hyst parameter. This parameter and the
IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3Offset parameter determine the handover threshold. The
IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3Hyst parameter reduces the probability of ping-pong handovers
caused by measurement fluctuations. Generally, if the IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3Offset
parameter is set to a larger value, adjust the IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3Hyst parameter
accordingly to reduce the probability of abnormal handovers. If uplink resources are limited, the number
of times UEs report event A3 can be reduced to spare some radio resources. In this situation, the
IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3Hyst parameter can be set to a smaller value so that UEs can more
easily leave event A3.

The CIO for an intra-frequency neighboring cell is included in event A3 measurement reports, and it is
specified by the EutranInterFreqNCell.CellIndividualOffset parameter in the configuration data for this
neighbor relationship. This cell-level parameter varies according to the serving cell and its neighboring
cells. Each UE adds the CIO to the measurement results of the serving cell and neighboring cells. The
UE considers this sum when making handover decisions. This measure is equivalent to relocating cell
borders. EutranInterFreqNCell.CellIndividualOffset also determines the handover threshold. Tune
this parameter for handovers between a serving cell and its neighboring cells without affecting the
handover thresholds for other cells.
 Adding the CIO to the measurement result of the serving cell raises the probability of handovers from
the serving cell.
 Adding the CIO to the measurement result of a neighboring cell raises the probability of handovers to
this cell.
If signal quality fluctuates, tune the EutranInterFreqNCell.CellIndividualOffset parameter as follows:
 To increase the probability of handovers from a serving cell, decrease the value of this parameter.
 To increase the probability of handovers to a neighboring cell, increase the value of this parameter.
This measure improves handover performance and reduces the risk of call drops.

The IntraFreqHoGroup.IntraFreqHoA3TimeToTrig parameter specifies whether to allow UEs to
promptly report measurement results. If measurement reporting is always delayed, decrease the value
of this parameter to ensure prompt measurement reporting. If the RSRP fluctuates greatly and ping-pong
handovers occur as a result, increase the value of this parameter to reduce the impact of signal

9.1.11 Troubleshooting
Fault description
An eNodeB may not initiate a handover procedure upon receipt of an event A3 measurement report.

Fault handling
When this problem occurs, perform the following steps to determine whether it has occurred because the
target cell has not been configured as a neighboring cell:

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Step 1 Check the messages over the Uu interface and locate the PCI of the neighboring cell in the
measurement report.
Step 2 Run the LST EUTRANEXTERNALCELL command to list all external E-UTRAN cells of the
eNodeB, run the LST CELL command to list all local cells of the eNodeB, and check these lists
for the cell whose PCI equals the PCI found in the previous step.
 If this cell cannot be found, the target cell has not been configured as a neighboring cell. To solve this
problem, go to the next step.
 If this cell can be found, contact Huawei engineers.
Step 3 Find out the CGI of the cell whose PCI equals the PCI found in Step 1 in the command output in
Step 2.
add the CGI to EutranExternalCell and EutranIntraFreqNCell MOs, respectively.

9.2 Coverage-based Inter-frequency Handover

9.2.1 When to Use Coverage-based Inter-frequency Handover
Mobility management is fundamental to service continuity. Coverage-based inter-frequency handovers
are used by default. You are advised to keep this type of handover enabled.
If the live network does not require inter-frequency networking, you can disable coverage-based
inter-frequency handover.
Event A3, A4, or A5 can trigger coverage-based inter-frequency handovers. Event A3 is recommended
for handovers in the overlapping area of two cells, between cells with the same bandwidth, or between
cells within the same band. Event A4 or A5 is recommended for triggering coverage-based
inter-frequency handovers in other situations. If there are no special requirements for the serving cell
signal quality, you can choose not to use event A5.

9.2.2 Required Information

If blind handovers or redirections are required to implement inter-frequency handovers, collect the
information about the neighboring cells to which blind handovers or redirections will be allowed as well
as their blind-handover priorities.
The information to be collected before deploying coverage-based inter-frequency handover includes the
information to be collected before deploying coverage-based intra-frequency handover.
In addition to the information described in 9.1.2 "Required Information", collect the information about the
coverage at the inter-frequency handover area. This information serves as a basis for setting the
thresholds used to trigger events A1, A2, and A4.
The event A2 threshold for coverage-based inter-frequency handover and the event A2 threshold for
coverage-based inter-RAT handover can be separately set. If users expect coverage-based
inter-frequency handover to be triggered earlier than coverage-based inter-RAT handover, the event A2
threshold for coverage-based inter-frequency handover must be set to a value greater than the event A2
threshold for coverage-based inter-RAT handover.

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9.2.3 Data Preparation
This section describes the data that you need to collect for setting parameters. Required data is data that
you must collect for all scenarios. Collect scenario-specific data when necessary for a specific feature
deployment scenario.
There are three types of data sources:
 Network plan (negotiation required): parameter values planned by the operator and negotiated with
the EPC or peer transmission equipment
 Network plan (negotiation not required): parameter values planned and set by the operator
 User-defined: parameter values set by users.

Required Data
This section describes the data required for configuring neighbor relationships with inter-frequency
E-UTRAN cells.
The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the EutranInterNFreq MO to configure
a neighboring E-UTRAN frequency.

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

Local cell ID EutranInterNFreq.L Network plan Ensure that this parameter
ocalCellId (negotiation not has been set in a Cell MO.
Downlink EutranInterNFreq.D Network plan This parameter specifies
EARFCN lEarfcn (negotiation not the DL EARFCN of the cells
required) on the neighboring
E-UTRAN frequency.
This parameter references
the corresponding
parameter defined in the
Cell MO on the peer
Measuremen EutranInterNFreq.M Network plan This parameter references
t bandwidth easBandWidth (negotiation not the corresponding
required) parameter defined in the
Cell MO on the peer

(Optional, required only if an inter-frequency neighboring cell is under a different eNodeB from the local
cell) Collect the parameters in the EutranExternalCell MO used to configure an external E-UTRAN cell.
For details about the key parameters in this MO, see section 9.1.3 "Data Preparation".
(Optional, required only if the home eNodeB of the external E-UTRAN cell works in eRAN sharing with
common carrier mode and multiple operators share the same external E-UTRAN cell) Collect the
parameters in the EutranExternalCellPlmn MO used to configure an additional PLMN ID for an external
E-UTRAN cell. For details about the key parameters in this MO, see section 9.1.3 "Data Preparation".
The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the EutranInterFreqNCell MO to
configure the neighbor relationship with an inter-frequency E-UTRAN cell.

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Setting Notes
Name Source
Local cell ID EutranInterFre Network Ensure that this parameter has been set
qNCell.LocalC plan in a Cell MO.
ellId (negotiation
Mobile country EutranInterFre Network This parameter specifies the MCC of the
code qNCell.Mcc plan home eNodeB of the inter-frequency
(negotiation neighboring E-UTRAN cell. If this
required) neighboring E-UTRAN cell works in RAN
sharing mode, set this parameter to the
MCC of the primary operator.
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter defined in the
eNodeB MO on the peer eNodeB.
Mobile network EutranInterFre Network This parameter specifies the MNC of the
code qNCell.Mnc plan home eNodeB of the neighboring
(negotiation E-UTRAN cell. If this neighboring
required) E-UTRAN cell works in RAN sharing
mode, set this parameter to the MNC of
the primary operator.
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter defined in the
eNodeB MO on the peer eNodeB.
eNodeB ID EutranInterFre Network This parameter specifies the ID of the
qNCell.eNode plan home eNodeB of the neighboring
BId (negotiation E-UTRAN cell. It uniquely identifies the
required) eNodeB within the entire network.
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter defined in the
eNodeB MO on the peer eNodeB.
Cell ID EutranInterFre Network This parameter specifies the ID of the
qNCell.CellId plan neighboring E-UTRAN cell. It uniquely
(negotiation identifies a cell within an eNodeB.
required) This parameter references the
corresponding parameter defined in the
Cell MO on the peer eNodeB.

Scenario-specific Data
The following table describes the parameter that must be set in the ENodeBAlgoSwitch MO to
configure coverage-based inter-frequency handover.

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Parameter Name Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
Handover Algo ENodeBAlgoSwitch Network plan To enable
switch .HoAlgoSwitch (negotiation not coverage-based
required) inter-frequency
handover, select the
erHoSwitch) check
box under this

By default, the inter-frequency handover parameter group Group0 is used for services with all QCIs. To
apply different inter-frequency handover parameter groups to services based on the QCI, the
corresponding parameter group ID must be changed.
The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellStandardQci MO to configure
inter-frequency handover parameter groups for services with standard QCIs.

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

Local cell ID CellStandard Network plan Ensure that this parameter has been
Qci.LocalCellI (negotiation not set in a Cell MO based on the network
d required) plan.
QoS Class CellStandard Network plan This parameter specifies the standard
Indication Qci.Qci (negotiation not QCI for which the parameter group is
required) configured.
Interfreq CellStandard Network plan This parameter specifies the index of
handover Qci.InterFreq (negotiation not the inter-frequency handover
group ID HoGroupId required) parameter group.

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellExtendedQci MO to configure
inter-frequency handover parameter groups for services with extended QCIs.

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

Extended QCI CellExtendedQci. Network plan Set this parameter to the index of
ExtendedQci (negotiation not the extended QCI for which the
required) parameter group is configured.
Local cell ID CellExtendedQci. Network plan Ensure that this parameter has
LocalCellId (negotiation not been set in a Cell MO based on
required) the network plan.
Interfreq CellExtendedQci.I Network plan Set this parameter to the index of
handover nterFreqHoGroupI (negotiation not the corresponding parameter
group ID d required) group.

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For details about the inter-frequency handover parameter group ID and corresponding thresholds, see
section 9.2.7 "Reconfiguration".
The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the EutranInterFreqNCell MO to
configure blind handover priorities and measurement priorities for inter-frequency neighboring cells.

Paramete Parameter Data Source Setting Notes

r Name ID
Blind EutranInterF Network plan If this parameter value is set to 0, blind
handover reqNCell.Bli (negotiation handovers and frequency-priority-based
Priority ndHoPriorit not required) handovers cannot be performed. The values 1
y to 16 indicate blind-handover priorities. Multiple
neighboring cells can be configured with the
same blind-handover priority. If multiple
neighboring cells have the highest
blind-handover priority, the eNodeB randomly
selects one from them.
The values 17 to 32 indicate the priorities for
frequency-priority-based handovers. Set this
parameter (with a value ranging from 1 to 16)
only for those inter-frequency neighboring cells
that have overlapped coverage with the serving
cell. Set this parameter to a larger value for a
neighboring cell that has wider overlapped
coverage or a lower frequency.
Set this parameter to 0 for all inter-frequency
neighboring cells if no inter-frequency
neighboring cells have overlapped
coverage with the serving cell.

9.2.4 Deployment Requirements

Operating Environment

Transmission Networking


9.2.5 Activation
Configuring a Single eNodeB Using the GUI
Configure a single eNodeB in the general configuration window on the Configuration Management
Express (CME) based on the MO and parameters as described in section 9.2.3 "Data Preparation."
See the M2000 Help for more information about operations in the general configuration window. Press
F1 to launch M2000 Help. Navigate to Introduction to the LTE General Configuration Window and refer
to the generic procedure for setting parameters using the CME graphical user interface (GUI).

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To find MOs in the planned area, use either of the following methods:
 In the Object Group pane, find MOs in the navigation tree. This method applies to users who are
familiar with the navigation tree.
 In the Search pane, search an MO. This method applies to users who are unfamiliar with the
navigation tree.

Configuring eNodeBs in Batches

To configure eNodeBs in batches, perform the following steps:
Step 1 On the GUI, set the parameters listed in the table for a specific scenario in this section, and save
the parameter settings as a user-defined template.
The parameters are the same as those described in section 9.2.3 "Data Preparation."
Step 2 Fill in the summary data file with the name of the user-defined template.
The parameter settings in the user-defined template will be applied to the eNodeBs after you import
the summary data file into the CME.

For descriptions of the user-defined template and summary data file and also the detailed procedure for
configuring eNodeBs in batches, see eNodeB Initial Configuration Guide.
Table 9-2 Coverage-based Inter-Frequency Handover
MO Parameter Group Name Parameter
ENODEBALGOS ENodeBAlgoSwitch Handover Algo switch
EUTRANEXTER EutranInterFreqNCell Mobile country code, Mobile network code, eNodeB
NALCELL identity, Cell identity, Downlink EARFCN, Uplink
EARFCN indicator, Uplink EARFCN, Physical cell
identity, Tracking area code, Cell name
EUTRANEXTER EutranExternalCellPlmn Mobile country code, Mobile network code, eNodeB
NALCELLPLMN identity, Cell identity, Share mobile country code,
Share mobile network code
EUTRANINTER EutranInterNFreq Local cell identity, Downlink EARFCN, Uplink
NFREQ EARFCN configure indicator, Uplink EARFCN, Inter
frequency cell resel priority configure indicator, Inter
frequency cell resel priority, EUTRAN reselection
time(s), Speed dependent resel parameter
configuring indicator, Scaling factor of treseleutra in
medium mobility state, Scaling factor of treseleutra in
high mobility state, Measurement bandwidth(MHz),
Frequency offset(dB), Inter frequency high priority
threshold(2dB), Inter frequency lower priority
threshold(2dB), Minimum required RX level(2dBm),
PMAX configure indicator, PMAX(dBm), Neighbor
cell config, Presence antenna port1, Inter-Freq HO
trigger Event Type
EUTRANINTER EutranInterFreqNCell Local cell identity, Mobile country code, Mobile
network code, eNodeB identity, Cell identity, Cell

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MO Parameter Group Name Parameter
FREQNCELL individual offset(dB), Cell offset(dB), No handover
indicator, No remove indicator, Blind handover
Priority, ANR flag, Local cell name, Neighbour cell

Configuring a Single eNodeB Using MML Commands

Step 1 Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command to enable coverage-based inter-frequency
Step 2 Run the following commands to add neighbor relationships with inter-frequency E-UTRAN cells:

9.2.6 Activation Observation

This section uses A4-triggered inter-frequency handover as an example. The observation procedure is
as follows:
Step 1 Trace messages over the Uu interface on the M2000 client after UEs access the network. Check
the A1- and A2-related measurement report information in the RRC_CONN_RECFG message.
Step 2 Trace messages over the Uu interface while the UE is moving towards the cell edge. After the
eNodeB receives an A2-related measurement report from the UE, check the
RRC_CONN_RECFG message that contains the inter-frequency measurement configuration
and A4-related measurement report information.
Step 3 Trace messages over the Uu interface after the UE moves to the cell edge. Check the target cell
access information in the handover command after the eNodeB receives an A4-related
measurement report from the UE. The handover command is an RRC_CONN_RECFG

9.2.7 Reconfiguration
Inter-Frequency Handover Parameters
Inter-frequency handover parameters are contained in the InterFreqHoGroup MO. The following table
provides suggestions on how to reconfigure these parameters.

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

Local cell InterFreqHoG Network plan Ensure that this parameter has been set in
ID roup.LocalCe (negotiation not a Cell MO based on the network plan.
llId required)

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
Interfreq InterFreqHoG Network plan This parameter specifies the ID of the
handover roup.InterFre (negotiation not parameter group related to inter-frequency
group ID qHoGroupId required) handovers.
If you want to set different inter-frequency
handover parameters for services with a
specific QCI, you must create a parameter
group, and reference the parameter group
ID to the corresponding QCI. For detailed
configuration, see section
"Scenario-specific Data".
Interfreq InterFreqHoG Network plan This parameter specifies the hysteresis for
A1A2 roup.InterFre (negotiation not inter-frequency measurement events A1
hysteresis qHoA1A2Hys required) and A2.
t A larger value causes a lower probability
of triggering inter-frequency measurement
event A1 or A2. A smaller value causes a
higher probability.
It is recommended that the default value
be used.
Interfreq InterFreqHoG Network plan This parameter specifies the
A1A2 time roup.InterFre (negotiation not time-to-trigger for inter-frequency
to trigger qHoA1A2Tim required) measurement events A1 and A2.
eToTrig This time-to-trigger effectively reduces the
number of inter-frequency measurements
to be started, preventing unnecessary
inter-frequency measurement. The
average number of inter-frequency
measurements to be started has a
negative correlation with the
time-to-trigger. At the same time, an
excessively large time-to-trigger value
results in a high risk of call drops.
It is recommended that the default value
be used.
Interfreq A1 InterFreqHoG Network plan This parameter specifies the RSRP-based
RSRP roup.InterFre (negotiation not threshold for inter-frequency
threshold qHoA1ThdRs required) measurement event A1.
rp A larger value causes a lower probability
of triggering event A1. A smaller value
causes a higher probability.
The value of this parameter must be
greater than or equal to (usually 4 dB
greater than) the value of

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
Interfreq A1 InterFreqHoG Network plan This parameter specifies the RSRQ-based
RSRQ roup.InterFre (negotiation not threshold for inter-frequency
threshold qHoA1ThdRs required) measurement event A1.
rq A larger value causes a lower probability
of triggering event A1. A smaller value
causes a higher probability.
The value of this parameter must be
greater than or equal to (usually 2 dB
greater than) the value of
Interfreq A2 InterFreqHoG Network plan This parameter specifies the RSRP-based
RSRP roup.InterFre (negotiation not threshold for inter-frequency
threshold qHoA2ThdRs required) measurement event A2.
rp A larger value causes a lower probability
of triggering event A2. A smaller value
causes a higher probability.
Set this parameter based on the actual
conditions. Usually, set this parameter to
the RSRP in the area where the UE
throughput in the serving cell and that in
the neighboring cell are similar.
Interfreq A2 InterFreqHoG Network plan This parameter specifies the RSRQ-based
RSRQ roup.InterFre (negotiation not threshold for inter-frequency
threshold qHoA2ThdRs required) measurement event A2.
rq A larger value causes a lower probability
of triggering event A2. A smaller value
causes a higher probability.
Set this parameter based on the actual
conditions. Usually, set this parameter to
the RSRQ in the area where the UE
throughput in the serving cell and that in
the neighboring cell are similar.
Interfreq InterFreqHoG Network plan This parameter specifies the hysteresis for
handover roup.InterFre (negotiation not event A4.
hysteresis qHoA4Hyst required) A larger value causes a lower probability
of triggering event A4. A smaller value
causes a higher probability.
It is recommended that the default value
be used.

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
CoverageB InterFreqHoG Network plan This parameter specifies the RSRP
ased roup.InterFre (negotiation not threshold for event A4 in a
Interfreq qHoA4ThdRs required) coverage-based, UL-quality-based, or
RSRP rp distance-based handover, or in a
threshold SPID-based handover to the HPLMN.
A larger value causes a lower probability
of triggering event A4. A smaller value
causes a higher probability.
The value of this parameter must be
greater than the peer-end RSRP threshold
for inter-frequency measurement event A2
(set in the InterFreqHoGroup MO at the
peer eNodeB).
CoverageB InterFreqHoG Network plan This parameter specifies the RSRQ
ased roup.InterFre (negotiation not threshold for event A4 in a
Interfreq qHoA4ThdRs required) coverage-based, UL-quality-based, or
RSRQ rq distance-based handover, or in a
threshold SPID-based handover to the HPLMN.
A larger value causes a lower probability
of triggering event A4. A smaller value
causes a higher probability.
The value of this parameter must be
greater than or equal to the peer-end
RSRQ threshold for inter-frequency
measurement event A2 set at the peer
eNodeB (set in the InterFreqHoGroup
MO at the peer eNodeB).
Interfreq InterFreqHoG Network plan This parameter specifies the
HandOver roup.InterFre (negotiation not time-to-trigger for event A4.
Time to qHoA4TimeT required) A larger value causes a lower probability
Trigger oTrig of handover to inter-frequency
neighboring E-UTRAN cells and a smaller
average number of handovers, but a
higher risk of call drops. A smaller value
causes the opposite effect.
If both coverage-based inter-frequency
handovers and coverage-based inter-RAT
handovers are enabled, you are advised
to set the time-to-trigger for the
inter-frequency handover event to be
smaller than that for the inter-RAT
handover event. This helps increase the
possibility of inter-frequency handovers.

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
Interfreq A3 InterFreqHoG Network plan This parameter specifies the offset for
offset roup.InterFre (negotiation not event A3 associated with inter-frequency
qHoA3Offset required) handover. It determines the border
between the serving cell and the
neighboring cell. If the parameter is set to
a large value, an inter-frequency handover
is performed only when the signal quality
of the neighboring cell is significantly
better than that of the serving cell and
other triggering conditions are met.
It is recommended that you adjust the
parameter value based on the application
scenario. Increase the parameter value if
premature inter-frequency handovers
occur. Decrease the parameter value if
delayed inter-frequency handovers occur.
A3 based InterFreqHoG Network plan This parameter specifies the RSRP
interfreq A1 roup.A3Inter (negotiation not threshold for event A1 associated with
RSRP FreqHoA1Th required) event-A3-triggered inter-frequency
threshold dRsrp handover. A relatively large value results
in a low probability of stopping
inter-frequency measurements, whereas a
relatively small value results in a high
The value of this parameter must be
greater than or equal to (usually 4 dB
greater than) the value of
A3 based InterFreqHoG Network plan This parameter specifies the RSRP
Interfreq A2 roup.A3Inter (negotiation not threshold for event A2 associated with
RSRP FreqHoA2Th required) event-A3-triggered inter-frequency
threshold dRsrp handover. A relatively small value results
in a low probability of starting
inter-frequency measurements, whereas a
relatively large value results in a high
Set this parameter based on actual
conditions to ensure that
event-A3-triggered inter-frequency
handovers can occur timely.

Cell Individual Offset for Inter-Frequency Neighboring Cells

The following table provides the parameter that must be set in the EutranIntraFreqNCell MO to adjust
cell individual offset for the inter-frequency neighboring cells.

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
Cell EutranIntraFreq Network plan This parameter affects the probability
individual NCell.CellIndivid (negotiation not of reporting inter-frequency
offset ualOffset required) measurement events. A larger value
indicates a higher probability.
If there are multiple target cells for the
inter-frequency handover and related
handover parameters need to be
optimized, you can decrease this
parameter value for a neighboring cell
to reduce the possibility of the
handover to the neighboring cell, or
you can increase this parameter
value for a neighboring cell to raise
the possibility of the handover to the
neighboring cell.

For detailed parameter configuration for inter-frequency neighboring cells, see the "Required Data" part
in 9.2.3 Data Preparation.

Intra-RAT Inter-Frequency Handover Parameters

Intra-RAT handover parameters are contained in the IntraRatHoComm MO. The following table
provides suggestions on how to reconfigure these parameters.

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

Max report IntraRatHoCom Network plan This parameter specifies the
cell number m.IntraRatHoM (negotiation not maximum number of cells to be
axRprtCell required) included in each intra-frequency or
inter-frequency measurement report
after the corresponding event is
triggered. Set this parameter to a
larger value if the eNodeB requires
more candidate cells to make a
handover decision. An excessively
large parameter value, however,
causes a waste of air interface
It is recommended that the default
value be used.

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
Measuremen IntraRatHoCom Network plan This parameter specifies the number
t report m.IntraRatHoR (negotiation not of intra-frequency or inter-frequency
amount prtAmount required) measurement reports to be
periodically sent after the
corresponding event is triggered. Set
this parameter to a larger value if the
eNodeB requires more measurement
reports to make a handover decision.
An excessively large parameter
value, however, causes a waste of air
interface resources.
It is recommended that the default
value be used.
Measuremen IntraRatHoCom Network plan This parameter specifies the
t A4 report m.InterFreqHo (negotiation not reporting quantity to be included in
quantity A4RprtQuan required) the measurement reports after event
A4 is triggered. It can be either the
same as the triggering quantity for
inter-frequency measurement events
A1 and A2 or both RSRP and RSRQ.
That is, the measurement results can
be RSRP-based, RSRQ-based, or
both in A4-related measurement
It is recommended that the default
value be used if the traffic load of
LTE cells is not stable.
Interfreq IntraRatHoCom Network plan This parameter specifies the interval
measuremen m.InterFreqHo (negotiation not between every two reports that are
t report RprtInterval required) triggered by event A4. A smaller
interval value causes more measurement
reports and greater consumption of
air interface resources, but a higher
probability of triggering handover. An
excessively large value, however,
causes a long delay in retries and a
low handover success rate.
It is recommended that the default
value be used.

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
A1A2 IntraRatHoCom Network plan This parameter specifies the
Measuremen m.InterFreqHo (negotiation not triggering quantity for inter-frequency
t trig quantity A1A2TrigQuan required) measurement events A1 and A2. The
parameter can be either RSRP or
RSRQ. RSRQ-based measurement
results reflect signal quality in real
time, whereas RSRP-based
measurement results are stable.
It is recommended that the default
value be used if the traffic load of
LTE cells is not stable.

When event A3 is used to trigger coverage-based inter-frequency handovers, the reconfiguraiton of

other parameters is the same as those in coverage-based intra-frequency handovers. For details, see
9.1.7 Reconfiguration.

9.2.8 Deactivation
To deactivate coverage-based inter-frequency handover, disable its algorithm by running the MOD

9.2.9 Performance Monitoring

For details about how to monitor and evaluate load-based inter-frequency handovers, see MLB Feature
Parameter Description.
Inter-frequency handovers are intended to ensure service continuity when users move around. How well
these handovers serve this purpose reflects their performance. After activating coverage-based
inter-frequency handover, check the following counters to monitor and evaluate the handover
 KPIs indicating handover success rates, including the following:
− Intra-eNB Inter-frequency Handover Out Success Rate
− Intra-eNB Inter-frequency Handover In Success Rate
− Inter-eNB Inter-frequency Handover Out Success Rate
− Inter-eNB Inter-frequency Handover In Success Rate
− Blind Handover Out Success Rate
− Blind Handover In Success Rate
 KPI indicating the call drop rate: Abnormal Release Rate
If the handover success rates have not noticeably fallen and the call drop rate has not noticeably risen
after coverage-based inter-frequency handover was activated, this type of handover has been delivering
good performance.

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9.2.10 Parameter Optimization
Types of Events That Trigger Inter-Frequency Handovers
Inter-frequency handovers are triggered by event A3 or A4, depending on the value of the
Set this parameter based on the following two conditions in addition to bandwidth consideration:
 If a neighboring E-UTRAN frequency belongs to the same frequency band as the serving frequency,
set the EutranInterNFreq.InterFreqHoEventTypeparameter to EventA3 for this neighboring
E-UTRAN frequency. This setting improves the performance of inter-frequency handovers within the
same frequency band in terms of timeliness and interference-proneness.
 If a neighboring E-UTRAN frequency does not belong to the same frequency band as the serving
frequency, set the EutranInterNFreq.InterFreqHoEventTypeparameter to EventA4 for this
neighboring E-UTRAN frequency. This setting reduces the probability of inter-frequency handovers
between frequency bands.

RSRP and RSRQ Thresholds for Triggering Coverage-based Inter-Frequency

RSRP and RSRQ thresholds for coverage-based inter-frequency handovers are included in
inter-frequency handover parameters. To ensure that inter-frequency handovers are triggered as
expected, set all thresholds to appropriate values and, in particular, set the event A4 threshold for load-
and frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handovers to be higher than the event A4 threshold for
coverage-based inter-frequency handovers.
 If one of these thresholds is too high, it is difficult for event A4 to be triggered for inter-frequency
handovers, and therefore handovers may not be triggered in time. Delayed coverage-based
inter-frequency handovers affect user experience. For load-based inter-frequency handovers, this
delays transferring the load to neighboring cells. Delayed frequency-priority-based inter-frequency
handovers affect service distribution among cells working at the 900 MHz and 2600 MHz frequencies.
 If one of these thresholds is too low, event A4 is too easily triggered and ping-ping handovers occur as
a result. For coverage-based inter-frequency handovers, this makes it probable for CCUs to be
handed over. For load- and frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handovers, if event A4 is too
easily triggered, the handover success rates are lowered. In either case, user experience is affected.
In an LTE system, RSRQ may not reflect the actual coverage. Unless required, RSRQ is not used for
handover decisions. If the IntraRatHoComm.InterFreqHoA1A2TrigQuan parameter is set to RSRP,
set the IntraRatHoComm.InterFreqHoA4RprtQuan parameter to the same value.
If both event A2 and event A4 thresholds are used for inter-frequency handovers, both are set to
absolute values based on the actual coverage. The RSRP and RSRQ quantities in the overlapping area
of two cells must be taken into consideration. With these quantities, the event A2 and event A4
thresholds can be adjusted to prevent delayed or premature handovers. If RSRQ is not used, the RSRQ
quantity is not required. The event A2 threshold can be less than the measured values, and the event A4
threshold can be greater than the measured values, but the event A2 threshold must be less than the
event A4 threshold. This prevents the eNodeB from delivering GAP-assisted measurement
configurations immediately after a UE is handed over to a neighboring cell and also prevents ping-pong
Assume that cell A and cell B are inter-frequency neighboring cells and the RSRP of the overlapping
area is –95 dBm, as shown in the following figure.

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Figure 9-1 Overlapping area

In this situation, set the event A2 threshold to –96 dBm and the event A4 threshold to –94 dBm, and set
hysteresis for event A2 and that for event A4 to 4, which means 2 dB. With this configuration, a UE can
be smoothly handed over between cell A and cell B. During the handover, the RSRP difference between
the two cells is 4 dB, which means a ping-pong handover will not occur. If the signal fluctuates greatly in
the handover area, increase the difference between the event A2 threshold and the event A4 threshold.
However, if the difference is too large, handovers may not be performed in time.

In inter-frequency handovers, the hysteresis for events A1 and A2 is specified by the
InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA1A2Hystparameter and that for event A4 by the
InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA4Hystparameter. These parameters are QCI-specific and are used in
decisions for events A1, A2, and A4, effectively reducing frequent event reporting caused by radio signal
fluctuations. The default values for these parameters are recommended.
 A greater hysteresis makes it more difficult for events to be reported, and therefore handovers may not
be triggered in time. This affects user experience.
 A smaller hysteresis makes it easier for events to be reported. This may result in incorrect handover
decisions and ping-pong handovers.

The CIO for an inter-frequency neighboring cell is included in event A4 measurement reports, and it is
specified by the EutranInterFreqNCell.CellIndividualOffsetparameter in the configuration data for this
neighbor relationship. This cell-level parameter varies according to the neighboring cells. Each UE adds
the CIO to the measurement results of neighboring cells. The UE considers this sum when making
decisions for handovers. This measure is equivalent to relocating cell borders.
 A larger value for this parameter makes it easier for the UE to be handed over to an inter-frequency
neighboring cell.
 A smaller value for this parameter makes it more difficult for the UE to be handed over to an
inter-frequency neighboring cell.

Blind Handover Priority

The blind handover priority of a neighboring cell is specified by the
Note the following when tuning this parameter:
 If this parameter is set to 0 for a neighboring cell, this cell cannot be selected as the target cell in a
blind handover. If this parameter is set to 1 to 32 for a neighboring cell, this cell can be selected as the
target cell in a blind handover. Multiple neighboring cells can be configured with the same
blind-handover priority. If multiple neighboring cells have the highest blind-handover priority, the
eNodeB randomly selects one from them.

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 If this parameter is set to a value ranging from 1 to 16 for a neighboring cell, this cell can be selected
as the target cell in a coverage-based blind handover from a cell that covers the same area or a
smaller area. A larger value for this parameter gives a higher priority to a neighboring cell as the target
cell in a coverage-based blind handover.
 If this parameter is set to a value ranging from 17 to 32 for a neighboring cell, this cell can be selected
as the target cell in a frequency-priority-based blind handover from a cell that covers a larger area. A
larger value for this parameter gives a higher priority to a neighboring cell as the target cell in a
frequency-based blind handover. The blind handover priority of an inter-frequency neighboring cell
must be set to a value in the range from 17 to 32 for frequency-priority-based inter-frequency
 After a blind handover is triggered, the eNodeB attempts to hand over the UE to the cell with the
highest blind handover priority. A cell with a probably higher blind handover success rate should be
assigned a higher blind handover priority.
Figure 9-2 shows an example of blind handover prioritizing. If cell A needs to be configured as a
neighboring cell to accept blind handovers from cell B, set EutranInterFreqNCell.BlindHoPriority to 16
for cell A. If cell B needs to be configured as a neighboring cell to accept frequency-priority-based
handovers from cell A, set EutranInterFreqNCell.BlindHoPriority to 32 for cell B.
Figure 9-2 An example of blind handover prioritizing

9.2.11 Troubleshooting
Fault description:
An event A4 measurement report may not be submitted when a UE moving toward the cell edge
experiences a call drop.

Fault handling
Perform the following steps to determine whether the handover parameters are set correctly:
Step 1 Check the messages over the S1 interface and locate the IE Cause in the
 If the value of this IE is radioNetwork:radio-connection-with-ue-lost, go to Step 2.
 If the value of this IE is not radioNetwork:radio-connection-with-ue-lost, the handover parameters are
set correctly. Contact Huawei engineers.

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Step 2 Check the messages over the Uu interface for A4 measurement reports in RRC_MEAS_RPRT
messages prior to RRC_CONN_REL messages.
 If such reports cannot be found, you can further confirm inappropriate settings of handover parameters
as the cause of this problem. Go to Step 3.
 If such reports can be found, contact Huawei engineers.
Step 3 Run the MOD INTERFREQHOGROUP command to reconfigure the following parameters:
 InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp
 InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrq
 InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA4Hyst
 InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA4ThdRsrp
 InterFreqHoGroup.InterFreqHoA4ThdRsrq

9.3 Frequency-Priority-based Inter-Frequency Handover

9.3.1 When to Use Frequency-Priority-based Inter-Frequency
Frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handover applies to the following scenario:
Some eNodeB sites use a high frequency band (for example, 2600 MHz) and a low band (for example,
900 MHz) as co-coverage bands. The high band has a wider bandwidth but cannot provide continuous
coverage, whereas the low band has a narrower bandwidth but can provide continuous coverage. A 20
MHz bandwidth in the high band is preferentially used to provide services, and a 5 MHz bandwidth in the
low band is used to ensure continuous coverage.
In this scenario, frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handover can be used to hand over UEs from
the low to high band.
Note that frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handovers are performed to transfer UEs only from
the low band to the high band. If a UE needs to be handed over from the high band to the low band, a
coverage-based inter-frequency handover can be performed.

9.3.2 Required Information

To prevent failures in frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handovers, verify that blind handover is
disabled and the high and low bands have the same coverage under the same eNodeB.
Collect information about the coverage of the high and low bands. This information serves as a basis for
setting the thresholds used to trigger events A1, A2, and A4.
If blind handover is used in frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handover scenarios, collect
information about the neighboring cells to configure them with blind handover priorities in the range of 17
to 32.

9.3.3 Data Preparation

This section describes the data that you need to collect for setting parameters. Required data is data that
you must collect for all scenarios. Collect scenario-specific data when necessary for a specific feature
deployment scenario.

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There are three types of data sources:
 Network plan (negotiation required): parameter values planned by the operator and negotiated with
the EPC or peer transmission equipment
 Network plan (negotiation not required): parameter values planned and set by the operator
 User-defined: parameter values set by users.

Required Data
For details about the required data, see 9.2.3 Data Preparation.

Scenario-specific Data
Frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handover can be enabled only after coverage-based
inter-frequency handover is enabled. This section describes the required parameters except those for
coverage-based inter-frequency handover. For details on the required parameters for coverage-based
inter-frequency handover, see the "Scenario-specific Data" part in 9.2.3 Data Preparation.
The following table describes the parameter that must be set in the CellAlgoSwitch MO to configure
frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handover.

Parameter Parameter Data Setting Notes

Name ID Source
FreqPriorityHo CellAlgoS Network To enable frequency-priority-based
Switch witch.Fre plan inter-frequency handover in scenarios where
qPriorityH (negotiation the high and low bands have the same
oSwitch not coverage under the same eNodeB and the low
required) band has a smaller bandwidth, select the
) check box. For details such scenarios, see
5.1.3 Frequency-Priority-based Handover. You
are advised not to select this check box for
other scenarios.
To enable frequency-priority-based blind
handover, select the
dHOSwitch) check box.

The following table describes the parameter that must be set in the EutranInterFreqNCell MO to
configure the blind handover priorities for inter-frequency neighboring cells.

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Paramete Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
r Name
Blind EutranInterFr Network plan If this parameter value is set to 0, blind
handover eqNCell.Blin (negotiation not handovers and frequency-priority-based
Priority dHoPriority required) handovers cannot be performed. The
values 1 to 16 indicate blind-handover
priorities. Multiple neighboring cells can be
configured with the same blind-handover
priority. If multiple neighboring cells have
the highest blind-handover priority, the
eNodeB randomly selects one from them.
The values 17 to 32 indicate the priorities
for frequency-priority-based handovers.
Set this parameter to a value ranging from
1 to 16 only for those inter-frequency
neighboring cells that have overlapped
coverage with the serving cell. Set this
parameter to a larger value for a
neighboring cell that has wider overlapped
coverage or a lower frequency. Set this
parameter to 0 for all inter-frequency
neighboring cells if no inter-frequency
neighboring cells have overlapped
coverage with the serving cell.

9.3.4 Deployment Requirements

Operating Environment

Transmission Networking


9.3.5 Activation
Configuring a Single eNodeB Using the GUI
Configure a single eNodeB in the general configuration window on the Configuration Management
Express (CME) based on the MO and parameters as described in section 9.3.3 "Data Preparation."
See the M2000 Help for more information about operations in the general configuration window. Press
F1 to launch M2000 Help. Navigate to Introduction to the LTE General Configuration Window and refer
to the generic procedure for setting parameters using the CME graphical user interface (GUI).
To find MOs in the planned area, use either of the following methods:
 In the Object Group pane, find MOs in the navigation tree. This method applies to users who are
familiar with the navigation tree.

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 In the Search pane, search an MO. This method applies to users who are unfamiliar with the
navigation tree.

Configuring eNodeBs in Batches

To configure eNodeBs in batches, perform the following steps:
Step 1 On the GUI, set the parameters listed in the table for a specific scenario in this section, and save
the parameter settings as a user-defined template.
The parameters are the same as those described in section 9.3.3 "Data Preparation."
Step 2 Fill in the summary data file with the name of the user-defined template.
The parameter settings in the user-defined template will be applied to the eNodeBs after you import
the summary data file into the CME.

For descriptions of the user-defined template and summary data file and also the detailed procedure for
configuring eNodeBs in batches, see eNodeB Initial Configuration Guide.
Table 9-3 Frequency-Priority-based Inter-Frequency Handover
MO Parameter Group Name Parameter
CELLALGOSWIT CellAlgoSwitch Based on Frequency Priority HO Switch
EUTRANINTERN EutranInterNFreq Local cell identity, Downlink EARFCN, Uplink
FREQ EARFCN configure indicator, Uplink EARFCN, Inter
frequency cell resel priority configure indicator, Inter
frequency cell resel priority, EUTRAN reselection
time(s), Speed dependent resel parameter
configuring indicator, Scaling factor of treseleutra in
medium mobility state, Scaling factor of treseleutra
in high mobility state, Measurement
bandwidth(MHz), Frequency offset(dB), Inter
frequency high priority threshold(2dB), Inter
frequency lower priority threshold(2dB), Minimum
required RX level(2dBm), PMAX configure
indicator, PMAX(dBm), Neighbor cell config,
Presence antenna port1, Inter-Freq HO trigger
Event Type
EUTRANINTERF EutranInterFreqNCell Local cell identity, Mobile country code, Mobile
REQNCELL network code, eNodeB identity, Cell identity, Cell
individual offset(dB), Cell offset(dB), No handover
indicator, No remove indicator, Blind handover
Priority, ANR flag, Local cell name, Neighbour cell

Configuring a Single eNodeB Using MML Commands

Step 1 Run the MOD CELLALGOSWITCH command to enable frequency-priority-based
inter-frequency handover.

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Step 2 Run the following commands to add neighbor relationships with inter-frequency E-UTRAN cells:

9.3.6 Activation Observation

The observation procedure is as follows:
Step 1 Trace messages over the Uu interface on the M2000 client after UEs access the network at the
center of a 900 MHz cell.
Step 2 Check the measurement configuration in the RRC_CONN_RECFG message for a
frequency-priority-based handover.
After receiving a measurement report for event A1 from the UE, the eNodeB sends a measurement
configuration for event A4 to start the gap-assisted inter-frequency measurement.
Step 3 Trace messages over the Uu interface on the M2000 client. After receiving a measurement
report for event A4 from the UE, the eNodeB sends an RRC_CONN_RECFG message to the UE
for a frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handover. The RRC_CONN_RECFG message
contains the access information of the target cell.

9.3.7 Reconfiguration
The reconfiguration of parameters that are not involved in this section is the same as the reconfiguration
of parameters for coverage-based inter-frequency handovers. For details, see 9.2.7 Reconfiguration.

Inter-Frequency Handover Parameters

Inter-frequency handover parameters are contained in the InterFreqHoGroup MO. The following table
provides suggestions on how to reconfigure these parameters.

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

Local cell InterFreqHoGr Network plan Ensure that this parameter has been set
ID oup.LocalCellI (negotiation not in a Cell MO based on the network plan.
d required)

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
Load Based InterFreqHoGr Network plan This parameter specifies the RSRP
Interfreq oup.InterFreq (negotiation not threshold for event A4 in a load-based,
RSRP LoadBasedHo required) frequency-priority-based, and
threshold A4ThdRsrp service-based inter-frequency handover.
A larger value causes a lower probability
of triggering event A4. A smaller value
causes a higher probability.
The value of this parameter must be
greater than the peer-end RSRP
threshold for inter-frequency
measurement event A2 (set in the
InterFreqHoGroup MO at the peer
Load Based InterFreqHoGr Network plan This parameter specifies the
Interfrq oup.InterFreq (negotiation not RSRQ-based event A4 threshold for
RSRQ LoadBasedHo required) load-based, frequency-priority-based,
threshold A4ThdRsrq and service-based inter-frequency
handover. A larger value causes a lower
probability of triggering event A4. A
smaller value causes a higher probability.
The value of this parameter must be
greater than the peer-end RSRQ
threshold for inter-frequency
measurement event A2 (set in the
InterFreqHoGroup MO at the peer
Freq InterFreqHoGr Network plan This parameter specifies the
Priority oup.FreqPriInt (negotiation not RSRP-based event A1 threshold for
Based erFreqHoA1T required) frequency-priority-based inter-frequency
Interfreq A1 hdRsrp handover. A larger value causes a lower
RSRP probability of triggering event A1. A
threshold smaller value causes a higher probability.
Set this parameter based on the actual
conditions. You are advised to set this
parameter to the sum of the following
1. Peer-end RSRP threshold for
inter-frequency measurement event A2
(set in the InterFreqHoGroup MO at the
peer eNodeB)
2. RSRP difference between frequency
3. Compensation (6 dB is recommended)

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
Freq InterFreqHoGr Network plan This parameter specifies the
Priority oup.FreqPriInt (negotiation not RSRQ-based event A1 threshold for
Based erFreqHoA1T required) frequency-priority-based inter-frequency
Interfreq A1 hdRsrq handover. A larger value causes a lower
RSRQ probability of triggering event A1. A
threshold smaller value causes a higher probability.
Set this parameter based on the actual
conditions. You are advised to set this
parameter to the sum of the following
1. Peer-end RSRQ threshold for
inter-frequency measurement event A2
(set in the InterFreqHoGroup MO at the
peer eNodeB)
2. RSRQ difference between frequency
3. Compensation (3 dB is recommended)
Freq InterFreqHoGr Network plan This parameter specifies the
Priority oup.FreqPriInt (negotiation not RSRP-based event A2 threshold for
Based erFreqHoA2T required) frequency-priority-based inter-frequency
Interfreq A2 hdRsrp handover. It is used in determining when
RSRP to exit the gap-assisted measurement
threshold triggered by frequency-priority-based
inter-frequency handover.
The value of this parameter must be less
than or equal to (usually 4 dB less than)
the value of
Freq InterFreqHoGr Network plan This parameter specifies the
Priority oup.FreqPriInt (negotiation not RSRQ-based event A2 threshold for
Based erFreqHoA2T required) frequency-priority-based inter-frequency
Interfreq A2 hdRsrq handover. It is used in determining when
RSRQ to exit the gap-assisted measurement
threshold triggered by frequency-priority-based
inter-frequency handover.
The value of this parameter must be less
than or equal to (usually 2 dB less than)
the value of

Intra-RAT Handover Parameters

Intra-RAT handover parameters are contained in the IntraRatHoComm MO. The following table
provides suggestions on how to reconfigure these parameters.

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Parameter Parameter Data Source Setting Notes
Name ID
A1 IntraRatHo Network plan This parameter specifies the triggering
Measureme Comm.Freq (negotiation quantity for frequency-priority-based
nt trigger PriInterFre not required) inter-frequency measurement events A1 and
quantity of qHoA1Trig A2. The quantity can be either RSRP or
Freq Quan RSRQ. The measured RSRP values are
Priority stable, slightly varying with the load, and
therefore there is little signal fluctuation. The
measured RSRQ values vary with the load
and are likely to reflect the signal quality of
the cell in real time.
It is recommended that the default value be
used if the traffic load of LTE cells is not
FreqPrior IntraRatHo Network plan This parameter specifies the event A4
loadBased Comm.Inter (negotiation triggering quantity for inter-frequency
A4 FreqHoA4T not required) handovers other than coverage-based
Measureme rigQuan handovers. The quantity can be either RSRP
nt trigger or RSRQ, or both. The measured RSRP
quantity values are stable, slightly varying with the
load, and therefore there is little signal
fluctuation. The measured RSRQ values
vary with the load and are likely to reflect the
signal quality of the cell in real time.
It is recommended that the default value be
used if the traffic load of LTE cells is not

9.3.8 Deactivation
To deactivate frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handover, disable its algorithm by running the

9.3.9 Performance Monitoring

For details about how to monitor, see 9.2.9 Performance Monitoring.

9.3.10 Parameter Optimization

For details about parameter optimization, see 9.2.10 Parameter Optimization.

9.3.11 Troubleshooting
Fault description
An eNodeB may not initiate a handover procedure upon receipt of an event A1 measurement report.

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Fault handling
Perform the following steps to determine whether the blind handover priorities for neighboring cells are
Step 1 Run the LST EUTRANINTERFREQNCELL command to list the inter-frequency neighboring
cells. Check the list for cells whose blind handover priorities range from 17 to 32.
 If such cells cannot be found, go to Step 2.
 If such cells can be found, contact Huawei engineers.
Step 2 Run the MOD EUTRANINTERFREQNCELL command to change the blind handover priorities of
neighboring cells for frequency-priority-based blind handovers to a value in the range from 17 to

9.4 Distance-based Inter-frequency Handover

9.4.1 When to Use Distance-based Inter-frequency Handover
If high bands and low bands are used to cover separate areas that border each other, RF signals from a
high-band cell may be able to travel a long distance (for example, three times the inter-site spacing) and
cause severe cross-cell coverage to low-band cells. If the low-band cells are not configured as
neighboring cells of the high-band cell, inter-frequency measurements cannot be triggered in time and
call drops will occur. To reduce the probability of such call drops, you can enable distance-based
inter-frequency handover.

9.4.2 Required Information

Before deploying distance-based inter-frequency handover, collect information about the normal
inter-site spacing and the distance that the RF signals of the cell exerting cross-cell coverage can travel
to properly set the TA threshold.

9.4.3 Data Preparation

This section describes the data that you need to collect for setting parameters. Required data is data that
you must collect for all scenarios. Collect scenario-specific data when necessary for a specific feature
deployment scenario.
There are three types of data sources:
 Network plan (negotiation required): parameter values planned by the operator and negotiated with
the EPC or peer transmission equipment
 Network plan (negotiation not required): parameter values planned and set by the operator
 User-defined: parameter values set by users.

Required Data
For details about the required data, see 9.2.3 Data Preparation.

Scenario-specific Data
Distance-based inter-frequency handover can be enabled only after coverage-based inter-frequency
handover is enabled. This section describes the required parameters except those for coverage-based

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inter-frequency handover. For details on the required parameters for coverage-based inter-frequency
handover, see the "Scenario-specific Data" part in 9.2.3 Data Preparation.
To enable distance-based inter-frequency handovers, the corresponding switch must be turned on and
the measurement object type must be set to EUTRAN.
The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellAlgoSwitch MO to enable
distance-based inter-frequency handovers.

Parameter Parameter ID Data Setting Notes

Name Source
Local cell ID CellAlgoSwitch.Loc Network Ensure that this parameter has
alCellId plan been set in a Cell MO.
not required)
Distance-based CellAlgoSwitch.Dist Network This parameter specifies whether
Handover BasedHoSwitch plan to enable distance-based
Switch (negotiation handovers. If this switch is turned
not required) on, distance-based handovers
are allowed.If this switch is
turned off, distance-based
handovers to any cells are

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the DistBasedHo MO to set the
measurement object type.

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

Local cell ID DistBasedHO.L Network plan Ensure that this parameter has
ocalCellId (negotiation not been set in a Cell MO.
Distance-based DistBasedHO.Di Network plan This parameter specifies the
Measurement stBasedMeasO (negotiation not measurement object type for
Object Type bjType required) distance-based handovers.
If this parameter is set to
EUTRAN, distanced-based
handovers to inter-frequency
neighboring cells are allowed.

9.4.4 Deployment Requirements

Operating Environment

Transmission Networking

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9.4.5 Activation
Configuring a Single eNodeB Using the GUI
Configure a single eNodeB in the general configuration window on the Configuration Management
Express (CME) based on the MO and parameters as described in section 9.4.3 "Data Preparation."
See the M2000 Help for more information about operations in the general configuration window. Press
F1 to launch M2000 Help. Navigate to Introduction to the LTE General Configuration Window and refer
to the generic procedure for setting parameters using the CME graphical user interface (GUI).
To find MOs in the planned area, use either of the following methods:
 In the Object Group pane, find MOs in the navigation tree. This method applies to users who are
familiar with the navigation tree.
 In the Search pane, search an MO. This method applies to users who are unfamiliar with the
navigation tree.

Configuring eNodeBs in Batches

To configure eNodeBs in batches, perform the following steps:
Step 1 On the GUI, set the parameters listed in the table for a specific scenario in this section, and save
the parameter settings as a user-defined template.
The parameters are the same as those described in section 9.4.3 "Data Preparation."
Step 2 Fill in the summary data file with the name of the user-defined template.
The parameter settings in the user-defined template will be applied to the eNodeBs after you import
the summary data file into the CME.

