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E-mail: [email protected]



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa inggris lintas minat

Hari/Tanggal : (tidak diisi)
Waktu : (tidak diisi)
Kelas : X ( sepuluh )

A. Chose the best answr by crossing (x) a,b, c, d, or e! Harry: But the party’s just started, Nicole.
Nicole: I know. But I have to get up very early tomorrow.
1. Thank you so much for helping me. I relaly... it Thanks a lot for this amazing party.
a. accept Harry: You’re welcome. I may throw another one next
b. agree week.
c. appreciate Nicole: That would be great. Your parties are famous all
d. deserve around the campus.
e. love 5. The underlined phrase means ...
a. the party was great
2. A thousand thanks for all you hard work. I shall never.. b. the party was funny
it. c. the party was poor
a. forego d. the party was bored
b. forget e. the party was dreadful
c. foretell
d. forbid This text is for questions no. 6-11
e. forgive My sister... (6) to cook. ... (7) always has brilliant ideas
for my lunch every day. ... (8) cooks oxtail soup for
Jack : Oh no! I forgot to post a letter. today. I invite my freinds to our house to taste this
Rudy : Let me help you, because I'm going to the post soup. ... (9) love it so much and tell ... (10) sister to open
office. a restaurant because they think many people will like this
Jack : You've been very helpful. soup and she will make much money from ...(11).
3. The underlined expression expresses ....
a. satisfaction 6. a. Lvoe
b. dissatisfaction b. love
c. agreement c. loving
d. thanks d. loves
e. dislike e. loven

4. You help someone with a heavy bag. They say ''thank 7. a. He

you'' and you reply .... b. She
a. no thanks c. They
b. you're welcome d. I
c. i appreciate it e. We
d. i am grateful
e. you blame me 8. a. We
b. Them
Nicole: Harry, I gotta go now. c. Us
d. She 16. The following sentences are expression of
e. It congratulation, except....
a. please accept my warm congratulation
9. a. He b. I congratulate you on your success
b. She c. I’m sorry to hear that
c. Them d. congratulations!
d. They e. well done, congratulations for you
e. It
17. The following sentences are responses of
10. a. his congratulation, except....
b. their a. thank you
c. hers b. thank you very much
d. my c. it was really nothing
e. mine d. it’s nice of you to say so
e. no problem
11. a. it
b. its 18. Which statement is true?
c. them a. Congratulation is the act of expressing joy or
d. it’s acknowledgement, as for achievement
e. her b. Congratulation is the feeling of being grateful
c. Congratulation is something that you sayor do to greet
This dialog is for questions no. 12-15. d. Congratulation is the feeling of being sorry for
Shinta : “I heard you won the first prize for your short somebody
stroy. .... (12)” e. Congratulation is an arragement, a promise
Wulan : “ ... (13).”
Shinta : “As your freind I’m ... (14).” 19. Mr. And Mrs. Anandra... that house in 1987
Wulan : “Thank you.” a. has bought
Shinta : “You deserve it because it’s a very good story.” b. have bought
Wulan : “... (15)” c. bought
d. buy
12. a. Congratulations! e. are buying
b. Thank you
c. Very produd of you 20. I ...any parties since I lived in this town
d. Really! a. attend
e. What are you doing? b. attended
c. has attended
13. a. Very proud of you d. have attended
b. Congratulations e. am attending
c. Thank you
d. That’s a pity 21. Anna... (not see) the movie “Inception” in the cinema
e. I’m very proud of you yet.
a. is not seeing
14. a. very proud of you b. doesn’t see
b. thanks c. didn’t see
c. thank you very much d. have seen
d. really e. hasn’t seen
e. sure
22. My birthday party will be celebrated .... Sunday ..
15. a. Really? 07.30 p.m.
b. Of course a. in – at
c. Thank you b. on – at
d. Sure c. in – on
e. No problem d. on – in
e. at – on
e. economy
23. This is an expression of surprising.... Jawaban: b
a. thank you
b. I don’t believe that 29. When will the rule be effective?
c. I’m fine, thank you a. in five month
d. I’d love you b. at the first of year
e. I’m sorry to hear that c. at the end of summer
d. in two months
24. I’m tired. I’m (go) to bed now. e. in about a week
a. gone
b. goes 30. These are the functions of memo, except....
c. go a. make a request
d. going b. clarify readers to a problem
e. go on c. announce a company policy
d. confirm what has been decided in a conversation
25. Is Suzan (work) this week? e. invite freinds
a. worked
b. working Questions 31-33 refer to the following notice
c. been worked
d. works You are cordially invited to view
An exhibition of work by Yushiko Yamaguchi
Question 26-29 refers to the following memo Included will be works from her most recent project in the
MEMO Artic Refuge
From : Teddy Mcbrian The Peronnel Manager 8028 Lakeshore Boulevard
Date : June 23, 2010 Opening Reception : 6.00 to 10.00 p.m Friday, April 6th
Sub : Company Travel Show runs from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
Mon - Fri
Effective July 1, all personell officers travelling on 12.00 to 5.00 p.m. Sat and Sun Admission - Fee
company business must use the most economical
means possible. No flight under five hours can be 31. What is the type of the text above?
booked in business class. No flight regardless of duration a. recount text
can be booked in first class or on the Concorde b. invitation
c. narrative
26. Who is affected by this memo? d. descriptive
a. all personnel officers e. announcement
b. only the personnel manager
c. only the board of directors 32. Where will the event be held?
d. Teddy Mcbrian a. in a garden
e. only frequent travelers b. at a private home
c. at a gallery
27. Why was the memo written? d. in a movie theatre
a. to save money e. in a museum
b. to save time
c. to reward the employees 33. What time does the reception end?
d. to increase company travel a. 12.00
e. technical problems b. 4.00
c. 5.00
28. If a fligh over five hours, what clas can be booked? d. 10.00
a. first e. 9.00
b. business
c. concorde Questions 34-36 refer to the following text
d. executive
My Useful Telephone Numbers c. That new Japanese black car expensive belongs to
My school 876-4122 the director
Rara my classmate 875-3315 d. That expensive new black Japanese car belongs to
Mom 875-4432 the director
My Dad 876-6245 e. That new black expensive Japanese car belongs to
Grandma 875-3974 the director

