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Quarter 3 – Module 6
Inferring Character Feelings/Traits

Department of Education - MIMAROPA Region

English – Grade 1
Quarter 3 – Module 6: Inferring Character Feelings/Traits
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Assistant Regional Director: ATTY. SUZETTE G. MEDINA

Development Team of the Module


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Department of Education – MIMAROPA Region

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Introductory Message
For the facilitator
This module was designed based on the learner’s ability to
understand. It is specifically crafted to focus on the characters in
the story. This introduces different learning activities on inferring the
character’s feelings and traits in which the pupils will develop and
enhance their skills in listening and speaking.
This module contains a story which serve as springboard for
skill development. More stories are found in the different activities
in which the pupils will infer the character’s feelings/traits.
As a facilitator, you are requested to orient and guide the
pupil on how to use the module. Be sure that the pupil understands
the direction for each activity. Guide him/her and be patient.
Teach him/her with love.

For the learner:

Welcome to this module. This is your learning material in
English 1. As a grade one pupil, you should know how to infer the
feelings and traits of the characters in the story. Through the
different activities in this module, you could learn and understand
how to infer the character’s feelings and traits. This module will also
develop and enhance your skills in listening and speaking.
Your Learning Buddy will help you answer the different
activities. So, be alert and listen to your Learning Buddy.
Good luck!

What I Need to Know

This module focuses on the following learning competencies:

• Listen to short stories/poems; and

• Infer the character’s feelings/traits.

After going through this module, the learners are expected to:

• Listen to short stories/poems; and

• Infer the character’s feelings/traits.

What I Know

Directions: Listen as your Learning Buddy reads the short story.

After listening, sequence the 3 events correctly by using numbers
1, 2 and 3.

A Surprise for Dory

By: Genelyn J. Regio

It was Dory’s birthday. Her mother planned a surprise party

for her. She baked a big cake and invited her friends. Her
father bought colorful balloons for the party. Her brother
prepared a simple gift for her. Everybody hid behind the
door while Dory was still asleep. When she woke up and
opened the door, Dory was surprised. “Happy birthday
Dory!”, everybody greeted her with a smile.

Sequence the events below. Use numbers 1,2 and 3.

_______ Everybody greeted Dory.
_______ Her mother planned a surprise party for her.
_______ Father bought colorful balloons for the party.

Lesson Inferring the Character’s Feelings and Traits

This time you will learn to infer character’s feelings and traits
to understand a story or a poem better. As you go along with this
module, you will learn how to infer the character feelings and traits
based on the details given in the text.
Listen carefully as your Learning Buddy reads a poem and a
story. Listen attentively to easily answer the questions and do the
activities. Enjoy your learning journey!

What I Know

Listen as your Learning Buddy reads the story, ‘The Red Car’. Then,
answer the questions about it.

The Red Car

Darren was walking to the market one morning. The market

was just across the road. When he was about to cross the
pedestrian lane, he saw a red car approaching fast towards him.
He raised his hands immediately so that the driver could see him.
Luckily, the red car did not hit him. He was able to reach the
market safe and buy the pink doll for her sister.

− Who was walking to the market?
− Where was Darren walking?
− What did he do when he saw a red car approaching fast
towards him?
− What do you think did he feel?
− Was Darren able to buy the pink doll for her sister?
− What trait did Darren show?

What’s New

Inferring character feelings and traits

Inferring means figuring out something that the author doesn't
actually say. You can use clues that are in the text, and things from
your own mind. Sometimes it is called "reading between the lines,"
and it adds a lot more meaning to the story.
Inference is the technique of finding answers from clues and from
prior knowledge rather than directly stated from the text.

Importance of Inference
Inference is drawing conclusions based on information that has
been implied rather than directly stated and is an
essential skill both in listening and reading comprehension.
Character’s Feelings
Some of the character’s feelings are happy, excited, surprised, sad
worried, angry, scared and other.
Character’s Traits
Some of the character’s traits are kind, loyal, industrious,
responsible, thoughtful.

What Is It

Directions: Focus on the three (3) events from the story, ‘The Red
Car’. Listen as your Learning Buddy reads each event very
carefully for you to answer the questions. Say your answer using
the feelings chart below.

Darren bought a toy for his younger sister.

Darren saw a red car fast approaching him.

His younger sister received the pink doll.

- How does the character feel in the first event?

- What trait does the character show in the first event?
- How does the character feel in the second event?
- How does the character feel in the third event?

What’s More
Activity 1
Listen as your Learning Buddy reads a part of the story,
“The Lion and the Mouse”. Infer the character’s

1. “You disturbed my sleep, mouse!”

How does the lion feel?

2. “Oh, no! Please don’t eat me.

How does the mouse feel?

3. The lion laughed so loudly. “That’s a good
one, a mouse helping a lion.” The lion went
on laughing.
What character trait does the lion show?
“Oh! I will help you my king.”
She gnawed and gnawed at the net until she
made a large hole enough for the lion to get

What good trait does the mouse show?

Directions: Listen carefully as your Learning Buddy reads
the poem. Infer the character’s feelings /traits as you
read each part of the poem inside the box. Write the
correct answer on a piece of paper.

Kitty Cat
By: Genelyn J. Regio

Kitty Cat loves to sit on a mat

She waits every day to chase a rat
One morning she heard a ‘squeak’
So Kitty Cat ran so quick.

