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673 Quirino Highway Novaliches, Quezon City



A Project Presented to
Prof. Lalaine Josefa L. Carrao

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

System Analysis and Design

Presented by
Group 2
Bahandi, Jermaine A.
Jorvina, Crhistian Paul D.
Narzoles, Jopete G.
Orata, Kevin D.
Sarigumba, Cirilo Jr, H.
Taboy, Jaide B.
Tan, Regie Nicolas

October 13, 2016


Foremost, we would like to express my sincere gratitude to our professor Lalaine

Josefa L. Carao for the continuous support of this project, for her patience, motivation,

enthusiasm, and immense knowledge. Her guidance helped us in all the time of

research and writing of this project. We could not have imagined having a better advisor

for project.

Besides our advisor, we would like to thank Mrs Josipine N. Carabio the aunt of

Regie Tan for allowing the proponents to develop their system and documents in her

residence. And our families for supporting us financially, emotionally and spiritually

We thank also out fellow classmates in System Analysis and Design for their

efforts to help us to improve our system.

Last but not the least, we would like to thank God the creator for making this

project possible.


The proponents dedicate this work to their families who are very supportive

emotionally and financially for the completion of this project to the members of the group

who participated patiently and understand each other weaknesses.

To the future researcher who will undergo the same study, may this serve as a

reference about points of sales and inventory system.


The proposed system is entitled Points of Sale with Inventory System for Red Zel

Pharmacy. Points of sale and inventory system helps customers make payments to the

merchant in exchange for goods and services. The current transactions that the

company has are slow and unreliable. The company is using a manual transaction for

their business this means the business rely on their team’s capability to correctly

calculate sales transactions, which can lead to mistakes and errors. This can result in

customers being overcharged, reducing the prospect of them returning, or

undercharged, resulting in a loss of profit. This also means the business compute and

updates their points of sale and inventory by physical calculation and counting the

inventory items or products on a regular basis.

The business owner or staff must keep track of inventory sales on a daily basis,

while updating the system manually at the end of the day. The manual inventory system

does not update at the end of the day with updated inventory counts, which means you

must go through the inventory items each time you need to place an order for new

products or supplies for the inventory. This can be a time consuming process, as you

will physically have to go through each product box and browse through the items. Also,

a manual inventory system relies heavily on the actions of people, which increases the

possibility of human error. With this system the company can easily do a computerized

transaction without having efforts to manually list the name of the sold products and put

it in the inventory records. Using this system the company will never loose profit

because of wrong calculations of the inventory list.


Title Page…….……………………………………………………………................... i

Acknowledgment………………………….…………………………………………... ii

Dedication…………………………………….……………………………………….. iii

Abstract…………………………………….…………………………………………… iv

List of Appendices

Gantt Chart…………………………………………………………….

Context Diagram………………………………………………………

Data Flow Diagram……………………………………………………

Entity – Relationship Diagram………………………………………..

Data Dictionary…………………………………………………………

Network Design………………………………………………………..

Screenshots with Description………………………………………..

Curriculum Vitae……………………………………………………….

List of Tables

Table 1 Personnel Monthly Salary……………………………………

Table 2 Personnel Annual Salary…………………………………….

Table 3 Hardware………………………………………………………

Table 4 Software……………………………………………………….

Table 5 Furniture and Fixture…………………………………………

Table 6 Expenses………………………………………………………

Table 7 Summary Operational Cost………………………………….

Table 8 Personnel Monthly Salary…………………………………..

Table 9 Personnel Annual Salary……………………………………

Table 10 Furniture and Fixture……………………………………….

Table 11 Stationeries and Supplies………………………………….

Table 12 Expenses…………………………………………………….
Table 13 Summary Existing Cost………………………………………

Table 14: Category……………………………………………………….

Table 15: Employees…………………………………………………….

Table 16: Logs……………………………………………………………

Table 17: Sales………………………………………………………….

Table 18: Transaction……………………………………………………

Table 19: Inventory………………………………………………………..

List of Figures

Modified Water Fall Model…………………………………………….

