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General Concepts and Historical Events

in Science, Technology, and Society
(The Cradles of Early Science)


Here’s a simple guide for you in going about the module:
1. Read and follow the instructions carefully.
2. Read each lesson and do all the activities provided for you.
3. Perform all the
activities diligently
to help and guide
you in
understanding the
topic. 4. Take the
Activities after
each lesson to determine how well you understood the topic.
5. Answer the Assessment Task at the end of the module to measure how much
you have gained from the lessons. You may answer it via the online link
provided or write your answers on a sheet of paper that you can physically
submit, or you may take a picture of your answers and send it via messaging
platforms with which you agreed with your instructor during the class


Science and Technology plays a major role in our day to day living. It allows
us to complete our tasks easier and more efficient. S&T innovations help us
accomplish difficult and complicated tasks with so little time and so little effort without
sacrificing its output. The continuous developments in this field are not just products
of people’s imagination or the ―AHA moment‖ but by gradual improvements of
earlier works from different periods which was driven by our continuous desire to
raise the quality of life of the people.

This module will focus on the development of science and scientific ideas in
the community and on how it gradually made an impact on our society. After
completing the module, you should be able to answer the following:
⮚ How did Science and Technology affected the society and environment & vice
⮚ What were the significant innovations and inventions that changed the world
over the course of history?
⮚ What were the scientific and technological advancements in the Philippines
throughout time?
Science,Technology and Society-
(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University


At the end of this module, the learner should be able to:

o Discuss the interactions between S&T and society throughout history;

o Discuss how scientific and technological developments affect society
and the environment; and
o Identify the paradigm shifts in history.


⮚ Historical antecedents in which social considerations changed the

course of science and technology:
∙ In the World: Ancient, Middle and Modern Ages
∙ In the Philippines
Advancement in technology and innovations were driven by
different factors which include concerns in transportation,
communication, food production agriculture and industry, military,
conservation of life and engineering and architecture as well as
aesthetics, power and energy. Science also gave emphasize to
organized observational methods and measurement.

LESSON 1. Driving Concerns for Science and Technology Development

1. Transportation. Our means of moving from place to place have developed

faster and more comprehensive with every passing generation of
technology. Initially, people look for new places, discover new horizons,
search for food, find better locations for settlements, and trade surplus
goods for what is needed, we have progressed from relying on human and
animal muscle to the utilizing combustion-powered automobiles, aircraft,
and rockets.
∙ Examples: wheel, wheeled chariot, sailboat, sailing ship, road, compass,
steamboat, railroad, bicycle, automobile, airplane, space launcher,
jetliner, GPS

2. Communication. Communication is the transmission of information for the

purpose of creating understanding, especially to facilitate human
endeavors in discovering and occupying new places to settle in and
explore as well as to expedite transactions in the trade industry and
prevention of conflicts. The means of communication today have
transformed drastically that it extended limitless possibilities in our reach,
broadened our vision, and expanded our knowledge that we are often said
to live in the Age of Information.
∙ Examples: cuneiform, ink, papyrus, paper, hieroglyphics, newspaper,
bound book or codex, numbers, Greek and Latin alphabet, parchment

Science,Technology and Society-

(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

and vellum, printing press, photography, telegraph, telephone,

phonograph, motion picture, radio, television, transistor,
communications satellite, personal computer

3. Food production, agriculture, and industry. The growth of living

organisms and the manufacturing of new materials and objects are vital to
the maintenance of life. This is true to the increasing number people in
different parts of the world. These factors were fundamental to defining
human beings as superior to all other living creatures. Improvements in
food production, agriculture, and industry demonstrate the steadfastness
of human beings to make their material lives safe, easier, comfortable, and
∙ Examples: plowshare, silk, tea, bronze, iron, petroleum refinery, power
loom, canning, refrigeration, steel, aluminum, sheet and plate glass,
rayon, Bakelite, combine harvester, industrial robots, fullerenes

