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Main Principles of Social Exchange Theory According to Ritzer and Stepnisky

The primary principles of the social exchange theory are; costs and rewards of the action,

relationship, or decisions. Human beings make decisions, take action, or commit to relation

foreseeing the costs and reward with it. People are pleased when they receive more rewards

through an action, relationship, or a decision than the costs of them. However, if the people

receive fewer rewards than expected, they end relations, revert their actions or take back their

decisions. Therefore, according to the theory of social exchange, a person measures the cost of

social interaction (negative outcome) with the rewards of the same social interactions (positive

outcome) (Ritzer & Stepnisky, 2021). The rewards can be in various forms such as; material like

money, services, or time; or they can be in the form of respect, pride, happiness, shame, fear, or


Another principle of social exchange theory is; people look for equality in their relations.

They want themselves to be treated in the similar way they treat others.

Exchange Theory and Jesus’ Ultimate Sacrifice for Us

Social exchange theory could never explain Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice for the human race.

Jesus’ relation with his followers can not be explained since his love for his was unconditional.

His intellect was far beyond humans and humans could never comprehend it. He never measures

the positive and the negative outcomes of his relationship with his followers, but always kept

caring for them, loved them unconditionally, and treated them well when Jesus himself was

treated unfairly by the human race. Jesus, despite any hardships, never abandoned his people, he

kept guiding them, kept warning them, and kept loving them. Jesus was selfless, and unlike one
of the principles of social exchange theory, he never demanded equality in his relationship with

his followers.

Feminist Theory and Social Problem Women Face

Since feminist theory deals with the understanding of gender inequality and the

promotion of women’s rights, it can be used to understand the social issues faced by women.

Social issues such as harassment and unequal job opportunities can be highlighted and can easily

be solved through the feminist theory by applying its principles, such as; defending their right of

being respected and being equally treated like men in workplaces or offices.

Ritzer, G., & Stepnisky, J. (2021). Sociological Theory.

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