Log in form………………………………………………………………

Inventory Form………………………………………………………….

Points of Sale Form…………………………………………………….

Context Data Flow………………………………………………………

Data Flow Diagram………………………………………………………

Entity Relationship Diagram……………………………………………




Background of the Project………………………………………….

Statement of Objectives…………………………………………….

General Objective…………………………………………..

Specific Objectives…………………………………………

Scope and Delimitation of the Project



Significance of the Project…………………………………………

Definition of Terms………………………………………………….



Foreign Literature, Studies and Systems………………………..

Local Literature, Studies and Systems…………………………..

Synthesis of the Reviewed Literature, Studies and Systems…..





Form Specifications……………………………………………………….

Report Specifications…………………………………………………….



Technical Feasibility……………………………………………………..

Operational Feasibility……………………………………………………

Economic Feasibility……………………………………………………..

Cost - Benefit Analysis of the Existing System……………………….

Cost – Benefit Analysis of the Proposed System……………………..





The Red Zel Pharmacy is one of the thousands Pharmaceutical Industry that are

operating in the Philippines. It is managed by the owner Ms Hazel Zamora. The Red Zel

Pharmacy is derived from the name of the owner who is Ms Hazel and from the red

blood cells that are why is called Red Zel Pharmacy. In the current Pharmaceutical

Industry in the country some of these companies are using automated points of sales

and inventory system and for those who are in small-scale industries they used manual

points of sales and inventory calculations. The Red Zel Pharmacy has been operating

for almost 2 years since it founded last July 2014 and it has lots of customers that lead

them to adding one more employees from the current employees of the pharmacy. Due

to high level demand of medicines and drugs the Mr Hazel increased more medicines to

their pharmacy store.

The company uses manual points of sales and inventory system. This means the

business rely on their team’s capability to correctly calculate sales transactions, which
can lead to mistakes and errors. This can result in customers being overcharged,

reducing the prospect of them returning, or undercharged, resulting in a loss of profit.

With this system, the level of amenity is dependent on individuals and this puts a

requirement on management to run training continuously for staff to keep them

motivated and to ensure they are following the correct procedures.  It can be all too

easy to accidentally switch details and end up with inconsistency in data entry or in

hand written orders.  This has the effect of not only causing problems with customer

service but also making information unable be used for reporting or finding trends with

data discovery.  Reporting and checking that data is robust can be timely and

expensive.  This is often an area where significant money can be saved by automation.

Background of the Project

The company as well use a manual points of sale and inventory system

which means the business compute and updates their points of sale and inventory by

physical calculation and counting the inventory items or products on a regular basis.

The business owner or staff must keep track of inventory sales on a daily basis, while

updating the system manually at the end of the day. The manual inventory system does

not update at the end of the day with updated inventory counts, which means you must

go through the inventory items each time you need to place an order for new products

or supplies for the inventory. This can be a time consuming process, as you will

physically have to go through each product box and browse through the items. Also, a

manual inventory system relies heavily on the actions of people, which increases the

possibility of human error. People might forget to record a transaction or simply

miscount the number of goods. This results in needless additional orders that increase

the company's inventory carrying costs and use up precious storage space. Inaccurate

physical counts could also result in not ordering enough of a product, meaning the

business could run out of a crucial item at the wrong time. Lastly, manual inventory

systems can be highly labor-intensive to operate. They require continuous monitoring to

ensure that each transaction is accounted for and that products are maintained at the

appropriate stocking levels. It is also more difficult to share inventory information

throughout the business, because the lack of computerization makes accessing

inventory records a more cumbersome process. The time spent monitoring inventory

levels could be used on more productive activities for the business.

Statement of Objectives

General Objective

To able to accommodate the customers with computerized, systematic, and

correlated retail information with regards to the products that they purchase with their

respective prices, the quantity they purchase, and with less time burden and

simultaneously track their sales activity and inventory where a single transaction entry

records necessary details on the customer while also updating inventory levels.

