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Likha-Sining for the 21st. Century Filipino Students


Philosophy of the Beautiful: On Art Appreciation


Art Appreciation is a three unit course that develops student’s ability to appreciate, analyze, and
critique works of art. Through interdisciplinary and multi-model approaches, this course equips students
with a broad knowledge of the practical, historical, philosophical, and social relevance of the arts in
order to know students ability to articulate their understanding of the arts. The course also develops
student’s competency in researching and curating art as well as conceptualizing, mounting, and
evaluating arts production’s.

The course aims to develop student’s genuine appreciation for the arts by providing them
opportunities to explore the diversity and richness and their rootedness in Filipino Culture.


At the end of this module, the students are expected to:

Knowledge Skills Values

1. Demonstrate an 1. Analyze and appraise works 1. Deepen their sensitivity to
understanding and of art based on aesthetic self, community, and
appreciation of arts in value, historical context, society
general, including their tradition, and social 2. Discover and deepen their
function, value, and relevance identity through art with
historical significance. 2. Mount an art exhibit respect to their
2. Define and demonstrate (concept development, nationality, culture, and
the elements and production and religion
principles of design preproduction, marketing, 3. Develop an appreciation
3. Explain and evaluate documentation, critiquing) of the local arts
different theories of art 3. Create their own works of
4. Situate Philippine arts in art and curate their own
a global context production or exhibit
4. Utilize art for self expression
and for promoting
Philosophy of the Beautiful: On Art Appreciation

“I believe that educational institutions are the prime movers

in the arena of art appreciation”

- Jaime Gutierrez-Ang
Chair and President
Emeritus, Gawad TANGLAW

1. On the Different Views of Beauty

2. On Philosophy of “The Beautiful”
3. Realism
4. Idealism
5. Naturalism
6. Various Types of Beauty
7. Appreciating Beauty through Arts


At the end of this lecture session, the learners are able to:

1. Discuss his/her perspectives on what is beauty

2. Write or illustrate his/her concept map on “Beauty”
3. Discuss comprehensively the idea that “men/women/LGBT used the experience of the beautiful
to free themselves from their anxieties, worries, tensions, fatigue, passions, and sorrows”
4. Discourage the idea of art appreciation in every human life
5. Discuss the idea of “Art for Art’s Sake”
6. Explain the fact that “Arts are powerful means to reform man/woman/LGBT”
7. Discuss comprehensively the philosophy of “The Beautiful”
8. Enumerate, explain/discuss the different philosophies of beauty; and the various types of beauty


A. Learner-Centered and Outcome Based Activity – Workshop 6

Direction(s): Draw and explain your concept map on the term beautiful.

Concept Map

B. Learner-Centered and Outcome Based Activity – Workshop 7

Direction(s): Read the lectures on “Beauty” and write a 150 word essay on the topic “My
Philosophy of Beauty”.


C. Learner-Centered and Outcome Based Activity – Workshop 8

Direction(s): Read on Philosophical Concepts. Answer the following questions or explain the
following statements.

1. “A thing or idea is beautiful if it will satisfy his/her practical needs in life”


2. “A thing or idea will become beautiful only if it is the results of man’s best efforts”

3. Choose one philosophical concept; explain this concept vis-à-vis the “idea” of beauty.

D. Learner-Centered and Outcome Based Activity – Workshop 9

Direction(s): Read the lectures on various type of beauty and explain each type, cut out
pictures from the internet to support your answer.


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