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Table Of Contents
Section 1: Guide workplace communication 6
Section 2: Engage in workplace communication and negotiation 10
Section 3: Review communication 15

Student name:



Business/organisation you
are basing this project on:

Role within

Project/significant issue to
be communicated:

Project areas requiring

negotiation (at least one):
Section 1: Guide workplace communication
Describe the business or organisation Worlducation
you are basing this project on.

What is the name of the


Education industry
Which industry is it part of?

to better engage and educate the students

What are the main activities in the

What are the broader organisational implementing artificial intelligence technology

objectives and goals?

Summarise organisational policies and policy is to be implemented in a way that

procedures ensures compliance with relevant legislative
requirements and standards of best practice.

internal and external communication policiy,

Which policies/procedures are
Social Networking Policy, privacy policy, New
applicable to your project/issue and/or
supplier Policy and Procedures, Documentation Policy
workplace communication?
and Procedures. Performance Management Policy.

Identify need. Policies can be developed, Gather

How are they applicable? information, Draft policy, Finalise / approve policy
and Implement.,
internal Communication Policy and
This policy must be implemented in a way that
assures adherence to all applicable legal
obligations and industry best practises.

Staff are expected to use the channels for

business reasons solely and to follow all relevant
policies and procedures, including the Code of

External Communication Policy and

This policy complies with all applicable national laws
and regulations in the countries where Worlducation
operates.It applies to any significant and confidential
information.If information is expected to have an
impact on financial performance, it is considered
material.If information gives Worlducation a
competitive advantage, it is considered proprietary .

Employees must not discuss material, non-public

matters or developments with outsiders
(including family members, relatives or friends).

Emergency communication
Fires, explosions, accidents, floods, hazardous
material emissions, acts of violence or terrorism, and
many more are examples of crisis and emergency
events that may harm Worlducation and its

In the event of a catastrophe, your primary focus

should be safety.

Social Networking Policy

While social networking provides new potential
to improve our brand's reputation and build our
Attach policies/procedures to your business, it also poses a substantial business risk
portfolio. when handled incorrectly.

Failure to adhere to Worlducation's social media

and networking policy, as well as other forms of
misuse of social media and networking
technologies, may result in disciplinary action,
including termination of employment.

New supplier Policy and Procedures

All new suppliers to the business must be
reviewed and accepted in accordance with this
policy to ensure that the supplier service is
aligned with the business objectives.

Performance Management Policy and

To make sure that all employees and their
managers are aware of the expectations and
opportunities for planning, managing, reviewing,
recognising, and enhancing individual employee

Summarise legislative requirements Business Structure. The type of business

structure you decide on for your startup impacts
your funding opportunities, tax responsibilities
and personal liability. ...

Founders/Shareholders Agreement. ...

Employees. ...

Contracts. ...

Shares & Equity. ...

Intellectual Property.

Which legislation applies to your annual reports, research reports, budgetary

project/issue and/or workplace reports.

How do they apply?

need to comply with certain rules and
regulations, both internal and external to the

Research information needs of the cloud-based solution where customers can

business/organisation access the software remotely on their own
devices, marketing and advertising , Continually
improving the quality of service given to
clientsgrowth markets with planned growth
markets with planned.

Provide a written summary of your Worlducation is a social enterprise that makes

research. tablet computers for primary school pupils. It
was founded in 2016.

it only concerned with technology, but also with

developing software, content, and activities to
better engage and teach primary school pupils.

Worlducation aims to transform the way

children learn at school by incorporating artificial
intelligence technology that can track each
child's progress and adjust to their needs as they
learn, resulting in the best possible learning

Worlducation envisions a future without

illiteracy in which every child learns to read and

Statement of Intent

To imagine a future free of illiteracy.

Statement of Purpose

Change the way children learn at school and

increase the number of schools with access to
technology to help create a world without

Communication channels
What are the internal information
annual and quarterly reports, news releases,
verbal communication (with external people
What are the external information
such as analysts, investors, and the media),
senior management presentations and
information on the web site and intranet.

Are there any special needs/diverse
cultures to consider?

• Build our brand

How do the needs relate to broader
• Generate leads now
organisational goals?
• Convert those leads quickly
Have every part of the business supporting each

Which sources did you use to obtain primary, secondary, and tertiary.
information (at least three, including
digital sources)?

As part of its usual operations, Worlducation

How did you extract relevant
collects personal information about individual
information from minor references?
creators, publishers, licensees, and IT experts.

Personal information is collected directly from

individuals through Worlducation.

