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P.O. BOX 65032


AUGUST 17,1992

Dear pastor Cortney McBeth

I thoroughly enjoyed visiting with you last week. We thank God for creating the
opportunity. Based on our meeting i am not following up with this letter in
acquaint you with our vision.


The Hausas are 18.9 million strong, concentreted mainly in Northern Nigeria
but significantly represented in 6 other West African Nations (Ghana, Togo,
Benin, Cameroon, Chad, Niger). Most of these Hausas are Muslims or animists.

According to the World Christian Encyclopedia by the year 2000 AD, there will
be more Muslims in Nigeria than in Libya, Oman, Kuwait, Iraq and Lebanon
all but together. The Hausas make up the bulk of Muslims in Nigeria.

The july 1991 issue of the INTL JOURNAL OF FRONTIER MISSION (IJFM)
published by the U.S. centre for World Missions, discloses that only 1 in 1000
Hausas is a church member. About 10 million of them have never been exposed
to the gospel even once, according to this report.

These compelling facts and our love for the lost has led us to dedicate the rest of
our lives to evangelize this tribe, our commitment is unshakable.

We will like to see at least 2 million of the 10 unreached, won to the Lord by
the year 2000 A.D. we plan to plant 10 churches within this time frame. By
God's grace and your help, IT CAN BE DONE.

By partnering with us, your ministry would be playing a very crucial role in
pioneering a church in Nigeria's capital city of Abuja. This church will be
evangelising the 7th largest un reached people group in the whole world.


In 1959 the council of churches met in Nigeria to amend and produce report of
faster, Anglican activities in the country. The report carries the following:

Expansion of evangelical activities in Nigeria along with the independence.

Plans on how to widen the opponent namely, islam and traditional religion.

It was agreed upon churches that, the traditional religion shoul be wiped out
easily but the only problem to face is islam.

Two other sub - committees were set - up to see the above. The committees

(i) A full and comprehensive report on Islamic activities.

(ii) Details on how to discontinue the spread of traditional religion.

Personalities to be talked to: Politicians, Military officers, police officers and

Senior Civil servants.

To handle all the country's administrative members.

Take control of the country's political work force and all involve.
Recruitment and monitoring of officers in the army , navy, air force,
police and other security agencies in the country.

An association called Christianity for all was also formed in December, of the
same year with the assistance of foreign mission like:

i. Sudan interior mission to take care of the Northern part of the

country with the following tasks:
a. building of schools with the condition that no child will be
admitted into the school except he or she accepts that jesus is his
or her Personal Lord and Savior.
b. Medical Centres, they are mandated to survey common diseases
in the North and a zone. These Medical Centres are to be assisted
by the German Government from German Missionary aid
Commission. The conditions for treatments are to do morning
devotion in Jesus name by all patients to fellowship in the
afternoon treatment; night worship will also be compulsory upon
all patients in the hospital; drugs are to be taken in the name of
It was also said that all patients who accept these conditions should be admitted
immediately without delay and be given treatment, feeding, clothing and other
essential life needs.
The northern Nigeria commission was headed by Dr. Vane a German and Mrs.
Grace hail from Grace and were assisted by elder Yohana Cook from Zaria
district Wusasa Headquarters. Also they had Bitrous Yusuf of Benue Plateau
Zone, Jos headquarters. There were other sub - members like Malam Assa of
Gombe , Mallam Timli of Biu and Hannatu Yola.
The plan for the Northern Nigeria was so cone that they also had the followings
in stock.
a) To cater for needy.
b) To give relief items to those in disaster with the notice that Jesus has
done this for them.
c) To build houses for homeless with the assurance that Jesus can do
everything if they believe in him as their personal Lord and Savior.
d) To offer scholarship to non - Christians more especially Muslims to
Christians schools in Nigeria and abroad to enable them know the love of
Jesus Christ and give full Christian orientation so much that they
wouldn’t be allowed to offer Muslim prayers while in school.
e) To train Christians to study Islam in Muslim schools among the scholars
(Mallam) with the pretence that they are Muslims.

These ideas will go along way to change Arabic and other Islamic textbooks to
suit our interpretations. These people can also be paraded or presented as people
who were formally Muslims and now converted to Christians.

