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Water Security 4–5 (2018) 44–55

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Socio-hydrological assessment of water security in canal irrigation systems: T

A conjoint quantitative analysis of equity and reliability
Afreen Siddiqia,c, , James L. Wescoat Jr.a, Abubakr Muhammadb

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States
Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, United States


Keywords: This paper offers a socio-hydrological assessment of water security that compares canal irrigation entitlements
Irrigation system with water deliveries using a conjoint analysis of system reliability and equity. We develop a set of definitions
Irrigation performance and metrics to quantitatively characterize reliability and equity using newly available datasets of 10-daily canal
Equity deliveries from 2007–2017 in the Punjab canal command areas in the Indus Basin Irrigation System of Pakistan,
where emphasis has shifted from distributing historically-defined volumetric supplies to improving irrigation
Indus basin
efficiencies and crop yields in order to achieve greater aggregate water and food security. Our analysis reveals
stagnation and oscillation over time in system-level equity and reliability. We reflect on the potential to posi-
tively affect canal irrigation performance and water security through a socio-hydrological approach.

1. Introduction rainfall [1,7,8]. Irrigation systems are an important determinant of

water security, more broadly defined, due to the extensive volumes of
Framings of water security span a diverse range of approaches that water they use, and consequent impacts on communities and the en-
have evolved from an initial focus on the minimum quantity of water vironment [9]. In large irrigation systems, where agriculture can ac-
available for a given purpose to broader considerations of water access, count for 70%-90% of consumptive water use, water allocation systems
quality, risk, health and ecological concerns. Recent meta-reviews of with effective implementation and governance are important means for
the literature on water security reveal that keywords of “irrigation”, enhancing regional water security.
“food” and “development” feature prominently in content cloud ana- Effective governance, in turn, requires transparency among stake-
lysis of the literature, along with a variety of research methods and holders and beneficiaries [9]. Widely used definitions of water security,
scales [1,2]. While debates and discussions of water security have led to such as “the availability of an acceptable quantity and quality of water
advances in ways of thinking about the issue, experts have noted that, for health, livelihoods, ecosystems and production, coupled with an
“the majority of academic research on water security is relatively acceptable level of water-related risks to people, environments and
poorly integrated with the needs of policy-makers and practitioners” economies” [10], have embedded notions of water supply equity and
[3]. There is a gap between conceptual frameworks for studying water reliability. There is also increasing recognition of the role of governance
security and the pragmatic approaches needed to operationalize and in socio-hydrologic approaches to water security in river basin man-
utilize these conceptual developments. While several studies have agement [6].
called for a socio-hydrologic approach to water security [4,5], only a In the case of canals, water reliability and equity depend both on
few have shown how that can be applied to irrigation systems [6]. natural hydrological flows (i.e., in source waters), and also on the in-
Additionally, in the case of irrigation systems, there is a need for frastructure, access, control, management, and regulations for water
creatively formulated quantitative performance measures to provide an deliveries [11]. In these respects, they are jointly social and hydro-
analytical basis for evaluating water security across space and time in a logical, i.e., socio-hydrological [12,13,14]. Reliability of supply in canal
region. We address each of these needs below. networks is of crucial importance as it allows farmers to anticipate and
Canal irrigation networks provide vital water supplies for agri- optimally plan for water uses that enhance productivity. Reliability is
culture and food production, and are thus important constitutive ele- further defined here as the temporal consistency in supply of irrigation
ments of water security in regions and times of uncertain or inadequate water, and it is largely (though not exclusively) a physical measure. It is

Corresponding author at: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, 33-410, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Siddiqi).
Received 26 May 2018; Received in revised form 7 November 2018; Accepted 11 November 2018
2468-3124/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
A. Siddiqi et al. Water Security 4–5 (2018) 44–55