Third-party data collection: in compliance with

the APPs' requirements, it also collects personal
data from third parties.
Sentiment Analysis. ...

Attach proof of your research sources Text Summarization. ...

(e.g. internet search, video of interview)
Aspect Mining. ...
to your portfolio.
Topic Modeling.

internet searh

Develop communication protocols There are however, a few basic items you should
keep in mind when trying to establish protocols:

Name names. ...

Tie protocols to situations, daily routines and

job descriptions. ...

Evaluate and update. ...

Ensure for flexibility.

Consider the identified information

Identify internal and external information needs
needs and organisational goals to
develop at least two communication Identify competing or conflicting interests
Develop a range of communication strategies to
meet organisation needs and goals 7

Develop a communication plan

Push-button interface, with different button for

each choice.
Adapt the protocols (e.g. by using a
different colour or font) to address at Nonvocal elements of verbal communication.
least two different contexts (e.g. deaf

These policies are those that can be used to

adapt the SSON to changing conditions. They are
generated in response to a trigger fired by a
Attach your protocol (including
change in the user, service, or network context.
adaptations) to this section of the
portfolio. they connect the two classrooms (those who
bought the products and ... Worlducation
started 2020 with a huge sale to a school in

Support and implement developed expand existing sources of revenue and ways to
protocol(s) help more classrooms in need.

Prepare at least two different materials poster, video.

(e.g. intranet post, poster, video,
checklist etc.)to support and/or
implement the developed protocols.

At least one of your materials should

use digital technology.

Make sure the materials direct others to

adhere to organisational
communication requirements.

Implement the materials in the

workplace (e.g. upload an intranet post,
place a poster on the notice board).

Attach proof of the implemented

materials to this section of the portfolio
(e.g. photo of poster on notice board).

Mentor others to achieve the mentor provides informed advice and

communication goals encourages and supports the individual over the
longer term. Mentors need to respond to the
individual employee’s needs and treat them with
respect and patience.

└The mentor may also offer emotional support

to someone who is

having difficulty fitting into the team by listening

to their concerns
and providing encouragement and support.

individual employee’s and team members.

Who are you mentoring?

What expertise/wisdom/knowledge are all financial operations, performance indicators

you able to offer? and results support the strategic policies
Identify new and expand existing sources of
revenue and ways to help more classrooms
in need.

trust, confidentiality, mutual respect and

sensitivity. The relationship should be based
What mentoring principles will you on agreed boundaries and ground rules that
address the power differentials between
the mentor and mentee.

Stop. Focus on the other person, their thoughts

and feelings. ...
How will you address organisational Look. Pay attention to non-verbal messages,
communication requirements and without letting yourself be distracted. ...
goals? Listen. Listen for the essence of the speaker's
thoughts: details, major ideas and their
meanings. ...
Be empathetic. ...
Ask questions. ...
Schedule communication-oriented meetings.
Get personal.
How will you motivate them to
communicate respectfully and consider Keep everyone in the loop.
everyone’s needs? Show interest in concerns and solutions.
Encourage employee input.
Keep the lines open.
Set clear directions and stick to it.

Attach proof of your mentoring session

to this section of the portfolio (unless
viewed in person by your assessor).


Proof of research sources

Attach: Protocols (including adaptations)

Support/implementation material

Mentoring session

Section 2: Engage in workplace

communication and negotiation

Prepare to communicate Know your purpose for the conversation. ...

complex information and
negotiate outcomes. Focus on how you deliver your messages. ...

Mirror your audience's speed of speech and tone. ...

Listen to their “REALLY” emotions: really happy, really excited, or

really mad. ...

What information (related to

your selected workplace PGoals and Timelines. When managing project stakeholders, a PM
project or issue) must be should first ensure that all stakeholders fully understand the
conveyed and negotiated? ultimate goals and deliverables of the project. ...

Meetings. ...

Tasks and Responsibilities. ...

Technology and Resourcesractice saying your content out loud

before the meeting.

With whom will the

information be conveyed and interviewing
negotiated (at least two
Small Group:
different audiences on
separate occasions)?

First occasion:

Describe the audience interviewing: An interview is a procedure designed to obtain

information from a person through oral responses to oral inquiries.
An interview is a face-to-face conversation between the interviewer
and the interviewee, where the interviewer seeks replies from the
interviewee for choosing a potential human resource.

Small Group: A small group requires a minimum of three people

(because two people would be a pair or dyad), but the upper range
of group size is contingent on the purpose of the group. When
groups grow beyond fifteen to twenty members.

Are you aware of any

communication challenges?
A Lack of Feedback.

