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MAY 2021
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Fueling Dreams, Empowering Learners
Chapter I



Good study habits are the keys to learning. Everyone cannot be brilliant but

everyone can learn how to study. Good study habits will save time. This time can be

spent in learning more about the world, in working your hobbies or in just having fun.

In this connection, the best way to study will help one to be a better pupil. By using

your time properly, you can do homework quickly.

The success of student effort to acquire education is equated with academic

achievement. The product of their ability, intellect environment and experienced are

varied factors on that academic achievement of the pupils.

The responsibility of developing correct study habits is shared by the school

and the home. In school, the teacher is to create among students a strong desire to

learn. He/she make sure that students master the skill effectively for study habits.

The key to better learning and better academic performance in school are good

teachers, lectures, good study environment, high quality books, these are the most

important in developing the study habits of a student like us. If not the student will

find it difficult, hence, will result to frustration. At home, through proper guidance and

parents cooperation, student will find the importance of acquiring good study habits.

Study habits are the students ways of studying that you have formed during

your school years. It is the way of study whether systematic, sufficient and

insufficient. Meaning good study habits produces positive academic performance

while having an insufficient study habits leads to academic failure. Study habits can

be good or bad.

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Fueling Dreams, Empowering Learners
Good study habits include being organized, keeping good notes, reading

your text books, listening to the class and doing homework everyday between

homework, tests, and extracurricular activities, it’s all too easy for things to slip

through the cracks. A planner can help your child keep everything organized.

Students should write down assignments, appointments and to-do lists, then review

items in the planner at both the beginning and end of the day to stay on track. One

more thing is read actively. In this matter, a student may read carefully at textbook

to get what are the main points on what they just read. I must say that this one is

effective one because through this, a student can write and explain it on their own

words and they should able to come up with the examinations. Listening to the class

is one way of study habits. It’s very important for students to concentrate and avoid

distractions when an instructor is presenting. Some tips to share with your child

include: try concentrating on the main points being made, think about what the

speaker is saying and pay attention to how things are said (gestures, tone of voice,

etc.). They should avoid talking or thinking about problems when listening. Bad

study habits include skipping on classes, not doing your homework’s, and watching

television instead of studying. Now a days, students study habits was very often to

practice for developing their skills and knowledge because of the influence that they

get from the people that surrounds them. It was sad to think that it is happened now

because of the students that are lazy and lack of inspiration and motivation to study.

Some students are computer holmic they more likely spend their time playing their

gadgets like cell phone and other devices that they have, and worst of all is they

engage with the computer games and surfing in internet.

Going to school is stressful especially if the students have many projects and

works that they need to finish on time. Sometimes when you didn't finish your works

and task that your teacher gave to you it turns into vicious cycle that involves

staying up all night and having weird sleeping pattern because you need to finish it.
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Fueling Dreams, Empowering Learners
We students are need to deal with those frustrations and stressful days because

that is part of our life. Without well develop study habits, we cannot perform well in class

and they cannot achieve their goals and ambition in life. Other students use their

intelligence in foolishness and not in good deeds. Students should know how to

manage their time wisely and keep their selves away from bad traits. They should

serve as models and inspiration to every students by showing their good and well

developed study habits.

This study is concerned with a survey of students in Taal Senior High School.

The main purpose is to identify the study habits of the students and their academic

performance. It also help such students to improve their study habits and thus fully

realized their best potentialities.

Statement of the Problem

This study focus on the Study Habits of Grade 11 and 12 Accountancy Business and

Management (ABM) students in Taal Senior High School. This study was undertaken to

determine the study habits of the students in Taal Senior High School, Taal District,

Division of Batangas during the school year 2018-2019.

Specifically, it also aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What are the study habits of Taal Senior High School?

2. What is the academic performance of the respondents based on their general

weighted average?

3. What strategies may be done to further improve the study habits of the students?

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4. Is there a significant relationship between the study habits and the level of academic

performance of the students?

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 below shows the research paradigm of the study. The input includes the

academic performance and study habits. The process includes the survey

questionnaires. Lastly, the output which includes the different strategies to further

improve the study habits of Taal Senior High School.