4. Military. Weapons and armors were important in the discovery of new

places, especially in the establishment of alliances, taking of needed
resources, conflicts, security, and protection. Stronger nations tend to
invade and colonize weaker ones to expand their territories as well as their
resources. Inventions in the field of weaponry and security have
contributed in the deliberate and organized application of deadly force
against other people.
∙ Examples: spear, bow and arrow, gunpowder, rifled muzzle loaders,
submarine, machine gun, assault rifle, tank, ballistic missile, nuclear

5. Conservation of life, medicine, and health. Nothing testifies more

convincingly to human ingenuity than their ability to understand the
processes of the human body and to influence the longevity of life through
the study and improving the processes of saving lives, maintaining good
health, and preventing the spread of diseases..
∙ Examples: smallpox vaccine, general anesthesia, pasteurization, X ray
imaging, insulin, antibiotics, blood transfusion, polio vaccine, birth
control pill, heart transplantation, genetic engineering, cloning

6. Engineering and architecture. The building of great structures is a sign

not only of human inventiveness but of organization. Over time we have
gathered the intelligence, materials, and collective will to bridge chasms,
erect soaring towers, domes, and vaults, and even create artificial
controlled environments inside our own homes. Architectural designs,
though seen by some as a mere style, are actually signs of technological

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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

advancement. It is a status symbol of how advanced a nation’s technology

is and it establishes the identity of a nation.
∙ Examples: city, ziggurat, irrigation, dike, Wonders of the World,
aqueduct, arch, brick, dam, Roman dome, plumbing, paved road,
reinforced concrete, suspension bridge, dynamite, skyscraper,
elevator, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning

7. Aesthetics. Humans also developed technology to improve how they look.

This is to make them visually appealing and presentable through addition
of features and decorations.
∙ Examples: wig, cosmetics

8. Power and energy. Fundamental to all inventions are power and energy,
the harnessing of the capacity of the physical world to do work. The
human race has applied its genius to using all sources of energy for a
multitude of ends.
∙ Example: waterwheel, controlled fire, windmill, steam engine, electric
battery, electric generator and motor, incandescent lightbulb, steam
turbine, gasoline engine, jet engine, nuclear reactor laser, wind
turbine, solar cell, fuel cell

9. Observation and measurement. Magnitude—especially the magnitude of

time and distance—is a property that has always defied human beings but
that people in turn have always tried to master. And so we have the
invention of clocks and calendars for dividing time into discrete units, or of
telescopes and microscopes for viewing objects too small or too far away
for the eye to see. The inventions profiled here, unlike those profiled
elsewhere in this book, do not attempt to move, manipulate, or change our
surrounding world; rather, they attempt to help us quantify and
comprehend it.
∙ Examples: water clock or clepsydra, alarm clock, Gregorian calendar,
clock, watch, telescope, microscope, radar, atomic clock, calculator



The different major technological advancements during the ancient

times which include some of the achievements of the early civilizations
such as the Asian, African and Western Civilizations
Science,Technology and Society-
(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University


Asia is the biggest continent in the world and the home of many
ancient civilizations. It is host to many cultural, economic, scientific and
political activities of all ages. In the field of science, technology and
mathematics, great civilizations have stood out: India, China and the
Middle East civilizations (Mesopotamian Civilizations.) These civilizations
were incomparable in terms of their contributions to the development of
knowledge during their time.


⮚ Sumer is located on the southernmost tip of ancient MESOPTAMIA
(Mesopotamia is a historical region of Western Asia situated within the
Tigris–Euphrates river system, in the northern part of the Fertile Crescent,
in modern days roughly corresponding to most of Iraq, Kuwait, the eastern
parts of Syria, Southeastern Turkey, and regions along the Turkish–Syrian
and Iran–Iraq borders.)
⮚ Sumerians are known for their high degree of cooperation with one another
and their desire for great things.
⮚ They are not contented with basic things which ignite them to develop many
things connected with science and technology)
∙ CUNEIFORM one of the
major contributions of
Sumerians was the
development of the first
writing system
▪ A system that utilizes
word pictures and
triangular symbols
which are carved on
clay using wedge
instruments and then left
to dry.
▪ Cuneiform allowed the Sumerians to keep
records of things with great historical value
or their everyday life.
Fig. 1.1
▪ Another contribution of the Sumerians.
▪ It is a great wonder

▪ It is first true city on the world and for the way it was erected ▪ There
were no building stones in the location of the city and the lumber was
limited - making the construction a big challenge. ▪ The Sumerians were
able to build the city using only mud or clay from the river which they
mixed with reeds, producing sun-baked bricks - a true engineering feat.
▪ They used bricks to make houses that protected them from the harsh
weather and to build a wall around the city that prevented wild
animals and neighboring raiders from entering.

