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GERMAN DEMOCRATIC 10N10 A120 25pf orange yel .20 .25 1949 1950-51 Wmk. 292 Perf. 13x12 1/2
10N11 A122 30pf red .25 .25 10N46 OS4 24pf carmine rose .35 1.50 54 A9 12pf dark blue 20.00 1.60
REPUBLIC 10N12 A121 40pf red violet .20 .25 Never hinged .85 55 A9 24pf red brown 25.00 1.00
10N13 A123 50pf ultra .20 .50
LOCATION — Eastern Germany 10N14 A122 60pf red brown .25 .50 Perf. 13x13 1/2
a. 60pf brown red 22.50 75.00 Overprinted in Black: “3. Deutscher
GOVT. — Republic Volkskongress 29.-30. Mai 1949” 56 A10 1m olive green 24.00 4.00
10N15 A122 80pf dark blue .65 .65
AREA — 41,659 sq. mi. 10N16 A122 84pf emerald .65 .90 1949, May 29 Litho.
POP. — 16,701,500 (1983) Nos. 10N1-10N16 (16) 4.20 5.15 10N47 OS4 24pf carmine rose .50 2.10 57 A10 2m red brown 16.00 3.75
Set, never hinged 6.50
CAPITAL — Berlin (Soviet sector) Never hinged 1.25 Engr.
Same Overprint on Numeral Stamps Nos. 10N46 and 10N47 were issued for the 57A A10 5m deep blue (’51) 6.25 1.25
100 Pfennigs = 1 Deutsche Mark 3rd German People’s Congress.
(East) of Germany, 1946 Nos. 54-57A (5) 91.25 11.60
1948, Sept. See Nos. 113-117, 120-121.
100 Pfennigs = 1 Mark of the
Deutsche Notenbank (MDN) (1965) 10N17 A119 5pf yellow grn .20 .55
10N18 A119 30pf olive .30 1.60
100 Pfennigs = 1 Mark of the National 10N19 A119 45pf brt red .20 .55 GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC
Bank (M) (1969) 10N20 A119 75pf deep ultra .20 .65
100 Pfennigs = 1 Deutsche Mark 10N21 A119 84pf emerald .30 1.25
Nos. 10N17-10N21 (5) 1.20 4.60 Catalogue values for unused
(West) (1990) Set, never hinged 2.50 stamps in this section, from this
Nos 10N1-10N21 all exist with inverted point to the end of the section, are
Catalogue values for unused overprint, and majority with double overprint. for Never Hinged items.
stamps in this country are for
Never Hinged items, beginning
with Scott 48 in the regular post- Same Overprint on Berlin-Brandenburg Leonhard Miner — A12
age section, Scott B14 in the semi- Nos. 11N1-11N7 Canceled to Order Euler — A11
postal section, Scott C1 in the air- Unwmk. The government stamp agency
post section, and Scott O1 official started in 1949 to sell canceled sets of
1948, Sept. Litho. Perf. 14 new issues. Portraits: 5pf, Alexander von Humboldt. 6pf,
section. 10N22 OS1 5pf green .20 .50 Theodor Mommsen. 8pf, Wilhelm von Hum-
a. Serrate roulette .20 .50 Used values are for CTO’s for Nos. boldt. 10pf, H. L. F. von Helmholtz. 12pf, Max
10N23 OS1 6pf violet .20 .50 48-2831, except for souvenir sheets, Planck. 16pf, Jacob Grimm. 20pf, W. H.
Watermarks 10N24 OS1 8pf red .20 .50 which are valued as postally used. Nernst. 24pf, Gottfried von Leibnitz. 50pf,
10N25 OS1 10pf brown .20 .50 Adolf von Harnack.
Watermark 292, see Germany. 10N26 OS1 12pf rose .20 .95
10N27 OS1 20pf blue .20 .85 Wmk. 292
10N28 OS1 30pf olive .20 .95 1950, July 10 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2
Nos. 10N22-10N28 (7) 1.40 4.75 58 A11 1pf gray 3.75 1.25
Set, never hinged 2.25
59 A11 5pf dp green 4.50 3.75
The overprint made #10N22-10N28 valid for 60 A11 6pf purple 9.00 3.75
postage throughout the Russian Zone. 61 A11 8pf orange brn 14.00 9.00
62 A11 10pf dk gray grn 12.50 9.00
Pigeon, 63 A11 12pf dk blue 11.50 2.50
Letter 64 A11 16pf Prus blue 15.00 22.50
and 65 A11 20pf violet brn 14.00 15.00
66 A11 24pf red 15.00 2.50
Globe 67 A11 50pf dp ultra 22.50 20.00
Wmk. 297- A5 Nos. 58-67 (10) 121.75 89.25
DDR and Post Set, hinged 40.00
Horn Wmk. Flowers Multiple (292)
Gerhard 250th anniv. of the founding of the Academy
Hauptmann — OS2 1949, Oct. 9 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2 of Science, Berlin.
48 A5 50pf lt blue & dk blue 8.25 8.25 See Nos. 352-354.
Designs: 2pf, 20pf, Käthe Kollwitz. 40pf, 75th anniv. of the UPU.
Gerhard Hauptmann. 8pf, 50pf, Karl Marx. 1950, Sept. 1 Perf. 13
10pf, 84pf, August Bebel. 12pf, 30pf, Friedrich
Engels. 15pf, 60pf, G. W. F. Hegel. 16pf, 25pf, Design: 24pf, Smelting copper.
Rudolf Virchow. 2pf, 20pf, Käthe Kollwitz. 68 A12 12pf blue 4.50 6.25
24pf, 80pf, Ernst Thälmann. 69 A12 24pf dark red 7.00 7.00
Perf. 13x12 1/2 750th anniv. of the opening of the Mann-
Wmk. 313- sfeld copper mines.
1948 Typo. Wmk. 292
Quatrefoil and 10N29 OS2 2pf gray .25 .25
DDR 10N30 OS2 6pf violet .25 .25
10N31 OS2 8pf red brn .25 .30
10N32 OS2 10pf blue grn .20 .30 Letter Skier — A7
10N33 OS2 12pf blue 1.60 .30 Carriers — A6
FOR USE IN ALL PROVINCES IN 10N34 OS2 15pf brown .20 1.25
THE RUSSIAN ZONE 10N35 OS2 16pf turquoise .20 .50
10N36 OS2 20pf maroon .20 .75 1949, Oct. 27 Perf. 13
10N37 OS2 24pf carmine 1.60 .30 49 A6 12pf blue 6.25 6.25 Symbols of a
10N38 OS2 25pf olive grn .40 1.60 50 A6 30pf red 10.00 12.50 Democratic
10N39 OS2 30pf red 1.25 1.25 “Day of the International Postal Workers’ Vote — A13
10N40 OS2 40pf red violet 1.25 .75 Trade Union,” October 27-29, 1949.
10N41 OS2 50pf dk ultra .25 .45
10N42 OS2 60pf dull green 1.60 .45
10N43 OS2 80pf dark blue .50 .45 1950, Mar. 2 Perf. 13
10N44 OS2 84pf brown lake 1.10 2.25
Nos. 10N29-10N44 (16) 11.10 11.40 51 A7 12pf shown 5.00 3.00
Set, never hinged 25.00 52 A7 24pf Skater 6.25 5.00
See German Democratic Republic #122-136. 1st German Winter Sport Championship
Matches, Schierke, 1950.
Hand Between
Dove and
When the mark was revalued in June, Tank — A14
1948, a provisional overprint, consisting
of various city and town names and 1950, Sept. 28
post office or zone numerals, was Karl 70 A13 24pf brown red 12.50 3.75
applied by hand in black, violet or blue Liebknecht
and Rosa Publicizing the election of Oct. 15, 1950.
at innumerable post offices to their
stocks. Luxemburg Globe and
OS3 Sun — A8 1950, Dec. 15 Litho. Perf. 13
Designs show hand shielding dove from:
Perf. 13 /2x13 1
1950, May 1 Typo. 8pf, Exploding shell. 12pf, Atomic explosion.
1949, Jan. 15 Litho. Wmk. 292 53 A8 30pf deep carmine 16.00 12.50 24pf, Cemetery.
10N45 OS3 24pf rose .20 .55 71 A14 6pf violet blue 3.00 2.75
Germany Nos. 557 to Never hinged .30 60th anniv. of Labor Day.
72 A14 8pf brown 3.00 1.25
573 Overprinted in 30th anniv. of the death of Karl Liebknecht 73 A14 12pf blue 4.50 2.75
Black and Rosa Luxemburg, German socialists. 74 A14 24pf red 4.50 1.25
Nos. 71-74 (4) 15.00 8.00
Issued to publicize the “Fight for Peace.”

1948, July 3 Wmk. 284 Perf. 14

10N1 A120 2pf brown blk .20 .20
10N2 A120 6pf purple .20 .20
10N3 A121 8pf red .20 .20
10N4 A121 10pf yellow grn .20 .20
10N5 A122 12pf gray .20 .20 A9 Pres. Wilhelm
Dove and Pieck — A10
10N6 A120 15pf chocolate .20 .20 Laurel — OS4
10N7 A123 16pf dk blue grn .20 .25
10N8 A121 20pf blue .20 .20 Tobogganing
10N9 A123 24pf brown org .20 .20 A15
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
Design: 24pf, Ski jump. 1951, Aug. 3
1951, Feb. 3 Litho. Perf. 13 Grayish Paper, Except 30pf
76 A15 12pf blue 7.00 6.25 85 A20 12pf choc & org brn 9.50 5.00
77 A15 24pf rose 9.00 7.50 86 A20 24pf dk car & yel grn 9.50 3.00
87 A20 30pf dk bl grn & org
Issued to publicize the second Winter brn, cit 11.50 6.25
Sports Championship Matches at Oberhof. 88 A20 50pf vio bl & dk car 11.50 6.25 Halle
Nos. 85-88 (4) 42.00 20.50 University — A32
3rd World Youth Festival, Berlin, 1951.
Cyclists — A27
1952, Oct. 18 Photo.
1951, Sept. 2 Typo. Wmk. 292 111 A32 24pf green 1.60 .75
89 A21 24pf multicolored 3.75 1.60 450th anniv. of the founding of Halle Univer-
sity, Wittenberg.
East Germany’s Five-Year Plan.

1951, Mar. 4 Wmk. 292 Perf. 13 Gottwald — A28
78 A16 24pf rose carmine 14.00 12.50
79 A16 50pf violet blue 14.00 12.50 1952, May 5 Photo. Perf. 13x13 1/2
Issued to publicize the 1951 Leipzig Fair. 98 A27 12pf blue 2.75 1.10
5th International Bicycle Peace Race, War-
saw-Berlin-Prague. Stamp, Flags,
Wreath, Dove and
Karl Hammer — A33
Liebknecht — A22 1952, May 1
99 A28 24pf violet blue 2.25 1.50 1952, Oct. 26
Friendship between German Democratic 112 A33 24pf red brown 1.90 .80
Republic and Czechoslovakia. Stamp Day, Oct. 26, 1952.

Type of 1952 Pieck Types of 1950

Father and
Children with Portraits: 6pf, G. F. Handel. 8pf, Albert
Lortzing. 50pf, C. M. von Weber. Perf. 13x12 1/2
Stamp Collection 1952-53 Wmk. 297 Typo.
Pres. Wilhelm Pieck and Pres. A23 1952, July 5 Litho. Wmk. 297 113 A9 5pf blue green 8.25 2.25
Boleslaw Bierut Shaking Hands Across 100 A26 6pf brn buff & choc 1.90 1.25 114 A9 12pf dark blue 20.00 1.25
Oder-Neisse Frontier — A17 1951, Oct. 7 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13 101 A26 8pf pink & dp rose pink 2.50 2.25 115 A9 24pf red brown 16.00 1.00
90 A22 24pf red & blue gray 4.00 1.90 102 A26 50pf bl gray & dp bl 2.50 2.50 Perf. 13x13 1/2
1951, Apr. 22 Perf. 13 Nos. 100-102 (3) 6.90 6.00
Karl Liebknecht, socialist, 80th birth anniv. 116 A10 1m olive green 25.00 13.00
80 A17 24pf scarlet 16.00 15.00
81 A17 50pf blue 16.00 15.00
1951, Oct. 28 Perf. 13 Litho. Perf. 13
Visit of Pres. Boleslaw Bierut of Poland to
the Russian Zone of Germany. 117 A10 2m red brown (’53) 21.00 2.50
91 A23 12pf deep blue 4.00 1.90 Nos. 113-117 (5) 90.25 20.00
Stamp Day, Oct. 28, 1951. Set, hinged 29.00

Hugo — A29

Portraits: 20pf, Leonardo da Vinci. 24pf,

Nicolai Gogol. 35pf, Avicenna.
Wmk. 292
Stalin 1952, Aug. 11 Photo. Perf. 13 Globe, Dove and
and 103 A29 12pf brown 2.50 3.75 St. Stephen’s
Wilhelm 104 A29 20pf green 2.50 3.75 Cathedral — A34
Mao Tse-tung Pieck 105 A29 24pf rose 2.50 3.75
A18 A24 106 A29 35pf blue 3.75 5.00
Nos. 103-106 (4) 11.25 16.25
Design: 12pf, Pavel Bykov and Erich Wirth.

92 A24 12pf deep blue 3.75 3.00
93 A24 24pf red 3.75 4.50
Month of East German-Soviet friendship. Pres. Wilhelm
Issue dates: 12pf, Dec. 15, 24pf, Dec. 1. Pieck — A35
Machine, Globe
and Dove — A30 1952, Dec. 8 Photo. Perf. 13
118 A34 24pf brt carmine 1.25 1.90
119 A34 35pf deep blue 1.25 3.00
Redistribution of Chinese Land — A19 1952, Sept. 7 Wmk. 297 Perf. 13
Issued to publicize the Congress of Nations
108 A30 24pf red 1.75 .65 for Peace, Vienna, Dec. 12-19, 1952.
109 A30 35pf deep blue 1.75 1.40
1951, June 27 Perf. 13
82 A18 12pf dark green 70.00 19.00 Issued to publicize the 1952 Leipzig Fair.
83 A19 24pf deep carmine 90.00 24.00 Winter Sports 1953 Perf. 13x13 1/2
84 A18 50pf violet blue 70.00 24.00 Championship 120 A35 1m olive 11.50 .45
a. 1m dark olive 16.00 1.90
Nos. 82-84 (3) 230.00 67.00 Matches, Oberhof,
Set, hinged 110.00 121 A35 2m red brown 7.50 .35
1952 — A25 See Nos. 339-340, 532.
Issued to publicize East Germany’s friend-
ship toward Communist China. Design: 12pf, Skier. 24pf, Ski jump.
Portrait Types of Russian
1952, Jan. 12 Wmk. 292 Occupation, 1948
94 A25 12pf blue green 4.50 3.00 Designs as before.
95 A25 24pf deep blue 4.50 3.00 Friedrich Ludwig
Jahn — A31 Perf. 13x12 1/2
1953 Typo. Wmk. 297
1952, Oct. 15 Litho. 122 OS2 2pf gray 2.10 1.90
110 A31 12pf blue 1.60 .75 123 OS2 6pf purple 2.10 1.60
124 OS2 8pf red brown 1.40 1.60
Jahn (1778-1852), introduced gymnastics to 125 OS2 10pf blue grn 2.40 2.50
Germany, and was a politician. 126 OS2 15pf brown 9.00 10.00
Boy Raising Flag 5-Year Plan 127 OS2 16pf turquoise 3.50 2.50
128 OS2 20pf maroon 5.50 1.25
A20 Symbolism Ludwig van 129 OS2 25pf olive grn 150.00 175.00
A21 Beethoven, 125th 130 OS2 30pf red 11.00 6.25
Death Anniv. — A26 131 OS2 40pf red violet 2.10 2.10
Design: 24pf, 50pf, Girls dancing. 132 OS2 50pf dk ultra 18.00 14.00
133 OS2 60pf dull green 3.50 2.10
1952, Mar. 26 Perf. 13 1/2 134 OS2 80pf dark blue 4.75 1.40
a. Varnish coating, dark ul-
Design: 12pf, Beethoven full face. tramarine 8.00 7.50
135 OS2 80pf crimson 9.00 6.25
96 A26 12pf bl gray & vio bl 1.60 .50 136 OS2 84pf brown lake 42.50 55.00
97 A26 24pf gray & red brn 2.25 .75 Nos. 122-136 (15) 266.85 283.45
See Nos. 100-102. Set, hinged 90.00

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Types of 1953 Redrawn
Designs as before.
1953-54 Typo. Perf. 13x12 1/2
187 A43 1pf black brn .65 .20
188 A43 5pf emerald 1.40 .20
a. Bklt. pane, 3 #188 + 3
Lucas #227 11.50 11.50
“Industry” and Red Cranach — A46 b. Bklt. pane, 3 #188 + 3
Heinrich von Kleist Woman #228 11.50 11.50
Flag — A36 189 A43 6pf purple 2.75 .20
A42 Mariner 190 A43 8pf orange brn 3.50 .20
A43 191 A43 10pf blue grn 21.00 .20
192 A43 12pf grnsh blue 4.25 .20
20pf, Evangelical Marienkirche. 24pf, Sail- 193 A43 15pf brt vio (’54) 13.00 .20
boat on Oder River. 35pf, City Hall, Frankfurt- 194 A43 16pf dk purple 3.75 .20
on-Oder. 195 A43 20pf olive (’54) 60.00 .20
196 A43 24pf carmine 4.75 .20
1953, July 6 Litho. 197 A43 25pf dk bl grn 2.50 .20
Marx and 151 A42 16pf chocolate 1.10 1.25 Nurse Applying 198 A43 30pf dp carmine 3.25 .20
Engels — A37 152 A42 20pf blue green .70 1.10 199 A43 35pf dp vio bl 3.25 .20
Bandage — A47 200 A43 40pf rose red (’54) 8.00 .20
153 A42 24pf rose red 1.10 1.25
154 A42 35pf violet blue 1.10 1.60 201 A43 48pf rose vio 7.50 .20
Nos. 151-154 (4) 4.00 5.20 1953, Oct. 16 Perf. 13x13 1/2 202 A43 60pf blue 12.00 .20
176 A46 24pf brown 2.50 .80 203 A43 80pf aqua 2.75 .20
700th anniversary of the founding of Frank- 204 A43 84pf chocolate 14.00 .20
furt-on-Oder. 400th anniversary of the death of Lucas Nos. 187-204 (18) 168.30 3.60
Cranach (1472-1553), painter. Set, hinged 50.00
1953 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 Nos. 155-171 were printed from screened
Perf. 13 1/2x13 halftones, and shading consists of dots. Shad-
Karl Marx Designs: 1pf, Coal miner. 6pf, German and ing in lines without screen on Nos. 187-204.
Soviet workers. 8pf, Mother teaching Marxist 1953, Oct. 23 Wmk. 297 Designers’ and engravers’ names added
Speaking — A38 principles. 10pf, Machinists. 12pf, Worker, 177 A47 24pf brown & red 2.00 1.00 below design on all values except 6, 12, 16
peasant and intellectual. 15pf, Teletype opera- Issued to honor the Red Cross. and 35pf. There are many other minor
tor. 16pf, Steel worker. 20pf, Bad Elster. 24pf, differences.
Stalin Boulevard. 25pf, Locomotive building. See note on used values after No. 171.
30pf, Dancing couple. 35pf, Sports Hall, Ber-
lin. 40pf, Laboratory worker. 48pf, Zwinger
Castle, Dresden. 60pf, Launching ship. 80pf, 1954, Jan. 20 Photo. Perf. 13
Agricultural workers. 84pf, Dove and East Ger- 205 A52 20pf dark green 1.50 .60
man family.
Karl Marx 225th anniversary of the birth of G. E. Les-
Medallion — A39 155 A43 1pf black brown 1.10 .20 sing, dramatist.
156 A43 5pf emerald 1.40 .20
157 A43 6pf violet 1.40 .20
Designs: 12pf, Spasski tower and commu- 158 A43 8pf orange brn 2.00 .20
nist flag. 16pf, Marching workers. 24pf, Portrait 159 A43 10pf blue green 1.40 .20
of Karl Marx. 35pf, Marx addressing audience. 160 A43 12pf blue 1.40 .20
48pf, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. 60pf. 161 A43 15pf purple 2.40 .20 Mail Delivery — A48
Red banner above heads and shoulders of 162 A43 16pf dk violet 3.25 .20
workers. 163 A43 20pf olive 3.25 .20
163A A43 24pf carmine 6.50 .20
1953 Photo. Perf. 13 164 A43 25pf dk green 4.75 .20
137 A36 6pf grnsh gray & 165 A43 30pf dp car 4.75 .20
red .85 .30 166 A43 35pf violet bl 10.50 .20
138 A37 10pf grnsh gray & 167 A43 40pf rose red 10.50 .20
dk brn 3.25 .65 168 A43 48pf rose red 10.50 .20
139 A36 12pf grn, dp plum 169 A43 60pf deep blue 10.50 .20 Lion and
& dk grn .60 .50 170 A43 80pf aqua 13.00 .20 Lioness — A49
140 A37 16pf vio bl & dk car 2.10 1.60 171 A43 84pf chocolate 10.50 .20
141 A38 20pf brown & buff .85 .65 Nos. 155-171 (18) 99.10 3.60 Dove Over Joseph V.
142 A38 24pf brown & red 2.10 .65 Set, hinged 32.50 1953, Oct. 25 Photo. Conference Stalin — A54
143 A36 35pf dp pur & cr 2.10 2.25 See Nos. 187-204, 227-230A, 330-338, 178 A48 24pf blue gray 2.00 .40 Table — A53
144 A36 48pf dk ol grn & 476-482. For surcharges see #216-223A. Stamp Day, Oct. 24, 1953.
red brn 1.50 .65 Used values of Nos. 155-171 are for cto
a. Souvenir sheet of 6 70.00 140.00
reprints with printed cancellations. The 1954, Jan. 25 Perf. 12 1/2x13
Hinged 25.00 206 A53 12pf blue 1.25 .50
145 A37 60pf vio brn & red 3.00 2.25 reprints differ slightly from originals in design 1953, Nov. 2 Perf. 13x13 1/2
146 A39 84pf blue & brown 2.75 1.60 and shade. 179 A49 24pf olive brown 1.40 .40 Four Power Conference, Berlin, 1954.
a. Souvenir sheet of 4 70.00 140.00
Hinged 25.00 75th anniversary of Leipzig Zoo.
Nos. 137-146 (10) 19.10 11.10 1954, Mar. 5 Typo. Perf. 13x12 1/2
No. 144a contains one each of the denomi- 207 A54 20pf gray, dk brn & red
nations in types A36 and A38. Perf. and org 2.00 .50
imperf. 1st anniv. of the death of Joseph V. Stalin.
No. 146a contains one each of the denomi-
nations in types A37 and A39. Perf. and Thomas
imperf. Muntzer
Power and
Shovel — A44 Attackers
Design: 35pf, Road-building machine.
1953, Aug. 29 Photo. Perf. 13 16pf, H. F. K. vom Stein. 20pf, Ferdinand
172 A44 24pf red brown 1.25 1.25 von Schill leading cavalry. 24pf, G. L. Blucher Cyclists
173 A44 35pf deep green 2.40 1.75 and battle scene. 35pf, Students fighting for A55
National Unity. 48pf, Revolution of 1848.
The 1953 Leipzig Fair.
1953, Nov. Photo. Perf. 13x12 1/2 Design: 24pf, Cyclists passing farm.
180 A50 12pf brown 1.00 .40 1954, Apr. 30 Photo.
181 A50 16pf dp brown 1.00 .40
Maxim Bicycle 182 A50 20pf dk car rose 1.00 .30 208 A55 12pf brown 1.00 .50
Gorky — A40 Racers — A41 183 A50 24pf deep blue 1.00 .30 209 A55 24pf dull green 1.40 .75
184 A50 35pf dk green 1.75 1.00 7th International Bicycle Peace Race.
185 A50 48pf dk brown 1.75 .85
1953, Mar. 28 Nos. 180-185 (6) 7.50 3.25
147 A40 35pf brown .30 .25
Issued to honor German patriots.
1953, May 2 Wmk. 297 Perf. 13
G. W. von Knobelsdorff and Berlin
24pf, 60pf, Different views of bicycle race. State Opera House — A45
148 A41 24pf bluish green 1.60 1.25
149 A41 35pf deep ultra .90 .80 Design: 35pf, Balthasar Neumann and
150 A41 60pf chocolate 1.25 1.10 Wurzburg bishop’s palace.
Nos. 148-150 (3) 3.75 3.15
6th International Bicycle Peace Race. 1953, Sept. 16 Perf. 13x12 1/2
174 A45 24pf cerise 1.10 .50 Dancers — A56 Fritz
175 A45 35pf dk slate blue 1.60 .95
Reuter — A57
200th anniv. of the deaths of G. W. von
Knobelsdorff and Balthasar Neumann,
architects. Franz Gotthold E. Design: 24pf, Boy, two girls and flag.
Schubert — A51 Lessing — A52

1953, Nov. 13 Perf. 13 1/2x13

186 A51 48pf brt orange brn 2.10 1.00
Death of Franz Schubert, 125th anniv.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1954, June 3 Perf. 13 50pf, Launching ship. 70pf, Dove and East 1955, Sept. 3 Perf. 13 /2x13, 13x13 1/2

210 A56 12pf emerald .85 .55 German family. 255 A71 5pf dull green 3.50 3.25
211 A56 24pf rose brown .85 .55 256 A71 10pf ultra .50 .20
1955 Typo. Perf. 13x12 1/2 257 A72 20pf lake .50 .20
Issued to publicize the 2nd German youth 227 A43 10pf blue 2.00 .20 Nos. 255-257 (3) 4.50 3.65
meeting for peace, unity and freedom. a. Bklt. pane, 4 #227 + 2 #228
227B A43 15pf violet 2.40 .20 10th anniv. of the Land-Reform Program.
228 A43 20pf carmine 1.75 .20
1954, July 12 229 A43 40pf rose violet 3.75 .20
212 A57 24pf sepia 1.40 .65 230 A43 50pf deep blue 6.25 .20
230A A43 70pf chocolate 8.50 .20
Death of Fritz Reuter, writer, 80th anniv. Nos. 227-230A (6) 24.65 1.20 Cyclists — A67 Friedrich von
See note on used values after No. 171. Schiller — A68

1955 Wmk. 297 Perf. 13 1/2x13

239 A67 10pf blue green .55 .30
240 A67 20pf car rose .65 .35
8th International Bicycle Peace Race,
Man Holding Engels at “First
Soviet Pavilion, Badge of International,”
Ernst Leipzig Spring Starting with the 1955 issues, com- Peoples’ 1864 — A74
Thälmann — A58 Fair — A62 memorative stamps which are valued in Solidarity — A73
italics were sold on a restricted basis.
1954, Aug. 18 Perf. 13 1/2x13 Perf. 13 1/2x13
213 A58 24pf red org & indigo .75 .45 1955, Oct. 10 Wmk. 297
10th anniv. of the death of Ernst Thälmann
1955, Apr. 20 258 A73 10pf dark blue .50 .25
(1886-1944), Communist leader. Various Portraits of Schiller. 10th anniv. of the “Peoples’ Solidarity.”
Women of 241 A68 5pf dk gray grn 2.00 1.60
Three 242 A68 10pf brt blue .25 .20
243 A68 20pf chocolate .25 .20 1955, Nov. 7 Perf. 13 1/2x13
Nations — A63 a. Souv. sheet, #241-243, imperf. 18.00 24.00
Nos. 241-243 (3) 2.50 2.00 Designs: 10pf, Marx and Engels writing the
Communist Manifesto. 15pf, Engels as news-
Design: 35pf, Chinese pavilion. 150th anniv. of the death of Friedrich von paper editor. 20pf, Friedrich Engels. 30pf,
Hall of Schiller, poet. Friedrich Engels. 70pf, Engels on the barri-
Perf. 13x13 1/2 No. 243a sold for 50pf. cades in 1848.
Commerce, 1955, Feb. 21 Photo. Wmk. 297
Leipzig 259 A74 5pf Prus blue & olive .25 .20
231 A62 20pf rose violet .50 .40 260 A74 10pf dk blue & yel .50 .20
Fair — A59 232 A62 35pf violet blue 1.10 .50 261 A74 15pf dk green & ol .50 .20
Issued to publicize the Leipzig Spring Fair. 262 A74 20pf brn vio & org .90 .20
1954, Sept. 4 Perf. 13x13 1/2 263 A74 30pf org brn & lt bl 5.75 5.25
214 A59 24pf dark red .45 .30 264 A74 70pf gray grn & rose
215 A59 35pf gray blue .55 .40 1955, Mar. 1 Perf. 13x13 1/2 car 1.75 .25
a. Souvenir sheet of 6, #259-264 47.50 57.50
Issued to publicize the 1954 Leipzig Fair. 233 A63 10pf green .70 .25 Nos. 259-264 (6) 9.65 6.30
234 A63 20pf red .70 .25
Friedrich Engels, 135th birth anniv.
Redrawn Types of 1953-54 International Women’s Day, 45th year.
Karl Liebknecht — A69
Surcharged with New Value and “X”
in Black
Portraits: 10pf, August Bebel. 15pf, Franz
1954 Typo. Perf. 13x12 1/2 Mehring. 20pf, Ernst Thalmann. 25pf, Clara
216 A43 5pf on 6pf purple .70 .20 Zetkin. 40pf, Wilhelm Liebknecht. 60pf, Rosa
217 A43 5pf on 8pf org brn .85 .30 Luxemburg.
218 A43 10pf on 12pf grnsh bl .50 .30
219 A43 15pf on 16pf dk pur .70 .20 1955, June 20 Photo. Perf. 13x12 1/2
220 A43 20pf on 24pf car 1.10 .50 244 A69 5pf blue green .25 .20
221 A43 40pf on 48pf rose vio 2.10 .50 245 A69 10pf deep blue .30 .20
222 A43 50pf on 60pf blue 2.25 .50 246 A69 15pf violet 4.25 2.00
223 A43 70pf on 84pf choc 7.00 .50 Workers’ Demonstration — A64 247 A69 20pf red .30 .20
Nos. 216-223 (8) 15.20 3.00 248 A69 25pf slate .30 .20 Cathedral at Georgius
See note on used values after No. 171. 1955, Mar. 15 Perf. 13x12 1/2 249 A69 40pf rose carmine 1.50 .20
250 A69 60pf dk brown .30 .20 Magdeburg Agricola
235 A64 10pf black & red .70 .50 A75 A76
Nos. 244-250 (7) 7.20 3.20
No. 163A Surcharged with New Intl. Trade Union Conference, Apr., 1955.
Issued to honor German communists.
Value and “X” in Black German Buildings: 10pf, German State
Opera. 15pf, Old City Hall, Leipzig. 20pf, City
1955 Litho. Hall, Berlin. 30pf, Cathedral at Erfurt. 40pf,
223A A43 20pf on 24pf car .80 .25 Zwinger at Dresden.
Counterfeit surcharges exist on other values
of the lithographed set (Nos. 155-171). 1955, Nov. 14
265 A75 5pf black brown .40 .25
266 A75 10pf gray green .40 .25
267 A75 15pf purple .40 .25
Optical 268 A75 20pf carmine .40 .50
269 A75 30pf dk red brown 8.25 9.00
Goods — A70 270 A75 40pf indigo 1.10 .50
Pres. Nos. 265-270 (6) 10.95 10.75
Wilhelm Design: 20pf, Pottery and china. For surcharges see Nos. B29-B30.
Pieck and
Flags 1955, Aug. 29 Photo. Perf. 13x13 1/2
A60 A65 A66 253 A70 10pf dark blue .45 .25 1955, Nov. 21 Wmk. 297
254 A70 20pf slate green .45 .25 271 A76 10pf brown .50 .30
1954, Oct. 6 Photo. Monument to the Victims of Fascism. Issued to publicize the 1955 Leipzig Fair. 400th anniv. of the death of Georgius Agric-
224 A60 20pf brown 1.60 .60 ola, mineralogist and scholar.
225 A60 35pf greenish blue 1.60 .75 1955, Apr. 9 Perf. 13 1/2x13
5th anniv. of the founding of the German 236 A65 10pf violet blue .60 .50
Democratic Republic. 237 A65 20pf cerise .80 .85
a. Souv. sheet of 2, #236-237,
imperf. 15.00 19.00
No. 237a sold for 50pf.

Cologne 1955, Apr. 15 Perf. 12 1/2x13

Cathedral, Russian War Memorial, Berlin. Farmer Receiving
Leipzig Deed — A71
238 A66 20pf lilac rose 1.00 .40
Monument and
Unissued Stamp Nos. 236-238 issued for 10th anniv. of liber-
ation, No. 237a for reconstruction of natl. Portrait of a Mozart — A78
Design — A61 Young Man, by
memorial sites.
Dürer — A77
1954, Oct. 23 Perf. 13x13 1/2
226 A61 20pf brt car rose 1.10 .45 Famous Paintings: 10pf, Chocolate Girl,
a. Souvenir sheet, imperf. 35.00 35.00
Liotard. 15pf, Portrait of a Boy, Pinturicchio.
Stamp Day. No. 226a has frame and Harvesters 20pf, Self-portrait with Saskia, Rembrandt.
inscription in blue. Size: 60x80mm. A72 40pf, Girl with Letter, Vermeer. 70pf, Sistine
Madonna, Raphael.
Redrawn Types of 1953-54 10pf, Construction of new farm community.
1955, Dec. 15 Perf. 13 1/2x13
Designs: 10pf, Worker, peasant and intel- 272 A77 5pf dk red brown .55 .20
lectual. 15pf, Steelworker. 20pf, Stalin 273 A77 10pf chestnut .55 .20
Boulevard. 40pf, Zwinger Castle, Dresden. 274 A77 15pf pale purple 21.00 16.00

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

275 A77 20pf brown .55 .20
276 A77 40pf olive green .55 .25
277 A77 70pf deep blue 1.25 .50
Nos. 272-277 (6) 24.45 17.35
Issued to publicize the return of famous art Zeiss
works to the Dresden Art Gallery. Works,
See Nos. 355-360, 439-443. Jena
Jakub Bart
1956, Jan. 27 Photo. Cisinski — A90 Portrait: 25pf, Carl Zeiss.
Designs: 20pf, Portrait facing left. Wheel, Hand and City Hall and Old
278 A78 10pf gray green 8.50 5.50 Olive Market — A85 Perf. 12 1/2x13, 13x12 1/2
279 A78 20pf copper brown 2.50 1.00 Branch — A84 1956, Nov. 9 Photo. Wmk. 297
200th anniv. of the birth of Wolfgang 311 A96 10pf dark green .20 .20
Amadeus Mozart, composer. Design: 20pf, Wheel and coats of arms of Robert 312 A97 20pf brown red .20 .20
Warsaw, Berlin, Prague. Schumann 313 A96 25pf bluish black .30 .25
(Music by Nos. 311-313 (3) .70 .65
Perf. 13 1/2x13 Schumann) Carl Zeiss Optical Works, Jena, 110th anniv.
1956, Apr. 30 Wmk. 297 A91
289 A84 10pf lt green .45 .25
290 A84 20pf brt carmine .45 .25
1956, Aug. 20 Photo.
9th International Bicycle Peace Race, War- 302 A90 50pf claret .70 .35
saw-Berlin-Prague, May 1-15, 1956.
Birth centenary of Jakub Bart Cisinski, poet.

Flag and Schoenefeld Airport, 1956, June 1

1956, Oct. 8 Perf. 13x13 1/2
Berlin — A79 Designs: 20pf, Hofkirche and Elbe Bridge. 303 A91 10pf brt green 4.00 1.10
40pf, Technical College. 304 A91 20pf rose red 1.75 .25 Chinese Girl with
291 A85 10pf green .20 .20 See Nos. 295, 296. Flowers — A98
292 A85 20pf carmine rose .20 .20
293 A85 40pf brt purple 1.40 1.40
Nos. 291-293 (3) 1.80 1.80 Designs: 10pf, Negro woman and child.
25pf, European man and dove.
Lufthansa 750th anniversary of Dresden.
Plane 1956, Dec. 10 Litho. Perf. 13
A80 314 A98 5pf ol, pale lem .90 .70
315 A98 10pf brown, pink .20 .20
316 A98 25pf vio bl, pale vio bl .20 .20
Designs: 15pf, Plane facing right. 20pf, Nos. 314-316 (3) 1.30 1.10
Plane facing down and left.
Issued for Human Rights Day.
1956, Feb. 1 Perf. 13x12 1/2
280 A79 5pf multicolored 9.00 6.25
281 A80 10pf gray green .60 .20 Worker Holding Lace — A92 Olympic Rings,
282 A80 15pf dull blue .60 .20 Cogwheel Laurel and
283 A80 20pf brown red .60 .20 Torch — A93
Nos. 280-283 (4) 10.80 6.85 Emblem — A86
Issued to commemorate the opening of pas- Design: 20pf, Sailboat.
senger service of the German Lufthansa. 1956, June 30 Perf. 13 1/2x13
294 A86 20pf rose red .30 .20 1956, Sept. 1 Typo. Perf. 13 1/2x13 Elephants
10th anniversary of nationalized industry. 305 A92 10pf green & blk .25 .25 A99
306 A92 20pf rose red & blk .25 .25
Leipzig Fair, Sept. 2-9. 1956, Dec. 17 Photo. Perf. 13x12 1/2
Design in Gray
317 A99 5pf shown .20 .20
1956, Sept. 28 Litho. 318 A99 10pf Flamingoes .20 .20
Robert Design: 35pf, Classic javelin thrower. 319 A99 15pf White rhinoceros 3.00 2.10
Schumann 320 A99 20pf Mouflon .20 .20
307 A93 20pf brown red .30 .20 321 A99 25pf Bison .20 .20
Heinrich (Music by 308 A93 35pf slate blue .45 .25 322 A99 30pf Polar bear .20 .20
Heine — A81 Schubert) Nos. 317-322 (6) 4.00 3.10
A87 16th Olympic Games at Melbourne, Nov.
22-Dec. 8, 1956. Issued to publicize the Berlin Zoo.
1956, July 20 Perf. 13x13 1/2
295 A87 10pf brt green 1.40 .95
296 A87 20pf rose red .50 .20
Centenary of the death of Robert Schu-
mann, composer. See Nos. 303-304.
Cranes — A82
Design: 20pf, Heine (different portrait.) A100
Post Runner of
1956, Feb. 17 Perf. 13 1/2x13 1450 — A94 Design: 25pf, Electric Locomotive.
284 A81 10pf Prus green 8.25 4.25
285 A81 20pf dark red 1.75 .40 1957, Mar. 1 Litho. Wmk. 313
Cent. of the death of Heinrich Heine, poet. 323 A100 20pf rose red .20 .20
324 A100 25pf bright blue .20 .20
Leipzig Spring Fair.
1956, Feb. 26 Perf. 13x13 1/2
286 A82 20pf brown red .50 .25 Soccer Thomas
287 A82 35pf violet blue .75 .45 Players — A88 Mann — A89 Greifswald
Issued to publicize the Leipzig Spring Fair. Seal — A95
Designs: 10pf, Javelin Thrower. 15pf,
Women Hurdlers. 20pf, Gymnast.
1956, Oct. 27
1956, July 25 Perf. 13 1/2x13 309 A94 20pf red .30 .20 Silver
297 A88 5pf green .20 .20 Thistle
298 A88 10pf dk vio blue .20 .20 Issued to publicize the Day of the Stamp.
299 A88 15pf red violet 1.40 .70 A101
300 A88 20pf rose red .20 .20
Nos. 297-300 (4) 2.00 1.30 1956, Oct. 17 Perf. 13x13 1/2 10pf, Emerald lizard. 20pf, Lady’s-slipper.
310 A95 20pf magenta .30 .20
Ernst Thälmann Second Sports Festival, Leipzig, Aug. 2-5.
A83 500th anniv. of Greifswald University. 1957, Apr. 12 Photo. Wmk. 313
325 A101 5pf chocolate .20 .20
1956, Aug. 13 Wmk. 297 326 A101 10pf dk slate grn 1.75 1.60
1956, Apr. 16 Litho. Perf. 13x13 1/2 327 A101 20pf red brown .20 .20
288 A83 20pf black olive & 301 A89 20pf bluish black .70 .35 Nos. 325-327 (3) 2.15 2.00
red .40 .25 Death of Thomas Mann, novelist, 1st anniv. Nature Conservation Week, Apr. 14-20.
a. Souvenir sheet of 1, imperf 7.50 18.00
Birth of Ernst Thälmann, 70th anniv.
No. 288a was sold at double face value. The
proceeds were used for national memorials at
former concentration camps.

Ernst Abbe — A96

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
Design: 20pf, Radio tower and small post

Henri 1958, Mar. 6 Perf. 13x12 1/2

Dunant 379 A117 5pf gray & blk .60 .40
and 380 A117 20pf crim rose & dk
Globe red .25 .20
Children at
Play — A102 A106 Conf. of Postal Ministers of Communist
countries, Moscow, Dec. 3-17, 1957.

20pf, Friedrich Froebel and Children. 25pf, Henri Dunant facing right and globe.
Savings Postrider,
1957, Apr. 18 Litho. Perf. 13 1957, May 7 Photo. Perf. 13x12 1/2 Book — A111 1563 — A112
328 A102 10pf dk slate grn & ol .85 .70 350 A106 10pf green, red & blk .20 .20
329 A102 20pf black & brown red .20 .20 351 A106 25pf brt blue, red & blk .20 .20 1957, Oct. 10 Perf. 13 1/2x13
175th anniv. of the birth of Friedrich Froebel, Tenth Red Cross world conference. 367 A111 10pf grn & blk, gray .60 .40
educator. 368 A111 20pf rose car & blk,
gray .25 .25
Portrait Type of 1950, Redrawn
Issued to publicize “Savings Weeks.”
Redrawn Types of 1953 Portraits: 5pf, Joachim Jungius. 10pf, Leon-
Designs: 5pf, Woman mariner. 10pf, hard Euler. 20pf, Heinrich Hertz.
Worker, peasant and intellectual. 15pf, Steel 1957, Oct. 25 Wmk. 313
worker. 20pf, Stalin Boulevard. 25pf, Locomo- 1957, June 7 Litho. 369 A112 5pf black, pale sepia .40 .20 Sketch by Symbolizing
tive building. 30pf, Dancing couple. 40pf, 352 A11 5pf brown 1.00 .50 Zille — A118 Quantum
Zwinger Castle, Dresden. 50pf, Launching 353 A11 10pf green .20 .20 Issued for the Day of the Stamp. Theory — A119
ship. 70pf, Dove and East German family. 354 A11 20pf henna brown .20 .20
Nos. 352-354 (3) 1.40 .90
Imprint: “E. Gruner K. Wolf” Design: 20pf, Self-portrait of Zille.
Issued to honor famous German scientists.
No imprint on 10pf, 15pf 1958, Mar. 20 Perf. 13 1/2x13
Perf. 13x12 1/2, 14 Painting Type of 1955. 381 A118 10pf green & gray 1.90 .90
1957-58 Typo. Wmk. 313 382 A118 20pf dp car & gray .45 .20
Famous Paintings: 5pf, Holy Family, Mante-
330 A43 5pf emerald .20 .20 gna. 10pf, The Dancer Campani, Carriera. Centenary of the birth of Heinrich Zille, artist.
a. Bklt. pane, 3 #330 + 3 #331b
b. Bklt. pane, 3 #330 + 3 #333 15pf, Portrait of Morette, Holbein. 20pf, The
c. Booklet pane of 6 .85 Tribute Money, Titian. 25pf, Saskia with Red
331 A43 10pf blue (’58) .20 .20 Flower, Rembrandt. 40pf, Young Standard 1958, Apr. 23 Litho.
a. Bklt. pane, 4 #331b + 2 #333 Bearer, Piazetta. Design: 20pf, Max Planck.
b. Perf. 13x12 1/2 3.00 .20
332 A43 15pf violet (’58) .20 .20 Perf. 13 1/2x13 383 A119 10pf gray green .90 .75
a. Perf. 13x12 1/2 .25 .20 384 A119 20pf magenta .30 .20
333 A43 20pf carmine .20 .20 1957, June 26 Photo. Wmk. 313
a. Bklt. pane, 5 #333 + 1 #477 355 A77 5pf dk brown .20 .20 Centenary of the birth of Max Planck,
334 A43 25pf bluish green .25 .20 356 A77 10pf lt yellow grn .20 .20 Sputnik I Storming of the physicist.
335 A43 30pf dull red .75 .20 357 A77 15pf brown olive .20 .20 A113 Winter Palace
336 A43 40pf rose violet 1.10 .20 358 A77 20pf rose brown .20 .20 A114
337 A43 50pf bright blue 1.40 .20 359 A77 25pf deep claret .25 .20
338 A43 70pf chocolate 1.60 .20 360 A77 40pf dk blue gray 3.00 1.40
Nos. 355-360 (6) 4.05 2.40 20pf, Stratospheric balloon above clouds.
See Nos. 476-482. 25pf, Ship with plumb line exploring deep sea.
1957-58 Perf. 12 1/2x13
Pieck Type of 1953 370 A113 10pf blue black .30 .20
Photo. Perf. 13x13 1/2 371 A113 20pf car rose (’58) .40 .20
339 A35 1m dk olive grn (’58) 1.60 .25 372 A113 25pf brt blue (’58) 1.40 .95 Prize
340 A35 2m red brown (’58) 3.50 .30 Nos. 370-372 (3) 2.10 1.35 Cow — A120
Nos. 330-340 (11) 11.00 2.35 IGY. The 10pf also for the launching of the
No. 334 comes only perf 13x12 1/2. Nos 330- 1st artificial satellite. 10pf, Mowing machine. 20pf, Beet
Clara harvester.
333 and 335-338 come both perf 13x12 1/2 and Zetkin — A107
perf 14.
1957, Nov. 7 Photo. Perf. 13x13 1/2
373 A114 10pf yellow grn & red .20 .20 1958, June 4 Wmk. 313
374 A114 25pf brt blue & red .20 .20
Size: 28x23mm
40th anniv. of the Russian Revolution. 385 A120 5pf gray & blk 1.25 .90
Size: 39x22mm
Perf. 13x12 1/2
386 A120 10pf brt green .25 .20
Bicycle Race Bertolt 387 A120 20pf rose red .25 .20
Brecht — A108 Nos. 385-387 (3) 1.75 1.30
Route — A103
6th Agricultural Show, Markkleeberg.
Perf. 13x13 1/2 1957, July 5 Perf. 13x13 1/2
1957, Apr. 30 Litho. Wmk. 313 361 A107 10pf dk green & red .50 .25
346 A103 5pf orange .30 .20 Centenary of the birth of Clara Zetkin, politi- Guenther
Issued to publicize the 10th International cian and founder of the socialist women’s Ramin — A115
Bicycle Peace Race, Prague-Berlin-Warsaw. movement.

1957, Aug. 14 Perf. 13 1/2x13

362 A108 10pf dark green .25 .20 Charles
363 A108 25pf deep blue .35 .20
Darwin — A121
Brecht (1898-1956), playwright and poet.
Dove and 1958, June 19 Perf. 13x13 1/2
Shovel Globe — A116 Portrait: 20pf, Carl von Linné.
A104 388 A121 10pf green & black .90 .70
Portrait: 20pf, Hermann Abendroth. 389 A121 20pf dk red & black .20 .20
Perf. 13 1/2x13 Cent. of Darwin’s theory of evolution and the
bicent. of Linné’s botanical system.
1957, Nov. 22 Litho. Wmk. 313
375 A115 10pf yellow grn & blk .70 .60
376 A115 20pf red orange & blk .20 .20
Ramin (1898-1956) and Abendroth (1883-
1956), musicians, on the 1st anniv. of their
Congress Fair death.
Emblem — A109 Emblem — A110
Miner — A105
1957, Aug. 23 Litho. 1958, Feb. 27 Perf. 13x13 1/2
377 A116 20pf rose red .20 .20
Design: 20pf, Coal conveyor. 364 A109 20pf brt red & black .40 .25 378 A116 25pf blue .25 .20 Seven Towers of
4th Intl. Trade Union Congress, Leipzig, Oct. Rostock and
Perf. 13x12 1/2, 13 1/2x13 (25pf) 4-15.
Issued to publicize the 1958 Leipzig Fair.
Ships — A122
1957, May 3
347 A104 10pf green .20 .20
348 A104 20pf redsh brown .20 .20 1957, Aug. 30 Wmk. 313
349 A105 25pf blue violet 1.60 .60 365 A110 20pf crimson & ver .20 .20
Nos. 347-349 (3) 2.00 1.00 366 A110 25pf brt blue & lt blue .25 .20 Radio
Issued in honor of the coal mining industry. Tower,
Issued to publicize the 1957 Leipzig Fair.
Code and
Post Horn Congress
A117 Emblem — A123
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
10pf, Ship at pier. 25pf, Ships in harbor. 1958, Sept. 19 Perf. 13x13 1/2
404 A128 20pf rose red .20 .20
1958 Perf. 13 /2x13
405 A128 25pf blue .30 .20
390 A122 10pf emerald .20 .20
391 A122 20pf red orange .30 .25 People’s fight against atomic death.
392 A122 25pf lt blue .80 .80 Pump”
Nos. 390-392 (3) 1.30 1.25
Establishment of Rostock as a seaport. A140
Issue dates: 20pf, July 5; 10pf and 25pf, Woman
Nov. 24. and
For overprint see No. 500. Design: 25pf, Photographic equipment.
Railroad 1959, Feb. 28 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
1958, June 25 Perf. 13x13 1/2 Station 424 A140 20pf carmine rose .20 .20
393 A123 10pf rose red .25 .20 A129 Worker and Otto 425 A140 25pf lt ultra .25 .20
5th congress of the Socialist Party of the Soldier — A134 Nuschke — A135 1959 Leipzig Spring Fair.
German Democratic Republic (SED). Design: 25pf, Woman in Persian lamb coat
and old City Hall, Leipzig. 1958, Nov. 7 Perf. 12 1/2x13
416 A134 20pf blk, ver & dl pur 7.25 10.00
1958, Aug. 29 Perf. 13x12 1/2
406 A129 10pf green, brn & blk .20 .20 40th anniv. of the Revolution of Nov. 7.
407 A129 25pf blue & black .20 .20 (Stamp inscribed Nov. 9.) Withdrawn from sale
on day of issue.
Issued to publicize the 1958 Leipzig Fair.

Mare and Perf. 13 1/2x13

Foal 1958, Dec. 27 Wmk. 313
A124 417 A135 20pf red .25 .20
Post First anniversary of the death of Otto
Designs: 10pf, Trotter. 20pf, Horse race. Wagon, Nuschke, vice president of the republic. Boy and Statue of Handel,
17th Girl — A141 Halle — A142
1958, July 22 Photo. Perf. 13x12 1/2 Century
394 A124 5pf black brown 1.75 1.60 A130
395 A124 10pf dark olive 1959, Apr. 2 Perf. 13 1/2x13
green .20 .20 426 A141 10pf blk, lt grn 1.10 .70
396 A124 20pf dark red brown .20 .20 Design: 20pf, Mail train and plane. 427 A141 20pf blk, salmon .20 .20
Nos. 394-396 (3) 2.15 2.00 5 years of the Youth Consecration ceremony.
Grand Prize of the DDR, 1958.
1958, Oct. 23 Wmk. 313
408 A130 10pf green 1.40 .80
409 A130 20pf lake .30 .20 1959, Apr. 27 Wmk. 313
Issued for the Day of the Stamp. 20pf, Handel by Thomas Hudson, 1749.
Communist Newspaper, “The Red 428 A142 10pf bluish grn & blk 1.25 .70
Flag” — A136 429 A142 20pf rose & blk .20 .20
Bicentenary of the death of George Freder-
Jan Amos 1958, Dec. 30 Perf. 13x12 1/2 ick Handel, composer.
Komensky 418 A136 20pf red .30 .25
(Comenius) German Communist Party, 40th anniv.
A125 Brandenburg
Design: 20pf, Teacher and pupils, 17th cent. Berlin — A131
1958, Aug. 7 Litho. Perf. 13x13 1/2
397 A125 10pf brt bl grn & blk 1.10 .70
398 A125 20pf org brn & blk .20 .20
Crowd — A137 Alexander von Post
Head from Greek Humboldt and Horn — A144
20pf, Karl Liebknecht addressing crowd. Central American
Tomb — A132
University View — A143
Perf. 13x13 1/2
Seal 1958, Nov. 29 Perf. 13x13 1/2 1959, Jan. 15 Wmk. 313
A126 410 A131 20pf rose red .30 .20 Design: 20pf, Portrait and Siberian view.
419 A137 10pf blue green 1.40 .85
411 A131 25pf dark blue 1.75 1.00 420 A137 20pf henna brn & 1959, May 6
Design: 20pf, Schiller University, Jena. Issued to commemorate 10 years of demo- blk .20 .20 430 A143 10pf bluish grn 1.10 .75
cratic city administration of Berlin. 40th anniversary of the death of Rosa Lux- 431 A143 20pf rose .25 .20
1958, Aug. 19 Perf. 13x12 1/2 emburg and Karl Liebknecht.
399 A126 5pf gray & black 1.00 .70 Centenary of the death of Alexander von
400 A126 20pf dark red & gray .25 .20 1958, Dec. 2 Perf. 13 1/2x13 Humboldt, naturalist and geographer.
Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, 400th 20pf, Giant’s head from Pergamum frieze.
anniv. 412 A132 10pf blue grn & blk 1.10 .70 1959, May 30 Perf. 13 1/2x13
413 A132 20pf dp rose & black .20 .20 432 A144 20pf scar, yel & blk .20 .20
433 A144 25pf lt bl, yel & blk .55 .45
Return of art treasures from Russia. See
#484-486. Conference of socialist postal ministers.

Leipzig — A138

Soldier on Obstacle
Course — A127 Gray
Negro and Caucasian Men — A133 A145

Design: 25pf, Chinese and Caucasian girls. 10pf, Bittern. 20pf, Lily of the valley & butter-
fly. 25pf, Beaver. 40pf, Pussy willows and bee.
1958, Dec. 10 Perf. 13x12 1/2 President Wilhelm
414 A133 10pf brt blue grn & blk .20 .20
Pieck — A139 1959, June 26 Perf. 13x12 1/2
415 A133 25pf blue & black 1.10 .75 434 A145 5pf lt bl, blk & lil .20 .20
Arms Breaking Design: 25pf, Opening theme of Mendels- 435 A145 10pf grnsh bl, dk brn &
10th anniv. of the signing of the Universal org .20 .20
A-Bomb — A128 Declaration of Human Rights.
sohn’s A Major symphony.
436 A145 20pf org red, grn & vio .20 .20
1959, Feb. 28 Engr. Perf. 14 437 A145 25pf lilac, yel & blk .25 .20
Design: 20pf, Spartacist emblem. 25pf, 438 A145 40pf gray bl, yel & blk 4.25 2.40
Marching athletes, map and flag. 421 A138 10pf green, grnsh .30 .25 Nos. 434-438 (5) 5.10 3.20
422 A138 25pf blue, bluish 1.25 1.75
Perf. 13 1/2x13 Issued to publicize wildlife protection.
150th anniversary of the birth of Felix Men-
1958, Sept. 19 Litho. Wmk. 313 delssohn-Bartholdy, composer.
401 A127 10pf emerald & brn 1.00 .70 Painting Type of 1955.
402 A127 20pf brown red & yel .20 .20 Famous Paintings: 5pf, Portrait, Angelica
403 A127 25pf lt blue & red .20 .20 1959, Jan. 3 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x13
Nos. 401-403 (3) 1.40 1.10 423 A139 20pf henna brown .35 .20 Kauffmann. 10pf, The Lady Lace Maker,
Gabriel Metsu. 20pf, Mademoiselle Lavergne,
1st Spartacist Sports Meet of Friendly 83rd birthday of President Wilhelm Pieck. Liotard. 25pf, Old Woman with Brazier,
Armies, Leipzig, Sept. 20-28. See No. 511. Rubens. 40pf, Young Man in Black Coat, Hals.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1959, June 29 Photo. Perf. 13 /2x13 1
Redrawn Types of 1953 1960, Apr. 7 Perf. 12 /2x13

439 A77 5pf olive .20 .20 Without Imprint 494 A159 5pf grn, gray & car
440 A77 10pf green .20 .20 rose .20 .20
441 A77 20pf dp org .20 .20 Perf. 14, 13x12 1/2 (#477) 495 A159 10pf citron, gray & grn .20 .20
442 A77 25pf chestnut .25 .20 1959-60 Wmk. 313 Typo. 496 A159 15pf fawn, gray & grn .20 .20
443 A77 40pf dp magenta 3.75 1.90 476 A43 5pf emerald .20 .20 497 A159 20pf grnsh bl, gray &
Nos. 439-443 (5) 4.60 2.70 477 A43 10pf lt bl grn (Machin- vio .20 .20
ists) .20 .20 498 A159 40pf brn, gray, grn &
Flag and a. Perf. 14 .60 .20 red 3.75 1.50
b. Bklt. pane of 6 #477b 3.00 Nos. 494-498 (5) 4.55 2.30
Harvester — A151 478 A43 20pf carmine .25 .20
a. Se-tenant with DEBRIA label .95 .20
479 A43 30pf dull red .20 .20 1960, Apr. 22 Engr. Perf. 14
480 A43 40pf rose violet .20 .20 499 A160 20pf lake .30 .20
481 A43 50pf brt blue .25 .20 90th anniversary of the birth of Lenin.
482 A43 70pf choc (’60) .25 .20
Nos. 476-482 (7) 1.55 1.40
No. 478a was issued Sept. 3, 1959, to com- No. 390 Overprinted:
memorate the 2nd German Stamp Exhibition, “Inbetriebnahme des
Johannes R. Berlin. Sheet contains 60 stamps, 40 labels. Hochseehafens 1.Mai 1960”
Becher — A152 Two other stamps without imprint are Nos. 1960, Apr. 28 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13
500 A122 10pf emerald .30 .25
10pf, Fritz Heckert rest home. 15pf,
Great Youths of Three Zwinger, Dresden. 20pf, Steelworker. 25pf, Inauguration of the seaport Rostock.
Cormorant — A146 Races — A147 Chemist. 40pf, Central Stadium, Leipzig. 50pf, Type of 1958 and
Woman tractor driver. 60pf, Airplane. 70pf,
Birds: 10pf, Black Stork. 15pf, Eagle owl. Merchant ship. 1m, 1st atomic reactor of the
20pf, Black grouse. 25pf, Hoopoe. 40pf, Pere- DDR.
grine falcon.
1959, Oct. 6 Perf. 13 1/2x13
Perf. 13x13 1/2 Flag in Black, Red & Orange Yellow
1959, July 2 Litho. Wmk. 313 Inscription and Design in Black &
Designs in Black Red
444 A146 5pf yellow .20 .20 456 A151 5pf yellow .20 .20
445 A146 10pf lt green .20 .20 457 A151 10pf gray .20 .20
446 A146 15pf pale violet 3.50 2.10 458 A151 15pf citron .20 .20
447 A146 20pf deep pink .20 .20 459 A151 20pf gray .20 .20 Pergamum Altar of Zeus — A156
448 A146 25pf blue .20 .20 460 A151 25pf lt gray olive .20 .20
449 A146 40pf vermilion .20 .20 461 A151 40pf citron .20 .20 Designs: 5pf, Head of an Attic goddess, 580
Nos. 444-449 (6) 4.50 3.10 462 A151 50pf salmon .20 .20 B.C. 10pf, Head of a princess from Tell el
463 A151 60pf pale bluish grn .20 .20 Amarna, 1360 B.C. 20pf, Bronze figure from Russian Soldier
Protection of native birds. 464 A151 70pf pale grnsh yel .20 .20 Toprak-Kale (Armenia), 7th century B.C. and Liberated
465 A151 1m bister brn .30 .25 Prisoner — A161
Nos. 456-465 (10) 2.10 2.05 1959, Dec. 29 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13
1959, July 25 Perf. 12 1/2x13, 13x12 1/2
German Democratic Republic, 10th anniv. 484 A132 5pf yellow & black .20 .20 1960, May 5 Litho. Perf. 13x13 1/2
25pf, Swedish girl kissing African girl, horiz. 485 A132 10pf bluish grn & blk .20 .20 501 A161 20pf rose red .25 .25
450 A147 20pf crimson .20 .20 486 A132 20pf rose & black .20 .20
451 A147 25pf bright blue .50 .40
1959, Oct. 28 Litho. Perf. 13x13 1/2 487 A156 25pf lt blue & blk .70 .50 15th anniv. of Germany’s liberation from
466 A152 20pf red & slate .90 .20 Nos. 484-487 (4) 1.30 1.10 fascism.
7th World Youth Festival, Vienna, 7/26-8/14.
1st anniversary of the death of Johannes R.
Becher, writer.
Printed with alternating yellow labels. The
label carries in blue a verse from the national
anthem and Becher’s signature.

Service Boxing — A157
10pf, Sprinters. 20pf, Ski jump. 25pf, Model of Vacation Ship — A162
Design: 25pf, Distilling apparatus, vert. Sailboat.
1959, Sept. 1 Perf. 13x12 1/2, 12 1/2x13 Schiller’s Home, Perf. 13x13 1/2 Designs: 25pf, Ship before Leningrad.
452 A148 10pf bluish brown .20 .20 Weimar — A153
453 A148 25pf bright blue 1.25 .70 1960, Jan. 27 Wmk. 313 Perf. 13 1/2x13
488A157 5pf brown & ocher 3.25 1.75
75 years of Jena glassware. 489A157 10pf green & ocher .20 .20 1960, June 23 Wmk. 313
490A157 20pf car & ocher .20 .20 502 A162 5pf slate, cit & blk .20 .20
491A157 25pf ultra & ocher .20 .20 503 A162 25pf blk, yel & ultra 3.25 2.75
Nos. 488-491 (4) 3.85 2.35 Nos. 502-503,B58-B59 (4) 3.90 3.35
1960 Winter and Summer Olympic Games. Launching of the trade union (FDGB) vaca-
tion ship, June 25, 1960.
Post Rider and Mile
Stone, 18th
Century — A154
Design: 20pf, Friedrich von Schiller. Fair,
1959, Nov. 10 Engr. Perf. 14 North
Lunik 2 Hitting Moon — A149 Entrance
467 A153 10pf dull green,
grnsh 1.10 .70 A158
1959, Sept. 21 Perf. 13 1/2x13 468 A153 20pf lake, pink .40 .20
454 A149 20pf rose red .45 .30 Design: 25pf, “Ring” Fair building.
Birth of Friedrich von Schiller, 200th anniv.
Landing of the Soviet rocket Lunik 2 on the
moon, Sept. 13, 1959. 1960, Feb. 17 Perf. 13x12 1/2
1959, Nov. 17 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13 492 A158 20pf red & gray .20 .20
493 A158 25pf lt blue & gray .20 .20
Design: 20pf, Motorized mailman.
New 1960 Leipzig Spring Fair.
469 A154 10pf green 1.00 .65
Buildings, 470 A154 20pf dk car rose .20 .20
Leipzig, Issued for the Day of the Stamp. Masked Dancer Lenin Monument,
Globe in Porcelain Eisleben
and Fair A163 A164
A150 Meissen porcelain: 10pf, Plate with Meissen
mark and date. 15pf, Otter. 20pf, Potter. 25pf,
1959, Aug. 17 Perf. 13x12 1/2 Coffee pot.
455 A150 20pf gray & rose .30 .25 1960, July 28 Perf. 12 1/2x13
1959 Leipzig Fall Fair. 504 A163 5pf blue & orange .20 .20
505 A163 10pf blue & emerald .20 .20
A155 506 A163 15pf blue & purple 2.50 2.25
507 A163 20pf blue & orange red .20 .20
1959, Nov. 27 Perf. 13x12 1/2 508 A163 25pf blue & apple grn .20 .20
471 A155 5pf shown .25 .20 Nos. 504-508 (5) 3.30 3.05
Purple Foxglove Lenin
472 A155 10pf Hares .30 .20 A159 A160 Meissen porcelain works, 250th anniv.
473 A155 20pf Roe deer .30 .20
474 A155 25pf Red deer .40 .20
475 A155 40pf Lynx 5.75 2.10 Medicinal Plants: 10pf, Camomile. 15pf,
Nos. 471-475 (5) 7.00 2.90 Peppermint. 20pf, Poppy. 40pf, Dog rose.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Perf. 13x13 /2 1 10pf, Robert Koch. 25pf, Wilheim & Alexan- 538 A174 20pf dull red .20 .20
1960, July 2 Wmk. 313 der von Humboldt medal. 40pf, Wilheim 539 A174 25pf dark blue .20 .20
Griesinger. Nos. 535-539 (5) 1.00 1.00
Design: 20pf, Thälmann monument, gift for Issued: #538, 25pf, 3/14; 5pf, 10pf, #537,
Pushkin, USSR. 1960, Nov. 4 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 6/22.
509 A164 10pf dark green .20 .20 520 A169 5pf ocher & blk .20 .20
510 A164 20pf bright red .20 .20 521 A169 10pf green & blk .20 .20
522 A170 20pf cop red, gray &
blk .20 .20
Pieck Type of 1959 523 A170 25pf brt blue & blk .20 .20 Salt Miners and Castle
1960, Sept. 10 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13 524 A169 40pf car rose & blk 1.75 1.00 Giebichenstein — A181
511 A139 20pf black .25 .25 Nos. 520-524 (5) 2.55 1.80
a. Souv. sheet of 1, imperf. 1.00 1.50 Nos. 520, 521, 524 for the 250th anniv. of 20pf, Chemist and “Five Towers” of Halle.
Pres. Wilhelm Pieck (1876-1960). the Charité (hospital), Berlin; Nos. 522-523 the
150th anniv. of Humboldt University, Berlin. 1961, June 22 Perf. 13x12 1/2
Nos. 520 and 523, and Nos. 521 and 522 558 A181 10pf blk, grn & yel 1.75 .90
are printed se-tenant. Trawler — A176 559 A181 20pf blk, dk red & yel .20 .20
1000th anniv. of the founding of Halle.
Designs: 20pf, Fishermen. 25pf, S.S. Rob-
ert Koch. 40pf, Cannery worker.
Modern 1961, Apr. 4 Engr. Wmk. 313
Postal 545 A176 10pf gray green .20 .20
Trucks 546 A176 20pf claret .20 .20
A165 Scientist and 547 A176 25pf slate .20 .20
548 A176 40pf dull violet 1.60 1.10
Chemical Nos. 545-548 (4) 2.20 1.70 Kayak
Design: 25pf, Railroad mail car, 19th cent. Formula — A171 Slalom
Deep-sea fishing industry.
1960, Oct. 6 Perf. 13x12 1/2 A182
512 A165 20pf car rose, blk & Designs: 10pf, Chemistry worker (fertilizer).
yel .20 .20 20pf, Woman worker (automobile). 25pf, Labo- 10pf, Canoe. 20pf, Two seater canoe.
513 A165 25pf blue, gray & blk 1.75 1.00 ratory assistant (synthetic fabrics).
1961, July 6 Litho. Wmk. 313
Issued for the Day of the Stamp, 1960. Perf. 13x13 /2 1
560 A182 5pf gray & Prus bl 2.00 1.75
1960, Nov. 10 Wmk. 313 561 A182 10pf gray & slate grn .20 .20
525 A171 5pf dk red & gray .20 .20 Vostok 1 562 A182 20pf gray & dk car
526 A171 10pf orange & brt grn .20 .20 Leaving rose .20 .20
527 A171 20pf blue & red .20 .20 Earth Nos. 560-562 (3) 2.40 2.15
528 A171 25pf yellow & ultra 1.25 1.50 A177 Canoe Slalom and Rapids World
New Nos. 525-528 (4) 1.85 2.10 Championships.
Opera Day of the Chemistry Worker. Designs: 20pf, Cosmonaut in capsule. 25pf,
House, Parachute landing of capsule.
A166 1961, Apr. Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
549 A177 10pf lt blue grn & red .50 .40
550 A177 20pf red .50 .40
Design: 25pf, Car, sailboat, tent, campers. 551 A177 25pf lt blue 3.00 2.75 Target
Nos. 549-551 (3) 4.00 3.55 Line
1960, Aug. 29 Wmk. 313 “Young
514 A166 20pf rose brn & gray .20 .20 Socialists’ 1st man in space, Yuri A. Gagarin, 4/12/61. Casting
515 A166 25pf blue & grysh brn .25 .25 Express” Issue dates: 10pf, Apr. 18; others, Apr. 20. A183
1960 Leipzig Fall Fair. A172
Design: 20pf, River fishing.
20pf, Sassnitz Harbor station & ferry. 25pf, 1961, July 21
Diesel locomotive & 1835 “Adler.”
563 A183 10pf green & blue 1.75 1.40
Perf. 13x13 1/2; 13x12 1/2 (20pf) 564 A183 20pf dk red brn & blue .25 .20
1960, Dec. 5 World Fishing Championships, Dresden.
Sizes: 10pf, 25pf, 28x23mm; 20pf, Zebra
38 1/2x22mm A178
529 A172 10pf emerald & blk .20 .20
530 A172 20pf red & blk .20 .20
531 A172 25pf blue & blk 3.25 2.75 Dresden Zoo cent.: 20pf, Black-and-white
Nos. 529-531 (3) 3.65 3.15 colobus monkeys.
125th anniv. of German railroads. No. 530 1961, May 9
exists imperf. Value $3.50. 552 A178 10pf green & blk 3.50 2.75
553 A178 20pf lilac rose & blk .30 .25
Hans Burkmair Neidhardt von Pieck Type of 1953 with Dates
Medal, 1518 Gneisenau Added
A167 A168 Tulip — A184 “Alte Waage,”
1961, Jan. 3 Photo. Perf. 13x13 1/2
532 A35 20pf henna brn & blk .30 .25 Historical
25pf, Dancing Peasants by Albrecht Dürer. Building,
Issued on the 85th anniversary of the birth Leipzig — A185
1960, Oct. 20 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13 of Pres. Wilhelm Pieck (1876-1960).
516 A167 20pf buff, grn & 1961, Sept. 13 Photo. Perf. 14
ocher .20 .20
517 A167 25pf lt blue & blk 1.10 1.10 565 A184 10pf shown .20 .20
566 A184 20pf Dahlia .20 .20
400th anniv. of the Dresden Art Gallery. 567 A184 40pf Rose 5.50 5.75
Nos. 565-567 (3) 5.90 6.15
Engels, Marx, Lenin and
1960, Oct. 27 Perf. 13x12 1/2, 12 1/2x13 Crowd — A179 Intl. Horticulture Exhibition, Erfurt.
20pf, Neidhardt von Gneisenau, horiz.
1961, Apr. 20 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13 Perf. 13 1/2x13
518 A168 20pf dk car & blk .20 .20 554 A179 20pf red .35 .25
519 A168 25pf ultra .90 .80 1961, Aug. 23 Litho. Wmk. 313
15th anniversary of Socialist Unity Party of
200th anniversary of the birth of Count Germany (SED). Design: 25pf, Old Exchange Building.
August Neidhardt von Gneisenau, Prussian 380 Kilovolt Lilienstein
Field Marshal. Switch A174 568 A185 10pf citron & bl grn .20 .20
A173 569 A185 25pf lt blue & ultra .65 .25
1961 Leipzig Fall Fair. See Nos. 595-597.
Design: 25pf, Leipzig Press Center.
1961, Mar. 3 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13
533 A173 10pf brt grn & dk gray .25 .20
534 A173 25pf vio blue & dk gray .25 .20
Rudolf Leipzig Spring Fair of 1961.
1961 Typo. Perf. 14 Stag Leap — A180
Liszt’s Hand,
Designs: 5pf, Rudelsburg on Saale. 10pf, French
Wartburg. No. 538, City Hall, Wernigerode. Designs: 20pf, Arabesque. 25pf, Exercise
25pf, Brocken, Harz Mts., horiz. on parallel bars, horiz. Sculpture — A186
535 A174 5pf gray .20 .20 1961, June 3 Perf. 13 1/2x13, 13x13 1/2
536 A174 10pf blue green .20 .20 555 A180 10pf blue green .20 .20
537 A174 20pf red brown .20 .20 556 A180 20pf rose pink .20 .20
557 A180 25pf brt blue 3.75 3.00
Nos. 555-557 (3) 4.15 3.40
Humboldt University, Berlin — A170 3rd Europa Cup for Women’s Gymnastics.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1962, Feb. 16 Photo. 1962, June 18 Photo. Perf. 14
591 A190 5pf shown 2.25 3.75 20pf, Dimitrov as Premier of Bulgaria.
592 A190 10pf Weasels .20 .20
593 A190 20pf Shrews .20 .20 609 A195 5pf blue grn & blk .45 .25
594 A190 40pf Bat .40 .30 610 A195 20pf car rose & blk .20 .20
Nos. 591-594 (4) 3.05 4.45 a. Pair, #609-610, + label 4.50 25.00
Camera and See Nos. 663-667. George Dimitrov, (1882-1949), communist
leader and premier of the Bulgarian Peoples’
Screen — A187 Republic.
Type of 1961 Nos. 609-610 also printed se-tenant, divided Municipal Store,
Designs: 5pf, Liszt and Hector Berlioz. 20pf, by a label inscribed with a Dimitrov quotation. Leipzig — A200
Buildings: 10pf, “Coffee Tree House.” 20pf,
Franz Liszt, medallion by Ernst Rietschel, Gohlis Castle. 25pf, Romanus House.
1852. 25pf, Liszt and Frederic Chopin. Engr. & Photo.
1962, Feb. 22 Litho. Perf. 13x13 1/2 1962, Aug. 28 Wmk. 313 Perf. 14
1961, Oct.-Nov. Engr. Perf. 14 595 A185 10pf olive grn & brn .20 .20
570 A186 5pf gray .20 .20 596 A185 20pf orange red & Buildings: 20pf, Mädler Passage. 25pf, Leip-
571 A186 10pf blue green 1.50 1.40 blk .25 .20 zig Air Terminal and plane.
572 A186 20pf dull red .20 .20 597 A185 25pf brt blue & brn .50 .50 626 A200 10pf black & emer-
573 A186 25pf chalky blue 1.75 1.75 Nos. 595-597 (3) .95 .90 Corn ald .20 .20
Nos. 570-573 (4) 3.65 3.55 Planter 627 A200 20pf black & red .25 .20
Leipzig Spring Fair of 1962. 628 A200 25pf black & blue .55 .40
150th anniversary of the birth of Franz Liszt, A196
composer. Nos. 626-628 (3) 1.00 .80
20pf, Milking machine. 40pf, Combine Leipzig Fall Fair of 1962.
1961, Oct. 25 Perf. 13x13 1/2 harvester.

Design: 20pf, Microphone and radio dial. 1962, June 26 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
574 A187 10pf brt green & blk 1.10 1.50 611 A196 10pf multicolored .20 .20
575 A187 20pf brick red & blk .20 .20 Air 612 A196 20pf multicolored .20 .20
Defense 613 A196 40pf yel, grn & dk red 1.25 1.00
Issued for Stamp Day, 1961. Nos. 611-613 (3) 1.65 1.40
10th Agricultural Exhibition, Markkleeberg.
Designs: 10pf, Motorized infantry. 20pf, Sol-
dier and worker as protectors. 25pf, Sailor and
destroyer escort. 40pf, Tank and tankman.
“Transportation and
1962, Mar. 1 Perf. 13x12 1/2 Communication” — A201
598 A191 5pf light blue .20 .20
599 A191 10pf bright green .20 .20 1962, Oct. 3 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13
600 A191 20pf red .20 .20 Map of Baltic
601 A191 25pf ultra .20 .25 629 A201 5pf light blue & black .25 .20
602 A191 40pf brown 1.00 .90 Sea and 10th anniv. of the Friedrich List Transporta-
Nos. 598-602 (5) 1.80 1.75 Emblem — A197 tion College.
National People’s Army, 6th anniv.
Maj. Gherman Titov and Young Designs: 20pf, Hotel, Rostock, vert. 25pf,
Cargo ship “Frieden” in Rostock harbor. Souvenir Sheet
Pioneers — A188
Perf. 13x13 1/2, 13 1/2x13 (20pf)
10pf, Titov in Leipzig, vert. 15pf, Titov in 1962, July 2 Wmk. 313
spaceship. 20pf, Titov & Walter Ulbricht. 25pf,
Spaceship Vostok 2. 40pf, Titov & Ulbricht in 614 A197 10pf bluish grn & ultra .20 .20
Berlin. 615 A197 20pf dk red & yellow .20 .20
616 A197 25pf blue & bister 1.60 1.25
1961, Dec. 11 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2 Nos. 614-616 (3) 2.00 1.65
576 A188 5pf carmine & vio .20 .20 5th Baltic Sea Week, Rostock, July 7-15.
577 A188 10pf olive grn & car .20 .20
578 A188 15pf blue & lilac 5.00 5.25 Cyclists and Hradcany,
579 A188 20pf blue & car rose .20 .20 Prague — A192
580 A188 25pf carmine & blue .20 .20
581 A188 40pf car & dk blue .85 .30 25pf, Cyclist, East Berlin City Hall and dove.
Nos. 576-581 (6) 6.65 6.35
Visit of Russian Maj. Gherman Titov to the 1962, Apr. 26 Litho. Wmk. 313
German Democratic Republic. 603 A192 10pf multicolored .20 .20
604 A192 25pf multicolored 1.10 .85
Nos. 603-604,B89 (3) 1.50 1.25
15th International Bicycle Peace Race, Ber- Brandenburg Gate,
lin-Warsaw-Prague. Berlin — A198

1962, July 17 Perf. 13 1/2x13

Pavel R. Popovich, Andrian G.
#618 Heads of youths of three races. #619, Nikolayev and Space
Chairman Walter Peace dove. #620, National Theater, Helsinki.
Ulbricht — A189 Capsules — A202
617 A198 5pf multicolored 1.60 1.50
618 A198 5pf multicolored 1.60 1.50
1961-67 Wmk. 313 Typo. Perf. 14 619 A198 20pf multicolored 1.60 1.50 1962, Sept. 13 Wmk. 313 Imperf.
620 A198 20pf multicolored 1.60 1.50 630 A202 70pf dk blue, lt grn
Size: 17x21mm Johann Gottlieb a. Block of 4, #617-620 8.50 5.75 & yel 1.50 3.50
582 A189 5pf slate .20 .20 Fichte — A193 Nos. 617-620,B90-B91 (6) 7.00 6.40 1st Russian group space flight of Vostoks III
a. Booklet pane of 8 9.25 13.00
583 A189 10pf brt green .20 .20 8th Youth Festival for Peace and Friendship, and IV, Aug. 11-13, 1962.
a. Booklet pane of 8 5.25 8.75 10pf, Fichte’s birthplace in Rammenau. Helsinki, July 28-Aug. 6, 1962.
584 A189 15pf red lilac .25 .20 No. 620a forms the festival flower emblem.
585 A189 20pf dark red .30 .20 1962, May 17 Perf. 13x13 1/2
586 A189 25pf dull bl (’63) .25 .20 605 A193 10pf brt green & blk 1.10 1.25
587 A189 30pf car rose 606 A193 20pf vermilion & blk .20 .20
(’63) .20 .20
588 A189 40pf brt vio (’63) .20 .20 Bicentenary of the birth of Johann Gottlieb
589 A189 50pf ultra (’63) .20 .20 Fichte, philosopher.
589A A189 60pf dp yel grn DDR
(’64) .25 .20 Television
590 A189 70pf red brn (’63) .25 .20 Free Style Signal
590A A189 80pf brt blue (’67) .40 .40 Swimming A203
Engr. A199
Size: 24x28 1/2mm
Designs: 10pf, Back stroke. 25pf, Butterfly
590B A189 1dm dull grn (’63) .60 .25 stroke. 40pf, Breast stroke. 70pf, Water polo.
590C A189 2dm brown (’63) 1.10 .40
Nos. 582-590C (13) 4.40 3.05 1962, Aug. 7 Litho. Perf. 13x13 1/2
See #751-752, 1112A-1114A, 1483. Cur- Design in Greenish Blue Young
rency abbreviation is “DM” on #590B-590C, Collectors
“MDN” on #751-752, “M” on #1113-1114A. 621 A199 5pf orange .20 .20 and World
622 A199 10pf grnsh blue .20 .20
623 A199 25pf ultra .20 .20 Map — A204
624 A199 40pf brt violet 1.00 1.00
Cross, Crown of George Dimitrov 625 A199 70pf red brown .20 .20 1962, Oct. 25 Perf. 13 1/2x13
a. Block of 6, #621-625, B92 1.50 1.50
Thorns and at Reichstag Trial, Nos. 621-625,B92 (6) 2.00 2.00 631 A203 20pf green & gray .20 .20
Rose — A194 Leipzig — A195 632 A204 40pf brt pink & blk 1.25 1.25
10th European Swimming Championships. No. 631 for the 10th anniv. of television in
Leipzig, Aug. 18-25. the German Democratic Republic; No. 632 is
1962, June 7 Perf. 12 1/2x13 Nos. 621-625, B92 each printed in sheets of
607 A194 20pf red & black .20 .20 50, No. 625a in sheet of 60. for Stamp Day.
Red Ants
A190 608 A194 25pf brt blue & blk .90 .65
20th anniversary of the destruction of Lidice
in Czechoslovakia by the Nazis.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

25pf, Pierre-Chretien Degeyter, composer. 1963, Sept. 10 Photo. Perf. 14
663 A190 10pf
emer, brn & blk .20 .20
1963, June 18 Perf. 13x13 1/2 664 A190 20pf
crimson, blk & yel .20 .20
653 A215 20pf vermilion & blk .20 .20 665 A190 30pf
multicolored .20 .20
654 A215 25pf vio blue & blk .90 .80 666 A190 50pf
multicolored 2.50 2.10
75th anniv. of the communist song “The 667 A190 70pf
claret brn, brn &
Gerhart bis .45 .35
Hauptmann Silver Fox International.”
A210 Nos. 663-667 (5) 3.55 3.05

1962, Nov. 15 Perf. 13x13 1/2 Design: 25pf, Karakul.

633 A205 20pf red & black .30 .20 1963, Feb. 14 Photo. Perf. 14
Centenary of the birth of Gerhart 641 A210 20pf rose & black .20 .20
Hauptmann, playwright. 642 A210 25pf blue & black 1.10 1.40
Intl. Fur Auctions, Leipzig, 2/14-15, 4/21-24.
Souvenir Sheet
Neidhardt von Gneisenau and
Gebhard Leberecht von
A216 Blücher — A220
No. 655, Valentina Tereshkova, Vostok 6. Designs: 10pf, Cossacks and home guard,
No. 656, Valeri Bykovski, Vostok 5. Berlin. 20pf, Ernst Moritz Arndt and Baron
Heinrich vom Stein. 25pf, Lützow’s volunteers
1963, July 18 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2 before battle. 40pf, Gerhard von Scharnhorst
655 20pf blue, blk & gray bl .65 .20 and Prince Mikhail I. Kutuzov.
656 20pf blue, blk & gray bl .65 .20
a. A216 Pair, #655-656 1.50 .30 1963, Oct. 10 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13
Barthels House, Space flights of Valeri Bykovski, June 14-19, Center in Tan and Black
Leipzig — A211 and Valentina Tereshkova, 1st woman cosmo- 668 A220 5pf brt yellow .20 .20
naut, June 16-19, 1963. 669 A220 10pf emerald .20 .20
Designs: 20pf, New Leipzig City Hall. 25pf, 670 A220 20pf dp orange .20 .20
Belltower Building. 671 A220 25pf dp ultra .20 .20
Russian Space Flights and 672 A220 40pf dark red 1.60 .60
Astronauts — A206 Engr. & Photo. Nos. 668-672 (5) 2.40 1.40
1963, Feb. 26 Wmk. 313 Perf. 14 150th anniversary of War of Liberation.
1962, Dec. 28 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13 643 A211 10pf black & citron .20 .20
634 A206 Sheet of 8 24.00 29.00 644 A211 20pf black & red org .25 .20
a. 5pf yellow 1.25 1.40 645 A211 25pf black & blue .80 .70
b. 10pf emerald 1.25 1.40
Nos. 643-645 (3) 1.25 1.10 Motorcyclist in
c. 15pf magenta 2.10 2.40 “Motocross” at
d. 20pf red 2.10 2.40 1963 Leipzig Spring Fair.
e. 25pf greenish blue 2.10 2.40 Apolda — A217
f. 30pf red brown 2.10 2.40
g. 40pf crimson 1.25 1.40
h. 50pf ultramarine 1.25 1.40 Souvenir Sheet Engr. & Photo.
Issued to show the development of Russian
On March 12, 1963, a souvenir sheet 1963, July 30 Perf. 14
space flights from Sputnik 1 to Vostoks 3 and publicizing “Chemistry for Peace and
Socialism” was issued. It contains two 20pf, Motorcyclist at Sachsenring, horiz.
4, and to honor the Russian astronauts 25pf, 2 motorcyclists at Sachsenring, horiz.
Gagarin, Titov, Nikolayev and Popovich. imperforate stamps, 50pf and 70pf,
printed on ungummed synthetic tissue. Size: 23x28mm Valentina Burning
Size: 105x74mm. Value $2.75. 657 A217 10pf lt grn & dk grn 3.00 2.50 Tereshkova and Synagogue and
Size: 48 1/2x21mm Space Star of David in
Craft — A221 Chains — A222
658 A217 20pf rose & dk red .20 .20
659 A217 25pf lt blue & dk blue .20 .20
Nos. 657-659 (3) 3.40 2.90 #674, Tereshkova and map of DDR, vert.
#675, Yuri A. Gagarin and map of DDR, vert.
Motorcycle World Championships. 25pf, Tereshkova in space capsule.

1963 Perf. 13 1/2x13, 13x13 1/2

Pierre de Size: 28x28mm (10pf, 25pf);
Coubertin — A207 28x37mm (20pf)
673 A221 10pf ultra & green .20 .20
Richard Wagner and “The Flying 674 A221 20pf red, blk & ocher .20 .20
Design: 25pf, Stadium and Olympic rings. Dutchman” — A213 675 A221 20pf red, grn & ocher .20 .20
1963, Jan. 2 Perf. 13 1/2x13 676 A221 25pf orange & blue 2.75 1.60
635 A207 20pf carmine & gray .20 .20 Portrait & Scene from Play: 5pf, Johann Nos. 673-676 (4) 3.35 2.20
636 A207 25pf blue & bister 1.25 1.50 Gottfried Seume (1763-1810). 10pf, Friedrich Visit of astronauts Valentina Tereshkova &
Hebbel (1813-63). 20pf, Georg Büchner Yuri A. Gagarin to the German Democratic
Baron Pierre de Coubertin, organizer of the (1813-37).
modern Olympic Games, birth cent. Republic.
1963, Apr. 9 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
647 A213 5pf brt citron & blk .20 .20 Perf. 13 1/2x13
648 A213 10pf brt green & blk .20 .20 1963, Nov. 8 Wmk. 313
649 A213 20pf orange & blk .20 .20 Monument at
650 A213 25pf dull blue & blk 1.25 1.00 Treblinka 677 A222 10pf multicolored .25 .20
Nos. 647-650 (4) 1.85 1.60 A218 25th anniv. of the “Crystal Night,” the start of
Congress the systematic persecution of the Jews in Ger-
Emblem, Flag Anniversaries of German dramatists and the
150th anniv. of the birth of Richard Wagner, Perf. 13x13 1/2 many. Inscribed: “Never again Crystal Night.”
with Marx, composer.
Engels and 1963, Aug. 20 Litho. Wmk. 313
Lenin — A208 660 A218 20pf brick red & dk blue .25 .20
Erection of a memorial at Treblinka (Poland)
1963, Jan. 15 Perf. 13x13 1/2 concentration camp.
637 A208 10pf yel, org, red & blk .25 .20
6th congress of Socialist Unity Party of Ger- Sorting
many (SED). Machine
First Aid
Station A223
Design: 20pf, Mechanized mail loading.
Design: 20pf, Ambulance and hospital.
1963, Nov. 25 Perf. 13x12 1/2
1963, May 14 Wmk. 313 678 A223 10pf multicolored 1.10 1.25
651 A214 10pf multicolored .90 .70 Globe, Car and 679 A223 20pf multicolored .20 .20
652 A214 20pf red, blk & gray .20 .20 Train — A219 Issued for Stamp Day.
Centenary of International Red Cross.
1963, Aug. 27 Perf. 13 1/2x13
World Map and Exterminator — A209
Design: No. 662, Globe, plane and bus.
Designs: 25pf, Map, cross and staff of Aes- 661 A219 10pf multicolored .60 .20
culapius. 50pf, Map, cross, mosquito. 662 A219 10pf multicolored .60 .20
a. Pair, #661-662 1.75 .25
1963, Feb. 6 Perf. 13x12 1/2 Issued to publicize the 1963 Leipzig Fall Fair. Ski Jump and
638 A209 20pf dp org, dk red Olympic
& blk .20 .20 Rings
639 A209 25pf multicolored .20 .20 Eugene Pottier, Fauna Type of 1962
640 A209 50pf multicolored .95 .75 A224
Writer — A215 10pf, Stag beetle. 20pf, Fire salamander.
Nos. 638-640 (3) 1.35 1.15 30pf, Pond turtle. 50pf, Green toad. 70pf,
WHO drive to eradicate malaria. Hedgehogs.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1963, Dec. 16 Litho. Perf. 13 /2x13
1964, May 15 Perf. 13x13 /21 714 A233 10pf Judo 2.00 1.75
a. Block of 6, #711-714,
680 A224 5pf shown .20 .20 693 A228 25pf blue .20 .20 B119-B120 17.00 16.00
681 A224 10pf Start .20 .20 694 A228 40pf lilac & grnsh blk 2.10 1.40
682 A224 25pf Landing 1.50 1.60 18th Olympic Games, Tokyo, Oct. 10-25,
Nos. 680-682,B111 (4) 2.10 2.20 Issued in honor of Premier Nikita S. 1964. See Nos. B118-B120. No. 714a printed
Khrushchev of the Soviet Union. in 2 horiz. rows: (1st: #711, #B119, #712. 2nd:
9th Winter Olympic Games, Innsbruck, Jan. #713, #B120, #714). The Olympic rings extend
29-Feb. 9, 1964. over the 6 stamps.
1964, May 13 Litho.
Designs: 20pf, Young athletes. 25pf, Accor-
dion player and girl with flowers.
Center in Black
695 A229 10pf ultra, mag & emer .20 .20 Stamp of 1955
696 A229 20pf emer, ultra & mag .20 .20 (Dürer’s Portrait
697 A229 25pf magenta, emer &
ultra 1.00 .55 of Young
Nos. 695-697 (3) 1.40 .95 Man) — A238
Admiral — A225 German Youth Meeting, Berlin.
1964, Sept. 23 Litho. Perf. 13x13 1/2
Butterflies: 15pf, Alpine Apollo. 20pf, Swal- 723 A238 50pf gray & dk red
lowtail. 25pf, Postilion. 40pf, Great fox. brn 1.50 .90
Nos. 723,B124-B125 (3) 2.05 1.35
Wmk. 313 Natl. Stamp Exhibition, Berlin, Oct. 3-18.
1964, Jan. 15 Photo. Perf. 14 Monument,
Butterflies in Natural Colors Leningrad
683 A225 10pf citron & blk .30 .20 A234
684 A225 15pf pale violet & blk .30 .20
685 A225 20pf lt brick red & blk .30 .20 1964, Aug. 8 Litho. Perf. 13x13 1/2
686 A225 25pf lt blue & dk brn .30 .20 715 A234 25pf brt blue, blk & yel .60 .20
687 A225 40pf lt ultra & blk 3.50 1.50
Nos. 683-687 (5) 4.70 2.30 Issued to honor the victims of the siege of
Leningrad, Sept. 1941-Jan. 1943. Coal Transport
Television #724, Navigation. #725, Flag & new Berlin
Antenna and buildings. #727, Chemist. #728, Soldier. #729,
Puppets — A230 Farm woman & cows. #730, Steel worker.
#731, Woman scientist & lecture hall. #732,
Children’s Day: Various characters from Heavy industry. #733, Optical industry. #734,
children’s television programs. Consumer goods (woman examining cloth).
#735, Foreign trade, Leipzig fair emblem.
William Shakespeare — A226 Bertha von #736, Buildings industry. #737, Sculptor.
1964, June 1 Perf. 13x13 1/2 Suttner — A235 #738, Woman skier.
698 A230 5pf multicolored .20 .20
20pf, Quadriga, Brandenburg Gate, Berlin. 699 A230 10pf multicolored .20 .20 Perf. 13 1/2x13
25pf, Keystone, History Museum (Zeughaus), 700 A230 15pf multicolored .20 .20
Berlin. 701 A230 20pf multicolored .20 .20 1964, Oct. 6 Litho. Wmk. 313
702 A230 40pf multicolored 1.10 1.10 724 A239 10pf blue & multi .20 .20
1964, Feb. 6 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 Nos. 698-702 (5) 1.90 1.90 725 A239 10pf blue & multi .20 .20
688 A226 20pf rose & dk blue .20 .20 726 A239 10pf gray & multi .20 .20
689 A226 25pf lt blue & mag .20 .20 727 A239 10pf red & multi .20 .20
690 A226 40pf lt vio & dk bl grn 1.00 .70 728 A239 10pf red & multi .20 .20
Nos. 688-690 (3) 1.40 1.10 729 A239 10pf yel grn & multi .20 .20
Medieval Glazier 730 A239 10pf red & multi .20 .20
200th anniv. of the birth of the sculptor 731 A239 10pf red & multi .20 .20
Johann Gottfried Schadow (20pf); 300th Woman as and Goblet — A236 732 A239 10pf gray & multi .20 .20
anniv. of the birth of the sculptor Andreas 733 A239 10pf gray & multi .20 .20
Schlüter (25pf); 400th anniv. of the birth of Educator and
Designs: 20pf, Frederic Joliot Curie. 50pf, 734 A239 10pf blue & multi .20 .20
William Shakespeare, dramatist (40pf). Portrait of 735 A239 10pf blue & multi .20 .20
Carl von Ossietzky.
Jenny 736 A239 10pf yel grn & multi .20 .20
Marx — A231 1964, Sept. 1 Perf. 14 737 A239 10pf yel grn & multi .20 .20
716 A235 20pf red & black .20 .20 738 A239 10pf blue & multi .20 .20
Designs: 25pf, Women in industry and tran- 717 A235 25pf ultra & black .20 .20 Nos. 724-738 (15) 3.00 3.00
sistor diagram. 70pf, Women in agriculture. 718 A235 50pf lilac & black .90 .50 German Democratic Republic, 15th anniv.
Nos. 716-718 (3) 1.30 .90 A souvenir sheet contains 15 imperf. stamps
Perf. 13 1/2x13 Issued to promote World Peace. similar to #724-738. Size: 210x287mm. Value,
Electrical 1964, June 26 Litho. Wmk. 313 $25.
703 A231 20pf crimson, gray & For surcharge see No. B134.
Exhibit — A227 yel .20 .20 1964, Sept. 3 Perf. 14
704 A231 25pf lt blue, gray &
red .75 .60 15pf, Jena glass for chemical industry.
20pf, Bräunigkes Court, exhibition hall, 705 A231 70pf emerald, gray & 719 A236 10pf lt ultra & multi .45 .20
1700. yel .25 .20 720 A236 15pf red & multi .45 .20
Nos. 703-705 (3) 1.20 1.00 a. Pair, #719-720 + label 1.60 .40
Perf. 13x13 1/2 Congress of Women of the German Demo- Issued for the Leipzig Fall Fair, 1964.
1964, Feb. 26 Wmk. 313 cratic Republic, June 25-27.
691 A227 10pf brt green & blk 2.00 .20
692 A227 20pf red & black 2.00 .20
a. Block, 1 each #661-662 + 2 la-
bels 12.50 .75
Leipzig Spring Fair, Mar. 1-10, 1964.
Man from Mönchgut,
Rügen — A240

Bicycling 1964, Nov. 25 Photo. Perf. 14

A232 Handstamp of First Socialist
International, 1864 — A237 Regional Costumes: No. 740, Woman from
Mönchgut, Rügen. No. 741, Man from
Spreewald. No. 742, Woman from Spreewald.
1964, Sept. 16 Photo. Wmk. 313 No. 743, Man from Thuringia. No. 744,
721 A237 20pf orange red & blk .20 .20 Woman from Thuringia.
722 A237 25pf dull blue & blk .50 .45 739 A240 5pf multicolored 7.00 4.25
Khrushchev and Centenary of First Socialist International. 740 A240 5pf multicolored 7.00 4.25
Inventors — A228 a. Pair, #739-740 15.00 9.00
741 A240 10pf multicolored .25 .20
742 A240 10pf multicolored .25 .20
Diving — A233 a. Pair, #741-742 .60 .40
743 A240 20pf multicolored .25 .20
744 A240 20pf multicolored .25 .20
Litho. & Engr. a. Pair, #739-740 .60 .40
1964, July 15 Perf. 14 Nos. 739-744 (6) 15.00 9.30
Youth Training 706 A232 5pf shown .20 .20 Printed in checkerboard arrangement.
707 A232 10pf Volleyball .20 .20 See Nos. 859-864.
for Leadership 708 A232 20pf Judo .20 .20
A229 709 A232 25pf Woman diver .20 .20
710 A232 70pf Equestrian 1.25 1.00
40pf, Khrushchev, Tereshkova & Gagarin. Nos. 706-710,B118 (6) 2.35 2.00
Perf. 13x13 1/2
711 A233 10pf shown 2.00 1.75
712 A233 10pf Volleyball 2.00 1.75
713 A233 10pf Bicycling 2.00 1.75

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Souvenir Sheets Bebel, labor leader (1840-1913). 90th anniv. 1965, May 5 Photo. Perf. 14
of the birth of Wilhelm Külz, politician. 75th Flags in Red, Black & Yellow
anniv. of the birth of Erich Weinert, poet.
Alighieri (1265-1321), Italian poet. 765 A248 40pf blue grn & red .20 .20
Issued: #753, 3/24; #753A, 12/8; 20pf, 2/22; 766 A248 50pf dull blue & red .20 .20
25pf, 7/5; 40pf, 7/28; 50pf, 4/15. 767 A248 60pf brown & red 1.60 1.25
768 A248 70pf vio blue & red .20 .20
Nos. 765-768,B127-B131 (9) 3.20 2.85
20th anniv. of liberation from fascism.

“Alte Waage” and New Building,

Leipzig — A255

25pf, Old City Hall. 40pf, Opera House &

General Post Office. 70pf, Hotel “Stadt
Exploration of Ionosphere — A241 Unwmk.
1965, Aug. 25 Photo. Perf. 14
Designs: 40pf, Exploration of sun activities. 781 A255 10pf gold, cl brn &
70pf, Exploration of radiation belt. ultra .20 .20
A244 A245 a. Souv. sheet of 2, #781,
1964, Dec. 29 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13 784 2.10 3.00
745 A241 25pf vio bl & yel 4.00 6.00 Designs: 10pf, Gold Medal, Leipzig Fair. 782 A255 25pf gold, brn, &
746 A241 40pf vio bl, yel & 15pf, Obverse of medal, arms of German Radio Tower ITU Emblem ocher .20 .20
and Globe and Frequency a. Souv. sheet of 2, #782-
red 1.60 3.00 Democratic Republic. 25pf, Chemical plant. 783 1.10 2.50
747 A241 70pf dp grn, vio bl A249 Diagram 783 A255 40pf gold, brn,
& yel 1.60 3.00 1965, Feb. 25 Wmk. 313 A250 ocher & yel
Nos. 745-747 (3) 7.20 12.00 756 A244 10pf lilac rose & gold .20 .20 grn .20 .20
Intl. Quiet Sun Year, 1964-65. 757 A244 15pf lilac rose & gold .20 .20 40pf, Workers & broadcasting equipment. 784 A255 70pf gold & ultra 1.40 .60
758 A244 25pf brt blue, yel & gold .45 .20 Nos. 781-784 (4) 2.00 1.20
Nos. 756-758 (3) .85 .60 1965, May 12 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13 800th anniv. of the City of Leipzig. No. 781a
1965 Leipzig Spring Fair; 800th anniv. of the 769 A249 20pf dk car rose & blk .25 .20 sold for 90pf; No. 782a for 80pf. The souvenir
Fair. 770 A249 40pf vio bl & blk .90 .35 sheets were issued Sept. 4, 1965.
20th anniv. of the German Democratic
1965, Mar. 24 broadcasting system.
Designs: 10pf, Giraffe. 25pf, Common
iguana, horiz. 30pf, White-tailed gnu. 1965, May 17
759 A245 10pf green & gray .20 .20 25pf, ITU emblem & telephone diagram.
760 A245 25pf dk vio bl & gray .20 .20
761 A245 30pf brown & gray 1.60 .90 771 A250 20pf olive, yel & blk .25 .20
Nos. 759-761 (3) 2.00 1.30 772 A250 25pf vio, pale vio & blk 1.40 .35
10th anniversary of Berlin Zoo. Cent. of the ITU.

Schweitzer as Cameras Equestrian
Physician A256 A257
Leipzig Fall Fair: 15pf, Electric guitar and
Col. Pavel organ. 25pf, Microscope.
Belyayev and
Lt. Col. Alexei 1965, Sept. 9 Perf. 14
Leonov Emblem of Free 785 A256 10pf green, blk & gold .20 .20
A246 German Trade 786 A256 15pf multicolored .20 .20
Union — A251 787 A256 25pf multicolored .45 .20
Nos. 785-787 (3) .85 .60
25pf, Lt. Col. Leonov floating in space.

Perf. 13 1/2x13 Perf. 13 1/2x13

1965, Apr. 15 Litho. Wmk. 313 1965, Sept. 15 Litho. Unwmk.
762 A246 10pf red .25 .20 789 A257 10pf shown .20 .20
August 763 A246 25pf dk ultra 1.75 1.00 790 A257 10pf Swimmer .20 .20
Bebel — A243 791 A257 10pf Runner 2.00 1.60
Space flight of Voskhod 2 and the first man Nos. 789-791,B135-B136 (5) 2.90 2.40
walking in space, Lt. Col. Alexel Leonov. Intl. Modern Pentathlon Championships,
Designs (Schweitzer): 20pf, As fighter
against war and atom bomb. 25pf, At the Hemispheres with Crowd of Leipzig.
organ with score of Organ Prelude by Bach. Workers — A252
Wmk. 313 1965, June 10 Photo. Perf. 14
1965, Jan. 14 Photo. Perf. 14 773 A251 20pf red & gold .20 .20
748 A242 10pf emerald, blk & bis .20 .20 774 A252 25pf gold, blue & blk .75 .30
749 A242 20pf crimson, blk & bis .20 .20
750 A242 25pf blue, blk & bis 2.50 1.25 20th anniv. of the Free German Trade Union
Nos. 748-750 (3) 2.90 1.65 (FDGB) and of the World Organization of
Boxing Glove and Trade Unions.
90th birthday of Dr. Albert Schweitzer, medi-
cal missionary. Laurel Alexei Leonov and
Wreath — A247 Brandenburg
Gate — A258
Ulbricht Type of 1961-63 1965, Apr. 27 Photo. Perf. 14
Currency in “Mark of the Deutsche 764 A247 20pf blk, red & gold .70 .45
Notenbank” (MDN)
16th European Boxing Championship, Ber-
1965, Feb. 10 Engr. lin, May, 1965. See No. B126.
Size: 24x28 1/2mm
751 A189 1mdn dull green .40 .30
752 A189 2mdn brown .45 .35
See note below Nos. 590B-590C.
Symbols of Marx and
Industry — A253 Lenin — A254
1965 Photo. Perf. 14
10pf, Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen. #753A, Designs: 20pf, Red Tower. 25pf, City Hall.
Adolph von Menzel. 25pf, Wilhelm Külz. 40pf,
Erich Weinert. 50pf, Dante Alighieri. 1965, June 16
775 A253 10pf gold & emerald .20 .20 Memorial
753 A243 10pf dk brn, yel & 776 A253 20pf gold & crimson .20 .20 Monument,
emer .30 .20 777 A253 25pf gold & brt blue .70 .30 Putten — A259
753A A243 10pf dk brn, yel & Walter Ulbricht and Erich Weinert
Distributing “Free Germany” Leaflets Nos. 775-777 (3) 1.10 .70
org .45 .20
754 A243 20pf ol brn, red & on the Eastern Front — A248 800th anniv. of Chemnitz (Karl Marx City). Designs: No. 793, Pavel Belyayev and Ber-
buff .30 .20 lin City Hall. 25pf, Leonov floating in space
754A A243 25pf ol brn, yel & bl .55 .20 and space ship.
50pf, Liberation of concentration camps. 1965, June 21 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13
754B A243 40pf ol brn, buff & 60pf, Russian soldiers raising flag on Reichs-
car rose .35 .20 778 A254 20pf red, black & buff .25 .20 Wmk. 313
tag, Berlin. 70pf, Political demonstration.
755 A243 50pf dk brn, yel & 6th Conference of Postal Ministers of Com- 1965, Nov. 1 Litho. Perf. 14
org .85 .20 munist Countries, Peking, June 21-July 15. Size: 23 1/2x28 1/2mm
Nos. 753-755 (6) 2.80 1.20
792 A258 20pf blue, sil & red .40 .40
Roentgen (1845-1923), physicist, discoverer 793 A258 20pf blue, sil & red .40 .40
of X-rays. Sesquicentennial of the birth of
Adolph von Menzel, painter and graphic artist.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Size: 51x28 /2mm 1
Perf. 13 /2x13
1 Various Lace Designs.
794 A258 25pf blue, sil & red .40 .40 1966, Jan. 25 Litho. Unwmk. 1966, May 26 Perf. 13x13 1/2
a. Strip of 3, #792-794 2.50 1.25 808 A264 10pf citron & dp grn .20 .20
809 A264 20pf car rose & dk vio bl .20 .20 837 A274 10pf green & lt green .20 .20
Visit of the Russian astronauts to the Ger- 838 A274 20pf dk blue & lt blue .20 .20
man Democratic Republic. 810 A264 25pf blue & dk blue .95 .50 839 A274 25pf brown red & ver .20 .20
Nos. 808-810 (3) 1.35 .90 840 A274 50pf dk vio & bluish lil 1.50 .85
10th Intl. Tobogganing Championships, Traffic Nos. 837-840 (4) 2.10 1.45
1965, Nov. 19 Perf. 13x13 1/2 Friedrichroda, Feb. 8-13.
795 A259 25pf brt bl, pale yel & blk .50 .20 Signs — A270
Issued in memory of the victims of a Nazi Traffic safety: 15pf, Automobile and child
attack on Putten, Netherlands, Sept. 30, 1944. with scooter. 25pf, Bicyclist and signaling
hand. 50pf, Motorcyclist, ambulance and glass
of beer.

1966, Mar. 28 Litho. Perf. 13

Electronic 821 A270 10pf dk & lt bl, red &
Computer blk .20 .20
A265 822 A270 15pf brt grn, citron &
blk .20 .20
Furnace Design: 15pf, Drill and milling machine. 823 A270 25pf ol bis, brt bl & blk .20 .20
824 A270 50pf car, yel, gray &
A260 blk .75 .50
1966, Feb. 24 Perf. 13x12 1/2 Nos. 821-824 (4) 1.35 1.10
After old woodcuts: 15pf, Ore miners. 20pf, 811 A265 10pf multicolored .20 .20
Proustite crystals. 25pf, Sulphur crystals. 812 A265 15pf multicolored .55 .20 Rhododendron
Leipzig Spring Fair, 1966. A275
Perf. 13x12 1/2
1965, Nov. 11 Litho. Unwmk.
796 A260 10pf black & multi .20 .20
797 A260 15pf black & multi .45 .45
798 A260 20pf black & multi .20 .20
799 A260 25pf black & multi .20 .20
Nos. 796-799 (4) 1.05 1.05
Mining Academy in Freiberg, bicent.