a measure of temporal expectations. On the other hand, equity is de- extent socio-hydrology [1,11,14,21]. Historically, large canals in the
fined here as the spatial consistency of irrigation supply for each canal, Punjab province of Pakistan were primarily conceived, constructed, and
as compared with others, and it is thus social as well as spatial. It is a operated with a technocentric approach [22]. This was also the case for
measure of socio-spatial expectations. other large systems such as in Central Asia [11] and Egypt [23]. The
In regards to the social dimensions of canal irrigation, it has long performance of these systems was primarily evaluated along technical
been recognized that institutional and social factors are critical [8,15] dimensions such as efficiency of delivery, canal seepage, bank dete-
for addressing challenges of water security, and there is a need for rioration, and annual maintenance. Additional measures of perfor-
approaches that explicitly link social and hydrological systems [6]. mance included efficiency of water use [24] and cost-recovery [25]. As
While there is increasing emphasis on quantitative methods in socio- noted above, the technocentric approach had a mix of social, economic,
hydrology, few studies have applied that approach to water security in and political controls associated with colonial concepts of water se-
canal irrigation systems [10]. Here, we propose a quantitative socio- curity [16].
hydrologic framework for jointly assessing the reliability and equity of Following independence, the focus shifted to technical indices that
water deliveries to gain a new understanding of water system security capture the fraction of water that is used beneficially for crop produc-
as well as performance. tion from the total water withdrawn (such as withdrawal efficiency,
We apply this framework to the Indus basin irrigation system (IBIS) conveyance efficiency and farm delivery efficiency), as well as the crop
in the Punjab province of Pakistan, building on our earlier work on the production benefits of how evenly irrigation water is distributed in a
socio-hydrology of channel flows [13]. Historically, the large canals of field (distribution uniformity) [24]. The relevant scale and scope of
this irrigation system were conceived to provide “protective irrigation” these metrics range from field to watercourse to canal command levels.
that spread water over extensive areas to provide minimum amounts of Concepts of system-level performance of large canal networks have
water as far as possible, oftentimes leading to conditions of deficit ir- also been developed. For example, there are studies that compare
rigation [16]. This early approach to water and food security provided scheduled and actual deliveries to characterize system adequacy, effi-
the minimum “duty of water’ required to secure basic levels of pro- ciency, dependability, and equity, and these have been used to study
duction of staple crops such as wheat and pulses, fodder crops, and systems in Sri Lanka and Egypt [23] and in Iran [26]. In more recent
strategic cash crops like cotton for the mills in Britain [14]. Yields were work, there have been explicit attempts to quantify water security
poor due in part to trade-offs between revenue generation, socio-poli- through indices, such as the two-dimensional household-level irrigation
tical control, and famine risk reduction [13]. After independence in water security index (that considers hydrology and governance) for
1947, emphasis shifted to increasing the efficiency and productivity of systems in Central Asia [11].
canal deliveries through water storage, dam operations, channel lining, In the case of the canal systems in Pakistan’s Indus Basin, a fre-
and on-farm water management [17]. This approach to water security quently used concept is the Delivery Performance Ratio (DPR), which is
was accompanied by greater emphasis on water consuming staple and the ratio of actual discharge to design discharge of a channel. It has
cash crops such as rice and sugarcane for national and global markets, been widely used to judge the performance of channels in the IBIS.
with adverse feedback on water security [18]. Equity has always been Related concepts such as the “relative delivery performance ratio,”
important in Indus basin irrigation management, but it has been treated which is the ratio of the tail DPR to the head DPR of a channel, have
mainly through qualitative research and political negotiations vis-a-vis also been developed and used as indicators of equity within water-
quantitative analysis at the canal command level [19]. courses [27]. In more recent work, equity has been studied with Gini
The existing system in Pakistan remains plagued with significant indices [28], and that approach has been applied to examine tertiary
inefficiencies and deficiencies in control and distribution of surface ir- canals in Punjab, Pakistan using outlet discharge data [29], as well as
rigation water, with increasingly adverse impacts on crop yields and distribution of accumulated wealth [30].
production [18]. The need to improve ‘water security’ in the country’s
large irrigation system is important from not only a local standpoint, 3. New water security metrics for socio-hydrological evaluation of
but also from a larger national agricultural production and food se- canal irrigation systems: equity, reliability, consistency, and
curity perspective. In a positive development, the Government of compliance
Punjab Irrigation Department has posted canal entitlements and de-
liveries online to help improve transparency, analysis, and thereby Building upon the post-colonial approach to irrigation performance
water security [20]. and water security, we formulate a set of definitions and metrics that
Here, we analyze the extensive network of twenty-five main surface collectively provide a socio-hydrological lens on water security in large-
irrigation canals in Punjab, and evaluate their reliability and equity scale irrigation networks. This approach departs from ‘index’ formula-
using the newly available data sets of canal ‘entitlements’ (planned tion methods where a set of dimensions and indicators are typically
supply) and ‘deliveries’ (actual supply) over a 2007–2017 decadal time combined to create aggregate water security metrics [11,31], and it is
span. In the following sections, we first briefly review recent work on also different from singularly focused approaches where only a hydro-
concepts of water security in canal irrigation systems. Next, we survey logical or sociological variable is explored.
commonly used performance metrics for surface irrigation systems, and We develop a framework for an irrigation network (a set of re-
we develop a list of socio-hydrologic metrics that collectively provide a servoirs and interconnected canals) where a discrete number of irri-
multi-scalar temporal and spatial characterization of system perfor- gation deliveries are provided to the canals in a period of time. The
mance. These metrics are used in a case study of the Indus Basin irrigation deliveries are typically based on canal command ‘entitle-
Irrigation system in the Punjab province of Pakistan, where we analyze ments’ that are based on allocation norms adjusted for forecasted sup-
and interpret differences in reliability and equity among canals. Finally, plies in the region [32,33]. As the entitlements are set at the start of a
the key findings of the analysis are presented, along with a discussion of cropping season, they serve to form expectations of supply. We will
potential applications to other canal systems in future studies. interchangeably use the word ‘entitlement’ and ‘expected delivery’ or
‘expected supply’ in the rest of the discussion.
2. Water security concepts in canal irrigation systems We define ki as a ratio of amount of water delivered (d) to the
amount entitled, e, for a canal i for time interval k as:
Surface irrigation systems around the world have been extensively
d i, k
studied and evaluated on several dimensions that include trends and i
k =
patterns of efficiency and equity. There has been growing focus on
ei, k (1)
linking irrigation system performance with water security and to some The above formulation is such that i
k = 1 when entitlement