Northern Muslims are so strong in their faith if this foundation is not properly
funded and managed we shall not succeeded. We would also introduce things
that will keep them from renumbering their religion. All sports and games will
be introduced to target their prayer times. We shall all time be in contact with
our Europe and American sponsors to sent us sport wears and sport material.
Muslim traditional rulers will always be used as chairmen and internal sponsors
of all our sporting activities, KANO KWAJAFA, YOLA and JOS.

These activities will be used for medical evangelism in the North Kano as you
know is the heart of Muslims so we must put all efforts in it to bring in
neighbouring towns like Katsina, Daura and some parts of Niger to the light of
Christ. The poor in different villages will be transported down for free treatment
and their children will be given adequate and qualitative education in these
cities. Schools must be founded there immediately. They should be more equip
than other schools and around these cities. Farms will establish Jos and Yola to
cater for those without means of feeding and employment will be given to the
jobless. Publishing companies are to be established in Jos and Kaduna to print
books in local Hausa dialect and Arabic to propagate Jesus to the grassroots.
Expanded these to Lagos and western region. Happy indeed they still sort out
jobs for them in federal and Regional developments.

Among them we have lawyers to efficiently design the judiciary system to suit
us. We have engineers among them too who are to protect our interest and
creates jobs for our jobless ones. We have others , in different activities who are
in charge of thing that have really stop most Muslim youths from participating
in their fanatical religious activities. There are many of them in Day Scout , Boy
Brigade, Girls Guide, St. Julius Ambulance and the Red Cross societies hundred
percent Christian oriented programmed which up till date they do not know.

The Roman Catholic has the highest scholarship body in the country and it is
also leading in welfare and social activities with strong shares in the following
organisations: standard Bank of Nigeria, Barleys bank of Nigeria, African
international Bank, UTC organisation and all the UAC organisation etc. The
church also has notable producing companies backing it with its big share:
Leventis organisation, Nigerian Bottling company, Seven - up Bottling
company and so many organisations like that.

The catholic prisons welfare unit has proven unchallengeable by any other
organisation in the country. There is no prison in the country that the catholic
impact is not felt with the following activities.

i. Tuesday and Thursday free medical treatment to all inmates both

convicted and awaiting trial.
ii. Powerful legal team standing freely for inmate in court and struggling for
quick release of case files in (DPP) and police stations.
iii. The welfare departments also assist release inmates who have no
transports or means of going home with enough transport and at times
personally take them home. Those who have nothing doing are also
assisted with finance to tide up trade and other small - scale ventures for
their livelihood. More thanks to the Vatican for its powerful support.
We agree with Pope Paul that Nigeria must be Christianized by the year
2000 physically or ideologically. CATHOLIC SECRETARIAT OF
NIGERIA 16th APRIL 1966.
Our Anglican communion is another mission that Nigeria history cannot
forget for its numerous contributions to the growth of this country. Its
administrative headquarters commonly called in the church house in
Marina Lagos. It houses so many federal government ministry and
parastatals. The Anglican communion in Nigeria deserve a grate thank for
many elementary and secondary schools build in western Nigeria and
some parts of the East. It is well known in its scholarship activities and
material and human services. Its activities are also felt in the prison and
other social centres. It is close to the catholic mission.
Thank to Bishop Adelitoye and other Bishops who have made us know
that Muhammad was an unposter, in fact an agent of Satan (Wal - Iyazu
billah) send to come and ridicule Christianity. His regular publications
sponsored by our elder statements , may God keep him alive for us Chief
Jeremiah Obafemi Awolowo. This great man really highlighted the
Christians in the west; without him Ibadan could have turned to mecca in
Nigeria. In the name of Christian he tactically introduced Ibadan
Recreation club.
The Anglican communion is the first Christian organisation to give
condition that you can only be admitted into a Christian school by
dropping your faith as a Muslim. This action was considered necessary
1910 because Muslim at Oshogbo, Ede, Ibadan , Oyo and Shaki towns
too firm that their children cannot change their Islamic names to any
other name to enable them go to school. In 1910 the Christian took a
decision that we have hospitals and we hold fast to every needs so if they
disagree with us we will not help them.
The Methodist church like the Anglican had the same plan but with a
slight differences. They have musical band that was used for attracting
Muslim children and that really change people in Kwara and so many
other Muslim areas in the south.
Evangelical activities will continue like that. We will all go out in search
of funds to back the coming churches and we warned therefore that the
churches present and the one to come later must not wage war against
themselves, must not fall to support one another, financially and
materially. All our source of resources must not made known to the
Muslims until we been their leader to follow us whether they like it or
In the national council of churches meeting everybody here present must
take these home to his audience and congregation that we have just one
strong opponent and that is Mohammedanism, the religion of islam. In
recent times, the Sardauna of Sokoto and some notable Yoruba's from
Ibadan visited Arabia in search of money to Islamize his country. They
have known that we have our sponsors even before they think of Arabia.
So we shall frustrate them academically, medically and introduce to them
sensible way thing they do not like.
i. Clubs of social and recreations.
ii. Alcohol and ladies of all kin.
iii. The shall be gainfully employed in hotels and brewery , this teach
them a lesson of their lives they will be frustrated even they like it
or not.