Specific Objectives

1. To develop a points of sale with inventory system for Red Zel Pharmacy.

2. To be able to develop a system that could update based on the number of

the products they purchase during their transaction and the reliability and

clarity of results.

3. To develop a system that can monitor the stocks of medicines and drugs

and sales whether it is daily, weekly or monthly.

4. To design a system that can efficiently manage the flow of stocks,

effectively utilize people and equipment, coordinate internal activities and

communicate with customers.

5. To develop a system that maintains necessary records for protecting

against thefts, wastes leakages of inventories and to decide timely

replenishment of stocks.

6. To develop a system that facilitates production planning, avoids shortage

of materials and duplicate collation.

7. To be able to update the system based on the number of the products

they purchase during their transaction and the reliability and clarity of

results by allowing the system to print full-size invoices.

Scope and Delimitations of the Project


1. This system is exclusively for Red Zel Pharmacy.

2. This system can run on Windows 7 and above versions of Windows, with at least

1 GB of ram, 1.56 GHz 32 bit operating system.

3. The system provides a log in features so that the system cannot easily accessed

by someone who is not a genuine employee of the Red Zel Pharmacy.

4. This system has two users level the administrator and the employees where the

administrator accounts have full access on the system. The administrator

account can add, update and remove goods and employees. And the admin can

view summary of sales and the admin account is cannot be accessed by the

employee. The employee account has minimal access to the system like the

points of sale system for a regular transaction, can send a request for order for

those critical goods. And can print sales and inventory reports.

5. This system can update the number of products that has been purchased in

every transaction with reliably results.

6. The proposed system can monitor the stocks of medicines, drugs and sales

whether it is daily, weekly or monthly.

7. This system can compute senior citizen and person with disabilities discounts.

8. This system can help the utilized the use of people and equipment.

9. This system has security features that will help the administrator to protect

against thieves, wastes leakages of inventories and to decide timely

replenishment of stocks.


1. The system is exclusively for Red Zel Pharmacy.

2. The system can only receive cash.

3. The system cannot receive amounts on credit card basis.

4. The system has no online features and can be access through lan based.

5. The system does not produce receipt but can generate sales invoice.


This section discussed the methods used in the development of the system; this

presents the researchers way of designing the system proposal. This chapter includes

research methods used. It also deals with the instrumentation, data gathering

procedures and the statistical tools used by the proponents in the formulation of an

efficient Sales and Inventory System for Rez Zel Pharmacy.

System Development Life Cycle

This diagram is a representation of all the process and activities of the entire Sale and

Inventory System.

Figure 1 Modified Water Fall Model

The proponents used a Modified Waterfall Model as the system Development

Life Cycle to develop a clear defined standards and procedures of this system. Modified
Waterfall Model was used by the proponents a reason that the phases of it are

permitted to overlap. At the same time a number of task can function concurrently which

ensure that the defect of the system are removed in the development stage itself and

the overhear cost making changers to the system before implementation is saved. In

case there are any errors introduced because of the changers made, correction of them

is also easy.

System Requirement In this phase, the proponents must identify the problems in

the target company. In practice, the initial system study involves the preparation of a

System proposal which lists the objective if the study

Analysis After identifying the problems, the proponents went through system

analysis. Where proponents collect factual data though direct interview with the

company owner and staffs, understand the processes involved, identifying problems

and recommending feasible suggestions for improving the system functioning.

Designing the recommended system, after a long period of brainstorming and analyzing

the proponents finally came up designing the recommended system needs. The

proponents used Microsoft Visual Basic as a computer language to develop this system

because of it object oriented approach that is helpful and easy to use for both the

programmers and the end-users. Developing and documenting software during the

system development the proponents are successfully initiated the development process

for their system and documentation. This will last after the developing and documenting

stage if finished. Testing and maintaining the system, when the proponents are finished

developing the system it is the time to test it whether it is functioning according to the

will of the developers or it has minor changes that are needed.

Significance of the Project

Red Zel Pharmacy. The proposed system can help the Red Zel Pharmacy improves

the existing system. Thus, can help lessen the problems which are present in the


Red Zel Pharmacy Employees. The proposed system will make the employees of Red

Zel Pharmacy task easier and faster. In addition to that, the proposed system can help

them save money, space and time.

