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Emily Flynn

The Magic Pot


Scene 1
NARRATOR 1: On the top of a hill there’s a big castle.
NARRATOR 2: Around the castle there’s a village.
NARRATOR 3: And in the village there’s a small house with a small garden.
NARRATOR 4: Maggie lives there with her mum.
NARRATOR 1: They are poor and they have little to eat.
NARRATOR 2: Everyday Maggie has a glass of milk for breakfast.
NARRATOR 3: For lunch she has a piece of bread.
NARRATOR 4: In the evening she has a little piece of cheese.

Scene 2
NARRATOR 1: One day, there isn’t any food in the house.
NARRATOR 2: Mum is sad, very sad.
NARRATOR 3: Maggie is hungry, very hungry.
MAGGIE: Mum, can I have a glass of milk, please?
MUM: Sorry, Maggie, there isn’t any milk.
MAGGIE: Mum, can I have a piece of bread, please?
MUM: Sorry, Maggie, there isn’t any bread.
MAGGIE: Mum, can I have a piece of cheese, please?
MUM: Sorry, Maggie, there isn’t any cheese.
NARRATOR 1: Maggie is sad, very sad.
NARRATOR 2: She’s hungry, very hungry, and she can’t eat anything.
NARRATOR 3: There’s no food in the kitchen, no food in the house.
NARRATOR 4: Then she has an idea.
MAGGIE: I can’t eat... but I can play!
MAGGIE: Mum, can I go and play in the wood?
MUM: Yes, you can!
NARRATOR 4: Maggie puts on her yellow boots and her yellow hat and she goes out.
Scene 3
NARRATOR 1: Maggie isn’t sad now.
NARRATOR 2: She’s happy.
NARRATOR 3: She’s singing!
MAGGIE: Catch a squirrel by the toe.
MAGGIE: Now it’s time to let him go!
NARRATOR 4: Along the way she meets an old woman with a big bag.
OLD WOMAN: Where are you going, little girl?
MAGGIE: I’m going to the wood to play.
OLD WOMAN: Have fun!

Scene 4
NARRATOR 1: Maggie walks and walks and she gets to the wood.
NARRATOR 2: She’s tired and she sits on a rock.
NARRATOR 3: Near the rock, the rabbits are eating grass.
NARRATOR 4: The little birds are catching flies.
NARRATOR 1: Maggie looks around.
NARRATOR 2: There’s an oak tree.
NARRATOR 3: In the oak tree, the squirrels are eating acorns.
MAGGIE: Oh no! All the animals are eating, but there isn’t any food for me!

Scene 5
NARRATOR 1: Maggie is crying now.
NARRATOR 2: She’s hungry, very hungry!
NARRATOR 3: The old woman with the big bag arrives.
OLD WOMAN: Why are you crying, little girl?
MAGGIE: I’m hungry and I want to eat something!
NARRATOR 4: The old woman opens her bag and takes out a big pot.
OLD WOMAN: This is for you. It’s a magic pot! It can cook delicious soup! When you’re hungry,
you say “Cook, magic pot, cook!”
OLD WOMAN: When the soup is ready, remember to say “Enough, magic pot, enough!”
MAGGIE: Oh, thank you! I love soup!

Scene 6
NARRATOR 1: Maggie is very happy!
NARRATOR 2: She wants to show her mum the magic pot.
NARRATOR 3: She walks and walks.
NARRATOR 4: She arrives at the village and she runs to her small house.
MAGGIE: Mum, look! I’ve got a magic pot!
NARRATOR 1: She goes into the kitchen.
NARRATOR 2: Maggie puts the pot on the table.
MAGGIE: Cook, magic pot, cook!
NARRATOR 3: BUBBLE! BUBBLE!! BUBBLE!!! and the soup is ready!
MAGGIE: Enough, magic pot, enough!
NARRATOR 4: The pot stops.
NARRATOR 1: Maggie and her mum eat the soup.
MAGGIE and MUM: Yummy! Yummy!
NARRATOR 2: It’s delicious soup... and it’s a lot!
NARRATOR 3: Maggie and her mum are happy.
NARRATOR 4: When they are hungry, they take out the magic pot.
NARRATOR 1: Maggie says the special words and the pot cooks!

Scene 7
NARRATOR 1: One day Maggie isn’t at home.
NARRATOR 2: Her mum takes out the magic pot.
NARRATOR 3: She isn’t hungry, but she says…
MUM: Cook, magic pot, cook!
NARRATOR 4: BUBBLE! BUBBLE!! BUBBLE!!! and the soup is ready!
NARRATOR 1: Her mum wants to stop the pot.
NARRATOR 2: But she can’t remember the special words.
MUM: Stop, magic pot, stop!
NARRATOR 3: But the pot cooks and cooks.
MUM: Enough, magic pot, stop!
NARRATOR 4: But the pot cooks and cooks.
NARRATOR 1: Now the soup is on the table, on the chairs, in the kitchen and in the garden!
MUM: Help! Help!

Scene 8
NARRATOR 1: Maggie comes home.
NARRATOR 2: She looks around.
NARRATOR 3: There’s soup in the garden and soup in the house!
MAGGIE: Oh no!
NARRATOR 4: She runs into the kitchen.
MAGGIE: Enough, magic pot, enough!
NARRATOR 1: She hears a big BUBBLE!!! BUBBLE!!!
NARRATOR 2: She hears a little BUBBLE! BUBBLE!
NARRATOR 3: and then the magic pot finally stops!
MUM: Oh, thank you Maggie! (Maggie and her mum hug each other.)

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