For descriptions of the user-defined template and summary data file and also the detailed procedure for
configuring eNodeBs in batches, see eNodeB Initial Configuration Guide.
Table 9-4 Distance-based Inter-Frequency Handover
MO Parameter Group Name Parameter
CELLALGOSWIT CellAlgoSwitch Distance-based Handover Switch
DISTBASEDHO DistBaseDHO Local cell identity, Distance-based Measurement
Object Type, Distance-based Handover Threshold
EUTRANEXTERN EutranInterFreqNCell Mobile country code, Mobile network code, eNodeB
ALCELL identity, Cell identity, Downlink EARFCN, Uplink
EARFCN indicator, Uplink EARFCN, Physical cell
identity, Tracking area code, Cell name
EUTRANEXTERN EutranExternalCellPlmn Mobile country code, Mobile network code, eNodeB
ALCELLPLMN identity, Cell identity, Share mobile country code,
Share mobile network code

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MO Parameter Group Name Parameter
EUTRANINTERN EutranInterNFreq Local cell identity, Downlink EARFCN, Uplink
FREQ EARFCN configure indicator, Uplink EARFCN, Inter
frequency cell resel priority configure indicator, Inter
frequency cell resel priority, EUTRAN reselection
time(s), Speed dependent resel parameter
configuring indicator, Scaling factor of treseleutra in
medium mobility state, Scaling factor of treseleutra
in high mobility state, Measurement
bandwidth(MHz), Frequency offset(dB), Inter
frequency high priority threshold(2dB), Inter
frequency lower priority threshold(2dB), Minimum
required RX level(2dBm), PMAX configure
indicator, PMAX(dBm), Neighbor cell config,
Presence antenna port1, Inter-Freq HO trigger
Event Type
EUTRANINTERF EutranInterFreqNCell Local cell identity, Mobile country code, Mobile
REQNCELL network code, eNodeB identity, Cell identity, Cell
individual offset(dB), Cell offset(dB), No handover
indicator, No remove indicator, Blind handover
Priority, ANR flag, Local cell name, Neighbour cell

Configuring a Single eNodeB Using MML Commands

Step 1 Run the MOD CELLALGOSWITCH command to enable distance-based inter-frequency
Step 2 Run the MOD DISTBASEDHO command to enable the measurement for distance-based
handover to E-UTRAN and configure the threshold for starting the measurement.
Step 3 Run the following commands to add neighbor relationships with inter-frequency E-UTRAN cells:

9.4.6 Activation Observation

The observation procedure is as follows:
Step 1 Trace messages over the Uu interface on the M2000 client after a UE accesses the network at
the center of a cell in the 2600 MHz band. Move the UE toward the cell edge. During the
movement, inter-frequency measurements are not triggered for a coverage-based handover due
to cross-cell coverage, but the threshold for distance-based inter-frequency handover is reached.
Check the measurement configuration in the RRC_CONN_RECFG message for a
distance-based handover.

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Step 2 Trace messages over the Uu interface on the M2000 client again. Check the target cell access
information in the RRC_CONN_RECFG message. This message is the handover command sent
from the eNodeB after the eNodeB receives an A4-related inter-frequency measurement report
from the UE for a distance-based handover.

9.4.7 Reconfiguration
The reconfiguration of parameters that are not involved in this section is the same as the reconfiguration
of parameters for coverage-based inter-frequency handovers. For details, see 9.2.7 Reconfiguration.

Distance-Based Handover Threshold

Distance-based handover threshold is contained in the DistBasedHO MO. The following table provides
suggestions on how to reconfigure this parameter.

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

Distance-ba DistBasedHO.D Network plan This parameter specifies the threshold
sed istBasedHOThd (negotiation not for distance-based handovers.
Handover required) It is recommended that you set this
Threshold parameter based on the planned
distance between sites.

Inter-Frequency Handover Parameters

Inter-frequency handover parameters are contained in the InterFreqHoGroup MO. The following table
provides suggestions on how to reconfigure these parameters.

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

Local cell ID InterFreqHoGr Network plan Ensure that this parameter has been set
oup.LocalCellI (negotiation in a Cell MO based on the network plan.
d not required)
CoverageBa InterFreqHoGr Network plan This parameter specifies the RSRP
sed Interfreq oup.InterFreqH (negotiation threshold for event A4 in a
RSRP oA4ThdRsrp not required) coverage-based, UL-quality-based, or
threshold distance-based handover, or in a
SPID-based handover to the HPLMN. A
larger value causes a lower probability of
triggering event A4. A smaller value
causes a higher probability.
The value of this parameter must be
greater than the peer-end RSRP
threshold for inter-frequency
measurement event A2 set at the peer
eNodeB (set in the InterFreqHoGroup
MO at the peer eNodeB).

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9-43

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
CoverageBa InterFreqHoGr Network plan This parameter specifies the RSRQ
sed Interfrq oup.InterFreqH (negotiation threshold for event A4 in a
RSRQ oA4ThdRsrq not required) coverage-based, UL-quality-based, or
threshold distance-based handover, or in a
SPID-based handover to the HPLMN. A
larger value causes a lower probability of
triggering event A4. A smaller value
causes a higher probability.
The value of this parameter must be
greater than or equal to the peer-end
RSRQ threshold for inter-frequency
measurement event A2 set at the peer
eNodeB (set in the InterFreqHoGroup
MO at the peer eNodeB).
Interfreq InterFreqHoGr Network plan This parameter specifies the
HandOver oup.InterFreqH (negotiation time-to-trigger for event A4. A larger value
Time to oA4TimeToTrig not required) causes a lower probability of handover to
Trigger inter-frequency neighboring E-UTRAN
cells and a smaller average number of
handovers, but a higher risk of call drops.
A smaller value causes the opposite
If both distance-based inter-frequency
handovers and distance-based inter-RAT
handovers are enabled, you are advised
to set the time-to-trigger for the
inter-frequency handover event to be
smaller than that for the inter-RAT
handover event. This helps increase the
possibility of inter-frequency handovers.

Intra-RAT Inter-Frequency Handover Parameters

The intra-RAT handover parameter is contained in the IntraRatHoComm MO. The following table
provides suggestions on how to reconfigure this parameter.

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
FreqPrior IntraRatHoCo Network plan This parameter specifies the event A4
loadBased mm.InterFreq (negotiation triggering quantity for inter-frequency
A4 HoA4TrigQuan not required) handovers other than coverage-based
Measuremen inter-frequency handovers. The quantity
t trigger can be either RSRP or RSRQ, or both.
quantity The measured RSRP values are stable,
slightly varying with the load, and
therefore there is little signal fluctuation.
The measured RSRQ values vary with
the load and are likely to reflect the
signal quality of the cell in real time.
It is recommended that the default value
be used if the traffic load of LTE cells is
not stable.

9.4.8 Deactivation
To deactivate distance-based inter-frequency handover, disable its algorithm by running the

9.4.9 Performance Monitoring

For details about how to monitor, see 9.2.9 Performance Monitoring.

9.4.10 Parameter Optimization

For details about parameter optimization, see 9.2.10 Parameter Optimization.

9.4.11 Troubleshooting

9.5 Service-based Inter-frequency Handover

9.5.1 When to Use Service-based Inter-frequency Handover
You can enable service-based inter-frequency handover if service differentiation is required by assigning
services of different priorities to different frequencies. For example, services with a QCI of 1 can be
assigned to a narrow-bandwidth frequency and services with other QCIs be assigned to
other wide-bandwidth frequencies. Note that service-based inter-frequency handover can be enabled on
multiple E-UTRAN frequencies, but their QCI-based policy configurations must be the same.

9.5.2 Required Information

Before deploying distance-based inter-frequency handover, collect information about the normal
inter-site spacing and the distance that the RF signals of the cell exerting cross-cell coverage can travel
to properly set the TA threshold.

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9.5.3 Data Preparation
This section describes the data that you need to collect for setting parameters. Required data is data that
you must collect for all scenarios. Collect scenario-specific data when necessary for a specific feature
deployment scenario.
There are three types of data sources:
 Network plan (negotiation required): parameter values planned by the operator and negotiated with
the EPC or peer transmission equipment
 Network plan (negotiation not required): parameter values planned and set by the operator
 User-defined: parameter values set by users.

Required Data
For details about the required data, see 9.2.3 Data Preparation.

Scenario-specific Data
Service-based inter-frequency handover can be enabled only after coverage-based inter-frequency
handover is enabled. This section describes the required parameters except those for coverage-based
inter-frequency handover. For details on the required parameters for coverage-based inter-frequency
handover, see the "Scenario-specific Data" part in 9.2.3 Data Preparation.
The following table describes the parameter that must be set in the ENodeBAlgoSwitch MO to
configure service-based inter-frequency handover.

Parame Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

Handov ENodeBAlgoSw Network plan To enable service-based inter-frequency
er Algo itch.HoAlgoSwi (negotiation not handover, select the
switch tch required) ServiceBasedInterFreqHoSwitch(Servic
eBasedInterFreqHoSwitch) check box
under this parameter.

The following table describes the parameter that must be set in the ServiceIfHoCfgGroup MO to
configure a service-based inter-frequency handover policy.

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

CN Operator ServiceIfHoCfgGro Network plan This parameter specifies the index
ID up.CnOperatorId (negotiation of the operator. Ensure that this
not required) parameter has been set in a
CnOperator MO.
Service-base ServiceIfHoCfgGro Network plan This parameter specifies the ID of
d inter-Freq up.ServiceIfHoCfg (negotiation the service-based inter-frequency
handover GroupId not required) handover policy group.
policy group This parameter can be referenced
ID by services with a specific QCI.

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
Inter-Freq ServiceIfHoCfgGro Network plan This parameter specifies whether to
handover up.InterFreqHoStat (negotiation allow service-based inter-frequency
state e not required) handovers to a specific frequency.
Downlink ServiceIfHoCfgGro Network plan This parameter specifies the
EARFCN up.DlEarfcn (negotiation frequency to which services with a
not required) specific QCI are preferentially
handed over.
Ensure that this parameter has been
set in an EutranInterNFreq MO.

The following tables describe the parameter that must be set to configure inter-frequency handover
policy groups for services with standard or extended QCIs.
The following tables describe the parameter that must be set in the CnOperatorStandardQci MO to
configure inter-frequency handover policy groups for services with standard QCIs.

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

CN Operator CnOperatorStan Network plan This parameter specifies the index
ID dardQci.CnOper (negotiation not of the operator. Ensure that this
atorId required) parameter has been set in a
CnOperator MO.
QoS Class CnOperatorStan Network plan This parameter specifies the index
Indication dardQci.Qci (negotiation not of the standard QCI for which the
required) parameter group is configured.
Service-base CnOperatorStan Network plan This parameter specifies the ID of
d inter-Freq dardQci.ServiceI (negotiation not the service-based inter-frequency
handover fHoCfgGroupId required) handover policy group.
policy group Set this parameter to an ID that is
ID configured in .

The following tables describe the parameter that must be set in the CnOperatorExtendedQci MO to
configure inter-frequency handover policy groups for services with extended QCIs.

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

CN Operator CnOperatorExte Network plan This parameter specifies the index
ID ndedQci.CnOper (negotiation not of the operator. Ensure that this
atorId required) parameter has been set in a
CnOperator MO.
CN Operator CnOperatorExte Network plan This parameter specifies the index
extended ndedQci.Extend (negotiation not of the extended QCI for which the
QCI edQci required) parameter group is configured.

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
Service-base CnOperatorExte Network plan This parameter specifies the ID of
d inter-Freq ndedQci.ServiceI (negotiation not the service-based inter-frequency
handover fHoCfgGroupId required) handover policy group.
policy group Set this parameter to an ID that is
ID configured in .

9.5.4 Deployment Requirements

Operating Environment

Transmission Networking


9.5.5 Activation
Configuring a Single eNodeB Using the GUI
Configure a single eNodeB in the general configuration window on the Configuration Management
Express (CME) based on the MO and parameters as described in section 9.5.3 "Data Preparation."
See the M2000 Help for more information about operations in the general configuration window. Press
F1 to launch M2000 Help. Navigate to Introduction to the LTE General Configuration Window and refer
to the generic procedure for setting parameters using the CME graphical user interface (GUI).
To find MOs in the planned area, use either of the following methods:
 In the Object Group pane, find MOs in the navigation tree. This method applies to users who are
familiar with the navigation tree.
 In the Search pane, search an MO. This method applies to users who are unfamiliar with the
navigation tree.

Configuring eNodeBs in Batches

To configure eNodeBs in batches, perform the following steps:
Step 1 On the GUI, set the parameters listed in the table for a specific scenario in this section, and save
the parameter settings as a user-defined template.
The parameters are the same as those described in section 9.5.3 "Data Preparation."
Step 2 Fill in the summary data file with the name of the user-defined template.
The parameter settings in the user-defined template will be applied to the eNodeBs after you import
the summary data file into the CME.

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For descriptions of the user-defined template and summary data file and also the detailed procedure for
configuring eNodeBs in batches, see eNodeB Initial Configuration Guide.
Table 9-5 Service-based Inter-Frequency Handover
MO Parameter Group Name Parameter
ENODEBALGOS ENodeBAlgoSwitch Handover Algo switch
SERVICEIFHOCF ServiceIfHoCfgGroup CN Operator ID, Service-based inter-Freq
GGROUP handover policy group ID, Inter-Freq handover
state, Downlink EARFCN
EUTRANEXTERN EutranInterFreqNCell Mobile country code, Mobile network code, eNodeB
ALCELL identity, Cell identity, Downlink EARFCN, Uplink
EARFCN indicator, Uplink EARFCN, Physical cell
identity, Tracking area code, Cell name
EUTRANEXTERN EutranExternalCellPlmn Mobile country code, Mobile network code, eNodeB
ALCELLPLMN identity, Cell identity, Share mobile country code,
Share mobile network code
EUTRANINTERN EutranInterNFreq Local cell identity, Downlink EARFCN, Uplink
FREQ EARFCN configure indicator, Uplink EARFCN, Inter
frequency cell resel priority configure indicator, Inter
frequency cell resel priority, EUTRAN reselection
time(s), Speed dependent resel parameter
configuring indicator, Scaling factor of treseleutra in
medium mobility state, Scaling factor of treseleutra
in high mobility state, Measurement
bandwidth(MHz), Frequency offset(dB), Inter
frequency high priority threshold(2dB), Inter
frequency lower priority threshold(2dB), Minimum
required RX level(2dBm), PMAX configure
indicator, PMAX(dBm), Neighbor cell config,
Presence antenna port1, Inter-Freq HO trigger
Event Type
EUTRANINTERF EutranInterFreqNCell Local cell identity, Mobile country code, Mobile
REQNCELL network code, eNodeB identity, Cell identity, Cell
individual offset(dB), Cell offset(dB), No handover
indicator, No remove indicator, Blind handover
Priority, ANR flag, Local cell name, Neighbour cell

Configuring a Single eNodeB Using MML Commands

Step 1 Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command to enable service-based inter-frequency
Step 2 Run the ADD SERVICEIFHOCFGGROUP command to configure a service-based
inter-frequency handover policy group.
Step 3 Run the following commands to add neighbor relationships with inter-frequency E-UTRAN cells:

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9.5.6 Activation Observation

The observation procedure is as follows:
Step 1 Trace messages over the S1 interface after a UE accesses the network at the center of a cell in
the 2600 MHz band and sets up a handover-enabled dedicated bearer with a QCI of 2. Check for
the dedicated-bearer configuration in the S1AP_ERAB_SETUP_REQ message.
Step 2 Trace messages over the Uu interface on the M2000 client. Check the RRC_CONN_RECFG
message that contains the A4-related inter-frequency measurement configuration for
service-based handover.
Step 3 Trace messages over the Uu interface on the M2000 client again. Check the target cell access
information in the RRC_CONN_RECFG message. This message is the handover command sent
from the eNodeB after the eNodeB receives an A4-related inter-frequency measurement report
from the UE for a service-based handover.

9.5.7 Reconfiguration
The reconfiguration of parameters that are not involved in this section is the same as the reconfiguration
of parameters for coverage-based inter-frequency handovers. For details, see 9.2.7 Reconfiguration.

Inter-Frequency Handover Parameters

Inter-frequency handover parameters are contained in the InterFreqHoGroup MO. The following table
provides suggestions on how to reconfigure these parameters.

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

Local cell ID InterFreqHoGr Network plan Ensure that this parameter has been
oup.LocalCellI (negotiation not set in a Cell MO based on the network
d required) plan.

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
Load Based InterFreqHoGr Network plan This parameter specifies the
Interfreq oup.InterFreqL (negotiation not RSRP-based event A4 threshold for
RSRP oadBasedHoA4 required) load-based, frequency-priority-based,
threshold ThdRsrp and service-based inter-frequency
handover. A larger value causes a
lower probability of triggering event
A4. A smaller value causes a higher
The value of this parameter must be
greater than the peer-end RSRP
threshold for inter-frequency
measurement event A2 (set in the
InterFreqHoGroup MO at the peer
Load Based InterFreqHoGr Network plan This parameter specifies the
Interfrq oup.InterFreqL (negotiation not RSRQ-based event A4 threshold for
RSRQ oadBasedHoA4 required) load-based, frequency-priority-based,
threshold ThdRsrq and service-based inter-frequency
handover. A larger value causes a
lower probability of triggering event
A4. A smaller value causes a higher
The value of this parameter must be
greater than or equal to the peer-end
RSRQ threshold for inter-frequency
measurement event A2 (set in the
InterFreqHoGroup MO at the peer

Intra-RAT Inter-Frequency Handover Parameters

Intra-RAT handover parameters are contained in the IntraRatHoComm MO. The following table
provides suggestions on how to reconfigure these parameters.

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
FreqPrior IntraRatHoCo Network plan This parameter specifies the event A4
loadBased mm.InterFreq (negotiation not triggering quantity for inter-frequency
A4 HoA4TrigQua required) handovers other than coverage-based
Measuremen n inter-frequency handovers. The
t trigger quantity can be either RSRP or
quantity RSRQ, or both. The measured RSRP
values are stable, slightly varying the
load, and therefore there is little signal
fluctuation. The measured RSRQ
values vary with the load and are likely
to reflect the signal quality of the cell
in real time.
It is recommended that the default
value be used if the traffic load of LTE
cells is not stable.

9.5.8 Deactivation
To deactivate service-based inter-frequency handover, disable its algorithm by running the MOD

9.5.9 Performance Monitoring

For details about how to monitor, see 9.2.9 Performance Monitoring.

9.5.10 Parameter Optimization

For details about parameter optimization, see 9.2.10 Parameter Optimization.

9.5.11 Troubleshooting

9.6 UL-Quality-based Inter-Frequency Handover

9.6.1 When to Use UL-Quality-based Inter-Frequency Handover
Coverage-based inter-frequency handovers are triggered based on DL signal quality. However, there
may be a huge imbalance between the DL and UL signal quality: The UL signal quality may be relatively
poor while the DL signal quality is fairly satisfactory. If this occurs, inter-frequency handovers cannot be
promptly triggered. To handle this problem, you can enable UL-quality-based inter-frequency handover.

9.6.2 Required Information

Before deploying UL-quality-based inter-frequency handover, collect the causes of the imbalance
between the UL and DL signal quality as well as the possible magnitudes of the imbalance. In addition,
you need to collect the requirements of the local network plan for the UL data rate at the cell edge.

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9.6.3 Data Preparation
This section describes the data that you need to collect for setting parameters. Required data is data that
you must collect for all scenarios. Collect scenario-specific data when necessary for a specific feature
deployment scenario.
There are three types of data sources:
 Network plan (negotiation required): parameter values planned by the operator and negotiated with
the EPC or peer transmission equipment
 Network plan (negotiation not required): parameter values planned and set by the operator
 User-defined: parameter values set by users.

Required Data
For details about the required data, see 9.2.3 Data Preparation.

Scenario-specific Data
UL-quality-based inter-frequency handover can be enabled only after coverage-based inter-frequency
handover is enabled. This section describes the required parameters except those for coverage-based
inter-frequency handover. For details on the required parameters for coverage-based inter-frequency
handover, see the "Scenario-specific Data" part in 9.2.3 Data Preparation.
The following table describes the parameter that must be set in the ENodeBAlgoSwitch MO to
configure UL-quality-based inter-frequency handover.

Paramet Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

er Name
Handov ENodeBAlgo Network plan To enable UL-quality-based
er Algo Switch.HoAl (negotiation not inter-frequency handover, select the
switch goSwitch required) UlQualityInterFreqHoSwitch(UlQuality
InterFreqHoSwitch) check box under
this parameter.

9.6.4 Deployment Requirements

Operating Environment

Transmission Networking


9.6.5 Activation
Configuring a Single eNodeB Using the GUI
Configure a single eNodeB in the general configuration window on the Configuration Management
Express (CME) based on the MO and parameters as described in section 9.6.3 "Data Preparation."

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See the M2000 Help for more information about operations in the general configuration window. Press
F1 to launch M2000 Help. Navigate to Introduction to the LTE General Configuration Window and refer
to the generic procedure for setting parameters using the CME graphical user interface (GUI).
To find MOs in the planned area, use either of the following methods:
 In the Object Group pane, find MOs in the navigation tree. This method applies to users who are
familiar with the navigation tree.
 In the Search pane, search an MO. This method applies to users who are unfamiliar with the
navigation tree.

Configuring eNodeBs in Batches

To configure eNodeBs in batches, perform the following steps:
Step 1 On the GUI, set the parameters listed in the table for a specific scenario in this section, and save
the parameter settings as a user-defined template.
The parameters are the same as those described in section 9.6.3 "Data Preparation."
Step 2 Fill in the summary data file with the name of the user-defined template.
The parameter settings in the user-defined template will be applied to the eNodeBs after you import
the summary data file into the CME.

For descriptions of the user-defined template and summary data file and also the detailed procedure for
configuring eNodeBs in batches, see eNodeB Initial Configuration Guide.
Table 9-6 UL-Quality-based Inter-Frequency Handover
MO Parameter Group Parameter
ENODEBALGO ENodeBAlgoSwitch Handover Algo switch
EUTRANEXTER EutranInterFreqNCell Mobile country code, Mobile network code, eNodeB
NALCELL identity, Cell identity, Downlink EARFCN, Uplink EARFCN
indicator, Uplink EARFCN, Physical cell identity, Tracking
area code, Cell name
EUTRANEXTER EutranExternalCellPl Mobile country code, Mobile network code, eNodeB
NALCELLPLMN mn identity, Cell identity, Share mobile country code, Share
mobile network code

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MO Parameter Group Parameter
EUTRANINTER EutranInterNFreq Local cell identity, Downlink EARFCN, Uplink EARFCN
NFREQ configure indicator, Uplink EARFCN, Inter frequency cell
resel priority configure indicator, Inter frequency cell resel
priority, EUTRAN reselection time(s), Speed dependent
resel parameter configuring indicator, Scaling factor of
treseleutra in medium mobility state, Scaling factor of
treseleutra in high mobility state, Measurement
bandwidth(MHz), Frequency offset(dB), Inter frequency
high priority threshold(2dB), Inter frequency lower priority
threshold(2dB), Minimum required RX level(2dBm),
PMAX configure indicator, PMAX(dBm), Neighbor cell
config, Presence antenna port1, Inter-Freq HO trigger
Event Type
EUTRANINTER EutranInterFreqNCell Local cell identity, Mobile country code, Mobile network
FREQNCELL code, eNodeB identity, Cell identity, Cell individual
offset(dB), Cell offset(dB), No handover indicator, No
remove indicator, Blind handover Priority, ANR flag, Local
cell name, Neighbour cell name

Configuring a Single eNodeB Using MML Commands

Step 1 Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command to enable UL-quality-based inter-frequency
Step 2 Run the following commands to add neighbor relationships with inter-frequency E-UTRAN cells:

9.6.6 Activation Observation

The observation procedure is as follows:
Step 1 Use a UE to access the network at the cell center in the 2600 MHz band. Then, move the UE
from the cell center to the cell edge. During this process, the uplink quality of the UE becomes poor
because the measurement of event A2 for triggering event-triggered coverage-based is not supported in
the local cell.
Step 2 Observe the user-level measurement result on the M2000.
 When the user uplink IBLER is greater than 30%, which is the threshold for an UL-quality-based
inter-frequency handover, observe the messages traced over the Uu interface. The
RRC_CONN_RECFG message from the eNodeB contains measurement control information for the
UL-quality-based inter-frequency handover.
 When the user uplink IBLER is greater than 40%, which is the threshold for UL-quality-based
inter-frequency redirection, observe the messages traced over the Uu interface. The

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RRC_CONN_REL message from the eNodeB contains information about the target frequency for
Step 3 Observe messages traced over the Uu interface.
 In the case of a handover, the UE receives an RRC_CONN_RECFG message that contains target cell
 In the case of redirection, the UE receives an RRC_CONN_REL message that contains target
frequency information.

9.6.7 Reconfiguration
The reconfiguration of parameters that are not involved in this section is the same as the reconfiguration
of parameters for coverage-based inter-frequency handovers. For details, see 9.2.7 Reconfiguration.

Inter-Frequency Handover Parameters

Inter-frequency handover parameters are contained in the InterFreqHoGroup MO. The following table
provides suggestions on how to reconfigure these parameters.

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

Local cell ID InterFreqHoGro Network plan Ensure that this parameter has been
up.LocalCellId (negotiation set in a Cell MO based on the network
not required) plan.
CoverageBas InterFreqHoGro Network plan This parameter specifies the RSRP
ed Interfreq up.InterFreqHo (negotiation threshold for event A4 in a
RSRP A4ThdRsrp not required) coverage-based, UL-quality-based, or
threshold distance-based handover, or in a
SPID-based handover to the HPLMN.
A larger value causes a lower
probability of triggering event A4. A
smaller value causes a higher
The value of this parameter must be
greater than the peer-end RSRP
threshold for inter-frequency
measurement event A2 (set in the
InterFreqHoGroup MO at the peer

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
CoverageBas InterFreqHoGro Network plan This parameter specifies the RSRQ
ed Interfrq up.InterFreqHo (negotiation threshold for event A4 in a
RSRQ A4ThdRsrq not required) coverage-based, UL-quality-based, or
threshold distance-based handover, or in a
SPID-based handover to the HPLMN.
A larger value causes a lower
probability of triggering event A4. A
smaller value causes a higher
The value of this parameter must be
greater than or equal to the peer-end
RSRQ threshold for inter-frequency
measurement event A2 (set in the
InterFreqHoGroup MO at the peer
Interfreq InterFreqHoGro Network plan This parameter specifies the
HandOver up.InterFreqHo (negotiation time-to-trigger for event A4. A larger
Time to A4TimeToTrig not required) value causes a lower probability of
Trigger handover to inter-frequency
neighboring E-UTRAN cells and a
smaller average number of
handovers, but a higher risk of call
drops. A smaller value causes the
opposite effect.
If both UL-quality-based
inter-frequency handovers and
UL-quality-based inter-RAT
handovers are enabled, you are
advised to set the time-to-trigger for
the inter-frequency handover event to
be smaller than that for the inter-RAT
handover event, increasing the
possibility of inter-frequency

Intra-RAT Inter-Frequency Handover Parameters

The intra-RAT handover parameter is contained in the IntraRatHoComm MO. The following table
provides suggestions on how to reconfigure this parameter.

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Parameter Parameter Data Source Setting Notes
Name ID
FreqPrior IntraRatHo Network plan This parameter specifies the event
loadBased Comm.Inter (negotiation not A4 triggering quantity for
A4 FreqHoA4T required) inter-frequency handovers other than
Measureme rigQuan coverage-based inter-frequency
nt trigger handovers. The quantity can be
quantity either RSRP or RSRQ, or both. The
measured RSRP values are stable,
slightly varying with the load, and
therefore there is little signal
fluctuation. The measured RSRQ
values vary with the load and are
likely to reflect the signal quality of
the cell in real time.
It is recommended that the default
value be used if the traffic load of
LTE cells is not stable.

9.6.8 Deactivation
To deactivate UL-quality-based inter-frequency handover, disable its algorithm by running the MOD

9.6.9 Performance Monitoring

For details about how to monitor, see 9.2.9 Performance Monitoring.

9.6.10 Parameter Optimization

For details about parameter optimization, see 9.2.10 Parameter Optimization.

9.6.11 Troubleshooting
Table 9-7 shows the alarms related to the feature.
Table 9-7 Alarm list
Alarm ID Alarm Name NE Feature ID Feature Name
29219 Inter-Frequency eNodeB LBFD-00201802 Coverage Based
Outgoing Cell LBFD-00201804 Inter-frequency
Handover Handover
Success Rate Distance Based
Too Low Inter-frequency

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9.7 Coverage-based Inter-RAT Handover
9.7.1 When to Use Coverage-based Inter-RAT Handover
Mobility management is fundamental to service continuity. If the E-UTRAN cannot cover the entire
network and therefore requires other inter-RAT networks to supplement coverage, you are advised to
enable coverage-based inter-RAT handover.
Coverage-based inter-RAT handover is the basis for other types of inter-RAT handover. Before enabling
another type of inter-RAT handover, you need to enable coverage-based inter-RAT handover.
Event B1 or event B2 triggers coverage-based inter-RAT handovers. If there are no special requirements
for the serving cell signal quality, event B2 may not be used.

9.7.2 Required Information

All types of inter-RAT handovers have special network and UE requirements. The networks include the
LTE network (consisting of the E-UTRAN and EPC) and the target network (consisting of the radio
access network and core network). Before enabling an inter-RAT handover policy, you need to
check whether the networks support inter-RAT operations and whether the UE supports inter-RAT
measurements and handovers.
 If the devices in the networks do not support inter-RAT operations, disable the inter-RAT PS handover
 If the devices in the networks do not support SRVCC to inter-RAT systems, disable the inter-RAT
SRVCC policies.
 If the devices in the networks do not support CCO to GERAN, disable the CCO/NACC policies to
 If blind handovers are used to implement inter-RAT handovers, you need to collect the information
about the neighboring cells to which blind handovers will be allowed as well as their blind-handover
priorities ranging from 1 to 32. These priorities have a positive correlation with the values. Note that
the value 0 indicates that blind handovers to this neighboring cell are prohibited.
 If an operator requires flash redirection or NACC, ensure that the equipment on the core network and
RAN supports RIM. If the equipment does not support RIM, flash redirection cannot be used.
The information to be collected before deploying coverage-based inter-RAT handover includes the
information to be collected before deploying coverage-based inter-frequency handover.
Verify that the inter-RAT networks provide continuous coverage in inter-RAT networking scenarios where
eNodeBs often share sites with base stations of other RATs. Because the LTE network often provides
higher data rates and has a lower threshold for inter-RAT measurement event A2, it is recommended
that parameters are set to enable LTE networks to be preferentially used for carrying services.
Both events B1 and B2 can be configured for UEs to perform inter-RAT measurements. Before you
deploy coverage-based inter-RAT handover, collect information about the event type configured for
inter-RAT measurements. When event B2 is configured, the UE uses event B2 in inter-RAT
measurements. If event B1 is configured, the UE uses either event B1 or event B2 in inter-RAT
measurements based on whether the UE supports event B1. If the UE supports event B1, event B1 is
used; if the UE does not support event B1, event B2 is used.

9.7.3 Data Preparation

This section describes the data that you need to collect for setting parameters. Required data is data that
you must collect for all scenarios. Collect scenario-specific data when necessary for a specific feature
deployment scenario.

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There are three types of data sources:
 Network plan (negotiation required): parameter values planned by the operator and negotiated with
the EPC or peer transmission equipment
 Network plan (negotiation not required): parameter values planned and set by the operator
 User-defined: parameter values set by users.

Required Data
This section describes the data required for configuring neighbor relationships with UTRAN and GERAN

During coverage-based inter-RAT handovers, the eNodeB can perform a blind handover when there is no neighboring
cells.To enable this function, you can configure only UTRAN neighboring frequencies, GERAN neighboring frequency
groups, or GERAN BCCH neighboring frequencies.
To enable other inter-RAT handover features, you must configure required data described in this section.

Collecting Data for Neighboring UTRAN Cells

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the UtranNFreq MO to configure a
neighboring UTRAN frequency.

Parameter Parameter Data Source Setting Notes

Name ID
Local cell ID UtranNFre Network plan Ensure that this parameter has been set in
q.LocalCel (negotiation not a Cell MO.
lId required)
Downlink UtranNFre Network plan This parameter specifies the DL UARFCN
UARFCN q.UtranDlA (negotiation not of the cells on the neighboring UTRAN
rfcn required) frequency. Set this parameter based on the
neighboring relationship configuration.

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the UtranExternalCell MO to configure
an external UTRAN cell.

Parameter Parameter Data Source Setting Notes

Name ID
Mobile UtranExter Network plan This parameter specifies the MCC of the
country code nalCell.Mc (negotiation home NodeB of the external UTRAN cell. If
c required) this external cell works in RAN sharing
mode, set this parameter to the MCC of the
primary operator.
Mobile UtranExter Network plan This parameter specifies the MNC of the
network nalCell.Mn (negotiation home NodeB of the external UTRAN cell. If
code c required) this external cell works in RAN sharing
mode, set this parameter to the MNC of the
primary operator.

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Parameter Parameter Data Source Setting Notes
Name ID
UTRAN cell UtranExter Network plan This parameter specifies the ID of the
ID nalCell.Utr (negotiation external UTRAN cell. It uniquely identifies a
anCellId required) UTRAN cell within a NodeB.
If the peer NodeB is provided by Huawei,
this parameter must have the same value
as the corresponding parameter in the
ULOCELL MO of the Huawei NodeB.
Downlink UtranExter Network plan This parameter specifies the DL ARFCN of
UARFCN nalCell.Utr (negotiation the external UTRAN cell.
anDlArfcn required) If the peer NodeB is provided by Huawei,
this parameter must have the same value
as the corresponding parameter in the
RNC ID UtranExter Network plan This parameter specifies the home RNC ID
nalCell.Rn (negotiation of the external UTRAN cell.
cId required) If the peer NodeB is provided by Huawei,
this parameter must have the same value
as the corresponding parameter in the
URNCBASIC MO of the Huawei NodeB.
Routing area UtranExter Network plan This parameter specifies whether to set the
code nalCell.Ra (negotiation routing area code (RAC) for the external
configure cCfgInd required) UTRAN cell. This parameter must be set to
indicator CFG(Configure) if the external UTRAN cell
supports PS services.
If the peer NodeB is provided by Huawei,
this parameter must have the same value
as the corresponding parameter in the
Routing area UtranExter Network plan This parameter specifies the RAC of the
code nalCell.Ra (negotiation external UTRAN cell. If RacCfgInd is set to
c required) CFG(Configure), this parameter must be
If the peer NodeB is provided by Huawei,
this parameter must have the same value
as the corresponding parameter in the
Primary UtranExter Network plan This parameter specifies the DL primary
scrambling nalCell.PS (negotiation scrambling code of the external UTRAN
code crambCod required) cell.
e If the peer NodeB is provided by Huawei,
this parameter must have the same value
as the corresponding parameter in the
URNCBASIC MO of the Huawei NodeB.

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Parameter Parameter Data Source Setting Notes
Name ID
Location UtranExter Network plan This parameter specifies the location area
area code nalCell.Lac (negotiation code (LAC) of the external UTRAN cell.
required) If the peer NodeB is provided by Huawei,
this parameter must have the same value
as the corresponding parameter in the
ULAC MO of the Huawei NodeB.

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the UtranExternalCellPlmn MO to
configure an additional PLMN ID (representing a secondary operator) for an external UTRAN cell. This
MO is required only if the home NodeB of the external UTRAN cell works in RAN sharing with common
carrier mode and multiple operators share the same external UTRAN cell.

Parameter Parameter Data Setting Notes

Name ID Source
UTRAN cell UtranExtern Network This parameter specifies the ID of the external
ID alCellPlmn.U plan UTRAN cell. It uniquely identifies a UTRAN
tranCellId (negotiation cell within a NodeB.
required) If the peer NodeB is provided by Huawei, this
parameter must have the same value as the
corresponding parameter in the ULOCELL
MO of the Huawei NodeB.
Mobile UtranExtern Network This parameter specifies the MCC of the
country alCellPlmn. plan home RNC of the external UTRAN cell. If this
code Mcc (negotiation external cell works in RAN sharing mode, set
required) this parameter to the MCC of the primary
If the peer NodeB is provided by Huawei, this
parameter must have the same value as the
corresponding parameter in the URNCBASIC
MO of the Huawei NodeB.
Mobile UtranExtern Network This parameter specifies the MNC of the
network alCellPlmn. plan home RNC of the external UTRAN cell. If this
code Mnc (negotiation external cell works in RAN sharing mode, set
required) this parameter to the MNC of the primary
If the peer NodeB is provided by Huawei, this
parameter must have the same value as the
corresponding parameter in the URNCBASIC
MO of the Huawei NodeB.

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Parameter Parameter Data Setting Notes
Name ID Source
Share UtranExtern Network This parameter specifies the MCC of the
mobile alCellPlmn.S plan secondary operator.
country hareMcc (negotiation If the peer NodeB is provided by Huawei, this
code required) parameter must have the same value as the
corresponding parameter in the
Share UtranExtern Network This parameter specifies the MNC of the
mobile alCellPlmn.S plan secondary operator.
network hareMnc (negotiation If the peer NodeB is provided by Huawei, this
code required) parameter must have the same value as the
corresponding parameter in the

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the UtranNCell MO to configure the
neighbor relationship with a UTRAN cell.

Parameter Parameter Data Setting Notes

Name ID Source
Local cell ID UtranNCell. Network Ensure that this parameter has been set in a
LocalCellId plan Cell MO.
Mobile UtranNCell. Network This parameter specifies the MCC of the
country code Mcc plan home RNC of the neighboring UTRAN cell. If
(negotiation this neighboring cell works in RAN sharing
required) mode, set this parameter to the MCC of the
primary operator.
If the peer NodeB is provided by Huawei, this
parameter must have the same value as the
corresponding parameter in the URNCBASIC
MO of the Huawei NodeB.
Mobile UtranNCell. Network This parameter specifies the MNC of the
network Mnc plan home RNC of the neighboring UTRAN cell. If
code (negotiation this neighboring cell works in RAN sharing
required) mode, set this parameter to the MNC of the
primary operator.
If the peer NodeB is provided by Huawei, this
parameter must have the same value as the
corresponding parameter in the URNCBASIC
MO of the Huawei NodeB.

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Parameter Parameter Data Setting Notes
Name ID Source
UTRAN cell UtranNCell. Network This parameter specifies the ID of the
ID UtranCellId plan neighboring UTRAN cell. It uniquely identifies
(negotiation a UTRAN cell within a NodeB.
required) If the peer NodeB is provided by Huawei, this
parameter must have the same value as the
corresponding parameter in the ULOCELL
MO of the Huawei NodeB.

Collecting Data for Neighboring GERAN Cells

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the GeranNfreqGroup MO to configure
a group of neighboring GERAN carrier frequencies.

Parameter Parameter Data Setting Notes

Name ID Source
Local cell ID GeranNfre Network Ensure that this parameter has been set in a
qGroup.Lo plan Cell MO.
calCellId (negotiation
BCCH group ID GeranNfre Network This parameter specifies the ID of the
qGroup.B plan GERAN carrier frequency group.
cchGroupI (negotiation This parameter references the
d required) corresponding parameter on the peer BTS.

GERAN version GeranNfre Network This parameter specifies the RAT supported
qGroup.G plan by the GERAN carrier frequency group.
eranVersi (negotiation This parameter references the
on required) corresponding parameter on the peer BTS.

Starting GeranNfre Network This parameter specifies the first ARFCN in

ARFCN qGroup.St plan the GERAN carrier frequency group.
artingArfc (negotiation This parameter references the
n required) corresponding parameter on the peer BTS.

Band indicator GeranNfre Network This parameter specifies the GSM band
qGroup.B plan containing the GERAN carrier frequency
andIndicat (negotiation group.
or required) This parameter references the
corresponding parameter on the peer BTS.

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the GeranNfreqGroupArfcn MO to
configure a neighboring frequency in a GERAN carrier frequency group.

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Paramete Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
r Name
Local cell GeranNfreqGr Network plan Ensure that this parameter has been set in
ID oupArfcn.Loc (negotiation a Cell MO.
alCellId not required)
BCCH GeranNfreqGr Network plan This parameter specifies the ID of the
group ID oupArfcn.Bcc (negotiation GERAN carrier frequency group. Ensure
hGroupId required) that this parameter has been set in a
GERAN GeranNfreqGr Network plan This parameter specifies the ARFCN of the
ARFCN oupArfcn.Ger (negotiation GERAN BCCH.
anArfcn required) This parameter references the
corresponding parameter on the peer BTS.
You are advised to configure frequencies
on different bands in different frequency

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the GeranExternalCell MO to
configure an external GERAN cell.

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

Mobile GeranExternal Network plan This parameter specifies the MCC of
country Cell.Mcc (negotiation the home BTS of the external GERAN
code required) cell. If this external cell works in RAN
sharing mode, set this parameter to the
MCC of the primary operator.
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter on the peer
Mobile GeranExternal Network plan This parameter specifies the MNC of
network Cell.Mnc (negotiation the home BTS of the external GERAN
code required) cell. If this external cell works in RAN
sharing mode, set this parameter to the
MNC of the primary operator.
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter on the peer
GERAN cell GeranExternal Network plan This parameter specifies the ID of the
ID Cell.GeranCellI (negotiation external GERAN cell.
d required) This parameter references the
corresponding parameter on the peer

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
Location GeranExternal Network plan This parameter specifies the LAC of the
area code Cell.Lac (negotiation external GERAN cell. It uniquely
required) identifies a GERAN cell within a PLMN.
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter on the peer
Band GeranExternal Network plan This parameter specifies the GSM band
indicator Cell.BandIndic (negotiation in which the external GERAN cell
ator required) operates.
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter on the peer
GERAN GeranExternal Network plan This parameter specifies the ARFCN of
ARFCN Cell.GeranArfc (negotiation the GERAN BCCH.
n required) This parameter references the
corresponding parameter on the peer
Network GeranExternal Network plan This parameter specifies the NCC of
color code Cell.NetworkC (negotiation the GERAN. It uniquely identifies a
olourCode required) network within a country.
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter on the peer
Base station GeranExternal Network plan This parameter specifies the BCC of the
color code Cell.BaseStatio (negotiation home BTS of the external GERAN cell.
nColourCode required) It is used by the UE to discriminate
between cells on the same frequency.
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter on the peer
DTM GeranExternal Network plan This parameter specifies whether the
indication Cell.DtmInd (negotiation external GERAN cell supports dual
required) service mode. If the cell supports dual
service mode, both CS and PS services
can be handed over to the cell.
Otherwise, only CS services or PS
services can be handed over to the cell.
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter on the peer

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the GeranExternalCellPlmn MO to
configure an additional PLMN ID (representing a secondary operator) for an external GERAN cell. This
MO is required only if the home BTS of the external GERAN cell works in RAN sharing with common
carrier mode and multiple operators share the same external GERAN cell.

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
GERAN cell GeranExtern Network plan This parameter specifies the ID of the
ID alCellPlmn.G (negotiation external GERAN cell. It uniquely
eranCellId required) identifies a GERAN cell within a BTS.
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter on the peer
Location area GeranExtern Network plan This parameter specifies the LAC of
code alCellPlmn.L (negotiation the external GERAN cell. It uniquely
ac required) identifies a GERAN cell within a
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter on the peer
Mobile country GeranExtern Network plan This parameter specifies the MCC of
code alCellPlmn.M (negotiation the home BTS of the external GERAN
cc required) cell. If this external cell works in RAN
sharing mode, set this parameter to
the MCC of the primary operator.
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter on the peer
Mobile GeranExtern Network plan This parameter specifies the MNC of
network code alCellPlmn.M (negotiation the home BTS of the external GERAN
nc required) cell. If this external cell works in RAN
sharing mode, set this parameter to
the MNC of the primary operator.
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter on the peer
Share mobile GeranExtern Network plan This parameter specifies the MCC of
country code alCellPlmn.S (negotiation the secondary operator.
hareMcc required) This parameter references the
corresponding parameter on the peer
Share mobile GeranExtern Network plan This parameter specifies the MNC of
network code alCellPlmn.S (negotiation the secondary operator.
hareMnc required) This parameter references the
corresponding parameter on the peer

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the GERANNCELL MO to configure the
neighbor relationship with a GERAN cell.

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
Local cell ID GeranNcell.Lo Network plan Ensure that this parameter has been
calCellId (negotiation not set in a Cell MO.
Mobile GeranNcell.Mc Network plan This parameter specifies the MCC of
country code c (negotiation the home BTS of the neighboring
required) GERAN cell. If this external cell works
in RAN sharing mode, set this
parameter to the MCC of the primary
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter on the peer
Mobile GeranNcell.M Network plan This parameter specifies the MNC of
network code nc (negotiation the home BTS of the neighboring
required) GERAN cell. If this neighboring
cell works in RAN sharing mode, set
this parameter to the MNC of the
primary operator.
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter on the peer
Location area GeranNcell.La Network plan This parameter specifies the LAC of
code c (negotiation the neighboring GERAN cell. It
required) uniquely identifies a GERAN
cell within a PLMN.
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter on the peer
GERAN cell GeranNcell.Ge Network plan This parameter specifies the ID of the
ID ranCellId (negotiation neighboring GERAN cell. It uniquely
required) identifies a GERAN cell within a BTS.
This parameter references the
corresponding parameter on the peer

Collecting Data for Neighbor Relationships with CDMA2000 HRPD or CDMA2000 1xRTT Cells
The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the Cdma2000BandClass MO to
configure a neighboring CDMA2000 band class. This MO applies to the configuration of neighbor
relationships with CDMA2000 HRPD and those with CDMA2000 1xRTT cells.

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Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description
Local cell ID Cdma2000Ba Network plan Ensure that this parameter has been set in a
ndClass.Local (negotiation not Cell MO.
CellId required)
Band class Cdma2000Ba Network plan This parameter specifies the neighboring
ndClass.Band (negotiation CDMA2000 band. UEs can obtain signals on
Class required) frequencies in the band class.
This parameter references the corresponding
parameter on the peer BTS.

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the Cdma2000Nfreq MO to configure a
neighboring CDMA2000 frequency. This MO applies to the configuration of neighbor relationships with
CDMA2000 HRPD and those with CDMA2000 1xRTT cells.

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell ID Cdma2000Nfre Network Ensure that this parameter has been set in a Cell
q.LocalCellId plan MO.
not required)
Band class Cdma2000Nfre Network Ensure that this parameter has been set in a
q.BandClass plan Cdma2000BandClass MO.
Frequency Cdma2000Nfre Network This parameter specifies the neighboring
q.Frequency plan CDMA2000 frequency configuration of the serving
(negotiation cell.
required) This parameter references the corresponding
parameter on the peer BTS.

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the Cdma2000ExternalCell MO to
configure an external CDMA2000 cell. This MO applies to the configuration of neighbor
relationships with CDMA2000 HRPD and those with CDMA2000 1xRTT cells.

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Sector ID Cdma2000Exte Network plan This parameter specifies the ID of the external
rnalCell.CellGl (negotiation CDMA2000 cell. It uniquely identifies a CDMA2000
obalId required) cell within a BTS.
This parameter references the corresponding
parameter on the peer BTS.
Band class Cdma2000Exte Network plan Ensure that this parameter has been set in a
rnalCell.Band (negotiation Cdma2000BandClass MO.
Class required)

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Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description
Frequency Cdma2000Exte Network plan Ensure that this parameter has been set in a
rnalCell.Frequ (negotiation Cdma2000Nfreq MO.
ency required) This parameter references the corresponding
parameter on the peer BTS.
Physical cell Cdma2000Exte Network plan This parameter specifies the scrambling
ID rnalCell.PnOff (negotiation code, which is used as the physical cell identifier of
set required) the external CDMA2000 cell.
This parameter references the corresponding
parameter on the peer BTS.
CDMA2000 Cdma2000Exte Network plan This parameter specifies the type of the external
neighbor rnalCell.Cdma (negotiation CDMA2000 cell. The cell can be a CDMA2000
cell type 2000Type required) HRPD or CDMA2000 1xRTT cell.
This parameter references the corresponding
parameter on the peer BTS.
Mobile Cdma2000Exte Network plan This parameter specifies the MCC of the home BTS
country rnalCell.Mcc (negotiation of the external CDMA2000 cell. If this external
code required) cell works in RAN sharing mode, set this parameter
to the MCC of the primary operator.
Mobile Cdma2000Exte Network plan This parameter specifies the MNC of the home BTS
network rnalCell.Mnc (negotiation of the external CDMA2000 cell. If this external
code required) cell works in RAN sharing mode, set this parameter
to the MNC of the primary operator.

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the Cdma2000ExternalCellPlmn MO
to configure an additional PLMN ID (representing a secondary operator) for an external CDMA2000 cell.
This MO applies to the configuration of neighbor relationships with CDMA2000 HRPD and those with
CDMA2000 1xRTT cells. This MO is required only if the home BTS of the external CDMA2000 cell works
in RAN sharing with common carrier mode and multiple operators share the external CDMA2000 cell.

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Sector ID Cdma2000Ext Network plan This parameter specifies the ID of the external
ernalCellPlmn. (negotiation CDMA2000 cell. It uniquely identifies a
CellGlobalId required) CDMA2000 HRPD cell within a BTS.
Share mobile Cdma2000Ext Network plan This parameter specifies the MCC of the
country code ernalCellPlmn. (negotiation secondary operator.
ShareMcc required)
Share mobile Cdma2000Ext Network plan This parameter specifies the MNC of the
network code ernalCellPlmn. (negotiation secondary operator.
ShareMnc required)

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The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the Cdma2000HrpdNcell MO to
configure the neighbor relationship with a CDMA2000 HRPD cell.

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell Cdma2000HrpdNc Network plan Ensure that this parameter has been set in a
ID ell.LocalCellId (negotiation Cell MO.
not required)
Sector ID Cdma2000HrpdNc Network plan This parameter specifies the ID of the
ell.CellGlobalId (negotiation neighboring CDMA2000 HRPD cell. It uniquely
required) identifies a CDMA2000 HRPD cell within a BTS.
This parameter references the corresponding
parameter on the peer BTS.
Blind Cdma2000HrpdNc Network plan Set this parameter to enable blind handover to
handover ell.BlindHoPriority (negotiation the neighboring CDMA2000 HRPD cell.
priority not required) You are advised to set this parameter to any
value except 0 for at least one neighboring
CDMA2000 HRPD cell. In this manner, the
eNodeB can hand over a UE to a CDMA2000
HRPD cell if the UE does not report a
measurement report.

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the Cdma20001XRTTNcell MO to
configure the neighbor relationship with a CDMA2000 1xRTT cell.

Parameter Parameter ID Source Setting Description

Local cell Cdma20001XRTTN Network plan Ensure that this parameter has been set in a
ID cell.LocalCellId (negotiation Cell MO.
not required)
Sector ID Cdma20001XRTTN Network plan This parameter is the ID of a neighboring
cell.CellGlobalId (negotiation CDMA2000 1xRTT cell. It uniquely identifies a
required) CDMA2000 1xRTT cell within a BTS.
This parameter references the corresponding
parameter on the peer BTS.
Blind Cdma20001XRTTN Network plan Set this parameter to enable blind handover to
handover cell.BlindHoPriorit (negotiation the neighboring CDMA2000 1xRTT cell.
priority y not required) You are advised to set this parameter to any
value except 0 for at least one neighboring
CDMA2000 1xRTT cell. In this manner, the
eNodeB can hand over a UE to a CDMA2000
1xRTT cell if the UE does not report a
measurement report.

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the InterRatPolicyCfgGroup MO to
configure an inter-RAT handover policy group.

