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Nurse Team Leader in Clinical setting

Topic Outline

 Definition
 Principles and concepts

Learning Outcomes
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
 Know the importance of Nurse team leader in clinical setting.


Healthcare systems worldwide are facing number of complex and multifaceted

challenges in providing high quality, safe, and cost effective care into the future . The ever-
evolving systems, increased patients’ disease acuity, technology innovation, and the
increase in the costs of health care are some of the problems that need to be addressed.
Therefore, it is a priority to sustain and improve the quality of care provided, which in turn
may lead to a shift in healthcare delivery, an alteration in healthcare models, and the role
that all healthcare members play . Being a leader in the healthcare professions is crucial in
the continuum of care era. Leaders are challenged on a daily base with problems that need
to be solved utilizing critical thinking. Leaders make key decisions that may have
consequences, which can impact patient lives. Specifically, leadership in health care is a
fundamental skill that allows healthcare providers navigate the complex and ever changing
healthcare system effectively in solving problems and making decisions related to issues
from cost to quality healthcare services and access . Hence, it is essential that leaders are
well equipped and trained to make the appropriate decisions at the right time .

The concept of leadership is significant to the nursing profession. There is no dearth of

literature that discusses leadership in nursing . It is crucial that nurses develop an effective
leadership role to deliver high-quality care and, therefore, ensure patient safety , while
engaging in numerous daily leadership roles. Although, the phenomenon of nursing
leadership was studied in the past six decades of the twentieth century, it continues to be
current and of crucial importance.


Leader - is a person that others follow voluntary and willingly.

Leadership - is defined as influence and it includes the use of interpersonal skills to induce others
to achieve a specific goal . Furthermore, leadership is defined as the art of influencing others to strive
voluntary and enthusiastically toward the achievement of goals.

Two leadership styles include:

Democratic – allowing team members a say in critical decision-making, with the final decision resting with
the leader.

Affiliative – putting the team members first and ensure their needs are met on a project.

To ensure quality of care is at its optimum state, the nursing culture in the organization has to have leaders
that promote autonomy, integrity and ongoing performance and care improvement. Helpful key behaviors
include that leaders do the following:

 Encourage followers to be actively involved in the quality control process

 Clearly communicate expected standards of care
 Encourage high standards to maximize quality instead of setting minimum safety standards.
 Embrace quality improvement as an ongoing process
 Use control as a method of determining why goals were not met
 Distinguish between clinical standards and resource utilization standards, ensuring that patients
receive at least minimally acceptable levels of quality of care
 Support and actively participate in research efforts to identify and measure nursing sensitive patient

Interactive Link


Leadership , Management and Team working in Nursing by Peter Ellis

Activating knowledge

Answer the quiz: Nurse team leader in clinical setting by clicking the link below:


An effective nurse clinical leader possesses self-awareness, which means knowing how
to read one’s own feelings and how they can affect others. For example, if a nurse is taking
care of a patient in a pediatric unit and the mother expresses her concerns that her child did
not receive a standard treatment when the nurse had already provided the treatment. The
nurse may have mixed emotions such as irritation or anger. In this situation, it is crucial that
the nurse identifies these emotions and considers how expressing them would influence the
situation. The nurse can recognize her/his feelings by keeping a journal, meditating, or
exercising. Additionally, the nurse clinical leader should be accountable, as it will result in
better performances.

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