Study Habits Survey Different

Questionnaire strategies to

Academic further improve

Performance the study habits

Figure 1: Research Paradigm


There is no significant relationship between the study habits of the students and

academic performance.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

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The study focused on determining the study habits of grade 11 and 12

Accountancy Business and Management (ABM) students in Taal Senior High School

during the school year 2018 - 2019.

The 100% full population has been delimited to 72 respondents to represent the

sample population who played a vital role to come up in reaching the answers for this

study and the researchers used simple random sampling. The researchers used the

survey questionnaire as an important instrument to gather information and data. It

focused directly to the factors that affect the decision of grade 11 and 12 Accountancy

Business and Management (ABM) students in determining their study habits.

Significance of the Study

This study is important to the following people in the field of education.

To Teachers. They would become aware of their strength and weaknesses

of developing the study habits of the pupils. With such information, they could adapt

more effective ways to enhance the development of study habits in Taal Senior High

School. The information gained on this study would be of great help for them to

understand better the diversity of learners where in their ways of development would be

suited to the students.

To Administrators. The result of this study would provide them with the

information on how the teachers develop the study habits of the students. Thus, they

could suggest some strategies and techniques to enhance the development of the

study habits of the students in Taal Senior High School.

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To Students. Particularly in Taal Senior High School would be benefited from

the findings of this study since the study provides basis for awareness and better

understanding of how their current study habits affect their academic performance.

Likewise, it would give them a more focused and clear perspective on how the specific

behaviors related to their studies influenced study habits

To the Future Researcher. The proposed study will benefited and give a

huge help the future researchers as their guide. They can also open in development of

the study and one more thing is they would be able to use this data for them to get

ideas and references.

Definition of Terms

To understand and clarify the term used in the study. The following are hereby


Study Habits. This term refers to whether the students study at the same time

each day. It also describes some external activities which serve to activate and facilitate

the internal process of teaching (Wikipedia). For this study, it clarifies the daily routine

of students with regards to their academic duties and responsibilities.

Education. In this study, this term refers to the knowledge , skill and

understanding that you get from attending a school, college or universities (Meriam

Webster Dictionary). For the purpose of this study it clarifies every individual to think

critically to have a better career future.

Studying. This term refers to the interpretation of reading materials (Google).

Studying was used in this study to the stability behavior.

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Academic Performance. This word used in this study to the outcome of

education. Academic performance describes how well you perform in school courses

like social studies, history, english/ELA, sciences, and maths, but can also include the

“specials” or elective courses in the Arts, music, health, business, and others.

Academics are courses that are graded and retained for school records (Quora).

Strategy. A careful plan or method for achieving a particular goal usually

over a long period of time (Meriam Webster Dictionary). This word used in this study to

the skill of making or carrying out plans to achieve a goal.

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Chapter II


In this chapter, the related literature and related studies are bonded which

served as the guided in the conduct of this study. This chapter will provide an overview

on the difficulties encountered by the ABM students when it comes to their study habits.

This literature is essential for the completion of the present study.

Related Literature

Factors Affecting Study Skills. In Nigeria, as reported by Henry (2009) in Aina,

Ogungbemi, Adigun (2012), reveals that 40% of adult. Nigerians never read a non-

fiction book from cover to cover after leaving school, and that an average. Nigerian

reads less than one book per year. According to him, the vast majority of the world’s

information is not digitalized but in print form, hence children must be encouraged to

read early in life. However, parents that should be the mentors did not cultivate the

reading culture themselves. This invariably will result into breeding students that are not

likely to read in their schools not to talk of having good study habit. The quality of life of

the people of a nation can be directly linked with the percentage of her citizens who are

literate. Aina et al (2012) submits that Cuba which is adjacent to United States of

America has the highest rate of literacy in the world. This explains why Cuba has a

vibrant economy despite decades of diplomatic conflicts. Tracy (2008) asserts that being

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a former British colony, Nigeria’s literacy culture ought to be as standardized as that of


Anti social life is also included and Aina et al (2012), identified anti social

behavior as another bane of reading culture. When not curbed on time in the student, he

will get his focus shifted from school work. Little or no time will be given to studying.