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 9 Engineering Guidelines

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
InterRAT InterRatPolicyCf Network plan This parameter specifies the ID of the
policy gGroup.InterRat (negotiation not inter-RAT handover policy group.
config PolicyCfgGroupI required) If you want to set a different inter-RAT
group ID d handover policy for services with a
specific QCI, you must create a policy
group. This parameter will be
referenced by a standard or extended
QCI. For details, see the
StandardQci or ExtendedQci MO
described later.
UTRAN InterRatPolicyCf Network plan This parameter specifies the policy
handover gGroup.UtranHo (negotiation not configuration for handovers to the
policy Cfg required) UTRAN. Set this parameter based on
Configurati the network plan.
on It is recommended that the default
value be used if there is no special
requirement for forbidding certain kind
of handovers.
GERAN InterRatPolicyCf Network plan This parameter specifies the policy
GSM gGroup.GeranGs (negotiation not configuration for handovers to GSM
handover mHoCfg required) cells. Set this parameter based on the
policy network plan.
Configurati It is recommended that the default
on value be used if there is no special
requirement for forbidding certain kind
of handovers.
GERAN InterRatPolicyCf Network plan This parameter specifies the policy
GPRS gGroup.GeranG (negotiation not configuration for handovers to
EDGE prsEdgeHoCfg required) GPRS/EDGE cells. Set this
handover parameter based on the network plan.
policy It is recommended that the default
Configurati value be used if there is no special
on requirement for forbidding certain kind
of handovers.
No InterRatPolicyCf Network plan This parameter specifies whether to
handover gGroup.NoHoFla (negotiation not permit inter-RAT handovers. Set this
flag g required) parameter based on the network plan.
It is recommended that the default
value be used if there is no special
requirement for forbidding certain kind
of handovers.

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the StandardQci MO to configure the
inter-RAT handover policy group for a standardized QCI.

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Paramete Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
r Name
QoS StandardQci.Q Network plan This parameter specifies the QCI of an
Class ci (negotiation not EPS bearer. Set this parameter to the
Indication required) standard QCI with which services need to
be configured with the inter-RAT handover
InterRAT StandardQci.I Network plan This parameter specifies the ID of the
policy nterRatPolicy (negotiation not inter-RAT handover policy group.
config CfgGroupId required) Set this parameter to the ID of an
group ID inter-RAT handover policy group that has
been configured in an
InterRatPolicyCfgGroup MO.

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the ExtendedQci MO to configure the
inter-RAT handover policy group for an extended QCI.

Paramete Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

r Name
Extended ExtendedQci. Network plan This parameter specifies the QCI of an
QoS ExtendedQci (negotiation not evolved packet system (EPS) bearer.
Class required) Set this parameter to the extended
Identifier QCI with which services need to be
configured with the inter-RAT handover
InterRAT ExtendedQci.I Network plan This parameter specifies the ID of a
policy nterRatPolicy (negotiation not parameter group related to inter-RAT
config CfgGroupId required) handover.
group ID Set this parameter to the ID of an
inter-RAT handover policy group that has
been configured in an
InterRatPolicyCfgGroup MO.

Scenario-specific Data
The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the ENodeBAlgoSwitch MO to
configure the mode for coverage-based inter-RAT handovers.

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Paramet Parameter Data Setting Notes
er Name ID Source
Handove ENodeBAlg Network Select a mode for each type of inter-RAT handover
r Mode oSwitch.Ho plan based on the operator's network plan.
switch ModeSwitc (negotiatio Handover to UTRAN:
h n not
required) UtranPsHoSwitch(UtranPsHoSwitch)
Handover to GERAN:
Among the preceding switches,
UtranRedirectSwitch(UtranRedirectSwitch) and
GeranRedirectSwitch(GeranRedirectSwitch) are
basic to inter-RAT handover. These redirection
switches must be turned on.
Other inter-RAT handover switches can be turned
on based on the network capability.

By default, the inter-RAT handover parameter group Group0 is used for services with all QCIs. To apply
different inter-RAT handover parameter groups to services based on the QCI, the corresponding
parameter group ID must be changed.
The following table describes the parameter that must be set in the CellStandardQci MO to configure
parameter groups for services with standard QCIs.

Paramete Parameter Data Setting Notes

r Name ID Source
Local cell CellStanda Network Ensure that this parameter has been set in a Cell
ID rdQci.Loc plan MO based on the network plan.
alCellId (negotiatio
n not
QoS CellStanda Network Set this parameter to the index of the standard QCI
Class rdQci.Qci plan for which the parameter group is configured.
Indication (negotiatio
n not
InterRAT CellStanda Network Set this parameter to the index of the common
handover rdQci.Inter plan inter-RAT handover parameter group.
common RatHoCom (negotiatio
group ID mGroupId n not

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Paramete Parameter Data Setting Notes
r Name ID Source
InterRAT CellStanda Network Set this parameter to the index of the
handover rdQci.Inter plan EUTRAN-to-UTRAN handover parameter group.
to UTRAN RatHoUtra (negotiatio
Group ID nGroupId n not
InterRAT CellStanda Network Set this parameter to the index of the
handover rdQci.Inter plan EUTRAN-to-GERAN handover parameter group.
to RatHoGer (negotiatio
GERAN anGroupId n not
Group ID required)

The following table describes the parameter that must be set in the CellExtendedQci MO to configure
parameter groups for services with extended QCIs.

Paramete Parameter Data Setting Notes

r Name ID Source
Extended CellExten Network Set this parameter to the index of the extended
QCI dedQci.Ex plan QCI for which the parameter group is configured.
tendedQci (negotiation
Local cell CellExten Network Ensure that this parameter has been set in a Cell
ID dedQci.Lo plan MO based on the network plan.
calCellId (negotiation
InterRAT CellExten Network Set this parameter to the index of the common
handover dedQci.Int plan inter-RAT handover parameter group.
common erRatHoC (negotiation
group ID ommGrou not
pId required)
InterRAT CellExten Network Set this parameter to the index of the
handover dedQci.Int plan EUTRAN-to-UTRAN handover parameter group.
to UTRAN erRatHoUt (negotiation
Group ID ranGroupI not
d required)
InterRAT CellExten Network Set this parameter to the index of the
handover dedQci.Int plan EUTRAN-to-GERAN handover parameter group.
to erRatHoG (negotiation
GERAN eranGroup not
Group ID Id required)

For details about inter-RAT handover parameter group ID and corresponding thresholds, see 9.7.7

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The following table describes the parameter that must be set in the UtranNCell MO to configure blind
handover priorities and measurement priorities for UTRAN neighboring cells.

Paramet Parameter Data Setting Notes

er Name ID Source
Blind UtranNCell. Network A larger parameter value indicates a higher
handover BlindHoPri plan priority for the UTRAN neighboring cell to be
Priority ority (negotiation selected during a blind handover.
not required) The value 0 indicates that blind handovers to the
UTRAN neighboring cell are prohibited.
You are advised to set this parameter to any
value except 0 for at least one neighboring
UTRAN cell. In this manner, the eNodeB can
hand over a UE to a UTRAN cell if the UE does
not report a measurement report.

The following table describes the parameter that must be set in the GeranNcell MO to configure blind
handover priorities and measurement priorities for GERAN neighboring cells.

Paramete Parameter Data Source Setting Notes

r Name ID
Blind GeranNcell Network plan A larger parameter value indicates a higher
handover .BlindHoPr (negotiation priority for the GERAN neighboring cell to be
Priority iority not required) selected during a blind handover. The value 0
indicates that blind handovers to the GERAN
neighboring cell are prohibited.
You are advised to set this parameter to any
value except 0 for at least one neighboring
GERAN cell. In this manner, the eNodeB can
hand over a UE to a GERAN cell if the UE does
not report a measurement report.

The following table describes the parameters must be set in a CSFallBackBlindHoCfg MO to configure
RAT priorities for blind handovers. The CSFallBackBlindHoCfg MO takes effect for all inter-RAT
handovers, rather than for only CSFB.

Paramet Parameter Data Source Setting Notes

er Name ID
CN CSFallBack Network plan This parameter specifies the index of the
Operator BlindHoCfg. (negotiation operator. Ensure that this parameter has been
ID CnOperator not required) set in a CnOperator MO.
Id Set this parameter for operators who need to
be configured with priorities.

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Paramet Parameter Data Source Setting Notes
er Name ID
Highest CSFallBack Network plan This parameter specifies the highest-priority
priority BlindHoCfg. (negotiation RAT for blind handovers.
InterRat InterRatHig not required) Setting this parameter to UTRAN ensures the
hestPri optimal inter-RAT interoperability
performance.If coverage holes exist in
UTRAN, setting this parameter to GERAN to
enhance the reliability of inter-RAT
Second CSFallBack Network plan This parameter specifies the secondary-priority
priority BlindHoCfg. (negotiation RAT for blind handovers.
InterRat InterRatSec not required) Set this parameter based on the value of
ondPri CSFallBackBlindHoCfg.InterRatHighestPri.
Lowest CSFallBack Network plan This parameter specifies the lowest-priority
priority BlindHoCfg. (negotiation RAT for blind handovers.
InterRat InterRatLow not required) Set this parameter to the remaining available
estPri RAT or the RAT that do not support

9.7.4 Deployment Requirements

Operating Environment
The following three features of mobility management in connected mode have different requirements for
operating environment:
 The feature LOFD-001019 PS Inter-RAT Mobility between E-UTRAN and UTRAN requires that the
core-network equipment should support this feature.
If the core-network equipment is provided by Huawei, the equipment version must be SAE1.2 or later.
If the core-network equipment is provided by another vendor, check whether the equipment supports
this feature.
 The feature LOFD-001020 PS Inter-RAT Mobility between E-UTRAN and GERAN requires that the
core-network equipment should support this feature.
If the core-network equipment is provided by Huawei, the equipment version must be PS11.0.
If the core-network equipment is provided by another vendor, check whether the equipment supports
this feature.
 The feature LOFD-001021 PS Inter-RAT Mobility between E-UTRAN and CDMA2000 requires that the
core-network equipment should support this feature.
If the core-network equipment is provided by Huawei, this feature is not yet supported.
If the core-network equipment is provided by another vendor, check whether the equipment supports
this feature.

Transmission Networking

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To use coverage-based inter-RAT handovers, an operator must purchase and activate the licenses for
the features listed in the following table.

Feature ID Feature Name License

Control Item
LOFD-001019 PS Inter-RAT PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between Mobility between
LOFD-001020 PS Inter-RAT PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between Mobility between
LOFD-001021 PS Inter-RAT PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between Mobility between
CDMA2000 CDMA2000

9.7.5 Activation
Configuring a Single eNodeB Using the GUI
Configure a single eNodeB in the general configuration window on the Configuration Management
Express (CME) based on the MO and parameters as described in section 9.7.3 "Data Preparation."
See the M2000 Help for more information about operations in the general configuration window. Press
F1 to launch M2000 Help. Navigate to Introduction to the LTE General Configuration Window and refer
to the generic procedure for setting parameters using the CME graphical user interface (GUI).
To find MOs in the planned area, use either of the following methods:
 In the Object Group pane, find MOs in the navigation tree. This method applies to users who are
familiar with the navigation tree.
 In the Search pane, search an MO. This method applies to users who are unfamiliar with the
navigation tree.

Configuring eNodeBs in Batches

To configure eNodeBs in batches, perform the following steps:
Step 1 On the GUI, set the parameters listed in the table for a specific scenario in this section, and save
the parameter settings as a user-defined template.
The parameters are the same as those described in section 9.7.3 "Data Preparation."
Step 2 Fill in the summary data file with the name of the user-defined template.
The parameter settings in the user-defined template will be applied to the eNodeBs after you import
the summary data file into the CME.

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For descriptions of the user-defined template and summary data file and also the detailed procedure for
configuring eNodeBs in batches, see eNodeB Initial Configuration Guide.
Table 9-8 Coverage-based inter-RAT handover to UTRAN
MO Parameter Group Parameter
ENODEBAL ENodeBAlgoSwitch Handover Mode switch, Frequency Layer Switch
UTRANNFR UtranNFreq Local cell identity, Downlink UARFCN, UTRAN version,
EQ UTRAN cell type indicator, Uplink UARFCN indicator, Uplink
UARFCN, Reselection priority configure indicator, Cell
reselection priority, PMAX(dBm), Frequency offset(dB),
Minimum required quality level(dB), Minimum required RX
level(dBm), UTRAN high priority threshold(2dB), UTRAN
lower priority threshold(2dB)
UTRANEXT UtranExternalCell Mobile country code, Mobile network code, UTRAN cell
ERNALCEL identity, UTRAN cell type indicator, Downlink UARFCN,
L Uplink UARFCN configure indicator, Uplink UARFCN, RNC
identity, Routing area code configure indicator, Routing area
code, Primary scrambling code, Location area code, Cell
UTRANEXT UtranExternalCellPlmn UTRAN cell identity, Mobile country code, Mobile network
ERNALCEL code, Share mobile country code, Share mobile network
LPLMN code
UTRANNCE UtranNCell Local cell identity, Mobile country code, Mobile network
LL code, UTRAN cell identity, No handover indicator, No
remove indicator, Blind handover priority, ANR flag, Local
cell name, Neighbour cell name

Table 9-9 Coverage-based inter-RAT handover to GERAN

MO Parameter Group Parameter
ENODEBA ENodeBAlgoSwitch Handover Mode switch
GERANNF GeranNfreqGroup Local cell identity, BCCH group identity, GERAN version,
REQGROU Starting ARFCN, Band indicator, Cell reselection priority
P configure indicator, Cell reselection priority, PMAX configure
indicator, PMAX(dBm), Minimum required RX level(dBm),
High priority threshold(2dB), Lower priority threshold(2dB),
Frequency offset(dB), NCC monitoring permitted
GERANNF GeranNfreqGroupArfc Local cell identity, BCCH group identity, GERAN ARFCN

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MO Parameter Group Parameter
GERANEX GeranExternalCell Mobile country code, Mobile network code, GERAN cell
TERNALCE identity, Location area code, Routing area code configure
LL indicator, Routing area code, Band indicator, GERAN
ARFCN, Network colour code, Base station colour code, DTM
indication, Cell name
GERANEX GeranExternalCellPlm GERAN cell identity, Location area code, Mobile country
TERNALCE n code, Mobile network code, Share mobile country code,
LLPLMN Share mobile network code
GERANNC GeranNcell Local cell identity, Mobile country code, Mobile network code,
ELL Location area code, GERAN cell identity, No remove
indicator, No handover indicator, Blind handover priority, ANR
flag, Local cell name, Neighbour cell name

Table 9-10 Coverage-based inter-RAT handover to CDMA2000 HRPD

MO Parameter Group Parameter
ENODEBAL ENodeBAlgoSwitch Handover Mode switch
CDMA2000 Cdma2000BandClass Local cell identity, Band class, Cell reselection priority, High
BANDCLAS priority threshold(dB), Lower priority threshold(dB)
CDMA2000 Cdma2000Nfreq Local cell identity, Band class, Frequency, Frequency
NFREQ offset(dB), Search window size configure indicator,
Search window size
CDMA2000 Cdma2000ExternalC Sector identity, Band class, Frequency, Physical cell identity,
EXTERNAL ell CDMA2000 neighbor cell type, Mobile country code, Mobile
CELL network code, Cell name
CDMA2000 Cdma2000ExternalC Sector identity, Share mobile country code, Share mobile
EXTERNAL ellPlmn network code
CDMA2000 Cdma2000HrpdNcell Local cell identity, Sector identity, No handover indicator, No
HRPDNCEL remove indicator, Blind handover priority, ANR flag, Local cell
L name, Neighbour cell name

Table 9-11 Coverage-based inter-RAT handover to CDMA2000 1xRTT

MO Parameter Group Parameter
ENODEBAL ENodeBAlgoSwitch Handover Mode switch

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MO Parameter Group Parameter
CDMA2000 Cdma2000BandClass Local cell identity, Band class, Cell reselection priority, High
BANDCLAS priority threshold(dB), Lower priority threshold(dB)
CDMA2000 Cdma2000Nfreq Local cell identity, Band class, Frequency, Frequency
NFREQ offset(dB), Search window size configure indicator,
Search window size
CDMA2000 Cdma2000ExternalC Sector identity, Band class, Frequency, Physical cell identity,
EXTERNAL ell CDMA2000 neighbor cell type, Mobile country code, Mobile
CELL network code, Cell name
CDMA2000 Cdma2000ExternalC Sector identity, Share mobile country code, Share mobile
EXTERNAL ellPlmn network code
CDMA2000 Cdma20001xrttNcell Local cell identity, Sector identity, No handover indicator, No
1XRTTNCE remove indicator, Blind handover priority, ANR flag, Local cell
LL name, Neighbour cell name

Configuring a Single eNodeB Using MML Commands

 Coverage-based inter-RAT handover to UTRAN
Step 1 Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command to configure inter-RAT handover to UTRAN.
Step 2 Run the following commands to add neighbor relationships with UTRAN cells:

 Coverage-based inter-RAT handover to GERAN

Step 1 Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command to configure inter-RAT handover to GERAN.
Step 2 Run the following commands to add neighbor relationships with GERAN cells:

 Coverage-based inter-RAT handover to CDMA2000 HRPD

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Step 1 Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command to configure inter-RAT handover to
Step 2 Run the following commands to add neighbor relationships with CDMA2000 HRPD cells:

 Coverage-based inter-RAT handover to CDMA2000 1xRTT

Step 1 Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command to configure inter-RAT handover to
CDMA2000 1xRTT.
Step 2 Run the following commands to add neighbor relationships with CDMA2000 1xRTT cells:

9.7.6 Activation Observation

The observation procedure is as follows:
Step 1 Trace messages over the Uu interface on the M2000 client after UEs access the network. Check
the A1- and A2-related measurement report information in the RRC_CONN_RECFG message.
Step 2 Trace messages over the Uu interface while the UE is moving towards the cell edge. Check for
the B1 or B2 measurement configuration in the RRC_CONN_RECFG message sent by the
eNodeB after the eNodeB receives an A2-related measurement report from the UE.
Step 3 Trace messages over the Uu interface while the UE is moving towards an inter-frequency
neighboring cell.
Coverage-based inter-RAT handover is activated if either of the following situations occurs:

 After the eNodeB receives an event B1 or B2 measurement report from the UE, the eNodeB sends an
RRC_MOBIL_FROM_EUTRA_CMD message or an RRC_CONN_REL message containing an
inter-RAT frequency to the UE.
 After the eNodeB receives an event A2 measurement report for a blind handover, the UE does not
support measurement of a specified RAT and the eNodeB sends an RRC_CONN_REL message
containing an inter-RAT frequency to the UE.

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9.7.7 Reconfiguration
Inter-RAT Handover Common Parameters
Common parameters related to inter-RAT handovers are contained in the InterRatHoCommGroup MO.
The following table provides suggestions on how to reconfigure these parameters.

Parame Paramet Data Setting Notes

ter er ID Source
Local InterRat Network Ensure that this parameter has been set in a
cell ID HoCom plan Cell MO based on the network plan.
mGroup. (negotiatio
LocalCel n not
lId required)
InterRA InterRat Network This parameter specifies the ID of a common
T HoCom plan parameter group related to inter-RAT
handove mGroup. (negotiatio handovers.
r InterRat n not If you want to set different inter-RAT handover
common HoCom required) parameters for services with a specific QCI,
group ID mGroupI you must create a parameter group and
d reference the parameter group ID to the
corresponding QCI. For detailed configuration,
see section "Scenario-specific Data".
InterRA InterRat Network This parameter specifies the hysteresis for
T A1A2 HoCom plan event A1 or A2 related to inter-RAT handover.
hysteres mGroup. (negotiatio This parameter is used to decrease frequent
is InterRat n not triggering of event evaluation caused by radio
HoA1A2 required) signal fluctuation. In this way, the probability of
Hyst ping-pong handovers or handover decision
errors is reduced. The value of this parameter
has a negative correlation with the probability
of ping-pong handovers or handover decision
It is recommended that the default value be
InterRA InterRat Network This parameter specifies the time-to-trigger for
T A1A2 HoCom plan inter-RAT measurement event A1 or A2. An
time to mGroup. (negotiatio appropriate parameter setting can effectively
trigger InterRat n not prevent unnecessary inter-RAT measurements
HoA1A2 required) and therefore reduce the number of inter-RAT
TimeToT measurements. A larger value results in a
rig smaller average number of inter-RAT
measurements but a higher probability of
service drops.
It is recommended that the default value be
InterRA InterRat Network This parameter specifies the RSRP threshold
T A1 HoCom plan for event A1 associated with inter-RAT
RSRP mGroup. (negotiatio handover. When the measured RSRP is above

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Parame Paramet Data Setting Notes
ter er ID Source
trigger InterRat n not the threshold, the measurement report for
threshol HoA1Th required) event A1 will be sent. A higher threshold
d dRsrp makes it more difficult to trigger event A1 and
stop inter-RAT measurement. A lower
threshold makes it easier to trigger event A1
and stop inter-RAT measurement.
The value of this parameter must be greater
than or equal to (usually 4 dB greater than) the
InterRA InterRat Network This parameter specifies the RSRQ threshold
T A1 HoCom plan for event A1 associated with inter-RAT
RSRQ mGroup. (negotiatio handover. When the measured RSRQ is
trigger InterRat n not above the threshold, the measurement report
threshol HoA1Th required) for event A1 will be sent.A higher threshold
d dRsrq makes it more difficult to trigger event A1 and
stop inter-RAT measurement. A lower
threshold makes it easier to trigger event A1
and stop inter-RAT measurement.
The value of this parameter must be greater
than or equal to (usually 2 dB greater than) the
sum of the value of
InterRA InterRat Network This parameter specifies the RSRP threshold
T A2 HoCom plan for event A2 associated with inter-RAT
RSRP mGroup. (negotiatio handover. When the measured RSRP is lower
trigger InterRat n not than the threshold, the measurement report for
threshol HoA2Th required) event A2 is sent. A higher threshold makes it
d dRsrp easier to trigger event A2 and start inter-RAT
measurement. A lower threshold makes it
more difficult to trigger event A2 and start
inter-RAT measurement.
Set this parameter based on the actual
conditions. Usually, set this parameter to the
RSRP in the area where the UE throughput in
the serving cell and that in the neighboring cell
are similar.
InterRA InterRat Network This parameter specifies the RSRQ threshold
T A2 HoCom plan for event A2 associated with inter-RAT
RSRQ mGroup. (negotiatio handover. When the measured RSRQ is lower
trigger InterRat n not than the threshold, the measurement report for
threshol HoA2Th required) event A2 is sent. A higher threshold makes it
d dRsrq easier to trigger event A2 and start inter-RAT
measurement. A lower threshold makes it
more difficult to trigger event A2 and start
inter-RAT measurement.
Set this parameter based on the actual

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Parame Paramet Data Setting Notes
ter er ID Source
conditions. Usually, set this parameter to the
RSRQ in the area where the UE throughput in
the serving cell and that in the neighboring cell
are similar.
Blind InterRat Network This parameter specifies offset of the event A2
HO A2 HoCom plan threshold for inter-RAT blind redirections
Thresho mGroup. (negotiatio relative to the event A2 threshold for
ld Offset BlindHo n not handovers.
A2ThdOf required) Set this parameter based on actual conditions.
fset You are advised to set this parameter to a
value in which the calculated event A2
threshold for inter-RAT blind redirections
equals the signal quality threshold of call

Parameter Groups Related to Inter-RAT Handovers to UTRAN

Parameter groups related to inter-RAT handovers to UTRAN are contained in the
InterRatHoUtranGroup MO. The following table provides suggestions on how to reconfigure these

Parameter Parameter Data Setting Notes

Name ID Source
Local cell InterRatHo Network Ensure that this parameter has been set in
ID UtranGrou plan a Cell MO based on the network plan.
p.LocalCell (negotiati
Id on not
InterRAT InterRatHo Network This parameter specifies the ID of the
handover UtranGrou plan parameter group related to inter-RAT
to UTRAN p.InterRatH (negotiati handovers to UTRAN.
Group ID oUtranGro on not If you want to set a different parameter
upId required) group for services with a specific QCI, you
must create a parameter group, and
reference the parameter group ID to the
corresponding QCI. For detailed
configuration, see section
"Scenario-specific Data".
CoverageB InterRatHo Network This parameter specifies the Ec/No
ased UtranGrou plan threshold for event B1 in a
UTRAN p.InterRatH (negotiati coverage-based, UL-quality-based, or
ECN0 oUtranB1T on not distance-based handovers, or to a
trigger hdEcn0 required) SPID-based handovers to the HPLMN. A
threshold larger value results in a lower probability
of handovers to UTRAN, whereas a
smaller value results in a higher

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Parameter Parameter Data Setting Notes
Name ID Source
It is recommended that the default value
be used.
CoverageB InterRatHo Network This parameter specifies the RSCP
ased UtranGrou plan threshold for event B1 in a
UTRAN p.InterRatH (negotiati coverage-based, UL-quality-based, or
RSCP oUtranB1T on not distance-based handovers to UTRAN, or
trigger hdRscp required) to a SPID-based handovers to the
threshold HPLMN. A larger value results in a lower
probability of handovers to
UTRAN, whereas a smaller value results
in a higher probability.
It is recommended that the default value
be used.
UTRAN InterRatHo Network This parameter specifies the hysteresis for
handover UtranGrou plan event B1 in an inter-RAT handover to
hysteresis p.InterRatH (negotiati UTRAN. This parameter is used to
oUtranB1H on not prevent frequent triggering of event
yst required) evaluation caused by radio signal
fluctuation. In this way, the probability of
ping-pong handovers or handover
decision errors is reduced.
It is recommended that the default value
be used.
UTRAN InterRatHo Network This parameter specifies the
time to UtranGrou plan time-to-trigger for event B1 in an
trigger p.InterRatH (negotiati inter-RAT handover to UTRAN. When
oUtranB1Ti on not detecting that the signal quality in at least
meToTrig required) one neighboring cell meets the entering
condition, the UE does not send a
measurement report to the eNodeB
immediately. Instead, the UE sends a
report only when the signal quality
continuously meets the entering condition
during the time-to-trigger period.
If both UTRAN and GERAN neighboring
cells are measured, you are advised to set
the time-to-trigger for UTRAN neighboring
cells to be smaller than that for GERAN
neighboring cells, increasing the
possibility of handovers to UTRAN
neighboring cells.
If both coverage-based inter-frequency
handovers and coverage-based inter-RAT
handovers are enabled, you are advised
to set the time-to-trigger for the inter-RAT
handover event be greater than that for
the inter-frequency handover event,

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Parameter Parameter Data Setting Notes
Name ID Source
increasing the possibility of
inter-frequency handovers.
Load InterRatHo Network This parameter specifies the Ec/No
Service UtranGrou plan threshold for event B1 in a load- or
Based p.LdSvBas (negotiati service-based inter-RAT handover to
UTRANB1 edHoUtran on not UTRAN. A larger value results in a lower
ECN0 B1ThdEcn0 required) probability of handovers to
threshold UTRAN, whereas a smaller value results
in a higher probability.
It is recommended that the default value
be used.
Load InterRatHo Network This parameter specifies the RSCP
Service UtranGrou plan threshold for event B1 in a load- or
Based p.LdSvBas (negotiati service-based inter-RAT handover to
UTRAN edHoUtran on not UTRAN. A larger value results in a lower
EventB1 B1ThdRsc required) probability of handovers to
RSCP p UTRAN, whereas a smaller value results
trigger in a higher probability.
threshold It is recommended that the default value
be used.

Parameter Groups Related to Inter-RAT Handovers to GERAN

Parameter groups related to inter-RAT handovers to GERAN are contained in the
InterRatHoGeranGroup MO. The following table provides suggestions on how to reconfigure these

Parameter Parameter Data Source Setting Notes

Name ID
Local cell ID InterRatHoG Network plan Ensure that this parameter has been set in a
eranGroup. (negotiation Cell MO based on the network plan.
LocalCellId not required)
InterRAT InterRatHoG Network plan This parameter specifies the ID of the
handover to eranGroup.I (negotiation parameter group related to inter-RAT
GERAN nterRatHoG not required) handovers to GERAN.
group ID eranGroupI If you want to set a different parameter
d group for services with a specific QCI, you
must create a parameter group, and
reference the parameter group ID to the
corresponding QCI. For detailed
configuration, see section
"Scenario-specific Data".

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Parameter Parameter Data Source Setting Notes
Name ID
GERAN InterRatHoG Network plan This parameter specifies the hysteresis for
handover eranGroup.I (negotiation event B1 in an inter-RAT handover to
hysteresis nterRatHoG not required) GERAN. This parameter is used to prevent
eranB1Hyst frequent triggering of event evaluation
caused by radio signal fluctuation. In
this way, the probability of ping-pong
handovers or handover decision errors is
It is recommended that the default value be
CoverageBa InterRatHoG Network plan This parameter specifies the RSSI threshold
sed GERAN eranGroup.I (negotiation for event B1 in a coverage-based,
trigger nterRatHoG not required) UL-quality-based, or a distance-based
threshold eranB1Thd handover to GERAN. A larger value results
in a lower probability of handovers to
GERAN, whereas a smaller value results in
a higher probability.
It is recommended that the default value be
GERAN time InterRatHoG Network plan This parameter specifies the time-to-trigger
to trigger eranGroup.I (negotiation for event B1 in an inter-RAT handover to
nterRatHoG not required) GERAN. When detecting that the signal
eranB1Time quality in at least one neighboring cell meets
ToTrig the entering condition, the UE does not send
a measurement report to the eNodeB
immediately. Instead, the UE sends a report
only when the signal quality continuously
meets the entering condition during the
time-to-trigger period.
If both UTRAN and GERAN neighboring
cells are measured, you are advised to set
the time-to-trigger for GERAN neighboring
cells to be greater than that for UTRAN
neighboring cells, increasing the possibility
of handovers to UTRAN neighboring cells.
If both coverage-based inter-frequency
handovers and coverage-based inter-RAT
handovers are enabled, you are advised to
set the time-to-trigger for the inter-RAT
handover event be greater than that for the
inter-frequency handover event, increasing
the possibility of inter-frequency handovers.

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Parameter Parameter Data Source Setting Notes
Name ID
Load Service InterRatHoG Network plan This parameter specifies the RSSI threshold
Based Geran eranGroup. (negotiation for event B1 in a load- or service-based
EventB1 LdSvBased not required) inter-RAT handover to GERAN. A larger
trigger HoGeranB1 value results in a lower probability of
threshold Thd handovers to UTRAN, whereas a smaller
value results in a higher probability.
It is recommended that the default value be

Inter-RAT Handover Parameters

Inter-RAT handover parameters are contained in the InterRatHoComm MO. The following table
provides suggestions on how to reconfigure these parameters.

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

Max report InterRatHoCo Network plan This parameter specifies the maximum
cell number mm.InterRatH (negotiation number of cells to be included in the
oMaxRprtCell not required) measurement report. A smaller value
leads to less candidate target cells for
handovers, which lowers the handover
success rate but saves the air interface
resources. A larger value leads to the
opposite effect.
It is recommended that the default value
be used.
Measureme InterRatHoCo Network plan This parameter specifies the number of
nt report mm.InterRatH (negotiation periodical measurement reports to be
amount oRprtAmount not required) sent after an inter-RAT handover event is
triggered. It is used to prevent the impact
of measurement report loss and internal
processing failure on the handover.
When the value is increased, the number
of reports increases and the handover
success rate rises to a certain extent. An
excessively large number of reports,
however, results in excessive signaling
and hence causes a waste of radio
interface resources.
It is recommended that the default value
be used.

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
Geran InterRatHoCo Network plan This parameter specifies the interval
measureme mm.InterRatH (negotiation at which measurement reports are
nt report oGeranRprtInt not required) periodically sent to the eNodeB after the
interval erval event for inter-RAT handover to GERAN
is triggered. A smaller value leads to
more measurement reports over the air
interface and more resources are
consumed. A larger value results in a
larger handover delay, which lowers the
handover success rate.
It is recommended that the default value
be used.
Utran InterRatHoCo Network plan This parameter specifies the quantity to
measureme mm.InterRatH (negotiation be included in the measurements for
nt trigger oUtranB1Mea not required) handovers to UTRAN. The RSCP values
quantity sQuan are relatively stable, whereas the Ec/No
values may vary with the network load.
The value BOTH applies only to UEs
complying with 3GPP Release 10. For
UEs complying with 3GPP Release 8 or
9, the value BOTH takes the same effect
as the value RSCP.
It is recommended that the default value
be used.
UTRAN FDD InterRatHoCo Network plan This parameter specifies the interval
measureme mm.InterRatH (negotiation at which measurement reports are
nt report oUtranRprtInt not required) periodically sent to the eNodeB after the
interval erval event for inter-RAT handover to UTRAN
is triggered. A smaller value leads to
more measurement reports over the air
interface and more resources are
consumed. A larger value results in a
larger handover delay, which lowers the
handover success rate.
It is recommended that the default value
be used.

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
InterRat InterRatHoCo Network plan This parameter specifies the quantity
A1A2 mm.InterRatH (negotiation used to evaluate the triggering condition
measureme oA1A2TrigQu not required) for the inter-RAT measurement event A1
nt trigger an or A2. The values are RSRP, RSRQ, and
quantity BOTH. The measured RSRP values are
stable, slightly varying with the load. The
measured RSRQ values vary with the
load and are likely to reflect the signal
quality of the cell in real time. By default,
the reporting quantity for the inter-RAT
measurement event A1 or A2 is BOTH,
that is, both RSRP and RSRQ.
It is recommended that the default value
be used if the traffic load of LTE cells is
not stable.
Inter RAT InterRatHoCo Network plan This parameter specifies the type of the
HO Trigger mm.InterRatH (negotiation inter-RAT handover event. This
Event Type oEventType not required) parameter applies only to
coverage-based handovers.
It is recommended that the default value
be used.

9.7.8 Deactivation
To deactivate coverage-based inter-RAT handover, disable its algorithm by running the MOD

9.7.9 Performance Monitoring

Parameter optimization for coverage-based inter-RAT handovers is similar to that for coverage-based
inter-frequency handovers. In coverage-based inter-frequency handovers, event B1 measurement is
performed. At present, an LTE system is usually deployed with other RAT systems at the same sites and
the LTE system has the highest priority for carrying services. Therefore, compared with inter-frequency
handovers within the LTE system, inter-RAT handovers from the LTE system to other RAT systems have
a lower event A2 threshold. This means that it is difficult to trigger a GAP-assisted measurement for
handovers from the LTE system to other RAT systems.
If inter-RAT handovers from an LTE system to a non-LTE system are not recommended, the
corresponding algorithm needs to be disabled, and the frequency and neighboring cell information of this
non-LTE system do not need to be configured in the LTE system. This prevents system performance
Inter-RAT handovers are intended to ensure service continuity when users move around. How well these
handovers serve this purpose reflects their performance. After activating inter-RAT handover, check the
following KPIs to monitor and evaluate handover performance:
 KPIs indicating handover success rates, including the following:
− Inter-RAT Handover IN Success Rate
− Inter-RAT Handover Out Success Rate

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 KPI indicating the call drop rate: Abnormal Release Rate
If the handover success rates have not noticeably fallen and the call drop rate has not noticeably risen
after inter-RAT handover was activated, this type of handover has been delivering good performance.

9.7.10 Parameter Optimization

Event B1 Thresholds for Inter-RAT Handovers
Event B1 thresholds for inter-RAT handovers are QCI-specific. The parameters are as follows:
 The UTRAN reporting quantity can be RSCP or Ec/No, depending on the value of the
− If
the reporting quantity is RSCP, the event B1 threshold for coverage- and UL-quality-based
inter-RAT handovers is specified by the
InterRatHoUtranGroup.InterRATHoUtranB1ThdRSCPparameter, and the event B1 threshold for
load- and service-based inter-RAT handovers is specified by the
− If
the reporting quantity is Ec/No, the event B1 threshold for coverage- and UL-quality-based
inter-RAT handovers is specified by the
InterRatHoUtranGroup.InterRATHoUtranB1ThdEcN0parameter, and the event B1 threshold for
load- and service-based inter-RAT handovers is specified by the
 For GERAN, the reporting quantity is RSSI, the event B1 threshold for coverage- and
UL-quality-based inter-RAT handovers is specified by the
InterRatHoGeranGroup.InterRATHoGeranB1Thdparameter, and the event B1 threshold for load-
and service-based inter-RAT handovers is specified by the
To ensure that inter-RAT handovers are triggered as expected, set all thresholds to appropriate values
and, in particular, set the event B1 threshold for load- and service-based inter-RAT handovers to be
greater than the event B1 threshold for coverage- and UL-quality-based inter-RAT handovers.
 If a threshold is too high, it is difficult for event B1 to be triggered for inter-RAT handovers, and
therefore handovers may not be triggered in time. For coverage- and UL-quality-based inter-RAT
handovers, this affects user experience. For load-based inter-RAT handovers, this delays transferring
the load to neighboring cells. For service-based inter-RAT handovers, this delays handovers.
 If a threshold is too low, event B1 is too easily triggered and for ping-ping handovers to occur as a
result. For coverage-based inter-RAT handovers, this makes it probable for CCUs to be handed over.
For load- and service-based inter-RAT handovers, if event B1 is too easily triggered, the handover
success rates are lowered. In either case, user experience is affected.
For cells with large signal fading variances, raise the thresholds to minimize the probability of
unnecessary handovers. For cells with small signal fading variances, lower the thresholds to ensure
timely handovers.

The hysteresis in events A1 and A2 for inter-RAT handovers is specified by the
InterRatHoCommGroup.InterRatHoA1A2Hystparameter. The hysteresis in event B1 for inter-RAT
handovers is specified by:
 the InterRatHoUtranGroup.InterRATHoUtranB1Hyst parameter in WCDMA and TD-SCDMA
 the InterRatHoGeranGroup.InterRATHoGeranB1Hyst parameter in GSM systems

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These parameters are QCI-specific and effectively reduce frequent event reporting caused by radio
signal fluctuations. The default values for these parameters are recommended.
 A greater hysteresis makes it more difficult for events to be reported, and therefore handovers may not
be triggered in time. This affects user experience.
 A smaller hysteresis makes it easier for events to be reported. This may result in incorrect handover
decisions and ping-pong handovers.

Blind Handover Priority

Note the following when adjusting the blind handover priority of an inter-RAT neighboring cell:
 The blind handover priorities for each RAT range from 0 to 32. The value 0 indicates that the cell
cannot be selected as the target cell in a blind handover.
 Neighboring cells with different RATs (for example, a UTRAN cell and a GERAN cell) can have the
same blind handover priority.Neighboring cells with the same RAT (for example, two UTRAN cells) can
have a priority of 0 but must have different blind handover priorities ranging from 1 to 32.
 A cell with a probably higher blind handover success rate should be assigned a higher blind handover

9.7.11 Troubleshooting
Fault 1: No Delivery of A1/A2-related Inter-RAT Measurement Configuration
Fault description
The eNodeB does not deliver the A1/A2-related inter-RAT measurement configuration to some UEs that
have accessed the network.
Fault handling
Step 1 Trace messages over the Uu interface on the M2000 client. Check for the target system and
frequency band in the IE interRAT-Parameters of the RRC_UE_CAP_INFO message.
If the interRAT-Parameters IE does not contain information about the target system and frequency band,
the UE does not support inter-RAT measurement of the specified target system and frequency. Figure
9-3 shows a sample RRC_UE_CAP_INFO message.
Figure 9-3 RRC_UE_CAP_INFO message

Step 2 Run an MML command to check for the neighboring cell configurations. For example, if the
target system is UTRAN, run the LST UTRANNCELL command to check whether the
neighboring UTRAN cells are configured.
 If the neighboring UTRAN cells are not configured, configure the cells.
 If the neighboring UTRAN cells are configured, go to Step 3.
Step 3 Run the LST ENODEBALGOSWITCH command to check whether the corresponding handover
mode is enabled.
 If the corresponding handover mode is disabled, enable it.
 If the corresponding handover mode is enabled, contact Huawei technical support.

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Fault 2: No Delivery of the B1/B2-related Measurement Configuration

Fault description
After some UEs move to the cell edge, the eNodeB receives A2 measurement reports. However, the
eNodeB does not deliver B1- or B2-related measurement configurations to the UEs.
Fault handling
Step 1 Trace messages over the Uu interface on the M2000 client. Check whether the bits are 1 for
target system in the IE featureGroupIndicators. For example, if the target system is UTRAN and
the fifteenth and twenty-second bits are 1, the UE supports B1 and B2 measurements of the
UTRAN. Figure 9-4 shows a sample of the RRC_UE_CAP_INFO message.
 If this IE indicates that the UE supports the target system and frequency band, go to Step 2.
 If this IE indicates that the UE does not support the target system and frequency band, the fault is
caused due to UE capability.
Figure 9-4 A sample of the RRC_UE_CAP_INFO message

Step 2 Run an MML command to check for the neighboring cell configurations. For example, if the
target system is UTRAN, run the LST UTRANNCELL command to check whether the
neighboring UTRAN cells are configured.
 If the neighboring UTRAN cells are not configured, configure the cells.
 If the neighboring UTRAN cells are configured, go to Step 3.
Step 3 Run the LST ENODEBALGOSWITCH command to check whether the corresponding handover
mode is enabled.

If the corresponding handover mode is disabled, enable it.

If the corresponding handover mode is enabled, contact Huawei technical support.

Fault 3: No Delivery of a Redirection Command

Fault description: After receiving A2 measurement reports for blind redirections from UEs that have
moved to the cell edge, the eNodeB does not send redirection commands to these UEs.
Fault handling:
Step 1 Run an MML command to check the blind handover priorities of inter-RAT neighboring cells. For
example, if the target system is UTRAN, run the LST UTRANNCELL command to
check whether the blind handover priorities configured for the neighboring UTRAN cells are in
the range of 1 to 31.
If the blind handover priorities configured for the neighboring UTRAN cells are not in this range, go to
Step 2.

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If the blind handover priorities configured for the neighboring UTRAN cells are in this range, contact
Huawei technical support.
Step 2 Run an MML command to change the blind handover priority to a value from 1 to 31. For
example, if the target system is the UTRAN, run the MOD UTRANNCELL command.

Table 9-12 shows the alarms related to the feature.
Table 9-12 Alarm list
Alarm ID Alarm Name NE Feature ID Feature Name
29221 LTE-WCDMA eNodeB LOFD-001072 Distance based
Inter-System Inter-RAT
Outgoing Cell handover to
Handover UTRAN
Success Rate
Too Low
29222 LTE-GERAN eNodeB LOFD-001073 Distance based
Inter-System Inter-RAT
Outgoing Cell handover to
Handover GERAN
Success Rate
Too Low

9.8 UL-Quality-based Inter-RAT Handover

9.8.1 When to Use UL-Quality-based Inter-RAT Handover
Coverage-based inter-RAT handovers are triggered based on DL signal quality. However, there may be
a huge imbalance between the DL and UL signal quality. The UL signal quality may be relatively
poor while the DL signal quality is fairly satisfactory. If this occurs, prompt triggering of inter-RAT
handovers cannot be ensured. To handle this problem, you can enable UL-quality-based inter-RAT
handover. It is good practice to enable UL-quality-based inter-RAT handover after the LTE network has
stabilized. In the early phase of network deployment, however, enable this type of handover if it is
required in the network plan.
If UL-quality-based inter-frequency handover and UL-quality-based inter-RAT handover are both
applicable, the former is recommended over the latter.

9.8.2 Required Information

The information to be collected before deploying UL-quality-based inter-RAT handover is the same as
that before deploying UL-quality-based inter-frequency handover.

9.8.3 Data Preparation

This section describes the data that you need to collect for setting parameters. Required data is data that
you must collect for all scenarios. Collect scenario-specific data when necessary for a specific feature
deployment scenario.

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There are three types of data sources:
 Network plan (negotiation required): parameter values planned by the operator and negotiated with
the EPC or peer transmission equipment
 Network plan (negotiation not required): parameter values planned and set by the operator
 User-defined: parameter values set by users.

Required Data
For details about the required data, see 9.7.3 Data Preparation.

Scenario-specific Data
UL-Quality-based inter-RAT handover can be enabled only after coverage-based inter-RAT handover is
enabled. This section describes the required parameters except those for coverage-based inter-RAT
handover. For details on the required parameters for coverage-based inter-RAT handover, see the
"Scenario-specific Data" part in 9.7.3 Data Preparation.
The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the ENodeBAlgoSwitch MO to
configure the mode for inter-RAT handover based on UL quality.

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

Handover ENodeBAlgoSwit Network plan To enable UL-quality-based
Algo switch ch.HoAlgoSwitc (negotiation inter-RAT handover, select the
h not required) UlPowerHoSwitch check box under
this parameter.

9.8.4 Deployment Requirements

Operating Environment
The following three features of mobility management in connected mode have different requirements for
operating environment:
 The feature LOFD-001019 PS Inter-RAT Mobility between E-UTRAN and UTRAN requires that the
core-network equipment should support this feature.
If the core-network equipment is provided by Huawei, the equipment version must be SAE1.2 or later.
If the core-network equipment is provided by another vendor, check whether the equipment supports
this feature.
 The feature LOFD-001020 PS Inter-RAT Mobility between E-UTRAN and GERAN requires that the
core-network equipment should support this feature.
If the core-network equipment is provided by Huawei, the equipment version must be PS11.0.
If the core-network equipment is provided by another vendor, check whether the equipment supports
this feature.

Transmission Networking

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To use UL-quality-based inter-RAT handovers, an operator must purchase and activate the licenses for
the features listed in the following table.

Feature ID Feature Name License

Control Item
LOFD-001019 PS Inter-RAT PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between Mobility between
LOFD-001020 PS Inter-RAT PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between Mobility between

9.8.5 Activation
Configuring a Single eNodeB Using the GUI
Configure a single eNodeB in the general configuration window on the Configuration Management
Express (CME) based on the MO and parameters as described in section 9.8.3 "Data Preparation."
See the M2000 Help for more information about operations in the general configuration window. Press
F1 to launch M2000 Help. Navigate to Introduction to the LTE General Configuration Window and refer
to the generic procedure for setting parameters using the CME graphical user interface (GUI).
To find MOs in the planned area, use either of the following methods:
 In the Object Group pane, find MOs in the navigation tree. This method applies to users who are
familiar with the navigation tree.
 In the Search pane, search an MO. This method applies to users who are unfamiliar with the
navigation tree.

Configuring eNodeBs in Batches

To configure eNodeBs in batches, perform the following steps:
Step 1 On the GUI, set the parameters listed in the table for a specific scenario in this section, and save
the parameter settings as a user-defined template.
The parameters are the same as those described in section 9.8.3 "Data Preparation."
Step 2 Fill in the summary data file with the name of the user-defined template.
The parameter settings in the user-defined template will be applied to the eNodeBs after you import
the summary data file into the CME.

For descriptions of the user-defined template and summary data file and also the detailed procedure for
configuring eNodeBs in batches, see eNodeB Initial Configuration Guide.

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Table 9-13 UL-quality-based inter-RAT handover to UTRAN
MO Parameter Group Parameter
ENODEBALG ENodeBAlgoSwitch Handover Algo switch, Handover Mode
OSWITCH switch

Table 9-14 UL-quality-based inter-RAT handover to GERAN

MO Parameter Group Parameter
ENODEBALG ENodeBAlgoSwitch Handover Algo switch, Handover Mode
OSWITCH switch

Table 9-15 UL-quality-based inter-RAT handover to CDMA2000 HRPD

MO Parameter Group Parameter
ENODEBALG ENodeBAlgoSwitch Handover Algo switch, Handover Mode
OSWITCH switch

Table 9-16 UL-quality-based inter-RAT handover to CDMA2000 1xRTT

MO Parameter Group Parameter
ENODEBALG ENodeBAlgoSwitch Handover Algo switch, Handover Mode
OSWITCH switch

Configuring a Single eNodeB Using MML Commands

 UL-quality-based inter-RAT handover to UTRAN
Step 1 Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command to enable UL-quality-based handover and
configure inter-RAT handover to UTRAN.
Step 2 Run the following commands to add neighbor relationships with UTRAN cells:

 UL-quality-based inter-RAT handover to GERAN

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Step 1 Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command to enable UL-quality-based handover and
configure inter-RAT handover to GERAN.
Step 2 Run the following commands to add neighbor relationships with GERAN cells:

 UL-quality-based inter-RAT handover to CDMA2000 HRPD

Step 1 Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command to enable UL-quality-based handover and
configure inter-RAT handover to CDMA2000 HRPD.
Step 2 Run the following commands to add neighbor relationships with CDMA2000 HRPD cells:

 UL-quality-based inter-RAT handover to CDMA2000 1xRTT

Step 1 Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command to enable UL-quality-based handover and
configure inter-RAT handover to CDMA2000 1xRTT.
Step 2 Run the following commands to add neighbor relationships with CDMA2000 1xRTT cells:

9.8.6 Activation Observation

The observation procedure is as follows:
Step 1 Use a UE to access the network at the center of a cell in the 2600 MHz band. Then, move the
UE from the cell center to the cell edge. During this process, the uplink quality of the UE becomes poor.
Step 2 Observe the user-level measurement result on the M2000.
 When the user uplink IBLER is greater than 30%, which is the threshold for an UL-quality-based
inter-RAT handover, observe the messages traced over the Uu interface. The RRC_CONN_RECFG

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 9 Engineering Guidelines

message from the eNodeB contains measurement control information for the UL-quality-based
inter-RAT handover.
 When the user uplink IBLER is greater than 40%, which is the threshold for UL-quality-based
inter-RAT redirection, observe the messages traced over the Uu interface. The RRC_CONN_REL
message from the eNodeB contains information about the target frequency for redirection.
Step 3 Observe messages traced over the Uu interface.
 In the case of a handover, the UE receives an RRC_CONN_RECFG message that contains target cell
 In the case of redirection, the UE receives an RRC_CONN_REL message that contains target
frequency information.

9.8.7 Reconfiguration
The reconfiguration of parameters that are not involved in this section is the same as the reconfiguration
of parameters for coverage-based inter-RAT handovers. For details, see 9.7.7 Reconfiguration.

Parameter Groups Related to Inter-RAT Handovers to UTRAN

Parameter groups related to inter-RAT handovers to UTRAN are contained in the
InterRatHoUtranGroup MO. The following table provides suggestions on how to reconfigure these

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

CoverageBa InterRatHoUtr Network plan This parameter specifies the Ec/No
sed UTRAN anGroup.Inter (negotiation threshold for event B1 in a
ECN0 trigger RatHoUtranB not required) coverage-based, UL-quality-based, or
threshold 1ThdEcn0 distance-based handover, or to a
SPID-based handover to the HPLMN. A
larger value results in a lower probability
of handovers to UTRAN, whereas a
smaller value results in a higher
It is recommended that the default value
be used.
CoverageBa InterRatHoUtr Network plan This parameter specifies the RSCP
sed UTRAN anGroup.Inter (negotiation threshold for event B1 in a
RSCP trigger RatHoUtranB not required) coverage-based, UL-quality-based, or
threshold 1ThdRscp distance-based handover, or to a
SPID-based handover to the HPLMN. A
larger value results in a lower probability
of handovers to UTRAN, whereas a
smaller value results in a higher
It is recommended that the default value
be used.