A. Siddiqi et al. Water Security 4–5 (2018) 44–55

matches with actual (or realized) delivery, and ki < 1or > 1 when performance level. When variation across canals is low (i.e. k is low)
actual delivery is less than the entitlement or greater than the entitle- then interval equity is high, and at k = 0 , the network is perfectly
ment, respectively. Also, ki = 0 when no delivery occurs at a time of equitable. Note that interval equity is a measure to capture spatial
some entitlement, and ki = when a delivery is made while entitle- variability in supply, and is not about what should be delivered, or what
ment was zero. is a fair share. Rather, it measures how evenly the locations are served.
The number of intervals or irrigation supply turns where no water is For instance, if all canals are served at 70% of their entitlements in a
provided at a time of entitlement during an irrigation season is an time interval, then there is full interval equity, as compared to a case
important measure. We denote the fraction of missed irrigation turns in where one canal may be served at 50%, and another canal is served at
a season as: 90% of their respective entitlements.
Ii, t
i, t = 3.2.2. Equity (E)
Ti, t (2)
This is defined as the mean k in a season, and serves as a single
where Ii, t is the number of missed turns when no delivery was provided measure of system equity that becomes useful for comparative analysis.
for canal i in irrigation season in year t,; and Ti, t is its total number of
irrigation turns scheduled for that season. 3.2.3. Consistency equity (CE)
Using data of e, d, and parameters and , a series of useful metrics This is defined as the variability of canal supply consistency i
can be constructed based on statistical measures (primarily mean, µ , across all canals in the network in a season. At perfect consistency
and coefficient of variation Cv) at different scales and time periods in equity, all canals will have the same supply consistency, and the value
the system at the canal level and network level. of CE = 0.

3.1. Canal level metrics 3.2.4. Network reliability (NR)

This metric is the mean reliability of all canals in the network. It
A brief description of some key metrics for canal level analysis is as provides an aggregate measure of reliability at the system (network)
follows: level.

3.1.1. Canal supply consistency ( i ) 3.2.5. Reliability equity (RE)

This is the coefficient of variation of ki , and captures the intra-canal This is similar to CE, and captures the variability in canal reli-
variability of delivery to entitlement ratios for the ith canal in an irri- abilities in the system. It allows for capturing cases where there may be
gation network. It provides a measure of supply consistency, i.e. how high overall network reliability, but significant differences between
supply (at some fractional level to entitlement) is consistent (or not) canals may exist. Also, this metric by encapsulating both reliability and
within a season in a given canal. When i is small, the canal has high equity serves as a conjoint measure for the system.
consistency in its delivery to entitlement ratio. For instance, if a canal is
supplied irrigation water at 70% of its entitlement ( ki = 0.7 ) 3.2.6. Network entitlement compliance (A sys )
throughout the season, it has perfect consistency, and i = 0. The ‘de- This is the fraction of total deliveries made across all canals in the
pendability’ metric is similar (in that it measures temporal variation in season to total season entitlement of all canals in the network. It pro-
supply at a location) [23]. The supply consistency metric enables vides an aggregate measure of the extent to which the seasonal allo-
comparability across different canals. cation to a canal network was fulfilled, but does not differentiate be-
tween how the allocations may have varied for different canals. In some
3.1.2. Canal supply reliability ( i ) cases, it is possible that some canals may have low (under) compliance
This is defined as the likelihood of receiving the allocated water while others may have ‘over’ compliance (with deliveries greater than
entitlement during an irrigation turn [25]. It is computed as the prob- the entitlements), thus making system-level compliance high, but dif-
ability of receiving the full entitlement in each period over which the ferential compliance at canal level.
surface supplies are to be provided. This metric captures the extent to
which entitlements are met over a season for a canal, while accounting 3.2.7. Compliance equity (C p E )
for the discrete irrigation turns. If a canal i receives its full entitlement This metric is the coefficient of variation of canal compliances, Ai ,
at every scheduled turn in the season, then i = 1. and captures the spatial (canal-level) variability.
Table 1 summarizes these metrics for canals, and Table 2 sum-
3.1.3. Canal entitlement compliance ( Ai ) marizes the metrics for a system of N canals (network) that are supplied
This metric quantifies the fraction at which the aggregate or total with surface irrigation deliveries in a total of T discrete intervals in an
entitlement (allocation) for a season for a canal was fulfilled. It ac- annual cropping season.
counts for total deliveries made but does not consider the timing of the This set of metrics provides a dual framing where equity related
deliveries. Ai indicates how much the seasonal volumetric supply metrics are spatial variations of performance metrics, such as reliability
matches the allocation (even though some deliveries may have occurred and compliance. The compliance and to some extent the consistency
at intervals that were different from the intervals of entitlement). and reliability metrics are strongly dependent upon, but not determined
by, hydrological inflows to the basin that affect water availability in a
3.2. Network level metrics season. Conversely, the equity measures are driven more by planning
and operations decisions (i.e. social processes), though they too may be
The key metrics for network level analysis include measures of affected by hydrologic variability.
equity, where variability in the system across canals is quantified, and These measures are simple statistics that have important social
reliability. A brief description of these metrics is as follows: implications for regions economically dependent on irrigation supplies
for agricultural production. Large commercial farms and rich farmers
3.2.1. Interval equity ( k ) are more likely to have the capacities to deal with variability in irri-
The coefficient of variation of delivery to entitlement ratios ( ki ) gation water supply, while poor consumers and subsistence farmers
across canals in the network at the kth interval is defined as the interval face more dire consequences [11]. These metrics (summarized in Tables
equity parameter k . This is based on the concept that spatial variation in 1 and 2) collectively can help build a nuanced socio-hydrological
performance provides a measure of equity [23], regardless of the characterization of water security, reveal trends in system performance,

A. Siddiqi et al. Water Security 4–5 (2018) 44–55

Table 1
Metrics applicable at canal level.
Irrigation interval – k [days] Season [annual] Multi-year

th th
1. Delivery to entitlement ratio for i canal at k interval: ( ki ) (Ati )
1. Canal Supply Consistency: i = Cv ( i
k) = 1. Xi = Cv (Ati ) =
di, k µ ( ki ) µ (Ati )
k =
e i, k
This is intra-canal supply variability t denotes year. This is inter-year variability in canal
T min(1, i ) compliance
k= 1
2. Canal Supply Reliability: i = k
This is likelihood of receiving full supply at time of
3. Fraction of missed irrigation turns in a season:
Ii, t
i, t =
Ti, t
T d
k = 1 i, k
4. Canal Entitlement Compliance: Ai = T e
k = 1 i, k