Are you aware of any

differing perspectives?

Plan outcomes

What are the potential win-lose (one party benefits to the detriment of the other), lose-lose
outcomes of the negotiation (both parties are worse off after the negotiation), or win-win (both
(at least two)? parties come out ahead).

What are your desired The best outcome for almost all negotiations is win/win, when both
outcomes (at least one)? parties walk away with a positive feeling about achieving their goals.

Plan approach

How will you communicate? Verbal Communication. Verbal communication occurs when we
engage in speaking with others. ...

Non-Verbal Communication. What we do while we speak often

says more than the actual words. ...

Written Communication. ...

Listening. ...

Visual Communication.
What method will you use?
What communication style Assertive communication style.
will you adopt?

This is considered to be the most effective communication style. A

Why is this style suitable? person using this style is confident in their convictions but makes
sure that they do not belittle or steamroll others in the conversation.

Redundant tasks. ...

What communication
challenges/risks do you Asymmetrical data. ...
anticipate (at least two)?
Lack of remote access. ...

Communicating the right data

How will you remove any

checking whether it is a good time and place to communicate with
barriers that may influence
the person.
being clear and using language that the person understands.

communicating one thing at a time.

respecting a person's desire to not communicate.

checking that the person has understood you correctly.

Anchor the discussion with a draft agreement. ...

Which negotiation techniques
will you follow to positively Draw on the power of silence. ...
influence others? Ask for advice. ...

Put a fair offer to the test with final-offer arbitration.

Communicate complex Negotiation is essentially an exercise in communication. The

information and negotiate underlying objective is to use communication techniques to
convince, persuade, or alter the perceptions of another. The three
most significant elements of communication include: verbal
communications, non-verbal communications.
6 Ways to Clearly Communicate Complex Information

Being concise. ...

Learning to tell stories. ...

Making it visually enticing. ...

Using metaphors and analogies. ...

Continually asking “so what?” ...

Using Technology that Helps People Understand.

Attach proof of your succinct,

clear and persuasive
conference call recording
explanation and negotiation
(e.g. conference call
recording, video of meeting
etc.) to this section of the
portfolio (unless viewed in
person by your assessor).

Confirm negotiation general or specific, factual or subjective, absolute or relative.


With whom will you confirm

both parties, number of community.
the key outcomes of the

ensures compliance with relevant legislative requirements and

How will you confirm the key standards of best practice.
outcomes of the negotiation?
Worlducation expects that staff will use the channels and for
business purposes only and comply with all relevant policies and
procedures, the Code of Conduct.
Attach proof of your
confirmation to this section of
the portfolio (e.g. minutes of
meeting, draft email).

Implement negotiation general or specific, factual or subjective, absolute or relative. If

outcomes negotiation only consists of both sides identifying a preferred
outcome, making it their goal.

Attach proof of the

implementation of
negotiation outcomes to this
section of the portfolio

Complex information explanation/negotiation

Confirmation of negotiation outcomes

Attach: Implementation of negotiation outcomes

First occasion:

Describe the audience interviewing: An interview is a procedure designed to obtain

information from a person through oral responses to oral inquiries.
An interview is a face-to-face conversation between the interviewer
and the interviewee, where the interviewer seeks replies from the
interviewee for choosing a potential human resource.

Small Group: A small group requires a minimum of three people

(because two people would be a pair or dyad), but the upper range
of group size is contingent on the purpose of the group. When
groups grow beyond fifteen to twenty members
Are you aware of any
communication challenges?

Are you aware of any

A Lack of Feedback.
differing perspectives?

Plan outcomes

What are the potential win-lose (one party benefits to the detriment of the other), lose-lose
outcomes of the negotiation? (both parties are worse off after the negotiation), or win-win (both
parties come out ahead).

The best outcome for almost all negotiations is win/win, when both
What are your desired
parties walk away with a positive feeling about achieving their goals

Plan approach

Verbal Communication. Verbal communication occurs when we

engage in speaking with others. ...
How will you communicate?
Non-Verbal Communication. What we do while we speak often
says more than the actual words. ...

Written Communication. ...

Listening. ...

Visual Communication.
What method will you use?

Assertive communication style.

What communication style
will you adopt?
This is considered to be the most effective communication style. A
person using this style is confident in their convictions but makes
Why is this style suitable? sure that they do not belittle or steamroll others in the conversation.

Redundant tasks. ...

What communication Asymmetrical data. ...
challenges do you anticipate?
Lack of remote access. ...