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
UTRAN time InterRatHoUtr Network plan This parameter specifies the
to trigger anGroup.Inter (negotiation time-to-trigger for event B1 in an
RatHoUtranB not required) inter-RAT handover to UTRAN. When
1TimeToTrig detecting that the signal quality in at
least one neighboring cell meets the
entering condition, the UE does not send
a measurement report to the eNodeB
immediately. Instead, the UE sends a
report only when the signal quality
continuously meets the entering
condition during the time-to-trigger
If both UTRAN and GERAN neighboring
cells are measured, you are advised to
set the time-to-trigger for UTRAN
neighboring cells to be smaller than that
for GERAN neighboring cells, increasing
the possibility of handovers to UTRAN
neighboring cells.
If both UL-quality-based inter-frequency
handovers and UL-quality-based
inter-RAT handovers are enabled, you
are advised to set the time-to-trigger for
the inter-RAT handover event be greater
than that for the inter-frequency
handover event, increasing the
possibility of inter-frequency handovers.

Parameter Groups Related to Inter-RAT Handovers to GERAN

Parameter groups related to inter-RAT handovers to GERAN are contained in the
InterRatHoGeranGroup MO. The following table provides suggestions on how to reconfigure these

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

CoverageBa InterRatHoGer Network plan This parameter specifies the RSSI
sed GERAN anGroup.Inter (negotiation not threshold for event B1 in a
trigger RatHoGeranB required) coverage-based, UL-quality-based, or
threshold 1Thd distance-based handover to GERAN. A
larger value results in a lower
probability of handovers to
GERAN, whereas a smaller value
results in a higher probability.
It is recommended that the default
value be used.

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
GERAN time InterRatHoGer Network plan This parameter specifies the
to trigger anGroup.Inter (negotiation not time-to-trigger for event B1 in an
RatHoGeranB required) inter-RAT handover to GERAN. When
1TimeToTrig detecting that the signal quality in at
least one neighboring cell meets the
entering condition, the UE does not
send a measurement report to the
eNodeB immediately. Instead, the UE
sends a report only when the signal
quality continuously meets the entering
condition during the time-to-trigger
If both UTRAN and GERAN
neighboring cells are measured, you
are advised to set the time-to-trigger for
GERAN neighboring cells to be greater
than that for UTRAN neighboring cells,
increasing the possibility of handovers
to UTRAN neighboring cells.
If both UL-quality-based inter-frequency
handovers and UL-quality-based
inter-RAT handovers are enabled, you
are advised to set the time-to-trigger for
the inter-RAT handover event be
greater than that for the inter-frequency
handover event, increasing the
possibility of inter-frequency handovers.

9.8.8 Deactivation
To deactivate UL-quality-based inter-RAT handover, disable its algorithm by running the MOD

9.8.9 Performance Monitoring

For details about how to monitor, see 9.7.9 Performance Monitoring.

9.8.10 Parameter Optimization

For details about parameter optimization, see 9.7.10 Parameter Optimization.

9.8.11 Troubleshooting
For details about troubleshooting, see 9.7.11 Troubleshooting.

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9.9 Distance-based Inter-RAT Handover
9.9.1 When to Use Distance-based Inter-RAT Handover
You are advised to enable distance-based inter-RAT handover when the E-UTRAN cannot cover the
entire network and causes severe cross-cell coverage for the cells of another RAT. The latter situation
occurs if the coverage of the E-UTRAN overlaps with that of another RAT and the RF signals from an
E-UTRAN cell travels distances significantly longer than the inter-site spacing specified in the network
plan. If the cells of the other RAT are not configured as neighboring cells of the E-UTRAN cell,
inter-frequency handovers cannot be triggered in time and call drops will occur. To reduce the probability
of such call drops, you can enable distance-based inter-RAT handover.

9.9.2 Required Information

The information to be collected before deploying distance-based inter-RAT handover is the same as that
before deploying distance-based inter-frequency handover.

9.9.3 Data Preparation

This section describes the data that you need to collect for setting parameters. Required data is data that
you must collect for all scenarios. Collect scenario-specific data when necessary for a specific feature
deployment scenario.
There are three types of data sources:
 Network plan (negotiation required): parameter values planned by the operator and negotiated with
the EPC or peer transmission equipment
 Network plan (negotiation not required): parameter values planned and set by the operator
 User-defined: parameter values set by users.

Required Data
For details about the required data, see 9.7.3 Data Preparation.

Scenario-specific Data
Distance-based inter-RAT handover can be enabled only after coverage-based inter-RAT handover is
enabled. This section describes the required parameters except those for coverage-based inter-RAT
handover. For details on the required parameters for coverage-based inter-RAT handover, see the
"Scenario-specific Data" part in 9.7.3 Data Preparation.
To enable distance-based inter-RAT handovers, the corresponding switch must be turned on and the
measurement object type must be set to UTRAN or GERAN.
The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the CellAlgoSwitch MO to enable
distance-based inter-RAT handovers.

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

Local cell ID CellAlgoSwitc Network plan Ensure that this parameter has been
h.LocalCellId (negotiation set in a Cell MO.
not required)

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
Distance-based CellAlgoSwitc Network plan This parameter specifies whether to
Handover Switch h.DistBasedH (negotiation enable distance-based handovers. If
oSwitch not required) this switch is turned on,
distance-based handovers are
allowed. If this switch is turned off,
distance-based handovers to any cells
are prohibited.

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the DistBasedHo MO to set the
measurement object type.

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

Local cell ID DistBasedHO. Network plan Ensure that this parameter has been
LocalCellId (negotiation set in a Cell MO.
not required)
Distance-based DistBasedHO. Network plan This parameter specifies the
Measurement DistBasedMe (negotiation measurement object type for
Object Type asObjType not required) distance-based handovers.
If this parameter is set to UTRAN or
GERAN, distanced-based handovers
to inter-frequency neighboring cells are

9.9.4 Deployment Requirements

Operating Environment
The following three features of mobility management in connected mode have different requirements for
operating environment:
 The feature LOFD-001019 PS Inter-RAT Mobility between E-UTRAN and UTRAN requires that the
core-network equipment should support this feature.
If the core-network equipment is provided by Huawei, the equipment version must be SAE1.2 or later.
If the core-network equipment is provided by another vendor, check whether the equipment supports
this feature.
 The feature LOFD-001020 PS Inter-RAT Mobility between E-UTRAN and GERAN requires that the
core-network equipment should support this feature.
If the core-network equipment is provided by Huawei, the equipment version must be PS11.0.
If the core-network equipment is provided by another vendor, check whether the equipment supports
this feature.
Other features have no requirements for operating environment.

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Transmission Networking

To use distance-based inter-RAT handovers, an operator must purchase and activate the licenses for the
features listed in the following table.

Feature ID Feature Name License

Control Item
LOFD-001019 PS Inter-RAT PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between Mobility between
LOFD-001020 PS Inter-RAT PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between Mobility between
LOFD-001072 Distance based Distance based
Inter-RAT Inter-RAT
handover to handover to
LOFD-001073 Distance based Distance based
Inter-RAT Inter-RAT
handover to handover to

9.9.5 Activation
Configuring a Single eNodeB Using the GUI
Configure a single eNodeB in the general configuration window on the Configuration Management
Express (CME) based on the MO and parameters as described in section 9.9.3 "Data Preparation."
See the M2000 Help for more information about operations in the general configuration window. Press
F1 to launch M2000 Help. Navigate to Introduction to the LTE General Configuration Window and refer
to the generic procedure for setting parameters using the CME graphical user interface (GUI).
To find MOs in the planned area, use either of the following methods:
 In the Object Group pane, find MOs in the navigation tree. This method applies to users who are
familiar with the navigation tree.
 In the Search pane, search an MO. This method applies to users who are unfamiliar with the
navigation tree.

Configuring eNodeBs in Batches

To configure eNodeBs in batches, perform the following steps:
Step 1 On the GUI, set the parameters listed in the table for a specific scenario in this section, and save
the parameter settings as a user-defined template.

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The parameters are the same as those described in section 9.9.3 "Data Preparation."
Step 2 Fill in the summary data file with the name of the user-defined template.
The parameter settings in the user-defined template will be applied to the eNodeBs after you import
the summary data file into the CME.

For descriptions of the user-defined template and summary data file and also the detailed procedure for
configuring eNodeBs in batches, see eNodeB Initial Configuration Guide.
Table 9-17 Distance-based inter-RAT handover to UTRAN
MO Parameter Group Parameter
DISTBASEDHO DISTBASEDHO Distance-based Measurement Object
Type, Distance-based Handover Threshold

Table 9-18 Distance-based inter-RAT handover to GERAN

MO Parameter Group Parameter
DISTBASEDHO DISTBASEDHO Distance-based Measurement Object
Type, Distance-based Handover Threshold

Configuring a Single eNodeB Using MML Commands

 Distance-based inter-RAT handover to UTRAN
Step 1 Run the MOD CELLALGOSWITCH command to enable distance-based inter-RAT handover.
Step 2 Run the MOD DISTBASEDHO command to set the measurement object type to UTRAN and set
the threshold for distance-based handover.
Step 3 Run the following commands to add neighbor relationships with UTRAN cells:

 Distance-based inter-RAT handover to GERAN

Step 1 Run the MOD CELLALGOSWITCH command to enable distance-based inter-RAT handover.

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9-106

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Step 2 Run the MOD DISTBASEDHO command to set the measurement object type to GERAN and set
the threshold for distance-based handover.
Step 3 Run the following commands to add neighbor relationships with GERAN cells:

9.9.6 Activation Observation

Step 1 Trace messages over the Uu interface on the M2000 client after the UE accesses the network at
the center of an E-UTRAN cell that exerts cross-cell coverage to other cells. Move the UE toward
the cell edge. During the movement, coverage-based A2 measurements are not triggered due to
cross-cell coverage, but the threshold for distance-based handover is reached. Check for the
distance-based inter-RAT measurement configuration in the RRC_CONN_RECFG message.
Step 2 Trace messages over the Uu interface on the M2000 client. Check the target cell access
information in the RRC_CONN_RECFG message. This message is the handover command sent
from the eNodeB after the eNodeB receives a B1 measurement report from the UE for a
distance-based inter-RAT handover.

9.9.7 Reconfiguration
The reconfiguration of parameters that are not involved in this section is the same as the reconfiguration
of parameters for coverage-based inter-RAT handovers. For details, see 9.7.7 Reconfiguration.

Distance-Based Handover Threshold

Distance-based handover threshold is contained in the DistBasedHO MO. The following table provides
suggestions on how to reconfigure this parameter.

Parameter Name Parameter Data Source Setting Notes

Distance-based DistBasedH Network plan This parameter specifies the
Handover O.DistBase (negotiation not threshold for distance-based
Threshold dHOThd required) handovers.
It is recommended that you set this
parameter based on the planned
distance between sites.

Parameter Groups Related to Inter-RAT Handovers to UTRAN

Parameter groups related to inter-RAT handovers to UTRAN are contained in the
InterRatHoUtranGroup MO. The following table provides suggestions on how to reconfigure these

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Parameter Parameter Data Source Setting Notes
Name ID
CoverageBa InterRatH Network plan This parameter specifies the Ec/No threshold
sed UTRAN oUtranGro (negotiation for event B1 in a coverage-based,
ECN0 trigger up.InterRa not required) UL-quality-based, or distance-based
threshold tHoUtranB handover, or to a SPID-based handover to the
1ThdEcn0 HPLMN. A larger value results in a lower
probability of handovers to UTRAN, whereas a
smaller value results in a higher probability.
It is recommended that the default value be
CoverageBa InterRatH Network plan This parameter specifies the RSCP threshold
sed UTRAN oUtranGro (negotiation for event B1 in a coverage-based,
RSCP trigger up.InterRa not required) UL-quality-based, or distance-based
threshold tHoUtranB handover, or to a SPID-based handover to the
1ThdRscp HPLMN. A larger value results in a lower
probability of handovers to UTRAN, whereas a
smaller value results in a higher probability.
It is recommended that the default value be
UTRAN time InterRatH Network plan This parameter specifies the time-to-trigger for
to trigger oUtranGro (negotiation event B1 in an inter-RAT handover to UTRAN.
up.InterRa not required) When detecting that the signal quality in at
tHoUtranB least one neighboring cell meets the entering
1TimeToT condition, the UE does not send a
rig measurement report to the eNodeB
immediately. Instead, the UE sends a report
only when the signal quality continuously
meets the entering condition during the
time-to-trigger period.
If both UTRAN and GERAN neighboring cells
are measured, you are advised to set the
time-to-trigger for UTRAN neighboring cells to
be smaller than that for GERAN neighboring
cells, increasing the possibility of handovers to
UTRAN neighboring cells.
If both distance-based inter-frequency
handovers and distance-based inter-RAT
handovers are enabled, you are advised to set
the time-to-trigger for the inter-RAT handover
event be greater than that for the
inter-frequency handover event, increasing
the possibility of inter-frequency handovers.

Parameter Groups Related to Inter-RAT Handovers to GERAN

Parameter groups related to inter-RAT handovers to GERAN are contained in the
InterRatHoGeranGroup MO. The following table provides suggestions on how to reconfigure these

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Parameter Parameter Data Setting Notes
Name ID Source
CoverageBa InterRatHo Network This parameter specifies the RSSI threshold
sed GERAN GeranGrou plan for event B1 in a coverage-based,
trigger p.InterRatH (negotiation UL-quality-based, or distance-based
threshold oGeranB1T not required) handover to GERAN. A larger value results in
hd a lower probability of handovers to
GERAN, whereas a smaller value results in a
higher probability.
It is recommended that the default value be
GERAN time InterRatHo Network This parameter specifies the time-to-trigger
to trigger GeranGrou plan for event B1 in an inter-RAT handover to
p.InterRatH (negotiation GERAN. When detecting that the signal
oGeranB1T not required) quality in at least one neighboring cell meets
imeToTrig the entering condition, the UE does not send a
measurement report to the eNodeB
immediately. Instead, the UE sends a report
only when the signal quality continuously
meets the entering condition during the
time-to-trigger period.
If both UTRAN and GERAN neighboring cells
are measured, you are advised to set the
time-to-trigger for GERAN neighboring cells to
be greater than that for UTRAN neighboring
cells, increasing the possibility of handovers
to UTRAN neighboring cells.
If both distance-based inter-frequency
handovers and distance-based inter-RAT
handovers are enabled, you are advised to
set the time-to-trigger for the inter-RAT
handover event be greater than that for the
inter-frequency handover event, increasing
the possibility of inter-frequency handovers.

9.9.8 Deactivation
Step 1 Run the MOD CELLALGOSWITCH command to turn off the switch for distance-based
Step 2 Run the MOD DISTBASEDHO command, and clear the corresponding check box under
the Distance-based Measurement Object Type parameter to disable distance-based
handovers to the corresponding RAT.

9.9.9 Performance Monitoring

For details about how to monitor, see 9.7.9 Performance Monitoring.

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9.9.10 Parameter Optimization
For details about parameter optimization, see 9.7.10 Parameter Optimization.

9.9.11 Troubleshooting
For details about troubleshooting, see 9.7.11 Troubleshooting.

9.10 Service-based Inter-RAT Handover

9.10.1 When to Use Service-based Inter-RAT Handover
You are advised to enable service-based inter-RAT handover to divert some services to another RAT in
either of the following situations:
 In the early phase of LTE network construction, the E-UTRAN is incapable of providing continuous
 After the LTE network has stabilized, the E-UTRAN is heavily loaded with certain types of service.

9.10.2 Required Information

Before you deploy service-based inter-RAT handover, collect information about the coverage and load of
the target inter-RAT system. Ensure that the target inter-RAT system provides continuous coverage. If
the target inter-RAT system is heavily loaded, service-based inter-RAT handover is not recommended.
Service-based inter-RAT handover to a heavily loaded system affects user experience.

9.10.3 Data Preparation

This section describes the data that you need to collect for setting parameters. Required data is data that
you must collect for all scenarios. Collect scenario-specific data when necessary for a specific feature
deployment scenario.
There are three types of data sources:
 Network plan (negotiation required): parameter values planned by the operator and negotiated with
the EPC or peer transmission equipment
 Network plan (negotiation not required): parameter values planned and set by the operator
 User-defined: parameter values set by users.

Required Data
For details about the required data, see 9.7.3 Data Preparation.

Scenario-specific Data
Service-based inter-RAT handover can be enabled only after coverage-based inter-RAT handover is
enabled. This section describes the required parameters except those for coverage-based inter-RAT
handover. For details on the required parameters for coverage-based inter-RAT handover, see the
"Scenario-specific Data" part in 9.7.3 Data Preparation.
The following table describes the parameter that must be set in the ENodeBAlgoSwitch MO to enable
service-based inter-RAT handovers.

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Parameter Parameter Data Setting Notes
Name ID Source
Handover ENodeBAl Network Turn on an inter-RAT handover algorithm switch
Algo switch goSwitch. plan based on the operator's network plan.
HoAlgoSwi (negotiation Handover to UTRAN:
tch not UtranServiceHoSwitch(UtranServiceHoSwitch)
Handover to GERAN:

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in the ServiceIrHoCfgGroup MO to
configure a service-based inter-RAT handover policy.

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

CN Operator ServiceIrHoCf Network plan Ensure that this parameter has been
ID gGroup.CnOp (negotiation not set in a CnOperator MO.
eratorId required)
Service-base ServiceIrHoCf Network plan Indicates the ID of the service-based
d inter-RAT gGroup.Servic (negotiation not inter-RAT handover policy group.
handover eIrHoCfgGrou required)
policy group pId
Inter-RAT ServiceIrHoCf Network plan This parameter specifies whether
handover gGroup.InterR (negotiation not the service-based inter-RAT
state atHoState required) handover is forbidden, allowed, or
required for services with the QCI.
Parameter values 0, 1, and 2
indicate forbidden, allowed, and
required, respectively.
Set this parameter based on the
application scenario.

The following tables describe the parameter that must be set to configure inter-RAT handover policy
groups for services with standard or extended QCIs.
The following table describes the parameter that must be set in the CnOperatorStandardQci MO to
configure parameter groups for services with standard QCIs.

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

CN Operator ID CnOperatorSt Network plan Set this parameter according to the
andardQci.Cn (negotiation network plan. Ensure that this
OperatorId not required) parameter is already set in the
corresponding CnOperator MO.

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
QoS Class CnOperatorSt Network plan This parameter specifies the index of
Indication andardQci.Qc (negotiation the standard QCI for which the
i not required) parameter group is configured.
Service-based CnOperatorSt Network plan Set this parameter to the ID
inter-RAT andardQci.Se (negotiation configured in
handover policy rviceIrHoCfgG not required) ServiceIrHoCfgGroup.ServiceIrHo
group ID roupId CfgGroupId.

9.10.4 Deployment Requirements

Operating Environment
The following three features of mobility management in connected mode have different requirements for
operating environment:
 The feature LOFD-001019 PS Inter-RAT Mobility between E-UTRAN and UTRAN requires that the
core-network equipment should support this feature.
If the core-network equipment is provided by Huawei, the equipment version must be SAE1.2 or later.
If the core-network equipment is provided by another vendor, check whether the equipment supports
this feature.
 The feature LOFD-001020 PS Inter-RAT Mobility between E-UTRAN and GERAN requires that the
core-network equipment should support this feature.
If the core-network equipment is provided by Huawei, the equipment version must be PS11.0.
If the core-network equipment is provided by another vendor, check whether the equipment supports
this feature.

Transmission Networking

To use service-based inter-RAT handovers, an operator must purchase and activate the licenses for the
features listed in the following table.

Feature ID Feature Name License Control Item

LOFD-001019 PS Inter-RAT Mobility PS Inter-RAT Mobility between
between E-UTRAN and E-UTRAN and UTRAN
LOFD-001020 PS Inter-RAT Mobility PS Inter-RAT Mobility between
between E-UTRAN and E-UTRAN and GERAN
LOFD-001043 Service based inter-RAT Service based inter-RAT handover to
handover to UTRAN UTRAN
LOFD-001046 Service based inter-RAT Service based inter-RAT handover to
handover to GERAN GERAN

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Feature ID Feature Name License Control Item

9.10.5 Activation
Configuring a Single eNodeB Using the GUI
Configure a single eNodeB in the general configuration window on the Configuration Management
Express (CME) based on the MO and parameters as described in section 9.10.3 "Data Preparation."
See the M2000 Help for more information about operations in the general configuration window. Press
F1 to launch M2000 Help. Navigate to Introduction to the LTE General Configuration Window and refer
to the generic procedure for setting parameters using the CME graphical user interface (GUI).
To find MOs in the planned area, use either of the following methods:
 In the Object Group pane, find MOs in the navigation tree. This method applies to users who are
familiar with the navigation tree.
 In the Search pane, search an MO. This method applies to users who are unfamiliar with the
navigation tree.

Configuring eNodeBs in Batches

To configure eNodeBs in batches, perform the following steps:
Step 1 On the GUI, set the parameters listed in the table for a specific scenario in this section, and save
the parameter settings as a user-defined template.
The parameters are the same as those described in section 9.10.3 "Data Preparation."
Step 2 Fill in the summary data file with the name of the user-defined template.
The parameter settings in the user-defined template will be applied to the eNodeBs after you import
the summary data file into the CME.

For descriptions of the user-defined template and summary data file and also the detailed procedure for
configuring eNodeBs in batches, see eNodeB Initial Configuration Guide.
Table 9-19 Service-based inter-RAT handover to UTRAN
MO Parameter Group Parameter
ENODEBAL ENodeBAlgoSwitch Handover Algo switch, Handover Mode switch
SERVICEIR ServiceIrHoCfgGroup CN Operator ID, Service-based inter-RAT handover policy
HOCFGGR group ID, Inter-RAT handover state

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MO Parameter Group Parameter
UTRANNFR UtranNFreq Local cell identity, Downlink UARFCN, UTRAN version,
EQ UTRAN cell type indicator, Uplink UARFCN indicator, Uplink
UARFCN, Reselection priority configure indicator, Cell
reselection priority, PMAX(dBm), Frequency offset(dB),
Minimum required quality level(dB), Minimum required RX
level(dBm), UTRAN high priority threshold(2dB), UTRAN
lower priority threshold(2dB)
UTRANEXT UtranExternalCell Mobile country code, Mobile network code, UTRAN cell
ERNALCEL identity, UTRAN cell type indicator, Downlink UARFCN,
L Uplink UARFCN configure indicator, Uplink UARFCN, RNC
identity, Routing area code configure indicator, Routing area
code, Primary scrambling code, Location area code, Cell
UTRANEXT UtranExternalCellPlm UTRAN cell identity, Mobile country code, Mobile network
ERNALCEL n code, Share mobile country code, Share mobile network code
UTRANNCE UtranNCell Local cell identity, Mobile country code, Mobile network code,
LL UTRAN cell identity, No handover indicator, No remove
indicator, Blind handover priority, ANR flag, Local cell name,
Neighbour cell name

Table 9-20 Service-based inter-RAT handover to GERAN

MO Parameter Group Parameter
ENODEBAL ENodeBAlgoSwitch Handover Algo switch, Handover Mode switch
SERVICEIR ServiceIrHoCfgGroup CN Operator ID, Service-based inter-RAT handover policy
HOCFGGR group ID, Inter-RAT handover state
GERANNFR GeranNfreqGroup Local cell identity, BCCH group identity, GERAN version,
EQGROUP Starting ARFCN, Band indicator, Cell reselection priority
configure indicator, Cell reselection priority, PMAX configure
indicator, PMAX(dBm), Minimum required RX level(dBm),
High priority threshold(2dB), Lower priority threshold(2dB),
Frequency offset(dB), NCC monitoring permitted
GERANNFR GeranNfreqGroupArf Local cell identity, BCCH group identity, GERAN ARFCN
GERANEXT GeranExternalCell Mobile country code, Mobile network code, GERAN cell
ERNALCEL identity, Location area code, Routing area code configure
L indicator, Routing area code, Band indicator, GERAN
ARFCN, Network colour code, Base station colour code, DTM
indication, Cell name

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9-114

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MO Parameter Group Parameter
GERANEXT GeranExternalCellPl GERAN cell identity, Location area code, Mobile country
ERNALCEL mn code, Mobile network code, Share mobile country code,
LPLMN Share mobile network code
GERANNCE GeranNcell Local cell identity, Mobile country code, Mobile network code,
LL Location area code, GERAN cell identity, No remove
indicator, No handover indicator, Blind handover priority, ANR
flag, Local cell name, Neighbour cell name

Configuring a Single eNodeB Using MML Commands

 Service-based inter-RAT handover to UTRAN
Step 1 Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command to configure service-based inter-RAT
handover to UTRAN.
Step 2 Run the ADD SERVICEIRHOCFGGROUP command to configure a service-based inter-RAT
handover policy group.
Step 3 Run the following commands to add neighbor relationships with UTRAN cells:

 Service-based inter-RAT handover to GERAN

Step 4 Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command to configure service-based inter-RAT
handover between E-UTRAN and GERAN.
Step 5 Run the ADD SERVICEIRHOCFGGROUP command to configure a service-based inter-RAT
handover policy group.
Step 6 Run the following commands to add neighbor relationships with GERAN cells:

9.10.6 Activation Observation

Step 1 Trace messages over the Uu interface for UEs running only voice services with QCI 1. Check for
B1 measurement information in the RRC_CONN_RECFG message.

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9-115

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Step 2 Trace messages over the Uu interface while the UE is moving towards an inter-frequency
neighboring cell.
Service-based inter-RAT handover is activated if the eNodeB sends an
RRC_MOBIL_FROM_EUTRA_CMD message after receiving a B1-related measurement report from the

9.10.7 Reconfiguration
The reconfiguration of parameters that are not involved in this section is the same as the reconfiguration
of parameters for coverage-based inter-RAT handovers. For details, see 9.7.7 Reconfiguration.

Parameter Groups Related to Inter-RAT Handovers to UTRAN

Parameter groups related to inter-RAT handovers to UTRAN are contained in the
InterRatHoUtranGroup MO. The following table provides suggestions on how to reconfigure these

Paramete Parameter Data Source Setting Notes

r Name ID
Load InterRatHo Network plan This parameter specifies the Ec/No threshold
Service UtranGrou (negotiation for event B1 in a load- or service-based
Based p.LdSvBas not required) inter-RAT handover to UTRAN. A larger value
UTRANB1 edHoUtran results in a lower probability of handovers to
ECN0 B1ThdEcn UTRAN, whereas a smaller value results in a
threshold 0 higher probability.
It is recommended that the default value be
Load InterRatHo Network plan This parameter specifies the RSCP threshold
Service UtranGrou (negotiation for event B1 in a load- or service-based
Based p.LdSvBas not required) inter-RAT handover to UTRAN. A larger value
UTRAN edHoUtran results in a lower probability of handovers to
EventB1 B1ThdRsc UTRAN, whereas a smaller value results in a
RSCP p higher probability.
trigger It is recommended that the default value be
threshold used.

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9-116

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Paramete Parameter Data Source Setting Notes
r Name ID
UTRAN InterRatHo Network plan This parameter specifies the time-to-trigger for
time to UtranGrou (negotiation event B1 in an inter-RAT handover to UTRAN.
trigger p.InterRatH not required) When detecting that the signal quality in at
oUtranB1Ti least one neighboring cell meets the entering
meToTrig condition, the UE does not send a
measurement report to the eNodeB
immediately. Instead, the UE sends a report
only when the signal quality continuously
meets the entering condition during the
time-to-trigger period.
If both UTRAN and GERAN neighboring cells
are measured, you are advised to set the
time-to-trigger for UTRAN neighboring cells to
be smaller than that for GERAN neighboring
cells, increasing the possibility of handovers to
UTRAN neighboring cells.

Parameter Groups Related to Inter-RAT Handovers to GERAN

Parameter groups related to inter-RAT handovers to GERAN are contained in the
InterRatHoGeranGroup MO. The following table provides suggestions on how to reconfigure these

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

Load InterRatHoG Network plan This parameter specifies the RSSI threshold
Service eranGroup.L (negotiation for event B1 in a load- or service-based
Based dSvBasedHo not required) inter-RAT handover to GERAN. A larger
Geran GeranB1Thd value results in a lower probability of
EventB1 handovers to GERAN, whereas a smaller
trigger value results in a higher probability.
threshold It is recommended that the default value be

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9-117

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes
GERAN InterRatHoG Network plan This parameter specifies the time-to-trigger
time to eranGroup.In (negotiation for event B1 in an inter-RAT handover to
trigger terRatHoGer not required) GERAN. When detecting that the signal
anB1TimeTo quality in at least one neighboring cell meets
Trig the entering condition, the UE does not send
a measurement report to the eNodeB
immediately. Instead, the UE sends a report
only when the signal quality continuously
meets the entering condition during the
time-to-trigger period.
If both UTRAN and GERAN neighboring cells
are measured, you are advised to set the
time-to-trigger for GERAN neighboring cells
to be greater than that for UTRAN
neighboring cells, increasing the possibility of
handovers to UTRAN neighboring cells.

9.10.8 Deactivation
To deactivate service-based inter-RAT handover, disable the algorithms for service-based UTRAN
handovers and service-based GERAN handovers by running the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH

9.10.9 Performance Monitoring

For details about how to monitor, see 9.7.9 Performance Monitoring.

9.10.10 Parameter Optimization

For details about parameter optimization, see 9.7.10 Parameter Optimization.

9.10.11 Troubleshooting
For details about troubleshooting, see 9.7.11 Troubleshooting.

9.11 E-URTAN to UTRAN CS/PS Steering

9.11.1 When to Use E-URTAN to UTRAN CS/PS Steering
You are advised to enable E-UTRAN to UTRAN CS/PS steering on the eNodeB if the following
conditions are met:
 Inter-RAT interoperability between E-UTRAN and UTRAN is enabled.
 The operator has multiple UTRAN frequencies and these frequencies are planned for CS/PS steering.

9.11.2 Required Information

Before deploying E-UTRAN to UTRAN CS/PS steering, collect information about frequencies used to
carry CS and PS services in UTRAN.

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9.11.3 Data Preparation
This section describes the data that you need to collect for setting parameters. Required data is data that
you must collect for all scenarios. Collect scenario-specific data when necessary for a specific feature
deployment scenario.
There are three types of data sources:
 Network plan (negotiation required): parameter values planned by the operator and negotiated with
the EPC or peer transmission equipment
 Network plan (negotiation not required): parameter values planned and set by the operator
 User-defined: parameter values set by users.

Required Data
For details about required data for coverage-based inter-RAT handover to UTRAN, see 9.7.3 Data
For details about required data for CSFB to UTRAN, see CS Fallback Feature Parameter Description.

Scenario-specific Data
E-URTAN to UTRAN CS/PS steering can be enabled only after coverage-based inter-RAT handover is
enabled. This section describes the required parameters except those for coverage-based inter-RAT
handover. For details on the required parameters for coverage-based inter-RAT handover, see the
"Scenario-specific Data" part in 9.7.3 Data Preparation.
For details about scenario-specific data for CSFB to UTRAN, see CS Fallback Feature
Parameter Description.
The following table describes the parameter that must be set in the ENodeBAlgoSwitch MO to
configure E-UTRAN to UTRAN CS/PS steering.

Paramete Paramete Data Source Setting Notes

r Name r ID
Frequency ENodeBA Network plan Select one or both of the following options
Layer lgoSwitch (negotiation not based on the actual network deployment:
Switch .FreqLaye required)  UtranFreqLayerMeasSwitch(UtranFreqLayer
rSwtich MeasSwitch)
 UtranFreqLayerBlindSwitch(UtranFreqLayer

The following table describes the parameters that must be set in a UtranNFreq MO to set CS and PS
service priorities of a UTRAN frequency.

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Parameter Parameter Data Source Setting Notes
Name ID
PS service UtranNFre Network plan Set this parameter based on the network
priority q.PsPriorit (negotiation plan about CS and PS service priorities.
y not required) Set this parameter to
HIGH_PRIORITY(High Priority) if the
UTRAN frequency is preferred for PS
Set this parameter to LOW_PRIORITY(Low
Priority) if the UTRAN frequency is
preferred for CS services.
CS service UtranNFre Network plan Set this parameter based on the network
priority q.CsPriorit (negotiation plan about CS and PS service priorities.
y not required) Set this parameter to
HIGH_PRIORITY(High Priority) if the
UTRAN frequency is preferred for CS
Set this parameter to LOW_PRIORITY(Low
Priority) if the UTRAN frequency is
preferred for PS services.

9.11.4 Deployment Requirements

Operating Environment
Both coverage-based inter-RAT handover to UTRAN and CSFB to UTRAN are enabled. For details, see
Operating Environment part in 9.7.4 Deployment Requirements and CS Fallback Feature
Parameter Description.

Transmission Networking

The operator has purchased and activated the license for the feature listed in the following table.

Feature ID Feature Name License Control


This feature requires LOFD-001019 PS Inter-RAT Mobility between E-UTRAN and UTRAN and
LOFD-001033 CS Fallback to UTRAN. For the corresponding license requirement, see License part in
9.7.4 Deployment Requirements and CS Fallback Feature Parameter Description.

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9.11.5 Activation
Configuring a Single eNodeB Using the GUI
Configure a single eNodeB in the general configuration window on the Configuration Management
Express (CME) based on the MO and parameters as described in section 9.11.3 "Data Preparation."
See the M2000 Help for more information about operations in the general configuration window. Press
F1 to launch M2000 Help. Navigate to Introduction to the LTE General Configuration Window and refer
to the generic procedure for setting parameters using the CME graphical user interface (GUI).
To find MOs in the planned area, use either of the following methods:
 In the Object Group pane, find MOs in the navigation tree. This method applies to users who are
familiar with the navigation tree.
 In the Search pane, search an MO. This method applies to users who are unfamiliar with the
navigation tree.

Configuring eNodeBs in Batches

To configure eNodeBs in batches, perform the following steps:
Step 1 On the GUI, set the parameters listed in the table for a specific scenario in this section, and save
the parameter settings as a user-defined template.
The parameters are the same as those described in section 9.11.3 "Data Preparation."
Step 2 Fill in the summary data file with the name of the user-defined template.
The parameter settings in the user-defined template will be applied to the eNodeBs after you import
the summary data file into the CME.

For descriptions of the user-defined template and summary data file and also the detailed procedure for
configuring eNodeBs in batches, see eNodeB Initial Configuration Guide.
Table 9-21 E-UTRAN to UTRAN CS/PS Steering
MO Parameter Group Parameter
ENODEBALGOSWITCH ENodeBAlgoSwitch Frequency Layer Switch
UTRANNFREQ UtranNFreq PS service priority, CS service priority

Configuring a Single eNodeB Using MML Commands

Step 1 Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command to enable E-UTRAN to UTRAN CS/PS
Step 2 Run the MOD UTRANNFREQ command to set CS and PS service priorities for UTRAN

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9-121

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 9 Engineering Guidelines

9.11.6 Activation Observation
The observation procedure is as follows:
Step 1 Trace messages over the Uu interface on the M2000 client after UEs access the network.
Step 2 Trace messages over the Uu interface while the UE is moving towards the cell edge. After the
eNodeB receives an A2-related measurement report from the UE, check the
RRC_CONN_RECFG message that contains the UTRAN frequency with the highest PS service
Step 3 Trace messages over the Uu interface after the UE moves to the cell edge. After the eNodeB
receives an B1- or B2-related measurement report from the UE, check
RRC_MOBIL_FROM_EUTRA_CMD that contains the cell under the UTRAN frequency with the
highest PS service priority or the RRC_CONN_REL message that contains the UTRAN
frequency with the highest PS service priority.

For details about activation observations for CS service priority configuration, see CS Fallback Feature
Parameter Description.


9.11.7 Reconfiguration

9.11.8 Deactivation
Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command and clear the check boxes
UtranFreqLayerMeasSwitch(UtranFreqLayerMeasSwitch) and
UtranFreqLayerBlindSwitch(UtranFreqLayerBlindSwitch) under Frequency Layer Switch.

9.11.9 Performance Monitoring

For details about how to monitor, see 9.7.9 Performance Monitoring.

9.11.10 Parameter Optimization

For details about parameter optimization, see 9.7.10 Parameter Optimization.

9.11.11 Troubleshooting
For details about troubleshooting, see 9.7.11 Troubleshooting.

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9-122

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

10 Parameters
Table 10-1 Parameter description
MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name

InterFreqHo A3InterFreqHoA ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the RSRP

Group 1ThdRsrp INTERFREQHO 201802 Based threshold for event A1
GROUP Inter-frequen associated with
cy Handover event-A3-triggered
MOD inter-frequency handover.
GROUP When the measured RSRP value
exceeds this threshold, a
LST measurement report will be sent.
GROUP GUI Value Range:-141~-44
Actual Value Range:-141~-44
Default Value:-95

InterFreqHo A3InterFreqHoA ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the RSRP

Group 2ThdRsrp INTERFREQHO 201802 Based threshold for event A2
GROUP Inter-frequen associated with
cy Handover event-A3-triggered
MOD inter-frequency handover. When
INTERFREQHO the measured RSRP value is
GROUP below the threshold, a
LST measurement report will be sent.
INTERFREQHO GUI Value Range:-141~-44
Actual Value Range:-141~-44
Default Value:-99

Cdma2000Nf BandClass ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the

req CDMA2000NFR 1021 Inter-RAT neighboring CDMA2000 band
EQ Mobility class. Signals on a
LBFD-00 between frequency within the band class
LST 201803 / E-UTRAN can be obtained by UEs. For
CDMA2000NFR TDLBFD and details, see the
EQ -002018 CDMA2000 BandclassCDMA2000 IE defined
03 in 3GPP 36.331 6.3.4.
MOD Cell
CDMA2000NFR LOFD-00 Selection GUI Value Range:bc0, bc1, bc2,
EQ 2002 and bc3, bc4, bc5, bc6, bc7, bc8, bc9,
RMV Reselection / bc10, bc11, bc12, bc13, bc14,
CDMA2000NFR Cell bc15, bc16, bc17
EQ Selection
and Unit:None

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-1

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
Re-selection Actual Value Range:bc0, bc1,
bc2, bc3, bc4, bc5, bc6, bc7, bc8,
Inter-RAT bc9, bc10, bc11, bc12, bc13,
ANR bc14, bc15, bc16, bc17
Default Value:None

Cdma2000B BandClass ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the

andClass CDMA2000BAN 1021 Inter-RAT neighboring CDMA2000 band
DCLASS Mobility class. Signals on a
LBFD-00 between frequency within the band class
LST 201803 / E-UTRAN can be obtained by UEs. For
CDMA2000BAN TDLBFD and details, see the
DCLASS -002018 CDMA2000 BandclassCDMA2000 IE defined
03 in 3GPP 36.331.
MOD Cell
CDMA2000BAN LOFD-00 Selection GUI Value Range:bc0, bc1, bc2,
DCLASS 2002 and bc3, bc4, bc5, bc6, bc7, bc8, bc9,
RMV Reselection / bc10, bc11, bc12, bc13, bc14,
CDMA2000BAN Cell bc15, bc16, bc17
DCLASS Selection
and Unit:None
Re-selection Actual Value Range:bc0, bc1,
Inter-RAT bc2, bc3, bc4, bc5, bc6, bc7, bc8,
ANR bc9, bc10, bc11, bc12, bc13,
bc14, bc15, bc16, bc17
Default Value:None

Cdma2000E BandClass ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the band class

xternalCell CDMA2000EXT 1021 Inter-RAT on which the external CDMA2000
ERNALCELL Mobility cell operates. For details, see
LBFD-00 between 3GPP TS 36.331.
MOD 201803 / E-UTRAN
CDMA2000EXT TDLBFD and GUI Value Range:bc0, bc1, bc2,
ERNALCELL -002018 CDMA2000 bc3, bc4, bc5, bc6, bc7, bc8, bc9,
03 bc10, bc11, bc12, bc13, bc14,
LST Cell bc15, bc16, bc17
CDMA2000EXT LOFD-00 Selection
ERNALCELL 2002 / and Unit:None
TDLOFD Reselection
-002002 Actual Value Range:bc0, bc1,
Inter-RAT bc2, bc3, bc4, bc5, bc6, bc7, bc8,
ANR bc9, bc10, bc11, bc12, bc13,
bc14, bc15, bc16, bc17
Default Value:None

GeranNfreq BandIndicator ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the GERAN

Group GERANNFREQ 1020 / Inter-RAT band indicator. If the GERAN
GROUP TDLOFD Mobility ARFCN is a value in the range of
-001020 between 512 to 810, the value of this
MOD E-UTRAN parameter is used to

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-2

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
GROUP 1045 / and GERAN indicate whether the GERAN
TDLOFD ARFCN is in the 1800 MHz band
LST -001045 Inter-RAT or the 1900 MHz band. If the
GERANNFREQ Load GERAN ARFCN is not in either
GROUP LOFD-00 Sharing to band, this parameter does not
1046 / GERAN take effect and can be set to
TDLOFD either value. For details, see
-001046 Service 3GPP TS 36.331.
LOFD-00 inter-RAT GUI Value Range:GSM_dcs1800,
1073 / handover to GSM_pcs1900
-001073 Unit:None
based Actual Value
inter-RAT Range:GSM_dcs1800,
handover to GSM_pcs1900
Default Value:None

GeranExtern BandIndicator ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the GERAN

alCell GERANEXTER 1020 / Inter-RAT band indicator. If the GERAN
NALCELL TDLOFD Mobility ARFCN is a value in the range of
-001020 between 512 to 810, the value of this
MOD E-UTRAN parameter is used to
GERANEXTER LOFD-00 and GERAN indicate whether the GERAN
NALCELL 1023 / ARFCN is in the 1800 MHz band
TDLOFD SRVCC to or the 1900 MHz band. If the
LST -001023 GERAN
NALCELL LOFD-00 CS Fallback band, this parameter does not
1034 / to GERAN take effect and can be set to
TDLOFD either value. For details, see
-001034 Service 3GPP TS 36.331.
LOFD-00 inter-RAT GUI Value Range:GSM_dcs1800,
1046 / handover to GSM_pcs1900
Distance Actual Value
LOFD-00 based Range:GSM_dcs1800,
1073 / inter-RAT GSM_pcs1900
TDLOFD handover to
-001073 GERAN Default Value:None
LOFD-00 Inter-RAT
1045 / Load
TDLOFD Sharing to
-001045 GERAN

GeranExtern BaseStationCol ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the base

alCell ourCode GERANEXTER 1020 / Inter-RAT station color code (BCC) of the
NALCELL TDLOFD Mobility external GERAN cell. The base
-001020 between transceiver station identity code
MOD E-UTRAN (BSIC) consists of the BCC and

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-3

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
GERANEXTER LOFD-00 and GERAN the network color code (NCC).
NALCELL 1045 / For details, see 3GPP TS 23.003.
LST -001045 Load GUI Value Range:0~7
1046 / Actual Value Range:0~7
TDLOFD Service
-001046 based Default Value:None
LOFD-00 handover to
1073 / GERAN
-001073 Distance
handover to

GeranNfreq BcchGroupId ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates a GERAN

Group GERANNFREQ 1020 / Inter-RAT carrier frequency group. In the
GROUP TDLOFD Mobility cell reselection procedure, the
-001020 between GERAN carrier frequencies are
LST E-UTRAN organized in groups and the cell
GERANNFREQ and GERAN reselection parameters are
GROUP provided per group of GERAN
MOD carrier frequencies.
GERANNFREQ GUI Value Range:0~31
GERANNFREQ Actual Value Range:0~31
Default Value:None

GeranNfreq BcchGroupId ADD LBFD-00 Broadcast of Meaning:Indicates the index of

GroupArfcn GERANNFREQ 2009 / system the BCCH carrier frequency
GROUPARFCN TDLBFD information group. It identifies a BCCH carrier
-002009 frequency group.
GERANNFREQ LOFD-00 Inter-RAT GUI Value Range:0~31
GROUPARFCN 1020 / Mobility
TDLOFD between Unit:None
RMV -001020 E-UTRAN Actual Value Range:0~31
GROUPARFCN Default Value:None

InterRatHoC BlindHoA2ThdO ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the offset of

ommGroup ffset INTERRATHOC 1019 / Inter-RAT the A2 threshold for inter-RAT
OMMGROUP TDLOFD Mobility blind
-001019 between
MOD E-UTRAN redirection against the A2
INTERRATHOC LOFD-00 threshold for inter-RAT

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-4

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
OMMGROUP 1020 / and UTRAN handovers.
LST -001020 PS GUI Value Range:0~15
OMMGROUP Mobility Unit:None
between Actual Value Range:0~15
and GERAN Default Value:6

Cdma2000H BlindHoPriority ADD LOFD-00 Automatic Meaning:Indicates the priority of

rpdNcell CDMA2000HRP 2001 / Neighbour the neighboring cell during blind
DNCELL TDLOFD Relation handovers. Blind handover is a
-002001 (ANR) process in which the eNodeB
MOD instructs a UE to hand over to a
CDMA2000HRP LBFD-00 Mobility specified neighboring cell without
DNCELL 2018 / Managemen measurements. There are 32
TDLBFD t priorities altogether. The priority
LST -002018
CDMA2000HRP has a positive correlation with the
DNCELL value of this parameter. Note that
the value 0 indicates that blind
handovers to the neighboring cell
are prohibited.
GUI Value Range:0~32
Actual Value Range:0~32
Default Value:0

GeranNcell BlindHoPriority ADD LBFD-00 Mobility Meaning:Indicates the priority of

GERANNCELL 2018 / Managemen the neighboring cell during blind
TDLBFD t handovers. Blind handover is a
MOD -002018 process in which the eNodeB
GERANNCELL PS instructs a UE to hand over to a
LOFD-00 Inter-RAT specified neighboring cell. There
LST 1020 / Mobility
GERANNCELL TDLOFD between are 32 priorities altogether. The
priority has a positive
-001020 E-UTRAN correlation with the value of this
and GERAN parameter. Note that the value 0
1045 / Inter-RAT indicates that blind handovers to
TDLOFD Load the neighboring cell are not
-001045 Sharing to allowed.
GERAN GUI Value Range:0~32
1046 / Service Unit:None
TDLOFD based
-001046 inter-RAT Actual Value Range:0~32
handover to
LOFD-00 GERAN Default Value:0
1073 /
TDLOFD Distance

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-5

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
-001073 inter-RAT
handover to

Cdma20001 BlindHoPriority ADD LOFD-00 Automatic Meaning:Indicates the priority of

XRTTNcell CDMA20001XR 2001 / Neighbour the neighboring cell during blind
TTNCELL TDLOFD Relation handovers. Blind handover is a
-002001 (ANR) process in which the eNodeB
MOD instructs a UE to hand over to a
CDMA20001XR LBFD-00 Mobility specified neighboring cell without
TTNCELL 2018 / Managemen measurements. There are 32
TDLBFD t priorities altogether. The priority
LST -002018
CDMA20001XR has a positive correlation with the
TTNCELL value of this parameter. Note that
the value 0 indicates that blind
handovers to the neighboring cell
are prohibited.
GUI Value Range:0~32
Actual Value Range:0~32
Default Value:0

EutranInterFr BlindHoPriority ADD LOFD-00 Intra-LTE Meaning:Indicates the priority of

eqNCell EUTRANINTER 1032 / Load the neighboring cell during
FREQNCELL TDLOFD Balancing handovers. The parameter values
-001032 are divided into three value
MOD Coverage ranges, indicating the
EUTRANINTER LBFD-00 Based blind-handover priority,
FREQNCELL 201802 / Inter-frequen frequency-based-handover
TDLBFD cy Handover priority, and 0. In the same value
LST -002018
EUTRANINTER 02 Selection range, a larger value indicates a
FREQNCELL and higher priority. Blind handover is
LBFD-00 Reselection a process in which the eNodeB
201803 / instructs a UE to hand over to a
TDLBFD Distance specified neighboring cell without
-002018 Based measurements. The value 0
03 Inter-frequen indicates that blind handovers
cy Handover and frequency-priority-based
LBFD-00 handovers are not allowed.
201804 / Service Values 1 to 16 are designated
TDLBFD Based only for blind handovers. Values
-002018 Inter-frequen 17 to 32 are designated for
04 cy Handover frequency-priority-based
handovers, including
LBFD-00 frequency-priority-based blind
201805 handovers and
measurement-based handovers.