Most often times poor reading ability degenerates into poor study habit in the African

undergraduates. The manifestation of corrupt practices in the educational institutions in

form of trading sex for high scores or grades, selling of sub-standard books and hand-

outs at high prices, exchange of money for examination grades and great incidences of

examination malpractices that are looked away from, thereby going unsanctioned, are

affecting the encouragement of proper or right study skills deserved in our university

undergraduates. Socio economic variables like participation in the class, family salary,

and teacher-student ratio, existence of qualified teachers in school, mother’s and father’

s education, distance of school and gender of students also influence the students’

performance (Raychauduri et al., 2010).

The environmental noise culture is also one of them. It is also a visible factor that

strengthens poor reading culture and invariably the establishment of good study habit,

as pointed out by Aina et al (2012). Distractions among students also have really

affected a right cultivation of good study habit. Most students do abandon their

educational careers for the pursuit of money.

The most significant factor with the positive outcome on the performance of the

students is competence of students in. Students having good communication skills it

expands the students’ performance (Abdullah, 2011).

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Robert and Sampson (2011) investigated that the students who effectively

participate in the learning procedure are seen to have a higher CGPA (cumulative grade

point average).

Raychauduri et al. (2010) examined that various studies have been concluded to

recognize those variables which are influencing academic performance of the students.

The academic performance of the students also rely on a various socioeconomic

variables like students’ participation in the class, family pay, and teacher-student ratio,

presence of qualified teachers in school and gender of the student.

Academic performance is the outcome of education; it is the extent to which a

student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals. Thus performance is

characterized by performance on tests associated with coursework and the performance

of students on other types of examinations (Kyoshaba, 2009).

Various studies have been carried out on the factors that affect students’

academic performance or achievement in schools, colleges and universities. Some of

the factors identified and reported to have affected the academic performance of

students in these different settings are: student effort, previous or prior educational

performance, self-motivation, the social-economic status of the students’ parents, the

students’ age, number of hours of study per day, admission points, different entry

qualifications, tuition trends and the students’ area of residence (rural or urban) (Farooq,

Chaudry, Shafiq & Berhanu, 2011; Ali, Haider, Munir, Khan & Ahmed, 2013).

Admission points and the different entry qualifications, which are the results of

prior or previous academic performance likely to affect the students’ future academic

performance, have been considered in this study, as this research concerns the

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academic performance of students admitted with different entry certificates. Tertiary

institutions all over the world, including Nigeria, use prior academic performance in terms

of admission points or different entry qualifications/certificates as a basis for selecting

students for admission into the colleges of education, polytechnic schools and

universities. These admission points or entry certificates are always of equivalent rating

or value, even though they may be awarded by different examination bodies. Thus Bratti

and Staffolani (2009) observed that the measurement of the students’ prior educational

outcomes or performance is the most important indicator or determinant of the students’

future academic performance.

The type of school a child attended also affects the academic performance of the

student. In this regard, Kyoshaba (2009) observed that students’ educational outcome

and academic success is greatly influenced by the type of school which they attended.

The school we attend is the institutional environment that sets the parameters of a

student’s learning experience. However, performance in terms of academic achievement

prior to reaching the university did appear to affect performance at university to a small

extent. In a related study, Miambo (2011) observed that for a number of institutions,

student admission is based on a number of different qualifications, to the extent that

students receiving instruction in the same course differ greatly in terms of their prior


This being the case, one might wonder whether other researchers totally agree

that prior educational performance, admission points and different entry qualifications

truly affect future academic performance. The answer is no. In a study on the

relationship between previous academic performance and subsequent achievement at

the university level, Huws, Reddy and Talcott (2009) found that students learning or

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studying at the graduate level and scores earned failed to predict any level of academic

achievement at university. The Academic Admission Council at Oregon State University

(2009) also disagreed with the view that academic performance is determined by prior

academic performance. They held that traditional measures of academic potential, such

as grade point average or ‘A’-level grades did not predict academic performance at

university. Miambo (2011) also reported that there was no significant difference in the

academic performance among students due to differences in the admission criteria

employed; the same study observed that while varied, these criteria adequately

assessed the potential of students to handle the demands of courses in agriculture.

However, holders of diplomas in agriculture and other qualifications appeared at the

bottom of the academic performance chart.