Administrators. it allows them efficiently modify available products and employees by

adding new ones and editing and removing existing ones as well as monitor clock-in

and clock-out attendance of employees

Pharmacist. It allow them to easily add and remove purchased products and receipt as

well as compute the total price, the value-added tax, and the change after receiving

cash from the customers. It will allows them to save, preview, and print well-

documented receipts as well as generate company reports such as sales, expense and


Future Researchers. This study can be used by the future researchers as guide of

reference who will conduct the same study

Proponents. Through the process of making this study, proponents are able to develop

their knowledge about making research and are able to develop their analytical skills.

Definition of Terms

POS- the time and place where retail transaction is completed and a point at which a

customer makes a payment to the merchant in exchange for goods or

after the provision od as service.

Inventory – a complete list of the things that are in a place.

Proponent – a person who supports something.

Maintenance – the upkeep of property or equipment.

Pharmacy – a store that sells medicines and drugs.

Stocks – the supply of goods available for sale in a store.

Business – the activity of making, buying, or selling goods or providing services in

exchange for money.

Employee – a person who works for another person or for a company for salary.

Insufficient – not having or providing enough of what is needed.

Inquiry – a request for information.

Security – the state of being protected or safe from harm.

Purchase – to get something by paying money for it.

Order – a product/s that someone has requested from a business.

Supplier – to provide someone or something that is needed or wanted.

Accuracy – the ability to work or perform without making mistakes.

Consistency – of the same quality or good each time.

Sales – The activity or business of selling products or services.

Manufactures – Entity that makes a good through a process involving raw components,

or assemblies, usually on a large scale with different operations divided among

different workers.

Trades – the act or process of buying, selling, or exchanging commodities, at either

wholesale or retail, within a country or between countries.

Typo – a typographical error.

Pharmaceutical –relating to the production and sale of drugs and medicine.



Foreign Literature, Studies and Systems

 Sales & Inventory Monitoring Systems

According to Audra Bianca and Demand Media “Using this type of system

(sales and inventory system), a company makes strategic business decisions

regarding raw material purchases, production scheduling, pricing, logistics and other

decisions in the supply chain.” Sales & Inventory Monitoring Systems publication

describes sales and inventory data enables the company to increase or decrease

production in the factory so the company won't have too many finished goods stored

in its warehouses.
 Monitoring Sales for Accountability

Most companies have the problem of measuring the performance of their

sales staff because each salesperson is different and they work in varied

methods. Because a sale involves customers, there are other factors impacting

sales, as well. Customers and their needs are different, business conditions vary,

individual customer bases differ and the product mix offered to each customer

can vary. What are the important components to track to determine sales

success? The factors can be tangible and intangible. When examining the

tangible side of the sales ledger you need to consider methods for targeting,

frequency of contact, message and presentation, and communications. Some

intangible factors that can be difficult to quantify are the salesperson's ability to

build relationships and "connect" with customers, and whether or not there is a

clear purpose of the call or meeting. The reason for contact can be to help the

customer, or sometimes it is to help the salesperson's quota.

Effective results from measuring the performance of each salesperson

should have a purpose: to help them be more profitable to your company. When

this occurs they have more worth through additional pay and incentives, and they

receive a value, and that is a good feeling about doing a great job. There are

three steps in bringing about the improvement of an employee when a problem is

identified: measuring, correcting with training, and planning to make the change


The ability to measure performance depends on the use of success-based

criteria as a model to compare daily, weekly and monthly numbers. Here are

some of the criteria that Sales Creators uses when designing a monitoring

system for their customers:

 Development and Evaluation of Computerized Sales and Inventory system

for Four ‘R’

As Said by Kenneth (2009), from the thesis book entitle Development and

Evaluation of Computerized Sales and Inventory system for Four ‘R’

manufacturing, a computerized inventory system helps management control the

inventories, in turn lowering overall operating costs in the areas of labour,

facilities and logistics. It also improves customer-service metric and fulfilment

rates.Aside from helping businesses regarding the management of inventories,

computerized inventory system helps the company to lower overall operating

costs thus, helps improve customer satisfaction.