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-6

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
GUI Value Range:0~32
Actual Value Range:0~32
Default Value:0

UtranNCell BlindHoPriority ADD LBFD-00 Mobility Meaning:Indicates the priority of

UTRANNCELL 2018 / Managemen the neighboring cell during blind
TDLBFD t handovers. Blind handover is a
MOD -002018 process in which the eNodeB
UTRANNCELL instructs a UE to hand over to a
LST specified neighboring cell. There
UTRANNCELL are 32 priorities altogether. The
priority has a positive
correlation with the value of this
parameter. Note that the value 0
indicates that blind handovers to
the neighboring cell are not
GUI Value Range:0~32
Actual Value Range:0~32
Default Value:0

Cdma2000E Cdma2000Type ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the type of the

xternalCell CDMA2000EXT 1021 Inter-RAT external CDMA2000 cell. By
ERNALCELL Mobility default, the cell is a CDMA2000
LBFD-00 between HRPD cell.
MOD 201803 / E-UTRAN
CDMA2000EXT TDLBFD and Note that the cell global identity of
ERNALCELL -002018 CDMA2000 a CDMA2000 1xRTT cell consists
03 of 6 decimal digits, and that of a
LST Cell CDMA2000 HRPD cell consists
CDMA2000EXT Selection of 16 decimal digits.
Reselection GUI Value
Actual Value

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-7

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name

Cdma2000H CellGlobalId ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the cell global

rpdNcell CDMA2000HRP 1021 Inter-RAT ID of the neighboring CDMA2000
DNCELL Mobility HRPD cell. It uniquely identifies a
between CDMA2000 HRPD cell around
LST E-UTRAN the globe. For details, see the
CDMA2000HRP and CellGlobalIdCDMA2000 IE
DNCELL CDMA2000 defined in section 6.3.4 of 3GPP
MOD TS 36.331.
CDMA2000HRP The cell global ID (CGI) of an
DNCELL external CDMA2000 HRPD cell is
RMV 128 bits or 32 hexadecimal digits
CDMA2000HRP in length. A 16 decimal-digit CGI
DNCELL is still synchronized between the
M2000 and the eNodeB in the
current version, but is
incompatible with the protocol
and will be removed from later
versions. Therefore, avoid using
16 decimal-digit CGIs. In the new
configuration of a 32
hexadecimal-digit CGI, if the 16
hexadecimal digits from right to
left are all set to 0, the remaining
16 hexadecimal digits cannot be
set to the same digits as the
original configuration of a 16
decimal-digit CGI. For example, if
the original configuration is
1234567890123456, the new
configuration cannot be
GUI Value Range:6~32
Actual Value Range:6~32
Default Value:None

Cdma2000E CellGlobalId ADD LOFD-00 RAN Meaning:Indicates the cell global

xternalCellPl CDMA2000EXT 1036 / Sharing with
ID of the external CDMA2000
mn ERNALCELLPL TDLOFD Common cell. It uniquely identifies a
MN -001036 Carrier CDMA2000 cell around the
globe. For details, see the
LST LOFD-00 RAN CellGlobalIdCDMA2000 IE
CDMA2000EXT 1037 / Sharing with defined in section 6.3.4 of 3GPP

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-8

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
MN -001037 Carrier TS 36.331.
RMV LOFD-00 PS The cell global ID (CGI) of an
CDMA2000EXT 1021 Inter-RAT external CDMA2000 HRPD cell is
ERNALCELLPL Mobility 128 bits or 32 hexadecimal digits
MN between in length. A 16 decimal-digit CGI
E-UTRAN is still synchronized between the
and M2000 and the eNodeB in the
CDMA2000 current version, but is
incompatible with the protocol
and will be removed from later
versions. Therefore, avoid using
16 decimal-digit CGIs. In the new
configuration of a 32
hexadecimal-digit CGI, if the 16
hexadecimal digits from right to
left are all set to 0, the remaining
16 hexadecimal digits cannot be
set to the same digits as the
original configuration of a 16
decimal-digit CGI. For example, if
the original configuration is
1234567890123456, the new
configuration cannot be
The CGI of an external
CDMA2000 1xRTT cell is 47 bits
or 12 hexadecimal digits in
length. A 12 hexadecimal-digit
CGI is converted from a string of
binary digits, from the left
of which the BASEID occupies
bits 1 to 16, the SID occupies bits
17 to 31, the NID occupies bits 32
to 47, and 0 always occupies bit
48. If the length of the BASEID,
SID, and NID is less than 16, 15,
and 16 bits, respectively,
supplement zeros to the left of
each ID. A 6 decimal-digit CGI is
still synchronized between the
M2000 and the eNodeB in the
current version, but is
incompatible with the protocol
and will be removed from later
versions. Therefore, avoid using
6 decimal-digit CGIs. In the new
configuration of a 12
hexadecimal-digit CGI, if the 6
hexadecimal digits from right to
left are all set to 0, the remaining

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-9

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
6 hexadecimal digits cannot be
set to the same digits as the
original configuration of a 6
decimal-digit CGI. For example, if
the original configuration is
123456, the new configuration
cannot be 123456000000.
GUI Value Range:6~32
Actual Value Range:6~32
Default Value:None

Cdma2000E CellGlobalId ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the cell global

xternalCell CDMA2000EXT 1021 Inter-RAT ID of the external CDMA2000
ERNALCELL Mobility cell. It uniquely identifies a
between CDMA2000 cell around the
LST E-UTRAN globe. For details, see the
CDMA2000EXT and CellGlobalIdCDMA2000 IE
ERNALCELL CDMA2000 defined in section 6.3.4 of 3GPP
MOD TS 36.331.
CDMA2000EXT The cell global ID (CGI) of an
ERNALCELL external CDMA2000 HRPD cell is
RMV 128 bits or 32 hexadecimal digits
CDMA2000EXT in length. A 16 decimal-digit CGI
ERNALCELL is still synchronized between the
M2000 and the eNodeB in the
current version, but is
incompatible with the protocol
and will be removed from later
versions. Therefore, avoid using
16 decimal-digit CGIs. In the new
configuration of a 32
hexadecimal-digit CGI, if the 16
hexadecimal digits from right to
left are all set to 0, the remaining
16 hexadecimal digits cannot be
set to the same digits as the
original configuration of a 16
decimal-digit CGI. For example, if
the original configuration is
1234567890123456, the new
configuration cannot be
The CGI of an external
CDMA2000 1xRTT cell is 47 bits

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-10

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
or 12 hexadecimal digits in
length. A 12 hexadecimal-digit
CGI is converted from a string of
binary digits, from the left
of which the BASEID occupies
bits 1 to 16, the SID occupies bits
17 to 31, the NID occupies bits 32
to 47, and 0 always occupies bit
48. If the length of the BASEID,
SID, and NID is less than 16, 15,
and 16 bits, respectively,
supplement zeros to the left of
each ID. A 6 decimal-digit CGI is
still synchronized between the
M2000 and the eNodeB in the
current version, but is
incompatible with the protocol
and will be removed from later
versions. Therefore, avoid using
6 decimal-digit CGIs. In the new
configuration of a 12
hexadecimal-digit CGI, if the 6
hexadecimal digits from right to
left are all set to 0, the remaining
6 hexadecimal digits cannot be
set to the same digits as the
original configuration of a 6
decimal-digit CGI. For example, if
the original configuration is
123456, the new configuration
cannot be 123456000000.
GUI Value Range:6~32
Actual Value Range:6~32
Default Value:None

Cdma20001 CellGlobalId ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the cell global

XRTTNcell CDMA20001XR 1021 Inter-RAT ID of the neighboring CDMA2000
TTNCELL Mobility 1xRTT cell. It uniquely identifies a
between CDMA2000 1xRTT cell around
LST E-UTRAN the globe. For details, see the
CDMA20001XR and CellGlobalIdCDMA2000 IE
TTNCELL CDMA2000 defined in section 6.3.4 of 3GPP
MOD TS 36.331.
CDMA20001XR The cell global ID (CGI) of an
TTNCELL external CDMA2000 1xRTT cell
is 47 bits or 12 hexadecimal digits

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-11

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
RMV in length. A 12 hexadecimal-digit
CDMA20001XR CGI is converted from a string of
TTNCELL binary digits, from the left
of which the BASEID occupies
bits 1 to 16, the SID occupies bits
17 to 31, the NID occupies bits 32
to 47, and 0 always occupies bit
48. If the length of the BASEID,
SID, and NID is less than 16, 15,
and 16 bits, respectively,
supplement zeros to the left of
each ID. A 6 decimal-digit CGI is
still synchronized between the
M2000 and the eNodeB in the
current version, but is
incompatible with the protocol
and will be removed from later
versions. Therefore, avoid using
6 decimal-digit CGIs. In the new
configuration of a 12
hexadecimal-digit CGI, if the 6
hexadecimal digits from right to
left are all set to 0, the remaining
6 hexadecimal digits cannot be
set to the same digits as the
original configuration of a 6
decimal-digit CGI. For example, if
the original configuration is
123456, the new configuration
cannot be 123456000000.
GUI Value Range:6~32
Actual Value Range:6~32
Default Value:None

EutranExtern CellId ADD LOFD-00 RAN Meaning:Indicates the cell

alCellPlmn EUTRANEXTER 1036 / Sharing with identity of the external E-UTRAN
NALCELLPLMN TDLOFD Common cell. It uniquely identifies a
-001036 Carrier cell within an eNodeB. The 28-bit
LST E-UTRAN cell identity is
EUTRANEXTER LOFD-00 RAN comprised of the cell identity
NALCELLPLMN 1037 / Sharing with (represented by the least
TDLOFD Dedicated significant eight bits) and the
RMV -001037 Carrier
EUTRANEXTER eNodeB identity. The cell global
NALCELLPLMN identity (CGI) of an E-UTRAN cell
is comprised of the E-UTRAN cell
identity and the PLMN ID. For

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-12

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
details, see 3GPP TS 36.413.
GUI Value Range:0~255
Actual Value Range:0~255
Default Value:None

EutranExtern CellId ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the cell

alCell EUTRANEXTER 201801 / Based identity of the external E-UTRAN
NALCELL TDLBFD Intra-frequen cell. It uniquely identifies a
-002018 cy Handover cell within an eNodeB. The 28-bit
LST 01 E-UTRAN cell identity is
EUTRANEXTER Coverage comprised of the cell identity
NALCELL LBFD-00 Based (represented by the least
201802 / Inter-frequen significant eight bits) and the
MOD TDLBFD cy Handover eNodeB identity. The cell global
NALCELL identity (CGI) of an E-UTRAN cell
02 is comprised of the E-UTRAN cell
RMV identity and the PLMN ID. For
EUTRANEXTER details, see 3GPP TS 36.413.
GUI Value Range:0~255
Actual Value Range:0~255
Default Value:None

EutranInterFr CellId ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the local

eqNCell EUTRANINTER 201802 Based identity of the inter-frequency
FREQNCELL Inter-frequen neighboring cell. It uniquely
cy Handover identifies a cell within an eNodeB.
LST The 28-bit E-UTRAN cell identity
EUTRANINTER is comprised of the cell identity
FREQNCELL (represented by the least
MOD significant eight bits) and the
EUTRANINTER eNodeB identity. The cell global
FREQNCELL identity (CGI) of an E-UTRAN cell
is comprised of the E-UTRAN cell
RMV identity and the PLMN ID. For
EUTRANINTER details, see 3GPP TS 36.413.
GUI Value Range:0~255
Actual Value Range:0~255
Default Value:None

EutranIntraFrCellId ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the local

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-13

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
eqNCell EUTRANINTRA 201801 / Based identity of the intra-frequency
FREQNCELL TDLBFD Intra-frequen neighboring cell. It uniquely
-002018 cy Handover identifies a cell within an eNodeB.
LST 01 The 28-bit E-UTRAN cell identity
EUTRANINTRA is comprised of the cell identity
FREQNCELL (represented by the least
MOD significant eight bits) and the
EUTRANINTRA eNodeB identity. The cell global
FREQNCELL identity (CGI) of an E-UTRAN cell
is comprised of the E-UTRAN cell
RMV identity and the PLMN ID. For
EUTRANINTRA details, see 3GPP TS 36.413.
GUI Value Range:0~255
Actual Value Range:0~255
Default Value:None

EutranInterFr CellIndividualOf ADD LOFD-00 Intra-LTE Meaning:Indicates the cell

eqNCell fset EUTRANINTER 1032 / Load individual offset for the
FREQNCELL TDLOFD Balancing inter-frequency neighboring
-001032 cell, which is used in evaluation
MOD Mobility for handovers. It affects the
EUTRANINTER LOFD-00 Robust probability of triggering
FREQNCELL 2005 / Optimization inter-frequency measurement
TDLOFD (MRO) reports. A larger value of this
LST -002005
EUTRANINTER Coverage parameter indicates a higher
FREQNCELL LBFD-00 Based probability. For details, see 3GPP
201802 / Inter-frequen TS 36.331.
TDLBFD cy Handover GUI Value Range:dB-24(-24dB),
-002018 dB-22(-22dB), dB-20(-20dB),
02 Distance
Based dB-18(-18dB), dB-16(-16dB),
LBFD-00 Inter-frequen dB-14(-14dB), dB-12(-12dB),
201804 / cy Handover dB-10(-10dB), dB-8(-8dB),
TDLBFD dB-6(-6dB), dB-5(-5dB),
-002018 Service dB-4(-4dB), dB-3(-3dB),
04 Based dB-2(-2dB), dB-1(-1dB),
Inter-frequen dB0(0dB), dB1(1dB), dB2(2dB),
LBFD-00 cy Handover dB3(3dB), dB4(4dB), dB5(5dB),
201805 dB6(6dB), dB8(8dB),
dB10(10dB), dB12(12dB),
dB14(14dB), dB16(16dB),
dB18(18dB), dB20(20dB),
dB22(22dB), dB24(24dB)
Actual Value Range:dB-24,
dB-22, dB-20, dB-18, dB-16,
dB-14, dB-12, dB-10, dB-8, dB-6,

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-14

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
dB-5, dB-4, dB-3, dB-2, dB-1,
dB0, dB1, dB2, dB3, dB4, dB5,
dB6, dB8, dB10, dB12, dB14,
dB16, dB18, dB20, dB22, dB24
Default Value:dB0(0dB)

EutranIntraFr CellIndividualOf ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the cell

eqNCell fset EUTRANINTRA 201801 / Based individual offset for the
FREQNCELL TDLBFD Intra-frequen intra-frequency neighboring
-002018 cy Handover cell, which is used in evaluation
MOD 01 for handovers. It affects the
EUTRANINTRA Mobility probability of triggering
FREQNCELL LOFD-00 Robust intra-frequency measurement
2005 / Optimization reports. A larger value of this
EUTRANINTRA -002005 parameter indicates a higher
FREQNCELL Intra-LTE probability. For details, see 3GPP
LOFD-00 Load TS 36.331.
1032 / Balancing GUI Value Range:dB-24(-24dB),
TDLOFD dB-22(-22dB), dB-20(-20dB),
-001032 dB-18(-18dB), dB-16(-16dB),
dB-14(-14dB), dB-12(-12dB),
dB-10(-10dB), dB-8(-8dB),
dB-6(-6dB), dB-5(-5dB),
dB-4(-4dB), dB-3(-3dB),
dB-2(-2dB), dB-1(-1dB),
dB0(0dB), dB1(1dB), dB2(2dB),
dB3(3dB), dB4(4dB), dB5(5dB),
dB6(6dB), dB8(8dB),
dB10(10dB), dB12(12dB),
dB14(14dB), dB16(16dB),
dB18(18dB), dB20(20dB),
dB22(22dB), dB24(24dB)
Actual Value Range:dB-24,
dB-22, dB-20, dB-18, dB-16,
dB-14, dB-12, dB-10, dB-8, dB-6,
dB-5, dB-4, dB-3, dB-2, dB-1,
dB0, dB1, dB2, dB3, dB4, dB5,
dB6, dB8, dB10, dB12, dB14,
dB16, dB18, dB20, dB22, dB24
Default Value:dB0(0dB)

Cell CellSpecificOffs ADD CELL None None Meaning:Indicates the cell

et specific offset for the serving cell.
MOD CELL It affects the probability of
LST CELL triggering handovers from the
serving cell to its intra-frequency
neighboring cells. A smaller value

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-15

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
of this parameter leads to a
higher probability. For details, see
3GPP TS 36.331.
GUI Value Range:dB-24(-24dB),
dB-22(-22dB), dB-20(-20dB),
dB-18(-18dB), dB-16(-16dB),
dB-14(-14dB), dB-12(-12dB),
dB-10(-10dB), dB-8(-8dB),
dB-6(-6dB), dB-5(-5dB),
dB-4(-4dB), dB-3(-3dB),
dB-2(-2dB), dB-1(-1dB),
dB0(0dB), dB1(1dB), dB2(2dB),
dB3(3dB), dB4(4dB), dB5(5dB),
dB6(6dB), dB8(8dB),
dB10(10dB), dB12(12dB),
dB14(14dB), dB16(16dB),
dB18(18dB), dB20(20dB),
dB22(22dB), dB24(24dB)
Actual Value Range:dB-24,
dB-22, dB-20, dB-18, dB-16,
dB-14, dB-12, dB-10, dB-8, dB-6,
dB-5, dB-4, dB-3, dB-2, dB-1,
dB0, dB1, dB2, dB3, dB4, dB5,
dB6, dB8, dB10, dB12, dB14,
dB16, dB18, dB20, dB22, dB24
Default Value:dB0(0dB)

CSFallBackB CnOperatorId LST None None Meaning:Indicates the index of

lindHoCfg CSFALLBACKB the operator.
GUI Value Range:0~5
LINDHOCFG Actual Value Range:0~5
Default Value:None

ServiceIrHo CnOperatorId ADD LOFD-00 Service Meaning:Indicates the index of

CfgGroup SERVICEIRHOC 1043 / based the operator.
-001043 handover to GUI Value Range:0~5
FGGROUP 1046 / Service Actual Value Range:0~5
TDLOFD based
MOD -001046 inter-RAT Default Value:None
SERVICEIRHOC handover to

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-16

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name

CnOperator CnOperatorId ADD LOFD-00 RAN Meaning:Indicates the index of

CNOPERATOR 1036 / Sharing with the operator.
LST -001036 Carrier GUI Value Range:0~5
LOFD-00 RAN Unit:None
MOD 1037 / Sharing with
CNOPERATOR TDLOFD Dedicated Actual Value Range:0~5

RMV -001037 Carrier Default Value:None


CnOperatorS CnOperatorId LST None None Meaning:Indicates the index of

tandardQci CNOPERATOR the operator.
GUI Value Range:0~5
STANDARDQCI Actual Value Range:0~5
Default Value:None

ServiceIfHoC CnOperatorId ADD LBFD-00 Service Meaning:Indicates the ID of the

fgGroup SERVICEIFHOC 201805 Based operator.
FGGROUP Inter-frequen
cy Handover GUI Value Range:0~5
FGGROUP Actual Value Range:0~5
MOD Default Value:None

CnOperatorE CnOperatorId ADD None None Meaning:Indicates the index of

xtendedQci CNOPERATOR the operator.
GUI Value Range:0~5
EXTENDEDQCI Actual Value Range:0~5
MOD Default Value:None

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-17

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name

UtranNFreq CsPriority ADD LOFD-00 CS Fallback Meaning:Indicates the circuit

UTRANNFREQ 1033 / to UTRAN switched (CS) priority of the
TDLOFD neighboring UTRAN frequency,
MOD -001033 E-UTRAN to that is, the priority for the
UTRANNFREQ UTRAN neighboring UTRAN frequency to
LOFD-00 CS/PS carry CS services. It is used in
LST 1078 / Steering
UTRANNFREQ TDLBFD CSFB-triggered handovers.
-001078 When
UtranFreqLayerMeasSwitch is
turned on: If there are both high
and low CS-priority UTRAN
frequencies, the high CS-priority
UTRAN frequencies are
preferentially measured; if there
are only low CS-priority UTRAN
frequencies, these low CS-priority
UTRAN frequencies are
If UtranFreqLayerBlindSwitch is
turned on, the target cell for a
blind handover is preferentially
selected from the neighboring
UTRAN cells on high CS-priority
frequencies. If all neighboring
UTRAN cells are on low
CS-priority frequencies, the target
cell is selected from all
neighboring UTRAN cells.
GUI Value
Priority), HIGH_PRIORITY(High
Actual Value

GeranExtern CsPsHOInd ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates whether the

alCell GERANEXTER 1020 / Inter-RAT external GERAN cell supports
NALCELL TDLOFD Mobility single radio voice call continuity
between (SRVCC) for both CS and PS

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-18

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
MOD -001020 E-UTRAN services. If this parameter is set
NALCELL LOFD-00 cell supports only SRVCC for CS
1046 / Service services.
GERANEXTER -001046 inter-RAT GUI Value
NALCELL handover to Range:BOOLEAN_FALSE(False)
Actual Value

UtranExterna CsPsHOInd ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates whether the

lCell UTRANEXTERN 1019 / Inter-RAT external UTRAN cell supports
ALCELL TDLOFD Mobility single radio voice call continuity
-001019 between (SRVCC) for both CS and PS
MOD E-UTRAN services. If this parameter is set
ALCELL cell supports only SRVCC for CS
LST services.
Actual Value

CellAlgoSwit DistBasedHoSw MOD LBFD-00 Distance Meaning:Indicates the switch

ch itch CELLALGOSWI 201804 / Based used to enable or disable
TCH TDLBFD Inter-frequen distance-based handovers. If this
-002018 cy Handover switch is turned on,
LST 04 distance-based handovers are
CELLALGOSWI Distance allowed. If this switch is turned
TCH LOFD-00 based off, distance-based handovers
1072 / Inter-RAT are prohibited.
TDLOFD handover to
-001072 UTRAN GUI Value Range:OFF(Off),
LOFD-00 Distance
1073 / based Unit:None
handover to Actual Value Range:OFF, ON

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-19

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
-001073 GERAN Default Value:OFF(Off)

DistBasedH DistBasedHOTh MOD DISTBASE LBFD-00 Distance Meaning:Indicates the threshold

O d DHO 201804 / Based for distance-based handovers. If
TDLBFD Inter-frequen the distance between a UE and
LST DISTBASE -002018 cy Handover the cell center is greater than this
DHO 04 threshold, a distance-based
Distance handover is triggered for this UE.
LOFD-00 based
1072 / Inter-RAT GUI Value Range:1~1000
TDLOFD handover to
-001072 UTRAN Unit:100m

LOFD-00 Distance Actual Value Range:100~100000

1073 / based Default Value:10
-001073 handover to

DistBasedH DistBasedMeas MOD DISTBASE LOFD-00 Distance Meaning:Indicates the

O ObjType DHO 1072 / based measurement object type for
TDLOFD Inter-RAT distance-based handovers. The
LST DISTBASE -001072 handover to measurement object type can be
1073 / Distance GUI Value Range:EUTRAN,
-001073 Inter-RAT
handover to Unit:None
201804 / Actual Value Range:EUTRAN,
-002018 Based Default Value:EUTRAN:On,
04 Inter-frequen GERAN:Off, UTRAN:Off
cy Handover

EutranExtern DlEarfcn ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the DL

alCell EUTRANEXTER 201801 / Based EARFCN of the external
-002018 cy Handover is calculated by using the
MOD 01 following formula:
NALCELL LBFD-00 Based DL carrier frequency (MHz) =
201802 / Inter-frequen Lowest frequency of the DL
LST TDLBFD cy Handover operating band + 0.1 x (DL
EUTRANEXTER -002018 EARFCN - Offset used to
NALCELL 02 calculate the DL EARFCN). For
example, if the DL EARFCN is
3100 in band 7 for a cell, the DL
carrier frequency of the cell is
calculated as 2620 + 0.1 x (3100
- 2750) = 2655 MHz.

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-20

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
Band 1: DL EARFCN range: 0 to
599, lowest frequency of the DL
operating band: 2110;
Band 2: DL EARFCN range: 600
to 1199, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 1930;
Band 3: DL EARFCN range: 1200
to 1949, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 1805;
Band 4: DL EARFCN range: 1950
to 2399, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 2110;
Band 5: DL EARFCN range: 2400
to 2649, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 869;
Band 6: DL EARFCN range: 2650
to 2749, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 875;
Band 7: DL EARFCN range: 2750
to 3449, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 2620;
Band 8: DL EARFCN range: 3450
to 3799, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 925;
Band 9: DL EARFCN range: 3800
to 4149, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 1844.9;
Band 10: DL EARFCN range:
4150 to 4749, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 2110;
Band 11: DL EARFCN range:
4750 to 4999, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 1475.9;
Band 12: DL EARFCN range:
5010 to 5179, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 729;
Band 13: DL EARFCN range:
5180 to 5289, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 746;
Band 14: DL EARFCN range:
5280 to 5379, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 758;
Band 17: DL EARFCN range:

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-21

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
5730 to 5849, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 734;
Band 18: DL EARFCN range:
5850 to 5999, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 860;
Band 19: DL EARFCN range:
6000 to 6149, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 875;
Band 20: DL EARFCN range:
6150 to 6449, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 791;
Band 21: DL EARFCN range:
6450 to 6599, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 1495.9;
Band 25: DL EARFCN range:
8040 to 8689, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 1930;
Band 32: DL EARFCN range:
17950 to 17999, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 1990;
Band 33: DL EARFCN range:
36000 to 36199, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 1900;
Band 34: DL EARFCN range:
36200 to 36349, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 2010;
Band 35: DL EARFCN range:
36350 to 36949, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 1850;
Band 36: DL EARFCN range:
36950 to 37549, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 1930;
Band 37: DL EARFCN range:
37550 to 37749, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 1910;
Band 38: DL EARFCN range:
37750 to 38249, lowest
frequency of the DL operating

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-22

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
band: 2570;
Band 39: DL EARFCN range:
38250 to 38649, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 1880;
Band 40: DL EARFCN range:
38650 to 39649, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 2300;
Band 41: DL EARFCN range:
39650 to 41589, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 2496;
Band 42: DL EARFCN range:
41590 to 43589, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 3400;
Band 43: DL EARFCN range:
43590 to 45589, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 3600;
Band 64: DL EARFCN range:
65236 to 65535, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 2545;
Among the preceding bands,
band 1 to band 32 are FDD
bands, and other bands are TDD
bands. In addition, band 32 and
band 64 are non-protocol-defined
bands, and band 11 and band 13
are different from
protocol-defined bands. For
details, see 3GPP TS 36.104.
GUI Value
Actual Value
Default Value:None

EutranInterN DlEarfcn ADD LBFD-00 3GPP R8 Meaning:Indicates the DL

Freq EUTRANINTER 1001 / Specification EARFCN of the neighboring cell
NFREQ TDLBFD s on the neighboring E-UTRAN
frequency. The DL EARFCN is

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-23

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
LST -001001 Cell calculated by using the following
EUTRANINTER Selection formula:
201803 / Reselection DL carrier frequency (MHz) =
MOD TDLBFD Lowest frequency of the DL
EUTRANINTER -002018 Coverage operating band + 0.1 x (DL
NFREQ 03 Based EARFCN - Offset used to
Inter-frequen calculate the DL EARFCN). For
RMV LBFD-00 cy Handover example, if the DL EARFCN is
EUTRANINTER 201802 / 3100 in band 7 for a cell, the DL
NFREQ TDLBFD carrier frequency of the cell is
-002018 calculated as 2620 + 0.1 x (3100
02 - 2750) = 2655 MHz.
Band 1: DL EARFCN range: 0 to
599, lowest frequency of the DL
operating band: 2110;
Band 2: DL EARFCN range: 600
to 1199, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 1930;
Band 3: DL EARFCN range: 1200
to 1949, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 1805;
Band 4: DL EARFCN range: 1950
to 2399, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 2110;
Band 5: DL EARFCN range: 2400
to 2649, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 869;
Band 6: DL EARFCN range: 2650
to 2749, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 875;
Band 7: DL EARFCN range: 2750
to 3449, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 2620;
Band 8: DL EARFCN range: 3450
to 3799, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 925;
Band 9: DL EARFCN range: 3800
to 4149, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 1844.9;
Band 10: DL EARFCN range:
4150 to 4749, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 2110;
Band 11: DL EARFCN range:
4750 to 4999, lowest frequency of

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-24

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
the DL operating band: 1475.9;
Band 12: DL EARFCN range:
5010 to 5179, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 729;
Band 13: DL EARFCN range:
5180 to 5289, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 746;
Band 14: DL EARFCN range:
5280 to 5379, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 758;
Band 17: DL EARFCN range:
5730 to 5849, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 734;
Band 18: DL EARFCN range:
5850 to 5999, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 860;
Band 19: DL EARFCN range:
6000 to 6149, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 875;
Band 20: DL EARFCN range:
6150 to 6449, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 791;
Band 21: DL EARFCN range:
6450 to 6599, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 1495.9;
Band 25: DL EARFCN range:
8040 to 8689, lowest frequency of
the DL operating band: 1930;
Band 32: DL EARFCN range:
17950 to 17999, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 1990;
Band 33: DL EARFCN range:
36000 to 36199, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 1900;
Band 34: DL EARFCN range:
36200 to 36349, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 2010;
Band 35: DL EARFCN range:
36350 to 36949, lowest
frequency of the DL operating

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-25

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
band: 1850;
Band 36: DL EARFCN range:
36950 to 37549, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 1930;
Band 37: DL EARFCN range:
37550 to 37749, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 1910;
Band 38: DL EARFCN range:
37750 to 38249, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 2570;
Band 39: DL EARFCN range:
38250 to 38649, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 1880;
Band 40: DL EARFCN range:
38650 to 39649, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 2300;
Band 41: DL EARFCN range:
39650 to 41589, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 2496;
Band 42: DL EARFCN range:
41590 to 43589, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 3400;
Band 43: DL EARFCN range:
43590 to 45589, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 3600;
Band 64: DL EARFCN range:
65236 to 65535, lowest
frequency of the DL operating
band: 2545;
Among the preceding bands,
band 1 to band 32 are FDD
bands, and other bands are TDD
bands. In addition, band 32 and
band 64 are non-protocol-defined
bands, and band 11 and band 13
are different from
protocol-defined bands. For

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-26

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
details, see 3GPP TS 36.104.
GUI Value
Actual Value
Default Value:None

Cell DlEarfcn ADD CELL LBFD-00 Broadcast of Meaning:Indicates the DL

2009 / system EARFCN of the cell. For details,
MOD CELL TDLBFD information see the 3GPP TS 36.104.
LST CELL -002009
3GPP R9 GUI Value
LBFD-00 Specification Range:0~45589,64436~65535
1007 / s
TDLBFD Unit:None
-001008 3GPP R10
Specification Actual Value
LBFD-00 s Range:0~45589,64436~65535
1008 / Default Value:None

ServiceIfHoC DlEarfcn ADD LBFD-00 Service Meaning:Indicates the frequency

fgGroup SERVICEIFHOC 201805 Based to which a service with a
FGGROUP Inter-frequen specified QCI is preferentially
cy Handover handed over.
FGGROUP Range:0~45589,64436~65535
LST Unit:None
FGGROUP Actual Value
Default Value:0

GeranExtern DtmInd ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates whether the

alCell GERANEXTER 1020 / Inter-RAT cell supports the dual
NALCELL TDLOFD Mobility transmission mode. If the cell
-001020 between supports the dual transmission
MOD E-UTRAN mode, both CS and PS services
GERANEXTER LOFD-00 and GERAN can be handed over to the cell.
NALCELL 1045 / Otherwise, only the CS service or
TDLOFD Inter-RAT the PS service can be handed
LST -001045 Load
GERANEXTER over to the cell.
Sharing to
1046 / Range:DTM_AVAILABLE, DTM_
TDLOFD Service

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-27

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
-001046 based NOT_AVAILABLE
LOFD-00 handover to Unit:None
1073 / GERAN
TDLOFD Actual Value
-001073 Distance Range:DTM_AVAILABLE, DTM_
inter-RAT Default
handover to Value:DTM_NOT_AVAILABLE

EutranInterFr eNodeBId ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the eNodeB

eqNCell EUTRANINTER 201802 / Based identity of the inter-frequency
FREQNCELL TDLBFD Inter-frequen neighboring cell. It uniquely
-002018 cy Handover identifies an eNodeB within a
LST 02 PLMN. The 28-bit E-UTRAN cell
EUTRANINTER identity is comprised of the cell
FREQNCELL identity and the eNodeB identity
MOD (represented by the most
EUTRANINTER significant 20 bits). The cell global
FREQNCELL identity (CGI) of an E-UTRAN cell
is comprised of the E-UTRAN cell
RMV identity and the PLMN ID. For
EUTRANINTER details, see 3GPP TS 36.413.
GUI Value Range:0~1048575
Actual Value Range:0~1048575
Default Value:None

EutranExtern eNodeBId ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the eNodeB

alCell EUTRANEXTER 201801 / Based identity of the external E-UTRAN
NALCELL TDLBFD Intra-frequen cell. It uniquely identifies an
-002018 cy Handover eNodeB within a PLMN. The
LST 01 28-bit E-UTRAN cell identity is
EUTRANEXTER Coverage comprised of the cell identity and
NALCELL LBFD-00 Based the eNodeB identity (represented
201802 / Inter-frequen by the most significant 20 bits).
MOD TDLBFD cy Handover The cell global identity (CGI) of
NALCELL an E-UTRAN cell is comprised of
02 the E-UTRAN cell identity and the
RMV PLMN ID. For details, see 3GPP
GUI Value Range:0~1048575
Actual Value Range:0~1048575
Default Value:None

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-28

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name

EutranIntraFr eNodeBId ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the eNodeB

eqNCell EUTRANINTRA 201801 / Based identity of the intra-frequency
FREQNCELL TDLBFD Intra-frequen neighboring cell. It uniquely
-002018 cy Handover identifies an eNodeB within a
LST 01 PLMN. The 28-bit E-UTRAN cell
EUTRANINTRA identity is comprised of the cell
FREQNCELL identity and the eNodeB identity
MOD (represented by the most
EUTRANINTRA significant 20 bits). The cell global
FREQNCELL identity (CGI) of an E-UTRAN cell
is comprised of the E-UTRAN cell
RMV identity and the PLMN ID. For
EUTRANINTRA details, see 3GPP TS 36.413.
GUI Value Range:0~1048575
Actual Value Range:0~1048575
Default Value:None

EutranExtern eNodeBId ADD LOFD-00 RAN Meaning:Indicates the eNodeB

alCellPlmn EUTRANEXTER 1036 / Sharing with identity of the external E-UTRAN
NALCELLPLMN TDLOFD Common cell. It uniquely identifies an
-001036 Carrier eNodeB within a PLMN. The
LST 28-bit E-UTRAN cell identity is
EUTRANEXTER LOFD-00 RAN comprised of the cell identity and
NALCELLPLMN 1037 / Sharing with the eNodeB identity (represented
TDLOFD Dedicated by the most significant 20 bits).
RMV -001037 Carrier
EUTRANEXTER The cell global identity (CGI) of
NALCELLPLMN an E-UTRAN cell is comprised of
the E-UTRAN cell identity and the
PLMN ID. For details, see 3GPP
TS 36.413.
GUI Value Range:0~1048575
Actual Value Range:0~1048575
Default Value:None

HoMeasCom EutranFilterCoe MOD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the

m ffRsrp HOMEASCOMM 201801 / Based upper-layer filtering coefficient for
TDLBFD Intra-frequen RSRP measurements on
LST -002018 cy Handover E-UTRAN.
Coverage A large value of this parameter
LBFD-00 Based indicates a strong smoothing
201802 / Inter-frequen effect and high resistance to fast
TDLBFD cy Handover fading, but it weakens the tracing
-002018 capability towards varying

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-29

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
02 Distance signals. For details, see 3GPP TS
Based 36.331.
LBFD-00 Inter-frequen
201804 / cy Handover GUI Value Range:FC0, FC1,
TDLBFD FC2, FC3, FC4, FC5, FC6, FC7,
-002018 Intra-LTE FC8, FC9, FC11, FC13, FC15,
04 Load FC17, FC19
LOFD-00 LBFD-00201 Unit:None
1032 / 805 /
TDLOFD TDLBFD-00 Actual Value Range:FC0, FC1,
-001032 201805:Serv FC2, FC3, FC4, FC5, FC6, FC7,
FC8, FC9, FC11, FC13, FC15,
ice Based FC17, FC19
cy Handover Default Value:FC6

HoMeasCom EutranFilterCoe MOD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the

m ffRsrq HOMEASCOMM 201801 / Based upper-layer filtering coefficient for
TDLBFD Intra-frequen RSRQ measurements on
LST -002018 cy Handover E-UTRAN.
Coverage A larger value of this parameter
LBFD-00 Based indicates a stronger smoothing
201802 / Inter-frequen effect and higher resistance to
TDLBFD cy Handover fast fading, but it may weaken the
-002018 tracing capability towards varying
02 Distance signals. For details, see 3GPP TS
Based 36.331.
LBFD-00 Inter-frequen
201804 / cy Handover GUI Value Range:FC0, FC1,
TDLBFD FC2, FC3, FC4, FC5, FC6, FC7,
-002018 Intra-LTE FC8, FC9, FC11, FC13, FC15,
04 Load FC17, FC19
LOFD-00 LBFD-00201 Unit:None
1032 / 805 /
TDLOFD TDLBFD-00 Actual Value Range:FC0, FC1,
-001032 201805:Serv FC2, FC3, FC4, FC5, FC6, FC7,
ice Based FC8, FC9, FC11, FC13, FC15,
Inter-frequen FC17, FC19
cy Handover Default Value:FC6

ExtendedQci ExtendedQci ADD LOFD-00 Enhanced Meaning:Indicates the extended

EXTENDEDQCI 1015 / Scheduling QoS Class Identifier (QCI), which
TDLOFD is required by the operator for
LST -001015 Dynamic user differentiation.
LOFD-00 GUI Value Range:10~254
MOD 101502 /
RMV -001015 Actual Value Range:10~254

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-30

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
Default Value:None

CnOperatorE ExtendedQci ADD None None Meaning:Indicates the extended

xtendedQci CNOPERATOR QoS Class Identifier (QCI), which
EXTENDEDQCI is required by the operator for
user differentiation.
CNOPERATOR GUI Value Range:10~254
CNOPERATOR Actual Value Range:10~254
EXTENDEDQCI Default Value:None

CellExtende ExtendedQci ADD LOFD-00 Enhanced Meaning:Indicates the extended

dQci CELLEXTENDE 1015 / Scheduling QoS Class Identifier (QCI), which
DQCI TDLOFD is required by the operator for
-001015 Dynamic service differentiation.
LST Scheduling
CELLEXTENDE LOFD-00 GUI Value Range:10~254
DQCI 101502 /
TDLOFD Unit:None
MOD -001015
CELLEXTENDE 02 Actual Value Range:10~254
DQCI Default Value:None

ENodeBAlgo FreqLayerSwtic MOD LOFD-00 E-UTRAN to Meaning:Indicates the switch

Switch h ENODEBALGO 1078 / UTRAN used to enable or disable the
-001078 Steering measurement algorithm and the
LST UTRAN hierarchy-based
ENODEBALGO blind-handover algorithm.If
SWITCH UtranFreqLayerMeasSwitch is
turned on, the UTRAN
hierarchy-based measurement
algorithm takes effect for
measurements related to
coverage-based and
CSFB-triggered handovers from
the E-UTRAN to the UTRAN.
If UtranFreqLayerBlindSwitch is
turned on, the UTRAN
hierarchy-based blind-handover
algorithm takes effect for

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-31

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
coverage-based and
CSFB-triggered handovers from
the E-UTRAN to the UTRAN.
GUI Value
Actual Value
ch, UtranFreqLayerBlindSwitch

InterFreqHo FreqPriInterFre ADD None None Meaning:Indicates the RSRP

Group qHoA1ThdRsrp INTERFREQHO threshold for
GROUP frequency-priority-based
inter-frequency measurement
MOD event A1.
GROUP When the measured RSRP value
exceeds this threshold, an event
LST A1 report will be sent. The value
INTERFREQHO -141 does not take effect, and is
GROUP reserved for backward
compatibility. If this parameter is
set to -141, the value -140 is used
as the threshold in
GUI Value Range:-141~-43
Actual Value Range:-141~-43
Default Value:-85

InterFreqHo FreqPriInterFre ADD None None Meaning:Indicates the RSRQ

Group qHoA1ThdRsrq INTERFREQHO threshold for
GROUP frequency-priority-based
inter-frequency measurement
MOD event A1.
GROUP When the measured RSRQ value
exceeds this threshold, an event
LST A1 report may be sent.

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-32

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
GROUP GUI Value Range:-40~-6
Actual Value Range:-20~-3,
Default Value:-16

IntraRatHoC FreqPriInterFre MOD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the triggering

omm qHoA1TrigQuan INTRARATHOC 201802 / Based quantity for
OMM TDLBFD Inter-frequen frequency-priority-based
-002018 cy Handover inter-frequency measurement
LST 02 events A1 and A2. The quantity
INTRARATHOC can be either RSRP or RSRQ.
OMM The measured RSRP values are
stable, varying little with the load,
and therefore there is little signal
fluctuation. The measured RSRQ
values vary with the load and are
likely to reflect the signal quality
of the cell in real time. For details,
see 3GPP TS 36.331.
GUI Value Range:RSRP, RSRQ,
Actual Value Range:RSRP,
Default Value:RSRP

InterFreqHo FreqPriInterFre ADD None None Meaning:Indicates the RSRP

Group qHoA2ThdRsrp INTERFREQHO threshold for
GROUP frequency-priority-based
inter-frequency measurement
MOD event A2.
GROUP If the measured RSRP value is
less than this threshold, an event
LST A2 report will be sent.
GROUP GUI Value Range:-140~-43
Actual Value Range:-140~-43
Default Value:-87

InterFreqHo FreqPriInterFre ADD None None Meaning:Indicates the RSRQ

Group qHoA2ThdRsrq INTERFREQHO threshold for inter-frequency
GROUP measurement event A2.

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
MOD When the measured RSRQ value
INTERFREQHO is below this threshold, a
GROUP measurement report will be sent.
LST GUI Value Range:-40~-6
GROUP Unit:0.5dB
Actual Value Range:-20~-3,
Default Value:-20

CellAlgoSwit FreqPriorityHoS MOD LOFD-00 Intra-LTE Meaning:Indicates the switch

ch witch CELLALGOSWI 1032 / Load related to the
TCH TDLOFD Balancing frequency-priority-based
-001032 inter-frequency handover.
CELLALGOSWI FreqPriorIFHOSwitch: Indicates
TCH the frequency-priority-based
inter-frequency handover
inter-frequency handover is
applicable when the eNodeB
provides dual coverage and one
frequency is preferred for
carrying services. If this switch is
set to On, the
inter-frequency handover will be
triggered even when the serving
cell provides a good signal
quality. If this switch is set to Off,
the frequency-priority-based
inter-frequency handover is
Indicates the
inter-frequency blind handover
switch. If this switch is set to On,
the frequency-priority-based
inter-frequency blind handover is
enabled. If this switch is set to
Off, the eNodeB decides whether
to perform the
inter-frequency handover based
on measurements. This switch is
valid only when
FreqPriorIFHOSwitch is set to

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
GUI Value
Actual Value

Cdma2000E Frequency ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the frequency

xternalCell CDMA2000EXT 1021 Inter-RAT on which the external CDMA2000
ERNALCELL Mobility cell operates. For details, see
LBFD-00 between 3GPP TS 36.331.
MOD 201803 / E-UTRAN
CDMA2000EXT TDLBFD and GUI Value Range:0~2047
ERNALCELL -002018 CDMA2000
03 Unit:None
LST Cell
CDMA2000EXT LOFD-00 Selection Actual Value Range:0~2047
ERNALCELL 2002 / and Default Value:None
TDLOFD Reselection

Cdma2000Nf Frequency ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the

req CDMA2000NFR 1021 Inter-RAT neighboring CDMA2000
EQ Mobility frequency of the serving cell. For
LBFD-00 between details, see the IE
LST 201803 / E-UTRAN CDMA2000-CarrierInfo in the
CDMA2000NFR TDLBFD and 3GPP 36.331 6.3.4 protocol.
EQ -002018 CDMA2000
03 GUI Value Range:0~2047
MOD Cell
CDMA2000NFR LOFD-00 Selection Unit:None
EQ 2002 and Actual Value Range:0~2047
RMV Reselection /
CDMA2000NFR Cell Default Value:None
EQ Selection

HoMeasCom GapPatternTyp MOD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-35

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
m e HOMEASCOMM 201802 / Based measurement gap pattern.
TDLBFD Inter-frequen
LST -002018 cy Handover The eNodeB defines
HOMEASCOMM 02 measurement gaps for UEs in
Distance connected mode. During the
LBFD-00 Based measurement gaps, a UE
201804 / Inter-frequen measures the signal quality of the
TDLBFD cy Handover cells on a specific frequency.
04 PS There are two gap patterns:
Inter-RAT pattern 1 and pattern 2. In pattern
LOFD-00 Mobility 1, the gap width is 6 ms and the
1019 / between repetition period is 40 ms. In
TDLOFD E-UTRAN pattern 2, the gap width is 6 ms
-001019 and UTRAN and the repetition period is 80
1020 / Inter-RAT For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
TDLOFD Mobility Pattern 1 and pattern 2
-001020 between correspond to Gap Pattern Id 0
E-UTRAN and Gap Pattern Id 1 specified in
LOFD-00 and GERAN 3GPP TS 36.331, respectively.
1021 /
-001021 Inter-RAT Range:GAP_PATTERN_TYPE_1
LOFD-00 between
1032 / E-UTRAN Unit:None
-001032 CDMA2000 Actual Value
1072 / Load
TDLOFD Balancing Default
-001045 LOFD-0010 Value:GAP_PATTERN_TYPE_1
LOFD-00 44 /
1073 / TDLOFD-00
TDLOFD 1044:Inter-R
-001073 AT Load
Sharing to
201805 / LOFD-0010
-002018 TDLOFD-00
05 1045:Inter-R
AT Load
Sharing to
handover to

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-36

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
handover to
cy Handover

GeranExtern GeranArfcn ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the GERAN

alCell GERANEXTER 1020 / Inter-RAT BCCH ARFCN. For details, see
NALCELL TDLOFD Mobility 3GPP TS 45.005.
-001020 between
MOD E-UTRAN GUI Value Range:0~1023
NALCELL 1045 / Unit:None
TDLOFD Inter-RAT Actual Value Range:0~1023
LST -001045 Load
GERANEXTER Sharing to Default Value:None
1046 /
TDLOFD Service
-001046 based
LOFD-00 handover to
1073 / GERAN
-001073 Distance
handover to

GeranNfreq GeranArfcn ADD LBFD-00 Broadcast of Meaning:Indicates the GERAN

GroupArfcn GERANNFREQ 2009 / system BCCH ARFCN. For details, see
GROUPARFCN TDLBFD information 3GPP TS 45.005.
LST Inter-RAT GUI Value Range:0~1023
GROUPARFCN 2002 / Unit:None
TDLOFD Actual Value Range:0~1023
RMV -002002
GERANNFREQ Default Value:None

GeranExtern GeranCellId ADD LOFD-00 RAN Meaning:Indicates the identity of

alCellPlmn GERANEXTER 1036 / Sharing with the external GERAN cell. It
NALCELLPLMN TDLOFD Common uniquely identifies a GERAN
-001036 Carrier cell within a PLMN.
GERANEXTER LOFD-00 RAN GUI Value Range:0~65535

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-37

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
NALCELLPLMN 1037 / Sharing with Unit:None
TDLOFD Dedicated
RMV -001037 Carrier Actual Value Range:0~65535
NALCELLPLMN Default Value:None

GeranExtern GeranCellId ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the cell ID of

alCell GERANEXTER 1020 / Inter-RAT the external GERAN cell. It
NALCELL TDLOFD Mobility uniquely identifies a GERAN
-001020 between cell within the area specified by
LST E-UTRAN the location area identity (LAI).
GERANEXTER and GERAN An LAI consists of the MCC,
MOD GUI Value Range:0~65535
RMV Actual Value Range:0~65535
NALCELL Default Value:None

GeranNcell GeranCellId ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the cell ID of

GERANNCELL 1020 / Inter-RAT the GERAN neighboring cell. It
TDLOFD Mobility uniquely identifies a GERAN
LST -001020 between cell within the area specified by
GERANNCELL E-UTRAN the location area identity (LAI).
MOD and GERAN An LAI consists of the MCC,

RMV GUI Value Range:0~65535

DSP Actual Value Range:0~65535
O Default Value:None

HoMeasCom GeranFilterCoef MOD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the L3 filtering

m f HOMEASCOMM 1020 / Inter-RAT coefficient used for the
TDLOFD Mobility measurement quantity in
LST -001020 between inter-RAT measurements of
1045 / A great value of this parameter
TDLOFD Inter-RAT indicates a strong smoothing
-001045 Load effect and a high anti-fast-fading
Sharing to capability, but a low signal
LOFD-00 GERAN change tracing capability. For
1046 / details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
TDLOFD Service
-001046 based GUI Value Range:FC0, FC1,
inter-RAT FC2, FC3, FC4, FC5, FC6, FC7,
LOFD-00 handover to FC8, FC9, FC11, FC13, FC15,
1073 /

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-38

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
Distance Unit:None
inter-RAT Actual Value Range:FC0, FC1,
handover to FC2, FC3, FC4, FC5, FC6, FC7,
GERAN FC8, FC9, FC11, FC13, FC15,
FC17, FC19
Default Value:FC6

InterRatPolic GeranGprsEdg ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the policy of

yCfgGroup eHoCfg INTERRATPOLI 1020 / Inter-RAT handovers to GPRS/EDGE.
-001020 between PS_HO:
INTERRATPOLI Indicates whether PS handovers
and GERAN to neighboring GPRS/EDGE cells
are allowed.
CYCFGGROUP Indicates whether NACC
handovers to neighboring
GPRS/EDGE cells are allowed.
This switch will be removed in the
later versions. In this version, the
setting of this switch is still
synchronized between the M2000
and the eNodeB, but it is no
longer used internally. Therefore,
avoid using this parameter.
Indicates whether CCO
handovers to neighboring
GPRS/EDGE cells are allowed.
Indicates whether SRVCC
handovers to neighboring
GPRS/EDGE cells are allowed.
Indicates whether redirections to
neighboring GPRS/EDGE cells
are allowed.
GUI Value Range:PS_HO,

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-39

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
Actual Value Range:PS_HO,
Default Value:PS_HO:On,

InterRatPolic GeranGsmHoCf ADD LOFD-00 SRVCC to Meaning:Indicates the switch

yCfgGroup g INTERRATPOLI 1023 / GERAN used to enable or disable the
CYCFGGROUP TDLOFD single radio voice call continuity
-001023 (SRVCC) handover to GERAN
CYCFGGROUP If this switch is set to On, the UE
can perform the SRVCC
LST handover to the GERAN GSM
If this switch is set to Off, the UE
cannot perform the SRVCC
handover to the GERAN GSM
GUI Value Range:SRVCC
Actual Value Range:SRVCC
Default Value:SRVCC:On

GeranNfreq GeranVersion ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the standard

Group GERANNFREQ 1020 / Inter-RAT that is supported by the current
GROUP TDLOFD Mobility carrier frequency group.
-001020 between
GROUP 1045 /
TDLOFD Inter-RAT Unit:None
LST -001045 Load
GERANNFREQ Actual Value Range:GSM,
Sharing to GPRS, EDGE
1046 / Default Value:None
TDLOFD Service
-001046 based
LOFD-00 handover to
1073 / GERAN
-001073 Distance
handover to

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-40

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name

ENodeBAlgo HoAlgoSwitch MOD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the collective

Switch ENODEBALGO 201801 / Based switch used to enable or disable
SWITCH TDLBFD Intra-frequen handover.
-002018 cy Handover
LST 01 Flash CS fallback to UTRAN: If
ENODEBALGO Coverage the switch for CS fallback to
SWITCH LBFD-00 Based UTRAN is turned off, this switch
201802 / Inter-frequen does not take effect;
TDLBFD cy Handover
-002018 Flash CS fallback to GERAN: If
02 Service the switch for CS fallback to
based GERAN is turned off, this switch
LOFD-00 inter-RAT does not take effect.
1043 / handover to
-001043 Range:IntraFreqCoverHoSwitch(I
Service ntraFreqCoverHoSwitch),
LOFD-00 based InterFreqCoverHoSwitch(InterFre
1046 / inter-RAT qCoverHoSwitch),
TDLOFD handover to UtranCsfbSwitch(UtranCsfbSwitc
-001046 GERAN h),
LBFD-00 Service ch),
201805 / Based Cdma1xRttCsfbSwitch(Cdma200
TDLBFD Inter-frequen 01xRttCsfbSwitch),
-002018 cy Handover UtranServiceHoSwitch(UtranServ
CS Fallback iceHoSwitch),
LOFD-00 to UTRAN GeranServiceHoSwitch(GeranSe
1033 / rviceHoSwitch),
TDLOFD CS Fallback CdmaHrpdServiceHoSwitch(Cdm
-001033 to GERAN a2000HrpdServiceHoSwitch),
LOFD-00 CS Fallback ma20001xRttServiceHoSwitch),
1034 / to UlQualityInterRATHoSwitch(UlQu
TDLOFD CDMA2000 alityInterRATHoSwitch),
-001034 1xRTT InterPlmnHoSwitch(InterPlmnHo
LOFD-00 Flash CS UtranFlashCsfbSwitch(UtranFlas
1035 / Fallback to hCsfbSwitch),
TDLOFD UTRAN GeranFlashCsfbSwitch(GeranFla
-001035 Flash CS shCsfbSwitch),
LOFD-00 Fallback to ServiceBasedInterFreqHoSwitch(
1052 / GERAN ServiceBasedInterFreqHoSwitch)
-001052 UlQualityInterFreqHoSwitch(UlQ
1053 / Unit:None
TDLOFD Actual Value
-001053 Range:IntraFreqCoverHoSwitch,