Jan Arnost Smoler Marx, Lenin and Crowd — A271

and Linden
Leaf — A266 Designs: 5pf, Party emblem and crowd, vert.
15pf, Marx, Engels and title page of Commu- Parachutist Landing
nist Manifesto, vert. 20pf, Otto Grotewohl and on Target — A276
Wilhelm Pieck shaking hands, and Party
emblem, vert. 25pf, Chairman Walter Ulbricht Flowers: 20pf, Lilies of the Valley. 40pf,
receiving flowers. Dahlias. 50pf, Cyclamen.
Soldier and 1966, Mar. 31 Photo. Perf. 14 Photo. & Engr.
National 825 A271 5pf multicolored .20 .20
826 A271 10pf multicolored .20 .20 1966 Unwmk. Perf. 14x13 1/2
Red Kite Otto Grotewohl Gallery, 827 A271 15pf green & blk .20 .20 841 A275 20pf multicolored .20 .20
A261 A262 Berlin — A267 828 A271 20pf dk carmine & blk .20 .20 842 A275 25pf multicolored .20 .20
829 A271 25pf multicolored 1.10 .75 843 A275 40pf multicolored .25 .20
25pf, House of the Sorbs, Bautzen, Saxony. Nos. 825-829 (5) 1.90 1.55 844 A275 50pf multicolored 3.00 2.10
Birds: 10pf, Lammergeier. 20pf, Buzzard. Nos. 841-844 (4) 3.65 2.70
25pf, Kestrel. 40pf, Northern goshawk. 70pf, 20th anniversary of Socialist Unity Party of
Golden eagle. 1966, Mar. 1 Perf. 13x13 1/2 Germany (SED). Intl. Flower Show, Erfurt.
813 A266 20pf brt bl, blk & brt red .20 .20 Issued: 20pf, Aug. 16; others, June 28.
1965, Dec. 8 Photo. Perf. 14 814 A266 25pf brt red, blk & brt bl .45 .30
Gold Frame Smoler (1816-84), philologist of the Sorbian 1966, July 12 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13
800 A261 5pf orange & blk .20 .20 language. The Sorbs are a small group of
801 A261 10pf emer, brn & blk .20 .20 slavic people in Saxony. 15pf, Group parachute jump. 20pf, Free fall.
802 A261 20pf car, red brn & blk .20 .20 845 A276 10pf blue, blk & ol .20 .20
803 A261 25pf blue, red brn & 846 A276 15pf multicolored .45 .40
blk .20 .20 Wmk. 313 847 A276 20pf sky blue, blk & ol .20 .20
804 A261 40pf lilac, blk & dk red .25 .20 1966, Mar. 1 Photo. Perf. 14 Nos. 845-847 (3) .85 .80
805 A261 70pf brn, blk & yel 3.25 1.50
Nos. 800-805 (6) 4.30 2.50 Designs (Soldier and): 10pf, Brandenburg 8th Intl. Parachute Championships, Leipzig.
Gate. 20pf, Factory. 25pf, Combine. WHO Headquarters, Geneva — A272
1965, Dec. 14 Photo. Wmk. 313 815 A267 5pf ol gray, blk &
yel .20 .20 Perf. 13x12 1/2
806 A262 20pf black .55 .20 1966, Apr. 26 Litho. Unwmk.
816 A267 10pf ol gray, blk &
Issued in memory of Otto Grotewohl (1894- yel .20 .20 830 A272 20pf multicolored .30 .25
1964), prime minister (1949-1964). 817 A267 20pf ol gray, blk &
yel .20 .20 Inauguration of WHO Headquarters, Geneva.
818 A267 25pf ol gray, blk &
Souvenir Sheet yel 1.00 .50
Nos. 815-818 (4) 1.60 1.10
National People’s Army, 10th anniversary.

Hans Kahle, Song of German Fighters

and Medal of Spanish
Republic — A277

Rügen Island, Königsstuhl — A273 15pf, Hans Beimler and street fighting in
Luna 9 on National Parks: 10pf, Spree River woodland.
20pf, Saxon Switzerland. 25pf, Dunes at 1966, July 15 Photo. Perf. 14
Moon — A268 Westdarss. 30pf, Thale in Harz, Devil’s Wall. 848 A277 5pf multicolored .20 .20
50pf, Feldberg Lakes, Mecklenburg. 849 A277 15pf multicolored .20 .20
Spartacus Letter, Karl Liebknecht and Nos. 848-849,B137-B140 (6) 2.25 1.90
Rosa Luxemburg — A263 Perf. 13x12 1/2 German fighters in the Spanish Civil War.
1966, May 17 Litho. Unwmk.
1966, Jan. 3 Unwmk. 831 A273 10pf multicolored .20 .20
807 A263 Sheet of 2 1.10 3.50 832 A273 15pf multicolored .20 .20
a. 20pf red & black .30 .25 833 A273 20pf multicolored .20 .20
b. 50pf red & black .30 .25 834 A273 25pf multicolored .20 .20
50th anniv. of the natl. conf. of the Sparta- 835 A273 30pf multicolored .20 .20
cus organization. Medal for 836 A273 50pf multicolored 1.25 .75
Scholarship — A269 Nos. 831-836 (6) 2.25 1.75 Television
1966, Mar. 7 Unwmk. A278
819 A268 20pf multicolored 1.25 .25
1st soft landing on the moon by Luna 9, Design: 15pf, Electric typewriter.
Perf. 13x12 1/2
Tobogganing, 1966, Aug. 29 Litho. Unwmk.
Women’s 1966, Mar. 7 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13 850 A278 10pf brt grn, blk & gray .30 .20
Singles 820 A269 20pf multicolored .35 .20 851 A278 15pf red, blk & gray .70 .20
A264 20th anniv. of the State Youth Organization. 1966 Leipzig Fall Fair.
20pf, Men’s doubles. 25pf, Men’s singles. Lace — A274
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
1966, Oct. 25 Photo. Perf. 14 1966, Nov. 23 Litho. Perf. 13x13 1/2
859 A240 5pf multicolored .25 .20 877 A288 20pf olive .20 .20
860 A240 10pf multicolored .25 .20 878 A288 25pf violet brown .45 .25
a. Pair, #859-860 .60 .50 Nos. 877-878,B145 (3) .85 .65
861 A240 10pf lt green & multi .25 .20
862 A240 15pf lt green & multi .25 .20 900th anniv. (in 1967) of the Wartburg (cas-
a. Pair, #861-862 .60 .50 tle) near Eisenach, Thuringia.
863 A240 20pf yellow & multi 1.60 1.10
Women’s Doubles Kayak 864 A240 30pf yellow & multi 1.60 1.10
a. Pair, #863-864 4.00 2.75 1966, Dec. 8 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13
Race — A279 Nos. 859-864 (6) 4.20 3.00
Protected Flowers: 20pf, Cephalanthera
Printed in checkerboard arrangement. rubra (orchid). 25pf, Mountain arnica.
1966, Aug. 16
852 A279 15pf brt blue & multi .90 .60 Black Background
7th Canoe World Championships, Berlin. 879 A289 10pf yel, grn & bl .20 .20
See No. B141. 880 A289 20pf yel, grn & red .20 .20
881 A289 25pf red, yel & grn 1.10 .55 Mother and
Nos. 879-881 (3) 1.50 .95 Child — A294

Design: 15pf, Zeiss telescope and galaxy.

1967, Mar. 2 Perf. 13 1/2x13
897 A293 10pf dull mag & brt grn .20 .20
Megalamphodus 898 A293 15pf ultra & gray .50 .25
Megalopterus — A285 Leipzig Spring Fair of 1967.
Various Tropical Fish in Natural Colors. Son Leaving
Home — A290 1967, Mar. 7 Perf. 13x13 1/2
1966, Nov. 8 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
865 A285 5pf lt blue & gray .20 .20 Design: 25pf, Working women.
866 A285 10pf blue & indigo .20 .20 899 A294 20pf rose brn, red & gray .20 .20
867 A285 15pf citron & blk 1.75 1.25 900 A294 25pf dk bl, brt bl & brn .50 .45
868 A285 20pf green & blk .20 .20
869 A285 25pf ultra & blk .20 .20 20th anniv. of the Democratic Women’s
870 A285 40pf emerald & blk .25 .20 Federation of Germany.
Nos. 865-870 (6) 2.80 2.25
Oradour sur Glane Emblem of the
Memorial and Committee for
French Flag Health City Hall,
A280 Education Stralsund — A291
Various Scenes from Fairy Tale “The Table,
Perf. 13x13 1/2 the Ass and the Stick.”
1966, Sept. 9 Wmk. 313 Marx, Engels, Lenin and Electronic
853 A280 25pf ultra, blk & red .25 .20 1966, Dec. 8 Perf. 13 1/2x13 Control Center — A295
882 A290 5pf multicolored .20 .20
Issued in memory of the victims of the Nazi 883 A290 10pf multicolored .20 .20
attack on Oradour, France, June 10, 1944. 884 A290 20pf multicolored .45 .40 Designs (Portraits and): 5pf, Farmer driving
Map of Oil Pipeline and Oil 885 A290 25pf multicolored .45 .40 combine. No. 903, Students and teacher.
Field — A286 886 A290 30pf multicolored .20 .20 15pf, Family. No. 905, Soldier, sailor and avia-
1966, Sept. 13 Perf. 14 887 A290 50pf multicolored .20 .20 tor. No. 906, Ulbricht among workers. 25pf,
a. Sheet of 6, #882-887 2.25 2.75 Soldier, sailor, aviator and factories. 40pf,
5pf, Symbolic blood donor & recipient, horiz. Design: 25pf, Map of oil pipelines and “Wal- Farmers with modern equipment. Nos. 901,
ter Ulbricht” Leuna chemical factory. See Nos. 968-973, 1063-1068, 1087-1092, 903-905 are vertical.
854 A281 5pf brt brown & red .20 .20 1176-1181, 1339-1344.
855 A281 40pf brt blue & red .90 .40
Nos. 854-855,B142 (3) 1.40 .80 1966, Nov. 8 Perf. 13 1/2x13 1967 Photo. Perf. 14
871 A286 20pf red & black .20 .20 901 A295 5pf multicolored .20 .20
Blood donations and health education. 872 A286 25pf blue & black .50 .25 Perf. 14x13 1/2, 13 1/2x14 902 A295 10pf multicolored .20 .20
Chemical industry.
1967, Jan. 24 Photo. 903 A295 10pf multicolored .20 .20
Buildings: 5pf, Wörlitz Castle, horiz. 15pf, 904 A295 15pf multicolored .30 .30
Chorin Convent. 20pf, Ribbeck House, Berlin, 905 A295 20pf multicolored .20 .20
horiz. 25pf, Moritzburg, Zeitz. 40pf, Old City 906 A295 20pf multicolored .20 .20
Hall, Potsdam. 907 A295 25pf multicolored .20 .20
908 A295 40pf multicolored .40 .45
888 A291 5pf multicolored .20 .20 Nos. 901-908 (8) 1.90 1.95
889 A291 10pf multicolored .20 .20 7th congress of Socialist Unity Party of Ger-
890 A291 15pf multicolored .20 .20 many (SED), Apr. 17.
891 A291 20pf multicolored .20 .20
Weight 892 A291 25pf multicolored .20 .20 Issued: #902, 906-908 3/22; #901, 903-905,
Lifter — A282 893 A291 40pf multicolored .85 .55 4/6.
Nos. 888-893 (6) 1.85 1.55
Perf. 13 1/2x13 See Nos. 1018, 1020, 1071-1076.
1966, Sept. 22 Litho. Unwmk.
856 A282 15pf lt brown & blk 1.10 .90 Detail from Ishtar Gate, Babylon, 580
B.C. — A287
Intl. and European Weight Lifting Champi-
onships, Berlin. See No. B143.
Designs from Babylon c. 580 B.C.: 20pf,
Mythological animal from Ishtar Gate. 25pf,
Lion facing right and ornaments, vert. 50pf,
Lion facing left and ornaments, vert.
Perf. 13 1/2x14, 14x13 1/2
1966, Nov. 23 Photo. Rifle Shooting, Prone — A292 Tahitian Women, by Paul
873 A287 10pf multicolored .20 .20 Gauguin — A296
874 A287 20pf multicolored .20 .20 Designs: 20pf, Shooting on skis. 25pf, Relay
Congress 875 A287 25pf multicolored .20 .20 race with rifles on skis.
876 A287 50pf multicolored .45 .70 Paintings from Dresden Gallery: 20pf,
Hall — A283 Young Woman, by Ferdinand Hodler. 25pf,
Nos. 873-876 (4) 1.05 1.30 1967, Feb. 15 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 Peter in the Zoo, by H. Hakenbeck. 30pf,
Near East Museum, Berlin. 894 A292 10pf Prus bl gray & brt Venetian Episode (woman feeding pigeons),
pink .20 .20 by R. Bergander. 50pf, Grandmother and
895 A292 20pf sl grn, brt bl & grn .20 .20 Granddaughter, by J. Scholtz. 70pf, Cairn in
896 A292 25pf ol grn, ol & grnsh the Snow, by Caspar David Friedrich.
bl .55 .35
Nos. 894-896 (3) .95 .75 1967, Mar. 29
World Biathlon Championships (skiing and 909 A296 20pf multi, vert. .20 .20
shooting), Altenberg, Feb. 15-19. 910 A296 25pf multi, vert. .20 .20
911 A296 30pf multi, vert. .20 .20
912 A296 40pf multi .20 .20
Emblem — A284 913 A296 50pf multi, vert. 1.25 1.10
914 A296 70pf multi .25 .20
1966, Oct. 10 Perf. 13 Nos. 909-914 (6) 2.30 2.10
857 A283 10pf multicolored .35 .30
858 A284 20pf dk blue & yellow .20 .20
6th Cong. of the Intl. Organ. of Journalists,

Circular Knitting
Costume Type of 1964 Machine — A293
Regional Costumes: 5pf, Woman from Wartburg, Gentian — A289
Altenburg. No. 860, Man from Altenburg. No. Thuringia — A288
861, Woman from Mecklenburg. 15pf, Man
from Mecklenburg. 20pf, Woman from Magde-
burg area. 30pf, Man from Magdeburg area. Design: 25pf, Wartburg, Palace.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

933 A300 40pf pale grn & ol grn .20 .20 Perf. 14x13 /2 1
Engraved and Photogravure
934 A300 50pf tan & sepia 1.25 .85 1967, Aug. 8 Photo. Unwmk. 1967, Oct. 17 Perf. 14
Nos. 929-934 (6) 2.25 1.85
949 A305 10pf brt bl, blk & yel .25 .20 960 A309 20pf black & rose lilac .20 .20
Issued to publicize paintings missing from 950 A305 15pf yellow, brn & blk .55 .25 961 A309 25pf black & blue .20 .20
museums since World War II. 962 A309 40pf black & lemon 1.40 .55
Nos. 960-962 (3) 1.80 .95
Perf. 12 1/2x13 450th anniversary of the Reformation.
1967, June 14 Litho. Unwmk.
935 A301 20pf dk grn, ocher & red .25 .20 1967, Nov. 15 Unwmk. Perf. 14
15th Agricultural Exhib., Markkleeberg. Designs: No. 964, Boy’s and girl’s heads
and emblem of the Free German Youth Organ-
Barn Owl — A297 ization. 25pf, Young workers receiving awards,
and medal.
Protected Birds: 10pf, Eurasian crane. 20pf, Size: 23x28 1/2mm
Peregrine falcon. 25pf, Bullfinches. 30pf, Euro-
pean kingfisher. 40pf, European roller. Max Reichpietsch and 963 A310 20pf multicolored .35 .30
Warship — A306 964 A310 20pf multicolored .35 .30
1967, Apr. 27 Photo. Perf. 14 Size: 51x28 1/2mm
Birds in Natural Colors 15pf, Albin Köbis, warship. 20pf, Sailors 965 A310 25pf multicolored .35 .30
915 A297 5pf gray blue .20 .20 marching with red flag, warship. a. Strip of 3, #963-965 2.75 2.50
916 A297 10pf gray blue .20 .20 Issued to publicize the 10th Masters of
917 A297 20pf gray blue .20 .20 1967, Sept. 5 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13 Tomorrow Fair, Leipzig, Nov. 15-26.
918 A297 25pf gray blue .20 .20 Bluish Paper
919 A297 30pf gray blue 2.50 1.50 951 A306 10pf dk blue, gray &
920 A297 40pf gray blue .25 .20 red .20 .20
Nos. 915-920 (6) 3.55 2.50 Marie Curie — A302
952 A306 15pf dk blue, gray &
red .75 .35
953 A306 20pf dk blue, gray &
red .25 .20 Goethe
Arms of Nos. 951-953 (3) 1.20 .75 House,
Warsaw, 50th anniv. of the sailors’ uprising at Kiel. Weimar
Berlin A311
Prague Design: 25pf, Schiller House, Weimar.
1967, Nov. 27 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
Design: 25pf, Bicyclists and doves. 966 A311 20pf gray, blk & brn .20 .20
967 A311 25pf citron, dk grn &
Perf. 13x12 1/2 brn 1.00 .35
1967, May 10 Litho. Wmk. 313 Honoring German classical humanism.
921 A298 10pf org, blk & lil .20 .20
922 A298 25pf lt bl & dk car .35 .30 German Playing
Cards — A303 Fairy Tale Type of 1966
20th Intl. Bicycle Peace Race, Berlin-War-
saw-Prague. Various Scenes from King Drosselbart.
Portraits: 5pf, Georg Herwegh, poet. 20pf,
Käthe Kollwitz. 25pf, Johann J. Winckelmann, 1967, Nov. 27 Perf. 13 1/2x13
archaeologist. 40pf, Theodor Storm, writer. Monument at 968 A290 5pf multicolored .20 .20
969 A290 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1967 Engr. Perf. 14 Kragujevac 970 A290 15pf multicolored .60 .50
936 A302 5pf brown .20 .20 A307 971 A290 20pf multicolored .60 .50
937 A302 10pf dark blue .20 .20 972 A290 25pf multicolored .20 .20
938 A302 20pf dull red .20 .20 1967, Sept. 20 Perf. 13x13 1/2 973 A290 30pf multicolored .20 .20
939 A302 25pf gray .20 .20 a. Sheet of 6, #968-973 3.50 3.00
954 A307 25pf dk red, yel & blk .50 .25
Cat 940 A302 40pf slate green .60 .45
A299 Nos. 936-940 (5) 1.40 1.25 Issued in memory of the victims of the Nazis
at Kragujevac, Yugoslavia, Oct. 21, 1941.
150th anniv. of the birth of Herwegh, Winck-
Children’s Drawings: 10pf, Snow White and elmann and Storm, and the birth centenaries
the Seven Dwarfs. 15pf, Fire truck. 20pf, Cock. of Curie and Kollwitz.
25pf, Flowers in vase. 30pf, Children playing
1967, July 18 Photo.
1967, June 1 Unwmk. Designs: Various German playing cards.
923 A299 5pf multicolored .20 .20 Farmers, Stables and Silos — A312
924 A299 10pf black & multi .20 .20 941 A303 5pf red & multi .20 .20
925 A299 15pf dk blue & multi .20 .20 942 A303 10pf green & multi .20 .20
926 A299 20pf orange & multi .20 .20 943 A303 20pf multicolored .25 .20 Perf. 13x12 1/2
927 A299 25pf multicolored .20 .20 944 A303 25pf multicolored 3.50 2.00 1967, Dec. 6 Litho. Unwmk.
928 A299 30pf multicolored .85 .50 Nos. 941-944 (4) 4.15 2.60 Worker and Symbols of 974 A312 10pf multicolored .25 .20
Nos. 923-928 (6) 1.85 1.50 Electrification — A308
1st agricultural co-operatives, 15th anniv.
Issued for International Children’s Day.
Communist Emblem and: 5pf, Worker, Com-
munist newspaper masthead. 15pf, Russian
War Memorial, Berlin-Treptow. 20pf, Russian
and German soldiers, coat of arms. 40pf,
Lenin, cruiser Aurora.

1967, Oct. 6 Photo. Perf. 14x14 1/2

Mare 955 A308 5pf multicolored .20 .20
and 956 A308 10pf multicolored .20 .20
Foal 957 A308 15pf multicolored .20 .20
A304 958 A308 20pf multicolored .25 .20
959 A308 40pf multicolored 2.00 1.25
a. Souvenir sheet of 2 .85 2.50
Horses: 10pf, Stallion. 20pf, Horse race fin- Nos. 955-959 (5) 2.85 2.05 Nutcracker and Speed
ish. 50pf, Colts, vert. 50th anniv. of the Russian October Revolu- Figurines — A313 Skating — A314
Perf. 13 1/2x13, 13x13 1/2 tion. No. 959a contains 2 imperf. stamps simi-
lar to Nos. 958-959 with simulated perfora- 20pf, Candle holders: angel and miner.
Girl with Straw Exhibition 1967, Aug. 15 Litho. Unwmk. tions. It commemorates the Red October
Hat, by Salomon Emblem and Map 945 A304 5pf multicolored .20 .20 Jubilee Stamp Exhibition, Karl-Marx-Stadt, 1967, Dec. 6 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14
Bray — A300 of DDR — A301 946 A304 10pf org, blk & dk brn .20 .20 Oct. 6-15. Sold for 85pf. 975 A313 10pf green & multi .45 .25
947 A304 20pf blue & multi .20 .20 976 A313 20pf red & multi .20 .20
948 A304 50pf multicolored 2.25 1.40
Paintings: 5pf, Three Horsemen, by Nos. 945-948 (4) 2.85 2.00 Issued to publicize local handicrafts of the
Rubens, horiz. 10pf, Girl Gathering Grapes, by Erzgebirge in Saxony (Ore Mountains).
Gerard Dou. 20pf, Spring Idyl, by Hans Thoroughbred Horse Show of Socialist
Thoma, horiz. 25pf, Wilhelmine Schroder- Countries, Hoppegarten, Berlin.
Devrient, by Karl Begas. 50pf, The Four Evan- Perf. 13 1/2x13
gelists, by Jacob Jordaens.
1968, Jan. 17 Litho. Unwmk.
1967, June 7 Photo. Perf. 14 Sport and Olympic Rings: 15pf, Slalom.
929 A300 5pf lt & dk blue .20 .20 20pf, Ice hockey. 25pf, Figure skating, pair.
930 A300 10pf lt red brn & red 30pf, Long-distance skiing.
brn .20 .20
931 A300 20pf lt & dp yel grn .20 .20 977 A314 5pf blue, dk bl & red .20 .20
932 A300 25pf pale rose & rose 978 A314 15pf multicolored .20 .20
Small Electrical Martin Luther, by Young Inventors 979 A314 20pf grnsh bl, dk bl &
lil .20 .20 Appliances Lucas and Fair red .20 .20
A305 Cranach — A309 Emblem — A310 980 A314 25pf multicolored .20 .20

Leipzig Fall Fair: 15pf, Woman’s fur coat Designs: 25pf, Luther’s House, Wittenberg,
and furrier’s trademark. horiz. 40pf, Castle Church, Wittenberg.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

981 A314 30pf grnsh bl, vio bl &
red 2.10 .85
Nos. 977-981,B146 (6) 3.10 1.85 Walter
10th Winter Olympic Games, Grenoble, Ulbricht
France, Feb. 6-18. and Arms
“Right to
Work” — A324 Photo. & Engr.
1968, June 27 Perf. 14
Designs: 10pf, “Right to Live,” tree and 1022 A329 20pf org, dp car & blk .25 .20
Actinometer, Sun globe. 25pf, “Right for Peace,” dove and sun.
and Potsdam Woman from Maxim Gorky and 75th birthday of Walter Ulbricht, chairman of
Meteorological 1968, May 8 Litho. Perf. 13 /2x13
1 the Council of State, Communist party secre-
Hoyerswerda View of Gorky tary and deputy prime minister.
Observatory A319 A320 1009 A324 5pf maroon & pink .20 .20
A315 1010 A324 10pf brn ol & ol bister .20 .20
1011 A324 25pf Prus bl & lt bl .55 .35
Sorbian Regional Costumes: 20pf, Woman Nos. 1009-1011 (3) .95 .75
Designs: 20pf, Antenna, Cloud Formation from Schleife. 40pf, Woman from Crostwitz.
and Map of Europe. 25pf, Weather influence 50pf, Woman from Spreewald. International Human Rights Year.
on farming (fields by day and night, produce).
1968, Mar. 14
1968, Jan. 24 Perf. 13 1/2x13 992 A319 10pf citron & multi .20 .20 Old
Size: 23x28mm 993 A319 20pf fawn & multi .20 .20 Rostock
982 A315 10pf brt mag, org & blk .35 .25 994 A319 40pf blue grn & multi .20 .20 and Arms
995 A319 50pf green & multi 1.60 .75 A330
Size: 50x28mm Nos. 992-995 (4) 2.20 1.35
983 A315 20pf multicolored .35 .25
Angler Design: 25pf, Historic and modern build-
Size: 23x28mm 1968, Mar. 14 Engr. ings, 1968, and arms of Rostock.
984 A315 25pf olive, blk & yel .35 .25 A325
25pf, Stormy petrel and toppling towers.
a. Strip of 3, #982-984 3.25 2.75 1968, July 9 Photo.
75th anniversary of the Meteorological 996 A320 20pf brown & rose car .20 .20 Designs: No. 1013, Rowing (woman). No. 1023 A330 20pf multicolored .20 .20
Observatory in Potsdam. 997 A320 25pf brown & rose car .45 .25 1014, High jump (woman). 1024 A330 25pf multicolored .50 .35
Maxim Gorky (1868-1936), Russian writer. 750th anniv. of Rostock and to publicize the
Unwmk. 11th Baltic Sea Week.
1968, June 6 Photo. Perf. 14
1012 A325 20pf ol grn, sl bl & dk
red .65 .50
1013 A325 20pf Prus bl, dk bl & ol .20 .20
1014 A325 20pf cop red, dp cl &
bl .20 .20
Nos. 1012-1014 (3) 1.05 .90
Ring-necked World angling championships, Gustrow
(#1012); European women’s rowing champi- Landsteiner,
Venus 4 Interplanetary Station — A316 Pheasants M.D. (1868-
A321 onships, Berlin (#1013); 2nd European youth
athletic competition, Leipzig (#1014). 1943)
Design: 25pf, Earth satellites Kosmos 186 A331
and 188 orbiting earth. 15pf, Gray partridges. 20pf, Mallards. 25pf,
Graylag geese. 30pf, Wood pigeons. 40pf,
1968, Jan. 24 Photo. Perf. 14 Hares.
985 A316 20pf multicolored .20 .20
986 A316 25pf multicolored .65 .35 1968, Mar. 26 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13
998 A321 10pf gray & multi .20 .20
Russian space explorations. 999 A321 15pf gray & multi .20 .20
1000 A321 20pf gray & multi .20 .20
1001 A321 25pf gray & multi .25 .20
1002 A321 30pf gray & multi .30 .20
1003 A321 40pf gray & multi 2.25 3.25
Nos. 998-1003 (6) 3.40 4.25
Brandenburg Youth Festival
Gate, Emblem — A327
Torch — A326 “Trener” Stunt
Plane — A332
Design: 25pf, Stadium and torch.
Portraits: 15pf, Emanuel Lasker (1868-
1968, June 20 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13 1941), chess champion and writer. 20pf,
1015 A326 10pf multicolored .20 .20 Hanns Eisler (1898-1962), composer. 25pf,
1016 A326 25pf multicolored .70 .35 Ignaz Semmelweis, M.D. (1818-1865). 40pf,
Max von Pettenkofer (1818-1901), hygienist.
2nd Children’s and Youths’ Spartakiad,
Fighters of The Berlin. 1968, July 17 Engr. Perf. 14
Underground 1025 A331 10pf gray green .20 .20
1026 A331 15pf black .20 .20
A317 1968, June 20 1027 A331 20pf brown .20 .20
1017 A327 25pf multicolored .55 .30 1028 A331 25pf gray blue .20 .20
20pf, “The Liberation.” 25pf, “The Karl Fritz 1029 A331 40pf rose lake .55 .50
Marx — A322 Heckert — A323 9th Youth Festival for Peace & Friendship,
Partisans.” Sofia. Nos. 1025-1029 (5) 1.35 1.30
See No. B148.
1968, Feb. 21 Photo. Perf. 14x13 1/2 Designs: 10pf, Title page of the “Communist 1968, Aug. 13 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13
987 A317 10pf black & multi .20 .20 Manifesto.” 25pf, Title page of “Das Kapital.”
988 A317 20pf black & multi .20 .20 Type of 1967 and 25pf, 2 “Trener” stunt planes in parallel
989 A317 25pf black & multi .40 .20 1968, Apr. 25 Photo. Perf. 14 flight.
Nos. 987-989 (3) .80 .60 1004 A322 10pf yel grn & blk .20 .20 1030 A332 10pf multicolored .20 .20
The designs are from the stained glass win- 1005 A322 20pf mag, yel & blk .20 .20 1031 A332 25pf blue & multi .35 .30
dow triptych by Walter Womacka in the Sach- 1006 A322 25pf lem, blk & red
senhausen Memorial Museum. brn .20 .20
a. Strip of three 1.00 2.25
b. Souvenir sheet of 3 .85 2.50
Karl Marx (1818-83). Nos. 1004-1006 are
printed se-tenant. No. 1006a contains 3
imperf. stamps similar to Nos. 1004-1006 with
simulated perforations.
Moritzburg Castle, Dresden — A328
1968, Apr. 25 Peasant Woman,
Design: 20pf, Young workers, new apart- Buildings: 10pf, City Hall, Wernigerode. by Wilhelm
Diesel Locomotive — A318 ment buildings and Congress emblem. 25pf, City Hall, Greifswald. 30pf, Sanssouci Leibl — A333
Palace, Potsdam.
1007 A323 10pf multicolored .20 .20
Design: 15pf, Refrigerator fishing ship. 1008 A323 20pf multicolored .20 .20 1968, June 25 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14 Paintings from Dresden Gallery: 10pf, “On
7th Congress of the Free German Trade 1018 A291 10pf multicolored .20 .20 the Beach,” by Walter Womacka, horiz. 15pf,
1968, Feb. 29 Perf. 14 Unions. 1019 A328 20pf multicolored .20 .20 Mountain Farmers Mowing, by Albin Egger-
990 A318 10pf multicolored .25 .20 1020 A291 25pf multicolored .20 .20 Lienz, horiz. 40pf, The Artist’s daughter, by
991 A318 15pf multicolored .55 .30 1021 A328 30pf multicolored .50 .60 Venturelli. 50pf, High School Girl, by Michae-
Nos. 1018-1021 (4) 1.10 1.20 lis. 70pf, Girl with Guitar, by Castelli.
The 1968 Leipzig Spring Fair.
Perf. 14x13 1/2, 13 1/2x14
1968, Aug. 20 Photo.
1032 A333 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1033 A333 15pf multicolored .20 .20
1034 A333 20pf multicolored .20 .20
1035 A333 40pf multicolored .30 .20

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1036 A333 50pf multicolored .30 .20 1051 A338 25pf lt lilac & blk 1.60 1.10 1075 A291 30pf multi, horiz. .20 .20
1037 A333 70pf multicolored 1.60 .95 1052 A338 30pf lt green, blk & 1076 A291 40pf multi .20 .20
Nos. 1032-1037 (6) 2.80 1.95 red .20 .20 Nos. 1071-1076 (6) 1.65 1.55
1053 A338 40pf pink & black .20 .20
Nos. 1048-1053 (6) 2.60 2.10

Andersen Nexö,
Model Danish
Trains — A334 Writer — A342
Lenin and Letter to Spring Red Cross,
1968, Aug. 29 Perf. 14x13 1/2 Spartacists — A339 Portraits: 20pf, Otto Nagel (1894-1967), Snowflake Crescent, Lion
1038 A334 10pf lt ultra, red & blk .25 .20 painter. 25pf, Alexander von Humboldt (1769- A346 and Sun
1859), naturalist, traveler, statesman. 40pf, Emblems
The 1968 Leipzig Fall Fair. Designs: 20pf, Workers, soldiers and sailors Theodor Fontane (1819-1898), writer.
with masthead and slogans. 25pf, Karl A347
Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg. 1969, Feb. 5 Engr. Perf. 14
1077 A342 10pf grnsh black .20 .20 Protected Plants: 10pf, Adonis. 15pf, Globe-
1968, Oct. 29 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 1078 A342 20pf deep brown .20 .20 flowers. 20pf, Garden Turk’s-cap. 25pf, Button
1054 A339 10pf lemon, red & blk .20 .20 1079 A342 25pf violet blue .65 .30 snakeroot. 30pf, Dactylorchis latifolia.
1055 A339 20pf lemon, red & blk .20 .20 1080 A342 40pf brown .20 .20
1056 A339 25pf lemon, red & blk .30 .30 Nos. 1077-1080 (4) 1.25 .90 1969, Apr. 4 Photo. Perf. 14
Nos. 1054-1056 (3) .70 .70 Issued to honor famous men. 1093 A346 5pf green & multi .20 .20
November Revolution in Germany, 50th 1094 A346 10pf green & multi .20 .20
anniv. 1095 A346 15pf green & multi .20 .20
1096 A346 20pf green & multi .20 .20
Spremberg Dam — A335 1097 A346 25pf green & multi 2.10 1.10
1098 A346 30pf green & multi .25 .20
Nos. 1093-1098 (6) 3.15 2.10
Designs: 10pf, Pöhl Dam, vert. 15pf, Ohra
Dam, vert. 20pf, Rappbode Dam.
1969, Apr. 23 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13
Perf. 13x12 1/2, 12 1/2x13 Be Attentive and
Considerate! Design: 15pf, Large Red Cross, Red Cres-
1968, Sept. 11 Litho. cent and Lion and Sun Emblems.
1039 A335 5pf multicolored .20 .20 A343
1040 A335 10pf multicolored .20 .20 1099 A347 10pf gray, red & yel .20 .20
1041 A335 15pf multicolored .30 .30 1100 A347 15pf multicolored .95 .30
10pf, Watch ahead! (car, truck & traffic sig-
1042 A335 20pf multicolored .20 .20 nal). 20pf, Watch railroad crossings! (train & League of Red Cross Societies, 50th anniv.
Nos. 1039-1042 (4) .90 .90 car at crossing). 25pf, If in doubt don’t pass!
Issued to publicize dams built since 1945. (cars & truck).
1969, Feb. 18 Litho. Perf. 13x13 1/2
1081 A343 5pf lt blue & multi .20 .20
1082 A343 10pf yellow & multi .20 .20
1083 A343 20pf pink & multi .20 .20
1084 A343 25pf multicolored .30 .30
Cattleya — A340 Nos. 1081-1084 (4) .90 .90
Traffic safety campaign.
Orchids: 10pf, Paphiopedilum albertianum.
Runner 15pf, Cattleya fabia. 20pf, Cattleya aclandiae.
A336 40pf, Sobralia macrantha. 50pf, Dendrobium
Designs: 25pf, Woman gymnast, vert. 40pf,
Water polo, vert. 70pf, Sculling. 1968, Nov. 12 Photo. Perf. 13
Flowers in Natural Colors Conifer Nursery Erythrite from
1968, Sept. 18 Photo. Perf. 14 1057 A340 5pf bluish lilac .20 .20 A348 Schneeberg
1043 A336 5pf multicolored .20 .20 1058 A340 10pf green .20 .20 Combine A349
1044 A336 25pf multicolored .20 .20 1059 A340 15pf bister .20 .20
1045 A336 40pf multicolored .20 .20 A344
1060 A340 20pf green .20 .20 10pf, Forests as natural resources (timber &
1046 A336 70pf blue & multi 1.10 .80 1061 A340 40pf light brown .20 .20
Nos. 1043-1046,B149-B150 (6) 2.10 1.80 1062 A340 50pf gray 1.40 1.00 Leipzig Spring Fair: 15pf, Planeta-Variant resin). 20pf, Forests as regulators of climate.
Nos. 1057-1062 (6) 2.40 2.00 offset printing press. 25pf, Forests as recreation areas (tents along
19th Olympic Games, Mexico City, 10/12-27. lake).
Fairy Tale Type of 1966 1969, Feb. 26 Photo. Perf. 14
1085 A344 10pf multicolored .20 .20 1969, Apr. 23
Various Scenes from Puss in Boots. 1086 A344 15pf crimson, blk & bl .20 .20 1101 A348 5pf multicolored .20 .20
1102 A348 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1968, Nov. 27 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13 1103 A348 20pf multicolored .20 .20
1063 A290 5pf multicolored .20 .20 1104 A348 25pf multicolored .90 .55
1064 A290 10pf multicolored .20 .20 Nos. 1101-1104 (4) 1.50 1.15
1065 A290 15pf multicolored .70 .60 Prevention of forest fires.
1066 A290 20pf multicolored .70 .60
1067 A290 25pf multicolored .20 .20
1068 A290 30pf multicolored .20 .20 1969, May 21 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14
a. Sheet of 6, #1063-1068 3.75 4.25
Jorinde and Minerals: 10pf, Fluorite from Halsbrücke.
Joringel 15pf, Galena from Neudorf. 20pf, Smoky
A345 quartz from Lichtenberg. 25pf, Calcite from
Niederrabenstein. 50pf, Silver from Freiberg.
Monument, Fort Various Scenes from Fairy Tale “Jorinde and 1105 A349 5pf tan & multi .20 .20
Joringel.” 1106 A349 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1107 A349 15pf gray & multi .20 .20
Belgium — A337 1969, Mar. 18 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13 1108 A349 20pf lemon & multi .20 .20
Young Pioneers 1087 A345 5pf black & multi .20 .20 1109 A349 25pf multicolored .65 .50
A341 1088 A345 10pf black & multi .20 .20 1110 A349 50pf lt blue & multi .20 .20
1089 A345 15pf black & multi .35 .35 Nos. 1105-1110 (6) 1.65 1.50
1090 A345 20pf black & multi .35 .35
Design: 15pf, Five Young Pioneers. 1091 A345 25pf black & multi .20 .20
1092 A345 30pf black & multi .20 .20
1968, Dec. 3 Perf. 13x13 1/2 a. Sheet of 6, #1087-1092 2.00 2.00
1069 A341 10pf blue & multi .20 .20 See Nos. 1176-1181.
1070 A341 15pf multicolored .40 .25
Tiger 20th anniv. of the founding of the Ernst
Beetle — A338 Thalmann Young Pioneers’ organization.

1968, Oct. 10 Litho. Perf. 13x13 1/2 Buildings Type of 1967

1047 A337 25pf multicolored .30 .20
Women and Symbols of Agriculture,
Buildings: 5pf, City Hall, Tangermunde. Science and Industry — A350
Issued in memory of the victims of the Nazis 10pf, German State Opera, Berlin. 20pf, Wall
at the Fort Breendonk Concentration Camp. Pavilion, Dresden. 25pf, Burgher’s House,
Luckau. 30pf, Rococo Palace, Dornburg. 40pf, Design: 25pf, Woman’s head and symbols.
“Stockfish” House, Erfurt.
1968, Oct. 16 Perf. 13 /2x13
1 1969, May 28 Engr. Perf. 14
1969, Jan. 1 Photo. Perf. 14 1111 A350 20pf dk red & blue .20 .20
Insects: 15pf, Ground beetle (Cychrus cara- 1112 A350 25pf blue & dk red .60 .30
boides). 20pf, Ladybug. 25pf, Ground beetle 1071 A291 5pf multi .20 .20
(Carabus arcensis hrbst.). 30pf, Hister beetle. 1072 A291 10pf multi, horiz. .20 .20 2nd Women’s Congress of the German
40pf, Checkered beetle. 1073 A291 20pf multi .20 .20 Democratic Republic.
1074 A291 25pf multi .65 .55
1048 A338 10pf yellow & multi .20 .20
1049 A338 15pf bluish lil & blk .20 .20
1050 A338 20pf multicolored .20 .20

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Ulbricht Type of 1961-67
1969-71 Wmk. 313 Typo. Perf. 14
Size: 17x21mm
1112A A189 35pf Prus blue
(’71) .25 .25
Television Tower,
Size: 24x28 1/2mm Berlin — A358
1113 A189 1m dull green .30 .35
1114 A189 2m brown .35 .40
Nos. 1112A-1114 (3) .90 1.00
See note below Nos. 590B-590C. Pierre de
Coubertin, by
Coil Stamp Forster — A354
1970, Jan. 20 Typo. Wmk. 313 Memorial Monument, Copenhagen-
Size: 17x21mm Ryvangen — A362
1114A A189 1m olive .45 1.50

Rostock University
Knight — A355 Seal and
Building — A363
Design: 25pf, Coubertin column, Memorial
Grove, Olympia. 1969, Oct. 28 Perf. 13
Emblem of DDR Worker 1149 A362 25pf multicolored .40 .20
Philatelic Protecting 1969, June 6 Perf. 14x13 1/2 People and Flags — A359
1123 A354 10pf black & lt blue .20 .20 Issued in memory of the victims of the Nazis
Society — A351 Children — A352 in Denmark.
1124 A354 25pf black & sal pink .55 .40
Designs: 20pf, Sphere of Television Tower
1969, June 4 Photo. Unwmk. Revival of the Olympic Games, 75th anniv. and TV test picture. No. 1144, Television
1115 A351 10pf red, gold & ultra .25 .20 Tower and TV test picture. 1969, Nov. 12 Perf. 12 1/2x13
National Philatelic Exhibition “20 Years 1969, July 29 Photo. Perf. 14 Design: 15pf, Steam turbine, curve and
1969, Oct. 6 Perf. 14 Rostock University emblem.
DDR,” Magdeburg, Oct. 31-Nov. 9. 1142 A358 10pf multicolored .20 .20
#1126, Bicycle wheel. #1127, Volleyball. 1150 A363 10pf brt blue & multi .20 .20
1143 A358 20pf multicolored .20 .20
1125 A355 20pf red, gold & dk brn .20 .20 1151 A363 15pf violet & multi .65 .20
1969, June 4 Litho. Perf. 13 1126 A355 20pf green, gold & red .20 .20 Souvenir Sheets
550th anniversary of Rostock University.
25pf, Workers of various races. 20pf+5pf, 1127 A355 20pf multicolored .20 .20 1144 A358 1m dk blue & multi 1.10 3.00
Berlin buildings: Brandenburg Gate, Council of Nos. 1125-1127 (3) .60 .60
Perf. 13x12 1/2
State, Soviet Cenotaph, Town Hall Tower, Tel- 16th Students’ Chess World Champion- 1145 A359 1m red & multi .95 2.10
evision Tower, Teachers’ Building & Hall. ships, Dresden (No. 1125); Indoor Bicycle
World Championships, Erfurt (No. 1126); 2nd No. 1144 contains one 21 1/2x60mm stamp.
Size: 23x28mm Volleyball World Cup (No. 1127).
1116 A352 10pf lemon & multi .45 .50
Size: 50x28mm
1117 A352 20pf + 5pf multi .45 .50
Size: 23x28mm
1118 A352 25pf lemon & multi .45 .50
a. Strip of 3, #1116-1118 2.75 2.75
Intl. Peace Meeting, Berlin. The surtax on ILO Mold for
No. 1117 was for the Peace Council of the Emblem — A364 Christmas
German Democratic Republic. Cathedral, Otto von Guericke Cookies — A365
Monument and Hotel International,
Magdeburg — A360 1969, Nov. 12 Perf. 13 1/2x14
1152 A364 20pf dp green & silver .20 .20
1969, Oct. 28 Litho. Perf. 13x12 /21
1153 A364 25pf lil rose & silver .90 .25
Merchandise 1146 A360 20pf multicolored .20 .20 50th anniv. of the ILO.
A356 Natl. Postage Stamp Exhibition in honor of
the 20th anniv. of the German Democratic
Republic, Magdeburg. Oct. 31-Nov. 9. See No. 1969, Nov. 25 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13
1969, Aug. 27 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13 B154.
1128 A356 10pf multicolored .20 .20 50pf, Negro couple, shaped spice cookie.
Opening Ceremony before Battle of Leipzig Fall Fair, Aug. 31-Sept. 7, 1969. 1154 A365 10pf dull org, bl & red
Leipzig Monument — A353 brn .75 .65
1155 A365 50pf lt blue & multi 1.25 1.00
a. Pair, #1154-1155 4.25 2.75
15pf, Parading athletes & stadium. 25pf, Nos. 1154-1155,B155 (3) 2.30 1.95
Running, hurdling, javelin & flag waving. 30pf, Folk art of Lusatia.
Presentation of colors before old Leipzig Town
Hall. Arms of
Republic UFI
Photo. & Engr. and View Emblem — A361
1969, June 18 Perf. 14 of
1119 A353 5pf multi & black .20 .20 Rostock
1120 A353 15pf multi & black .20 .20 A357 1969, Oct. 28 Perf. 13x13 1/2
1121 A353 25pf multi & black .90 .45 1147 A361 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1122 A353 30pf multi & black .20 .20 1148 A361 15pf multicolored .90 .25 Antonov
1m, DDR Arms, Town Hall, Marienkirche An-24
Nos. 1119-1122,B152-B153 (6) 1.90 1.45 and Television Tower, Berlin, vert. 36th UFI Congress (Union des Foires Inter-
5th German Gymnastic and Sports Festival, nationales), Leipzig, Oct. 28-30. A366
Leipzig. 1969, Sept. 23 Photo. Perf. 14
1129 A357 10pf Rostock .20 .20 Planes: 25pf, Ilyushin Il-18. 30pf, Tupolev
1130 A357 10pf Neubrandenburg .20 .20 Tu-134. 50pf, Mi-8 helicopter.
1131 A357 10pf Potsdam .20 .20
1132 A357 10pf Eisenhüttenstadt .20 .20 1969, Dec. 2 Perf. 13x12 1/2
1133 A357 10pf Hoyerswerda .20 .20 1156 A366 20pf blue, red & blk .20 .20
1134 A357 10pf Magdeburg .20 .20 1157 A366 25pf vio, red & blk .80 .70
1135 A357 10pf Halle-Neustadt .20 .20 1158 A366 30pf ultra, red & blk .20 .20
1136 A357 10pf Suhl .20 .20 1159 A366 50pf olive, red & blk .20 .20
1137 A357 10pf Dresden .20 .20 Nos. 1156-1159 (4) 1.40 1.30
1138 A357 10pf Leipzig .20 .20
1139 A357 10pf Karl-Marx-Stadt .20 .20
1140 A357 10pf Berlin .20 .20
Nos. 1129-1140 (12) 2.40 2.40
Souvenir Sheet
1141 A357 1m multicolored 1.25 3.00
#1129-1141, 1142-1145 for 20th anniv. of
the German Democratic Republic.
No. 1141 contains one 29x52mm stamp.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1970, May 5 Litho. Perf. 13x13 /2 1

20pf, Spasski Tower, Kremlin; State Council

Building, Berlin; coats of arms of USSR and
DDR, newspaper clipping about friendship
treaty with USSR. 25pf, Mutual Economic Aid
Building, Moscow, flags of member countries.
70pf, Memorial monument, Buchenwald.
Siberian 1200 A374 10pf multi .20 .20
Teacher, by 1201 A374 20pf multi .20 .20
D. K. 1202 A374 25pf multi .65 .35
Sveshnikov Nos. 1200-1202 (3) 1.05 .75 Gods Amon, Shu and Tefnut — A379
A367 Souvenir Sheet
Horseman’s Tombstone (700 1203 A374 70pf multi, horiz. 1.25 3.50 Designs from Lion Temple in Musawwarat:
Russian Paintings from Dresden Gallery of A.D.) — A371 25th anniv. of liberation from Fascism. 15pf, Head of King Arnekhamani. 20pf, Cow
Modern Masters: 10pf, Steelworker, by V. A. from cattle frieze. 25pf, Head of Prince Arka.
Serov. 20pf, Still Life, by E. A. Aslamasjan. 30pf, Head of God Arensnuphis, vert. 40pf,
25pf, Hot Day (boats on river), by J. D. Romas. Treasures from the Halle Museum: 20pf, Elephants and prisoners of war. 50pf, Lion
40pf, Spring is Coming (young woman and Helmet (500 A.D.). 25pf, Bronze basin (1000 God Apedemak.
snow-covered street), by L. V. Kabatchek. B.C.). 40pf, Clay drum (2500 B.C.).
50pf, Man on River Bank, by V. J. Makovskij. Perf. 13 1/2x14, 14x13 1/2
1970, Mar. 3 Photo. Perf. 13
1184 A371 10pf dp grn, gray & 1970, June 23 Photo.
1969, Dec. 10 Photo. Perf. 13 1215 A379 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1160 A367 5pf gray & multi .20 .20 dk brn .20 .20
1185 A371 20pf multicolored .20 .20 1216 A379 15pf multicolored .20 .20
1161 A367 10pf gray & multi .20 .20 1217 A379 20pf multicolored .20 .20
1162 A367 20pf gray & multi .20 .20 1186 A371 25pf yellow & multi .50 .65
1187 A371 40pf multicolored .20 .20 1218 A379 25pf multicolored .60 .65
1163 A367 25pf gray & multi .75 .75 1219 A379 30pf multicolored .20 .20
1164 A367 40pf gray & multi .20 .20 Nos. 1184-1187 (4) 1.10 1.25
1220 A379 40pf multicolored .20 .20
1165 A367 50pf gray & multi .20 .20 1221 A379 50pf multicolored .20 .20
Nos. 1160-1165 (6) 1.75 1.75 Shortwave Grain and
Antenna, RBI Globe — A376 Nos. 1215-1221 (7) 1.80 1.85
Emblem and Archaeological work in the Sudan by the
Globe — A375 Humboldt University, Berlin.

15pf, Berlin Radio Station, emblems of

Radio Berlin Intl. (RBI), Radio DDR & Radio
Ernst Barlach Germany.
(1870-1938), 1970, May 13 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13
Sculptor and
Writer — A368 Size: 23x28mm
Lenin and Clara Zetkin — A372 1204 A375 10pf ap grn, vio bl &
bl .40 .40
Portraits: 10pf, Johann Gutenberg (1400- Designs: 10pf, Lenin, “ISKRA” (newspaper’s Arms and Flags of DDR and
68). 15pf, Kurt Tucholsky (1890-1935), writer. name), composing frame and printing press. Size: 50x28mm
20pf, Ludwig van Beethoven. 25pf, Friedrich 1205 A375 15pf vio bl, dp rose & Poland — A380
25pf, Lenin and title page of German edition of
Hölderlin (1770-1843), poet. 40pf, Georg Wil- “State and Revolution.” 40pf, Lenin statue, ap grn .60 .60
helm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831), Eisleben. 70pf, Lenin monument and Lenin a. Pair, #1204-1205 2.25 1.75 1970, July 1 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
philosopher. Square, Berlin. 1m, Lenin portrait, vert. DDR broadcasting system, 25th anniv. 1222 A380 20pf multicolored .25 .20
1970, Jan. 20 Engr. Perf. 14 Photogravure and Engraved 20th anniversary of the Görlitz Agreement
1166 A368 5pf blue violet .20 .20 concerning the Oder-Neisse border.
1970, Apr. 16 Perf. 14 1970, May 19
1167 A368 10pf gray brown .20 .20
1168 A368 15pf violet blue .20 .20 1188 A372 10pf multicolored .20 .20 25pf, House of Culture, Dresden, and grain.
1169 A368 20pf rose lilac .25 .20 1189 A372 20pf multicolored .20 .20
1190 A372 25pf multicolored 1.10 .75 1206 A376 20pf vio bl, yel & bl .60 .60
1170 A368 25pf blue green 1.40 .45 1207 A376 25pf vio bl, yel & bl .60 .60
1171 A368 40pf rose claret .25 .20 1191 A372 40pf multicolored .20 .20
1192 A372 70pf multicolored .25 .20 a. Strip of 2, #1206-1207 + label 3.25 2.75
Nos. 1166-1171 (6) 2.50 1.45
Nos. 1188-1192 (5) 1.95 1.55 Issued to publicize the 5th World Cereal and
Souvenir Sheet Bread Congress, Dresden, May 24-29.
1193 A372 1m dk carmine &
multi 1.25 5.50

Fritz Culture Association

Heckert Emblem — A381
Rabbit — A369
Design: 25pf, Globes and “FSM.”
1970, Feb. 5 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14 1970, June 9 Perf. 13x12 1/2
1172 A369 10pf shown .20 .20 1208 A377 20pf red, yel & brn .20 .20
1173 A369 20pf Red fox .20 .20 Athlete on
1209 A377 25pf red, bl & yel .40 .35 Pommel
1174 A369 25pf Mink 2.10 1.40
1175 A369 40pf Hamster .25 .20 Sea Kale — A373 25th anniv. of the Free German Trade Union Horse — A382
Nos. 1172-1175 (4) 2.75 2.00 and of the World Organization of Trade
525th International Fur Auctions, Leipzig. Design: 25pf, Johannes R. Becher medal.
1970, July 1 Photo. Perf. 14
Fairy Tale Type of 1969 1223 A381 10pf ultra, sil & brn 1.40 1.50
Various Scenes from Fairy Tale “Little 1224 A381 25pf ultra, gold & brn 1.40 1.50
a. Strip of 2, #1223-1224 + label 7.25 6.50
Brother and Sister.”
25th anniv. of the German Kulturbund.
1970, Feb. 17 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13
1176 A345 5pf lilac & multi .20 .20
1177 A345 10pf lilac & multi .20 .20 1970, July 1 Perf. 14x13 1/2
1178 A345 15pf lilac & multi .40 .35 1225 A382 10pf blk, yel & brn red .20 .20
1179 A345 20pf lilac & multi .40 .35 Red Army Traffic Policeman — A378 Issued to publicize the 3rd Children’s and
1180 A345 25pf lilac & multi .20 .20 Soldier Raising
1181 A345 30pf lilac & multi .20 .20 Youths’ Spartakiad. See No. B156.
a. Sheet of 6, #1176-1181 2.75 2.25 Flag over Berlin Designs: 10pf, Young Pioneers congratulat-
Reichstag ing police woman. 15pf, Volga police car. 20pf,
A374 Railroad policeman with radio-telephone. 25pf,
River police in Volga wing-type boat.
Protected Plants: 20pf, European pasque- 1970, June 23 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
flower. 25pf, Fringed gentian. 30pf, Galeate 1210 A378 5pf ocher & multi .20 .20
orchis. 40pf, Marsh tea. 70pf, Round-leaved 1211 A378 10pf green & multi .20 .20 Meeting of the American, British and
wintergreen. 1212 A378 15pf ultra & multi .20 .20 Russian Delegations — A383
1213 A378 20pf multicolored .20 .20
1970, Apr. 28 Photo. 1214 A378 25pf multicolored 1.00 .30
1194 A373 10pf multicolored .20 .20 Nos. 1210-1214 (5) 1.80 1.10 10pf, Cecilienhof Castle. 20pf, “Potsdam
1195 A373 20pf violet & multi .20 .20 Agreement” in German, English, French &
Telephone Coordinating 1196 A373 25pf multicolored 1.25 1.25 25th anniversary of the People’s Police. Russian.
Station — A370 1197 A373 30pf multicolored .20 .20
1198 A373 40pf multicolored .20 .20 1970, July 28 Litho. Perf. 13
15pf, High voltage testing transformer, vert. 1199 A373 70pf multicolored .25 .20 Size: 23x28mm
Nos. 1194-1199 (6) 2.30 2.25
1226 A383 10pf blk, cit & red .20 .20
1970, Feb. 24 Perf. 13x12 1/2, 12 1/2x13 1227 A383 20pf blk, cit & red .20 .20
1182 A370 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1183 A370 15pf multicolored .30 .20
Leipzig Spring Fair, Mar. 1-10, 1970.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Size: 77x28mm Photo.; Litho. (25pf, 30pf) satellite Molniya 1. #1268, Yuri A. Gagarin,
1228 A383 25pf red & blk .20 .20 1970, Sept. 22 Perf. 14x13 1/2 first flight of Vostok 1. #1269, Alexei Leonov
a. Strip of 3, #1226-1228 .75 1.50 walking in space, Voskhod 2.
1234 A388 10pf multicolored .20 .20
25th anniv. of the Potsdam Agreement 1235 A388 20pf multicolored .20 .20 1971, Feb. 11 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
among the Allies concerning Germany at the 1236 A388 25pf pink & dk brn .65 .85 1262 A397 20pf dk blue & multi .20 .20
end of WWII. 1237 A388 30pf sal & blk .20 .20 1263 A397 20pf dk blue & multi .20 .20
1238 A388 40pf yel & blk .20 .20 1264 A397 20pf dk blue & multi .35 .35
1239 A388 50pf yel & blk .20 .20 1265 A397 20pf dk blue & multi .35 .35
Nos. 1234-1239 (6) 1.65 1.85 1266 A397 20pf dk blue & multi .35 .35
Issued in memory of the artists Otto Nagel, 1267 A397 20pf dk blue & multi .35 .35
Käthe Kollwitz and Ernst Barlach. 1268 A397 20pf dk blue & multi .20 .20
1269 A397 20pf dk blue & multi .20 .20
a. Sheet of 8, #1262-1269 2.50 2.50

Friedrich Engels Epiphyllum Soviet space research.

A393 A394
Men’s Pocket and
Wrist 20pf, Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx. 25pf,
Watches — A384 Engels and title page of his polemic against
1970, Aug. 25 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14
1229 A384 10pf ultra, blk & gold .25 .20 Photogravure and Engraved
1970, Nov. 24 Perf. 14
Leipzig Fall Fair, 1970. 1248 A393 10pf ver, gray & blk .20 .20
1249 A393 20pf ver, dk grn & blk .20 .20
1250 A393 25pf ver, dk car rose &
blk .75 .45
Nos. 1248-1250 (3) 1.15 .85
The Little
Trumpeter Friedrich Engels (1820-1895), socialist, col-
A389 laborator with Karl Marx.
Johannes R. Karl Liebknecht
Becher A399
1970, Oct. 1 Photo. 1970, Dec. 2 Photo. Perf. 14 A398
1240 A389 10pf dp ultra, brn & org .20 .25 Flowering Cactus Plants: 10pf, Astrophytum
Theodor Neubauer and Magnus 2nd Natl. Youth Stamp Exhib., Karl-Marx- myriostigma. 15pf, Echinocereus salm-dycki-
Poser — A385 Portraits: 10pf, Heinrich Mann. 15pf, John
Stadt, Oct. 4-11. The design shows the memo- anus. 20pf, Selenicereus grandiflorus. 25pf, Heartfield. 20pf, Willi Bredel. 25pf, Franz
rial in Halle for Fritz Weineck, trumpeter for the Hamatocactus setispinus. 30pf, Mamillaria Mehring. 40pf, Rudolf Virchow. 50pf, Johan-
Red War Veterans’ Organization. See No. boolii. nes Kepler.
B160. 1251 A394 5pf multicolored .20 .20
1252 A394 10pf dk blue & multi .20 .20 1971 Engr. Perf. 14
1253 A394 15pf multicolored .20 .20 1270 A398 5pf brown .20 .20
1254 A394 20pf multicolored .20 .20 1271 A398 10pf vio blue .20 .20
1255 A394 25pf dk blue & multi 1.25 1.00 1272 A398 15pf black .20 .20
1256 A394 30pf purple & multi .20 .20 1273 A398 20pf rose lake .20 .20
Nos. 1251-1256 (6) 2.25 2.00 1274 A398 25pf green .40 .45
1274A A398 40pf pale purple .30 .20
Souvenir Sheet 1275 A398 50pf dp black .20 .20
“Homeland” from Nos. 1270-1275 (7) 1.70 1.65
Soviet Cenotaph,
Berlin-Treptow Honoring prominent Germans. See Nos.
Emblem with Flags of East Block 1349-1353.
A386 Nations — A390
1970, Sept. 2 Perf. 13x12 1/2, 12 1/2x13 1970, Oct. 1 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 1971, Feb. 23 Photo.
1230 A385 20pf dk bl, car & pale 1241 A390 10pf carmine & multi .20 .20 Design: 25pf, Rosa Luxemburg.
grn .20 .20 1242 A390 20pf multicolored .20 .20
1231 A386 25pf dp car, pale bl .20 .20 1276 A399 20pf gold, mag & blk .30 .30
Issued to publicize the Brothers in Arms 1277 A399 25pf gold, mag & blk .30 .30
Issued in memory of fighters against “fas- maneuvers of the East Bloc countries in the a. Pair, #1276-1277 .85 .65
cism and imperialistic wars.” territory of the German Democratic Republic. Karl Liebknecht (1871-1919) and Rosa Lux-
emburg (1871-1919), leaders of Spartacist
Ludwig van Beethoven — A395

1970, Dec. 10 Engr. Perf. 14

1257 A395 1m gray 1.25 2.00
Bicentenary of the birth of Ludwig van Bee-
thoven (1770-1827), composer.

Competition Map and

Compass — A387

Design: 25pf, Competition map and runner

at 3 different stations. Musk Ox — A391
Soldier and Army Emblem — A400
1970, Sept. 15 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
1232 A387 10pf yellow & multi .20 .20 Berlin Zoo: 15pf, Shoebill. 20pf, Addax.
25pf, Malayan sun bear. 1971, Mar. 1 Perf. 13 1/2x14
1233 A387 25pf yellow & multi .70 .25 1278 A400 20pf gray & multi .25 .20
World Orienting Championships. 1970, Oct. 6 Photo. Perf. 14 Dancer’s 15th anniv. of the National People’s Army.
1243 A391 10pf blue & multi .25 .20 Mask,
1244 A391 15pf green & multi .25 .20 South Seas
1245 A391 20pf org & multi .40 .25 A396
1246 A391 25pf multicolored 3.75 3.00
Nos. 1243-1246 (4) 4.65 3.65
Works from Ethnological Museum, Leipzig:
20pf, Bronze head, Africa. 25pf, Tea pot, Asia.
40pf, Clay figure (jaguar), Mexico.
1971, Jan. 12 Photo. Perf. 13
1258 A396 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1259 A396 20pf multicolored .20 .20
1260 A396 25pf multicolored .50 .50 Crushing and Conveyor Plant,
1261 A396 40pf multicolored .20 .20 Magdeburg — A401
Nos. 1258-1261 (4) 1.10 1.10
Leipzig Spring Fair: 15pf, Dredger for low
temperature work.
Mother and
Child, by Käthe 1971, Mar. 9 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
Kollwitz — A388 1279 A401 10pf green & multi .20 .20
UN Headquarters and 1280 A401 15pf multicolored .20 .20
Works of Art: 10pf, Forest Worker Scharf’s Emblem — A392
Birthday, by Otto Nagel. 20pf, Portrait of a Girl,
by Otto Nagel. 25pf, No More War, (Woman 1970, Oct. 20 Photo. Perf. 13
with raised arm) by Käthe Kollwitz. 40pf, Head 1247 A392 20pf ultra & multi .40 .20
from Gustrow Memorial, by Ernst Barlach. Venus 5, Soft-landing on
50pf, The Flutist, by Ernst Barlach. 25th anniversary of the United Nations. Moon — A397

#1263, Model of space station. #1264, Luna

16 and Luna 10 satellites. #1265, Group flight
of Sojuz 6, 7 and 8. #1266, Proton 1, radiation
measuring satellite. #1267, Communications

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Lithographed and Embossed 1971, June 22 Perf. 13 cargo ship. 50pf, Explorer ship Akademik
1971, Apr. 20 Perf. 13x13 1/2 1306 A411 5pf dp car & multi .20 .20 Kurtschatow.
1293 A406 20pf red, blk & gold .25 .20 1307 A411 10pf green & multi .20 .20
1308 A411 15pf violet & multi .20 .20 1971, Aug. 24 Engr.
25th anniversary of Socialist Unity Party of 1309 A411 20pf multicolored .20 .20 1318 A416 10pf pale purple .20 .20
Germany (SED). 1310 A411 25pf multicolored .45 .70 1319 A416 15pf pale brn & ind .20 .20
1311 A411 30pf multicolored .20 .20 1320 A416 20pf gray green .20 .20
Nos. 1306-1311 (6) 1.45 1.70 1321 A416 25pf slate .85 .80
1322 A416 40pf maroon .20 .20
1323 A416 50pf grysh blue .20 .20
Nos. 1318-1323 (6) 1.85 1.80
Shipbuilding industry.

Proclamation of the Commune, Town

Hall, Paris — A402

Designs: 20pf, Barricade at Place Blanche,

defended by women. 25pf, Illustration by The-
ophile A. Steinlen for the International. 30pf,
Title page for “The Civil War in France,” by
Karl Marx.
Prisoners, by
1971, Mar. 9 Perf. 13 Dance Costume, Self-Portrait, by Fritz Cremer Butadiene
1281 A402 10pf red, bis & blk .20 .20 Schleife — A407 Dürer — A408 A412 Plant — A417
1282 A402 20pf red, bis & blk .20 .20
1283 A402 25pf red, buff & blk .40 .45 Sorbian Dance Costumes from: 20pf, Design: 25pf, Brutality in Buchenwald Con- Leipzig Fall Fair: 25pf, Refinery.
1284 A402 30pf red, gray & blk .20 .20 Hoyerswerda. 25pf, Cottbus. 40pf, Kamenz. centration Camp, by Fritz Cremer.
Nos. 1281-1284 (4) 1.00 1.05 1971, Sept. 2 Photo. Perf. 13
Centenary of the Paris Commune. 1971, May 4 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13 1971, June 22 Litho. Perf. 13 1324 A417 10pf olive, vio & mag .20 .20
Size: 33x42mm 1312 A412 20pf bister & blk .35 .35 1325 A417 25pf blue, vio & ol .20 .20
1294 A407 10pf multicolored .20 .20 1313 A412 25pf lt blue & blk .35 .35
a. Pair, #1312-1313 with label be-
1295 A407 20pf green & multi .20 .20 tween 1.10 1.25
1296 A407 25pf blue & multi .45 .45
1297 A407 40pf multicolored .20 .20 Intl. Federation of Resistance Fighters
Nos. 1294-1297 (4) 1.05 1.05 (FIR), 20th anniv.

1971, Nov. 23 Perf. 13 1/2x13 Raised

Booklet Stamps Photo
Lunokhod 1 on Moon — A403 Size: 23x28mm Montage
1297A A407 10pf multicolored .20 .20 by John
c. Booklet pane of 4 .90 .90 Heartfield,
1971, Mar. 30 Photo. Perf. 14 d. Booklet pane, 2 #1297A, 2
1285 A403 20pf multicolored .40 .25 #1297B 2.00 1.90 1937
1297B A407 20pf multicolored .50 .30 A418
Luna 17 unmanned, automated moon mis-
sion, Nov. 10-17, and the 24th Communist
Party Congress of the Soviet Union. 1971, May 18 Perf. 12 /2x13
1971, Sept. 23
Coat of Arms of 1326 A418 35pf grnsh bl, blk & sil .25 .20
Art Works by Dürer: 40pf, Three Peasants. Mongolia — A413
70pf, Portrait of Philipp Melanchthon. Intl. Year Against Racial Discrimination.
1298 A408 10pf multicolored .20 .20 1971, July 6 Litho. Perf. 13
1299 A408 40pf brown & multi .20 .20 1314 A413 20pf dk red, yel & blk .25 .20
1300 A408 70pf gray & multi 1.25 .60
Nos. 1298-1300 (3) 1.65 1.00 50th anniv. of the Mongolian People’s
500th anniversary of the birth of Albrecht
Dürer (1471-1528), painter and engraver.

Discobolus — A404

1971, Apr. 6 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13

1286 A404 20pf dull bl, lt bl & buff .45 .20
20th anniversary of the Olympic Committee Child’s
of German Democratic Republic. Head, Karl Marx
UNICEF Monument
Emblem A419
1971, Oct. 5 Photo. Perf. 14x13 1/2
1971, July 13 Photo. 1327 A419 35pf vio brn, pink & buff .30 .20
Building Congress 1315 A414 20pf multicolored .25 .20
Industry — A409 Emblem — A410 Unveiling of Karl Marx memorial at Karl-
25th anniv. of UNICEF. Marx-Stadt (Chemnitz).

Köpenick Designs: 10pf, Science and technology. No.

1303, Farming. 25pf, Civilian defense.
Castle — A405
1971, June 9 Photo. Perf. 14
1301 A409 5pf cream, red & blk .20 .20
1302 A409 10pf cream, red & blk .20 .20
1303 A409 20pf cream, red, bl &
blk .20 .20
1304 A410 20pf gold, dp car &
red .25 .20 Militiaman, Soldier
1305 A409 25pf cream, red & blk .25 .30 and Brandenburg
Nos. 1301-1305 (5) 1.10 1.10
Gate — A415
8th Congress of Socialist Unity Party of Ger-
many (SED).
Design: 35pf, Brandenburg Gate and new
buildings in East Berlin. Wiltz Memorial,
Flag of
1971, Aug. 12 Luxembourg
1316 A415 20pf red & multi .50 .20
1317 A415 35pf yel & multi 1.10 .55 A420
Hands — A406 10 years of Berlin Wall.
1971, Oct. 5
1328 A420 25pf multicolored .20 .20
Berlin Buildings: 10pf, St. Mary’s Church, Memorial for Nazi victims, Wiltz,
vert. 20pf, Old Library. 25pf, Ermeler House, Luxembourg.
vert. 50pf, New Guard Memorial. 70pf, Natl.
Gallery of Art. Golden
Perf. 13 1/2x14, 14x13 1/2 1730
1971, Apr. 6 Photo. A411
1287 A405 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1288 A405 15pf multicolored .20 .20 Treasures from the Green Vault, Dresden: Passenger Ship Iwan Franko — A416
1289 A405 20pf multicolored .20 .20 5pf, Cherry stone with 180 heads carved on it,
1290 A405 25pf multicolored 2.10 1.50 1590. 15pf, Tankard, Nuremberg, 1530. 20pf,
1291 A405 50pf multicolored .20 .20 Moor with drums on horseback, 1720. 25pf, Ships: 15pf, Freighter, type 17. 20pf,
1292 A405 70pf multicolored .25 .20 Decorated writing box, 1562. 30pf, St. George Freighter Rostock, type XD. 25pf, Fish
Nos. 1287-1292 (6) 3.15 2.50 pendant, 1570. processing ship “Junge Welt.” 40pf, Container

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1971, Dec. 7 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14 1972, May 24 Litho. Perf. 13
1345 A424 5pf green, car & blk .20 .20 1376 A432 10pf dull yel, org &
1346 A424 20pf car rose, vio & mag .20 .20
blk .20 .20 1377 A432 35pf dull yel & ultra .20 .20
1347 A424 25pf vio, car & blk 1.10 .95 a. Strip of 2, #1376-1377 + label .75 .60
1348 A424 70pf vio bl, vio & blk .20 .20 8th Congress of Free German Trade
Nos. 1345-1348,B163-B164 (6) 2.10 1.95 Unions, Berlin.
11th Winter Olympic Games, Sapporo,
Postal Milestones, Saxony, and Japan, Feb. 3-13, 1972.
Zürner’s Surveyor Carriage — A421
Portrait Type of 1971
Photo. & Engr. Portraits: 10pf, Johannes Tralow (1882-
1971, Oct. 5 Perf. 14 1968), playwright. 20pf, Leonhard Frank
World Health Organization
1329 A421 25pf blue, olive & lilac .30 .30 (1882-1961), writer. 25pf, K. A. Kocor (1822- Emblem — A428
Philatelists’ Day 1971. See No. B162. 1904), composer. 35pf, Heinrich Schliemann
(1822-1890), archaeologist. 50pf, F. Caroline 1972, Apr. 4 Photo. Perf. 13
Neuber (1697-1760), actress. 1365 A428 35pf lt bl, vio bl & sil .25 .20
World Health Day.
1972, Jan. 25 Engr. Perf. 14 Karneol
1349 A398 10pf green .20 .20 Rose
1350 A398 20pf rose claret .20 .20 A433
1351 A398 25pf dk blue .20 .20
1352 A398 35pf brown .20 .20
1353 A398 50pf rose violet .65 .90 1972, June 13 Photo. Perf. 13
Nos. 1349-1353 (5) 1.45 1.70
Size: 36x36mm
Honoring famous personalities. Kamov 1378 A433 5pf shown .20 .20
Helicopter 1379 A433 10pf Berger’s Erfurt
A429 Rose .20 .20
1380 A433 15pf Charme 1.10 1.10
1381 A433 20pf Izetka Spree-
Aircraft: 10pf, Agricultural spray plane. 35pf, Athens .20 .20
Ilyushin jet. 1m, Jet and tail with Interflug 1382 A433 25pf Kopenick sum-
emblem. mer .20 .20
1383 A433 35pf Prof. Knoll .20 .20
Darbuka, North 1972, Apr. 25 Perf. 14 Nos. 1378-1383 (6) 2.10 2.10
Africa — A422 1366 A429 5pf blue & multi .20 .20
1367 A429 10pf multicolored .20 .20 International Rose Exhibition.
1368 A429 35pf blue grn & multi .20 .20
1369 A429 1m multicolored .90 1.10
Gypsum, Nos. 1366-1369 (4) 1.50 1.70 Redrawn
Eisleben 1972, Aug. 22 Perf. 13 1/2x13
A425 Booklet Stamps
Size: 23x28mm
Minerals found in East Germany: 10pf,
Zinnwaldite, Zinnwald. 20pf, Malachite, Uller- 1383A A433 10pf multicolored .20 .20
d. Booklet pane of 4 .60 .60
sreuth. 25pf, Amethyst, Wiesenbad. 35pf,
Geodetic Halite, Merkers. 50pf, Proustite, Schneeberg. 1383B A433 25pf multicolored .80 .30
e. Booklet pane of 4 (2
Apparatus — A423 #1383B, 2 #1383C) 3.50 3.75
1972, Feb. 22 Photo. Perf. 13 1383C A433 35pf multicolored .80 .30
Musical Instruments: 15pf, Two morin chuur, 1354 A425 5pf grnsh bl & brn Nos. 1383A-1383C (3) 1.80 .80
Mongolia. 20pf, Violin, Germany. 25pf, Man- blk .20 .20
dolin, Italy. 40pf, Bagpipes, Bohemia. 50pf, 1355 A425 10pf citron, brn & blk .20 .20
Kasso, Sudan. 1356 A425 20pf multicolored .20 .20 Wrestling and Olympic Rings — A430
1357 A425 25pf multicolored .20 .20
1971, Oct. 26 Photo. Perf. 14x13 /2 1
1358 A425 35pf lt green, ind & Sport and Olympic Rings: 20pf, Pole vault.
1330 A422 10pf multicolored .20 .20 blk .20 .20 35pf, Volleyball. 70pf, Women’s gymnastics.
1331 A422 15pf multicolored .20 .20 1359 A425 50pf gray & multi .75 .80
1332 A422 20pf ocher & multi .20 .20 Nos. 1354-1359 (6) 1.75 1.80 1972, May 16 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14
1333 A422 25pf blue & multi .20 .20 1370 A430 5pf blue, gold & blk .20 .20
1334 A422 40pf gray & multi .20 .20 1371 A430 20pf mag, gold & blk .20 .20
1335 A422 50pf multicolored .70 .70 1372 A430 35pf ol bis, gold & blk .20 .20
Nos. 1330-1335 (6) 1.70 1.70 1373 A430 70pf yel grn, gold &
Instruments from the Music Museum in blk 1.90 1.25
Markneukirchen. Nos. 1370-1373,B166-B167 (6) 2.90 2.25
Pavilion 20th Olympic Games, Munich, 8/26-9/11.
1971, Nov. 9 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14 and Fair Young Mother
Emblem and Child, by
20pf, Ergaval microscope. 25pf, A426 Cranach
Size: 23 1/2x28 1/2mm Design: 25pf, Flags of East Germany and
1336 A423 10pf blue, blk & red .30 .30 Russia, and Fair emblem. Paintings by Lucas Cranach: 5pf, Young
1337 A423 20pf blue, blk & red .30 .30 man. 35pf, Margarete Luther (Martin’s
Size: 50 1/2x28 1/2mm 1972, Mar. 3 Photo. Perf. 14 mother). 70pf, Reclining nymph, horiz.
1360 A426 10pf vio blue & multi .20 .20
1338 A423 25pf blue, vio bl & yel .30 .30 1361 A426 25pf claret & multi .20 .20
a. Strip of 3, #1336-1338 2.25 2.25 1972, July 4 Perf. 14x13 1/2, 13 1/2x14
50 years of Russian participation in the 1384 A434 5pf gold & multi .20 .20
Carl Zeiss optical works in Jena, 125th Flags of USSR and German 1385 A434 20pf gold & multi .20 .20
anniv. Leipzig Fair.
Democratic Republic — A431 1386 A434 35pf gold & multi .20 .20
1387 A434 70pf gold & multi 1.40 1.90
Fairy Tale Type of 1966 Miniature Sheets 20pf, Flags, Leonid Brezhnev & Erich Nos. 1384-1387 (4) 2.00 2.50
Honecker. Lucas Cranach (1472-1553), painter.
Designs: Various Scenes from Fairy Tale
“The Bremen Town Musicians.” 1972, May 24 Engr. & Photo.
1374 A431 10pf red, yel & blk .35 .25
1971, Nov. 23 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13 1375 A431 20pf red, yel & blk .35 .50
1339 A290 5pf multicolored .20 .20
1340 A290 10pf ocher & multi .20 .20 Soc. for German-Soviet Friendship, 25th
1341 A290 15pf gray & multi .40 .50 anniv.
1342 A290 20pf ver & multi .40 .50
1343 A290 25pf violet & multi .20 .20
1344 A290 30pf yellow & multi .20 .20
a. Sheet of 6, #1339-1344 2.50 5.50

Compass and Motorcyclist — A435

Anemometer, 1896, and
Meteorological Chart, 1876 — A427 Designs: 10pf, Parachute and light plane.
20pf, Target and military obstacle race. 25pf,
Amateur radio transmitter, Morse key and
Designs: 35pf, Dipole and cloud photograph tape. 35pf, Propeller and sailing ship.
taken by satellite. 70pf, Meteor weather satel- Workers — A432
lite and weather map. 1972, Aug. 8 Photo. Perf. 14
Design: 35pf, Students.
1388 A435 5pf multicolored .20 .20
1972, Mar. 23 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 1389 A435 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1362 A427 20pf multicolored .50 .60 1390 A435 20pf multicolored .20 .20
Olympic Rings and Sledding — A424 1363 A427 35pf multicolored .50 .60 1391 A435 25pf multicolored .40 .60
1364 A427 70pf green & multi .50 .60 1392 A435 35pf multicolored .20 .20
Nos. 1362-1364 (3) 1.50 1.80 Nos. 1388-1392 (5) 1.20 1.40
Olympic Rings and: 20pf, Long-distance ski-
ing. 25pf, Biathlon. 70pf, Ski jump. Intl. Meteorologists’ Cent. Meeting, Leipzig. Society for Sport and Technology.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1400 A440 15pf grnsh bl, dk bl & 1415 A444 25pf Schnuffel and
red .20 .20 Peips .20 .20
Size: 50x28mm 1416 A444 35pf Paul from the Li-
brary .20 .20
1401 A440 35pf grnsh bl, dk bl & a. Sheet of 6, #1411-1416 2.25 1.75
red .20 .20
a. Strip of 3, #1399-1401 1.10 1.00
Red Cross at work in the DDR. Lenin Square,
Berlin — A449

Young Worker Reading, by Jutta

Damme — A436

1972, Aug. 22 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14 Grandmother,

1393 A436 50pf multicolored .40 .25 Children, Magic Coat of Arms of
International Book Year 1972. Mirror — A445 DDR —
A449a — 1443
Scenes from Hans Christian Andersen’s
“Snow Queen”: 10pf, Kay and Snow Queen.
15pf, Gerda in magic garden. 20pf, Gerda and Designs: 5pf, Pelican, Berlin Zoo. 10pf,
crows at palace. 25pf, Gerda and reindeer in Neptune Fountain, City Hall Street. 15pf, Fish-
Lapland. 35pf, Gerda and Kay at Snow erman’s Island, Berlin. 25pf, World clock, Alex-
Queen’s palace. ander Square, Berlin. 30pf, Workers’ Memo-
Arab Celestial rial, Halle. 35pf, Marx monument, Karl-Marx-
Globe, 1972, Nov. 28 Perf. 13x13 1/2 Stadt. 40pf, Brandenburg Gate, Berlin. 50pf,
1279 — A441 1417 A445 5pf multicolored .20 .25 New Guardhouse, Berlin. 60pf, Zwinger, Dres-
1418 A445 10pf multicolored .40 .60 den. 70pf, Old Town Hall, Office Building, Leip-
1419 A445 15pf multicolored .20 .25 zig. 80pf, Old and new buildings, Rostock-
1420 A445 20pf multicolored .20 .25 Warnemunde. 1m, Soviet War Memorial,
1421 A445 25pf multicolored .40 .60 Treptow.
1422 A445 35pf multicolored .20 .25
Polylux Writing a. Sheet of 6, #1417-1422 2.50 5.50 1973-74 Engr. Perf. 14x14
Projector — A437 Size: 29x23 1/2mm
See designs A469, A490.
1430 A449 5pf
blue green .20 .20
1431 A449 10pf
emerald .30 .20
Souvenir Sheet 1432 A449 15pf
rose lilac .25 .20
1433 A449 20pf
rose magen-
ta .60 .20
1434 A449 25pf grnsh blue .60 .20
Anti-Fascists 1435 A449 30pf orange .20 .20
Monument — A442 1436 A449 35pf grnsh blue .60 .20
George 1437 A449 40pf dull violet .25 .20
Dimitrov — A438 1438 A449 50pf blue, bluish .30 .20
10pf, Globe, by Joachim R. Praetorius, 1439 A449 60pf lilac (’74) .60 .20
1568. 15pf, Globe clock, by Reinhold & Roll, 1440 A449 70pf redsh brown .60 .20
25pf, Pentacon-audiovision projector, horiz. 1586. 20pf, Globe clock, by J. Bürgi, c. 1590. 1441 A449 80pf vio blue (’74) .60 .20
25pf, Armillary sphere, by J. Moeller, 1687. 1442 A449 1m olive .95 .20
Perf. 12 1/2x13, 13x12 1/2 35pf, Heraldic celestial globe, 1690. 1443 A449a 2m lake 1.50 .20
1972, Aug. 29 Litho. 1443A A449a 3m rose lilac
1394 A437 10pf crimson & blk .20 .20 1972, Oct. 17 Photo. Perf. 14x13 1/2 (’74) 2.00 .50
1395 A437 25pf brt green & blk .20 .20 1402 A441 5pf gray & multi .20 .20 Nos. 1430-1443A (15) 9.55 3.30
1403 A441 10pf gray & multi .20 .20 See Nos. 1610-1617, 2071-2085.
Leipzig Fall Fair, 1972. 1404 A441 15pf gray & multi 1.60 1.40
1405 A441 20pf gray & multi .20 .20
1406 A441 25pf gray & multi .20 .20
1972, Sept. 19 Perf. 13x13 1/2 1407 A441 35pf gray & multi .20 .20
1396 A438 20pf rose red & blk .30 .20 Nos. 1402-1407 (6) 2.60 2.40
George Dimitrov (1882-1949), Bulgarian Celestial and terrestrial globes from the
Communist party leader. National Mathematical and Physics Collection,

1972, Oct. 24 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13

1408 A442 25pf multicolored .30 .20
Monument for Polish soldiers and German Heinrich Heine — A446 (Oldest
anti-Fascists, unveiled in Berlin, May 14, 1972. Conifer)
1972, Dec. 5 Perf. 12 1/2x13 A450
1423 A446 1m brn ol, blk & red 1.25 2.50
150th anniversary of the birth of Heinrich Fossils from Natural History Museum, Ber-
Heine (1797-1856), poet. lin: 15pf, Sphenopteris hollandica (carbon
fern). 20pf, Pterodactylus kochi (flying reptile).
25pf, Botryopteris (permian fern). 35pf,
Archaeopteryx lithographica (primitive reptile-
like bird). 70pf, Odontopieura ovata (trilobite).
Bird Catchers, 1973, Feb. 6 Photo. Perf. 13
Egypt, c. 2400 1444 A450 10pf
multicolored .20 .20
B.C. — A439 1445 A450 15pf
ultra, gray & blk .20 .20
1446 A450 20pf
yellow & multi .20 .20
Young Workers Receiving Technical 1447 A450 25pf
emerald, blk &
Design: 20pf, Tapestry with animal design,
Anatolia, c. 1400 A.D. Education — A443 brn .20 .20
1448 A450 35pf ocher & multi .20 .20
1972, Sept. 19 Photo. Perf. 14 25pf, Workers with modern welding 1449 A450 70pf ind, blk & yel 1.00 1.25
machine. Coat of Arms Michelangelo da Nos. 1444-1449 (6) 2.00 2.25
1397 A439 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1398 A439 20pf multicolored .20 .20 of USSR Caravaggio
Nos. 1397-1398,B168-B169 (4) 1.35 1.35 1972, Nov. 2 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14 A447 A448
Interartes Philatelic Exhib., Berlin, Oct. 4- 1409 A443 10pf blue & multi .20 .20
1410 A443 25pf blue & multi .20 .20
Nov. 11. a. Strip of 2, #1409-1410 + label .60 .70 1972, Dec. 5 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14
1424 A447 20pf red & multi .30 .20
15th Central Fair of Masters of Tomorrow.
50th anniversary of the Soviet Union.

1973 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13

1425 A448 5pf brown .50 .65
1426 A448 10pf dull green .20 .20
1427 A448 20pf rose lilac .20 .20
1428 A448 25pf blue .20 .20
Red Cross Trainees 1429 A448 35pf brown red .20 .20
Mauz and 1429A A448 40pf rose claret .30 .20
and Red Hoppel Nos. 1425-1429A (6) 1.60 1.65
Cross — A440 A444 Michelangelo da Caravaggio (1565(?)-
1609), Italian painter (5pf). Friedrich Wolf
1972, Oct. 3 Litho. Perf. 13 Designs: Children’s television characters. (1888-1953), writer (10pf). Max Reger (1873-
Designs: 15pf, Red Cross rescue launch in 1916), composer (20pf). Max Reinhardt (1873- Bobsled Track,
the Baltic. 35pf, Red Cross with world map, 1972, Nov. 28 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13 1943), Austrian theatrical director (25pf). Oberhof — A451
ship, plane and vehicles. Johannes Dieckmann (1893-1969), member
1411 A444 5pf shown .20 .20 and president of People’s Chamber (35pf).
1412 A444 10pf Fox and magpie .20 .20 Hermann Matern (1893-1971), vice-president 1973, Feb. 13 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13
Size: 23x28mm 1413 A444 15pf Mr. Owl .50 .50 of DDR (40pf). 1450 A451 35pf dk bl, bl & org .30 .25
1399 A440 10pf grnsh bl, dk bl & 1414 A444 20pf Mrs. Hedgehog
red .20 .20 and Borstel .50 .50 15th Bobsledding Championships, Oberhof.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.


Combines Emblem
A452 A461

Leipzig Spring Fair: 25pf, Computerized Designs: 20pf, Militia guarding border at
threshing and silage producing machine. Brandenburg Gate. 50pf, Representatives of
Red Veterans’ League, International Brigade Rocket
1973, Mar. 6 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 in Spain and Workers’ Militia in DDR, vert. Launching — A466
1451 A452 10pf olive & multi .20 .20 Goethe and his Fireworks, TV
1452 A452 25pf blue & multi .25 .25 1973, Sept. 11 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
Home in Tower, World 1487 A461 10pf multicolored .20 .20 1973, Oct. 11 Photo. Perf. 14x13 1/2
Weimar — A457 Clock — A458 1488 A461 20pf tan, red & blk .20 .20 1493 A465 35pf silver & multi .30 .25
Souvenir Sheet 8th Congress of the World Federation of
Designs (Portraits and Houses): 15pf, Chris- Trade Unions, Varna, Bulgaria.
toph Martin Wieland. 20pf, Friedrich von Schil- Perf. 12 1/2x13
ler. 25pf, Johann Gottfried Herder. 35pf, Lucas 1489 A461 50pf multicolored .55 1.25
Cranach, the Elder. 50pf, Franz Liszt. 1973, Oct. 23 Perf. 14
20th anniversary of Workers’ Militia of the
1973, June 26 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13 German Democratic Republic. 20pf, Emblem with map of Russia & ham-
Firecrests 1471A457 10pf blue & multi .20 .20 mer & sickle, horiz. 25pf, Oil refinery, Ryazan.
A453 1472A457 15pf multicolored .20 .20 1494 A466 10pf violet bl & multi .20 .20
1473A457 20pf multicolored .20 .20 1495 A466 20pf vio bl, red & sil .20 .20
Songbirds: 10pf, White-winged crossbill. 1474A457 25pf multicolored .20 .20 1496 A466 25pf multicolored .65 .60
15pf, Waxwing. 20pf, White-spotted and red- 1475A457 35pf green & multi .20 .20 Nos. 1494-1496 (3) 1.05 1.00
spotted bluethroats. 25pf, Goldfinch. 35pf, 1476A457 50pf multicolored 1.50 1.00
Nos. 1471-1476 (6) 2.50 2.00 Soviet Science & Technology Days in DDR.
Golden oriole. 40pf, Gray wagtail. 50pf, Wall
creeper. Famous men and their homes in Weimar. Globe and Red
1973, Mar. 20 Photo. Perf. 14x13 1/2 Flag Emblem
1453 A453 5pf multicolored .20 .20 1973 A462
1454 A453 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1455 A453 15pf multicolored .20 .20 Designs (Festival Emblem and): 15pf, 1973, Sept. 11 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14
1456 A453 20pf multicolored .20 .20 Vietnamese and European men, book and
girder. 20pf, Construction workers and valve. 1490 A462 20pf gold & red .30 .20
1457 A453 25pf multicolored .20 .20
1458 A453 35pf multicolored .20 .20 30pf, Negro and European students, dam and 15th anniversary of the review “Problems of
1459 A453 40pf multicolored .20 .20 retort. 35pf, Emblems of World Federation of Peace and Socialism,” published in Prague in
1460 A453 50pf ocher & multi 2.00 2.00 Democratic Youth and International Students 28 languages.
Nos. 1453-1460 (8) 3.40 3.40 Union. 50pf, Brandenburg Gate.
1477 A458 5pf vio blue & multi .20 .20
a. Booklet pane of 4 .75 .75
1478 A458 15pf olive & multi .20 .20
1479 A458 20pf multicolored .20 .20 Madonna with
a. Booklet pane of 4 .75 .75
1480 A458 30pf blue & multi .70 .50 the Rose, by
1481 A458 35pf green & multi .20 .20 Parmigianino
Nos. 1477-1481 (5) 1.50 1.30 A467
Souvenir Sheet
1482 A458 50pf aqua & multi .70 1.25 Paintings: 10pf Child with Doll, by Christian
Copernicus and Title Page — A454 L. Vogel. 20pf, Woman with Plaited Blond Hair,
10th Festival of Youths and Students, Berlin, by Rubens. 25pf, Lady in White, by Titian.
July 1973. 35pf, Archimedes, by Domenico Fetti. 70pf,
1973, Feb. 13 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13 Issued: #1477-1481, July 3; #1482, July 26. Bouquet with Blue Iris, by Jan D. de Heem.
1461 A454 70pf multicolored .50 .30
500th anniversary of the birth of Nicolaus 1973, Nov. 13 Photo. Perf. 14
Copernicus (1473-1543), astronomer. Ulbricht Type of 1961-67 1497 A467 10pf gold & multi .20 .20
1973, Aug. 8 Engr. Perf. 14 1498 A467 15pf gold & multi .20 .20
Size: 24x28 1/2mm 1499 A467 20pf gold & multi .20 .20
Memorial, Langenstein- 1500 A467 25pf gold & multi .20 .20
1483 A189 20pf black .40 .25 1501 A467 35pf gold & multi .20 .20
In memory of Walter Ulbricht (1893-1973), Zwieberge — A463 1502 A467 70pf gold & multi 1.75 1.25
chairman of Council of State. Nos. 1497-1502 (6) 2.75 2.25
1973, Sept. 18 Perf. 14x13 1/2
1491 A463 25pf multicolored .30 .20
In memory of the workers who perished in
the subterranean munitions works at Langen-
Electric Locomotive — A455 stein-Zwieberge.

Railroad Cars Manufactured in DDR: 10pf,

Refrigerator car. 20pf, Long-distance coach.
25pf, Multiple tank car with pneumatic filling
device. 35pf, Two-story coach. 85pf, Interna- Pylon, Map of
tional coaches. Electric Power Human
System — A459 Rights
1973, May 22 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 Flame
1462 A455 5pf gray & multi .20 .20 A468
1463 A455 10pf brt blue & multi .20 .20 1973, Aug. 14 Photo. Perf. 14
1464 A455 20pf dk blue & multi .20 .20 1484 A459 35pf magenta, org & lt
1465 A455 25pf gray & multi .20 .20 bl .30 .25 1973, Nov. 20 Perf. 13
1466 A455 35pf multicolored .20 .20 1503 A468 35pf dp rose, dk car &
1467 A455 85pf green & multi 1.60 1.60 10th anniversary of the united East Euro- sil .35 .25
Nos. 1462-1467 (6) 2.60 2.60 pean electric power system “Peace.”
25th anniv. of the Universal Declaration of
UN Headquarters, NY, UN and DDR Human Rights.
Emblems — A464

1973, Sept. 21 Perf. 13

1492 A464 35pf multicolored .30 .20
Admission of the DDR to the UN.

King Lear,
Staged by Sports Equipment — A460
Langhoff Design: 25pf, Sailboat, guitar, electric drill.
1973, Aug. 28 Photo. Perf. 14
Great Theatrical Productions: 25pf, Mid- 1485 A460 10pf multicolored .20 .20
summer Marriage, staged by Walter Felsen- 1486 A460 25pf multicolored .25 .20 Union Emblem
stein. 35pf, Mother Courage, staged by Bertolt Leipzig Fall Fair and EXPOVITA exhibition A465
Brecht. for leisure time equipment.
1973, May 29 Photo. Perf. 13
1468 A456 10pf maroon, rose &
Boy Holding Pike — A469
yel .20 .20
1469 A456 25pf vio bl, lt bl & Designs: Various scenes from Russian
rose .20 .20 Folktale “At the Bidding of the Pike.”
1470 A456 35pf dk gray, bis & bl .60 .60
Nos. 1468-1470 (3) 1.00 1.00

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1973, Dec. 4 Litho. Perf. 13x13 /2 1 1526 A473 25pf violet & multi .20 .20 Designs: Various Plauen lace patterns.
1504 A469 5pf multicolored .20 .40 1527 A473 35pf multicolored .20 .20
1505 A469 10pf multicolored .60 .40 Nos. 1522-1527 (6) 2.60 2.40 1974, June 11 Litho. Perf. 13
1506 A469 15pf multicolored .20 .40 1563 A481 10pf
violet, lil & blk .20 .20
1507 A469 20pf multicolored .20 .40 1974, Feb. 26 Litho. Perf. 13 1564 A481 20pf
brown ol & blk .20 .20
1508 A469 25pf multicolored .60 .40 1565 A481 25pf
bl, lt bl & blk .95 .85
1509 A469 35pf multicolored .20 .40 Design: Various fieldball scenes. 1566 A481 35pf
lil rose, rose &
a. Sheet of 6, #1504-1509 2.25 3.50
1528 A474 5pf green & multi .25 .25 blk .20 .20
Truck Nos. 1563-1566 (4) 1.55 1.45
1529 A474 10pf green & multi .25 .25 Driver and
1530 A474 35pf green & multi .25 .25
a. Strip of 3, #1528-1530 .90 .90 Arms of
8th World Fieldball Championships for Men. DDR

1974, Apr. 30 Photo. Perf. 13

1549 A477b 10pf shown .20 .20
1550 A477b 20pf Students .20 .20
1551 A477b 25pf Woman worker .20 .20
Edwin 1552 A477b 35pf Family .70 .70
Hoernle — A470 Nos. 1549-1552 (4) 1.30 1.30
25th anniv. of the DDR.
Trotter — A482
1974 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13
#1511, Etkar Andre. #1512, Paul Merker. Designs: 10pf, Thoroughbred hurdling, vert.
#1513, Hermann Duncker. #1514, Fritz Heck- 25pf, Haflinger breed horses. 35pf, British
ert. #1515, Otto Grotewohl. #1516, Wilhelm thoroughbred race horse.
Florin. #1517, Georg Handke. #1518, Rudolf Power Testing
Breitscheid. #1519, Kurt Bürger. #1519A Carl Station — A475 Perf. 14x13 1/2, 13 1/2x14
Moltmann. 1974, Aug. 13 Photo.
1510 A470 10pf gray green .20 .20 Leipzig Spring Fair: 25pf, Robotron EC 2040 1570 A482 10pf olive & multi .20 .20
1511 A470 10pf rose violet .20 .20 data processer, horiz. 1571 A482 20pf multicolored .20 .20
1512 A470 10pf dark blue .20 .20 Buk Lighthouse, 1572 A482 25pf lt blue & multi 1.10 1.10
1513 A470 10pf brown .20 .20 1974, Mar. 5 Photo. Perf. 14 1878, and 1573 A482 35pf ocher & multi .20 .20
1514 A470 10pf dull green .20 .20 1531 A475 10pf multicolored .20 .20 Map — A478 Nos. 1570-1573 (4) 1.70 1.70
1515 A470 10pf red brown .20 .20 1532 A475 25pf multicolored .25 .20
1516 A470 10pf vio blue .20 .20 International Horse Breeders’ of Socialist
1517 A470 10pf olive brown .20 .20 Lighthouses, Maps and Nautical Charts: Countries Congress, Berlin.
1518 A470 10pf slate green .20 .20 15pf, Warnemünde, 1898. 20pf, Darsser Ort,
1519 A470 10pf dull violet .20 .20 1848. 35pf, Arkona, 1827 and 1902. 40pf,
1519A A470 10pf brown .20 .20 Greifswalder Oie, 1855.
Nos. 1510-1519A (11) 2.20 2.20
1974, May 7 Litho. Perf. 14
Leaders of German labor movement. 1553 A478 10pf multicolored .20 .20
Issued: #1510-1517, Jan. 8; others July 9. 1554 A478 15pf multicolored .20 .20
1555 A478 20pf multicolored .20 .20
Poisonous 1556 A478 35pf multicolored .20 .20
European 1557 A478 40pf multicolored .90 .75
Mushrooms Nos. 1553-1557 (5) 1.70 1.55
A476 Hydrographic Service of German Demo- Crane Lifting Diesel
cratic Republic. See Nos. 1645-1649. Locomotive — A483
1974, Mar. 19 Litho. Perf. 13x13 1/2
Leipzig Fall Fair: 25pf, Sugar beet harvester,
Designs: 5pf, Rhodophyllus Sinuatus. 10pf, type KS6.
Boletus satanas. 15pf, Amanita pantherina.
20pf, Amanita muscaria. 25pf, Gyromitra 1974, Aug. 27 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
Flags of esculenta. 30pf, Inocybe patouillardii. 35pf, 1574 A483 10pf multicolored .20 .20
Amanita phalloides. 40pf, Clitocybe dealbata.
Comecon 1575 A483 25pf orange & multi .25 .20
Members 1533 A476 5pf buff & multi .20 .20
A471 1534 A476 10pf buff & multi .20 .20
1535 A476 15pf buff & multi .20 .20
1536 A476 20pf buff & multi .20 .20
1974, Jan. 22 Photo. Perf. 13 1537 A476 25pf buff & multi .20 .20
1520 A471 20pf red & multi .30 .20 1538 A476 30pf buff & multi .20 .20
1539 A476 35pf buff & multi .20 .20
25th anniversary of the Council of Mutual 1540 A476 40pf buff & multi 1.10 1.00 The Ages of Man, by C. D.
Economic Assistance (Comecon). Nos. 1533-1540 (8) 2.50 2.40 Friedrich — A479

Chilean Miniature China
Flag and Mirror
A472 Gustav Robert Exhibits — A484
Kirchhoff — A477
1974, Jan. 22 Perf. 14 Designs: Scenes from 18th century Thurin-
1521 A472 20pf multicolored .30 .20 Portraits: 10pf, Immanuel Kant. 20pf, Ehm gia, Dolls’ Village, Arnstadt Castle Museum.
Pablo Neruda (Neftali Ricardo Reyes, 1904- Welk. 25pf, Johann Gottfried Herder. 35pf, C. D. Friedrich, Self-portrait — A480 1974, Sept. 10 Photo. Perf. 14x13 1/2
1973), Chilean poet. Lion Feuchtwanger.
1576 A484 5pf shown .20 .20
1974, Mar. 26 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13 Paintings by Friedrich: 10pf, Two Men 1577 A484 10pf Harlequin barker
Observing Moon. 25pf, The Heath near Dres- at Fair .20 .20
1541 A477 5pf black & gray .20 .20 den. 35pf, View of Elbe Valley. 1578 A484 15pf Wine tasters .20 .20
1542 A477 10pf vio bl & dull bl .20 .20 1579 A484 20pf Cooper and ap-
1543 A477 20pf maroon & rose .20 .20 1974, May 21 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2 prentice .20 .20
1544 A477 25pf slate grn & grn .20 .20 1580 A484 25pf Bagpiper .95 1.00
1545 A477 35pf brn & lt brn .50 .45 1558 A479 10pf gold & multi .20 .20
Nos. 1541-1545 (5) 1.30 1.25 1559 A479 20pf gold & multi .20 .20 1581 A484 35pf Butcher and
1560 A479 25pf gold & multi 1.25 1.10 beggar, women .20 .20
1561 A479 35pf gold & multi .20 .20 Nos. 1576-1581 (6) 1.95 2.00
Nos. 1558-1561 (4) 1.85 1.70
Souvenir Sheet
Perf. 14x13 1/2
1562 A480 70pf sepia 1.00 1.50
Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840), Ger-
Echinopsis Fieldball man Romantic painter.
Multiplex A474
Various Flowering Cacti: 10pf, Lobivia A477a Bound Guerrillas, Ardeatine Caves,
haageana. 15pf, Parodia sanguiniflora. 20pf, Rome — A485
Gymnocal. monvillei. 25pf, Neoporteria 1974, Apr. 16 Perf. 13
rapifera. 35pf, Notocactus concinnus.
1548 A477a 35pf silver & multi .30 .25 Design: No. 1583, Resistance Fighters,
1974, Feb. 12 Photo. Perf. 14 1st World Peace Congress, 25th anniv. monument near Chateaubriant, France.
1522 A473 5pf multicolored .20 .20
1523 A473 10pf tan & multi .20 .20
1524 A473 15pf green & multi 1.60 1.40 Plauen
1525 A473 20pf multicolored .20 .20 Lace — A481
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
1974, Sept. 24 Perf. 13 /2x14
1974, Nov. 26 Litho. Perf. 14 1628 A497 25pf sepia .20 .20
1582 A485 35pf green, blk & red .25 .25 1592 A489 Sheet of 4 1.25 1.10 1629 A497 35pf vio blue .55 .60
1583 A485 35pf blue, blk & red .25 .25 a. 20pf Sun shines on everybody .25 .25 Nos. 1625-1629 (5) 1.35 1.40
b. 20pf My Friend Sascha .25 .25
International war memorials. c. 20pf Carsten, the Best Swim- Famous men, birth anniversaries.
mer .25 .25
d. 20pf Me at the Blackboard .25 .25
Souvenir Sheet Young Pioneers’ drawings (7-10 years old). Martha Arendsee
Politician — A493

1975, Jan. 14 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13

1618 A493 10pf dull red .25 .20

Souvenir Sheet

German Zoological Gardens: 5pf, Blue and

Man Cutting Tree, yellow macaws, Magdeburg Zoo. 10pf, Orang-
and Bird — A490 utan family, Dresden. 15pf, Siberian chamois,
Halle. 20pf, Rhinoceros, Berlin. 25pf, Dwarf
hippopotamus, Erfurt. 30pf, Baltic seal and
Designs: Various scenes from Russian pup, Rostock. 35pf, Siberian tiger, Leipzig.
folktale “Twittering To and Fro.” 50pf, Boehm’s zebra, Cottbus. 20pf, 25pf,
30pf, 35pf are horiz.
1974, Dec. 3 Perf. 13x13 1/2
1593 A490 10pf multicolored .20 .20 1975, Mar. 25 Perf. 13 1/2x13, 13x13 1/2
1594 A490 15pf multicolored .60 .60 1630 A498 5pf multicolored .20 .20
1595 A490 20pf multicolored .20 .20 1631 A498 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1596 A490 30pf multicolored .20 .20 1632 A498 15pf multicolored .20 .20
Family and Flag — A486 1597 A490 35pf multicolored .60 .60 1633 A498 20pf multicolored .20 .20
1598 A490 40pf multicolored .20 .20 1634 A498 25pf multicolored .20 .20
a. Sheet of 6, #1593-1598 2.50 3.00
1974, Oct. 3 Photo. Perf. 13 1635 A498 30pf multicolored .20 .20
1636 A498 35pf multicolored .20 .20
1584 A486 1m multicolored 1.10 2.50 Peasants’ War, Contemporary 1637 A498 50pf multicolored 1.10 1.00
25th anniv. of the DDR. Woodcuts — A494 Nos. 1630-1637 (8) 2.50 2.40

1975, Feb. 11 Perf. 12 1/2x13

1619 A494 Sheet of 6 + label 2.50 5.00
a. 5pf Forced labor .25 .25
b. 10pf Peasant paying tithe .25 .25
c. 20pf Thomas Munzer .25 .25
d. 25pf Armed peasants .45 .35
e. 35pf Peasant, “Liberty” flag .45 .35
f. 50pf Peasant on trial .25 .25
Peasants’ War, 450th anniversary.

Meditating Girl, Soldiers, Industry and

by Wilhelm Agriculture — A499
Freighter and Paddle
Steamer — A487 Lachnit — A491
1975, May 6 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14
1974, Dec. 10 Perf. 13 1/2x14, 14x13 1/2 1638 A499 20pf multicolored .65 .20
Cent. of the UPU: 20pf, Old steam locomo-
tive and modern Diesel. 25pf, Bi-plane and jet. Paintings: 10pf, Still Life, by Ronald Paris, 20th anniv. of the signing of the Warsaw
35pf, Mail coach and truck. horiz. 20pf, Fisherman’s House, Vitte, by Treaty (Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, DDR, Hun-
Harald Hakenbeck. 35pf, Girl in Red, by gary, Poland, Romania, USSR).
1974, Oct. 9 Perf. 14 Rudolf Bergander, horiz. 70pf, The Artist’s Black
1585 A487 10pf green & multi .20 .20 Parents, by Willi Sitte.
1586 A487 20pf multicolored .20 .20 Women — A495
1587 A487 25pf blue & multi .20 .20 1599 A491 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1588 A487 35pf multicolored .65 .65 1600 A491 15pf multicolored .20 .20
1601 A491 20pf multicolored .20 .20 Designs: 20pf, Caucasian women. 25pf,
Nos. 1585-1588 (4) 1.25 1.25 1602 A491 35pf multicolored .20 .20 Indian woman and child.
1603 A491 70pf multicolored 1.25 1.25
Nos. 1599-1603 (5) 2.05 2.05 1975, Feb. 25 Litho. Perf. 13
1620 A495 10pf red & multi .20 .20
Paintings in Berlin Museums. 1621 A495 20pf red & multi .20 .20
1622 A495 25pf red & multi .20 .20
a. Strip of 3, Nos. 1620-1622 .85 .70
International Women’s Year 1975.