* is standard deviation, µ is mean, Cv is coefficient of variation.

and identify targets for management and policy intervention. measures have so far proven inadequate as critical knowledge gaps
remain, and issues of variation in reliability and inequitable perfor-
mance persist. In this context, we employ our framework to examine
4. Indus Basin irrigation system (IBIS) in Punjab how equity and reliability in the IBIS in Punjab measure up and how
these attributes of the system have been evolving.
The infrastructure of the IBIS is hierarchically structured. Water is We use data of main canal deliveries provided through the in-
diverted from rivers into main canals that subdivide into branch canals, formation portal of the Punjab Irrigation Department [20]. The dataset
distributary canals, minor canals and individual village watercourses. used in this work spans eleven years from 2007 to 2017 and consists of
This large network is operated through a proportional system of water 10,125 records. It includes total season volumetric entitlement in Mil-
deliveries that have evolved over more than a hundred years. At the lion Acre Feet (MAF), 10-daily entitlement as flows in cubic feet per
local level, the IBIS also operates as a “supply-based system” in which second (cusecs), as well as 10-daily deliveries as flows in cusecs for
fixed water outlets receive their share of water on rotation (warabandi) twenty-five major canals in the Punjab province. The reliability of in-
[29]. This is in contrast to demand-based systems where farmers place dividual canal deliveries is assessed by comparing entitlements and
requests for water based on crop requirements. Irrigators rely upon deliveries over time, which may vary with river inflows into the system
tubewell withdrawals to supplement surface water deliveries which but should otherwise be consistent over time.
increases production costs [34]. The twenty-five canals in Punjab are organized in two ‘zones’
In a supply-based system such as the IBIS, the reliability of water (Table 3). The first is the Indus zone where the Tarbela dam and storage
delivery assumes a particularly salient role in defining system perfor- reservoir and downstream barrages located on the main stem of the
mance. The operational design of allocations to farmers (based on farm Indus river serve twelve canals. The second is the Jhelum-Chenab zone
size and soil conditions) was motivated in part by social equity [29,35]. comprising of the tributary rivers of Jhelum and Chenab that serve
This emphasis continues in the modern ethos of the management thirteen canals. A specific feature of this zone is that four of its thirteen
agencies of the IBIS where equity and reliability are both considered canals are served by Marala barrage on the Chenab River and are not
important [22]. connected to a storage reservoir in Pakistan. The other nine canals are
To date, canal-level management in the IBIS has focused largely on directly or indirectly linked to the Mangla dam and storage reservoir
ensuring delivery of the total seasonal volumetric entitlements to irri- situated on the main stem of the Jhelum river, which should provide
gators, and performance measures have traditionally emphasized greater reliability (Fig. 1).
“losses” (evaporation, seepage, and theft) in the system. These

Table 2
Metrics applicable at network level.
Irrigation interval – k [days] Season [annual] Multi-year

( ki ) T 1. Inter-year variability in system entitlement

k =1 k
1. Interval Equity (at kth interval for network): k = 1a. Equity: E = µ ( k ) = compliance: Asys, t = Cv (Asys )t
µ ( ki ) T
( i)
1b. Consistency Equity: CE = Cv ( i) =
µ ( i)
2. Fraction of canals with missed irrigation turns at k interval: N i
2a. Network reliability: NR = µ ( i ) = i=1
[ iN= 1 Ii ]k N
N ( i)
2b. Reliability equity: RE = Cv ( i ) =
µ ( i)
3. Fraction of system entitlement fulfilled at k interval: 3a. Mean fraction of missed irrigation turns:
i = 1 di = i = 1 i, t
Asys,k = N N
i = 1 ei k
3b. Missed irrigation turns equity:
(Ii, t )
IE = Cv (Ii, t ) =
µ (Ii, t )

4a. Network Entitlement Compliance:

i = 1 k = 1 di, k
Asys = N T
i = 1 k = 1 ei, k
(Ai )
4b. Compliance Equity: Cp E = Cv (Ai ) =
µ (Ai )

A. Siddiqi et al. Water Security 4–5 (2018) 44–55

Table 3
Main canals and command area in irrigation network of Punjab, Pakistan.
Index [Label] Canal Name (Abbreviation) Storage Reservoir/Zone Culturable Command Area (CCA)* [Million Acres]