Though Nigeria who have key positions and belong to different cults in the
country and abroad, we would win them to ourselves. We would talk to them on
how to work together. We shall not disturb them on their faiths and beliefs but
place them in position that we can benefit from them daily. We shall also show
them the bad sides of these Muhammadan. We would propagate to them that
these Muhammadan are their open enemies they should give them no room to
near them.


Administration means total control of this country's affairs. The working

calendar must be changed to our favour. The noise of Thursday and Friday
holiday must be battled out by these our brothers known as our colonial masters.
We would instigate them by all means never to include this in the constitution
before the independence. Saturdays and Sunday's which are our days must be
fixed to balance all our friendly countries in the world. Working hours: the two
'O' clock closure from work must be revoked by the constitution because this
giving them freedom to worship their stone facing Mecca. So we would make
sure that they would not have sing time to think to think of their so - called

We would make the government , Private firms , Banks etc to choose and adopt
12 noon as break time so that by that their two 'O' clock for their prayer time
will be a busy working periods for them. Holidays, we shall make their holiday
period so tight that; their workers might not earn their salaries before the time.
The market shall be no go area within the period. We would extend our
activities to:

i. Primary schools.
ii. Secondary schools.
iii. Higher secondary .
iv. All university we have .

The evangelical team of university of Ibadan shall come out with the plan on
how to impact of ideas on them as it is said catch - them young and train them
or bring them young and train them or bring them young and breed them. The
morning assemblies in the schools must be in our hands for all devotions. From
the Kindergarten schools we shall ridicule this Muhammad and fill up Jesus by
teaching them Church choruses. As soon as they finish from their colleagues we
shall use Baptist Seminary Ogbomosho to coach them on administrative matters
in our favour.

Thanks to that institution founded in 1909 with the powerful medical centres
and Baptist news. CHURCH ELDERS MEETING 1957.



As we move towards independence and election at the same time, we must do

our best to make this political timetable to suit us and to hold key position so
that our enemy can be swimming behind us. We shall disperse a tern to the
queen using our beloved brothers like Dr. Nnamdi Azikwe, Chief Obafemi
disingle Islamic sentiment in the constitution for we every culture in Europe and
western world is acceptable unto use Nigeria will then be known as secular
state, so we must dictate to them how Nigeria politics will be run. We have few
Yoruba Muslims and their northern brother who are threatening us. We shall
incorporate them into rotary international social clubs and make them feel we
are one. We shall remove the idea of radicalism in them and bend them to
accept our plans.

Occasionally, we shall hold parties and end of the year parties we would make
them dance our music with us, use half dressed if not naked girls to serve and
dance with them in any occasion, we shall also legalize things they forbid like
alcohol up to their door step, prostitution even in their families. If this is done,
tell me are not controlling the political structure of this our great nation.



We know that our lives are in the hands of Christ the lord and only him can
save. We must not therefore sit down and fold our hands. These boys must be in
our full control before they get matured. They shall be trained very well
overseas and if any anarchy trouble arises in the country we shall direct them
areas to attack and the police would always standby with us to implicate and
divert their attention on knowing what we have in stock. We shall introduce our
symbols into their way of dressing (uniform) so much that these
Mohammendans would not have anything to say about that.

