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Everything you need to land a referral at your dream job
in 14 days, without applying online.
Austin Belcak
Founder, Cultivated Culture
Process Overview [email protected]

Required Pre-Reading
Before using the content below, I highly recommend that you read through my guide
on landing jobs without applying online: How To Get A Job Anywhere With NO Connections

Week 1
Define your role down to the title and company – find the specific job description that
matches what you’re looking for
Search LinkedIn using the following formula: Exact Job Title + Company + Location
Create a spreadsheet of all potential contacts you could reach out to
Send tracked emails to each contact and follow up appropriately (using the guide below)
Set up a meeting with your new contact and identify their largest challenge

PRO TIP: To maximize your chances of landing a referral, I recommend reaching

out to 100 total contacts. Email 2-5 every day when you're starting out.

Week 2
Spend the next 2-3 days researching your contact’s problem
Brainstorm 2-3 solutions that they could implement immediately – make them as
compelling and realistic as possible
Hire a designer on Upwork to make your solutions look beautiful
Send the solutions to your contact

Job Referral Resources

Contact Tracking Sheet
This is a simple spreadsheet you can use to keep track of all potential contacts you
come across in your LinkedIn research. It’s not fancy but it’s extremely effective and
you can access it anywhere: Link to Contact Sheet
Email Lookup Tools
These tools will help you find anyone's corporate email address. All you
need is their full name and the website of the company they work for: Voila Norbert

Hubspot Email Tracker

This is my go-to free email tracker. It’s a chrome extension that is incredibly easy (and free)
to use. It tracks every email you send so that you can see:

• When the recipient opened the email

• What device they opened it on
• Where they opened it
• How many times they opened it

This information is incredibly helpful when it comes to gauging interest. You can sign up for
free and get ~200 messages/month. It may be helpful for you to create a "job specific"
email address so you don't waste your messages on personal emails (along with keeping
your job search separate from your person life: Link to Hubspot Email Tracker

The Rules For Following Up

Let’s be clear about one thing – you probably won’t get responses from the first emails
you send when reaching out cold. However, that does not mean that these people are
not interested in helping you. It simply means that they are extremely busy. A quick
nudge can go a long way to getting the response you want. Here’s how to decide
whether to follow up with your contact if you don’t hear back:

If your contact continues to open your email multiple times across multiple days,
send a follow up after 5 business days of not hearing back. If they stop opening
altogether, then move on to the next contact.

Pro Tip: Don’t be afraid to follow up 5+ times. I’ve followed up as many as 10 times
before getting a reply and an offer for help.
Cold Email Outreach Templates
Reaching out to a virtual stranger can be incredibly intimidating. The good news is
that I've sent thousands of cold emails over the past few years and I'm going to share
exactly what tactics and templates get responses.

Anatomy of a Great Cold Email

Write at a 5th grade level - use this tool from Datayze: Readability Analyzer

Add emotion to your email - use a few words from this list: Power Words List

Keep your word counter to ~120 words total, use this tool: Word Counter

Use a short, subjective subject line (my favorite is "Quick Question")

Template #1 - Initial Outreach

Subject: Quick Question

Hi [Name],

My name is [Your Name] and I currently work at [Your Company]. I was browsing
through LinkedIn and came across your information – I hope you don’t mind me
reaching out of the blue here. I saw that you have extensive experience in
[Company]’s [Vertical] and I’m very interested in learning more about that space. I
would love to have the opportunity to run some questions by you, as well as tap into
any advice you may have given your knowledge of the industry.

I know your time is extremely valuable so please don’t feel to need to respond in depth.
If you do have a few minutes to chat, I would really appreciate it.

[Your Name]
Cold Email Outreach Templates Continued
Template #2 - Following Up With Your Proposal

Hi [Name],

Thanks again for taking the time out to chat last week.

I spent a lot of time thinking about what you said regarding [biggest challenge]. In
fact, I created a short framework that should help you solve it. Please find that

If you have some time, I would love to chat about it in more detail.

Please let me know if you have any questions, I’m looking forward to hearing your

[Your Name]

Examples of Value Add Projects

Adding value is much more of an art than a science. The more conversations you have
where your sole focus is finding ways to add value to your contact, the better you will get. In
the meantime, you can check out my Value Add Vault where I've consolidated insanely
creative projects that people have put together in order to land their dream job:

Click here to check out the Value Add Value!

That's it for now, time to get to work!

As a new subscriber to the Cultivated Culture community, you'll also be getting 30 days worth
of my very best job search content delivered straight to your inbox. The strategies you're
going to receive have helped people land jobs at places like Google, Facebook, Apple,
Amazon, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, Sequoia Capital, Deloitte, ESPN, & more!

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