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-41

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
n, InterFreqCoverHoSwitch:On,

ENodeBAlgo HoModeSwitch MOD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the switches

Switch ENODEBALGO 1019 / Inter-RAT corresponding to the inputs
SWITCH TDLOFD Mobility based on which the eNodeB
-001019 between determines handover policies.
SWITCH 1020 / EutranVoipCapSwitch will be
TDLOFD PS removed in the later versions. In
-001020 Inter-RAT this version, the setting of this
Mobility switch is still synchronized
LOFD-00 between between the M2000 and the
1021 / E-UTRAN eNodeB, but it is no longer used
TDLOFD and GERAN internally. Therefore, avoid using
-001021 this switch.
LOFD-00 Inter-RAT GUI Value
1022 / Mobility Range:EutranVoipCapSwitch(Eut
TDLOFD between ranVoipCapSwitch),
-001022 E-UTRAN UtranVoipCapSwitch(UtranVoipC

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-42

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
LOFD-00 and apSwitch),
1023 / CDMA2000 GeranVoipCapSwitch(GeranVoip
TDLOFD CapSwitch),
-001023 SRVCC to Cdma1xRttVoipCapSwitch(Cdma
UTRAN 1xRttVoipCapSwitch),
SRVCC to UtranPsHoSwitch(UtranPsHoSwi
GERAN tch),
Actual Value

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-43

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
f, GeranNaccSwitch:Off,

InterFreqHo InterFreqHoA1A ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the hysteresis

Group 2Hyst INTERFREQHO 201802 / Based for inter-frequency measurement
GROUP TDLBFD Inter-frequen events A1 and A2. This
-002018 cy Handover parameter is used to prevent
MOD 02 frequent triggering of event
INTERFREQHO evaluation caused by radio signal
GROUP fluctuation. In this way, the
LST probability of ping-pong
INTERFREQHO handovers or handover decision
GROUP errors is reduced. A larger value
of this parameter results in a
lower probability.
GUI Value Range:0~30
Actual Value Range:0~15,
Default Value:2

InterFreqHo InterFreqHoA1A ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the

Group 2TimeToTrig INTERFREQHO 201802 / Based time-to-trigger for inter-frequency
GROUP TDLBFD Inter-frequen measurement event A1 or A2.
-002018 cy Handover
MOD 02 When detecting that the signal
INTERFREQHO quality in the serving cell meets
the triggering condition, the UE

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-44

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
GROUP does not send a measurement
report to the eNodeB
LST immediately. Instead, the UE
INTERFREQHO sends a report only when the
GROUP signal quality continuously meets
the entering condition during the
time-to-trigger. This parameter
helps decrease the number of
occasionally triggered event
reports, the average number of
handovers, and the number
of wrong handovers. In summary,
it helps prevent unnecessary
GUI Value Range:0ms, 40ms,
64ms, 80ms, 100ms, 128ms,
160ms, 256ms, 320ms, 480ms,
512ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
1280ms, 2560ms, 5120ms
Actual Value Range:0ms, 40ms,
64ms, 80ms, 100ms, 128ms,
160ms, 256ms, 320ms, 480ms,
512ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
1280ms, 2560ms, 5120ms
Default Value:640ms

IntraRatHoC InterFreqHoA1A MOD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the quantity

omm 2TrigQuan INTRARATHOC 201802 / Based used in the evaluation for
OMM TDLBFD Inter-frequen inter-frequency measurement
-002018 cy Handover event A1 or A2. The quantity can
LST 02 be RSRP, RSRQ, or both. The
INTRARATHOC measured RSRP values are
OMM stable, varying little with the load,
and therefore there is little signal
fluctuation. The measured RSRQ
values vary with the load and are
likely to reflect the signal quality
of the cell in real time. For details,
see 3GPP TS 36.331.
GUI Value Range:RSRP, RSRQ,
Actual Value Range:RSRP,
Default Value:RSRP

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-45

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name

InterFreqHo InterFreqHoA1T ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the RSRP

Group hdRsrp INTERFREQHO 201802 / Based threshold for inter-frequency
GROUP TDLBFD Inter-frequen measurement event A1.
-002018 cy Handover
MOD 02 When the measured RSRP value
INTERFREQHO exceeds this threshold, a
GROUP measurement report will be sent.
The value -141 does not take
LST effect and is reserved for
INTERFREQHO backward compatibility. If this
GROUP parameter is set to -141, the
value -140 is used as the
threshold in implementation.
GUI Value Range:-141~-43
Actual Value Range:-141~-43
Default Value:-105

InterFreqHo InterFreqHoA1T ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the RSRQ

Group hdRsrq INTERFREQHO 201802 / Based threshold for inter-frequency
GROUP TDLBFD Inter-frequen measurement event A1.
-002018 cy Handover
MOD 02 When the measured RSRQ value
INTERFREQHO exceeds this threshold, a
GROUP measurement report will be sent.
LST GUI Value Range:-40~-6
GROUP Unit:0.5dB
Actual Value Range:-20~-3,
Default Value:-20

InterFreqHo InterFreqHoA2T ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the RSRP

Group hdRsrp INTERFREQHO 201802 / Based threshold for inter-frequency
GROUP TDLBFD Inter-frequen measurement event A2.
-002018 cy Handover
MOD 02 When the measured RSRP value
INTERFREQHO is below the threshold, a
GROUP measurement report will be sent.
The value -141 does not take
LST effect and is reserved for
INTERFREQHO backward compatibility. If this
GROUP parameter is set to -141, the
value -140 is used as the
threshold in implementation.
GUI Value Range:-141~-43

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-46

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
Actual Value Range:-141~-43
Default Value:-109

InterFreqHo InterFreqHoA2T ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the RSRQ

Group hdRsrq INTERFREQHO 201802 / Based threshold for inter-frequency
GROUP TDLBFD Inter-frequen measurement event A2.
-002018 cy Handover
MOD 02 When the measured RSRQ value
INTERFREQHO is below this threshold, a
GROUP measurement report may be
INTERFREQHO GUI Value Range:-40~-6
Actual Value Range:-20~-3,
Default Value:-24

InterFreqHo InterFreqHoA3 ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the offset for

Group Offset INTERFREQHO 201802 Based event A3 associated with
GROUP Inter-frequen inter-frequency handover. This
cy Handover parameter determines the border
MOD between the serving cell and the
INTERFREQHO neighboring cell. If the parameter
GROUP is set to a large value, an
LST inter-frequency handover is
INTERFREQHO performed only when the signal
GROUP quality of the neighboring cell is
significantly better than that of the
serving cell and other triggering
conditions are met. For details,
see 3GPP TS 36.331.
GUI Value Range:-30~30
Actual Value Range:-15~15,
Default Value:2

InterFreqHo InterFreqHoA4 ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the hysteresis

Group Hyst INTERFREQHO 201802 / Based for event A4. This parameter is
GROUP TDLBFD Inter-frequen used to prevent frequent
-002018 cy Handover triggering of event evaluation
MOD 02 caused by radio signal
INTERFREQHO Distance fluctuation. In this way, the
GROUP LBFD-00 Based probability of ping-pong

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-47

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
LST 201804 / Inter-frequen handovers or handover decision
INTERFREQHO TDLBFD cy Handover errors is reduced. A larger value
GROUP -002018 of this parameter results in a
04 Intra-LTE lower probability.
LOFD-00 Balancing GUI Value Range:0~30
1032 /
TDLOFD Service Unit:0.5dB
-001032 Based
Inter-frequen Actual Value Range:0~15,
LBFD-00 cy Handover step:0.5
201805 / Default Value:2

IntraRatHoC InterFreqHoA4 MOD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the quantity to

omm RprtQuan INTRARATHOC 201802 / Based be included in the measurement
OMM TDLBFD Inter-frequen report for inter-frequency
-002018 cy Handover handover events. Based on the
LST 02 parameter value, the eNodeB
INTRARATHOC Intra-LTE instructs a UE to report the
OMM LOFD-00 Load measured RSRP value, RSRQ
1032 / Balancing value, or both values. The
TDLOFD measured RSRP values are
-001032 stable and vary little with the load,
and therefore there is little signal
fluctuation. The measured RSRQ
values vary with the load and are
likely to reflect the signal quality
of the cell in real time. For details,
see 3GPP TS 36.331.
GUI Value
Same as Trig Quan), BOTH
Actual Value
ame as Trig Quan)

InterFreqHo InterFreqHoA4T ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the RSRP

Group hdRsrp INTERFREQHO 201802 / Based threshold for event A4 related to
GROUP TDLBFD Inter-frequen coverage-based inter-frequency
-002018 cy Handover handover. When the measured
MOD 02 RSRP value exceeds this
INTERFREQHO Distance threshold, an inter-frequency
LBFD-00 Based measurement report will be sent.

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-48

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
GROUP 201804 / Inter-frequen The value -141 does not take
TDLBFD cy Handover effect and is reserved for
LST -002018 backward compatibility. If this
INTERFREQHO 04 parameter is set to -141, the
GROUP value -140 is used as the
threshold in implementation.
GUI Value Range:-141~-43
Actual Value Range:-141~-43
Default Value:-105

InterFreqHo InterFreqHoA4T ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the RSRQ

Group hdRsrq INTERFREQHO 201802 / Based threshold for event A4 related to
GROUP TDLBFD Inter-frequen coverage-based inter-frequency
-002018 cy Handover handover. When the measured
MOD 02 RSRQ value exceeds this
INTERFREQHO Distance threshold, an inter-frequency
GROUP LBFD-00 Based measurement report will be sent.
201804 / Inter-frequen
LST TDLBFD cy Handover GUI Value Range:-40~-6
GROUP 04 Unit:0.5dB
Actual Value Range:-20~-3,
Default Value:-20

InterFreqHo InterFreqHoA4T ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the

Group imeToTrig INTERFREQHO 201802 / Based time-to-trigger for event A4 for the
GROUP TDLBFD Inter-frequen inter-frequency handover. When
-002018 cy Handover detecting that the signal quality in
MOD 02 at least one neighboring cell
INTERFREQHO Distance meets the entering condition, the
GROUP LBFD-00 Based UE does not send a
201804 / Inter-frequen measurement report to the
LST TDLBFD cy Handover eNodeB immediately. Instead, the
GROUP Intra-LTE UE sends a report only when the
04 signal quality continuously meets
LOFD-00 Balancing the entering condition during the
1032 / time-to-trigger.
TDLOFD Service
This parameter helps decrease
-001032 Based
Inter-frequen the number of occasionally
LBFD-00 cy Handover triggered event reports, the
201805 / average number of handovers,
TDLBFD and the number of wrong
-002018 handovers. In summary, it helps
05 prevent unnecessary handovers.
GUI Value Range:0ms, 40ms,

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-49

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
64ms, 80ms, 100ms, 128ms,
160ms, 256ms, 320ms, 480ms,
512ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
1280ms, 2560ms, 5120ms
Actual Value Range:0ms, 40ms,
64ms, 80ms, 100ms, 128ms,
160ms, 256ms, 320ms, 480ms,
512ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
1280ms, 2560ms, 5120ms
Default Value:640ms

IntraRatHoC InterFreqHoA4T MOD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the triggering

omm rigQuan INTRARATHOC 201802 / Based quantity for frequency-priority-
OMM TDLBFD Inter-frequen and load-based inter-frequency
-002018 cy Handover handover event A4.
LST 02
Actual Value Range:RSRP,
Default Value:RSRP

EutranInterN InterFreqHoEve ADD LOFD-00 Intra-LTE Meaning:Indicates the event to

Freq ntType EUTRANINTER 1032 / Load trigger coverage-based
NFREQ TDLOFD Balancing inter-frequency handovers. This
-001032 parameter can be set to EventA3,
MOD Coverage EventA4, or EventA5. If the
EUTRANINTER LBFD-00 Based neighboring E-UTRAN frequency
NFREQ 201802 / Inter-frequen and the serving frequency are in
TDLBFD cy Handover the same frequency band, event
LST -002018
EUTRANINTER 02 Distance A3 is recommended as it
NFREQ Based provides better handover
LBFD-00 Inter-frequen performance in this situation. If
201804 / cy Handover the neighboring E-UTRAN
TDLBFD frequency and the serving
-002018 Service frequency are in different
04 Based frequency bands, event A4 or A5
Inter-frequen is used.
LBFD-00 cy Handover
201805 GUI Value
Actual Value Range:EventA3,

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-50

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
EventA4, EventA5
Default Value:EventA4(EventA4)

InterFreqHo InterFreqHoGro ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the ID of the

Group upId INTERFREQHO 201801 / Based parameter group related to
GROUP TDLBFD Intra-frequen inter-frequency handover.
-002018 cy Handover
LST 01 GUI Value Range:0~9
GROUP LBFD-00 Based Unit:None
201802 / Inter-frequen Actual Value Range:0~9
MOD TDLBFD cy Handover
INTERFREQHO -002018 Default Value:None

CellExtende InterFreqHoGro ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the ID of a

dQci upId CELLEXTENDE 201802 / Based parameter group related to
DQCI TDLBFD Inter-frequen inter-frequency handover.
-002018 cy Handover
MOD 02 GUI Value Range:0~9
DQCI Unit:None

LST Actual Value Range:0~9

CELLEXTENDE Default Value:0

CellStandard InterFreqHoGro MOD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the ID of a

Qci upId CELLSTANDAR 201802 / Based parameter group related to
DQCI TDLBFD Inter-frequen inter-frequency handovers.
-002018 cy Handover
LST 02 GUI Value Range:0~9
DQCI Unit:None
Actual Value Range:0~9
Default Value:0

IntraRatHoC InterFreqHoRprt MOD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the interval

omm Interval INTRARATHOC 201802 / Based at which periodical measurement
OMM TDLBFD Inter-frequen reports are sent after an
-002018 cy Handover inter-frequency handover event is
LST 02 triggered.
OMM LOFD-00 Load For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
1032 / Balancing
TDLOFD GUI Value Range:120ms, 240ms,
-001032 480ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
2048ms, 5120ms, 10240ms,

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
1min, 6min, 12min, 30min, 60min
Actual Value Range:120ms,
240ms, 480ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
2048ms, 5120ms, 10240ms,
1min, 6min, 12min, 30min, 60min
Default Value:240ms

ServiceIfHoC InterFreqHoStat ADD LBFD-00 Service Meaning:Indicates whether the

fgGroup e SERVICEIFHOC 201805 Based policy group allows a target
FGGROUP Inter-frequen frequency to be specified for
cy Handover service-based inter-frequency
MOD handovers.
Actual Value Range:NO_HO,
Default Value:NO_HO

InterFreqHo InterFreqLoadB ADD LOFD-00 Intra-LTE Meaning:Indicates the RSRP

Group asedHoA4ThdR INTERFREQHO 1032 / Load threshold for event A4 related to
srp GROUP TDLOFD Balancing load- or frequency-priority-based
-001032 inter-frequency handover. When
MOD Service the measured RSRP value
INTERFREQHO LBFD-00 Based exceeds this threshold, an
GROUP 201805 / Inter-frequen inter-frequency measurement
TDLBFD cy Handover report will be sent. The value
LST -002018
INTERFREQHO 05 -141 does not take effect and is
GROUP reserved for backward
compatibility. If this parameter is
set to -141, the value -140 is used
as the threshold in
GUI Value Range:-141~-43
Actual Value Range:-141~-43
Default Value:-103

InterFreqHo InterFreqLoadB ADD LOFD-00 Intra-LTE Meaning:Indicates the RSRQ

Group asedHoA4ThdR INTERFREQHO 1032 / Load threshold for event A4 related to
srq GROUP TDLOFD Balancing load- or frequency-priority-based
-001032 inter-frequency handover. When
MOD Service the measured RSRQ value

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-52

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
INTERFREQHO LBFD-00 Based exceeds this threshold, an
GROUP 201805 / Inter-frequen inter-frequency measurement
TDLBFD cy Handover report will be sent.
LST -002018
INTERFREQHO 05 GUI Value Range:-40~-6
Actual Value Range:-20~-3,
Default Value:-18

InterRatHoC InterRatCdmaH MOD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the interval

omm rpdRprtInterval INTERRATHOC 1021 Inter-RAT at which periodic reports are sent
OMM Mobility to the eNodeB after the triggering
between condition of the event for
LST E-UTRAN inter-RAT handover to
For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
GUI Value Range:120ms, 240ms,
480ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
2048ms, 5120ms, 10240ms,
1min, 6min, 12min, 30min, 60min
Actual Value Range:120ms,
240ms, 480ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
2048ms, 5120ms, 10240ms,
1min, 6min, 12min, 30min, 60min
Default Value:480ms

CSFallBackB InterRatHighest MOD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Ndicates the

lindHoCfg Pri CSFALLBACKB 1019 / Inter-RAT high-priority system to be
LINDHOCFG TDLOFD Mobility considered in blind handovers. It
-001019 between is UTRAN by default. This
LST E-UTRAN parameter can be set to UTRAN,
-001020 Inter-RAT GERAN, CDMA2000
LOFD-00 between Unit:None
1021 / E-UTRAN
TDLOFD and GERAN Actual Value Range:UTRAN,
-001021 GERAN, CDMA2000
PS Default Value:UTRAN
LOFD-00 Inter-RAT
1044 / Mobility
TDLOFD between
-001044 E-UTRAN

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-53

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
LOFD-00 and
1045 / CDMA2000
-001045 Inter-RAT
LOFD-00 Sharing to
1033 / UTRAN
-001033 Inter-RAT
LOFD-00 Sharing to
1034 / GERAN
-001034 CS Fallback
1035 / CS Fallback
-001035 CS Fallback
LOFD-00 to
1068 / CDMA2000
-001068 CS
LOFD-00 Fallback with
1069 / LAI to
-001069 CS
LOFD-00 Fallback with
1052 / LAI to
-001052 Flash CS
LOFD-00 Fallback to
1053 / UTRAN
-001053 Fallback to

InterRatHoC InterRatHoA1A ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the hysteresis

ommGroup 2Hyst INTERRATHOC 1019 / Inter-RAT for inter-RAT measurement
OMMGROUP TDLOFD Mobility events A1 and A2. This
-001019 between parameter is used to prevent
MOD E-UTRAN frequent triggering of event
INTERRATHOC LOFD-00 and UTRAN evaluation caused by radio signal
OMMGROUP 1020 / fluctuation. In this way, the
TDLOFD PS probability of ping-pong
LST -001020 Inter-RAT
INTERRATHOC handovers or handover decision
Mobility errors is reduced. A larger value
OMMGROUP LOFD-00 between
1021 of this parameter results in a
E-UTRAN lower probability.

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-54

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
PS GUI Value Range:0~30
Mobility Unit:0.5dB
between Actual Value Range:0~15,
E-UTRAN step:0.5
CDMA2000 Default Value:2

InterRatHoC InterRatHoA1A ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the

ommGroup 2TimeToTrig INTERRATHOC 1019 / Inter-RAT time-to-trigger for inter-RAT
OMMGROUP TDLOFD Mobility measurement event A1 or A2.
-001019 between
MOD E-UTRAN When detecting that the signal
INTERRATHOC LOFD-00 and UTRAN quality in the serving cell meets
OMMGROUP 1020 / the entering condition, the UE
TDLOFD PS does not send a measurement
LST -001020 Inter-RAT report to the eNodeB
INTERRATHOC Mobility immediately. Instead, the UE
OMMGROUP LOFD-00 between sends a report only when the
1021 E-UTRAN signal quality continuously meets
and GERAN the entering condition during the
Inter-RAT This parameter helps decrease
Mobility the number of occasionally
between triggered event reports, the
E-UTRAN average number of handovers,
and and the number of wrong
CDMA2000 handovers. In summary, it helps
prevent unnecessary handovers.
GUI Value Range:0ms, 40ms,
64ms, 80ms, 100ms, 128ms,
160ms, 256ms, 320ms, 480ms,
512ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
1280ms, 2560ms, 5120ms
Actual Value Range:0ms, 40ms,
64ms, 80ms, 100ms, 128ms,
160ms, 256ms, 320ms, 480ms,
512ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
1280ms, 2560ms, 5120ms
Default Value:640ms

InterRatHoC InterRatHoA1A MOD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the quantity

omm 2TrigQuan INTERRATHOC 1020 / Inter-RAT used to evaluate the triggering
OMM TDLOFD Mobility condition for the inter-RAT
-001020 between measurement event A1 or A2.
LST E-UTRAN The values are RSRP, RSRQ and
1023 /

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-55

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
OMM TDLOFD SRVCC to The measured RSRP values are
-001023 GERAN stable, varying little with the load,
and therefore there is little signal
LOFD-00 PS fluctuation. The measured RSRQ
1021 Inter-RAT values vary with the load and are
Mobility likely to reflect the signal quality
LOFD-00 between
1019 / E-UTRAN of the cell in real time. By default,
TDLOFD and the reporting quantity for the
-001019 CDMA2000 inter-RAT handover event is
BOTH, that is, both RSRP and
1022 / Inter-RAT
TDLOFD Mobility For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
-001022 between GUI Value Range:RSRP, RSRQ,
UTRAN Actual Value Range:RSRP,
Default Value:RSRP

InterRatHoC InterRatHoA1Th ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the RSRP

ommGroup dRsrp INTERRATHOC 1019 / Inter-RAT threshold for inter-RAT
OMMGROUP TDLOFD Mobility measurement event A1.
-001019 between
MOD E-UTRAN When the measured RSRP value
INTERRATHOC LOFD-00 and UTRAN of the serving cell exceeds this
OMMGROUP 1020 / threshold, an event A1 report will
TDLOFD PS be sent. The value -141 does not
LST -001020 Inter-RAT take effect and is reserved for
INTERRATHOC Mobility backward compatibility. If this
OMMGROUP LOFD-00 between parameter is set to -141, the
1021 E-UTRAN value -140 is used as the
and GERAN threshold in implementation.
PS GUI Value Range:-141~-43
Mobility Unit:dBm
between Actual Value Range:-141~-43
and Default Value:-111

InterRatHoC InterRatHoA1Th ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the RSRQ

ommGroup dRsrq INTERRATHOC 1019 / Inter-RAT threshold for inter-RAT
OMMGROUP TDLOFD Mobility measurement event A1.
-001019 between
MOD E-UTRAN When the measured RSRQ value
INTERRATHOC LOFD-00 and UTRAN of the serving cell exceeds this
OMMGROUP 1020 / threshold, an event A1 report will
TDLOFD PS be sent.

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-56

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
INTERRATHOC -001020 Inter-RAT GUI Value Range:-40~-6
LOFD-00 between Unit:0.5dB
1021 E-UTRAN Actual Value Range:-20~-3,
and GERAN step:0.5
PS Default Value:-20

InterRatHoC InterRatHoA2Th ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the RSRP

ommGroup dRsrp INTERRATHOC 1019 / Inter-RAT threshold for inter-RAT
OMMGROUP TDLOFD Mobility measurement event A2.
-001019 between
MOD E-UTRAN When the measured RSRP value
INTERRATHOC LOFD-00 and UTRAN of the serving cell is below this
OMMGROUP 1020 / threshold, an event A2 report will
TDLOFD PS be sent. The value -141 does not
LST -001020 Inter-RAT take effect and is reserved for
INTERRATHOC Mobility backward compatibility. If this
OMMGROUP LOFD-00 between parameter is set to -141, the
1021 E-UTRAN value -140 is used as the
and GERAN threshold in implementation.
PS GUI Value Range:-141~-43
Mobility Unit:dBm
between Actual Value Range:-141~-43
and Default Value:-115

InterRatHoC InterRatHoA2Th ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the RSRQ

ommGroup dRsrq INTERRATHOC 1019 / Inter-RAT threshold for inter-RAT
OMMGROUP TDLOFD Mobility measurement event A2.
-001019 between
MOD E-UTRAN When the measured RSRQ value
INTERRATHOC LOFD-00 and UTRAN of the serving cell is below this
OMMGROUP 1020 / threshold, an event A2 report will
TDLOFD PS be sent.
LST -001020 Inter-RAT
INTERRATHOC Mobility GUI Value Range:-40~-6
OMMGROUP LOFD-00 between
1021 Unit:0.5dB
and GERAN Actual Value Range:-20~-3,
Inter-RAT Default Value:-24

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-57

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name

InterRatHoC InterRatHoCdm ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the hysteresis

dmaHrpdGro aB1Hyst INTERRATHOC 1021 Inter-RAT for event B1 related to inter-RAT
up DMAHRPDGRO Mobility handover to CDMA2000 HRPD.
UP between This parameter is used to prevent
E-UTRAN frequent triggering of event
MOD and evaluation caused by radio signal
INTERRATHOC CDMA2000 fluctuation. In this way, the
DMAHRPDGRO probability of ping-pong
UP handovers or handover decision
LST errors is reduced. A larger value
INTERRATHOC of this parameter results in a
DMAHRPDGRO lower probability of ping-pong
UP handovers or handover decision
GUI Value Range:0~30
Actual Value Range:0~15,
Default Value:2

InterRatHoC InterRatHoCdm ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the pilot

dma1xRttGr aB1ThdPs INTERRATHOC 1021 Inter-RAT strength threshold for event B1
oup DMA1XRTTGR Mobility related to coverage-based
OUP between inter-RAT handover to
E-UTRAN CDMA2000 1xRTT. When the
MOD and measurement value exceeds this
INTERRATHOC CDMA2000 threshold, a measurement
DMA1XRTTGR report will be sent.
GUI Value Range:-63~0
OUP Actual Value Range:-31.5~0,
Default Value:-28

InterRatHoC InterRatHoCdm ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the

dmaHrpdGro aB1TimeToTrig INTERRATHOC 1021 Inter-RAT time-to-trigger for event B1
up DMAHRPDGRO Mobility related to inter-RAT handover to
UP between CDMA2000 HRPD.
MOD and When detecting that the signal
INTERRATHOC quality in at least one neighboring

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-58

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
DMAHRPDGRO CDMA2000 cell meets the entering condition,
UP the UE does not send a
measurement report to the
LST eNodeB immediately. Instead, the
INTERRATHOC UE sends a report only when the
DMAHRPDGRO signal quality continuously meets
UP the entering condition during the
This parameter helps decrease
the number of occasionally
triggered event reports, the
average number of handovers
and the number of wrong
handovers, preventing
unnecessary handovers.
GUI Value Range:0ms, 40ms,
64ms, 80ms, 100ms, 128ms,
160ms, 256ms, 320ms, 480ms,
512ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
1280ms, 2560ms, 5120ms
Actual Value Range:0ms, 40ms,
64ms, 80ms, 100ms, 128ms,
160ms, 256ms, 320ms, 480ms,
512ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
1280ms, 2560ms, 5120ms
Default Value:640ms

InterRatHoC InterRatHoCom ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the ID of the

ommGroup mGroupId INTERRATHOC 1019 / Inter-RAT common parameter group related
OMMGROUP TDLOFD Mobility to inter-RAT handover.
-001019 between
LST E-UTRAN GUI Value Range:0~9
OMMGROUP 1020 / Unit:None
TDLOFD PS Actual Value Range:0~9
MOD -001020 Inter-RAT
INTERRATHOC Mobility Default Value:None
OMMGROUP LOFD-00 between
1021 E-UTRAN

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-59

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name

CellExtende InterRatHoCom ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the ID of a

dQci mGroupId CELLEXTENDE 1019 / Inter-RAT group of common parameters
DQCI TDLOFD Mobility related to inter-RAT handover.
-001019 between
MOD E-UTRAN GUI Value Range:0~9
DQCI 1020 / Unit:None
TDLOFD PS Actual Value Range:0~9
LST -001020 Inter-RAT
CELLEXTENDE Mobility Default Value:0
DQCI LOFD-00 between
1021 E-UTRAN

CellStandard InterRatHoCom MOD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the ID of a

Qci mGroupId CELLSTANDAR 1019 / Inter-RAT common parameter group related
DQCI TDLOFD Mobility to inter-RAT handover.
-001019 between
LST E-UTRAN GUI Value Range:0~9
DQCI 1020 / Unit:None
TDLOFD PS Actual Value Range:0~9
-001020 Inter-RAT
Mobility Default Value:0
LOFD-00 between
1021 E-UTRAN

InterRatHoC InterRatHoEven MOD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the type of the

omm tType INTERRATHOC 1020 / Inter-RAT inter-RAT handover event. This
OMM TDLOFD Mobility parameter applies only to
-001020 between coverage-based handovers and
LST E-UTRAN can be set to EventB1 or
INTERRATHOC LOFD-00 and GERAN EventB2.For details, see 3GPP
OMM 1023 / TS 36.331.
GUI Value

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-60

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
-001023 GERAN Range:EventB1(EventB1),
1021 Inter-RAT Unit:None
LOFD-00 between Actual Value Range:EventB1,
1019 / E-UTRAN EventB2
-001019 CDMA2000 Default Value:EventB1(EventB1)

1022 / Inter-RAT
TDLOFD Mobility
-001022 between

InterRatHoG InterRatHoGera ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the hysteresis

eranGroup nB1Hyst INTERRATHOG 1020 / Inter-RAT for event B1 related to inter-RAT
ERANGROUP TDLOFD Mobility handover to GERAN. This
-001020 between parameter is used to prevent
MOD E-UTRAN frequent triggering of event
INTERRATHOG LOFD-00 and GERAN evaluation caused by radio signal
ERANGROUP 1023 / fluctuation. In this way, the
TDLOFD SRVCC to probability of ping-pong
LST -001023 GERAN
INTERRATHOG handovers or handover decision
ERANGROUP LOFD-00 Service errors is reduced. A larger value
1046 / based of this parameter results in a
TDLOFD inter-RAT lower probability of ping-pong
-001046 handover to handovers or handover decision
GERAN errors.
GUI Value Range:0~30
Actual Value Range:0~15,
Default Value:2

InterRatHoG InterRatHoGera ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the RSSI

eranGroup nB1Thd INTERRATHOG 1020 / Inter-RAT threshold for event B1 related to
ERANGROUP TDLOFD Mobility coverage-based inter-RAT
-001020 between handover to GERAN.
INTERRATHOG LOFD-00 and GERAN A UE sends a measurement
ERANGROUP 1023 / report related to event B1 to the
TDLOFD SRVCC to eNodeB when the RSSI in at
LST -001023 GERAN least one GERAN cell exceeds
INTERRATHOG this threshold and other triggering

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-61

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
ERANGROUP conditions are met. For details,
see 3GPP TS 36.331.
GUI Value Range:-110~-48
Actual Value Range:-110~-48
Default Value:-100

InterRatHoG InterRatHoGera ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the

eranGroup nB1TimeToTrig INTERRATHOG 1020 / Inter-RAT time-to-trigger for event B1
ERANGROUP TDLOFD Mobility related to inter-RAT handover to
-001020 between GERAN. When detecting that the
MOD E-UTRAN signal quality in at least one
INTERRATHOG LOFD-00 and GERAN neighboring cell meets the
ERANGROUP 1023 / entering condition, the UE does
TDLOFD SRVCC to not send a measurement report
LST -001023 GERAN
INTERRATHOG to the eNodeB immediately.
ERANGROUP LOFD-00 Service Instead, the UE sends a report
1046 / based only when the signal quality
TDLOFD inter-RAT continuously meets the entering
-001046 handover to condition during the
GERAN time-to-trigger.
This parameter helps decrease
the number of occasionally
triggered event reports, the
average number of handovers
and the number of wrong
handovers, preventing
unnecessary handovers.
GUI Value Range:0ms, 40ms,
64ms, 80ms, 100ms, 128ms,
160ms, 256ms, 320ms, 480ms,
512ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
1280ms, 2560ms, 5120ms
Actual Value Range:0ms, 40ms,
64ms, 80ms, 100ms, 128ms,
160ms, 256ms, 320ms, 480ms,
512ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
1280ms, 2560ms, 5120ms
Default Value:640ms

CellExtende InterRatHoGera ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the ID of a

dQci nGroupId CELLEXTENDE 1020 / Inter-RAT parameter group related to
DQCI TDLOFD Mobility inter-RAT handover to GERAN.
-001020 between

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-62

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
CELLEXTENDE Actual Value Range:0~9
DQCI Default Value:0

InterRatHoG InterRatHoGera ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the ID of the

eranGroup nGroupId INTERRATHOG 1020 / Inter-RAT parameter group related to
ERANGROUP TDLOFD Mobility inter-RAT handover to GERAN.
-001020 between
LST E-UTRAN GUI Value Range:0~9
ERANGROUP 1023 / Unit:None
TDLOFD SRVCC to Actual Value Range:0~9
MOD -001023 GERAN
INTERRATHOG Default Value:None

CellStandard InterRatHoGera MOD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the ID of a

Qci nGroupId CELLSTANDAR 1020 / Inter-RAT parameter group related to
DQCI TDLOFD Mobility inter-RAT handover to GERAN.
-001020 between
LST E-UTRAN GUI Value Range:0~9
DQCI Unit:None
Actual Value Range:0~9
Default Value:0

InterRatHoC InterRatHoGera MOD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the interval

omm nRprtInterval INTERRATHOC 1020 / Inter-RAT at which periodical measurement
OMM TDLOFD Mobility reports are sent after the event
-001020 between for the handover to GERAN is
LST E-UTRAN triggered.
OMM 1023 / For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
-001023 GERAN GUI Value Range:120ms, 240ms,
480ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
LOFD-00 Service 2048ms, 5120ms, 10240ms,
1046 / based 1min, 6min, 12min, 30min, 60min
-001046 handover to Unit:None
GERAN Actual Value Range:120ms,
240ms, 480ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
2048ms, 5120ms, 10240ms,
1min, 6min, 12min, 30min, 60min

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-63

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
Default Value:480ms

InterRatHoC InterRatHoMax MOD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the maximum

omm RprtCell INTERRATHOC 1020 / Inter-RAT number of cells to be included in
OMM TDLOFD Mobility the measurement report after an
-001020 between inter-RAT handover event or a
LST E-UTRAN periodic inter-RAT measurement
INTERRATHOC LOFD-00 and GERAN for ANR purposes is triggered.
OMM 1023 / For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
-001023 GERAN GUI Value Range:1~8
LOFD-00 PS Unit:None
1021 Inter-RAT
Mobility Actual Value Range:1~8
LOFD-00 between
1019 / E-UTRAN Default Value:4
-001019 CDMA2000
1022 / Inter-RAT
TDLOFD Mobility
-001022 between
1043 / and UTRAN
-001043 UTRAN
LOFD-00 Service
1046 / based
-001046 handover to
handover to

InterRatHoC InterRatHoRprt MOD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the number of

omm Amount INTERRATHOC 1020 / Inter-RAT periodical measurement reports
OMM TDLOFD Mobility to be sent after an inter-RAT
-001020 between handover event is triggered. It is
LST E-UTRAN used to prevent the impact of
INTERRATHOC LOFD-00 and GERAN measurement report loss and
OMM 1023 / internal processing failure on the
TDLOFD SRVCC to handover. For details, see 3GPP
-001023 GERAN TS 36.331.
LOFD-00 PS GUI Value Range:r1(1), r2(2),
1021 Inter-RAT r4(4), r8(8), r16(16), r32(32),

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-64

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
LOFD-00 Mobility r64(64), Infinity(Infinity)
1019 / between
-001019 and Actual Value Range:r1, r2, r4, r8,
CDMA2000 r16, r32, r64, Infinity
1022 / PS Default Value:Infinity(Infinity)
-001022 Mobility
1043 / and UTRAN
-001043 SRVCC to
1046 / Service
TDLOFD based
-001046 inter-RAT
handover to
handover to

ServiceIrHo InterRatHoState ADD LOFD-00 Service Meaning:Indicates whether

CfgGroup SERVICEIRHOC 1043 / based inter-RAT handover is required,
FGGROUP TDLOFD inter-RAT allowed, or not allowed for
-001043 handover to services with the QCI.
TDLOFD based
LST -001046 inter-RAT Unit:None
SERVICEIRHOC handover to
FGGROUP Actual Value Range:NO_HO,
Default Value:NO_HO

InterRatHoUt InterRatHoUtra ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the hysteresis

ranGroup nB1Hyst INTERRATHOU 1019 / Inter-RAT for event B1 related to inter-RAT
TRANGROUP TDLOFD Mobility handover to UTRAN. This
-001019 between parameter is used to prevent
MOD E-UTRAN frequent triggering of event
INTERRATHOU LOFD-00 and UTRAN evaluation caused by radio signal
TRANGROUP 1022 / fluctuation. In this way, the
TDLOFD SRVCC to probability of ping-pong
LST -001022 UTRAN
INTERRATHOU handovers or handover decision
TRANGROUP LOFD-00 Service errors is reduced. A larger value
1043 / based of this parameter results in a

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-65

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
TDLOFD inter-RAT lower probability of ping-pong
-001043 handover to handovers or handover decision
UTRAN errors.
GUI Value Range:0~30
Actual Value Range:0~15,
Default Value:2

InterRatHoC InterRatHoUtra MOD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the quantity to

omm nB1MeasQuan INTERRATHOC 1019 / Inter-RAT be included in the measurements
OMM TDLOFD Mobility for handovers to UTRAN.
-001019 between
LST E-UTRAN The RSCP values are relatively
INTERRATHOC LOFD-00 and UTRAN stable, while the Ec/No values
OMM 1022 / may vary with the network load.
TDLOFD SRVCC to The value UTRAN_BOTH applies
-001022 UTRAN only to UEs complying with R10.
For UEs complying with R8 or
LOFD-00 Service R9, the value UTRAN_BOTH
1043 / based takes the same effect as the
TDLOFD inter-RAT value UTRAN_RSCP. For details,
-001043 handover to see 3GPP TS 23.003.
GUI Value
Actual Value
Default Value:UTRAN_RSCP

InterRatHoUt InterRatHoUtra ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the Ec/No

ranGroup nB1ThdEcn0 INTERRATHOU 1019 / Inter-RAT threshold for event B1 related to
TRANGROUP TDLOFD Mobility coverage-based inter-RAT
-001019 between handover to UTRAN.
INTERRATHOU LOFD-00 and UTRAN This parameter specifies the
TRANGROUP 1022 / requirement for Ec/No of the
TDLOFD SRVCC to target UTRAN cell. For a cell with
LST -001022 UTRAN large signal fading variance, set
INTERRATHOU this parameter to a large value to
TRANGROUP prevent unnecessary handovers.
For a cell with small signal fading
variance, set this parameter to a
small value to ensure timely
handovers. A large value of this

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
parameter results in a low
probability of handover to the
UTRAN cell, and a small value
leads to a high probability.
When the measurement value
exceeds this threshold, a
measurement report will be sent.
GUI Value Range:-48~0
Actual Value Range:-24~0,
Default Value:-20

InterRatHoUt InterRatHoUtra ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the RSCP

ranGroup nB1ThdRscp INTERRATHOU 1019 / Inter-RAT threshold for event B1 related to
TRANGROUP TDLOFD Mobility coverage-based inter-RAT
-001019 between handover to UTRAN.
INTERRATHOU LOFD-00 and UTRAN This parameter specifies the
TRANGROUP 1022 / requirement for RSCP of the
TDLOFD SRVCC to target UTRAN cell.
LST -001022 UTRAN
INTERRATHOU When the measurement value
TRANGROUP exceeds this threshold, a
measurement report will be sent.
GUI Value Range:-120~-25
Actual Value Range:-120~-25
Default Value:-103

InterRatHoUt InterRatHoUtra ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the

ranGroup nB1TimeToTrig INTERRATHOU 1019 / Inter-RAT time-to-trigger for event B1
TRANGROUP TDLOFD Mobility related to inter-RAT handover to
-001019 between UTRAN. When detecting that the
MOD E-UTRAN signal quality in at least one
INTERRATHOU LOFD-00 and UTRAN neighboring cell meets the
TRANGROUP 1022 / entering condition, the UE does
TDLOFD SRVCC to not send a measurement report
LST -001022 UTRAN
INTERRATHOU to the eNodeB immediately.
TRANGROUP LOFD-00 Service Instead, the UE sends a report
1043 / based only when the signal quality
TDLOFD inter-RAT continuously meets the entering
-001043 handover to condition during the
UTRAN time-to-trigger.
This parameter helps decrease
the number of occasionally

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-67

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
triggered event reports, the
average number of handovers
and the number of wrong
handovers, preventing
unnecessary handovers.
GUI Value Range:0ms, 40ms,
64ms, 80ms, 100ms, 128ms,
160ms, 256ms, 320ms, 480ms,
512ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
1280ms, 2560ms, 5120ms
Actual Value Range:0ms, 40ms,
64ms, 80ms, 100ms, 128ms,
160ms, 256ms, 320ms, 480ms,
512ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
1280ms, 2560ms, 5120ms
Default Value:640ms

InterRatHoUt InterRatHoUtra ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the ID of the

ranGroup nGroupId INTERRATHOU 1019 / Inter-RAT parameter group related to
TRANGROUP TDLOFD Mobility inter-RAT handover to UTRAN.
-001019 between
LST E-UTRAN GUI Value Range:0~9
TRANGROUP 1022 / Unit:None
TDLOFD SRVCC to Actual Value Range:0~9
MOD -001022 UTRAN
INTERRATHOU Default Value:None

CellStandard InterRatHoUtra MOD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the ID of a

Qci nGroupId CELLSTANDAR 1019 / Inter-RAT parameter group related to
DQCI TDLOFD Mobility inter-RAT handover to UTRAN.
-001019 between
LST E-UTRAN GUI Value Range:0~9
DQCI Unit:None
Actual Value Range:0~9
Default Value:0

CellExtende InterRatHoUtra ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the ID of a

dQci nGroupId CELLEXTENDE 1019 / Inter-RAT parameter group related to
DQCI TDLOFD Mobility inter-RAT handover to UTRAN.
-001019 between
MOD E-UTRAN GUI Value Range:0~9

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-68

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
Actual Value Range:0~9
CELLEXTENDE Default Value:0

InterRatHoC InterRatHoUtra MOD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the interval

omm nRprtInterval INTERRATHOC 1019 / Inter-RAT at which periodical measurement
OMM TDLOFD Mobility reports are sent after the event
-001019 between for the handover to UTRAN is
LST E-UTRAN triggered.
OMM 1022 / For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
-001022 UTRAN GUI Value Range:120ms, 240ms,
480ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
LOFD-00 Service 2048ms, 5120ms, 10240ms,
1043 / based 1min, 6min, 12min, 30min, 60min
-001043 handover to Unit:None
UTRAN Actual Value Range:120ms,
240ms, 480ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
2048ms, 5120ms, 10240ms,
1min, 6min, 12min, 30min, 60min
Default Value:480ms

CSFallBackB InterRatLowest MOD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the low-priority

lindHoCfg Pri CSFALLBACKB 1019 / Inter-RAT system to be considered in blind
LINDHOCFG TDLOFD Mobility handovers. It is CDMA2000 by
-001019 between default. This parameter can be
CSFALLBACKB LOFD-00 and UTRAN CDMA2000. If this parameter is
LINDHOCFG 1020 / set to NULL, the system with the
TDLOFD PS medium blind handover priority is
-001020 Inter-RAT not specified and only blind
Mobility handovers to the high- and
LOFD-00 between
1021 / E-UTRAN medium-priority systems are
TDLOFD and GERAN applicable.
-001021 GUI Value Range:UTRAN,
LOFD-00 Inter-RAT
1044 / Mobility Unit:None
TDLOFD between
-001044 E-UTRAN Actual Value Range:UTRAN,
LOFD-00 and
1045 / CDMA2000 Default Value:CDMA2000
-001045 Load
LOFD-00 Sharing to

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-69

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
1033 / UTRAN
-001033 Inter-RAT
LOFD-00 Sharing to
1034 / GERAN
-001034 CS Fallback
1035 / CS Fallback
-001035 CS Fallback
LOFD-00 to
1068 / CDMA2000
-001068 CS
LOFD-00 Fallback with
1069 / LAI to
-001069 CS
LOFD-00 Fallback with
1052 / LAI to
-001052 Flash CS
LOFD-00 Fallback to
1053 / UTRAN
-001053 Fallback to

InterRatPolic InterRatPolicyCf ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the group ID

yCfgGroup gGroupId INTERRATPOLI 1019 / Inter-RAT of the parameters related to the
CYCFGGROUP TDLOFD Mobility inter-RAT handover with a
-001019 between specific QCI.
MOD -001020 Inter-RAT
INTERRATPOLI Actual Value Range:0~39
CYCFGGROUP LOFD-00 between Default Value:None
1021 E-UTRAN
-001022 Mobility
LOFD-00 between
1023 / E-UTRAN

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-70

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
-001023 CDMA2000
1032 / UTRAN
-001032 SRVCC to
1043 / Intra-LTE
-001043 Balancing
LOFD-00 Service
1045 / based
-001045 handover to
1044 / Inter-RAT
-001044 Sharing to
1046 / Inter-RAT
-001046 Sharing to
1033 / Service
TDLOFD based
-001033 inter-RAT
handover to
1034 /
TDLOFD CS Fallback
-001034 to UTRAN
LOFD-00 CS Fallback
1035 to GERAN
CS Fallback

StandardQci InterRatPolicyCf MOD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the ID of a

gGroupId STANDARDQCI 1019 / Inter-RAT parameter group related to
TDLOFD Mobility inter-RAT handover.
LST -001019 between
1020 / Unit:None
TDLOFD PS Actual Value Range:0~39
-001020 Inter-RAT

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-71

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
LOFD-00 between Default Value:0
1021 E-UTRAN
1022 / PS
-001022 Mobility
1023 / and
1043 /
-001043 GERAN
LOFD-00 Service
1045 / based
-001045 handover to
1044 / Inter-RAT
-001044 Sharing to
1046 / Inter-RAT
-001046 Sharing to
1033 / Service
TDLOFD based
-001033 inter-RAT
handover to
1034 /
TDLOFD CS Fallback
-001034 to UTRAN
LOFD-00 CS Fallback
1035 to GERAN
CS Fallback

ExtendedQci InterRatPolicyCf ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the group ID

gGroupId EXTENDEDQCI 1019 / Inter-RAT of the parameters related to the
TDLOFD Mobility inter-RAT handover with the
MOD -001019 between extended QCI.