1. [1T] Thal Canal Main Line Upper (Thal) Tarbela / Indus 1.912
2. [2T] Chasma Right Bank Canal (CRBC) Tarbela / Indus 0.35
3. [3T] Rangpur Canal (RangC) Tarbela / Indus 0.345
4. [4T] Haveli Interlink (H-INT) Tarbela / Indus 0.0117
5. [5T] Sidhnai Canal (SidC) Tarbela / Indus 0.872
6. [6T] Pakpattan Canal Lower (PakPL) Tarbela / Indus 1.049
7. [7T] Lower Mailsi Canal (LMC) Tarbela / Indus 0.994
8. [8T] Lower Bahawal Canal (LBaha) Tarbela / Indus 0.73
9 [9T] Muzaffargarh Canal (Muz) Tarbela / Indus 0.82
10. [10T] D.G. Khan Canal (DGK) Tarbela / Indus 0.906
11. [11T] Punjnad Main Line -including Abassia Link Canal (Punj) Tarbela / Indus 1.355
12. [12T] Abbassia Canal (Abbas) Tarbela / Indus 0.154
13. [1N] Marala Ravi Interlink (MR-INT) None / Jhelum- Chenab 0.158
14. [2N] Upper Chenab Canal Interlink (UCC-INT) None / Jhelum- Chenab 1.441
15. [3N] Central Bari Doab Canal (CBDC) None / Jhelum- Chenab 1.67
16. [4N] Upper Depaulpur Canal (UDC) None / Jhelum- Chenab 0.35
17. [5M] Upper Jhelum Canal interlink (UJ–INT) Mangla / Jhelum- Chenab 0.544
18. [6M] Lower Jehlum Canal (LJC) Mangla / Jhelum- Chenab 1.518
19. [7M] Lower Chenab Canal (LCC) Mangla / Jhelum- Chenab 3.054
20. [8M] Lower Bari Doab Canal (LBDC) Mangla / Jhelum- Chenab 0.659
21. [9M] Lower Depaulpur Canal (LDC) Mangla / Jhelum- Chenab 0.612
22. [10M] Upper Pakpattan Canal (UPak) Mangla / Jhelum- Chenab 1.049
23. [11M] Fordwah Canal (FC) Mangla / Jhelum- Chenab 0.428
24. [12M] Eastern Sadiqia Canal (ESadiq) Mangla / Jhelum- Chenab 1.052
25. [13M] Upper Bahawal interlink and Qaim Canal (UBQ-INT) Mangla / Jhelum- Chenab 0.772

* Data Sources: Ref. [36] chapter 5, Table 18, and Ref. [21] Table 2.4. CCA for Lower Mailsi and Upper Bahawal estimated from data of other canals. Greater Thal
Canal is not included here as its data commences from 2014 and does not span the full period of analysis.

Fig. 1. A schematic of the Indus Basin Irrigation System located in Punjab and neighboring Khyber Pukhtunkhwa (KPK) province. The twenty-five canals supplying
water from Tarbela and Mangla reservoirs are labeled with suffix T and M respectively. Upstream canals in the Jhelum-Chenab zone that are not linked to any storage
reservoir in the country are labeled with suffix N and marked with purple arrows. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

A. Siddiqi et al. Water Security 4–5 (2018) 44–55

There are two cropping seasons in Pakistan: Kharif (summer) that for farmers. Some cases, such as watercourses in the lower riparian
runs from April through September and is the major production season; province of Sindh, have 14% to 55% missed turns in an irrigation
and Rabi (winter) that spans from October through March. Major Kharif season [35]. Farmers typically do not receive any monetary compen-
crops include cotton, rice, sugarcane, and maize. Wheat is the major sation for lost delivery turns, and therefore the randomness and fre-
Rabi crop, followed by gram, tobacco, rapeseed, barley and mustard. quency of missed deliveries depress yields and returns for farmers.
Punjab has five agro-climatic zones (ACZs). The eastern part of the The problem of missed delivery turns has been documented in the
province under the Jhelum River supports crop mixes known as Punjab smaller tertiary canals and watercourses; however, it has previously not
Rice-Wheat, Punjab Sugarcane-Wheat, and Punjab Cotton-Wheat zones. been investigated for the major twenty-five canals in Punjab. Our
They are water intensive and receive higher monsoon rainfall. Indus analysis of the canal deliveries data shows that missed deliveries (Ii,t)
river canals serve ACZs with somewhat drier Punjab Cotton-Wheat and are manifested at the major canals, which ultimately lead to missed
Punjab Mixed Wheat cropping patterns. These patterns prove relevant deliveries at the water-course scale, thereby affecting farm-level supply.
when canal reliability and equity are examined. Fig. 3 shows Ii,t for each canal (bottom plots) for Kharif and Rabi sea-
The Indus and its main tributaries (Kabul, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, sons, and it is observed that Ii,t in the worst cases is double for Rabi as
Sutlej and Beas) have flows that rise in early summer with the snowmelt compared with Kharif. Additionally, some canals exhibit repeated pat-
and monsoon rainfall and have peak discharge in July or August. The terns of high Ii,t such as Rangpur canal in Rabi and Marala-Ravi inter-
mean monthly flows during November to February (in the Rabi season) link, D. G Khan and Muzaffargarh canals in Kharif. These problems are
are about a tenth of those in summer. Based on the Indus Water Treaty, in part a function of lower and less reliable river inflows during the Rabi
Pakistan uses waters of the Indus, Jhelum, and Chenab rivers, while season.
flows of the Ravi, Sutlej and Beas have been allocated to India. The In addition to examining missed deliveries, we also counted ‘un-
Indus has large seasonal fluctuation in flows. On average, 75 percent scheduled’ deliveries, i.e. those cases when an entitlement in a 10-day
(67 MAF) of the total annual mean discharge (of 90 MAF) occurs in four interval was zero, but a delivery was made. The top row plots in Fig. 3
Kharif months of June to September. The mean annual flow of the show the number of unscheduled deliveries for Kharif and Rabi seasons
Jhelum and Chenab rivers combined is 49 MAF, of which 65 percent for each canal. In this case, Fordwah canal in Rabi season stands out
(31 MAF) occurs in four months from May to August – one month with consistently high (ten to fifteen) counts of unscheduled deliveries
earlier than the Indus [36]. year after year. In comparing between seasons, Rabi exhibits higher
The surface canals supply irrigation water for cropping in Kharif and instances of unscheduled deliveries as compared to Kharif where such
Rabi seasons for over 15 million hectares (∼ 37 million acres) in occurrences appear to be rare. For a gross comparison, in the Kharif
Punjab [37]. Each year, seasonal forecasts of water availability are season there were 3.7% (183 out of 4950 records) of missed deliveries
made based on reservoir storage levels and expected inflows. These during the eleven-year period across all the twenty-five canals. In Rabi
forecasts are then used for making specific canal allocations (i.e., season season, there were 5.7% (292 out of 5110 records) missed deliveries
entitlements) based on their shares according to the country’s 1991 during this period. Furthermore, there were also more unscheduled
Water Apportionment Accord [33]. The canals’ total allocations in MAF deliveries, 8.6% in Rabi as compared to 0.7% for Kharif. Overall, 14.3%
and entitlements for 10-day flows in cusecs are specified at the begin- deliveries in Rabi and 4.4% deliveries in Kharif did not match their
ning of each season, and actual deliveries are recorded over the course planned schedule that was set at the beginning of each season. In
of the irrigation season (Fig. 2). In terms of equity, irrigators would contrast with missed deliveries, unscheduled deliveries cannot be a
expect, first, that the two zones would each receive their proportional function of river inflows, as adjacent canals have not had similar ben-
shares, and second, that canal commands within each zone would re- efits, which raises issues of equity as well as reliability.
ceive their respective shares. The plots in Fig. 3 also show that for some canals there is a recurring
mismatch of deliveries and entitlements year after year. It appears that
4.1. Stability of supply: Missed and unscheduled deliveries there is no trend of adjusting canals entitlements and deliveries based
on past experience. The results indicate a need for improving the de-
A key issue in performance of the IBIS is missed deliveries that serve livery scheduling process in order to reduce missed and unscheduled
as a basic measure of reliability. Previous studies have shown that deliveries in the irrigation network. These results may be due to his-
missed surface water deliveries appear to be the largest cause of losses torical canal entitlements that cannot be practicably fulfilled due to