Soviet War
“In Praise of Memorial,
Dialectics” Berlin-Treptow
A488 Banded A500
Jasper — A492 Microfilm
1974, Oct. 24 Litho. Perf. 13x13 1/2 Pentakta Designs (Arms of German Democratic Rep.
Designs: 10pf+5pf, “Praise to the Revolut- Minerals from the collection of the Mining Camera and): 20pf, Buchenwald Memorial (detail).
ionaries.” 25pf, “Praise to the Party.” Designs Academy in Freiberg: 15pf, Smoky quartz. A496 25pf, Woman reconstruction worker. 35pf,
are from bas-reliefs by Rossdeutscher, Jas- 20pf, Topaz. 25pf, Amethyst. 35pf, Aquama- Skyscraper and statue at Orenburg (economic
tram and Wetzel, illustrating poems by Bertholt rine. 70pf, Agate. integration). 50pf, Soldier raising Red Flag on
Brecht. Leipzig Spring Fair: 25pf, Sket cement plant. Reichstag Building, Berlin.
1589 A488 10pf + 5pf multi .20 .20 1974, Dec. 17 Photo. Perf. 14 1975, Mar. 4 Photo. Perf. 14
1604 A492 10pf lt yellow & multi .20 .20 1975, May 6 Perf. 14x13 1/2
1590 A488 20pf multicolored .20 .20 1623 A496 10pf ultra & multi .20 .20 1639 A500 10pf red & multi .20 .20
1591 A488 25pf multicolored .20 .20 1605 A492 15pf lt yellow & multi .20 .20
1606 A492 20pf lt yellow & multi .20 .20 1624 A496 25pf orange & multi .20 .20 1640 A500 20pf red & multi .20 .20
a. Strip of 3, #1589-1591 .85 .75
1607 A492 25pf lt yellow & multi .20 .20 1641 A500 25pf red & multi .20 .20
DDR ’74 Natl. Stamp Exhib., Karl-Marx- 1608 A492 35pf lt yellow & multi .20 .20 1642 A500 35pf red & multi .50 .50
Stadt. 1609 A492 70pf lt yellow & multi 1.25 1.25 Nos. 1639-1642 (4) 1.10 1.10
Nos. 1604-1609 (6) 2.25 2.25 Souvenir Sheet
Souvenir Sheet Imperf
Type of 1973
1643 A500 50pf red & multi .60 1.25
Coil Stamps
30th anniversary of liberation from fascism.
1974-75 Photo. Perf. 14
Size: 21x17 1/2mm
1610 A449 5pf blue grn (’74) .30 .50
1611 A449 10pf emerald .20 .20 A497
1612 A449 20pf rose magenta .35 .20
1613 A449 25pf green (’75) .30 .20
1615 A449 50pf blue (’74) 1.00 1.75 Portraits: 5pf, Hans Otto (1900-33), actor.
1617 A449 1m olive (’74) 1.25 1.75 10pf, Thomas Mann (1875-1955), writer. 20pf,
Nos. 1610-1617 (6) 3.40 4.60 Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965), medical mis-
sionary. 25pf, Michelangelo (1475-1564),
Black control number on back of every fifth painter and sculptor. 35pf, André Marie
stamp. Ampère (1775-1836), scientist.
Drawings by Young Pioneers — A489 The 20pf was issued in sheets of 100 in
1975. 1975, Mar. 18 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13
1625 A497 5pf dk blue .20 .20
1626 A497 10pf dk car rose .20 .20
1627 A497 20pf dk green .20 .20

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1975, Sept. 23 Litho. Perf. 13 /2x13 1

1686 A513 10pf green, gray & blk .20 .20

1687 A513 20pf red & multi .20 .20
1688 A513 35pf ultra & multi .40 .40
Nos. 1686-1688 (3) .80 .80
Millennium of Weimar.

Ribbons, Youth
Emblems of DDR
and USSR — A501 Automatic Clock
by Paulus China Medimorph
1975, May 13 Perf. 14 Schuster, Aster — A509 Anesthesia
1644 A501 10pf multicolored .25 .20 1585 — A505 Unit — A510
Third Friendship Festival of Russian and
German Youths, Halle, 1975. Clocks, Dresden Museums: 10pf, Astro- 1975, Aug. 19 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14
nomical table clock, Augsburg, c. 1560. 15pf, 1670 A509 5pf shown .20 .20
Automatic clock, Hans Schlottheim, c. 1600. 1671 A509 10pf Geranium .20 .20
Lighthouse Type of 1974 20pf, Table clock, Johann Heinrich Köhler, c. 1672 A509 20pf Transvaal daisies .20 .20
Lighthouses, Maps and Nautical Charts: 1720. 25pf, Table clock, Köhler, c. 1700. 35pf, 1673 A509 25pf Carnation .20 .20
5pf, Timmendorf, 1872. 10pf, Gellen, 1905. Astronomical clock, Johannes Klein, 1738. 1674 A509 35pf Chrysanthemum .20 .20
20pf, Sassnitz, 1904. 25pf, Dornbush, 1888. 1675 A509 70pf Pansies 1.75 1.40 Monument,
35pf, Peenemünde, 1954. 1975, June 24 Photo. Perf. 14 Nos. 1670-1675 (6) 2.75 2.40 Vienna — A514
1655 A505 5pf multicolored .20 .20
1975, May 13 Litho. Perf. 14 1656 A505 10pf ultra & multi .20 .20 1975, Aug. 28 Perf. 14
1657 A505 15pf red & multi .95 1.00 1975, Oct. 14 Photo. Perf. 14x13 1/2
1645 A478 5pf multicolored .20 .20 1689 A514 35pf red & multi .30 .20
1646 A478 10pf multicolored .20 .20 1658 A505 20pf olive & multi .20 .20 Leipzig Fall Fair: 25pf, Motorcycle, type MZ
1647 A478 20pf multicolored .20 .20 1659 A505 25pf multicolored .20 .20 TS 250, horiz. Memorial for the victims of the struggle for a
1648 A478 25pf multicolored .20 .20 1660 A505 35pf ocher & multi .20 .20 free Austria, 1934-1945.
Nos. 1655-1660 (6) 1.95 2.00 1676 A510 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1649 A478 35pf multicolored .65 .65 1677 A510 25pf yellow & multi .30 .20
Nos. 1645-1649 (5) 1.45 1.45
Hydrographic Service of the DDR.

and Child
Crossing Louis Braille
Guard and
A511 Dots — A515

Dictionary, Compiled by Jacob and Designs: 15pf, Traffic policewoman. 20pf, Designs: 35pf, Hands reading Braille. 50pf,
Wilhelm Wilhelm Grimm — A506 Eyeball and protective glasses.
Liebknecht, August Policeman helping, motorist. 25pf, Motor vehi-
cle inspection. 35pf, Volunteer instructor. 1975, Oct. 14
Bebel — A502 20pf, Karl-Schwarzschild Observatory,
1975, Sept. 9 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 1690 A515 20pf gray & multi .20 .20
Tautenburg near Jena. 25pf, Electron micro- 1691 A515 35pf multicolored .20 .20
20pf, Tivoli House & front page of Protocol scope & chemical plant (scientific & practical 1678 A511 10pf multicolored .20 .20 1692 A515 50pf multicolored 1.00 .85
of Gotha. 25pf, Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels. cooperation). 35pf, Intercosmos 10 satellite. 1679 A511 15pf green & multi 1.00 .65 Nos. 1690-1692 (3) 1.40 1.25
1680 A511 20pf brown & multi .20 .20
1975, May 21 Photo. 1975, July 2 Litho. Perf. 13 /2x13
1681 A511 25pf violet & multi .20 .20 World Braille Year 1975. Sesquicentennial
1650 A502 10pf buff, brn & red .20 .20 1661A506 10pf plum, ol & blk .20 .20 1682 A511 35pf multicolored .20 .20 of the invention of Braille system of writing for
1651 A502 20pf salmon, brn & red .20 .20 1662A506 20pf vio bl & blk .20 .20 Nos. 1678-1682 (5) 1.80 1.45 the blind, by Louis Braille (1809-1852).
1652 A502 25pf buff, brn & red .20 .20 1663A506 25pf green, yel & blk .20 .20 Traffic police serving and instructing the
a. Strip of 3, #1650-1652 .80 .55 1664A506 35pf blue & multi .65 .70 public.
Centenary of the Congress of Gotha, the Nos. 1661-1664 (4) 1.25 1.30
beginning of German Socialist Workers’ Party. German Academy of Sciences, 275th anniv.

Post Office

1975, Oct. 21 Photo. Perf. 14

1693 A516 20pf multicolored .20 .20
Philatelists’ Day 1975. See No. B177.
Bearer — A507

1975, July 15 Perf. 13 1/2x13

1665 A507 10pf shown .20 .20
1666 A507 20pf Hurdling .20 .20 Soyuz Take-
Construction 1667 A507 25pf Diving .20 .20 off — A512
Workers, Union 1668 A507 35pf Gymnast on bar .65 .75
Emblem — A503 Nos. 1665-1668 (4) 1.25 1.35
Designs: 20pf, Soyuz and Apollo in space.
5th Children and Youths Spartakiad. 70pf, Spacecraft after link-up, horiz.,
1975, June 10 Photo. Perf. 14 79x28mm.
1653 A503 20pf red & multi .25 .20 Emperor Ordering Clothes — A517
Free German Association of Trade Unions Perf. 14x13 1/2, 13 1/2x14
(FDGB), 30th anniversary. 1975, Sept. 15 Photo. Designs: Scenes from “The Emperor’s New
1683 A512 10pf multicolored .20 .20 Clothes,” by Hans Christian Andersen and
1684 A512 20pf multicolored .20 .20 Andersen portrait.
1685 A512 70pf multicolored 1.25 1.00
Nos. 1683-1685 (3) 1.65 1.40 1975, Nov. 18 Litho. Perf. 14x13
1694 A517 20pf ocher & multi .30 .30
Apollo Soyuz space test project (Russo- 1695 A517 35pf ocher & multi .50 .50
American space cooperation), launching July 1696 A517 50pf ocher & multi .30 .30
15; link-up, July 17. a. Sheet of 3, #1694-1696 1.60 1.50
Map of

1975, July 30 Photo. Perf. 13

“Socialist 1669 A508 20pf multicolored .25 .20
Scientific European Security and Cooperation Confer-
Cooperation” ence, Helsinki, July 30-Aug. 1.
Mosaic by
Walter Womacka
Weimar, 1630, after Merian — A513 Tobogganing and Olympic
1975, June 10 Litho. Perf. 13 Rings — A518
1654 A504 20pf multicolored .25 .20 Designs: 20pf, Buchenwald Liberation Mon-
Eisenhüttenstadt, first socialist city of DDR, ument, vert. 35pf, Composite view of old and Olympic Rings and: 20pf, Speed-skating
25th anniversary. new buildings in Weimar. Rink, Berlin. 35pf, Figure-skating Hall, Karl-

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Marx Stadt. 70pf, Mass skiing at Sch- 20pf, New factories & apartment houses,
miedefeld. 1m, Innsbruck & surrounding party flag, horiz. 1m, Palace of the Republic.
1976, May 11 Perf. 14x13 1/2, 13 1/2x14
1975, Dec. 2 Photo. Perf. 14 1719 A528 10pf dp mag, gold &
1697 A518 5pf multicolored .20 .20 red .20 .20
1698 A518 20pf olive & multi .20 .20 1720 A528 20pf multicolored .20 .20
1699 A518 35pf multicolored .20 .20 Souvenir Sheet
1700 A518 70pf multicolored 1.40 1.10
Nos. 1697-1700,B178-B179 (6) 2.45 2.10 Perf. 14
Souvenir Sheet 1721 A526 1m multicolored 1.10 2.00
1701 A518 1m ultra & multi 1.40 2.50 Military Flag, Sailor, Soldier, 9th Congress of Unity Party (SED).
Aviator — A523
12th Winter Olympic Games, Innsbruck,
Austria, Feb. 4-15, 1976.
No. 1701 contains one 32x27mm stamp. 20pf, Military flag, ships, tanks, missile & Dancer at Rest,
planes. by Walter
1976, Feb. 24 Litho. Perf. 13 /2x14
1 Arnold — A532
1712 A523 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1713 A523 20pf multicolored .25 .20 Small Sculptures: 10pf, Shetland Pony, by
Heinrich Drake, horiz. 25pf, “At the Beach,” by
National People’s Army, 20th anniversary. Ludwig Engelhardt. 35pf, Hermann Duncker,
by Walter Howard. 50pf, “The Conversation,”
by Gustav Weidanz.

Pres. Wilhelm Pieck Peace Bicycle Race and Olympic 1976, June 22 Photo. Perf. 14
(1876-1960) Rings — A529 1735 A532 10pf blk & bl grn .20 .20
1736 A532 20pf ocher & blk .20 .20
A519 1737 A532 25pf ocher & blk .20 .20
Designs: 20pf, Town and sport halls, Suhl. 1738 A532 35pf yel grn & blk .20 .20
1975, Dec. 30 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13 25pf, Regatta course, Brandenburg. 70pf, 1739 A532 50pf brick red & blk 1.25 1.10
1702 A519 10pf lt ultra & blk .20 .20 1500-meter race. 1m, Central Stadium, Nos. 1735-1739 (5) 2.05 1.90

1976, May 18 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14

1722 A529 5pf green & multi .20 .20
1723 A529 20pf blue & multi .20 .20
1724 A529 25pf multicolored .20 .20
Telephone Apartment 1725 A529 70pf ultra & multi 1.60 1.40
A524 House, Leipzig Nos. 1722-1725,B180-B181 (6) 2.65 2.40
A525 Souvenir Sheet
Ernst Thälmann Perf. 14
(1886-1944) 1976, Mar. 2 Perf. 13 1726 A529 1m multicolored 1.25 2.00
A520 1714 A524 20pf light blue .25 .20 21st Olympic Games, Montreal, Canada,
Centenary of first telephone call by Alexan- July 17-Aug. 1. No. 1726 contains one stamp
Labor Leaders: No. 1704, Georg Schumann der Graham Bell, March 10, 1876. (32x27mm). Marx, Engels,
(1886-1945). No. 1705, Wilhelm Koenen Lenin, Red
(1886-1963). No. 1706, John Schehr (1896- Flags, Berlin
1934). 1976, Mar. 9 Photo. Perf. 14 Buildings
1976, Jan. 13 Perf. 13 1/2x13 Design: 25pf, Ocean super trawler, horiz. A533
1703 A520 10pf rose & blk .20 .20 1715 A525 10pf green & multi .20 .20
1704 A520 10pf emerald & blk .20 .20 1716 A525 25pf vio blue, blk & grn .30 .20 Ribbons 1976, June 29 Photo. Perf. 14
1705 A520 10pf ocher & blk .20 .20 1740 A533 20pf blue, red & dk red .25 .20
1706 A520 10pf violet & blk .20 .20 Leipzig Spring Fair. and
Nos. 1703-1706 (4) .80 .80 Emblem European Communist Workers’ Congress,
A530 Berlin.
See Nos. 1852-1854.
Design: 20pf, Young man and woman,
industrial installations.
1976, May 25 Perf. 14
1727 A530 10pf blue & multi .20 .20
1728 A530 20pf multicolored .20 .20
10th Parliamentary Meeting of the Free Ger-
man Youth Organization.

Palace of the Republic — A526 Coronation Coach, 1790 — A534

1976, Apr. 22 Photo. Perf. 14 Historic Coaches: 20pf, Open carriage,

1717 A526 10pf vio blue & multi .50 .20 Russia, 1800. 25pf, Court landau, Saxony,
Silbermann Organ, 1840. 35pf, State carriage, Saxony, 1860.
Rötha — A521 Inauguration of Palace of the Republic, Ber- 40pf, Mail coach, 1850. 50pf, Town carriage,
lin. See No. 1721. Saxony, 1889.
Silbermann Organs: 20pf, Freiberg. 35pf, 1976, July 27
Fraureuth. 50pf, Dresden.
1741 A534 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1976, Jan. 27 Photo. Perf. 14 1742 A534 20pf multicolored .20 .20
1743 A534 25pf multicolored .20 .20
1707 A521 10pf green & multi .20 .20 1744 A534 35pf multicolored .20 .20
1708 A521 20pf red & multi .20 .20 1745 A534 40pf multicolored .20 .20
1709 A521 35pf multicolored .20 .20 Himantoglossum
Hircinum — A531 1746 A534 50pf multicolored 2.00 1.75
1710 A521 50pf brown & multi .95 .80 Nos. 1741-1746 (6) 3.00 2.75
Nos. 1707-1710 (4) 1.55 1.40
Organs built by Gottfried Silbermann (1683- Post Office Radar Designs: European orchids.
1753). Station — A527
1976, June 15 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13
1976, Apr. 27 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14 1729 A531 10pf shown .20 .20
Souvenir Sheet 1718 A527 20pf multicolored .25 .20 1730 A531 20pf Dactylorhiza in-
carnata .20 .20
Intersputnik 1976. 1731 A531 25pf Anacamptis View of
pyramidalis .20 .20 Gera
1732 A531 35pf Dactylorhiza A535
sambucina .20 .20
1733 A531 40pf Orchis cori-
ophora .20 .20 Design: 10pf+5pf, View of Gera, c. 1652.
1734 A531 50pf Cypripedium
calceolus 1.75 1.50 1976, Aug. 5 Litho. Perf. 13
Nos. 1729-1734 (6) 2.75 2.50 1747 A535 10pf + 5pf multi .20 .20
1748 A535 20pf multicolored .20 .20
a. Pair, #1747-1748 + label .55 .50
4th German Youth Philatelic Exhib., Gera.

Richard Sorge — A522

1976, Feb. 3 Litho. Imperf. Marx, Engels,

1711 A522 1m multicolored 1.40 2.50 Lenin and Party
Dr. Richard Sorge (1895-1944), Soviet intel- Flag — A528
ligence agent. No. 1711 contains one stamp
with simulated perforations. Boxer — A536
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
Dogs: 10pf, Airedale terrier. 20pf, German
shepherd. 25pf, Collie. 35pf, Giant schnauzer.
70pf, Great Dane.
1976, Aug. 17 Perf. 14 Zweig Carl
1749 A536 5pf multicolored .20 .20 and Friedrich
1750 A536 10pf multicolored .20 .20 Quotation Gauss
1751 A536 20pf multicolored .20 .20
1752 A536 25pf multicolored .20 .20 Guppy A545 A550
1753 A536 35pf multicolored .20 .20 A541
1754 A536 70pf multicolored 1.60 1.50 Designs: 20pf, Otto von Guericke and Mag- 1977, Apr. 19 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
Nos. 1749-1754 (6) 2.60 2.50 Designs: Various guppies. deburg hemispheres. 35pf, Albrecht D. Thaer, 1811 A550 20pf lt ultra & blk .35 .20
wheat, plow and sheep. 40pf, Gustav Hertz
and diagram of separation of isotopes. Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), mathe-
1976, Nov. 9 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13 matician, 200th birth anniversary.
1769 A541 10pf multicolored .20 .20 1977, Feb. 8 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
1770 A541 15pf multicolored .20 .20
1771 A541 20pf multicolored .20 .20 1792 A545 10pf rose & blk .20 .20
1772 A541 25pf multicolored .20 .20 1793 A545 20pf gray & blk .20 .20
1773 A541 35pf multicolored .20 .20 1794 A545 35pf lt green & blk .20 .20
Oil 1795 A545 40pf blue & blk .65 .65
1774 A541 70pf multicolored 1.50 1.50
Distillery Nos. 1769-1774 (6) 2.50 2.50 Nos. 1792-1795 (4) 1.25 1.25
A537 Zweig (1887-1968), novelist; von Guericke
(1602-86), physicist; Thaer (1752-1828),
Design: 25pf, German Library, Leipzig. agronomist & physician; Hertz (1887-1975),
1976, Sept. 1 Perf. 13x12 1/2
1755 A537 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1756 A537 25pf multicolored .25 .20 Flags and
Leipzig Fall Fair. Handshake

1977, May 3 Photo. Perf. 13

1812 A551 20pf vio bl & multi .25 .20
9th German Trade Union Congress, Berlin.

Templin Lake Bridge — A538 Spring near

Plaue — A546
Designs: 15pf, Overpass, Berlin-Adlerges-
tell. 20pf, Elbe River Bridge, Rosslau. 25pf, Vessels, c. 3000 B.C. — A542
Göltzschtal Viaduct. 35pf, Elbe River Bridge, Natural Monuments: 20pf, Small Organ,
Magdeburg. 50pf, Grosser Dreesch Overpass, Johnsdorf. 25pf, Ivenacker Oaks, Reuterstadt.
20pf, Cult cart, c. 1300 B.C. 25pf, Roman 35pf, Stone Rose, Saalburg. 50pf, Rauen- VKM Channel
Schwerin. gold coin, 270-273 A.D. 35pf, Gold pendant, Converter, Filter
scher Stein (boulder), Furstenwalde.
950 A.D. 70pf, Glass cup, 3rd cent. A.D. and ITU
1976, Sept. 21 Photo. Perf. 14 1977, Feb. 24 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13
1757 A538 10pf multicolored .20 .20 Emblem — A552
1976, Nov. 23 Photo. Perf. 13 1796 A546 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1758 A538 15pf multicolored .20 .20 1775 A542 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1759 A538 20pf multicolored .20 .20 1797 A546 20pf multicolored .20 .20
1776 A542 20pf multicolored .20 .20 1798 A546 25pf multicolored .20 .20 1977, May 17 Litho. Perf. 14
1760 A538 25pf multicolored .20 .20 1777 A542 25pf multicolored .20 .20 1813 A552 20pf multicolored .25 .20
1761 A538 35pf multicolored .20 .20 1799 A546 35pf multicolored .20 .20
1778 A542 35pf multicolored .20 .20 1800 A546 50pf multicolored 1.00 1.00 International Telecommunications Day.
1762 A538 50pf multicolored 1.25 1.50 1779 A542 70pf multicolored 1.40 1.40
Nos. 1757-1762 (6) 2.25 2.50 Nos. 1796-1800 (5) 1.80 1.80
Nos. 1775-1779 (5) 2.20 2.20
Archaeological finds in DDR.

Building, Pistol
Book Fair Shooting
A547 A553

Leipzig Spring Fair: 25pf, Wide aluminum Designs: 20pf, Deep-sea diver. 35pf, Radio
Memorial Monument (detail), roll casting machine, Nachterstedt factory. controlled model boat.
Budapest — A539 “Air,” by Rosalba
Carriera — A543 1977, Mar. 8 Photo. Perf. 14 1977, May 17 Photo.
1976, Oct. 5 Photo. Perf. 14 1801 A547 10pf multicolored .20 .20 1814 A553 10pf lt green & multi .20 .20
1763 A539 35pf tan & multi .30 .20 Paintings, Dresden Museum: 15pf, Virgin 1802 A547 25pf multicolored .20 .20 1815 A553 20pf lt blue & multi .20 .20
and Child, by Murillo. 20pf, Woman Viola da 1816 A553 35pf salmon & multi .55 .55
Memorial to World War II victims. Gamba Player, by Bernardo Strozzi. 25pf, Ari- Nos. 1814-1816 (3) .95 .95
adne Forsaken, by Angelica Kauffmann. 35pf, Organization for Physical and Technical
Old Man with Black Cap, by Bartolomeo Naz- Training.
zari. 70pf, Officer Reading a Letter, by Gerard

1976, Dec. 14 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14

1780 A543 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1781 A543 15pf multicolored .20 .20
1782 A543 20pf multicolored .20 .20
1783 A543 25pf multicolored .20 .20
1784 A543 35pf multicolored .20 .20
1785 A543 70pf multicolored 1.60 1.50
Nos. 1780-1785 (6) 2.60 2.50
Brass Jug, c.
1500 — A540 Costume Start after Wheel
Senftenberg Change
Artistic Handicraft Works: 20pf, Faience A548 A549
vase with lid, c. 1710. 25pf, Porcelain center-
piece (woman carrying bowl), c. 1768. 35pf, Sorbian Costumes from: 20pf, Bautzen.
Porter, gilded silver, c. 1700. 70pf, Art 25pf, Klitten. 35pf, Nochten. 70pf, Muskau.
Nouveau glass vase, c. 1900. Accordion, c.
1977, Mar. 22 1900 — A554
1976, Oct. 19 1803 A548 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1764 A540 10pf dk car & multi .20 .20 1804 A548 20pf multicolored .20 .20 Designs: 20pf, Treble viola da gamba, 1747.
1765 A540 20pf ultra & multi .20 .20 Rumpelstiltskin 1805 A548 25pf multicolored .20 .20 25pf, Oboe, 1785, Clarinet, 1830 and flute,
1766 A540 25pf green & multi .20 .20 and King — A544 1806 A548 35pf multicolored .20 .20 1817. 35pf, Concert zither, 1891. 70pf, Trum-
1767 A540 35pf vio blue & multi .20 .20 1807 A548 70pf multicolored 1.60 1.40 pet, 1860.
1768 A540 70pf red brn & multi 1.40 1.40 Nos. 1803-1807 (5) 2.40 2.20
Nos. 1764-1768 (5) 2.20 2.20 Scenes from fairy tale “Rumpel-stiltskin.”
1977, June 14
1976, Dec. 14 Litho. Perf. 13 1977, Apr. 19 Photo. Perf. 14 1817 A554 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1818 A554 20pf multicolored .20 .20
1786 A544 5pf multicolored .20 .20 Designs: 20pf, Sprint. 35pf, At finish line. 1819 A554 25pf multicolored .20 .20
1787 A544 10pf multicolored .40 .35 1808 A549 10pf multicolored .20 .20 1820 A554 35pf multicolored .20 .20
1788 A544 15pf multicolored .20 .20 1809 A549 20pf multicolored .20 .20 1821 A554 70pf multicolored 1.60 1.60
1789 A544 20pf multicolored .20 .20 1810 A549 35pf multicolored .20 .20 Nos. 1817-1821 (5) 2.40 2.40
1790 A544 25pf multicolored .40 .35 a. Strip of 3. #1808-1810 .95 .85
1791 A544 30pf multicolored .20 .20 Vogtland musical instruments from Mark-
a. Sheet of 6, #1786-1791 2.25 2.00 30th International Peace Bicycling Race. neukirchen Museum.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1977, Nov. 22 Litho. Perf. 14
Firemen’s Activities: 10pf, Firemen racing
with ladders. 20pf, Children Visiting Firehouse.
25pf, Fire engines fighting forest and brush
fires. 35pf, Artificial respiration. 50pf, Fireboat
alongside freighter.
1864 A568 10pf multi, horiz. .20 .20
1865 A568 20pf multi .20 .20
1866 A568 25pf multi, horiz. .20 .20
1867 A568 35pf multi .20 .20
Mercury and Argus, by 1868 A568 50pf multi, horiz. 1.60 1.50
Rubens — A555 Nos. 1864-1868 (5) 2.40 2.30

Rubens Paintings in Dresden Gallery: 10pf, “Bread for all” by Konsument Mother Russia
Bath of Bathsheba, vert. 20pf, The Drunk Her- Wolfram Department and
cules, vert. 25pf, Diana Returning from the Schubert Store, Leipzig Obelisk — A564
Hunt. 35pf, Old Woman with Brazier, vert. A559 A560
50pf, Leda and the Swan.
1977, Sept. 20 Litho. Perf. 14
1977, June 28 Photo. Perf. 14 Design: 25pf, “When Communists Dream,” 1851 A564 35pf multicolored .30 .20
1822 A555 10pf multicolored .20 .20 by Walter Womacka (detail) and Sozphilex
emblem. Soviet soldiers’ memorial, Berlin-Schönholz.
1823 A555 15pf multicolored .20 .20
1824 A555 20pf multicolored .20 .20 1977, Aug. 16 Photo. Perf. 14
1825 A555 25pf multicolored .20 .20 Labor Leaders Type of 1976 Knight and
1826 A555 35pf multicolored .20 .20 1838 A559 10pf multicolored .20 .20 King — A569
a. Souvenir sheet of 4 .90 1.00 Portraits: No. 1852, Ernst Meyer (1887-
1827 A555 50pf multicolored 2.10 1.50 1839 A559 25pf multicolored .35 .30
Nos. 1822-1827 (6) 3.10 2.50 1930). No. 1853, August Fröhlich (1877-1966).
a. Souvenir sheet of 4 1.60 2.00 No. 1854, Gerhart Eisler (1897-1968). Designs: Various scenes from fairytale: “Six
Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640), Flemish SOZPHILEX ’77 Philatelic Exhibition, Berlin, Men Around the World.”
painter, 400th birth anniversary. Aug. 19-28. See No. B185. 1977, Oct. 18 Litho. Perf. 14
1852 A520 10pf olive & brown .20 .20 1977, Nov. 22 Perf. 13x13 1/2
1853 A520 10pf rose & brown .20 .20 1869 A569 5pf black & multi .20 .20
Souvenir Sheet 1977, Aug. 30 1854 A520 10pf lt blue & blk brn .20 .20 1870 A569 10pf black & multi .55 .45
Nos. 1852-1854 (3) .60 .60 1871 A569 20pf black & multi .20 .20
Design: 25pf, Glasses and wooden plate. 1872 A569 25pf black & multi .20 .20
1840 A560 10pf blue & multi .20 .20 Souvenir Sheet 1873 A569 35pf black & multi .55 .45
1841 A560 25pf multicolored .25 .20 1874 A569 60pf black & multi .20 .20
a. Sheet of 6, #1869-1874 2.75 2.50
Leipzig Fall Fair.

Souvenir Sheet

Hips and
Wreath, Flags of USSR and A570
DDR — A556
Medicinal Plants: 15pf, Birch. 20pf, Chamo-
1977, June 28 Heinrich von Kleist, by Peter Friedl, mile. 25pf, Coltsfoot. 35pf, Linden. 50pf, Elder.
1828 A556 50pf multicolored .85 1.25 1801 — A565
Soc. for German-Soviet Friendship, 30th 1978, Jan. 10 Photo. Perf. 14
anniv. Dzerzhinski and Quotation from 1977, Oct. 18 1875 A570 10pf multicolored .20 .20
Mayakovsky — A561 1876 A570 15pf multicolored .20 .20
1855 A565 1m multicolored 2.10 2.00 1877 A570 20pf multicolored .20 .20
Heinrich von Kleist (1777-1811), poet and 1878 A570 25pf multicolored .20 .20
1977, Sept. 6 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13 playwright, birth bicentenary. 1879 A570 35pf multicolored .25 .20
1842 A561 Sheet of 2 .85 2.00 1880 A570 50pf multicolored 1.60 1.50
a. 20pf multicolored .30 .30 Nos. 1875-1880 (6) 2.65 2.50
b. 35pf multicolored .35 .35
Feliks E. Dzerzhinski (1877-1926), orga-
nizer and head of Russian Secret Police
(Cheka), birth centenary.
Tractor with Plow — A557

Designs: 20pf, Fertilizer-spreader. 25pf, Rocket

Potato digger and loader. 35pf, High-pressure A566
harvester. 50pf, Rotating milking machine.
Design: 20pf, as 10pf, design reversed. Amilcar
1977, July 12 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
1829 A557 10pf multicolored .20 .20 1977, Nov. 8 Photo. Perf. 14 Cabral — A571
1830 A557 20pf multicolored .20 .20 1856 A566 10pf red, blk & sil .20 .20
1831 A557 25pf multicolored .20 .20 1857 A566 20pf ultra, blk & gold .20 .20 1978, Jan. 17 Litho. Perf. 14
1832 A557 35pf multicolored .20 .20 a. Pair, #1856-1857 + label .65 .50 1881 A571 20pf multicolored .30 .20
1833 A557 50pf multicolored 1.40 1.40 Muldenthal Locomotive, 1861 — A562
Nos. 1829-1833 (5) 2.20 2.20 20th Central Young Craftsmen’s Exhibition Amilcar Cabral (1924-1973), freedom move-
(Masters of Tomorrow). ment leader from Guinea-Bissau.
Motorized modern agriculture. Designs: 10pf, Trolley car, Dresden, 1896.
20pf, First successful German plane, 1909.
25pf, 3-wheel car “Phäno-mobile,” 1924. 35pf,
Passenger steamship on the Elbe, 1837.

1977, Sept. 13 Photo. Perf. 14

1843 A562 5pf green & multi .20 .20
1844 A562 10pf green & multi .20 .20
1845 A562 20pf green & multi .20 .20
High 1846 A562 25pf green & multi .25 .20
Jump 1847 A562 35pf green & multi 1.60 1.10
A558 Nos. 1843-1847 (5) 2.45 1.90 Town Hall, Suhl-
Transportation Museum, Dresden. A572
Designs: 20pf, Hurdles, girls. 35pf, Dancing.
40pf, Torch bearer and flags.
Half-timbered Buildings, 17th-18th Centu-
1977, July 19 ries: 20pf, Farmhouse, Niederoderwitz. 25pf,
A567 A568 Farmhouse, Strassen. 35pf, Townhouse,
1834 A558 5pf red & multi .20 .20
1835 A558 20pf lt green & multi .20 .20 Quedlinburg. 40pf, Townhouse, Eisenach.
1836 A558 35pf green & multi .20 .20 Hunting in East Germany: 10pf, Mouflons.
1837 A558 40pf blue & multi 1.25 1.10 Cruiser 15pf, Red deer. 20pf, Retriever with pheasant, 1978, Jan. 24 Photo. Perf. 14
Nos. 1834-1837,B183-B184 (6) 4.60 3.00 “Aurora” hunter. 25pf, Red fox, wild duck. 35pf, Tractor 1882 A572 10pf multicolored .20 .20
A563 driver saving fawn. 70pf, Wild boars. 1883 A572 20pf multicolored .20 .20
6th Gymnastics and Sports Festival and 6th 1884 A572 25pf multicolored .20 .20
Children’s and Youth Spartacist Games. 1977, Nov. 15 1885 A572 35pf multicolored .20 .20
Designs: 25pf, Storming of the Winter Pal- 1858 A567 10pf multicolored .20 .20 1886 A572 40pf multicolored 1.50 1.40
ace. 1m, Lenin, vert. 1859 A567 15pf multicolored 1.60 1.40 Nos. 1882-1886 (5) 2.30 2.20
1860 A567 20pf multicolored .20 .20
1977, Sept. 20 1861 A567 25pf multicolored .20 .20
1848 A563 10pf multicolored .20 .20 1862 A567 35pf multicolored .20 .20
1849 A563 25pf multicolored .35 .25 1863 A567 70pf multicolored .25 .20
Souvenir Sheet Nos. 1858-1863 (6) 2.65 2.40
Perf. 12 1/2x13
1850 A563 1m carmine & blk 1.50 2.00
60th anniversary of the Russian Revolution.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

25pf, Deaf child learning sign language.
1978, Apr. 4 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
1902 A577 20pf multicolored .20 .20
Mail 1903 A577 25pf multicolored .50 .45
Truck, National Institute for the Education of the
1921 Deaf, established by Samuel Heinicke, 200th
A573 anniversary. Foot Soldier, by
Past and Present Mail Transport: 20pf, Mail Schäufelein — A586
truck, 1978. 25pf, Railroad mail car, 1896.
35pf, Railroad mail car, 1978. Etchings: 20pf, Woman Reading Letter, by
Jean Antoine Watteau. 25pf, Seated Boy, by
1978, Feb. 9 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 Gabriel Metsu. 30pf, Seated Young Man, by
1887 A573 10pf brown & multi .20 .20 Cornelis Saftleven. 35pf, St. Anthony, by Mat-
1888 A573 20pf brown & multi .30 .30 Ceramic thias Grunewald. 50pf, Seated Man, by Abra-
1889 A573 25pf brown & multi .35 .35 Radio Tower, Bull — A582 ham van Diepenbeeck.
1890 A573 35pf brown & multi .50 .50 Dequede, TV
a. Block of 4, #1887-1890 1.75 1.60 Truck — A578 Designs: 10pf, Woman’s head, ceramic. 1978, July 25 Perf. 13 1/2x14
20pf, Gold armband, horiz. 25pf, Animal head, 1935 A586 10pf lemon & black .20 .20
Design: 20pf, TV equipment and tower, vert. gold ring. 35pf, Seated family from signet ring. 1936 A586 20pf lemon & black .55 .50
40pf, Necklace, horiz. 1937 A586 25pf lemon & black .20 .20
1978, Apr. 25 Perf. 13 1/2x14, 14x13 1/2 1938 A586 30pf lemon & black .20 .20
1904 A578 10pf multicolored .20 .20 Perf. 14x13 1/2, 13 1/2x14 1939 A586 35pf lemon & black .55 .50
1905 A578 20pf multicolored .20 .25 1978, June 20 Photo. 1940 A586 50pf lemon & black .20 .20
a. Sheet of 6, #1935-1940 2.25 2.25
World Telecommunications Day. 1918 A582 5pf multicolored .20 .20
1919 A582 10pf multicolored .20 .20 Etchings from Berlin Museums.
1920 A582 20pf multicolored .20 .20
1921 A582 25pf multicolored .20 .20
Earring, 11th 1922 A582 35pf multicolored .20 .20
Century — A574 1923 A582 40pf multicolored .95 1.00
Nos. 1918-1923 (6) 1.95 2.00
Archaeological Artifacts: 20pf, Earring, 10th African art from 1st and 2nd centuries in
century. 25pf, Bronze sheath, 10th century. Berlin and Leipzig Egyptian museums.
35pf, Bronze horse, 12th century. 70pf, Ara-
bian coin, 8th century.
Fair Building “Three
1978, Feb. 21 Photo. Perf. 14 Kings,”
1891 A574 10pf multicolored .20 .20 Leipzig — A587
1892 A574 20pf multicolored .20 .20
1893 A574 25pf multicolored .20 .20 Saxon Miner, 19th
1894 A574 35pf multicolored .20 .20 Century — A579 Old and New Buildings, Leipzig Fall Fair: 10pf, IFA Multicar 25 truck,
1895 A574 70pf multicolored 1.25 1.25 Cottbus — A583 horiz.
Nos. 1891-1895 (5) 2.05 2.05
Dress Uniforms, 19th Century: 20pf, Foun- 1978, Aug. 29 Photo. Perf. 14
Treasures found on Slavic sites. dry worker, Freiberg. 25pf, Mining Academy Design: 10pf + 5pf, View of Cottbus, 1730. 1941 A587 10pf multicolored .20 .20
student. 35pf, Chief Inspector of Mines. 1942 A587 25pf multicolored .30 .25
1978, July 18 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
1978, May 9 Perf. 12 1/2x13 1924 10pf + 5pf multi .20 .20
1906 A579 10pf silver & multi .20 .20 1925 20pf multicolored .20 .20
1907 A579 20pf silver & multi .20 .20 a. A583 Pair, #1924-1925 + label .55 .55
1908 A579 25pf silver & multi .20 .20 5th Youth Philatelic Exhibition, Cottbus.
1909 A579 35pf silver & multi .95 .80
Nos. 1906-1909 (4) 1.55 1.40

Royal House, Liebig,
Leipzig — A575 Wheat
and Mauthausen Memorial — A588
Leipzig Spring Fair: 25pf, Universal measur- Retort
ing instrument by Carl Zeiss. A584 1978, Sept. 5 Perf. 13 1/2x14
Cub — A580 1943 A588 35pf multicolored .30 .20
1978, Mar. 7 Famous Germans: 10pf, Joseph Dietzgen
1896 A575 10pf multicolored .20 .20 (1828-1888) and title page. 15pf, Alfred Döblin International war memorials.
1897 A575 25pf multicolored .30 .25 Young Animals: 20pf, Leopard. 35pf, Tiger. (1878-1957) and title page. 20pf, Hans Loch
50pf, Snow leopard. (1898-1960) and signature, president of Lib-
eral Democratic Party. 25pf, Dr. Theodor
1978, May 23 Photo. Perf. 14 Brugsch (1878-1963), and blood circulation.
1910 A580 10pf multicolored .20 .20 35pf, Friedrich Ludwig Jahn (1778-1852) and
1911 A580 20pf multicolored .20 .20 gymnast. 70pf, Dr. Albrecht von Graefe (1828-
1912 A580 35pf multicolored .20 .20 1870) and ophthalmological instruments.
1913 A580 50pf multicolored .95 .90
Nos. 1910-1913 (4) 1.55 1.50 1978, July 18
Centenary of Leipzig Zoo. 1926 A584 5pf yellow & blk .20 .20
1927 A584 10pf gray & blk .20 .20
1928 A584 15pf yel grn & blk .20 .20
1929 A584 20pf ultra & blk .20 .20
1930 A584 25pf salmon & blk .20 .20 Soyuz, Intercosmos and German-
1931 A584 35pf lt green & blk .20 .20 Soviet Space Flight Emblems — A589
1932 A584 70pf ol & blk 1.10 1.10
Nos. 1926-1932 (7) 2.30 2.30

Rocket — A576 Festival Soyuz,
Emblem Camera and
Designs: 20pf, Intercosmos I satellite. 35pf, and New Space
Meteor satellite with spectometric complex. Buildings, Complex
1m, MFK-6 multi-spectral camera over city. Loading Havana A590
Container — A581 A585
1978, Mar. 21 Photo. Perf. 14x13 1/2
1898 A576 10pf multicolored .20 .20 Designs: 10pf, Soyuz and Albert Einstein.
1899 A576 20pf multicolored .20 .20 Designs: 20pf, Loading container on flatbed 35pf, Balloons and new buildings, Berlin. 20pf, Sigmund Jähn, 1st German cosmonaut,
1900 A576 35pf multicolored .75 .75 truck. 35pf, Container trains in terminal. 70pf, vert. 35pf, Salyut-Soyuz space station, Otto
Nos. 1898-1900 (3) 1.15 1.15 Loading container on ship. 1978, July 25 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 Lilienthal and his glider. 1m, Cosmonauts
1933 A585 20pf multicolored .25 .25 Bykovsky and Jähn and space ships.
Souvenir Sheet 1978, June 13 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13 1934 A585 35pf multicolored .25 .25
1901 A576 1m multicolored 2.00 2.50 1914 A581 10pf multicolored .20 .20 a. Strip of 2, #1933-1934 + label 1.00 .90 1978, Sept. Photo. Perf. 14
Achievements in atmospheric and space 1915 A581 20pf multicolored .20 .20 11th World Youth Festival, Havana, 7/28-8/5. 1944 A589 20pf multicolored .30 .20
research. 1916 A581 35pf multicolored .20 .20 Litho.
1917 A581 70pf multicolored 1.40 1.25
Nos. 1914-1917 (4) 2.00 1.85 Perf. 13 1/2x13
1945 A590 5pf multicolored .20 .20
1946 A590 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1947 A590 20pf multicolored .20 .20
1948 A590 35pf multicolored .65 .65
Samuel Nos. 1944-1948 (5) 1.55 1.45
c. 1800
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
Souvenir Sheet 1962 A595 40pf multicolored .20 .20 Kekulé (1829-1896), and benzene ring. 35pf,
1963 A595 50pf multicolored 1.60 1.60 George Forster (1754-1794) and Capt. Cook’s
Perf. 13 1/2x14 Nos. 1958-1963 (6) 2.60 2.60 ship Resolution. 70pf, Gotthold Ephraim Les-
1949 A590 1m multicolored 1.50 2.50 Dresden Museum of Natural History, 250th sing (1729-1781) and title page for Nathan the
1st German cosmonaut on Russian space anniversary. Wise.
mission. #1949 contains 1 54x33mm stamp. 1979, Mar. 20 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
Issued: #1944, Sept. 4; others, Sept. 21.
1994 A604 5pf pale salmon &
blk .20 .20
1995 A604 10pf blue gray & blk .20 .20
1996 A604 20pf lemon & blk .20 .20
Telephone Operators, 1900 and 1997 A604 25pf lt green & blk .20 .20
1979 — A600 1998 A604 35pf lt blue & blk .20 .20
Marching 1999 A604 70pf pink & blk 1.60 1.25
Soldiers, Nos. 1994-1999 (6) 2.60 2.25
Tractor, 35pf, Telegraph operators, 1880 and 1979. See Nos. 2088-2093.
Factory Wheel Lock Gun, 1630 — A596
A591 1979, Feb. 6 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14
Hunting Guns: 10pf, Double-barreled gun, 1988 A600 20pf multicolored .20 .20 Miniature Sheet
1978. 20pf, Spring-cock gun, 1780. 25pf, 1989 A600 35pf multicolored .55 .45
Design: 35pf, Russian and German
Soldiers, Communist war veteran, 1933. Superimposed double-barreled gun, 1978. Development of German postal telephone
35pf, Percussion gun, 1850. 70pf, Three-bar- and telegraph service.
1978, Sept. 19 Photo. Perf. 14 reled gun, 1978.
1950 A591 20pf multicolored .25 .25 1978, Nov. 21 Photo. Perf. 14 Souvenir Sheet
1951 A591 35pf multicolored .25 .25
a. Strip of 2, #1950-1951 + label .85 .75 1964 A596 5pf silver & multi .20 .20
1965 A596 10pf silver & multi .20 .20
Workers’ military units, 25th anniv. 1966 A596 20pf silver & multi .20 .20 Horch 8,
1967 A596 25pf silver & multi .25 .25 1911 — A605
1968 A596 35pf silver & multi .35 .35
a. Vert. strip of 3, 5, 20, 35pf 1.00 .90
1969 A596 70pf silver & multi .75 .75 Design: 35pf, Trabant 601S de luxe, 1978.
a. Vert. strip of 3, 10, 25, 70pf 1.75 1.60
Nos. 1964-1969 (6) 1.95 1.95 1979, Apr. 3 Litho. Perf. 14
2000 Sheet of 2 + label 1.10 1.10
Printed in sheets of 9. a. A605 20pf multicolored .25 .25
b. A605 35pf multicolored .65 .65
Sachsenring automobile plant, Zwickau.

Pyramid — A592 Rapunzel’s Father
and Witch — A597
10pf, Elephant on tricycle. 20pf, Dressage.
35pf, Polar bear kissing woman trainer. Designs: Scenes from fairy tale “Rapunzel.”
1978, Sept. 26 Photo. Perf. 14 1978, Nov. 21 Litho. Perf. 13
1952 A592 5pf black & multi .25 .35 1970 A597 10pf multicolored .20 .20 Self-Propelled Car — A606
1953 A592 10pf black & multi .45 .50
Albert Einstein (1879-1955),
1971 A597 15pf multicolored .70 .55
1954 A592 20pf black & multi .85 .90 1972 A597 20pf multicolored .20 .20 Theoretical Physicist — A601
DDR Railroad Cars: 10pf, Self-unloading
1955 A592 35pf black & multi 1.25 1.75 1973 A597 25pf multicolored .20 .20 freight car Us-y. 20pf, Diesel locomotive BR
a. Block of 4, #1952-1955 4.50 6.50 1974 A597 35pf multicolored .70 .55 1979, Feb. 20 Litho. Perf. 14 110. 35pf, Laaes automobile carrier.
Circus in German Democratic Republic. 1975 A597 50pf multicolored .20 .20 1990 A601 1m multicolored 1.60 1.50
a. Sheet of 6, #1970-1975 2.50 2.25 1979, Apr. 17 Litho. Perf. 13
2001 A606 5pf multicolored .20 .20
2002 A606 10pf multicolored .20 .20
2003 A606 20pf multicolored .20 .20
2004 A606 35pf multicolored .65 .65
Nos. 2001-2004 (4) 1.25 1.25

Chaffinches Max Klinger House,

Construction of Gas Pipe Line, Leipzig — A602
Drushba Section — A593 A598

Song Birds: 10pf, Nuthatch. 20pf, Robin. Leipzig Spring Fair: 25pf, Horizontal drilling
1978, Oct. 3 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 and milling machine, horiz.
25pf, Bullfinches. 35pf, Blue tit. 50pf, Red
1956 A593 20pf multicolored .30 .20 linnets.
German youth helping to build gas pipe line 1979, Mar. 6 Litho. Perf. 14
from Orenburg to Russian border. 1979, Jan. 9 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14 1991 A602 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1976 A598 5pf multicolored .20 .20 1992 A602 25pf multicolored .25 .20
1977 A598 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1978 A598 20pf multicolored .20 .20
1979 A598 25pf multicolored .20 .20
1980 A598 35pf multicolored .20 .20 Durga, 18th
1981 A598 50pf multicolored 1.75 1.25 Century — A607
Nos. 1976-1981 (6) 2.75 2.25
Indian Miniatures in Berlin Museums: 35pf,
Mahavira, 15th-16th cents. 50pf, Todi Ragini,
17th cent. 70pf, Asavari Ragini, 17th cent.
1979, May 8 Photo. Perf. 14x13 1/2
2005 A607 20pf multicolored .20 .20
Container Ship, Tug, World Map and 2006 A607 35pf multicolored .20 .20
IMCO Emblem — A603 2007 A607 50pf multicolored .20 .20
Chabo 2008 A607 70pf multicolored 1.75 1.60
African Behind Papilio Cock — A599 Nos. 2005-2008 (4) 2.35 2.20
1979, Mar. 20 Photo.
Barbed Hahneli — A595 1993 A603 20pf multicolored .30 .20
Wire — A594 German Cocks: 15pf, Kraienkopp. 20pf, World Navigation Day.
Porcelain-colored bantam. 25pf, Saxonian.
1978, Oct. 3 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13 35pf, Phoenix. 50pf, Striped Italian.
1957 A594 20pf multicolored .30 .20
1979, Jan. 23 Perf. 14x13 1/2 Otto
Anti-Apartheid Year. 1982 A599 10pf multicolored .20 .20 Youth
1983 A599 15pf multicolored .20 .20 Hahn and
Equation Gathering
1984 A599 20pf multicolored .20 .20 A608
1978, Oct. 24 Photo. Perf. 14 1985 A599 25pf multicolored .20 .20 of
20pf, Agama lehmanni (lizards). 25pf, Agate 1986 A599 35pf multicolored .20 .20 Nuclear
from Wiederau. 35pf, Paleobatrachus diluvi- 1987 A599 50pf multicolored 1.60 1.50 Fission Design: 10pf+5pf, Torchlight parade of Ger-
anus. 40pf, Clock, 1720. 50pf, Table tele- Nos. 1982-1987 (6) 2.60 2.50 A604 man youth, Oct. 7, 1949.
scope, 1750.
1958 A595 10pf multicolored .20 .20 Famous Germans: 10pf, Max von Laue
1959 A595 20pf multicolored .20 .20 (1879-1969) and diagram of sulphide zinc.
1960 A595 25pf multicolored .20 .20 20pf, Arthur Scheunert (1879-1957), symbol
1961 A595 35pf multicolored .20 .20 of nutrition and health. 25pf, Friedrich August

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1979, May 22 Photo. Perf. 14 Musical Instruments, Leipzig Museum: 25pf,
2009 A608 10pf + 5pf multi .20 .20 French “serpent,” 17th-18th centuries. 40pf,
2010 A608 20pf multicolored .20 .20 French barrel lyre, 18th century. 85pf, German
a. Strip of 2, #2009-2010 + label .50 .50 tenor trumpet, 19th century.
National Youth Festival, Berlin. 1979, Aug. 21 Perf. 14
2031 A619 20pf multicolored .20 .20
2032 A619 25pf multicolored .20 .20
2033 A619 40pf multicolored .20 .20
2034 A619 85pf multicolored 1.75 1.60 DDR Arms
Dahlia Nos. 2031-2034 (4) 2.35 2.20 and Flag,
“Rubens” Worker
Housing A615 A624
Berlin Dahlias: 20pf, Rosalie. 25pf, Corinna. 35pf, DDR Arms, Flag and: 10pf, Young man and
A609 Enzett-Dolli. 50pf, Enzett-Carola. 70pf, Don woman. 15pf, Soldiers. 20pf, Workers.
20pf, Berlin-Marzahn building site & 1979, Oct. 2 Photo. Perf. 13
surveyors. 1979, July 17 Photo. Perf. 13 2044 A624 5pf multicolored .20 .20
2022 A615 10pf multicolored .20 .20 2045 A624 10pf multicolored .20 .20
1979, May 22 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 2023 A615 20pf multicolored .20 .20 2046 A624 15pf multicolored .30 .30
2011 A609 10pf multicolored .20 .20 2024 A615 25pf multicolored .20 .20 2047 A624 20pf multicolored .20 .20
2012 A609 20pf multicolored .25 .25 2025 A615 35pf multicolored .20 .20 Nos. 2044-2047 (4) .90 .90
2026 A615 50pf multicolored .20 .20 Galloping — A620 Souvenir Sheet
Berlin Project of Free German Youth. 2027 A615 70pf multicolored 2.00 1.90
Nos. 2022-2027 (6) 3.00 2.90 2048 A624 1m multicolored 1.25 1.10
1979, Aug. 21
Dahlias shown at International Garden Exhi- 2035 A620 10pf shown .20 .20 DDR, 30th anniv. No. 2048 contains one
bition, Erfurt. 2036 A620 25pf Dressage .65 .55 stamp (33x55mm).
30th International Horse-breeding Congress
of Socialist Countries, Berlin.

Children Playing Exhibition Emblem
and Emblem — A611 A616
Reading — A610
1979, Aug. 7 Photo. Perf. 13 Altozier
20pf, Doctor with black & white children. 2028 A616 20pf multicolored .25 .20 Porcelain Coffee
1979, May 22 Photo. Perf. 14 4th International Congress of Teachers of Monument, Pot — A625
2013 A610 10pf multicolored .20 .20 Russian Language and Literature, Berlin. Nordhausen
2014 A610 20pf multicolored .30 .35 A621 Meissen Porcelain and Hallmark, 18th-20th
Centuries: 5pf, Woman applying make-up,
International Year of the Child. 1967. 15pf, “Grosser Ausschnitt” coffee pot,
1979, Aug. 28 Photo. Perf. 14 1974. 20pf, Covered vase. 25pf, Parrot. 35pf,
2037 A621 35pf dull vio & blk .35 .25 Harlequin drinking. 50pf, Woman selling flow-
1979, June 5 ers. 70pf, Sake bottle.
2015 A611 10pf multicolored .30 .20 Memorial to World War II victims.

Agra ’79 Agricultural Exhib., Markkleeberg. 1979, Nov. 6 Photo. Perf. 14

2049 A625 5pf multicolored .20 .20
2050 A625 10pf multicolored .20 .20
2051 A625 15pf multicolored .20 .20
2052 A625 20pf multicolored .25 .25
a. Block of 4, #2049-2052 1.25 .90
2053 A625 25pf multicolored .30 .30
2054 A625 35pf multicolored .50 .50
Dandelion Fountain, 2055 A625 50pf multicolored .70 .70
Ferry Dresden — A617 2056 A625 70pf multicolored .95 .95
Boats a. Block of 4, #2053-2056 4.00 3.75

1979, June 26 Photo. Perf. 14

2016 A612 20pf Rostock .25 .25 Teddy Bear — A622
2017 A612 35pf Rugen .25 .25
a. Strip of 2, #2016-2017 + label .90 .80
Leipzig Autumn Fair: 25pf, Grosser Blumen-
Railroad ferry from Sassnitz, DDR, to Trel- berg (building), Leipzig, horiz.
leborg, Sweden, 70th anniversary.
1979, Aug. 28
2038 A622 10pf multicolored .20 .20 Rag Doll,
2039 A622 25pf multicolored .20 .20 1800 — A626
Composite of Dresden
Buildings — A618 Historic Dolls: 15pf, Ceramic, 1960. 20pf,
Wooden, 1780. 35pf, Straw, 1900. 50pf,
Jointed, 1800. 70pf, Tumbler, 1820.
The A618 illustration is reduced.
1979, Nov. 20 Litho.
1979, Aug. 7 Perf. 14 2057 A626 10pf multicolored .20 .20
2029 A617 20pf multicolored .20 .20 2058 A626 15pf multicolored .70 .60
Hospital Classroom — A613 2059 A626 20pf multicolored .20 .20
Souvenir Sheet Philipp Dengel 2060 A626 35pf multicolored .20 .20
Design: 35pf, Handicapped workers. Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 (1888-1948) 2061 A626 50pf multicolored .70 .60
A623 2062 A626 70pf multicolored .20 .20
1979, June 26 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 2030 A618 1m multicolored 1.60 1.40 a. Sheet of 6, #2057-2062 2.75 2.50
2018 A163 10pf multicolored .20 .20 DDR ’79, Natl. Stamp Exhib., Dresden.
2019 A163 35pf multicolored .35 .30 See No. B187. Working-Class Movement Leaders: No.
2041, Heinrich Rau (1899-1961). No. 2042,
Rehabilitation in DDR. Otto Buchwitz (1879-1964). No. 2043, Ber-
nard Koenen (1889-1964).
1979, Sept. 11 Litho.
2040 A623 10pf multicolored .20 .20
2041 A623 10pf multicolored .20 .20
2042 A623 10pf multicolored .20 .20
2043 A623 10pf multicolored .20 .20
Nos. 2040-2043 (4) .80 .80
Bicyclists See Nos. 2166-2169, 2249-2253, 2314- Bobsledding, by Gunter Rechn,
A614 2318, 2390-2392, 2452-2454. Olympic Rings — A627
Design: 20pf, Roller skating. Olympic Rings and: 20pf, Figure Skating, by
Johanna Stake, vert. 35pf, Speed Skating, by
1979, July 3 Axel Wunsch, vert. 1m, Cross-country Skiing,
2020 A614 10pf multicolored .20 .20 Italian Lira da by Lothar Zitzmann.
2021 A614 20pf multicolored .30 .30 Gamba,
7th Children’s and Youth Spartakiad, Berlin. 1592 — A619
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
1980, Jan. 15 Photo. Perf. 14 1980 Leipzig Spring Fair: 10pf, Karl Marx 35pf, Amici microscope, Modena, 1845. 70pf,
2063 A627 10pf multicolored .20 .20 University, Leipzig, vert. Zeiss microscope, Jena, 1873.
2064 A627 20pf multicolored .20 .20
2065 A627 35pf multicolored .95 .80 1980, Mar. 4 Photo. Perf. 14 1980, Aug. 12 Photo. Perf. 14
Nos. 2063-2065,B189 (4) 1.55 1.40 2094 A630 10pf multicolored .20 .20 2124 A639 20pf multicolored .25 .25
2095 A630 25pf multicolored .25 .20 Rostock 2125 A639 25pf multicolored .25 .25
Souvenir Sheet 2126 A639 35pf multicolored .45 .45
2066 A627 1m multicolored 1.60 2.50 View 2127 A639 70pf multicolored .65 .65
A635 a. Block of 4, #2124-2127 2.50 2.25
13th Winter Olympic Games, Lake Placid,
NY, Feb. 12-24. No. 2066 contains one
29x23 1/2mm stamp. See Nos. 2098-2099, 1980, June 10 Photo. Perf. 14
2119-2121, B190, B192. 2107 A635 10pf shown .20 .20
2108 A635 20pf Dancers .25 .20
18th Workers’ Festival, Rostock, June 27-29.
Werner Eggerath
(1900-1977), Labor
Leader — A631

1980, Mar. 18 Litho. Dish

2096 A631 10pf brick red & blk .35 .20 Antenna,
Interflug Maidenek Memorial — A640
Souvenir Sheet Airlines
A636 1980, Aug. 26
“Quiet Music,” Grossedlitz — A628 2128 A640 35pf multicolored .35 .25
1980, June 10 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
Baroque Gardens: 20pf, Orange grove, Bel- 2109 A636 20pf shown .25 .25
vedere, Weimar. 50pf, Flower garden, 2110 A636 25pf Jet .25 .25
Dornburg Castle. 70pf, Park, Rheinsberg 2111 A636 35pf Agricultural
Castle. plane .35 .35
2112 A636 70pf Aerial photogra-
1980, Jan. 29 phy .75 .75
a. Block of 4, #2109-2112 2.25 2.00
2067 A628 10pf multicolored .20 .20
2068 A628 20pf multicolored .20 .20 Interflug Airlines. See No. B191
2069 A628 50pf multicolored .20 .20
2070 A628 70pf multicolored 1.10 1.40 Leipzig 1980 Autumn Fair, Information
Nos. 2067-2070 (4) 1.70 2.00
Center — A641
Type of 1973
Cosmonauts, Salyut 6 and 1980, Aug. 26
Designs as before and: 10pf, Palace of the 2129 A641 10pf shown .20 .20
Republic, Berlin. Soyuz — A632
2130 A641 25pf Carpet loom .35 .20
1980-81 Engr. Perf. 14 1980, Apr. 11 Litho. Perf. 14
Size: 22x17mm 2097 A632 1m multicolored 1.60 1.40 Okapi — A637
2071 A449 5pfblue green .20 .20 Intercosmos cooperative space program.
2072 A449 10pfemerald .20 .20
2073 A449 15pfrose lilac .25 .25 1980, June 24 Perf. 14
2074 A449 20pfrose mag .35 .20 Olympic Type of 1980 2113 A637 5pf
shown .20 .20
2075 A449 25pfgrnsh bl .25 .25 2114 A637 10pf
Wild cats .20 .20
2076 A449 30pforg (’81) .35 .25 Designs: 10pf, On the Bars, by Erich Wur- 2115 A637 15pf
Prairie wolf .20 .20
2077 A449 35pfblue .35 .25 zer. 50pf, Scull’s Crew, by Wilfried Falkenthal. 2116 A637 20pf
Arabian oryx .20 .20
2078 A449 40pfdull vio .75 .50 2117 A637 25pf
2079 A449 50pfblue .45 .25 1980, Apr. 22 Photo. Perf. 14 pheasant .20 .20 67th Interparliamentary Conference,
2080 A449 60pflilac (’81) .60 .25 2098 A627 10pf multicolored .20 .20 2118 A637 35pf Musk oxen 1.40 1.10 Berlin — A642
2081 A449 70pfredsh brn 2099 A627 50pf multicolored .95 .80 Nos. 2113-2118 (6) 2.40 2.10
(’81) .55 .40 Nos. 2098-2099,B190 (3) 1.35 1.20
2082 A449 80pf vio bl (’81) .70 .35 1980, Sept. 9 Photo. Perf. 14
22nd Summer Olympic Games, Moscow, Olympic Type of 1980 2131 A642 20pf Republic Palace,
2083 A449 1m olive .85 .60 July 19-Aug. 3. See No. B190.
2084 A449 2m red 1.40 .70 Designs: 10pf, Judo, by Erhard Schmidt. Berlin .55 .20
2085 A449a 3m rose lil (’81) 2.25 1.00 50pf, Final Spurt, by Siegfried Schreiber. 1m,
Nos. 2071-2085 (15) 9.50 5.65 Spinnaker Yachts, by Karl Raetsch.
1980, July 8 Photo. Perf. 14
2119 A627 10pf multicolored .20 .20
2120 A627 50pf multicolored 1.10 .85
Nos. 2119-2120,B192 (3) 1.50 1.25
Souvenir Sheet
2121 A627 1m multicolored 1.75 2.00
22nd Summer Olympic Games, Moscow,
7/19-8/3. #2121 contains one 29x24mm

Cable-Laying Vehicle, Dish Paintings by

Antenna — A629 Flags of Bauhaus
Member Cooperative Frans Hals
Countries Society Building, Old and (1580-1666)
20pf, Radio tower, television screen. A643
A633 1928, Gropius New
1980, Feb. 5 Photo. A634 Buildings,
2086 A629 10pf multicolored .20 .20 Suhl 1980, Sept. 23
2087 A629 20pf multicolored .20 .20 1980, May 13 Photo. A638 2132 A643 10pf Laughing Boy
with Flute .20 .20
2100 A633 20pf multicolored .35 .20 2133 A643 20pf Man in Gray
Famous Germans Type of 1979 Design: 10pf + 5pf, View of Suhl, 1700. Coat .20 .20
Signing of Warsaw Pact (Bulgaria, Czecho-
Designs: 5pf, Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner slovakia, DDR, Hungary, Poland, Romania, 2134 A643 25pf The Mulatto .20 .20
(1780-1849), chemist. 10pf, Frederic Joliot- USSR), 25th anniv.
1980, July 22 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 2135 A643 35pf Man in Black
Curie (1900-1958), French physicist. 20pf, 2122 A638 10pf + 5pf multi .25 .25 Coat .75 .75
Johann Friedrich Naumann (1780-1857), orni- 2123 A638 20pf multicolored .25 .25 Nos. 2132-2135 (4) 1.35 1.35
thologist. 25pf, Alfred Wegener (1880-1930), a. Pair, #2122-2123 + label .80 .60
1980, May 27 Souvenir Sheet
geophysicist and meteorologist. 35pf, Carl von 6th National Youth Philatelic Exhibition,
Clausewitz (1780-1831), Prussian major gen- Bauhaus Architecture: 10pf, Socialists’ Suhl. Surtax for East German Association of 2136 A643 1m Self-portrait,
eral. 70pf, Helene Weigel (1900-1971), Memorial, 1926, by Mies van der Rohe, horiz. Philatelists. horiz. 1.60 2.50
actress. 15pf, Monument, 1922, by William Gropius.
20pf, Steel building, 1926, by Muche and Pau-
1980, Feb. 26 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 lick, horiz. 50pf, Trade-Union School, 1928, by
2088 A604 5pf pale yel & blk .20 .20 Meyer. 70pf, Bauhaus Building, 1926, by
2089 A604 10pf multicolored .20 .20 Gropius, horiz.
2090 A604 20pf lt yel grn & blk .20 .20 2101 A634 5pf multicolored .20 .20
2091 A604 25pf multicolored .20 .20 2102 A634 10pf multicolored .20 .20
2092 A604 35pf lt blue & blk .20 .20 2103 A634 15pf multicolored .20 .20
2093 A604 70pf lt red brn & blk 1.00 .95 2104 A634 20pf multicolored .20 .20
Nos. 2088-2093 (6) 2.00 1.95 2105 A634 50pf multicolored .25 .20
2106 A634 70pf multicolored 1.60 1.40
Nos. 2101-2106 (6) 2.65 2.40
Huntley Microscope,
Type ZT- 1740 — A639 Edible Mushrooms: 5pf, Leccinum Testaceo
Scabrum. 10pf, Boletus erythropus. 15pf,
303 Agaricus campester. 20pf, Xerocomus badius.
Tractor Optical Museum, Karl Zeiss Foundation, 35pf, Boletus edulis. 70pf, Cantharellus
A630 Jena: 25pf, Magny microscope, Paris, 1751. cibarius.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1980, Oct. 28 Litho. Perf. 13x13 /21 No. 2168, Arthur Ewert (1890-1959). No.
2137 A644 5pf multicolored .20 .20 2169, Walter Stoecker (1891-1939).
2138 A644 10pf multicolored .20 .20
2139 A644 15pf multicolored .20 .20 1981, Feb. 24 Litho. Perf. 14
2140 A644 20pf multicolored .20 .20 2166 A623 10pf gray grn & blk .20 .20
2141 A644 35pf multicolored .20 .20 2167 A623 10pf lemon & blk .20 .20
2142 A644 70pf multicolored 1.50 1.50 2168 A623 10pf bl vio & blk .20 .20
Nos. 2137-2142 (6) 2.50 2.50 2169 A623 10pf lt red brn & blk .20 .20
Nos. 2166-2169 (4) .80 .80
Heinrich Barkhausen (1881-1956),
Physicist — A658
St. John’s Famous Men: 20pf, Johannes R. Becher
Apple — A649 (1891-1958), poet. 25pf, Richard Dedekind
(1831-1916), mathematician. 35pf, Georg Phi-
1981, Jan. 13 Photo. lipp Telemann (1681-1767), composer. 50pf,
2151 A649 5pf shown .20 .20 Adelbert V. Chamisso (1781-1838), botanist.
2152 A649 10pf Snow drop, 70pf, Wilhelm Raabe (1831-1910), writer.
Exploration of Lignite Deposits horiz. .20 .20 1981, May 5 Perf. 13x12 1/2
2153 A649 20pf Bladder bush .20 .20
(Gravimetry) — A645 2154 A649 25pf Paulownia to- 2179 A658 10pf dull bl & blk .20 .20
mentose .20 .20 2180 A658 20pf brick red & blk .20 .20
Geophysical Exploration: 25pf, Bore-hole 2155 A649 35pf German honey- Merkur Hotel, 2181 A658 25pf dull brn & blk 1.75 1.10
measuring (water). 35pf, Seismic geology. suckle, horiz. .20 .20 Leipzig — A654 2182 A658 35pf lt vio & blk .20 .20
(mineral oil, natural gas). 50pf, Seismology. 2156 A649 50pf Genuine spice 2183 A658 50pf yel grn & blk .25 .20
bush 1.60 1.40 2184 A658 70pf ol bis & blk .35 .20
1980, Nov. 11 Litho. Perf. 13 Nos. 2151-2156 (6) 2.60 2.40 1981 Leipzig Spring Fair: 25pf, Takraf min- Nos. 2179-2184 (6) 2.95 2.10
ing conveyor system, horiz.
2143 A645 20pf multicolored .25 .20
2144 A645 25pf multicolored .30 .25 1981, Mar. 10 Photo. Perf. 14
2145 A645 35pf multicolored .35 .35
2146 A645 50pf multicolored .65 .65 2170 A654 10pf multicolored .20 .20
a. Block of 4, #2143-2146 2.25 3.00 2171 A654 25pf multicolored .30 .20
Heinrich von A659
Stephan (1831-
97), Founder of 1981, May 19
UPU — A650 2185 A659 10pf shown .20 .20
2186 A659 20pf Youths, diff. .20 .20
a. Pair, #2185-2186 + label .75 .55
1981, Jan. 20 Litho. Perf. 13x13 1/2 Free German Youth, 11th Parliament, Berlin.
Radebeul-Radeburg Railroad 2157 A650 10pf lt lemon & blk .30 .20
Locomotive — A646

1980, Nov. 25 Perf. 13x12 1/2

2147 Strip of 2 + label 1.10 .75 Ernst Thälmann,
a. A646 20pf shown .25 .25
b. A646 25pf Passenger car .25 .25 by Willi
2148 Strip of 2 + label 1.10 .75 Sitte — A655
a. A646 20pf Bad Doberan-Osteebad
Kuhlungsborn Locomotive .25 .25
b. A646 35pf Passenger car .25 .25 10th Communist Party Congress (Paint-
Labels show maps of routes and Moritzburg ings): 20pf, Worker, by Bernhard Heising,
Castle (No. 2147), Bad Doberan Street (No. Dedication of National Commemorative 25pf, Festivities, by Rudolf Bergander. 35pf,
Brotherhood in Arms, by Paul Michaelis. 1m,
2148). Plaza, Sachsenhausen — A651 When Communists Dream, by Walter
See Nos. 2205-2206. Womacka.
1981, Jan. 27 Photo. Perf. 14 View and Map of
2158 A651 10pf shown .20 .20 1981, Mar. 24 Worlitz Park — A660
2159 A651 20pf Changing of guard .25 .20 2172 A655 10pf multicolored .20 .20
National People’s Forces, 25th anniversary.
2173 A655 20pf multicolored .20 .20 1981, June 9 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13
2174 A655 25pf multicolored .65 .65 2187 A660 5pf shown .20 .20
2175 A655 35pf multicolored .20 .20 2188 A660 10pf Tiefurt .20 .20
Nos. 2172-2175 (4) 1.25 1.25 2189 A660 15pf Marxwalde .20 .20
Souvenir Sheet 2190 A660 20pf Branitz .20 .20
2191 A660 25pf Treptow 1.25 1.10
2176 A655 1m multicolored 1.10 1.50 2192 A660 35pf Wiesenburg .25 .20
Nos. 2187-2192 (6) 2.30 2.10
Toy Locomotive, Souvenir Sheet
1850 — A647

1980, Dec. 9 Perf. 14

2149 Sheet of 6 2.75 2.25
a. A647 10pf shown .20 .20
b. A647 20pf Airplane, 1914 .75 .60
c. A647 25pf Steam roller, 1920 .20 .20 Socialist Union Party, 10th
d. A647 35pf Ship, 1825 .20 .20 Congress — A652
e. A647 40pf Car, 1900 .75 .60
f. A647 50pf Balloon, 1920 .20 .20
1981, Feb. 10 Artistic Gymnastics — A661
Souvenir Sheet 2160 A652 10pf multicolored .25 .20
8th Children’s and Youth Spartacist Games:
No. 2193, children and youths.
1981, June 23 Photo. Perf. 14
2193 A661 10pf + 5pf multi .45 .30
Opening of Sport and Recreation 2194 A661 20pf multicolored .20 .20
Center, Berlin — A656

1981, Mar. 24 Litho.

2177 A656 1m multicolored 1.75 1.40

Postal and Newspaper Apprentice Javelin

Training — A653 Throwers
1981, Feb. 10 Litho.
2161 A653 5pf shown .20 .20 1981, June 23 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
2162 A653 10pf Telephone and
telex service .20 .20 2195 A662 5pf shown .20 .20
2163 A653 15pf Radio communi- 2196 A662 15pf Men at museum .20 .20
a. Pair, #2195-2196 + label .50 .35
cations .20 .20
2164 A653 20pf School of Engi- Intl. Year of the Disabled.
neering, Leipzig .20 .20
2165 A653 25pf Communications Energy Conservation
Academy, Dres- A657
den .90 .70
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 225th Nos. 2161-2165 (5) 1.70 1.50
Birth Anniv. — A648 1981, Apr. 21 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13
Working-class Leader Type of 1979 2178 A657 10pf orange & blk .20 .20
1981, Jan. 13 Litho. Designs: No. 2166, Erich Baron (1881-
2150 A648 1m multicolored 1.60 2.00 1933). No. 2167, Conrad Blenkle (1901-1943).

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.


Schinkel’s Berlin Playhouse — A663 Toys — A672
1982, Mar. 9 Perf. 13x12 1/2
Karl Friedrich Schinkel, (1781-1841), Archi- 1981, Nov. 24 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2 2246 A677 10pf Entrance .20 .20
tect: 25pf, Old Museum, Berlin. Anti-Fascist 2231 Sheet of 6 2.75 2.50 2247 A677 25pf Exhibit .25 .20
a. A672 10pf Jointed snake, 1850 .20 .20
Resistance b. A672 20pf Teddy bear, 1910 .20 .20
1981, June 23 Litho. & Engr. Monument, c. A672 25pf Fish, 1935 .70 .60 Souvenir Sheet
2197 A663 10pf tan & blk .60 .20 Sassnitz d. A672 35pf Hobby horse, 1850 .70 .60
2198 A663 25pf tan & blk 1.60 .55 e. A672 40pf Cuckoo, 1800 .20 .20
A667 f. A672 70pf Frog, 1930 .20 .20

1981, Sept. 8 Photo. Perf. 14

2212 A667 35pf multicolored .35 .25

Sugar Loaf
House, Gross
Zicker — A664
Meissen Porcelain
Teapot, TB Bacillus Centenary — A678
Frame Houses: 10pf, Zaulsdorf, 19th cent., 1715 — A673
vert. 25pf, Farmhouse, stable, Weckersdorf, Forceps, 18th
vert. 35pf, Restaurant (former farmhouse), Cent., Speculum, 1982, Mar. 23 Perf. 14
Pillgram. 50pf, Eschenbach, vert. 70pf, Farm- 17th Cent. — A668 1982, Jan. 26 Photo. Perf. 14 2248 A678 1m multi 1.60 2.00
house, Lüdersdorf. 2232 A673 10pf shown .20 .20
2233 A673 20pf Vase, 1715 .25 .25
1981, July 7 Photo. Historic Medical Instruments, Karl Sudhoff 2234 A673 25pf Oberon figurine, Working-class Leader Type of 1979
2199 A664 10pf multicolored .20 .20 Institute, Leipzig: 10pf, Henbana, censer, 16th 1969 .35 .35 #2249, Max Fechner (1892-1973). #2250,
2200 A664 20pf multicolored .20 .20 cent. 20pf, Pelican, dental elevator and extrac- 2235 A673 35pf Day and Night Ottomar Greschke (1882-1957). #2251,
2201 A664 25pf multicolored .20 .20 tors, 17th cent. 25pf, Seton forceps, 17th cent. vase, 1979 .50 .50 Helmut Lehmann (1882-1959). #2252, Herbert
2202 A664 35pf multicolored .20 .20 35pf, Lithotomy knife, 18th cent., hernia scis- a. Block of 4, #2232-2235 1.75 1.50 Warnke (1902-75). #2253, Otto Winzer (1902-
2203 A664 50pf multicolored .25 .20 sors, 17th cent. 85pf, Elevators, 17th cent. Souvenir Sheet 75).
2204 A664 70pf multicolored 2.10 1.75 10pf, 20pf, 25pf, 35pf horiz.
Nos. 2199-2204 (6) 3.15 2.75 2236 Sheet of 2 1.75 2.50
a. A673 50pf Portrait .65 .90 1982, Mar. 23 Engr.
1981, Sept. 22 b. A673 50pf Emblem .65 .90 2249 A623 10pf dk red brn .20 .20
Railroad Type of 1980 2213 A668 10pf multicolored .20 .20 2250 A623 10pf green .20 .20
2214 A668 20pf multicolored .20 .20 Johann Friedrich Bottger (1682-1719),
1981, July 21 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 inventor of Dresden china. No. 2236 contains 2251 A623 10pf violet .20 .20
2215 A668 25pf multicolored .20 .20 2252 A623 10pf dull blue .20 .20
2205 Strip of 2 + label .45 .45 2216 A668 35pf multicolored .20 .20 two 24x29mm stamps.
2253 A623 10pf gray olive .20 .20
a. A646 5pf Locomotive, Freital-Kurort- 2217 A668 50pf multicolored 2.00 1.75
Kipsdorf line .20 .20 Nos. 2249-2253 (5) 1.00 1.00
b. A646 15pf Luggage car .20 .20
2218 A668 85pf multicolored .35 .25
2206 Strip of 2 + label .45 .45 Nos. 2213-2218 (6) 3.15 2.80
a. A646 5pf Locomotive, Putbus-
Gohren line .20 .20
b. A646 20pf Passenger car .20 .20
Labels show maps of train routes.

Philatelists’ Day — A669 Plants — A679
Post Offices — A674
1981, Oct. 6 Photo. Perf. 14 1982, Apr. 6 Litho. Perf. 14
1982, Feb. 9 2254 A679 10pf
Meadow saffron .20 .20
2219 A669 10pf + 5pf Letter by En- 2237 A674 20pf Liebenstein .20 .20
gels, 1840 .65 .40 2255 A679 15pf
Water arum .20 .20
2238 A674 25pf Berlin .20 .20 2256 A679 20pf
Marsh tea .20 .20
2220 A669 20pf Postcard by Marx, 2239 A674 35pf Erfurt .20 .20
1878 .20 .20 2257 A679 25pf
White bryony .20 .20
2240 A674 50pf Dresden 1.25 1.10 2258 A679 35pf
Common monks-
Nos. 2237-2240 (4) 1.85 1.70 hood .20 .20
2259 A679 50pf Henbane 1.10 1.25
Ebers Papyrus Chemical Nos. 2254-2259 (6) 2.10 2.25
(Egyptian Plant — A666
Medical Text,
1600 B.C.), River
Leipzig — A665 Boat Intl. Fur
A670 Auction,
Literary Treasures in DDR Libraries: 35pf, Leipzig
Maya manuscript, 12th cent., Dresden. 50pf, 1981, Oct. 20 A675
Petrarch sonnet illustration, 16th century
French manuscript, Berlin. 2221 A670 10pf Tugboat .20 .20
2222 A670 20pf Tugboat, diff. .20 .20 1982, Feb. 23 Photo. Perf. 14
1981, Aug. 18 Photo. Perf. 14 2223 A670 25pf Diesel paddle 2241 A675 10pf Marmot, vert. .20 .20
2207 A665 20pf multicolored .20 .20 liner .20 .20 2242 A675 20pf Polecat .20 .20
2208 A665 35pf multicolored .20 .20 2224 A670 35pf Ice breaker .20 .20 2243 A675 25pf Mink .20 .20
2209 A665 50pf multicolored 1.10 1.00 2225 A670 50pf Motor freighter .25 .20 2244 A675 35pf Stone marten .95 .95 Free Federation
Nos. 2207-2209 (3) 1.50 1.40 2226 A670 85pf Bucket dredger 2.10 1.75 Nos. 2241-2244 (4) 1.55 1.55 of German
Nos. 2221-2226 (6) 3.15 2.75
Trade Unions,
1981, Aug. 18 Souvenir Sheet 10th Congress
Leipzig 1981 Autumn Fair: 25pf, Concert
Hall, Leipzig, horiz.
Paintings: 10pf, Mother and Child, by Walter
2210 A666 10pf multicolored .20 .20 Womacka. 20pf, Discussion at the Innovator
2211 A666 25pf multicolored .30 .25 Collective, by Willi Neubert, horiz. 25pf, Young
Couple, by Karl-Heinz Jacob.

1982, Apr. 20 Photo.

Windmill, 2260 A680 10pf multi .20 .20
Dabel — A671 2261 A680 20pf multi .20 .20
2262 A680 25pf multi .45 .45
Nos. 2260-2262 (3) .85 .85
1981, Nov. 10 Photo. Perf. 14
2227 A671 10pf shown .20 .20
2228 A671 20pf Pahrenz .20 .20
2229 A671 25pf Dresden-Gohlis .20 .20
2230 A671 70pf Ballstadt 1.25 1.10
Nos. 2227-2230 (4) 1.85 1.70 Goethe-Schiller Awards, 1980-
1984 — A676

1982, Mar. 9 Litho.

2245 A676 Sheet of 2 2.00 2.50
a. 50pf Goethe .65 .90
b. 50pf Schiller .65 .90

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

2305 A696 35pf Platform truck,
diff. .20 .20
2306 A696 85pf Milk truck 1.75 1.40
1982 Nos. 2301-2306 (6) 2.75 2.40
Technology — A686
1982, Aug. 24 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
Intl. Book Art 1982, June 22 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 2290 A691 10pf Exhibition Hall .20 .20
Exhibition, 2278 A686 20pf multi .30 .20 2291 A691 25pf Decorative box,
Leipzig — A681 ring .20 .20 25th Masters of
Tomorrow Central
1982, Apr. 20 Fair — A697
2263 A681 15pf “I” .30 .30
2264 A681 35pf Emblem .30 .30 1982, Oct. 19 Perf. 14
a. Pair, #2263-2264 + label 1.10 .90
2307 A697 20pf multicolored .25 .20

Bird Wedding — A687

Karl-Marx-Stadt Buildings and
Sorbian Folklore: 20pf, Zampern masquer- Monument — A692
aders. 25pf, Easter egg game. 35pf, Painting
Easter eggs. 40pf, St. John’s Day parade. 1982, Aug. 24 Photo. Perf. 14
50pf, Christmas celebration. 2292 A692 10pf multi + label .20 .20
1982, July 6 Litho. Perf. 13x12 /2
1 Org. for the Cooperation of Socialist Coun-
Protected species. 10pf, 25pf, 35pf vert. 2279 A687 Block of 6 3.25 2.75 tries and Posts and Telecommunications
a. 10pf multi .20 .20 Dept., 13th Conference, Karl-Marx-Stadt,
Perf. 13 /2x14, 14x13 /2
1 1 b. 20pf multi .20 .20 Sept. 6-11.
c. 25pf multi .25 .25
1982, May 18 Photo. d. 35pf multi .45 .45
e. 40pf multi .50 .50
2265 A682 10pf Fish hawk .20 .20 f. 50pf multi .65 .65
2266 A682 20pf Sea eagle .20 .20 Martin Luther
2267 A682 25pf Tawny eagle .20 .20 (1483-1546)
2268 A682 35pf Eagle owl 1.10 .90 A698
Nos. 2265-2268 (4) 1.70 1.50
Intl. Federation of Designs: 10pf, Seal of Eisleben (town of
birth and death). 20pf, Portrait, Eisenach,
Resistance 1521. 35pf, Wittenberg seal, 1500. 85pf, Por-
View of Fighters, 9th trait, after Cranach, 1528.
Schwerin Congress,
A688 Berlin — A693 1982, Nov. 23 Photo. Perf. 14x13 1/2
2308 A698 10pf multi .20 .20
1982, Sept. 7 Litho. Perf. 14 2309 A698 20pf multi .20 .20
7th Youth Stamp Exhibition, Schwerin: 10pf a. Miniature sheet of 10 5.00 5.00
+ 5pf, View, 1640. 2293 A693 10pf Emblem .30 .20 2310 A698 35pf multi .30 .20
19th Workers’ Festival, 2311 A698 85pf multi 2.25 1.40
Neubrandenburg — A683 1982, July 6 Nos. 2308-2311 (4) 2.95 2.00
2280 A688 10pf + 5pf multi .25 .25
2281 A688 20pf multi .25 .25
1982, June 8 Photo. Perf. 14 a. Pair, #2280-2281 + label .90 .80
2269 A683 10pf View of
Neubrandenburg .20 .20
2270 A683 20pf Traditional cos-
tumes .30 .25

Souvenir Sheet
7th Pioneer
Meeting, Toy Carpenter,
Dresden 1830 — A699
Birkenau Intl. 1982, Nov. 23 Litho. Perf. 14
1982, July 20 Photo. Perf. 14x13 1/2 2312 Sheet of 6 2.75 2.50
2282 A689 10pf + 5pf Pioneers, Memorial a. A699 10pf shown .20 .20
banner .35 .35 A694 b. A699 20pf Cobbler .70 .70
2283 A689 20pf Bugle, pennant .20 .20 c. A699 25pf Baker .20 .20
d. A699 35pf Cooper .20 .20
1982, Sept. 7 Photo. e. A699 40pf Tanner .70 .70
2294 A694 35pf multi .30 .25 f. A699 70pf Carter .20 .20

Souvenir Sheet
Dimitrov Memorial Medal — A684

1982, June 8
2271 A684 1m multi 2.00 2.00
George Dimitrov (1882-1947), first prime
minister of Bulgaria.
Seascape, by Ludolf Backhuysen Flowers — A695
(1631-1708) — A690
1982, Sept. 21
17th Cent. Paintings in Natl. Museum, 2295 A695 5pf Autumn anemo-
Schwerin: 10pf, Music Making at Home, by nes .20 .20
Frans van Mieris (1635-1681), vert. 20pf, The 2296 A695 10pf
Student flowers .20 .20
Gate Guard, by Carel Fabritius (1622-1654), 2297 A695 15pf
Hybrid gazanias .20 .20
vert. 25pf, Farmers Company, by Adriaen 2298 A695 20pf
Sunflowers .20 .20
Brouwer (1606-1638). 35pf, Breakfast Table 2299 A695 25pf
Cargo Ship Frieden — A685 with Ham, by Willem Clacsz Heda (1593- mums .20 .20
1680). 70pf, River Landscape, by Jan van 2300 A695 35pf Cosmos bipin-
1982, June 22 Goyen (1596-1656). natus 1.50 1.10
Nos. 2295-2301 (7) 2.70 2.30
2272 A685 5pf shown .20 .20
2273 A685 10pf Fichtelberg .20 .20 1982, Aug. 10 Perf. 14
2274 A685 15pf Brocken .20 .20 2284 A690 5pf multi .20 .20
2275 A685 20pf Weimar .20 .20 2285 A690 10pf multi .20 .20
2276 A685 25pf Vorwarts .25 .20 2286 A690 20pf multi .20 .20
2277 A685 35pf Berlin 1.10 1.10 2287 A690 25pf multi .20 .20
Nos. 2272-2277 (6) 2.15 2.10 2288 A690 35pf multi .20 .20 Johannes Brahms (1833-1897),
2289 A690 70pf multi 1.25 1.25
Nos. 2284-2289 (6) 2.25 2.25 Composer — A700

1983, Jan. 11 Litho. Perf. 14

Ambulance — A696 2313 A700 1.15m multi 2.50 3.00

1982, Oct. 5 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 Working-class Leader Type of 1979
2301 A696 5pf shown .20 .20 #2314, Franz Dahlem (1892-1981). #2315,
2302 A696 10pf Street cleaner .20 .20 Karl Maron (1903-75). #2316, Josef Miller
2303 A696 20pf Bus .20 .20 (1883-1964). #2317, Fred Oelsser (1903-77).
2304 A696 25pf Platform truck .20 .20 #2318, Siegfried Radel (1893-1943).

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1983, Jan. 25 Photo. Souvenir Sheet
2314 A623 10pf dark brown .20 .20
2315 A623 10pf dark green .20 .20
2316 A623 10pf dark olive grn .20 .20
2317 A623 10pf deep plum .20 .20
2318 A623 10pf dark blue .20 .20
Nos. 2314-2318 (5) 1.00 1.00

Simon Bolivar (1783-1830) — A715

1983, July 19
2363 A715 35pf Bolivar, Alexander
von Humboldt .45 .25
Sand Glasses Cacti
Schulze-Boysen/Harnack Resistance and Sundials A711
Org. — A706 A710
World Communications Year — A701
Arvid Harnack (1901-42), Harro Schulze- 1983, June 7 Photo. Perf. 14
1983, Feb. 8 Photo. Perf. 14 Boysen (1909-42), John Sieg (1903-42). 2343 A710 5pf Sand glass,
2319 A701 5pf Telephone re- 1674 .20 .20
ceiver, buttons .20 .20 1983, Mar. 22 2344 A710 10pf Sand glass,
2320 A701 10pf Rugen radio .20 .20 2331 A706 85pf multicolored 1.10 1.50 1700 .20 .20
2321 A701 20pf Surface and air 2345 A710 20pf Sundial, 1611 .20 .20
City Arms — A716
mail .20 .20 a. Sheet of 8 2.00 1.90
2322 A701 35pf Optical conduc- 2346 A710 30pf Sundial, 1750 .20 .20 1983, Aug. 9
tors .95 .75 2347 A710 50pf Sundial, 1760 .30 .20 2364 A716 50pf Berlin .65 .45
Nos. 2319-2322 (4) 1.55 1.35 2348 A710 85pf Sundial, 1800 2.00 1.60 2365 A716 50pf Cottbus .65 .45
Nos. 2343-2348 (6) 3.10 2.60 2366 A716 50pf Dresden .65 .45
2367 A716 50pf Erfurt .65 .45
1983, June 21 2368 A716 50pf Frankfurt .65 .45
2349 A711 5pf Coryphantha ele- Nos. 2364-2368 (5) 3.25 2.25
phantidens .20 .20 See Nos. 2398-2402, 2464-2468.
Karl Marx (1818-1883), and 2350 A711 10pf Thelocactus
Otto Nuschke Newspaper Mastheads — A707 schwarzii .20 .20
(1883-1957), 2351 A711 20pf Leuchtenbergia
Statesman principis .20 .20
Portraits and: 20pf, Lyons silk weavers’ 2352 A711 25pf Submatucana
A702 revolt, 1831, French-German Yearbook. 35pf, madisoniorum .20 .20
Engels, Communist Manifesto. 50pf, Das 2353 A711 35pf Oroya peruviana .20 .20
1983, Feb. 8 Kapital titlepage. 70pf, Program of German 2354 A711 50pf Copiapoa ciner-
2323 A702 20pf red brn, bl & blk .20 .20 Workers’ Movement text. 85pf, Engels, Lenin, ea 1.25 1.25
globe. 1.15m Portrait (24x29mm). Nos. 2349-2354 (6) 2.25 2.25
1983 Leipzig
1983, Apr. 11 Photo. Perf. 13x12 /2 1 Fair — A717
2332 A707 10pf multicolored .20 .20
2333 A707 20pf multicolored .20 .20 1983, Aug. 30
2334 A707 35pf multicolored .20 .20 2369 A717 10pf Central Palace .20 .20
2335 A707 50pf multicolored .20 .20 2370 A717 25pf Microelectronic pat-
2336 A707 70pf multicolored .30 .20 tern .35 .20
2337 A707 85pf multicolored 1.75 1.75
Nos. 2332-2337 (6) 2.85 2.75
Town Hall, Gera, Naumberg
Souvenir Sheet Cathedral
1576 — A703
Litho. Perf. 14 Statues,
2338 A707 1.15m multi 2.00 2.50 15th Cent.
1983, Feb. 22 Photo. Perf. 14
2324 A703 10pf Stolberg, 1482, A712
horiz. .20 .20
2325 A703 20pf shown .20 .20 1983, July 5 Photo. Perf. 13
2326 A703 25pf Possneck, 1486 .20 .20 2355 A712 20pf Thimo and Wil- Leonhard Euler (1707-1783),
2327 A703 35pf Berlin, 1869, helm .30 .30
horiz. 1.10 1.00 2356 A712 25pf Gepa and
Mathematician — A718
Nos. 2324-2327 (4) 1.70 1.60 Gerburg .35 .35
2357 A712 35pf Hermann and 1983, Sept. 6
Reglindis .45 .45 2371 A718 20pf multi .35 .20
2358 A712 85pf Eckehard and
Uta 1.10 1.10 Souvenir Sheet
a. Block of 4, #2355-2358 2.50 2.50
Works of Art from
Berlin State
1983 Leipzig Museums — A708
Spring Technical
Fair — A704 1983, Apr. 19 Photo. Perf. 14 Training,
2339 A708 10pf Athena .20 .20 by Harald
2340 A708 20pf Amazon, bronze, Metzkes
1983, Mar. 8 430 BC .30 .20
2328 A704 10pf Fair building .20 .20 (b. 1929)
2329 A704 25pf Robotron A713
microcomputer .25 .20
SOZPHILEX ’83 Junior Stamp Exhibition,
Berlin: 10pf+5pf, Glasewaldt and Zinna
Defending the Barricade-18th March, 1848, by
Theodor Hosemann, vert. Surtax was for
1983, July 5 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
Narrow-Gauge Railroads — A709 2359 A713 10pf + 5pf multi .50 .45
2360 A713 20pf multi .20 .20

Paul Robeson (1898-1976), 1983, May 17 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2

Singer — A705 2341 Pair, Wernigerode-Nord-
hausen line 1.25 .85
a. A709 15pf Locomotive .30 .30
1983, Mar. 22 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 b. A709 20pf Passenger car .30 .30
2330 A705 20pf multicolored .25 .20 2342 Pair, Zittau-
Oybin/Johnsdorf line 1.25 .85 30th Anniv. of Working-Class Brigade
a. A709 20pf Locomotive .30 .30 Groups — A719
b. A709 50pf Freight car .30 .30
Nos. 2341 and 2342 se-tenant with labels A714
showing maps. See Nos. 2405-2406. 1983, Sept. 6 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13
2372 A719 1m multicolored 1.60 1.75
1983, July 19 Photo. Perf. 14
2361 A714 10pf + 5pf Passing
beach balls .40 .30
2362 A714 20pf shown .20 .20
7th Gymnastic and Sports Meeting; 9th Chil-
dren’s and Youth Spartikiade, Leipzig.

Governmental Palaces, Potsdam

Gardens — A720
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
1983, Sept. 20 Perf. 13x12 /2 1
1983, Nov. 22 Photo. Perf. 14 1984, Mar. 6 Perf. 14 1984, June 19
2373 A720 10pf Sanssouci Pal- 2384 A725 10pf + 5pf 2-man luge .20 .20 2403 A729 10pf Old Town Hall .20 .20 2418 A735 10pf View of Gera .20 .20
ace .20 .20 2385 A725 20pf + 10pf Ski jump .20 .20 2404 A729 25pf Factory .25 .20 2419 A735 20pf Traditional cos-
2374 A720 20pf Chinese tea- 2386 A725 25pf Skiing .20 .20 tumes .20 .20
house .20 .20 2387 A725 35pf Biathlon 1.10 .95 a. Pair, #2418-2419 + label .45 .30
Railroad Type of 1983
2375 A720 40pf Charlottenhof Nos. 2384-2387 (4) 1.70 1.55
Palace .30 .20 1984, Mar. 20 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
2376 A720 50pf Royal Stables, Souvenir Sheet 2405 Pair, Cranzahl
Film Museum 2.00 1.60 2388 A725 85pf Olympic Center 1.40 2.00 Oberwiesenthal line 1.10 .90
Nos. 2373-2376 (4) 2.70 2.20 a. A709 30pf Locomotive .20 .20
b. A709 80pf Passenger car .50 .50
2406 Pair, Selke Valley line 1.10 .80
a. A709 40pf Locomotive .25 .25
b. A709 60pf Passenger car .30 .30
Labels show maps of routes.
Natl. Stamp Exhib.,
Halle — A736

1984, July 3 Perf. 13 1/2x14

2420 A736 10pf + 5pf Salt carrier .20 .20
2421 A736 20pf Wedding couple .25 .20

Jena Glass
Centenary — A726

1984, Jan. 10 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13

2389 A726 20pf Otto Schott .30 .20

Monument, Mamajew-Kurgan Working-class Leader Type of 1979

Hill — A721 Designs: No. 2390, Friedrich Ebert (1894- Stone Door, Council
1979). No. 2391, Fritz Grosse (1904-1957). Historic Seals,
No. 2392, Albert Norden (1904-1982). Rostock — A730 Building — A731 1442 — A737
1983, Oct. 4 Perf. 14
2377 A721 35pf Mother Home .35 .20 1984, Jan. 24 Engr. Perf. 14 Intl. Society of Monument Preservation 7th 1984, Aug. 7 Litho. Perf. 14
2390 A623 10pf black .20 .20 General Meeting: 10pf, Town Hall, Rostock. 2422 A737 5pf Baker, Berlin .25 .20
Souvenir Sheet 2391 A623 10pf dark green .20 .20 15pf, Albrecht Castle, Meissen. 85pf, Stable 2423 A737 10pf Wool weaver,
2392 A623 10pf dark blue .20 .20 Courtyard, Dresden. 10pf, 15pf, 85pf horiz. Berlin .40 .25
Nos. 2390-2392 (3) .60 .60 2424 A737 20pf Wool weaver,
1984, Apr. 24 Photo. Perf. 14 Cologne .85 .25
Souvenir Sheet 2407 A730 10pf multi .20 .20 2425 A737 35pf Shoemaker,
2408 A730 15pf multi .20 .20 Cologne 1.40 1.00
2409 A730 40pf multi .35 .30 a. Block of 4, #2422-2425 4.25 2.50
2410 A730 85pf multi .85 .75
Nos. 2407-2410 (4) 1.60 1.45

1984, May 8
2411 A731 70pf multi .55 .25
Standing Commission of Posts and Tele-
communications of Council of Mutual Eco- Building
nomic Aid, 25th meeting. Renovation and
Martin Luther — A722

1983, Oct. 18 Litho. Perf. 14 Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847),

2378 A722 1m multi 2.25 3.00
Composer — A727
Margin shows title page from Luther Bible,
1984, Jan. 24 Litho.
2393 A727 85pf multi .75 1.25
Margin shows Song Without Words score. Ironwork Collective Combine
East — A739

Litho., Photo. (#2427, 2429, 25pf)

1984 Perf. 14x13 1/2
Cast-iron Bowl, Marionette 2426 A738 10pf
shown .20 .20
19th Cent. A733 2427 A739 10pf
shown .20 .20
A732 2428 A738 20pf
Surface mining .25 .25
Thuringian 2429 A739 20pf
Armed forces .20 .20
2430 A739 25pf
Glass — A723 Cast-Iron, Lauchhammer: 85pf, Ascending Collective Com-
Man, by Fritz Cremer, 1967. bine, Schwedt .25 .25
1983, Nov. 8 Photo. Perf. 13 /2x14
1 Nos. 2426-2430 (5) 1.10 1.10
2379 A723 10pf
Cock .20 .20 1984, May 22
2412 A732 20pf multi .20 .20
Souvenir Sheets
2380 A723 20pf
Cup .20 .20
2381 A723 25pf
Vase .20 .20 Postal 2413 A732 85pf multi .70 .60 2431 A738 1m Privy Council
2382 A723 70pf
Ornamental Milestones — A728 Building .85 1.50
Glass 1.40 1.10 2432 A739 1m Family .85 1.50
1984, June 5
Nos. 2379-2382 (4) 2.00 1.70 Designs: 10pf, Muhlau, 1725; Oederan, 2414 A733 50pf shown .45 .40 DDR, 35th anniv. Issued: A738, 8/21; A739,
1722. 20pf, Johanngeorgenstadt, 1723; 2415 A733 80pf Puppet .75 .65 9/11.
Souvenir Sheet Schonbrunn, 1724. 35pf, Freiberg, 1723. 85pf,
Pegau, 1723.
1984, Feb. 7 Photo. Perf. 14
2394 A728 10pf multi .20 .20
2395 A728 20pf multi .25 .20
2396 A728 35pf multi .30 .25
2397 A728 85pf multi .65 .60 Natl.
Nos. 2394-2397 (4) 1.40 1.25 Youth
New Year Festival
1984 — A724 City Arms Type of 1983 A734
1984, Feb. 21
1983, Nov. 22 Litho. Perf. 14 2398 A716 50pf Gera .45 .30 1984, June 5 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
2383 Sheet of 4 1.40 2.00
2399 A716 50pf Halle .45 .30 2416 A734 10pf + 5pf Demonstra- 1984 Leipzig
a. A724 10pf multi .20 .20 2400 A716 50pf Karl-Marx-Stadt .45 .30 tion .20 .20 Autumn Fair — A740
b. A724 20pf multi .20 .20 2401 A716 50pf Leipzig .45 .30 2417 A734 20pf Construction
c. A724 25pf multi .30 .25 2402 A716 50pf Magdeburg .45 .30 workers .20 .20
d. A724 35pf multi .40 .35 Nos. 2398-2402 (5) 2.25 1.50 a. Pair, #2416-2417 + label .55 .35 1984, Aug. 28 Photo. Perf. 14
2433 A740 10pf Frege House,
Katharine St. .20 .20
2434 A740 25pf Crystal bowl, Ol-
bernhau .25 .20

Winter 1984
Olympics Leipzig 20th
1984, Spring Workers’
Sarajevo Fair Festival
A725 A729 A735
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
Souvenir Sheet
Perf. 12 1/2x13
2475 A754 1m Berlin-Treptow
Dead Tsar’s Soviet He-
Daughter and roes Monu-
ment .95 1.50
the Seven

Members of the Resistance, Sculpture Various scenes from the fairytale. 1985 Leipzig Bach, Handel
by Arno Wittig — A741 Spring Fair and Schutz
1984, Nov. 27 Litho. Perf. 13 A750 Tribute
1984, Sept. 18 Photo. Perf. 14 2451 Sheet of 6 8.50 3.00 A751
a. A746 5pf multi .20 .20
2435 A741 35pf multi .60 .25 b. A746 10pf multi .20 .20
c. A746 15pf multi 1.75 1.00 1985, Mar. 5 Photo. Perf. 14
d. A746 20pf multi 1.75 1.00 Warsaw Treaty, 30th Anniv. — A755
e. A746 35pf multi .20 .20 2461 A750 10pf Statue of Bach,
f. A746 50pf multi .20 .20 Leipzig .20 .20
2462 A750 25pf Porcelain pot, 1985, May 14 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
Working-class Leader Type of 1979 Meissen .25 .20 2476 A755 20pf Flags of pact na-
tions .30 .20
Designs: No. 2452, Anton Ackermann
(1905-1973). No. 2453, Alfred Kurella (1895- Souvenir Sheet
1975). No. 2454, Otto Schon (1905-1968). 1985, Mar. 19 Litho.
2463 Sheet of 3 1.25 1.75
View of Magdeburg — A742 1985, Jan. 8 Engr. Perf. 14 a. A751 10pf Bach .20 .20
2452 A623 10pf blk brn .20 .20 b. A751 20pf Handel .20 .20
c. A751 85pf Heinrich Schutz (1585- Historical
2453 A623 10pf red brn .20 .20
1984, Oct. 4 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 2454 A623 10pf gray vio .20 .20
1672) .65 .65 and
2436 A742 10pf + 5pf shown .20 .20 Nos. 2452-2454 (3) .60 .60 Modern
2437 A742 20pf Old & modern City Arms Type of 1983 Buildings
buildings .20 .20
1985, Apr. 9 Photo. Perf. 14 A756
a. Pair, #2436-2437 + label .40 .30
2464 A716 50pf Neubrandenburg .45 .35
8th Youth Stamp Exhibition, Magdeburg. 2465 A716 50pf Potsdam .45 .35 12th Youth Parliament, Berlin: 20pf, Ernst
2466 A716 50pf Rostock .45 .35 Thalmann, flags.
2467 A716 50pf Schwerin .45 .35
2468 A716 50pf Suhl .45 .35 1985, May 21 Litho.
Nos. 2464-2468 (5) 2.25 1.75 2477 A756 10pf + 5pf multi .20 .20
2478 A756 20pf multi .20 .20
a. Pair, #2477-2478 + label .35 .35
24th World Luge
Championship — A747

1985, Jan. 22 Photo.

2455 A747 10pf Single seat luge .25 .20

35th Anniv. of Republic — A743

1984, Oct. 4 Photo. Perf. 14

2438 A743 10pf Construction .20 .20
2439 A743 20pf Military .20 .20
2440 A743 25pf Heavy indus- Seelow Heights
try .25 .25 Memorial — A752 Intl. Olympic Committee 90th
2441 A743 35pf Agriculture .30 .30 Meeting — A757
Nos. 2438-2441 (4) .95 .95 Antique
Souvenir Sheet 1985, Apr. 16 Photo. Perf. 14 1985, May 28 Litho. Perf. 14
Mailboxes — A748 2469 A752 35pf multi .35 .25
2442 A743 1m Arms, dove, 2479 A757 35pf Flag+ label .40 .35
vert. .90 1.50 1985, Feb. 5 Litho. Perf. 14
2456 A748 10pf 1850 .20 .20
2457 A748 20pf 1860 .20 .20
2458 A748 35pf 1900 .25 .25
2459 A748 50pf 1920 .30 .30
a. Block of 4, Nos. 2456-2459 1.00 .90

Souvenir Sheet Free German

Trade Unions,
Egon Erwin Kisch, Journalist (1885- Anniv. — A758
1948) — A753
1985, June 11 Photo.
Figurines, Green 2480 A758 20pf Red flags .25 .20
Vault of 1985, Apr. 23 Photo. Perf. 14
Dresden — A744 2470 A753 35pf multi .25 .20
No. 2470 was printed se-tenant with label
1984, Oct. 23 showing the house where Kisch was born.
2443 A744 10pf Spring .20 .20
2444 A744 20pf Summer .20 .20
a. Miniature sheet of 8, litho.,
perf. 12 1/2x13 2.00 1.50
2445 A744 35pf Autumn .25 .25 Wildlife
2446 A744 70pf Winter .30 .30
Nos. 2443-2446 (4) .95 .95 Preservation

1985, June 25 Photo.

2481 A759 5pf Harpy eagle,
vert. .20 .20
2482 A759 10pf Red-necked
goose .20 .20
2483 A759 20pf Spectacled bear .20 .20
2484 A759 50pf Banteng (Java-
Falkenstein nese) buffalo .40 .35
Castle — A745 Dresden Opera House 2485 A759 85pf Sunda Straits
Reopening — A749 Liberation from crocodile .80 .70
1984, Nov. 6 Litho. Perf. 14 Fascism, 40th Nos. 2481-2485 (5) 1.80 1.65
2447 A745 10pf shown .20 .20 Litho. & Engr. Anniv. — A754
2448 A745 20pf Kriebstein .20 .20 1985, Feb. 12 Perf. 13
2449 A745 35pf Ranis .35 .30 2460 A749 85pf multicolored .85 1.25 Designs: 10pf, German and Soviet astro-
2450 A745 80pf Neuenburg .65 .35 nauts. 20pf, Coal miner Adolf Hennecke, sym-
Nos. 2447-2450 (4) 1.40 1.05 bols of industry and energy. 25pf, farm work-
See Nos. 2504-2507. ers, symbols of socialist agriculture. 50pf, 19th
Technicians manufacturing microchips, sci- Century
ence and technology. Steam
1985, May 7 Photo. Perf. 14x13 1/2 A760
2471 A754 10pf multi .20 .20
2472 A754 20pf multi .20 .20
2473 A754 25pf multi .20 .20 1985, July 9 Photo.
2474 A754 50pf multi .40 .40 2486 A760 10pf Bock engine, vert. .20 .20
Nos. 2471-2474 (4) 1.00 1.00 2487 A760 85pf Beam engine .70 .55

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.


