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Activity . (MULTIPLE CHOICE) Write the letter of your correct answer on the space before the number.

_____1. What is the ratio of male and female taking drugs?

a. 2: 10 b. 10:1 c. 14:2 d. 2:14
_____2. Who among the agency administer the buy-bust operation in Northern Mindanao Bukidnon Public School
a. PNP b. NBI c. PDEA d. LGU
_____3. What is the term use of a substance incoherent or inconsistent with the prescribed
dosage or frequency of use is drug abuse?
a. Drug Misuse b. Drug Abuse c. Drug Tolerance d, Drug Addict
_____4. Which drug abuse is commonly use by drug user in the Philippines?
a. Rugby b. Marijuana c. Cocaine d. Shabu
_____5. How many students were confirmed positive during the 2009 Random Drug Test?
a. 17 b. 12 c. 31 d. 27
_____6. Shabu, Marijuana and Inhalant are substance commonly abuse by Filipinos. How many percent of Marijuana
were being use in the Philippines?
a. 81.86% b. 84,4% c. 33.65% d. 65.33%
_____7. What agency says that the Philippines is as one of the countries in Southeast Asia of drug trafficking?
a. PDEA b. INCB c. DepEd d. NBI
_____8. Which of the following substance is less abuse by Filipino drug user?
a. Inhalant b. Cocaine c. Marijuana d. Shabu
_____9. Which factors strongly influence by peers and friends?
a. Lack of parental support c. Relief from stress
b. Increased physical performance d. Strong peer preasure
____10. What domain strictly enforce effective laws and policies to protect the teenagers?
a. Family b. School c. Personal d. Friends
Activity . (TRUE OR FALSE) ) Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is False on the blank provided
before each number.
__________1. Negative attitudes which favor drug use is a risk factor evolve around the community.
__________2. Sense of belongingness is a positive way to combat self-isolation.
__________3. children are already abusing drugs at age 12 or 13 according to National Survey on Drug Use and Health
__________4. The risk periods for drug abuse are during major transitions in children’s lives when they are in elementary
__________5. Poor parenting and child rearing can be strengthen by inconsistent family rules.
__________6. Shows interest in attending class cannot ensure good attendance in school.
__________7. Strong community relationships can easily access gateway drugs.
__________8. Early adolescence are likely to encounter drugs for the first time.
__________9. The poor implementation of community laws will ignite the curiosity of adolescents to take drugs.
_________10. Poor social skills and interaction will help you fight against drug abuse.

Activity . (Matching Type) Match column A with Column B. Write the letter of your correct answer on the space provided
before the number.
________ 1. This can be found in an ordinary household a. Hallucinogens
chemical products and anesthetics b. Nicotine
________ 2. This illegal drug is the natural version of c. Mary Jane
manmade prescription opioid narcotics d. Methamphetamine
________ 3. This drug slows down a person’s central e. Cannabis Sativa
nervous system f. Inhalant
________ 4. It relieves pain and induce sleepiness. g. Heroin
________ 5. This drug speeds up your whole body h. Depressant drug
________ 6. A drugs that distorts reality and facts. i. Narcotic drugs
________ 7. A chemical substance present in tobacco j. Cocaine
________ 8. Common street name for marijuana
________ 9.A white, odorless, bitter-tasting crystalline powder.
________10. Marijuana is made from the hemp plant

Activity . (TRUE OR FALSE) Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not and underline the
word/words that made it wrong.
1.____________Use and abuse of substances may not help loss weight.
2.____________Declining interest in studies and work is a sign of physical changes.
3.____________Drugs use and abuse affects monetary limitation on the society because
of addiction.
4.____________Drug use and abuse is prone to serious damage and injury that affects the
5.____________Numbness of the muscles and nerves is a short-term effects on Drugs
use an abuse.
6.____________Incoherent speech is a short-term effect on drugs use and abuse.
7.____________Brain not functioning properly is considered as short-term effects on drug
use and abuse.
8.____________Drugs use and abuse indicates undisciplined behavior.
9.____________Constant use and abuse of drugs to young adult reduce attention in going
to school.
10.___________ Long-term effects can be felt for weeks, even for a life-time.

