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1)Consider the following and determine whether metal M:

i. has been oxidized

ii. has increased in oxidation number
iii. has gained electrons
B = i and ii only
2)What happens when acidified hydrogen peroxide solution is added to iron(ii) sulfate solution?
B= the iron (ii) ion is oxidised to the iron (iii) ion
3.) In which of the following reactions does the oxidation number of NITROGEN show the
greatest increase?
B= 4NO₂ + O₂ + 2H₂O → 4HNO₃
4) What is the oxidation number of CARBON in the oxalate ion, C2O4 2-
A = +3
5) Cesium reacts explosively in water as shown in the equation below. What is the reducing
agent in the following reaction:
2Cs + 2H20= H2 + 2Cs + 2OH-
A= Cs
6) Which of the following is not a redox reaction:
C= MgO + H2SO4 = MgSO4 + H2O
7) What happens in the oxidation-reduction reaction below?
[ClO3]- + Cl- = Cl2 + ClO2
D= Cl is both oxidized and reduced
8) B.
9) Which of the following reactions is an oxidation-reduction(REDOX) reaction
C= 3CuO + 2NH3 = 3Cu + 3H2O + N2
10) What is the oxidation number of chromium in (nh4)2cr2o7
A= +6
11) What is true about a reducing agent?
C=Its oxidation number increases
12)What is the oxidation number of CHROMIUM in the dichromate ion, Cr2O7 2-
D= +6
13) What is the oxidation number of SULFUR in the S203 2-
A= +2
14) What is oxidation?
D= the loss of electrons and an increase in oxidation number
15) Which statement about COPPER is true from the following equation?
D= copper undergoes oxidation and its oxidation number increases

Part 2

1. C.ii) Describe what you would observe if the result of the test is positive. Explain the
chemistry involved in the breathalyser test.
Answer: There will be a color change of orange to green. The orange dichromate ion is
reduced to the green chromium ion. The potassium dichromate reacts with ethanol,
it loses an oxygen atom (reduced) meanwhile ethanol gains an oxygen atom
(oxidized). The potassium dichromate is the oxidizing agent used to test for the
presence of a reducing agent (ethanol)

2. C.i) One type of the breathalyser test uses acidified potassium dichromate(VI) crystals.
i) For what purpose is the breathalyser test used?
Answer: It is used to test the alcohol level in a driver’s breath. This is used when there is
an accident and they want to see if the diver involved was too drunk to drive.

3. a.) (i) The figure below shows the label on a multivitamin and mineral supplement bottle.
Much of the information has been left out. Each tablet contains Potassium iodide 0.1 mg
A multivitamin and mineral supplement bottle A solution is made of one of the tablets
and acidified hydrogen peroxide is added to the solution.
i) State what you would expect to observe.

2 KI (aq) + H2O2 (aq) → I2 (s) + 2 KOH (aq)

Answer: There would be a color change for potassium iodide as it reacts with hydrogen
peroxide of colourless to brown.

4. 1. Zn+2HCl=ZnCl2+H2
Answer: Zn has been oxidized since it increased in oxidation number (0 to 2). Zn is the
reducing agent since it brought about the reduction of hydrogen.
2. 2Fe(iii)+Cl2=2Fe(iii)+2Cl-
Answer: None was being oxidized since Fe remained the same and Cl was reduced
since there was a decrease in oxidation number from 0 to -1. No RA.
3. 2NH3+3CuO=N2+3Cu+3H2O
Answer: N has been oxidized since it increased in oxidation number (-3 to 0). N is the
reducing agent since it brought about the reduction of copper.

5. a). (ii) Write an ionic equation to represent the reaction. Identify whether this reaction is
oxidation or reduction. Justify your answer.

ANSWER: H2O2 (aq) + 2 KI (aq) → I2 (s) + 2 KOH (aq)

It is a redox reaction since KI is a reducing agent and H2O2 is an oxidizing agent.
Therefore, iodide ion(I-) is oxidised to iodine (12) so there was an increase in
oxidation number and it lost electrons to form Iodine. Oxygen was reduced since
there was a decrease in oxidation number (-1 to -2) and it gained electrons.
6. Copy each equation and below each show how you balanced them. Write the balanced
equation below your working.
a. H2SO4 + HBr= SO2 + Br2 + H2O
H2SO4 + 2HBr= SO2 + Br2 + 2 H2O

b. HI+H2SO4=H2S+I2+H2O

c. KNO3+K=K2O+N2

d. NO2+H2O=HNO3+NO

e. HBr+MnO=MnBr2+Br2+H20

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