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The Future Tenses


• We use “be going to” for our plans.

I booked a table for two for this evening. I am going to take my wife to one of the best restaurants in the city.

• We use “be going to” for intentions.

I’m going to study hard and pass the exam.

• We use “be going to” for predictions based on what we see.

Look at these black clouds. It’s going to rain.


Subject am / is / are going to Verb

I am

He / She / It is going to paint the walls.

We / You / They are


Subject am / is / are not going to Verb

I am not

He / She / It is not (isn’t) going to paint the walls.

We / You / They are not (aren’t)


Am / Is / Are Subject going to Verb

Am I

Is he / she / it going to paint the walls?

Are we / you / they


We use “will future”

• for the decisions made at the time of speaking.

A: What would you like to have, coffee or tea?

B: I will have tea please. (The speaker decides at the moment of speaking.)
• for predictions with no evidence.

I don’t know what I’ll do tomorrow. I think I’II stay at home.

• for promises or threats.

Take your umbrella with you; otherwise, you will get soaked.

Don’t worry mum, I will let you know when I arrive.

• for requests and offers.

Will you please help me to tidy my room?

• with be sure, think, hope, be afraid, expect, believe, promise, guess maybe and perhaps.

I hope I’ll win the game.

I’m afraid she won’t come to your party.


Subject Will Verb

I / He / She / It will open the door for you.

We / You / They will open the door for you.


Subject Will not (Won’t) Verb

I / He / She / It will not (won’t) open the door for you.

We / You / They will not (won’t) open the door for you.


Will Subject Verb

Will I / he / she / it / we / you / they open the door for you?

Time expressions often used with the future tenses “Will” and “Be going to”:

Tomorrow, tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening, next Monday/April/week/weekend/month/year, soon, in 2025.


We use the present continuous tense for future

• personal future arrangements

I am seeing Mary tomorrow.

He is taking Sue out for dinner on Sunday.

NOTE : With this tense, we usually give future time expressions such as tomorrow, this evening, on Tuesday, next

weekend, etc…
This tense is also common with verbs such as go, come, see, meet, visit, have, leave, etc…

A: What are you doing this evening?

B: I am having dinner with Jamie.


We use the future continuous tense

• to describe an unfinished action which will be in progress at a time in the future.

We will be travelling across Europe by train in June.

I can’t come with you at 9 p.m. I will be watching the match at that time.

I’ll be writing the articles for a tabloid newspaper next month.

• to indicate that the longer action (the future continuous tense) will be interrupted by a shorter action in the


When the guests arrive, we will be having dinner.

Attention: We use the simple present tense for interruptions. Because, the interruptions are in time clauses

and we cannot use future tenses in time clauses.

I will be waiting for you at the airport when your plane arrives.


Subject Will be Verb (+ing)

I / He / She / It / We / You / They will be waiting for the 7 a.m. train.


Subject Will not (Won’t) be Verb (+ing)

I / He / She / It / We / You / They will not (won’t) be waiting for the 7 a.m. train.


Will Subject be Verb (+ing)

Will I / he / she / it / we / you / they be waiting for the 7 a.m. train?


A. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Use “will” “be going to” or

“present continuous”.

1. It’s OK. I __________________ (help) you do your homework.

2. A : Have you decided what to do when you graduate from the university?

B : Yes, I __________________________ (have) a holiday for a couple of months and then I _____________________
(apply) for a permanent job.

3. I have a lot of work to do. I think I ____________________ (ask) my mother for some help.

4. A : Where are you going?

B : I _____________________ (buy) something for the guests.

5. A : You look terrible. What is wrong with you?

B : I have a backache. I have already phoned my doctor and got an appointment. I ________________ (see) him

at 9 tomorrow.

6. A : What’s the problem?

B : I left my wallet at home.

A : Don’t worry I ________________________________ (lend) you some money.

7. Son : Dad, I need a new shirt for the school. Mine is very old.

Father : Okay, I ______________________ (buy) it this weekend.

(Later, mother to father)

Mother : Why don’t you buy a new shirt for Mike, dear? His is very old.

Father : I know. I _______________________________ (buy) it this weekend.

8. Yesterday one of my friends, Sharon, called me and we made a plan for the next weekend. We _________________
(have) dinner at a nice restaurant on Sunday.

9. We _______________________________ (have) a surprise birthday party for Fiona tomorrow and I hope

everyone _______________________come).

10. Don’t forget to take your umbrella with you. It _____________________________ (rain) within a few hours.

B. Match these sentences.

1. I am planning to go shopping. a I am sure you will hand it in before the deadline.

2. I am going to meet my newborn niece this evening. b. Unfortunately, I can’t come because I am going to the theatre

3. Let’s go to an open-buffet restaurant today? c. I am going to be more careful with my food preferences.

4. I am trying to save money to buy a new car. d. But I am going to buy a washing machine instead as mine isn’t working.

5. I am feeling sick and unhealthy. e. But I will need my friend to help me with my choices.

6. Don’t worry about your project. f. I am going to buy a rattle for her.

7. This coat is very big for you. g. I know, I am going to take it back to the shop.
C. Fill in the blanks with the simple future or the future continuous tense forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. I am sure he _______________________(pass) the university exam but his mother _____________________ (hold) her
breath outside during the exam.

2. The life is getting more and more difficult in big cities nowadays. Maybe considerable number of people

__________________________ (move) to the countryside during the next decade.

3. The party starts at 8 p.m. tomorrow. The people ________________________ (dance) and _______________(eat)

something all night.

4. When the manager enters the room, the staff _______________________________ (discuss) the matter.

5. A : Did you invite Mrs Lee to the party?

B : Oh, no! I completely forgot but I _________________________(call) her now.

D. Match each sentence with one of the descriptions below.

A. a prediction based on evidence

B. an arrangement or planned future event

C. general prediction about the future

D. an unfinished action in progress at a time in the future

1. Look! How that child is playing a trick on the dog. It is going to bite him.

2. She will probably be here at about 8 o’clock.

3. I am seeing my boss about my promotion tomorrow.

4. They will be having an exam between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. next Sunday.

5. I have got my plane ticket. I am leaving tomorrow.

6. What a wonderful smell! Whatever you are cooking, I am sure it is going to be delicious.

7. Most probably I will be doing the same job in ten years’ time.

8. The boss wants the staff to finish the job in time, so they are working extra hours this weekend.


We use “So + auxiliary verb + subject” to agree with positive statements.

I enjoy using computers at work. So do I.

I have been working until late hours lately. So has my husband.

We use “Neither (Nor) + auxiliary verb + subject” to agree with negative statements.

My father won’t help me with my homework Neither (Nor) will my mother.

I don’t mind travelling at work. Neither do I.


Write a response using so or neither with the correct auxiliary verb.

Example : Peter and John will go fishing next weekend. (we)

So will we.

1. My parents remembered to celebrate my birthday. (my colleagues) ___________________________________

2. Japanese people prefer cultural holidays. (Chinese people) __________________________________

3. The home team didn’t play well in the match. (the opponent team) __________________________________

4. The first train was late. (the second one) ___________________________________

5. I haven’t heard the news about the accident. (Sarah) __________________________________

6. My son could read and write when he was at nursery school. (my daughter) ______________________________

7. Watching TV for long hours isn’t useful for children in terms of their psychological development.

(computer) _______________________________________

8. Smart houses will make life easier in the future. (robots) ________________________________

9. Heat insulation provides energy saving. (a halogen lamp) ________________________________

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