 Development and Evaluation of a Computerized Sales and Inventory

system of Mother’s Best Company

According to Eskow (2010) for the study, Development and Evaluation of

a Computerized Sales and Inventory system of Mother’s Best Company

(CSISMBC) with SMS Confirmation, an integrated inventory system, may range

in platform complexity. Researchers believe that inventory systems are made not

in same faces.

Inventories have different faces because it varies upon use and it depends

upon the user’s need.

By understanding the Strength and Weaknesses of people and

technologies you have opportunity to design the process that best utilize the

strength of each to offset inherent weaknesses as said by Piaseki(2009) from his

book entitle, Inventory Accuracy : People Process and Technology.

Technology literate person with a high and technology makes a process minimal.

 Maximize your Efficiency by Automating Inventory system

Tice (2011) in the article “Maximize your Efficiency by Automating

Inventory system”, many small businesses think automation is too expensive or

not worth the trouble. But prices have fallen considerably on both software and

hardware, bringing them within reach of most small business budgets.

Having a computer based inventory system can help to minimize the

expenses on the long run and it can also help to have more organized stocks in

order to eliminate out of stocks.

The company need to look at inventory management as part of their

preliminary plays when they are preparing to open a business. The customers do

not care if the business is manually counting the inventory or have access to an

automated system like the one that fulfilment centres provide. The only thing that

is of concern to customers is the ability of the company to have supplies on hand

to take care of their need inn a reasonable amount of time. The importance of

efficient inventory management may not be understood by those people who

have never worked in the business sector as stated from the Southern Fulfilment

(2010) from the thesis book of Cruz, E et al, entitled Sales and Inventory

Management system for fix & Care Ref and Aircon Repair Services.

Inventory management must be taken into consideration when a company

is planning to start a business. Through it, they could be able to supply the needs

of their customers in a reasonable amount of time.

Inventories are usually the largest expense incurred form business

operations, thus inventory management is an important part of a business. In

order to accurately record consumer sales, the inventory management system

helps businesses in their Inventory. In order to properly record several type of

good the companies need to implement the computerized inventory management

system as stated by Vitez (2010) form the thesis entitle Sales and Inventory

Management system for fix& Care Ref and Aircon Repair Services.
Computerized inventory management system is really important in

businesses for it helps them in recording consumer sales.

Local Literature, Studies and Systems

 Globe Business Philippines

According to Globe Business Philippines a leading local

telecommunication in the country “The cost-effective and highly innovative

inventory management system gives you instant access to stock levels,

allowing for timely orders and zero wastage.” The publication describes that

what the inventory system does is allow you to order supplies based on the

most current data. This minimizes overstocking and at the same time, frees

up resources for more urgent needs. The Inventory Ordering System gives

you better control over your supply chain, affording you the convenience of

being able to place orders online or via SMS. And because the system

automatically generates inventory and sales reports, your employees will

have less paperwork to file and more time to focus on operations.

Perfect for businesses with franchise operations, this user-friendly

inventory management system can be customized for any multi-site company,

commissary, or warehouse backend ordering operation.

 How Sales Forecasting Sales are the lifeblood of a business

According to Riley (2008), from his book How Sales Forecasting Sales are

the lifeblood of a business. It is what helps you pay employees, cover operating

expenses, buy more inventory, market new product and attract more investors.

Sales forecasting is crucial part of the financial planning of a business. It is a self-

assessment tool that uses past and current sales statics to intelligently predict

future performance.

In this citation, sakes are considered as the life of the company, because without

it the company, because without it the company’s life will be dry out.

 A brief Introduction

Stated In an article about Decision Support Systems – A brief Introduction

(2011) Mr. Musarrat sheikh stated that DSS’s serve the management planning

and operations levels of an organization and help to make decision that may be

rapidly changing and not easily specified in advance.

