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1. Owners of business firms are the only people who need accounting information.

2. Transactions that can be measured in dollars and cents are recorded in the financial information

3. The hiring of a new company president is an economic event recorded by the financial
information system.

4. Management of a business enterprise is the major external user of information.

5. Accounting communicates financial information about a business enterprise to both internal and
external users.

6. Accounting information is used only by external users with a financial interest in a business

7. Financial statements are the major means of communicating accounting information to

interested parties.

8. Bookkeeping and accounting are one and the same because the bookkeeping function includes
the accounting process.

9. The origins of accounting are attributed to Luca Pacioli, a famous mathematician.

10. The study of accounting will be useful only if a student is interested in working for a profit-
oriented business firm.

11. Private accountants are accountants who are not employees of business enterprises.

12. The study of accounting is not useful for a business career unless your career objective is to
become an accountant.

13. A working knowledge of accounting is not relevant to a lawyer or an architect.

14. Expressing an opinion as to the fairness of the information presented in financial statements is a
service performed by CPAs.

15. Accountants rely on a fundamental business concept—ethical behavior—in reporting financial


16. The primary accounting standard-setting body in the United States is the International
Accounting Standards Board.
17. The Financial Accounting Standards Board is a part of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

18. The Securities and Exchange Commission overseas U.S. financial markets and accounting
standard-setting bodies.

19. The cost and fair market value of an asset are the same at the time of acquisition and in all
subsequent periods.

20. Even though a partnership is not a separate legal entity, for accounting purposes the partnership
affairs should be kept separate from the personal activities of the owners.

21. A partnership must have more than one owner.

22. The economic entity assumption requires that the activities of an entity be kept separate and
distinct from the activities of its owner and all other economic entities.

23. The monetary unit assumption states that transactions that can be measured in terms of money
should be recorded in the accounting records.

24. In order to possess future service potential, an asset must have physical substance.

25. Owners' claims to total business assets take precedence over the claims of creditors because
owners invest assets in the business and are liable for losses.

26. The basic accounting equation states that Assets = Liabilities.

27. Accountants record both internal and external transactions.

28. Internal transactions do not affect the basic accounting equation because they are economic
events that occur entirely within one company.

29. The purchase of store equipment for cash reduces the owner's equity by an equal amount.

30. The purchase of office equipment on credit increases total assets and total liabilities.

31. The primary purpose of the statement of cash flows is to provide information about the cash
receipts and cash payments of a company during a period.

32. Net income for the period is determined by subtracting total expenses and drawings from total

33. Identifying is the process of keeping a chronological diary of events measured in dollars and

34. Management consulting includes examining the financial statements of companies and
expressing an opinion as to the fairness of their presentation.

35. Accountants do not have to worry about issues of ethics.

36. At the time an asset is acquired, cost and value should be the same.

37. The monetary unit assumption requires that all dollar amounts be rounded to the nearest dollar.

38. The basic accounting equation is in balance when the creditor and ownership claims against the
business equal the assets.

39. External transactions involve economic events between the company and some other enterprise
or party.

40. In the owner's equity statement, revenues are listed first, followed by expenses, and net income
(or net loss).


41. Accountants refer to an economic event as a

a. purchase. b. sale.
c. transaction. d. change in ownership.

42. The process of recording transactions has become more efficient because
a. fewer events can be quantified in financial terms.
b. computers are used in processing business events.
c. more people have been hired to record business transactions.
d. business events are recorded only at the end of the year.

43. Communication of economic events is the part of the accounting process that involves
a. identifying economic events. b. quantifying transactions into dollars and cents.
c. preparing accounting reports. d. recording and classifying information.

44. Which of the following events cannot be quantified into dollars and cents and recorded as an
accounting transaction?
a. The appointment of a new CPA firm to perform an audit. b. The purchase of a new computer.
c. The sale of store equipment. d. Payment of income taxes.

45. The use of computers in recording business events

a. has made the recording process more efficient.
b. does not use the same principles as manual accounting systems.
c. has greatly impacted the identification stage of the accounting process.
d. is economical only for large businesses.

46. The accounting process involves all of the following except

a. identifying economic transactions that are relevant to the business.
b. communicating financial information to users by preparing financial reports.
c. recording nonquantifiable economic events.
d. analyzing and interpreting financial reports.
47. The accounting process is correctly sequenced as
a. identification, communication, recording. b. recording, communication, identification.
c. identification, recording, communication. d. communication, recording, identification.