Nonetheless, it is very important to note that even though these studies do not

agree with former studies that indicate achievement in previous studies affects future

performance, they did confirm that admission scores are related to academic

performance at the university level, but to a very minimal extent (Ali, et al.; Mlambo,

2011; Kyoshaba, 2010).

In light of the related literature reviewed, it seemed pertinent to find out whether

there is actually any difference in the academic performance of students with different

qualifications. This is because quality technical teachers are very relevant in technical

education. Thus, the success or failure of any technical education system is dependent

on the quality of its teachers (Banjo, 2009). Also, the level of academic performance of

the students in the NCE Technical Programme could prove to be an index of the quality

of the technical teachers in the system (Ihiegbulem, 2009). Thus, this level of academic

performance, in terms of the two groups of students admitted into the NCE Technical

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Programme with SSCE or C & G certificates, respectively, was the subject of

examination of this study. It also examined whether the groups differed significantly in

terms of their academic performance.

Poor Study Habit as an Educational Problem. According to Tracy (2008), reading is

the only form of entertainment that is also an essential part of life skills. Children with

poor reading habit receive poor grades in school, get easily distracted and frustrated.

According to Pax as cited by Mazur, there are many difference why students do

poorly in school, but on frequent problem poor students is that no matter where they are,

studying is stability-behavior. Such as student may intend to study regular ay actually

succeed in doing productive work only rarely. It is simply that there are no stimuli that

motivate their studies. A student may go her room after dinner planning to study turn on

television or stereo instead. She may go to the library with reading assignment by may

find herself socializing with friends instead of reading.

In contemporary times, the success of the developed countries or the world have

been linked to huge investment in human resources, but the societal problems in

particular, in the poverty stricken sub-Saharan Africa, has not made this possible. Other

problems in the African society include that of education, employment, health, food and

some others that could be affecting the national growth.

According to Onweh , secondary education in Nigeria grew at 10% yearly but

access to it experienced great constraints due to complex admission processes and

bottle necks created by administrative directives. Technical education then was neglected

by the government. Higher education enrollment was so poor to the extent that 4% of the

relevant age showed interest. This revealed the background to the problems encountered

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by Nigerian education and which are still lingering. Onweh further reiterated in his

comparative study on the educational enrollment of places like South Africa which stood

at 17%, India had 17%, Indonesia recorded 11%, and Brazil was not too lagging behind

with its 12% stance. Nigeria was really found wanting compared to the points of the

entries into the various educational systems of these aforementioned countries.

The values of reading cannot be overemphasized as he further affirmed. Through

reading, according to him, human beings have the tools to transmit knowledge to each

succeeding generation. According to Tracy (2008), reading is the only form of

entertainment that is also an essential part of life skills. Children with poor reading habit

receive poor grades in school, get easily distracted and frustrated.

Effective Study Habits. Forlini answer that good study habits require time organization

and practice. An individual pupil needs to choose study , schedule study time, keep track

of the assignments, and establish appropriate goals in choosing a study setting in order

to improve the study habits.

Study habits contribute significantly in the development of knowledge and

perceptual capacities. (Yadav, Ansari, Savant 2009). There is a need, to guide the

students about meaningful learning so that they are able to memorize things in a better

way. Students improve their performance because they can learn most of the concepts

clearly through proper study habits.

Study habits refer to learning which leads to the achievement of a learner’s goal,

through a prescribed pattern of steady behaviour, Ogbodo (2010). A student must know

learning method and study habits, which help him to achieve the goals of education.

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Fueling Dreams, Empowering Learners
Learning through good study habits is the key process in human behavior. Parents and

teachers always show concern for learning of the child because learning through good

study habits influences our language, our skills, attitudes, interests and even our goals. It

is a general observation that a number of students are seen complaining that they do not

secure good marks, for this, many a times the poor study habits are to be blamed. The

students do not have proper attitude towards study so they hardly care for developing

good study habits. Many students learned the things for longer time, hours and hours

continuously without understanding. During examination forgetting the initial word of an

answer, make it difficult for the students to recall the entire answer. Therefore they

should have proper study habits, which would help them to study and to retain the

concepts correctly and with proper comprehension.

