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Questi QuestionText Option1 Option2 Option3 Option4 Correct_option

1 Which one of these is not a Public Blind Closed Unidentified D
componet of Johari
2 Following are not Extrinsic Participating in a Studying a subject Competing in a Studying because you B
Rewards ….. sport to win awards you find fascinating contest to win a want to get a good
scholarship grade
3 Physiological Needs refer Culmination of lower Culmination of Self-esteem and Needs for basic D
to order needs Higher order self-respect human life
4 The theory that states Reinforcement Self efficacy theory Social learning Goal setting theory A
behaviour that gives theory theory
positive result tends to be
repeated is
5 Self-Efficacy may be Enactive Mastery Achievement Autonomy Salary /Wages A
achieved through following
stratagy …
6 Analyze and understand Structural analysis Communication Transactional Game Analysis C
interpersonal behavior is Analysis
through …....
7 Understanding person’s life Script analysis Game Analysis Structural Transactional A
plan through … analysis Analysis
8 The theory of structural Psychology Ego states Stroking Johari Window B
analysis is also called
theory of
9 Controlling Parent may not Child do as the Helping Child to Displays Offer unconditional A
possess following parent wants them to understand and prejudices love
charactrestics…. do live in society.
10 Caring and concerned and Natural Child stage Adult Ego Stage Parent Ego Child ego stage C
often appear as a Stage
mother-figure are
interacting in which Ego
11 A theory that states that Social Determination Cognitive Social Learning Cognitive learning C
learning can be gained theory evaluation theory thoery theory
through both observation
as well as experience is
12 Which one of these is not a Trade Group Formal Group Interest Group Command group A
type of Group ?
13 Herzberg Two factor Lower order and Hygiene and Motivators and Dull and Interesting B
theory discuss about …... Higher Order needs Motivational Factor Demotivators Job
14 Providing an extrinsic Decrease Motivation Increase Motivation Level Increase Outcome A
reward for internal motivation remains same
motivation ….
15 McClelland theory of Distinct human Distinct Perception Distinct Need Distinct Attitude C
motivation deals with behavior
16 Motivation is “Relationship Herzberg theory Expectancy Goal –Setting Self determination B
between Effort- Theory Theory Theory
performance and
reward”.This concept is
related to
17 Study of Organization Study that Study that Study that Study that D
Behavior comprises of investigate individual investigate group investigate investigate individual,
behavior within behavior within organization group and
organization organization structure within organization
organization behavior in
organization setting
18 Eustress is …. Stress having Stress having Stress having State of Mind posses C
negative implications, nutral Positive stress
implications, implications,
19 Teams that use computer Problem-solving Self-managed Cross-functional Virtual Teams D
technology to link Teams Work Teams Teams
physically dispersed
members in order to
achieve a common goal is…
20 A phenomenon in which an Group think Group shift Group form Group norm A
individual wants to give his/
her opinion but does not do
that as the person wants to
remain with with the group
is called
21 The theory of scientific Frederic Taylor Max Weber Henry Gantt Mary Follet A
selection of workers was
introduced by
22 A combination of Boundaryless Matrix Collateral Product Organization C
Mechanistic and organic Organization Organization Organization
organization is called a
23 Theory X assumes that People are proactive People are lazy and People are People are purely B
and self motivated can be motivated energetic and reward oriented
by force, money or incentive
praise oriented
24 Which one of these is not Extraversion Agreeableness Emotional Self efficacy D
one of the personality traits Stability
under big 5 personality
model ?
25 An individual who believes Machiavellianism Narcissism Conscientiousne Proactive A
" End Justify Means" is said ss
to have a ___________
personality .
26 The ways and means to Generational Value Terminal Value Instrumental GLOBE value C
achieve the predefined Value
goals is called
27 The frame work for Herzberg Hofstede Fayol Weber Framework B
assessing different values Framework Frameowrk Framework
across different cultures is
28 What does A stand for in Ambitious Aspiration Autonomy Affective D
ABC model of attitude?
29 Incompatability between Cognitive Dissonance Conscious Terminal Generational A