48. Which of the following techniques are not used by accountants to interpret and report financial
a. Graphs b. Special memos for each class of external users
c. Charts d. Ratios

49. Which of the following would not be considered an internal user of accounting data for the XYZ
a. President of the company b. Production manager
c. Merchandise inventory clerk d. President of the employees' labor union

50. Which of the following would not be considered an external user of accounting data for the XYZ
a. Internal Revenue Service Agent b. Management
c. Creditors d. Customers

51. Which of the following would not be considered internal users of accounting data for a
a. The president of a company b. The controller of a company
c. Creditors of a company d. Salesmen of the company

52. Which of the following is an external user of accounting information?

a. Labor unions b. Finance directors
c. Company officers d. Managers

53. Which one of the following is not an external user of accounting information?
a. Regulatory agencies b. Customers
c. Investors d. All of these are external users

54. Bookkeeping differs from accounting in that bookkeeping primarily involves which part of the
accounting process?
a. Identification b. Communication
c. Recording d. Analysis

55. All of the following are services offered by public accountants except
a. budgeting. b. auditing.
c. tax planning. d. consulting.

56. Which list below best describes the major services performed by public accountants?
a. Bookkeeping, mergers, budgets b. Employee training, auditing, bookkeeping
c. Auditing, taxation, management consulting d. Cost accounting, production scheduling, recruiting

57. Preparing tax returns and engaging in tax planning is performed by

a. public accountants only. b. private accountants only.
c. both public and private accountants. d. IRS accountants only.
58. A private accountant can perform many activities in a business organization but would not work in
a. budgeting. b. accounting information systems.
c. external auditing. d. tax accounting.

59. The origins of accounting are generally attributed to the work of

a. Christopher Columbus. b. Abner Doubleday.
c. Luca Pacioli. d. Leonardo da Vinci.

60. Financial accounting provides economic and financial information for all of the following
a. creditors. b. investors.
c. managers. d. other external users.

61. The final step in solving an ethical dilemma is to

a. identify and analyze the principal elements in the situation.
b. recognize an ethical situation.
c. identify the alternatives and weigh the impact of each alternative on stakeholders.
d. recognize the ethical issues involved.

62. The first step in solving an ethical dilemma is to

a. identify and analyze the principal elements in the situation.
b. identify the alternatives.
c. recognize an ethical situation and the ethical issues involved.
d. weigh the impact of each alternative on various stakeholders.

63. Ethics are the standards of conduct by which one's actions are judged as
a. right or wrong. b. honest or dishonest.
c. fair or unfair. d. all of these.

64. Generally accepted accounting principles are

a. income tax regulations of the Internal Revenue Service.
b. standards that indicate how to report economic events.
c. theories that are based on physical laws of the universe.
d. principles that have been proven correct by academic researchers.

65. The cost principle requires that when assets are acquired, they be recorded at
a. appraisal value. b. exchange price paid.
c. selling price. d. list price.

66. The cost of an asset and its fair market value are
a. never the same.
b. the same when the asset is sold.
c. irrelevant when the asset is used by the business in its operations.
d. the same on the date of acquisition.

67. The body of theory underlying accounting is not based on

a. physical laws of nature. b. concepts.
c. principles. d. definitions.
68. The private sector organization involved in developing accounting principles is the
a. Feasible Accounting Standards Body. b. Financial Accounting Studies Board.
c. Financial Accounting Standards Board. d. Financial Auditors' Standards Body.

69. The SEC and FASB are two organizations that are primarily responsible for establishing generally
accepted accounting principles. It is true that
a. they are both governmental agencies.
b. the SEC is a private organization of accountants.
c. the SEC often mandates guidelines when no accounting principles exist.
d. the SEC and FASB rarely cooperate in developing accounting standards.

70. GAAP stands for

a. Generally Accepted Auditing Procedures. b. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
c. Generally Accepted Auditing Principles. d. Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures.

71. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the cost principle?

a. Reliability b. Subjectivity
c. Objectivity d. Verifiability

72. The ACE Company has five plants nationwide that cost $100 million. The current market value
of the plants is $500 million. The plants will be recorded and reported as assets at
a. $100 million. b. $600 million.
c. $400 million. d. $500 million.

73. All of the following are advantages cost has over other valuations except that it
a. is reliable. b. can be objectively measured.
c. can be verified. d. is relevant.

74. The proprietorship form of business organization

a. must have at least three owners in most states.
b. represents the largest number of businesses in the United States.
c. combines the records of the business with the personal records of the owner.
d. is characterized by a legal distinction between the business as an economic unit and the owner.

75. The economic entity assumption requires that the activities

a. of different entities can be combined if all the entities are corporations.
b. must be reported to the Securities and Exchange Commission.
c. of a sole proprietorship cannot be distinguished from the personal economic events of its owners.
d. of an entity be kept separate from the activities of its owner.