Activity . (MULTIPLE CHOICE) choose the letter of your correct answer

1. Separation of family members

a. Harmful effect to family
b. Harmful effect to self
c. Harmful effect to school
d. Harmful effect to community
2. What does the effect of drugs to school?
a. Ignored duties and responsibilities
b. Poor academic performance
c. High incidents of accidents
d. Always on fighting
3. Loss of government funds due to drug related operations, treatment and rehabilitations is a
a. drug effect to self
b. drug effect to school
c. drug effect to community
d. drug effect to family
4. A typical character or behaviour, the basic personality or nature.
a. Family
b. Community
c. School
d. Self
5. The basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their children.
a. Family
b. Society
c. Community
d. School
6. An organization or club formed for a particular purpose or activity.
a. Family
b. Society
c. Community
d. School
7. An institution for educating children or people at which instruction is given in a particular discipline.
a. Family
b. Society
c. School
d. Community
8. It generally meant to describe the emotional and mental process that is associated with the development of
human brain
a. Health
b. Legal
c. Economic
d. Psychological
9. The physical aspect of an individual will function abnormally.
a. Health
b. Legal
c. Economic
d. Psychological
10. The effects of drugs particularly drugs those injected into the blood stream is a risk of
a. Disease
c. Tuberculosis
d. Addictive

Activity . (MULTIPLE CHOICE) choose the letter of your correct answer

1.Separation of family members

e. Harmful effect to family
f. Harmful effect to self
g. Harmful effect to school
h. Harmful effect to community
2.What does the effect of drugs to school?
e. Ignored duties and responsibilities
f. Poor academic performance
g. High incidents of accidents
h. Always on fighting
3.Loss of government funds due to drug related operations, treatment and rehabilitations is a
e. drug effect to self
f. drug effect to school
g. drug effect to community
h. drug effect to family
4. A typical character or behaviour, the basic personality or nature.
e. Family
f. Community
g. School
h. Self
5.The basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their children.
e. Family
f. Society
g. Community
h. School
6.An organization or club formed for a particular purpose or activity.
e. Family
f. Society
g. Community
h. School
7.An institution for educating children or people at which instruction is given in a particular discipline.
e. Family
f. Society
g. School
h. Community
8.It generally meant to describe the emotional and mental process that is associated with the development of human
e. Health
f. Legal
g. Economic
h. Psychological
9.The physical aspect of an individual will function abnormally.
e. Health
f. Legal
g. Economic
h. Psychological
10.The effects of drugs particularly drugs those injected into the blood stream is a risk of
e. Disease
g. Tuberculosis
h. Addictive

WEEK 7-8
Activity . (MULTIPLE CHOICE) choose the letter of your correct answer

1. This is the best way for people to avoid the use and abuse of drugs?
a. Prevention c. Control
b. Cure d. All of the above
2. These are helpful skills that will enable a person to say No?
a. Control c. Decision-making
b. Resistance skills d. All of the above
3. It is identifying and choosing alternative ways?
a. Resistance skills c. Decision-making
b. Control d. All of the above
4. The following are various modes of treating drug dependents except one.
a. Eclectic Approach c. Therapeutic Approach
b. Spiritual Approach d. Voluntary
5. Among the choices provided which one that can be used to develop resistance skills.
a. Give confidence in saying No to drugs
b. Be friends with drug users
c. Do not have confidence in saying No to drugs
d. Lack of self confidence
6. The following are healthy alternatives in prevention of drug addiction, except;
a. Go with friends always
b. Eat , exercise, and sleep in time
c. Always think of bad influence friends
d. Skip meals and sleep
7. The drug dependent decides on his/her own to be examined by health specialist and admitted to rehabilitation
a. Compulsory confinement
b. Voluntary thru representations
c. Voluntary
d. All of the above
8. This approach uses Bible teachings as a source of inspiration to change drug dependents
a. Eclectic approach
b. Therapeutic approach
c. Hazelden-Minnesotta Model
d. Spiritual approach
Key to Answer


1. True Post test
3. True 1. F 6. A
4. False 2. G 7. B
5. False 3. H 8. C
1. b 6. c
6. False 4. I 9. D
2. c 7. b
7. False 5. J 10. E
3. a 8. a
8. True
4. d 9. d
9. True
5. b 10. b
10. False
True WEEK 5
Mental changes 1. A WEEK 6
2. B 1. A
Long-term 3. C 2. B
True 4. D 3. C
Long-term 5. A 4. D
True 6. B 5. A
True 6. B
7. C
7. C
8. D 8. D
9. A 9. A
WEEK 7-8 10. B 10. B
1. a
2. b
3. c
4. d
5. a
6. b
7. c
8. d