two or more attitudes is Dissonance Dissonance Dissonance
30 Which one of these is not a Affective Formative continuance Normative B
type of organizational Commitment Commitment Commitment Commitment
31 When a person is judged as Sensitive Stability Sensing Sociable C
a ISTP personality, "s"
stands for
32 Which is the type of an Matrix Mechanistic Organic Boundaryless A
organization where an
employee has two
reporting authorities?
33 When a general impression Fundamental Selective Halo effect Contrast effect C
is drawn about an Attribution Perception
individual on the basis of
one single characteristic,
the same is called
34 Which one of these is not a Interpersonal Informational Decisional Judgemental D
managerial role introduced
by Mintzberg?
35 The degree to which Power equality Power Position Power distance Power Game C
people in a country accept
that power is distributed
unequally is called
36 A manager who defends Negotiator Liasion Disseminator Resource Allocator A
the interest of the business
is called
37 The process of paying more Distributive Rate Differential Rate Dimensional Diligent Rate System B
to more productive System System Rate System
workers and less to less
productive workers is
38 Mechanistic organizations Functional Behavioral Organic Classical D
are also called Organization Organizations Organizations organizations
39 Evaluative statements Values Attitude Psychological Scripting B
either favourable or empowerment
unfavaourable about
objects, people or events is
40 The attemp to determine Attribution theory Classical Theory Scientific theory Administrative theory A
whether an individual's
behaviour is internally or
externally caused is called
41 Coercive Power, Reward Informal Power Personal power Formal power Expert Power C
power and Legitimate
Power are part of…
42 The power that person Legitimate Power Reward Power Expert Power Referent Power A
receives due to his position
in an organization
43 Which one of this is not a Increased stress Employee Increased Decreased Job B
consequence of Productivity labour turnover Satisfaction
organizational politics?
44 According to traditional Conflict was Conflict was Conflict can be Conflict is inevitable B
view of conflict functional dysfunctonal productive
45 Which of the following is Competing Stonewalling Compromising Autonomy C
tactic of avoiding conflict
46 Conflict over how the work Relationship conflict Process Conflict Functional Dysfunctional Conflict B
gets done is called Conflict
47 Which one of these is a step Definition of Ground Liasoning Attributing Retaining A
in negotiation process? Rules
48 What is the term for the act Indoctrination Brainwashing Propaganda Socialisation D
of getting individuals to
behave in ways that are
acceptable to a group?
49 What can be the outcome Productivity Commitment Turnover All of the above D
of Socialization process
50 Workers' acceptance of Team Culture Collaborative Collective Group Culture B
change is characteristic of Culture Culture
what type of culture?
51 The selection of best selection. Decision Making Organizing Budgeting B
alternative from many
alternatives is known as
52 Rational Decision making is Business related Personal Decision Intution None of the above A
usualy aimed in decision Decision
53 What is bounded Our Decisions are It is ideal form of It is the least It is the most rational A
rationality in decision bounded by certain Decision making rational way of way of taking
making constraints decision making decisions
54 Tendency to fixate on Overconfidence Bias Anchoring Bias Confirmation Availability Bias B
initial information and fail Bias
to adequately adjust for
subsequent informtion is….
55 What does situational Personality traits Events Environment Political situation B
theory of leadership
56 What do you call a style of Laissez-faire People-oriented Democratic Autocratic C
leadership that takes
account of others' views,
opinions and ideas?
57 A theory that supports the Leader Member Transactional theory Transformation Fiedler Theory A
leaders ' creation of exchange theory al theory
ingroup and outgroup is
58 What are the key Guiding, mentoring Guiding, Guiding, Guiding, mentoring and A
characteristics of and motivating commanding and demonstrating demonstrating
transactional leaders? motivating and motivating

59 Power distance in national Geert Hofstede David Yip Tony Purdie Michael Porter A
cultures is a characteristic
of a model by which
60 Charismatic Leaders can Coercien Power Personality Position C
have impact on followers

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