76. A business organized as a corporation

a. is not a separate legal entity in most states.
b. requires that stockholders be personally liable for the debts of the business.
c. is owned by its stockholders.
d. terminates when one of its original stockholders dies.
77. The partnership form of business organization
a. is a separate legal entity. b. is a common form of organization for service-type businesses.
c. enjoys an unlimited life. d. has limited liability.

78. Which of the following is not an advantage of the corporate form of business organization?
a. Limited liability of stockholders b. Transferability of ownership
c. Unlimited personal liability for stockholders d. Unlimited life

79. A small neighborhood barber shop that is operated by its owner would likely be organized as a
a. joint venture. b. partnership.
c. corporation. d. proprietorship.

80. Joan and Sara met at law school and decide to start a small law practice after graduation. They
agree to split revenues and expenses evenly. The most common form of business organization
for a business such as this would be a
a. joint venture. b. partnership.
c. corporation. d. proprietorship.

81. Which of the following is true regarding the corporate form of business organization?
a. Corporations are the most prevalent form of business organization.
b. Corporate businesses are generally smaller in size than partnerships and proprietor-ships.
c. The revenues of corporations are greater than the combined revenues of partnerships and
d. Corporations are separate legal entities organized exclusively under federal law.

82. A basic assumption of accounting that requires activities of an entity be kept separate from the
activities of its owner is referred to as the
a. stand alone concept. b. monetary unit assumption.
c. corporate form of ownership. d. economic entity assumption.

83. Deb Smith is the proprietor (owner) of Smitty's, a retailer of athletic apparel. When recording
the financial transactions of Smitty's, Deb does not record an entry for a car she purchased for
personal use. Deb took out a personal loan to pay for the car. What accounting concept guides
Deb's behavior in this situation?
a. Pay back concept b. Economic entity assumption
c. Cash basis concept d. Monetary unit assumption

84. A basic assumption of accounting assumes that the dollar is

a. unrelated to business transactions.
b. a poor measure of economic activities.
c. the common unit of measure for all business transactions.
d. useless in measuring an economic event.

85. The assumption that the unit of measure remains sufficiently constant over time is part of the
a. economic entity assumption. b. cost principle.
c. historical cost principle. d. monetary unit assumption.
86. A business that enjoys limited liability is a
a. proprietorship. b. partnership.
c. corporation. d. sole proprietorship.

87. A problem with the monetary unit assumption is that

a. the dollar has not been stable over time.
b. the dollar has been stable over time.
c. the dollar is a common medium of exchange.
d. it is impossible to account for international transactions.

88. The common characteristic possessed by all assets is

a. long life. b. great monetary value.
c. tangible nature. d. future economic benefit.

89. Owner's equity is best depicted by the following:

a. Assets = Liabilities. b. Liabilities + Assets.
c. Residual equity + Assets. d. Assets – Liabilities.

90. The basic accounting equation may be expressed as

a. Assets = Equities. b. Assets – Liabilities = Owner's Equity.
c. Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity. d. all of these.

91. Liabilities
a. are future economic benefits. b. are existing debts and obligations.
c. possess service potential. d. are things of value used by the business in its operation.

92. Liabilities of a company would not include

a. notes payable. b. accounts payable.
c. wages payable. d. cash.

93. Liabilities of a company are owed to

a. debtors. b. benefactors.
c. creditors. d. underwriters.

94. Owner's equity can be described as

a. creditorship claim on total assets. b. ownership claim on total assets.
c. benefactor's claim on total assets. d. debtor claim on total assets.

95. Owner's equity is often referred to as

a. residual equity. b. leftovers.
c. spoils. d. second equity.

96. When an owner withdraws cash or other assets from a business for personal use, these
withdrawals are termed
a. depletions. b. consumptions.
c. drawings. d. a credit line.
97. Capital is
a. an owner's permanent investment in the business. b. equal to liabilities minus owner's equity.
c. equal to assets minus owner's equity. d. equal to liabilities plus drawings.

98. Revenues would not result from

a. sale of merchandise. b. initial investment of cash by owner.
c. performance of services. d. rental of property.

99. Sources of increases to owner's equity are

a. additional investments by owners. b. purchases of merchandise.
c. withdrawals by the owner. d. expenses.

100. The basic accounting equation cannot be restated as

a. Assets – Liabilities = Owner's Equity.
b. Assets – Owner's Equity = Liabilities.
c. Owner's Equity + Liabilities = Assets.
d. Assets + Liabilities = Owner's Equity.

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