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-72

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
1020 / and UTRAN
Inter-RAT Actual Value Range:0~39
LOFD-00 Mobility Default Value:0
1021 between
1022 /
-001022 Inter-RAT
LOFD-00 between
1023 / E-UTRAN
-001023 CDMA2000
1043 / UTRAN
-001043 SRVCC to
1045 / Service
TDLOFD based
-001045 inter-RAT
handover to
1044 /
-001044 Load
Sharing to
1046 /
-001046 Load
Sharing to
1033 /
TDLOFD Service
-001033 based
LOFD-00 handover to
1034 / GERAN
-001034 CS Fallback
1035 CS Fallback
CS Fallback

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-73

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name

CSFallBackB InterRatSecond MOD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the

lindHoCfg Pri CSFALLBACKB 1019 / Inter-RAT medium-priority system to be
LINDHOCFG TDLOFD Mobility considered in blind handovers. It
-001019 between is GERAN by default. This
LST E-UTRAN parameter can be set to UTRAN,
LINDHOCFG 1020 / parameter is set to NULL, the
TDLOFD PS system with the medium blind
-001020 Inter-RAT handover priority is not specified
Mobility and only blind handovers to the
LOFD-00 between
1021 / E-UTRAN high-priority system are
TDLOFD and GERAN applicable.
-001021 GUI Value Range:UTRAN,
LOFD-00 Inter-RAT
1044 / Mobility Unit:None
TDLOFD between
-001044 E-UTRAN Actual Value Range:UTRAN,
LOFD-00 and
1045 / CDMA2000 Default Value:GERAN
-001045 Load
LOFD-00 Sharing to
1033 / UTRAN
-001033 Load
LOFD-00 Sharing to
1034 / GERAN
TDLOFD CS Fallback
-001034 to UTRAN
LOFD-00 CS Fallback
1035 / to GERAN
-001035 CS Fallback
LOFD-00 CDMA2000
1068 / 1xRTT
-001068 CS
Fallback with
LOFD-00 LAI to
1069 / UTRAN
-001069 CS
Fallback with
LOFD-00 LAI to
1052 / GERAN

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
-001052 Flash CS
Fallback to
1053 /
-001053 Fallback to

IntraFreqHo IntraFreqHoA3 ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the hysteresis

Group Hyst INTRAFREQHO 201801 / Based for event A3 associated with
GROUP TDLBFD Intra-frequen intra-frequency handover. This
-002018 cy Handover parameter prevents frequent
MOD 01 triggering of event evaluation due
INTRAFREQHO Intra-LTE to radio signal fluctuations. This
GROUP LOFD-00 Load reduces the probability of
1032 / Balancing ping-pong handovers or
INTRAFREQHO -001032 handover decision errors. A larger
GROUP value of this parameter results in
a lower probability. The
hysteresis for event A3
associated with inter-frequency
handover is the same as the
value of this parameter. For
details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
GUI Value Range:0~30
Actual Value Range:0~15,
Default Value:2

IntraFreqHo IntraFreqHoA3 ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the offset for

Group Offset INTRAFREQHO 201801 / Based event A3. If the parameter is set
GROUP TDLBFD Intra-frequen to a large value, an
-002018 cy Handover intra-frequency handover is
MOD 01 performed only when the signal
INTRAFREQHO quality of the neighboring cell is
GROUP significantly better than that of the
LST serving cell and other triggering
INTRAFREQHO conditions are met. For details,
GROUP see 3GPP TS 36.331.
GUI Value Range:-30~30
Actual Value Range:-15~15,
Default Value:2

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-75

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name

IntraRatHoC IntraFreqHoA3 MOD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the quantity to

omm RprtQuan INTRARATHOC 201801 / Based be included in the measurement
OMM TDLBFD Intra-frequen report for the intra-frequency
-002018 cy Handover handover event. The quantity can
LST 01 be RSRP, RSRQ, or both.
OMM The measured RSRP values are
stable, varying little with the load,
and therefore there is little signal
fluctuation. The measured RSRQ
values vary with the load and are
likely to reflect the signal quality
of the cell in real time. Even when
this parameter is set to BOTH,
the eNodeB triggers a handover
based on the setting of the
parameter.The value of this
parameter is also used as the
quantity to be included in the
measurement report between
A3-related inter-frequency
measurement reports.
For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
GUI Value
Same as Trig Quan), BOTH
Actual Value
ame as Trig Quan)

IntraFreqHo IntraFreqHoA3T ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the

Group imeToTrig INTRAFREQHO 201801 / Based time-to-trigger for event A3
GROUP TDLBFD Intra-frequen associated with intra-frequency
-002018 cy Handover handover.
MOD 01
INTRAFREQHO When the UE detects that the
GROUP signal quality in the serving cell
and that in at least one
LST neighboring cell meet the
INTRAFREQHO entering condition, it does not
GROUP immediately send a
measurement report to the
eNodeB. Instead, the UE sends a
report only when the signal

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-76

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
quality meets the entering
condition throughout the
This parameter helps decrease
the number of occasionally
triggered event reports, the
average number of handovers,
and the number of incorrect
handovers, preventing
unnecessary handovers. The
time-to-trigger for event A3
associated with inter-frequency
handover is the same as the
value of this parameter.
GUI Value Range:0ms, 40ms,
64ms, 80ms, 100ms, 128ms,
160ms, 256ms, 320ms, 480ms,
512ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
1280ms, 2560ms, 5120ms
Actual Value Range:0ms, 40ms,
64ms, 80ms, 100ms, 128ms,
160ms, 256ms, 320ms, 480ms,
512ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
1280ms, 2560ms, 5120ms
Default Value:320ms

IntraRatHoC IntraFreqHoA3T MOD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the quantity

omm rigQuan INTRARATHOC 201801 / Based used to evaluate the triggering
OMM TDLBFD Intra-frequen condition for the intra-frequency
-002018 cy Handover handover event. The quantity can
LST 01 be RSRP or RSRQ.
OMM The measured RSRP values are
stable, varying little with the load,
and therefore there is little signal
fluctuation. The measured RSRQ
values vary with the load and are
likely to reflect the signal quality
of the cell in real time.
For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
GUI Value Range:RSRP, RSRQ
Actual Value Range:RSRP,

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-77

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
Default Value:RSRP

IntraFreqHo IntraFreqHoGro ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the ID of the

Group upId INTRAFREQHO 201801 / Based parameter group related to
GROUP TDLBFD Intra-frequen intra-frequency handover.
-002018 cy Handover
LST 01 GUI Value Range:0~9
GROUP LBFD-00 Based Unit:None
201802 / Inter-frequen Actual Value Range:0~9
MOD TDLBFD cy Handover
INTRAFREQHO -002018 Default Value:None

CellExtende IntraFreqHoGro ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the ID of a

dQci upId CELLEXTENDE 201801 / Based parameter group related to
DQCI TDLBFD Intra-frequen intra-frequency handover.
-002018 cy Handover
MOD 01 GUI Value Range:0~9
DQCI Unit:None

LST Actual Value Range:0~9

CELLEXTENDE Default Value:0

CellStandard IntraFreqHoGro MOD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the ID of a

Qci upId CELLSTANDAR 201801 / Based parameter group related to
DQCI TDLBFD Intra-frequen intra-frequency handover.
-002018 cy Handover
LST 01 GUI Value Range:0~9
DQCI Unit:None
Actual Value Range:0~9
Default Value:0

IntraRatHoC IntraFreqHoRprt MOD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the interval

omm Interval INTRARATHOC 201801 / Based between periodic measurement
OMM TDLBFD Intra-frequen reports that are sent after an
-002018 cy Handover intra-frequency handover is
LST 01 triggered. The value of this
INTRARATHOC Intra-LTE parameter is also used as the
OMM LOFD-00 Load interval between A3-related
1032 / Balancing inter-frequency measurement
TDLOFD reports.
For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
GUI Value Range:120ms, 240ms,
480ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
2048ms, 5120ms, 10240ms,
1min, 6min, 12min, 30min, 60min
Actual Value Range:120ms,
240ms, 480ms, 640ms, 1024ms,
2048ms, 5120ms, 10240ms,
1min, 6min, 12min, 30min, 60min
Default Value:240ms

IntraRatHoC IntraRatHoMax MOD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the maximum

omm RprtCell INTRARATHOC 201801 / Based number of cells to be included in
OMM TDLBFD Intra-frequen the measurement report after an
-002018 cy Handover intra-RAT inter-frequency or
LST 01 intra-RAT intra-frequency
INTRARATHOC Coverage measurement event for handover
OMM LBFD-00 Based purposes or a periodic intra-RAT
201802 / Inter-frequen measurement for ANR purposes
TDLBFD cy Handover is triggered. For details, see
-002018 3GPP TS 36.331.
GUI Value Range:1~8
Actual Value Range:1~8
Default Value:4

IntraRatHoC IntraRatHoRprt MOD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the number of

omm Amount INTRARATHOC 201801 / Based periodical measurement reports
OMM TDLBFD Intra-frequen to be sent after an event for the
-002018 cy Handover intra- or inter-frequency
LST 01 handover within the E-UTRAN is
INTRARATHOC Coverage triggered.
OMM LBFD-00 Based
201802 / Inter-frequen It is used to prevent the impact of
TDLBFD cy Handover measurement report loss and
-002018 internal processing failure on the
02 Intra-LTE handover. For details, see 3GPP
Load TS 36.331.
LOFD-00 Balancing
1032 / GUI Value Range:r1(1), r2(2),
TDLOFD r4(4), r8(8), r16(16), r32(32),
-001032 r64(64), Infinity(Infinity)
Actual Value Range:r1, r2, r4, r8,
r16, r32, r64, Infinity

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-79

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
Default Value:Infinity(Infinity)

GeranExtern Lac ADD LOFD-00 RAN Meaning:Indicates the LAC of the

alCellPlmn GERANEXTER 1036 / Sharing with external GERAN cell.
-001036 Carrier GUI Value
LST Range:1~65533,65535
NALCELLPLMN 1037 / Sharing with Unit:None
TDLOFD Dedicated Actual Value
RMV -001037 Carrier
GERANEXTER Range:1~65533,65535
NALCELLPLMN Default Value:None

GeranNcell Lac ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the LAC of the

GERANNCELL 1020 / Inter-RAT GERAN neighboring cell. It
TDLOFD Mobility uniquely identifies a
LST -001020 between location within a PLMN.
and GERAN GUI Value
MOD Range:1~65533,65535
GERANRIMINF Default Value:None

UtranExterna Lac ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the LAC of the

lCell UTRANEXTERN 1019 / Inter-RAT external UTRAN cell.
-001019 between GUI Value
MOD E-UTRAN Range:1~65533,65535
ALCELL 1044 / Unit:None
TDLOFD Inter-RAT Actual Value
LST -001044 Load
UTRANEXTERN Range:1~65533,65535
Sharing to
ALCELL LOFD-00 UTRAN Default Value:None
1043 /
TDLOFD Service
-001043 based
LOFD-00 handover to
1072 / UTRAN
-001072 Distance
handover to

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name

GeranExtern Lac ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the LAC of the

alCell GERANEXTER 1020 / Inter-RAT external GERAN cell. It uniquely
NALCELL TDLOFD Mobility identifies a location within a
-001020 between PLMN.
NALCELL Range:1~65533,65535
MOD Unit:None
NALCELL Actual Value
GERANEXTER Default Value:None

InterRatHoG LdSvBasedHoG ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the RSSI

eranGroup eranB1Thd INTERRATHOG 1020 / Inter-RAT threshold for event B1 related to
ERANGROUP TDLOFD Mobility load- or service-based inter-RAT
-001020 between handover to GERAN.
INTERRATHOG LOFD-00 and GERAN When the measured RSSI value
ERANGROUP 1032 / exceeds this threshold, a
TDLOFD Intra-LTE measurement report will be sent.
LST -001032 Load
INTERRATHOG Balancing GUI Value Range:-110~-48
1046 / Service Unit:dBm
TDLOFD based Actual Value Range:-110~-48
-001046 inter-RAT
handover to Default Value:-98

InterRatHoUt LdSvBasedHoU ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the Ec/No

ranGroup tranB1ThdEcn0 INTERRATHOU 1019 / Inter-RAT threshold for event B1 related to
TRANGROUP TDLOFD Mobility load- or service-based inter-RAT
-001019 between handover to UTRAN.
INTERRATHOU LOFD-00 and UTRAN This parameter specifies the
TRANGROUP 1032 / requirement for Ec/No of the
TDLOFD Intra-LTE target UTRAN cell. When the
LST -001032 Load measurement value exceeds this
INTERRATHOU Balancing threshold, a measurement report
TRANGROUP LOFD-00 may be sent. For a cell with large
1043 / Service signal fading variance, set this
TDLOFD based parameter to a large value to
-001043 inter-RAT prevent unnecessary handovers.
handover to For a cell with small signal fading
UTRAN variance, set this parameter to a
small value to ensure timely
GUI Value Range:-48~0

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-81

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
Actual Value Range:-24~0,
Default Value:-18

InterRatHoUt LdSvBasedHoU ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the RSCP

ranGroup tranB1ThdRscp INTERRATHOU 1019 / Inter-RAT threshold for event B1 related to
TRANGROUP TDLOFD Mobility load- or service-based inter-RAT
-001019 between handover to UTRAN.
INTERRATHOU LOFD-00 and UTRAN This parameter specifies the
TRANGROUP 1032 / requirement for RSCP of the
TDLOFD Intra-LTE target UTRAN cell.
LST -001032 Load
INTERRATHOU Balancing When the measurement value
TRANGROUP LOFD-00 exceeds this threshold, a
1043 / Service measurement report will be sent.
TDLOFD based
-001043 inter-RAT GUI Value Range:-120~-25
handover to Unit:dBm
Actual Value Range:-120~-25
Default Value:-101

GeranNfreq LocalCellId ADD None None Meaning:Indicates the cell ID of

Group GERANNFREQ the local cell. It uniquely identifies
GROUP a cell within an eNodeB.
LST GUI Value Range:0~17
GROUP Unit:None

MOD Actual Value Range:0~17

GERANNFREQ Default Value:None

CellStandard LocalCellId LST LBFD-00 3GPP R8 Meaning:Indicates the local ID of

Qci CELLSTANDAR 1001 / Specification the cell. It uniquely identifies a
DQCI TDLBFD s cell within a BS.
MOD GUI Value Range:0~17
DQCI Unit:None
Actual Value Range:0~17
Default Value:None

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name

Cdma2000H LocalCellId ADD None None Meaning:Indicates the cell ID of

rpdNcell CDMA2000HRP the local cell. It uniquely identifies
DNCELL a cell within an eNodeB.
LST GUI Value Range:0~17
DNCELL Unit:None

MOD Actual Value Range:0~17

CDMA2000HRP Default Value:None

CellExtende LocalCellId ADD LBFD-00 3GPP R8 Meaning:Indicates the local ID of

dQci CELLEXTENDE 1001 / Specification the cell. It uniquely identifies a
DQCI TDLBFD s cell within a BS.
LST GUI Value Range:0~17
DQCI Unit:None

MOD Actual Value Range:0~17

CELLEXTENDE Default Value:None

UtranNCell LocalCellId ADD None None Meaning:Indicates the cell ID of

UTRANNCELL the local cell. It uniquely identifies
a cell within an eNodeB.
UTRANRIMINF GUI Value Range:0~17
UTRANNCELL Actual Value Range:0~17

MOD Default Value:None


Cdma2000Nf LocalCellId ADD None None Meaning:Indicates the cell ID of

req CDMA2000NFR the local cell. It uniquely identifies
EQ a cell within an eNodeB.
LST GUI Value Range:0~17

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-83

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
EQ Unit:None
MOD Actual Value Range:0~17
EQ Default Value:None


Cdma2000B LocalCellId ADD None None Meaning:Indicates the cell ID of

andClass CDMA2000BAN the local cell. It uniquely identifies
DCLASS a cell within an eNodeB.
LST GUI Value Range:0~17
DCLASS Unit:None

MOD Actual Value Range:0~17

CDMA2000BAN Default Value:None

InterRatHoC LocalCellId ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the local ID of

ommGroup INTERRATHOC 1019 / Inter-RAT the cell. It uniquely identifies a
OMMGROUP TDLOFD Mobility cell within a BS.
-001019 between
LST E-UTRAN GUI Value Range:0~17
OMMGROUP 1020 / Unit:None
TDLOFD PS Actual Value Range:0~17
MOD -001020 Inter-RAT
INTERRATHOC Mobility Default Value:None
OMMGROUP LOFD-00 between
1021 E-UTRAN

InterRatHoG LocalCellId ADD LBFD-00 3GPP R8 Meaning:Indicates the local ID of

eranGroup INTERRATHOG 1001 / Specification the cell. It uniquely identifies a
ERANGROUP TDLBFD s cell within a BS.
LST GUI Value Range:0~17

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-84

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
MOD Actual Value Range:0~17
ERANGROUP Default Value:None


GeranNfreq LocalCellId ADD None None Meaning:Indicates the cell ID of

GroupArfcn GERANNFREQ the local cell. It uniquely identifies
GROUPARFCN a cell within an eNodeB.
LST GUI Value Range:0~17

RMV Actual Value Range:0~17

GERANNFREQ Default Value:None

GeranNcell LocalCellId ADD None None Meaning:Indicates the cell ID of

GERANNCELL the local cell. It uniquely identifies
a cell within an eNodeB.
GERANRIMINF GUI Value Range:0~17
GERANNCELL Actual Value Range:0~17

MOD Default Value:None


InterFreqHo LocalCellId ADD LBFD-00 3GPP R8 Meaning:Indicates the local ID of

Group INTERFREQHO 1001 / Specification the cell. It uniquely identifies a
GROUP TDLBFD s cell within a BS.
LST GUI Value Range:0~17
GROUP Unit:None

MOD Actual Value Range:0~17

INTERFREQHO Default Value:None

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-85

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name

CellAlgoSwit LocalCellId LST None None Meaning:Indicates the local ID of

ch CELLALGOSWI the cell. It uniquely identifies a
TCH cell within a BS.
MOD GUI Value Range:0~17
TCH Unit:None
Actual Value Range:0~17
Default Value:None

Cdma20001 LocalCellId ADD None None Meaning:Indicates the cell ID of

XRTTNcell CDMA20001XR the local cell. It uniquely identifies
TTNCELL a cell within an eNodeB.
LST GUI Value Range:0~17

MOD Actual Value Range:0~17

CDMA20001XR Default Value:None

UtranNFreq LocalCellId ADD None None Meaning:Indicates the cell ID of

UTRANNFREQ the local cell. It uniquely identifies
a cell within an eNodeB.
UTRANNFREQ GUI Value Range:0~17
MOD Unit:None
Actual Value Range:0~17
UTRANNFREQ Default Value:None

EutranInterFr LocalCellId ADD None None Meaning:Indicates the cell ID of

eqNCell EUTRANINTER the local cell. It uniquely identifies
FREQNCELL a cell within an eNodeB.
LST GUI Value Range:0~17

MOD Actual Value Range:0~17

EUTRANINTER Default Value:None

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-86

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name

EutranInterN LocalCellId ADD None None Meaning:Indicates the cell ID of

Freq EUTRANINTER the local cell. It uniquely identifies
NFREQ a cell within an eNodeB.
LST GUI Value Range:0~17
NFREQ Unit:None

MOD Actual Value Range:0~17

EUTRANINTER Default Value:None

InterRatHoUt LocalCellId ADD LBFD-00 3GPP R8 Meaning:Indicates the local ID of

ranGroup INTERRATHOU 1001 / Specification the cell. It uniquely identifies a
TRANGROUP TDLBFD s cell within a BS.
LST GUI Value Range:0~17

MOD Actual Value Range:0~17

INTERRATHOU Default Value:None

IntraFreqHo LocalCellId ADD LBFD-00 3GPP R8 Meaning:Indicates the local ID of

Group INTRAFREQHO 1001 / Specification the cell. It uniquely identifies a
GROUP TDLBFD s cell within a BS.
LST GUI Value Range:0~17
GROUP Unit:None

MOD Actual Value Range:0~17

INTRAFREQHO Default Value:None

EutranIntraFr LocalCellId ADD None None Meaning:Indicates the cell ID of

eqNCell EUTRANINTRA the local cell. It uniquely identifies
FREQNCELL a cell within an eNodeB.

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-87

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
LST GUI Value Range:0~17

MOD Actual Value Range:0~17

EUTRANINTRA Default Value:None

DistBasedH LocalCellId LST DISTBASE None None Meaning:Indicates the local

O DHO identity of the cell. It uniquely
identifies a cell within an eNodeB.
DHO GUI Value Range:0~17
Actual Value Range:0~17
Default Value:None

EutranExtern Mcc ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the mobile

alCell EUTRANEXTER 201801 / Based country code of the external
NALCELL TDLBFD Intra-frequen E-UTRAN cell.
-002018 cy Handover
LST 01 The PLMN consists of the MCC
EUTRANEXTER Coverage and the MNC.
201802 / Inter-frequen The MCC consists of three digits.
MOD TDLBFD cy Handover The MNC consists of two to three
NALCELL digits.
RMV For example, MCC = 123, MNC =
NALCELL GUI Value Range:3 characters
Actual Value Range:000~999
Default Value:None

EutranExtern Mcc ADD LOFD-00 RAN Meaning:Indicates the mobile

alCellPlmn EUTRANEXTER 1036 / Sharing with country code of the external cell.
-001036 Carrier A PLMN ID is comprised of an
LST MCC and an MNC.
NALCELLPLMN 1037 / Sharing with The MCC consists of three digits.
TDLOFD Dedicated The MNC consists of two to three
RMV -001037 Carrier

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-88

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
For example, if the MCC is 123
and the MNC is 45, then the
PLMN ID is 12345.
GUI Value Range:3 characters
Actual Value Range:000~999
Default Value:None

GeranExtern Mcc ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the mobile

alCell GERANEXTER 1020 / Inter-RAT country code of the external cell.
-001020 between The PLMN consists of the MCC
LST E-UTRAN and the MNC.
NALCELL The MCC consists of three digits.

MOD The MNC consists of two to three

NALCELL For example, MCC = 123, MNC =
RMV 45, PLMN = 12345.
GERANEXTER GUI Value Range:3 characters
Actual Value Range:000~999
Default Value:None

GeranExtern Mcc ADD LOFD-00 RAN Meaning:Indicates the mobile

alCellPlmn GERANEXTER 1036 / Sharing with country code of the external cell.
-001036 Carrier A PLMN ID is comprised of an
LST MCC and an MNC.
NALCELLPLMN 1037 / Sharing with The MCC consists of three digits.
TDLOFD Dedicated The MNC consists of two to three
RMV -001037 Carrier
NALCELLPLMN For example, if the MCC is 123
and the MNC is 45, then the
PLMN ID is 12345.
GUI Value Range:3 characters
Actual Value Range:000~999
Default Value:None

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-89

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name

GeranNcell Mcc ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the mobile

GERANNCELL 1020 / Inter-RAT country code of the neighboring
TDLOFD Mobility GERAN cell.
LST -001020 between
and GERAN and the MNC.
GERANNCELL The MCC consists of three digits.
RMV The MNC consists of two to three
DSP For example, MCC = 123, MNC =
GUI Value Range:3 characters
Actual Value Range:000~999
Default Value:None

UtranExterna Mcc ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the mobile

lCell UTRANEXTERN 1019 / Inter-RAT country code of the external
-001019 between
LST E-UTRAN The PLMN consists of the MCC
The MCC consists of three digits.
UTRANEXTERN The MNC consists of two to three
ALCELL digits.

RMV For example, MCC = 123, MNC =

ALCELL GUI Value Range:3 characters
Actual Value Range:000~999
Default Value:None

Cdma2000E Mcc ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the mobile

xternalCell CDMA2000EXT 1021 Inter-RAT country code of the external cell.
LOFD-00 between A PLMN ID is comprised of an
MOD 1036 / E-UTRAN MCC and an MNC.
ERNALCELL -001036 CDMA2000 The MCC consists of three digits.

LST LOFD-00 RAN The MNC consists of two to three

CDMA2000EXT 1037 / Sharing with digits.
TDLOFD Common For example, if the MCC is 123

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-90

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
ERNALCELL -001037 Carrier and the MNC is 45, then the
PLMN ID is 12345.
Sharing with GUI Value Range:3 characters
Carrier Unit:None
Actual Value Range:000~999
Default Value:None

EutranIntraFr Mcc ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the mobile

eqNCell EUTRANINTRA 201801 / Based country code of the E-UTRAN
FREQNCELL TDLBFD Intra-frequen neighboring cell.
-002018 cy Handover
LST 01 The PLMN consists of the MCC
The MCC consists of three digits.
EUTRANINTRA The MNC consists of two to three

RMV For example, MCC = 123, MNC =

FREQNCELL GUI Value Range:3 characters
Actual Value Range:000~999
Default Value:None

UtranNCell Mcc ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the mobile

UTRANNCELL 1019 / Inter-RAT country code of the neighboring
TDLOFD Mobility UTRAN cell.
LST -001019 between
and UTRAN and the MNC.
UTRANNCELL The MCC consists of three digits.
RMV The MNC consists of two to three
DSP For example, MCC = 123, MNC =
GUI Value Range:3 characters
Actual Value Range:000~999
Default Value:None

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-91

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name

EutranInterFr Mcc ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the mobile

eqNCell EUTRANINTER 201802 / Based country code of the E-UTRAN
FREQNCELL TDLBFD Inter-frequen neighboring cell.
-002018 cy Handover
LST 02 The PLMN consists of the MCC
The MCC consists of three digits.
EUTRANINTER The MNC consists of two to three

RMV For example, MCC = 123, MNC =

FREQNCELL GUI Value Range:3 characters
Actual Value Range:000~999
Default Value:None

UtranExterna Mcc ADD LOFD-00 RAN Meaning:Indicates the mobile

lCellPlmn UTRANEXTERN 1036 / Sharing with country code of the external
-001036 Carrier
LST A PLMN ID is comprised of an
ALCELLPLMN 1037 / Sharing with
TDLOFD Dedicated The MCC consists of three digits.
RMV -001037 Carrier
UTRANEXTERN The MNC consists of two to three
For example, if the MCC is 123
and the MNC is 45, then the
PLMN ID is 12345.
GUI Value Range:3 characters
Actual Value Range:000~999
Default Value:None

CellResel MeasBandWidt MOD LBFD-00 3GPP R8 Meaning:Indicates the

h CELLRESEL 1001 / Specification measurement bandwidth on the
TDLBFD s serving frequency on which the
LST -001001 UE camps. It is used in
CELLRESEL Broadcast of intra-frequency measurements
LBFD-00 system for cell reselection and those by
2009 / information UEs in RRC_CONNECTED
TDLBFD mode. This parameter is optional;
-002009 Cell if it is not set, the downlink

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-92

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
LBFD-00 and bandwidth of the serving cell is
201803 / Re-selection used by default.
-002018 GUI Value Range:MBW6(1.4M),
03 MBW15(3M), MBW25(5M),
MBW50(10M), MBW75(15M),
Actual Value Range:MBW6,
MBW15, MBW25, MBW50,
MBW75, MBW100
Default Value:MBW6(1.4M)

EutranInterN MeasBandWidt ADD LBFD-00 3GPP R8 Meaning:Indicates the

Freq h EUTRANINTER 1001 / Specification measurement bandwidth of the
NFREQ TDLBFD s inter-frequency neighboring cell
-001001 on the frequency. The setting of
MOD Intra-LTE this parameter depends on the
EUTRANINTER LOFD-00 Load bandwidth configuration of the
NFREQ 1032 / Balancing cell. In E-UTRAN, a cell
TDLOFD bandwidth is also expressed in
LST -001032 Coverage units of resource blocks (RBs).
NFREQ LBFD-00 Inter-frequen Cell bandwidths 1.4 MHz, 3 MHz,
201802 / cy Handover 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz, and 20
TDLBFD MHz correspond to 6 RBs, 15
-002018 Cell RBs, 25 RBs, 50 RBs, 75 RBs,
02 Selection and 100 RBs, respectively.
LBFD-00 Reselection GUI Value Range:MBW6(1.4M),
201803 / MBW15(3M), MBW25(5M),
TDLBFD Distance MBW50(10M), MBW75(15M),
-002018 Based MBW100(20M)
03 Inter-frequen
cy Handover Unit:MHz
LBFD-00 Actual Value Range:MBW6,
201804 / Service MBW15, MBW25, MBW50,
TDLBFD Based MBW75, MBW100
-002018 Inter-frequen
04 cy Handover Default Value:None


UtranExterna Mnc ADD LOFD-00 RAN Meaning:Indicates the mobile

lCellPlmn UTRANEXTERN 1036 / Sharing with network code of the external
-001036 Carrier
LST A PLMN ID is comprised of an
ALCELLPLMN 1037 / Sharing with
TDLOFD Dedicated The MCC consists of three digits.

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-93

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
RMV -001037 Carrier The MNC consists of two to three
For example, if the MCC is 123
and the MNC is 45, then the
PLMN ID is 12345.
GUI Value Range:2~3 characters
Actual Value
Default Value:None

GeranExtern Mnc ADD LOFD-00 RAN Meaning:Indicates the mobile

alCellPlmn GERANEXTER 1036 / Sharing with network code of the external cell.
-001036 Carrier A PLMN ID is comprised of an
LST MCC and an MNC.
NALCELLPLMN 1037 / Sharing with The MCC consists of three digits.
TDLOFD Dedicated The MNC consists of two to three
RMV -001037 Carrier
NALCELLPLMN For example, if the MCC is 123
and the MNC is 45, then the
PLMN ID is 12345.
GUI Value Range:2~3 characters
Actual Value
Default Value:None

GeranNcell Mnc ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the mobile

GERANNCELL 1020 / Inter-RAT network code of the neighboring
TDLOFD Mobility GERAN cell.
LST -001020 between
and GERAN and the MNC.
GERANNCELL The MCC consists of three digits.
RMV The MNC consists of two to three
DSP For example, MCC = 123, MNC =
GUI Value Range:2~3 characters

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-94

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
Actual Value
Default Value:None

Cdma2000E Mnc ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the mobile

xternalCell CDMA2000EXT 1021 Inter-RAT network code of the external cell.
LOFD-00 between A PLMN ID is comprised of an
MOD 1036 / E-UTRAN MCC and an MNC.
ERNALCELL -001036 CDMA2000 The MCC consists of three digits.

LST LOFD-00 RAN The MNC consists of two to three

CDMA2000EXT 1037 / Sharing with digits.
ERNALCELL TDLOFD Common For example, if the MCC is 123
-001037 Carrier and the MNC is 45, then the
PLMN ID is 12345.
Sharing with GUI Value Range:2~3 characters
Carrier Unit:None
Actual Value
Default Value:None

UtranNCell Mnc ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the mobile

UTRANNCELL 1019 / Inter-RAT network code of the neighboring
TDLOFD Mobility UTRAN cell.
LST -001019 between
and UTRAN and the MNC.
UTRANNCELL The MCC consists of three digits.
RMV The MNC consists of two to three
DSP For example, MCC = 123, MNC =
GUI Value Range:2~3 characters
Actual Value
Default Value:None

UtranExterna Mnc ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the mobile

lCell UTRANEXTERN 1019 / Inter-RAT network code of the external

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-95

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
-001019 between
LST E-UTRAN The PLMN consists of the MCC
The MCC consists of three digits.
UTRANEXTERN The MNC consists of two to three
ALCELL digits.

RMV For example, MCC = 123, MNC =

ALCELL GUI Value Range:2~3 characters
Actual Value
Default Value:None

GeranExtern Mnc ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the mobile

alCell GERANEXTER 1020 / Inter-RAT network code of the external cell.
-001020 between The PLMN consists of the MCC
LST E-UTRAN and the MNC.
NALCELL The MCC consists of three digits.

MOD The MNC consists of two to three

NALCELL For example, MCC = 123, MNC =
RMV 45, PLMN = 12345.
GERANEXTER GUI Value Range:2~3 characters
Actual Value
Default Value:None

EutranInterFr Mnc ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the mobile

eqNCell EUTRANINTER 201802 / Based network code of the E-UTRAN
FREQNCELL TDLBFD Inter-frequen neighboring cell.
-002018 cy Handover
LST 02 The PLMN consists of the MCC
The MCC consists of three digits.
EUTRANINTER The MNC consists of two to three

RMV For example, MCC = 123, MNC =

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-96

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
GUI Value Range:2~3 characters
Actual Value
Default Value:None

EutranExtern Mnc ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the mobile

alCell EUTRANEXTER 201801 / Based network code of the external
NALCELL TDLBFD Intra-frequen E-UTRAN cell.
-002018 cy Handover
LST 01 The PLMN consists of the MCC
EUTRANEXTER Coverage and the MNC.
201802 / Inter-frequen The MCC consists of three digits.
MOD TDLBFD cy Handover The MNC consists of two to three
NALCELL digits.
RMV For example, MCC = 123, MNC =
NALCELL GUI Value Range:2~3 characters
Actual Value
Default Value:None

EutranExtern Mnc ADD LOFD-00 RAN Meaning:Indicates the mobile

alCellPlmn EUTRANEXTER 1036 / Sharing with network code of the external cell.
-001036 Carrier A PLMN ID is comprised of an
LST MCC and an MNC.
NALCELLPLMN 1037 / Sharing with The MCC consists of three digits.
TDLOFD Dedicated The MNC consists of two to three
RMV -001037 Carrier
NALCELLPLMN For example, if the MCC is 123
and the MNC is 45, then the
PLMN ID is 12345.
GUI Value Range:2~3 characters
Actual Value
Default Value:None

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-97

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name

EutranIntraFr Mnc ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the mobile

eqNCell EUTRANINTRA 201801 / Based network code of the E-UTRAN
FREQNCELL TDLBFD Intra-frequen neighboring cell.
-002018 cy Handover
LST 01 The PLMN consists of the MCC
The MCC consists of three digits.
EUTRANINTRA The MNC consists of two to three

RMV For example, MCC = 123, MNC =

FREQNCELL GUI Value Range:2~3 characters
Actual Value
Default Value:None

GeranExtern NetworkColour ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the network

alCell Code GERANEXTER 1020 / Inter-RAT color code (NCC) of GERAN. It is
NALCELL TDLOFD Mobility operator-specific and identifies a
-001020 between network within the whole country.
GERANEXTER LOFD-00 and GERAN The base transceiver station
NALCELL 1045 / identity code (BSIC) consists of
TDLOFD Inter-RAT the NCC and the base station
LST -001045 Load color code (BCC). For details,
GERANEXTER Sharing to see 3GPP TS 23.003.
1046 / GUI Value Range:0~7
TDLOFD Service
-001046 based Unit:None
inter-RAT Actual Value Range:0~7
LOFD-00 handover to
1073 / GERAN Default Value:None
-001073 Distance
handover to

InterRatPolic NoHoFlag ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates whether to

yCfgGroup INTERRATPOLI 1019 / Inter-RAT permit or forbid the inter-RAT
CYCFGGROUP TDLOFD Mobility handover under the QCI.
-001019 between
1020 / mit Ho),

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-98

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
-001020 Inter-RAT
LST Mobility Unit:None
CYCFGGROUP 1021 Actual Value
1022 / PS
TDLOFD Inter-RAT Default
-001022 Mobility Value:PERMIT_HO_ENUM(Perm
it Ho)
LOFD-00 between
1023 / E-UTRAN
-001023 CDMA2000
1032 / UTRAN
-001032 GERAN
LOFD-00 Intra-LTE
1043 / Load
TDLOFD Balancing
LOFD-00 based
1045 / inter-RAT
TDLOFD handover to
-001045 UTRAN
LOFD-00 Inter-RAT
1044 / Load
TDLOFD Sharing to
-001044 GERAN
LOFD-00 Inter-RAT
1046 / Load
TDLOFD Sharing to
-001046 UTRAN
LOFD-00 Service
1033 / based
-001033 handover to
1034 / CS Fallback
CS Fallback
CS Fallback

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-99

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name

Cdma2000Nf OffsetFreq ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the

req CDMA2000NFR 1021 Inter-RAT frequency-specific offset of the
EQ Mobility local cell to the neighboring
LOFD-00 between CDMA2000 cell on the frequency.
MOD 2002 E-UTRAN A larger value of this parameter
CDMA2000NFR and leads to a higher probability of
EQ CDMA2000 triggering measurement reports.
LST For details, see the
Inter-RAT Q-OffsetRangeInterRAT IE
EQ defined in 3GPP 36.331 6.3.4.
GUI Value Range:-15~15
Actual Value Range:-15~15
Default Value:0

GeranNfreq OffsetFreq ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the frequency

Group GERANNFREQ 1020 / Inter-RAT specific offset of the group of
GROUP TDLOFD Mobility neighboring GERAN carrier
-001020 between frequencies. This parameter is
MOD E-UTRAN used in the decision of the UE to
GERANNFREQ LOFD-00 and GERAN send measurement reports for
GROUP 2002 inter-RAT handovers. For details,
Inter-RAT see 3GPP TS 36.331.
GERANNFREQ GUI Value Range:-15~15
Actual Value Range:-15~15
Default Value:0

UtranNFreq OffsetFreq ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the frequency

UTRANNFREQ 1019 / Inter-RAT offset of the cell on the UTRAN
TDLOFD Mobility frequency. It determines the
MOD -001019 between probability of triggering
UTRANNFREQ E-UTRAN measurement reports for event
LOFD-00 and UTRAN B1. A larger value of this
LST 2002 /
UTRANNFREQ TDLOFD Inter-RAT parameter leads to a higher
probability of triggering an event
-002002 ANR B1. For details, see 3GPP TS
GUI Value Range:-15~15
Actual Value Range:-15~15

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-100

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
Default Value:0

EutranExtern PhyCellId ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the physical

alCell EUTRANEXTER 201801 / Based cell ID of the external E-UTRAN
NALCELL TDLBFD Intra-frequen cell. For details, see 3GPP TS
-002018 cy Handover 36.331.
MOD 01
EUTRANEXTER Coverage GUI Value Range:0~503
201802 / Inter-frequen Unit:None
LST TDLBFD cy Handover Actual Value Range:0~503
NALCELL 02 Cell Default Value:None
LBFD-00 and
201803 / Reselection

Cdma2000E PnOffset ADD LBFD-00 3GPP R8 Meaning:Indicates the scrambling

xternalCell CDMA2000EXT 1001 / Specification code, which is used as the
ERNALCELL TDLBFD s physical cell identifier of the
-001001 external CDMA2000 cell.
CDMA2000EXT LOFD-00 Inter-RAT GUI Value Range:0~511
ERNALCELL 1021 Mobility
between Unit:None
CDMA2000EXT 201803 / and Actual Value Range:0~511
ERNALCELL TDLBFD CDMA2000 Default Value:None
03 Cell

UtranExterna PScrambCode ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the primary DL

lCell UTRANEXTERN 1019 / Inter-RAT scrambles of the external UTRAN
ALCELL TDLOFD Mobility cell. For details, see 3GPP TS
-001019 between 25.331.
UTRANEXTERN LOFD-00 and UTRAN GUI Value Range:0~511
ALCELL 1044 /
TDLOFD Inter-RAT Unit:None
LST -001044 Load
UTRANEXTERN Actual Value Range:0~511
Sharing to
ALCELL LOFD-00 UTRAN Default Value:None
1043 /
TDLOFD Service
-001043 based
LOFD-00 handover to

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-101

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
1072 / UTRAN
-001072 Distance
handover to

UtranNFreq PsPriority ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the packet

UTRANNFREQ 1019 / Inter-RAT switched (PS) priority of the
TDLOFD Mobility neighboring UTRAN frequency,
MOD -001019 between that is, the priority for the
UTRANNFREQ E-UTRAN neighboring UTRAN frequency to
LST and UTRAN carry PS services. It is used in
UTRANNFREQ coverage-based handovers.
UtranFreqLayerMeasSwitch is
turned on: If there are both high
and low PS-priority UTRAN
frequencies, the high PS-priority
UTRAN frequencies are
preferentially measured; if there
are only low PS-priority UTRAN
frequencies, these low PS-priority
UTRAN frequencies are
If UtranFreqLayerBlindSwitch is
turned on, the target cell for a
blind coverage-based handover
is preferentially selected from the
neighboring UTRAN cells on high
PS-priority frequencies. If all
neighboring UTRAN cells are on
low PS-priority frequencies, the
target cell is selected from all
neighboring UTRAN cells.
GUI Value
Priority), HIGH_PRIORITY(High
Actual Value

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-102

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name

CnOperatorS Qci LST None None Meaning:Indicates the QoS Class

tandardQci CNOPERATOR Identifier (QCI) of an EPS
STANDARDQCI bearer. Different QCIs represent
different QoS specifications such
MOD as the packet delay budget,
CNOPERATOR packet error loss rate, and
STANDARDQCI resource type (whether the
service is a GBR service or not).
For details, see Table 6.1.7 in
3GPP TS 23.203.
GUI Value Range:QCI1(QCI 1),
QCI2(QCI 2), QCI3(QCI 3),
QCI4(QCI 4), QCI5(QCI 5),
QCI6(QCI 6), QCI7(QCI 7),
QCI8(QCI 8), QCI9(QCI 9)
Actual Value Range:QCI1, QCI2,
Default Value:None

CellStandard Qci LST LOFD-00 Enhanced Meaning:Indicates the QoS class

Qci CELLSTANDAR 1015 / Scheduling identifier (QCI) of an evolved
DQCI TDLOFD packet system (EPS)
-001015 Dynamic bearer. Different QCIs indicate
MOD Scheduling different QoS requirements, such
CELLSTANDAR LOFD-00 as the packet delay budget,
DQCI 101502 / packet error loss rate, and
TDLOFD resource type. For details, see
-001015 Table 6.1.7 in 3GPP TS 23.203.
GUI Value Range:QCI1(QCI 1),
QCI2(QCI 2), QCI3(QCI 3),
QCI4(QCI 4), QCI5(QCI 5),
QCI6(QCI 6), QCI7(QCI 7),
QCI8(QCI 8), QCI9(QCI 9)
Actual Value Range:QCI1, QCI2,
Default Value:None

StandardQci Qci LST LOFD-00 Enhanced Meaning:Indicates the QoS Class

STANDARDQCI 1015 / Scheduling Identifier (QCI) of an EPS
TDLOFD bearer. Different QCIs represent
MOD -001015 Dynamic different QoS specifications such
as the packet delay budget,

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-103

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
STANDARDQCI LOFD-00 Scheduling packet error loss rate, and
101502 / resource type (whether the
TDLOFD service is a GBR service or not).
-001015 For details, see Table 6.1.7 in
02 3GPP TS 23.203.
GUI Value Range:QCI1(QCI 1),
QCI2(QCI 2), QCI3(QCI 3),
QCI4(QCI 4), QCI5(QCI 5),
QCI6(QCI 6), QCI7(QCI 7),
QCI8(QCI 8), QCI9(QCI 9)
Actual Value Range:QCI1, QCI2,
Default Value:None

Cell QoffsetFreq ADD CELL None None Meaning:Indicates the specific

frequency offset of the serving
MOD CELL cell. This parameter is contained
LST CELL in the intra-frequency
measurement control information
and is related to the handover
difficulty between the serving cell
and the neighboring cell. For
details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
GUI Value Range:dB-24(-24dB),
dB-22(-22dB), dB-20(-20dB),
dB-18(-18dB), dB-16(-16dB),
dB-14(-14dB), dB-12(-12dB),
dB-10(-10dB), dB-8(-8dB),
dB-6(-6dB), dB-5(-5dB),
dB-4(-4dB), dB-3(-3dB),
dB-2(-2dB), dB-1(-1dB),
dB0(0dB), dB1(1dB), dB2(2dB),
dB3(3dB), dB4(4dB), dB5(5dB),
dB6(6dB), dB8(8dB),
dB10(10dB), dB12(12dB),
dB14(14dB), dB16(16dB),
dB18(18dB), dB20(20dB),
dB22(22dB), dB24(24dB)
Actual Value Range:dB-24,
dB-22, dB-20, dB-18, dB-16,
dB-14, dB-12, dB-10, dB-8, dB-6,
dB-5, dB-4, dB-3, dB-2, dB-1,
dB0, dB1, dB2, dB3, dB4, dB5,
dB6, dB8, dB10, dB12, dB14,

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-104

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
dB16, dB18, dB20, dB22, dB24
Default Value:dB0(0dB)

EutranInterN QoffsetFreq ADD LBFD-00 3GPP R8 Meaning:Indicates the frequency

Freq EUTRANINTER 1001 / Specification offset of the neighboring cell on
NFREQ TDLBFD s the frequency. It is delivered in
-001001 system information block type 5
MOD Intra-LTE (SIB5). It is used in the evaluation
EUTRANINTER LOFD-00 Load for cell reselection and for the
NFREQ 1032 / Balancing triggering and stopping of event
TDLOFD A4. For details, see 3GPP TS
LST -001032 Coverage 36.331.
NFREQ LBFD-00 Inter-frequen GUI Value Range:dB-24(-24dB),
201802 / cy Handover dB-22(-22dB), dB-20(-20dB),
TDLBFD dB-18(-18dB), dB-16(-16dB),
-002018 Cell dB-14(-14dB), dB-12(-12dB),
02 Selection
and dB-10(-10dB), dB-8(-8dB),
LBFD-00 Reselection dB-6(-6dB), dB-5(-5dB),
201803 / dB-4(-4dB), dB-3(-3dB),
TDLBFD Distance dB-2(-2dB), dB-1(-1dB),
-002018 Based dB0(0dB), dB1(1dB), dB2(2dB),
03 Inter-frequen dB3(3dB), dB4(4dB), dB5(5dB),
cy Handover dB6(6dB), dB8(8dB),
LBFD-00 dB10(10dB), dB12(12dB),
201804 / Service dB14(14dB), dB16(16dB),
TDLBFD Based dB18(18dB), dB20(20dB),
-002018 Inter-frequen dB22(22dB), dB24(24dB)
04 cy Handover
201805 Actual Value Range:dB-24,
dB-22, dB-20, dB-18, dB-16,
dB-14, dB-12, dB-10, dB-8, dB-6,
dB-5, dB-4, dB-3, dB-2, dB-1,
dB0, dB1, dB2, dB3, dB4, dB5,
dB6, dB8, dB10, dB12, dB14,
dB16, dB18, dB20, dB22, dB24
Default Value:dB1(1dB)

UtranExterna Rac ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the routing

lCell UTRANEXTERN 1019 / Inter-RAT area code.
-001019 between GUI Value Range:0~255
ALCELL Actual Value Range:0~255
LST Default Value:0

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-105

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name

UtranExterna RacCfgInd ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates whether to set

lCell UTRANEXTERN 1019 / Inter-RAT the routing area code (RAC) of
ALCELL TDLOFD Mobility the external UTRAN cell. This
-001019 between parameter must be set to
MOD E-UTRAN CFG(Configure) if the external
UTRANEXTERN and UTRAN UTRAN cell supports packet
ALCELL switched (PS) services.
LST GUI Value Range:NOT_CFG(Not
UTRANEXTERN configure), CFG(Configure)
Actual Value Range:NOT_CFG,
Default Value:NOT_CFG(Not

ENodeBAlgo RedirectSwitch MOD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the switch

Switch ENODEBALGO 1019 / Inter-RAT used to enable or disable the
SWITCH TDLOFD Mobility redirection algorithm. This switch
-001019 between does not control redirection for
LST E-UTRAand CS fallback or flash CS fallback.
SWITCH 1020 / GeranFlashRedirectSwitch: If
TDLOFD PS both this switch and the switch for
-001020 Inter-RAT redirection to GERAN are turned
Mobility on, fast redirection to GERAN is
LBFD-00 between enabled.
201803 / E-UTRAand
TDLBFD GERAN UranFlashRedirectSwitch: If both
-002018 this switch and the switch for
03 Cell redirection to UTRAN are turned
Selection on, fast redirection to UTRAN is
and enabled.
GUI Value
Actual Value

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-106

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name

UtranExterna RncId ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the RNC ID of

lCell UTRANEXTERN 1019 / Inter-RAT the external UTRAN cell. The
ALCELL TDLOFD Mobility most left 12 bits of external
-001019 between UTRAN cell ID must be set to the
MOD E-UTRAN RNC ID of the external cell.
ALCELL GUI Value Range:0~4095
LST Unit:None
ALCELL Actual Value Range:0~4095
Default Value:None

CnOperatorS ServiceIfHoCfg MOD LBFD-00 Service Meaning:Indicates the ID of the

tandardQci GroupId CNOPERATOR 201805 Based service-based inter-frequency
STANDARDQCI Inter-frequen handover policy group.
cy Handover
LST GUI Value Range:0~9
Actual Value Range:0~9
Default Value:0

ServiceIfHoC ServiceIfHoCfg ADD LBFD-00 Service Meaning:Indicates the ID of the

fgGroup GroupId SERVICEIFHOC 201805 Based service-based inter-frequency
FGGROUP Inter-frequen handover policy group.
cy Handover
LST GUI Value Range:0~9

MOD Actual Value Range:0~9

SERVICEIFHOC Default Value:None

CnOperatorE ServiceIfHoCfg ADD LBFD-00 Service Meaning:Indicates the ID of the

xtendedQci GroupId CNOPERATOR 201805 Based service-based inter-frequency
EXTENDEDQCI Inter-frequen handover policy group.
cy Handover
MOD GUI Value Range:0~9

LST Actual Value Range:0~9

CNOPERATOR Default Value:0

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-107

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name

ServiceIrHo ServiceIrHoCfg ADD LOFD-00 Service Meaning:Indicates the ID of the

CfgGroup GroupId SERVICEIRHOC 1043 / based service-based inter-RAT
FGGROUP TDLOFD inter-RAT handover policy group.
-001043 handover to
LST UTRAN GUI Value Range:0~9
FGGROUP 1046 / Service Unit:None
TDLOFD based Actual Value Range:0~9
MOD -001046 inter-RAT
SERVICEIRHOC handover to Default Value:None

CnOperatorS ServiceIrHoCfg MOD LOFD-00 Service Meaning:Indicates the ID of a

tandardQci GroupId CNOPERATOR 1043 / based service-based inter-RAT
STANDARDQCI TDLOFD inter-RAT handover policy group.
-001043 handover to
LST UTRAN GUI Value Range:0~9
STANDARDQCI 1046 / Service Unit:None
TDLOFD based Actual Value Range:0~9
-001046 inter-RAT
handover to Default Value:0

EutranExtern ShareMcc ADD LOFD-00 RAN Meaning:Indicates the mobile

alCellPlmn EUTRANEXTER 1036 / Sharing with country code of the external
NALCELLPLMN TDLOFD Common E-UTRAN cell that is shared
-001036 Carrier among multiple operators.
EUTRANEXTER LOFD-00 RAN A PLMN ID is comprised of an
NALCELLPLMN 1037 / Sharing with MCC and an MNC.
TDLOFD Dedicated
RMV -001037 Carrier The MCC consists of three digits.
NALCELLPLMN The MNC consists of two to three
For example, if the MCC is 123
and the MNC is 45, then the
PLMN ID is 12345.
GUI Value Range:3 characters
Actual Value Range:000~999
Default Value:None

Cdma2000E ShareMcc ADD LOFD-00 RAN Meaning:Indicates the mobile

xternalCellPl CDMA2000EXT 1036 / Sharing with country code of the external

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-108

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
mn ERNALCELLPL TDLOFD Common CDMA2000 cell that is shared
MN -001036 Carrier among multiple operators.
LST LOFD-00 RAN A PLMN ID is comprised of an
CDMA2000EXT 1037 / Sharing with MCC and an MNC.
MN -001037 Carrier The MCC consists of three digits.

RMV LOFD-00 PS The MNC consists of two to three

CDMA2000EXT 1021 Inter-RAT digits.
ERNALCELLPL Mobility For example, if the MCC is 123
MN between and the MNC is 45, then the
E-UTRAN PLMN ID is 12345.
CDMA2000 GUI Value Range:3 characters
Actual Value Range:000~999
Default Value:None

UtranExterna ShareMcc ADD LOFD-00 RAN Meaning:Indicates the mobile

lCellPlmn UTRANEXTERN 1036 / Sharing with country code of the external
ALCELLPLMN TDLOFD Common UTRAN cell that is shared among
-001036 Carrier multiple operators.
UTRANEXTERN LOFD-00 RAN A PLMN ID is comprised of an
ALCELLPLMN 1037 / Sharing with MCC and an MNC.
TDLOFD Dedicated
RMV -001037 Carrier The MCC consists of three digits.
ALCELLPLMN The MNC consists of two to three
For example, if the MCC is 123
and the MNC is 45, then the
PLMN ID is 12345.
GUI Value Range:3 characters
Actual Value Range:000~999
Default Value:None

GeranExtern ShareMcc ADD LOFD-00 RAN Meaning:Indicates the mobile

alCellPlmn GERANEXTER 1036 / Sharing with country code of the external
NALCELLPLMN TDLOFD Common GERAN cell that is shared among
-001036 Carrier multiple operators.
GERANEXTER LOFD-00 RAN A PLMN ID is comprised of an
NALCELLPLMN 1037 / Sharing with MCC and an MNC.
TDLOFD Dedicated
RMV -001037 Carrier The MCC consists of three digits.

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-109

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
NALCELLPLMN The MNC consists of two to three
For example, if the MCC is 123
and the MNC is 45, then the
PLMN ID is 12345.
GUI Value Range:3 characters
Actual Value Range:000~999
Default Value:None

UtranExterna ShareMnc ADD LOFD-00 RAN Meaning:Indicates the mobile

lCellPlmn UTRANEXTERN 1036 / Sharing with network code of the external
ALCELLPLMN TDLOFD Common UTRAN cell that is shared among
-001036 Carrier multiple operators.
UTRANEXTERN LOFD-00 RAN A PLMN ID is comprised of an
ALCELLPLMN 1037 / Sharing with MCC and an MNC.
TDLOFD Dedicated
RMV -001037 Carrier The MCC consists of three digits.
ALCELLPLMN The MNC consists of two to three
For example, if the MCC is 123
and the MNC is 45, then the
PLMN ID is 12345.
GUI Value Range:2~3 characters
Actual Value
Default Value:None

EutranExtern ShareMnc ADD LOFD-00 RAN Meaning:Indicates the mobile

alCellPlmn EUTRANEXTER 1036 / Sharing with network code of the external
NALCELLPLMN TDLOFD Common E-UTRAN cell that is shared
-001036 Carrier among multiple operators.
EUTRANEXTER LOFD-00 RAN A PLMN ID is comprised of an
NALCELLPLMN 1037 / Sharing with MCC and an MNC.
TDLOFD Dedicated
RMV -001037 Carrier The MCC consists of three digits.
NALCELLPLMN The MNC consists of two to three
For example, if the MCC is 123
and the MNC is 45, then the
PLMN ID is 12345.

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-110

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
GUI Value Range:2~3 characters
Actual Value
Default Value:None

GeranExtern ShareMnc ADD LOFD-00 RAN Meaning:Indicates the mobile

alCellPlmn GERANEXTER 1036 / Sharing with network code of the external
NALCELLPLMN TDLOFD Common GERAN cell that is shared among
-001036 Carrier multiple operators.
GERANEXTER LOFD-00 RAN A PLMN ID is comprised of an
NALCELLPLMN 1037 / Sharing with MCC and an MNC.
TDLOFD Dedicated
RMV -001037 Carrier The MCC consists of three digits.
NALCELLPLMN The MNC consists of two to three
For example, if the MCC is 123
and the MNC is 45, then the
PLMN ID is 12345.
GUI Value Range:2~3 characters
Actual Value
Default Value:None

Cdma2000E ShareMnc ADD LOFD-00 RAN Meaning:Indicates the mobile

xternalCellPl CDMA2000EXT 1036 / Sharing with network code of the external
mn ERNALCELLPL TDLOFD Common CDMA2000 cell that is shared
MN -001036 Carrier among multiple operators.
LST LOFD-00 RAN A PLMN ID is comprised of an
CDMA2000EXT 1037 / Sharing with MCC and an MNC.
MN -001037 Carrier The MCC consists of three digits.