12th 1985, Nov. 26 Litho. Perf. 13 /2x13


World 2515 Sheet of 6 2.00 3.50

a. A770 5pf multi .20 .20
Youth and b. A770 10pf Valiant Tailor .20 .20
Student c. A770 20pf Lucky John .40 .85
Bridges d. A770 25pf Puss-in-Boots .40 .85
Festival, in East e. A770 35pf Seven Ravens .20 .20
Moscow Berlin f. A770 85pf Sweet Porridge .20 .20
A761 A766
1985, July 23 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 Photo.; Litho. (#2501a)
2488 A761 20pf + 5pf Students 1985, Oct. 8 Perf. 14 Manned Space Flight, 25th
reading .20 .20 2500 A766 10pf Gertrauden .20 .20 Anniv. — A777
2489 A761 50pf Student demon- 2501 A766 20pf Jungfern .20 .20
stration .30 .30 a. Min. sheet of 8, perf. 13x12 1/2 2.10 2.00
a. Pair, #2488-2489 + label .85 .70 Designs: 40pf, Yuri Gagarin, Soviet
2502 A766 35pf Weidendammer .30 .30
2503 A766 70pf Marx-Engels .50 .50 cosomonaut, Vostok rocket, 1961. 50pf, Cos-
Monuments to monauts V. Bykowski, USSR, and S. Jahn,
Nos. 2500-2503 (4) 1.20 1.20 Water DDR, Vega probe, 1986, Intercosmos
Power — A772 emblem. 70pf, Venera probe, Venus, spec-
Castles Type of 1984 trometer. 85pf, MKF-6 multi-spectral recon-
1985, Oct. 15 Litho. Designs: 10pf, Cast iron hand pump, c. naissance camera.
2504 A745 10pf Hohnstein .20 .20 1900. 35pf, Berlin-Altglienicke water tower, c.
2505 A745 20pf Rochsburg .20 .20 1900. 50pf, Berlin-Friedrichshagen water-
1986, Mar. 25 Perf. 14
2506 A745 35pf Schwarzenberg .25 .25 works, 1893. 70pf, Rapphoden Hydro-electric 2528 A777 40pf multi .25 .25
2507 A745 80pf Stein .75 .65 Dam, 1959. 2529 A777 50pf multi .30 .30
2nd World Orienteering and Deep-sea Nos. 2504-2507 (4) 1.40 1.30 2530 A777 70pf multi .45 .45
Diving Championship — A762 Engr., Photo. & Engr. (35pf) 2531 A777 85pf multi .60 .55
a. Block of 4, #2528-2531 2.10 2.25
1986, Jan. 21 Perf. 14
1985, Aug. 13 Photo. Perf. 14 2516 A772 10pf dk grn & lake .20 .20
2490 A762 10pf Diver at turning 2517 A772 35pf buff, blk & dk grn .25 .25
buoy .20 .20 2518 A772 50pf dk red brn & lt ol
2491 A762 70pf Long-distance di- grn .45 .40
vers .65 .50 2519 A772 70pf dk bl & brn .55 .50
Nos. 2516-2519 (4) 1.45 1.35
Humboldt Socialist Unity
University, 175th 11th Party
Anniv. — A767 Day — A778
85pf, Charity Hospital, Berlin, 275th anniv. 10pf, Marx, Engels & Lenin. 20pf, Ernst
Thalmann. 50pf, Wilhelm Pieck & Otto
1985, Oct. 22 Perf. 14 Grotewohl, Uniting Party Day, 1946.
2508 A767 20pf Administration 85pf,Family, motto. 1m, Construction worker,
bldg. .20 .20 key to economic progress.
2509 A767 85pf Buildings, 1897,
Bose House Fair 1982 .75 .65 1986, Apr. 8 Perf. 13 1/2x13
Building, St. Thomas 2532 A778 10pf multi .20 .20
Churchyard — A763 Postal Uniforms, c. 2533 A778 20pf multi .20 .20
1850 — A773 2534 A778 50pf multi .35 .35
1985, Apr. 27 Photo. 2535 A778 85pf multi .75 .70
2492 A763 10pf shown .20 .20 Nos. 2532-2535 (4) 1.50 1.45
1986, Feb. 4 Photo. Perf. 14 1/2x14
2493 A763 25pf Bach trumpet .30 .20 2520 A773 10pf Saxon postillion .20 .20 Souvenir Sheet
Leipzig Autumn Fair. a. Litho., perf. 12 1/2x13 .20 .20 Perf. 13x14
2521 A773 20pf Prussian post-
man .25 .20 2536 A778 1m multi .90 1.50
Castle a. Litho., perf. 12 1/2x13 .25 .20
Cacilienhof, 2522 A773 85pf Prussian P.O.
UN clerk .90 .75
a. Litho., perf. 12 1/2x13 .90 .75
Emblem 2523 A773 1m Mecklenburg
A768 clerk 1.10 .90
a. Litho., perf. 12 1/2x13 1.10 .90
b. Block of 4, #2520a-2523a 2.10 2.00
1985, Oct. 22 Photo. Perf. 13
A764 2510 A768 85pf multi .75 .35
UN, 40th Anniv. Ernst Thalmann
SOZPHILEX ’85: 19th century coach and Natl. Park Opening,
team, 1878, bas-relief by Hermann People’s Berlin — A779
Steinemann, in the court of the former Berlin Army,
Post Office. 1986, Apr. 15 Photo. Perf. 14
1985, Sept. 10 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 Anniv. 2537 A779 20pf Memorial statue .30 .25
2494 5pf multi .20 .20 A774
2495 20pf + 5pf multi .20 .20
a. Miniature sheet of 4 #2495b .60 .60
b. A764 Pair, #2494-2495 .30 .30 1986, Feb. 18 Perf. 14
2524 A774 20pf multi .30 .20
No. 2495b has a continuous design.
No. 2524 printed se-tenant with gold and
red inscribed label.

Trams and Streetcars — A780

Art — A769 Designs: 10pf, Dresden horse-drawn tram,
1886. 20pf, Leipzig streetcar, 1896. 40pf, Ber-
lin streetcar, 1919. 70pf, Halle streetcar, 1928.
1985, Nov. 12 Perf. 14 Free German
2511 A769 10pf Elephant training .20 .20 Youth Org., 40th 1986, May 20 Photo. Perf. 14
2512 A769 20pf Trapeze artist .35 .30 Anniv. — A775 2538 A780 10pf multicolored .20 .20
2513 A769 35pf Acrobats on uni- 2539 A780 20pf multicolored .20 .20
German Railways cycles .75 .60 1986, Feb. 18 2540 A780 40pf multicolored .45 .40
150th Anniv. — A765 2514 A769 50pf Tiger training 1.10 .90 2541 A780 70pf multicolored .60 .55
a. Block of 4, #2511-2514 4.75 7.00 2525 A775 20pf multi .30 .25 Nos. 2538-2541 (4) 1.45 1.35
Socialist Railway Org.: 20pf, GS II signal Souvenir Sheet
box, track diagram. 25pf, 1838 Saxonia, first
German locomotive, designer Johann
Andreas Schubert (1808-1870), Model 250
electric locomotive. 50pf, Helicopter lifting
cable drum, section electrification. 85pf, Leip- Leipzig
zig Central Station. Brothers Spring
Litho. Grimm, Fair
Fabulists & A776
Perf. 12 1/2x13
1985, Sept. 24 A770 1986, Mar. 11 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
2496 A765 20pf multi .20 .20 2526 A776 35pf Fair grounds en-
2497 A765 25pf multi .25 .20 Fairy tales compiled by Wilhelm (1786- trance, 1946 .25 .20
2498 A765 50pf multi .50 .40 1859) and Jacob (1785-1863) Grimm. 2527 A776 50pf Trawler Atlantik
2499 A765 85pf multi .75 .70 488 .35 .30
Nos. 2496-2499 (4) 1.70 1.50 Dresden Zoo, Berlin, 750th
125th Anniv. — A782
Anniv. — A781
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
1986, May 27 Litho. Perf. 14 Souvenir Sheet 1986, Nov. 18 Photo. Perf. 14
2542 A781 10pf Orangutan .20 .20 2578 Sheet of 6 2.00 1.75
2543 A781 20pf Colobus monkey .30 .25 a. A798 10pf 1778 .20 .20
2544 A781 50pf Mandrill .65 .50 b. A798 20pf 1796 .20 .20
c. A798 25pf 1810 .40 .35
2545 A781 70pf Lemur .75 .65 d. A798 35pf 1821 .40 .35
Nos. 2542-2545 (4) 1.90 1.60 e. A798 40pf 1830 .20 .20
Intl. Brigades in f. A798 85pf 1925 .20 .20
Litho. & Engr., Engr. (70pf, 1m) Spain, 50th
1986, June 3 Perf. 12 1/2x13, 13x12 1/2 Anniv. — A793
20pf, 50pf are horiz. 1986, Sept. 11
2546 A782 10pf City seal, 1253 .20 .20 2572 A793 20pf Memorial,
2547 A782 20pf Map, 1648 .35 .20 Friedrichshain .30 .25
2548 A782 50pf City arms, 1253 .75 .50
2549 A782 70pf Nicholas Church,
1832 1.25 .65 Leipzig Autumn Fair — A788
Nos. 2546-2549 (4) 2.55 1.55
Souvenir Sheet 1986, Aug. 19
2550 A782 1m Royal Palace, 2561 A788 Sheet of 2 1.00 .90 Statues of Roland,
1986 1.00 1.25 a. 25pf Fair building .20 .20
b. 85pf Cloth merchants, 15th Medieval
cent. .65 .65 Hero — A799

1987, Jan. 20 Photo. Perf. 14 1/2x14

2579 A799 10pf Stendal, 1525 .20 .20
2580 A799 20pf Halle, 1719 .20 .20
2581 A799 35pf Brandenburg,
1474 .25 .25
2582 A799 50pf Quedlinburg,
1460 .45 .45
Nos. 2579-2582 (4) 1.10 1.10
21st Workers’ Games,
Magdeburg — A783 See Nos. 2782-2785.
Natl. Memorial for Concentration
20pf, Couple in folk dress, house construc- City Coins Camp Victims, Sachsenhausem, 25th
tion. 50pf, Magdeburg Port, River Elbe. A789 Anniv. — A794

1986, June 17 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 1986, Sept. 23

2551 A783 20pf multi .20 .20
1986, Sept. 2 Photo. Perf. 13
2562 A789 10pf Rostock, 1637 .20 .20 2573 A794 35pf multi .30 .25 Historic
2552 A783 50pf multi .25 .25
a. Pair, #2551-2552 + label .70 .75 2563 A789 35pf Nordhausen, Post
1660 .25 .25 Offices
2564 A789 50pf Erfurt, 1633 .35 .30 A800
2565 A789 85pf Magdeburg,
1638 .65 .65
2566 A789 1m Stralsund, 1622 .90 .85 1987, Feb. 3 Photo. Perf. 14x14 1/2
Nos. 2562-2566 (5) 2.35 2.25 2583 A800 10pf Freiberg, 1889 .20 .20
2584 A800 20pf Perleberg,
1897 .20 .20
2585 A800 70pf Weimar, 1889 .45 .45
Mukran-Klaipeda Train-Ferry, 2586 A800 1.20m Kirschau, 1926 .90 .90
Inauguration — A795 a. Block of 4, #2583-2586 2.00 1.75
9th Youth Stamp Exhibition, Nos. 2583-2586 printed in sheets of fifty and
Berlin — A784 1986, Sept. 23 se-tenant in sheets of 40.
44th World Sports 2574 A795 50pf Pier, Mukran .30 .30
1986, July 22 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 2575 A795 50pf Ferry .30 .30
2553 A784 10pf + 5pf Berlin, c. Shooting a. Pair, #2574-2575 .95 .95
1652 .20 .20 Championships,
2554 A784 20pf Art, architecture, Suhl — A790 Souvenir Sheet
1986 .20 .20
a. Pair, #2553-2554 + label .35 .40
1986, Sept. 2 Perf. 14 Berlin,
2567 A790 20pf Rifle shooting .20 .20 750th
2568 A790 70pf Woman firing Anniv.
handgun .65 .50 A801
2569 A790 85pf Skeet-shooting .75 .60
Nos. 2567-2569 (3) 1.60 1.30 Architecture: 20pf, Reconstructed Palais
Ephraim, Nikolai Quarter, demolished 1936,
reopened 1987, vert. 35pf, Old Marzahn Vil-
Castles lage, modern housing. 70pf, Marx-Engels
Forum, Central Berlin. 85pf, Reconstructed
A785 Friedrichstadt Palace Theater, reopened
1986, July 29 Perf. 13x12 1/2
2555 A785 10pf Schwerin .20 .20 Carl Maria von Weber (1786-1826), Perf. 12 1/2x13, 13x12 1/2
a. Miniature sheet of 4 .45 .45 Composer — A796 1987, Feb. 17 Engr.
2556 A785 20pf Gustrow .20 .20 2587 A801 20pf vio brn & bluish
a. Miniature sheet of 4 .80 .80
2557 A785 85pf Rheinsberg .70 .60 1986, Nov. 4 Litho. Perf. 14 grn .20 .20
2558 A785 1m Ludwigslust .95 .85 2576 A796 85pf multi .85 1.25 2588 A801 35pf sage grn & dk
Nos. 2555-2558 (4) 2.05 1.85 rose brn .25 .20
2589 A801 70pf org & dk bl .55 .55
2590 A801 85pf dk ol grn & yel
grn .85 .75
11th World Trade Unions Congress, Nos. 2587-2590 (4) 1.85 1.70
Berlin — A791 See Nos. 2628-2631.

1986, Sept. 9 Indira Gandhi

2570 A791 70pf multi+label .70 .55 (1917-1984),
Prime Minister
of India — A797

Intl. Peace 1986, Nov. 18 Photo.

2577 A797 10pf multi .25 .20 Democratic
Year Women’s
A786 Federation, 40th
Miniature Sheet
Anniv. — A802
1986, Aug. 5 Photo. Perf. 13
2559 A786 35pf multi .40 .30 1987, Mar. 3 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2
2591 A802 10pf sil, dk bl & brt red .25 .20

Border Guards, 40th Chandeliers

Anniv. — A792 from the Ore
1986, Sept. 9 A798
2571 A792 20pf multi .30 .25 Spring
Wrought iron candle-carrying chandeliers
Berlin Wall, 25th Anniv. — A787 presented to Johann Georgenstadt miners Fair
annually by the mine blacksmith. A803
1986, Aug. 5 Litho. Perf. 14
2560 A787 20pf Soldiers, Bran-
denburg Gate .40 .30

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1987, Mar. 10 Perf. 13x12 /21
1987, May 5 1987, July 21 Souvenir Sheet
2592 A803 35pf New Fair Hall No. 2603 A809 10pf multi .20 .20 2622 A814 5pf Tug-of-war .20 .20
20 .25 .20 2604 A809 20pf multi .20 .20 2623 A814 10pf Handball .20 .20
2593 A803 50pf Traders at market, 2605 A809 35pf multi .30 .30 2624 A814 20pf + 5pf Girls’ long
c. 1804 .50 .45 2606 A809 50pf multi .50 .45 jump .20 .20
Nos. 2603-2606 (4) 1.20 1.15 2625 A814 35pf Table tennis .25 .25
2626 A814 40pf Bowling .35 .35
2627 A814 70pf Running .55 .55
Nos. 2622-2627 (6) 1.75 1.75

Berlin Anniversary Type of 1987

Perf. 12 1/2x13, 13x12 1/2
1987, Feb. 17 Engr.
2628 A801 10pf like No. 2587 .20 .20
Leaders of the a. Miniature sheet of 4 .50 .50
German Workers’ 2629 A801 10pf like No. 2588 .20 .20 Thalmann Memorial — A819
Movement — A804 Freshwater Fish — A810 a. Miniature sheet of 4 .50 .50
2630 A801 20pf like No. 2589 .20 .20
a. Miniature sheet of 4 .95 1.00 Illustration reduced.
#2594, Fritz Gabler (1897-1974). #2595, 1987, May 19 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 2631 A801 20pf like No. 2590 .20 .20
Robert Siewert (1887-1973). #2596, Walter 2607 A810 5pf Abramis brama .20 .20 a. Miniature sheet of 4 .95 1.00 Litho. & Engr.
Vesper (1897-1978). #2597, Clara Zetkin 2608 A810 10pf Salmo trutta fario .20 .20 Nos. 2628-2631 (4) .80 .80 1987, Sept. 8 Perf. 14
(1857-1933). 2609 A810 20pf Silurus glanis .20 .20
2610 A810 35pf Thymallus 2637 A819 1.35m buff, ver & blk 1.25 1.75
1987, Mar. 24 Engr. Perf. 14 thymallus .30 .30 City of Berlin, 750th anniv.
2611 A810 50pf Barbus barbus .45 .30 Assoc. of
2594 A804 10pf dark gray .20 .20 Sports
2595 A804 10pf dark green .20 .20 2612 A810 70pf Esox lucius .65 .65
2596 A804 10pf black .20 .20 Nos. 2607-2612 (6) 2.00 1.85 and
2597 A804 10pf vio black .20 .20 Nos. 2608-2609 exist in sheets of 4. Science,
Nos. 2594-2597 (4) .80 .80 35th
See Nos. 2721-2724.

1987, Aug. 4 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2

2632 A815 10pf multi .25 .20
K.A. Lingner A811 10th Natl. Art Exhibition,
(1861-1916), Berlin — A820
Museum 1987, June 16
A805 2613 A811 10pf Hand-operated, Designs: 10pf, Weidendamm Bridge, Ber-
Stamp lin, 1986, by Arno Mohr. 50pf, They Only
1756 .20 .20 Day
2614 A811 25pf Steam, 1903 .20 .20 Wanted to Learn How to Read and Write, Nic-
1987, Apr. 7 Photo. Perf. 14 2615 A811 40pf LF 15, 1919 .35 .35 A816 aragua, 1985-86, by Willi Sitte. 70pf, Large
2598 A805 85pf multi .70 .65 2616 A811 70pf LF 16-TS 8, Figure of a Man in Mourning, 1983, scupture
1971 .65 .65 Designs: 10pf+5pf, Court Post Office, Ber- by Wieland Forster. 1m, Ceramic bowl, 1986,
German Hygiene Museum, Dresden, 75th by Gerd Lucke. Nos. 2638-2640, vert.
anniv. a. Block of 4, Nos. 2613-2616 1.60 1.40 lin, 1760. 20pf, Wartenberg Palace, former
Prussian General Post Office, 1770. 1987, Sept. 28 Litho.
Souvenir Sheet 2638 A820 10pf multi .20 .20
1987, Aug. 11 Photo. Perf. 14
2633 A816 10pf +5pf multi .20 .20 2639 A820 50pf multi .35 .35
Free 2640 A820 70pf multi .50 .50
German 2634 A816 20pf multi .20 .20 2641 A820 1m multi .75 .75
a. Pair, #2633-2634 + label .40 .45
Trade Nos. 2638-2641 (4) 1.80 1.80
Unions Souvenir Sheet
Congress Lenin,
A806 Flag,
1987, Apr. 7 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 Institute,
2599 A806 20pf Construction .20 .20 Cruiser
2600 A806 50pf Computer, ship .35 .35 Aurora
a. Pair, #2599-2600 + label .70 .70

1987, Oct. 27 Photo. Perf. 14

2642 A821 10pf shown .20 .20
German 2643 A821 20pf Spasski Tower .20 .20
Red October Revolution, Russia, 70th anniv.
Cross Leipzig Autumn Fair — A817
Congress Illustration reduced.
1987, Aug. 25 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2
1987, Apr. 7 Photo. Perf. 14 2635 A817 Sheet of 2 1.00 1.25
2601 A807 35pf multi .30 .20
Esperanto Movement, Cent. — A812 a. 40pf multi .30 .30
b. 50pf multi .45 .45
ZIM 10-S
1987, July 7 Litho. Perf. 14 Welding
2617 A812 85pf L.L. Zamenhof, A822
globe .75 1.25
1987, Nov. 3 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
2644 A822 10pf Personal comput-
er .20 .20
2645 A822 20pf shown .20 .20
30th MMM Science Fair and 10th Central
World Industrial Fair for Students and Youth Scien-
Agricultural Cooperative, 35th Wildlife tists, Leipzig.
Anniv. — A808 Fund
1987, Apr. 21 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 Intl. War Miniature Sheet
2602 A808 20pf multi .30 .25 1987, July 7 Photo. Victims’
2618 A813 10pf Two otters .20 .20 Memorial,
2619 A813 25pf Otter swimming .55 .20 Budapest
2620 A813 35pf Otter 1.00 .30 A818
2621 A813 60pf Close-up of head 2.25 .70
Nos. 2618-2621 (4) 4.00 1.40
1987, Sept. 8 Photo. Perf. 14
2636 A818 35pf Statue of Jozsef
Famous Somogyi .30 .20
A809 Christmas Candle
Carousels from the
Designs: 10pf, Ludwig Uhland (1787-1862), Mountains — A823
poet, philologist. 20pf, Arnold Zweig (1887-
1968), novelist. 35pf, Gerhart Hauptmann
(1862-1946), 1912 Nobel laureate for litera- Designs: 10pf, Annaberg, c. 1810. 20pf,
ture, and scene from The Weavers. 50pf, Gus- 8th Sports Festival and 11th Youth Freiberg, c. 1830. 25pf, Neustadtel, c. 1870.
tav Hertz (1887-1975), physicist, and atomic Sports Championships, 35pf, Schneeberg, c. 1870. 40pf, Lossnitz, c.
energy transmission diagram. Leipzig — A814 1880. 85pf, Seiffen, c. 1910.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1987, Nov. 3 Litho. Perf. 12 /2x13
1988, Feb. 16 Photo. Perf. 14 Souvenir Sheet
2646 Sheet of 6 2.00 2.10 2656 A827 10pf Tillandsia
a. A823 10pf multi .20 .20 macrochlamys .20 .20
b. A823 20pf multi .40 .40 2657 A827 25pf Tillandsia
c. A823 25pf multi .20 .20
d. A823 35pf multi .20 .20 bulbosa .20 .20
e. A823 40pf multi .40 .40 2658 A827 40pf Tillandsia
f. A823 85pf multi .20 .20 kalmbacheri .30 .30 Workers’ Militia,
2659 A827 70pf Guzmania blassii .65 .65 35th
Nos. 2656-2659 (4) 1.35 1.35 Anniv. — A837
1988, Mar. 8 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13 1988, July 5 Photo. Perf. 14
20pf, Entrance #8. 70pf, Faust & Mephis- 2684 A837 5pf Oath .20 .20
topheles, bronze statue by Matthieu Molitor. 2685 A837 10pf Ernst Thalmann
tribute .20 .20
2660 A828 20pf multi .20 .20 2686 A837 15pf Roll call .20 .20
2661 A828 70pf multi .65 .50 2687 A837 20pf Weapons ex-
Madler Passage (arcade), 75th anniv. change .20 .20
Nos. 2684-2687 (4) .80 .80

1988 Winter
Calgary — A824

1988, Jan. 19 Photo. Perf. 14 1/2x14

2647 A824 5pf Ski jumping .20 .20
2648 A824 10pf Speed skating .20 .20
2649 A824 20pf +10pf 4-Man Ulrich von Hutten (1488-1523),
bobsled .25 .25 Promulgator of the Lutheran 8th Young Pioneers’ Congress, Karl-
2650 A824 35pf Biathlon .35 .30 Marx-Stadt — A838
Nos. 2647-2650 (4) 1.00 .95 Movement — A833
Souvenir Sheet 1988, Apr. 5 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13 1988, July 19 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
Perf. 13x12 1/2 A829 2674 A833 70pf multi .75 1.00 2688 A838 10pf shown .20 .20
2651 A824 1.20m Single and 2689 A838 10pf +5pf Youths
double luge 1.25 1.50 Souvenir Sheet playing musical
instruments .20 .20
No. 2649 surtaxed for the Olympic Promo- 1988, Mar. 8 Perf. 14 a. Pair, #2688-2689 + label .30 .25
tion Society. 2662 A829 70pf multi .95 1.25 Surtax financed the congress.
Joseph von Eichendorff (1788-1857), poet.

Postal 1988
Buildings, Summer
East Olympics,
USSR-DDR Manned Space Flight, Seoul
Berlin 10th Anniv. — A834
A825 A839
Designs: 5pf, Cosmonauts S. Jahn and 1988, Aug. 9 Photo. Perf. 14
1988, Feb. 2 Perf. 14 Valery Bykowski, Soyuz-29 landing, Sept. 3,
2652 A825 15pf Berlin-Buch post Seals — A830 1978. 10pf, MKS-M multi-channel spectrome- 2690 A839 5pf Swimming .20 .20
office .20 .20 ter. 20pf, MIR space station. 2691 A839 10pf Handball .20 .20
2653 A825 20pf Natl. Postal Mu- 2692 A839 20pf +10pf Hurdles .25 .25
seum .30 .20 1988, Mar. 22 Photo. Perf. 14 2693 A839 25pf Rowing .25 .25
2663 A830 10pf Muhlhausen sad- 1988, June 21 Litho. Perf. 14
2654 A825 50pf General post of- 2675 A834 5pf multi .20 .20 2694 A839 35pf Boxing .25 .25
fice, Berlin- dler, 1565 .20 .20 2695 A839 50pf +20pf Cycling .55 .55
2664 A830 25pf Dresden butcher, 2676 A834 10pf multi .20 .20
Marzahn .65 .50 2677 A834 20pf multi .20 .20 Nos. 2690-2695 (6) 1.70 1.70
Nos. 2652-2654 (3) 1.15 .90 1564 .20 .20
2665 A830 35pf Nauen smith, Nos. 2675-2677 (3) .60 .60 Souvenir Sheet
16th cent. .25 .25 See Nos. 2698-2700. Litho.
Souvenir Sheet 2666 A830 50pf Frankfurt-Oder
clothier, 16th Perf. 13x12 1/2
cent. .30 .30 2696 A839 85pf Relay race 1.40 2.00
a. Block of 4, #2663-2666 1.10 1.10
Souvenir Sheet

Research 10th Youth Stamp Exhibitions in Erfurt
Station and Karl-Marx-Stadt — A835
Designs: 10pf+5pf, Erfurt. c. 1520. 20+5pf,
1988, Mar. 22 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 Chemnitz, c. 1620. 25pf, Historic and modern
2667 A831 35pf multi .35 .20 buildings of Erfurt. 50pf, Historic and modern
buildings of Karl-Marx-Stadt.
1988, June 21 Photo.
2678 A835 10pf +5pf multi .20 .20
2679 A835 20pf +5pf multi .20 .20 Leipzig Autumn Fair — A840
2680 A835 25pf multi .20 .20
a. Pair, #2678, 2680 + label .40 .40
District 2681 A835 50pf multi .40 .40 1988, Aug. 30 Litho. Perf. 14
a. Pair, #2679, 2681 + label .70 .70 2697 A840 Sheet of 3 1.10 1.60
Capitals a. 5pf Fair, c. 1810 .20 .20
A832 Nos. 2678-2679 surtaxed to benefit the Phi- b. 15pf Battle of Leipzig Memorial .20 .30
latelists’ League of the DDR Cultural Union. c. 1m Fair, c. 1820 .65 1.10
Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956), 1988, Apr. 5 Photo. Perf. 14
Playwright — A826 2668 A832 5pf Wismar .20 .20 DDR-USSR Manned Space Flight
2669 A832 10pf Anklam .20 .20 Type
1988, Feb. 2 Litho. Perf. 13x12 /2
1 2670 A832 25pf Ribnitz-Dam- 1988, Aug. 30 Litho. Perf. 14
2655 A826 70pf multi .75 1.00 garten .20 .20 2698 A834 10pf like No. 2675 .20 .20
2671 A832 60pf Stralsund .40 .40 a. Sheet of 4 .60 .60
2672 A832 90pf Bergen .65 .65 22nd Workers’ Games, Frankfurt-on- 2699 A834 20pf like No. 2676 .20 .20
2673 A832 1.20m Greifswald .95 .95 Oder — A836 a. Sheet of 4 .75 .75
Nos. 2668-2673 (6) 2.60 2.60 2700 A834 35pf like No. 2677 .35 .35
a. Sheet of 4 1.60 1.40
1988, July 7 Litho. Perf. 13x12 /2 1
Nos. 2698-2700 (3) .75 .75
2682 20pf multi .20 .20
2683 50pf multi, diff. .35 .35
a. A836 Pair, #2682-2683 + label .65 .65

Flowering Leipzig Spring

Plants — A827 Fair — A828
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
1989, Jan. 24 Engr. Perf. 14 in Leipzig, 1839. 50pf, Leipzig Station in Dres-
2721 A804 10pf dark vio brn .20 .20 den, 1839.
2722 A804 10pf dark grn .20 .20
2723 A804 10pf dark blue .20 .20 1989, Apr. 4 Perf. 14
2724 A804 10pf brn blk .20 .20 2737 A855 15pf multi .20 .20
Nos. 2721-2724 (4) .80 .80 2738 A855 20pf multi .20 .20
2739 A855 50pf multi .40 .40
Nos. 2737-2739 (3) .80 .80

Fascism Resistance Memorial, Como,

Italy — A841
Paintings by
1988, Sept. 13 Photo. Max Lingner Telephones
2701 A841 35pf multi .30 .25 (1888-1959) A851
Designs: 10pf, Philipp Reis, 1861. 20pf, Sie-
1988, Nov. 8 mens & Halske wall model, 1882. 50pf, Wall
2713 A846 5pf In the Boat, model OB 03, 1903. 85pf, Table model OB 05,
1931 .20 .20 1905.
2714 A846 10pf Yvonne, 1939 .20 .20
2715 A846 20pf Free, Strong and 1989, Feb. 7 Litho. A856 A857
Happy, 1944 .20 .20 2725 A851 10pf shown .20 .20
2716 A846 85pf New Harvest, 2726 A851 20pf multi .20 .20
1951 .65 .65 2727 A851 50pf multi .35 .30 Designs: Meissen Onion-pattern Porcelain,
Nos. 2713-2716 (4) 1.25 1.25 2728 A851 85pf multi .65 .55 250th anniv., and sword emblem.
a. Block of 4, #2725-2728 1.60 1.25
Memorial at Buchenwald, 30th Souvenir Sheet 1989, Apr. 18 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13
Anniv. — A842 2740 A856 10pf Tea caddy .20 .20
2741 A856 20pf Vase .20 .20
2742 A856 35pf Breadboard .30 .30
1988, Sept. 13 Perf. 14 2743 A856 70pf Teapot .65 .65
2702 A842 10pf multi .20 .20 Nos. 2740-2743 (4) 1.35 1.35
Size: 33x56mm
Men Perf. 14
A852 2744 Block of 4 1.60 1.50
a. A856 10pf like No. 2740 .20 .20
b. A856 20pf like No. 2741 .20 .20
1989, Feb. 28 Photo. c. A856 35pf like No. 2742 .30 .30
d. A856 70pf like No. 2743 .65 .65
2729 A852 10pf Ludwig Renn
(1889-1979) .20 .20
Mariner’s Soc., 2730 A852 10pf Carl von Ossi- 1989, May 2 Photo. Perf. 14 1/2x14
Stralsund, Friedrich Wolf (1888-1953), etzky (1889- 2745 A857 20pf “I” .20 .20
500th Playwright — A847 1938) .20 .20 2746 A857 50pf “B” .35 .30
Anniv. — A843 2731 A852 10pf Adam Scharrer 2747 A857 1.35m “A” 1.10 1.10
1988, Nov. 22 Litho. (1889-1948) .20 .20 Nos. 2745-2747 (3) 1.65 1.60
2717 A847 1.10m multi .95 1.50 2732 A852 10pf Rudolf Mauer- Intl. Book Fair (IBA), Leipzig.
Paintings: 5pf, Adolph Friedrich at Stral- sberger (1889-
sund, by C. Leplow. 10pf, Die Gartenlaube 1971) .20 .20
(built in 1872) at Stralsund, by J.F. Kruger. 2733 A852 10pf Johann Beck-
70pf, Brigantine Auguste Mathilde (built in mann (1739-
1830) at Stralsund, by I.C. Grunwaldt. 1.20m, 1811) .20 .20
Brig Hoffnung at Cologne, by G.A. Luther. Nos. 2729-2733 (5) 1.00 1.00
1988, Sept. 20 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13
2703 A843 5pf multi .20 .20
2704 A843 10pf multi .20 .20
2705 A843 70pf multi .65 .55
2706 A843 1.20m multi .95 .95
Nos. 2703-2706 (4) 2.00 1.90 Student Government — A858

1989, May 9 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x12 1/2

Leipzig Spring 2748 A858 20pf 8th World Youth
WHO, 40th Bone Lace from Fair — A853 Festival, Py-
Anniv. Erzgebirge ongyang .20 .20
Ship Lifts A848 A849 1989, Mar. 7 Litho. 2749 A858 20pf +5pf Whitsun
and meeting of Free
2734 A853 70pf shown .55 .50 German Youth .20 .20
Bridges 1988, Nov. 22 Photo. 2735 A853 85pf Buildings, 1690 .70 .75 a. Pair, #2748-2749 + label .40 .40
A844 2718 A848 85pf multi .75 .35 Handelshof, 80th anniv. (70pf).

1988, Oct. 18 Photo. Perf. 14x14 1/2 Miniature Sheet

2707 A844 5pf Magdeburg .20 .20 Souvenir Sheet
2708 A844 10pf Magdeburg- Various lace designs.
Rothensee .20 .20
2709 A844 35pf Niederfinow .25 .20 1988, Nov. 22 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13
2710 A844 70pf Altfriesack .50 .50 2719 Sheet of 6 2.00 2.00
2711 A844 90pf Rugendamm .65 .65 a. A849 20pf multi .20 .20
b. A849 25pf multi .40 .40
Nos. 2707-2711 (5) 1.80 1.75 c. A849 35pf multi .20 .20
d. A849 40pf multi .20 .20
e. A849 50pf multi .40 .40
f. A849 85pf multi .20 .20

Princess Carl Zeiss

Luise — A859 Foundation,
Cent. — A860
Thomas Munzer (c. 1468-1525),
Council for Religious Reformer — A854
Mutual Sculptures by Johann Gottfried Schadow
1st Nazi Pogrom (1764-1850), Prussian Court Sculptor.
(Kristallnacht), Nov. Economic 1989, Mar. 21 Perf. 13x12 1/2
9, 1938 — A845 Aid, 40th 2736 A854 1.10m multi .95 1.75 1989, May 16 Photo. Perf. 14 1/2x14
Anniv. 2750 A859 50pf shown .50 .35
A850 2751 A859 85pf Princess Friede-
1988, Nov. 8 Perf. 14 rike .90 .70
2712 A845 35pf Menorah .35 .20
1989, Jan. 10 Photo. Perf. 13
2720 A850 20pf multi .25 .20 1989, May 16
Modern medical technology: 50pf, Interfer-
Labor Leaders Type of 1987 ence microscope Jenaval. 85pf, Bicoordinate
Portraits: No. 2721, Edith Baumann (1909- measuring instrument ZKM 01-250C.
1973). No. 2722, Otto Meier (1889-1962). No. 2752 A860 50pf multi .30 .30
2723, Fritz Selbmann (1899-1975). No. 2724, 2753 A860 85pf multi .90 .70
Alfred Oelssner (1879-1962). 1st Long-distance German Railway, a. Pair, #2752-2753 + label 1.40 1.10
Leipzig-Dresden, Label pictures founder Ernst Abbe (1840-
Sesquicentennial — A855 1905).

15pf, Georg Friedrich List (1789-1846),

industrialist, economist. 20pf, Dresden Station

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1989, Aug. 8 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 See Austria No. 1486, Belgium No. 1332,
2764 A865 20pf Owlglass Foun- Germany No. 1592 and Berlin No. 9N584.
tain .20 .20
2765 A865 70pf +5pf Demons
Fountain .65 .65
No. 2765 surtaxed for the philatelic unit of
the Kulturbund.

Souvenir Sheet
Jena University DDR, 40th Anniv. — A870
Inaugural Address,
Bicent. — A861 Labor
1989, Oct. 3 Perf. 14 Leaders — A875
2776 A870 5pf
Education .20 .20
1989, May 23 Photo. Perf. 14 2777 A870 10pf
Agriculture .20 .20
2754 A861 25pf Frontispiece .20 .20 2778 A870 20pf
Construction .25 .20 Portraits: #2792, Bruno Leuschner (1910-
2755 A861 85pf Excerpt .55 .55 2779 A870 25pf
Machinist, com- 65). #2793, Erich Weinert (1890-1953).
a. Pair, #2754-2755 + label .90 .90 puter user .25 .25
Nos. 2776-2779 (4) .90 .85 1990, Jan. 16 Perf. 14
Label pictures bust of Friedrich Schiller, 2792 A875 10pf gray brown .20 .20
author of the address. Souvenir Sheet 2793 A875 10pf deep blue .20 .20
2780 A870 135pf Two workers 2.25 2.00
Souvenir Sheet
Leipzig Autumn Fair — A866

1989, Aug. 22 Perf. 14

2766 A866 Sheet of 2 1.25 2.00 Jawaharlal
a. 50pf Fairground .35 .35
b. 85pf Fairground, diff. .70 .70 Nehru, 1st
Prime Minister
of Independent
India — A871 Coats of
Arms — A876
1989, Nov. 7 Photo. Perf. 14
2781 A871 35pf multicolored .30 .25 Early postal agency insignia: 10pf,
Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt and Thurn & Taxis.
20pf, Royal Saxon letter collection. 50pf,
Zoologists — A862 Statues of Roland Type of 1987 Imperial Postal Agency. 1.10pf, Auxiliary post
1989, Nov. 7 Perf. 14 1/2x14 office.
1989, June 13 Litho. 2782 A799 5pf Zerbst, 1445 .20 .20
2783 A799 10pf Halberstadt, 1990, Feb. 6 Photo. Perf. 14
2756 A862 Sheet of 2 1.25 7.50 2794 A876 10pf multicolored .20 .20
a. 50pf Alfred Brehm (1829-1884) .35 2.00 1433 .20 .20
b. 85pf Christian Brehm (1787- 2784 A799 20pf Buch-Altmark, 2795 A876 20pf multicolored .20 .20
1864) .70 3.00 Thomas Munzer 1611 .20 .20 2796 A876 50pf multicolored .50 .45
(1489-1525), 2785 A799 50pf Perleberg, 1546 .35 .35 2797 A876 110pf multicolored 1.10 1.00
Religious Nos. 2782-2785 (4) .95 .95 Nos. 2794-2797 (4) 2.00 1.85
Reformer Size: 32x42mm
A867 Miniature Sheet Perf. 13 1/2
Various details of the painting Early Bour- 2798 Block of 4 3.00 2.00
geois Revolution in Germany in 1525, by W. a. A876 10pf like No. 2794 .20 .20
Tubke. b. A876 20pf like No. 2795 .20 .20
c. A876 50pf like No. 2796 .50 .45
1989, Aug. 22 d. A876 110pf like No. 2797 1.10 1.00
French 2767 A867 5pf Globe .20 .20
Revolution, Posts & Telecommunications Workers’ Day.
2768 A867 10pf Fountain .20 .20
Bicent. 2769 A867 20pf Battle scene .20 .20
A863 a. Souvenir sheet of 4 .90 .75 Chandeliers from
2770 A867 50pf Ark .35 .35 Erzgebirge — A872
2771 A867 85pf Rainbow, battle .80 .80
5pf, Storming of the Bastille, July 14, 1789. Nos. 2767-2771 (5) 1.75 1.75 August Bebel
20pf, Revolutionaries, flag bearer. 90pf, Designs: a, Schneeburg, circa 1860. b,
Storming Tuileries Palace, Aug. 10, 1792. Schwarzenberg, circa 1850. c, Annaberg, (1840-1913),
circa 1880. d, Seiffen, circa 1900. e, Seiffen, Co-founder of
1989, July 4 Photo. Perf. 13 circa 1930. f, Annaberg, circa 1925. the Social
2757 A863 5pf multi .20 .20 Democratic
2758 A863 20pf multi .20 .20 Litho. & Engr. Party — A877
2759 A863 90pf multi .65 .65 1989, Nov. 28 Perf. 14
Nos. 2757-2759 (3) 1.05 1.05 2786 Sheet of 6 2.00 2.00 1990, Feb. 20 Photo.
a. A872 10pf multicolored .20 .20
b. A872 20pf multicolored .40 .40 2799 A877 20pf multicolored .30 .25
c. A872 25pf multicolored .20 .20
d. A872 35pf multicolored .20 .20
e. A872 50pf multicolored .40 .40
f. A872 70pf multicolored .20 .20
1965, Bronze
Statue in the
Natl. Memorial,
Ravensbruck Flying Machine
A868 Designed by
Leonardo da
Intl. Congress of Horse Breeders from 1989, Sept. 5 Photo. Perf. 14 Bees Collecting Vinci — A878
Socialist States — A864 2772 A868 35pf multi .30 .25 Nectar — A873
Natl. Memorial, Ravensbruck, 30th anniv. 1990, Feb. 20 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13
1989, July 18 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2 1990, Jan. 9 Litho. 2800 A878 20pf shown .20 .20
2760 A864 10pf Haflinger .20 .20 2787 A873 5pf Apple blossom .20 .20 2801 A878 35pf +5pf Melchior
2761 A864 20pf English thor- 2788 A873 10pf Blooming heath- Bauer .35 .35
oughbred .20 .20 er .20 .20 2802 A878 50pf Albrecht
2762 A864 70pf Cold blood .50 .50 2789 A873 20pf Rape blossom .20 .20 Berblinger .50 .40
2763 A864 110pf Noble warm 2790 A873 50pf Red clover .50 .50 2803 A878 90pf Otto Lilienthal .90 .80
blood .85 .85 Nos. 2787-2790 (4) 1.10 1.10 Nos. 2800-2803 (4) 1.95 1.75
Nos. 2760-2763 (4) 1.75 1.75 LILIENTHAL ’91 airmail exhibition. No. 2801
surtaxed for philatelic promotion.

1989, Sept. 19 Litho. Perf. 13 The Young Post

2773 A869 10m Adriana .20 .20 Rider, an
2774 A869 35m Feuerzauber .30 .25 Engraving by
Natl. Stamp Exhibition, 2775 A869 50m Franzisko .50 .45
Nos. 2773-2775 (3) 1.00 .90 Albrecht
Magdeburg — A865 Durer — A874

1990, Jan. 12 Litho. Perf. 13

2791 A874 35pf multi .35 .30
Postal communications in Europe, 500th

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1990, May 8 Perf. 14 2837 A889 80pf red brown .65 .50 Wmk. 292
2817 A884 20pf shown .30 .25 2838 A889 100pf dark carmine .95 .55 1948, Aug. 29 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2
2818 A884 35pf +15pf Saxony 2839 A889 200pf dark violet 1.25 1.10
2840 A889 500pf green 3.50 2.75 10NB1 SP252 16 + 9pf dk vio
#1 .55 .50 brn .20 .50
2819 A884 110pf No. 48 1.50 1.25 Nos. 2832-2840 (9) 8.10 6.30
10NB2 SP252 50 + 25pf dl vio
Nos. 2817-2819 (3) 2.35 2.00 Nos. 2832-2852 have face values based on bl .20 .50
the Federal Republic’s Deutsche mark and Set, never hinged .55
were valid for postage in both countries. The 1948 Leipzig Autumn Fair.

Leipzig Spring Dying System,
Fair Warriors — A880 500th
Seals — A879 Anniv.
A885 A890
1990, Mar. 6 Perf. 12 1/2x13
2804 A879 70pf Seal, 1268 .85 .45 Intl. Telecommunications Union, 125th 30pf, 15th cent. postman. 50pf, 16th cent.
2805 A879 85pf Seal, 1497 1.00 .70 Anniv.: 10pf, David Edward Hughes (1831- postrider. 70pf, Post carriages c. 1595, 1750.
City of Leipzig and the Leipzig Spring Fair, 1900), type-printing telegraph, 1855. 20pf, 100pf, Railway mail carriages 1842, 1900.
Distribution linkage, Berlin-Kopenick post Emblem of Goethe — OSP2
825th annivs. Philatelic
office. 25pf, TV and microwave tower. 50pf, 1990, Aug. 28 Litho. Perf. 13x13 1/2
Molniya news satellite, globe. 70pf, Philipp 2841 A890 30pf multicolored .30 .30 Institute — OSP1
1990, Mar. 6 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14 Reis (1834-1874), physicist, designed sound 2842 A890 50pf multicolored .40 .35
transmission equipment. 2843 A890 70pf multicolored .55 .50
Sculptures by Andreas Schluter. 1948, Oct. 23 Perf. 13x13 1/2
2844 A890 100pf multicolored 1.00 .85 10NB3 OSP1 12 + 3pf red .20 .40
1990, May 15 Nos. 2841-2844 (4) 2.25 2.00
2806 A880 40pf shown .40 .30 Never hinged .30
2807 A880 70pf multi, diff. .75 .70 2820 A885 10pf multicolored .20 .20
2821 A885 20pf multicolored .25 .25 Stamp Day, Oct. 26, 1948.
Museum of German History in the 2822 A885 25pf multicolored .25 .25
Zeughaus of Berlin. 2823 A885 50pf multicolored .65 .55
Nos. 2820-2823 (4) 1.35 1.25 Type of German Semi-Postal
Souvenir Sheet Stamps of 1947
2824 A885 70pf multicolored 1.75 2.00 30pf+15pf, First fair in newly built Town Hall,
1556. 50pf+25pf, Italians at the Fair, 1536.

Louis Lewandowski 1949, Mar. 6 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2

(1821-94), 10NB4 SP252 30 + 15pf red 1.00 3.50
Famous 10NB5 SP252 50 + 25pf blue 1.25 3.75
Men Composer — A891 Set, never hinged 5.25
A881 1949 Leipzig Spring Fair.
50pf+15pf, New Synagogue, Berlin.
Portraits: No. 2808, Friedrich Diesterweg 1990, Sept. 18 Perf. 14
(1790-1866), educator. No. 2809, Kurt Tuchol- Pope John Paul II, 1949, July 20 Wmk. 292 Perf. 13
sky (1890-1935), novelist, journalist. 2845 A891 30pf multicolored .25 .25
70th 2846 A891 50pf +15pf multi .50 .45 Designs: Different Goethe portraits.
1990, Mar. 20 Photo. Perf. 14 Birthday — A886 10NB6 OSP2 6 + 4pf dl vio .80 2.25
2808 A881 10pf multicolored .25 .25 10NB7 OSP2 12 + 8pf dl brn .80 2.25
2809 A881 10pf multicolored .25 .25 1990, May 15 10NB8 OSP2 24 + 16pf red
2825 A886 35pf multicolored .40 .30 brn .65 1.90
10NB9 OSP2 50 + 25pf dk bl .65 1.90
10NB10 OSP2 84 + 36pf ol
gray 1.00 3.75
Heinrich Nos. 10NB6-10NB10 (5) 3.90 12.05
11th Schliemann (1822- Set, never hinged 9.25
Youth 1890), Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, birth bicent.
Stamp Archaeologist
Exhibition, A892
Halle Souvenir Sheet
Labor Day, A887 1990, Oct. 2 Photo.
Cent. — A882 Design: 30pf, shown. 50pf, Schliemann,
1990, June 5 Perf. 13x12 1/2 double pot c. 2600-1900 B.C., horiz.
1990, Apr. 3 2826 A887 10pf +5pf 18th cent.
2847 A892 30pf multicolored .25 .25
2810 A882 10pf shown .25 .20 Halle .20 .20
2827 A887 20pf 20th cent. Halle .25 .20 2848 A892 50pf multicolored .50 .40
2811 A882 20pf Flower,
a. Pair, #2826-2827 + label .45 .40
“1890/1990” .55 .30

in the
German Intl. Astronautics
State Federation, 41st
Library, Congress,
Berlin Dresden
A888 A893
Dicraeosaurus — A883 1990, Oct. 2
Designs: 20pf, Rules of an order, 1264.
25pf, Rudimentum novitiorum, 1475. 50pf, 2849 A893 30pf Dresden skyline .20 .20 Profile of Goethe — OSP3
Perf. 13x12 /2, 12 /2x13
1 1
Chosrou wa Schirin, 18th cent. 110pf, Book- 2850 A893 50pf Globe .35 .30
1990, Apr. 17 Litho. cover of Amalienbibliothek, 18th cent. 2851 A893 70pf Moon .65 .50 1949, Aug. 22 Engr. Perf. 14
2812 A883 10pf shown .20 .20 2852 A893 100pf Mars .85 .75
Nos. 2849-2852 (4) 2.05 1.75 10NB11 OSP3 50pf + 4.50m
2813 A883 25pf Kentrurosaurus .20 .20 1990, June 19 blue 110.00 450.00
a. Miniature sheet of 4 1.10 1.00 2828 A888 20pf multicolored .30 .20 Stamps of the German Democratic Republic Never hinged 175.00
2814 A883 35pf Dysalotosaurus .25 .25 2829 A888 25pf multicolored .30 .20 were replaced starting Oct. 3, 1990 by those
2815 A883 50pf Brachiosaurus .35 .35 2830 A888 50pf multicolored .75 .50 of the Federal Republic of Germany. #2832- The sheet measures 106x105mm. The sur-
2816 A883 85pf Brachiosaurus 2831 A888 110pf multicolored 1.60 1.25 2852 remained valid until Dec. 31, 1991. tax was for the reconstruction of Weimar.
skull .85 .85 Nos. 2828-2831 (4) 2.95 2.15
Nos. 2812-2816 (5) 1.85 1.85 Type of German Semi-Postal
Natural History Museum of Berlin, cent. Stamps
Nos. 2815-2816 vert. FOR USE IN ALL PROVINCES IN 12pf+8pf, Russian merchants at the Fair,
THE RUSSIAN ZONES 1650. 24pf+16pf, Young Goethe at the Fair,
Castle Albrechtsburg
and Cathedral, SEMI-POSTALS 1949, Aug. 30 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2
Meissen — A889 10NB12 SP252 12 + 8pf gray 1.25 6.50
Leipzig Fair Issue 10NB13 SP252 24 + 16pf lake
30pf, Goethe-Schiller Monument, Weimar.
Type of German Semi-Postal Stamps brn 1.60 7.75
Set, never hinged 6.50
50pf, Brandenburg Gate, Berlin. 60pf, Kyf- 16pf+9pf, 1st New Year’s Fair, 1459.
fhauser Monument. 70pf, Semper Opera, 50pf+25pf, Arrival of clothmakers from abroad, 1949 Leipzig Autumn Fair.
Dresden. 80pf, Castle Sanssouci, Potsdam. 1469.
Penny Black, 150th 100pf, Wartburg, Eisenach. 200pf, Magdeburg
Anniv. — A884 Cathedral. 500pf, Schwerin Castle.
1990, July 2 Photo. Perf. 14
2832 A889 10pf ultramarine .20 .20
2833 A889 30pf olive green .25 .20
2834 A889 50pf bluish green .35 .30
2835 A889 60pf violet brown .45 .30
2836 A889 70pf dark brown .50 .40

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Portraits: 25pf+15pf, Rudolf Breitscheid. 1960, Feb. 25 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x13
SEMI-POSTAL STAMPS 40pf+20pf, Rev. Paul Schneider.
Portraits in Gray
1957, Dec. 3 Photo. Perf. 13 B55 SP12 5pf + 5pf ol bis .25 .20
Portraits in Gray B56 SP12 10pf + 5pf dk grn .25 .20
B57 SP12 20pf + 10pf dl mag .25 .20
Catalogue values for unused B33 SP12 20pf + 10pf dp plum .20 .20 Nos. B55-B57 (3) .75 .60
stamps in this section, from this B34 SP12 25pf + 15pf dk blue .20 .20
point to the end of the section, are B35 SP12 40pf + 20pf violet .30 .35 Issued to honor murdered victims of the
Dam — SP8 a. Souv. sheet of 3, #B33-B35, Nazis at Sachsenhausen.
for Never Hinged items. imperf. 45.00 125.00
Nos. B33-B35 (3) .70 .75
1954, Aug. 16 Unwmk. Type of Regular Issue, 1960
B26 SP8 24pf + 6pf green .60 .75 No. B35a issued Sept. 15, 1958.
Canceled to Order Designs: 10pf+5pf, Vacation ship under con-
Used values are for CTO’s from No. The surtax was for flood victims. struction, Wismar. 20pf+10pf, Ship before
B14 to No. B203. 1958, July 11 Wmk. 313 Perf. 13 Stubbenkammer and sailboat.
Surcharged with New Value and “X” Portraits: 5pf+5pf, Albert Kuntz. 10pf+5pf, Wmk. 313
1955, Feb. 25 Rudi Arndt. 15pf+10pf, Kurt Adams. 1960, June 23 Litho. Perf. 13
Some se-tenants include a semi-postal 20pf+10pf, Rudolf Renner. 25pf+15pf, Walter
stamp. To avoid splitting the se-tenant piece B27 SP8 20 +5pf on 24+6pf .75 .55 Stoecker. B58 A162 10pf + 5pf blk, yel &
the semi-postal is listed with the regular issue. red .20 .20
The surtax was for flood victims.
Portraits in Gray B59 A162 20pf + 10pf blk, red &
B36 SP12 5pf + 5pf brn blk .20 .75 bl .25 .20
B37 SP12 10pf + 5pf dk sl grn .20 .75
B38 SP12 15pf + 10pf dp vio .20 3.00 Portrait Type of 1957-58
B39 SP12 20pf + 10pf dk red Portraits: 10pf+5pf, Max Lademann.
brn .20 .75 15pf+5pf, Lorenz Breunig. 20pf+10pf, Mathias
B40 SP12 25pf + 15pf bl blk .55 11.50 Thesen. 25pf+10pf, Gustl Sandtner.
Bavaria No. 1 Nos. B36-B40 (5) 1.35 16.75
and 40pf+20pf, Hans Rothbarth.
Issued to honor the murdered victims of the
Magnifier — SP4 Nazis at Buchenwald. The surtax was for the 1960 Wmk. 313 Perf. 13 1/2x13
erection of national memorials. Portraits in Gray
Wmk. 292 See Nos. B49-B53, B55-B57, B60-B64,
B71-B75, B79-B81. B60 SP12 10pf + 5pf grn .20 .20
1949, Oct. 30 Litho. Perf. 14 B61 SP12 15pf + 5pf dp vio .95 .70
B14 SP4 12pf + 3pf gray blk 6.75 5.75 Buchenwald Memorial — SP9 B62 SP12 20pf + 10pf maroon .20 .20
Stamp Day, 1949. See No. B21a. 1958, Aug. 7 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2 B63 SP12 25pf + 10pf dk bl .25 .25
Perf. 13 1/2x13 B64 SP12 40pf + 20pf lt red brn 1.60 1.40
Design: 20pf+10pf, Pioneers and flag. Nos. B60-B64 (5) 3.20 2.75
Leipzig Fair Issue. 1956, Sept. 8 Wmk. 297
B28 SP9 20pf + 80pf rose red 1.00 3.50 B41 SP13 10pf + 5pf green .25 .25 Issued to honor the murdered victims of the
German Type of 1947 B42 SP13 20pf + 10pf red .30 .25 Nazis at Sachsenhausen.
The surtax was for the erection of national
Inscribed: “Deutsche Demokratische memorials at the concentration camps of Pioneer organization, 10th anniversary.
Republik” Buchenwald, Ravensbruck and Sach-
Leipzig Spring Fair: 24pf+12pf, First porce- senhausen. See No. B43.
Type of 1956 Overprinted in Black
lain at Fair, 1710. 30pf+14pf, First Fair at “14. September 1958”
Municipal Store, 1894.
Type of 1955 Surcharged “HELFT Perf. 13 1/2x13
1950, Mar. 5 Perf. 13 AGYPTEN +10” (#B29) or “HELFT 1958, Sept. 15 Unwmk.
B15 SP252 24 + 12pf red vio 9.00 9.00 DEM SOZIALISTISCHEN UNGARN B43 SP9 20pf + 20pf rose red .45 .45
B16 SP252 30 + 14pf rose car 10.50 15.00 +10” (#B30)
Dedication of the memorial at Buchenwald Bicyclist — SP15
Perf. 13 1/2x13 concentration camp, Sept. 14, 1958.
1956, Dec. 20 Wmk. 313
B29 A75 20pf + 10pf carmine .45 .30 25pf+10pf, Bicyclists and spectators.
B30 A75 20pf + 10pf carmine .45 .30
1960, Aug. 3 Perf. 13x13 1/2, 13x12 1/2
Size: 28x23mm
Shepherd Boy B65 SP15 20pf + 10pf multi .25 .25
with Double Size: 38 1/2x21mm
Flute — SP5 B66 SP15 25pf + 10pf bl, gray
Exercises with & brn 1.40 2.50
“Bach Year”: 24pf+6pf, Girl with hand organ. Hoops — SP14 Bicycling World Championships, Aug. 3-14.
30pf+8pf, Johann Sebastian Bach. 50pf+16pf,
Chorus. Designs: 10pf+5pf, High jump. 20pf+10pf
Vaulting. 25pf+10pf, Girl gymnasts. 40pf+20pf,
1950, June 14 Perf. 14 Leipzig stadium and fireworks.
B17 SP5 12pf + 4pf bl grn 6.00 5.00
B18 SP5 24pf + 6pf olive 6.00 5.00 Perf. 13x13 1/2
B19 SP5 30pf + 8pf dk red 11.50 11.50 1959, Aug. 10 Litho. Wmk. 313
B20 SP5 50pf + 16pf blue 17.50 16.00 Rook and
Nos. B17-B20 (4) 41.00 37.50 Monument to B44 SP14 5pf + 5pf org .20 .20
B45 SP14 10pf + 5pf grn .20 .20 Congress
Ravensbrück B46 SP14 20pf + 10pf brt car .20 .20 Emblem
SP10 B47 SP14 25pf + 10pf brt bl .20 .20 SP16
B48 SP14 40pf + 20pf red vio 1.60 .70
Nos. B44-B48 (5) 2.40 1.50
20pf+10pf, Knight. 25pf+10pf, Bishop.
3rd German Sports Festival, Leipzig.
Perf. 14x13 1/2
Saxony No. 1, Portrait Type of 1957-58 1960, Sept. 19 Engr. Wmk. 313
Globe and Portraits: 5pf+5pf, Tilde Klose. 10pf+5pf, B67 SP16 10pf + 5pf blue green .20 .20
Dove — SP6 Kathe Niederkirchner. 15pf+10pf, Charlotte B68 SP16 20pf + 10pf rose claret .20 .20
Eisenblatter. 20pf+10pf, Olga Benario- B69 SP16 25pf + 10pf blue .90 2.75
Prestes. 25pf+15pf, Maria Grollmuss. Nos. B67-B69 (3) 1.30 3.15
1950, July 1 Photo. Wmk. 292
B21 SP6 84 + 41pf brn red 45.00 12.00 14th Chess Championships, Leipzig.
a. Souv. sheet of 2, #B14, Memorial Park and Lake — SP11 1959, Sept. 3 Photo. Perf. 13
B21, imperf. 140.00 140.00 Portraits in Gray
No. B21a hinged 52.50 Type of 1957
Perf. 13x13 1/2, 13 1/2x13 B49 SP12 5pf + 5pf sep .20 .20
German Stamp Exhib. (DEBRIA) held at B50 SP12 10pf + 5pf dp grn .20 .20 Design: Monument and memorial wall of
Leipzig for the cent. of Saxony’s 1st postage 1957, Apr. 25 Litho. B51 SP12 15pf + 10pf dp vio .20 .20 Sachsenhausen National Memorial.
stamp. B31 SP10 5pf + 5pf grn .20 .20 B52 SP12 20pf + 10pf mag .20 .20
B32 SP11 20pf + 10pf rose red .30 .35 B53 SP12 25pf + 15pf dk bl .35 .90 1960, Sept. 8 Litho. Perf. 13x13 1/2
Nos. B49-B53 (5) 1.15 1.70 B70 SP10 20pf + 10pf dp car .35 .30
Intl. Day of Liberation. See Nos. B54, B70.
Issued to honor women murdered by the No. B70 was re-issued Apr. 20, 1961, with
Nazis at Buchenwald. gray label adjoining each stamp in sheet, to
commemorate the dedication of Sach-
senhausen National Memorial.
Ravensbrück Type of 1957 Dated:
“12. September 1959”
Type of 1957
Clearing Perf. 13 1/2x13
Portraits: 5pf+5pf, Werner Kube. 10pf+5pf,
Land — SP7 1959, Sept. 11 Litho. Wmk. 313 Hanno Gunther. 15pf+5pf, Elvira
B54 SP11 20pf + 10pf dp car & Eisenschneider. 20pf+10pf, Hertha Lindner.
Reconstruction program: 24pf+6pf, Bricklay- blk .55 .30 25pf+10pf, Herbert Tschäpe.
ing. 30pf+10pf, Carpentry. 50pf+10pf,
Inspecting plans. Portrait Type of 1957-58 1961, Feb. 6 Perf. 13 1/2x13
5pf+5pf, Lothar Erdmann. 10pf+5pf, Ernst Portraits in Black
1952, May 1 Litho. Schneller. 20pf+10pf, Lambert Horn. B71 SP12 5pf + 5pf brt brn .20 .20
B22 SP7 12pf + 3pf brt vio 1.60 .45 B72 SP12 10pf + 5pf bl grn .20 .20
B23 SP7 24pf + 6pf henna brn 1.50 .60 B73 SP12 15pf + 5pf brt lilac 1.00 2.10
B24 SP7 30pf + 10pf dp grn 1.75 .75 Ernst Thälmann Bugler, Flag and
B25 SP7 50pf + 10pf vio bl 2.25 1.50 SP12 Camp
Nos. B22-B25 (4) 7.10 3.30 SP13
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
B74 SP12 20pf + 10pf dp rose .20 .20 1962, July 17 Wmk. 313 Perf. 14 Type of 1963 Perf. 13x13 /2 1
B75 SP12 25pf + 10pf brt bl .20 .20 B90 SP20 10pf + 5pf multi .30 .20 1964, Sept. 23 Litho. Wmk. 313
Nos. B71-B75 (5) 1.80 2.90 Portraits: 5pf+5pf, Hermann Tops, gymnas-
B91 SP20 15pf + 5pf multi .30 .20 tics instructor. 10pf+5pf, Käte Tucholla, field B124 A238 10pf + 5pf org & emer .25 .20
Surtax for the erection of natl. memorials. a. Pair, #B90-B91 1.10 1.00
hockey players. 15pf+5pf, Rudolph Seiffert, B125 A238 20pf + 10pf brt pink &
Issued to publicize the 8th Youth Festival for long-distance swimmers. 20pf+10pf, Ernst bl .30 .25
Peace and Friendship, Helsinki, July 28-Aug. Grube, sportsmen demonstrating for peace.
6, 1962. 40pf+20pf, Kurt Biedermann, kayak in rapids. Boxing Type of Regular Issue
No. B91a forms the festival emblem.
Engraved and Photogravure 10pf+5pf, Two boxing gloves and laurel.
Type of Regular Issue, 1962 1963, Sept. 24 Wmk. 313 Perf. 14
Pioneers B106 SP23 5pf + 5pf yel & blk .20 .20
Perf. 13 1/2x14
Playing Design: 20pf+10pf, Springboard diving. B107 SP23 10pf + 5pf grn & blk .20 .20 1965, Apr. 27 Photo. Wmk. 313
Volleyball B108 SP23 15pf + 5pf lil & blk .20 .20 B126 A247 10pf + 5pf blk, gold,
SP17 1962, Aug. 7 Wmk. 313 Perf. 13 B109 SP23 20pf + 10pf pale pink red & blue .20 .20
B92 A199 20pf + 10pf lil rose & & blk .20 .20 The surtax went to the German Turner and
grnsh bl .20 .20 B110 SP23 40pf + 20pf lt bl & blk 2.10 2.75 Sport Organization.
Designs: 20pf+10pf, Folk dancing. Nos. B106-B110 (5) 2.90 3.55
25pf+10pf, Building model airplanes.
See note after No. B102.
1961, May 25 Perf. 13x12 1/2 Type of Regular Issue, 1965
B76 SP17 10pf + 5pf multi .20 .20 5pf+5pf, George Dimitrov at Leipzig trial &
Type of Regular Issue, 1963 communist newspaper. 10pf+5pf, Anti-fascists
B77 SP17 20pf + 10pf multi .20 .20
B78 SP17 25pf + 10pf multi 3.00 2.40 Design: 20pf+10pf, Ski jumper in mid-air. clandestinely distributing leaflets. 15pf+5pf,
Nos. B76-B78 (3) 3.40 2.80 Fighting in Spanish Civil War. 20pf+10pf,
Perf. 13 1/2x13 Ernst Thalman behind bars & demonstration
Young Pioneers’ meeting, Erfurt. for his release. 25pf+10pf, Founding of Natl.
1963, Dec. 16 Litho. Wmk. 313
Committee for Free Germany & signatures.
René Blieck of B111 A224 20pf + 10pf multi .20 .20
Type of 1957 and Belgium — SP21 Surtax for the Natl. Olympic Committee. Wmk. 313
1965, May 5 Photo. Perf. 14
Flags in Red, Black and Yellow
B127 A248 5pf + 5pf blk, org
Seven & red .20 .20
Cervi B128 A248 10pf + 5pf grn & red .20 .20
Brothers B129 A248 15pf + 5pf lil, red &
Sophie yel .20 .20
and of Italy B130 A248 20pf + 10pf blk &
Hans SP22 red .20 .20
Scholl B131 A248 25pf + 10pf ol grn,
SP18 Portraits: 10pf+5pf, Dr. Alfred Klahr, Austria. Anton yel & blk .20 .20
15pf+5pf, José Diaz, Spain. 20pf+10pf, Julius Saefkow Nos. B127-B131 (5) 1.00 1.00
Portraits: 5pf+5pf, Carlo Schönhaar. Alpari, Hungary. SP25 The surtax went for the maintenance of
10pf+5pf, Herbert Baum. 20pf+10pf, Liselotte national memorials.
Herrmann. 40pf+20pf, Hilde and Hans Coppi. 1962, Oct. 4 Engr. Perf. 14
B93 SP21 5pf + 5pf dk bl gray .20 .20 Designs: 10pf+5pf, Franz Jacob. 15pf+5pf,
B94 SP21 10pf + 5pf green .20 .20 Bernhard Bästlein. 20pf+5pf, Harro Schulze-
Perf. 13 1/2x13, 13x13 1/2 Boysen. 25pf+10pf, Adam Kuckhoff.
B95 SP21 15pf + 5pf brt vio .20 .20 40pf+10pf, Mildred and Arvid Harnack. Nos.
1961, Sept. 7 Litho. Wmk. 313 B96 SP21 20pf + 10pf dl red brn .20 .20
Portraits in Black B97 SP22 70pf + 30pf sepia 1.60 2.50 B112-B114 show group posting anti-Hitler and
Nos. B93-B97 (5) 2.40 3.30 pacifist posters. Nos. B115-B117 show pro-
B79 SP12 5pf + 5pf green .20 .20 duction of anti-fascist pamphlets.
B80 SP12 10pf + 5pf bl grn .20 .20 Issued to commemorate foreign victims of
B81 SP12 20pf + 10pf rose car .20 .20 the Nazis. 1964, Mar. 24 Wmk. 313 Perf. 13
B82 SP18 25pf + 10pf blue .20 .20 Size: 41x32mm
B83 SP18 40pf + 20pf rose brn 1.75 5.00
Nos. B79-B83 (5) 2.55 5.80 B112 SP25 5pf + 5pf .20 .20 Doves, Globe and
B113 SP25 10pf + 5pf .20 .20
Surtax was the support of natl. memorials at B114 SP25 15pf + 5pf .20 .20 Finnish
Buchenwald, Ravensbrück & Sachsenhausen. B115 SP25 20pf + 5pf .25 .20 Flag — SP27
B116 SP25 25pf + 10pf .30 .25
Size: 48 1/2x28mm 1965, July 5 Litho. Perf. 13x13 1/2
B117 SP25 40pf + 10pf 1.10 1.50 B132 SP27 10pf + 5pf vio bl & em-
Nos. B112-B117 (6) 2.25 2.55 er .20 .20
B133 SP27 20pf + 5pf red & vio bl .45 .30
The surtax was for the support of national
memorials for victims of the Nazis. World Peace Congress, Helsinki, July 10-
17. The surtax went to the peace council of
the DDR.
Olympic Types of Regular Issues
Danielle Casanova Designs: 40pf+20pf, Two runners. #B119,
Walter Bohne, Gymnasts Equestrian. #B120, Three runners.
of France — SP19 Runner SP24
SP23 Lithographed and Engraved
Portraits: 10pf+5pf, Julius Fucik, Czechoslo- 1964, July 15 Wmk. 313 Perf. 14
vakia. 20pf+10pf, Johanna Jannetje Schaft, No. 725
Netherlands. 25pf+10pf, Pawel Finder, Portraits: 10pf+5pf, Werner Seelenbinder, B118 A232 40pf + 20pf multi .30 .20 Surcharged
Poland. 40pf+20pf, Soya Anatolyevna Kos- wrestler. 15pf+5pf, Albert Richter, bicyclist. Litho.
modemyanskaya, Russia. 20pf+10pf, Heinz Steyer, soccer player.
25pf+10pf, Kurt Schlosser, mountaineer. Perf. 13
1962, Mar. 22 Engr. Perf. 13 1/2 B119 A233 10pf + 5pf multi 2.25 2.75
Engr. & Photo. B120 A233 10pf + 5pf multi 2.25 2.75
B84 SP19 5pf + 5pf gray .20 .20
B85 SP19 10pf + 5pf green .20 .20 1963, May 27 Wmk. 313 Perf. 14 Nos. B118-B120 (3) 4.80 5.70 Perf. 13 1/2x13
B86 SP19 20pf + 10pf maroon .20 .20 B98 SP23 5pf + 5pf yel & blk .20 .20 See note after No. 714.
B87 SP19 25pf + 10pf deep blue .25 .20 B99 SP23 10pf + 5pf pale yel 1965, Aug. 23 Wmk. 313
B88 SP19 40pf + 20pf sepia 1.50 2.25 grn & blk .20 .20 B134 A239 10pf + 10pf multi .35 .20
Nos. B84-B88 (5) 2.35 3.05 B100 SP23 15pf + 5pf rose lil & Surtax was for North Viet Nam.
blk .20 .20
Issued in memory of foreign victims of the B101 SP23 20pf + 10pf pink &
Nazis. blk .20 .20 Sports Type of Regular Issue
B102 SP23 25pf + 10pf pale bl &
blk 1.75 4.50 Perf. 13 1/2x13
Type of Regular Issue, 1962 Nos. B98-B102 (5) 2.55 5.30 1965, Sept. 15 Litho. Unwmk.
Design: 20pf+10pf, Three cyclists and War- Issued to commemorate sportsmen victims B135 A257 10pf + 5pf Fencer .25 .20
saw Palace of Culture and Science. of the Nazis. Each stamp printed with alternat- B136 A257 10pf + 5pf Pistol
ing label showing sporting events connected shooter .25 .20
Perf. 13x12 /2 1
with each person honored. The surtax went for Pioneers Studying — SP26 International Modern Pentathlon Champion-
1962, Apr. 26 Litho. Wmk. 313 the maintenance of national memorials. See ships, Leipzig.
B89 A192 20pf + 10pf ver, bl, blk & Nos. B106-B110. Designs: 20pf+10pf, Pioneers planting tree.
yel .20 .20 25pf+10pf, Pioneers playing.
Type of Regular Issue
1963, June 13 Litho. Perf. 12 /2x13
1964, July 29 Designs: 10pf+5pf, Willi Bredel and instruc-
Designs: 20pf+10pf, Women gymnasts. B121 SP26 10pf + 5pf multi .75 .20 tion of International Brigade. 20pf+10pf,
25pf+10pf, Relay race. B122 SP26 20pf + 10pf multi .75 .20 Heinrich Rau and parade after battle of
B123 SP26 25pf + 10pf multi 2.75 1.60 Brunete. 25pf+10pf, Hans Marchwitza, inter-
B103 SP24 10pf + 5pf blk, yel Nos. B121-B123 (3) 4.25 2.00 national fighters and globe. 40pf+10pf, Artur
grn & lem .20 .20 Becker and battle on the Ebro.
B104 SP24 20pf + 10pf blk, red Fifth Young Pioneers Meeting, Karl-Marx-
& vio .25 .20 Stadt.
Folk B105 SP24 25pf + 10pf blk, bl, & 1966, July 15 Photo. Perf. 14
Dance — SP20 gray 3.00 3.00 B137 A277 10pf + 5pf multi .25 .20
Nos. B103-B105 (3) 3.45 3.40 Stamp Exhibition Type of 1964 B138 A277 20pf + 10pf multi .25 .20
Designs: 10pf+5pf, Stamp of 1958 (No. B139 A277 25pf + 10pf multi .25 .20
15pf+5pf, Youths of three nations parading. 4th German Gymnastic and Sports Festival, B140 A277 40pf + 10pf multi 1.10 .90
Leipzig. The surtax went to the festival 390). 20pf+10pf, Stamp of 1950 (No. 73).
Nos. B137-B140 (4) 1.85 1.50
The surtax was for the maintenance of
national memorials.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Canoe Type of Regular Issue Photo. & Engr.
Design: 10pf+5pf, Men’s single canoe race. 1969, June 18 Perf. 14
B152 A353 10pf + 5pf multi .20 .20
Perf. 13x12 /2 1 B153 A353 20pf + 5pf multi .20 .20
1966, Aug. 16 Litho. Unwmk. The surtax was for the German Gymnastic
B141 A279 10pf + 5pf multi .25 .20 and Sports League.

Red Cross Type of Regular Issue Luis Corvalan, Red

Design: ICY Red Crescent, Red Cross, and Flag — SP40
Red Lion and Sun emblems, horiz. Mother and Vietnamese Farm
Child — SP35 Woman — SP36
1973, Oct. 11 Perf. 14x13 1/2
1966, Sept. 13 Wmk. 313 Perf. 14 B173 SP39 10pf + 5pf multi .30 .20
B142 A281 20pf + 10pf vio & red .30 .20 Photo. & Engr.
Surtax was for North Viet Nam.
International health cooperation. Surtax for 1971, Sept. 2 Perf. 14
German Red Cross. Otto von Guericke’s Vacuum Test with B161 SP35 10pf + 5pf multi .30 .20
Magdeburg Hemispheres — SP31 Surtax was for North Viet Nam. 1973, Nov. 5 Perf. 13 1/2x14
Sports Type of Regular Issue 25pf+5pf, Salvador Allende, Chilean flag.
1969, Oct. 28 Litho. Perf. 13x12 /21
Design: 20pf+5pf, Weight lifter. B154 SP31 40pf + 10pf multi .95 .45 Type of Regular Issue B174 SP40 10pf + 5pf multi .20 .20
10pf+5pf, Loading & unloading mail at B175 SP40 25pf + 5pf multi .35 .35
Perf. 13 /2x13
1 See note after No. 1146. airport. Solidarity with the people of Chile.
1966, Sept. 22 Litho. Unwmk.
B143 A282 20pf + 5pf ultra & blk .35 .20 Folk Art Type of Regular Issue Photo. & Engr.
Design: 20pf+5pf, Decorative plate. 1971, Oct. 5 Perf. 14
B162 A421 10pf + 5pf multi .20 .20
1969, Nov. 25 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13
B155 A365 20pf + 5pf yel blk & ul- Olympic Games Type of Regular
tra .30 .30 Issue
Sports Type of Regular Issue Olympic Rings and: 10pf+5pf, Figure skat-
Armed Woman ing, pairs. 15pf+5pf, Speed skating.
Planting Design: 20pf+5pf, Children hurdling.
Flower — SP28 1971, Dec. 7 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14
1970, July 1 Photo. Perf. 14x13 1/2 B163 A424 10pf + 5pf bl, car &
B156 A382 20pf + 5pf multi .35 .20
Raised Fist and
blk .20 .20 Star — SP41
1966, Oct. 25 Perf. 13 1/2x13 B164 A424 15pf + 5pf grn, blk &
B144 SP28 20pf + 5pf blk & pink .35 .25 bl .20 .20
Surtax was for North Viet Nam.
1975, Sept. 23 Litho. Perf. 13x13 1/2
1972, Feb. 22 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13 B176 SP41 10pf + 5pf multi .30 .20
B165 SP36 10pf + 5pf multi .30 .20 Surtax was for the Solidarity Committee of
Wartburg Type of Regular Issue Surtax was for North Viet Nam. the German Democratic Republic.
Design: Wartburg, view from the East.

1966, Nov. 23 Perf. 13x13 1/2 Olympic Games Type of Regular

Pioneer Waving Kerchief, and Pioneer Issue
B145 A288 10pf + 5pf slate .20 .20 Activities — SP32
See note after No. 878. Sport and Olympic Rings: 10pf+5pf, Diving.
25pf+10pf, Rowing.
Design: 25pf+5pf, Girl Pioneer holding
kerchief, and Pioneer activities. 1972, May 16 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14
Olympic Type of Regular Issue
1970, July 28 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 B166 A430 10pf + 5pf grnsh bl, Restored Post
Design: 10pf+5pf, Tobogganing. gold & blk .20 .20 Gate, Wurzen,
B157 SP32 10pf + 5pf multi .25 .20 B167 A430 25pf + 10pf multi .20 .20
B158 SP32 25pf + 5pf multi .25 .20 1734 — SP42
1968, Jan. 17 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13 a. Pair, #B157-B158 .95 2.25
B146 A314 10pf + 5pf grnsh bl, vio Interartes Type of Regular Issue
bl & red .20 .20 6th Youth Pioneer Meeting, Cottbus. No. 1975, Oct. 21 Photo. Perf. 14
B158a has continuous design. Designs: 15pf+5pf, Spear carrier, Persia, B177 SP42 10pf + 5pf multi .35 .35
The surtax was for the Olympic Committee 500 B.C. 35pf+5pf, Grape Sellers, by Max
of the German Democratic Republic. Lingner, 1949, horiz. Philatelists’ Day 1975.

1972, Sept. 19 Photo. Perf. 14

B168 A439 15pf + 5pf multi .75 .75 Olympic Games Type of 1975
B169 A439 35pf + 5pf multi .20 .20 Designs: 10pf+5pf, Luge run, Oberhof.
25pf+5pf, Ski jump, Rennsteig at Oberhof.

1975, Dec. 2 Photo. Perf. 14

B178 A518 10pf + 5pf multi .20 .20
B179 A518 25pf + 5pf multi .25 .20
Ho Chi
Minh — SP33 Olympic Games Type of 1976
Designs: 10pf+5pf, Swimming pool, High
Armed Mother Armed 1970, Sept. 2 Perf. 13x13 /2
School for Physical Education, Leipzig.
and Vietnamese B159 SP33 20pf + 5pf rose, blk & 35pf+10pf, Rifle range, Suhl.
Child — SP29 Couple — SP30 red .40 .20
Surtax was for North Viet Nam. 1976, May 18 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14
B180 A529 10pf + 5pf multi .20 .20
1968, May 8 Perf. 13 /2x13
B181 A529 35pf + 10pf multi .25 .20
B147 SP29 10pf + 5pf yel & multi .25 .20
Surtax was for North Viet Nam. Flags and World Young Couple, by
Time Clock Günter Glombitza
SP37 SP38
Festival Type of Regular Issue
1968, June 20 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13 25pf+5pf, Youth group with guitar and dove.
B148 A327 20pf + 5pf multi .30 .20
1973, Feb. 13 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x13
B170 SP37 10pf + 5pf multi .20 .20
Olympic Games Type of Regular B171 SP37 25pf + 5pf multi .25 .25
Issue, 1968 TV Tower, Berlin,
10th World Youth Festival, Berlin.
Designs: 10pf+5pf, Pole vault, vert. and Perforations
20pf+10pf, Soccer, vert. German SP43
Democratic 1973, Oct. 4 Photo. Perf. 13 1/2x14
1968, Sept. 18 Photo. Perf. 14 Republic No. B172 SP38 20pf + 5pf multi .30 .20
460 — SP34 1976, Oct. 19 Litho. Perf. 13
B149 A336 10pf + 5pf multi .20 .20 Philatelists’ Day and for the 3rd National
B150 A336 20pf + 10pf multi .20 .20 B182 SP43 10pf + 5pf org & bl .30 .20
Youth Philatelic Exhibition, Halle.
The surtax was for the Olympic Committee. 1970, Oct. 1 Photo. Perf. 14x13 1/2 Surtax was for Sozphilex 77, Philatelic Exhi-
bition of Socialist Countries, in connection with
B160 SP34 15pf + 5pf multi .20 .30 60th anniversary of October Revolution.
2nd National Youth Philatelic Exhibition,
1969, June 4 Karl-Marx-Stadt, Oct. 4-11.
B151 SP30 10pf + 5pf multi .30 .20 Sports Type of 1977
Surtax was for North Viet Nam. 10pf+5pf, Young milers. 25pf+5pf, Girls
artistic gymnastic performance.
Child, Symbols
Sports Type of Regular Issue, 1969 of 1977, July 19 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
Designs: 10pf+5pf, Gymnastics. 20pf+5pf, Reconstruction B183 A558 10pf + 5pf multi .20 .20
Art Exhibition with sports motifs. SP39 B184 A558 25pf + 5pf multi .20 .20

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Sozphilex Type of 1977 1982-87 Photo. Perf. 14
Souvenir Sheet C8 AP3 5pf lt bl & blk .20 .20
C9 AP3 15pf brt rose lil & blk .20 .30
Design: 50pf+20pf, World Youth Song, by C10 AP3 20pf ocher & blk .25 .20
Lothar Zitzmann, horiz. C11 AP3 25pf ol bis & blk .30 .35
C12 AP3 30pf brt grn & blk .25 .20
1977, Aug. 16 Photo. Perf. 13 C13 AP3 40pf ol grn & blk .30 .20
B185 A559 50pf + 20pf multi 1.25 3.00 C14 AP3 1m blue & blk .90 .45
C15 AP3 3m brown & blk 2.75 1.50
Palestinian C16 AP3 5m dk red & blk 3.75 1.40
Solidarity — SP48 Nos. C8-C16 (9) 8.90 4.80
and Children of Issued: 30, 40pf, 1m, 10/26; 5, 20pf,
Palestinian family, Tree of Life. 10/4/83; 3m, 4/10/84; 5m, 9/10/85; 15, 25pf,
Africa — SP55 10/6/87.
1982, Sept. 21 Litho. Perf. 14
B195 SP48 10pf + 5pf multi .35 .25 1989, Sept. 5 Photo. Perf. 14 1/2x14
B202 SP55 10pf +5pf multi .25 .20
Hand Holding Surtax for the Solidarity Committee. OFFICIAL STAMPS
Torch — SP44
While valid, these Official stamps
1977, Oct. 18 Litho. Perf. 14 were not sold to the public unused.
B186 SP44 10pf + 5pf multi .30 .20 After their period of use, some sets
Nicaraguan were sold abroad by the government
Surtax was for East German Solidarity
Committee. Solidarity stamp sales agency. Used values of
SP49 Official stamps are for canceled-to-
Fountain Type of 1979 order copies. Reprints of type O1
1983, Nov. 8 Litho. Perf. 14x13 1/2 stamps have printed cancellations.
Design: 10pf+5pf, Goose Boy Fountain.
Literacy, home defense. Church,
Municipal Catalogue values for unused
1979, Aug. 7 Photo. Perf. 14 B196 SP49 10pf + 5pf multi .30 .20 stamps in this section, from this
B187 A617 10pf + 5pf multi .45 .35 Arms
SP56 point to the end of the section, are
for Never Hinged items.
1990, Feb. 28 Photo. Perf. 13
B203 SP56 35pf +15pf mul-
ticolored .60 .50
We are the People.

Soldier, Mother and Solidarity — SP50
Child — SP45 Arms of
Republic — O1
1984, Oct. 23 Photo. Perf. 14
1979, Nov. 6 Litho. Perf. 14 B197 SP50 10pf + 5pf Knot .35 .25
B188 SP45 10pf + 5pf red org & blk .35 .25 Perf. 13x12 1/2
Surtax was for Vietnam. 1954 Wmk. 297 Litho.
O1 O1 5pf emerald 13.50 .20
O2 O1 6pf violet 7.50 .20
Olympic Type of 1980 O3 O1 8pf org brown 13.50 .20
O4 O1 10pf lt bl grn 13.50 .20
Ski Jump, sculpture by Gunther Schutz. Intl. Literacy O5 O1 12pf blue 45.00 .20
Year — SP57 O6 O1 15pf dark violet 13.50 .20
1980, Jan. 15 Photo. O7 O1 16pf dark violet 7.50 .20
B189 A627 25pf + 10pf multi .20 .20 Solidarity O8 O1 20pf olive 9.00 .20
SP51 1990, July 24 Photo. Perf. 14 O9 O1 24pf brown red 9.00 .20
1980, Apr. 22 Photo. Perf. 14 B204 SP57 30pf+5pf on 10pf+5pf .90 1.00 O10 O1 25pf sage green 9.00 .20
O11 O1 30pf brown red 6.00 .20
Design: 20pf+5pf, Runners at the Finish, by 1985, May 28 Photo. Not issued without surcharge. O12 O1 40pf red 9.75 .20
Lothar Zitzmann. B198 SP51 10pf + 5pf Globe, O13 O1 48pf rose lilac 5.25 1.10
peace dove .30 .20 O14 O1 50pf rose lilac 4.50 .20
B190 A627 20 + 5pf multi .20 .20 O15 O1 60pf bright blue 4.50 .20
Surtax for the Solidarity Committee.
O16 O1 70pf brown 4.50 .20
Interflug Type of 1980 O17 O1 84pf brown 7.50 3.00
Souvenir Sheet Nos. O1-O17 (17) 183.00 7.10
1980, June 10 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
B191 A636 1m + 10pf Jet, globe 2.10 4.50 Type of 1954 Redrawn
AEROSOZPHILEX 1980 International Air- Catalogue values for unused Arc of compass projects at right except on
post Exhibition, Berlin, Aug. 1-10. stamps in this section, from this No. O22.
point to the end of the section, are
for Never Hinged items. 1954-56 Typo.
Olympic Type of 1980 O18 O1 5pf emer (’54) 3.75 .25
O19 O1 10pf bl grn 2.25 .25
Design: Swimmer, by Willi Sitte, vert. Technical Assistance to Developing O20 O1 12pf dk bl (’54) 2.25 .25
Nations — SP52 Canceled to Order O21 O1 15pf dk vio 2.75 .25
1980, July 8 Photo. Perf. 14 O22 O1 20pf ol, arc at left
B192 A627 20pf + 10pf multi .20 .20
Used values are for CTO’s.
1986, Nov. 4 Photo. (’55) 45.00 .25
a. Arc of compass projects at
22nd Summer Olympic Games, Moscow, B199 SP52 10pf + 5pf multi .30 .25 right (’56) 525.00 .25
July 19-Aug. 3. O23 O1 25pf dark green 2.25 .25
Surtax for the Solidarity Committee.
O24 O1 30pf brown red 4.50 .25
O25 O1 40pf red 4.50 .25
O26 O1 50pf rose lilac 2.25 .25
O27 O1 70pf brown 2.25 .25
Nos. O18-O27 (10) 71.75 2.50
Shaded background of emblem consists of
Solidarity with vertical lines; on Nos. O1-O17 it consists of
South Africans dots.
Opposing Granite paper was used for a 1956 printing
Apartheid Stylized Plane of the 5pf, 10pf, 15pf, 20pf and 40pf. Value for
SP53 AP1 AP2 set unused $300, used 30 cents.
See Nos. O37-O43.
Perf. 13x12 1/2, 13x13 1/2 (AP2)
International Solidarity 1987, June 16 Litho. Perf. 14 1957, Dec. 13 Litho. Wmk. 313
SP46 SP47 B200 SP53 10pf +5pf multi .30 .25 C1 AP1 5pf gray & blk 1.90 .20
1980, Oct. 14 Photo. Perf. 14 C2 AP1 20pf brt car & blk .20 .20
C3 AP1 35pf violet & blk .20 .20
B193 SP46 10pf + 5pf multi .35 .20 C4 AP1 50pf maroon & blk .30 .20
C5 AP2 1m olive & yel 1.00 .20
1981, Oct. 6 Photo. Perf. 14 C6 AP2 3m choc & yel 1.60 .45
B194 SP47 10pf + 5pf multi .30 .20 C7 AP2 5m dk bl & yel 3.75 .70
Nos. C1-C7 (7) 8.95 2.15

1988, Oct. 4 Photo. Perf. 14

B201 SP54 10pf +5pf multi .40 .40
Surtax for the Solidarity Committee. No.
B201 printed se-tenant with label containing a Plane and
Wilhelm Pieck quote. Envelope — AP3
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
1956 Wmk. 297 Perf. 13x12 /2 1
MECKLENBURG-VORPOMMERN 1945, Oct. 21 Typo. Perf. 10 1/2x11 On Thin Transparent Paper
O28 O2 5pf black .25 .20 12NB1 OSP1 6 +14pf Wmk. 397
O29 O2 10pf black .25 .20 green 10.00 45.00
O30 O2 20pf black .30 .20 12NB2 OSP1 8 +22pf pur- Perf. 13x13 1/2
O31 O2 40pf black .40 .20 ple 10.00 45.00 13N15 OS2 6pf green .20 1.40
O32 O2 70pf black .45 .20 12NB3 OSP1 12 +28pf red 10.00 45.00 13N16 OS2 12pf red .20 1.40
Nos. O28-O32 (5) 1.65 1.00 Nos. 12NB1-12NB3 (3) 30.00 135.00 Nos. 13N13-13N16 (4) 5.60
Set, never hinged 67.50 Set, never hinged 1.00
1956 Litho. Wmk. 297 Issued: #13N13-13N14, 12/17/45; others
O33 O3 10pf lilac & black .90 .75
OS1 2/21/46.
O34 O3 20pf lilac & black 140.00 1.10
O35 O3 40pf lilac & black 1.50 .75
O36 O3 70pf lilac & black 2.25 2.50
Nos. O33-O36 (4) 144.65 5.10
Nos. O33-O36 exist also with black or violet STAMPS
overprint of 4-digit control number.
See Nos. O44-O45,
No. O34 was reprinted with watermark side- Plowman — OS2
ways (“DDR” vertical). Value $4.
Design: 12pf, Wheat. Sower Child Welfare
Redrawn Type of 1954-56 OSP2 OSP3
1945-46 Typo. Perf. 10 1/2
Perf. 13x12 1/2, 14 12N1 OS1 6pf black, 6pf+14pf, Horsedrawn Plow. 12pf+28pf,
1957-60 Typo. Wmk. 313 green .20 1.50 Reaper.
Granite Paper 12N2 OS1 6pf purple 1.10 3.00
12N3 OS1 6pf purple, 1945
O37 O1 5pf emerald .25 .25 green 1.10 3.00 Reconstruction
O38 O1 10pf blue green .25 .25 12N4 OS2 8pf red, rose .30 2.00 12NB4 OSP2 6 +14pf bl OSP1
O39 O1 15pf dark vio .35 .25 a. 8pf red lilac, rose .75 15.00 grn 2.25 22.50
O40 O1 20pf olive .35 .25 12N5 8pf black, rose
OS2 1.90 8.25 12NB5 OSP2 6 +14pf grn 2.25 22.50
O41 O1 30pf dark red (’58) .75 .25 12N6 OS2
8pf red lilac, 12NB6 OSP2 8 +22pf brn 2.25 22.50 Designs: 6+4pf, Housing construction.
O42 O1 40pf red .55 .25 green .55 4.25 12NB7 OSP2 8 +22pf yel 12+8pf, Bridge repair. 42+28pf, Locomotives.
O42A O1 50pf rose lilac (’60) 1.60 .35 12N7 OS2 8pf black, brn 2.25 22.50
O43 O1 70pf brown (’58) 1.60 .35 green 3.00 12.00 12NB8 OSP2 12 +28pf red 2.25 22.50 1946, Jan. 19 Typo. Perf. 13
Nos. O37-O43 (8) 5.70 2.20 12N8 OS2 8pf brown .45 4.25 12NB9 OSP2 12 +28pf org 2.25 22.50 13NB1 OSP1 6pf +4pf green .20 1.50
Nos. 12NB4-12NB9 (6) 13.50 135.00 a. Imperf. .20 15.00
Nos. O37-O43 were all issued in perf. 12N9 OS2 12pf black, rose .25 1.50
12N10 OS2 12pf brown lilac .30 1.90 Set, never hinged 37.50 13NB2 OSP1 12pf +8pf red .20 1.50
13x12 1/2. Nos. O37-O40 were also issued a. Imperf. .20 15.00
perf. 14. Values are the same. 12N11 OS2 12pf red 1.90 12.00 Issued: #12NB4, 12NB6, 12NB8, Dec. 8; 13NB3 OSP1 42pf +28pf violet .20 1.50
12N12 OS2 12pf red, rose .30 2.40 others Dec. 31. a. Imperf. .20 15.00
Nos. 12N1-12N12 (12) 11.35 56.05 Nos. 13NB1-13NB3 (3) 4.50
Type of 1956 Set, never hinged 26.00 Set, never hinged .70
Many shades. 1945, Dec. 31 Perf. 11 Set, 13NB1a-13NB3a, never hinged 1.40
1957 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2 12NB10 OSP3 6 +14pf
O44 O3 10pf lilac & black .65 1.50 Issued: #12N1, 12N9, 8/28; #12N4, 10/6; Nos. 13NB1a-13NB3a issued Feb. 21.
#12N5, 10/19; #12N7, 11/2; #12N6, 11/3; Child in
O45 O3 20pf lilac & black .65 1.25 #12N10, 11/9; #12N2, 11/16; #12N11, 12/20; hand 2.75 30.00
Nos. O44-O45 have black or violet overprint #12N8, 1/7/46; #12N3, 1/11/46; #12N12, 12NB11 OSP3 8 +22pf Girl
of four-digit control number. 1/30/46. in winter .95 30.00
Stamps similar to type O3 were issued later, 12NB12 OSP3 12 +28pf Boy .95 30.00 WEST SAXONY
with denomination expressed in dashes: one Nos. 12NB10-12NB12 (3) 4.65 90.00
for 10pf, two for 20pf. Set, never hinged 9.75


Buildings — OS3

Designs: 4pf, Deer. 5pf, Fishing boats. 6pf, OS1 Leipzig

Harvesting grain. 8pf, Windmill. 10pf, Two- Fair — OS2
BERLIN-BRANDENBURG horse plow. 12pf, Bricklayer on scaffolding.
15pf, Tractor plowing field. 20pf, Ship, ware-
house. 30pf, Factory. 40pf, Woman spinning. 1945 Typo. Wmk. 48 Perf. 13x12 1/2
14N1 OS1 3pf brown .20 1.90
1946 Typo. Imperf. 14N2 OS1 4pf slate .20 3.75
12N13 OS3 3pf brown 1.10 35.00 14N3 OS1 5pf green .20 1.90
a. Imperf. .20 1.90
12N14 OS3 4pf blue 13.50 52.50 Coat of Land Never hinged .25
12N15 OS3 4pf red brown 1.10 35.00 Arms — OS1 Reform — OS2 14N4 OS1 6pf violet .20 1.90
12N16 OS3 5pf green 1.10 35.00 a. Imperf. .20 1.90
12N17 OS3 8pf orange 1.10 35.00 Never hinged .25
Berlin Bear — OS1 12N18 OS3 10pf brown .90 35.00 Perf. 13x12 1/2 14N5 OS1 8pf orange .20 3.75
1945-46 Typo. Wmk. 48 a. Imperf. .20 1.90
Perf. 10 1/2 Never hinged .25
1945 Litho. Perf. 14 12N19 OS3 6pf purple .75 6.00 13N1 OS1 1pf slate .20 1.50 14N6 OS1 10pf gray .20 3.75
a. Imperf. .20 4.50
11N1 OS1 5pf shown .20 .35 12N20 OS3 6pf blue 3.75 18.00 Never hinged .60 14N7 OS1 12pf red .20 1.50
11N2 OS1 6pf Bear holding 12N21 OS3 12pf red .60 3.00 a. Imperf. .20 1.90
13N2 OS1 3pf yellow brown .20 1.50 Never hinged .25
spade .20 .35 12N22 OS3 15pf brown .60 5.75 a. Imperf. .20 3.00
11N3 OS1 8pf Bear on shield .20 .35 12N23 OS3 20pf blue .90 9.75 Never hinged .60 14N8 OS1 15pf red brown .30 4.25
11N4 OS1 10pf Bear holding 12N24 OS3 30pf blue green .75 7.50 13N3 OS1 5pf green .20 1.50 14N9 OS1 20pf blue .20 3.75
brick .20 .35 12N25 OS3 40pf red violet .75 8.25 a. Imperf. .35 7.50 14N10 OS1 30pf olive green .30 1.90
11N5 OS1 12pf Bear carrying Nos. 12N13-12N25 (13) 26.90 285.75 Never hinged 1.00 14N11 OS1 40pf red lilac .30 4.50
board .20 .35 Set, never hinged 52.50 13N4 OS1 6pf purple .20 1.90 14N12 OS1 60pf maroon .30 12.00
a. Imperf. .35 1.90 Nos. 14N1-14N12 (12) 2.80 44.85
11N6 OS1 20pf Bear on small Issued: 3pf, #12N14, 5pf, 6pf, 8pf, 1/17; Never hinged 1.00 Set, never hinged 12.00
shield .20 .35 10pf, 12pf, 40pf, 1/22; 15pf, 1/24; 30pf, 1/26; 13N5 OS1 8pf orange .20 1.50
11N7 OS1 30pf Oak sapling, 20pf, 1/29; #12N15, 2/25. a. Imperf. .20 3.00 Issued: 3-4, 20-30pf, 11/9; 5-8, 12pf, 11/12;
ruins .20 .55 Nos. 12N13-12N21 exist on both white and Never hinged .60 10, 15, 40-60pf, 11/15; imperfs., 9/28.
Nos. 11N1-11N7 (7) 2.65 toned paper. 13N6 OS1 10pf brown .20 1.50
Set, never hinged 1.40 a. Imperf. 2.75 97.50
Never hinged 6.00 1945, Oct. 18
Issued: 5pf, 8pf, 6/9; 12pf, 7/5; others, 7/18. 13N7 OS1 12pf red .20 1.50
a. Imperf. .20 1.90 14N13 OS2 6pf green .20 2.75
MECKLENBURG-VORPOMMERN Never hinged .60 14N14 OS2 12pf red .20 2.75
13N8 OS1 15pf red brown .20 2.25 Set, never hinged 1.00
1945, Dec. 6 Serrate Roulette 13 1/2 SEMI-POSTAL STAMPS
11N1a OS1 5pf .20 .30 13N9 OS1 20pf blue .20 3.00
11N2a OS1 6pf 3.75 90.00 13N10 OS1 24pf orange brown .20 3.00
11N3a OS1 8pf 2.25 90.00 13N11 OS1 30pf olive green .20 3.00
11N4a OS1 10pf 3.75 90.00 13N12 OS1 40pf lake .60 6.75
11N5a OS1 12pf 4.50 125.00
11N6a OS1 20pf 3.00 97.50 Nos. 13N1-13N12 (12) 2.80 28.90
11N7a OS1 30pf 3.75 125.00 Set, never hinged 3.50
Nos. 11N1a-11N7a (7) 21.20 617.80 Issued: #13N1-13N12, 12/1945; #13N1a-
Set, never hinged 65.00 13N5a, 13N7a, 10/10/45; #13N6a, 1/1946.
No. 11N1a comes with two different roulet-
tes. The roulette that matches Nos. 11N2a- Leipzig Arms — OS3
Rudolf 1945-46 Unwmk. Imperf.
11N7a is valued at $2. No. 11N5a in the sec- Breitscheid
ond roulette is rare. 13N13 OS2 6pf green .20 1.40 Designs: 5pf, 6pf, St. Nicholas Church. 8pf,
(1874-1944), 13N14 OS2 12pf red .20 1.40 12pf, Leipzig Town Hall.
OSP1 1946, Feb. 12
14N15 OS3 3pf brown .20 6.00
Designs: 8pf+22pf, Dr. Erich Klausener a. Unwatermarked .20 9.00
(1885-1934), theologian. 12pf+28pf, Ernst 14N16 OS3 4pf slate .20 6.00
a. Unwatermarked .20 9.00
Thalmann (1886-1944), politician.
14N17 OS3 5pf green .20 6.00
a. Unwatermarked .20 9.00
14N18 OS3 6pf violet .20 6.00
a. Unwatermarked .20 9.00

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

14N19 OS3 8pf orange .20 6.00 15N4 OS2 5pf brown .30 1.50 Souvenir Sheet former trusteeship territory of British
a. Unwatermarked .20 9.00 15N5 OS2 6pf green 1.50 6.00
14N20 OS3 12pf red .20 6.00 Togoland.
15N6 OS2 6pf violet .20 .90
a. Unwatermarked .20 9.00 15N7 OS2 8pf dark violet .35 2.00
Nos. 14N15-14N20 (6) 36.00 12 Pence = 1 Shilling
15N8 OS2 10pf dark brown .45 3.00
Set, never hinged 1.40
15N9 OS2 10pf gray .30 2.00 20 Shillings = 1 Pound
Set, 14NB15a-14NB20a, never
hinged 1.50 15N10 OS2 12pf red .30 1.10 100 Pesewas = 1 Cedi (1965, 1972)
15N11 OS2 15pf lemon .45 2.40
Nos. 14N15a-14N20a issued Mar. 15. 15N12 OS2 20pf blue .20 1.90 100 New Pesewas = 1 New Cedi
a. 20pf gray blue .55 2.40 (1967)
Never hinged 1.10
15N13 OS2 25pf blue .45 2.75
15N14 OS2 30pf yellow .20 1.90 Used Values in Italics
WEST SAXONY SEMI-POSTAL 15N15 OS2 40pf lilac .45 2.75 In 1961 the government canceled all
STAMPS Typo. remainder stocks, using cancellations
which closely resemble genuine post-
Perf. 13x12 1/2 marks. Catalogue values in italics (in
15N16 OS2 3pf brown .20 1.40 Ghana) are for canceled-to-order
15N17 OS2 5pf green .20 1.40 stamps. Postally used copies are worth
15N18 OS2 6pf violet .20 1.40
15N19 OS2 8pf orange .20 1.40 more.
15N20 OS2 12pf vermilion .20 1.40 Rebuilding of German Natl. Theater,
Nos. 15N2-15N20 (19) 6.65 39.10
Set, never hinged 15.00 Weimar — OS2 Catalogue values for all unused
Issued: 12pf, 6/28; #15N5, 6/30; 8pf, stamps in this country are for
#15N8, 7/3; 25pf, 7/5; 5pf, 6/6; 40pf, 7/7; 15pf, a, 6pf, Schiller. b, 10pf, Goethe. c, 12pf, Never Hinged items.
7/10; #15N12a, 7/26; #15N9, 15N12, 15N17- Liszt. d, 16pf, Wieland. e, 40pf, Natl. Theater.
15N20, 11/3; #15N3, 30pf, 11/5; 3pf, 12/5;
OSP1 Market, Old #15N15, 12/21; #15N6, 1/22/46. 1946, Mar. 27 Wmk. 48 Imperf.
16N9 OS2 Sheet of 5, #a.-
Town e. 15.00 60.00 Watermark
Hall — OSP2 f. Sheet, unwatermarked,
roulettted 26.00 150.00
EAST SAXONY SEMI-POSTAL Never hinged 50.00
1946 Typo. Wmk. 48 Perf. 13x12 1/2
14NB1 OSP1 3 +2pf yel STAMPS No. 16N9 was issued without gum. Sold for
brn .20 2.10 7.50 marks.
14NB2 OSP1 4 +3pf slate .20 2.10
14NB3 OSP1 5 +3pf
green .20 2.10
14NB4 OSP1 6 +4pf violet .20 2.10 THURINGIA SEMI-POSTAL STAMPS
14NB5 OSP1 8 +4pf or-
ange .20 2.10
14NB6 OSP1 10 +5pf gray .20 2.10
14NB7 OSP1 12 +6pf red .20 2.10
14NB8 OSP1 15 +10pf red
brn .20 2.10
14NB9 OSP1 20 +10pf Zwinger,
blue .20 2.10 Dresden — OSP1
14NB10 OSP1 30 +20pf ol-
ive grn .20 2.10 Bridge Wmk. 325- Stars and G Multiple
Design: 12pf+88pf, Rathaus, Dresden.
14NB11 OSP1 40 +30pf red Reconstruction
lilac .20 2.10 1946, Feb. 6 Photo. Perf. 11 OSP1
14NB12 OSP1 60 +40pf
lake .20 3.00 15NB1 OSP1 6pf +44pf
Nos. 14NB1-14NB12 (12) 2.40 26.10 green .20 4.50 Designs: 10pf+60pf, Saalburg Bridge.
Set, never hinged 4.50 15NB2 OSP1 12pf +88pf red .20 4.50 12pf+68pf, Camsdorf Bridge, Jena. 16pf+74pf,
Set, never hinged .70
Issue dates: Nos. 14NB1, 14NB4, 14NB7, Goschwitz Bridge. 24pf+76pf, Ilm Bridge, Kwame
14NB11, Jan. 7; others, Jan. 28. Mellingen. Nkrumah,
Map and
1946, Mar. 30 Typo. Imperf. Palm-nut
1946, May 8 Perf. 13 THURINGIA 16NB1 OSP1 10 +60pf red
brn .20 7.50 Vulture — A1
14NB13 OSP2 6 +14pf
violet .20 2.25 16NB2 OSP1 12 +68pf red .20 7.50
a. Imperf. .35 5.75 16NB3 OSP1 16 +74pf dark Perf. 14x14 1/2
b. Unwatermarked .35 3.75 grn .20 7.50 1957, Mar. 6 Wmk. 4 Photo.
14NB14 OSP2 12 +18pf 16NB4 OSP1 24 +76pf
bl brown .20 7.50 1 A1 2p rose red .20 .20
gray .20 3.00 a. Souv. sheet of 4, 2 A1 2 1/2p green .20 .20
a. Imperf. .35 5.75 #16NB1-16NB4 150.00 1,200. 3 A1 4p brown .20 .20
b. Unwatermarked .25 5.25 Never hinged 275.00 4 A1 1sh3p dark blue .20 .20
14NB15 OSP2 24 +26pf Nos. 16NB1-16NB4 (4) 30.00 Nos. 1-4 (4) .80 .80
org Set, never hinged 1.10
Independence, Mar. 6, 1957.
brn .20 2.25 Fir Trees — OS1 For overprints see Nos. 28-31.
a. Imperf. .35 5.75
b. Unwatermarked .25 2.25
14NB16 OSP2 84 +66pf Designs: 6pf, 8pf, Posthorn. 12pf, Schiller. GHANA
green .20 2.40 20pf, 30pf, Goethe.
a. Imperf. .35 8.25
c. Sheet of 4, 1945-46 Typo. Perf. 11 a-nə Stamps of Gold
14NB16a 75.00 240.00 16N1 OS1 3pf brown .20 3.00 Coast, 1952-
Never hinged 150.00 16N2 OS1 4pf black .20 3.00 54, Overprinted
Nos. 14NB13-14NB16 (4) .80 9.90 16N3 OS1 5pf green .20 2.25 LOCATION — West Africa between
Set, never hinged 1.50 a. Souvenir sheet of 3, Benin and Ivory Coast in Black or Red
Set, 14NB13a-14NB16a, never #16N1-16N3 150.00 750.00
hinged 3.50 Never hinged 275.00 GOVT. — Republic
Set, 14NB13b-14NB16b, never 16N4 OS1 6pf dark green .20 1.50 AREA — 92,010 sq. mi.
hinged 2.10 16N5 OS1 8pf orange .20 2.10 POP. — 18,101,000 (1997 est.) Perf. 11 1/2x12, 12x11 1/2
Issue date: Imperf., May 20. 16N6 OS1 12pf red .20 1.90
16N7 OS1 20pf blue .20 2.25 CAPITAL — Accra 1957, Mar. 6 Engr.
a. Imperf. .20 3.00 5 A14 1
/2p yel brown & car .20 .20
Never hinged .35 Ghana is the former British colony of 6 A14 1p deep blue (R) .20 .20
b. Souv. sheet of 4, Gold Coast, which achieved indepen- 7 1
A14 1 /2p green .20 .20
#16N2, 16N4, 16N6-
EAST SAXONY 16N7, rouletted x im- dence March 6, 1957. It includes the 8 A14 3p rose .35 .20
perf. btwn. 575.00 2,250. 9 A15 6p org & black (R) .20 .20
Never hinged 1,150. 10 A14 1sh red org & black .20 .20
16N8 OS1 30pf gray .55 3.00 11 A14 2sh rose car & ol brn .50 .20
a. Imperf. 1.50 11.50 12 A14 5sh gray & red vio .75 .25
Never hinged 3.00 13 A15 10sh olive grn & black .90 .50
Nos. 16N1-16N8 (8) 1.95 19.00 Nos. 5-13 (9) 3.50 2.15
Set, never hinged 3.50
#16N3a sold for 2m, #16N7b for 10m. Nos. 5-6 exist in vertical coils.
Issued: 6pf, 10/1; 12pf, 10/19; 5pf, 10/20; See Nos. 25-27.
8pf, 11/3; 20pf, 11/24; #16N3a, 16N7b, 12/18;
30pf, 12/22; 3pf, 4pf, 1/4/46.