Learning involves the development of proper study habits and skills. The

problem of study habits is one of the universe important problems both from theoretical

and practical point of view. Theoretically, efficient learning depends upon

the development of efficient study habits and skills.” Nadeem, Puja, Bhat (2014)

Motivation refers to whatever is within the individual that propels the individual in to

some sort of action. The learning or behavior theory suggests that all behavior is

dependent on the needs of the individual and that the learning that takes place only

when behavior is being motivated. Motivation as a state of organism, which involves the

existence of a need that moves of drives the organism from within and directs its

activities to a goal that can bring about the satisfaction of the need. Nagaraju (2009).

Patil and Minakshi (2008) observed the correlation between study habits of IX students

and achievement in history. The sample size was of 120 students. The major finding was

there was low but positive correlation between study habits of IX standard students and

achievement in History. Patil, Suhas (2008) conducted a study to find the correlation
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between study habits of IX standard students and interest and achievement in Science.

The study concluded that there was correlation between science achievement and

interest, science interest and study habits and science achievement and study habits.

Sonar, Vijaya (2009) conducted a correlational study at M.Ed. level. The study was

carried out to find out the correlation between study habits of IX standard students and

their achievements. 50 students from standard IX were selected by incidental sampling

method. The study found that study habits and academic achievement were positively

correlated. The students were not aware of proper study habit techniques like note

taking, reading skills and taking examinations. It also suggested that mostly all students

were in need of guidance for the same.

Significance of Study Habits. Marcus Crede and Nathan R. Kuncel (2008), in

their research at the University of Albany said that study habit, skill, and attitude

inventories and constructs were found to rival standardized tests and previous grades as

predictors of academic performance, yielding substantial incremental validity in

predicting academic performance.

According to Menzel, cited by Rana and Kausan (2011), many students fail not

because they lack of ability but because they do not have adequate study skills. students

who have difficulty frequently do not have adequate study habits that affects their

academic achievement.

Based on the study of Hassanbeigi et. al (2011), because of the importance of

study habits and attitudes in academic performance, some researchers have proposed

strategies that will help students develop effective habits and attitudes.

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According to the study conducted by Nuthana and Yenagi (2009), found

significant correlation between study habits and academic achievement. it further

revealed that reading and note-taking habits, and habits of concentration and

preparation for examination had significant correlation with academic achievement. the

authors pointed out that students who are better in reading and note-taking habits are

may have better academic achievements.

While in the study of Sarwar et. al (2010), it was discovered that a significant

relationship between students study habits and academic performance exist another

research found disperancy between the study attitudes of high and low achieving


The study of Osa-edoh and Alutu (2012), which examined the usefulness of

imbibing in the students study habits, as a means of enhancing their performance,

revealed a high correlation between study habits and academic performance. this

suggests that is only when students learn proper study habits that their academic

performance can be improve or enhance upon.

Nonis and Hudson (2010), also conducted a study on performance of college

students-impact of study time and study habits which they found that some study habits

had a positive direct relationship on students performance but others had a negative

direct relationship.

Related Studies

According to the book entitled “Study habits refer to learning which leads to the

achievement of a learner’s goal, through a prescribed pattern of steady behavior.”

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(Ogbodo, 2010, p 229) A student must know learning method and study habits, which

help him to achieve the goals of education. Learning through good study habits is the

key process in human behavior. Parents and teachers always show concern for learning

of the child because learning through good study habits influences our language, our

skills, attitudes, interests and even our goals. It is a general observation that a number of

students are seen complaining that they do not secure good marks, for this, many a

times the poor study habits are to be blamed. The students do not have proper attitude

towards study so they hardly care for developing good study habits. Many students

learned the things for longer time, hours and hours continuously without understanding.

During examination forgetting the initial word of an answer, make it difficult for the

students to recall the entire answer. Therefore they should have proper study habits,

which would help them to study and to retain the concepts correctly and with proper


Based on the book entitled “Learning involves the development of proper study

habits and skills. The problem of study habits is one of the universe important problems

both from theoretical and practical point of view. Theoretically, efficient learning depends

upon the development of efficient study habits and skills.” (Nadeem, Puja, Bhat, 2014,


Study habits are termed as the methods of study of students. Study habits are

student’s ways of studying whether systematic, efficient or inefficient (Ayodele & Adebiyi,

2013) implying that efficient study habits produces positive academic performance while

inefficient study habits leads to academic failure. Marquez (2009) also pointed out that a

student who is successful in his desired career has good study habits. In line with this,

she stated that students should apply these habits to all of their classes. She also

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suggested that the students should not try to study all the subjects in a single period.

