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Products of note: thioridazine HCl – Anti Psychotic

DDT - Dr. Paul Muller of Geigy (Associated with Polio) LSD 1938 (Sandoz) - Trade name Delysid
Clioquinol - (Neurotoxic disorders and Polio) Saccharin – “Sugar replacement” – reported cancer issues
Malathion - (Neurotoxic disorders) – alternate pyrethrum Gerber Baby Food – Now Nestle
Ritalin (Neurotransmitters) – alternate diet, and homeopathic remedies Syngenta - Line of Agri-products Google Me
Influenza Vaccine - 2004 stock contaminated and condemned AstraZeneca – Chemical Company Google Me
H1N1 Vaccine – Reverse engineered / 1918 Spanish Flu DNA Advanta Seeds – Agri Business
MF59 - Squalene Adjuvant (oil/water) Google Me Chiron Corporation – Bio Pharmaceuticals

Questions we would like you to answer and reflect on:

“what is the primary purpose of Novartis?”
“what is your primary responsibility to; the people who buy your drugs? your share holders? the people
who use your drugs?”
“if you found an open-license, non-patentable herb/substance/chemical that would 100% cure cancer,
would you market and sell it?”
“would you market and sell a drug that would cure cancer at any level (not mediate but cure)?”
“would you market and sell drugs that would assist the patient in giving the body the ability to heal
“Do any of your drugs actually work to cure, or fix problems, or just mediate or slow down a problem?”
“Since people take your drugs to fix problems, where are the now healthy people that are not taking your
drugs any more? Any at all? why?”
“how much money does your company need from the government to make a profit?”
“Can your drugs be used along-side homeopathic remedies and natural medicine? Why? Why Not?”
- Chiron maintained P.O. Box in Emeryville CA - LSD 1938 Trade name Delysid
o Now used by Novartis and patent application - Used by Dr. Josef Mangele in German concentration camps
- Second largest Influenza vaccine manufacturer - Used in MKULTRA and Project Monarch during Vietnam
- Do research into, which spun off BASF, and beyond
AGFA, Bayer, and Hoechst - Review “Operation paperclip” for Nazi immigration into
- Ciba is now integrated into BASF Chemicals CIA Google Me
Google Me - Made Saccharin (reportedly promotes cancer)

1758 – 1859 [Started as Geigy manufacturing dyes and dyemaking]

1859 – 1886 [Merged with Ciba, also making dyes]
1886 – 1895 [Sandoz is founded also creating dyes and chemicals]
1895 – 1901 [these companies start making pharmaceutical drugs like saccharin, antipyrine, vioform, salen, etc.]
1901 – 1970 [various pharma, insecticides and chemical products produced]
1939 [Geigy discovers DDT and scientist Paul Muller gets the Nobel Prize]
NOTE: Ciba-Geigy (once J.R. Geigy, now Novartis) created and markets both DDT and Clioquinol
both of these are (5 Chlorine) chlorohydrocarbons, nerve toxins.
1942-1962 [is the period of the last polio epidemic in the U.S.]
1942-1962 [This is both the era of "Pesticides as a Panacea", and the era of "apparently trouble-free acceptance of DDT"
(Van Nostrand's Encyclopedia of Science and Engineering (1995), p1725).] Google Me [Follow this link for direct scientific comparisons]
1970 [Ciba and Geigy merge] [it happens that DDT had its license revoked this year]
1975 [Sandoz acquires Rogers Seed Company and then Northrup King, and then Funk] Google Me
1993 [Sandoz starts purchasing food companies like Wasa and Gerber]
1996 [Sandoz and Ciba-Giegy merge into Novartis]
1996 – 2001 [Syngenta is created through the merger of the agri business units of Novartis and AstraZeneca] Google Me
2002 [Novartis gets into the Biomedical research field]
2007-2009 [Novartis gets multi-million dollar contracts for flu research, facilities, and vaccine production]

· Ciba-Geigy and Sandoz were originally German entities and integral pillars of the massive Rothschild and Rockefeller “Syndicate of
Dyestuff-Industry Corporations” or German for “Interessen Gemeinschatt (Syndicate) Farben (Dyestuffs) - or I.G. Farben for short.
·Look it up, the data is endless, but I.G. Farben and its Swiss Bank accounts was the primary funding vehicle for the Third Reich.
Without the help from U.S. dominated interested of the Rockefellers, Rothchilds, Warburg, Mellon, Chase, Morgan, IBM, I.G. Farben
and others, Hitler would never have risen to the power level he did.
For all intents and purposes the Rockefellers, Rothchilds, and I.G. Farben WERE the Third Reich. Google Me
Daniel Vasella - President of Novartis attended Bilderberg in 2004 and 2009.
Google “Bilderberg Group” for more information.
In May 2009 Daniel Vasella was at Bilderberg, ask him what that was about. Google Me
by mid-June, Novartis announced an early release of the swine flu vaccine
Two months after he attended Bilderberg in Athens, the U.S. bought $690 million in swine flu vaccines from Novartis.


The so-called “Swine Flu” circa 2009 is actually a recombinant, or “split-influenza” virus consisting of A-strain Bird-Flu (H5N1),
Swine Flu (H1N1) and multiple strains of human flu (H3N2). “Coincidently” the 1918 Killer Flu that killed untold millions of people
was a recombinant or “split-influenza” virus composed of Bird flu, Swine Flu, and multiple strains of human flu.
Another important “coincidence” is that Novartis applied for a vaccine patent on 2/19/2009 for just such a virus. On Feb 19, 2009 the
patent office issued patent 20090047353A1 for a “Split Influenza Vaccine with Adjuvants”. Google Me

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