Thal Canal Main Line Upper - Kharif Kharif Entitlement Balance

Total Entitlement-Cumulative Delivery [MAF]

9000 3

6000 2


Deliveries 0.5
1000 0


Fig. 2. Left: Irrigation entitlement (red) and actual deliveries (blue). Right: Total entitlement balance reported in 10-day intervals. Data shown is for Thal Canal for
Kharif seasons 2007–2017. Several years show repeated deficits where cumulative delivery was less than total entitlement for the season. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

A. Siddiqi et al. Water Security 4–5 (2018) 44–55

Fig. 3. Above: Number of unscheduled deliveries (cases of deliveries under zero entitlement in a period). Below: Number of missed deliveries, Ii,t (cases of no delivery
at times of entitlement). Note color bar axis is different for plots on the left (Kharif) and right (Rabi).

their specific geographical, hydrological, and design related factors. about whether that reflects an adaptation to less reliable and less
Such entitlements may be maintained as paper rights with the tacit equitable deliveries. It may also be noted that the four upstream canals
understanding that they may be fulfilled during years of surplus flows in the Mangla zone, which are not linked to a storage reservoir, exhibit
and have better prospects in the event of increased storage. In such higher variability than the canals that are linked to the reservoir, which
cases, it is useful to consider the consistency metric, i , which indicates makes sense. These four canals are Marala-Ravi interlink, Upper
how supply at some fractional level to entitlement is consistent (or not) Chenab interlink, Central Bari Doab, and Upper Depalpur canal. An-
at each interval within a season. other important feature in the plot is that there is a fair amount of
spread in the year-to-year supply consistency. The canals that exhibit
highest consistency (lowest values of i ) are Thal canal, an upstream
4.2. Canal supply consistency and compliance canal that branches from the Indus main stem, and Lower Jhelum and
Lower Chenab canals that are upstream canals in the Mangla zone. A
The canal supply consistency, i , is useful to get a measure of pre- notable exception from the trend of increasing i from upstream to
dictability for a canal while accounting for systemic factors that may downstream (moving left to right on the x-axis) is the Eastern Sadiqia
make serving a specific entitlement challenging. Consider a case, where canal in the Mangla zone. This canal has been extensively instrumented,
a canal is only delivered 80% of its stated entitlement. If it is done so monitored, and studied for the past few decades [29,38,39], and this
consistently throughout the season, then the i will have a small value focus may contribute to its more reliable but possibly less equitable
(and consistency will be high). High consistency gives a level of pre- record of deliveries.
dictability for water users and allows for better planning. The data for i allows for hypotheses about how farmers form ex-
Fig. 4 shows i for the Kharif season for canals ordered from up- pectations about canal irrigation supplies and respond in various ways.
stream to downstream locations in each zone on the x-axis. The median For instance, in a system where actual supply may be routinely less than
supply consistency, shown as a black square marker, has an increasing the entitlement (i.e. low i and high consistency) the farmers are likely
trend. These results indicate that the variability generally increases for to adapt and plan accordingly in contrast to cases where i is high (low
downstream canals, which is analogous to well-documented head-tail consistency), which may discourage farmers from making investments
inequities at the smaller distributary and watercourse scales[29,35]. It under uncertainty. If i changes from year to year as appears to be the
is also the case that cropping patterns have declining water require- case here, the surface irrigation system is particularly challenging to
ments from upstream to downstream commands, which raises questions