With the help of technology companies can be assisted in making decision

by the decision support system which is adaptive to rapid change.

 The Importance of Sales Monitoring with Your Cable TV

According to Villanueva (2011), from the book The Importance of Sales

Monitoring with Your Cable TV, Monitoring of sales whenever it comes to doing

business online is very vital. To be able to make sure that everything is in order, it

has to practice monitoring. It is because monitoring is important in a business one

must hire a person who is loyal and trustworthy. Otherwise the online business will

fall apart in a matter of time. One of the modus operandi commonly practiced is the

falsification of sales and revenue reports by the person trusted by the owner. A part

of the total sales might be pocketed. You cannot have a hundred percent assurance

that the sales reported back to you are valid.

In this citation it says that monitoring of sales is essential in every business.

Without proper monitoring a business my fall apart due to falsification of sales and
revenue reports. Monitoring of sales helps the owner of the business to keep track of

sales and ensure that the sales reports are valid.

 Supplies and Inventory System

This is a simple inventory system that computers the running balance of an item. It

records the item received and item issued. As stated by Pabuaya(2010) from his

book entitled, “Supplies and Inventory System”.

Inventory system is a simple system that keeps track of the item received and items


Synthesis of the Reviewed Literature, Studies and Systems

Modern inventory systems help business maintain productivity. Without a system,

it could be wasting money on inventory without being aware of it. It may be buying too

much or not buying enough. It could be spending money counting and trying to value

your inventory. It may also be losing money because you don’t know where your

inventory is. There will be little room for error without having inventory system and

wasting products as well. Inventory management system needs to track past trends and

monitor current inventory levels. The manager needs to see all inventory levels at a

glance and make decisions accordingly. The faster the manager gets accurate data, the

faster he can make smart warehouse decisions.



The company uses a manual sales system. This mean, the business relies on

their staff’s competence to correctly calculate sales transactions, which can lead to

mistakes and omissions. This can result in customers being overcharged, reducing the

likelihood of them returning, or undercharged, resulting in a loss of profit.

The company as well uses a manual inventory system which means the

business updates their inventory by physically counting the inventory items or products

on a frequent basis. The business owner or staff must keep track of inventory sales on a

daily basis, while updating the system manually at the end of the day. The manual

inventory system does not update at the end of the day with updated inventory counts,

which means you must go through the inventory items each time you need to place an

order for new products or supplies for the inventory.



Points of Sale with Inventory System for the Red Zel Pharmacy is important to all

pharmaceutical industries that have a large number of stocks medicines and drugs. The

proponents came up with giving solution for the Red Zel Pharmacy.

The content of this system is to monitor and control the efficient movement of

medicines and drugs in line with a company's strategic plans through systematic and

computerized points of sale and inventory system. The system has two users’ levels the

administrator and the pharmacist. The administrator has the privilege to monitor the

current stocks, to monitor what medicines and drugs are in out of stocks and what are in

stocks. In addition the administrator has the authority to set additional stocks orders

transactions for a particular medicine or drugs that is out of stocks. The pharmacist has

at least minimal access to the system like to input the amount of medicines or drugs that

are sold in a particular day, week or month. The pharmacist also can print weekly and

monthly records of inventory and sales so that the owner can informed for the exact

number of medicines that are out of stocks/ in stocks and what drugs or medicines are

highly in demand to consumers.

Form Specifications

Figure 2 Log in form

This is where the admin and the pharmacist input the right username and
password to the system.

Figure 3 Inventory Form

This is where the admin checks the products numbers and volumes.
Figure 4 Points of Sale Form

This is where the pharmacist inputs the medicines and drugs that will be
sold to the customers the total charges of the items.

Report Specifications

(Include screenshots of the Reports and their Descriptions)



Technical Feasibility

The proposed system consists of 2 computer unit. Each computer unit is

connected to a Local Area Network (LAN) and connected to a single database for

retrieving/sending data from 1 computer unit as a Server. The Windows 7 32 bit

operating system will be used as an operating system for the computer with at least 1

GB of ram and MySQL Maria DB version will be used as the database of the system.