However, every students has his own study habits depending on his preferences with

regards to the duration of time devoted in studying , what place or environment would

be the best venue to study , the study skills and techniques will the student utilizes

during his study and more. It will depend upon the person if he is voluntarily interested in

studying or be prompted by the distraction of the social networking sites such as

facebook , twitter , instagram, tumblr, etc. which all of these can be easily accessed

through their phones and majority of the students possesses a smart phone as what

they’ve called it. Studying is the key to excel in one’s academic performance, because it

not only prepares a student to excel in class but reinforces the lessons that already been


"How to Become a Straight-A Student: The Unconventional Strategies Real

College Students Use to Score High While Studying Less, by Dr. Cal Newport. When it

comes to books on study skills for college, Dr. Cal Newport's how to become a straight-a

student is one of (if not) the best. If you're looking to improve your grades, but aren't sure

where to start, this book's for you. I highly recommend reading this book because by the

time you finish it, you'll have mastered Newport's breakthrough approach.

"Developing Effective Study Habit" by Myland Community College. In this book

studying is a skill pointed out. Being successful in school requires a high level of study

skills. Students must first learn these skills, practice them and develop effective study

habits in order to be successful. Very often the study habits and practices developed and

used in high school do not work for students in college. Good study habits include many

different skills: time management, self-discipline, concentration, memorization,

organization, and effort.

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Fueling Dreams, Empowering Learners
Desire to succeed is important, too. In this module you will discover your areas of

strength and identify your weaknesses pertaining to studying. You will learn about your

preferred learning channel, tips to organize your studies, and ways to help you

remember what you study. The skills you will learn about in this module can be applied

in other areas of your life as well: your job, your career, or any activity that requires

thought, planning, information processing, and self-discipline. You’ll find that once you

develop effective study habits, the job of studying and learning will become easier.

Instead of working harder, you'll be working smarter.

"On the Study Skills and Learning-How to succeed in your studies " when we

start our studies, all of us already have different kinds of study skills. Our motivation

springs from different sources, as does our general attitude to our studies. Nevertheless,

regardless of where we are coming from, we need to take many things into consideration

in our studies. Study success requires clear objectives, motivation, planning, self-

discipline, self-confidence, good study habits and a positive attitude. Being physically fit

is also helpful. Now that’s quite a list.

As a student, you are given an excellent opportunity to develop not just your

study skills, but also many other skills useful in life. These skills will help you to succeed

in challenging tasks after graduation.

We hope that the following pages will help you to reflect upon your own study

skills and habits. The discussion proceeds on a rather general level. Should some topics

raise your interest, however, we encourage you to dig deeper, for example by

familiarizing yourself with the reference literature provided at the end of this guide. You

can also find lots of study tips on the net.

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Fueling Dreams, Empowering Learners
Parua and Archana (2011) conducted a study on “Study habits of Secondary

School Students in Relation to their Scholastic Achievement”. This study intended to

explore the study habit of secondary school students in relation to their scholastic

achievement in the Yamuna Nagar district of Haryana.. The sample of the study selected

through simple random sampling technique. The sample comprised of 100 secondary

school students. The results of the study revealed that there is a significant positive

correlation between study habit and scholastic achievement of secondary school

students as whole and dimension wise. Further, there is a significant difference between

high and low scholastic achievement student on study habits in general.

Neeru Mohini Aggarwal and Vinay Kumar (2010) administered a study on “Study

Habits of Secondary Level Arts and Science Students”. The objectives of the study were

to study the comparison in study habits of secondary level students belonging to Arts

and Science streams, to study the comparison in study habits of secondary level Male

students belonging to Arts and Science streams and to study the comparison in study

habits of secondary level Female students belonging to Arts and Science streams. This

study was conducted on a sample of 144 secondary school students of class XI. The

subjects of the study were selected from eight different secondary schools of District

Hardwar of Uttarakhand by using stratified random sampling technique. A Study Habit

Inventory by Dr. B.V. Patel was used as a tool to measure the study habits of students.