A. Siddiqi et al. Water Security 4–5 (2018) 44–55

Fig. 4. Canal supply consistency (that measures intra-canal variability in delivery to entitlement ratios within a season) for Tarbela and Mangla zone canals. The
canals are ordered on the x-axis left to right from upstream to downstream position in the two zones of the irrigation network. Dots represent data for a single year
and median across 2007–2017 for each canal is shown as the black square marker.

work with. A set of three distinct clusters were identified with k-means clus-
In order to assess which canals may be subject to challenges of tering analysis in the Xi - i space. In the first case, there are two canals
consistency, along with overall gross shortages of supply, we de- that exhibit high value of i (they have low consistency as their de-
termined canal compliance (fraction of total entitlement volume to total liveries do not match well with scheduled entitlements) and also high
delivered volume, regardless of timing of delivery). We computed inter- values of Xi (high interannual variability in compliance). These two
annual variability of compliance, Xi, and plotted it against mean canal canals, marked in red, are inter-link canals (the Marala-Ravi and the
consistency for the 2007–2017 period (Fig. 5). Upper Bahawal inter-link). The second cluster (marked in green) are
canals with relatively improved consistency (lower value of i ) but also
with high inter-annual variability in compliance. Interestingly, this
second cluster includes canal commands dependent on the less reliable
Marala barrage as well as those downstream on the Indus main stem in
the drier and less productive Punjab Cotton-Wheat West zone. The third
cluster (marked in blue) has comparatively the best attributes with low
values of i and Xi . These plots of consistency and compliance provide a
relative comparison of performance across canal commands that have
important implications for productivity.

4.3. Canal reliability

Reliability, i , for all the canals in most of the years was found to be
below 1 (Fig. 6). The reliability in Kharif is higher than in Rabi for each
canal, which may be associated with higher river inflows in the Kharif
season. The reliability in Tarbela command canals is higher than in
Mangla command canals, which may reflect in part the high volume
and low coefficient of variation in annual Indus River inflows. The
median reliability across all the canals ranges from 56% to 97% in
Fig. 5. Mean canal consistency and inter-annual variability in compliance Kharif and 32% to 96% in Rabi season. One influencing factor on re-
(2007–2017) reveals three distinct clusters of canals. Plots such as these can be liability is position of the canals in the network. A slight trend of de-
used to identify targets (canals) for further monitoring and evaluation and creasing median reliability is evident from upstream to downstream
management intervention. canals in both zones (left to right on the x-axes), however there are

A. Siddiqi et al. Water Security 4–5 (2018) 44–55

Fig. 6. Canal reliability i (likelihood of receiving full entitlement in an irrigation turn) for Tarbela and Mangla zone canals in Kharif and Rabi seasons.

Fig. 7. Canal command areas in the Punjab province shaded with levels of median canal reliability in the 2007–2017 period. The regions are marked with labels
given in Table 1. The inset figure shows a map of Pakistan with green area showing canal irrigated region in the Punjab province. (For interpretation of the references
to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

some notable exceptions such as the Chashma Right Bank Canal (CRBC) that while this canal has low likelihood of receiving its entitlement on
in Tarbela zone (Figs. 6 and 7). its scheduled turn (entitlement), it receives a high number of un-
The lowest median reliability is observed for Fordwah Canal which scheduled deliveries. Therefore, in aggregate it receives its entitled
is located downstream in the Mangla command in the Rabi season. If water over the course of the season, but it is not delivered at the offi-
this is compared with data of ‘unscheduled deliveries’ shown in Fig. 1, cially scheduled times. Given that this pattern is consistent from year to
Fordwah canal has the highest number of such deliveries, indicating year, it points to the possibility that unscheduled deliveries are made to

A. Siddiqi et al. Water Security 4–5 (2018) 44–55

zone. Thus, canals serving large amounts of land have comparatively

better consistency and reliability as compared to canals serving smaller
areas, which might be attributed to larger and more readily fulfilled
claims on the system.