Activity . (TRUE OR FALSE) Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is False on the blank provided
before each number.
_____ 1. Social dances and dance mixers are also known as ballroom dances.
_____ 2. Dance mixers are dances which allow group of performers to changepartners to maximize the social dimension
of dancing.
_____ 3. Cha-cha-cha belongs to a modern standard dance.
_____ 4. Social dancing improves your social life.
_____ 5. Performer’s costume must be revealing, tight-fitting, sexy yet very sophisticated.
_____ 6. Wearing sleeveless shirt and strapped dresses is pleasant so that your partner can touch your skin.
_____ 7. Dance etiquette is a set of guidelines that help you navigate the social dimensions of dancing.
_____ 8. Social dancing helps sharpen your mind by increasing your interaction with others and giving you more
opportunities to expand your horizon.
_____ 9. The more time you spend dancing with your partner, the more strength you will build.
_____ 10. Tango is a Latin American dance originated in Spain

Activity . (FILL IN THE BLANK) Fill-in the missing word written inside the box to complete each statement.

teaching accompany blame dance etiquette sorry good reputation

positive formal level smile compliment honest
1. ______ is the set of conventional rules which govern the social behavior of social dance by way of its participants.
2. It helps you build a ______ for yourself, both as a person and as a dancer.
3. Never ______ a partner for missed execution of figures.
4. The more ______ the dance, the more formal the outfit.
5. Dance to the _____ of your partner.
6. If you don’t know the dance, be ______, refuse promptly if asked to dance.
7. No ______ on the dance floor. It may insult your partner.
8. _______ your partner back to her seat.
9. The show must go on, say _____ to your partner if something went wrong.
10. Project ________ image on the dance floor even it it’s not your personal style.

WEEK 3-5
Activity . (MULTIPLE CHOICE) Write the letter that corresponds to the correct answer on the blank provided before
each number.

______ 1. Which of the following social dances originated from Cuba?

A. Boogie C. Slow Waltz
B. Cha-cha-cha D. Tango
______ 2. What is the name of the Cuban composer and violinist who
introduced the music of Cha-cha-cha?
A. Enrique Jorrin C. Enrique Oirisha
B. Enrique Lorvine D. Enrique Santeria
______ 3. What is the time signature used in the dance Cha-cha-cha?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 6
4 4 4 8
______ 4. When was Cha-cha-cha first introduced to the United States?
A. 1934 B. 1944 C. 1954 D. 1964
______ 5. What is the step pattern of Cha-cha-cha?
A . step, step, close, step, close C. step, close, step, step, close
B. close, step, close, step, step D. step, step, step, close, step
______ 6. What is the proper counting of Cha-cha-cha?
A. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 1 C. and 1, 2, 3, 4
B. 1 and 2, 3 and 4 D. 1 and 2, 3, 4 and
______ 7. Who imported the dance cha-cha-cha to the continent of Europe?
A. Patrick Lavelle C. Roderick Lavelle
B. Pierre Lavelle D. Rudxyl Lavelle
______ 8. What is the common injury when you danced cha-cha-cha?
A. burns C. sprain
B. concussion D. shin splints
______ 9. What is the best first-aid method for injury treatment?
A. ICE method C. PRIZE method
B. PRICE method D. WISE method
______10. How to prevent injuries during dance training?
A. Always warm-up before training and cooling down after training.
B. Always wear proper shoes and attire.
C. Eat well and stay hydrated before, during and after training.
D. All of the above.

WEEK 6-8
Activity . (CROSSWORD PUZZLE) Complete the crossword puzzle by answering the questions below.

1. An Austrian who lived in Vienna who composed
greatest music for Waltz dances.
4. Waltz music is written in _______ time signature.
7. Waltz is characterized by its “Rise and ______ technique.
9. The International waltz, sometimes called the slow or
________ waltz, is danced exclusively in the closed
dance position.

1. It is a smooth dance that travels around the line of dance.
2. Waltz is known as waltzer from the Latin volvere
meaning ___________.
5. At the count of three, men _____ his L foot closed to his R foot.
6. The basic dance step of waltz is a _________ step.
8. This style of waltz uses both closed and open movements often moving toward the
nearest wall or center of the ballroom.
10. At the count of 4 in waltz forward progressive step, men steps his ____ foot forward.

Key to Answer
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. T
6. T
7. T
8. T
9. T
10. F


1. dance etiquette 6. honest

2. good reputation 7. teaching
3. blame 8. accompany
4. formal 9. sorry
5. level 10. Positive

WEEK 3-5

1. B 4. C 7. B 10. D
2. A 5. D 8. C
3. C 6. A 9. D

WEEK 6-8

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