34. If you want to ask about homework, which number 40. bag – belongs - , - Harry – little – my – to – brother –
would you call? the – blue – sleeping – small
a. 876-4122 What is the correct arragement of the words above?
b. 876-6245 a. The small blue bag belongs to my little sleeping
c. 875-3974 brother, Harry
d. 875-3315 b. The little blue sleeping bag belongs to my small
e. 875-4432 brother, Harry
c. The small blue sleeping bag belongs to my little
35. It’s time to holiday, I want to refresh in a village, brother, Harry
which number would you call? d. The blue small sleeping bag belongs to my little
a. 876-4122 brother, Harry
b. 876-6245 e. The sleeping bag small blue belongs to my little
c. 875-3974 brother, Harry
d. 875-3315
e. 875-4432

36. If you want to ask at what time your dad will go home
today, which number would you call?
a. 876-4122
b. 876-6245
c. 875-3974
d. 875-3315
e. 875-4432

37. is – fragrance – jasmine – the – hers – white

What is the correct arragement of the wrods above?
a. The white jasmine fragrance i shers.
b. White jasmine fragrance is the hers.
c. The fragrance white jasmine is hers
d. The hers is white jasmine fragrance
e. The fragrance is white jasmine hers

38. rose – red – it’s – a – beautiful

What is the corret arragement of the words baove?
a. A red rose it’s beautiful
b. It’s a beautiful rose red
c. It’s a beatiful red rose
d. A beautiful it’s red rose
e. A rose it’s beautiful red

39. new – that – Japanese – belongs – car – to – director

– the – black – expensive
What is the correct arragement of the words above?
a. That black new expensive Japanese car belongs to
the director
b. That Japanese car new expensive black belongs to
the director

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