These hardware and software will be used for seven years to handle or to maintain the

sales and inventory system.The Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) will not be provided

though it is essential; the company will decide for providing the equipment.

Operational Feasibility

The proposed sales and inventory system enables the company to control the

daily sales of the company and the products availability. This kind of inventory system

monitors the products of the company to gain visibility and control the inventory and

stock levels. It also reduces time spent searching for inventory, eliminate stock outs,

and improve customer service. Inventory levels and reorder points will now be easy to

manage, track, and control. The Red Zel Pharmacy has an inventory system which is

manually conducted. Innovation from manual to computerized will greatly benefit the


Economic Feasibility
The Red Zel Pharmacy is economically feasible because for over 2 years of

business, Red Zel Pharmacy still exist beyond competition different drugstores. The

company is willing to upgrade and modernize its current system. It already provided a

budget for the said system. Installing the hardware and software needed for the

proposed system will be possible for the company.

Cost – Benefit Analysis

An Analysis and Design of Red Zel Pharmacy

Cost - Benefit Analysis of the Proposed System

Cost – Benefit Analysis

An Analysis and Design of Red Zel Pharmacy

Cost Analysis of Proposed System

Table 1: Personnel Monthly Salary

No. of
Personnel Number Working Hrs. / Day Rate / Day Salary

Cashier 2 27 8 hrs. 466.00 12,582.00 25,164.00

Admin 1 27 8 hrs. 681.50 18,400.50 18,400.50


Table 2: Personnel Annual Salary

Personnel Number Salary Monthly Annual
Amount Amount
Cashier 2 12,582.00 25,164.00 301,968.00

Admin 1 18,400.50 18,400.50 220,806.00

Table 3: Hardware

Quantity Particular Price Total Price

Intel Core i3
2 52,000.00 52,000.00
(PC Set)

Table 4: Software

Quantity Particular Price Total Price

Windows 7
1 6,800.00 6,800.00
1 Visual Basic.Net 13,000.00 13,000.00

Table 5: Furniture and Fixture

Quantity Particular Price Total Price

1 Computer Chair 985.00 985.00

1 Computer Table 1,755.00 1,755.00

Table 6: Expenses

Particular Amount
Hardware 52,000.00
Software 19,800.00
Furniture and Fixture 2,740.00
Total 74,540.00

Table 7: Summary Operational Cost

Particular Cost Amount

Personnel 522,774.00
Expenses 74,540.00
Total 671,854.00

Cost – Benefit Analysis

An Analysis and Design of Red Zel Pharmacy

Cost – Benefit Analysis of the Existing System

Table 8: Personnel Monthly Salary

No. of
Personnel Number Working Hrs./day Rate/day Salary
Cashier 2 20 8 hrs. 466.00 9,320.00 18,840.00

Table 9: Personnel Annual Salary

Personnel Number Salary Monthly Annual
Amount Amount
Cashier 2 9,320.00 18,840.00 226,080.00


Table 10: Furniture and Fixture

Quantity Particular Price Total Price

1 Chair 500.00 500.00
1 Table 700.00 700.00

Table 11: Stationeries and Supplies

Quantity Particular Price Total Price
1 Log book 150.00 150.00
3 Ballpen 30.00 90.00
1 Liquid eraser 30.00 30.00

Table 12: Expenses

Particular Amount

Furniture and Fixture 1,200.00

Stationeries and Supplies 270.00

Total 1,470.00

Table 13: Summary Existing Cost

Particular Cost Amount

Personnel 226,080.00

Expenses 1,470.00
Total 227,550.00

(Use APA Format, label with Books, Dictionaries, Online Sources, etc.)