1945, June 23 Photo. Imperf.

15N1 OS1 12pf red 190.00 575.00 Viking
Never hinged 375.00
Ship and
Withdrawn on day of issue. Angelfish
Litho. (3pf, #15N9), Photo.
1945-46 1sh3p, Medieval galleon and swordfish. 5sh,
Modern cargo ship and flyingfish.
15N2 OS2 3pf sepia .30 2.00
15N3 OS2 4pf blue gray .20 1.90
a. 4pf gray .20 .90

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Perf. 12x11 /2 1 2 1/2p, Talking drums and elephant horn- 53 A16a 3p multi (God’s
1957, Dec. 27 Engr. Unwmk. blower. 2sh, Map of Africa, flag and palm tree. Omnipotence) .20 .20
54 A16 4p multicolored .20 .20
14 A2 2 /2p emerald .20 .20 Perf. 14 1/2x14, 14x14 1/2 55 A17 6p multicolored .20 .20
15 A2 1sh3p dark blue .35 .35 a. Booklet pane of 4 .90
16 A2 5sh red lilac 1.25 1.25 1959, Mar. 6 Photo. Wmk. 325 56 A15 11p multicolored .30 .20
Nos. 14-16 (3) 1.80 1.80 42 A11 /2p multicolored .20 .20 57 A15 1sh multicolored .25 .20
43 A11 2 1/2p multicolored .20 .20 58 A17 2sh6p multicolored .60 .30
Black Star Line inauguration. 44 A12 1sh3p multicolored .20 .20 59 A15 5sh multicolored 1.25 .60
45 A11 2sh multicolored .30 .25
Palm-nut Vulture Nos. 42-45 (4) .90 .85 Size: 45x26mm
over Globe — A7 Independence, 2nd anniversary. 60 A16 10sh multicolored 2.40 1.50
Nos. 48-60,C1-C2 (15) 7.35 5.05
Nos. 48 and 53 inscribed “God’s Omnipo-
tence.” Nos. 95-96 inscribed “Gye Nyame.”
For surcharges see Nos. 216-217, 219-225,

Hotel — A3

“Britannia” Plane — A8

Designs: 2sh, Stratocruiser and albatross. Flags of Independent States of Africa

2sh6p, Palm-nut vulture and jet plane, horiz. and Globe — A13 Map and
1958, July 15 Perf. 14x14 1/2, 14 1/2x14 1959, Apr. 15 Perf. 14 /2x14
1 Cup — A18
32 A7 2 1/2p multicolored .20 .20 46 A13 2 1/2p multicolored .20 .20
33 A8 1sh3p multicolored .25 .25 47 A13 8 1/2p multicolored .20 .20
34 A8 2sh multicolored .35 .35 1p, Soccer players, vert. 3p, Flags and goal-
Coat of 35 A7 2sh6p olive bister & blk .75 .75 Africa Freedom Day, Apr. 15. keeper in stadium. 8p, Soccer player at goal.
Arms — A4 Nos. 32-35 (4) 1.55 1.55 2sh6p, Kwame Nkrumah Gold Cup, vert.
Inauguration of Ghana Airways. 1959, Oct. 15 Perf. 14 1/2x14, 14x14 1/2
Design: 2 1/2p, Opening of Parliament.
1sh3p, National monument. 61 A18 1
/2p multicolored .20 .20
62 A18 1p multicolored .20 .20
Perf. 14x14 1/2, 14 1/2x14 63 A18 3p multicolored .20 .20
64 A18 8p multicolored .20 .20
1958, Mar. 6 Photo. Wmk. 4 Kente Cloth 65 A18 2sh6p multicolored .25 .30
Flags in Original Colors and “God’s Nos. 61-65 (5) 1.05 1.10
17 A3 1
/2p car rose & black .20 .20 Omnipotence” West African Soccer Competitions.
18 A3 2 1/2p org yel, red & blk .20 .20 Symbol — A13a
19 A3 1sh3p blue & black .20 .20
20 A4 2sh multicolored .20 .20
Nos. 17-20 (4) .80 .80
First anniversary of Independence.

Perf. 14x14 1/2 Philip
1958, Oct. 24 Wmk. 4 Litho. A19
36 A9 2 1/2p multicolored .20 .20
37 A9 1sh3p multicolored .20 .20
38 A9 2sh6p multicolored .20 .20 Perf. 14 1/2x14
Map of Nos. 36-38 (3) .60 .60 1959, Nov. 24 Photo. Wmk. 325
Africa — A5 Nkrumah Shell 66 A19 3p brt pink & black .25 .25
United Nations Day, Oct. 24. Statue, Ginger — A15
Accra — A14 Visit of Prince Philip.

Map and
Torch — A6 Cacao Talking
A16 Drums
1958, Apr. 15 Perf. 13 1/2x14 1/2 A20
21 A5 2 1/2p multicolored .20 .20
22 A5 3p multicolored .20 .20 A10 Designs: 6p, 1sh3p, Ghana flag and UN
23 A6 1sh multicolored .20 .20 emblem, vert. 2sh6p, Pile of Ceremonial
24 A6 2sh6p multicolored .20 .20 Perf. 14x14 /2 1 Stools and “UNTC,” vert.
Nos. 21-24 (4) .80 .80
1959, Feb. 12 Photo. Wmk. 325 1959, Dec. 10 Perf. 14 1/2x14, 14x14 1/2
1st conf. of Independent African States,
Accra, Apr. 15-22. Lincoln Memorial and Kwame Nkrumah. Flag in Original Colors
39 A10 2 1/2p dp plum & brt pink .20 .20 67 A20 3p violet & org yel .20 .20
40 A10 1sh3p dp blue & lt bl .20 .20 68 A20 6p Prus green & blk .20 .20
Gold Coast Nos. 151-152 and 154 41 A10 2sh6p ol gray & org yel .20 .20 69 A20 1sh3p grnsh bl, blk & vio .20 .20
Overprinted Like Nos. 5-13 a. Souv. sheet of 3, #39-41, imperf. .80 .80 “God’s Omnipotence” Symbol — A16a 70 A20 2sh6p dark blue & black .25 .20
Perf. 11 1/2x12, 12x11 1/2 Nos. 39-41 (3) .60 .60 Nos. 67-70 (4) .85 .80
1958, May 26 Engr. Wmk. 4 Lincoln’s birth sesquicentennial. United Nations Trusteeship Council.
25 A15 2p chocolate .35 .35
26 A15 2 1/2p red 1.00 1.40
27 A14 4p deep blue 4.00 5.00
Nos. 25-27 (3) 5.35 6.75
Nos. 25-27 were prepared in 1957 and
some were sold without authorization. The set
was officially released in 1958. Kente
Cloth with
Traditional Blackwinged Red Bishop — A17
Nos. 1-4 Overprinted: “Prime Symbols
Minister’s Visit U. S. A. and Canada” A11 1 1/2p, Ghana timber. 2p, Volta river. 4p, Dia-
1958, July 18 Photo. Perf. 14x14 1/2 mond and mine. 11p, Golden spider lily.
28 A1 2p rose red .20 .20 2sh6p, Great blue turaco. 5sh, Tiger orchid. Three Flying
29 A1 2 1/2p green .20 .20 10sh, Jewelfish (tropical African cichlid). Eagles — A21
30 A1 4p brown .20 .20
31 A1 1sh3p dark blue .20 .20 Perf. 11 /2x12, 12x11 /2, 14x14 /2,
1 1 1
Nos. 28-31 (4) .80 .80 14 1/2x14 Designs: 3p, Three clusters of fireworks.
1sh3p, Ghana flag forming “3” and dove. 2sh,
Prime Minister Kwame Nkrumah’s visit to 1959, Oct. 5 Photo. Wmk. 325 Ghana flag forming triple sail of symbolic ship.
the US and Canada, July, 1958. Size: 30 1/2x21mm, 21x30 1/2mm
48 A13a /2p multi (God’s

Omnipotence) .20 .20

49 A14 1p multicolored .20 .20
Symbol of 1
Size: 26 /2x37mm, 37x26 /2mm 1
Greeting — A12 50 A15 1 1/2p multicolored .20 .20
51 A16 2p multicolored .20 .20
52 A16 2 1/2p multicolored .20 .20

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Perf. 13 /2x14 /2 1 1
Perf. 14x13
1960, Mar. 6 Wmk. 325 1962, Feb. 10 Litho. Unwmk.
71 A21 /2p multicolored .20 .20 110 A34 3p multicolored .20 .20
72 A21 3p multicolored .20 .20 Nos. 110,C3-C4 (3) 1.25 1.25
73 A21 1sh3p multicolored .25 .20 Opening of Tema Harbor, as part of Volta
74 A21 2sh multicolored .25 .20 River Project.
Nos. 71-74 (4) .90 .80
Independence, 3rd anniversary.

UN Emblem and
Ghana Dove with Olive
Flag — A26 Branch — A30
Designs: 3p, Flag and Kwame Nkrumah,
Flags horiz. 6p, Star and Nkrumah.
“A” and 1960, Sept. 21 Photo.
Map 86 A25 3p multicolored .20 .20
A22 87 A25 6p multicolored .20 .20 World Map, Dove Flying over
88 A25 1sh3p multicolored .20 .20 Chain and Map of
Nos. 86-88 (3) .60 .60 Olive Africa — A35
Designs: 6p, Letter “F.” 1sh, “D.” Branch
Founder’s Day, Sept. 21, birthday of Dr.
1960, Apr. 15 Photo. Wmk. 325 Kwame Nkrumah. A31 1962, Mar. 6 Perf. 13x14
Flags in Original Colors 111 A35 3p multicolored .20 .20
Designs: 1sh3p, Symbolic flower and star. Nos. 111,C5-C6 (3) 1.25 1.25
75 A22 3p green, red & black .20 .20 1960, Dec. 10 Perf. 14x14 1/2 2sh, Star and 3 Ghana flags.
76 A22 6p rose & black .20 .20 Conference of African heads of state at
77 A22 1sh blue, black & red .20 .20 6p, Flame & emblem. 1sh3p, UN Emblem. Casablanca, 1st anniv.
Nos. 75-77 (3) .60 .60
1961, July 1 Perf. 14x14 1/2
89 A26 3p multicolored .20 .20 98 A29 3p multicolored .20 .20
Africa Freedom Day, Apr. 15. 90 A26 6p multicolored .20 .20 99 A29 1sh3p multicolored .20 .20
91 A26 1sh3p multicolored .20 .20 100 A29 2sh multicolored .25 .20
Nos. 89-91 (3) .60 .60 Nos. 98-100 (3) .65 .60
Human Rights Day, Dec. 10, 1960. First anniversary of the Republic.

1961, Sept. 1 Perf. 14x14 1/2, 14 1/2x14

Design: 5sh, Rostrum and olive branch.
101 A30 3p green .20 .20
102 A31 1sh3p dark blue .25 .20 “Freedom”
103 A31 5sh rose carmine .25 .25
Nos. 101-103 (3) .70 .65 Illuminating
Africa — A36
Conference of Non-aligned Nations, Bel-
President Kwame grade, Sept. 1961.
Nkrumah — A23
Talking Drums
and Map — A27

Designs: 6p, Map of Africa showing 25 inde-

pendent states. 2sh, Map of Africa and flags of
independent nations in 1958, horiz.
Perf. 14x14 1/2, 14 1/2x14 Nkrumah
1961, Apr. 15 Wmk. 325 and Globe “Five Continents
Olympic Rings 92 A27 3p multicolored .20 .20 A32 at Peace” — A37
and Hand Holding 93 A27 6p multicolored .20 .20
Torch — A24 94 A27 2sh multicolored .25 .25 Designs: 1sh3p, Kente cloth and Nkrumah, Perf. 14x14 1/2
Nos. 92-94 (3) .65 .65 vert. 5sh, Kwame Nkrumah, vert. 1962, Apr. 15 Photo. Wmk. 325
Designs: 1sh3p, Flag and star. 2sh, Hand Africa Freedom Day, Apr. 15, 1961. 112 A36 3p multicolored .20 .20
holding torch. 10sh, Coat of Arms and flag of
Perf. 14 1/2x14, 14x14 1/2 113 A36 6p multicolored .20 .20
Ghana, horiz. Types of 1959 Redrawn and 1961, Sept. 21 Wmk. 325 114 A36 1sh3p multicolored .20 .20
104 A32 3p multicolored .20 .20 Nos. 112-114 (3) .60 .60
Perf. 14x14 1/2, 14 1/2x14 a. Souvenir sheet of 4, imperf. .50 .50
Africa Freedom Day, Apr. 15.
105 A32 1sh3p multicolored .25 .25
1960, July 1 Litho. a. Souvenir sheet of 4, imperf. 1.00 1.00
78 A23 3p multicolored .20 .20 106 A32 5sh multicolored .50 .50
79 A23 1sh3p multicolored .25 .25 a. Souvenir sheet of 4, imperf. 4.00 4.00 1962, June 21 Wmk. 325
80 A23 2sh multicolored .35 .35 Nos. 104-106 (3) .95 .95
81 A23 10sh multicolored .75 .75 Designs: 6p, Atom bomb blast in shape of
a. Souv. sheet of 4, #78-81, imperf. .50 .50 Founder’s Day. skull. 1sh3p, Peace dove and globe.
Nos. 78-81 (4) 1.55 1.55 The souvenir sheets contain four imperf.
stamps each with simulated perforations. 115 A37 3p deep rose &
Declaration of the Republic, July 1, 1960. black .20 .20
116 A37 6p black & dk red .20 .20
Red-fronted Gazelle — A28 117 A37 1sh3p greenish blue .40 .30
1960, Aug. 15 Photo. Wmk. 325 Nos. 115-117 (3) .80 .70
Design: 1sh3p, 2sh6p, Runner, Map of Perf. 11 1/2x12, 14 1/2x14 Accra Assembly of Africans for a “World
Africa and Olympic Rings, horiz. 1961, Apr. 29 Photo. Wmk. 325 Without Bomb,” June 21-28.
82 A24 3p multicolored .20 .20 95 A13a 1/2p “Gye Nyame” .25 .20
83 A24 6p multicolored .20 .20 96 A16a 3p “Gye Nyame” .25 .20
a. Booklet pane of 4 1.00 Elizabeth II
84 A24 1sh3p multicolored .20 .20
85 A24 2sh6p multicolored .35 .25 Perf. 14x14 1/2 and Map of
Nos. 82-85 (4) .95 .85 97 A28 £1 multicolored 6.00 4.00 Africa
Nos. 95-97 (3) 6.50 4.40 A33
17th Olympic Games, Rome, Aug. 25-Sept.
11. Nos. 95-96 are the same sizes as Nos. 48
and 53 which are inscribed “God’s 1961, Nov. 10 Perf. 14 1/2x14
Omnipotence.” Gold Inscriptions: Design in Black, Patrice
For surcharges see Nos. 218, 226, 284. Red, Yellow & Green Lumumba
107 A33 3p claret .20 .20
108 A33 1sh3p Prussian blue .25 .20
109 A33 5sh violet blue 1.10 .90 1962, June 30 Perf. 14 1/2x14
a. Souvenir sheet of 4 4.00 4.00 118 A38 3p black & orange .20 .20
Nos. 107-109 (3) 1.55 1.30 119 A38 6p mar, grn & blk .20 .20
Visit of Queen Elizabeth II to Ghana, Nov. 120 A38 1sh3p dk grn, pink & blk .20 .20
10-22. Nos. 118-120 (3) .60 .60
No. 109a contains four imperf. copies of No. 1st anniv. (on Feb. 12) of the death of
109 with simulated perforations. Patrice Lumumba, premier of Congo.
Map and
Arch — A25
Column, Eagle
and Star — A29

Map of
and Ships
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Harvest on
State Farm

Designs: 6p, Oil refinery, Tema. 1sh3p,

Map of Africa in Ramses II at Abu Communal labor. 5sh, Ghana flag and people.
Arch and Simbel — A47
Star — A39 Sun — A43
1964, July 1 Perf. 13x14
Designs: 1 1/2p, Rock painting, bird and fish, 167 A51 3p multicolored .20 .20
Designs: 6p, Torch in flag colors and globe. horiz. 2p, Queen Nefertari, horiz. 4p, Sphinx of 168 A51 6p multicolored .20 .20
1sh3p, Palm-nut vulture trailing flag, horiz. Wadi es-Sebua. 1sh3p, Statues of Ramses II 169 A51 1sh3p multicolored .20 .20
at Abu Simbel, horiz. 170 A51 5sh multicolored .30 .30
Perf. 13x13 1/2, 13 1/2x13 a. Souvenir sheet of 4 .80 .80
Nos. 167-170 (4) .90 .90
1962, July 1 Unwmk. 1963, Nov. 1 Unwmk. Perf. 11 1/2x11
121 A39 3p multicolored .20 .20 151A47 1p multicolored .20 .20 4th anniv. of the Republic. No. 170a con-
122 A39 6p multicolored .20 .20 152A47 1 1/2p multicolored .20 .20 tains four stamps similar to Nos. 167-170 with
123 A39 1sh3p multicolored .25 .25 153A47 2p multicolored .20 .20 simulated perforations.
Nos. 121-123 (3) .65 .65 154A47 4p multicolored .50 .20
Second anniversary of the republic. Cross, Flag and 155A47 1sh3p multicolored 1.50 1.00
Centenary Nos. 151-155 (5) 2.60 1.80
Emblem — A44 UNESCO world campaign to save historic
monuments in Nubia.
Designs: 4p, Symbolic wood carving, horiz. Dove,
1sh3p, Map of Africa and ceremonial fire. Globe,
2sh6p, Gazelle and flag. Olive
1963, Apr. 15 Photo. Branch and
135 A43 1p crimson & gold .20 .20 Flag — A52
136 A43 4p orange, blk & red .20 .20
137 A43 1sh3p multicolored .20 .20 Steam and Designs: 6p, Map of Africa and quill pen,
138 A43 2sh6p multicolored .25 .20 Diesel vert. 1sh3p, Knotted rope and map of Africa.
Nos. 135-138 (4) .85 .80 5sh, Hands planting symbolic tree, vert.
Kwame Africa Freedom Day, Apr. 15. A48 1964, July 6 Perf. 14
Nkrumah — A40 171 A52 3p multicolored .20 .20
Perf. 14x14 1/2, 14 1/2x14 Perf. 14 1/2x14 172 A52 6p black & red .20 .20
1962, Sept. 21 Litho. Perf. 13x14 1963, May 28 Wmk. 325 1963, Nov. 1 Wmk. 325 173 A52 1sh3p blue & multi .20 .20
174 A52 5sh yel & multi .25 .25
3p, Nkrumah medal. 1sh3p, Nkrumah’s 156 A48 1p multicolored .20 .20 Nos. 171-174 (4) .85 .85
1 1/2p, Centenary emblem, horiz. 4p, Family 157 A48 6p multicolored .75 .20
head & stars. 2sh, Hands with trowel & build- & emblem, horiz. 1sh3p, Emblem & globe.
ing block. 158 A48 1sh3p multicolored 1.25 .50 Signing of the African Unity Charter, 1st
139 A44 1p multicolored .40 .20 159 A48 2sh6p multicolored 1.75 1.75 anniv.
124 A40 1p multicolored .20 .20 140 A44 1 1/2p multicolored .60 .60 Nos. 156-159 (4) 3.95 2.65
125 A40 3p multicolored .20 .20 141 A44 4p multicolored 1.00 .20
126 A40 1sh3p ultra & black .20 .20 The 60th anniversary of Ghana’s railroads.
127 A40 2sh multicolored .25 .25 142 A44 1sh3p multicolored 2.00 1.50
a. Souvenir sheet of 4, imperf. 4.25 4.25
Nos. 124-127 (4) .85 .85 Nos. 139-142 (4) 4.00 2.50
Founder’s Day, Nkrumah’s 53rd birthday. Cent. of the founding of the Intl. Red Cross.
No. 142a contains one each of Nos. 139-
142, with simulated perforation.

Nkrumah and
Eleanor Roosevelt Hibiscus — A53
and Flame — A49
Eradication A45
Emblem — A41
Designs: 4p, Three flags. 1sh3p, Map of
Africa with Ghana, vert. 2sh6p, Torch, vert.
Perf. 14 1/2x14, 14x14 1/2
1963, July 1 Photo. IQSY Emblem
143 A45 1p multicolored .20 .20 and
144 A45 4p multicolored .20 .20 Satellites — A50
145 A45 1sh3p multicolored .20 .20
146 A45 2sh6p multicolored .25 .25 6p, Mrs. Roosevelt & flag. 1sh3p, Mrs. Boxing — A54
Nos. 143-146 (4) .85 .85 Roosevelt, flag, flame & Ghanaian symbols,
The 3rd anniversary of the republic. horiz.
Perf. 14x14 1/2
Wheat Emblem Perf. 11 1/2x11, 11x11 1/2 1964, Sept. 21 Photo. Wmk. 325
and Globe — A42 1963, Dec. 10 Unwmk. Design in Brown, Green and Rose
160 A49 1p multicolored .20 .20 Red
Perf. 14x14 1/2 161 A49 4p multicolored .20 .20 175 A53 3p light blue .20 .20
1962, Dec. 1 Photo. Wmk. 325 162 A49 6p multicolored .20 .20 176 A53 6p yellow .20 .20
128 A41 1p carmine rose .20 .20 Dancers, 163 A49 1sh3p multicolored .30 .25 177 A53 1sh3p gray .20 .20
129 A41 4p yellow green .20 .20 Fireworks Nos. 160-163 (4) .90 .85 178 A53 2sh6p emerald .30 .30
130 A41 6p olive bister .20 .20 Eleanor Roosevelt; 15th anniv. of the Uni- a. Souvenir sheet of 4 1.00 1.00
and Nos. 175-178 (4) .90 .90
131 A41 1sh3p violet .30 .25 versal Declaration of Human Rights.
a. Souvenir sheet of 4, imperf. 1.10 1.10 Nkrumah
A46 Founder’s Day, Nkrumah’s 55th birthday.
Nos. 128-131 (4) .90 .85
No. 178a contains four of No. 178 with simu-
WHO drive to eradicate malaria. lated perforation.
No. 131a contains one each of Nos. 128- 1p, Nkrumah & streamer. 4p, Nkrumah & Imperforates
131, with simulated perforation. flag. 5sh, Wisdom symbol. Starting in 1964, certain sets of
Ghana exist imperf. 1964, Oct. 25 Perf. 14 1/2x14
Perf. 14x14 1/2, 14 1/2x14
Perf. 14x14 1/2, 14 1/2x14 1963, Sept. 21 Sport: 1p, Hurdling, horiz. 2 1/2p, Running,
1963, Mar. 21 Wmk. 325 147A46 1p multi, vert. .20 .20 horiz. 4p, Broad jump. 6p, Soccer. 1sh3p, Ath-
148A46 4p multi, vert. .20 .20 1964, June 1 Photo. Perf. 14 lete with Olympic torch. 5sh, Banners and
Designs: 4p, Hands holding Wheat Emblem, 149A46 1sh3p multi .20 .20 164 A50 3p multicolored .20 .20 Tokyo Olympic emblem, horiz.
horiz. 1sh3p, Globe, horiz. 150A46 5sh multi .25 .25 165 A50 6p multicolored .20 .20 179 A54 1p yellow & multi .20 .20
132 A42 1p multicolored .25 .20 Nos. 147-150 (4) .85 .85 166 A50 1sh3p multicolored .35 .25 180 A54 2 1/2p multicolored .20 .20
a. Souvenir sheet of 4 1.00 1.00
133 A42 4p multicolored .35 .25 Founder’s Day, Nkrumah’s 54th birthday. Nos. 164-166 (3) .75 .65 181 A54 3p red & multi .20 .20
134 A42 1sh3p multicolored 1.75 1.00 182 A54 4p blue & multi .20 .20
Nos. 132-134 (3) 2.35 1.45 Intl. Quiet Sun Year, 1964-65. No. 166a con- 183 A54 6p multicolored .20 .20
tains 4 imperf. stamps similar to No. 166 with 184 A54 1sh3p blue & multi .25 .20
FAO “Freedom from Hunger” campaign. simulated perforations. 185 A54 5sh gray & multi .30 .25
See Nos. 186-188. a. Souvenir sheet of 3 1.25 1.25
Nos. 179-185 (7) 1.55 1.45
18th Olympic Games, Tokyo, Oct. 10-25.
No. 185a contains stamps similar to Nos.
183-185 with simulated perforation.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Quiet Sun Year Type of 1964 1965, Apr. 12 Perf. 13 /2 1
Perf. 11x11 /2 1

Unwmk. 204 A58 1p multicolored .20 .20 1966, Jan. 22 Unwmk.

205 A58 6p multicolored .20 .20 240 A65 6pa sepia & multi .20 .20
1964, Oct. Photo. Perf. 14 206 A58 1sh3p multicolored .75 .25
186 A50 3p gray, bl, grn, yel 241 A65 15pa multicolored .20 .20
207 A58 5sh multicolored 2.00 2.00 242 A65 24pa multicolored .25 .25
& red 1.25 1.25 a. Souvenir sheet of 4 9.00 9.00
187 A50 6p pink, bl, grn, yel Nos. 204-207 (4) 3.15 2.65 243 A65 30pa brt blue & blk .40 .40
& red 2.50 2.50 Nos. 240-243 (4) 1.05 1.05
188 A50 1sh3p tan, bl, grn, yel, & Cent. of the ITU. No. 207a contains 4 Opening of the Volta River dam and electric
red 4.00 4.00 imperf. stamps similar to Nos. 204-207 with power station at Akosombo.
Nos. 186-188 (3) 7.75 7.75 simulated perforations.
Summit Conference, Accra — A61
Each issued in sheets of 12, with star- Nos. 233-235 Overprinted Diagonally:
strewn blue border inscribed “Ghana Interna- “Black Stars Retain Africa Cup / 21st
tional Quiet Sun Year.” Stamps arranged in
square surrounding vignette of New York Nov. 1965”
World’s Fair Unisphere in blue. 1966, Feb. 7 Perf. 14x13, 13x14
244 A63 6pa ocher & multi .20 .20
Map of 245 A63 15pa multicolored .30 .30
Africa and 246 A63 24pa lt bl & multi .55 .55
Flags Nos. 244-246 (3) 1.05 1.05
Lincoln’s A62 Ghana’s soccer victory, Nov. 21, 1965.
G. W. Home,
Carver Springfield, Designs: 2pa, “OAU” and three heads (trian-
and Ill. — A59 gle pointing up). 5pa, Symbol of African Unity.
Sweet 15pa, Sunburst and map of Africa. 24pa, Map
Potato 1sh3p, Inaugural Address and Lincoln. 2sh, of Africa.
A55 Lincoln and his signature. 5sh, Adaptation of
1869 US Lincoln stamp (No. 122). Perf. 14, 14 1/2x14
Design: 1sh3p, Albert Einstein, theory of rel- 1965, Oct. 21 Photo.
ativity formula and atom symbol. Wmk. 325 Ghana Flag in Red, Black & Green
1965, Apr. Photo. Perf. 12 1/2 227 A61 1pa multicolored .20 .20
1964, Dec. 7 Wmk. 325 Perf. 14 1/2 208 A59 6p multicolored .20 .20 228 A61 2pa multicolored .20 .20
189 A55 6p grn & dk blue .20 .20 209 A59 1sh3p multicolored .25 .20 229 A61 5pa multicolored .20 .20 Inauguration of WHO Headquarters,
190 A55 1sh3p Prus bl & claret .30 .25 210 A59 2sh multicolored .30 .35 230 A62 6pa orange & black .20 .20 Geneva — A66
191 A55 5sh org ver & brn blk 1.25 1.25 211 A59 5sh red & black .65 .50 231 A62 15pa light blue & blk .25 .25
a. Souvenir sheet of 3 1.25 1.25 a. Souvenir sheet of 4 1.50 1.50
Nos. 208-211 (4) 232 A62 24pa lt ultra & green .45 .40
Nos. 189-191 (3) 1.75 1.70 1.40 1.25 Nos. 227-232 (6) 1.50 1.45 Designs: 24pa, 30pa, WHO Headquarters
Human Rights Day; Albert Einstein (1878- Centenary of death of Abraham Lincoln. from the west and WHO emblem.
No. 211a contains one each of Nos. 208- Summit Conference of the Organization for
1955) and George Washington Carver (1864- African Unity, Accra, Oct. 1965.
1943), scientists. 211 with simulated perforation. Perf. 14x14 1/2
No. 191a commemorates UNESCO Week 1966, July 1 Photo. Wmk. 325
and contains one each of Nos. 189-191 with 247 A66 6pa multicolored .50 .20
simulated perforations. 248 A66 15pa multicolored 1.00 .40
249 A66 24pa multicolored 1.25 1.00
250 A66 30pa multicolored 1.50 1.50
a. Souvenir sheet of 4 25.00 25.00
Nos. 247-250 (4) 4.25 3.10
No. 250a contains 4 imperf. stamps similar
to Nos. 247-250 with simulated perforations.

Soccer Goalkeeper — A63

5-Pesewa Coin, Nkrumah’s Designs: 15pa, Soccer player and cup, vert.
Bird — A56 24pa, Two soccer players and cup.
Head — A60
Designs: 1p, Elephant, vert. 2 1/2p, Purple Perf. 14x13, 13x14 Fishermen
wreath, vert. 3p, Gray parrot, vert. 4p, Blue- Coins: 10pa, 10 pesewas. 25pa, 25 1965, Nov. 15 Unwmk.
naped mousebird. 6p, African tulip tree flow- pesewas. 50pa, 50 pesewas. and Flag
233 A63 6pa ocher & multi .20 .20 A67
ers. 1sh3p, Amethyst starling. 2sh6p, 234 A63 15pa multicolored .40 .20
Hippopotamuses. Perf. 11x13
235 A63 24pa lt blue & multi .45 .45
1965, July 19 Unwmk. Litho. Nos. 233-235 (3) 1.05 .85 Designs: 15pa, Flatfish and canoes. 24pa,
Perf. 11 1/2x11, 11x11 1/2 Coin in Silver and Black Spadefish and schooner. 30pa, Red snapper
1964, Dec. 14 Photo. Unwmk. African Soccer Cup competition. and fishing trawler “Shama.” 60pa, Mackerel
192 A56 1p blue & multi .30 .30
Size: 45x32mm For overprints see Nos. 244-246. and steamer.
193 A56 1 1/2p org & multi .50 .50 212 A60 5pa red, grn & lt grn .20 .20
194 A56 2 1/2p lt green & multi .35 .35 213 A60 10pa red, grn, & pink .25 .20 1966, Aug. 10 Unwmk. Perf. 14x13
a. Souv. sheet of 3, #192-194, im-
Size: 62x39mm 251 A67 6pa ocher & multi .20 .20
perf. 2.00 2.00 252 A67 15pa yel grn & multi .40 .25
195 A56 3p lt green & multi .85 .30 214 A60 25pa red, grn, & pink .75 .75 253 A67 24pa ver & multi .65 .30
196 A56 4p multicolored .85 .40 Size: 71x43 1/2mm 254 A67 30pa blue & multi 1.00 .40
197 A56 6p multicolored .35 .20 a. Souvenir sheet of 4 11.00 11.00
198 A56 1sh3p multicolored 1.00 .60 215 A60 50pa red, grn & lt grn 2.00 2.00 255 A67 60pa green & multi 1.40 .85
199 A56 2sh6p multicolored 1.00 1.00 Nos. 212-215 (4) 3.20 3.15 Nos. 251-255 (5) 3.65 2.00
a. Souv. sheet of 5, #195-199, im-
perf. 4.00 4.00 Introduction of decimal currency. 1966 Freedom from Hunger campaign
Nos. 192-199 (8) 5.20 3.65 John F. “Young World Against Hunger.”
Kennedy and No. 254a contains 4 imperf. stamps similar
Regular Issue of 1959-61 Surcharged to No. 254.
in Red, Blue, Brown, Black or White Eternal
with New Value and: “Ghana New Flame — A64
Currency / 19th July, 1965”
Various Kennedy portraits. Flags of
Perf. 12x11 1/2, 14 1/2x14, 14x14 1/2
1965, July 19 Photo. Wmk. 325 1965, Dec. 15 Wmk. 325 Perf. 12 1/2 African
216 A14 1pa on 1p (R) .20 .20 236 A64 6pa blk, yel, gold & grn .20 .20 Unity
ICY Emblem 217 A16 2pa on 2p (Bl) .20 .20 237 A64 15pa vio, crim & brt grn .25 .25 Charter
A57 218 A16a 3pa on 3p (#96, 238 A64 24pa dp pur & blk .30 .30 Signers,
Br) 1.00 1.00 239 A64 30pa vio brn & blk .40 .40 Map and
219 A16 4pa on 4p (Bl) 4.00 .50 a. Souvenir sheet of 4 (’66) 3.50 3.50 Diamond
1965, Feb. 15 Litho. Perf. 14x13 220 A17 6pa on 6p (Bk) .50 .20 Nos. 236-239 (4) 1.15 1.15 A68
Design in Black, Red and Green 221 A15 11pa on 11p (W) .25 .20 President John F. Kennedy (1917-1963).
222 A15 12pa on 1sh (Bl) .25 .20 No. 239a contains four imperf. stamps simi-
200 A57 1p gray .35 .35 223 A17 30pa on 2sh6p (Bl) 3.00 3.00 Designs: 6p, Ghana flag and links enclosing
201 A57 4p bister 1.25 1.25 lar to Nos. 236-239. map of Africa, vert. 24p, Ship’s wheel enclos-
224 A15 60pa on 5sh (Bl) 4.00 .70
202 A57 6p tan 1.25 .35 225 A16 1.20c on 10s (Bl) .75 .75 ing map of Africa, and cacao pod.
203 A57 1sh3p light green 1.75 1.75 226 A28 2.40c on £1 (Bl) 1.00 5.75
a. Souvenir sheet of 4 5.00 5.00
Nos. 200-203 (4) 4.60 3.70 Nos. 216-226,C7-C8 (13) 19.15 13.75 1966, Sept. Unwmk. Perf. 13x13 1/2
The two lines of the overprint are diagonal 256 A68 6pa brt blue & multi .20 .20
Intl. Cooperation Year. No. 203a contains 4 257 A68 15pa blue & multi .25 .25
imperf. stamps similar to No. 203. on the 1pa, 11pa, 12pa, 60pa, 1.20c and 258 A68 24pa dp green & multi .30 .30
2.40c. Nos. 256-258 (3) .75 .75
The surcharge exists double or inverted on Generators,
six or more denominations. Volta River Signing of the African Unity Charter, 3rd
Project anniv.

Designs: 15pa, Dam and Lake Volta. 24pa,

“Ghana” forming dam. 30pa, Grain.

ITU Emblem, Old and New

Communication Equipment — A58
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
Nos. 51, 54-58, 60 and 97 Surcharged 318 A80 50np multicolored 3.00 3.00
a. Souvenir sheet of 3 20.00 20.00
in Black, Red or White Nos. 315-318 (4) 9.50 7.70
1967, Feb. 27 Perf. 14 1/2x14, 14x14 1/2 Intl. Tourist Year. No. 318a contains 3
Size: 30 1/2x21mm, 21x30 1/2mm imperf. stamps similar to Nos. 316-318 with
Soccer 277 A16 1 1/2np on 2p (B) 3.50 5.00 simulated perforations.
Player and 278 A16 3 1/2np on 4p (R) 4.50 1.75
Rimet 279 A17 5np on 6p (R) 1.25 1.00
280 A15 9np on 11p (W) .30 .20 Orbiter 1 Landing
Cup — A69 281 A15 10np on 1sh (W) .35 .35 on Moon — A77
282 A17 25np on 2sh6p (R) 3.50 7.00
Various Soccer Scenes. Size: 45x26mm Designs: 4np, Luna 10 on the moon, and
283 A16 1nc on 10sh (R) 3.00 20.00 globe. 12 1/2np, Astronaut walking in space.
Perf. 14 1/2x14
284 A28 2nc on £1 (R) 6.00 30.00 1967, Aug. 16 Unwmk. Perf. 13 1/2
1966, Nov. 14 Photo. Wmk. 325 Nos. 277-284,C9-C10 (10) 31.40 72.30
259 A69 5pa brown & multi .20 .20 305 A77 4np multicolored .20 .20 Convoy
260 A69 15pa blue & multi .60 .25 306 A77 10np multicolored .20 .20 Entering
261 A69 24pa green & multi .75 .40 307 A77 12 1/2np multicolored .20 .20 Accra
a. Souvenir sheet of 3 2.25 2.25
262 A69 30pa brt rose & multi 1.00 1.00
Nos. 305-307 (3) .60 .60 A81
263 A69 60pa lilac & multi 1.50 1.50
a. Souvenir sheet of 4 26.00 26.00 Achievements in space. Issued in Ghana in
Nos. 259-263 (5) 4.05 3.35 sheets of 30. Sheets of 12 with ornamented, 12 1/2np, Victory parade. 20np, Waving
inscribed border also exist; these were sold in crowd. 40np, Singing and dancing crowd.
World Cup Soccer Championship, Wem-
bley, England, July 11-30. Ghana in 1968. Unwmk.
No. 263a contains 4 imperf. stamps similar Corn — A73 No. 307a contains 3 imperf. stamps similar
to No. 263 with simulated perforations. to Nos. 305-307. 1968, Feb. 24 Litho. Perf. 14
319 A81 4np sal & multi .20 .20
320 A81 12 1/2np multicolored .25 .25
321 A81 20np multicolored .30 .30
322 A81 40np yel & multi .60 .60
Nos. 319-322 (4) 1.35 1.35
2nd anniversary of Feb. 24th Revolution.
Scouts at
Kingfisher — A74 Designs: 10np, Hiking Boy Scout. 12 1/2np,
Lord Baden-Powell.
Emblem 1967, Sept. 18 Photo. Perf. 14x13 1/2 Beans and
A70 308 A78 4np multicolored .20 .20 Microscope
309 A78 10np multicolored .40 .30 A82
310 A78 12 1/2np multicolored .50 .40
1966, Dec. 23 Wmk. 325 Perf. 14 /2 1
a. Souvenir sheet of 3 7.00 7.00
264 A70 5pa multicolored .20 .20 Nos. 308-310 (3) 1.10 .90 4np, 25np, Cacao tree & beans,
265 A70 15pa multicolored .50 .30 microscope.
266 A70 24pa multicolored .85 .75
African 50th anniv. of the Ghana (Gold Coast) Boy
267 A70 30pa multicolored 1.25 1.25 Lungfish Scouts. Issued in Ghana in sheets of 30. Perf. 14 1/2x14
268 A70 60pa multicolored 2.00 2.00 A75 Sheets of 12 with ornamented, inscribed bor- 1968, Mar. 18 Photo. Wmk. 325
a. Souvenir sheet of 5 26.00 26.00 der also exist; these were sold in Ghana in
1968. 323 A82 2 1/2np grn & multi .20 .20
Nos. 264-268 (5) 4.80 4.50 Designs: 2np, Ghana Mace (golden staff). 324 A82 4np gray & multi .20 .20
No. 310a contains 3 imperf. stamps similar
UNESCO, 20th anniv. No. 268a contains 5 2 1/2np, Commelina flower. 4np, Rufous- to Nos. 308-310 with simulated perforations. 325 A82 10np scar & multi .20 .20
imperf. stamps similar to Nos. 264-268 with crowned roller, vert. 6np, Akosombo Dam, 326 A82 25np multicolored .50 .50
simulated perforations. Volta River. 8np, Adomi Bridge, Volta River. a. Souvenir sheet of 4 2.50 2.50
9np, Chemeleon. 10np, Quay No. 2, Tema Nos. 323-326 (4) 1.10 1.10
Harbor. 20np, Cape hare. 50np, Black-winged Issued to publicize Ghana’s cocoa produc-
stilt. 1nc, Chief’s ceremonial stool. 2nc, Frangi- tion. Sheets of 30.
pani. 2.50nc, State Chair. No. 326a contains four imperf. stamps simi-
lar to Nos. 323-326 with simulated
Perf. 11 1/2x12, 12x11 1/2 (A73), perforations.
14x14 1/2, 14 1/2x14 (A74-A75) Nos. 323-326 also exist in sheets of 12
Packing 1967 Photo. Wmk. 325 believed not to have been on sale in Ghana.
Cases and 286 A73 1np multicolored .20 .20 UN Secretariat
Fair 287 A74 1 1/2np multicolored 1.00 2.25 Building — A79
Emblem 288 A74 2np multicolored .20 .20
A71 289 A74 2 1/2np multicolored .40 .20
290 A75 3np multicolored .25 .45 Design: 50np, 2.50nc, UN Headquarters.
291 A73 4np multicolored 1.75 .20
Fair Emblem and: 15pa, World map and 292 A75 6np multicolored .20 .90 1967, Oct. 24 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13
trade routes to Accra. 24pa, Freighters and 293 A73 8np multicolored .20 .20 311 A79 4np multicolored .20 .20
loading crane, vert. 36pa, Hand holding cargo 294 A75 9np multicolored .90 .20 312 A79 10np multicolored .20 .20
net. 295 A75 10np multicolored .20 .20 313 A79 50np multicolored .30 .30 Lt. Gen.
296 A74 20np blue .25 .20 314 A79 2.50nc multicolored 1.00 1.00 E. K.
1967, Feb. 1 Perf. 14 1/2x14, 14x14 1/2 297 A74 50np multicolored 6.00 2.00 a. Souvenir sheet 5.50 5.50
269 A71 5pa multicolored .20 .20 298 A74 1nc multicolored 2.75 .90 Nos. 311-314 (4) 1.70 1.70 Kotoka
270 A71 15pa multicolored .20 .20 299 A74 2nc multicolored 2.25 4.00 United Nations Day. No. 314a contains one A83
271 A71 24pa multicolored .30 .30 300 A74 2.50nc multicolored 3.50 9.00 imperf. stamp similar to No. 314 with simu-
272 A71 36pa multicolored .40 .40 Nos. 286-300 (15) 20.05 21.10 lated perforations. Various portraits of Lt. Gen. Kotoka. 40np
Nos. 269-272 (4) 1.10 1.10 vert.
For overprints & surcharges see #356-370,
International Trade Fair, Accra, Feb. 1-19. 858, 1091, 1092A-1092C, 1092E-1093, 1095,
1096B. 1968, Apr. 17 Unwmk. Perf. 14
327 A83 4np pur & multi .20 .20
328 A83 12 1/2np grn & multi .25 .25
329 A83 20np multicolored .45 .45
330 A83 40np gray & multi .75 .75
Nos. 327-330 (4) 1.65 1.65
Lt. Gen. Emmanuel Kwasi Kotoka (1926-
967), leader of the Revolution of 1966 against

Eagle and Fort,
Flag — A72 1896
1967, Feb. 24 Photo. Perf. 14x14 1/2
Flag in Red, Yellow, Black and Leopard — A80
Castles on Ghana Coast: 12 1/2np, Christian-
Green sborg Castle, 1659, and British galleon. 20np,
273 A72 1np gray bl & dk brn .20 .20 Elmina Castle, 1482, and Portuguese galleon. Designs: 12 1/2np, Christmas butterfly. 20np,
274 A72 4np ocher & dk brn .20 .20 25np, Cape Coast Castle, 1664, and Spanish Nubian carmine bee-eaters. 50np, Waterbuck.
275 A72 12 1/2np ol grn & dk brn .40 .40 galleon.
276 A72 25np dl cl & dk brn .85 .85 Wmk. 325 Tobacco — A84
a. Souvenir sheet of 4, #273-276 6.50 6.50 1967, June 12 Perf. 14 1/2 1967, Dec. 28 Photo. Perf. 12 1/2
Nos. 273-276 (4) 1.65 1.65 301 A76 4np grnsh bl & multi .20 .20 315 A80 4np multicolored 1.00 .20 Designs: 5np, Crested porcupine. 12 1/2np,
1st anniv. of the revolution which overthrew 302 A76 12 1/2np red org & multi .85 .85 316 A80 12 1/2np multicolored 2.50 1.50 Tapped rubber tree. 20np, Cymothoe sangaris
the regime of Kwame Nkrumah. 303 A76 20np brt grn & multi 1.75 1.75 317 A80 20np multicolored 3.00 3.00 butterfly. 40np, Charaxes ameliae butterfly.
No. 276a has dull claret marginal inscrip- 304 A76 25np lt red brn & multi 2.25 2.25
tions. An imperf. sheet similar to No. 276a has Nos. 301-304 (4) 5.05 5.05
solid margins of dull claret, colorless inscrip-
tions. Value $2.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1968, Aug. Photo. Perf. 14x14 /2 1 351 A88 40np grn & multi .75 .75 Perf. 14 /2x14 1 Education Year Emblem and: 12 /2np, Chil-
a. Souvenir sheet of 4 1.25 1.25 dren of various races studying together. 20np,
331 A84 4np multicolored .20 .20 1970, Jan. 5 Photo. Wmk. 325
332 A84 5np multicolored .20 .20 Nos. 348-351 (4) 1.75 1.75 “Ntesie” symbol of wisdom and knowledge.
375 A91 4np rose red & multi .20 .20 40np, Nursery school children.
333 A84 12 1/2np multicolored .50 .50 Intl. Human Rights Year, Rev. Martin Luther 376 A91 12 1/2np multicolored .30 .30
334 A84 20np multicolored 2.25 2.25 King, Jr. (1929-1968), American civil rights 377 A91 20np multicolored .40 .40
335 A84 40np multicolored 2.50 2.50 leader, and Joseph Boakye Danquah (1895- a. Souvenir sheet of 3 1.50 1.50
1970, Aug. 10 Litho. Perf. 13x12 1/2
a. Souvenir sheet of 4 7.00 7.00 1965), lawyer, writer and Ghanaian political Nos. 375-377 (3) .90 .90 390 A95 4np blue & multi .20 .20
Nos. 331-335 (5) 5.65 5.65 leader. 391 A95 12 1/2np blue & multi .25 .25
No. 351a contains 4 imperf. stamps with ILO, 50th anniv. No. 377a contains 3 imperf. 392 A95 20np blue & multi .40 .40
No. 335a contains 4 stamps similar to Nos. stamps similar to Nos. 375-377 with simulated 393 A95 40np blue & multi .60 .60
331, 332-335 with simulated perforations. simulated perforations similar to #348-351.
perforations. Nos. 390-393 (4) 1.45 1.45
Nos. 375-377 printed in sheets of 12.
Issued for International Education Year.

Team Red Cross Inauguration of
A85 Parliament Helping Second
A89 Wounded Republic
1968, Nov. 11 Perf. 14x13 A92 A96
336 A85 4np grn & multi .25 .20 Design: 12 1/2np, 40np, Coat of Arms.
337 A85 12 1/2np multicolored .60 .30 4np, Red Cross & globe, vert. 12 1/2np, Henri Designs: 12 1/2np, Mace and words of procla-
338 A85 20np pur & multi 1.00 1.00 Perf. 14 1/2x14 mation by K. A. Busia. 20np, Mace and globe
339 A85 40np bl & multi 1.75 1.75 Dunant, Red Cross, Red Crescent, Lion & Sun
1969, Sept. Wmk. 325 emblems. 40np, Red Cross and first aid. with doves. 40np, Opening of Parliament of
a. Souvenir sheet of 4 4.50 4.50 Second Republic.
352 A89 4np multicolored .20 .20
Nos. 336-339 (4) 3.60 3.25 353 A89 12 1/2p multicolored .20 .20 1970, Feb. 2 Perf. 14x14 1/2, 14 1/2x14
WHO, 20th anniv. No. 339a contains 4 354 A89 20np multicolored .20 .20 378 A92 4np gold & multi .50 .50
1970, Oct. 1 Litho. Perf. 13
imperf. stamps similar to Nos. 336-339. 355 A89 40np multicolored .20 .20 379 A92 12 1/2np gold & multi .60 .60 398 A96 4np multicolored .20 .20
a. Souvenir sheet of 4 1.25 1.25 399 A96 12 1/2np multicolored .30 .30
Nos. 352-355 (4) .80 .80 380 A92 20np blue & multi .70 .70
381 A92 40np multicolored 1.00 1.00 400 A96 20np multicolored .50 .50
3rd anniv. of the revolution. No. 355a con- a. Souvenir sheet of 4 4.25 4.25 401 A96 40np lt bl & multi .60 .60
tains 4 imperf. stamps with simulated perfora- Nos. 378-381 (4) 2.80 2.80 Nos. 398-401 (4) 1.60 1.60
tions similar to Nos. 352-355. League of Red Cross Societies, 50th anniv. First anniversary of the Second Republic.
No. 381a contains 4 imperf. stamps similar to
Nos. 378-381 with simulated perforations.

Nos. 286-300
Overprinted in
Black, Yellow
or Red
Hurdling — A86 Kotoka
Airport, Gen. Amaryllis
12 /2np, Boxing. 20np, Torch bearer, flags & Kotoka and A97
Olympic rings. 40np, Soccer. Perf. 11 1/2x12, 12x11 1/2 (A73),
14x14 1/2, 14 1/2x14 (A74-A75) VC10 — A93
Perf. 14 1/2x14
1968, Dec. Unwmk. Perf. 14x14 1/2 1969, Oct. 1 Photo. Wmk. 325
340 A86 4np gray & multi .20 .20 356 A73 1np multicolored .20 1.40 12 1/2np, Control tower & tail section of VC10. 1970 Photo. Wmk. 325
341 A86 12 1/2np gray & multi .25 .25 357 A74 1 1/2np multicolored .80 2.50 20np, Bird’s eye view of airport and runway. 402 A97 4np shown 1.60 .20
342 A86 20np ultra & multi .45 .45 358 A73 2np multicolored .20 2.25 40np, Flags in front of Kotoka Airport. 403 A97 12 1/2np Lioness 1.60 .90
343 A86 40np gray & multi .75 .75 359 A73 2 1/2np multicolored .20 1.60 404 A97 20np African orchid 1.75 1.40
a. Souvenir sheet of 4 4.25 4.25 360 A75 3np multicolored .60 1.90 Perf. 13x14 405 A97 40np Elephant 5.50 5.50
Nos. 340-343 (4) 1.65 1.65 361 A73 4np multi (Y) 2.25 .30 1970, Apr. Unwmk. Litho. Nos. 402-405 (4) 10.45 8.00
19th Olympic Games, Mexico City, Oct. 12- 362 A75 6np multicolored .20 1.90 382 A93 4np multicolored .20 .20
27, 1968. No. 343a contains 4 imperf. stamps 363 A73 8np multicolored .20 1.60 383 A93 12 1/2np multicolored .30 .20
with simulated perforations similar to Nos. 364 A75 9np multicolored .20 1.90 384 A93 20np multicolored .50 .50
340-343. 365 A75 10np multicolored .20 1.40 385 A93 40np multicolored 1.00 1.00
366 A74 20np blue .45 1.40 Nos. 382-385 (4) 2.00 1.90
367 A74 50np multicolored 5.00 6.50
368 A74 1nc multicolored 2.00 8.00 Inauguration of Kotoka Airport.
369 A74 2nc multi (R) 2.75 9.00 Kuduo
370 A74 2.50nc multicolored 2.75 10.00 Brass
Nos. 356-370 (15) 18.00 51.65
Overprint vertical on vertical stamps. A98
The 4np also exists with overprint in black
and in red.
Designs: 12 1/2np, Akan traditional house,
UN Headquarters Danmum. 20np, Larabanga Mosque. 40np,
Akan funerary clay head.
and Flags — A87
1970, Dec. 7 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2x14
UN Day, 1968: 12np, UN emblem and 406 A98 4np gray & multi .20 .20
Ghanaian staff and stool. 20np, UN Headquar- Lunar Landing 407 A98 12 1/2np blue & multi .40 .25
ters, New York, UN emblem and Ghana flag. Module and 408 A98 20np multicolored .65 .50
40np, UN emblem surrounded by flags. a. Souvenir sheet of 4 7.00 7.00
Spacecraft — A94 409 A98 40np blue & multi 1.40 1.40
1969, Feb. 1 Litho. Perf. 13x13 1/2 Nos. 406-409 (4) 2.65 2.35
344 A87 4np multicolored .20 .20 Map of Africa, Two Designs: 12 1/2np, Neil A. Armstrong step- No. 408a contains stamps similar to Nos.
345 A87 12 1/2np pink & multi .20 .20 Ghana Flags Rising ping onto the moon. 20np, Scientific experi- 406 and 408, a 12 1/2np (Pompeii Basilica) and
346 A87 20np blk & multi .25 .25 from Ghana — A90 ments on the moon, horiz. 40np, Neil A. Arm- a 40np (Pompeii scene). Simulated
347 A87 40np lt bl & multi .50 .50 strong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin, perforation.
a. Souvenir sheet of 4 1.25 1.25 Jr., after return to earth, horiz.
Nos. 344-347 (4) 1.15 1.15 Designs: 12 1/2np, “2” with laurel and star.
No. 347a contains 4 imperf. stamps with 20np, Three hands and egg (symbol of rebirth) 1970, June 15 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2
simulated perforations similar to #344-347. and Kente cloth. 40np, like 4np. 386 A94 4np multicolored .25 .25
387 A94 12 1/2np multicolored 1.00 1.00
Unwmk. 388 A94 20np multicolored 1.25 1.25
1969, Dec. 4 Litho. Perf. 14 389 A94 40np multicolored 4.00 4.00
371 A90 4np multicolored .20 .20 a. Souvenir sheet of 4 7.00 7.00 Fair
372 A90 12 1/2np bl & multi .30 .30 Nos. 386-389 (4) 6.50 6.50
373 A90 20np multicolored .45 .45 See note after US No. C76. No. 389a con- and
374 A90 40np bl & multi .90 .90 tains 4 imperf. stamps similar to Nos. 386-389.
Nos. 371-374 (4) 1.85 1.85 Emblem
Exists with and without simulated perfs.
Joseph Nos. 386-389 and 389a were overprinted A99
Inauguration of the 2nd Republic, Oct. 1969.
Boakye “PHILYMPIA/LONDON 1970” in black or silver
Danquah in Sept. 1970. They are believed not to have Fair Emblem and: 12 1/2np, Drugstore mer-
A88 been regularly issued. chandise. 20np, Automotives and tools. 40np,
Cranes and trucks. 50np, Cargo, ship and
plane, vert.
12 1/2np, 20np, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,
Human Rights flame & flag of Ghana. Perf. 14 1/2x14, 14x14 1/2
1969, Mar. 7 Photo. Perf. 14 1/2x14 1971, Feb. 5 Photo. Wmk. 325
Cogwheels 410 A99 4np multicolored .20 .20
348 A88 4np gray & multi .20 .20 and ILO
349 A88 12 1/2np multicolored .20 .20 411 A99 12 1/2np lilac & multi .45 .45
350 A88 20np blue & multi .60 .60 Emblem Adult 412 A99 20np blue & multi .75 .75
A91 Education 413 A99 40np multicolored 1.40 1.40
414 A99 50np multicolored 1.75 1.75
A95 Nos. 410-414 (5) 4.55 4.55
2nd Ghana International Trade Fair, Accra,
Feb. 1-14, 1971.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

449 A108 1ce blue & multi 2.50 2.50 1972, Dec. 2 Perf. 14x13 1/2
a. Souvenir sheet of 5 10.00 10.00
Nos. 445-449 (5) 5.95 5.95 466 A112 1p black & multi .20 .20
467 A112 3p black & multi .20 .20
Intl. Book Year. No. 449a contains one each 468 A112 15p black & multi .35 .30
of Nos. 445-449 with simulated perforations. 469 A112 30p black & multi .65 .65
African 470 A112 60p black & multi 1.50 1.50
Nativity 471 A112 1ce black & multi 2.50 2.50
a. Souvenir sheet of 3 6.00 6.00
Scene Nos. 466-471 (6) 5.40 5.35
A104 Christmas. No. 471a contains one each of
Crucifixion Nos. 469-471 with simulated perforations.
A100 Christmas: 1np, Fireworks, vert. 6np, Flight
into Egypt.
Easter: 12 1/2np, Jesus and disciples. 20np, Star
Resurrection. Perf. 14x14 1/2, 14 1/2x14 Grass
1971, Nov. Photo. Wmk. 325 A109
Perf. 13 /21
433 A104 1np multicolored .20 .20
1971, May 19 Litho. Unwmk. 434 A104 3np orange & multi .20 .20
415 A100 4np multicolored .20 .20 435 A104 6np blue & multi .20 .20 1972, July 3 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2
416 A100 12 1/2np multicolored .45 .45 Nos. 433-435 (3) .60 .60 450 A109 5p shown .20 .20
417 A100 20np multicolored .85 .85 451 A109 15p Mona monkey .65 .65
Nos. 415-417 (3) 1.50 1.50 452 A109 30p Amaryllis 4.50 4.50 Market
453 A109 1ce Side-striped squir- A113
rel 5.00 5.00
Nos. 450-453 (4) 10.3510.35
Designs: 1p, Unity Declaration at Kumasi
Durbar. 5p, Woman with child selling bananas,
UNICEF vert. 15p, Farmer at rest and produce, vert.
Emblem, 30p, Market. 40p, 1ce, Farmer cutting palm
and Child nuts with cutlass. 60p, Miners.
Olympic Perf. 14x13 1/2, 13 1/2x14
UNICEF Emblem and: 5np, Infant weighed Emblems, 1973, Apr. Litho.
in net scale, vert. 30np, Student midwife, vert. Soccer 472 A113 1p multicolored .20 .20
50np, Boy in day care center. A110 473 A113 3p multicolored .20 .20
Corn and FAO 474 A113 5p multicolored .20 .20
Perf. 13 1/2x13, 13x13 1/2 475 A113 15p multicolored .30 .20
Emblem — A101 1972, Sept. 5 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13 476 A113 30p multicolored .30 .30
1971, Dec. 20 Litho. Unwmk. 454 A110 5p shown .20 .20 477 A113 1ce multicolored .75 .75
Perf. 14x14 1/2 436 A105 5np grn & multi .20 .20 455 A110 15p Running .25 .20 Nos. 472-477 (6) 1.95 1.85
437 A105 15np yel & multi .20 .20 456 A110 30p Boxing .50 .50
1971, June Wmk. 325 Photo. 438 A105 30np pink & multi .40 .40 Souvenir Sheet
418 A101 4np lilac & multi .20 .20 457 A110 50p Long jump .80 .80
439 A105 50np blue & multi .75 .75 458 A110 1ce High jump 1.75 1.75 478 Sheet of 2 1.75 1.75
419 A101 12 1/2np lt bl & multi .40 .40 a. Souvenir sheet of 4 5.00 5.00
Nos. 454-458 (5) 3.50 3.45 a. A113 40p multicolored .45 .45
420 A101 20np multicolored .70 .70 Nos. 436-439 (4) 1.55 1.55 b. A113 60p multicolored .75 .75
Nos. 418-420 (3) 1.30 1.30
25th anniv. of UNICEF. No. 439a contains 4
Souvenir Sheet Operation “Feed Yourself” and for 1st anniv.
Freedom from Hunger, second development stamps with simulated perforations similar to 459 Sheet of 2 3.00 1.60 of the Oct. 13 Revolution.
decade, 1970-1980. Nos. 436-439. a. A110 40p like 30p .45 .30
b. A110 60p like 5p .70 .50
The overprint “In Memoriam / Lord Boyd
ORR / 1880-1971” was applied to Nos. 418- 20th Olympic Games, Munich, 8/26-9/11.
420 in October, 1971. The 4np was also
surcharged “60NP.” Fair
Map of
Symbol of
Girl Guide Unity
Emblem on A106
Flag of Children’s
Ghana Fair Emblem and: 15np, Horn of Plenty. Senior Clinic — A114
A102 30np, Fireworks over Africa. 60np, 1nc, and
Names of participating nations over map of Cub WHO Emblem and: 15p, Radiology. 30p,
Africa. Scouts, Immunization. 50p, Fight against malnutrition
12 1/2np, Mrs. Elsie Ofuatey-Kodjoe, national (starving child). 1ce, WHO Headquarters,
founder. 20np, Girl Guides at play. 40np, 1972, Feb. 23 Litho. Perf. 14 Badge Geneva.
Campfire and tent. 50np, Girl Guides
440 A106 5np lt brn & multi .20 .20
signalling. 1973, July Perf. 14x13 1/2
441 A106 15np lt bl & multi .20 .20
Unwmk. 442 A106 30np green & multi .25 .25 Designs: 15p, Scout in front of tent. 30p, 479 A114 5p rose red & multi .20 .20
443 A106 60np yel & multi .30 .30 40p, Sea Scouts in canoe. 50p, Cub Scouts 480 A114 15p blue & multi .20 .20
1971, July 22 Litho. Perf. 14 444 A106 1nc lt bl & multi .50 .50 with den mother. 60p, 1ce, Scouts studying. 481 A114 30p bister & multi .35 .35
421 A102 4np multicolored .20 .20 Nos. 440-444 (5) 1.45 1.45 482 A114 50p green & multi .60 .60
422 A102 12 1/2np yel & multi .75 .75
First All-Africa Trade Fair, Nairobi, Kenya,
1972, Oct. Litho. Perf. 14 483 A114 1ce multicolored 1.10 1.10
423 A102 20np sal & multi 1.50 1.50 460 A111 5p blue grn & multi .20 .20 Nos. 479-483 (5) 2.45 2.45
424 A102 40np multicolored 2.25 2.25 Feb. 23-Mar. 5.
Nos. 440-444 were overprinted “BELGICA 461 A111 15p ocher & multi .50 .40 WHO, 25th anniversary.
425 A102 50np lilac & multi 2.50 2.50 462 A111 30p lilac & multi 1.00 1.00
a. Souvenir sheet of 5 12.00 12.00 72” in red for release June 24, 1972. The regu-
larity of this issue has been questioned. Value 463 A111 50p multicolored 1.75 1.75
Nos. 421-425 (5) 7.20 7.20 464 A111 1ce blue & multi 3.50 3.50 Nos. 460-465 Overprinted: “1st
50th anniversary of the Girl Guides of Nos. 460-464 (5) 6.95 6.85 WORLD SCOUTING CONFERENCE
Ghana. No. 425a contains 5 imperf. stamps Souvenir Sheet IN AFRICA”
similar to Nos. 421-425.
Perf. 13 1/2 1973, July Litho. Perf. 14
465 Sheet of 2 4.50 4.50 484 A111 5p green & multi .20 .20
a. A111 40p brown & multi .75 .75 485 A111 15p ocher & multi .25 .25
b. A111 60p green & multi 1.25 1.25 486 A111 30p lilac & multi .55 .50
Boy Scout Movement, 65th anniversary. 487 A111 50p multicolored .90 .80
Books For overprints see Nos. 484-489. 488 A111 1ce blue & multi 1.90 1.60
for the Nos. 484-488 (5) 3.80 3.35
Blind Souvenir Sheet
Child Care A107
Perf. 13 1/2
Center — A103 489 Sheet of 2 3.50 3.25
a. A111 40p brown & multi 1.00 .70
b. A111 60p green & multi 1.50 1.00
YWCA Emblem and: 12 1/2np, World Council
Meeting and map of Ghana. 20np, Typing 24th Boy Scout World Conference (1st in
class. 40np, Building fund day. Africa), Nairobi, Kenya, July 16-21.
1971, Aug. 5 Perf. 13
426 A103 4np multicolored .20 .20
427 A103 12 1/2np ultra & multi .20 .20
428 A103 20np blue & multi .20 .20
429 A103 40np yel & multi .25 .25 Book and Flame of
a. Souvenir sheet of 4 .80 .80 Knowledge Virgin and Child,
Nos. 426-429 (4) .85 .85 A108 by Holbein the
World Council Meeting of Young Women’s Younger — A112 Poultry
Christian Association, Accra, Aug. 5. No. 429a Book Year Emblem and: 15p, Books for Farming
contains 4 stamps similar to Nos. 426-429 with Children (“Anansi and Snake the Postman”). Paintings: 1p, Holy Night, by Correggio. 15p, A115
simulated perforations. 30p, Books for Recreation (Accra Central Virgin and Child, by Andrea Rico. 30p,
Library). 50p, Books for Students (2 students). Melchior. 60p, Virgin and Child with Caspar. FAO/UN Emblem and: 15p, 40p, Tractor.
1ce, Balthasar. 30p, 60p, 1ce, are from early 50p, Cacao harvest. 60p, 1ce, FAO Headquar-
1972, Apr. 21 Perf. 13 1/2 16th century stained glass windows. ters, Rome.
445 A107 5p blue & multi .20 .20
446 A107 15p yel & multi .50 .50
447 A107 30p lilac & multi 1.00 1.00
448 A107 50p green & multi 1.75 1.75

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1973 Litho. Perf. 14 /2x14
1 and Child, by Murillo. No. 511, 60p, Adoration
490 A115 5p blue & multi .20 .20 of the Kings, by Tiepolo. No. 511b as 1p.
491 A115 15p blue & multi .20 .20
492 A115 50p blue & multi .40 .40 1973, Dec. 10 Perf. 14
493 A115 1ce blue & multi .60 .60 508 A119 1p black & multi .20 .20 Soccer
Nos. 490-493 (4) 1.40 1.40 509 A119 3p gray & multi .20 .20 and World
510 A119 30p multicolored .50 .50 Cup
Souvenir Sheet 511 A119 50p multicolored 1.00 1.00 Emblem
494 Sheet of 2 1.00 1.00 Nos. 508-511 (4) 1.90 1.90 A122
a. A115 40p blue & multi .25 .25
b. A115 60p blue & multi .45 .45 Souvenir Sheet
World Food Program, 10th anniversary. Imperf Designs: Various soccer scenes and world
511A Sheet of 4 2.25 2.25 cup emblem.
b. A119 30p black & multi .30 .30
c. A119 40p gray & multi .40 .40 1974, June 17 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2, 13
d. A119 50p multicolored .50 .50 525 A122 5p multicolored .20 .20 Angel — A125 Nativity — A127
e. A119 60p multicolored .60 .60
526 A122 30p multicolored .20 .20
No. 511A has simulated perforations. 527 A122 50p multicolored .25 .25
528 A122 1ce multicolored .30 .30
Nos. 525-528 (4) .95 .95
INTERPOL Souvenir Sheet
Emblem, Perf. 14 1/2
A116 529 Sheet of 4 1.75 1.75
a. A122 25p multicolored .20
b. A122 40p multicolored .20
c. A122 55p multicolored .20
INTERPOL Emblem and: 30p, Judge’s wig, d. A122 60p multicolored .25
poison bottle, handcuffs. 50p, photograph and Various
fingerprint. 1ce, Corpse and question mark. World Cup Soccer Championship, June 13-
Envelopes July 7.
1973 Perf. 13x13 /2 1 A120 Nos. 525-528 were issued in sheets of 30,
495 A116 5p emerald & multi .20 .20 perf. 14 1/2, and in sheets of 5 plus label, perf.
496 A116 30p rose red & multi .75 .75 UPU Emblem and: 9p, 30p, UPU Headquar- 13.
497 A116 50p ultra & multi 1.75 1.75 ters, Bern. 40p, 50p, Airmail envelope with For overprints, see Nos. 535-539, 549-553.
498 A116 1ce gray & multi 3.25 3.25 Ghana No. 296. 60p, 1ce, Ghana No. 296. Three Kings, Candles — A126
Nos. 495-498 (4) 5.95 5.95
50th anniv. the Intl. Criminal Police Org.
1974, May Litho. Perf. 14 1/2 Design: 60p, 1ce, Annunciation.
(INTERPOL). 512 A120 5p blue, blk & org .20 .20
513 A120 9p blue, blk & org .20 .20 Perf. 13 1/2, 14 (7p)
514 A120 50p blue, blk & org .35 .35 1974, Dec. 19 Litho.
515 A120 1ce blue, blk & org .60 .60
Nos. 512-515 (4) 1.35 1.35 544 A125 5p red & multi .20 .20
Traffic 545 A126 7p blue & multi .20 .20
Souvenir Sheet 546 A127 9p orange & multi .20 .20
515A Sheet of 4 .80 .80
Diagram at 547 A127 1ce orange & multi .75 .75
b. A120 20p blue, blk & org .20 .20 Traffic Circle Nos. 544-547 (4) 1.35 1.35
c. A120 30p blue, blk & org .20 .20 A123 Souvenir Sheet
d. A120 40p blue, blk & org .20 .20
e. A120 50p blue, blk & org .20 .20
Designs: 15p, Traffic sign “Two-way traffic.” Imperf
Handclasp Centenary of Universal Postal Union. 30p, “Change to right hand drive!,” vert. 50p, 548 Sheet of 4 1.25 1.25
and “OAU” For overprints see Nos. 521-524A. a. A125 15p red & multi .20
Warning hands sign, vert. 1ce, 2 hands and
A117 car symbolizing traffic change, vert. b. A126 30p blue & multi .20
c. A127 45p orange & multi .20
d. A127 60p orange & multi .20
“OAU” and: 30p, Africa Hall, Addis Ababa. 1974, July 16 Perf. 13 1/2
50p, OAU emblem (map of Africa). 1ce, “X” in Christmas. No. 548 contains 4 stamps with
Size: 35x28 1/2mm simulated perforations.
Ghana flag colors.
530 A123 5p yel grn, red & blk .20 .20
1973, Oct. 22 Litho. Perf. 14x14 1/2 531 A123 15p lilac, red & blk .20 .20
Nos. 525-529 Overprinted “APOLLO /
499 A117 5p lt bl, blk & brn .20 .20 Size: 28 1/2x41mm SOYUZ / JULY 15, 1975”
500 A117 30p bluish grn, blk & Perf. 14 1/2
brn .20 .20 1975, Aug. 15 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2, 13
501 A117 50p pink, black & ol .25 .25 532 A123 30p multicolored .35 .35 549 A122 5p multicolored .20 .20
502 A117 1ce multicolored .40 .40 533 A123 50p multicolored .70 .70 550 A122 30p multicolored .25 .25
Nos. 499-502 (4) 1.05 1.05 534 A123 1ce red, green & blk 1.50 1.50 551 A122 50p multicolored .50 .50
Nos. 530-534 (5) 2.95 2.95 552 A122 1ce multicolored 1.00 1.00
Org. for African Unity, 10th anniv. The
Betrayal — A121 Publicity for change to right-hand driving, Nos. 549-552 (4) 1.95 1.95
Aug. 4, 1974. Souvenir Sheet
Designs: 5p, 15p, Jesus Carrying Cross, Perf. 14 1/2
painting by Thomas de Coloswar, 1427. 20p, Nos. 525-529 Overprinted: “WEST 553 Sheet of 4 2.40 2.40
30p, The Betrayal. 25p, 50p, The Deposition. GERMANY WINNERS” a. A122 25p multicolored .25
40p, 1ce, Risen Christ and Mary Magdalene. b. A122 40p multicolored .40
The designs (except 5p, 15p) are from 15th 1974, Aug. 30 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2, 13 c. A122 55p multicolored .60
535 A122 5p multicolored .20 .20 d. A122 60p multicolored .65
Weather century English ivory carvings.
Balloon, 536 A122 30p multicolored .40 .40 Apollo Soyuz space test project (Russo-
1974, Apr. Litho. Perf. 14 537 A122 50p multicolored .60 .60 American cooperation), launching July 15,
WMO 538 A122 1ce multicolored 1.00 1.00
Emblem 516 A121 5p black & multi .20 .20 link-up, July 17.
517 A121 30p sil, ultra & brn .20 .20 Nos. 535-538 (4) 2.20 2.20 Overprint is applied to individual stamps of
A118 518 A121 50p sil, red & brn .30 .30 Souvenir Sheet No. 553.
519 A121 1ce silver, ol & brn .50 .50 539 Sheet of 4 1.75 1.75 Nos. 549-552 with perf. 13 are from the
WMO Emblem and: 15p, 40p, Tiros weather Nos. 516-519 (4) 1.20 1.20 a. A122 25p multicolored .20 sheets of 5 plus label.
satellite. 30p, 60p, Computer weather map. Souvenir Sheet b. A122 40p multicolored .35
1ce, Radar cloud scanner. c. A122 55p multicolored .40
Imperf d. A122 60p multicolored .45
1973, Nov. 16 520 Sheet of 4 1.00 1.00 World Cup Soccer Championship, 1974,
503 A118 5p multicolored .20 .20 a. A121 15p black & multi .20 victory of German Federal Republic. Overprint
504 A118 15p multicolored .20 .20 b. A121 20p silver, ultra & brn .20 is applied to individual stamps of No. 539.
c. A121 25p silver, red & brn .20
505 A118 30p multicolored .35 .35 d. A121 40p silver, olive & brn .20
506 A118 1ce multicolored .70 .70
Nos. 503-506 (4) 1.45 1.45 Easter. No. 520 contains 4 stamps with sim-
ulated perforations.
Souvenir Sheet
507 Sheet of 2 1.50 1.50
a. A118 40p multicolored .40 .40 Nos. 512-515A Overprinted
b. A118 60p multicolored .70 .70 “INTERNABA 1974”
Family and IWY Emblem, Woman Tractor
Intl. meteorological cooperation, cent. 1974, June 7 Perf. 14 1/2 Driver — A128
#507 exists imperf. WPY
521 A120 5p blue, blk & org .20 .20 Emblem
522 A120 9p blue, blk & org .20 .20 A124 Intl. Women’s Year Emblem and: 15p, like
523 A120 50p blue, blk & org .30 .30 7p. 30p, 40p, Automobile mechanic. 60p, 65p,
524 A120 1ce blue, blk & org .50 .50 Factory workers. 80p, 1ce, Cocoa research.
Nos. 521-524 (4) 1.20 1.20 1974, Sept. 27 Perf. 12 1/2
Souvenir Sheet 540 A124 5p shown .20 .20 1975, Sept. 3 Litho. Perf. 14
541 A124 30p Clinic .25 .25 554 A128 7p multicolored .20 .20
524A Sheet of 4 2.00 2.00 542 A124 50p Immunization of 555 A128 30p lt violet & multi .50 .50
b. A120 20p blue, blk & org .20 .20
c. A120 30p blue, blk & org .20 .20 children .30 .30 556 A128 60p multicolored 1.25 1.25
d. A120 40p blue, blk & org .25 .50 543 A124 1ce Census .60 .60 557 A128 1ce lilac & multi 2.00 2.00
e. A120 60p blue, blk & org .30 .30 Nos. 540-543 (4) 1.35 1.35 Nos. 554-557 (4) 3.95 3.95
INTERNABA 1974 International Philatelic World Population Year.
Exhibition, Basel, June 7-16.
Overprint is applied to individual stamps of
Adoration of the No. 524A.
Kings — A119

Christmas: 3p, 40p, Madonna and Child

(contemporary). Nos. 510, 511d, Madonna

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Souvenir Sheet Souvenir Sheet
Imperf 610 Sheet of 4 3.25 2.25
a. A134(a) 15p multicolored .30
558 Sheet of 4 3.50 3.50 b. A134(a) 40p multicolored .70
a. A128 15p Prus green & multi .20 c. A134(b) 65p multicolored 1.00
b. A128 40p light violet & multi .55 d. A134(c) 80p multicolored 1.10
c. A128 65p dull green & multi .90
d. A128 80p lilac & multi 1.10 1976 Montreal Olympic Games’ winners.
Intl. Women’s Year. No. 558 contains 4
stamps with simulated perforations.

Fair Grounds — A133 Examination for River

Blindness — A136
Designs: Various exhibition halls.
1976, Apr. 6 Litho. Perf. 14 Designs: 30p, Ghanaian entomologist with
574 A133 7p multicolored .20 .20 microscope. 60p, Flowers. 1ce, Boatmen
575 A133 30p yellow & multi .20 .20 checking effectiveness of black fly larvae
Angel over insecticide.
Child in 576 A133 60p multicolored .35 .35
Crib 577 A133 1ce salmon & multi .60 .60 1976, Oct. 28 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2x14
Nos. 574-577 (4) 1.35 1.35 Klama Dance, Dipo Tribe — A139
A129 592A136 7p multicolored .75 .20
International Trade Fair, Accra, Feb. 1-15. 593A136 30p multicolored 2.00 1.50
594A136 60p multicolored 3.00 3.00 Festival Emblem and: 15p, like 8p. 30p, 40p,
595A136 1ce multicolored 5.00 5.00 African artifacts. 60p, 65p, Acon dance. 80p,
Nos. 565-569 Nos. 592-595 (4) 10.75 9.70 1ce, Mud, straw and wooden huts.
Overprinted in World Health Day. Prevention of blindness.
Violet Blue 1977, Mar. 24 Litho. Perf. 14x13 1/2
611 A139 8p multicolored .20 .20
612 A139 30p multicolored .45 .45
Angel with 1976, May 29 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x14 613 A139 60p multicolored .75 .75
Harp 578 A131 7p ocher & multi .20 .20 614 A139 1ce multicolored 1.10 1.10
A130 579 A131 30p blue & multi .50 .20 Nos. 611-614 (4) 2.50 2.50
580 A131 60p green & multi 1.00 .40
581 A131 1ce multicolored 1.40 .80 Souvenir Sheet
Designs: 7p, 40p, Angels with lute and bell. Nos. 578-581 (4) 3.10 1.60 615 Sheet of 4 3.25 3.25
30p, 65p, Angel with viol. 1ce, 80p, Angels a. A139 15p multicolored .30
with trumpets. 15p, like 5p. Souvenir Sheet b. A139 40p multicolored .65
582 Sheet of 4 2.00 2.00 c. A139 65p multicolored .90
d. A139 80p multicolored 1.00
1975, Dec. 31 Litho. Perf. 14x13 1/2 a. A131 15p ocher & multi .20
b. A131 40p blue & multi .40 2nd World Black and African Festival of Arts
559 A129 2p org & multi .20 .20 c. A131 65p green & multi .50 Children with Gifts and Christmas
560 A130 5p yel, brown & grn .20 .20 d. A131 80p rose claret & multi .50 and Culture, Lagos, Nigeria, Jan. 15-Feb. 12.
Tree — A137
561 A130 7p yel, brown & grn .20 .20
562 A130 30p yel, brown & grn .30 .20 Interphil 76 International Philatelic Exhibi-
563 A130 1ce yel, brown & grn .70 .70 tion, Philadelphia, Pa., May 29-June 6. Over- Designs: 6p, 15p, Children with firecrackers. Nos. 601-605 Overprinted: “PRINCE
Nos. 559-563 (5) 1.60 1.50 print applied to individual stamps of No. 582. 30p, 65p, Family at Christmas dinner. 40p, CHARLES / VISITS GHANA / 17th TO
80p, 1ce, like 8p. 25th / MARCH, 1977”
Souvenir Sheet
1976, Dec. 15 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2 1977, June 2 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2
Imperf 616 A138 8p multicolored .70 .70
564 Sheet of 4 1.75 1.75 596 A137 6p multicolored .20 .20 617 A138 30p multicolored 1.75 1.75
a. A130 15p yellow, green & brown .20 597 A137 8p multicolored .20 .20 618 A138 60p multicolored 2.50 2.50
b. A130 40p yellow, green & brown .20 598 A137 30p multicolored .55 .55 619 A138 1ce multicolored 3.00 3.00
c. A130 65p yellow, green & brown .50 599 A137 1ce multicolored 1.50 1.50
d. A130 80p yellow, green & brown .60 Nos. 596-599 (4) 2.45 2.45 Nos. 616-619 (4) 7.95 7.95
Christmas. No. 564 has simulated Souvenir Sheet Souvenir Sheet
perforations. Perf. 13
600 Sheet of 4 3.00 3.00 620 Sheet of 4 10.00 10.00
a. A138 15p multicolored 1.00
a. A137 15p multicolored .20 b. A138 40p multicolored 2.00
b. A137 40p multicolored .45 c. A138 65p multicolored 3.00
c. A137 65p multicolored .80 d. A138 80p multicolored 3.25
d. A137 80p multicolored 1.00
Christmas. No. 600 has simulated perfs. Visit of Prince Charles, Mar. 17-25. Over-
Shot Put — A134 print applied to individual stamps of No. 620.

Olympic Rings, Map of Ghana and: 15p, like

7p. 30p, 40p, Soccer. 60p, 65p, Women’s
1500 meters. 80p, 1ce, Boxing.

Boy Scouts Reading Map — A131 1976, Aug. 9 Litho. Perf. 14x13 1/2
583 A134 7p lt blue & multi .20 .20
30p, 40p, Sailing. 60p, 65p, Hiking. 80p, 584 A134 30p yellow & multi .30 .30
1ce, Life saving (swimmers). 15p, like 7p. 585 A134 60p multicolored .65 .65
586 A134 1ce yellow & multi 1.00 1.00
1976, Jan. 5 Perf. 13 1/2x14 Nos. 583-586 (4) 2.15 2.15
1876 Gallows Frame Telephone and A.
565 A131 7p ocher & multi .20 .20 Souvenir Sheet G. Bell — A138
566 A131 30p blue & multi .65 .65 587 Sheet of 4 1.50 1.50
Olive Colobus — A140
567 A131 60p green & multi 1.50 1.50 a. A134 15p light blue & multi .20
568 A131 1ce multicolored 2.50 2.50 b. A134 40p yellow & multi .20 A. G. Bell and: 15p, like 8p. 30p, 40p, 1895 Wildlife Fund Emblem and: 15p, like 8p.
Nos. 565-568 (4) 4.85 4.85 c. A134 65p emerald & multi .30 telephone. 60p, 65p, 1929 telephone. 80p, 20p, 40p, Ebien palm squirrel. 30p, 65p, Afri-
d. A134 80p yellow & multi .40 1ce, 1976 telephone.
Souvenir Sheet can wild dog. 60p, 80p, West African manatee.
21st Olympic Games, Montreal, Canada,
569 Sheet of 4 4.50 4.50 July 17-Aug. 1. 1976, Dec. 17 Perf. 14 1/2 1977, June 22 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x14
a. A131 15p ocher & multi .25 For overprints see Nos. 606-610. 601 A138 8p multicolored .20 .20
b. A131 40p blue & multi .65 621 A140 8p multicolored 1.50 .20
c. A131 65p green & multi 1.10 602 A138 30p multicolored .45 .45 622 A140 20p multicolored 4.50 1.00
d. A131 80p rose claret & multi 1.25 603 A138 60p multicolored 1.25 1.25 623 A140 30p multicolored 5.00 1.00
604 A138 1ce multicolored 1.75 1.75 624 A140 60p multicolored 8.00 3.50
Nordjamb 75, 14th World Boy Scout Jambo- Nos. 601-604 (4) 3.65 3.65
ree, Lillehammer, Norway, July 29-Aug. 7. Nos. 621-624 (4) 19.00 5.70
For overprints, see Nos. 578-582. Souvenir Sheet Souvenir Sheet
Perf. 13 625 Sheet of 4 9.00 9.00
605 Sheet of 4 3.00 3.00 a. A140 15p multicolored 1.00
a. A138 15p multicolored .20 b. A140 40p multicolored 2.00
Supreme b. A138 40p multicolored .50 c. A140 65p multicolored 2.50
Court, c. A138 65p multicolored .85 d. A140 80p multicolored 3.00
Accra d. A138 80p multicolored 1.00 Wildlife protection.
A135 Centenary of first telephone call by Alexan-
1 /4 3 der Graham Bell, Mar. 10, 1876.
Pints Designs: Various views of Supreme Court For overprints, see Nos. 616-620.
Equal Building, Scales of Justice, law book.
1 Liter 1976, Sept. 7 Litho. Perf. 14 Nos. 583-587 Overprinted:
A132 588 A135 8p lilac & multi .20 .20 a. EAST GERMANY / WINNERS
589 A135 30p blue & multi .20 .20 b. U.S.S.R. WINNERS
Map of Ghana and: 30p, “2 1/4 lbs of jam a 590 A135 60p ver & multi .35 .35 c. U.S.A. WINNERS
little more than a kilogram.” 60p, “A meter of 591 A135 1ce multicolored .75 .75 1977, Feb. 22 Litho. Perf. 14x13 1/2
cloth will be a little more than 3 foot 3.” 1ce, Nos. 588-591 (4) 1.50 1.50
Thermometer, ice and boiling tea kettle. 606 A134(a) 7p multicolored .20 .20
Ghana Supreme Court, centenary. 607 A134(a) 30p multicolored .30 .20
1976, Jan. 5 Litho. Perf. 14x13 /2 1 608 A134(b) 60p multicolored .65 .30
609 A134(c) 1ce multicolored 1.40 .55 Suzanne
570 A132 7p bluish gray & blk .20 .20 Nos. 606-609 (4) 2.55 1.25 Fourment in
571 A132 30p vio blue & multi .45 .25
572 A132 60p ocher & multi .85 .45 Velvet Hat, by
573 A132 1ce multicolored 1.50 .90 Rubens — A141
Nos. 570-573 (4) 3.00 1.80
Introduction of metric system, Sept. 1975.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Paintings: 15p, like 8p. 30p, 40p, Isabella of 1978, May 15 Perf. 14 Nos. 660-661, 664a-664b Overprinted:
Portugal, by Titian. 60p, 65p, Duke and Duch- 645 A144 2p multicolored .20 .20 “GHANA WINNERS”
ess of Cumberland, by Gainsborough. 80p, 646 A144 8p multicolored .20 .20
1ce, Rubens and his wife Isabella, by Rubens. Nos. 662-663, 664c-664d Overprinted:
647 A144 30p multicolored .45 .45
648 A144 60p multicolored 1.00 1.00 “ARGENTINA WINS”
1977, Sept. Litho. Perf. 14x13 1/2 649 A144 1ce multicolored 1.75 1.75 1978, Aug. 21 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x14
626 A141 8p lt blue & multi .20 .20 Nos. 645-649 (5) 3.60 3.60 665 A146 8p multicolored .20 .20
627 A141 30p lt blue & multi .60 .60 666 A146 30p multicolored .40 .40
628 A141 60p lt blue & multi 1.25 1.25 Operation feed yourself.
667 A146 60p multicolored .80 .80
629 A141 1ce lt blue & multi 2.25 2.25 668 A146 1ce multicolored 1.40 1.40
Nos. 626-629 (4) 4.30 4.30 Nos. 665-668 (4) 2.80 2.80 Orbiter Spacecraft — A150
Souvenir Sheet Souvenir Sheet
630 Sheet of 4 4.00 4.00 669 Sheet of 4 1.50 1.50 15p, like 11p. 39p, 40p, Multiprobe space-
a. A141 15p light blue & multi .25 a. A146 15p multicolored .20 craft. 60p, 65p, Orbiter and Multiprobe circling
b. A141 40p light blue & multi .75 b. A146 40p multicolored .30 Venus. 2ce, 3ce, Radar chart of Venus.
c. A141 65p light blue & multi 1.25 c. A146 65p multicolored .40
d. A141 80p light blue & multi 1.50 d. A146 80p multicolored .60
Painters, birth annivs.: Peter Paul Rubens 1979, July 5 Litho. Perf. 14x13 1/2
Winners, 11th African Cup and 11th World 682 A150 11p multicolored .20 .20
(1577-1640); Titian (1477-1576); Thomas Cup Soccer Championships.
Gainsborough (1727-1788). 683 A150 39p multicolored .25 .25
Overprint on 60p and 65p is in two lines. 684 A150 60p multicolored .40 .40
685 A150 3ce multicolored .65 .65
Nos. 682-685 (4) 1.50 1.50
Wright Biplane Souvenir Sheet
and Imperf
Crowd — A145 686 Sheet of 4 2.00 2.00
a. A150 15p multicolored .20
Planes and Crowd: 15p, like 8p. 30p, 40p, b. A150 40p multicolored .25
c. A150 65p multicolored .40
Heracles, 1st practical airliner. 60p, 65p, D. H. d. A150 2ce multicolored 1.00
Comet, 1st jet airliner. 80p, 1ce, Concorde, 1st
supersonic airliner. Pioneer Venus Space Project.

1978, June 6 Litho. Perf. 14x13 1/2

650 A145 8p multicolored .20 .20
Adoration of the 651 A145 30p multicolored .50 .50
Kings — A142 652 A145 60p multicolored 1.00 1.00 The Betrayal, by
653 A145 1ce multicolored 1.50 1.00
Nos. 650-653 (4) 3.20 2.70 Dürer — A147
Souvenir Sheet
Etchings by Albrecht Dürer: 39p, The Cruci-
654 Sheet of 4 3.00 3.00 fixion. 60p, The Deposition. 1ce, The O Come
a. A145 15p multicolored .20
b. A145 40p multicolored .60 Resurrection. All Ye
c. A145 65p multicolored 1.00 Faithful
d. A145 80p multicolored 1.10 1978, Sept. 1 Litho. Perf. 14x13 1/2 A152
75th anniversary of first powered flight. The 670 A147 11p lilac & black .20 .20
cheering crowd forms a continuing design on 671 A147 39p salmon & black .30 .30
672 A147 60p orange & black .50 .50 Christmas Carols: 10p, O Little Town of
Nos. 650-654. Bethlehem. 15p, 65p, We Three Kings of Ori-
673 A147 1ce yel green & black .75 .75
Guild of the Good Shepherd, Abossey Nos. 670-673 (4) 1.75 1.75 ent Are. 20p, I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing
Nos. 650-653, 654a-654d Overprinted: By. 25p, like 8p. No. 696, 1ce, Away in a Man-
Okai — A143 Easter. ger. 4ce, No. 698d, Ding Dong Merrily on
“CAPEX 78 / JUNE 9-18 1978” High.
Designs: 6p, 40p, Methodist Church, Wes- 1978, June 9
ley, Accra. 8p, Virgin and Child, and Star. 15p, 655 A145 8p multicolored .20 .20 1979, Dec. 20 Perf. 14 1/2
like 2p. 30p, 65p, Holy Spirit Cathedral, Accra. 656 A145 30p multicolored .25 .25 692 A152 8p multicolored .20 .20
80p, 1ce, Ebenezer Presbyterian Church, 657 A145 60p multicolored .50 .50 693 A152 10p multicolored .20 .20
Osu, Accra. Type A143 designs include score 658 A145 1ce multicolored 1.25 .80 694 A152 15p multicolored .20 .20
of “Hark the Herald Angels Sing.” Nos. 655-658 (4) 2.20 1.75 695 A152 20p multicolored .20 .20
Souvenir Sheet 696 A152 2ce multicolored .35 .35
Perf. 14x14 1/2, 14 697 A152 4ce multicolored .50 .50
1977, Dec. 30 Litho. 659 Sheet of 4 2.00 2.00 Nos. 692-697 (6) 1.65 1.65
a. A145 15p multicolored .20
631 A142 1p multicolored .20 .20 b. A145 40p multicolored .40 Souvenir Sheet
632 A143 2p multicolored .20 .20 c. A145 65p multicolored .60
633 A143 6p multicolored .20 .20 d. A145 80p multicolored .75 698 Sheet of 4 1.25 1.25
634 A142 8p multicolored .20 .20 a. A152 25p multicolored .20 .20
CAPEX, Canadian International Philatelic b. A152 65p multicolored .20 .20
635 A143 30p multicolored .50 .50 Exhibition, Toronto, Ont., June 9-18. Bauhinia c. A152 1ce multicolored .30 .30
636 A143 1ce multicolored 1.75 1.75 d. A152 2ce multicolored .60 .60
Nos. 631-636 (6) 3.05 3.05 Purpurea
A148 Christmas.
Souvenir Sheet
Imperf Flowers: 39p, Cassia fistula. 60p, Frangi-
637 Sheet of 4 4.25 4.25 pani. 1ce, Jacaranda mimosifolia.
a. A143 15p multicolored .25
b. A143 40p multicolored .75 1978, Nov. 20 Litho. Perf. 14x13 1/2
c. A143 65p multicolored 1.25
d. A143 80p multicolored 1.50 674 A148 11p multicolored .20 .20
675 A148 39p multicolored .25 .25
Christmas. No. 637 has simulated perfs. 676 A148 60p multicolored .50 .50
677 A148 1ce multicolored .75 .75
Nos. 674-677 (4) 1.70 1.70
No. 631-637 Overprinted:
“REFERENDUM 1978 VOTE EARLY” Soccer, Africa Cup Emblem and
Ghana Flag — A146
Perf. 14x14 1/2, 14 J.B. Danquah
1978, Mar. 28 Litho. 15p, like 8p. 30p, 40p, Three soccer players, (1895-1965)
638 A142 1p multicolored .20 .20 Africa Cup emblem, Ghana flag. 60p, 65p, A153
639 A143 2p multicolored .20 .20 Two soccer players. Argentina ’78 emblem,
640 A143 6p multicolored .20 .20 Argentine flag. 80p, 1ce, Goalkeeper, Argen-
641 A142 8p multicolored .20 .20 tina ’78 emblem and Argentine flag. National Leaders: 65p, John Mensah
642 A143 30p multicolored .60 .60 Sarbah (1864-1910). 80p, J.E.K. Aggrey
643 A143 1ce multicolored 2.25 2.25 1978, July 1 Litho. Perf. 13 /2x14
1 (1875-1925). 2ce, Kwame Nkrumah (1909-
Nos. 638-643 (6) 3.65 3.65 1972). 4ce, G.E. Grant (1878-1956).
660 A146 8p multicolored .20 .20
Souvenir Sheet 661 A146 30p multicolored .30 .30
662 A146 60p multicolored .75 .75 Mail Railroad Car — A149 1980, Jan. 21 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x14
Imperf 663 A146 1ce multicolored 1.40 1.40 699 A153 20p multicolored .20 .20
644 Sheet of 4 32.50 Nos. 660-663 (4) 2.65 2.65 Ghana railroad, 75th Anniv.: 39p, Pay and 700 A153 65p multicolored .20 .20
a. A143 15p multicolored 1.50 bank car. 60p, Locomotive, 1922. 1ce, Diesel 701 A153 80p multicolored .20 .20
b. A143 40p multicolored 4.00 Souvenir Sheet 702 A153 2ce multicolored .50 .50
c. A143 65p multicolored 7.00 locomotive, 1960.
d. A143 80p multicolored 8.00
664 Sheet of 4 2.00 2.00 703 A153 4ce multicolored .90 .90
a. A146 15p multicolored .20 Nos. 699-703 (5) 2.00 2.00
b. A146 40p multicolored .40 1978, Dec. 4 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2
c. A146 65p multicolored .60 678 A149 11p multicolored .20 .20
d. A146 80p multicolored .75 679 A149 39p multicolored .25 .25
11th African Cup of Nations, Ghana, Mar. 5- 680 A149 60p multicolored .50 .50
19, and 11th World Cup Soccer Champion- 681 A149 1ce multicolored .75 .75
ship, Argentina, June 1-25. Nos. 678-681 (4) 1.70 1.70

Man with
Bells, Hill
Banana Harvest — A144
Hill and: 25p, Man with clack bells. 50p, 65p,
Designs: 8p, Vegetable garden. 30p, Pro- Chief, elephant staff. 1ce, 2ce, Drummer. 4ce,
duce market. 60p, Fishing. 1ce, Tractor. 5ce, Chief, ivory staff.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1980, Mar. 12 Litho. Perf. 14 /21
Souvenir Sheet Souvenir Sheet Souvenir Sheet
704 A154 20p multicolored .20 .20 727 Sheet of 3 .65 .65 745 Sheet of 4 2.00 2.00 762 CD331 7ce St. Paul’s Ca-
705 A154 65p multicolored .20 .20 a. A156 25p like #724 .20 .20 a. A160 25p like #741 .20 .20 thedral 1.00 1.00
706 A154 2ce multicolored .50 .50 b. A156 1ce like #725 .20 .20 b. A160 50p like #742 .25 .20
707 A154 4ce multicolored .90 .90 c. A156 3ce like #726 .25 .25 c. A160 1ce like #743 .30 .25 Nos. 759-761 each printed se-tenant with
d. A160 3ce like #744 1.00 .90 label showing heraldic design.
Nos. 704-707 (4) 1.80 1.80 Third Republic.
Rotary International, 75th anniv. Issued: 20p, 80p, 4ce, 7ce, 7/8; 65p, 1ce,
Souvenir Sheet 3ce, 9/16.
708 Sheet of 4 1.75 1.75 For surcharges see Nos. 859, 866, 871,
a. A154 25p multicolored .20 .20 880, 1168-1169, 1195-1197.
b. A154 50p multicolored .20 .20
c. A154 1ce multicolored .35 .35 Map of West
d. A154 5ce multicolored .90 .90
African 1981, Sept. 16 Litho. Perf. 14
Sir Rowland Hill (1795-1879), originator of Member 763 CD331 2ce like 4ce .50 .50
penny postage. 764 CD331 5ce like 20p 1.25 1.25
Nos. 708a-708d also exist perf 13 1/2, issued Countries, a. Bklt. pane, 2 each #763-764 3.50 3.50
in small individual sheetlets. Values slightly Flag of
more than perf 14 1/2. Ghana, Nos. 763-764 issued only in booklets.
For overprints see Nos. 714-718. Jet — A157

1980, Nov. 5 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2

728 A157 20p shown .20 .20
729 A157 65p Dish antenna .20 .20 Narina
730 A157 80p Cogwheels .20 .20 Trogon — A161
731 A157 2ce Corn .25 .25
Nos. 728-731 (4) .85 .85 World
1981, Jan. 12 Litho. Perf. 14
5th Anniversary of ECOWAS (Economic 746 A161 20p shown 1.25 .20 Food
Community of West African States). 747 A161 65p White-crowned Day
robin-chat 2.00 .35 A164
748 A161 2ce Swallow-tailed
bee-eater 2.50 1.25 1981, Oct. 16 Litho. Perf. 14
749 A161 4ce Long-tailed para-
Students, IYC keet 4.00 2.50 765 A164 20p Women pounding
Emblem — A155 Nos. 746-749 (4) 9.75 4.30 fufu .20 .20
766 A164 65p Plucking cocoa .30 .30
Souvenir Sheet 767 A164 80p Preparing banku .40 .40
IYC Emblem and: 25p like 20p. 50p, 65p, 750 Sheet of 4 6.50 6.50 768 A164 2ce Processing garri .85 .85
Boys playing soccer. 1ce, 2ce, Boys in canoe. a. A161 25p like #746 .30 .20 Nos. 765-768 (4) 1.75 1.75
3ce, 4ce, Mother and child. b. A161 50p like #747 .75 .30
c. A161 1ce like #748 1.25 .55 Souvenir Sheet
1980, Apr. 2 Litho. Perf. 15 d. A161 3ce like #749 3.50 1.60 769 Sheet of 4 1.50 1.50
709 A155 20p multicolored .20 .20 a. A164 25p like #765 .20 .20
710 A155 65p multicolored .20 .20 b. A164 50p like #766 .20 .20
A158 c. A164 1ce like #767 .35 .35
711 A155 2ce multicolored .50 .50 d. A164 3ce like #768 1.00 1.00
712 A155 4ce multicolored 1.00 1.00
Nos. 709-712 (4) 1.90 1.90
Souvenir Sheet
713 Sheet of 4 2.50 2.50
a. A155 25p multicolored .20 .20
b. A155 50p multicolored .25 .25
c. A155 1ce multicolored .35 .35
d. A155 3ce multicolored 1.00 1.00
Intl. Year of the Child (in 1979).
For overprints see Nos. 719-723. Angelic Musicians
Pope John Paul II, Pres. Limann, Play for Mary and
Archbishop of Canterbury — A162 Child, by Aachener
Nos. 704-708 Overprinted: “LONDON Altares (1480-
1980” / 6th-14th May 1980 A159 1981, Mar. 3 Litho. Perf. 14 1520)
1980, May 6 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2 751 A162 20p multicolored .20 .20 A165
714 A154 20p multicolored .20 .20 1980, Nov. 26 752 A162 65p multicolored .50 .50
715 A154 65p multicolored .30 .30 732 A158 20p “OAU” .20 .20 753 A162 80p multicolored .60 .60 Christmas (Paintings): 15p, The Betrothal of
716 A154 2ce multicolored .75 .75 733 A158 65p OAU Banner, 754 A162 2ce multicolored 1.75 1.75 St. Catherine of Alexandria, by Lucas Cranach
717 A154 4ce multicolored 1.25 1.25 Maps .20 .20 Nos. 751-754 (4) 3.05 3.05 (1472-1553). 65p, Child Jesus Embracing His
Nos. 714-717 (4) 2.50 2.50 734 A158 80p Waves on map of Visit of Pope John Paul II, May 8-10, 1980. Mother, by Gabriel Metsu (1629-1667). 80p,
Souvenir Sheet Africa .20 .20 Virgin and Child, by Fra Filippo Lippi (1406-
735 A158 2ce Flag, banner, map .25 .25 1469). $2, The Virgin with Infant Jesus, by
718 Sheet of 4 3.25 3.25 Nos. 732-735 (4) .85 .85 Barnaba da Modena (1361-1383). $4, The
a. A154 25p multicolored .20 .20
b. A154 50p multicolored .25 .25 Org. for African Unity summit conference, Immaculate Conception, by Bartolome Murillo
c. A154 1ce multicolored .35 .35 Lagos, Nigeria, Apr. 28-29. (1618-1682). $6, Virgin and Child, by Hans
d. A154 5ce multicolored 2.00 2.00 Memling (1430-1494).
London 1980 Intl. Stamp Exhib., May 6-14.
#718a-718d also exist perf 13 1/2, issued in 1980, Dec. 10 Perf. 14 1981, Nov. 26 Perf. 14
small individual sheetlets. Value, unused or 770 A165 15p multicolored .20 .20
used, $10.00. Christmas (Fra Angelico Paintings): 15p, 771 A165 20p multicolored .20 .20
25p, Adoration of the Magi. 20p, 50p, Virgin 772 A165 65p multicolored .20 .20
and Child Enthroned with Four Angels. 1ce, 773 A165 80p multicolored .20 .20
Nos. 709-713 Overprinted: “PAPAL 2ce, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Eight 774 A165 $2 multicolored .60 .60
VISIT” / 8th-9th May / 1980 Angels. 3ce, 4ce, Annunciation. 775 A165 $4 multicolored .85 .85
736 A159 15p multicolored .20 .20 Nos. 770-775 (6) 2.25 2.25
1980, May 8 Perf. 15
719 A155 20p multicolored .65 .20 737 A159 20p multicolored .20 .20 Earth Satellite Souvenir Sheet
720 A155 65p multicolored 1.25 .60 738 A159 2ce multicolored .35 .35 Station — A163 776 A165 $6 multicolored 1.75 1.75
721 A155 2ce multicolored 2.00 1.25 739 A159 4ce multicolored .80 .80
Nos. 736-739 (4) 1.55 1.55
722 A155 4ce multicolored 3.00 2.00 1981, Sept. 28 Litho. Perf. 14
Nos. 719-722 (4) 6.90 4.05 Souvenir Sheet 755 A163 20p shown .20 .20
Souvenir Sheet 740 Sheet of 4 1.00 1.00 756 A163 65p Satellites orbiting
a. A159 25p multicolored .20 .20 earth .20 .20
723 Sheet of 4 12.00 12.00 b. A159 50p multicolored .20 .20 757 A163 80p Satellite .20 .20
a. A155 25p multicolored .50 .50 c. A159 1ce multicolored .25 .25
b. A155 50p multicolored 1.00 1.00 758 A163 4ce Satellite, earth 1.25 1.25
c. A155 1ce multicolored 2.00 2.00
d. A159 3ce multicolored .40 .40
Nos. 755-758 (4) 1.85 1.85 Intl. Year
d. A155 3ce multicolored 6.25 6.25 of the
Souvenir Sheet Disabled
Visit of Pope John Paul II to Ghana, 5/8-9. 758A Sheet of 4 1.50 1.50 A166
b. A163 25p like #755 .20 .20
c. A163 50p like #756 .20 .20
Nurse d. A163 1ce like #757 .20 .20 1982, Feb. 8 Litho. Perf. 14
Weighing e. A163 3ce like #758 .75 .75
777 A166 20p Blind man .20 .20
Newborn, Earth Satellite Station commission. 778 A166 65p Woman, crutch .30 .30
Rotary 779 A166 80p Girl reading Braille .40 .40
Emblem 780 A166 4ce Couple 1.75 1.75
A160 Common Design Types Nos. 777-780 (4) 2.65 2.65
Parliament pictured following the introduction. Souvenir Sheet
House 1980, Dec. 18 781 A166 6ce Group 2.25 2.25
A156 741 A160 20p shown .20 .20
742 A160 65p Map of Ghana and Royal Wedding Issue
1980, Aug. 4 Litho. Perf. 14 world .20 .20 Common Design Type
724 A156 20p shown .20 .20 743 A160 2ce Helping hands,
world map .50 .50 1981 Litho. Perf. 14
725 A156 65p Supreme Court .20 .20 759 CD331 20p
Couple .20 .20
726 A156 2ce The Castle .40 .40 744 A160 4ce Food distribution 1.00 1.00
Nos. 741-744 (4) 1.90 1.90 759A CD331 65p
like 20p .20 .20
Nos. 724-726 (3) .80 .80 760 CD331 80p
Charles .20 .20
760A CD331 1ce
like 80p .20 .20
760B CD331 3ce
like 4ce .50 .50
761 CD331 4ce
Royal yacht
Britannia .60 .60
Nos. 759-761 (6) 1.90 1.90

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Perf. 15, 14 /2x15 (30p, No. 807, 1ce,
1 865 A171 9ce on 65p #828 .50 .55
3ce) 866 CD331 9ce on 80p #760 3.75 5.00
867 A169 10ce on 20p #794 .50 .55
1982, July 19 Litho. 868 A171 10ce on 80p #806 .90 .90
803 A171 20p multi .20 .20 869 A171 10ce on 80p #830 .50 .55
804 A171 30p multi, like 20p .25 .25 870 A169 19ce on 65p #795 1.00 1.10
805 A171 65p multi .80 .80 871 CD331 20ce on 4ce #761 4.50 7.50
806 A171 80p multi, like 65p 1.00 1.00 872 A171 20ce on 4ce #810 2.00 2.00
807 A171 80p multi, diff. .60 .60 873 A171 20ce on 4ce #833 1.00 1.10
808 A171 1ce multi, like #807 .70 .70 874 A173a 30ce on 80p #824 2.00 2.00
809 A171 3ce multi 1.75 1.75 875 A169 30ce on 3ce #797 2.00 2.00
810 A171 4ce multi, like 3ce 2.50 2.50 World 876 A173a 50ce on 3ce #825 3.50 3.50
Clawless Nos. 803-810 (8) 7.80 7.80 Communications Nos. 858-876 (19) 27.50 32.90
Otter — A167 Souvenir Sheet Year — A173b Souvenir Sheets
811 A171 6ce multi 2.00 2.00 877 A169 60ce on 5ce #798 1.25 4.00
1982, Feb. 22 Nos. 804, 806, 808-809 in sheets of 5 plus 1983, Dec. 13 Litho. Perf. 14 878 A171 60ce on 6ce #811 1.25 2.75
782 A167 20p shown .20 .20 label. 835 A173b 1ce shown .20 .20 879 A171 60ce on 6ce #834 1.25 4.00
783 A167 65p Bushbuck .50 .50 For overprints & surcharges see #826-834, 836 A173b 1.40ce Dish anten- 880 CD331 60ce on 7ce #762 1.25 2.00
784 A167 80p Aardvark .60 .60 861-862, 864-865, 868-869, 872-873, 878- na .20 .20 For surcharges on this issue see #1092A-
785 A167 1ce Scarlet bell tree .85 .85 879, 912-917. 837 A173b 2.30ce Cable ship .35 .35 1092C.
786 A167 2ce Glory lilies 1.60 1.60 838 A173b 3ce Switchboard .50 .50
787 A167 4ce Blue peas 3.00 3.00 839 A173b 5ce Control tow-
Nos. 782-787 (6) 6.75 6.75 er .75 .75
Nos. 835-839 (5) 2.00 2.00
Souvenir Sheet
788 A167 5ce Chimpanzees 3.50 3.50 Souvenir Sheet
840 A173b 6ce Satellite .75 .75
TB For surcharges see Nos. 1107-1111.

