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Sumulong College of Arts and Sciences

M.L Quezon Ext., Brgy. Dalig, Antipolo City

School Year 2020-2021 (2nd Semester)


1. Good Conduct 39. Board of Pardon and Parole

2. Good Conduct Time Allowance 40. PD 968
3. Board of Pardons and Parole 41. Parole
4. Penance 42. Pardon
5. Pardon 43. Commutation of sentence
6. All of these 44. Exempted
7. Go and play in the gambling den 45. Board of Pardons and Parole
8. Board of Pardons and Parole 46. Privilege
9. Teodulo C. Natividad 47. Reprieve
10. Community-based 48. Concurrence of the congress
11. Parole 49. already convicted
12. are disqualified to apply for 50. Impeachment
probations 51. Section 19
13. executive clemency 52. Executive Clemency
14. PD 968 53. Institution-Based Approach
15. Commutation 54. True
16. Probation 55. Absolute Pardon
17. all of these 56. Yes
18. forgetting completely 57. Reprieve
19. Good Aberrance 58. No
20. Concurrence of the congress 59. Within 72 hours after probation order
21. not exempted has been granted
22. first time offenders 60. Mathew Davenport Hill
23. Probation 61. Upon its issuance
24. Go and play in a gambling den 62. Post sentence investigation report
25. Certificate of final discharge 63. Supervision
26. Community-based 64. 30 days
27. Court revokes probation and 65. 120 days
probationer goes back to prison 66. 15 days
28. Adult Probation 67. 1/5 reduction of sentence
29. Non-institutional Correction or 68. Executive Branch
Community-based Approach 69. Head, Probation office
30. Parole 70. Court revokes probation and
31. Concurrence of the congress probationer goes to prison
32. Parole and Probation Administration 71. To integrate parolees into society
(PPA) 72. Certificate of Final Release and
33. Amnesty Discharge
34. All of the above 73. Privilege
35. Proclamation No. 347 74. Engage in illegal activities
36. crimes against chastity 75. Youthful
37. Amnesty
38. Supervision
Sumulong College of Arts and Sciences
M.L Quezon Ext., Brgy. Dalig, Antipolo City
School Year 2020-2021 (2nd Semester)

76. An old prisoner provided he was not

yet 60 when he/she was put to
77. 60-day period
78. Reduction
79. No, the crime is against the security
of the state
80. Order of the Secretary of Justice
81. To help the judge in selecting the
appropriate sentence of the offender
82. Reprieve
83. Within 72 hours from receipt of
probation order
84. Commission on Human Rights
85. 18 years old or above
86. His criminal liability is totally
87. Trial Judge who tried and convicted
88. already convicted
89. none of these
90. Probation officer
91. Impeachment
92. All of the above
93. Head, Probation office
94. Humanitarian Aspect
95. Order of Recognizance
96. Department of Labor
97. Cash Deposit
98. Custodian
99. Pre-release Seminar
100.60-day period

Prepared by:


Instructor, BS Criminology

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