Online Sources


Gantt Chart

Context Diagram

Context Data Flow
Figure 5
Data flow Diagram

Figure 6

Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 7

Data Dictionary

Data Dictionary

Table 14: Category

Data Data
Data Aliases Length Primary key Used in
Name Type
category_id int 100 Yes Inventory
category_name varchar 200 No Inventory

Table 2: Employees

Data Data Data

Length Primary key Used in
Name Aliases Type
int 100 Yes Transaction
ID employee_id

User type user_type varchar 200 No Log in

Username username varchar 200 No Log in

Password password varchar 15 No Log in

First name firstname varchar 100 No
profile,Sales,Log In
varchar 100 No User profile
name middlename
Last name lastname varchar 100 No User profile

Birthdate birthdate varchar 100 No User profile

Gender gender varchar 100 No User profile

contact_no varchar 100 No User profile
Street street varchar 100 No User profile

Barangay barangay varchar 100 No User profile

City city varchar 100 No User profile

Table 3: Logs

Data Name Data Aliases Data Type Length Used in
Log ID log_id int 100 Yes Log in

Employee ID employee_id varchar 100 No Log in,Sales

Log Date and
log_datetime datetime No Log in
Logout Date
logout_datetime datetime No Log in
and Time
Table 4: Sales

Data Name Data Aliases Data Type Length Primary key Used in
Sales ID sales_id int 200 Yes Transaction

Sales Date sales_date date No Sales

Sales Time sales_time time No Sales

Sales Total sales_total decimal 50, 0 No Sales
Sales Number
sales_itemnos int 200 Sales
of Items No

Cashier employee_id varchar 200 No Sales

Table 5: Transaction

Data Aliases Data Type Length Primary key Used in
Sales ID sales_id int 200 No Transaction,Sales

Item product_name varchar 200 No Transaction,Sales

item_quantity int 100 No Transaction,Sales
Item Price item_price varchar 200 No Transaction,Sales

Table 6: Inventory

Data Name Data Aliases Length Primary key Used in
ID id int 200 Yes Inventory
product_code int 200 No Inventory
product_name varchar 200 No Inventory,Sales
product_price varchar 200 No Inventory,Sales
category_id int 100 Inventory
Quantity quantity int 200 No Inventory,Sales
Data No
data_received date Inventory
Expiration No
date Inventory
date expiration_date
Dosage dosage varchar 200 No Inventory
Brand brand varchar 200 Inventory

Your photo here
Blk. 24 Lot 23 Kingstown 1 Subdivision Bagumbong Caloocan City


[email protected]



Date of Birth: May 30, 1986

Place of Birth: Malabon

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Male

Civil Status: Single

Interest: Play Basketball, Computer games, Play Chess



Primary: Santiago South Elemaentary School (1993 – 1999)

Santiago Isabela City

Secondary: Bagumbong High School (1999 – 2003)

Bagumbong, Caloocan City

Tertiary: Quezon City Polytechnic University

San Bartolome, Novaliches, Quezon City

Bachelor: Quezon City Polytechnic University (Information Technology)


Narzoles,Jo-pete G. Your photo here

3145 MRB Phase III Pilot Drive Commonwealth Quezon City 2x2


[email protected]



Date of Birth: March 23, 1997

Place of Birth:Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro



Civil Status:Single




Primary:Juan Morente Sr. Memorial Pilot School

Secondary:Nabuslot National High School


Bachelor: Quezon City Polytechnic University (Information Technology)


Sarigumba Jr,Cirilo H. Your photo here

#40 Piopongco St. Brgy San Antonio San Francisco Del Monte 2x2

Quezon City


[email protected]



Date of Birth: January 7, 1993

Place of Birth: Loboc, Bohol

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Male

Civil Status: Single

Interest: Computer and music



Primary: Loboc Central Elementary School

Secondary: Philippine Maritime Institute, Loboc Academy


Vocational: Quezon City Polytechnic University (Computer Programming)

Bachelor: Quezon City Polytechnic University (Information Technology)



Crhistian Paul D. Jorvina

#66 Maligaya Park Subd,. Novaliches Quezon City


[email protected]



Date of Birth: July 13, 1996

Place of Birth: Quezon City

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Male

Civil Status: Single

Interest: Any Kind of Sports



Primary: Maligaya Elementary School

Secondary: Maligaya High School


Bachelor: Quezon City Polytechnic University (Information Technology)



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