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BTEC HND in Computing Database Design & Development


Teacher’s Full name:

BTEC HND in Computing Database Design & Development

Data & Database:.............................................................................................................................3
Flat file Database:........................................................................................................................3
Hierarchical Database:.................................................................................................................3
Relation Database:.......................................................................................................................3
Database Management System:.......................................................................................................3
My SQL:......................................................................................................................................4
Microsoft SQL server:.................................................................................................................4

BTEC HND in Computing Database Design & Development

Data & Database:

In computing, data is information that has been converted into digital
form, which makes it more efficient for processing or storing in a very computer. Data requires
interpretation before being transformed into specific kinds of information, like text documents,
images, audio clips, software programs, or other forms of data.
A database may be a collection of relevant data that's organized for the aim of constructing it
more easily to be accessed, manipulated, and updated. In other words, the database may be a
system that enables organizations to store, obtain and control information more efficiently.
Types of database are:
Flat file Database:
This is the best form with almost no protection for data integrity and security
and sometimes contains redundancy.
Hierarchical Database:
Organized in tree-like structures, have the identical problems of
redundancy, data integrity, and comparability of information.

Relation Database:
Data is organized in tables that are associated with one another. Each table
has one or more columns assigned because the primary key.

Database Management System:

Managing an enormous database is a very complicated
and arduous task. so as to accommodate this troublesome job, people came up with a technology
solution called management System (DBMS). Basically, DBMS could be a program or a set of
programs that are designed to optimize, manipulate and manage the shop and retrieval of

BTEC HND in Computing Database Design & Development

knowledge within the database during a systematic way. A DBMS allows end-users to make,
read, delete and update data. Users can interact with databases to govern the info itself, the
information format, file structure, etc. via an interface provided by a DBMS. The actual
manipulation is handled by the DBMS.
Some Database System are:

MySQL is an open-source electronic information service management system
(RDBMS) that runs on a server and is sometimes used for developing web-based software
applications. It provides a really fast, multithreaded, and powerful SQL database server. PHP is
usually used together with MySQL for cross-platform applications.

Pros Cons

- Available for free - No built-in support for XML or OLAP

- Supports standard SQL - Need to pay for support
- Fast, reliable and easy to use - Difficult to debug
- Difficult to maintain
Handling a huge amount of data and good - Functionality heavily depends on add-ons
- data management.
Can work with other DBMSs like DB2,
Oracle, etc.

Microsoft SQL server:

Microsoft SQL Server is an object-relational management system
(ORDBMS) developed, distributed, and supported by Microsoft Corporation. it's built for the
fundamental function of storing and retrieving data as needed by other applications. This
management engine can run on local servers similarly as cloud-based servers or may be
optimized to figure on both at the identical time. MS SQL Server allows users to store and
manipulate terra bytes of information with various types like videos, images, text, and far more.

Pros Cons

BTEC HND in Computing Database Design & Development

Fast, stable and reliable - Enterprise editions is extremely expensive

Provides excellent tools - Only run on Windows-based servers
Easy to set up - Compatibility issues with applications
Work well with other MS products running on non-Windows platforms
Different editions available
Great support for XML

Oracle is one among the leading SQL electronic information service management
systems that's commonly used for running online transaction processing (OLTP), data
warehousing (DW), and mixed (OLTP & DW) database workloads. it's designed for the cloud
and supports single/multiple server hosting. Oracle allows control over an immensely huge
amount of information with the assistance of the most recent features.

Pros Cons

- Fast, stable and convenient - Cost may be infeasible for small

- Proven technology - organizations Difficult to learn and use

- Latest innovations and features - Need specialized skills to install and

- Exceedingly powerful tools - maintain Require significant resources
- Available in a variety of versions


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