Reliability and validity of the Inventory are satisfactory. The ‘t’ test of significant was

used to determine the significance of difference mean scores of total study habits in

respect of secondary level Arts and Science students. The study reveals that Secondary

level students of Arts and Science streams differ significantly in their total study habits.

Since the Mean of science students was higher than that of Arts students it may be said

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Fueling Dreams, Empowering Learners
that overall study habits of Science students were better than that of Arts students. ii)

Secondary level male students of Arts and Science streams differ significantly in their

total study habits. Since the mean of Male Science students was higher than that of

male Arts students it may be said that overall study habits of male Science students

were better than that of male Arts students and Secondary level female students of Arts

and Science streams differ significantly in their total study habits. Since the mean of

female Science students was higher than that of female Arts students it may be said that

overall study habits of female Science students were better than of female Arts students.

Nalini, Ganesha Bhatta (2009) conducted a study on “Study habit and students

achievement in relation to some influencing factors”. This study aimed at finding the

relationship between study habits and student achievement in relation to socio economic

status, learning environment, school adjustment and intelligence. The investigator found

that there is significant relationship between study habits and these influencing factors.

Rajendran (2009) conducted a study on “Are study habits gender biased?”. In the

present work the study habits of high school students in Dindigul area, Tamil Nadu, with

respect to home environment, reading , note taking , planning of subject, habit of

concentration, general habits and attitudes, preparation for examination and school

environment, have been investigated . A standardized tool was used for this study. The

finding revealed that no significant difference was found between boys and girls in their

study habits.

Amirthagowri and Sivakumar (2009) The Study aims at to find the “Relationship

between study habits and academic achievement of post graduate students”. For the

study, the investigator randomly selected 100 post graduate students from Govindammal

College Tiruchendur. Data are collected using appropriate tools and analyzed by two-
(+63) 0977-8171-136  [email protected]
Fueling Dreams, Empowering Learners
tailed “t” test. The results indicate that there is a significant relation between study habits

and academic achievement.

Prakash Alex (2009) conducted a study on "study habits and academic

achievement of children from broken families with special reference to higher secondary

school students? The major objective of the study was to analyze the academic

achievement and study habits of children belonging to broken families. Normative survey

method was used for this study. The sample comprised of 186 students studying in class

XI and class XII, of which 106 students were belonging to the broken families. The

students were studying in different higher secondary schools located in Kollam district

was taken as sample. The major findings were: (i) there is significant difference between

children from broken families and children from normal families with regard to their

academic achievement. (ii) there is no significant difference with regard to gender from

children belonging to broken families in respect of their academic achievement scores.

(iii) there is significant difference between boys and girls of broken families in respect of

their study habits and there is no significant difference between urban and rural children

of broken families in respect of their study habits.


The study entitled "Study Habits of Grade 11 and 12 students in Taal Senior High

School " is closely similar to the study of Forlini because he said that good study habits

require time organization and practice. An individual pupil needs to choose study,

schedule study time, keep track of assignment, and established appropriate goals in

choosing a study setting in order to improve the study habits. The study of Osa-edoh

and Aluto (2012), which examined the usefulness of imbibing in the students study

habits as means of enhancing their performance, revealed a high correlation between

(+63) 0977-8171-136  [email protected]
Fueling Dreams, Empowering Learners
study habits and academic performance. This suggest that is only when students learn

proper study habits that their academic performance can be improve or enhance upon.

On the other hand, this study found out that there was no significant difference

between study habits and academic achievement. In the study on the relationship

between previous academic performance and subsequent achievement at the university

level. However, Peddy and Talcott (2009), found that students learning or studying at the

graduated level and scores earned failed to predict any level of academic achievement

in university. Mlanbo (2011), also reported that there was no significant difference in the

academic performance among students due to difference in the admission criteria

employed; the same study observed that while varied, these criteria adequately assesed

the potential of students to handle the demands of courses in agriculture.

(+63) 0977-8171-136  [email protected]
Fueling Dreams, Empowering Learners

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