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1. ...........

is a colorless unstable toxic gas with a pungent odour formed from oxyge n by
electrical discharge or UV light
a. Sulphur di oxide b. Ozone
c. Particulate matter d. Carbon monoxide
2. ............... is a composite statistics of life expectancy, education and income level
a. GDP b. PPP c. NI d. HDI
3. Ozone layer depletion happens because of .............. .
a. Chloroflurocarbons b. Methyl cyanite
c. Water d. Bacteria
4. ....................... reduction leads to death of aquatic flora and fauna
a. Dissolved oxygen b. Carbon monoxide
c. Dissolved minerals d. Plant nutrients
- Environm.ental Pollution

5. S0 2 and N0 2 combine s with rain to form ............

1 5.33

a. Acid rain b. S0 2N0 2H20 c. Rainbow d. Yellow rain

6. Ozone gas is present mainly in ..............
a. Mesosphe re b. Hemisphere c. Stratosp here d. Exosphere
7. Absence of illness is called ..........
a. Health b. Systematic c. Normalality d. Infirmity
8. A substanc e which cause pollution is called ......... .
a. Occupier b. Pollutant c. Chemical d. Organism
9. Sulfur dioxide reacts with rain water to form ..........
a. Sulfur trioxide b. Sulfuric rain c. Acid rain d. Yellow rain
10 .................. combine s with hemoglo bin to form carboxyh emoglobi n.
a. Carbonic acid b. Carbon dioxide c. Carboric acid d. Carbon monoxid e
11. SPM stands for....... .
a. Suspende d particula te matters b. Suspected poor mechanization
c. Suspended Production machines d. Sulfur producing materials
12 .......... is the study of the movem_e nt, distributi on, and quality of water througho ut the
a. Water science b. Hydrology c. Oceanography d. Geology
13. Water goes through different phases- liquid, solid, and gas is called ........ ..
a. Water cycle b. Water momentumc. Phase transition d. Hydro transfo rmation
14. .. ...... refers to water contamin ation that does not originate from a single discrete source.
a. Non point source b. Thermai pollution
c. Point source d. Leaching -
15. Bacteria, virus, protozoa etc are th-e examples of .............. kind of pollutant s
a. Micros-copic b. Biological c. Macroscopic d.• Organk
16. over exposure to ............... leads to lower -IQ level in smaU kids.
a. Sulfur b. Iron c. Lead d. Silver
- - -~-

17. The unit of soul}~ is called·i~..-.;..

a. M1·11·1 amps
. . b• Watts
- c. Volts d. Decibels
und leads to death of hearing tissues
18. If a person e~pose to more t h an _.......... dB so -
b. 70 ,_ c. 40 d. - 100
a. 120 . : · l I
. an actual o-r potential release of radioactiv e material at~ commerc1a nuc ear
19. ............. IS
power plant or _a transport ation.accident.
a. Nuclear weapon b. Nuclear hazard

c. Chemical d isaster d. Bio hazard

. t· n doses are often calculate d in the units of ........
20. Ra d 1a 10 -:
d. Kilo
· _ b. Joule c. Pascal
a. Rad
S.34 1 AECC - Environm e-ntal Studiec

z J. Radiati on doses above ........... rad, kjll the organis ms by damaging the tissues of hea ....
brain, etc. ·"
a. 50000 b. 10000 C. -1000 d. 100
22. The Cherno byl disaste r happen ed in the year............. .
a. 1970 b. 1956 c. 1986 d. 2010
23. ru
L' k h
us jma Daiichi nuclear accident happened in the year..............
a. 1970 b. 2005 c. 1986 d. 2011
24. Clean India campaign was officiall
y launched on Rajghat, New Delhi.
a. 2 October 2014 b. 2 October 2015
c. 2 October 2010 d. 14 November 2015
25. •····· •········· is the process by
which the composition of differen t waste streams is analyzed.
a. IJisposal b. Management
c. Charac terizati on d. Segregation
26. Plastics, paper, glass, metal are ............ waste.
a. Non- recyclable b. Recyclable c. Toxic d. Soiled
27. Landfill, Incineration and Recycling are methods of ................ Of MSW
a. Collection b. Segregation
c. Characterization d. Disposal
28. A landfill refers to disposal of waste materials by ..........the ground
a. burial under b. Incinerating d. Pyrolyzing d. Recycling
29. ......... involves the combustion of organic substances contained in waste materials which
further convert s the waste into ash, flue gas, and heat
a. Calcinations b. Land filling c. Lyophilization d. Incinera tion
30. Conversion of .waste materia ls into new product s/poten tially useful materials is
called ...........
a. Separation b. Synthesis c. Recycling d. Refurbishing
3t . -. ...... is the pr~SS- Of-recy ding-de cornpos ed-organ tc materia is into a rich soil.
a. Pyrolysis b. Composting c. Fermentation d. Gasification
32. ........... is indirec t heating of carbon rich waste materia l at tempera tures of approximately
SOOOC in the absence of oxygen and under pressur e.
t a. Combustion b. Fermentation
I c. Degradation d. Pyrolysis

l 33. Combus tion of waste around 1000°C in air or 1200°c in oxygen is called ...........
a. Gasifica tion b. Fermentation c. Pyrolysis ci. Froth flotation

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