1982, Aug. 9 Perf. 14

812 A172 20p
Child immunization .50 .50
813 A172 65p
Koch, Berlin 1.40 1.40 Coastal
814 A172 80p
Koch, Africa 1.75 1.75 Marine Namibia Day Scorpion
815 A172 1ce
Looking through A176 Weight
Blue-spot microscope 2.00 2.00 Mammals
Commodore 816 A172 2ce Koch, 1905 Nobel A173c A177
A168 medal 3.50 3.50
Nos. 812-816 (5) 9.15 9.15 1983, Nov. 15 Litho. Perf. 15 1984, Jan. 26 Perf. 14
1982, Apr. 27 Litho. Perf. 14 841 A173c 1ce Short fin pilot 881 A176 50p Soldiers raising
whale 1.10 1.10 rifles .20 .20
789 A168 20p shown .85 .85 842 A173c 1.40ce Gray dolphin 1.25 1.25 882 A176 1ce Soldiers, tank .20 .20
790 A168 65p Emperor swallow- 843 A173c 2.30ce False killer 883 A176 1.40ce Machete cutting
tail 1.40 1.40 whale 1.50 1.50 chains .20 .20
791 A168 2ce Orange admiral 2.50 2.50 844 A173c 3ce Spinner 884 A176 2.30ce Namibian wo-
792 A168 4ce Giant charaxes 4.00 4.00 dolphin 2.00 2.00 man .20 .20
Nos. 789-792 (4) 8.75 8.75 845 A173c 5ce Atlantic hump- 885 A176 3ce Soldiers in
Souvenir Sheet back dolphin 2.50 2.50 combat .20 .20
Nos. 841-845 (5) 8.35 8.35 Nos. 881-885 (5) 1.00 1.00
Perf. 14 1/2
793 Sheet of 4 9.00 9.00 Souvenir Sheet
a. A168 25p like #789 .40 .40 846 A173c 6ce White Alantic 1983, Dec. 12 Litho. Perf. 14
b. A168 50p like #790 .70 .70 humpback 886 A177 5p Banded
c. A168 1ce like #791 1.50 1.50 dolphin 2.50 2.50 Jewelfish, horiz. .20 .20
d. A168 3ce like #792 4.50 4.50 Christmas — A173 887 A177 10p Banded
For surcharges see Nos. 918-920. Jewelfish, map,
1982, Dec. Litho. Perf. 15 horiz. .30 .20
817 A173 15p Angel with banner .20 .20 888 A177 20p Blood lily .40 .20
818 A173 20p Holy Family .20 .20 889 A177 50p Mounted warrior
819 A173 65p Three Kings .30 .30 (gold statuette) .40 .20
820 A173 4ce Nativity 1.10 1.10 890 A177 1ce shown .50 .20
Nos. 817-820 (4) 1.80 1.80 891 A177 2ce Jet, horiz. .50 .30
892 A177 3ce White-collared
Scouting Souvenir Sheet mangabey 1.50 .30
Year 821 A173 6ce Nativity, diff. 2.00 2.00 893 A177 4ce Pigmy bush baby .40 .30
A169 894 A177 5ce Nigerian iris .50 .45
895 A177 10ce Gray-backed war-
1982, June 1 Litho. Perf. 15 A174 bler .65 .90
Nos. 886-895 (10) 5.35 3.25
794 A169 20p Tree planting .20 .20
795 A169 65p Camping .75 .75 For surcharges see Nos. 1089A-1090,
796 A169 80p Sailing .90 .90 1092, 1092D, 1093A-1094A, 1096-1096A.
797 A169 3ce Watching elephant 2.50 2.50
Nos. 794-797 (4) 4.35 4.35
Souvenir Sheet
798 A169 5ce Baden-Powell,
vert. 4.50 4.50
For surcharges see Nos. 867, 870, 875, 877.

1983, Mar. 10 Litho. Perf. 15 A175
822 A173a 20p Flags .30 .30
823 A173a 55p Aerial view .50 .50 1983, Dec. 28 Perf. 14x13 1/2, 14 1/2x14
824 A173a 80p Minerals 1.10 1.10 852 A174 70p Children receiv-
825 A173a 3ce Eagle 1.75 1.75 ing gifts .20 .20
Nos. 822-825 (4) 3.65 3.65 853 A175 1ce Nativity .20 .20 Easter — A178 Local
854 A175 1.40ce Children playing .40 .40
Commonwealth Day. For surcharges see 855 A175 2.30ce Family praying .50 .50 Flowers — A179
Nos. 860, 863, 874, 876. 856 A174 3ce Bongo drums,
Kpong Hydroelectric Dam
Opening — A170 festivities .60 .60 1984, Apr. Litho. Perf. 14 1/2
Nos. 803-811 Overprinted in Gold: Nos. 852-856 (5) 1.90 1.90 906 A178 1ce Cross, crown of
“WINNER ITALY / 3-1” Souvenir Sheet thorns .20 .20
1982, June 28 Litho. Perf. 14 907 A178 1.40ce Jesus praying .20 .20
799 A170 20p Cranes, lifts .50 .20 1983, June Litho. 857 A175 6ce like #855 .50 .50 908 A178 2.30ce Jesus going to
800 A170 65p Construction 1.00 .50 826 A171 20p multicolored .20 .20 Jerusalem .20 .20
801 A170 80p Turbines 1.40 1.40 827 A171 30p multicolored .20 .20 Surcharges 909 A178 3ce Jesus entering
802 A170 2ce Aerial view 3.00 3.00 828 A171 65p multicolored .35 .35 Many inverts, doubles, etc., exist on Jerusalem .20 .20
Nos. 799-802 (4) 5.90 5.10 829 A171 80p multi, on #806 .35 .35 the surcharged stamps that follow. 910 A178 50ce Jesus with Dis-
830 A171 80p multi, on #807 1.10 1.10 ciples 1.00 2.50
831 A171 1ce multicolored 1.25 1.25 Nos. 906-910 (5) 1.80 3.30
832 A171 3ce multicolored 2.75 2.75 Souvenir Sheet
833 A171 4ce multicolored 2.50 2.50 Previous Issues Surcharged
Nos. 826-833 (8) 8.70 8.70 911 A178 60ce Cross, crown of
1984, Feb. 8 thorns 3.50 3.50
Souvenir Sheet 858 A74 1ce on 20np
834 A171 6ce multicolored 4.00 4.00 #296 .20 .20
1982 859 CD331 1ce on 20p #759 3.00 3.75
Italy’s victory in 1982 World Cup. 860 A173a 1ce on 20p #822 .20 .20
World Cup For surcharges see Nos. 862, 865, 869, 861 A171 1ce on 20p #803 .35 .35
A171 873, 879, 913, 915, 917. 862 A171 1ce on 20p #826 .20 .20
863 A173a 9ce on 55p #823 .50 .55
864 A171 9ce on 65p #805 .90 .90

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Nos. 804, 806, 809, 827, 829, 832 947 A181 2.30ce Pakistan, (field 1985, Aug. 9
Surcharged hockey) .20 .20 970 A186 5ce Street clean-up .20 .20
948 A181 3ce Edwin Moses, 971 A186 8ce Tree planting .20 .20
1984, Feb. 8 Litho. US .20 .20 972 A186 12ce Food production .25 .25
912 A171 9ce on 3ce #809 .85 .85 949 A181 50ce Lauri Fung, Ca- 973 A186 100ce Education 1.25 2.50
913 A171 9ce on 3ce #832 .55 .55 nada 2.00 2.00 Nos. 970-973 (4) 1.90 3.15 UN Child
914 A171 10ce on 30p #804 .85 .85 Nos. 945-949 (5) 2.80 2.80 Survival
915 A171 10ce on 30p #827 .55 .55 Souvenir Sheet
916 A171 20ce on 80p #806 2.00 2.00
Souvenir Sheet Campaign
974 A186 110ce like 8ce 2.00 2.00 A191
917 A171 20ce on 80p #829 1.00 1.00 950 A181 70ce France 2.50 2.50
Nos. 912-917 (6) 5.80 5.80
1985, Dec. 16 Perf. 14
Nos. 844-846 Surcharged and 997 A191 5ce Weighing .20 .20
Overprinted in Red with UPU Emblem 998 A191 8ce Oral rehydra-
and: “19th U.P.U. CONGRESS- tion therapy .30 .30
999 A191 12ce Breast-feeding .50 .50
HAMBURG” 1000 A191 100ce Immunization 4.00 4.00
1984 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2 Nos. 997-1000 (4) 5.00 5.00
918 A173c 10ce on 3ce multi .55 .55 Souvenir Sheet
919 A173c 50ce on 5ce multi 2.75 2.75
Perf. 15x14
Souvenir Sheet Motorcycle Centenary — A187
1001 A191 110ce Emblem, pin-
920 A173c 60ce on 6ce multi 3.25 3.25 wheel 2.00 2.00
1985, Sept. 9
1984, July Litho. Perf. 14 975 A187 5ce 1984 Honda In-
921 A179 1ce Amorphophallus Christmas Queen Mother, terceptor .55 .25
976 A187 8ce 1938 DKW .70 .35
johnsonii .20 .20 A183 85th Birthday 977 A187 12ce 1923 BMW R 32 1.00 .55
922 A179 1.40ce Pancratium tri- A184
anthum .20 .20 978 A187 100ce 1900 NSU 6.00 6.00
923 A179 2.30ce Eulophia cucul- Nos. 975-978 (4) 8.25 7.15
lata .20 .20 1984, Nov. 19 Perf. 12x12 1/2 Souvenir Sheet
924 A179 3ce Amorphophallus 951 A183 70p Adoration of the 979 A187 110ce 1973 Zundapp 5.00 5.00
abyssinicus .20 .20 Magi .20 .20
925 A179 50ce Chlorophytum 952 A183 1ce Chorus of an-
togoense 3.00 4.00 gels .20 .20 AMERIPEX ’86 — A192
Nos. 921-925 (5) 3.80 4.80 953 A183 1.40ce Adoration of the
shepherds .20 .20
Souvenir Sheet 954 A183 2.30ce Flight into Perf. 14 1/2x14, 14x14 1/2
926 A179 60ce like 1ce 3.00 3.00 Egypt .20 .20 1986, Oct. 27 Litho.
955 A183 3ce King holding 1002 A192 5ce Young collec-
Christ .20 .20 tors .25 .25
956 A183 50ce Adoration of the 1003 A192 25ce Earth, jet .75 .75
angels 1.50 2.00 1004 A192 100ce Stewardess,
Nos. 951-956 (6) 2.50 3.00 vert. 2.50 2.50
Souvenir Sheet Nos. 1002-1004 (3) 3.50 3.50
957 A183 70ce like 70p 2.75 2.75 Souvenir Sheet
Audubon Birth
Bicent. — A188 1005 A192 150ce Young collec-
1985 Perf. 14 tors, diff. 3.50 3.50
Portraits. 1985, Oct. 16
Endangered Species — A180 958 A184 5ce multicolored .20 .20 980 A188 5ce York-tailed fly-
959 A184 8ce like 5ce .20 .20 catcher 1.25 1.25
960 A184 12ce multicolored .25 .25 981 A188 8ce Barred owl 2.00 2.00
1984, Aug. Perf. 14 961 A184 20ce like 12ce .30 .30 982 A188 12ce Black-throated
927 A180 1ce Bongo .50 .50 962 A184 70ce multicolored 1.00 1.00 mango 2.00 2.00
928 A180 2.30ce Males locking 963 A184 100ce like 70ce 1.25 1.25 983 A188 100ce White-crown-
horns 1.00 1.00 Nos. 958-963 (6) 3.20 3.20 ed pigeon 5.00 5.00
929 A180 3ce Family 1.25 1.25 Nos. 980-983 (4) 10.25 10.25
930 A180 20ce Herd 4.00 4.00 Souvenir Sheet
Nos. 927-930 (4) 6.75 6.75 Souvenir Sheet
964 A184 110ce multicolored 3.00 3.00
984 A188 110ce Downy wood- INTER-TOURISM ’86, Nov. 8-
Souvenir Sheets Issue dates: 5ce, 12ce, 100ce, 110ce, July pecker 7.00 7.00 17 — A193
931 A180 70ce Kob 6.00 6.00 29. 8ce, 20ce, 70ce, Dec.
932 A180 70ce Bushbuck 6.00 6.00 Nos. 959, 961-962 issued in sheets of 5 + For surcharges see Nos. 1124-1127.
label. Designs: 5ce, Kejetia Roundabout, Jumasi.
For surcharges see Nos. 1117-1119A, 15ce, Fort St. Jago, Elmina. 25ce, Warriors.
1198-1200, 1311-1317. 100ce, Chief, retinue. 150ce, Elephants.
1986, Nov. 10 Perf. 14
1006 A193 5ce multi .20 .20
1007 A193 15ce multi .35 .35
1008 A193 25ce multi .55 .55
UN, 40th 1009 A193 100ce multi 2.40 2.40
Anniv. Nos. 1006-1009 (4) 3.50 3.50
A189 Souvenir Sheet
Perf. 15x14
1985, Oct. 24 Perf. 14 1/2x14 1010 A193 150ce multi 4.75 4.75
985 A189 5ce
UN building .20 .20
986 A189 8ce
UN building, diff. .20 .20
987 A189 12ce
Dove .20 .30
1984 Summer Native Id-El-Fitr Islamic 988 A189 18ce
General Assem-
Olympics — A181 Dancers — A182 Festival — A185 bly .25 .40
989 A189 100ce Flags 1.75 2.25
1984, Aug. Perf. 15 Nos. 985-989 (5) 2.60 3.35
1985, Aug. 1
933 A181 1ce Running .20 .20 965 A185 5ce Entering mosque .20 .20 Souvenir Sheet
934 A181 1.40ce Boxing .20 .20 966 A185 8ce Prayer rug .35 .35 990 A189 110ce UN No. 36 2.00 2.00
935 A181 2.30ce Field hockey .20 .20 967 A185 12ce Mosque .60 .60
936 A181 3ce Hurdles .20 .20 968 A185 18ce Public Koran
937 A181 50ce Rhythmic gym- reading .85 .85
nastics 3.00 4.00 969 A185 50ce Map, Banda
Nos. 933-937 (5) 3.80 4.80 Nkwanta
Souvenir Sheet Mosque 2.25 2.25
938 A181 70ce Soccer 2.50 2.50 Nos. 965-969 (5) 4.25 4.25 1986 World Cup Fertility
UNCTAD, Soccer Dolls — A195
For surcharges see #945-950, 1112-1116. 20th Championships,
Anniv. Mexico — A194
1984, Sept. Perf. 14
939 A182 1ce Dipo .20 .20 Various soccer plays.
940 A182 1.40ce Adowa .20 .20 1985, Nov. 4 Perf. 14
941 A182 2.30ce Agbadza .20 .20 991 A190 5ce Coffee .20 .20 1987, Jan. 16 Litho. Perf. 14x14 1/2
942 A182 3ce Damba .20 .20 992 A190 8ce Cocoa .20 .20 1011 A194 5ce multi .30 .30
943 A182 50ce Dipo, diff. 1.50 3.00 993 A190 12ce Lumber .25 .25 1012 A194 15ce multi .40 .40
Nos. 939-943 (5) 2.30 3.80 994 A190 18ce Bauxite mining 1.10 1.10 1013 A194 25ce multi .60 .60
995 A190 100ce Gold mining 6.25 6.25 1014 A194 100ce multi 2.00 2.00
Souvenir Sheet Nos. 991-995 (5) 8.00 8.00 Nos. 1011-1014 (4) 3.30 3.30
944 A182 70ce Mandolin player 2.00 2.00 Souvenir Sheet Souvenir Sheet
Nos. 933-938 Ovptd. in Gold with Perf. 15x14 1015 A194 150ce multi 2.50 2.50
Intl. Youth 996 A190 110ce Produce 3.00 3.00
Winner and Country Year — A186 For surcharges see Nos. 1120-1123D.
1984, Dec. 3 Litho. Perf. 15
945 A181 1ce Valerie Brisco-
Hooks, US .20 .20
946 A181 1.40ce US winners .20 .20

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1987, Jan. 22 1061 A206 100ce Javelin 1.00 1.00
1062 A206 350ce Weight lifting 3.50 3.50
Various dolls. Nos. 1058-1062 (5) 6.10 6.10
1016 A195 5ce multi .20 .20 Souvenir Sheet
1017 A195 15ce multi .20 .20 1063 A206 500ce like 80ce 5.00 5.00
1018 A195 25ce multi .30 .30
1019 A195 100ce multi 1.25 1.25 For overprints see Nos. 1084-1089.
Nos. 1016-1019 (4) 1.95 1.95
Souvenir Sheet
1020 A195 150ce like #1016 2.25 2.25 Solidarity with
South Africans for December 31, 1981
Abolition of Revolution — A203a
Apartheid — A200
1988, Jan. 26 Litho. Perf. 13
1987, May 18 Perf. 14x14 1/2 1050A A203a 5ce Ports 1.50 .50
1033 A200 5ce Liberated pris- 1050B A203a 15ce Railways 13.00 2.50
oner .20 .20 1050C A203a 25ce Cocoa
Intl. Peace 1034 A200 15ce Miner, gold in- industry 2.50 .75
Year gots .30 .30 1050D A203a 100ce Mining
1035 A200 25ce Zulu warrior .30 .30 industry 14.00 15.00 Intl. Red Cross,
A196 1036 A200 100ce Nelson Mande- Nos. 1050A-1050D (4) 31.00 18.75 125th
la, shackles 1.75 1.75
Nos. 1033-1036 (4) 2.55 2.55 Anniv. — A207
Perf. 14 1/2x14, 14x14 1/2
1987, Mar. 2 Litho. Souvenir Sheet 1988, Dec. 14 Litho. Perf. 14
1021 A196 5ce Children play- 1037 A200 150ce Mandela, map,
ing .25 .25 1064 A207 20ce Nutrition .50 .50
star 2.50 2.50 1065 A207 50ce Voluntary ser-
1022 A196 25ce Plow .75 .75
1023 A196 100ce Earth, doves, vice 1.00 1.00
vert. 3.00 3.00 1066 A207 60ce Disaster relief
Nos. 1021-1023 (3) 4.00 4.00 (flood) 1.25 1.25
1067 A207 200ce Medical assis-
Souvenir Sheet tance 3.50 3.50
1024 A196 150ce Dove, plow, Nos. 1064-1067 (4) 6.25 6.25
vert. 3.00 3.00 UN Universal
Campaign — A204

Traditional Musical Child Survival Campaign emblem and: 5ce,

Instruments — A201 Nurse immunizing woman. 15ce, Child receiv-
ing intramuscular vaccine. 25ce, Youth crip-
pled by polio. 100ce, Nurse handing infant to
1987, July 13 Perf. 14 1/2x14 mother.
GIFEX ’87 1038 A201 5ce Horns .20 .20
A197 1039 A201 15ce Xylophone .25 .25 1988, Feb. 1 Perf. 15
1040 A201 25ce String instru- 1051 A204 5ce multi .20 .20 Christmas Symbolism — A208
ments .50 .50 1052 A204 15ce multi .25 .25
1987, Mar. 10 Perf. 14 1041 A201 100ce Drums 1.25 1.25 1053 A204 25ce multi .40 .40
1025 A197 5ce Lumber, house Nos. 1038-1041 (4) 2.20 2.20 1054 A204 100ce multi 1.00 1.00 1988, Dec. 19 Litho. Perf. 14
construction .20 .20 Nos. 1051-1054 (4) 1.85 1.85 1068 A208 20ce shown .20 .20
1026 A197 15ce Furniture .20 .20 Souvenir Sheet 1069 A208 60ce Mother and
1027 A197 25ce Tree stumps .35 .35 1042 A201 200ce Percussion in- child, vert. .50 .50
1028 A197 200ce Logs, art ob- struments 3.00 3.00 1070 A208 80ce Mother, child,
jects 2.25 2.25 tree, vert. .60 .60
Nos. 1025-1028 (4) 3.00 3.00 1071 A208 100ce Magi follow
star .75 .75
Ghana Intl. Forestry Exposition, Accra. 1072 A208 350ce Abstract, diff.,
vert. 3.00 3.00
Nos. 1068-1072 (5) 5.05 5.05
Intl. Year Souvenir Sheet
of Shelter
for the 1073 A208 500ce Mother and
child, diff.,
Homeless Intl. Fund for Agricultural vert. 4.00 4.00
A202 Development — A204a
1987, Sept. 21 Litho. Perf. 14 1988, Apr. 14 Perf. 13
A198 1043 A202 5ce Public well .20 .20 1054A A204a 5ce Fishing .60 .60
1044 A202 15ce Home con- 1054B A204a 15ce Harvesting 1.00 1.00
struction .25 .25 1054C A204a 25ce Cattle 1.50 1.50
1045 A202 25ce Village, bridge, 1054D A204a 100ce Granary 3.75 3.75
car .40 .40 Nos. 1054A-1054D (4) 6.85 6.85
1046 A202 100ce Village, electric
power lines 1.40 1.40
Nos. 1043-1046 (4) 2.25 2.25

Organization of Titian, 500th Birth

African Unity, Anniv. (in
25th 1988) — A210
Halley’s Comet — A199 Anniv. — A209

Designs: 5ce, Mikhail Vasilyevich Tribal 1989, Jan. 3

Lomonosov (1711-1765), Russian scientist, Costumes — A205 1074 A209 20ce Solidarity .20 .20
and the Chamber of Curiosities. 25ce, Landing 1075 A209 50ce OAU, Addis
of the US probe Surveyor on the Moon’s sur- Festivals — A203 Ababa .20 .20
face, 1966. 200ce, Wedgewood memorial to 1988, May 9 Litho. Perf. 14 1076 A209 60ce Haile Selassie,
Sir Isaac Newton, the appearance of Halley’s 1055 A205 5ce Akwadjan .20 .20 Ethiopia .40 .40
Comet in 1790 and US astronauts Armstrong Designs: Preparation of Kpokpoi, Homowo 1056 A205 25ce Banaa .50 .50 1077 A209 200ce Kwame
and Aldrin landing Eagle on the Moon in 1969. Festival. 15ce, Hunters with catch, Aboakyir 1057 A205 250ce Agwasen 2.50 2.50 Nkrumah,
250ce, Comet over Fishermen near Chris- Festival. 25ce, Chief dancing, Odwira Festival. Nos. 1055-1057 (3) 3.20 3.20 Ghana .65 .65
tianborg Castle, 100ce, Chief held aloft in a palanquin, Yam Nos. 1074-1077 (4) 1.45 1.45
1987, Apr. 8 Perf. 14 1/2x14 “Selassie” is spelled incorrectly on No.
1988, Jan. 6 Litho. Perf. 15 1076. Nos. 1076-1077 horiz.
1029 A198 5ce multi .25 .20
1030 A198 25ce multi .80 .80 1047 A203 5ce multi .20 .20
1031 A198 200ce multi 4.50 4.50 1048 A203 15ce multi .25 .25 1988 1989, Jan. 16
Nos. 1029-1031 (3) 5.55 5.50 1049 A203 25ce multi .40 .40 Summer
1050 A203 100ce multi 1.40 1.40 1078 A210 20ce Amor, 1515 .45 .20
Souvenir Sheet Nos. 1047-1050 (4) 2.25 2.25 Olympics, 1079 A210 60ce The Appeal .75 .75
1032 A199 250ce multi 5.00 5.00 Seoul 1080 A210 80ce Bacchus and
A206 Ariadne, c.
For surcharges see Nos. 1128-1131, 1523 1.00 1.00
1081 A210 100ce Portrait of a
1988, Oct. 10 Musician, c.
1058 A206 20ce Boxing .20 .20 1518 1.25 1.25
1059 A206 60ce Running .60 .60 1082 A210 350ce Philip II Seated 3.50 3.50
1060 A206 80ce Discus .80 .80 Nos. 1078-1082 (5) 6.95 6.70
Souvenir Sheet
1083 A210 500ce Portrait of a
Gentleman, c.
1550 4.00 4.00

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Nos. 1058-1063 Ovptd. with Winners’ Nos. 835-838 and 840 Surcharged Emblems, French arms and flags: 20ce, 1989, Oct. 16 Perf. 14
Names Tube-mounted field carriage, flag of 1643 to 1148 A216 20ce Spermestes
1989, July 3 Litho. Perf. 14 1790. 60ce, Infantryman, flag of 1789. 80ce,
1989, Jan. 23 cuculatus .35 .20
1107 A173b 60ce on 1ce .90 .60 Handgun, flag of 1789, diff. 350ce, Musket, 1149 A216 50ce Motacilla
1084 A206 20ce “A. ZUELOW / 1108 A173b 80ce on 1.40ce 1.10 .75 flag of 1794 to 1814 and 1848 to present. aguimp .55 .35
DDR / 60 KG” .40 .40 1109 A173b 200ce on 2.30ce 3.00 3.00 600ce, Map of Paris. 1150 A216 60ce Halcyon
1085 A206 60ce “G. BORDIN / 1110 A173b 300ce on 3ce 3.50 4.00 malimbicus 1.60 1.60
ITALY / MAR- Nos. 1107-1110 (4) 8.50 8.35 1989, Sept. 22 Litho. Perf. 14 1151 A216 80ce Ispidina
ATHON” .50 .50 Souvenir Sheet 1132 A212 20ce shown .65 .65 picta 2.50 2.50
1086 A206 80ce “J. SCHULT / 1133 A212 60ce multi 1.25 1.25 1152 A216 150ce Striped king-
DDR” .60 .60 1111 A173b 500ce on 6ce 6.50 6.50 1134 A212 80ce multi 1.50 1.50 fisher 2.00 2.00
1087 A206 100ce “T. KORJUS / 1135 A212 350ce multi 4.00 4.00 1153 A216 200ce Shikra 1.75 1.75
FINLAND” .70 .70 Nos. 933-936 and 938 Surcharged Nos. 1132-1135 (4) 7.40 7.40 1154 A216 300ce Gray parrot 2.50 2.50
1088 A206 350ce “B. GUIDIKOV 1155 A216 500ce Black kite 3.50 3.50
/ BULGARIA / 1989, July 3 Perf. 15 Souvenir Sheet
Nos. 1148-1155 (8) 14.75 14.40
75 KG” 1.75 1.75 1112 A181 60ce on 1ce .40 .40 1136 A212 600ce multi 4.50 4.50
Nos. 1084-1088 (5) 3.95 3.95 1113 A181 80ce on 1.40ce .60 .60 Souvenir Sheets
1114 A181 200ce on 2.30ce 1.50 1.50 1156 A216 600ce Four birds 8.00 8.00
Souvenir Sheet 1115 A181 300ce on 3ce 2.10 2.10 1157 A216 600ce Three birds 8.00 8.00
1089 A206 500ce multi 4.00 4.00 Nos. 1112-1115 (4) 4.60 4.60
Nos. 1152-1156 vert.
1988 Summer Olympics, Seoul. Margin of Souvenir Sheet
No. 1089 ovptd. “GOLD / J. SCHULT DDR / 1116 A181 600ce on 70ce 4.25 4.25
Nos. 958, 960 and 963-964
Stamps of 1967-1984 Surcharged
1989, Nov. 20 Litho. Perf. 14 1st Moon
1988-91 1117 A184 80ce on 5ce #958 .60 .60 Landing,
1089A A177 20ce on 50p #889 .35 .20 1118 A184 250ce on 12ce #960 2.00 2.00 20th
1090 A177 20ce on 1ce #890 .35 .20 1119 A184 300ce on 100ce Anniv.
1091 A75 50ce on 10np #963 2.40 2.40
#295 .35 .30 Nos. 1117-1119 (3) 5.00 5.00 A217
1092 A177 50ce on 10p #887 .35 .20 Mushrooms
f. 50ce’ on 10p Denomination Souvenir Sheet A213 A214 Highlights of the Apollo 11 mission.
below obliterator 1119A A184 500ce on 110ce
1092A A74 50ce on 1ce #858 5.00 .50 #964 5.00 5.00 1989, Oct. 2 Litho. Perf. 14
1092B A74 50ce on 1ce #858 5.00 .50 1137 A213 20ce Collybia .20 .20
1989, Nov. 6 Perf. 14
1092C A74 50ce on 1ce #858 5.00 .50 1138 A213 50ce Lawyer’s wig .40 .40 1158 A217 20ce Columbia .20 .20
1092D A177 50ce on 1ce #890 5.00 .50 Nos. 1011-1013 and 1015 Surcharged 1139 A214 60ce Xerocomus 1159 A217 80ce Footprint .65 .65
1092E A73 60ce on 1np #286 5.00 .50 subto- 1160 A217 200ce Aldrin on Moon 1.60 1.60
1989 Litho. Perf. 14x14 1/2 1161 A217 300ce Splashdown 2.40 2.40
1093 A73 60ce on 4np #291 5.00 .50 1120 A194 60ce on 5ce #1011 .50 .50 mentosus .50 .50
1093A A177 60ce on 3ce #892 .50 .25 1140 A213 80ce Wood Nos. 1158-1161 (4) 4.85 4.85
b. Decimal point omitted 1121 A194 200ce on 15ce #1012 1.75 1.75
1122 A194 300ce on 25ce #1013 2.50 2.50 belwits .65 .65 Souvenir Sheets
1094 A177 80ce on 5p #886 .80 .80 1141 A214 150ce Suillus
1094A A177 80ce on 5ce #894 5.00 5.00 Nos. 1120-1122 (3) 4.75 4.75 1162 A217 500ce Liftoff, vert. 4.00 4.00
placidus 1.25 1.25 1163 A217 500ce Earth, vert. 4.00 4.00
1095 A74 100ce on 20np Souvenir Sheet 1142 A214 200ce Lepista nuda 1.60 1.60
#296 .50 .50 1123 A194 600ce on 150ce 1143 A213 300ce Fairy rings 2.40 2.40
1096 A177 100ce on 20p #888 .50 .50 #1015 7.00 7.00 1144 A213 500ce Field mush-
1096A A177 100ce on 3ce #892 .50 .50 room 4.00 4.00
1096B A75 200ce on 6np #292 .60 .60 Nos. 1137-1144 (8) 11.00 11.00
Surcharge has no decimal on No. 1092A, is Souvenir Sheets
vertical on No. 1092B and horizontal on No. 1145 A213 600ce Three Ama-
1092C. nita species 4.75 4.75
No. 1090 also exists with 5mm spacing 1146 A214 600ce Three Bole-
between block and $20.00. tus species 4.75 4.75
Surcharge on No. 1093A has decimal point.
Unauthorized surchages exist. Nos. 1120-1123
Issued: #1089A, 1096B, 7/1/88; #1092A, Surcharged Souvenir Sheet World Environment Day — A218
1092B, 1092D, 1092E, 1094A, 1096A, 1990;
#1092C, 1991; others, 1989. 1989, Nov. 20 Litho. Perf. 14
1164 A218 20ce Desertification .20 .20
1165 A218 60ce Bush fires .55 .55
1166 A218 400ce Industrial pollu-
tion 3.25 3.25
1167 A218 500ce Soil erosion 4.50 4.50
1989 Litho. Perf. 14x14 1/2 Nos. 1164-1167 (4) 8.50 8.50
1123A A194 60ce on 5ce .50 .50
1123B A194 200ce on 15ce 1.60 1.60 Nos. 760 and 761 Surcharged
1123C A194 300ce on 25ce 2.40 2.40 1989, Nov. 20 Litho. Perf. 14
Nos. 1123A-1123C (3) 4.50 4.50
1168 CD331 100ce on 80p .80 .80
Souvenir Sheet 1169 CD331 500ce on 4ce 4.75 4.75
1123D A194 600ce on 150ce 6.00 6.00 A Midsummer Night’s Dream, by
Shakespeare — A215
Nos. 980-982 and 984 Surcharged
1989, Nov. 20 Litho. Perf. 14 Designs: a, “The course of true love never
1124 A188 80ce on 5ce #980 1.75 1.75 did run smooth.” b, “Love looks not with the
1125 A188 100ce on 8ce #981 3.00 3.00 eye but with the mind.” c, “Nature here shows
Minamoto-no-Yoritomo, by Fujiwara- 1126 A188 300ce on 12ce #982 3.50 3.50 art.” d, “Things growing are not ripe till their
no-Takanobu (1142-1205) — A211 Nos. 1124-1126 (3) 8.25 8.25 season.” e, “He is defiled that draws a sword
on thee.” f, “It is not enough to speak but to
Souvenir Sheet speak true.” g, “Thou art wise as thou art
Paintings: 50ce, Takami Senseki, by 1127 A188 500ce on 110ce #984 9.00 9.00 beautiful.” h, Leopard behind trees. i, The-
Watanabe Kazan (1793-1841). 60ce, Ikkyu seus. j, Boy holding flower, trees. k, Oberon
Sojum, by Bokusai, Muromachi period. 75ce, French Revolution, Bicent. — A219
and Titania among trees. l, Bottom wearing
Nakamura Kuranosuka, by Ogata Korin (1658- Nos. 1029-1032 Surcharged head of a jackass. m, Bottom’s leg, leopard
1716). 125ce, Portrait of a Lady, Kyoto branch 1989, Nov. 20 Perf. 14 1/2x14 behind trees. n, Hippolyta. o, Leopard, tree Designs: 20ce, Storming of the Bastille,
of Kano school, Momoyama period. 150ce, trunk. p, Tree trunk, foliage, lower portion of vert. 60ce, Declaration of Human Rights and
Portrait of Zemmui, anonymous, 12th cent. 1128 A198 60ce on 5ce #1029 .90 .90 Citizenship, vert. 80ce, Storming of the Bas-
a. With comet logo .35 .35 Theseus’s robe. q, Wisps of fragrance, clouds,
200ce, Ono no Komachi, the Poetess, by 1129 A198 80ce on 25ce #1030 1.10 1.10 hills, foliage. r, Wisps of fragrance, flowering tille, diff. 200ce, Departure of the Volunteers in
Hokusai. No. 1104, Kobo Daisi as a Child, a. With comet logo .50 .50 plants. s, Flowering plants. t, Lion, foliage. u, 1792, high relief on the Arc de Triomphe,
anonymous, Kamakura period. No. 1105, Por- 1130 A198 500ce on 200ce Lion’s mane, foliage. 1833-35, by Francis Rude. 350ce, Planting the
trait of Kodai-no-Kimi, attributed to Fujiwara- #1031 4.00 4.00 Liberty Tree.
no-Nobuzane, 12th cent. No. 1106, Portrait of a. With comet logo 3.00 3.00 1989, Oct. 9 Perf. 13 1/2x13
Emperor Hanazono, by Fujiwara-no-Goshin, Nos. 1128-1130 (3) 6.00 6.00 1147 A215 Sheet of 21 15.00 15.00 Perf. 14x13 1/2, 13 1/2x14
14th cent. Nos. 1128a-1130a (3) 3.85 3.85 a.-u. 40ce any single .60 .60 1989, Sept. 22
1989, Aug. 21 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x14 Souvenir Sheet 425th Birth anniv. of William Shakespeare, 1170 A219 20ce multicolored .50 .50
1131 A199 750ce on 250ce playwright. 1171 A219 60ce multicolored 1.00 1.00
1097 A211 20ce shown .20 .20 1172 A219 80ce multicolored 1.25 1.25
1098 A211 50ce multi .45 .45 #1032 6.00 6.00
a. With comet logo 5.00 5.00 1173 A219 200ce multicolored 2.25 2.25
1099 A211 60ce multi .50 .50 1174 A219 350ce multicolored 3.50 3.50
1100 A211 75ce multi .70 .70 Nos. 1170-1174 (5) 8.50 8.50
1101 A211 125ce multi 1.10 1.10
1102 A211 150ce multi 1.40 1.40
1103 A211 200ce multi 1.75 1.75
1104 A211 500ce multi 2.60 2.60
Nos. 1097-1104 (8) 8.70 8.70
Souvenir Sheets
1105 A211 500ce multi 5.50 5.50 Birds
1106 A211 500ce multi 5.50 5.50 A216
Hirohito (1901-1989) and enthronement of Butterflies
Akihito as emperor of Japan. PHILEXFRANCE A220
’89, French
Bicent. — A212
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
1990, Feb. 15 Litho. Perf. 14 the Wyon portrait. 350ce, Penny Black master 1990, Oct. 25 Litho. Perf. 14x14 /2

1175 A220 20ce Bebearia ar- die. 400ce, London mail coach. No. 1207, 1224 Sheet of 20 15.00 15.00
cadius .50 .50 Printers and flat-bed presses of Perkins, a.-t. A227 40ce any single .65 .65
1176 A220 60ce Charaxes Bacon & Petch, 1840.
Souvenir Sheet
laodice .70 .70
1177 A220 80ce Euryphura 1990, May 3 Perf. 13 1/2x14 1225 A227 600ce multicolored 7.50 7.50
porphyrion .80 .80 1201 A223 20ce shown .35 .35
1178 A220 100ce Neptis 1202 A223 60ce multicolored .60 .60 Miniature Sheet
nicomedes .90 .90 1203 A223 80ce multicolored .80 .80
1179 A220 150ce Citrinophila 1204 A223 200ce multicolored 1.75 1.75
erastus 1.10 1.10 1205 A223 350ce multicolored 2.25 2.25 World Cup Soccer Championships,
1180 A220 200ce Epitola 1206 A223 400ce multicolored 2.25 2.25 Italy — A231
honorius 1.60 1.60 Nos. 1201-1206 (6) 8.00 8.00
1181 A220 300ce Precis wes- Souvenir Sheets Players from participating countries.
termanni 1.90 1.90
1182 A220 500ce Cymothoe 1207 A223 600ce multicolored 4.75 4.75
1208 A223 600ce multicolored 4.75 4.75 1990, Dec. 18 Litho. Perf. 14
hypatha 2.50 2.50
Nos. 1175-1182 (8) 10.00 10.00 1247 A231 20ce Italy .45 .45
1248 A231 50ce Egypt .60 .60
Souvenir Sheets Voyager 2 — A228 1249 A231 60ce Cameroun .65 .65
1183 A220 600ce Telipna 1250 A231 80ce Romania .75 .75
bimacula 6.00 6.00 1251 A231 100ce Yugoslavia .90 .90
1184 A220 600ce Pentila Photographs from Voyager 2: No. 1226a, 1252 A231 150ce Cameroun,
phidia 6.00 6.00 Jupiter. b, Neptune, Triton. c, Ariel, moon of vert. 1.50 1.50
Uranus. d, Saturn, Mimas. e, Saturn. f, Rings 1253 A231 400ce South Korea 2.40 2.40
of Saturn. g, Neptune. h, Uranus, Miranda. i, 1254 A231 600ce West Ger-
Volcano on Io. many 2.75 2.75
Nos. 1247-1254 (8) 10.00 10.00
1990, Dec. 13 Litho. Perf. 14 Souvenir Sheets
1226 A228 100ce Sheet of 9,
June 4, Revolution, #1226a-1226i 9.00 9.00 1255 A231 800ce UAE 5.00 5.00
10th Anniv. (in 1256 A231 800ce Colombia 5.00 5.00
1989) — A224 Souvenir Sheets
1227 A228 600ce Voyager 2
liftoff, vert. 4.25 4.25
1990, June 5 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2x14 1228 A228 600ce Voyager 2,
1209 A224 20ce shown .20 .20 vert. 4.25 4.25
1210 A224 60ce Pineapple, lob-
sters .50 .50
1211 A224 80ce Corn, cacao
Seashells — A221 beans .65 .65
1212 A224 200ce Mining 1.60 1.60
1990, Feb. 20 Perf. 14x14 1/2 1213 A224 350ce Scales, sword 2.75 2.75
1185 A221 20ce Cymbium glans .60 .60 Nos. 1209-1213 (5) 5.70 5.70
1186 A221 60ce Cardium cos-
tatum .75 .75
1187 A221 80ce Conus Peter Paul
genuanus 1.00 1.00 Rubens
1188 A221 200ce Ancilla (1577-1640),
tankervillei 2.50 2.50 Painter
1189 A221 350ce Tectarius A232
coronatus 4.00 4.00 Intelsat,
Nos. 1185-1189 (5) 8.85 8.85 25th Orchids — A229
Anniv. Portraits by Rubens: 20ce, Duke of Mantua.
A225 50ce, Jan Brant. 60ce, Young man. 80ce,
Designs: 20ce, Eulophia guineensis. 40ce, Michel Ophovius. 100ce, Caspar Gevaerts.
Eurychone rothschildiana. 60ce, Bulbophyllum 200ce, Head of a warrior (detail). 300ce,
Satellites over: 60ce, Pacific Ocean. 80ce, barbigerum. 80ce, Polystachya galeata. Bearded man. 400ce, Paracelsus. No. 1265.
Pacific, diff. 200ce, South Atlantic. 350ce, 200ce, Diaphananthe kamerunensis. 300ce, Archduke Ferdinand. No. 1266, Warrior with
Pacific, Indian Oceans. Podangis dactyloceras. 400ce, Ancistrochilus Two Pages.
rothschildianus. 500ce, Rangaeris muscicola.
1990, July 12 Perf. 14x14 1/2 No. 1237, Bolusiella imbricata. No. 1238, 1990, Dec. 24 Litho. Perf. 14
1214 A225 20ce multicolored .20 .20 Diaphananthe rutila. 1257 A232 20ce multicolored .20 .20
1215 A225 60ce multicolored .50 .50 1258 A232 50ce multicolored .40 .40
1216 A225 80ce multicolored .60 .60 1990, Dec. 17 1259 A232 60ce multicolored .50 .50
Jawaharlal Nehru, 1st Prime Minister 1217 A225 200ce multicolored 1.50 1.50 1229 A229 20ce multicolored .20 .20 1260 A232 80ce multicolored .65 .65
1218 A225 350ce multicolored 2.50 2.50 1230 A229 40ce multicolored .30 .30 1261 A232 100ce multicolored .75 .75
of Independent India — A222 1231 A229 60ce multicolored .50 .50
Nos. 1214-1218 (5) 5.30 5.30 1262 A232 200ce multicolored 1.75 1.75
1232 A229 80ce multicolored .65 .65 1263 A232 300ce multicolored 2.50 2.50
Designs: 20ce, Greeting Pres. Kwame 1233 A229 200ce multicolored 1.60 1.60 1264 A232 400ce multicolored 3.25 3.25
Nkrumah of Ghana. 60ce, Addressing Afro- 1234 A229 300ce multicolored 2.40 2.40 Nos. 1257-1264 (8) 10.00 10.00
Asian conference. 80ce, Return from tour of 1235 A229 400ce multicolored 3.25 3.25
China, vert. 200ce, Releasing dove during a 1236 A229 500ce multicolored 4.00 4.00 Souvenir Sheets
children’s celebration in New Delhi, vert. Nos. 1229-1236 (8) 12.90 12.90 1265 A232 600ce multicolored 5.00 5.00
350ce, Portrait, vert. Souvenir Sheets 1266 A232 600ce multicolored 5.00 5.00
Perf. 14 /2x14, 14x14 /2
1 1 1237 A229 600ce multicolored 6.50 6.50
1238 A229 600ce multicolored 6.50 6.50
1990, Mar. 27 Litho.
1190 A222 20ce shown .65 .65
1191 A222 60ce multicolored .75 .75 Introduction of Intl. Direct Dialing
1192 A222 80ce multicolored 1.00 1.00 Service (in 1988) — A226
1193 A222 200ce multicolored 1.50 1.50
1194 A222 350ce multicolored 2.50 2.50
Nos. 1190-1194 (5) 6.40 6.40 1990, July 16
1219 A226 20ce shown .20 .20
Nos. 759A and 760A-760B 1220 A226 60ce Man using tele-
Surcharged phone .50 .50
1221 A226 80ce Man using pay
1990 Perf. 14 telephone .60 .60
1195 CD331 80ce on 65p .80 .80 1222 A226 200ce Telephone Mushrooms — A230
1196 CD331 100ce on 1ce 1.00 1.00 booths 1.50 1.50
Minerals — A233
1197 CD331 300ce on 3ce 3.00 3.00 1223 A226 350ce Satellite dish 2.50 2.50 Designs: 20ce, Coprinus atramentarius.
Nos. 1195-1197 (3) 4.80 4.80 Nos. 1219-1223 (5) 5.30 5.30 50ce, Marasmius oreades. 60ce, Oudaman- 1991, May 2 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2x14
siella radicata. 80ce, Cep. 150ce, Hebeloma 1267 A233 20ce Manganese
Nos. 961, 959 and 962 Surcharged Miniature Sheet crustuliniforme. 200ce, Coprinus micaceus. ore .55 .55
300ce, Lepiota procera. 500ce, Amanita 1268 A233 60ce Iron ore .70 .70
1990 phalloides. 1269 A233 80ce Bauxite ore 1.25 1.25
1198 A184 80ce on 20ce .80 .80 1270 A233 200ce Gold ore 2.75 2.75
1199 A184 200ce on 8ce 2.00 2.00 1990, Dec. 18 1271 A233 350ce Diamond 4.00 4.00
1200 A184 250ce on 70ce 2.50 2.50 1239 A230 20ce multicolored .75 .50 Nos. 1267-1271 (5) 9.25 9.25
Nos. 1198-1200 (3) 5.30 5.30 1240 A230 50ce multicolored 1.00 .75 Souvenir Sheet
1241 A230 60ce multicolored 1.25 .75
African 1242 A230 80ce multicolored 1.50 1.00 1272 A233 600ce Diamonds 9.00 9.00
Tropical Rain 1243 A230 150ce multicolored 2.25 1.50
Forest 1244 A230 200ce multicolored 3.00 2.00
A227 1245 A230 300ce multicolored 3.00 3.00
a. Min. sheet of 4, #1240,
Penny 1243-1245 6.00 6.00
Black, Designs: No. 1224a, Blue fairy flycatcher. b, 1246 A230 500ce multicolored 4.00 4.00
150th Boomslang. c, Superb sunbird. d, Bateleur a. Min. sheet of 4, #1239,
eagle. e, Yellow-casqued hornbill. f, Salamis 1241-1242, 1246 6.00 6.00
Anniv. Nos. 1239-1246 (8) 16.75 13.50
temora. g, Potto. h, Leopard. i, Bongo. j, Gray
A223 parrot. k, Okapi. l, Gorilla. m, Flap-necked
chameleon. n, West African dwarf crocodile. o,
Great Britain No. 1 and: 20ce, City Medal Python. p, Giant pangolin. q, Pseudacraea
containing portrait of Victoria by William Wyon boisduvali. r, African crested porcupine. s,
adapted for use on the Penny Black. 60ce, No. Rosy-columned aerangis. t, Cymothoe
1208, Bath mail coach. 80ce, Leeds Mail sangaris. Tribal
coach. 200ce, Heath’s engraving, based on No. 1225, Leopard, vert. Drums — A234
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
1991, May 9 Souvenir Sheets Designs: 20ce, Reaper with Sickle. 50ce,
1273 A234 20ce Damba .40 .20 1304 A237 800ce multicolored 5.00 5.00 The Thresher. 60ce, The Sheaf Binder. 80ce,
1274 A234 60ce Atumpan .75 .50 1305 A237 800ce multicolored 5.00 5.00 The Sheep Shearers. 100ce, Peasant Woman
1275 A234 80ce Kroboto 1.00 .65 Cutting Straw. 200ce, The Sower. 500ce, The
1276 A234 200ce Asafo 1.75 1.75 For overprints see Nos. 1567-1572. Plow and the Harrow, horiz. 600ce, The
1277 A234 350ce Obonu 2.75 2.75 Woodcutter. No. 1336, Evening: The Watch.
Nos. 1273-1277 (5) 6.65 5.85 No. 1337, Evening: The End of the Day.
Souvenir Sheet Perf. 13x13 1/2, 13 1/2x13 Insects
1278 A234 600ce Single drum 7.00 7.00 A243
1991, Aug. 12 Litho.
1328 A240 20ce multicolored .20 .20
1329 A240 50ce multicolored .40 .40 1991, Oct. 25 Perf. 14x13 1/2
1330 A240 60ce multicolored .50 .50 1349 A243 20ce Nularda .60 .20
Chorkor 1331 A240 80ce multicolored .65 .65 1350 A243 50ce Zonocrus .75 .35
Smoker 1332 A240 100ce multicolored .80 .80 1351 A243 60ce Gryllotalpa
A238 1333 A240 200ce multicolored 1.60 1.60 africana .90 .35
1334 A240 500ce multicolored 4.00 4.00 1352 A243 80ce Weevil 1.25 .65
1335 A240 600ce multicolored 4.75 4.75 1353 A243 100ce Coenagrion 1.50 .80
Designs: 20ce, Placing fish on racks. 60ce, Nos. 1328-1335 (8) 12.90 12.90 1354 A243 150ce Sahlbergella 1.75 1.75
Preparing smokers. 80ce, Preparing fish. 1355 A243 200ce Anthia 2.00 2.00
200ce, Preparing racks for smoker. 350ce, Size: 106x80mm 1356 A243 350ce Megacephala 2.75 2.75
Placing racks in smoker. Imperf Nos. 1349-1356 (8) 11.50 8.85

1991, July 22 Litho. Perf. 14x14 1/2 1336 A240 800ce multicolored 6.50 6.50 Souvenir Sheet
1337 A240 800ce multicolored 6.50 6.50 Perf. 13x12
1306 A238 20ce multicolored .35 .20
1307 A238 60ce multicolored .65 .40 1357 A243 600ce Lacetus 10.00 10.00
Flowers — A235 A236 1308 A238 80ce multicolored .75 .60
1309 A238 200ce multicolored 1.75 1.75
1991, May 15 1310 A238 350ce multicolored 2.25 2.25
1279 A235 20ce Amor- Nos. 1306-1310 (5) 5.75 5.20
dracon- Nos. 958-964 Overprinted “90th
tioides .65 .30 Birthday / 4th August 1990” and Landmarks and
1280 A235 60ce Anchomanes Surcharged
difformis .95 .50 Shells - A243a
1281 A235 80ce Kaemferia Perf. 14, 12 1/2x12 (#1312-1313, 1315)
nigerica 1.25 .65 1991, July 22 10th Non-aligned Ministers Designs: 50ce, Boti Falls, vert. 60ce,
1282 A235 200ce Aframomum 1311 A184 20ce on 5ce #958 .20 .20 Conference, Accra — A241 Larabanga Mosque. 80ce, Fort Sebastian,
sceptrum 2.50 2.50 1312 A184 20ce on 8ce #959 .20 .20 Shama. 100ce, Cape Coast Castle. 200ce,
1283 A235 350ce Amor- 1313 A184 40ce on 20ce #961 .35 .35 Natl. Leaders: 20ce, Nasser, Egypt (1952- Leucodon cowrie. 400ce, Achatina achatina.
phophallus 1314 A184 60ce on 12ce #960 .60 .60 1970). 60ce, Tito, Yugoslavia (1945-1980).
flavovirens 2.75 2.75 1315 A184 80ce on 70ce #962 .75 .75 80ce, Nehru, India (1947-1964). 200ce, 100ce exists in three types:
Nos. 1279-1283 (5) 8.10 6.70 1316 A184 150ce on 100ce #963 1.50 1.50 Nkrumah, Ghana (1957-1966). 350ce, Type I, “G” has angled curve, bars in “A”s
Souvenir Sheet Nos. 1311-1316 (6) 3.60 3.60 Sukarno, Indonesia (1945-1967). slope down to left, “c” has straight line, bottom
inscription 10mm.
1284 A235 600ce White flow- Souvenir Sheet 1991, Sept. 2 Perf. 13 1/2x14 Type II, “G” is rounded, bars in “A”s slope
ers 6.50 6.50 1317 A184 200ce on 110ce #964 2.00 2.00 down to right, “c” has slanted line, bottom
1338 A241 20ce multicolored .50 .35
1339 A241 60ce multicolored .60 .50 inscription 13mm.
Nos. 1312-1313, 1315 issued in sheets of 5 Type III, “G” is rounded, bars in “A”s slope
1991, May 17 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2x14 + label. Overprint is vertical on stamp in No. 1340 A241 80ce multicolored 4.00 1.50
1285 A235 20ce Urginea indi- 1341 A241 200ce multicolored 2.00 2.00 down to right, “c” has straight line, bottom
1317, horizontal on sheet margin. inscription 10mm.
ca .50 .30 The status of this issue is uncertain. 1342 A241 350ce multicolored 2.75 2.75
1286 A235 60ce Hymenocal- Nos. 1338-1342 (5) 9.85 7.10
lis littoralis .95 .50 200ce, 400ce
1287 A235 80ce Crinum Nos. 1357E, 1357Ej, 1357F, Type I: “G” has
jagus 1.50 .75 angled curve, bar in “A’s” slope down to left.
1288 A235 200ce Dipcadi ta- Nos. 1357Ek, 1357Fl, Type II: “G” is
cazzeanum 2.00 2.00 rounded, bars in “A’s” slope down to right.
1289 A235 350ce Haemanthus
rupestris 2.50 2.50 Perf. 13 3/4x13 1/2, 13 1/2x13 3/4
Nos. 1285-1289 (5) 7.45 6.05 1991 Litho.
Souvenir Sheet 1357A A243a 50ce multi
Fish 1357B A243a 60ce multi
1290 A235 600ce Red flowers 6.50 6.50 A239 1357C A243a 80ce multi
1357D A243a 100ce multi (I)
g. Type II
1991, June 21 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x14 1991, July 29 Litho. Perf. 14 Birds of h. Type I, perf 14 1/4x13 3/4
Designs: 20ce, Satellite transmissions, air- 1318 A239 20ce Cephalopholis Ghana — A242 i. Type III, perf 14 1/4x13 3/4
plane. 60ce, Scientific research, honey bee. taeniops .20 .20 1357E A243a 200ce multi (I)
j. Type I, perf. 14 1/4x13 3/4
80ce, Literacy instruction. 200ce, Agricultural 1319 A239 50ce Synodontis Designs: No. 1343a, Melba finch. b, k. Type II, perf. 14 1/4x13 3/4
development. 350ce, Industry. sorex .40 .40 Orange-cheeked waxbill. c, Paradise fly- 1357F A243a 400ce multi (I)
1320 A239 80ce Balistes catcher. d, Blue plantain-eater, e, Red bishop. l. Type II, perf. 14 1/4x13 3/4
1291 A236 20ce multicolored .20 .20 forcipatus .40 .40 f, Splendid glossy starling. g, Red-headed
1292 A236 60ce multicolored .95 .50 1321 A239 100ce Petrocepha- lovebird. h, Palm swift. i, Narina trogon. j, This set was printed locally. Shades exist.
1293 A236 80ce multicolored 1.00 .65 lus bane .50 .50 Tawny eagle. k, Bateleur eagle. l, Hoopoe. m, Issue dates: 50ce, Nov. 21; others, Dec. 12.
1294 A236 200ce multicolored 1.60 1.60 1322 A239 200ce Syngnathus Secretary bird. n, White-backed vulture. o,
1295 A236 350ce multicolored 2.75 2.75 rastellatus 1.00 1.00 Bare-headed rockfowl. p, Ground hornbill.
Nos. 1291-1295 (5) 6.50 5.70 1323 A239 300ce Gymnarchus No. 1344a, Openbilled stork. b, African
UN Development Program, 40th anniv. niloticus 2.40 2.40 spoonbill. c, Pink-backed pelican. d, Little bit-
1324 A239 400ce Hemichromis tern. e, King reed-hen. f, Saddlebill stork. g,
bimaculatus 3.25 3.25 Glossy ibis. h, White-faced tree duck. i, Black-
1325 A239 500ce Sphyrna headed heron. j, Hammerkop. k, African
zygaena 2.50 2.50 darter. l, Woolly-necked stork. m, Yellow-billed
Nos. 1318-1325 (8) 10.65 10.65 stork. n, Black-winged stilt. o, Goliath heron. p,
Souvenir Sheets Lily trotter.
No. 1345a, Shikra. b, Abyssinian roller (c,
1326 A239 800ce Bagrus g). c, Carmine bee-eater (g). d, Pintailed
bayad 5.00 5.00 whydah (h). e, Purple glossy starling. f, Yellow-
1327 A239 800ce Dactyloptena backed whydah (j). g, Pel’s fishing owl. h, Ver-
orientalis 3.50 3.50 reaux’s touraco (l). i, Red-cheeked cordon- Adoration of
While Nos. 1320-1322, 1325, 1327 have the bleu. j, Olive-bellied sunbird. k, Red-billed the Magi by
Lord Robert Baden-Powell (1857- same issue date as Nos. 1318-1319, 1323- hornbill. l, Red-billed quelea. m, Crowned Hieronymus
1941), Founder of Boy Scouts — A237 1324, 1326, the value of Nos. 1320-1322, crane (i). n, Blue quail. o, Egyptian vulture (p). Bosch
1325, 1327 was lower when they were p, Helmeted guineafowl. A244
released. No. 1346, Marabou stork. No. 1347, Sad-
Designs: 20ce, Sketch by Baden-Powell For overprints see Nos. 1573-1578. dlebill stork, diff. No. 1348, African river eagle.
used in first scouting handbook, vert. 50ce, Details or entire paintings: 50ce, The
Portrait, vert. 80ce, Scout handbook illustra- 1991, Oct. 14 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2x14 Annunciation by Robert Campin. 60ce, Virgin
tion by Norman Rockwell. 100ce, Native run- and Child by Dirk Bouts. 80ce, Presentation in
ner, Cape of Good Hope #178. 200ce, Scouts Sheets of 16 the Temple by Hans Memling. 100ce, The Vir-
aiding victims after V-1 attack, London, 1944. 1343 A242 80ce #a.-p. 7.50 7.50 gin and Child Enthroned with an Angel and a
500ce, Scout praying, vert. 600ce, Emblem, 1344 A242 100ce #a.-p. 10.00 10.00 Donor by Memling. 200ce, The Virgin and
Cape of Good Hope #178 used. No. 1304, 1345 A242 100ce #a.-p. 12.50 12.50 Child with Saints and a Donor by Jan van
Cover with Cape of Good Hope #178 from Nos. 1343-1345 (3) 30.00 30.00 Eyck. 400ce, St. Luke Painting the Virgin by
Mafeking, 1900. No. 1305, Campsites, 17th Souvenir Sheets Rogier van der Weyden. 700ce, Virgin and
World Scout Jamboree, Korea, 1991. Child by Bouts, diff. No. 1366, The Annuncia-
1346 A242 800ce multicolored 5.00 5.00 tion by Memling. No. 1367, The Virgin and
1991, July 16 Litho. Perf. 14 1347 A242 800ce multicolored 5.00 5.00 Child Standing in a Niche by van der Weyden.
1296 A237 20ce buff & black .60 .20 1348 A242 800ce multicolored 5.00 5.00
1297 A237 50ce multicolored .75 .40 While No. 1344 has the same issue date as 1991, Dec. 23 Perf. 12
1298 A237 60ce multicolored .75 .50 No. 1345, the value of No. 1344 was lower 1358 A244 20ce multicolored .20 .20
1299 A237 80ce black & buff 1.25 .65 Paintings when it was released. 1359 A244 50ce multicolored .40 .40
1300 A237 100ce multicolored 1.50 1.00 by Vincent 1360 A244 60ce multicolored .50 .50
1301 A237 200ce multicolored 1.75 1.75 1361 A244 80ce multicolored .65 .65
1302 A237 500ce multicolored 4.00 4.00 Van Gogh 1362 A244 100ce multicolored .80 .80
1303 A237 600ce multicolored 4.75 4.75 A240 1363 A244 200ce multicolored 1.60 1.60
Nos. 1296-1303 (8) 15.35 13.25 1364 A244 400ce multicolored 3.25 3.25
1365 A244 700ce multicolored 5.50 5.50
Nos. 1358-1365 (8) 12.90 12.90

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Souvenir Sheets 1385 A247 100ce Samurai res- 1992, May 25 Litho. Perf. 14
idence .60 .60 1443 A254 20ce African mon-
Perf. 14 1/2 1386 A247 200ce Bonsai tree 1.25 1.25 arch .20 .20
1366 A244 800ce multicolored 5.00 5.00 1387 A247 400ce Olympic 1444 A254 60ce Mocker swal-
1367 A244 800ce multicolored 5.00 5.00 sports hall 2.50 2.50 lowtail .35 .35
Christmas. 1388 A247 500ce Great Bud- 1445 A254 80ce Painted lady .50 .50
dha 3.00 3.00 1446 A254 100ce Mountain
1389 A247 600ce Nagoya cas- beauty .60 .60
tle 4.00 4.00 1447 A254 200ce Blue temora 1.25 1.25
Nos. 1382-1389 (8) 12.35 12.35 1448 A254 400ce Foxy charax-
Souvenir Sheets es 2.50 2.50
1390 A247 800ce Takamatsu 1449 A254 500ce Blue pansy 3.00 3.00
castle 5.50 5.50 1450 A254 700ce Golden pan-
1391 A247 800ce Heian shrine 5.50 5.50 sy 4.50 4.50
Nos. 1443-1450 (8) 12.90 12.90
A252 Souvenir Sheets
1451 A254 900ce Gaudy com-
modore 5.00 5.00
Reunification of Germany — A245 Details from paintings: 20ce, The Four 1452 A254 900ce Christmas
Apostles: Sts. John, Peter, Paul & Mark, by butterfly 5.00 5.00
Durer. 50ce, The Last Judgment, by Rubens.
Designs: 20ce, Opening of German border, Ghana 60ce, The Four Apostles: Sts. John, Peter, Genoa ’92. For overprints see Nos. 1471-
Nov. 9, 1989. 60ce, Signing of Two Plus Four Natl. Paul and Mark, diff. by Durer. 80ce, The Last 1480.
Treaty, Sept. 12, 1990. 80ce, Opening of Bran- Judgment, diff. by Rubens. 100ce, Crucifixion,
denburg Gate, Dec. 22, 1989. 800ce, German Railways
A248 by Rubens. 200ce, The Last Judgment, diff. by
leaders, Unity Day, Oct. 3, 1990. Rubens. 500ce, Christum Videre, by Rubens. 1992, June 1 Litho. Perf. 14
No. 1371b, USSR Pres. Mikhail Gorbachev, 600ce, The Last Judgment, diff. by Rubens. 1453 A255 20ce Iguanodon .40 .30
vert. c, Chancellor Helmut Kohl, vert. d, Map of Designs: 20c, Engine, 1903, Gold Coast No. 1432, Last Communion of St. Francis of 1454 A255 50ce Anchisaurus .60 .40
West Germany, vert. e, Map of East Germany, Railway. 50c, Diesel passenger locomotive, Assisi, by Rubens. No. 1432A, Scourging the 1455 A255 60ce Heter-
vert. 1000ce, Currency union, July 1, 1990. Ghana Railways Corp. 60ce, First class Money Changers from the Temple, by El odontosaurus .65 .40
No. 1371g, Doves. h, German Chancellor coach, 1931 Gold Coast Railway. 80ce, Offi- Greco, horiz. 1456 A255 80ce Oura-
Helmut Kohl, Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich cial inspection coach, Gold Coast Railway. nosaurus .70 .50
Genscher. 100ce, Engine No. 401 on turntable. 200c, 1992, Mar. 13 Perf. 13 1/2x14 1457 A255 100ce Anatosaurus .90 .60
Twin-bogie cocoa wagon, 1921, Gold Coast 1424 A252 20ce multi .20 .20 1458 A255 200ce Elaphrosaurus1.50 1.50
1992, Feb. 17 Litho. Perf. 14 Railway. 500ce, Engine No. 223, “Prince of 1425 A252 50ce multi .30 .30 1459 A255 500ce Coeloph-
1368 A245 20ce multicolored .30 .20 Wales.” 600c, Twin-bogie cattle wagon, Gold 1426 A252 60ce multi .40 .40 ysis 2.75 2.75
1369 A245 60ce multicolored .50 .50 Coast Railway. No. 1400, German-made loco- 1427 A252 80ce multi .50 .50 1460 A255 600ce Rhamphoryn-
1370 A245 80ce multicolored .60 .60 motive, Gold Coast Railway. No. 1401, Beyer- 1428 A252 100ce multi .60 .60 chus 3.00 3.00
1371 A245 1000ce multicolored 8.00 8.00 Garratt #301, 1943, Gold Coast Railway. 1429 A252 200ce multi 1.00 1.00 Nos. 1453-1460 (8) 10.50 9.45
Nos. 1368-1371 (4) 9.40 9.30 1430 A252 500ce multi 2.75 2.75
1992, Mar. 2 Souvenir Sheets
Souvenir Sheets 1431 A252 600ce multi 3.00 3.00
1461 A255 1500ce like #1459 6.00 6.00
1392 A248 20ce multicolored .20 .20 Nos. 1424-1431 (8) 8.75 8.75
1371A A245 300ce Sheet of 4, 1393 A248 50ce multicolored .30 .30 1462 A255 1500ce like #1458 6.00 6.00
#b.-e. 7.50 7.50 1394 A248 60ce multicolored .40 .40 Souvenir Sheets
1371F A245 400ce Sheet of 2, While Nos. 1453, 1456, 1458-1459 and
1395 A248 80ce multicolored .50 .50 1432 A252 800ce multi 4.75 4.75 1462 have the same issue date as Nos. 1454-
#g.-h. 2.50 2.50 1396 A248 100ce multicolored .60 .60
1372 A245 800ce multicolored 5.50 5.50 Perf. 14x13 1/2 1455, 1457, 1460-1461, their value in relation
1397 A248 200ce multicolored 1.25 1.25 to the dollar was lower when they were
While No. 1371F has the same issue date 1398 A248 500ce multicolored 3.00 3.00 1432A A252 800ce multi 4.75 4.75 released.
as No. 1371A, the dollar value of No. 1371F 1399 A248 600ce multicolored 4.00 4.00
was lower when it was released. Nos. 1392-1399 (8) 10.25 10.25
Souvenir Sheets Miniature Sheet
1400 A248 800ce multicolored 5.00 5.00
1401 A248 800ce multicolored 5.00 5.00

Barcelona Decade of
A246 Revolutionary
A249 Discovery of
Map and: 20ce, Eddie Blay, boxing, Ghana, Spanish Art — A253 America, 500th
1964. 60ce, Mike Ahey, track, Ghana, 1964- Anniv. — A256
1972. 80ce, T. Wilson, ski jumping, US, 1988. 1992, Feb. 2 Litho. Perf. 14x13 1/2 Paintings by Velazquez: 20ce, Two Men at
100ce, East German 4-Man bobsled, 1988. 1402 A249 20ce Bore hole Table. 60ce, Christ in the House of Mary and
200ce, Greg Louganis, diving, US, 1984. water .20 .20 Martha (detail). 80ce, The Supper at Emmaus. Designs: No. 1463a, Capt. Martin Alonzo
300ce, L. Visser, speed skating, Netherlands, 1403 A249 50ce Mining industry .30 .30 100ce, Three Muscians. 200ce, Old Woman Pinzon, Pinta. b, Capt. Vicente Yanez Pinzon,
1988. 350ce, J. Passler, biathlon, Italy, 1988. 1404 A249 60ce Small scale in- Cooking Eggs, vert. 400ce, Old Woman Cook- Nina. c, Columbus, Fr. Marchena in La
400ce, Mary Lou Retton, gymnastics, US, dustry .35 .35 ing Eggs (detail), vert. 500ce, The Surrender Rabida, 1485. d, Columbus in cabin. e, Land
1984. 500ce, Jurgen Hingsen, decathlon, Ger- 1405 A249 80ce Timber industry .35 .35 of Breda (detail) diff., vert. 700ce, The Surren- sighted, Oct. 12, 1492. f, Columbus lands on
many, 1984. 600ce, R. Neubert, heptathlon, 1406 A249 200ce Cocoa rehabili- der of Breda (detail), vert. Samana Cay. g, Shipwreck of Santa Maria. h,
West Germany, 1984. No. 1380, Jai alai tation .75 .75 No. 1441, They Still Say that Fish is Expen- Columbus returns to Spanish Court, 1493. No.
player, vert. No. 1381, Windmill. 1407 A249 350ce Rural electrifi- sive, by Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida. No. 1442, 1464, Columbus, ship.
cation 1.00 1.00 The Waterseller of Seville.
1992, Mar. 3 Litho. Perf. 14 Nos. 1402-1407 (6) 2.95 2.95 1992, July Litho. Perf. 14
1373 A246 20ce multi .40 .20 1992, May 4 Perf. 13 1/2 1463 A256 200ce Sheet of 8,
1373A A246 60ce multi .50 .40 #a.-h. 9.50 9.50
1374 A246 80ce multi .75 .50 1433 A253 20ce multicolored .20 .20
1375 A246 100ce multi 1.00 .80 1434 A253 60ce multicolored .30 .30 Souvenir Sheet
1376 A246 200ce multi 2.00 1.50 1435 A253 80ce multicolored .40 .40 1464 A256 500ce multicolored 3.00 3.00
1377 A246 300ce multi 2.00 2.00 1436 A253 100ce multicolored .60 .60
1437 A253 200ce multicolored 1.25 1.25 World Columbian Stamp Expo ’92, Chicago.
1378 A246 350ce multi 2.00 2.00 1438 A253 400ce multicolored 2.00 2.00
1378A A246 400ce multi 2.50 2.50 1439 A253 500ce multicolored 2.50 2.50
1378B A246 500ce multi 2.50 2.50 1440 A253 700ce multicolored 4.25 4.25
1379 A246 600ce multi 2.50 2.50 Reptiles
Nos. 1373-1379 (10) 16.15 14.90 A251 Size: 120x95mm
Souvenir Sheets Imperf
1380 A246 800ce multi 5.50 5.50 1992, Mar. 30 Litho. Perf. 14 1441 A253 900ce multicolored 5.50 5.50
1381 A246 800ce multi 5.50 5.50 1414 A251 20ce Angides 1442 A253 900ce multicolored 4.50 4.50
While Nos. 1373A, 1378A-1378B have the lugubris .20 .20 Nos. 1433-1442 (10) 21.50 21.50
same issue date as rest of the set the dollar 1415 A251 50ce Kinixys erosa .30 .30 Granada ’92. While Nos. 1434-1435, 1438-
value of Nos. 1373A, 1378A-1378B were 1416 A251 60ce Agama agama .30 .30 1439, 1442 have the same issue date as Nos.
lower when they were released. 1417 A251 80ce Chameleo 1433, 1436-1437, 1440-1441, the value in
gracilis .40 .40 relation to the dollar of Nos. 1434-1435, 1438-
1418 A251 100ce Naja melanleu- 1439, 1442 was lower when they were
ca .60 .60 released.
1419 A251 200ce Crocodylus Shells — A257
niloticus 1.00 1.00
1420 A251 400ce Chelonia 1992, Oct. 5 Litho. Perf. 14
mydas 2.00 2.00 1465 A257 20ce Olivancillaria
1421 A251 500ce Varanus ex- hiatula .20 .20
Phila anthematicus 2.50 2.50 1465A A257 20ce Tympa-
Nippon Nos. 1414-1421 (8) 7.30 7.30 notonus fus-
’91 Souvenir Sheet catus .20 .20
A247 1422 A251 600ce Snake & tor- 1466 A257 60ce Donax
toise 3.50 3.50 rugosus .30 .30
1466A A257 60ce Murex
1992, Feb. 16 Litho. Perf. 14 Numbers have been reserved for additional cornutus .30 .30
1382 A247 20ce shown .20 .20 values in this set. 1467 A257 80ce Sigaretus
1383 A247 60ce Torii of It- concavus .40 .40
sukushima 1467A A257 80ce Tivela tripla .40 .40
Jingu 1468 A257 200ce Pila africana 1.00 1.00
shrine .35 .35
1384 A247 80ce Geisha .45 .45 Butterflies — A254 Dinosaurs — A255
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
1468A A257 200ce Cypraea 1499 A260 600ce multicolored 3.00 3.00 Miniature Sheet of 8 1544 A267 800ce Megaloglossus
stercoraria 1.00 1.00 1500 A260 800ce multicolored 4.00 4.00 woermanni 4.00 4.00
1469 A257 350ce Thais hiatula 1.75 1.75 Nos. 1493-1500 (7) 12.20 12.20 Nos. 1537-1544 (8) 9.15 9.15
1469A A257 350ce Cassis tesse- Souvenir Sheets Souvenir Sheets
lata 1.75 1.75
Nos. 1465-1469A (10) 7.30 7.30 1501 A261 900ce multicolored 4.50 4.50 1545 A267 900ce Dormouse 4.50 4.50
1502 A260 900ce multicolored 4.50 4.50 1546 A267 900ce White collared
Souvenir Sheet 1503 A260 900ce multicolored 4.50 4.50 mangabey 4.50 4.50
1470 A257 600ce Natica favel 3.00 3.00 1504 A260 900ce multicolored 4.50 4.50
1470A A257 600ce Semifusos Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin, 75th anniv. 1993, May Litho. Perf. 14
morio 3.00 3.00 of death (#1493, 1500, 1503). Intl. Space Year
(#1494, 1499, 1502). UN Earth Summit, Rio 50ce, Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum, horiz.
Nos. 1443-1452 Ovptd. “40th / de Janeiro (#1495, 1504). WHO, Intl. Confer- 100ce, Kwame Nkrumah Conference Center,
Anniversary / of the / Accession / of / ence on Nutrition, Rome (1496). Mozart, horiz. 200ce, Constitution book. 350ce, Inde-
HM Queen / Elizabeth II / 1952-1992” bicent. of death (in 1991) (#1497, 1501). pendence Square. 400ce, Christiansborg
Louvre Castle.
in Silver Museum, 1547 A268 50ce multicolored .25 .25
1992, Aug. 10 Litho. Perf. 14 Bicent. 1548 A268 100ce multicolored .50 .50
1471 A254 20ce on #1443 .20 .20 A265 1549 A268 200ce multicolored 1.00 1.00
1472 A254 60ce on #1444 .30 .30 1550 A268 350ce multicolored 1.75 1.75
1473 A254 80ce on #1445 .40 .40 1551 A268 400ce multicolored 2.00 2.00
1474 A254 100ce on #1446 .50 .50 Details or entire paintings, by Giovanni
Domenico Tiepolo (1727-1804) (a-e) and Gio- Nos. 1547-1551 (5) 5.50 5.50
1475 A254 200ce on #1447 1.00 1.00
1476 A254 400ce on #1448 2.00 2.00 vanni Battista Tiepolo (1696-1770) (f-h). No.
1477 A254 500ce on #1449 2.50 2.50 1525: a-c, Carnival Scene, (left, center, right).
1478 A254 700ce on #1450 3.50 3.50 d-e, Tooth Puller, (left, right). f, Rebecca at the
Nos. 1471-1478 (8) 10.40 10.40 Well. g-h, Presenting Christ to the People,
(left, right).
Souvenir Sheets 700ce, Chancellor Seguier, by Le Brun,
1479 A254 900ce on #1451 4.50 4.50 horiz.
1480 A254 900ce on #1452 4.50 4.50
Flowers — A262 1993, Mar. 1 Litho. Perf. 12
1525 A265 200ce #a.-h. + label 8.25 8.25
#1505, 1514d (100ce), Lagerstroemia flos- Souvenir Sheet A269
reginae. #1506, Clerodendrum thomsoniae.
#1507, 1514c (50ce), Spathodea campanu- Perf. 14 1/2
lata. #1508 (60ce), Cassia fistula. #1509, 1526 A265 700ce multicolored 3.75 3.75
1514e (150ce), Mellitea ferrugenea. #1510,
1514j (300ce), Hildegardia barteri. #1511, No. 1526 contains one 55x88mm stamp.
1514i (150ce), Ipomoea asarifolia. #1512,
Petrea volubilis. #1513, 1514f (300ce), Ritch-
iea reflexa. #1514, 1514h (100ce), Bryphyllum
1993, Mar. 1 Litho. Perf. 14
1505 A262 20ce multicolored .20 .20 Aviation and Automotive
1506 A262 20ce multicolored .20 .20 Anniversaries — A270
1507 A262 60ce multicolored .30 .30
Christmas 1508 A262 60ce multicolored .30 .30
A259 Oil Palm Fruit — A265a Designs: 50ce, Graf Zeppelin over Alps,
1509 A262 80ce multicolored .40 .40 vert. No. 1552, Mercedes Benz 300 SLR in
1510 A262 80ce multicolored .40 .40 1955 Mille Miglia. No. 1553, LZ7 Deutschland.
Details or entire paintings: 20ce, Presenta- 1511 A262 200ce multicolored 1.00 1.00 1993, Apr. Litho. Perf. 13 /21
No. 1554, Vulcan bomber. No. 1555, Ford Tri-
tion in the Temple, by Master of Brunswick. 1512 A262 200ce multicolored 1.00 1.00 1526A A265a 20ce multi motor. No. 1556, 1920 Ford Depot Wagon.
50ce, Presentation in the Temple, by Master of 1513 A262 350ce multicolored 1.75 1.75 No. 1557, Nieuport 27, vert. No. 1558, Graf
St. Severin. 60ce, The Visitation, by Sebasti- 1514 A262 350ce multicolored 1.75 1.75 Zeppelin taking aboard letters, vert. No. 1559,
ano del Piombo. 80ce, The Visitation, by Nos. 1505-1514 (10) 7.30 7.30 1970 Ford Mach 1 Mustang.
Giotto. 100ce, The Circumcision, by Studio of Souvenir Sheets No. 1560, LZ10 Schwaben. No. 1561, Mer-
Giovanni Bellini. 200ce, The Circumcision, by cedes wins 1937 Monaco Grand Prix. No.
Workshop of Benvenuto Garofalo. 500ce, The 1514A A262 Sheet of 4, #c.-f. 3.00 3.00 1562, Graf Zeppelin over Rome. No. 1563,
Visitation, by Workshop of Rogier van der 1514B A262 Sheet of 4, #g.-j. 3.00 3.00 1955 Mercedes Benz Type 196. No. 1564,
Weyden. 800ce, The Visitation, by Workshop Early US air mail flight. No. 1565, S.E.5A,
of Rogier Van der Weyden. No. 1491, The Vis- 1918. No. 1566, 1910 Ford Super T, 999.
itation, by Giotto. No. 1492, The Presentation
in the Temple, by Bartolo di Fredi. 1993 Litho. Perf. 14
1551A A269 50ce multi .25 .25
1992 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x14 1552 A270 150ce multi .75 .75
1483 A259 20ce multicolored .20 .20 1553 A269 150ce multi .75 .75
1484 A259 50ce multicolored .25 .25 1554 A269 400ce multi 2.00 2.00
1485 A259 60ce multicolored .30 .30 1555 A269 400ce multi 2.00 2.00
1486 A259 80ce multicolored .35 .35 Faberge 4th 1556 A270 400ce multi 2.00 2.00
1487 A259 100ce multicolored .45 .45 Eggs — A266 Republic — A268 1557 A269 600ce multi 3.00 3.00
1488 A259 200ce multicolored .90 .90 Intl. Conference on Nutrition, 1558 A269 600ce multi 3.00 3.00
1489 A259 500ce multicolored 2.25 2.25 Rome — A263 1559 A270 600ce multi 3.00 3.00
1490 A259 800ce multicolored 3.75 3.75 1560 A269 800ce multi 4.00 4.00
Nos. 1483-1490 (8) 8.45 8.45 1561 A270 800ce multi 4.00 4.00
Souvenir Sheet 1993, Jan. Litho. Perf. 14 Nos. 1551A-1561 (11) 24.75 24.75
1515 A263 20ce Energy foods .20 .20 Souvenir Sheets
1491 A259 900ce multicolored 4.50 4.50 1516 A263 60ce Body-building
1492 A259 900ce multicolored 4.50 4.50 foods .30 .30 1562 A269 1000ce multi 5.00 5.00
No. 1492 exists imperf. 1517 A263 80ce Protective Wild 1563 A270 1000ce multi 5.00 5.00
foods .40 .40 Animals 1564 A269 1000ce multi 5.00 5.00
1518 A263 200ce Disease pre- A267 1565 A269 1000ce multi 5.00 5.00
vention 1.00 1.00 1566 A270 1000ce multi 5.00 5.00
1519 A263 400ce Food quality Capt. Hugo Eckener, 125th birth anniv.
control, pres- Easter: 50ce, Resurrection Egg. 80ce,
Imperial Red Cross Egg with Resurrection (#1551A, 1553-1554, 1562). Benz’s first four-
ervation 2.00 2.00 wheeled vehicle, cent. (#1552, 1561, 1563).
Nos. 1515-1519 (5) 3.90 3.90 Triptych. 100ce, Imperial Uspensky Cathedral
Egg. 150ce, Imperial Red Cross Egg with por- Royal Air Force, 75th anniv. (#1554, 1557,
traits. 200ce, Orange Tree Egg. 250ce, Rabbit 1564). Henry Ford’s first gasoline powered
Egg. 400ce, Imperial Coronation Egg. 900ce, engine, cent. (#1556, 1559, 1566).
Silver-gilt enamel Easter Egg. No. 1535, No. 1564 contains one 57x42mm stamp.
Spring Flower Egg. No. 1536, Egg charms, Nos. 1563, 1566 contains one 85x28mm
horiz. stamp.
Issued: #1555-1556, 1558-1559, 1565-
1993, Apr. 26 Perf. 14 1566, May. #1551A-1554, 1557, 1560-1564,
1527 A266 50ce multi .25 .25 June.
Crabs 1528 A266 80ce multi .40 .40
A264 1529 A266 100ce multi .50 .50
Anniversaries and Events 1530 A266 150ce multi .75 .75
A260 A261 1531 A266 200ce multi 1.00 1.00
Designs: 20ce, LZ3, floating hangar at Lake Designs: 20ce, Clappa rubroguttata. 60ce, 1532 A266 250ce multi 1.25 1.25
Constance, horiz. 100ce, Lift-off of Ariane 4 Cardisoma amatum. 80ce, Maia squinado. 1533 A266 400ce multi 2.00 2.00
rocket, horiz. 200ce, Leopard in tree, horiz. 400ce, Ocypoda cursor. 800ce, Grapus 1534 A266 900ce multi 4.50 4.50
300ce, Roman Colosseum, fruits and vegeta- grapus. Nos. 1527-1534 (8) 10.65 10.65
bles, horiz. 400ce, Wolfgang Amadeus Souvenir Sheets
Mozart. 600ce, Lift-off of H-1 rocket, Japan. 1993, Feb. Perf. 14x13 1/2
800ce, LZ10, Schwaben, horiz. No. 1501, 1520 A264 20ce multicolored .20 .20 1535 A266 1000ce multi 5.00 5.00
Scene from “The Marriage of Figaro.” No. 1521 A264 60ce multicolored .30 .30 1536 A266 1000ce multi 5.00 5.00
1502, Space shuttle, US. No. 1503, Count 1522 A264 80ce multicolored .40 .40 Nos. 1300-1305 Ovptd.
Ferdinand von Zeppelin. No. 1504, Bongo, 1523 A264 400ce multicolored 2.00 2.00 1993, May 24 Litho. Perf. 14
a. Souv. sheet of 4, #1520-1523 2.75 2.75
1524 A264 800ce multicolored 4.00 4.00 1537 A267 20ce African buffalo .20 .20 1993 Litho. Perf. 14
Nos. 1520-1524 (5) 6.90 6.90 1538 A267 50ce Giant forest 1567 A237 100ce multicolored .50 .50
1992, Dec. Litho. Perf. 14 hog .25 .25 1568 A237 200ce multicolored 1.00 1.00
1493 A260 20ce multicolored .20 .20 1539 A267 60ce Potto .30 .30 1569 A237 500ce multicolored 2.50 2.50
1494 A260 100ce multicolored .50 .50 1540 A267 80ce Bay duiker .40 .40 1570 A237 600ce multicolored 3.00 3.00
1495 A260 200ce multicolored 1.00 1.00 1541 A267 100ce Royal antelope .50 .50 Nos. 1567-1570 (4) 7.00 7.00
1496 A260 300ce multicolored 1.50 1.50 1542 A267 200ce Serval 1.00 1.00
1497 A261 400ce multicolored 2.00 2.00 1543 A267 500ce Golden cat 2.50 2.50

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Souvenir Sheet Souvenir Sheets Souvenir Sheets 1994, Feb. 18 Litho. Perf. 14
1571 A237 800ce on #1304 4.00 4.00 Perf. 12x13 1627 A277 multicolored 5.00 5.00 1651 A280 200ce multicolored 1.00 1.00
1572 A237 800ce on #1305 4.00 4.00 1628 A277 multicolored 5.00 5.00 1652 A280 200ce multicolored 1.00 1.00
1598 A273 1000ce multicolored 5.00 5.00 a. Pair, #1651-1652 2.00 2.00
1599 A273 1000ce multicolored 5.00 5.00
Nos. 1321, 1323-1327 Ovptd. a. in Miniature Sheet
Black “35 YEARS OF / ROTARY 1653 A281 100ce Sheet of 6,
INTERNATIONAL / GHANA 1958” #a.-f. 3.00 3.00
or b. in Red “GHANA / RED CROSS Nos. 1651-1652 issued in sheets of 5 pairs.
SOCIETY / FOUNDED 1932” No. 1652a is a continuous design.
New Year 1994 (Year of the Dog) (#1653e).
1573 A239(a) 100ce multi .50 .50
1574 A239(b) 300ce multi 1.50 1.50
1575 A239(b) 400ce multi 2.00 2.00
1576 A239(a) 500ce multi 2.50 2.50
Nos. 1573-1576 (4) 6.50 6.50
Souvenir Sheets Picasso (1881- Arts and
1973) Crafts — A278
1577 A239(a) 800ce on #1326 4.00 4.00
1578 A239(b) 800ce on #1327 4.00 4.00 A274
Designs: No. 1629, 50ce, Doll. No. 1630,
50ce, Pot and lid. No. 1631, 200ce, Beads.
1993, Oct. 19 Perf. 14 No. 1632, 200ce, Snake charmers. No. 1633,
Paintings: 20ce, The Actor, 1905. 80ce, Por- 250ce, Hoe. No. 1634, 250ce, Scabbard. No.
trait of Allen Stein, 1906. 800ce, Seated Male 1635, 600ce, Pipe. No. 1636, 600ce, Deer.
Nude, 1908-09. No. 1637, 1000ce, Mask. No. 1638, 1000ce, Mickey
Doll with baby.
1600-1602 A274 Set of 3 4.75 4.75 No. 1639a, 100ce, like #1629. b, 250ce, like Mouse, 65th
#1631. c, 350ce, like #1633. d, 500ce, like Birthday
Souvenir Sheet A282
1603 A274 900ce Guernica, 1937 4.75 4.75 No. 1640a, 100ce, like #1630. b, 250ce, like
#1632. c, 350ce, like #1634. d, 500ce, like Mickey’s films: 50ce, Steamboat Willie,
#1636. 1928. 100ce, The Band Concert, 1937. 150ce,
Moose Hunters, 1937. 200ce, Brave Little Tay-
1994, Jan. 24 Litho. Perf. 14 lor, 1938. 250ce, Fantasia, 1940. 400ce, The
A271 1629-1638 A278 Set of 10 12.50 12.50 Nifty Nineties, 1941. 600ce, Canne Caddy,
Souvenir Sheets 1944. 1000ce, Mickey’s Christmas Carol,
1639 A278 multicolored 5.00 5.00 No. 1662, Mickey’s Elephant, 1936. No.
1640 A278 multicolored 5.00 5.00 1663, Mickey’s Amateurs, 1937.
1994, Mar. 1 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x14
1654-1661 A282 Set of 8 8.25 8.25
Souvenir Sheets
1662-1663 A282 1200ce each 3.50 3.50

Polska 1994 World Cup

’93 — A275 Soccer,
Mushrooms US — A276
Paintings: 200ce, Tatoo, by Sobocki, 1978.
Designs: 20ce, Cantharellus cibarius. 50ce, 600ce, Prison, by Blonder, 1934. 1000ce,
Russula cyanoxantha. 60ce, Clitocybe Fable of the Fortunate Man, by Mickalak,
rivulosa. No. 1581, Boletus chrysenteron. No. 1925, horiz.
1582, Cortinarius elatior. No. 1583, Mycena
galericulata. No. 1584, Boletus edulis. No. 1993, Oct. 19 Christmas
1585, Tricholoma gambosum. No. 1586, 1604-1605 A275 Set of 2 4.00 4.00 A279
Lepista saeva. 250ce, Gyroporus castaneus. Souvenir Sheet
No. 1589, Nolanea sericea. No. 1590, Paintings and Woodcuts:aintings and Wood-
Hygrophorus puiceus. 500ce, Gomphidius glu- 1606 A275 1000ce multicolored 5.00 5.00 cuts: 50ce, Adoration of the Magi. 100ce, The A283
tinosus. No. 1592, Russula olivacea. 1000ce, Virgin and Child with Saint John and an Angel,
Russula aurata. 1993, Dec. 1 Perf. 13 1/2x14 by Botticelli. 150ce, Mary as Queen of Hummel Figurines: 50ce, Boy with
No. 1594a, 100ce, Cantharellus cibarius. b, Heaven. 200ce, Saint Anne. 250ce, The backpack, walking stick. 100ce, Girl holding
150ce, Cortinarius elatior. c, 300ce, Designs: 50ce, Abedi Pele, Ghana. 80ce, Madonna of the Magnificat, by Botticelli. basket behind back. 150ce, Boy with rabbits.
Tricholoma gambosum. d, 600ce, Pedro Troglio, Argentina. 100ce, Fernando 400ce, The Madonna of the Goldfinch, by Tie- 200ce, Boy carrying chicks in basket. 250ce,
Hygrophorus puiceus. Alvez, Uruguay. 200ce, Franco Baresi, Italy. polo. 600ce, The Virgin and the Child with the Girl with chicks. 400ce, Girl petting lamb.
No. 1595: a, 50ce, like #1581. b, 100ce, like 250ce, Gomez, Colombia; Katanec, Yugosla- Young St. John the Baptist, by Correggio. 600ce, Lamb, girl waving handkerchief.
#1583. c, 150ce, like #1584. d, 1000ce, like via. 600ce, Diego Maradona, Argentina. 1000ce, Adoration of the Shepherds. 1000ce, Girl with basket, flowers.
#1589. 800ce, Hasek, Czech Republic; Wynalda, US. No. 1649, Mystic Nativity (detail), by Botti- No. 1672a, 500ce, like #1665; b, 150ce, like
1000ce, Lothar Matthaeus, Germany. celli, horiz. No. 1650, Madonna in a Circle, by #1671; c, 1200ce, like #1667.
1993, July 30 Litho. Perf. 14 No. 1615, Giuseppe Giannini, Italy. No. Durer. No. 1673a, 300ce, like #1668; b, 200ce, like
1579 A271 20ce multi .20 .20 1616, Rabie Yassein, Egypt; Ruud Gullit, Woodcuts (50ce, 150ce, 200ce, 1000ce) #1669; c, 500ce, like #1670; d, 1000ce, like
1580 A271 50ce multi .25 .25 Holland. are from Nuremberg Prayer Books, by Durer. #1666.
1581 A271 60ce multi .30 .30 1607 A276 50ce multi .25 .25
1582 A271 80ce multi .40 .40 1608 A276 80ce multi .40 .40 Perf. 13 1/2x14, 14x13 1/2 1994, Apr. 6 Perf. 14
1583 A271 80ce multi .40 .40 1609 A276 100ce multi .50 .50 1993, Dec. 20 Litho. 1664-1671 A283 Set of 8 8.25 8.25
1584 A271 200ce multi 1.00 1.00 1610 A276 200ce multi 1.00 1.00
1585 A271 200ce multi 1.00 1.00 1641-1648 A279 Set of 8 14.00 14.00 Souvenir Sheets
1611 A276 250ce multi 1.25 1.25
1586 A272 200ce multi 1.00 1.00 1612 A276 600ce multi 3.00 3.00 Souvenir Sheets 1672 A283 Sheet of 4, #a.-c.,
1587 A272 250ce multi 1.25 1.25 1613 A276 800ce multi 4.25 4.25 1649 A279 1000ce multicolored 5.00 5.00 #1664 5.75 5.75
1588 A271 300ce multi 1.50 1.50 1614 A276 1000ce multi 5.25 5.25 1650 A279 1000ce multicolored 5.00 5.00 1673 A283 Sheet of 4, #a.-d. 6.00 6.00
1589 A271 350ce multi 1.75 1.75 Nos. 1607-1614 (8) 15.90 15.90
1590 A271 350ce multi 1.75 1.75
1591 A272 500ce multi 2.50 2.50 Souvenir Sheets
1592 A272 600ce multi 3.00 3.00 Perf. 13
1593 A272 1000ce multi 5.00 5.00
Nos. 1579-1593 (15) 21.30 21.30 1615 A276 1200ce multi 6.00 6.00
Souvenir Sheets 1616 A276 1200ce multi 6.00 6.00
1594 A271 Sheet of 4, #a.-d. 6.00 6.00
1595 A271 Sheet of 4, #a.-d. 6.50 6.50

Domestic A284
A277 A280 Hong Kong 1994, May 16 Litho. Perf. 14
’94 — A281 Diana Monkeys: 50ce, Adult, young. 200ce,
Designs: 50ce, Meleagris gallopvo. 100ce, Sitting in tree. 500ce, Holding food. 800ce,
Capra hircus. 150ce, Carina moschata. 200ce, Stamps, tram from Kennedy Town to Shau Close-up of face.
Copernicus (1473- Eguus asinus. 250ce, Male gallus gallus. Kei: No. 1651, Hong Kong #470, back of tram.
300ce, Sus vittatus. 400ce, Numida meleagris. 1674-1677 A284 Set of 4 5.00 5.00
1543) No. 1652, Front of tram, #1392. 1677a Min. sheet, 3 each
A273 600ce, Canis domesticus. 800ce, Female gal- Imperial Palace clocks: No. 1653a, Wind- #1674-1677 17.00 17.00
lus gallus. 1000ce, Ovis aries. mill. b, Horse. c, Balloon. d, Zodiac. e, Shar-
#1627a, 100ce, like #1618. b, 250ce, like Pei dog. f, Cat. World Wildlife Fund.
Designs: 20ce, Early astronomical instru- #1624. c, 350ce, like #1622. d, 500ce, like
ment. 200ce, Telescope. No. 1598, Coperni- #1626.
cus, long hair. No. 1599, Copernicus, shorter #1628a, 100ce, like #1623. b, 250ce, like
hair. #1621. c, 350ce, like #1625. d, 500ce, like
1993, Oct. 19 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x14
1596 A273 20ce multicolored .20 .20 1993, Dec. 8 Perf. 14
1597 A273 200ce multicolored 1.00 1.00 1617-1626 A277 Set of 10 15.00 15.00

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1712 A292 400ce multicolored 1.00 1.00 with the Young St. John the Baptist, by Work-
Souvenir Sheet shop of Botticelli. 1000ce, The Holy Family, by
1713 A293 1500ce multicolored 3.75 3.75 Details from Adoration of the Kings, by Gior-
gione: No. 1730, Presenting gifts. No. 1731,
D-Day, Madonna & Child.
Wild 50th
Animals 1994, Dec. 5 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x14
Anniv. 1722-1729 A297 Set of 8 7.50 7.50
A285 A289
Souvenir Sheets
Designs: 100ce, Bushbuck. 150ce, Spotted Designs: 60ce, 15-inch Monitor HMS Rob- 1730-1731 A297 2000ce each 4.50 4.50
hyena. 1000ce, Aardvark. No. 1681, Leopard, erts fires on Houlgate Battery. 100ce, HMS
vert. No. 1682, Waterbuck, vert. Warspite hits Villerville. 200ce, Flagship USS
1994, May 16 1500ce, USS Nevada bombards Utah
1678-1680 A285 Set of 3 3.50 3.50 Beach.
Souvenir Sheets PHILAKOREA
1994, July 4 Litho. Perf. 14
1681-1682 A285 2000ce each 5.50 5.50
1697-1699 A289 Set of 3 1.00 1.00
’94 — A294
Miniature Sheets of 12 Souvenir Sheet Designs: 20ce, Ch’unghak-dong village
1700 A289 1500ce multicolored 4.00 4.00 elder in traditional clothes. 150ce, Stone
pagoda, Punhwangsa, Korea. 300ce, Tradi-
Miniature Sheet of 9 tional country house, Andong region.
Letter pictures, eight-panel screen, Choson Intl. Year of the
Dynasty, 20th cent: Nos. 1717b, f, Birds. c,
Rooster. d, Animal with antennae. e, g, Flow- Family — A298
First ers. h, Fish.
Manned 1500ce, Temple judges determine final Designs: 50ce, Family. 100ce, Technical
Cats Moon afterlife judgments, horiz. training. 200ce, Child care. 400ce, Care for the
A286 Landing, aged. 600ce, Vocational training. 1000ce,
25th 1994, July 4 Perf. 14, 13 (#1717) Adult education.
Designs: No. 1683a, Sorrel Abyssinian. b, 1714-1716 A294 Set of 3 1.25 1.25
Anniv. 1994, Dec. 20 Perf. 14
Silver classic tabby. c, Chocolate-point Sia- A290
mese. d, Brown tortie Burmese. e, Exotic 1732-1737 A298 Set of 6 6.00 6.00
shorthair. f, Havana brown. g, Devon rex. h,
Black manx. i, British blue shorthair. j, Calico German, Japanese, scientist-astronauts: a,
American wirehair. k, Spotted oriental Sia- Sigmund Jahn. b, Ulf Merbold. c, Hans Wil-
mese. l, Red classic tabby. helm Schlegal. d, Ulrich Walter. e, Reinhard Ghana
No. 1684: a, Norwegian forest cat. b, Blue Furrer. f, Ernst Messerschmid. g, Mamoru Civil
longhair. c, Red self longhair. d, Black long- Mohri. h, Klaus-Dietrich Flade. i, Chaiki Naito-
hair. e, Chinchilla. f, Dilut calico longhair. g, Mukai. Aviation
Blue tabby-&-white longhair. h, Ruby somali. i, 2000ce, “Frau im Mond.” Authority,
Blue smoke longhair. j, Calico longhair. k, 50th
Brown tabby longhair. l, Balinese. 1994, July 4 Anniv.
No. 1685, Brown mackeral tabby Scottish 1701 A290 300ce #a.-i. 7.25 7.25 A299
fold. No. 1686, Seal-point colorpoint.
Souvenir Sheet
1994, June 6 Litho. Perf. 14 1702 A290 2000ce multicolored 5.50 5.50 Designs: 100ce, Control tower. 400ce,
1683-1684 A286 200ce #a.-l. PHILAKOREA Insignia, marker light. 1000ce, Airplane leav-
each 6.50 6.50 ’94 — A295 ing runway.
Souvenir Sheets Miniature Sheet of 8 1994, Dec. 20
1685-1686 A286 2000ce each 5.50 5.50 1738-1740 A299 Set of 3 3.75 3.75
1717 A295 250ce #a.-h. 5.00 5.00
See Nos. 1766-1768.
Miniature Sheets of 12 Souvenir Sheet
1718 A294 1500ce multicolored 3.75 3.75
Antelopes Miniature Sheet of 6

Designs: 50ce, Crowned. 100ce, Red-

flanked. 200ce, Yellow-backed. 400ce,
Ogilby’s. 600ce, Bay. 800ce, Jentink’s.
Birds No. 1709, Cephalophus natalensis. No.
A287 1710, Cephalophus niger.
Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies
1994, May 16 Litho. Perf. 14 in Ghana, 75th Anniv.
Designs: No. 1687a, Red-bellied paradise A300
flycatcher (b, e). b, Many-colored bush-shrike. 1703-1708 A291 Set of 6 5.50 5.50
c, Broad-tailed paradise whydah (b, e). d, Souvenir Sheets 1994 World Cup Soccer
White-crowned robin-chat. e, Violet plantain- Championships, US — A296 Designs: 50ce, Transporting victim. 200ce,
eater. f, Village weaver. g, Fire-crowned 1709-1710 A291 2000ce each 5.00 5.00 Aiding mother, children. 600ce, Erecting tents.
bishop. h, Shoveler. i, Spur-winged goose (l). j,
African crake. k, King reed-hen. l, Tiger bittern. Designs: No. 1719a, Dennis Bergkamp, 1994, Dec. 20 Litho. Perf. 14
No. 1688: a, Moho. b, Superb sunbird. c, Netherlands. b, Lothar Matthaus, Germany. c, 1741-1743 A300 Set of 3 2.25 2.25
Blue-breasted kingfisher. d, Blue cuckoo- Giuseppe Signori, Italy. d, Carlos Valderama,
shrike. e, Blue plantain-eater (d, g). f, Greater Colombia. e, Jorge Campos, Mexico. f, Tony Souvenir Sheet
flamingo (i). g, Lily-trotter (j). h, Night heron. i, Meola, US. 1744 Sheet of 3, #1741-1742,
Black-winged stilt (l). j, White-spotted pigmy No. 1720, Citrus Bowl, Orlando, FL, vert. 1744a 6.25 6.25
rail. k, Pigmy goose. k, Angola pitta. No. 1721, Giants Stadium, Meadowlands, NJ, a. A300 1000ce like #1743 5.00 5.00
No. 1689, Goliath heron. No. 1690, African vert.
1994, July 25 Perf. 14
1994, June 13 1719 A296 200ce #a.-f. 3.00 3.00
1687-1688 A287 200ce #a.-l, Souvenir Sheets
each 6.50 6.50 1720-1721 A296 1200ce each 3.00 3.00
Souvenir Sheets A292
1689-1690 A287 2000ce each 5.50 5.50

Dolls — A301
Republic, Various carvings. Denominations: 50ce,
1st Anniv. 100ce, 150ce, 200ce, 400ce, 600ce, 800ce,
A288 1000ce.

Designs: 50ce, Rural water projects. 100ce, 1994, Dec. 20

Honoring farmers. 200ce, Rural electrification. 1745-1752 A301 Set of 8 5.75 5.75
600ce, Rural bridge construction. 800ce, Natl. Intl. Olympic Committee, A297 Souvenir Sheet
Theater. 1000ce, Lighting Perpetual Flame. Cent. — A293 1753 Sheet of 4, #1745, 1748-
1994, July 11 Litho. Perf. 14 Italian art: 100ce, Madonna of the Annunci- 1749, 1753a 6.75 6.75
300ce, Dieter Modenburg, Germany, high a. A301 250ce like #1752 1.25 1.25
1691-1696 A288 Set of 6 7.50 7.50 ation, by Simone Martini. 200ce, Madonna
jump, 1984. 400ce, Ruth Fuchs, German and Child, by Niccolo di Pietro Gerini. 250ce,
Democratic Republic, javelin, 1972, 1976. Virgin and Child on the Throne with Angels
1500ce, Jans Weissflog, Germany, large hill and Saints, by Raffaello Botticelli. 300ce,
ski jump, 1994. Madonna and Child with Saints, by Antonio
Fiorentino. 400ce, Adoration of the Magi, by
1994, July 4 Litho. Perf. 14 Bartolo di Fredi. 500ce, The Annunciation, by
1711 A292 300ce multicolored .75 .75 Cima da Congeliano. 600ce, Virgin and Child

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1995, Apr. 3 Perf. 14 Miniature Sheets of 6 or 8 1995, July 6
1775-1780 A304 Set of 6 3.75 3.75 1818 A314 Strip of 3, #a.-c. 4.50 4.50
1781-1784 A305 Set of 4 5.00 5.00 Souvenir Sheet
Miniature Sheet of 9 1819 A314 1200ce multicolored 4.00 4.00
1785 A305 500ce #a.-i. 9.00 9.00 No. 1818 is a continuous design.
Souvenir Sheets
1786 A304 800ce multi 1.60 1.60
1787 A304 1000ce multi 2.00 2.00
1788-1789 A305 2500ce each 5.00 5.00

Donald Duck, 60th Birthday (in

1994) — A302
End of
Designs: 40ce, Pluto, Donald, Chip ’n Dale. World
50ce, Mickey, pup. 60ce, Daisy. 100ce, Goofy. War II,
150ce, Goofy, diff. 250ce, Donald, Goofy. 50th
400ce, Ludwig Von Drake, Pluto. 500ce, Water
Birds Anniv.
Gramdma Duck, pups. 1000ce, Mickey, Min- A311 Queen
nie. 1500ce, Pluto. A306
No. 1764, Daisy, Donald, cake, Mickey, vert. Mother, 95th
No. 1765, Donald holding fork, spoon, vert. Designs: 200ce, Eurasian pochard. 500ce, Military decorations: No. 1806a, US Navy Birthday
Maccoa duck. 800ce, Cape shoveler. 1000ce, Cross, US Purple Heart. b, UK Air Force A315
1995, Feb. 2 Litho. Perf. 14x13 1/2 Red-crested pochard. Cross, UK Distinguished Flying Cross. c, US
1754-1763 A302 Set of 10 8.50 8.50 No. 1794: a, African pygmy goose. b, South- Navy and Marine Corps Medal, US Distin- No. 1820: a, Drawing. b, Bright green blue
ern pochard. c, Cape teal. d, Ruddy shelduck. guished Service Cross. d, UK Distinguished hat. c, Formal portrait. d, Coral outfit.
Souvenir Sheets Service Medal, UK Distinguished Conduct
e, Fulvous whistling duck. f, White-faced 2500ce, Pale blue outfit.
Perf. 13 1/2x14 whistling geese. g, Ferruginous white-eye. h, Medal. e, UK Military Medal, UK Military
1764-1765 A302 2000ce each 4.25 4.25 Hottentot teal. i, African black duck. j, Yellow- Cross. f, UK Distinguished Service Cross, UK 1995, July 6 Perf. 13 1/2x14
billed duck. k, White-checked pintail duck. l, Distinguished Service Order.
No. 1807: a, Churchill. b, Eisenhower. c, Air 1820 A315 600ce Strip or block
Civil Aviation Authority Type of 1994 Hartlaub’s duck. of 4, #a.-d. 4.75 4.75
No. 1795, Roseate tern. No. 1796, Northern Chief Marshall Sir Arthur Tedder. d, Montgom-
with shoveler. ery. e, Bradley. f, de Gaulle. g, French Resis- Souvenir Sheet
ICAO Emblem and New Inscription tance Organization. h, Patton. 1821 A315 2500ce multicolored 5.00 5.00
1995, Apr. 28 No. 1808, US Medal of Honor. No. 1809,
Designs: 100ce, like #1738. 400ce, like Fuhrer’s promise. No. 1820 was issued in sheets of 8 stamps.
#1739. 1000ce, like #1740. 1790-1793 A306 Set of 4 5.00 5.00
Miniature Sheet of 12 1995, July 6 Litho. Perf. 14
1994, Dec. 20 Litho. Perf. 14 1806 A310 500ce #a.-f. + label 6.00 6.00 Miniature Sheets of 9
1766-1768 A299 Set of 3 3.75 3.75 1794 A306 400ce #a.-l. 9.50 9.50
1807 A311 400ce #a.-h. + label 6.50 6.50
Nos. 1766-1768 are inscribed “50th Anni- Souvenir Sheets
Souvenir Sheets
versary of The International Civil Aviation 1795-1796 A306 2500ce each 5.00 5.00
Organization (ICAO).” 1808-1809 A310 1200ce each 2.50 2.50
Nos. 1794-1796 have a continuous design.
Nos. 1790-1793 have a white border. No. 1809 contains one 42x56mm stamp.