She crept on the floor

She ran to the door
She peeped under the bed
And bent her head.

She was surprised to see a rat

It’s so big and was very fat
Its tail is long and ears are wide
So Kitty cat ran fast to hide.

1. Kitty Cat heard a squeak.

A. happy B. mad C. sad D. scared

2. She ran to the door.

A. afraid B. excited C. glad D. mad

3. Kitty cat saw a rat.

A. glad B. mad C. sad D. surprised

4. Kitty cat ran fast to hide.

A. glad B. mad C. proud D. scared

What I Have Learned

Inferring means figuring out something that

the author doesn't actually say. You can use
clues that are in the text, and things from your
own mind.
Some examples of character’s feelings are
happy, sad, worried, surprised and scared.
Some examples of character’s traits are kind,
loyal, responsible and thoughtful.

What I Can Do
Activity 3
Directions: Listen as your Learning Buddy reads the short story.
Complete the sentence by giving the correct character
feelings/traits. Choose the correct answer inside the box.

Mayen’s Birthday Wish

By: Genelyn J. Regio

Grandmother takes care of Mayen for a

month. Her father is a doctor. Her mother is
a nurse. Her parents work in the hospital.
“Grandmother, when will Father and
Mother come home? I have not seen them
for a month. I wish they would come home
soon,” says Mayen.

“Your father and mother will come home
soon. Let us pray that they are safe. COVID-19 patients need
them most,” Grandmother says.
Mayen does what her grandmother says. She prays that her
parents come home on her birthday.
“Grandma, next week is my birthday. We have not heard
from Father and Mother yet,” says Mayen.
“Don’t worry, God is so good. He will answer your prayers,”
says her grandmother.
The day before her birthday, Mayen heard a voice,
“Mayen, Mayen, we’re home”. Mayen looked out of the window.
“Father, Mother!” she shouted. “God answered my prayers.
You are my birthday gift from God. I’m glad you are safe.

happy obedient sad surprised worried

1. Mayen have not seen her parents for a month.

I think Mayen feels ___________.

2. “Let us pray that they are safe”, says Grandmother.

I think Grandmother is __________.

3. Mayen does what Grandmother says.

Mayen has a good trait of being _________.

4. The day before her birthday, Mayen heard a voice.

I think Mayen feels ____________.

5. “You are my birthday gift from God”, said Mayen.

I think Mayen feels _________

What I Can Do On My Own

Directions: Listen carefully as your Learning Buddy reads each

part of a story. Infer the character feelings/traits. Write the letter
of the correct answer on a piece of paper.

1. There was a princess who was playing her golden ball in the
garden. Her ball rolled and fell into the well. The princess
A. mad B. happy C. sad D. scared

2. A frog came out and said, “I will get your ball”. The frog got
her ball. The princess went home.
A. happy B. mad C. sad D. scared

3. The princess said, “No, I don’t like you to sleep on my bed.

You are a dirty frog!”
A. happy B. mad C. sad D. scared

4. Rural Mouse and City Mouse were eating when a man

entered the room. They ran and hid in the dark corner.
A. afraid B. glad C. mad D. sad

5. “My friend, you have plenty of food but I cannot eat. I’m not
safe in this house. I have to go back home.
A. glad B. happy C. mad D. glad

What I Can Do More

Directions: Listen as your Learning Buddy reads short poems.

Infer the character’s feelings/traits in each poem.

1. Connie woke up with a smile

Said a prayer for a while
She thanked God for everything
And for a bright and sunny morning.

Connie felt ___________.

2. Alvin has a new toy

A good toy for a boy
One day he found it broken
So he cried as if he’s in pain.

Alvin felt ______________

3. Ellen built a sand castle

A castle beside a bottle
But a wave knocked it over
So she screamed out of anger.

Ellen felt ______________

4. Kinno saw a snake

A big snake near a lake
He shouted out so loud
The snake was on the ground.

Kinno felt _________________

Answer Key

What I Know
__3__ Everybody greeted Dory.
__1__ Her mother planned a surprise party for her.
__2__ Father bought colorful balloons for the party.

What’s In
− Darren
− to the market
− He raised his hands immediately.
− He felt scared.
− Yes
− kindness / thoughtfulness

What Is It
− excited / happy
− kindness / thoughtfulness
− surprised / scared
− happy / excited / surprised

What’s More
Activity 1 Activity 2
1. angry / mad 1. D
2. scared 2. A
3. proud / boastful 3. D
4. kindness / concern for others 4. scared
5. helpful

What I Can Do
1. sad
2. worried
3. obedient
4. surprised
5. happy

What I Can Do On My Own
1. C
2. A
3. B / D
4. A
5. D

What I Can Do More

1. happy / grateful
2. sad
3. angry
4. afraid / scared

British Council Teaching English. (2020, November 23). Retrieved from British
Council Web site:
Department of Education. (2020, November 23). Learning Resource Portal.
Retrieved from Learning Resource Portal Web site:
ThoughtCo. (2020, November 23). Retrieved from Thought Co Web site:

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education, MIMAROPA Region – (CLMD)

Meralco Avenue, corner St. Paul Road, Pasig City

Telephone Nos.: (02) 631-40-70; (02) 637-3093

Email Address: [email protected]


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