Communicating the right data

checking whether it is a good time and place to communicate with
the person.
How will you remove any
barriers that may influence being clear and using language that the person understands.
communicating one thing at a time.
Which negotiation techniques
respecting a person's desire to not communicate.
will you follow to positively
influence others?

Communicate complex
information and negotiate
conference call recording,
Attach proof of your succinct,
clear and persuasive
explanation and negotiation
(e.g. conference call
recording, video of meeting
etc.) to this section of the
portfolio (unless viewed in
person by your assessor).

Confirm negotiation general or specific, factual or subjective, absolute or relative.


both parties, number of community.

With whom will you confirm
the key outcomes of the

ensures compliance with relevant legislative requirements and

standards of best practice.
How will you confirm the key Worlducation expects that staff will use the channels and for
outcomes of the negotiation? business purposes only and comply with all relevant policies and
procedures, the Code of Conduct
Attach proof of your
confirmation to this section of
the portfolio (e.g. minutes of

Implement negotiation general or specific, factual or subjective, absolute or relative. If

outcomes negotiation only consists of both sides identifying a preferred
outcome, making it their goal.

Attach proof of the

implementation of
negotiation outcomes to this
section of the portfolio (e.g.
performance review
spreadsheet updated to
reflect new KPIs).

Complex information explanation/negotiation

Confirmation of negotiation outcomes

Attach: Implementation of negotiation outcomes

Section 3: Review communication

Obtain feedback on Give the feedback immediately. ...

communication and
Remember that people are not their behaviors. ...
List the positives first. ...

Be specific. ...

Acknowledge different negotiation styles. ...

Be constructive, not destructive.

Use digital technology (e.g.
online survey, email) to
Emails and electronic forms: our servers may record an email
obtain feedback from at least
address if a message is sent online. An email address will only be
two sources (e.g. from
used for the purpose for which it has been provided and it will not
mentoring session, or
be added to a mailing list or used for any other purpose without

As you seek feedback,

consider your Worlducation is asocial startup that manufactures tablet computers
communication/negotiation for primary school students. Our focus is not only on the hardware,
but also creating software, content and activities to better engage
as well as the broader
and educate primary school students.
communication systems, Worlducation aims to change the way children learn at school by
implementing artificial intelligence technology that can follow up on
channels and processes.
each child’s progress and adjust to their needs as they learn,
Summarise the feedback. creating the optimal path learning experience. Worlducation
envisions a world in which every child learns how to read and write –
a world without illiteracy. This is why, for each classroom that buys
our product, we donate and train a classroom somewhere around
the world that can’t afford the same technology. We then connect
the classrooms together so that they can grow and collaborate
throughout their learning cycle.

Vision Statement
To see a world without illiteracy.
Worlducation protects and handles personal information in
accordance with its obligations under the National Privacy Principles
(APPs) contained in the Privacy Act 1988.
The performance review process is to be conducted in accordance
with the principles of procedural fairness and transparency.

Employees may be assisted by a representative at any stage of the

performance review process.

Managers will arrange a meeting time with the employee for the
performance review.

Managers will meet with the employee who is the subject of the
review and discuss past performance and future goal setting and
development plans

Attach proof of the feedback

to this section of your

Identify opportunity for Customer service,Teamwork. Interpersonal skills.

What areas of your
communication and
negotiation need

Any reports, slides, presentations, or any other written material that

How effective were the contains Worlducation financial information is accurate and
communication channels, complete.
systems and processes?

Brand name and Grow of organisation , satisfy clients demands

What areas of the team or
organisational practices need

Document and implement All employees are required to use Worlducation’s templates for all
improvement requirements workplace documentation.

In-built software review functionality should be used, and all

comments recorded in a feedback register. Feedback register should
contain the date, project number, name of reviewer, person
receiving feedback, comments and action required.

annual and quarterly reports, news releases, verbal communication

(with external people such as analysts, investors, and the media),
senior management presentations and information on the web site
and intranet.

Follow organisational
requirements to document
areas needing improvement. Achievements.


Communication skills.


Creativity and Innovation.

Flexibility and Problem-solving.

Implement any improvements

to organisational practices
(e.g. amended Consultation. When developing your policies and procedures, you
policies/procedures/protocols must consult with all.
) policy is to be implemented in a way that ensures compliance with
relevant legislative requirements and standards of best practice.
Worlducation expects that staff will use the channels and for
business purposes only and comply with all relevant policies and
procedures, the Code of Conduct.
we will continue to develop and trial new communication platforms,
channels, and tools to improve information sharing and
collaboration between all staff members.

Attach proof to this section of

your portfolio

Proof of feedback

Improvement documentation/implementation


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