FAO, 50th ’95 — A316
A312 Dinosaurs: No. 1822a, Seismosaurus (d-f).
b, Supersaurus (a, d). c, Ultrasaurus (f). d,
Panafest Designs: 200ce, Fish preservation. 300ce, Saurolophus (e). e, Lambeosaurus (d, g-h). f,
Fishing. 400ce, Ox-drawn plow. 600ce, Har- Parasaurolophus (e, i). g, Triceratops (h). h,
’94 — A303 Styracosaurus (e, g i). i, Pachyrhinosaurus (h).
vesting. 800ce, Aforestation. No. 1823a, Peteinosaurus (b, d-e). b,
2000ce, Boat, shoreline, oxen, fruit. Quetzalcoatlus (a, c, e). c, Eudimorphodon
Designs: 50ce, Northern region dancer.
100ce, Relics with landmark. 200ce, Chief sit- 1996 Summer Olympics, Atlanta (b). d, Allosaurus (e-f, h-i). e, Daspletosaurus
1995, July 6 Litho. Perf. 14 (f). f, Tarbosaurus (i). g, Velociraptor (h-i). h,
ting in state. 400ce, Royalist ceremonial dress. A307 A308 1810-1814 A312 Set of 5 4.50 4.50
600ce, Cape Coast Castle. 800ce, Clay figu- Herrerasaurus (i). i, Coelophysis.
rines of West Africa. Athletes: 500ce, Carl Lewis. 800ce, Eric Lid- Souvenir Sheet No. 1824, Albertosaur. No. 1825, Tyranno-
dell. 900ce, Runner. 1000ce, Jim Thorpe. saurus rex.
Sports: No. 1801a, Cycling. b, Archery. c, 1815 A312 2000ce multicolored 4.00 4.00
1994, Dec. 9 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2 Diving. d, Swimming. e, Gymnastics-Floor
1769-1774 A303 Set of 6 4.50 4.50 1995, Aug. 8 Litho. Perf. 14
Exercise. f, Fencing. g, Boxing. h, Gymnastics- 1822-1823 A316 400ce #a.-i.,
Pan African Historical Theatre Festival, Dec. Rings. i, Javelin. j, Tennis. k, Soccer. l, each 7.25 7.25
1994. Equestrian.
No. 1802, John Akii Bua. No. 1803, Pierre Souvenir Sheet
de Cobertin. 1824-1825 A316 2500ce each 4.00 4.00
1995, May 2 Rotary
1797-1800 A307 Set of 4 6.50 6.50 Intl., 90th
Miniature Sheet of 12 A313
1801 A308 300ce #a.-l. 7.50 7.50
Souvenir Sheets Designs: 600ce, Natl. flag, Rotary emblem.
Forts 1802-1803 A308 1200ce each 2.50 2.50 1200ce, Rotary emblem on banner, vert.
Miniature Sheet of 6 1995, July 6
1816 A313 600ce multicolored 1.25 1.25
Souvenir Sheet
1817 A313 1200ce multicolored 2.50 2.50 Nobel Prize
Recipients — A317

Designs: a, Nelson Mandela, peace, 1993.

Castles b, Albert Schweitzer, peace, 1952. c, Wole
A305 Soyinka, literature, 1986. d, Emil Fischer,
chemistry, 1902. e, Rudolf Mossbauer, phys-
ics, 1961. f, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, peace,
Forts: 50ce, Appolonia, Beyin. 200ce, 1984. g, Max Born, physics, 1954. h, Max
Patience, Apam. 250ce, Amsterdam, Korman- Planck, physics, 1918. i, Hermann Hesse,
tin. 300ce, St. Jago, Elmina. 400ce, William, UN, 50th literature, 1946.
Anomabo. 600ce, Kumasi. Anniv. — A309 1200ce, Paul Ehrlich, medicine, 1908.
Castles: 150ce, Cochem, Germany. 600ce,
Hohenzollern, Germany. 800ce, Uwajima, 1995 Boy Scout 1995, Oct. 2 Litho. Perf. 14
Japan. 100ce, Hohenschwangau, Germany. Secretaries General: No. 1804a, 200ce, Jamboree,
Castles: No. 1785a, Windsor, England. b, Trygve Lie, Norway, 1946-52. b, 300ce, Dag Miniature Sheet of 9
Hammarskjold, Sweden, 1953-61. c, 400ce, U
Holland — A314
Osaka, Japan. c, Vaj Dahunyad, Hungary. d, 1826 A317 400ce #a.-i. 7.25 7.25
Karlstejn, Czech Republic. e, Kronborg, Den- Thant, Burma, 1961-71. d, 500ce, Kurt
mark. f, Alcazar of Segovia, Spain. g, Waldheim, Austria, 1972-81. e, 600ce, Javier No. 1818: a, 400ce, Two boys. 800ce, Two Souvenir Sheet
Chambourd, France. h, Linderhof, Bavaria. i, Perez de Cuellar, Peru, 1982-91. f, 800ce, boys, one wearing glasses. c, 1000ce, Two 1827 A317 1200ce multicolored 2.50 2.50
Red Fort, India. Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Egypt, 1992-. boys facing left.
No. 1786, Elmira Castle. No. 1787, Fort St. No. 1805, UN flag, horiz. 1200ce, Boy with bamboo poles.
Antonio, Axim. No. 1788, Himeji Castle,
Japan. No. 1789, Neuschwanstein Castle, 1995, July 6 Litho. Perf. 14
Germany. 1804 A309 #a.-f. 5.75 5.75
Souvenir Sheet
1805 A309 1200ce multicolored 2.50 2.50

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1995, Dec. 8 Boy Blowing Bubbles, by Chardin. d, Ancient Pagodas: a, Kaiyuan Si Temple, Fujian. b,
1849 A321 400ce Sheet of 9, Rome, by Pannini. e, Modern Rome, by Pan- Kaiyuan Si Temple, Hebei. c, Fogong Si Tem-
#a.-i. 6.00 6.00 nini. f, The Calmady Children, by Lawrence. g, ple, Shanxi. d, Xiangshan, Beijing.
The Triumph of Marius, by G.B. Tiepolo. h, 1000ce, Baima Si Temple, Henan.
Souvenir Sheet Garden at Vaucression, by E. Vuillard.
1850 A321 2500ce multicolored 4.25 4.25 No. 1857, The Epiphany, by Giotto. No. 1996, May 13 Litho. Perf. 14
1858, The Calling of Matthew, by Hemessen. 1866 A328 400ce Strip of 4,
#a.-d. 4.75 4.75
1996, Feb. 12 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x14
1855-1856 A325 400ce #a.-h. + Souvenir Sheets
label, 1867 A328 1000ce multicolored 2.75 2.75
each 5.50 5.50 1867A A328 1000ce multicolored 2.75 2.75
Asantehene, 25th
Anniv. — A318 Souvenir Sheets No. 1866 was issued in sheets of 8 stamps.
Perf. 14
1995 Perf. 13 1/2x13 1857-1858 A325 2500ce each 4.25 4.25
Designs: 50ce, Emblem. 100ce, Silver cas- Nos. 1857-1858 each contain one
ket. 200ce, Golden stool. 400ce, Busummuru 85x57mm stamp.
sword bearer. 600ce, 800ce, Diff. portraits of
Otumfuo Opoku Ware II. 1000ce, Mponpon-
suo sword bearer. A322
1828-1834 A318 Set of 7 6.25 6.25

Elizabeth II,
Fauna — A319 Birthday
New Year 1996 A329
Designs: 400ce, Cymothoe beckeri. 500ce, (Year of the
Graphium policene. 1000ce, Urotriorchis Rat) — A326 Designs: a, Portrait. b, Wearing blue hat,
macrourus, vert. 2000ce, Xiphias gladius. coat. c, Wearing printed dress, wide-brim hat.
3000ce, Monodoctylus sabee. 5000ce, Ardea John
2500ce, Riding in horse-drawn carriage,
purpurea, vert. Lennon Stylized rats, denomination, country name horiz.
(1940-80) in white: No. 1859: a, With musical instru-
Perf. 14 1/4x13 3/4, 13 3/4x14 1/4 A323 ments, on horseback. b, Holding banners. c, 1996, June 10 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x14
1995, June 19 Litho. Carrying rat in palanquin. d, Carrying box,
holding fish. 1868 A329 1000ce Strip of 3,
1835 A319 400ce multi .80 .80 Nos. 1852a-1852g, 1852i, various portraits. No. 1860: Like #1859 with denomination, #a.-c. 5.00 5.00
1836 A319 500ce multi 1.00 1.00 No. 1852h, like No. 1851. country name in red. Souvenir Sheet
1837 A319 1000ce multi 2.00 2.00 No. 1853, Lennon playing guitar, water in 1000ce, Four rats transporting rat in palan-
a. Perf. 11 1/2 background. quin, horiz. Perf. 14x13 1/2
1838 A319 2000ce multi 4.25 4.25 1869 A329 2500ce multicolored 4.25 4.25
1839 A319 3000ce multi 6.25 6.25 1995, Dec. 8 Perf. 14
1840 A319 5000ce multi 10.50 10.50 1996, Jan. 28 Litho. Perf. 14 No. 1868 was issued in sheets of 9 stamps.
1851 A322 400ce multicolored .65 .65 1859 A326 250ce Strip of 4,
Nos. 1835-1840 (6) 24.80 24.80
Miniature Sheet #a.-d. 1.75 1.75
Perf. 13 1/2x14 Miniature Sheet
1852 A323 400ce Sheet of 9, 1860 A325 250ce Sheet of 4,
#a.-i. 6.50 6.50 #a.-d. 1.75 1.75
Souvenir Sheet Souvenir Sheet 1996
1853 A323 2000ce multicolored 3.50 3.50 1861 A325 1000ce red, pink & Summer
yellow 1.75 1.75 Olympics,
No. 1851 was issued in sheets of 16.
No. 1859 was issued in sheets of 12 stamps. Atlanta
Miniature Sheet
Miniature Sheets of 12
Designs: 300ce, Two wrestlers, javelin
thrower, Bas Relief, 500BC. 500ce, Wilma
Rudolph, gold medalist in track and field,
Rome, 1960, Olympic torch. 600ce, The
Christmas Forum, St. Peter’s Basilica, Colosseum,
A320 Olympic Stadium, Rome, 1960. 800ce, Soviet
flag, ladies’ kayak pairs gold medal winners,
Rome, 1960.
Details or entire paintings: 50ce, The Infant Medalists in swimming, diving: No. 1874: a,
Jesus and the Young St. John, by Murillo. Aileen Riggin, springboard, 1920. b, Pat
80ce, Rest on Flight to Egypt, by Memling. McCormick, platform, 1952. c, Dawn Fraser,
300ce, Sacred Family, by Van Dyck. 600ce, 100m freestyle, 1956. d, Chris Von Saltza,
The Virgin and the Infant, by Uccello. 800ce, Louis Pasteur 400m freestyle, 1960. e, Anita Lonsbrough,
The Virgin and the Infant, by Van Eyck. (1822-95) — A324 Fauna of the 200m breaststroke, 1960. f, Debbie Meyer,
1000ce, Head of Christ, by Rembrandt. 400m freestyle, 1968. g, Shane Gould, 400m
No. 1847, Madonna, by Montagna. No. Rainforest — A327 freestyle, 1972. h, Petra Thuemer, 800m
1848, The Holy Family, by Pulzone. Designs: a, In laboratory. b, Discovery of freestyle, 1976. i, Marjorie Gestring, spring-
rabies virus and vaccine. c, Pneumococcus #1862: a, Ramphastos toco. b, Choloepus board, 1936.
1995, Dec. 1 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x14 discovery, 1880. d, Development of first vac- didactylus. c, Pongo pygmaeus. d, Spiaetus Soccer players, vert: No. 1875a, Abedi Pele,
1841-1846 A320 Set of 6 4.75 4.75 cine with birds. e, Perfection of brewer’s yeast cirrhatus. e, Panthera tigris. f, Ibis Ghana. b, Quico Navarez, Spain. c, Heino
Souvenir Sheets culture. leucocephallus. g, Ara chloroptera. h, Saimiri Hanson, Denmark. d, Mostafa Ismail, Egypt. e,
sciureus. i, Macaca fascicularis. j, Cithaerias Anthony Yeboah, Ghana. f, Jurgen Klinsmann,
1847-1848 A320 2500ce each 4.25 4.25 1995, Dec. 13 Perf. 14 menander, ithomiidae. k, Coryptophanes cris- Germany. g, Cobi Jones, US. h, Franco
1854 A324 600ce Sheet of 5, tatus, gekkonidae. l, Boa caninus. Baresi, Italy. i, Igor Dobrovolski, Russia.
Miniature Sheet #a.-e. 6.00 6.00 #1863: a, Opisthoccomus hoazin. b, Tarsius No. 1876, Kornella Ender, 200m freestyle
bancanus. c, Leontopithecus rosalia. d, Pter- gold medalist, 1976. No. 1877, Tracy Caulkins,
Miniatures Sheets of 8 + Label opus gouldii. e, Rupicola rupicola. f, 200m individual medlay gold medalist, 1984.
Pharomachrus mocino. g, Hyla boans, den-
drobates leucomeles. h, Lemur catta. i, Iguana 1996, June 27 Perf. 14
iguana. j, Heliconius burneyi. k, Mellisuga min- 1870-1873 A330 Set of 4 3.75 3.75
ima. l, Propithecus verreauxi.
No. 1864, Sarcoramphus papa. No. 1865, Sheets of 9
Pteridophora alberti. 1874-1875 A330 400ce #a.-i.,
each 6.00 6.00
1996, Apr. 15 Souvenir Sheets
1862-1863 A327 400ce #a.-l., 1876-1877 A330 2000ce each 3.50 3.50
each 8.25 8.25
Motion Souvenir Sheets
Pictures, Paintings 1864-1865 A327 3000ce each 5.00 5.00
Cent. from the
A321 Metropolitan
Museum of
No. 1849: a, 1903 H. Ernmann camera. b, Art — A325
Charles Chaplin. c, Rudolph Valentino. d, Will
Rogers. e, Greta Garbo. f, Jackie Cooper. g, No. 1855: a, Portrait of a Man, by Van Der
Bette Davis. h, John Barrymore. i, Shirley Goes. b, Paradise, by Giovanni di Paolo. c,
Temple. Portrait of a Young Man, by Antonello da Mes- Intl.Amateur
No. 1850, Laurel and Hardy. sina. d, Tommaso Portinari, by Memling. e, Boxing Assoc.,
Wife Maria Portinari, by Memling. f, Portrait of 50th
a Lady, by Ghirlandaio. g, St. Christopher & Anniv. — A331
Infant Christ, by Ghirlandaio. h, Francesco
D’Este, by van der Weyden.
No. 1856: a, The Interrupted Sleep, by Boxers: 300ce, Serafim Todorow, Bulgaria.
Boucher. b, Diana and Cupid, by Batoni. c, China ’96 — A328 400ce, Oscar de La Hoya, US. 800ce, Ariel

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Hernandez, Cuba. 1500ce, Arnolda Mesa, 1996, Aug. 5 1997, Mar. 3
Cuba. 1895 A335 500ce Sheet of 5,
3000ce, Tadahiro Sasaki, Japan. #a.-e. 4.25 4.25 Dr. Hideyo Noguchi (1876-1928), Patholo-
gist: No. 1916: a, Tomb. b, Portrait. c, Birth
1996, July 31 place. d, Noguchi Institute, Legon. e, Noguchi
1878-1881 A331 Set of 4 5.00 5.00 Gardens, Accra.
No. 1917, Dr. Noguchi in laboratory. No.
Souvenir Sheet 1918, Statue.
1882 A331 3000ce multicolored 5.00 5.00 1916 A343 1000ce Sheet of 5,
#a.-e. 6.00 6.00
Souvenir Sheets
Sylvester 1917-1918 A343 3000ce each 3.50 3.50
Stallone in
Movie, “Rocky
II” — A339

Disney’s Best Friends — A336 1996, Nov. 21 Litho. Perf. 14

1911 A339 2000ce Sheet of 3 7.00 7.00
#1896, Ariel, Flounder, Sebastian. #1897,
Pinocchio, Jiminy Cricket. #1898, Cogsworth,
Lumiere. #1899, Copper, Tod. #1900, Poca-
UNESCO, 50th Anniv. — A332 hontas, Meeko, Flit. #1901, Bambi, Flower,
#1902: a, 450ce, Pocahontas, Meeko, Flit. Independence, 40th Anniv. — A344
Designs: 400ce, The Citadel, Haiti, vert. b, 150ce, Pinocchio, Jiminy Cricket. c, 200ce,
800ce, Ait-Ben-Haddou (Fortified Village), Copper, Tod. d, 600ce, Aladdin, Abu. e, 200ce, Emblem. 550ce, Dr. Kwame
Morocco, vert. 1000ce, Spissky Hrad (exterior 700ce, Penny, Rufus. f, 350ce, Cogsworth, Nkrumah, first president of Ghana, vert.
of castle), Slovakia. Lumiere. g, 800ce, Mowgli, Baloo. h, 200ce, 800ce, Achievement in education. 1100ce,
2000ce, Cape Coast, Ghana. Ariel, Flounder, Sebastian, i, 300ce, Bambi, Akosombo Dam.
Flower, Thumper. 2000ce, Declaration of independence, Old
1996, July 31 Litho. Perf. 14 #1903, Winnie the Pooh, vert. #1904, Polo Grounds, vert. 3000ce, Kofi Annan, UN
1883-1885 A332 Set of 3 3.75 3.75 Simba, Pumbaa. Secretary General, vert.
Souvenir Sheet New Year
Perf. 14x13 1/2, 13 1/2x14 1997 (Year 1997, Mar. 6 Litho. Perf. 14
1886 A332 2000ce multicolored 3.50 3.50
1996, Aug. 25 of the 1919-1922 A344 Set of 4 3.25 3.25
1896-1901 A336 60ce Set of 6 .60 .60 Ox) — A340 Souvenir Sheets
1902 A336 Sheet of 9, #a.-
i. 6.00 6.00 1923 A344 2000ce multicolored 2.50 2.50
Various scenes from Chinese story, “Herd 1924 A344 3000ce multicolored 3.75 3.75
Souvenir Sheets Boy and Girl Weaver.”
1903 A336 3000ce multicolored 5.00 5.00
1904 A336 3000ce multicolored 5.00 5.00 1997, Jan. 22 Litho. Perf. 14
1912 A340 500ce Sheet of 9,
Stampshow ’96 (#1902). #a.-i. 5.50 5.50

Souvenir Sheet

UNICEF, 50th
Anniv. — A333

Designs: 400ce, Baby. 500ce, Mother, baby. Deng Xiaoping

600ce, Mother, child drinking from glass.
1000ce, Child, diff. (1904-97),
E.W. Agyare Chinese
1996, July 31 (1937-72), Ghana Leader — A345
1887-1889 A333 Set of 3 2.50 2.50
Souvenir Sheet Technician — A337 Various portraits: No. 1925: a, 300ce, Smil-
1890 A333 1000ce multicolored 1.75 1.75 ing. b, 600ce, Wearing glasses. c, 800ce, like
#1925b. d, 1000ce, like #1925a.
1996, July 31 Perf. 14 China ’96 — A341 No. 1926: a, 500ce, Lips pursed. b, 600ce,
1905 A337 100ce multicolored .20 .20 Teeth showing. c, 800ce, like #1926b. d,
Statue of the Devil. Illustration reduced. 1000ce, like #1926a.
No. 1927, Reading. No. 1928, Hand in air.
1996, May 13 Litho. Perf. 14
1913 A341 1000ce multicolored 1.75 1.75 1997, Apr. 28 Perf. 14x13 1/2
No. 1913 was not available until March 1997. 1925 A345 Sheet of 4, #a.-d. 3.25 3.25
1926 A345 Sheet of 4, #a.-d. 3.50 3.50
Souvenir Sheets
Jerusalem, Perf. 13 1/2
3000th 1927 A345 3000ce multicolored 3.75 3.75
1928 A345 4000ce multicolored 5.00 5.00
Anniv. — A334
Nos. 1927-1928 each contain one
51x38mm stamp.
Landmark, flower: 400ce, St. Stephen’s
(Lion) Gate, Jasminum mesnyi. 600ce, Citadel
and Tower of David, nerium oleander. 800ce,
Chapel of the Ascension, romulea Radio, Cent.
bulbocodium. A338
2000ce, Russian Church of St. Mary
Entertainers: #1906, 500ce, Frank Sinatra.
1996, July 31 #1907, 600ce, Judy Garland. #1908, 600ce, A342
1891-1893 A334 Set of 3 2.10 2.10 Bing Crosby. #1909, 800ce, Dean Martin,
Jerry Lewis.
Souvenir Sheet 2000ce, Edgar Bergen, Charlie McCarthy. African Hair Styles: No. 1914: a, Dipo. b,
1894 A334 2000ce multicolored 3.50 3.50 Oduku. c, Dansinkran. d, Mbobom. e, Oduku
1996, July 31 Perf. 13 /2x14
1 2.
For overprints see Nos. 2032-2035. No. 1915: a, African corn row. b, Chinese
1906-1909 A338 Set of 4 4.25 4.25 raster. c, Chinese raster 2. d, Corn row. e,
Souvenir Sheet Mbakaa. Paintings by
1910 A338 2000ce multicolored 3.50 3.50 Hiroshige
1997, Mar. 3 (1797-1858)
Sheets of 5 A346
1914-1915 A342 1000ce #a.-e.,
each 6.00 6.00 No. 1929: a, Nihonbashi Bridge and
Edobashi Bridge. b, View of Nihonbashi Tori 1-
chome. c, Open Garden at Fukagawa
Hachiman Shrine. d, Inari Bridge and Minato
Shrine, Teppozu. e, Bamboo Yards, Kyobashi
Bridge. f, Hall of Thirty-Three Bays,
Musical Fukagawa.
Instruments No. 1930, Teppozu and Tsukiji Honganji
Temple. No. 1931, Sumiyoshi Festival,
A335 Tsukudajima.

a, Fiddles. b, Proverbial drum. c, Double 1997, May 29 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x14

clapless bell & castanet. d, Gourd rattle. e, 1929 A346 600ce Sheet of 6,
Horns. #a.-f. 4.25 4.25
Souvenir Sheets
A343 1930-1931 A346 3000ce each 3.75 3.75

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Designs: 800ce, Cyrestis camillus. 1100ce 1997, July 12 Perf. 14x13 1/2
Queen Kente cloth. 1966-1971 A357 Set of 6 4.50 4.50
II, Prince 1997 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x14 1/4 Sheet of 8
Philip, 1939A-1939C A350a Set of 3 1972 A357 600ce #a.-h. + label 4.75 4.75
50th Issued: 550ce, 5/30; 800ce, 6/4. 1100ce, 6/7. Souvenir Sheets
Wedding For surcharge see No. 2360. 1973-1974 A357 3000ce each 3.00 3.00
Anniv. Fish Nos. 1966-1971 were issued in sheets of 10
A347 A354 each.

No. 1932: a, Queen. b, Royal Arms. c,

Queen, Prince waving. d, Queen, Prince. e,
Royal carriage. f, Portrait of Prince Philip.
3000ce, Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II.

1997, May 29 Perf. 14 Seabirds,

1932 A347 800ce Sheet of 6, Marine
#a.-f. 5.75 5.75 Life
Souvenir Sheet A355
1933 A347 3000ce multicolored 2.70 2.70
Designs: 400ce, African pygmy angelfish.
600ce, Angelfish. 800ce, Broomtail wrasse.
1000ce, Indian butterfly fish.
No. 1956: a, Violet crested turaco. b, Pied
Heinrich A351 avocet. c, Bottle-nosed dolphin. d, Bottle- Birds — A358
von nosed dolphin, long-toed lapwing. e,
Stephan Longfined spadefish (i). f, Imperial angelfish, 200ce, Eurasian goldfinch. 300ce, Cape
(1831-97), manta ray. g, Raccoon butterfly fish, African batis. 400ce, Bearded barbet. 500ce, White-
Founder pompano (h, k). h, Silvertip shark (g, l). i, necked raven. 600ce, Purple grenadier.
of UPU Longfin banner fish (e, j). j, Longfin banner 1000ce, Zebra waxbill.
fish, manta ray (f, i). k, Rusty parrot fish (j). l, No. 1981: a, Black bustard. b, Northern lap-
A348 Coral trout. wing. c, Sandgrouse. d, Red-crested turaco. e,
No. 1957, Crown butterfly fish. No. 1958, White-browed coucal. f, Lilac-breasted roller.
Portrait of Von Stephan and: No. 1934: a, King angelfish. g, Golden pipet. h, Crimson-breasted gonolek.
Automobile used for postal delivery. b, UPU i, Blackcap.
emblem. c, First airmail flight, Pierre 1997, July 15 #1982, Nectarina famosa. #1983, Vidua
Blanchard, 1784. 1952-1955 A354 Set of 4 3.50 3.50 regia.
3000ce, African messenger with cleft stick. 1956 A355 500ce Sheet of 12,
#a.-l. 7.25 7.25 1997, Oct. 20 Litho. Perf. 14
1997, May 29 Litho. Perf. 14 Souvenir Sheets 1975-1980 A358 Set of 6 3.00 3.00
1934 A348 1000ce Sheet of 3, 1981 A358 800ce Sheet of 9,
#a.-c. 3.50 3.50 1957-1958 A355 3000ce each 3.50 3.50 #a.-i. 7.25 7.25
Souvenir Sheet Souvenir Sheets
1935 A348 3000ce multicolored 3.50 3.50 1982-1983 A358 3000ce each 3.00 3.00

A356 Cats and
Entertainers — A352 Dogs
Designs: 200ce, Eurychone rothschildiana. A359
No. 1940: a, Jackie Gleason. b, Danny 550ce, Bulbophyllum lepidum. 800ce, Ansellia
Kaye. c, John Cleese. d, Lucille Ball. e, Jerry africana. 1100ce, Combretum grandiflorum.
Lewis. f, Sidney James. g, Louis Defuenes. h, No. 1963, vert: a, Strophanthus preusii. b, Cats, #1984-1989: 20ce, Havana. 50ce,
Paul P. Harris (1868-1947), Founder Mae West. i, Bob Hope. Singapura. 100ce, Sphinx. 150ce, British
of Rotary Intl. — A349 Ancistrochilus rothchildianus. c, Mussaendra white. 300ce, Snowshoe. 600ce, Persian.
2000ce, Professor Ajax Bukana. 3000ce, arcuata. d, Microcoelia guyoniana. e, Gloriosa
Groucho Marx. simplex. f, Brachycorythis kalbreyeri. g, Dogs, #1989A-1989F: 80ce, Papillon.
Portrait of Harris, Rotary emblem and: Aframomum sceptrum. h, Thunbergia alata. i, 200ce, Bulldog. 400ce, Shetland sheepdog.
2000ce, PolioPlus oral vaccine administration, 1997, July 1 Perf. 13 1/2x14 Clerodendrum thomsoniae. 500ce, Schnauzer. 800ce, Shih tzu. 2000ce,
Egypt. 3000ce, Emblem for PolioPlus vaccine, 1940 A351 600ce Sheet of 9, No. 1964, Kigelia africana. No. 1965, Chow chow.
“A world free of disease.” #a.-i. 6.50 6.50 Spathodea campanulata. Dogs and cats: No. 1990: a, Russian wolf-
hound. b, Birman. c, Basset hound. d, Silver
1997, May 29 Souvenir Sheets 1997, Aug. 1 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2 tabby. e, Afghan. f, Burmilla.
Perf. 14 #1991: a, Abyssinian. b, Border terrier. c,
1936 A349 2000ce multicolored 2.40 2.40 1959-1962 A356 Set of 4 2.75 2.75 Scottish fold. d, Boston terrier. e, Oriental. f,
Souvenir Sheet 1941 A352 2000ce Sheet of 2 2.40 2.40 1963 A356 800ce Sheet of 9, Keeshond.
#a.-i. 7.25 7.25 #1992, Ragdoll. #1992A, Alaskan
1937 A349 3000ce multicolored 3.50 3.50 Perf. 13 1/2x14
Souvenir Sheets malamute.
1942 A351 3000ce multicolored 1.75 1.75
1964-1965 A356 3000ce each 3.00 3.00
1997, Oct. 20
1984-1989 A359 Set of 6 1.25 1.25
1989A-1989F A359 Set of 6 4.00 4.00
Sheets of 6
1990-1991 A359 1000ce #a.-f.,
each 9.25 9.25
Souvenir Sheets
1992-1992A A359 3000ce each 3.00 3.00

Chernobyl, Mushrooms
10th Anniv. A353
1998 World Cup Soccer
A350 Championships, France — A357
Designs: 200ce, Galerina calyptrata. 300ce,
Lepiota ignivolvata. 400ce, Omphalotus
Designs: 800ce, UNESCO. 1000ce, olearius. 550ce, Amanita phalloides. 600ce, Stadiums: 200ce, Azteca, Mexico, 1970,
Chabad’s Children of Chernobyl. Entoloma conferendum. 800ce, Entoloma 1986. 300ce, Rose Bowl, US, 1994. 400ce,
nitidum. Giuseppe Meazza, Italy, 1990. 500ce,
1997, May 29 Perf. 13 1/2x14 No. 1949: a, Coprinus picaceus. b, Olympic, Germany, 1974. 1000ce, Maracana, Return of Hong Kong to
1938 A350 800ce multicolored .95 .95 Stropharia aurantiaca. c, Cortinarius Brazil, 1950. 2000ce, Bernabeu, Spain, 1982. China — A360
1939 A350 1000ce multicolored 1.25 1.25 splendens. d, Gomphidius roseus. e, Russula Soccer players: No. 1972: a, Patrick Kluvert,
sardonia. f, Geastrum schmidelia. Holland. b, Roy Deane, Ireland. c, Abedi Pele Designs: a, Lin Tsi-Hsu (1785-1850). b,
No. 1950, Mycena crocata. No. 1951, Ayew, Ghana. d, Peter Schmeichel, Denmark. Gwan Tian-Pei. Illustration reduced.
Craterellus cornucopioides. e, Roberto di Matteo, Italy. f, Bebeto, Brazil. g,
Steve McManaman, England. h, George
Appong Weah, Liberia. 1997, Nov. 10
1997, July 9 Perf. 14 1993 A360 1000ce Sheet of 4, 2
1943-1948 A353 Set of 6 3.50 3.50 #1973, Juninho, Brazil. #1974, Seaman,
England. each #a.-b. 4.00 4.00
1949 A353 800ce Sheet of 6,
#a.-f. 5.75 5.75
Souvenir Sheets
Ajumpan Drums—A350a 1950-1951 A353 3000ce each 3.50 3.50

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

Mickey, Minnie, & Pluto, Apr. e, Minnie, May. f, 1998, May 5 Litho. Perf. 14
Daisy, June. Sheets of 9
No. 2009: a, Donald, July. b, Donald and
Daisy, Aug. c, Morty and Ferdie, Sept. d, 2036-2037 A370 800ce #a.-i.,
Huey, Dewey, & Louie, Oct. e, Mickey, Nov. f, each 7.25 7.25
Mickey & Minnie, Dec. Souvenir Sheets
Characters, season: No. 2010, Daisy, neph-
ews, winter, horiz. No. 2011, Goofy, fall. No. 2038-2039 A370 5500ce each 5.50 5.50
2012, Mickey, spring, horiz. No. 2013, Minnie, #2038-2039 each contain one 42x56mm
summer. stamp.
Perf. 13 1/2x14, 14x13 1/2 Great Black
1998, Jan. 29 Litho. Writers of the 20th
Huang Binhong (1865-1955) — A361 Sheets of 6 Century — A368
2008-2009 A364 1000ce #a.-f.,
Various details of “Color Landscape:” No. each 6.00 6.00 Designs: a, Maya Angelou. b, Alex Haley. c,
1994: a, 200ce. b, 300ce. c, 400ce. d, 500ce. 2008g-2009g With added inscrip- Charles Johnson. d, Richard Wright. e, Toni
e, 600ce. f, 800ce. g, 1000ce. h, 2000ce. tion, each 6.00 6.00 Cade Bambara. f, Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
No. 1995: a, Detail with Chinese inscription. Souvenir Sheets
b, Detail without inscription. 1998, Mar. 25 Litho. Perf. 14
2010-2013 A364 5000ce each 5.00 5.00
2011a-2012a With added inscrip- 2027 A368 350ce Sheet of 6,
1997, Nov. 10 tion, each 5.00 5.00 #a.-f. 2.25 2.25
1994 A361 Sheet of 8,
#a.-h. 5.75 5.75 Nos. 2008g, 2009g, 2011a, 2012a have
added inscription in sheet margin showing
Souvenir Sheet “Happy Birthday,” Mickey Mouse, and “1998” Orchids — A371
1995 A361 2000ce Sheet of 2, in emblem.
#a.-b. 4.00 4.00 Issued: #2008g, 2009g, 2011a, 2012a,
8/4/98. No. 2040: a, Renanthera imschootiana. b,
Nos. 1994a-1994h are each 28x90mm. Arachnis flosaeris. c, Restrepia lansbergi. d,
Paphiopedilum tonsum. e, Phalaenopsis
ebauche. f, Pleione limprichti.
Aircraft No. 2041: a, Phragmipedium schroderae. b,
A369 Zygopetalum clayii. c, Vanda coerulea. d,
Odontonia boussole. e, Disa uniflora. f, Den-
drobium bigibbum.
No. 2028: a, Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7. b, No. 2042, Cypripedium calceolus. No. 2043,
Lockheed PV-2 Harpoon. c, Airspeed Oxford Sobralia candida.
MK1. d, Junkers Ju87D-1. e, Yakovlev Yak-9D.
Trains f, North American P-51D Mustang. g, Douglas 1998, June 2
A365 A-20 Havoc. h, Supermarine Attacker F1. i,
Mikoyan-Gurevich MIG-15. Sheets of 6
No. 2029: a, Breguet 14 B2. b, Curtiss 2040-2041 A371 800ce #a.-f.,
Designs: 300ce, Union Pacific SD60M, US. BF2C-1 Goshawk. c, Supermarine Spitfire MK each 4.75 4.75
500ce, ETR 450, Italy. 800ce, X200 Sweden. IX. d, Fiat G.50. e, Douglas B-18A. f, Boeing Souvenir Sheets
1000ce, TGV Duplex, France. 2000ce, El FB-5. g, Bristol F.2B. h, Hawker Fury 1. i, Fiat
Class Co-Co, Australia. 3000ce, Eurostar, CR42. 2042-2043 A371 5500ce each 5.50 5.50
Britain. No. 2030, Mitsubishi AGM8 Reisen. No.
Christmas #2020: a, SPS 4-4-0, Pakistan. b, Class WP 2031, Supermarine Spitfire MK XIV,
A362 4-6-2, India. c, Class QI 2-10-2, China. d, Supermarine Spitfire MK 1.
Class 12 4-4-2, Belgium. e, Class P8 4-6-0,
Entire paintings or details: 200ce, Cupid by Germany. f, Castle Class 4-6-0, Britain. g, 1998, May 5
Botticelli. 550ce, Zephyr and Chloris, by Botti- Tank engine 2-6-0, Austria. h, Class P36 4-8- Sheets of 9
celli. 800ce, Trumphant Cupid, by Caravaggio. 4, Russia. i, William Mason 4-4-0, US.
#2021: a, AVE, Spain. b, Class 1600, Lux- 2028-2029 A369 800ce #a.-i.,
1100ce, The Seven Works of Mercy, by Cara- each 7.25 7.25
vaggio. 1500ce, The Toilet of Venus, by Diego embourg. c, Bullet train, Japan. d, GM F7 War-
Velazquez. 2000ce, Freeing of Saint Peter, by bonnet, US. e, Class E1500, Morocco. f, Del- Souvenir Sheets
Raphael. tic, Great Britain. g, XPT, Australia. h, Le 2030-2031 A369 3000ce each 3.00 3.00
Sculptures: No. 2002, The Cavalcant Shuttle, France/Britain. i, Class 201, Ireland. Elvis Presley
Annunciation, by Donatello. No. 2003, Isis and #2022, Duchess Class 4-6-2, Britain. #2023, #2030-2031 each contain one 57x42mm (1935-77),
Nepthys Protecting the Cartouches of Tut- TGV, France. stamp. Television
ankhamen with their Wings. Comeback
1998, Feb. 26 Litho. Perf. 14 Special, 30th
1997, Dec. 8 Litho. Perf. 14 2014-2019 A365 Set of 6 7.75 7.75
1996-2001 A362 Set of 6 5.25 5.25 Sheets of 9 A372
Souvenir Sheets 2020-2021 A365 800ce #a.-i.,
2002-2003 A362 5000ce each 5.00 5.00 each 7.25 7.25 Various portraits during performance.
Souvenir Sheets Nos. 1891-1894
2022-2023 A365 5500ce each 5.50 5.50 Ovptd. 1998, June 16 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2
2044 A372 800ce Sheet of 6,
#2022-2023 each contain one 57x42mm #a.-f. 4.75 4.75

1998, May 13
2032-2034 A334 Set of 3 1.75 1.75
Diana, Princess of Souvenir Sheet
Wales (1961- 2035 A334 2000ce multicolored 2.00 2.00
97) — A363 No. 2035 contains additional inscription in
sheet margin: “ISRAEL 98 - WORLD STAMP
Various portraits, background color of sheet EXHIBITION / TEL-AVIV 13-21 MAY 1998.”
margin: No. 2004, Pink. No. 2005, Blue. Japanese
Portraits with (in margin): No. 2006, Eliza- Flowers — A373
beth Taylor. No. 2007, Henry Kissinger.
Lunar New
1997, Dec. 22 Sheets of 6 Year — A366 Predominant color of flowers, location of
2004-2005 A363 1200ce #a.-f., denomination - #2045: a, Green (bamboo),
each 7.25 7.25 UR. b, Red, LR. c, Yellow, LR. d, Pale green &
Signs of Chinese zodiac - #2025: a, Horse. pink, UR.
Souvenir Sheets b, Monkey. c, Ram. d, Rooster. e, Dog. f, Ox. No. 2046: a, Pale green, yellow & pink, LR.
2006-2007 A363 3000ce each 3.00 3.00 g, Rabbit. h, Boar. i, Snake. j, Dragon. k, Tiger. b, Red, UR. c, Pink, LR. d, White, LR.
l, Rat. Ships No. 2047, Small pink & yellow, LR. No.
A370 2048, Pink, UL.
1998 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2
2025 A366 400ce Sheet of 12, Ocean liners - #2036: a, Empress of Ireland. 1998, June 2 Litho. Perf. 14
#a.-l. 5.00 5.00 b, Transylvania. c, Mauritania. d, Reliance. e, Sheets of 4
Numbers have been reserved for additional Aquitania. f, Lapland. g, Cap Polonio. h, 2045-2046 A373 2000ce #a.-d.,
values in this set. France. i, Imperator. each 8.00 8.00
Warships - #2037: a, HMS Rodney. b, USS
Alabama. c, HMS Nelson. d, SS Ormonde. e, Souvenir Sheets
USS Radford. f, SS Empress of Russia. g, 2047-2048 A373 5500ce each 5.50 5.50
Type XIV, Germany. h, Type A Midget, Japan.
i, Brin, Italy.
No. 2038, Titanic. No. 2039, Amistad.

Mickey and
Friends Ghana
A364 Cocoa
Board, 50th
Characters, month: No. 2008: a, Mortie and Anniv.
Ferdie, Jan. b, Minnie, Feb. c, Goofy, Mar. d, A374
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
Designs: 200ce, Tetteh Quarshie, pioneer of Designs: 400ce, Corythosaurus. 600ce,
Ghana Cocoa industry. 550ce, Ripe hybrid Struthiomimus. 1000ce, Lambeosaurus.
cocoa pods. 800ce, Opening of cocoa pods. 2000ce, Hesperosuchus.
1100ce, Fermenting cocoa beans. 1500ce, No. 2090: a, Ankylosaurus. b, Anatosaurus.
Shipment of cocoa. c, Diplodocus. d, Monoclonius. e, Tyrannosau-
rus. f, Camptosaurus. g, Ornitholestes. h,
1998, July 8 Perf. 13x13 1/2 Archaeopteryx. i, Allosaurus.
2049-2053 A374 Set of 5 4.25 4.25 No. 2091: a, Pterodactylus. b, Sce-
Pablo lidosaurus. c, Pteranodon. d, Plateosaurus. e,
Picasso Ornithosuchus. f, Kentrosaurus. g, Hyp-
A381 sognathus. h, Erythrosuchus. i, Stegoceros.
No. 2092, Dimorphodon, vert. No. 2093,
#2077, Collage, Composition with Butterfly, Apatosaurus.
A378 1932. #2078, Sculpture, Mandolin and Clari- 1999, Mar. 1 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2
net, 1913, vert. #2079, Painting, Ballplayers on
the Beach, 1931. 2087-2089A A385 Set of 4 4.00 4.00
Cats and Dogs in Christmas Scenes: 500ce,
British colorpoint. 600ce, American shorthair- 5500ce, Tomato Plant, 1944, vert. Sheets of 9
Dilute calico. 800ce, Peke-faced Persian. 2090-2091 A385 800ce #a.-i.,
1000ce, Small German spitz. 2000ce, British 1998, Dec. 24 Perf. 14x14 1/2 each 7.25 7.25
shorthair blue. 3000ce, Persian Dilute calico. 2077-2079 A381 Set of 3 4.00 4.00
Metropolitan Assembly, Cent. — A375 #2072, English pointer. #2073, Rumpy max. Souvenir Sheets
Souenir Sheet 2092-2093 A385 5000ce each 5.00 5.00
Designs: 200ce, AMA Centennial emblem. 1998, Dec. 1 Litho. Perf. 14 2080 A381 5500ce multicolored 5.50 5.50
550ce, King Tackie Tawiah I (1862-1902). 2066-2071 A378 Set of 6 8.00 8.00
800ce, Achimota School, Accra. 1100ce, Korle
Bu Hospital, Accra. 1500ce, Christianborg Souvenir Sheets
Castle, Accra. 2072-2073 A378 5500ce each 5.50 5.50 Australia
1998, July 8 ’99,
2054-2058 A375 Set of 5 4.25 4.25 World
19th World Butterflies: 300ce, California sister. 500ce,
Scouting Red-splashed sulphur. 600ce, Checked white.
Intl. Year Jamboree, 800ce, Blue emperor.
of the Chile — A382 No. 2098, vert: a, Red admiral. b, Buckeye.
c, Desert checkered skipper. d, Orange
Ocean sulphur. e, Tiger swallowtail. f, Orange-bor-
A376 No. 2081: a, Scout sign. b, Camping. c, dered blue. g, Agraulis vanillae. h, Monarch.
Tying a bowline. No. 2099, vert: a, Small tortoiseshell. b,
5000ce, Robert Baden-Powell. Brimstone. c, Camberwell beauty. d, Marbled
#2059: a, Dolphins. b, Dolphin (f). c, Ferrari Automobiles — A378a
Seagull. d, Least tern, seagulls. e, Emperor white. e, Purple emperor. f, Clouded yellow. g,
angelfish (i). f, Whit ear. g, Blue shark, diver 1998, Dec. 24 Perf. 14 Ladoga camilla. h, Marsh fritillary.
(k). h, Parrotfish. i, Dottyback. j, Blue-spotted No. 2073A: c, : Lampredi. d, 250 GT Cabrio- Sheet of 3 No. 2100, Papilio homerus, vert. No. 2101,
stingray (m, n). k, Masked butterfly fish. l, Jack let. e, 121 LM. Blue copper.
3000ce, 365 GTS/4 Spyder. 2081 A382 2000ce #a.-c. 6.00 6.00
knife fish (h). m, Octopus (i). n, Turkeyfish Illustration reduced.
(lionfish) (j, k, o). o, Seadragon. p, Rock cod. Souvenir Sheet 1999, Apr. 26 Litho. Perf. 14
#2060, Devil ray. #2061, Great white shark. 2082 A382 5000ce multicolored 5.00 5.00 2094-2097 A386 Set of 4 2.25 2.25
1998, Dec. 24 Litho. Perf. 14
2073A A378a 2000ce Sheet of Sheets of 8
1998, Aug. 18 Perf. 14
2059 A376 500ce Sheet of 3, #c-e 5.25 5.25 2098-2099 A386 1000ce #a.-h.,
16, #a.-p. 8.00 8.00 Souvenir Sheet each 8.00 8.00
Souvenir Sheets Perf. 13 3/4x14 1/4 Souvenir Sheets
2060-2061 A376 3000ce each 3.00 3.00 2073B A378a 3000ce multi 2.60 2.60 2100-2101 A386 5000ce each 5.00 5.00
Royal Air
No. 2073A contains three 39x25mm stamps. Force,

No. 2083: a, C130 Hercules. b, Chinook

HC2. c, C130 Hercules W2. d, Panavia Tor-
nado F3ADV.
No. 2084, Eurofighter 2000, Chipmunk. No.
2085, Hawk’s head, biplane.
Diana, Princess 1998, Dec. 24
of Wales (1961-
97) Sheet of 4
A377 Shirley Temple as “Curly Top” — A387
A379 2083 A383 2000ce #a.-d. 8.00 8.00
Souvenir Sheets Scenes from film, vert. - #2102: a, Saying
Twentieth Cent. Inventors and Their Inven- 1998, Dec. 24 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2 2084-2085 A383 5500ce each 5.50 5.50 prayers. b, Actor John Boles looking at por-
tions - #2062: a, Edison, light bulb. b, Peep- trait. c, Taking Boles’ hand. d, Dressed as old
hole kinetoscope, Edison. c, Tesla coil, Tesla. 2074 A379 1000ce multicolored 1.00 1.00
d, Nikola Tesla (1856-1943). e, Gottlieb Wil- woman.
No. 2074 was issued in sheets of 6. No. 2103: a, Hugging older sister. b,
helm Daimler (1834-1900). f, Motorcycle, Dressed as a man. c, Looking at stuffed ani-
Daimler. g, Transmitter circuit for telescope, mals. d, Pulling Boles’ tie. e, With family. f,
Marconi. h, Guglielmo Marconi. Looking at sister and Boles together.
#2063: a, Orville & Wright. b, 1st Flyer, 5000ce, In pink dress, vert.
Wright Brothers. c, Neon lighting and signs,
Claude. d, Georges Claude (1870-1960). e, Perf. 13 1/2x14, 14x13 1/2
Alexander Graham Bell. f, The telephone,
transmitter, Bell. g, Various uses of lasers, 1999, Mar. 1 Litho.
Townes. h, Charles Townes (b. 1915). 2102 A387 1000ce Sheet of 4,
No. 2064, Robert Goddard (1882-1945), #a.-d. 3.50 3.50
physicist. No. 2065, Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915), 2103 A387 1000ce Sheet of 6,
chemist, bacteriologist. New Year #a.-f. 5.50 5.50
1999 (Year Souvenir Sheet
1998, Sept. 1 Perf. 14 of the
Sheets of 8 2104 A387 5000ce multicolored 5.50 5.50
2062-2063 A377 1000ce #a.-h., Gandhi — A380 A384
each 8.00 8.00
Souenir Sheets No. 2075: a, After 8 month prison term in Scenes showing farmer from “Farmer and
2064-2065 A377 1000ce each 5.50 5.50 Poona, 1931. b, On Salt March, 1930. c, Pick- Rabbit,” by Han Fei Tzu: a, Working in field. b,
ing up natural salt at end of Salt March, 1930. Watching rabbit run into tree. c, Holding rabbit.
Nos. 2062b-2062c, 2062f-2062g, 2063b- d, After graduating from high school in Rajkot, d, Dreaming of rabbit.
2063c, 2063f-2063g are each 53x38mm. 1887.
5500ce, At age 61, 1931. 1999, Jan. 4 Amorphophallus
2086 A384 1400ce Sheet of 4, Flavovirens - A387a
1998, Dec. 24 #a.-d. 5.50 5.50
2075 A380 2000ce Sheet of 4, 1999, May 6 Litho. Perf. 14x14 1/4
#a.-d. 8.00 8.00 2104A A387a 200ce multi
Souvenir Sheet
2076 A380 5500ce multicolored 5.50 5.50
Nos. 2075b-2075c are each 53x38mm.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
1999 Litho. Perf. 13 /2x13

Save the Ozone Layer: 200ce, Fish. 550ce,

Earth surrounded by ozone layer, man. 800ce,
Crying Earth. 1100ce, People holding up
shield against sunlight. 1500ce, Objects with
ozone-depleting and non-harmful chemicals.
Trains 2143-2147 A398 Set of 5 2.40 2.40

Designs: 400ce, ICE 2, Germany, 1966.

500ce, M41, Hungary, 1982. 600ce, DVR, Fin- Rights of the
land, 1963. 1000ce, AVE 100 class, Spain, A391 Child — A394
1982. SOS
No. 2109: a, EMD GP7 Illinois Terminal RR, 1st Manned Moon Landing, 30th Anniv.: No. Children’s
1949-54. b, EMD SD 38-2, 1972-79. c, EMD No. 2136: a, Child, UN building. b, Dove,
2122: a, Command Module. b, Lunar Module earth. c, Mother, child. Villages,
SD 60M Soo Line, 1989-96. d, GE U25C, ascension. c, Giant moon rock. d, Lunar mod-
1963-65. e, EMD GP 28, 1961-63. f, EMD SD 5000ce, Child. 50th Anniv.
9, 1954-59. ule signals home. e, Neil Armstrong. f, One A399
No. 2110: a, Conrail EMD SD80, 1993-99. small step. 1999, Aug. 3 Litho. Perf. 14
b, Columbus & Greenville RR EMD SDP35, 5000ce, Earth rise, horiz. 2136 A394 3000ce Sheet of 3,
1964-66. c, Providence & Worcester RR, MLW #a.-c. 8.50 8.50 Designs: 200ce, Grandma Alice. 550ce,
M420 Loc. Works, 1973-77. d, Missouri Pacific 1999, Aug. 3 Perf. 14 Kindergarten. 800ce, SOS Children’s Village
2122 A391 1300ce Sheet of 6, Souvenir Sheet founder Herrmann Gmeiner (1919-86),
C36-7, 1978-85. e, Alco C-420 Virginia & Asikawa SOS building. 1100ce, Food
Maryland RR, 1963-68. f, Reading RR EMD #a.-f. 7.00 7.00 2137 A394 5000ce multicolored 4.75 4.75
GP30, 1961-63. preparation.
Souvenir Sheet
No. 2111, Swiss Federal RR Class RE 6/6 2123 A391 5000ce multicolored 4.50 4.50 Souvenir Sheets 1999 Perf. 13x13 1/2
Co-Co, 1972. No. 2112, AGP44, ABB Traction,
Inc. 1990-91. 2148-2151 A399 Set of 4 1.50 1.50

1999, May 10 Perf. 14

2105-2108 A388 Set of 4 2.25 2.25
Sheets of 6
2109-2110 A388 1300ce #a.-f.,
each 7.00 7.00
Souvenir Sheets
2111-2112 A388 5000ce each 5.00 5.00

Dr. Ephraim Apu,

Musician, Birth
A392 PhilexFrance 99 — A395 Cent. — A400
1999, Aug. 4 Locomotives: No. 2138, 232-U1 Four cylin-
der compound 4-6-4. No. 2139, 0-6-0 Subur- Designs: 200ce, Apu, clef, note. 800ce, Apu
Queen Mother, 100th Birthday (in 2000) - ban tank engine. playing Odurugya flute. 1100ce, Apu, indigi-
No. 2124: a, Lady Elizabeth Bowles-Lyon with nous flutes.
brother David, 1904. b, Queen Elizabeth, 1999, Aug. 3 Perf. 14x13 3/4 1999 Perf. 13 1/2x13
1957. c, Queen Mother, 1970. d, Queen 2138-2139 A395 5000ce each 5.00 5.00
Mother, 1992. 2152-2154 A400 Set of 3 1.25 1.25
5000ce, Queen Mother, 1970, diff.
Paintings by Hokusai (1760- 2124 A392 2000ce Sheet of 4,
#a.-d. + la-
1849) — A389 bel 7.25 7.25
Souvenir Sheet
Details or entire paintings - #2113: a, Girl
Picking Plum Blossoms. b, Surveying a 2125 A392 5000ce multicolored 5.00 5.00
Region. c, Sumo Wrestlers (rear view). d, No. 2125 contains one 38x50mm stamp.
Sumo Wrestlers (front view). e, Landscape Margins of sheets are embossed.
with Seaside Village. f, Courtiers Crossing a
No. 2114: a, Climbing the Mountain. b, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749- Millennium — A401
Nakahara in Sagami Province. c, Sumo Wres- 1832), German Poet — A396
tlers (2 fighting). d, An Oiran and Maid by a Designs: 300ce, Millennium emblem, vert.
Fence. e. Fujiwara Yoshitaka. No. 2140: a, Wagner entreats Faust in his 700ce, Emblem, Kwame Nkrumah. 1200ce,
No. 2115, Palanquin Bearers on a Steep study. b, Goethe and Friedrich von Schiller. c, Emblem, University of Ghana, vert.
Hill, vert. No. 2116, Three Ladies by a Well, Mephistopheles disguised as the fool.
vert. 5000ce, Faust attended by spirits. 1999, Dec. 28 Litho. Perf. 13 1/4
1999, Aug. 3 Litho. Perf. 13 3/4 Fauna 2155-2157 A401 Set of 3 1.25 1.25
1999, Aug. 3 Litho. Perf. 14
2113 A389 1300ce Sheet of 6, A393 2140 A396 2000ce Sheet of 3,
#a.-f. 7.00 7.00 #a.-c. 5.50 5.50
2114 A389 1300ce Sheet of 6,
#a.-e., 2113c 7.00 7.00 200ce, Meles meles. 800ce, Vulpes vulpes. Souvenir Sheet
No. 2128: a, Martes martes. b, Strix aluco. 2141 A396 5000ce multicolored 4.75 4.75
Souvenir Sheets c, Sus scrofa. d, Accipiter gentilis. e, Eliomys
2115-2116 A389 5000ce each 4.50 4.50 quercinus. f, Lucanus cervus.
No. 2129: a, Merops apiaster. b, Upupa
epops. c, Cervus elaphus. d, Circaetus gal-
licus. e, Lacerta ocellata. f, Lynx pardellus.
5000ce, Canis lupus, vert.
1999, Mar. 29 Litho. Perf. 14
2126-2127 A393 Set of 2 .90 .90 New Year
Sheets of 6 2000 — A402
2129 A393 1000ce #a.-f. 5.50 5.50
2128 A393 1000ce #a.-f. 5.50 5.50 Various scenes from Chinese story,
Souvenir Sheet “Daughter of the Dragon King.” Stamps from
the two sheets are numbered 1-12 in Chinese
2130 A393 5000ce multicolored 5.00 5.00 characters. The numerals are at the bottom of
the top group of Chinese characters.
1999 A397
IBRA ’99, World Philatelic Exhibition, 2000, Feb. 5 Perf. 14 1/2x14 1/4
Nuremberg — A390 Birds: 400ce, Cyanopica cyana. 600ce, Sheets of 6
Ciconia ciconia. 2000ce, Aegypius monachus, 1999, Aug. 20 Litho. Perf. 14x13 /43
vert. 3000ce, Garrulus glandarius, vert. 2158 A402 1600ce #a.-f. 5.50 5.50
Exhibition emblem, sailing ship Schomberg 2142 A397 1000ce multicolored .95 .95 2159 A402 1700ce #a.-f. 5.75 5.75
5000ce, Aquila heliaca adalberti.
and: #2117, 500ce, Hanover #1. #2119, 1999 Return of Macao to People’s Republic
1000ce, Lubeck #1. 2131-2134 A393 Set of 4 5.50 5.50 of China. Issued in sheets of 4.
Emblem, Class P8 4-6-0 locomotive and: Souvenir Sheet
#2118, 800ce, Hamburg #1. #2120, 2000ce, 2135 A393 5000ce multicolored 4.75 4.75
Heligoland #1A.
5000ce, Germany #66 tied to airmail label
on cover, vert.
Illustration reduced.
1999, Aug. 3 Perf. 14x14 1/2 Wildlife
2117-2120 A390 Set of 4 3.75 3.75 A403
Souvenir Sheet
Perf. 14 1/2x14 Designs: 300ce, Black-faced impala. 500ce,
2121 A390 5000ce multicolored 4.50 4.50 Cheetah. 1000ce, Wildebeest. 3000ce,

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
No. 2164, vert.: a, Chimpanzee. b, Boom- 5000ce, Great orange elf-cup. 8000ce, Bit- No. 2186: a, Wetherby. b, Die Frau und der
slang. c, Vulture. d, Leopard. e, Rhinoceros. f, ter boletus. Fremde. c, Hong Gao Liang (Red Sorghum).
Zebra. g, Crowned crane. h, Lesser kudu. d, Skrivánci na Niti. e, Music Box. f, Tema.
No. 2165, vert.: a, Purple roller. b, Pelicans. 2000, May 15 6000ce, Justice Est Faite.
c, Egrets. d, Orange-breasted waxbill. e, Sheets of 6 Illustration reduced.
Giraffe, f, African buffalo. g, African elephant.
h, African lion. 2178 A406 1500ce #a.-f. 4.00 4.00 2000, June 26 Perf. 14
No. 2166, Waterbuck. No. 2167, Ostrich. 2179 A406 2000ce #a.-f. 5.50 5.50 2186 A409 2000ce Sheet of 6,
Souvenir Sheets #a-f 3.75 3.75
2000, Feb. 28 Litho. Perf. 14
2160-2163 A403 Set of 4 2.75 2.75
2180 A406 5000ce multi 2.25 2.25 Souvenir Sheet
2181 A406 8000ce multi 3.50 3.50 2187 A409 6000ce multi 1.90 1.90
Sheets of 8
The Stamp Show 2000, London.
2164 A403 1100ce #a.-h. 5.25 5.25
2165 A403 1200ce #a.-h. 5.75 5.75
Souvenir Sheets Albert Einstein (1879-1955) — A413
2166-2167 A403 7000ce each 4.00 4.00
Illustration reduced.

2000, June 26 Perf. 13 3/4

2192 A413 8000ce multi 2.50 2.50
Goldfinch — A406a

2000, June 1 Litho. Perf. 13 3/4x13 1/4

Tourism 2181A A406a 300ce multi
A404 Apollo-Soyuz Mission, 25th
Anniv. — A410
a, 300ce, Building, palm trees. b, 300ce,
Mud building, natives. c, 300ce, Elephants. d, No. 2188: a, Apollo 18. b, Docked space-
1100ce, Natives. e, 1200ce, Natives carrying craft. c, Soyuz 19.
animal. f, 1800ce, Natives, diff. 8000ce, Soyuz, Earth. Ghana Home Economics
Illustration reduced. Assoc. — A414
2000 Litho. Perf. 13x13 1/4
2168 A404 Booklet pane of 6, 2000, June 26 Gold Frames
#a.-h. 2.25 2.25 2188 A410 4000ce Sheet of 3,
Complete booklet, 4 #2168 9.00 #a-c 3.75 3.75 Designs: 300ce, Women, cooking pots.
There are 2 types of #2168, which differ only 700ce, Woman with home economics text-
Souvenir Sheet book, vert.
by the arrangement of the stamps on the
pane. The booklet contains 2 of each type. 2189 A410 8000ce multi 2.50 2.50 1200ce, Emblem, Alberta Ollennu, Patience
A. Adow. 1800ce, Emblems, vert.
Souvenir Sheets
2000 Perf. 13x13 1/4, 13 1/4x13
Prince William, 18th Birthday — A407 2193-2196 A414 Set of 4 1.25 1.25
See Nos. 2273-2274.
No. 2182: a, In ski gear. b, With ribbons
wrapped around fingers. c, With jacket, no tie.
d, Close-up.
8000ce, In sweater.
Illustration reduced.
A405 2000, June 26 Litho. Perf. 14
2182 A407 2000ce Sheet of 4,
Designs: 500ce, Zebra duiker. 600ce, Leop- #a-d 2.50 2.50
ard. 2000ce, Bush buck. 3000ce, African wood Souvenir Sheet
No. 2173: a, Blotted genet. b, Tree pangolin. Perf. 13 3/4
c, Bongo. d, Elephant. e, Flap-necked chame- 2183 A407 8000ce multi 2.50 2.50
leon. f, West African dwarf crocodile.
No. 2174: a, Lowe’s monkey. b, Diana mon- No. 2182 contains four 28x42mm stamps.
key. c, Potto. d, Moustached monkey. e,
Thomas’s galago. f, Chimpanzee.
No. 2175: a, Gray parrot. b, Hoopoe. c,
European roller. d, European bee-eater. e,
Blue-breasted kingfisher. f, White-throated
No. 2176, Hippopotamus, vert. No. 2177,
Great blue turaco, vert.
2000 Summer Olympics,
2000, May 1 Litho. Perf. 14 Sydney — A411
2169-2172 A405 Set of 4 2.75 2.75
Sheets of 6, #a.-f. No. 2190: a, Gymnastics. b, Long jump. c,
2173-2175 A405 1600ce each 4.25 4.25 Los Angeles Coliseum, and US flag. d,
Souvenir Sheets Ancient Greek chariot racer.
Illustration reduced.
2176-2177 A405 6000ce each 2.75 2.75 Space — A415
First Zeppelin Flight, Cent. — A408 2000, June 26
2190 A411 1300ce Sheet of 4,
No. 2184: a, LZ-129. b, LZ-9. c, LZ-4. #a-d 1.60 1.60 No. 2197, horiz.: a, Mercury. b, Gemini. c,
5000ce, LZ-11. Apollo. d, Vostok. e, Voskhod 2. f, Soyuz.
Illustration reduced. Illustration reduced.

2000, June 26 Perf. 13 3/4 2000, June 26 Litho. Perf. 14

2184 A408 1600ce Sheet of 3, 2197 A415 2000ce Sheet of 6,
#a-c 1.50 1.50 #a-f 3.50 3.50
Souvenir Sheet Souvenir Sheet
2185 A408 5000ce multi 1.60 1.60 2198 A415 2000ce Challenger
51-L patch .60 .60
World Stamp Expo 2000, Anaheim.

Public Railways, 175th Anniv. — A412

No. 2191: a, Marc Seguin. b, Blenkinsop

locomotive. c, Pumping station, Dawlish.
Illustration reduced.

Mushrooms—A406 2000, June 26 Cats and

2191 A412 4000ce Sheet of 3, Dogs — A416
#a-c 3.75 3.75
No. 2178, horiz.: a, Slippery jack. b, Violet
deceiver. c, Fairy stool. d, Honey fungus. e, Designs: 1100ce, African shorthair.
Shaggy parasol. f, Russula sp. 1200ce, Russian Blue. 1800ce, Basenji.
No. 2179, horiz.: a, Grisette. b, Common 2000ce, Basset hound.
puffball. c, Fan. d, Gray chanterelle. e, Fairies’ Berlin Film Festival, 50th No. 2203, horiz. a, 1600ce, Weimaraner. b,
bonnets. f, Russula sp., diff. Anniv. — A409 1800ce, Keeshond. c, 1800ce, Fox terrier. d,

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1800ce, Saluki. e, 1800ce, Dalmatian. f, Color of photograph: a, Olive green. b, No. 2227, 4000ce, vert. - The Story of Saky-
1800ce, English setter. Emerald. c, Blue. d, Brown. e, Red violet. f, amuni, by unknown artist: a, Siddhartha’s
No. 2204, 1800ce, horiz.: a, Silver Persian. Orange. Excursion Through the South Gate. b, Sid-
b, Creampoint Himalayan. c, British tortoise- dhartha’s Excursion Through the East Gate. c,
shell shorthair. d, American shorthair tabby. e, 2001, Apr. 16 Siddhartha’s Excursion Through the North
Black Persian. f, Turkish Van. 2210 A419 4000ce Sheet of 6, Gate. d, Siddhartha’s Excursion Through the
No. 2205, 8000ce, Cocker spaniels. No. #a-f 6.50 6.50 West Gate. e, Sakyamuni Entering Nirvana. f,
2206, 8000ce, Lilac Persian. Untitled.
No. 2228, 14,000ce, Cranes, by Kano (red
2000, Aug. 21 denomination), diff. No. 2229, 14,000ce,
2199-2202 A416 Set of 4 1.90 1.90 Cranes, by Kano (yellow denomination), diff.
No. 2230, 14,000ce, Chapter 1, by Sumiyoshi.
Sheets of 6, #a-f No. 2231, Chapter 12, by Sumiyoshi.
2203-2204 A416 Set of 2 6.50 6.50
Souvenir Sheets 2001, Apr. 30
2220-2225 A422 Set of 6 6.00 6.00
2205-2206 A416 Set of 2 4.75 4.75 2226 A422 3000ce Sheet of 8,
#a-h 6.50 6.50
2227 A422 4000ce Sheet of 6, Mao Zedong (1893-1976) — A425
#a-f 6.50 6.50
Souvenir Sheets No. 2241: a, With arm raised, orange and
2228-2231 A422 Set of 4 15.00 15.00 light orange background. b, Portrait. c, With
arm raised, tan gray and blue background.
Millennium — A420 Phila Nippon ’01, Japan. 12,000ce, With flag.

No. 2211, 2500ce - Architects: a, Walter 2001, Aug. 27

Gropius. b, Aldo Rossi. c, Le Corbusier. d, 2241 A425 7000ce Sheet of 3,
Antonio Gaudi. e, Paolo Soleri. f, Ludwig Mies #a-c 6.00 6.00
van de Rohe. Souvenir Sheet
No. 2212, 2500ce - Artists: a, Wassily
Kandinsky. b, Henry Moore. c, Marc Chagall. 2242 A425 12,000ce multi 3.50 3.50
d, Norman Rockwell. e, Antonio López Garcı́a.
f, Frida Kahlo.
No. 2213, 14,000ce, Frank Lloyd Wright.
No. 2214, 14,000ce, Pablo Picasso. No. 2215,
14,000ce, Human Genome Project.
Automobiles — A423
2001, Apr. 16
Sheets of 6, #a-f Designs: 2000ce, 1950 Bentley S Series
Scenes from Tale of the White 2211-2212 A420 Set of 2 8.25 8.25 convertible. 3000ce, 1948 Chrysler Town and
Snake — A417 Country. 5000ce, 1957 Lotus Elite. 6000ce,
Souvenir Sheets 1966 Chevrolet Corvette Sting Ray.
No. 2207, 2500ce: a, Xu Xian offers 2213-2215 A420 Set of 3 11.50 11.50 No. 2236, 4000ce: a, 1956-59 BMW 507. b,
umbrella to White Lady and maid. b, White 1934 Bentley English Tourer. c, 1948 Morris
Lady (with basket) helps husband Xu Xian Minor MM. d, 1954 Daimler SP-250 Dart. e,
with business. c, Monk Fa Hai (with necklace) 1950 DeSoto custom convertible. f, 1955-60,
talks to Xu Xian. d, Xu Xian gives wine to wife. Ford Thunderbird.
e, White Lady becomes snake, Xu Xian has No. 2237, 4000ce: a,1959-63 Porshe 356B.
heart attack. f, White Lady (with swords) trying b, 1962 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud. c, 1958
to get medicinal herbs. Austin Healey Sprite MK-1. d, 1954-57 Merce-
No. 2208, 2500ce: a, White Lady and maid des 300SL. e, 1949 Citroen 2CV. f, 1949 Cad-
at Fa Hai’s temple. b, Maid threatens to kill Xu illac Series 62.
Xian. c, Fa Hai captures White Lady in bowl. d, No. 2238, 14,000ce: a, 1933 Mercedes-
Maid, Xu Xian at pagoda. e, Maid with sword Benz. No. 2239, 1953-55 Triumph TR-2.
attacks Fa Hai. f, Maid turns Fa Hai into crab.
Illustration reduced. 2001, June 18
2232-2235 A423 Set of 4 4.50 4.50
2001, Jan. 2 Litho. Perf. 14 Sheets of 6, #a-f
Sheets of 6, #a-f 2236-2237 A423 Set of 2 13.00 13.00
2207-2208 A417 Set of 2 8.75 8.75 Souvenir Sheets Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901), Opera
New Year 2001 (Year of the snake).
Composer — A426
2238-2239 A423 Set of 2 7.75 7.75
Belgica 2001 Intl. Stamp Exhibition, Brus- No. 2243: a, Verdi. b, Scores for Aida and
sels. No. 2238-2239 each contain one Rigoletto. c, Verdi’s birthplace. d, Map of Italy.
85x28mm stamp. 13,000ce, Verdi and score.
2001, Aug. 27
2243 A426 5000ce Sheet of 4,
#a-d 5.75 5.75
Jazz Musicians — A421 Souvenir Sheet
2244 A426 13,000ce multi 3.75 3.75
No. 2216, 4000ce: a, Scott Joplin. b, Clar-
ence Williams. c, Sidney Bechet. d, Willie “The
Lion” Smith. e, Ferdinand “Jelly Roll” Morton. f,
Coleman “Bean” Hawkins.
No. 2217, 4000ce: a, Kid Ory. b, Earl
“Fatha” Hines. c, Lil Hardin Armstrong. d, John
Philip Sousa. e, James P. Johnson. f, Johnny
St. Cyr.
No. 2218, 14,000ce, Joe “King” Oliver. No.
2219, 14,000ce, Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong.

2001, Apr. 16
Sheets of 6, #a-f
2216-2217 A421 Set of 2 13.00 13.00
Edward G. Robinson — A418 Souvenir Sheets
2218-2219 A421 Set of 2 7.75 7.75
Color of photograph: a, Gray green. b, Lilac.
c, Red violet (with hat). d, Brown (with cigar).
e, Orange brown (with pipe). f, Blue green.

2001, Apr. 16 Litho. Perf. 14 Female Recording Groups of the

2209 A418 4000ce Sheet of 6, 1960s — A424
#a-f 6.50 6.50
No. 2240 - Various members of: a-c, The
Oriental Cookies. d-f, The Ronettes. g-i, The
Art Supremes.
2001, Apr. 16 Litho. Perf. 14
2240 A424 2700ce Sheet of 9,
Designs: 500ce, Cranes, by Kano Eisenin #a-i 6.75 6.75 Toulouse-Lautrec Paintings — A427
Michinobu. 800ce, Flowers and Trees in Chen
Chun’s Style, by Tsubaki Chinzan. 1200ce, A No. 2245: a, Jane Avril Leaving the Moulin
Poetry Contest of 42 Matches, by unknown Rouge. b, Jane Avril Dancing. c, Jane Avril
artist. 2000ce, Cranes, by Kano, diff. 5000ce, Entering the Moulin Rouge.
A Poetry Contest of 42 Matches, diff.
12,000ce, Plum Trees, by Tani Buncho. 2001, Aug. 27 Perf. 13 3/4
No. 2226, 3000ce, vert. - The Tales of Ise,
by Sumiyoshi Jokei: a, Chapter 1. b, Chapter 2245 A427 6700ce Sheet of 3,
4. c, Chapter 6. d, Chapter 9 (Eastboud Trip, #a-c 5.75 5.75
James Cagney — A419 Mt. Utsu). e, Chapter 9, (Eastbound Trip, Mt.
Fuji). f, Chapter 9, (Eastbound Trip, Black-
headed Gulls). g, Chapter 23, (Crossing
Kawachi). h, Chapter 23, (By the Well Wall).

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

2001, Aug. 27 No. 2272: a, Bamboo orchestra. b, Mmen-
2250 A430 4000ce Sheet of 6, suon. c, Fontomfrom. d, Pati.
#a-f 6.75 6.75
2001, Dec. 3 Perf. 14 1/4
Souvenir Sheet 2272 A434 4000ce Sheet of 4,
2251 A430 15,000ce multi 4.25 4.25 #a-d 4.50 4.50

Queen Mother Type of 1999

No. 2273: a, Lady Elizabeth Bowles-Lyon
with brother David, 1904. b, In Rhodesia,
1957. c, In 1970. d, In 1992.
5000ce, In 1970, diff.

Whales 2001, Dec. Perf. 14

Monet Paintings — A428 A431 Yellow Orange Frames
2273 A392 2000ce Sheet of 4,
No. 2246, horiz.: a, Zaandam. b, On the Designs: 1000ce, Killer whale. 3000ce, Nar- #a-d, + label 2.25 2.25
Seine at Bennecourt. c, The Studio Boat. d, whal. 5000ce, Beluga. 6000ce, Bowhead Souvenir Sheet
Houses on the Waterfront, Zaandam. whale.
15,000ce, Madame Gaudibert. No. 2256, 4000ce: a, Blue whale. b, Killer Perf. 13 3/4
whale, diff. c, Northern bottlenose whale. d, 2274 A392 5000ce multi 1.40 1.40
2001, Aug. 27 Sperm whale. e, Southern right whale. f, Queen Mother’s 101st birthday. No. 2274
2246 A428 5000ce Sheet of 4, Pygmy right whale. contains one 38x50mm stamp with a darker
#a-d 5.75 5.75 No. 2257, 4000ce: a, Humpback whale. b, background than on No. 2125. Sheet margins
Fin whale. c, Bowhead whale, diff. d, Gray
Souvenir Sheet whale. e, Narwhal, diff. f, Beluga, diff.
of Nos. 2273-2274 lack embossing and gold
2247 A428 15,000ce multi 4.25 4.25 arms and frames found on Nos. 2124-2125. Reign of Queen Elizabeth II, 50th
No. 2258, 14,000ce, Sperm whale. No.
2259, 14,000ce, Blue whales. Anniv. — A437
2001, Oct. 1 Kwame No. 2289: a, Wearing pink dress. b, Sitting
2252-2255 A431 Set of 4 4.25 4.25 Nkrumah on horse. c. Looking at horses. d, In carriage
Sheets of 6, #a-f University of with Prince Philip.
15,000ce, Sitting with Prince Philip (black
2256-2257 A431 Set of 2 13.50 13.50 Science and and white photograph).
Souvenir Sheets Technology,
2258-2259 A431 Set of 2 8.00 8.00
Kumasi, 2002, Feb. 6 Litho. Perf. 14 1/4
50th Anniv. 2289 A437 6500ce Sheet of 4,
A435 #a-d 7.25 7.25
Souvenir Sheet
Designs: 300ce, Emblem. No. 2276, 700ce, 2290 A437 15,000ce multi 4.25 4.25
No. 2280a, 4000ce, Main gate. No. 2277,
1100ce, No. 2280b, 4000ce, Dairy production.
Rotary Intl. No. 2278, 1200ce, No. 2280c, 4000ce, Phar-
In Ghana, macy Department. No. 2279, 1800ce, No.
40th Anniv. 2280d, 4000ce, Residence hall.
(in 1998)
A432 2001 Perf. 13x13 1/4
2275-2279 A435 Set of 5 1.40 1.40
Rotary Intl. emblem and: 300ce, Polio vic- Souvenir Sheet
tim. 1100ce, Clean water. 1200ce, Founder 2280 A435 4000ce Sheet of 4,
Paul Harris. 1800ce, Blood donation. #a-d 4.50 4.50
Intl. Copyright Conference,
2001 ? Perf. 13 1/4 Accra — A438
2260-2263 A432 Set of 4 1.25 1.25
Designs: 300ce, Conference emblem, vert.
700ce, Person reading. 1100ce, Spider, web,
map of Ghana. 1200ce, Map of Ghana, Kente
Queen Victoria (1819-1901) — A429 cloth. 1800ce, Drummer.

No. 2248: a, Victoria. b, Prince Albert. c, 2002, Feb. 20 Perf. 14 1/4x14, 14x14 1/4
Albert and Victoria. d, Victoria and Albert on 2291-2295 A438 Set of 5 1.40 1.40
wedding day.
12,000ce, Victoria with green and white

2001, Aug. 27 Perf. 14

2248 A429 5000ce Sheet of 4, Nobel Prizes, Cent. (In 2001) — A436
#a-d 5.75 5.75
Souvenir Sheet Orchids — A433 No. 2281, 4000ce - Chemistry laureates: a,
2249 A429 12,000ce multi 3.50 3.50 George A. Olah, 1994. b, Kary Mullis, 1993. c,
Designs: 1100ce, Paphiopedilum henni- Sir Harold W. Kroto, 1996. d, Richard R. Ernst, 2002 World Cup
sianum. 1200ce, Vuylstekeara cambria Plush. 1991. e, Ahmed H. Zewail, 1999. f, Paul Soccer
1800ce, Cymbidium ormoulu. 2000ce, Phalae- Crutzen, 1995. Championships,
nopsis Barbara Moler. No. 2282, 4000ce - Chemistry laureates: a, Japan and
No. 2268, 4500ce: a, Cattleya capra. b, John E. Walker, 1997. b, Jens C. Skou, 1997. Korea — A439
Odontoglossum rossii. c, Epidendrum c, Alan G. MacDiarmid, 2000. d, Thomas Rob-
pseudepidendrum. d, Encyclia cochleata. e, ert Cech, 1989. e, John Pole, 1998. f, Rudolph
Cymbidium baldoyle Melbury. f, Phalaenopsis A. Marcus, 1992. World Cup trophy and: 100ce, Jay Jay
asean. No. 2283, 4000ce - Chemistry laureates: a, Okacha, flag of Nigeria. 150ce, South African
No. 2269, 4500ce: a, Odontocidium Tiger- Walter Kohn, 1998. b, F. Sherwood Rowland, player and flag. 300ce, Pele, flag of Brazil.
sun. b, Miltonia Emotion. c, Odontonia sappho 1995. c, Mario Molina, 1995. d, Hideki 400ce, Roger Milla, flag of Cameroun. 500ce,
Excul. d, Cymbidium Bulbarrow. e, Den- Shirakawa, 2000. e, Paul D. Boyer, 1997. f, Bobby Charlton, flag of England. 800ce,
drobium nobile. f, Paphiopedilum insigne. Richard Smalley, 1996. Michel Platini, flag of France. 1000ce, Franz
No. 2270, 15,000ce, Calanthe vestita. No. No. 2284, 15,000ce, Svante Arrhenius, Beckenbauer, flag of West Germany. 1500ce,
2271, 15,000ce, Angraecum eburneum. Chemistry, 1903. No. 2285, 15,000ce, Alfred Ulsan Munsu Stadium, Korea, horiz. 2000ce,
Werner, Chemistry, 1913. No. 2286, German player and flag. 3000ce, Brazilian
2001, Oct. 30 Litho. Perf. 14 15,000ce, Peter Debye, Chemistry, 1936. No. player and flag. 4000ce, Korean player and
2264-2267 A433 Set of 4 1.75 1.75 2287, 15,000ce, Wole Soyinka, Literature, flag. 5000ce, Yokohama Intl. Sports Stadium,
1986. No. 2288, 15,000ce, Nelson Mandela, Japan, horiz. 6000ce, Italian player and flag.
Sheets of 6, #a-f Peace, 1993. 11,000ce, 1950 World Cup poster. 12,000ce,
2268-2269 A433 Set of 2 15.00 15.00 1934 World Cup poster.
2002, Jan. 9 Perf. 14 No. 2311, 15,000ce, Geoff Hurst’s hat trick
Souvenir Sheets for England, 1966. No. 2312, 15,000ce,
Sheets of 6, #a-f
2270-2271 A433 Set of 2 8.25 8.25 Gordon Banks making save on Pele, 1970.
2281-2283 A436 Set of 3 20.00 20.00
Souvenir Sheets 2002, Mar. 4 Perf. 14
2284-2288 A436 Set of 5 21.00 21.00 2296-2310 A439 Set of 15 13.00 13.00
Souvenir Sheets
2311-2312 A439 Set of 2 8.25 8.25

Queen Elizabeth II, 75th

Birthday — A430

No. 2250, vert.: a, Bright pink hat. b, White

hat. c, Peach hat. d, Crown. e, Blue and pink
hat. f, In uniform.
15,000ce, with Prince Philip. Musical Instruments — A434
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
Souvenir Sheet cage filled with fireflies for a woman to read a 2002, Aug. 15 Perf. 13 /2x14
book (May). 2333 Strip or block of 4 3.00 3.00
No. 2316, 9000ce - Activities of Women in a. A315 3000ce on 600ce #1820a .75 .75
the Twelve Months: a, Mother and child taking b. A315 3000ce on 600ce #1820b .75 .75
a tub bath while woman holds a revolving lan- c. A315 3000ce on 600ce #1820c .75 .75
tern (June). b, Strips of paper with wishes and d. A315 3000ce on 600ce #1820d .75 .75
poems are tied on bamboo (July). c, Women Souvenir Sheet
enjoying the cool air on a boat (August). 2334 A315 20,000ce on 2500ce
No. 2317, 9000ce - Activities of Women in #1821 5.00 5.00
the Twelve Months: a, Celebrating Feast of the
Chrysanthemum (September). b, Looking out No. 2334 and sheets of No. 2333 are addi-
for colored leaves (October). c, Mother reading tionally overprinted in margin with black border
picture book while sitting at a foot warmer and inscription “In Memoriam / 1900-2002.”
No. 2318, 15,000ce, Three women decorat-
ing a gate (woman in blue kimono), from Activ- 20th World Scout Jamboree,
ities of Women in the Twelve Months. No. Thailand — A446
2319, 15,000ce, Part 1 (woman in red kimono)
from Snow, Moonlight and Flowers. No. 2320, No. 2327, horiz.: a, Scout with walking stick.
15,000ce, Part 2 (woman in black kimono) b, Scout with backpack. c, Tent and campfire.
from Snow, Moonlight and Flowers. No. 2321, d, Tent and scout tying knots.
15,000ce, Part 3 (woman in gray kimono) from 15,000ce, Scout with red neckerchief.
Snow, Moonlight and Flowers.
2002, Aug. 15
2002, July 29 Litho. Perf. 14 1/4 2327 A446 6500ce Sheet of 4,
Sheets of 3, #a-c #a-d 6.25 6.25
2315-2317 A442 Set of 3 20.00 20.00 Souvenir Sheet
Souvenir Sheets 2328 A446 15,000ce multi 3.75 3.75
2318-2321 A442 Set of 4 14.50 14.50

New Year 2002 (Year of the

Horse) — A440

No. 2313: a, Brown panel at L, country Butterflies, Moths, Insects and

name at LR. b, Brown panel at R, country Birds — A449
name at UR. c, Brown panel at L, country
name at LL. d, Brown panel at R, country No. 2335, 4500ce - Butterflies: a, Iolaus
name at LR. menas. b, Neptis melicerta. c, Cymothoe
lucasi. d, Euphaedra francina. e, Lilac nymph.
2002, Mar. 4 Perf. 13 /4
f, Mocker swallowtail.
2313 A440 4000ce Sheet of 4, United We No. 2336, 4500ce - Moths: a, Phiala cunina.
#a-d 4.50 4.50 Stand — A443 b, Mazuca strigicincta. c, Steindachner’s
First Solo Transatlantic Flight, 75th emperor. d, Amphicallia pactolicus. e, Verdant
Anniv. — A447 sphinx. f, Oleander hawkmoth.
2002, Aug. 15 Perf. 14 No. 2337, 4500ce - Insects: a, Bush hopper.
2322 A443 7000ce multi 1.75 1.75 No. 2329, 8500ce, horiz.: a, Charles b, Ant lion. c, Digger bee. d, Stag beetle. e,
Printed in sheets of 4. Lindbergh and Spirit of St. Louis. b, Charles Mantis. f, Longhorn beetle.
and Anne Morrow Lindbergh in airplane. No. 2338, 4500ce - Birds: a, Malachite king-
15,000ce, Lindbergh wearing flying gear. fisher. b, Brown harrier eagle. c, Heuglin’s
masked weaver. d, Egyptian plover. e, Swal-
2002, Aug. 15 low-tailed bee-eater. f, Black-faced fire finch.
2329 A447 8500ce Sheet of 2, No. 2339, 15,000ce, Giant blue swallowtail
#a-b 4.25 4.25 butterfly. No. 2340, 15,000ce, African moon
moth. No. 2341, 15,000ce, Mantis nymph. No.
Souvenir Sheet 2342, 15,000ce, Rufous fishing owl.
2330 A447 15,000ce multi 3.75 3.75
2002, Aug. 26 Perf. 14
Sheets of 6, #a-f
2335-2338 A449 Set of 4 26.00 26.00
2002 Winter Souvenir Sheets
Olympics, Salt Lake 2339-2342 A449 Set of 4 14.50 14.50
City — A444

Designs: No. 2323, 7000ce, Figure skaters.

No. 2324, 7000ce, Freestyle skier.
Visit of Netherlands Prince Willem-
Alexander and Princess Máxima to 2002, Aug. 15
Ghana — A441 2323-2324 A444 Set of 2 3.50 3.50 Edina
2324a Souvenir sheet, #2323-
2324 3.50 3.50 Bakatue
Couple: a, With Prince wearing sash. b, Festival
Holding hands, Prince wearing hat. c, With A450
windmills and flags. d, At wedding ceremony,
with another man. e, In crowd. f, Kissing.
Designs: No. 2343, 1000ce, No. 2349e,
2002 Perf. 14 4000ce, Casting of net. No. 2344, 2000ce, No.
2314 A441 6000ce Sheet of 6, 2349b, 4000ce, Chief in palanquin. No. 2345,
#a-f 8.75 8.75 2500ce, No. 2349c, 4000ce, Regatta. No.
2346, 3000ce, No. 2349d, 4000ce, Festival
Amphilex 2002 Intl. Stamp Show, boat. No. 2347, 4000ce, Opening ritual. No.
Amsterdam. 2348, 5000ce, No. 2349a, 4000ce,
Intl. Year of Ecotourism — A448 Priestesses.

No. 2331: a, Nectarinia venusta. b, Panthera

2002, Oct. 21 Perf. 14x13 1/2
pardus. c, Kobus kob. d, Syncerus caffer. e, 2343-2348 A450 Set of 5 4.25 4.25
Pan troglodytes. f, Galago. 2349 A450 4000ce Sheet of 6,
12,000ce, Loxodonta africana. #2347,
Intl. Year of Mountains — A445 2349a-2349e 6.00 6.00
2002, Aug. 15
No. 2325: a, Tateyama, Japan. b, Mt. 2331 A448 4000ce Sheet of 6,
Shivling, India. c, Wong Leng, Hong Kong. d, #a-f 6.00 6.00
Mt. Blanc, France.
15,000ce, Mt. Fuji, Japan. Souvenir Sheet
2332 A448 12,000ce multi 3.00 3.00
2002, Aug. 15
2325 A445 6000ce Sheet of 4,
#a-d 6.00 6.00
Souvenir Sheet Japan Overseas
2326 A445 15,000ce multi 3.75 3.75 Cooperation
Volunteers, 25th
Anniv. in
Nos. 1820- Ghana — A451
Paintings of Shunsho Surcharged Designs: No. 2350, 1000ce, Health. No.
Katsukawa — A442 2351, 1000ce, Education (Home economics).
2000ce, Education (Science and math).
2500ce, Education (Computer technology).
No. 2315, 9000ce - Activities of Women in 3000ce, Sports.
the Twelve Months: a, Trying to retrieve a ball No. 2355 (without white inscriptions): a, Like
caught in a tree (March). b, Listening to a 2000ce. b, Like No. 2350. c, Like 3000ce. d,
cuckoo in the bedroom (April). c, Holding a Like 2500ce. e, Like No. 2351.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

2002, Oct. 23 Perf. 14 2003, July 2 Perf. 13 1/2x13 1/4
2350-2354 A451 Set of 5 2.40 2.40 2383 A461 7000ce Sheet of 4,
2355 A451 4000ce Sheet of 5, #a-d 6.50 6.50
#a-e 5.00 5.00 Souvenir Sheet
2384 A461 20,000ce multi 4.75 4.75

Popeye in Amsterdam — A455

Awarding of Nobel
Peace Prize to UN No. 2364: a, Along the canal. b, Anne Frank
Secretary General House. c, Restaurant Row. d, Downtown. e,
Central Station. f, Windmills.
Kofi Annan — A452
2003, Jan. 14 Perf. 13 3/4
Designs: 1000ce, With Ghana Pres. J. A. 2364 A455 4500ce Sheet of 6,
Kufuor at award ceremony. 2000ce, With #a-f 6.50 6.50 History of Aviation — A462
Nobel medal and citation. 2500ce, Portrait.
3000ce, In academic procession at Kwame Souvenir Sheet
2365 A455 15,000ce shown 3.75 3.75 No. 2385: a, Charles Lindbergh makes first
Nkrumah University. non-stop solo Atlantic crossing, 1927. b, Wiley
No. 2364 contains six 38x51mm stamps. Post makes first round-the-world solo flight,
2002, Oct. 28 General Motors Automobiles — A459 1933. c, Heinkel He178, first turbojet powered
2356-2359 A452 Set of 4 2.10 2.10 aircraft, 1939. d, Chuck Yeager flies Bell X-1 to
break sound barrier, 1947.
No. 2377, 7000ce - Cadillacs: a, 1941 Sixty 20,000ce, Dr. Robert Goddard and first liq-
Special. b, 1953 Eldorado. c, 1957 Eldorado uid-fueled rocket, 1926.
Brougham. d, 1959 Eldorado Convertible.
Nos. 1939C, 1993B No. 2378, 7000ce - Corvettes: a, 1962. b, 2003, July 2 Perf. 14
Surcharged 1963 Sting Ray. c, 1964 Sting Ray. d, 1968. 2385 A462 7000ce Sheet of 4,
No. 2379, 20,000ce, Cadillac. No. 2380, #a-d 6.50 6.50
20,000ce, 1966 Corvette Sting Ray.
Souvenir Sheet
2003, July 2 Perf. 13 3/4 2386 A462 20,000ce multi 4.75 4.75
2002, Mar. 7 Sheets of 4, #a-d
2360 A350b 1000ce on 1100ce
multi 2377-2378 A459 Set of 2 13.00 13.00
2360A A350a 2500ce on 800ce Souvenir Sheets
multi 2379-2380 A459 Set of 2 9.25 9.25


New Year 2003 (Year Children’s art: 2000ce, Preparation for

Christmas, by Kwame Owusu Aduomi.
of the Ram) — A456 4000ce, Typical Christmas Present, by
Thomas Kyeremateng, vert. 4500ce, Making
2003, Feb. 24 Perf. 14 Merry at Christmas, by Samuel Baffoe Maison.
2366 A456 5000ce multi 1.25 1.25 5000ce, Christmas is Here, by Patrick Annan-
Issued in sheets of 4.
Perf. 14x13 1/4, 13 1/4x14
2003, Dec. 1 Litho.
Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977) — A453 2387-2390 A463 Set of 4 3.75 3.75

No. 2361: a, In suit and tie. b, As “Little

Tramp,” wearing hat. c, Wearing overalls. d,
Holding Academy Award. SEMI-POSTAL STAMPS

2003, Jan. 14 Litho. Perf. 14

2361 A453 6500ce Sheet of 4,
#a-d 6.25 6.25
Women — A457 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, 50th
Anniv. — A460
Designs: 1000ce, Nana Yaa Asantewaa
(1822-1923), Asante warrior. 2000ce, Justice No. 2381: a, Wearing tiara. b, Wearing blue
Annie Jiagge (1918-96). 2500ce, Dr. Esther hat. c, Wearing black hat.
Ocloo (1919-2002), industrialist. 3000ce, Dr. 20,000ce, Wearing black hat, diff.
Efua T. Sutherland (1924-96), playwright. Starlets, 1995 Under-17 World Soccer
5000ce, Rebecca Dedei Aryeetey (1924-60), 2003, July 2 Perf. 14 Champions — SP1
activist. 2381 A460 10,000ce Sheet of 3,
#a-c 7.00 7.00 200ce+50ce, Holding gold cup won at Ecua-
2003, Apr. 23 Perf. 13 1/2x14 Souvenir Sheet dor, vert. 550ce+50ce, Starlets ’95 team
2367-2371 A457 Set of 5 3.25 3.25 photo. 800ce+50ce, Abu Idorisu, vert.
2382 A460 20,000ce multi 4.75 4.75
1100ce+50ce, Emmanuel Bentil, vert.
1500ce+50ce, Bashiru Gambo, vert.
Perf. 13 1/2x13, 13x13 1/2
1997, Aug. 12 Litho.
B1-B5 SP1 Set of 5 4.50 4.50


British Council,
Anniv. — A458 Type of Regular Issue
Marlene Dietrich (1901-92) — A454
Designs: 1sh3p, Pennant-winged nightjar.
Designs: 1000ce, Tomorrow’s leaders. 2sh, Crowned cranes, vert.
No. 2362 - Background colors: a, Violet Tour de France Bicycle Race,
black (hair parted in middle, name at left). b, 2000ce, Women reading Africawoman News- Perf. 14 1/2x14, 14x14 1/2
paper. 2500ce, Partners in culture. 3000ce, Cent. — A461
Gray (wearing scarf, name at right). c, Brown 1959, Oct. 5 Photo. Wmk. 325
(name at left). d, Dark brown (wearing hat). e, Window on the world. 5000ce, Leadership
Blue gray (name at left). f, Brown black (name through sport. No. 2383: a, Romain Maes, 1935. b, Sylvére C1 A17 1sh3p multicolored .40 .20
Maes, 1936. c, Roger Lapebie, 1937. d, Gino a. Booklet pane of 4 1.75
at right). C2 A17 2sh multicolored .55 .45
15,000ce, Holding cigarette. 2003, June 12 Bartali, 1938.
2372-2376 A458 Set of 5 3.25 3.25 20,000ce, Henri Pelissier, 1923. For surcharges see Nos. C7-C10.
2003, Jan. 14
2362 A454 4500ce Sheet of 6,
#a-f 6.50 6.50
Souvenir Sheet
2363 A454 15,000ce multi 3.75 3.75

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1889, July
22 A6 5c on 1/2p green 8.00 20.00
GIBRALTAR 23 A7 10c on 1p rose 13.00 10.50
24 A8 25c on 2p brn vio 5.50 7.50
a. Small “I” in “CENTIMOS” 125.00 175.00
Ships, jə-brol-tər b. Broken “N” 125.00 175.00
Tema 25 A9 25c on 2 1/2p ultra 22.50 2.60
Harbor a. Small “I” in “CENTIMOS” 375.00 120.00
LOCATION — A fortified promontory, b. Broken “N” 375.00 120.00
and 26 A8 40c on 4p org brn 57.50 80.00
Jet — AP1 including the Rock, extending from
27 A8 50c on 6p violet 62.50 80.00
Spain’s southeast coast at the 28 A8 75c on 1sh bister 62.50 75.00
Perf. 14x13 entrance to the Mediterranean Sea Nos. 22-28 (7) 231.50 275.60
1962, Feb. 10 Litho. Unwmk. GOVT. — British Crown Colony There are two varieties of the figure “5” in
C3 AP1 1sh3p multicolored .30 .30 AREA — 2.5 sq. mi. the 5c, 25c, 50c and 75c. A14 King George
C4 AP1 2sh6p multicolored .75 .75 POP. — 29,165 (1999 est.) V — A15
Nos. C3-C4,110 (3) 1.25 1.25 CAPITAL — Gibraltar
Opening of Tema Harbor, as part of the 1912, July 17 Ordinary Paper
Volta River Project. 12 Pence = 1 Shilling 66 A14 1
/2p green 3.50 .75
20 Shillings = 1 Pound 67 A14 1p carmine 3.50 .80
a. 1p scarlet (’16) 3.75 1.50
Type of Regular Issue, 1962 100 Centimos = 1 Peseta (1889-95) 68 A14 2p gray 11.00 1.60
100 Pence = 1 Pound (1971) 69 A14 2 1/2p ultra 7.50 2.25
1962, Mar. 6 Perf. 13x14
C5 A35 1sh3p multicolored .30 .30 Chalky Paper
C6 A35 2sh6p multicolored .75 .75 Catalogue values for unused A11 70 A14 6p dl vio & red
stamps in this country are for vio 10.00 17.50
Nos. C1-C2 Surcharged in White or Never Hinged items, beginning 71 A14 1sh black, green 10.00 3.75
Green with New Value and: “Ghana with Scott 119 in the regular post- 1889-95 a. 1sh black, emerald (’24) 20.00 90.00
b. 1sh blk, bl grn, ol back
29 A11 5c green 5.00 .90
New Currency / 19th July, 1965” age section and Scott J1 in the 30 A11 10c rose 5.00 .55
(’19) 14.00 27.50
c. 1sh blk, emer, ol back (’23) 27.50 75.00
Perf. 14 1/2x14, 14x14 1/2 postage due section. a. Value omitted 5,750. 72 A15 2sh vio & ultra, bl 30.00 4.00
31 A11 20c ol green (’95) 12.50 75.00 73 A15 4sh black & scar 35.00 60.00
1965, July 19 Photo. Wmk. 325 31A A11 20c ol grn & brn
C7 A17 15pa on 1sh3p multi (W) 2.00 .70 74 A15 8sh vio & green 90.00 110.00
(’95) 45.00 20.00 75 A15 £1 vio & blk, red 150.00 225.00
C8 A17 24pa on 2sh multi (G) 2.00 .35 32 A11 25c ultra 20.00 .80 Nos. 66-75 (10) 350.50 425.65
The two lines of the overprint are diagonal 33 A11 40c orange brn 4.25 3.00
on No. C8. 34 A11 50c violet 3.75 2.25
35 A11 75c olive green 37.50 37.50 1921-32 Ordinary Paper Wmk. 4
Types of Bermuda 36 A11 1p bister 85.00 22.50 76 A14 1
/2p green (’26) 1.50 1.75
Nos. C1, C8 Surcharged in White or Overprinted in Black 36A A11 1p bis & bl (’95) 5.50 5.50 77 A14 1p rose red 2.00 1.25
Red 37 A11 2p blk & car rose 78 A14 1 1/2p red brown 2.00 .35
(’95) 12.00 35.00 79 A14 2p gray 1.50 1.50
1967, Feb. 27 Photo. Wmk. 325 38 A11 5p steel blue 47.50 110.00 80 A14 2 1/2p ultra 21.00 32.50
C9 A17 12 1/2np on 1sh3p (W) 4.00 3.00 Nos. 29-38 (12) 283.00 313.00 81 A14 3p ultra 2.75 1.60
C10 A17 20np on 24pa on 2sh 5.00 4.00 Chalky Paper
1886, Jan. 1 Wmk. 2 Perf. 14
1 A6 1
/2p green 12.50 7.50 82 A14 6p dl vio & red
2 A1 1p rose 55.00 5.00 vio (’26) 1.75 4.00
3 A2 2p violet brown 105.00 85.00 a. 6p gray lilac & red violet
POSTAGE DUE STAMPS (’23) 7.00 4.25
4 A8 2 1/2p ultra 150.00 3.75 83 A14 1sh black, emer
5 A7 4p orange brn 140.00 100.00 (’24) 11.00 17.50
6 A4 6p violet 210.00 210.00 84 A14 1sh ol grn & blk
Gold Coast Nos. J2-J6 Overprinted 7 A5 1sh bister brn 450.00 400.00 (’29) 16.00 25.00
“GHANA” and Bar in Red Nos. 1-7 (7) 1,122. 811.25 a. 1sh brn olive & black (’32) 16.00 13.00
Forged overprints of No. 7 are plentiful. 85 A15 2sh vio & ultra,
Perf. 14 blue (’25) 7.50 47.50
1958, June 25 Wmk. 4 Typo. 86 A15 2sh red brn &
J1 D1 1p black .20 .45 black (’29) 11.00 32.50
J2 D1 2p black .20 .45 87 A15 2sh6p green & blk 11.00 20.00
J3 D1 3p black .20 .45 King Edward VII 88 A15 4sh black & scar 75.00 125.00
J4 D1 6p black .20 1.00 89 A15 5sh car & black 17.50 55.00
J5 D1 1sh black .20 2.00 A12 A13 90 A15 8sh vio & green 225.00 425.00
Nos. J1-J5 (5) 1.00 4.35 1903, May 1 91 A15 10sh ultra & black 35.00 80.00
39 A12 1/2p grn & bl grn 11.00 10.00 92 A15 £1 org & black 160.00 200.00
Type of Gold Coast Inscribed “Ghana” 40 A12 1p violet, red 35.00 .65 93 A15 £5 dl vio & blk 1,750. 4,250.
41 A12 2p grn & car rose 21.00 27.50 Nos. 76-92 (17) 601.50 1,070.
1958, Dec. 1 Perf. 14 Victoria 42 A12 2 1/2p vio & blk, bl 5.50 .65 Years issued: 1 1/2p, 1922. 6p, 1923. Nos. 83,
J6 D1 1p carmine rose .20 .45 A6 A7 43 A12 6p violet & pur 18.00 24.00 85, 4sh, 8sh, 1924. 2sh6p, 5sh, 10sh, £5,
J7 D1 2p green .20 .45 44 A12 1sh blk & car rose 32.50 40.00 1925. 1/2p, £1, 1927. Nos. 84, 86, 1929.
J8 D1 3p orange .20 .45 45 A13 2sh green & ultra 140.00 190.00
J9 D1 6p ultramarine .20 1.00 46 A13 4sh vio & green 90.00 160.00
J10 D1 1sh purple .20 2.00 47 A13 8sh vio & blk, bl 125.00 160.00 Type of 1912 Issue
Nos. J6-J10 (5) 1.00 4.35 48 A13 £1 vio & blk, red 575.00 675.00 Inscribed: “THREE PENCE”
Nos. 39-48 (10) 1,053. 1,287.
Nos. J6-J10 Surcharged in Black, Blue 1930, Apr. 12 Ordinary Paper
or Red with New Value and “Ghana 1904-12 Wmk. 3 94 A14 3p ultramarine 9.50 2.25
New Currency / 19th July, 1965.” Ordinary or Chalky Paper
A8 A9
1965, July 19 49 A12
/2p blue green (’07) 4.25 2.00
J11 D1 1pa on 1p car rose .20 .60 a. /2p gray green (’04) 11.00 2.75
J12 D1 2pa on 2p grn (Bl) .20 .75 1886-98 Typo. 50 A12 1p violet, red 10.00 .55
J13 D1 3pa on 3p org (Bl) .20 .75 8 A6 1
/2p dull green (’87) 10.00 4.25 51 A12 1p car (’07) 6.25 .65
J14 D1 6pa on 6p ultra (R) .30 2.00 9 A6 1
/2p gray grn (’98) 6.00 2.00 52 A12 2p grn & car rose 15.00 5.00
J15 D1 12pa on 1sh pur (Bl) .50 2.50 10 A7 1p rose (’87) 47.50 5.00 53 A12 2p gray (’10) 9.00 12.00 Rock of
Nos. J11-J15 (5) 1.40 6.60 11 A7 1p car rose (’98) 7.50 .55 54 A12 2 1/2p vio & blk, bl 40.00 100.00 Gibraltar
12 A8 2p brn violet 35.00 21.00 55 A12 2 1/2p ultra (’07) 5.75 1.75
Surcharge diagonal on Nos. J11 and J15. 13 A8 2p brn vio & ultra 56 A12 6p vio & pur (’06) 40.00 22.50 A16
No. J12 with additional surcharge, “1 1/2Np” (’98) 25.00 2.00 a. 6p vio & red violet (’12) 150.00 425.00
in red, was reported to have been used at one 14 A9 2 1/2p brt ultra (’98) 32.50 .55 57 A12 1sh blk & car rose 50.00 12.50 1931-33 Engr. Perf. 14
branch post office (Burma Camp) despite offi- a. 2 1/2p ultramarine 92.50 3.25 58 A12 1sh blk, grn (’10) 26.00 22.50 96 A16 1p red 2.60 2.75
cial intention. Four similar added surcharges 16 A8 4p orange brn 85.00 85.00 59 A13 2sh grn & ultra (’05) 85.00 90.00 a. Perf. 13 1/2x14 16.00 6.00
were prepared: 1np on 1pa, 2 1/2np on 3pa, 17 A8 4p org brn & grn 60 A13 2sh vio & bl, bl (’10) 57.50 52.50 97 A16 1 1/2p red brown 2.00 2.50
5np on 6pa, and 10np on 12pa. (’98) 21.00 7.50 61 A13 4sh vio & grn 230.00 275.00 a. 1
Perf. 13 /2x14 13.00 4.50
18 A8 6p violet 120.00 120.00 62 A13 4sh blk & red (’10) 125.00 160.00 98 A16 2p gray (’32) 7.25 2.00
19 A8 6p vio & car rose 63 A13 8sh vio & grn (’11) 220.00 225.00 a. Perf. 13 1/2x14 16.00 2.50
(’98) 47.50 25.00 64 A12 £1 vio & blk, red 575.00 600.00 99 A16 3p dk blue (’33) 6.00 3.25
20 A8 1sh bister 210.00 210.00 Nos. 49-64 (16) 1,498. 1,581. a. Perf. 13 1/2x14 27.50 30.00
21 A8 1sh bis & car rose Nos. 96-99 (4) 17.85 10.50
Nos. 49a, 51, 53, 55 are on ordinary paper. Set, never hinged 32.50
(’98) 42.50 18.00 Nos. 54, 58, 60-64 are on chalky paper.
Nos. 8-14,16-21 (13) 689.50 500.85 Nos. 96a-99a (4) 72.50 43.00
Others come on both papers. Set, never hinged 100.00
No. 56a, used, must have a 1912 cancella-
tion. Stamps used later sell for about the same
as unused. Common Design Types
D2 pictured following the introduction.
1970 Unwmk. Litho. Perf. 14 1/2x14 Stamps of 1886 Issue
J16 D2 1np carmine rose .75 4.00 Surcharged in Black Silver Jubilee Issue
J17 D2 1 1/2np green .90 5.00
J18 D2 2 1/2np orange 1.50 7.00 Common Design Type
J19 D2 5np ultramarine 2.00 7.00 1935, May 6 Perf. 11x12
J20 D2 10np dull purple 3.00 8.00 100 CD301 2p black & ultra 1.25 2.25
Nos. J16-J20 (5) 8.15 31.00 101 CD301 3p ultra & brown 2.75 3.25
102 CD301 6p indigo & green 8.00 11.00
1981 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2x14
J21 D2 2p red orange 1.25 5.00
J22 D2 3p brown 1.25 5.00

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

103 CD301 1sh brown vio & Engr.; Name Typo. World Cup Soccer Issue
ind 8.00 8.50
Nos. 100-103 (4) 20.00 25.00 Perf. 11 1/2x11 Common Design Type
Set, never hinged 40.00 122 CD305 £1 brown orange 60.00 70.00 1966, July 1 Litho. Perf. 14
Set, hinged 45.00 175 CD321 2 1/2p multicolored .70 .30
Coronation Issue 176 CD321 6p multicolored 1.25 .75
Common Design Type UPU Issue
1937, May 12 Perf. 11x11 1/2 Common Design Types
104 CD302 1/2p deep green .20 .20 Engr.; Name Typo. on 3p, 6p
105 CD302 2p gray black .65 1.90 Perf. 13 1/2, 11x11 1/2
106 CD302 3p deep ultra 1.40 1.90 1949, Oct. 10 Wmk. 4
Nos. 104-106 (3) 2.25 4.00
Set, never hinged 3.50 123 CD306 2p rose carmine 1.00 1.00
124 CD307 3p indigo 2.50 1.10 Candytuft — A28 Rock and Badge of
125 CD308 6p rose violet 2.00 2.00 Gibraltar Sea Bream
126 CD309 1sh blue green 1.25 4.00 A30a
Nos. 123-126 (4) 6.75 8.10 Regiment — A30
7p, Orange scorpionfish. 1sh, Stone bass,
Nos. 110B, 111, 113-114 overprinted vert.
in Black or Carmine
Perf. 14x13 1/2, 13 1/2x14
George VI — A17 1966, Aug. 27 Photo. Wmk. 314
Moorish 177 A30a 4p ultra, rose red &
Castle black .20 .20
A29 178 A30a 7p ol, rose red & blk .30 .20
a. Value omitted 625.00
179 A30a 1sh brt grn, brn & blk .40 .30
Designs: 2p, St. George’s Hall and can- Nos. 177-179 (3) .90 .70
nons. 2 1/2p, The keys. 3p, Rock by moonlight. European Sea Angling Championships,
Rock of 4p, Catalan Bay. 6p, Map. 7p, Air terminal. 9p,
Gibraltar Gibraltar, Aug. 28-Sept. 3.
American war memorial. 1sh, Barbary ape.
A18 1950, Aug. 1 Perf. 13x12 1/2 2sh, Barbary partridge. 5sh, Blue rock thrush.
127 A18 2p carmine rose .30 .75 10sh, Narcissus. WHO Headquarters Issue
Designs: 2p, Rock from north side. 3p, 5p, 128 A18 3p blue .60 .75 Common Design Type
Europa Point. 6p, Moorish Castle. 1sh, South- 129 A18 6p dl vio & car Wmk. 314
port Gate. 2sh, Eliott Memorial. 5sh, Govern- rose .75 1.10 1960, Oct. 29 Photo. Perf. 12 1/2 1966, Sept. 20 Litho. Perf. 14
ment House. 10sh, Catalan Bay. a. Double overprint 700.00 850.00 147 A28 1
/2p brt green & lil .20 .25 180 CD322 6p multicolored 2.40 1.00
130 A18 1sh grn & blk (C) .75 1.10 148 A29 1p black & yel grn .20 .20 181 CD322 9p multicolored 3.75 1.75
Perf. 13, 13 1/2x14 ( 1/2p, No. 118), 14 Nos. 127-130 (4) 2.40 3.70 149 A29 2p org brn & sl .20 .20
(1 1/2p) Adoption of Constitution of 1950. 150 A28 2 1/2p blue & black .55 .50
1938-49 Engr. Wmk. 4 151 A29 3p dk blue & ver .20 .20
152 A29 4p choc & grnsh bl 2.75 .50
107 A17 /2p gray green .20 .30 Coronation Issue a. Wmkd. sideways (’66) .25 .20
108 A18 1p red brn 153 A28 6p brown & emer .80 .35
(’42) .35 .50 Common Design Type 154 A28 7p gray & car .80 .60
a. 1p chestnut, perf. 14 27.50 2.50
b. 1p chestnut, perf. 13 1/2 27.50 2.25 1953, June 2 Engr. Perf. 13 1/2x13 155 A28 9p grnsh blue &
c. Perf. 13 1/2, wmk. side- 131 CD312 1/2p olive green & black .25 .30 bluish gray .55 .40
ways (’41) 6.75 7.50 156 A29 1sh brown & green 1.00 .30 “Our Lady of
109 A18 1 1/2p carmine 157 A29 2sh dark red brn & Europa”
rose 30.00 .80 ultra 13.50 1.90
b. Perf. 13 /2 1
275.00 40.00 158 A29 5sh ol & Prus grn 8.25 4.50 A31
109A A18 1 1/2p gray vio 159 A28 10sh blue, yel & grn 14.50 8.00
(’43) .25 1.50 Perf. 14x14 1/2
110 A18 2p dk gray Perf. 14
(’42) .35 1.25 Engr. 1966, Nov. 15 Photo. Wmk. 314
a. Perf. 14 27.50 .50 182 A31 2sh ultra & black .60 1.00
c. Perf. 13 1/2 1.75 .40 160 A30 £1 org red & slate 17.50 9.00
d. Perf. 13 1/2, wmk. side-
Wharves Nos. 147-160 (14) 61.00 26.90 Enthronement of the recovered statue of the
ways (’41) 650.00 47.50 A26 Madonna in its new shrine, cent.
110B A18 2p car rose For overprints see Nos. 165-166.
(’44) .30 .50
111 A18 3p blue (’42) .35 .30 Freedom from Hunger Issue UNESCO Anniversary Issue
a. Perf. 14 140.00 5.50 Common Design Type
b. Perf. 13 1/2 22.50 1.00 Common Design Type
112 A18 5p red org
1963, June 4 Perf. 14x14 1/2 1966, Dec. 1 Litho. Perf. 14
(’47) 1.00 1.10 183 CD323 2p “Education” .20 .20
113 A18 6p dl vio & car 161 CD314 9p sepia 11.00 3.00
184 CD323 7p “Science” .70 .20
rose 3.75 1.75 185 CD323 5sh “Culture” 4.25 2.50
a. Perf. 14 125.00 1.50 Red Cross Centenary Issue
b. Perf. 13 1/2 50.00 3.50 Nos. 183-185 (3) 5.15 2.90
114 A18 1sh grn & blk Common Design Type
(’42) 3.00 4.00 1963, Sept. 2 Litho. Perf. 13
a. Perf. 14 45.00 25.00
b. Perf. 13 1/2 70.00 7.50 Moorish 162 CD315 1p black & red .50 1.25
115 A18 2sh org brn & Castle — A27 163 CD315 9p ultra & red 12.00 5.00
blk (’42) 4.00 6.00
a. Perf. 14 70.00 27.50 Shakespeare Issue
b. Perf. 13 1/2 140.00 37.50 Designs: 1p, South view. 1 1/2p, Tunny fishing
116 A18 5sh dk car & industry. 2p, Southport Gate. 2 1/2p, Sailing in Common Design Type
blk (’44) 12.50 19.00 the bay. 3p, Ocean liner. 4p, Coaling wharf.
a. Perf 14 (’38) 100.00 160.00 5p, Airport. 6p, Europa Point. 1sh, Strait from 1964, Apr. 23 Photo. Perf. 14x14 1/2
b. Perf. 13 1/2 40.00 20.00 Buena Vista. 2sh, Rosia Bay. 5sh, Govern- 164 CD316 7p brown .60 .50 Cable Ship
117 A18 10sh bl & blk ment House. £1, Arms of Gibraltar. Mirror — A32
(’43) 27.50 25.00 Nos. 151 and 153 Overprinted: “NEW
a. Perf. 14 70.00 140.00 1953, Oct. 19 Perf. 12 1/2
118 A17 £1 orange 37.50 35.00 / CONSTITUTION / 1964.” Ships and Arms of Gibraltar: 1/2p Victory,
132 A26 /2p dk grn & ind .20 .25 Nelson’s flagship. 1p, S.S. Arab. 2p, H.M.S.
Nos. 107-118 (14) 121.05 97.00 133 A26 1p blue green 1.50 .25 1964, Oct. 16 Perf. 12 1/2
Set, never hinged 175.00 165 A29 3p dk blue & ver .20 .20 Carmania. 2 1/2p, M.V. Mons Calpe. 3p, S.S.
134 A26 1 1/2p dark gray .85 .75 Canberra. 4p, H.M.S. Hood. 6p, Xebec, Moor-
Nos. 108c and 110d were issued in coils. 135 A26 2p sepia 1.50 .75 166 A28 6p brown & emer .30 .40
a. No period in overprint 15.00 17.50 ish vessel. 7p, Amerigo Vespucci, Italian train-
No. 108 (1p, perf. 13) exists with watermark 136 A26 2 1/2p car lake 2.50 .50 ing ship (sails). 9p, Raffaello, Italian liner. 1sh,
both normal and sideways. Nos. 110 and 110B 137 A26 3p grnsh blue 3.50 .20 H.M.S. Royal Katherine, 17th century British
(both 2p, perf. 13) have watermark sideways. 138 A26 4p ultra 2.40 1.25 ITU Issue warship. 2sh, H.M.S. Ark Royal, aircraft car-
For overprints see Nos. 127-130. 139 A26 5p deep plum .65 .65 Common Design Type rier. 5sh, H.M.S. Dreadnought, atomic subma-
140 A26 6p blue & black .60 .40 rine. 10sh, S.S. Neuralia, troopship. £1, Mary
141 A26 1sh red brn & bl .30 .50 Perf. 11x11 1/2 Celeste, 19th century mystery ship (sails).
Catalogue values for unused 142 A26 2sh vio & org 20.00 3.00 1965, May 17 Litho. Wmk. 314
stamps in this section, from this 143 A26 5sh dark brown 27.50 10.00 167 CD317 4p emerald & yel 2.50 .40 Perf. 14x14 1/2
point to the end of the section, are 144 A27 10sh ultra & brn 52.50 27.50 168 CD317 2sh ap grn & dk bl 15.00 5.00
for Never Hinged items. 145 A27 £1 yellow & red 52.50 30.00 1967-69 Photo. Wmk. 314
Nos. 132-145 (14) 166.50 76.00
Intl. Cooperation Year Issue Design in Black, Red and Gold;
Set, hinged 95.00 Background as Indicated
Common Design Type 1
Peace Issue 186 A32 /2p deep rose .20 .20
Inscribed: “ROYAL VISIT 1954” 1965, Oct. 25 Perf. 14 1/2 187 A32 1p yellow .20 .20
Common Design Type 1954, May 10 169 CD318 1/2p lt violet & grn .20 .75 188 A32 2p ultra .20 .20
1946, Oct. 12 Perf. 13 1/2x14 146 A26 3p greenish blue .30 .30 170 CD318 4p blue green & cl 1.40 .85 189 A32 2 1/2p orange .30 .25
119 CD303 1/2p bright green .20 .20 190 A32 3p violet .20 .20
120 CD303 3p bright ultra .25 .20 Churchill Memorial Issue 191 A32 4p rose .30 .20
191A A32 5p brn & multi
Common Design Type (’69) 3.25 .60
Silver Wedding Issue 1966, Jan. 24 Photo. Perf. 14 192 A32 6p gray .30 .45
Common Design Types 193 A32 7p yellow grn .30 .40
Design in Black, Gold and Carmine 194 A32 9p green .30 .55
1948, Dec. 1 Photo. Perf. 14x14 1/2 Rose 195 A32 1sh rose brown .30 .25
121 CD304 1/2p dark green .75 .65 171 CD319 1/2p bright blue .20 .75 196 A32 2sh brt yellow 3.50 2.10
172 CD319 1p green .20 .20 197 A32 5sh brick red 3.50 5.25
173 CD319 4p brown .80 .40 198 A32 10sh emerald 15.00 18.00
174 CD319 9p violet 1.90 1.75 199 A32 £1 lt ultra 15.00 18.00
Nos. 171-174 (4) 3.10 3.10 Nos. 186-199 (15) 42.85 46.85

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

20th anniv. of WHO: 4p, Physician with Uniforms: 6p, Contemporary soldier of the Designs show for each denomination a 19th
microscope and WHO emblem. Royal Anglian Regiment. 9p, Soldier, Royal century print and a contemporary photograph
Engineers, 1786. 2sh, Private of Fox’s of the same view: 1/2p Battery Rosia. 1 1/2p,
1968, July 1 Photo. Wmk. 314 Marines, 1704. Wellington Monument, Alameda Gardens. 2p,
213 A37 2p yellow, ultra & blk .20 .20 View from North Bastion. 2 1/2p, Catalan Bay.
214 A37 4p pink, black & slate .20 .20 1969, Nov. 6 Photo. Perf. 14 3p, Convent, seen from garden. 4p, The
226 A42 1p gold & multi .20 .20 Exchange and Spanish Chapel. 5p, Commer-
227 A42 6p silver, gold & multi .55 .30 cial Square, Library and Main Guard. 7p,
228 A42 9p silver, gold & multi .75 .50 South Barracks and Rosia Magazine. 8p,
229 A42 2sh gold & multi 3.00 2.00 Moorish Mosque and Castle. 9p, Europa Pass.
Cable Car and Nos. 226-229 (4) 4.50 3.00 10p, South Barracks, from Rosia Bay. 12 1/2p,
ITY Southport Gates. 25p, Guards on Alameda.
Emblem — A33 Descriptions are printed on back on top of 50p, Europa Pass Gorge, vert. £1 Prince
gum. Edward Gate, vert.
See Nos. 234-237, 276-279, 286-289, 299- In the listing the 1st number is for the 19th
ITY emblem and: 9p, Bull shark, horiz. 1sh, 302, 310-313, 318-321, 330-333. cent. design, the 2nd for the 20th cent. design.
Skin diver, horiz.