Mess and other recreation or pleasure centres shall be introduced in all the
military installation in police barracks. These will draw them to us and we can
change them. We shall stock in alcohol and much time for games so that they
will not remember their prayer time. Women will be included for them free by
so, that they can easily take off their minds from what they are doing. We can
equally intimidate them for marriage this will effect them in their families. THE

1n 1989 there was a meeting held at the city hall in January by the Christian
Association of Nigeria (CAN). The first question that arose in the meeting was
are we still a member of OIC? Archbishop Olabunmi Okogie put this question
forth. In response, Archbishop Benson Idahosa as church of God Mission
incorporated replied we are almost sold to this Muslim world, the fight has just
begun. The next question was who is deceiving who , the Arabs are funding
Islam through Gumi and he claimed that he received King Faisal award,
activities of Gumi are well known to us, we shall find the end of this soon.

President Babangida would tell us position in OIC or else the country will be on
fire. After that submission, there was an announcement all non - members
including journalists who are not specially invited are hereby advised to out for
their interests. Security men who are not Christians are not allowed in here. The
buinsess or the day now start says Idahosa. They asked how many churches
have we in Nigeria? Rev. Pastor Uche assistant security General Chairman
Association of Nigeria, East replied with respect and honors Sir, we have four
thousand five Hundred and twenty seven (4527) registered churches with the
corporate affairs are aware of twenty eight (28) evangelical forces used as
operating force for the any problem in carrying out any of the twenty eight
forces. The old members replied with affirmative. He asked which are. They
answered force eighteen, north for Christ in year 2000. We cannot penetrate the
north with all strategies given to us sir, replied Rev. Adigon chairman North for
Christ in the year 2000. The elders were invited for round table talk
immediately and they had a task on how to map out plan for the penetration of
the north. One hour later at about 12:30pm the elders brought the following
reports through their spokesman the present CAN president Rev. Sunday

i. Christian NYSC members must be posted down to Muslim communities

of the North. They shall be given a task to survey and immediately report
the difficulties within the communities to the committee. North for Christ
in the year 2000 with its headquarters at St. Joseph parish , Kaduna.
ii. With the poverty in the north we shall given you enough money and other
aids to bring them close to Christ.
iii. The Christian hospitals in the northern Nigeria shall be expanded and free
treatment should be given to Muslim while the Christian members pay
forty percent for their own treatment.
iv. We must take over all media houses for immediate propagating activities.
These activities should include announcing crusade activities in all the
radio and television houses in the north. These announcement should be
as follows:
a) Hausa 60%
b) English 20%
c) Fulani and other tribes 20%
v. Illupeju bye - pass should serve as collection centre for all materials and
other items to the used for welfare on the distant northern settlers. These
people include: Kumo, Goza, Maguzawas and the people of Goron dutse
in Kano.

Go and apply these if you still have problems let us know quickly. Idahosa
asked again how active and functioning is 100 activities given to them. They
were then advised to put effort on games, children party and other things that
can change the mind quickly.

He also warned them no to increase the movement from the fourty one and treat
these movements have succeeded very well, because in the west and the east our
brothers have done it well to totally take control of the media like these few
media coming up namely : Ray power, African international Television, Murt
international Gallery and DBN.

These four media coming up shortly if functioning very well and we pay, it will
function, we shall make non - sense of Muslims. We have to be thankful to your
great and fearless brothers like Gen. Yakubu Gowon rtd, Major Gen. Jeremiah
Oseini serving Maj. Gen. Joseph Garb rtd. These people have guaranteed as a
total control of Abuja and its environments.

They have also promised with the assistance of Chief Ibru of Guardian
Newspapeer to give us all assistance to rehabilitate our broadcasting office
kwara state and build new ones for television show at:

a) Abuja.
b) Maiduguri.
c) Owerri.
d) Calabar.

It is going to be total achievement for us and victory is near. As we rise from

this meeting said Idahosa, let everyone of you have this in mind that Muslims
are your open enemies; we can also useless them by making them chairmen and
chairladies in all our fund raising activities.

Our ladies would be sent to reveal fearful vision to these Muslims money
begged so that we can easily converted their riches for the propagation of
Christ. The circular is hereby recommended to all churches in Nigeria and some
West African countries. God bless you in Jesus name.

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