RMV LOFD-00 PS The MNC consists of two to three

CDMA2000EXT 1021 Inter-RAT digits.
ERNALCELLPL Mobility For example, if the MCC is 123
MN between and the MNC is 45, then the
E-UTRAN PLMN ID is 12345.
CDMA2000 GUI Value Range:2~3 characters
Actual Value

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-111

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
Default Value:None

GeranNfreq StartingArfcn ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the first

Group GERANNFREQ 1020 / Inter-RAT ARFCN value in the GERAN
GROUP TDLOFD Mobility carrier frequency group. For
-001020 between details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
GERANNFREQ LOFD-00 and GERAN GUI Value Range:0~1023
GROUP 1045 /
TDLOFD Inter-RAT Unit:None
LST -001045 Load
GERANNFREQ Actual Value Range:0~1023
Sharing to
GROUP LOFD-00 GERAN Default Value:None
1046 /
TDLOFD Service
-001046 based
LOFD-00 handover to
1073 / GERAN
-001073 Distance
handover to

EutranExtern Tac ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the tracking

alCell EUTRANEXTER 201801 / Based area code (TAC) of the external
NALCELL TDLBFD Intra-frequen E-UTRAN cell. Two TAC values
-002018 cy Handover 0x0000(0) and 0xFFFE(65534)
MOD 01 are reserved according to the
EUTRANEXTER Coverage protocol and will not be used in
NALCELL LBFD-00 Based future versions. Therefore, do not
201802 / Inter-frequen use 0 or 65534 as a TAC value in
LST TDLBFD cy Handover TAC planning or configuration.
NALCELL 02 GUI Value Range:0~65535
Actual Value Range:0~65535
Default Value:None

InterPlmnHo TarMcc ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the mobile

List INTERPLMNHO 201801 / Based country code of the target PLMN.
LIST TDLBFD Intra-frequen
-002018 cy Handover GUI Value Range:3 characters
LST 01
INTERPLMNHO Coverage Unit:None
LIST LBFD-00 Based Actual Value Range:000~999
201802 / Inter-frequen

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-112

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
INTERPLMNHO TDLBFD cy Handover Default Value:None
LIST -002018
02 Distance
LBFD-00 Inter-frequen
201804 / cy Handover
-002018 PS
04 Inter-RAT
LOFD-00 between
1019 / E-UTRAN
LOFD-00 Inter-RAT
1020 / Mobility
TDLOFD between
-001020 E-UTRAN
1021 / PS
-001021 Mobility
1032 / and
LOFD-00 Load
1044 / Balancing
-001044 Inter-RAT
LOFD-00 Sharing to
1045 / UTRAN
-001045 Inter-RAT
LOFD-00 Sharing to
1043 / GERAN
-001043 Service
LOFD-00 inter-RAT
1046 / handover to
LOFD-00 based
1072 / inter-RAT
TDLOFD handover to
-001072 GERAN
LOFD-00 Distance

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-113

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
1073 / based
-001073 handover to
201805 / Distance
TDLBFD based
-002018 inter-RAT
05 handover to
cy Handover

InterPlmnHo TarMnc ADD LBFD-00 Coverage Meaning:Indicates the mobile

List INTERPLMNHO 201801 / Based network code of the target PLMN.
LIST TDLBFD Intra-frequen
-002018 cy Handover GUI Value Range:2~3 characters
LST 01
INTERPLMNHO Coverage Unit:None
LIST LBFD-00 Based Actual Value
201802 / Inter-frequen Range:00~99,000~999
RMV TDLBFD cy Handover
INTERPLMNHO -002018 Default Value:None
LIST 02 Distance
LBFD-00 Inter-frequen
201804 / cy Handover
-002018 PS
04 Inter-RAT
LOFD-00 between
1019 / E-UTRAN
LOFD-00 Inter-RAT
1020 / Mobility
TDLOFD between
-001020 E-UTRAN
1021 / PS
-001021 Mobility
1032 / and
LOFD-00 Load

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-114

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
1044 / Balancing
-001044 Inter-RAT
LOFD-00 Sharing to
1045 / UTRAN
-001045 Inter-RAT
LOFD-00 Sharing to
1043 / GERAN
-001043 Service
LOFD-00 inter-RAT
1046 / handover to
LOFD-00 based
1072 / inter-RAT
TDLOFD handover to
-001072 GERAN
LOFD-00 Distance
1073 / based
-001073 handover to
201805 / Distance
TDLBFD based
-002018 inter-RAT
05 handover to
cy Handover

UtranNCell UtranCellId ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the UTRAN

UTRANNCELL 1019 / Inter-RAT cell ID. It uniquely identifies a
TDLOFD Mobility cell within a PLMN.The 28-bit ID
LST -001019 between of the UTRAN cell consists of a
UTRANNCELL E-UTRAN 12-bit RNC ID (indicated by
MOD and UTRAN RncId) and a 16-bit RNC cell ID
UTRANNCELL (indicated by RncCellId). The
formula for calculating the ID of
RMV the external UTRAN cell is as
UTRANNCELL follows: External UTRAN cell ID =
RNC ID x 65536 + RNC cell ID.
UTRANRIMINF GUI Value Range:0~268435455

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-115

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
O Unit:None
Actual Value
Default Value:None

UtranExterna UtranCellId ADD LOFD-00 RAN Meaning:Indicates the ID of the

lCellPlmn UTRANEXTERN 1036 / Sharing with external UTRAN cell. It uniquelly
ALCELLPLMN TDLOFD Common identifies a cell in a PLMN. The
-001036 Carrier 28-bit ID of the external UTRAN
LST cell consists of a 12-bit RNC ID
UTRANEXTERN LOFD-00 RAN (indicated by RncId) and a 16-bit
ALCELLPLMN 1037 / Sharing with RNC cell ID (indicated by
TDLOFD Dedicated RncCellId). The formula for
RMV -001037 Carrier
UTRANEXTERN calculating the ID of the external
ALCELLPLMN UTRAN cell is as follows:
External UTRAN cell ID = RNC ID
x 65536 + RNC cell ID.
GUI Value Range:0~268435455
Actual Value
Default Value:None

UtranExterna UtranCellId ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the ID of the

lCell UTRANEXTERN 1019 / Inter-RAT external UTRAN cell. It uniquely
ALCELL TDLOFD Mobility identifies a UTRAN cell within a
-001019 between PLMN.The 28-bit ID of the
LST E-UTRAN external UTRAN cell consists of a
UTRANEXTERN and UTRAN 12-bit RNC ID (indicated by
ALCELL RncId) and a 16-bit RNC cell ID
MOD (indicated by RncCellId). The
UTRANEXTERN formula for calculating the ID of
ALCELL the external UTRAN cell is as
follows: External UTRAN cell ID =
RMV RNC ID x 65536 + RNC cell ID.
ALCELL GUI Value Range:0~268435455
Actual Value
Default Value:None

UtranNFreq UtranDlArfcn ADD LBFD-00 Broadcast of Meaning:Indicates the DL

UTRANNFREQ 2009 / System UARFCN of the neighboring cell
TDLBFD Information on the UTRAN frequency. The
LST UARFCN range in each FDD

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-116

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
UTRANNFREQ -002009 PS frequency band is shown as
Inter-RAT follows:
MOD LOFD-00 Mobility
UTRANNFREQ 1019 / between Band 1:
RMV -001019 and UTRAN Normal UARFCNs:
UTRANNFREQ [10562-10838]
LOFD-00 Inter-RAT
2002 / ANR Special UARFCNs: none
TDLOFD Band 2:
Normal UARFCNs: [9662-9938]
Special UARFCNs:
Band 3:
Normal UARFCNs: [1162-1513]
Special UARFCNs: none
Band 4:
Normal UARFCNs: [1537-1738]
Special UARFCNs: (1887, 1912,
1937, 1962, 1987, 2012, 2037,
2062, 2087)
Band 5:
Normal UARFCNs: [4357-4458]
Special UARFCNs: (1007, 1012,
1032, 1037, 1062, 1087)
Band 6:
Normal UARFCNs: [4387-4413]
Special UARFCNs: (1037, 1062)
Band 7:
Normal UARFCNs: [2237-2563]
Special UARFCNs: (2587, 2612,
2637, 2662, 2687, 2712, 2737,
2762, 2787, 2812, 2837, 2862,
2887, 2912)
Band 8:
Normal UARFCNs: [2937-3088]
Special UARFCNs: none

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-117

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
Band 9:
Normal UARFCNs: [9237-9387]
Special UARFCNs: none
The UARFCN range in each TDD
frequency band is shown as
Band 1:
Normal UARFCNs: [9500-9600]
and [10050-10125]
Special UARFCNs: none
Band 2:
Normal UARFCNs: [9250-9550]
and [9650-9950]
Special UARFCNs: none
Band 3:
Normal UARFCNs: [9550-9650]
Special UARFCNs: none
Band 4:
Normal UARFCNs:
Special UARFCNs: (2112, 2137,
2162, 2187, 2212, 2237, 2262,
2287, 2312, 2337)
Band 5:
Normal UARFCNs:
Special UARFCNs: none
Band 6:
Normal UARFCNs: [9400-9600]
Special UARFCNs: none
For details, see 3GPP TS 25.104
and 3GPP TS 25.105.
GUI Value Range:0~16383
Actual Value Range:0~16383

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
Default Value:None

UtranExterna UtranDlArfcn ADD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the DL

lCell UTRANEXTERN 1019 / Inter-RAT UARFCN of the external UTRAN
ALCELL TDLOFD Mobility cell. The UARFCN range in each
-001019 between FDD frequency band is shown as
MOD E-UTRAN follows:
ALCELL 1044 / Band 1:
LST -001044 Load Normal UARFCNs:
UTRANEXTERN Sharing to [10562-10838]
1043 / Special UARFCNs: none
TDLOFD Service Band 2:
-001043 based
inter-RAT Normal UARFCNs: [9662-9938]
LOFD-00 handover to
1072 / UTRAN Special UARFCNs:
TDLOFD (412,437,462,487,512,537,562,5
-001072 Distance 87,612,637,662,687)
inter-RAT Band 3:
handover to Normal UARFCNs: [1162-1513]
Special UARFCNs: none
Band 4:
Normal UARFCNs: [1537-1738]
Special UARFCNs: (1887, 1912,
1937, 1962, 1987, 2012, 2037,
2062, 2087)
Band 5:
Normal UARFCNs: [4357-4458]
Special UARFCNs: (1007, 1012,
1032, 1037, 1062, 1087)
Band 6:
Normal UARFCNs: [4387-4413]
Special UARFCNs: (1037, 1062)
Band 7:
Normal UARFCNs: [2237-2563]
Special UARFCNs: (2587, 2612,
2637, 2662, 2687, 2712, 2737,
2762, 2787, 2812, 2837, 2862,
2887, 2912)

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-119

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
Band 8:
Normal UARFCNs: [2937-3088]
Special UARFCNs: none
Band 9:
Normal UARFCNs: [9237-9387]
Special UARFCNs: none
The UARFCN range in each TDD
frequency band is shown as
Band 1:
Normal UARFCNs: [9500-9600]
and [10050-10125]
Special UARFCNs: none
Band 2:
Normal UARFCNs: [9250-9550]
and [9650-9950]
Special UARFCNs: none
Band 3:
Normal UARFCNs: [9550-9650]
Special UARFCNs: none
Band 4:
Normal UARFCNs:
Special UARFCNs: (2112, 2137,
2162, 2187, 2212, 2237, 2262,
2287, 2312, 2337)
Band 5:
Normal UARFCNs:
Special UARFCNs: none
Band 6:
Normal UARFCNs: [9400-9600]
Special UARFCNs: none
For details, see 3GPP TS 25.104
and 3GPP TS 25.105.

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
GUI Value Range:0~16383
Actual Value Range:0~16383
Default Value:None

HoMeasCom UtranFilterCoeff MOD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the

m Ecn0 HOMEASCOMM 1019 / Inter-RAT upper-layer filtering coefficient for
TDLOFD Mobility Ec/No measurements on
LST -001019 between UTRAN.
LOFD-00 and UTRAN A large value of this parameter
1044 / indicates a strong smoothing
TDLOFD Inter-RAT effect and high resistance to fast
-001044 Load fading, but it weakens the tracing
Sharing to capability towards varying
LOFD-00 UTRAN signals. For details, see 3GPP TS
1043 / 36.331.
TDLOFD Service
-001043 based GUI Value Range:FC0, FC1,
inter-RAT FC2, FC3, FC4, FC5, FC6, FC7,
LOFD-00 handover to FC8, FC9, FC11, FC13, FC15,
1072 / UTRAN FC17, FC19
-001072 Distance Unit:None
inter-RAT Actual Value Range:FC0, FC1,
handover to FC2, FC3, FC4, FC5, FC6, FC7,
UTRAN FC8, FC9, FC11, FC13, FC15,
FC17, FC19
Default Value:FC6

HoMeasCom UtranFilterCoeff MOD LOFD-00 PS Meaning:Indicates the filtering

m Rscp HOMEASCOMM 1019 / Inter-RAT coefficient for RSCP
TDLOFD Mobility measurements on UTRAN.
LST -001019 between
HOMEASCOMM E-UTRAN A large value of this parameter
LOFD-00 and UTRAN indicates a strong smoothing
1044 / effect and high resistance to fast
TDLOFD Inter-RAT fading, but it weakens the tracing
-001044 Load capability towards varying
Sharing to signals. For details, see 3GPP TS
LOFD-00 UTRAN 36.331.
1043 /
TDLOFD Service GUI Value Range:FC0, FC1,
-001043 based FC2, FC3, FC4, FC5, FC6, FC7,
inter-RAT FC8, FC9, FC11, FC13, FC15,
LOFD-00 handover to FC17, FC19
1072 / UTRAN
TDLOFD Unit:None
-001072 Distance
based Actual Value Range:FC0, FC1,
FC2, FC3, FC4, FC5, FC6, FC7,

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 10 Parameters

MO Parameter ID MML Command Feature Feature Description
ID Name
inter-RAT FC8, FC9, FC11, FC13, FC15,
handover to FC17, FC19
Default Value:FC6

InterRatPolic UtranHoCfg ADD LOFD-00 SRVCC to Meaning:PS_HO: Indicates the

yCfgGroup INTERRATPOLI 1022 / UTRAN switch used to enable or disable
CYCFGGROUP TDLOFD the QCI-specific PS handover to
-001022 PS UTRAN.
INTERRATPOLI LOFD-00 Mobility If this switch is set to On, the UE
CYCFGGROUP 1019 / between can perform the PS handover to
LST -001019 and UTRAN
INTERRATPOLI If this switch is set to Off, the UE
CYCFGGROUP cannot perform the PS handover
to the UTRAN cell.
SRVCC: Indicates the switch
used to enable or disable the
QCI-specific SRVCC handover to
If this switch is set to On, the UE
can perform the SRVCC
handover to the UTRAN cell.
If this switch is set to Off, the UE
cannot perform the SRVCC
handover to the UTRAN cell.
REDIRECTION: Indicates the
switch used to enable or disable
QCI-specific redirections to
If this switch is set to On, the UE
can perform the redirection to the
UTRAN cell.
If this switch is set to Off, the UE
cannot perform the redirection to
the UTRAN cell.
GUI Value Range:PS_HO,
Actual Value Range:PS_HO,
Default Value:PS_HO:On,

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10-122

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

11 Counters
Table 11-1 Counter description
Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion

15267269 L.IRATHO.E2C.PrepAttOut Number of LOFD-001021 PS Inter-RAT

86 Outgoing Mobility between
Handover E-UTRAN and
Attempts from CDMA2000

15267269 L.IRATHO.E2C.ExecAttOut Number of LOFD-001021 PS Inter-RAT

87 Performed Mobility between
Outgoing E-UTRAN and
Handovers from CDMA2000

15267269 L.IRATHO.E2C.ExecSuccOut Number of LOFD-001021 PS Inter-RAT

88 Successful Mobility between
Outgoing LOFD-001035 E-UTRAN and
Handovers from CDMA2000
CDMA2000 CS Fallback to
CDMA2000 1xRTT

15267269 L.IRATHO.E2W.PrepAttOut Number of LOFD-001019 PS Inter-RAT

89 Outgoing Mobility between
Handover LOFD-001022 E-UTRAN and
Attempts from LOFD-001033 UTRAN
9 CS Fallback to
2 PS Inter-RAT
TDLOFD-00103 Mobility between
3 E-UTRAN and
CS Fallback to

15267269 L.IRATHO.E2W.ExecAttOut Number of LOFD-001019 PS Inter-RAT

90 Performed Mobility between
Outgoing LOFD-001022 E-UTRAN and
Handovers from LOFD-001033 UTRAN

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion
9 CS Fallback to
2 PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between
TDLOFD-00103 E-UTRAN and
CS Fallback to

15267269 L.IRATHO.E2W.ExecSuccOut Number of LOFD-001019 PS Inter-RAT

91 Successful Mobility between
Outgoing LOFD-001022 E-UTRAN and
Handovers from LOFD-001033 UTRAN
9 CS Fallback to
2 PS Inter-RAT
TDLOFD-00103 Mobility between
3 E-UTRAN and
CS Fallback to

15267269 L.IRATHO.E2G.PrepAttOut Number of LOFD-001020 PS Inter-RAT

92 Outgoing Mobility between
Handover LOFD-001023 E-UTRAN and
Attempts from LOFD-001034 GERAN
0 CS Fallback to
3 PS Inter-RAT
TDLOFD-00103 Mobility between
4 E-UTRAN and
CS Fallback to

15267269 L.IRATHO.E2G.ExecAttOut Number of LOFD-001020 PS Inter-RAT

93 Performed Mobility between
Outgoing E-UTRAN and

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-2

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion
Handovers from LOFD-001023 GERAN
TDLOFD-00102 CS Fallback to
TDLOFD-00102 PS Inter-RAT
3 Mobility between
CS Fallback to

15267269 L.IRATHO.E2G.ExecSuccOut Number of LOFD-001020 PS Inter-RAT

94 Successful Mobility between
Outgoing LOFD-001023 E-UTRAN and
Handovers from LOFD-001034 GERAN
0 CS Fallback to
3 PS Inter-RAT
TDLOFD-00103 Mobility between
4 E-UTRAN and
CS Fallback to

15267269 L.HHO.IntraeNB.IntraFreq.PrepAttOut Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

95 intra-eNodeB 1 Intra-frequency
intra-frequency Handover
outgoing TDLBFD-00201
handover 801 Coverage Based
attempts Intra-frequency

in a cell

15267269 L.HHO.IntraeNB.IntraFreq.ExecAttOut Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

96 performed 1 Intra-frequency
intra-eNodeB Handover
intra-frequency TDLBFD-00201
outgoing 801 Coverage Based
handovers in a Intra-frequency
cell Handover

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion

15267269 L.HHO.IntraeNB.IntraFreq.ExecSucc Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

97 Out successful 1 Intra-frequency
intra-eNodeB Handover
intra-frequency TDLBFD-00201
outgoing 801 Coverage Based
handovers in a Intra-frequency
cell Handover

15267269 L.HHO.IntraeNB.InterFreq.PrepAttOut Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

98 intra-eNodeB 2 Inter-frequency
inter-frequency Handover
outgoing TDLBFD-00201
handover 802 Coverage Based
attempts Inter-frequency

in a cell

15267269 L.HHO.IntraeNB.InterFreq.ExecAttOut Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

99 performed 2 Inter-frequency
intra-eNodeB Handover
inter-frequency TDLBFD-00201
outgoing 802 Coverage Based
handovers in a Inter-frequency
cell Handover

15267270 L.HHO.IntraeNB.InterFreq.ExecSucc Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

00 Out successful 2 Inter-frequency
intra-eNodeB Handover
inter-frequency TDLBFD-00201
outgoing 802 Coverage Based
handovers in a Inter-frequency
cell Handover

15267270 L.HHO.IntereNB.IntraFreq.PrepAttOut Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

01 inter-eNodeB 1 Intra-frequency
intra-frequency Handover
outgoing TDLBFD-00201
handover 801 Coverage Based
attempts Intra-frequency

in a cell

15267270 L.HHO.IntereNB.IntraFreq.ExecAttOut Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

02 performed 1 Intra-frequency
inter-eNodeB Handover
intra-frequency TDLBFD-00201
outgoing 801 Coverage Based

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-4

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion
handovers in a Intra-frequency
cell Handover

15267270 L.HHO.IntereNB.IntraFreq.ExecSucc Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

03 Out successful 1 Intra-frequency
inter-eNodeB Handover
intra-frequency TDLBFD-00201
outgoing 801 Coverage Based
handovers in a Intra-frequency
cell Handover

15267270 L.HHO.IntereNB.InterFreq.PrepAttOut Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

04 inter-eNodeB 2 Inter-frequency
inter-frequency Handover
outgoing TDLBFD-00201
handover 802 Coverage Based
attempts Inter-frequency

in a cell

15267270 L.HHO.IntereNB.InterFreq.ExecAttOut Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

05 performed 2 Inter-frequency
inter-eNodeB Handover
inter-frequency TDLBFD-00201
outgoing 802 Coverage Based
handovers in a Inter-frequency
cell Handover

15267270 L.HHO.IntereNB.InterFreq.ExecSucc Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

06 Out successful 2 Inter-frequency
inter-eNodeB Handover
inter-frequency TDLBFD-00201
outgoing 802 Coverage Based
handovers in a Inter-frequency
cell Handover

15267270 Intra-frequency Handover Success Success rate of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

31 Rate intra-frequency 1 Intra-frequency
handovers Handover
801 Coverage Based

15267270 Inter-frequency Handover Success Success rate of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

32 Rate inter-frequency 1 Intra-frequency
handovers Handover
801 Coverage Based

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion

15267270 Handover from E-UTRAN to Success rate of LOFD-001021 PS Inter-RAT

33 CDMA2000 Success Rate inter-RAT Mobility between
handovers from LOFD-001035 E-UTRAN and
network CS Fallback to
CDMA2000 1xRTT

15267270 Handover from E-UTRAN to WCDMA Success rate of LOFD-001019 PS Inter-RAT

34 Success Rate inter-RAT Mobility between
handovers from LOFD-001022 E-UTRAN and
WCDMA network
9 CS Fallback to
2 PS Inter-RAT
TDLOFD-00103 Mobility between
3 E-UTRAN and
CS Fallback to

15267270 Handover from E-UTRAN to GERAN Success rate of LOFD-001020 PS Inter-RAT

35 Success Rate inter-RAT Mobility between
handovers from LOFD-001023 E-UTRAN and
TDLOFD-00102 PS Inter-RAT
3 Mobility between

15267272 L.IRATHO.E2T.PrepAttOut Number of LOFD-001019 PS Inter-RAT

26 Outgoing Mobility between
Handover LOFD-001022 E-UTRAN and
Attempts from TDLOFD-00101 UTRAN
E-UTRAN to 9
TDLOFD-00102 PS Inter-RAT
2 Mobility between

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-6

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion

15267272 L.IRATHO.E2T.ExecAttOut Number of LOFD-001019 PS Inter-RAT

27 Performed Mobility between
Outgoing LOFD-001022 E-UTRAN and
Handovers from TDLOFD-00101 UTRAN
E-UTRAN to 9
TDLOFD-00102 PS Inter-RAT
2 Mobility between

15267272 L.IRATHO.E2T.ExecSuccOut Number of LOFD-001019 PS Inter-RAT

28 Successful Mobility between
Outgoing LOFD-001022 E-UTRAN and
Handovers from TDLOFD-00101 UTRAN
E-UTRAN to 9
TDLOFD-00102 PS Inter-RAT
2 Mobility between

15267272 L.HHO.IntraeNB.PrepAttIn Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

53 intra-eNodeB 1 Intra-frequency
incoming Handover
handover LBFD-0020180
attempts in a cell 2 Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267272 L.HHO.IntraeNB.ExecAttIn Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

54 performed 1 Intra-frequency
intra-eNodeB Handover
incoming LBFD-0020180
handovers in a 2 Coverage Based

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-7

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion
cell TDLBFD-00201 Inter-frequency
801 Handover
TDLBFD-00201 Coverage Based
802 Intra-frequency
Coverage Based

15267272 L.HHO.IntraeNB.ExecSuccIn Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

55 successful 1 Intra-frequency
intra-eNodeB Handover
incoming LBFD-0020180
handovers in a 2 Coverage Based
cell Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267272 L.HHO.IntereNB.PrepAttIn Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

56 inter-eNodeB 1 Intra-frequency
incoming Handover
handover LBFD-0020180
attempts in a cell 2 Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267272 L.HHO.IntereNB.ExecAttIn Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

57 performed 1 Intra-frequency
inter-eNodeB Handover
incoming LBFD-0020180
handovers in a 2 Coverage Based
cell Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-8

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion
Coverage Based

15267272 L.HHO.IntereNB.ExecSuccIn Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

58 successful 1 Intra-frequency
inter-eNodeB Handover
incoming LBFD-0020180
handovers in a 2 Coverage Based
cell Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267272 L.HHO.X2.IntraFreq.PrepAttOut Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

64 inter-eNodeB 1 Intra-frequency
intra-frequency Handover
outgoing TDLBFD-00201
handover 801 Coverage Based
attempts over the Intra-frequency
X2 interface Handover

15267272 L.HHO.X2.IntraFreq.ExecAttOut Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

65 performed 1 Intra-frequency
inter-eNodeB Handover
intra-frequency TDLBFD-00201
outgoing 801 Coverage Based
handovers over Intra-frequency
the X2 interface Handover

15267272 L.HHO.X2.IntraFreq.ExecSuccOut Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

66 successful 1 Intra-frequency
inter-eNodeB Handover
intra-frequency TDLBFD-00201
outgoing 801 Coverage Based
handovers over Intra-frequency
the X2 interface Handover

15267272 L.HHO.X2.InterFreq.PrepAttOut Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

67 inter-eNodeB 2 Inter-frequency
inter-frequency Handover
outgoing TDLBFD-00201
handover 802 Coverage Based
attempts over the Inter-frequency
X2 interface Handover

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-9

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion

15267272 L.HHO.X2.InterFreq.ExecAttOut Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

68 performed 2 Inter-frequency
inter-eNodeB Handover
inter-frequency TDLBFD-00201
outgoing 802 Coverage Based
handovers over Inter-frequency
the X2 interface Handover

15267272 L.HHO.X2.InterFreq.ExecSuccOut Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

69 successful 2 Inter-frequency
inter-eNodeB Handover
inter-frequency TDLBFD-00201
outgoing 802 Coverage Based
handovers over Inter-frequency
the X2 interface Handover

15267272 L.HHO.DRX.IntraeNB.IntraFreq.Exec Number of LBFD-002017 DRX

85 AttOut performed
intra-eNodeB LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based
intra-frequency 1 Intra-frequency
outgoing Handover
handovers in 7 DRX
the DRX state
TDLBFD-00201 Coverage Based
801 Intra-frequency

15267272 L.HHO.DRX.IntraeNB.IntraFreq.Exec Number of LBFD-002017 DRX

86 SuccOut successful
intra-eNodeB LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based
intra-frequency 1 Intra-frequency
outgoing Handover
handovers in 7 DRX
the DRX state
TDLBFD-00201 Coverage Based
801 Intra-frequency

15267272 L.HHO.DRX.IntraeNB.InterFreq.Exec Number of LBFD-002017 DRX

87 AttOut performed
intra-eNodeB LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based
inter-frequency 2 Inter-frequency
outgoing Handover
handovers in 7 DRX
the DRX state
TDLBFD-00201 Coverage Based
802 Inter-frequency

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-10

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion

15267272 L.HHO.DRX.IntraeNB.InterFreq.Exec Number of LBFD-002017 DRX

88 SuccOut successful
intra-eNodeB LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based
inter-frequency 2 Inter-frequency
outgoing Handover
handovers in 7 DRX
the DRX state
TDLBFD-00201 Coverage Based
802 Inter-frequency

15267272 L.HHO.DRX.IntereNB.IntraFreq.Exec Number of LBFD-002017 DRX

89 AttOut performed
inter-eNodeB LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based
intra-frequency 2 Inter-frequency
outgoing Handover
handovers in 802 Coverage Based
the DRX state Inter-frequency

15267272 L.HHO.DRX.IntereNB.IntraFreq.Exec Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

90 SuccOut successful 1 Intra-frequency
inter-eNodeB Handover
intra-frequency LBFD-0020180
outgoing 2 Coverage Based
handovers in Inter-frequency
LBFD-002017 Handover
the DRX state
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267272 L.HHO.DRX.IntereNB.InterFreq.Exec Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

91 AttOut performed 1 Intra-frequency
inter-eNodeB Handover
inter-frequency LBFD-0020180
outgoing 2 Coverage Based
handovers in Inter-frequency
LBFD-002017 Handover
the DRX state
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-11

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion

15267272 L.HHO.DRX.IntereNB.InterFreq.Exec Number of LBFD-002017 DRX

92 SuccOut successful
inter-eNodeB LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based
inter-frequency 2 Inter-frequency
outgoing Handover
handovers in 7 DRX
the DRX state
TDLBFD-00201 Coverage Based
801 Intra-frequency
802 Coverage Based

15267272 L.HHO.NCell.PrepAttOut Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

93 inter-specific cell 1 Intra-frequency
outgoing Handover
handover LBFD-0020180
attempts 2 Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267272 L.HHO.NCell.ExecAttOut Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

94 performed 1 Intra-frequency
inter-specific cell Handover
outgoing LBFD-0020180
handovers 2 Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267272 L.HHO.NCell.ExecSuccOut Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

95 successful 1 Intra-frequency

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-12

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion
handovers LBFD-0020180 Handover
between two 2
specific Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Inter-frequency
801 Handover
<?Pub TDLBFD-00201 Coverage Based
Caret?>cells 802 Intra-frequency
Coverage Based

15267273 L.E-RAB.NormRel.HOOut.QCI.1 Number of normal LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

17 E-RAB releases 1 Intra-frequency
for outgoing Handover
handovers of LBFD-0020180
services with the 2 Coverage Based
QCI of 1 Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267273 L.E-RAB.NormRel.HOOut.QCI.2 Number of normal LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

18 E-RAB releases 1 Intra-frequency
for outgoing Handover
handovers of LBFD-0020180
services with the 2 Coverage Based
QCI of 2 Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267273 L.E-RAB.NormRel.HOOut.QCI.3 Number of normal LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

19 E-RAB releases 1 Intra-frequency
for outgoing Handover
handovers of LBFD-0020180
services with the 2 Coverage Based
QCI of 3 Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-13

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267273 L.E-RAB.NormRel.HOOut.QCI.4 Number of normal LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

20 E-RAB releases 1 Intra-frequency
for outgoing Handover
handovers of LBFD-0020180
services with the 2 Coverage Based
QCI of 4 Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267273 L.E-RAB.NormRel.HOOut.QCI.5 Number of normal LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

21 E-RAB releases 1 Intra-frequency
for outgoing Handover
handovers of LBFD-0020180
services with the 2 Coverage Based
QCI of 5 Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267273 L.E-RAB.NormRel.HOOut.QCI.6 Number of normal LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

22 E-RAB releases 1 Intra-frequency
for outgoing Handover
handovers of LBFD-0020180
services with the 2 Coverage Based
QCI of 6 Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-14

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Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion

15267273 L.E-RAB.NormRel.HOOut.QCI.7 Number of normal LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

23 E-RAB releases 1 Intra-frequency
for outgoing Handover
handovers of LBFD-0020180
services with the 2 Coverage Based
QCI of 7 Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267273 L.E-RAB.NormRel.HOOut.QCI.8 Number of normal LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

24 E-RAB releases 1 Intra-frequency
for outgoing Handover
handovers of LBFD-0020180
services with the 2 Coverage Based
QCI of 8 Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267273 L.E-RAB.NormRel.HOOut.QCI.9 Number of normal LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

25 E-RAB releases 1 Intra-frequency
for outgoing Handover
handovers of LBFD-0020180
services with the 2 Coverage Based
QCI of 9 Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267273 L.E-RAB.AbnormRel.HOOut.QCI.1 Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

26 abnormal E-RAB 1 Intra-frequency
releases for Handover
outgoing LBFD-0020180
handovers of 2 Coverage Based
services with the Inter-frequency

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-15

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion
QCI of 1 TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267273 L.E-RAB.AbnormRel.HOOut.QCI.2 Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

27 abnormal E-RAB 1 Intra-frequency
releases for Handover
outgoing LBFD-0020180
handovers of 2 Coverage Based
services with the Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
QCI of 2 801
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267273 L.E-RAB.AbnormRel.HOOut.QCI.3 Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

28 abnormal E-RAB 1 Intra-frequency
releases for Handover
outgoing LBFD-0020180
handovers of 2 Coverage Based
services with the Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
QCI of 3 801
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267273 L.E-RAB.AbnormRel.HOOut.QCI.4 Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

29 abnormal E-RAB 1 Intra-frequency
releases for Handover
outgoing LBFD-0020180
handovers of 2 Coverage Based
services with the Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
QCI of 4 801
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-16

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion

15267273 L.E-RAB.AbnormRel.HOOut.QCI.5 Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

30 abnormal E-RAB 1 Intra-frequency
releases for Handover
outgoing LBFD-0020180
handovers of 2 Coverage Based
services with the Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
QCI of 5 801
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267273 L.E-RAB.AbnormRel.HOOut.QCI.6 Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

31 abnormal E-RAB 1 Intra-frequency
releases for Handover
outgoing LBFD-0020180
handovers of 2 Coverage Based
services with the Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
QCI of 6 801
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267273 L.E-RAB.AbnormRel.HOOut.QCI.7 Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

32 abnormal E-RAB 1 Intra-frequency
releases for Handover
outgoing LBFD-0020180
handovers of 2 Coverage Based
services with the Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
QCI of 7 801
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267273 L.E-RAB.AbnormRel.HOOut.QCI.8 Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

33 abnormal E-RAB 1 Intra-frequency
releases for

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-17

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion
outgoing LBFD-0020180 Handover
handovers of 2
services with the Coverage Based
QCI of 8 TDLBFD-00201 Inter-frequency
801 Handover
TDLBFD-00201 Coverage Based
802 Intra-frequency
Coverage Based

15267273 L.E-RAB.AbnormRel.HOOut.QCI.9 Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

34 abnormal E-RAB 1 Intra-frequency
releases for Handover
outgoing LBFD-0020180
handovers of 2 Coverage Based
services with the Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
QCI of 9 801
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267281 L.HHO.Ncell.PingPongHo Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

73 ping-pong 1 Intra-frequency
handovers Handover
between two LBFD-0020180
specific cells 2 Coverage Based
LOFD-001019 Handover
LOFD-001020 PS Inter-RAT
LOFD-001021 Mobility between
PS Inter-RAT
TDLBFD-00201 Mobility between
802 E-UTRAN and
9 PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between
TDLOFD-00102 E-UTRAN and
0 CDMA2000
Coverage Based

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-18

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion
Coverage Based
PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between
PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between

15267282 L.HHO.BlindHO.PrepAttOut Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

29 outgoing blind 2 Inter-frequency
handover Handover
attempts in a cell TDLBFD-00201
802 Coverage Based

15267282 L.HHO.BlindHO.ExecAttOut Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

30 executed 2 Inter-frequency
outgoing blind Handover
handovers in a TDLBFD-00201
cell 802 Coverage Based

15267282 L.HHO.BlindHO.ExecSuccOut Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

31 successful 2 Inter-frequency
outgoing blind Handover
handovers in a TDLBFD-00201
cell 802 Coverage Based

15267282 L.E-RAB.AttEst.HOIn Total number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

44 E-RAB setup 1 Intra-frequency
attempts for Handover
incoming LBFD-0020180
handovers 2 Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-19

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion

15267282 L.E-RAB.SuccEst.HOIn Total number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

45 successful E-RAB 1 Intra-frequency
setups for Handover
incoming LBFD-0020180
handovers 2 Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267282 L.E-RAB.NormRel.HOOut Total number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

46 normal E-RAB 1 Intra-frequency
releases for Handover
outgoing LBFD-0020180
handovers 2 Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267282 L.E-RAB.AbnormRel.HOOut Total number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

47 abnormal E-RAB 1 Intra-frequency
releases for Handover
outgoing LBFD-0020180
handovers 2 Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267282 L.E-RAB.AttEst.HOIn.PLMN Total number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

52 E-RAB setup 1 Intra-frequency
attempts of a Handover
specified operator LBFD-0020180

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-20

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion
for incoming 2 Coverage Based
handovers Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
LOFD-001036 Coverage Based
LOFD-001037 Inter-frequency
6 RAN Sharing with
Common Carrier
Sharing with Dedic
ated Carrier
RAN Sharing with
Common Carrier
Sharing with Dedic
ated Carrier

15267282 L.E-RAB.SuccEst.HOIn.PLMN Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

53 successful E-RAB 1 Intra-frequency
setups of a Handover
specified operator LBFD-0020180
for incoming 2 Coverage Based
handovers Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
LOFD-001036 Coverage Based
LOFD-001037 Inter-frequency
6 RAN Sharing with
Common Carrier
Sharing with Dedic
ated Carrier
RAN Sharing with
Common Carrier
Sharing with Dedic
ated Carrier

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-21

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion

15267282 L.E-RAB.AbnormRel.PLMN Total number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

54 abnormal E-RAB 1 Intra-frequency
releases of a Handover
specified operator LBFD-0020180
in a cell 2 Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
LOFD-001036 Coverage Based
LOFD-001037 Inter-frequency
6 RAN Sharing with
Common Carrier
Sharing with Dedic
ated Carrier
RAN Sharing with
Common Carrier
Sharing with Dedic
ated Carrier

15267282 L.E-RAB.NormRel.PLMN Total number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

55 normal E-RAB 1 Intra-frequency
releases of a Handover
specified operator LBFD-0020180
in a cell 2 Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
LOFD-001036 Coverage Based
LOFD-001037 Inter-frequency
6 RAN Sharing with
Common Carrier
Sharing with Dedic
ated Carrier
RAN Sharing with
Common Carrier

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-22

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion
Sharing with Dedic
ated Carrier

15267282 L.HHO.Prep.FailOut.MME Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

85 outgoing 1 Intra-frequency
handover Handover
preparation LBFD-0020180
failures due to 2 Coverage Based
faults in the EPC Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267282 L.HHO.Prep.FailOut.NoReply Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

86 outgoing 1 Intra-frequency
handover Handover
preparation LBFD-0020180
failures due to no 2 Coverage Based
responses from Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
the target cell 801
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267282 L.HHO.Prep.FailOut.PrepFailure Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

87 outgoing 1 Intra-frequency
handover Handover
preparation LBFD-0020180
failures due to 2 Coverage Based
handover Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
preparation 801
failures at the Coverage Based
target cell TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

15267282 L.HHO.Prep.FailOut.HOCancel Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

outgoing Intra-frequency

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-23

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion
88 handover 1 Handover
failures due to LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based
handover 2 Inter-frequency
cancellation Handover
messages sent by 801 Coverage Based
the source cell Intra-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based

15267282 L.HHO.Prep.FailIn.AdmitFail Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

89 incoming 1 Intra-frequency
handover Handover
preparation LBFD-0020180
failures due to 2 Coverage Based
admission Inter-frequency
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based


15267282 L.HHO.Prep.FailIn.HOCancel Number of LBFD-0020180 Coverage Based

90 incoming 1 Intra-frequency
handover failures Handover
due to handover LBFD-0020180
cancellation 2 Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Handover
Coverage Based
TDLBFD-00201 Intra-frequency
802 Handover
Coverage Based

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-24

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Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion

received by the
target cell<?Pub

15267283 L.IRATHO.E2G.Prep.FailOut.MME Number of LOFD-001034 CS Fallback to

06 outgoing GERAN
handover TDLOFD-00103
preparation 4 CS Fallback to
failures from GERAN
GERAN due to TDLOFD-00102 Mobility between
faults in the EPC 0 E-UTRAN and
TDLOFD-00104 PS Inter-RAT
6 Mobility between
Service based
inter-RAT handover
Service based
inter-RAT handover
Distance based
inter-RAT handover

15267283 L.IRATHO.E2G.Prep.FailOut.NoReply Number of LOFD-001034 CS Fallback to

07 outgoing GERAN
handover TDLOFD-00103
preparation 4 CS Fallback to
failures due to no GERAN
responses from PS Inter-RAT
GERAN TDLOFD-00102 Mobility between

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-25

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion
0 E-UTRAN and
PS Inter-RAT
TDLOFD-00104 Mobility between
6 E-UTRAN and
Service based
inter-RAT handover
Service based
inter-RAT handover
Distance based
inter-RAT handover

15267283 L.IRATHO.E2G.Prep.FailOut.PrepFail Number of LOFD-001034 CS Fallback to

08 ure outgoing GERAN
handover TDLOFD-00103
preparation 4 CS Fallback to
failures due to GERAN
handover PS Inter-RAT
preparation TDLOFD-00102 Mobility between
failures in 0 E-UTRAN and
TDLOFD-00104 PS Inter-RAT
6 Mobility between
Service based
inter-RAT handover
Service based
inter-RAT handover
Distance based
inter-RAT handover

15267283 L.IRATHO.E2T.Prep.FailOut.MME Number of LOFD-001033 CS Fallback to

09 outgoing UTRAN
handover TDLOFD-00103
preparation 3 CS Fallback to
failures from UTRAN
TD-SCDMA TDLOFD-00101 Mobility between

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-26

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Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion
network due to 9 E-UTRAN and
faults in the EPC UTRAN
PS Inter-RAT
TDLOFD-00104 Mobility between
3 E-UTRAN and
Service based
inter-RAT handover
Service based
inter-RAT handover
Distance based
inter-RAT handover

15267283 L.IRATHO.E2T.Prep.FailOut.NoReply Number of LOFD-001033 CS Fallback to

10 outgoing UTRAN
handover TDLOFD-00103
preparation 3 CS Fallback to
failures due to no UTRAN
responses from PS Inter-RAT
TD-SCDMA TDLOFD-00101 Mobility between
network 9 E-UTRAN and
TDLOFD-00104 PS Inter-RAT
3 Mobility between
Service based
inter-RAT handover
Service based
inter-RAT handover
Distance based
inter-RAT handover

15267283 L.IRATHO.E2T.Prep.FailOut.PrepFailu Number of LOFD-001033 CS Fallback to

11 re outgoing UTRAN
handover TDLOFD-00103
preparation 3 CS Fallback to
failures due to UTRAN
handover PS Inter-RAT
preparation TDLOFD-00101 Mobility between

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-27

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion
failures in 9 E-UTRAN and
network LOFD-001043
PS Inter-RAT
TDLOFD-00104 Mobility between
3 E-UTRAN and
Service based
inter-RAT handover
Service based
inter-RAT handover
Distance based
inter-RAT handover

15267283 L.IRATHO.BlindHO.E2W.ExecAttOut Number of LOFD-001033 CS Fallback to

12 performed UTRAN
outgoing blind TDLOFD-00103
handovers from 3 CS Fallback to
PS Inter-RAT
TDLOFD-00101 Mobility between
9 E-UTRAN and
WCDMA network
PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between

15267283 L.IRATHO.BlindHO.E2W.ExecSuccOu Number of LOFD-001033 CS Fallback to

13 t performed UTRAN
outgoing blind TDLOFD-00103
handovers from 3 CS Fallback to
PS Inter-RAT
TDLOFD-00101 Mobility between
9 E-UTRAN and
WCDMA network
PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between

15267283 L.IRATHO.BlindHO.E2G.ExecAttOut Number of LOFD-001034 CS Fallback to

14 performed GERAN
outgoing blind TDLOFD-00103

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-28

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Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion
handovers from 4 CS Fallback to
PS Inter-RAT
TDLOFD-00102 Mobility between
0 E-UTRAN and
PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between

15267283 L.IRATHO.BlindHO.E2G.ExecSuccOu Number of LOFD-001034 CS Fallback to

15 t successful GERAN
outgoing blind TDLOFD-00103
handovers from 4 CS Fallback to
TDLOFD-00102 Mobility between
0 E-UTRAN and
PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between

15267283 L.IRATHO.E2W.Prep.FailOut.MME Number of LOFD-001033 CS Fallback to

16 outgoing UTRAN
handover TDLOFD-00103
preparation 3 CS Fallback to
failures from UTRAN
WCDMA network TDLOFD-00101 Mobility between
due to faults in the 9 E-UTRAN and
TDLOFD-00104 PS Inter-RAT
3 Mobility between
Service based
inter-RAT handover
Service based
inter-RAT handover
Distance based
inter-RAT handover

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-29

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion

15267283 L.IRATHO.E2W.Prep.FailOut.PrepFail Number of LOFD-001033 CS Fallback to

17 ure outgoing UTRAN
handover TDLOFD-00103
preparation 3 CS Fallback to
failures due to UTRAN
handover PS Inter-RAT
preparation TDLOFD-00101 Mobility between
failures in 9 E-UTRAN and
WCDMA network
TDLOFD-00104 PS Inter-RAT
3 Mobility between
Service based
inter-RAT handover
Service based
inter-RAT handover
Distance based
inter-RAT handover

15267283 L.IRATHO.E2W.Prep.FailOut.NoReply Number of LOFD-001033 CS Fallback to

18 outgoing UTRAN
handover TDLOFD-00103
preparation 3 CS Fallback to
failures due to no UTRAN
responses from PS Inter-RAT
WCDMA network TDLOFD-00101 Mobility between
9 E-UTRAN and
TDLOFD-00104 PS Inter-RAT
3 Mobility between
Service based
inter-RAT handover
Service based
inter-RAT handover
Distance based
inter-RAT handover

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-30

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Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion

15267283 L.RRCRedirection.IntraLTE Number of LBFD-002023 Admission Control

25 redirections in the
E-UTRAN TDLBFD-00202 Admission Control
Coverage Based
LBFD-0020180 Inter-frequency
2 Handover
TDLBFD-00201 Coverage Based
802 Inter-frequency
4 Distance Based

15267283 L.RRCRedirection.E2W Number of LOFD-001033 CS Fallback to

26 redirections to UTRAN
WCDMA network TDLOFD-00103
3 CS Fallback to
Flash CS Fallback
Flash CS Fallback
LOFD-001019 to UTRAN
TDLOFD-00101 PS Inter-RAT
9 Mobility between
LOFD-001072 E-UTRAN and
PS Inter-RAT
TDLOFD-00104 Mobility between
3 E-UTRAN and
Distance based
inter-RAT handover
Service based
inter-RAT handover
Service based
inter-RAT handover

15267283 L.RRCRedirection.E2G Number of LOFD-001034 CS Fallback to

27 redirections to GERAN
CS Fallback to

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-31

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion
LOFD-001053 Flash CS Fallback
3 Flash CS Fallback
PS Inter-RAT
TDLOFD-00102 Mobility between
0 E-UTRAN and
LOFD-001046 PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between
TDLOFD-00104 E-UTRAN and
Distance based
inter-RAT handover
Service based
inter-RAT handover
Service based
inter-RAT handover

15267283 L.IRATHO.BlindHO.E2W.PrepAttOut Number of LOFD-001033 CS Fallback to

28 outgoing blind UTRAN
handover TDLOFD-00103
attempts from 3 CS Fallback to
PS Inter-RAT
TDLOFD-00101 Mobility between
9 E-UTRAN and
WCDMA network
PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between

15267283 L.IRATHO.BlindHO.E2G.PrepAttOut Number of LOFD-001034 CS Fallback to

29 outgoing blind GERAN
handover TDLOFD-00103
attempts from 4 CS Fallback to
PS Inter-RAT
TDLOFD-00102 Mobility between
0 E-UTRAN and

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-32

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion
PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between

15267283 L.RRCRedirection.E2W.PrepAtt Number of LOFD-001033 CS Fallback to

30 redirection UTRAN
preparations to TDLOFD-00103
WCDMA network 3 CS Fallback to
Flash CS Fallback
Flash CS Fallback
LOFD-001019 to UTRAN
TDLOFD-00101 PS Inter-RAT
9 Mobility between
LOFD-001072 E-UTRAN and
PS Inter-RAT
TDLOFD-00104 Mobility between
3 E-UTRAN and
Distance based
inter-RAT handover
Service based
inter-RAT handover
Service based
inter-RAT handover

15267283 L.RRCRedirection.E2G.PrepAtt Number of LOFD-001034 CS Fallback to

31 redirection GERAN
preparations to TDLOFD-00103
GERAN 4 CS Fallback to
Flash CS Fallback
Flash CS Fallback
LOFD-001020 to GERAN
TDLOFD-00102 PS Inter-RAT
0 Mobility between

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-33

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion
LOFD-001046 PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between
TDLOFD-00104 E-UTRAN and
Distance based
inter-RAT handover
Service based
inter-RAT handover
Service based
inter-RAT handover

15267287 L.MeasCtrl.WCDMA.Add Number of LOFD-001019 PS Inter-RAT

42 coverage Mobility between
triggered UTRAN TDLOFD-00101 E-UTRAN and
measurement 9 UTRAN
control times in a
cell. PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between

15267287 L.MeasCtrl.GERAN.Add Number of LOFD-001020 PS Inter-RAT

43 coverage Mobility between
triggered GERAN TDLOFD-00102 E-UTRAN and
measurement 0 GERAN
control times in a
cell. PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between

15267287 L.UECNTX.Release.DurMeasU Number of UE LBFD-002008 Radio Bearer

44 context release Management
times during LOFD-001019
coverage PS Inter-RAT
TDLBFD-00200 Mobility between
triggered UTRAN 8
measurement in a E-UTRAN and
cell TDLOFD-00101 UTRAN
9 Radio Bearer
PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-34

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 11 Counters

Counter Counter Name Counter Descrip Feature ID Feature Name
ID tion

15267287 L.UECNTX.Release.DurMeasG Number of UE LBFD-002008 Radio Bearer

45 context release Management
times during LOFD-001020
coverage PS Inter-RAT
TDLBFD-00200 Mobility between
triggered GERAN 8
measurement in a E-UTRAN and
cell TDLOFD-00102 GERAN
0 Radio Bearer
PS Inter-RAT
Mobility between

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11-35

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 12 Glossary

12 Glossary
For the acronyms, abbreviations, terms, and definitions, see Glossary.

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mobility Management in Connected Mode 13 Reference Documents

13 Reference Documents
This chapter lists the reference documents related to mobility management in connected mode:
[1] 3GPP TS 36.331, "RRC Protocol Specification"
[2] 3GPP TS 36.300, "E-UTRAN Overall description"
[3] 3GPP TS 36.423, "X2 Application Protocol"
[4] 3GPP TS 36.413, "S1 Application Protocol"
[5] 3GPP TS 23.203, "Policy and charging control architecture"
[6] 3GPP TS 36.104, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception"
[7] 3GPP TS 23.401, "General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) enhancements for Evolved Universal
Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) access"
[8] eNodeB Performance Counter Reference
[9] eNodeB MO Reference
[10] Idle Mode Management Feature Parameter Description
[11] ANR Management Feature Parameter Description
[12] MLB Feature Parameter Description
[13] ICIC Feature Parameter Description
[14] S1/X2/OM Channel Management Feature Parameter Description
[15] eNodeB Initial Configuration Guide
[16] eNodeB Reconfiguration Guide

Issue 07 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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