Perf. 14 1/2x14, 14x14 1/2 Wmk. 314 Sideways

1969, Dec. 1 Perf. 13 1/2x Roulette 9
1967, June 15 Photo. Wmk. 314 1971, Feb. 15 Litho. Perf. 14
Christmas (Paintings): 7p, Madonna and Multicolored and:
200 A33 7p red brn, red & blk .20 .20 Child, by Luis Morales. 1sh, Virgin of the 1
201 A33 9p brt blue, blk & slate .20 .20 Rocks, by Leonardo da Vinci. 241 /2p brown red .20 .20
202 A33 1sh emer, blk & org brn .30 .25 242 /2p brown red .20 .20
Nos. 200-202 (3) .70 .65 230 A43 5p gold & multi .20 .20 a. A47 Pair, Nos. 241-242 .30 .35
231 A43 7p gold & multi .30 .30 243 1p light blue .65 .25
International Tourist Year. 232 A43 1sh gold & multi .50 .50 244 1p light blue .65 .25
King John Signing Shepherd, a. Triptych, Nos. 230, 232, 231 1.00 1.00 b. A47 Pair, Nos. 243-244 1.30 .50
Magna Lamb and 245 1 1/2p emerald .20 .30
Carta — A38 Star — A39 Europa Issue 246 1 1/2p emerald .20 .30
a. A47 Pair, Nos. 245-246 .40 .75
Design: 2sh, Rock of Gibraltar, “Freedom” 247 2p dark brown 1.10 1.10
and Human Rights flame. 248 2p dark brown 1.10 1.10
b. A47 Pair, Nos. 247-248 2.25 2.25
249 2 1/2p vermilion .20 .30
1968, Aug. 26 Perf. 13 1/2x14 1/2 250 2 1/2p vermilion .20 .30
215 A38 1sh org, gold & dk brn .20 .20 a. A47 Pair, Nos. 249-250 .30 .50
216 A38 2sh brt green & gold .25 .25 251 3p pale green .20 .20
Holy Family International Human Rights Year. 252 3p pale green .20 .20
a. A47 Pair, Nos. 251-252 .30 .30
A34 253 4p gray 1.50 1.25
254 4p gray 1.50 1.25
Christmas: 6p, Church window, vert. 1968, Nov. 1 Perf. 14x13 1/2 b. A47 Pair, Nos. 253-254 3.00 2.50
Christmas: 9p, Mary, Jesus and lamb. Europa 255 5p dark green .25 .25
1967, Nov. 1 Perf. 14 /2 1 Point — A44 256 5p dark green .25 .25
217 A39 4p lt brown & multi .20 .20 a. A47 Pair, Nos. 255-256 .50 .50
203 A34 2p dark red & multi .20 .20 257 7p orange .50 .35
204 A34 6p dark green & multi .20 .20 218 A39 9p rose & multi .20 .20
1970, June 8 Perf. 13 1/2 258 7p orange .50 .35
233 A44 2sh multicolored .45 .40 a. A47 Pair, Nos. 257-258 1.00 .75
259 8p dark blue .55 .45
General Uniform Type of 1969 260 8p dark blue .55 .45
a. A47 Pair, Nos. 259-260 1.10 .90
Eliott and Uniforms: 2p, Royal Scots officer, 1839. 5p, 261 9p brick red .55 .40
Map of Private of South Wales Borderers. 7p, Private 262 9p brick red .55 .40
Europe of Queen’s Royal Regiment, 1742. 2sh, Piper a. A47 Pair, Nos. 261-262 1.10 .80
and Great of Royal Irish Rangers, 1969. 263 10p black .65 .55
Britain 264 10p black .65 .55
a. A47 Pair, Nos. 263-264 1.30 1.10
A35 1970, Aug. 28 Photo. Perf. 14 265 12 1/2p bister .80 1.25
234 A42 2p gold & multi .35 .20 266 12 1/2p bister .80 1.25
Government House, Gibraltar — A40 235 A42 5p gold & multi .70 .40 a. A47 Pair, Nos. 265-266 1.60 2.50
Designs: 9p, Eliott Memorial and tower. 1sh, 236 A42 7p gold & multi .70 .50
Gen. Eliott and map of Gibraltar, vert. 2sh, 267 25p deep purple .85 1.10
237 A42 2sh gold & multi 2.50 1.50 268 25p deep purple .85 1.10
Gen. Eliott directing rescue operations for 9p, Rock of Gibraltar, Commonwealth Par- Nos. 234-237 (4) 4.25 2.60 a. A47 Pair, Nos. 267-268 1.75 2.25
enemy sailors during Great Siege 1779-83. liamentary Association emblem. 2sh, Big Ben, 269 50p blue 1.00 1.75
London, arms of Gibraltar. Descriptions are printed on back on top of 270 50p blue 1.00 1.75
Perf. 14 1/2x14, 14x14 1/2 gum. a. A47 Pair, Nos. 269-270 2.00 3.50
1967, Dec. 11 Photo. Wmk. 314 Perf. 14 1/2x14, 14x14 1/2 271 £1 sepia 1.50 2.25
Size: 37x21mm, 21x37mm 1969, May 26 Photo. Wmk. 314 272 £1 sepia 1.50 2.25
a. A47 Pair, Nos. 271-272 3.00 4.50
205 A35 4p multicolored .20 .20 219 A40 4p green & gold .20 .20 Nos. 241-272 (32) 21.40 23.90
206 A35 9p multicolored .20 .20 220 A40 9p brt violet & gold .20 .20
207 A35 1sh multicolored .20 .20 221 A40 2sh lt ultra, gold & red .30 .20 Se-tenant both horizontally and vertically.
Nos. 219-221 (3) .70 .60
Size: 58x21 1/2mm
Meeting of the Executive Committee of the 1973, Sept. 12 Wmk. 314 Upright
208 A35 2sh multicolored .40 .25 General Council of the Commonwealth Parlia- No. 178a
Nos. 205-208 (4) 1.00 .85 247a A47 2p dark brown & multi .70 1.00
mentary Assoc., Gibraltar, May 1969. and Rock of 248a A47 2p dark brown & multi .70 1.00
250th anniv. of the birth of General George Gibraltar c. Pair, Nos. 247a-248a 1.40 2.00
Augustus Eliott (1717-1790), Governor of 253a A47 4p gray & multi .80 1.00
A45 254a A47 4p gray & multi .80 1.00
Gibraltar during Great Siege. c. Pair, Nos. 253a-254a 1.60 2.00
Design: 2sh, No. 30a and Moorish Castle. Nos. 247a-254a (4) 3.00 4.00

1970, Sept. 18 Perf. 13 1975, July 9 Wmk. 373

238 A45 1sh red & olive .20 .20 243a A47 1p blue & multi .80 1.00
Rock of 239 A45 2sh ultra & rose .35 .50 244a A47 1p blue & multi .80 1.00
Gibraltar c. Pair, Nos. 243a-244a 1.60 2.00
A41 Philympia, London Phil. Exhib., Sept. 18-26.

1969, July 30 Perf. 14 1/2x13 1/2

222 A41 1/2p orange & gold .20 .20
223 A41 5p emerald & silver .20 .20
Lord Baden-Powell — A36 224 A41 7p brt rose lil & silver .20 .20
225 A41 5sh ultra & gold 1.25 1.10 Virgin
Nos. 222-225 (4) 1.85 1.70 Mary by
Designs: 7p, Scout flag, Rock of Gibraltar
and globe with map of Europe. 9p, Symbolic Gibraltar’s new constitution. Gabriel
tents, heads and Scout salute. 1sh, Three #222-225 are valued with surrounding Loire
Scout badges. selvage. A46
Elizabeth Regimental Coat
Perf. 14x14 1/2 1970, Dec. 1 Photo. Perf. 13x14 II — A48 of Arms — A49
1968, Mar. 27 Photo. Wmk. 314 240 A46 2sh multicolored .30 .30
209 A36 4p dull yellow & pur .20 .20 Coil Stamps
210 A36 7p brown org, brn & Christmas. The design is after a stained
glass window in the Church of Our Lady of Perf. 14 1/2x14
grn .20 .20
211 A36 9p ultra, black & org .20 .25 Perpetual Succour, Glasgow. 1971, Feb. 15 Photo. Wmk. 314
212 A36 1sh yellow & emerald .20 .25 273 A48 1/2p red orange .20 .25
Nos. 209-212 (4) .80 .90 274 A48 1p bright blue .30 .25
Decimal Currency Issue 275 A48 2p lt yellow green .50 .75
60th anniv. of the Gibraltar Scout Assoc. a. Strip of 5 ( 1/2p, 1/2p, 1p, 1p, 2p) 1.50 24.00
Nos. 273-275 (3) 1.00 1.25

Uniform Type of 1969

Uniforms: 1p, Soldier, Black Watch, 1845.
2p, Drum Major with antelope mascot, Royal
Royal Artillery Madonna della Fusiliers, 1971. 4p, Soldier, Kings Own Royal
Nurse Officer, 1758 — A42 Seggiola, by Prince George of Cambridge Quarters, Border Regiment, 1704. 10p, Soldier, Devon-
and Raphael — A43 and Trinity Church — A47 shire and Dorset Regiment, 1801.
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
1971, Sept. 6 Litho. Perf. 14 1972, Nov. 20 Photo. Perf. 14x14 1/2 Pillar Boxes: 6p, G.R. (King George). 14p,
276 A42 1p silver & multi .30 .25 292 CD324 5p car rose & multi .25 .20 E.R. (Queen Elizabeth).
277 A42 2p gold & multi .70 .25 293 CD324 7p slate green & multi .25 .20
278 A42 4p gold & multi 1.25 .40 1974, May 2 Litho. Perf. 14
279 A42 10p sil, gold & multi 3.75 2.00 307 A56 2p yel green & multi .20 .25
Nos. 276-279 (4) 6.00 2.90 308 A56 6p gray & multi .30 .30
309 A56 14p dull yel & multi .60 .60
Descriptions are printed on back on top of a. Souvenir booklet 8.75
gum. Nos. 307-309 (3) 1.10 1.15
UPU, cent.
1971, Sept. 25 Perf. 13x12 No. 309a contains 2 self-adhesive panes
280 A49 3p red, bister & black .40 .35 printed on peelable paper backing with mul-
ticolored advertising on back. One pane of 6 Child and
Presentation of colors to Gibraltar Regi- Flags of EEC contains 3 each similar to Nos. 307-308; the
ment, Sept. 25, 1971. other pane of 3 contains one each similar to Bird — A60
Members and
EEC Nos. 307-309. Stamps are imperf. x roulette.
Emblem — A53
Uniform Type of 1969
Perf. 14 1/2x14 Uniforms: 4p, Officer, East Lancashire Regi-
1973, Feb. 22 Litho. Unwmk. ment, 1742. 6p, Sergeant, Somerset Light
294 A53 5p red & multi .45 .35 Infantry, 1833. 10p, Company man, Royal
295 A53 10p ultra & multi .75 .75 Sussex Regiment, 1790. 16p, Officer, Royal
Air Force, 1974.
Entry into European Economic Community.
1974, Aug. 21 Perf. 14
310 A42 4p silver & multi .50 .45
311 A42 6p silver & multi .75 .65 Bruges
312 A42 10p silver & multi 1.10 1.10 Madonna, by
313 A42 16p silver & multi 2.25 3.00 Michelangelo
Nativity — A50 Nos. 310-313 (4) 4.60 5.20 A61
Descriptions are printed on back on top of
Christmas: 5p, Journey to Bethlehem. gum. b, Angel playing lute. c, Singing boy. d,
Mother & children. e, Praying child. f, Child &
1971, Dec. 1 Photo. Perf. 13x13 1/2 lamb.
281 A50 3p silver & multi .45 .45 Gibraltar 1974, Nov. 5 Litho.
282 A50 5p gold & multi .65 .65 Skull — A54 Christmas (Painting): 6p, Madonna of the 1975, Nov. 25 Perf. 14x14 1/2
Meadow, by Giovanni Bellini. 325 Block of 6 2.40 3.00
Designs: 6p, Head of Neanderthal man. a.-f. A60 6p any single .40 .50
10p, Neanderthal family. 314 A57 4p gold & multi .30 .30
315 A57 6p gold & multi .70 .90 Christmas. No. 325 printed in sheets of 60
containing 10 blocks of 6 (3x2) stamps with
1973, May 22 Wmk. 314 Perf. 13 1/2 horizontal and vertical gutters between blocks.
296 A54 4p lilac rose & multi 1.25 .40
297 A54 6p lt ultra & multi 1.25 .60
298 A54 10p yel green & multi 1.75 1.00 1975, Dec. 17 Litho. Perf. 14x13 1/2
Nos. 296-298 (3) 4.25 2.00
Churchill, Sculptures by Michelangelo: 9p, Traddei
125th anniv. of the discovery of the Gibraltar Madonna. 15p, Pietà.
skull. Parliament
and Big 326 A61 6p violet blk & multi .25 .25
Ben 327 A61 9p black brn & multi .30 .40
Uniform Type of 1969 A58
328 A61 15p dk purple & multi .35 .70
a. Souvenir booklet 4.50
Artificer, Uniforms: 1p, Fifer, King’s Own Scottish Nos. 326-328 (3) .90 1.35
1773 — A51 Borderers, 1770. 4p, Officer, Royal Welsh
Fusiliers, 1800. 6p, Soldier, Royal Northum- 20p, Churchill & George V-class battleship. 500th birth anniv. of Michelangelo Buonar-
berland Fusiliers, 1736. 10p, Private, Grena- roti (1475-1564), Italian sculptor, painter and
dier Guards, 1898. 1974, Nov. 30 Perf. 14x14 1/2 architect.
316 A58 6p violet & multi .20 .20 No. 328a contains 2 self-adhesive panes
1973, Aug. 22 Litho. Perf. 14 317 A58 20p multicolored .55 .55 printed on peelable paper backing with stamp
a. Souvenir sheet of 2, #316-317 4.75 5.50 dealer’s advertisements on back. One pane of
299 A42 1p multicolored .45 .30
300 A42 4p multicolored 1.40 .75 Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965). 6 contains 2 each similar to Nos. 326-328; the
301 A42 6p multicolored 2.00 1.50 other pane of 3 contains one each similar to
302 A42 10p multicolored 2.75 3.25 Nos. 326-328. Stamps are imperf. x roulette.
Nos. 299-302 (4) 6.60 5.80 Uniform Type of 1969
Descriptions printed on back on top of gum. Uniforms: 4p, Officer, East Surrey Regi-
ment, 1846. 6p, Private, Highland Light Infan-
try, 1777. 10p, Officer, Coldstream Guards,
“Our Lady of 1704. 20p, Sergeant, Gibraltar Regiment,
Europa” — A52 1974.
1975, Mar. 14 Wmk. 373 Perf. 14
3p, Tunneler with drill, 1969. 5p, Royal Engi- 318 A42 4p multicolored .25 .25
neers, 1772 and 1972, and regimental crest, 319 A42 6p multicolored .50 .45
horiz. 320 A42 10p multicolored .90 .80
321 A42 20p multicolored 1.90 2.00
1972, Mar. 6 Perf. 14x13 1/2, 13 1/2x14 Nos. 318-321 (4) 3.55 3.50
283 A51 1p dk blue & multi .50 .50 Descriptions are printed on back on top of
284 A51 3p red & multi .60 .60 gum.
285 A51 5p green & multi .85 .90 Nativity, by Justus Danckerts — A55
Nos. 283-285 (3) 1.95 2.00 American Holy
Bicent. of the Royal Engineers in Gibraltar. 1973, Oct. 17 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2x12 Bicentennial Family — A63
303 A55 4p brown org & blue .35 .20 Emblem, Arms of
304 A55 6p green & claret .55 .75 Gibraltar — A62
Uniform Type of 1969
Uniforms: 1p, Soldier, Duke of Cornwall’s
Light Infantry, 1704. 3p, Officer, King’s Royal 1976, May 28 Perf. 14x14 1/2
Rifle Corps, 1830. 7p, Officer, 37th North Princess Anne’s Wedding Issue 329 A62 25p multicolored .75 .65
Hampshire Regiment, 1825. 10p, Sailor, Royal Girl a. Souvenir sheet of 4 4.00 6.00
Navy, 1972. Common Design Type Guides American Bicentennial. No. 329a is roulet-
1973, Nov. 14 Perf. 14 Emblem ted all around.
1972, July 19 Litho. Perf. 14 305 CD325 6p bl grn & multi .20 .20 A59
286 A42 1p silver & multi .55 .20 306 CD325 14p brt grn & multi .40 .40
287 A42 3p slate & multi 1.75 .35 Uniform Type of 1969
288 A42 7p silver & multi 2.50 .75 Wedding of Princess Anne and Capt. Mark 1975, Oct. 10 Perf. 13 1/2x13
Phillips, Nov. 14, 1973. 322 A59 5p violet, gold & blue .30 .40 Uniforms: 1p, Suffolk Regiment, 1795. 6p,
289 A42 10p gold & multi 3.00 1.50 Northamptonshire Regiment, 1779. 12p, Lan-
Nos. 286-289 (4) 7.80 2.80 323 A59 7p red brn, gold & blk .45 .45 cashire Fusiliers, 1793. 25p, Royal Army Ordi-
324 A59 15p ocher, silver & blk .75 .90
Design descriptions printed on back on top Nos. 322-324 (3) 1.50 1.75 nance Corps. 1896.
of gum.
Girl Guides, 50th anniversary. 1976, July 21 Perf. 14
330 A42 1p multicolored .25 .20
1972, Oct. 1 Perf. 14 1/2x14 331 A42 6p multicolored .50 .25
290 A52 3p brown & multi .20 .20 332 A42 12p multicolored .75 .45
291 A52 5p green & multi .20 .35 333 A42 25p multicolored 1.00 1.00
Nos. 330-333 (4) 2.50 1.90
Christmas. Design description printed on
back. Descriptions printed on back on top of gum.

Silver Wedding Issue, 1972

Common Design Type
Design: Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip,
keys of Gibraltar and white narcissus. V.R. (Queen Virgin with Green
Victoria) Pillar Cushion, Andrea
Box — A56 Solario — A57
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
1976, Nov. 3 Litho. Wmk. 373
Stained Glass Windows: 9p, St. Bernard of
Clairvaux. 12p, St. John the Evangelist. 20p,
Archangel Michael. Officers,
334 A63 6p ultra & multi .25 .20 Exchange
335 A63 9p brt green & multi .30 .20 and
336 A63 12p orange & multi .45 .50 Commercial
337 A63 20p dk carmine & multi .85 1.10 Library,
Nos. 334-337 (4) 1.85 2.00 1830 — A75
Christmas. Madonna with
Annunciation, by Goldfinch, by Gibraltar Police Force, 150th anniv.: 6p,
Rubens — A67 Dürer — A71 Early and modern uniforms, Rock of Gibraltar.
12p, Traffic Officer, ambulance. 37p, Police-
man and woman, Police Station, Irish Town.
Rubens Paintings: 9p, Nativity. 12p, Adora- Christmas (Paintings by Albrecht Dürer): 5p,
tion of the Kings. 15p, Holy Family under Madonna with Animals. 9p, Nativity. 15p, Ado- Perf. 14x14 1/2
Apple Tree. ration of the Kings. 1980, Feb. 5 Litho. Wmk. 373
Perf. 14x13 1/2, 13 1/2x14 1978, Nov. 1 Litho. Perf. 14 386 A75 3p multicolored .20 .20
387 A75 6p multicolored .20 .20
1977, Nov. 2 Litho. 374 A71 5p multicolored .20 .20 388 A75 12p multicolored .30 .30
359 A67 3p multi .20 .20 375 A71 9p multicolored .25 .25 389 A75 37p multicolored .50 .75
360 A67 9p multi .20 .20 376 A71 12p multicolored .30 .35 Nos. 386-389 (4) 1.20 1.45
361 A67 12p multi, horiz. .30 .30 377 A71 15p multicolored .35 .40
362 A67 15p multi .30 .30 Nos. 374-377 (4) 1.10 1.20
a. Souvenir sheet of 4, #359-362 3.50 3.50
Elizabeth II and Nos. 359-362 (4) 1.00 1.00
Royal Christmas and 400th birth anniv. of Peter
Crest — A64 Paul Rubens.

1977, Feb. 7 Litho. Perf. 14x13 1/2

338 A64 6p multicolored .20 .20
339 A64 £1 multicolored 1.25 1.75
a. Souv. sheet of 2, #338-339, perf. Archbishop Peter
13 2.00 2.50
Amigo (1864-
25th anniv. of the reign of Queen Elizabeth
Gibraltar 1949)
II. #338-339 issued in sheets of 9. A76
from Rowland Hill and Gibraltar No.
Space 10 — A72
A68 Europa: No. 391, Gustavo Charles
Bacarisas (1872-1971), artist. No. 392, John
Sir Rowland Hill (1795-1879), originator of Mackintosh (1865-1940), philanthropist.
Design: 25p, Strait of Gibraltar, aerial view. penny postage and: 9p, Gibraltar No. 274.
12p, Parchment scroll with early postal regula- 1980, May 6 Wmk. 373 Perf. 14 1/2
1978, May 3 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2 tions. 25p, “Barred G” cancellation used on 390 A76 12p multicolored .20 .25
363 A68 12p multicolored .30 .45 British stamps in Gibraltar. 391 A76 12p multicolored .20 .25
Souvenir Sheet 392 A76 12p multicolored .20 .25
1979, Feb. 7 Litho. Perf. 13 /2
Nos. 390-392 (3) .60 .75
Red Mullet 364 A68 25p multicolored .80 .80 378 A72 3p multicolored .20 .20
A65 379 A72 9p multicolored .20 .20
No. 363 issued in sheets of 10. 380 A72 12p yellow grn & black .20 .20 Queen Mother Elizabeth Birthday
No. 364 contains one stamp. 381 A72 25p yellow & black .30 .50 Issue
Designs: 1/2p, 3p, 9p, 15p, 25p, Flowers. 1p,
4p, 10p, 50p, Fish. 2p, 5p, 12p, £1, Butterflies. Nos. 378-381 (4) .90 1.10 Common Design Type
2 /2p, 6p, 20p, £2, Birds. 1/2p, 2 1/2p, 3p, 6p, 9p,
1980, Aug. 4 Litho. Perf. 14
15p, 20p, 25p, £2, £5, vertical. 393 CD330 15p multicolored .30 .30
1977-80 Perf. 14 1/2x14, 14x14 1/2
340 A65 /2p Toothed
orchid .40 1.25
341 A65 1p shown .20 .40 “Victory” and
342 A65 2p Large blue .20 .75 Rock of
343 A65 2 1/2p Sardinian war- Gibraltar, by
bler .70 1.25
344 A65 3p Giant squill .20 .20 Monamy
345 A65 4p Gray wrasse .20 .20 Holyroodhouse — A69 Swaine
346 A65 5p Red admiral .35 .75 Satellite Earth Station, Post Horn, A77
347 A65 6p Black kite 1.25 .40 Telephone — A73
348 A65 9p Scorpion Royal Houses: 9p, St. James Palace. 12p,
Sandringham House. 18p, Balmoral. Paintings: 3p, Lord Nelson, by John Francis
vetch .50 .50 Rigaud, 1781, vert. 15p, Lord Nelson, by Wil-
349 A65 10p John Dory .30 .20 1979, May 16 Perf. 13 1/2x14 liam Beechey, vert. 40p, Victory Towed into
350 A65 12p Clouded yel- 1978, June 12 Litho. Perf. 13 /2
382 A73 3p lt green & green .20 .20
365 A69 6p multicolored .20 .20 Gibraltar by Clarkson Stanfield.
low .70 .30 383 A73 9p lt brown & brown .25 .60
350A A65 15p Winged as- 366 A69 9p multicolored .25 .20 384 A73 12p gray & ultra .35 1.00
367 A69 12p multicolored .35 .30 1980, Aug. 20 Litho. Perf. 14
paragus pea 1.10 .40 Nos. 382-384 (3) .80 1.80
351 A65 20p Andouin’s gull 1.10 1.90 368 A69 18p multicolored .45 .45 394 A77 3p multicolored .20 .20
352 A65 25p Barbary nut .90 1.50 a. Souvenir booklet 2.75 European telecommunications system. 395 A77 9p multicolored .25 .25
353 A65 50p Swordfish 1.40 .75 Nos. 365-368 (4) 1.25 1.15 396 A77 15p multicolored .30 .30
a. Souvenir sheet .90 1.00
354 A65 £1 Swallowtail 3.00 3.50 25th anniv. of coronation of Queen Eliza- 397 A77 40p multicolored .75 .75
355 A65 £2 Hoopoe 6.25 7.50 beth II. No. 368a contains 2 panes printed on Nos. 394-397 (4) 1.50 1.50
355A A65 £5 Coat of Arms 7.00 8.25 peelable paper backing with pictures of
Nos. 340-355A (18) 25.75 30.00 castles. One pane contains 6 rouletted Horatio Nelson (1758-1805).
/2p also comes inscribed 1982, the 4p, 10p, stamps, 3 each similar to Nos. 367-368; the
12p, 25p & 50p inscribed 1981, 9p inscribed other pane contains one 25p (Windsor Castle)
1978. rouletted stamp.
Issued: £5, 5/16/79; 15p, 11/12/80; others,

Children, IYC Holy

Emblem, Family
Nativity — A74 A78
a, African girl. b, Chinese girl. c, Pacific 1980, Nov. 12
islands girl. d, American Indian girl. e, Shown.
f, Scandinavian boy. 398 A78 15p shown .25 .35
Sunderland Seaplane Landing — A70 399 A78 15p Three kings .25 .35
a. Pair, #398-399 .50 .70
Litho.; Silver Embossed
Gibraltar and: 9p, Two-tiered Caudron tak- 1979, Nov. 14 Perf. 14 Christmas. No. 399a has continuous design.
Gibraltar No. 182 — A66 ing off, 1918. 12p, Shackleton, 1953-1966. 385 Block of 6 1.50 1.50
16p, Hunter warplane, 1954-1966. 18p, Nim- a.-f. A74 12p any single .25 .25
12p, Gibraltar #233. 25p, Gibraltar #294. rod, 1969-1978.
Christmas; IYC. No. 385 printed in sheets of
1978, Sept. 6 Litho. Perf. 14 12 containing 2 No. 385 with vertical rouletted
1977, May 27 Litho. Perf. 14 gutter between.
356 A66 6p multi .20 .20 369 A70 3p multicolored .20 .20
370 A70 9p multicolored .25 .30
357 A66 12p multi, vert. .20 .30 371 A70 12p multicolored .35 .40
358 A66 25p multi, vert. .20 .40 372 A70 16p multicolored .50 .60
Nos. 356-358 (3) .60 .90 373 A70 18p multicolored .70 .75
Amphilex 77 Intl. Phil. Exhib., Amsterdam, Nos. 369-373 (5) 2.00 2.25
May 26-June 5. Issued in sheets of 6. Royal Air Force, 60th anniversary.
Separating Africa
and Europe — A79
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
1981, Nov. 19 Perf. 14 1983, Nov. 17 Litho. Perf. 14
414 A85 15p Children singing 456 A95 4p Adoration of the
carols .30 .20 Magi .20 .20
415 A85 55p Decorated mailbox, 457 A95 17p Madonna of
vert. 1.10 .75 Foligno, vert. .50 .45
458 A95 60p Sistine Madonna,
vert. 1.75 1.75
Dining Room, Nos. 456-458 (3) 2.45 2.40
Convent — A80 Intl. Direct Telephone Dialing System
Inauguration — A90
Europa: 15p, Hercules standing on Rock of
Gibraltar and Morocco. Douglas 1982, Oct. 1 Perf. 14 1/2
Perf. 14x13 1/2 DC-3 — A86 440 A90 17p Map .40 .40
1981, Feb. 24 Wmk. 373
400 A79 9p multicolored .20 .20 1982, Feb. 10 Litho. Perf. 14
401 A79 15p multicolored .30 .35 416 A86 1p shown .20 .20
417 A86 2p Vickers Viking .20 .20
a. Wmk. 384, dated 1986 (’87) 2.25 3.00 Europa (1959-
1981, May 22 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2x14 418 A86 3p Airspeed Am- 1984)
402 A80 4p shown .20 .20 bassador .20 .20 A96
403 A80 14p King’s Chapel .25 .20 419 A86 4p Vickers Viscount .20 .20
404 A80 15p Aerial view .35 .20 420 A86 5p Boeing 727 .20 .20
405 A80 55p Cloister .75 .75 a. Wmk. 384, dated 1986 (’87) 2.25 3.00 Intl. Postal and Telecommunication Links.
Nos. 402-405 (4) 1.55 1.35 421 A86 10p Vickers Van- Christmas
guard .40 .45 A91 1984, Mar. 6 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2
450th anniv. of The Convent (Governor’s 422 A86 14p Short Solent .50 .55 459 A96 17p No. 98 .35 .45
residence, originally Franciscan monastery). 423 A86 15p Fokker F-27 460 A96 23p Communications cir-
Friendship 1.00 .70
Perf. 14x14 1/2 cuit .45 .75
424 A86 17p Boeing 737 .65 .75 1982, Nov. 18 Litho. Wmk. 373
425 A86 20p BAC One-eleven .80 .90 441 A91 14p Holly .35 .30
426 A86 25p Lockheed Con- 442 A91 17p Mistletoe .50 .35
stellation 2.00 1.40
Prince 427 A86 50p De Havilland
Charles Comet 4B 3.00 2.25
and 428 A86 £1 Saro Windhover 4.50 2.75
429 A86 £2 Hawker Sid-
Lady deley Trident 2 6.50 6.25
Diana 430 A86 £5 DH-89A Dragon
A81 Rapide 9.00 14.00 Field Hockey
Nos. 416-430 (15) 29.35 31.00 A97
1981, July 27 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2 No. 425 exists with 1985 imprint.
406 A81 £1 multicolored 1.50 1.50 A92 1984, May 25 Litho. Perf. 14
Royal wedding. Se-tenant with decorative 461 A97 20p shown .50 .65
label. 1983, Mar. 14 Litho. Perf. 14 462 A97 21p Basketball .60 .70
443 A92 4p Local street .20 .20 463 A97 26p Rowing .65 .80
444 A92 14p Scouts on parade .30 .30 464 A97 29p Soccer .75 .90
445 A92 17p Flag, vert. .40 .40 Nos. 461-464 (4) 2.50 3.05
446 A92 60p Queen Elizabeth II,
vert. 1.00 1.25 Royal Navy Crest Type of 1982
Nos. 443-446 (4) 1.90 2.15
Commonwealth Day.
1984, Sept. 21 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13
465 A87 20p Active 1.75 1.50
466 A87 21p Foxhound 1.75 1.75
Queen 467 A87 26p Valiant 1.90 1.75
Elizabeth II — A82 Royal Navy Ship
468 A87 29p Hood 2.00 2.00
Crests — A87 Nos. 465-468 (4) 7.40 7.00
1981, Sept. 29 Perf. 14 1/2
Booklet Stamps 1982, Apr. 14 Litho. Perf. 14
431 A87 /2p Opossum .20 .20
407 A82 1p black .40 .40 432 A87 15 1/2p Norfolk .45 .45
a. Bklt. pane of 10 + 2 labels (2
#407, 2 #408, 6 #409) 2.00 433 A87 17p Fearless .60 .60
b. Bklt. pane of 5 + label (#407, 434 A87 60p Rooke 1.60 2.25
#408, 3 #409) 1.50 Nos. 431-434 (4) 2.85 3.50 Europa
408 A82 4p dark blue .40 .40 See Nos. 449-452, 465-468, 474-477, 492- A93
409 A82 15p green .40 .40 495, 501-504, 528-531, 552-555, 574-577,
Nos. 407-409 (3) 1.20 1.20 587-590. 1983, May 21 Perf. 14x13 1/2 Christmas
447 A93 16p St. George’s Hall .30 .30 A98
448 A93 19p Water catchments .40 .40

Royal Navy Crest Type of 1982 Perf. 14x14 1/2

1983, July 1 Litho. Perf. 14 1984, Nov. 7 Litho. Wmk. 373
Airmail 469 A98 20p Parade float .50 .50
Service, 449 A87 4p Faulknor .20 .20 470 A98 80p Float, diff. 2.00 2.00
50th 450 A87 14p Renown .85 .30
451 A87 17p Ark Royal .95 .35
Anniv. 452 A87 60p Sheffield 1.50 1.25 Europa Issue
A83 Europa Nos. 449-452 (4) 3.50 2.10
1981, Sept. 29 Perf. 14 1/2
410 A83 14p Paper plane .30 .30 1982, June 11 Litho. Perf. 14
411 A83 15p Envelopes, aero- 435 A88 14p Planes preparing for
gram .30 .30 takeoff .25 .60
412 A83 55p Airplane circling 436 A88 17p Generals Eisenhow-
globe .90 .90 er and Giraud .35 .70 Musical
Nos. 410-412 (3) 1.50 1.50 Operation Torch, 1943. Symbols — A99

1985, Feb. 26 Photo. Perf. 12 1/2

Fortresses — A94 Granite Paper
471 A99 20p multi, diff. .40 .35
472 A99 29p shown .60 1.50
1983, Sept. 13 Perf. 13 1/2x14
453 A94 4p Landport Gate,
1729 .20 .20
Intl. Year of 454 A94 17p Koehler gun, 1782 .40 .40
the Disabled 455 A94 77p King’s Bastion,
Chamber of 1799 1.40 1.40
A84 Commerce a. Souvenir sheet of 3, #453-455 2.75 2.75
Centenary — A89 Nos. 453-455 (3) 2.00 2.00
1981, Nov. 19 Litho. Wmk. 373
413 A84 14p multicolored .30 .30 Anniversaries: 15 1/2p, British Forces Postal
Service centenary. 60p, Scouting year.
1982, Sept. 22
437 A89 /2p multicolored .20 .20
438 A89 15 1/2p multicolored .30 .30 Save the
439 A89 60p multicolored 1.10 1.10
Nos. 437-439 (3) 1.60 1.60 Children
Christmas Fund
A95 A100
A85 Raphael Paintings. Globe and legend in various positions.

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

1985, May 3 Litho. Perf. 13x13 /2 1
Royal Navy Crests Type of 1982
473 Strip of 4 4.50 4.00 Perf. 13 1/2x13
a.-d. A100 26p any single 1.00 1.00
1988, Apr. 7 Wmk. 384
Royal Navy Crests Type of 1982 528 A87 18p Clyde 1.60 .50
529 A87 22p Foresight 2.10 1.00
1985, July 3 Litho. Perf. 14 530 A87 32p Severn 2.25 2.25
474 A87 4p Duncan 1.60 .60 531 A87 44p Rodney 3.25 3.50
475 A87 9p Fury 2.00 1.10 Nos. 528-531 (4) 9.20 7.25
476 A87 21p Firedrake 2.25 2.25
477 A87 80p Malaya 2.50 3.00 Warrant Granted to
Nos. 474-477 (4) 8.35 6.95
the Royal
Engineers, 200th
Anniv. — A110

Postage Stamp Elizabeth II, 60th 1987, Apr. 25 Wmk. 373 Perf. 14 1/2
Cent. — A105 Birthday — A106 505 A110 18p Victoria Stadium 1.40 .50
506 A110 32p Casket, Freedom Birds
1986, Mar. 25 Perf. 13 1/2x13 Scroll 2.00 2.40 A114
507 A110 44p Monogram 3.00 3.00
485 A105 4p No. 18 .30 .20 Nos. 505-507 (3) 6.40 5.90
Intl. Youth 486 A105 22p No. 42 1.00 .80
Year — A101 1988, June 15 Wmk. 373 Perf. 14
487 A105 32p No. 67 1.50 1.60
488 A105 36p No. 118 1.60 2.00 532 A114 4p Bee eater .60 .20
533 A114 22p Common puffin 1.60 .75
1985, Sept. 6 Perf. 14 1/2 Size: 32x48mm 534 A114 32p Honey buzzard 2.25 2.25
478 A101 4p Emblem .40 .20 Perf. 14 535 A114 44p Blue rock thrush 2.75 3.00
479 A101 20p Hands, diamond 1.50 1.10 Nos. 532-535 (4) 7.20 6.20
480 A101 80p Girl Guides anniv. 489 A105 44p No. 131 2.00 2.50
emblem 3.25 3.00 Nos. 485-489 (5) 6.40 7.10
Nos. 478-480 (3) 5.15 4.30 Souvenir Sheet Guns and
490 A105 29p No. 2 3.50 3.50 Artillery
1986, May 22 Litho. Perf. 14 Operation
491 A106 £1 multicolored 2.25 3.00 Designs: 1p, 13-inch mortar, 1783. 2p, 6- Raleigh,
inch Coast, 1909. 3p, 8-inch Howitzer, 1783. 1984-88
4p, Bofors L40/70, 1951. 5p, 100-ton RML, A115
Royal Naval Crests Type of 1982 1882. 10p, 5.25 HAA, 1953. 18p, 25-pounder
1986, Aug. 28 Litho. Perf. 14 Gun-howitzer, 1943. 19p, 64-pounder RML,
1873. 22p, 12-pounder, 1758. 50p, 10-inch Designs: 19p, Square-rigger. 22p, Sir Wal-
492 A87 22p Lightning 2.00 .80 ter Raleigh and expedition emblem. 32p, Maps
493 A87 29p Hermione 2.25 1.40 RML, 1870. £1, Russian 24-pounder, 1854.
£3, 9.2-inch Coast Mk. 10, 1935. £5, 24- and modern transport ship Sir Walter Raleigh.
494 A87 32p Laforey 2.40 2.50 44p, Ship Sir Walter Raleigh.
495 A87 44p Nelson 2.75 3.25 pounder, 1779.
Nos. 492-495 (4) 9.40 7.95 Perf. 13x13 1/2
1987, June 1 Wmk. 373 Perf. 12 1/2
508 A111 1p multicolored .20 .35 1988, Sept. 14 Litho. Wmk. 373
509 A111 2p multicolored .30 .35 536 A115 19p multicolored .60 .60
510 A111 3p multicolored .30 .35 537 A115 22p multicolored .70 .70
511 A111 4p multicolored .40 .20 538 A115 32p multicolored 1.00 1.00
512 A111 5p multicolored .40 .35 Nos. 536-538 (3) 2.30 2.30
513 A111 10p multicolored .40 .40
514 A111 18p multicolored .60 .65 Souvenir Sheet
515 A111 19p multicolored .65 .75 539 Sheet of 2, #537, 539a 4.75 4.75
516 A111 22p multicolored .65 .35 a. A115 44p multicolored 2.00 2.00
517 A111 50p multicolored 1.25 2.50 400th anniv. of Sir Walter Raleigh’s voyage
St. Joseph’s 518 A111 £1 multicolored 2.25 2.75 to the New World to establish the 1st English-
Parish Church, Christmas, Intl. Peace 519 A111 £3 multicolored 6.00 11.00 speaking colony, in what is now North
Cent. — A102 Year — A107 520 A111 £5 multicolored 9.50 12.50 Carolina.
Nos. 508-520 (13) 22.90 32.50
1986, Oct. 14 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2x14 For surcharge see No. 595.
496 A107 18p St. Mary the
Crowned Cathe-
dral 1.00 .40
497 A107 32p St. Andrew’s
Church 1.40 2.00

Souvenir Sheet
Creche, A116
Detail — A103
Christmas — A112 Children’s drawings: 4p, Snowman, by
Perf. 13 1/2xRoulette 7 Between, 13 1/2 Rebecca Falero. 22p, Nativity, by Dennis
1985, Oct. 25 Wmk. 373 Litho. 1987, Nov. 12 Wmk. 384 Perf. 14 1/2 Penalver. 44p, Santa Claus, by Gavin Key.
481 A102 Pair 1.50 1.10 521 A112 4p Three Wise Men .20 .20
a. 4p Centenary seal .75 .55 522 A112 22p Holy Family 1.00 .75 1988, Nov. 2 Wmk. 384 Perf. 14
b. 4p Church .75 .55 523 A112 44p Shepherds 1.90 2.50 540 A116 4p multicolored .20 .20
c. No. 481a, perf. 13 1/2 on 4 sides .75 .55 Nos. 521-523 (3) 3.10 3.45 541 A116 22p multicolored .55 .70
482 A103 80p multicolored 4.50 3.50 Size: 25x33mm
Christmas. Nos. 481a-481b rouletted 542 A116 44p multicolored 1.25 1.75
between. Printed in sheets of 10 pairs with the Nos. 540-542 (3) 2.00 2.65
bottom row containing 5 No. 481c. Strips of 3,
Nos. 481a-481c exist.
Wedding of Prince Andrew and Sarah
Ferguson — A108

1986, Aug. 28 Litho. Perf. 15 Europa — A113

498 A108 44p multicolored 1.10 1.60
Transport and communication: No. 524,
Rock of Gibraltar, Cruise Ship. No. 525, Pas- Europa
senger jet, yacht, dish aerial. No. 526, Bus, A117
Europa buggy. No. 527, Rock of Gibraltar, automobile,
A104 telephone. Toys: 32p, Doll, doll house, puppy, ball,
1986, Feb. 10 Litho. Perf. 13x13 /2 1 Perf. 14 1/2x14 on 3 Sides; Rouletted
483 A104 22p Butterfly, house .75 .50 Between Perf. 13x13 1/2
484 A104 29p Seagull, hotel 1.25 2.50 1988, Feb. 16 Litho. Wmk. 373 1989, Feb. 15 Wmk. 384
Europa — A109 524 0 22p multicolored 1.40 1.50 543 A117 25p shown 1.25 .60
525 0 22p multicolored 1.40 1.50 544 A117 32p multicolored 1.50 2.00
a. A113 Pair, #524-525 3.00 3.00
1987, Feb. 17 Wmk. 384 Perf. 15 526 0 32p multicolored 1.90 2.00
499 A109 22p Neptune House 1.25 .40 527 0 32p multicolored 1.90 2.00
500 A109 29p Ocean Heights 1.75 3.00 a. A113 Pair, #526-527 4.00 4.00
Nos. 524-527 (4) 6.60 7.00
Royal Navy Crests Type of 1982 Nos. 525a, 527a have continuous design.

1987, Apr. 2 Perf. 13 1/2x13

501 A87 18p Wishart 1.60 .60
502 A87 22p Charybdis 1.90 .90
503 A87 32p Antelope 2.50 2.25
504 A87 44p Eagle 3.25 3.00
Nos. 501-504 (4) 9.25 6.75

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.


Gibraltar Regiment, Christmas — A126
50th Anniv. — A118 Christmas carols: 4p, Once in Royal David’s
City. 24p, Silent Night. 25p, Angels We Have
Heard on High. 49p, O Come All Ye Faithful.
Perf. 13 /2x13 1

1989, Apr. 28 Wmk. 373 Europa 1990 — A122 1991, Oct. 15 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2
545 A118 4p The Port Sergeant .45 .20 600 A130 4p multicolored .25 .20
546 A118 22p Regimental colors, Post offices: No. 562, G.P.O. exterior. No. 601 A130 24p multicolored 1.25 .50
Queen’s colors 1.40 .75 563, Carved crown and “VR” from p.o. arch- 602 A130 25p multicolored 1.25 1.00
547 A118 32p Drum Major 2.00 1.75 way and G.P.O. interior. No. 564, South Dis- Europa 603 A130 49p multicolored 2.25 2.25
Nos. 545-547 (3) 3.85 2.70 trict P.O. interior. No. 565, South District P.O. A127 Nos. 600-603 (4) 5.00 3.95
Souvenir Sheet
548 Sheet of 2, Nos. 546, 548a 4.75 4.75 Perf. 14 1/2, Rouletted 9 1/2 Between 1990, Oct. 10 Perf. 13 1/2 Souvenir Sheet
a. A118 44p Regimental arms 2.00 2.00 581 A126 4p shown .20 .20
1990, Mar. 6 Litho. Unwmk. 582 A126 22p Santa Claus .80 .50
562 22p multicolored 1.25 1.10 583 A126 42p Christmas tree 1.65 1.75
563 22p multicolored 1.25 1.10 584 A126 44p Creche 1.65 1.75
a. A122 Pair, #562-563 2.50 2.25 Nos. 581-584 (4) 4.30 4.20
564 32p multicolored 1.75 1.75
565 32p multicolored 1.75 1.75
a. A122 Pair, #564-565 3.50 3.50 1991, Feb. 26 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2
Nos. 562-565 (4) 6.00 5.70 585 A127 25p Spaceplane, satel-
Pairs are rouletted between. lite .90 .75
586 A127 32p ERS-1 satellite 1.10 1.40

Royal Navy Crest Type of 1982

1991, Apr. 9 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13
587 A87 4p Hesperus .40 .20
588 A87 21p Forester 1.60 1.25
589 A87 22p Furious 1.60 1.25 Phila Nippon ’91 — A131
Intl. Red Cross, 590 A87 62p Scylla 4.25 4.50
125th Nos. 587-590 (4) 7.85 7.20 1991, Nov. 15
Anniv. — A119 Early Fire 604 A131 £1.05 Plain tiger 4.75 4.75
Perf. 15x14 1/2 A123 Queen Elizabeth II’s Accession to
1989, July 7 Wmk. 384 the Throne, 40th Anniv.
549 A119 25p Mother and child .90 .50 1990, Apr. 2 Perf. 14 1/2x14 Common Design Type
550 A119 32p Malnourished chil- 566 A123 4p Early firemen, Wmk. 373
dren 1.25 1.25 hose, vert. 1.00 .20
551 A119 44p Accident victims 1.75 2.00 567 A123 20p shown 2.00 .75 1992, Feb. 6 Litho. Perf. 14
Nos. 549-551 (3) 3.90 3.75 568 A123 42p Modern truck 2.25 2.00 Birds 605 CD349 4p multicolored .20 .20
569 A123 44p Modern fireman, A128 606 CD349 20p multicolored .60 .60
Royal Navy Crests Type of 1982 vert. 2.50 2.00 607 CD349 24p multicolored .75 .80
Nos. 566-569 (4) 7.75 4.95 608 CD349 44p multicolored 1.40 1.50
1989, Sept. 7 Litho. Perf. 14 1991, May 30 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2 609 CD349 54p multicolored 1.75 1.90
552 A87 22p Blankney 1.75 .60 Fire Service, 125th anniv. 591 A128 13p Black stork .85 .90 Nos. 605-609 (5) 4.70 5.00
553 A87 25p Deptford 1.75 1.25 592 A128 13p Egyptian vulture .85 .90
554 A87 32p Exmoor 2.40 1.75 593 A128 13p Barbary partridge .85 .90
555 A87 44p Stork 3.50 3.00 594 A128 13p Shag .85 .90
Nos. 552-555 (4) 9.40 6.60 a. Block of 4, #591-594 3.50 3.75
World Wildlife Fund.
Souvenir Sheets
No. 519 Surcharged

Penny Black, Discovery of America, 500th

150th Anniv. — A132
Anniv. — A124
1992, Feb. 6 Unwmk. Perf. 14 1/2
19p, Henry Corbould, Great Britain No. 1. 610 A132 24p Columbus, Santa
22p, 1st Royal Mail coach, Bristol-London. Maria 1.60 1.25
Coins — A120 611 A132 24p Map, Nina 1.60 1.25
32p, Sir Rowland Hill, Great Britain No. 1. 44p, a. Pair, #610-611 3.25 2.50
Great Britain No. 1, Maltese Cross cancel. 612 A132 34p Map, Pinta 1.75 1.50
No. 556: a, 1p Barbary Partridge. b, 2p
613 A132 34p Map, sailor 1.75 1.50
Lighthouse at Europa Point. c, 10p Tower of 1990, May 3 Perf. 13 /2x14
Wmk. 373 a. Pair, #612-613 3.50 3.00
Homage. d, 5p Barbary Ape. 570 A124 19p multicolored 1.00 .65 Nos. 610-613 (4) 6.70 5.50
No. 557: a, 50p Gibraltar Candytuft. b, £5 571 A124 22p multicolored 1.40 .75
1991, May 30 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2
Pillars of Hercules. c, £2 Cannon from the 572 A124 32p multicolored 2.75 2.50 595 A111 £1.05 on £3 multi 5.00 2.10 Europa. Printed in sheets containing 4 pairs.
Great Siege Period, 1779-1783. d, £1 Natl. Nos. 570-572 (3) 5.15 3.90
coat of arms. e, Common obverse side of
coins picturing Maklouf head of Queen Eliza- Souvenir Sheet
beth II. f, 20p Our Lady of Europa. 573 A124 44p multicolored 5.25 5.25
1989, Oct. 10 Perf. 14 1/2x15 Royal Navy Crest Type of 1982
556 Sheet of 4 1.60 1.60
a.-d. A120 4p any single .40 .40 1990, July 10 Litho. Perf. 14 Around the
557 Sheet of 6 6.25 6.25 574 A87 22p Calpe 1.90 .60 World Yacht
a.-f. A120 22p any single 1.00 1.00 575 A87 25p Gallant 2.00 1.50 Views of Rally, 1991-
576 A87 32p Wrestler 2.50 2.25 Gibraltar 92
577 A87 44p Greyhound 3.00 3.00 A129 A133
Nos. 574-577 (4) 9.40 7.35
Paintings: 22p, North View of Gibraltar, by Compass rose, sail and maps of routes
Gustavo Bacarisas (1873-1971). 26p, Par- through: 21p, Atlantic Ocean, vert. 24p, Malay
son’s Lodge, by Elena Mifsud (1906-1989). Archipelago. 25p, Indian Ocean. 49p, Mediter-
32p, Governor’s Parade, by Jacobo Azabury, ranean and Red Seas, vert.
OBE (1890-1980). 42p, Waterport Wharf, by
Rudesindo Mannia (1899-1982), vert. 1992, Apr. 15 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2
614 A133 21p multicolored .85 .75
Christmas 1991, Sept. 10 Litho. Perf. 15x14 615 A133 24p multicolored 1.10 1.25
A121 596 A129 22p multicolored .90 .40 616 A133 25p multicolored 1.10 1.40
Europort 597 A129 26p multicolored 1.10 .75 Nos. 614-616 (3) 3.05 3.40
Wmk. 384 Model 598 A129 32p multicolored 1.75 1.75
A125 Souvenir Sheet
1989, Oct. 11 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2 Perf. 14x15 617 A133 Sheet of 2, #614 &
558 A121 4p Santa’s sleigh .20 .20 599 A129 42p multicolored 2.50 2.50 617a 2.50 2.50
559 A121 22p Shepherds see 1990, Oct. 10 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2 Nos. 596-599 (4) 6.25 5.40 a. A133 49p multicolored 1.75 1.75
star .85 .50 578 A125 22p shown .80 .75
560 A121 32p Holy family 1.25 1.25 579 A125 23p Building compo-
561 A121 44p Adoration of the nents .80 1.10
Magi 2.00 2.25 580 A125 25p Land reclamation 1.00 1.10
Nos. 558-561 (4) 4.30 4.20 Nos. 578-580 (3) 2.60 2.95

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

635 A138 5p General Post 26p, FIFA cup, US map, flag. 39p, Players, 1995, Jan. 3 Litho. Perf. 14
Office .20 .20 US map as playing field. 49p, Leg action. 672 A147 24p multicolored .85 .75
636 A138 10p South Barracks .25 .25 673 A147 26p multicolored 1.00 .85
Anglican 637 A138 21p American War 1994, Apr. 19 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2 674 A147 34p multicolored 1.10 1.10
Diocese of Memorial .75 .75 657 A142 26p multi 1.00 .45 675 A147 49p multicolored 1.75 1.60
Gibraltar, 638 A138 24p Garrison Library .85 .85 658 A142 39p multi 1.60 1.40 Nos. 672-675 (4) 4.70 4.30
639 A138 25p Southport Gates .85 .85 659 A142 49p multi, vert. 2.10 2.00
150th Anniv. 640 A138 26p Casemates Nos. 657-659 (3) 4.70 3.85
A134 Gate .95 .95
641 A138 50p Central Police Souvenir Sheet
4p, Holy Trinity Cathedral, vert. 24p, Crest Station 1.60 1.60
and map. 44p, Construction work on Cathe- 642 A138 £1 Prince Edward’s World War II Warships Type of 1993
dral during 1800’s. 54p, Bishop Tomlinson, Gate 2.75 2.75 Designs: a, 5p, HMS Penelope. b, 25p,
first Bishop of Diocese (1842-1863), vert. 643 A138 £3 Lighthouse 9.25 9.25 HMS Warspite. c, 44p, USS McLanahan. d,
644 A138 £5 Coat of arms, 49p, HNLMS Isaac Sweers.
1992, Aug. 21 Litho. Perf. 14 keys to for- Peace & Freedom — A148
618 A134 4p multicolored .25 .20 tress, vert. 12.50 12.50 1994, June 6 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13
619 A134 24p multicolored 1.25 .50 Nos. 631-644 (14) 30.75 30.75 660 A137 Sheet of 4, #a.-d. 8.75 8.75 Europa: No. 676, Cross, barbed wire, text.
620 A134 44p multicolored 2.25 2.25 Nos. 631, 635, 637, 639, 642-643 are vert. No. 677, Rainbow, dove, hands. No. 678,
621 A134 54p multicolored 2.50 2.50 Portions of the design on No. 644 were Souvenir Sheet Shackles, text. No. 679, Doves, hands.
Nos. 618-621 (4) 6.25 5.45 applied by a thermographic process producing
a shiny, raised effect. 1995, Feb. 28 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2
Issued: £5, 6/6/94; others, 6/28/93. 676 24p multicolored .95 .75
See Nos. 686-693. 677 24p multicolored .95 .75
a. A148 Pair, #676-677 1.90 1.60
678 34p multicolored 1.25 1.10
679 34p multicolored 1.25 1.10
a. A148 Pair, #678-679 2.75 2.40
Nos. 676-679 (4) 4.40 3.70

Designs: 4p, Church of the Sacred Heart of Anniversaries — A139
Jesus. 24p, Cathedral of St. Mary the
Crowned. 34p, St. Andrew’s Church. 49p, St. 1994, Aug. 16 Litho. Perf. 13
Joseph’s Church.
1993, Sept. 21 Litho. Perf. 13 661 A143 £1.05 multicolored 4.25 4.25
645 A139 21p Coins 1.00 .50 Island
1992, Nov. 10 Litho. Perf. 14 646 A139 24p Jet, biplane fight-
ers 1.25 .65 Games — A149
622 A135 4p multicolored .20 .20 647 A139 34p Garrison Library 1.75 1.50
623 A135 24p multicolored 1.40 .45
624 A135 34p multicolored 2.25 1.75
648 A139 49p Churchill, search- 1995, May 8 Litho. Perf. 14x13 1/2
lights 2.75 2.25 680 A149 24p Sailing .85 .70
625 A135 49p multicolored 3.25 3.00 Nos. 645-648 (4) 6.75 4.90
Nos. 622-625 (4) 7.10 5.40 681 A149 44p Running 1.75 1.50
First decimal coins, 25th anniv. Royal Air 682 A149 49p Swimming 2.00 1.60
Force, 75th anniv. Garrison Library, bicent. Nos. 680-682 (3) 4.60 3.80
Churchill’s visit to Gibraltar, 50th anniv. 680a Booklet pane of 3 2.75
Marine 681a Booklet pane of 3 5.25
682a Booklet pane of 3 6.00
Life — A144 682b Bklt. pane, 1 ea. #680-
682 4.75
Commemorative booklet, 1
1994, Sept. 27 Litho. Perf. 14 each #680a-682b 19.00
662 A144 21p Golden star coral 1.00 1.00
663 A144 24p Star fish 1.25 1.25 Souvenir Sheet
664 A144 34p Gorgonian sea fan 1.60 1.60
665 A144 49p Turkish wrasse 2.40 2.40
Nos. 662-665 (4) 6.25 6.25
Art — A136 Christmas
Europa: No. 626, Masks of Comedy and
Tragedy, record. No. 627, Painting, dancer, Mice and: 5p, Christmas tree. 24p, Christ-
pottery. No. 628, Architecture, sculpture. No. mas cracker. 44p, Singing carols. 49p,
629, Video camera, 35mm film. Snowman.

1993, Mar. 2 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2 1993, Nov. 16 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2
626 A136 24p multicolored 1.75 1.10 649 A140 5p multicolored .20 .20
627 A136 24p multicolored 1.75 1.10 650 A140 24p multicolored 1.10 .65
651 A140 44p multicolored 2.25 1.60 VE Day, 50th Anniv. — A150
a. Pair, #626-627 3.50 2.25 Intl. Olympic Committee,
628 A136 34p multicolored 2.00 1.75 652 A140 49p multicolored 2.50 2.00 Cent. — A145
629 A136 34p multicolored 2.00 1.75 Nos. 649-652 (4) 6.05 4.45 Illustration reduced.
a. Pair, #628-629 4.00 3.50
Nos. 626-629 (4) 7.50 5.70 1994, Nov. 22 Litho. Perf. 14 1995, May 8
666 A145 49p Discus 2.10 1.60 683 A150 £1.05 multicolored 4.25 4.25
Souvenir Sheet 667 A145 54p Javelin 2.50 1.75
World War II Warships Type of 1993
Souvenir Sheet
Designs: a, 5p, HMS Calpe. b, 24p, HMS
Victorious. c, 44p, USS Weehawken. d, 49p,
FFS Savorgnan de Brazza.
War II 1995, June 6 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x14
Warships European Discoveries — A141 684 A137 Sheet of 4, #a.-d. 8.00 8.00
Europa: No. 653, Atoms exploding, Lord Christmas
Designs: a, HMS Hood. b, HMS Ark Royal c, Penney (1909-91). No. 654, Chemistry flasks,
HMAS Waterhen. d, USS Gleaves. polonium, radium, Marie Curie. No. 655, Die- Songbirds
sel engine, Rudolf Diesel. No. 656, Telescope, A146
1993, Apr. 27 Litho. Perf. 14 Galileo.
630 A137 24p Sheet of 4, #a.-d. 8.50 8.50 1994, Nov. 22 Perf. 13 1/2
1994, Mar. 1 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2 668 A146 5p Great tit, vert. .20 .20
See Nos. 660, 684, 714, 732. 653 A141 24p multicolored 1.25 1.00 669 A146 24p Robin 1.25 .75
654 A141 24p multicolored 1.25 1.00 670 A146 34p Blue tit 1.60 1.10
a. Pair, #653-654 2.50 2.00 671 A146 54p Goldfinch, vert. 2.75 1.75
655 A141 34p multicolored 1.50 1.40 Nos. 668-671 (4) 5.80 3.80
656 A141 34p multicolored 1.50 1.40
a. Pair, #655-656 3.00 2.75 Singapore
Nos. 653-656 (4) 5.50 4.80 ’95 — A151

Architectural Orchids: a, 22p, Bee. b, 23p, Brown bee. c,

Heritage New 24p, Pyramidal. d, 25p, Mirror. e, 26p, Sawfly.
A138 Members
in 1995, Sept. 1 Litho. Perf. 14x14 1/2
European 685 A151 Strip of 5, #a.-e. 6.25 3.75
1993-94 Litho. Perf. 13 Union
631 A138 1p Landport Gate .20 .20 A147 Architectural Heritage Type of 1993
632 A138 2p St. Mary the
Crowned .20 .20 1995, Sept. 1 Litho. Perf. 13
633 A138 3p Parsons Lodge Flags: 24p, Austria. 26p, Finland. 34p, Swe- 686 A138 6p House of As-
Battery .20 .20 1994 World Cup Soccer den. 49p, Sweden, Finland, Austria, emblem sembly .20 .20
634 A138 4p Moorish Castle .20 .20 Championships, US — A142 of European Union. 687 A138 7p Bleak House .20 .20

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

688 A138 8p Bust of Gen. 1996, Feb. 9 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2 1996, Nov. 27 Litho. Perf. 14
Eliott .25 .25 703 A156 24p Princess Anne 1.00 1.00 717 A161 5p Pudding .20 .20
689 A138 9p Supreme Court 704 A156 24p Princess Diana 1.00 1.00 718 A161 21p Snowman .80 .80
Bldg. .35 .35 705 A156 34p Queen Mother 1.50 1.50 719 A161 24p Present .90 .90
690 A138 20p Convent .70 .70 706 A156 34p Queen Elizabeth II 1.50 1.50 720 A161 34p Santa Claus 1.25 1.25
691 A138 30p St. Bernard’s Nos. 703-706 (4) 5.00 5.00 721 A161 54p Candle 2.00 2.00
Hospital .95 .95 Nos. 717-721 (5) 5.15 5.15
692 A138 40p City Hall 1.25 1.25 Europa.
693 A138 £2 Church of Sa-
cred Heart of
Jesus 6.25 6.25
Nos. 686-693 (8) 10.15 10.15
Nos. 686, 688, 691, 693 are vert.
Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip,
50th Wedding Anniv. — A165
Sailing Ship Designs: £1.20, Prince Philip driving a four-
“Mary in-hand, Queen beside him. £1.40, Queen,
Celeste” — A162 Prince Philip at Royal Ascot, Queen “Trooping
the Color.”
Soccer — A157 Europa: No. 722, “Mary Celeste” in rough 1997, July 10 Litho. Perf. 14x13 1/2
UN, 50th seas. No. 723, Men on board ship. No. 724,
Anniv. Boat approaching “Mary Celeste.” No. 725, In 733 A165 £1.20 multicolored 4.00 4.00
A152 Team members in action scenes: 21p, West full sail. 734 A165 £1.40 multicolored 4.50 4.50
Germany, 1980. 24p, France, 1964. 34p, Hol- a. Pair, #733-734 8.50 8.50
land, 1988. £1.20, Denmark, 1992. 1997, Feb. 12 Litho. Perf. 14
1995, Oct. 24 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2
722 A162 28p multicolored 1.00 1.00
694 A152 34p shown 1.50 1.50 1996, Apr. 2 Litho. Perf. 13 723 A162 28p multicolored 1.00 1.00
695 A152 49p Peace dove 2.00 2.00 707 A157 21p multicolored .65 .65 724 A162 30p multicolored 1.10 1.10
708 A157 24p multicolored .75 .75 725 A162 30p multicolored 1.10 1.10
Miniature Sheets of 4 + 4 Labels 709 A157 34p multicolored 1.00 1.00 Nos. 722-725 (4) 4.20 4.20
710 A157 £1.20 multicolored 3.75 3.75
a. Souvenir sheet, Nos. 707-710 8.00 8.00
Nos. 707-710 (4) 6.15 6.15

1997 Dior
Fashion Designs,
Kittens by John
A163 Galliano — A166
Olympic Designs: a, 5p, Silver tabby American
Games, 30p, Long black dress, hat. 35p, Mini skirt,
Motion Pictures, Cent. — A153 shorthair. b, 24p, “Rumpy” Manx red tabby. c, lace top. 50p, Formal gown. 62p, Suit, hat.
Cent. 26p, Blue point Birmans. d, 28p, Red self long- £1.20, Formal gown, diff.
Designs: No. 696: a, Ingrid Bergman. b, Vit- A158 hair. e, 30p, British shorthair, tortoiseshell &
white. f, 35p, British bicolor shorthairs. 1997, Sept. 9 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13
torio De Sica. c, Marlene Dietrich. d, Laurence
Olivier. 1996, May 2 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2 1997, Feb. 12 735 A166 30p multicolored 1.00 1.00
No. 697: a, 38p, Audrey Hepburn. b, 25p, 711 A158 34p Ancient athletes 1.25 1.25 736 A166 35p multicolored 1.25 1.25
Romy Schneider. c, 28p, Yves Montand. d, 5p, 726 A163 Sheet of 6, #a.-f. 7.00 7.00 737 A166 50p multicolored 1.75 1.75
712 A158 49p Athletes, 1896 1.60 1.60 g. Bklt. pane of 3, #726a, 726c,
Marilyn Monroe. 713 A158 £1.05 Athletes, 1990s 3.50 3.50 a. Pair, #735, 737 2.75 2.75
726e 2.75 2.75
Nos. 711-713 (3) 6.35 6.35 h. Bklt. pane of 3, #726b, 726c, 738 A166 62p multicolored 2.00 2.00
1995, Nov. 13 Litho. Perf. 14 /2x14
1 726d 3.75 a. Pair, #736, 738 3.25 3.25
i. Bklt. pane of 4, #726a, 726b, Nos. 735-738 (4) 6.00 6.00
696 A153 24p #a.-d. 3.75 3.75 World War II Type of 1993 726e, 726f 4.50
697 A153 #a.-d. 3.75 3.75 j. Bklt. pane of 4, #726c, 726d, Souvenir Sheet
Souvenir Sheet 726e, 726f 5.50 739 A166 £1.20 multicolored 4.00 4.00
a, 5p, HMS Starling. b, 25p, HMS Royalist. k. Booklet pane, #726 7.50
c, 49p, USS Philadelphia. d, 54p, HMCS Complete booklet, #726g-726k 24.00
Prescott. Hong Kong ’97. No. 726k is rouletted at left
and does not have Hong Kong ’97 emblem
1996, June 8 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x14 and inscription in bottom slevage.
714 A137 Sheet of 4, #a.-d. 6.25 6.25


Designs: 5p, Santa Claus. 24p, Sack of

toys. 34p, Reindeer. 54p, Santa with sleigh, UNICEF, 50th
reindeer flying over rooftops. Anniv.
1995, Nov. 27 Perf. 14
698 A154 5p multicolored .20 .20 Butterflies — A164
699 A154 24p multicolored .90 .90 a, 21p, Girl, boy. b, 24p, Three children. c,
700 A154 34p multicolored 1.40 1.40 49p, Three children, diff. d, 54p, Girl, boy, diff.
701 A154 54p multicolored 2.10 2.10 Designs: 23p, Anthocharis belia euphe- Christmas
Nos. 698-701 (4) 4.60 4.60 1996, June 8 Perf. 13 1/2x13 noides. 26p, Charaxes jasius. 30p, Vanessa A167
715 A159 Strip of 4, #a.-d. 5.00 5.00 cardui. £1.20, Iphiclides podalirius.
Miniature Sheet Stained glass windows: 5p, Our Lady and
1997, Apr. 7 Litho. Perf. 14x13 1/2 St. Bernard. 26p, The Epiphany of the Lord.
728 A164 23p multicolored .85 .85 38p, St. Joseph holding Jesus. 50p, The Holy
729 A164 26p multicolored .95 .95 Family. 62p, The Miraculous Medal Madonna.
730 A164 30p multicolored 1.10 1.10
731 A164 £1.20 multicolored 4.50 4.50 1997, Nov. 18 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2
a. Souvenir sheet of 4, #728-731 7.25 7.25
World Nos. 728-731 (4) 7.40 7.40 740 A167 5p multicolored .20 .20
741 A167 26p multicolored .90 .90
Wildlife 742 A167 38p multicolored 1.25 1.25
Fund Warships Type of 1993 743 A167 50p multicolored 1.75 1.75
Puppies A160 a, 24p, HMS Enterprise. b, 26p, HMS Cle- 744 A167 62p multicolored 2.00 2.00
A155 opatra. c, 38p, USS Iowa. d, 50p, Polish War- Nos. 740-744 (5) 6.10 6.10
Red kite: a, In flight. b, One adult. c, One on ship Orkan.
#702: a, 5p, Shih tzu. b, 21p, Dalmatian. c, rock, one in flight. d, Adults, young in nest.
Cocker spaniel. d, 25p, West Highland white 1997, June 9 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2
terrier. e, 34p, Labrador. f, 35p, Boxer. 1996, July 12 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2 732 A137 Sheet of 4, #a.-d. 5.00 5.00
716 A160 34p Block or strip of 4,
1996, Jan. 24 Litho. Perf. 14 #a.-d. 5.00 5.00
702 A155 Sheet of 6, #a.-f. 4.75 4.75
No. 702 is a continuous design.

of the Christmas
British Images
Royal Formed with
Family “Lego”
A156 Blocks — A161
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
Marine life: a, 5p, Striped dolphin. b, 26p, Self-Adhesive Designs: No. 809, RAF Eurofighter 2000
Killer whale, vert. c, £1.20, Blue whale. d, 5p, Typhoon. No. 810, RAF F3 Tornado. No. 811,
Common dolphin, vert. Die Cut Perf. 9x9 1/2 RAF GR7 Harrier II. No. 812, Lesser kestrel.
793 A175 1st vermilion .90 .90 No. 813, Peregrine falcon. No. 814, Kestrel.
1998, May 22 Perf. 14 Nos. 779-793 (15) 23.25 23.25
764 A171 Sheet of 4, #a.-d. 5.00 5.00 No. 793 was valued at 26p on day of issue. 1999, June 7 Perf. 13x13 1/4
Italia ’98 and Portugal ’98. 809 A180 30p multicolored 1.00 1.00
810 A180 30p multicolored 1.00 1.00
811 A180 30p multicolored 1.00 1.00
a. Sheet of 3, #809-811 3.00 3.00
812 A180 42p multicolored 1.40 1.40
a. Pair, #809, 812 2.40 2.40
A169 813 A180 42p multicolored 1.40 1.40
a. Pair, #810, 813 2.40 2.40
814 A180 42p multicolored 1.40 1.40
1997, Dec. 15 Litho. Perf. 13 a. Pair, #811, 814 2.40 2.40
745 A168 26p multicolored .90 .90 b. Sheet of 3, #812-814 7.25 7.25

Sir Joshua Hassan (1915-97), government See Nos. 851-853.

leader. Battle of the
Nile — A172
1998, Jan. 23 Reserves — A176
1998, Aug. 1 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2
Scenes from previous World Cup Champi- 765 A172 12p Nileus .40 .40
onships: 5p, Wales v. Brazil, 1958. 26p, N. 766 A172 26p Lord Nelson .85 .85 1999, Mar. 4 Perf. 13 1/2x13 Wedding of
Ireland v. France, 1958. 38p, Scotland v. Hol- a. Booklet pane of 1 .85 794 A176 30p Barbary macaque 1.00 1.00 Prince
land, 1978. £1.20, England v. W. Germany, 767 A172 28p Frances Nisbet .90 .90 795 A176 30p Dartford warbler 1.00 1.00 Edward
1966. a. Bklt. pane, #765-767 2.25 796 A176 42p Kingfisher 1.40 1.40
768 A172 35p HMS Vanguard 1.10 1.10 and Sophie
746 A169 5p multicolored .25 .25 797 A176 42p Dusky perch 1.40 1.40
Nos. 794-797 (4) 4.80 4.80 Rhys-Jones
747 A169 26p multicolored .95 .95 Size: 45x27mm A181
748 A169 38p multicolored 1.25 1.25 769 A172 50p Battle of the Nile 1.60 1.60 Europa.
749 A169 £1.20 multicolored 4.00 4.00 a. Bklt. pane, #768-769, 2 #768 4.75
a. Souvenir sheet, #746-749 6.50 6.50 b. Bklt. pane, #766, 768-769 3.75 Perf. 13x13 1/4, 13 1/4x13
Nos. 746-749 (4) 6.45 6.45 c. Bklt. pane, #765-769 5.00
Complete booklet, #766a, 1999, June 19 Litho.
1998 World Cup Soccer Championships, 767a, 769a-769c 16.50 815 A181 30p shown 1.00 1.00
France. Nos. 765-769 (5) 4.85 4.85 816 A181 42p Couple, vert. 1.40 1.40

Diana, Princess of Wales (1961-97)

Common Design Type
Various portraits: a, 26p, Wearing black &
white outfit. b, 26p, Wearing pink & white out- Maritime
fit. c, 38p, In black dress. d, 38p, In blue & gold Quotations Heritage — A177
jacket. From
1998, Mar. 31 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2x14 People Designs: 5p, Roman Anchorage. 30p, Medi-
754 CD355 Sheet of 4, #a.-d. 5.00 5.00 eval galley house. 42p, British relief ships.
A173 £1.20, HMS Berwick.
The 20p surtax from international sales was Sports in
donated to the Princess Diana Memorial Fund #770, “Love comforts like sunshine after 1999, Mar. 19 Perf. 12 1/2 Gibraltar,
and the surtax from national sales was rain,” Shakespeare. #771, “The price of great- 798 A177 5p multicolored .20 .20 Cent. — A182
donated to a designated local charity. ness is responsibility,” Churchill. #772, “Hate 799 A177 30p multicolored 1.00 1.00
the sin, love the sinner,” Gandhi. #773, “Imagi- 800 A177 42p multicolored 1.40 1.40
nation is more important than knowledge,” 801 A177 £1.20 multicolored 4.00 4.00 1999, July 2 Perf. 13
Royal Air Force, 80th Anniv. Einstein. a. Souvenir sheet, #798-801 6.60 6.60 817 A182 30p Soccer 1.00 1.00
Common Design Type of 1993 Re- Nos. 798-801 (4) 6.60 6.60 818 A182 42p Rowing 1.40 1.40
inscribed 1998, Oct. 6 Litho. Perf. 14 /2 1 819 A182 £1.20 Cricket 4.00 4.00
770 A173 26p multicolored .85 .85 Nos. 817-819 (3) 6.40 6.40
Designs: 24p, Saro London. 26p, Fairey
Fox. 38p, Handley Page Halifax GR.VI. 50p, 771 A173 26p multicolored .85 .85
Hawker Siddeley Buccaneer S.2B. 772 A173 38p multicolored 1.25 1.25
No. 759: a, 24p, Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter. b, 773 A173 38p multicolored 1.25 1.25
26p, Bristol M.1B. c, 38p, Supermarine Spitfire Nos. 770-773 (4) 4.20 4.20
XII. d, 50p, Avro York. Nos. 770-773 were each printed in sheets of
6 with se-tenant labels. Wedding of
1998, Apr. 1 Perf. 14 Prince
755 CD350 24p multicolored .80 .80 Edward to
756 CD350 26p multicolored .85 .85 Sophie
757 CD350 38p multicolored 1.25 1.25 John Lennon Rhys-Jones
758 CD350 50p multicolored 1.60 1.60 (1940-80) A183
Nos. 755-758 (4) 4.50 4.50
Souvenir Sheet of 4 Perf. 13x13 1/4, 13 1/4x13
759 CD350 #a.-d. 4.50 4.50 Portraits: 20p, With flower over one eye. 1999, Oct. 11 Litho.
30p, Black and white photo. 40p, Wearing 820 A183 54p shown 1.75 1.75
glasses. 821 A183 66p Couple standing,
No. 805, Holding marriage license in front of vert. 2.25 2.25
Rock of Gibraltar. No. 806, Standing in front of

A174 A175 1999, Mar. 20 Perf. 13

802 A178 20p multicolored .70 .70
803 A178 30p multicolored 1.00 1.00
1998, Nov. 10 Litho. Perf. 13 804 A178 40p multicolored 1.40 1.40
774 A174 5p Nativity .20 .20 Nos. 802-804 (3) 3.10 3.10
775 A174 26p Star over manger .30 .30 Christmas and
776 A174 30p Balthasar .35 .35 Souvenir Sheets
777 A174 35p Melchoir .45 .45 805 A178 £1 multicolored 3.50 3.50 New Year’s
Europa — A170 778 A174 50p Caspar .60 .60 806 A178 £1 multicolored 3.50 3.50 Greetings
Nos. 774-778 (5) 1.90 1.90 A184
Costumes worn by Miss Gibraltar for Christmas.
National Day: No. 760, Military style. No. 761, Designs: No. 822, “Happy Christmas,”
Long skirt, long-sleeved top. No. 762, Short Santa, sleigh. No. 823, “Season’s Greetings.”
skirt, long cape. No. 763, Black lace scarf, 1999, Mar. 4 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2 No. 824, “Happy Millennium.” No. 825, “Happy
ruffled petticoat. 779 A175 1p claret .20 .20 Christmas,” Santa, reindeer. 42p, “Yo ho ho.”
780 A175 2p brown .20 .20 54p, Santa, tree, fireplace.
1998, May 22 Litho. Perf. 13 781 A175 4p blue .20 .20
760 A170 26p multicolored .85 .85 782 A175 5p green .20 .20 1999, Nov. 11 Litho. Perf. 14
761 A170 26p multicolored .85 .85 783 A175 10p brown orange .35 .35 822 A184 5p multicolored .20 .20
762 A170 38p multicolored 1.25 1.25 784 A175 12p red .40 .40 UPU, 125th 823 A184 5p multicolored .20 .20
763 A170 38p multicolored 1.25 1.25 785 A175 20p blue green .70 .70 Anniv. — A179 824 A184 30p multicolored 1.00 1.00
Nos. 760-763 (4) 4.20 4.20 786 A175 28p lilac rose .95 .95 825 A184 30p multicolored 1.00 1.00
787 A175 30p vermilion 1.00 1.00 1999, June 7 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2 826 A184 42p multicolored 1.40 1.40
788 A175 40p gray olive 1.40 1.40 807 A179 5p Postal van .20 .20 827 A184 54p multicolored 1.75 1.75
789 A175 42p slate 1.50 1.50 808 A179 30p Space station 1.00 1.00 Nos. 822-827 (6) 5.55 5.55
Size: 22 /2x28mm
UNESCO Perf. 14 1/2
1998 Intl. 790 A175 50p olive bister 1.75 1.75 Stampin’
Year of 791 A175 £1 black 3.50 3.50 the Future
the 792 A175 £3 ultramarine 10.00 10.00 Children’s
Ocean Stamp
A171 Fighter Design
Planes and Contest
Raptors Winners
A180 A185
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
Artwork by: 30p, Colin Grech. 42p, Kim 2000, June 21 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2 2001, Sept. 3 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2x14
Barea. 54p, Stephan Williamson-Fa. 66p, 842 A189 30p multi .90 .90 Pairs, #a-b
Michael Podesta. 843 A189 42p multi 1.25 1.25
844 A189 54p multi 1.60 1.60 887-889 A180 Set of 3 7.00 7.00
2000. Jan. 28 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2x14 889c Souvenir sheet, #887a,
845 A189 66p multi 2.00 2.00 888a, 889a 3.50 3.50
828 A185 30p multi 1.00 1.00 a. Souvenir sheet, #842-845 5.75 5.75 889d Souvenir sheet, #887b,
829 A185 42p multi 1.40 1.40 Nos. 842-845 (4) 5.75 5.75 888b, 889b 3.50 3.50
830 A185 54p multi 1.75 1.75 New Year 2001
831 A185 66p multi 2.10 2.10
a. Block or strip of 4, #828-831 6.25 6.25 (Year of the
Snake) — A194

Snakes: No. 864, 5p, Grass. No. 865, 5p,

Ladder. No. 866, 5p, Montpelier. No. 867, 30p,
Viperine. No. 868, 30p, Southern smooth. No.
869, 30p, False smooth. 66p, Horseshoe whip.
Queen Mother,
100th 2001, Feb. 1 Litho. Perf. 13 3/4 Christmas
Birthday — A190 864-870 A194 Set of 7 5.00 5.00 A198
870a Souvenir sheet, #864-870 5.00 5.00
European Size of No. 870: 31x62mm. Hong Kong
Soccer — A186 Designs: 30p, As young woman. 42p, With Snoopy, from Peanuts comic strip: 5p, In
King George VI. 54p, With blue hat. 66p, With 2001 Stamp Exhibition (No. 870a). Santa Claus suit ringing bell, Woodstock. 30p,
orange hat. Charlie Brown, Christmas tree. 40p, Wreath.
2000, Apr. 17 Litho. Perf. 12 /21
42p, In Santa Claus suit carrying cookies,
832 A186 30p France .90 .90 2000, Aug. 4 Woodstock. 54p, On dog house.
833 A186 30p Holland .90 .90 846 A190 30p multi .90 .90
834 A186 42p Denmark 1.25 1.25 847 A190 42p multi 1.25 1.25 2001, Nov. 12 Perf. 14
835 A186 42p Germany 1.25 1.25 848 A190 54p multi 1.60 1.60 890-894 A198 Set of 5 5.00 5.00
a. Souvenir sheet, #832-835 4.50 4.50 849 A190 66p multi 2.00 2.00 894a Souvenir sheet, #890-894 5.00 5.00
836 A186 54p England 1.60 1.60 a. Souvenir sheet, #846-849 5.75 5.75
a. Souvenir sheet of 4 6.50 6.50 Nos. 846-849 (4) 5.75 5.75
Nos. 832-836 (5) 5.90 5.90 Souvenir Sheet
The Stamp Show 2000, London (#836a).

Europa — A195
Moorish Designs: 30p, Long-snouted seahorse. 40p,
Castle Snapdragon. 42p, Yellow-legged gull. 54p,
A191 Goldfish.

Photo. & Engr. 2001, Feb. 1 Perf. 13 1/4x13

871-874 A195 Set of 4 5.00 5.00
2000, Sept. 15 Perf. 11 1/2x11 3/4
850 A191 £5 multi 15.00 15.00 Introduction of Euro Coinage to
Europe — A199
Europa — A187 Fighter Planes and Raptors Type
Coins in denominations of: a, 5p, 1 cent. b,
No. 851: a, RAF “Gibraltar” Supermarine 12p, 2 cents. c, 30p, 5 cents. d, 35p, 10 cents.
2000, Apr. 17 Perf. 13 1/4x13 Spitfire. b, Male merlin.
837 A187 30p Fountain .90 .90 e, 40p, 20 cents. f, 42p, 50 cents. g, 54p, 1
No. 852: a, RAF “City of Lincoln” Avro Lan- euro. h, 66p, 2 euro.
838 A187 40p Hands 1.10 1.10 caster B1-3. b, Bonelli’s eagle.
839 A187 42p Airplane 1.25 1.25 No. 853: a, RAF Hawker Hurricane MK IIC. Queen 2002, Jan. 1 Litho. Perf. 13 1/4x13
840 A187 54p Rainbow 1.60 1.60 b, Female merlin. Elizabeth II,
Nos. 837-840 (4) 4.85 4.85 895 A199 Sheet of 8, #a-h 8.00 8.00
75th Birthday
2000, Sept. 15 Litho. Perf. 14 /2x14 1
A196 A clear varnish was applied by a thermo-
851 Pair 2.10 2.10 graphic process producing a shiny, raised
a. A180 30p multi .85 .85 effect.
b. A180 42p multi 1.25 1.25 Designs: No. 875, 30p, As child. No. 876,
852 Pair 2.10 2.10 30p, As young woman. No. 877, 42p, In wed-
a. A180 30p multi .85 .85 ding dress. No. 878, 42p, At coronation. 54p, Reign Of Queen Elizabeth II, 50th
b. A180 42p multi 1.25 1.25 Wearing hat.
853 Pair 2.10 2.10 Anniv. Issue
£2, In blue dress.
a. A180 30p multi .85 .85 Common Design Type
b. A180 42p multi 1.25 1.25
c. Souvenir sheet, #851a, 852a, 853a 2.60 2.60 2001, Apr. 21 Litho. Perf. 14 Designs: No. 896, 30p, Princess Elizabeth
d. Souvenir sheet, #851b, 852b, 853b 3.75 3.75 875-879 A196 Set of 5 5.50 5.50 in field, 1942. No. 897, 30p, Wearing tiara,
Nos. 851-853 (3) 6.30 6.30 Souvenir Sheet 1961. No. 898, 30p, With Princess Margaret,
microphones. No. 899, 30p, Wearing hat,
Perf. 13 3/4 1993. 75p, 1955 portrait by Annigoni
880 A196 £2 multi 5.75 5.75 (38x50mm).
No. 880 contains one 35x48mm stamp. Perf. 14 1/4x14 1/2, 13 3/4 (75p)
2002, Feb. 6 Litho. Wmk. 373
896-900 CD360 Set of 5 5.75 5.75
a. Souvenir sheet, #896-900 5.75 5.75

Millennium — A188 Christmas

History of Gibraltar: a, 3000-meter waterfall.
b, The sandy plains. c, The Neanderthals. d,
The Phoenicians. e, The Romans. f, The 5p, Baby Jesus. No. 855, 30p, Joseph,
Arabs. g, Coat of arms, 1502. h, British Gibral- Mary, donkey. No. 856, 30p, Mary, Jesus.
tar. i, The great siege. j, Trafalgar. k, The city. l, 40p, Joseph, Mary, innkeeper. 42p, Holy Fam-
Fortifications. m, The evacuation. n, The for- ily, donkey. 54p, Holy Family, Magi.
tress. o, Queen Elizabeth II. p, European Chronicle,
finance center. 2000, Nov. 13 Perf. 14
Illustration reduced. 854-859 A192 Set of 6 6.00 6.00 Bicent. — A197
2000, May 9 Perf. 14 Designs: 30p, Battle of Trafalgar. 42p, Europa — A200
841 A188 Sheet of 16 8.50 8.50 Invention of the telephone. 54p, The end of
a.-h. 5p Any single .20 .20 World War II. 66p, First man on the Moon.
i.-p. 30p Any single .90 .90 Famous clowns: 30p, Joseph Grimaldi
q. Souvenir booklet 22.50 (1778-1831). 40p, Karl Adrien Wettach (1880-
2001, May 21 Perf. 14x14 1/2
No. 841q contains a pane of 2 of each of 1959). 42p, Nicholai Polakovs (1900-74). 54p,
881-884 A197 Set of 4 5.50 5.50 Hubert Jean Charles Cairoli (1910-80).
Nos. 841a-841j and a pane of 3 of each of
Nos. 841k-841p.
Queen Victoria Queen Type of 1999 Perf. 13 1/4x13
(1819-1901) 2001, June 1 Litho. Perf. 14x14 1/4 2002, Mar. 4 Litho. Unwmk.
A193 Size: 22x28mm 901-904 A200 Set of 4 4.75 4.75
885 A175 £1.20 carmine 3.50 3.50
Designs: 30p, On wedding day. 42p, Por- 886 A175 £1.40 blue 4.00 4.00
trait. 54p, In carriage. 66p, Jubilee portrait.
Fighter Planes and Raptors Type of
2001, Jan. 22 Perf. 12 3/4 1999
860-863 A193 Set of 4 5.75 5.75
Prince William, No. 887: a, 40p, RAF Jaguar GR1B. b, 40p,
18th Hobby.
Birthday — A189 No. 888: a, 40p, Royal Navy Sea Harrier FA
MK 2. b, 40p, Marsh harrier.
No. 889: a, 40p, RAF Hawk T MK 1. b, 40p,
Designs: 30p, With Princess Diana. 42p, As Sparrowhawk.
child. 54p, With Prince Charles. 66p, In suit. Bobby Moore,
English Soccer
Player — A201
Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.
Moore in 1966: 30p, Holding up World Cup. Designs: No. 924, 30p, Queen receiving Perf. 14
42p, Kissing World Cup. 54p, With Queen crown. No. 925, 30p, Queen on throne. 40p, 1956, Dec. 1 Wmk. 4 Typo.
Elizabeth II. 66p, In action. Queen holding orb. £1, Queen in profile.
Chalky Paper
Perf. 13 /4x13
Perf. 12 /21
J1 D1 1p green 2.75 3.00
2002, May 1 Litho. Unwmk. 2003, Feb. 20 Litho. Unwmk. J2 D1 2p brown 4.00 5.00
905-908 A201 Set of 4 5.75 5.75 924-927 A206 Set of 4 6.50 6.50 J3 D1 4p ultramarine 5.00 5.50
a. Souvenir sheet, #905-908 5.75 5.75 927a Souvenir sheet, #924-927 6.50 6.50 Enlargement of Nos. J1-J3 (3) 11.75 13.50
Union — A212 “p” instead of “d”
Perf. 17 1/2x18
National flowers of newly-added countries: 1971, Feb. 15 Typo. Wmk. 314
30p, Daisy (Latvia), Cornflower (Estonia), Rue Chalky Paper
(Lithuania). 40p, Rose (Cyprus), Maltese cen-
taury (Malta). 42p, Tulip (Hungary), Carnation J4 D1 1/2p green .45 .55
(Slovenia), Dog rose (Slovakia). 54p, Corn J5 D1 1p dark brown .45 .50
Wildlife poppy (Poland), Scented thyme (Czech J6 D1 2p dark blue .55 .55
A202 Republic). Nos. J4-J6 (3) 1.45 1.60

2003, Sept. 15 Litho. Perf. 13 3/4 Perf. 14x13 1/2

Designs: No. 909, 30p, Red fox. No. 910, 946-949 A212 Set of 4 5.50 5.50
30p, Barbary macaque, vert. 40p, White tooth Europa — A207 1976, Oct. 13 Litho. Wmk. 373
shrew. £1, Rabbit, vert. J7 D2 1p orange .20 .20
J8 D2 3p bright ultra .20 .20
Perf. 14 1/4x14, 14x14 1/4 Poster art for: 30p, Drama Festival. 40p, J9 D2 5p vermilion .20 .20
2002, June 6 Litho. Unwmk. Spring Festival. 42p, Art Festival. 54p, Dance J10 D2 7p bright red lilac .25 .30
909-912 A202 Set of 4 6.00 6.00 Festival. J11 D2 10p gray .40 .45
a. Souvenir sheet, #909-912 6.00 6.00 J12 D2 20p green .75 .80
2003, Mar. 3 Perf. 14x14 1/2 Nos. J7-J12 (6) 2.00 2.15
928-931 A207 Set of 4 5.25 5.25


Designs: No. 950, 30p, Lepista nuda. No.

Prince Harry, 951, 30p, Clitocybe odora. No. 952, 30p,
18th Powered Hypholoma fasciculare. £1.20, Agaricus
campestris. D3 D4
Birthday — A203 Flight, Cent.
A208 2003, Sept. 15 Perf. 14 1/4
Designs: 30p, As child in Princess Diana’s 950-953 A213 Set of 4 7.00 7.00 1984, July 2 Perf. 14 1/2x14
arms. 42p, Waving. 54p, Wearing baseball Designs: 30p, Wright Flyer, 1903. No. 933, 953a Souvenir sheet, #950-953 7.00 7.00 J13 D3 1p black .20 .20
cap. 66p, In suit and tie. 40p, Charles Lindbergh and Spirit of St. Louis, J14 D3 3p red .20 .20
1927. No. 934, 40p, Boeing 314 Yankee Clip- J15 D3 5p blue .20 .20
2002, Sept. 15 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2 per, 1939. 42p, Saunders Roe SARO-21 J16 D3 10p sky blue .25 .25
913-916 A203 Set of 4 6.00 6.00 Windhover Amphibian, 1931 (77x27mm). 44p, J17 D3 25p lilac .65 .65
a. Souvenir sheet, #913-916 6.00 6.00 Concorde, 1976 (77x27mm). 66p, Space J18 D3 50p orange 1.25 1.25
Shuttle Columbia, 1981, vert. (37x57mm). J19 D3 £1 green 2.50 2.50
Nos. J13-J19 (7) 5.25 5.25
2003, Mar. 31 Litho. Perf. 13x13 1/4
932-937 A208 Set of 6 8.25 8.25 1996, Sept. 30 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2x14
937a Souvenir sheet, #932-937,
perf. 12 1/2 8.25 8.25 Landmarks: 1p, Water Port Gates. 10p, HM
A214 Dockyard. 25p, Military Hospital. 50p, Gover-
nor’s Cottage. £1, Laguna. £2, Catalan Bay.
J20 D4 1p multicolored .20 .20
J21 D4 10p multicolored .30 .30
J22 D4 25p multicolored .75 .75
J23 D4 50p multicolored 1.50 1.50
Rock of J24 D4 £1 multicolored 3.00 3.00
Gibraltar — A204 J25 D4 £2 multicolored 6.25 6.25
Martyrdom of St. Nos. J20-J25 (6) 12.00 12.00
View of Rock from: a, North. b, South. c, George, 1700th
East (46x38mm). d, West (46x38mm). Anniv. — A209
2002, Sept. 15 Litho. Perf. 13 1/4x13 Designs: 30p, Cross of St. George. 40p,
917 Horiz. strip of 4 8.00 8.00 Constantinian Order of St. George. £1.20,
a.-b. A204 30p Either single .95 .95 Stained glass window depiction of St. George,
c.-d. A204 £1 Either single 3.00 3.00
vert. (31x63mm).
Particles of the Rock of Gibraltar were Christmas — A215 Finches — D5
applied to portions of the designs by a thermo- 2003, Apr. 23 Perf. 13 3/4
graphic process. 938-940 A209 Set of 3 6.25 6.25
940a Souvenir sheet, #938-940 6.25 6.25 Designs: 5p, Baby Jesus crib, Our Lady of Designs: 5p, Greenfinch. 10p, Serin. 20p,
Sorrows Church. 30p, Building a traditional Siskin. 50p, Linnet. £1, Chaffinch. £2,
creche at home. 40p, Three Kings Cavalcade Goldfinch.
on January 5. 42p, Children’s provisions for
Santa and reindeer on Christmas Eve. 54p, Perf. 13x13 1/4
Christmas Eve midnight mass at the Cathedral 2002, June 6 Litho. Unwmk.
Big Ben, of St. Mary the Crowned.
J26-J31 D5 Set of 6 11.50 11.50
Swift and 2003, Nov. 17 Litho. Perf. 14
Rock of 954-958 A214 Set of 5 6.00 6.00
Gibraltar Souvenir Sheet
Perf. 12 1/4x12
Photo. & Engr. 959 A215 £1 multi 3.50 3.50
2003, June 21 Perf. 11 1/2
Christmas — A205 941 A210 (£3) multi 9.75 9.75
Creche scenes from: 5p, Cathedral of St. No. 66 Overprinted
Mary the Crowned. 30p, St. Joseph’s Parish
Church. 40p, St. Theresa’s Parish Church. Catalogue values for unused
42p, Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Catalan
Bay. 52p, St. Bernard’s Church. 54p, Cathe- stamps in this section are for
dral of the Holy Trinity. Never Hinged items.
2002, Nov. 13 Perf. 13 1918, Apr. Wmk. 3 Perf. 14
918-923 A205 Set of 6 7.00 7.00 Prince William, MR1 A14 1/2p green .30 .75
a. Double overprint 750.00
Birthday — A211

Prince William: No. 942, 30p, As a child,

with Princess Diana. No. 943, 30p, With hands
in pockets. 40p, Close-up, wearing suit. £1,
Wearing sweatshirt.
Coronation of D1 D2
Queen Elizabeth 2003, June 21 Litho. Perf. 12 1/2
II, 50th 942-945 A211 Set of 4 6.50 6.50
945a Souvenir sheet, #942-945 6.50 6.50
Anniv. — A206

Copyright © 2004 By Scott Publishing Co.

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