4.5. System equity and network reliability

For the final analytical synthesis of system behavior, we map system

equity (mean k ) and network reliability (mean i ) for each season
(Fig. 10). This type of mapping helps assess system performance, and
visualize where course correction is needed. In an ideal case, a system’s
trajectory should tend towards the green dot in Fig. 10, indicating the
utopia point that has perfect equity and perfect network reliability.
The results in Fig. 10 show that there is no clear trajectory of the
system reliability and equity measures, which instead exhibit an oscil-
lating trend during the 2007–2017 period. Also, there is a worsening of
the system behavior in the winter (Rabi) months as compared to the
summer, and system equity is lower in Rabi on average by 26% as
compared to Kharif. It is apparent from these results that crops grown in
the Rabi season, including the major staple crop of wheat in the region,
Fig. 8. Box plots of canal reliabilities distribution for each year in Rabi.
are likely to be subject to adverse impacts [41]. Furthermore, the
overall production in the province is likely to show significant variation
compensate for low reliability; as well as to the need for examining the in crop production due to the low levels of equity. Variations in network
process of how entitlements and schedules are set, and what if any equity require additional analysis of entitlement and delivery re-
procedures can be put in place to improve management and operations. lationships across canal commands. In a recent analysis of 2013–2016
These results also point to the critical issue of timing of deliveries, as wheat yield data for Punjab, we have found that there is significant
timing of irrigation applications impacts yields. In many regions of variation in yield and water used by farmers across canal commands
Punjab, farmers have augmented surface supplies with pumped [42]. In future studies, we will use the socio-hydrologic framework and
groundwater for irrigation [34], and recent studies show that the major results of this work to evaluate hypotheses about water security, crop
drivers of groundwater use are the variability and uncertainty asso- production, and food security [43].
ciated with surface water delivery [40].
Due to the lower reliability and comparatively higher variation in 5. Summary
the Rabi season, we examined the annual trend of canal reliabilities in
Rabi (Fig. 8). The annual trend shows increasing variability over time The irrigation system of the Indus has been studied from a variety of
which is detrimental for productivity of the important wheat crop perspectives, but this socio-hydrologic assessment is the first to examine
grown in the province during the Rabi season. the reliability and equity of water deliveries to twenty-five major canals
across the province of Punjab in Pakistan over the period of a decade.
4.4. Interpreting patterns of consistency and reliability Our analysis reveals that the vast surface irrigation network in the
Punjab exhibits significant variation in reliability measures across
Previous sections have introduced several factors that help explain seasons in these canals. While variations between the head and tail
differences in the improved metrics of consistency and reliability de- areas of smaller channels, such as distributaries and watercourses, are
veloped here. With only 12 canal commands served by the Indus and 13 well-documented, this analysis reveals variations across major canals as
by the Jhelum, a regression-based analysis is not possible to quantita- well. Median canal reliability ranged widely, from 56 to 97% in Kharif
tively assess the driving factors of consistency and reliability. However, and from 32% to 96% in Rabi, which we interpret in part as a function
Figs. 4, 6 and 7 show that trends in these measures are influenced by of lower mean discharge in Rabi season inflows. Interestingly, canals in
source (river inflows), reservoir storage, and network hierarchy (up- the eastern part of the province served by the Jhelum exhibit higher
stream versus downstream position). For example, canals linked to consistency in supply than those served in downstream reaches of the
rivers that have no direct reservoir storage show greater variability. larger Indus river, which raises issues of system operations and equity.
Second, there is a general decrease in consistency and reliability for We note that downstream canal commands have cropping patterns
canals from upstream to downstream locations, which indicates issues adapted to lower and more variable water supply. We also find that for
of equity as well as water delivery challenges over longer transit dis- some canals in both zones there is a consistent mismatch between en-
tances. This pattern is correlated with cropping patterns that have titlement times and deliveries. These variations across space and time
higher water requirements in upstream locations (Punjab Rice-Wheat can have real impact on the productivity of agriculture where timing of
and Punjab Sugarcane-Wheat); and cropping patterns that have lower irrigation is key, and by extension on the socio-economic conditions of
water requirements (Punjab Cotton-Wheat) in downstream locations. the large population that relies on this system. Recent studies with flow
Third, there are exceptions such as the comparatively higher con- sampling at 10-minute intervals at selected distributaries (branching
sistency and reliability of the Central Bari Doab canal (CBDC), and the from main canals) in Punjab have shown that 10-daily reported data
more downstream Panjnad canal and Eastern Sadiqia canals, which can mask significant variations at higher time resolution[13,44]. In
again raise questions of equity as well as pragmatic aspects of water future work, we plan to show how the network-level and canal-level
delivery. attributes relate to performance attributes at the finer watercourse
We explored the potential impact of canal command size as an ad- scale.
ditional factor that influences these patterns, with the expectation that At the network level, we find that the system equity is overall worse
larger commands would have more reliable supplies. Fig. 9 shows in Rabi season on average by 26% as compared to Kharif, which may be
median i and i plotted with canal command area, and a clear trend of explained in part but not wholly by lower Rabi inflows. It is a concern
increasing consistency and reliability with command area is evident in that network equity does not show any consistent positive trend over
the Mangla zone while a weaker positive trend is evident in the Tarbela time. Rather we observe ‘noise’ in the system and find no indication of

A. Siddiqi et al. Water Security 4–5 (2018) 44–55

Fig. 9. Median canal consistency (top row) and reliability (bottom row) versus canal command area in Kharif season. The consistency and reliability show an
increasing trend with area in the Mangla zone. In the Tarbela zone, consistency shows no apparent trend and reliability shows a mildly increasing trend with canal
command area.

Fig. 10. The network reliability (mean i ) and system equity show oscillatory behavior. Performance in Rabi (winter season) along both equity and reliability
dimensions is worse as compared to Kharif (summer season).

improvement in water security as defined in this work. The results show analyzing water security, this paper defined quantitative metrics of
that overall system equity and reliability are moving in a wavering equity and reliability in a canal irrigation network. While there has
rather than an improving trajectory. been significant attention devoted separately to issues of equity [29]
At the same time, these results indicate that there is significant and of reliability, the two have seldom been considered jointly in
theoretical potential to positively affect performance and water security quantitative studies. Here, a set of metrics and graphic representations
through interventions in water delivery forecasting and management. have been formulated to better understand system behavior, identify
The performance measures used in this work are based on a comparison opportunities for management interventions, and direct the system
of entitlements and deliveries data. Any improvement in the entitle- trajectory towards desired levels of performance. While the framework
ments allocation and scheduling alone that accounts for geographical is applied to study the irrigation system in Punjab, Pakistan, the ap-
and technological factors for each canal can lead to better potential proach and metrics can be used to study systems in other regions, in
performance outcomes. For certain canals, the reported data shows that which comparative analysis can be performed.
entitlements are not duly met, year after year. In such cases, either the
entitlements should be revised or technical interventions in the supply
network should be undertaken to ensure that deliveries closely follow Acknowledgements
seasonal entitlements for each canal.
In addition to contributing a new socio-hydrological framework for This work was partially supported through a grant, “Enabling New
Water Planning Regions with Data Analytics, Visualization, and DSS

A. Siddiqi et al. Water Security 4–5 (2018) 44–55

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