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1 adverbs of frequency

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

a / weekend / We / to / the / sometimes / at / go / concert

We sometimes go to a concert at the weekend.

1 on / is / at / Jake / home / often / Sundays

Jake often is on at home Sundays.

2 goes / morning / occasionally / on / Holly / in / the Internet / the

Occasionally en morning Holly goes in the internet.

3 six / I / never / after / work / am / at / o’clock

I never am working after at o'clock six.

4 visit / Tuesdays / Our / us / on / friends / always

Us always Tuesdays on visit our friends.

5 gym / usually / evening / Tom / in / to / goes / the / the

Tom usually goes in the evening to the gym.

2 can/can’t

Make sentences using the words below. Use can (+) and can’t (-).

John / ski (+) / run (-)

John can ski but he can’t run.

1 Lucia / repair cars (+) / drive (-)

Lucia can repair cars he can't drive.

2 Matt / play the piano (+) / sing (-)

Matt can play the piano he can't sing.

3 Paolo / windsurf (+) / swim (-)

Paolo can windsurf he can't sing.

4 Shane / ride a bike (-) / run fast (+)

Shane can't ride a bike his can run fast.

5 I / play tennis (-) / play football (+)

I can't play tennis I can play football.
3 Choose the correct answer.

Michaela judo every Thursday.

a plays b does c goes

1 My parents always Play chess in the evening.

a play b do c go

2 When do you usually go running?

a play b do c go

3 Rob occasionally goes on Facebook.

a plays b does c go
4 We don’t go aerobics at the weekend now.
a play b do c go

5 Yoko often plays tennis with her sister.

a plays b does c go

4 Read the text about Pavel and choose the correct answers.

Hi, my name’s Pavel and I’m from the Czech Republic. I live in Brno and I’m an engineer. I’m thirty-four years
old and I’m not married. I work from Monday to Friday but I have free time too!

On Mondays and Wednesdays I go to the gym after I finish work. On Tuesdays I usually stay at home and
read my sports magazines or I watch a DVD. I love films. Then on Thursdays I play football with my
colleagues from work and on Fridays I meet my friends and we go to a restaurant for dinner.

Sport is very important to me and in the winter I go skiing every weekend. I can ski very well. In the summer I
go cycling and when it’s hot I go swimming. I enjoy other things too … I love music but I can’t play an
instrument and although my friends say that I can’t sing – I don’t agree! I love food but I can’t cook!

I check my emails every day so please write to me and tell me about your hobbies.

Pavel is .
a Czech b Polish c German

1 He works.
a works b doesn’t work c is

2 He goes to the gym twice a weed.

a every day b twice a week c once a week

3 He enjoys magazines and films.

a books and films b magazines and films c magazines and TV

4 He sometimes eats at home.

a sometimes b always C usually

5 He can ski and

a swim. ski and sing b cycle c ski and
and cook swim

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