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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University
▪ It is used to dig the earth in a faster pace
▪ Farmers could cultivate larger parcels of land
faster, enabling them to mass produce food
▪ Another engineering and architectural feat of
without taking so much effort and time
the Sumerians is the Great Ziggurat of Ur
▪ It is also called the mountain of God built in
the same manner that as city of URUK
▪ It served as the scared place of their chief
god where only their priest was allowed to
. Fig. 1.2 Ziggurat of Ur
∙ SAILBOATS (Reconstructed
▪ was also invented by Sumerians image)
▪ boats were used to carry large quantities of
products and were able to cover large
▪ Sumerians wanted to discover faraway lands
and they needed a mode of transportation
that did not require much human resource.
▪ Sailboats were essential in transportation
and trading as well as fostering culture,
information and technology.

▪ latter part of history - wheel was invented
▪ the first wheels were not made for
transportation but farm work and food
▪ with the use of wheel and axle mass
production was made easier
▪ Farmers were able to mill grains with less
effort in less time
Fig. 1.3 Ancient Sumerian Sailboat Carving
▪ Another farm technology invented by the
▪ It is used to dig the ground where seeds
would be planted
Fig. 1.4 Mesopotamian
Fig. 1.5 Sumerians invented the plow
for farming

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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University


▪ Sumerians created dikes and irrigation
canals to bring water to farmlands and
at the same time control of flooding of
the rivers.
▪ It is considered as one of the world’s
most beneficial engineering works
Through the dikes and canals, the
Sumerians were able to enjoy year-long
farming and harvesting, which
increased their food production

▪ Sumerians developed the first road

Fig. 1.6 Sumerian Fields showing their

irrigation canals and dikes

▪ it made the flow of traffic become faster and more organized ▪ they made the roads with
the same technology they used in making the sun-baked bricks that they laid down on the

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know Sumerian Civilization?

⮚ Babylonia was a state in a state in ancient MESOPOTAMIA located

along the Euphrates River. (Present-day Iraq, about 50 miles south of
o Babylon grew into one of the largest cities of the ancient world
under the rule of Hammurabi (1792 to 1750 BC). He conquered
neighboring city-states, he brought much of southern and central
Mesopotamia under unified Babylonian rule, creating an empire
called Babylonia.
o Hammurabi turned Babylon into a rich, powerful and influential
city. He created one of the world’s earliest and most complete
written legal codes known as Codes of Hammurabi, it helped
Babylon surpass other cities in the region.
⮚ the Babylonians were great builders, engineers and architectures o
Babylonia however, was short-lived. The empire fell apart after
Hammurabi’s death and reverted back to a small kingdom for
several centuries.
⮚ A new line of kings established the Neo-Babylonian Empire which lasted
from 626 BC to 539 BC. The Neo-Babylonian Empire became

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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

the most powerful state in the world after defeating the Assyrians at
Nineveh 612 BC.
o The Neo-Babylonian Empire was a period of cultural renaissance
in the Near East. The Babylonians built many beautiful and
lavish buildings and preserved statues and artworks from the
earlier Babylonian Empire during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar
⮚ The ancient scientists who lived in the city made important discoveries in
mathematics, physics and astronomy. Among their many
accomplishments, they developed trigonometry, used mathematical
models to track the planet Jupiter and developed methods in tracking
time that are still used today. Ancient Babylonian records are still used
by modern- day astronomers to study how the rotation of the Earth has
⮚ One of the major contributions is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon,
one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
Fig.1.7 Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
(Graphical illustration as described by archaeologists and historians)
It is one of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World and was
supposedly built high above the ground on split-level stone terraces. It
was believed that the gardens were destroyed by war and erosion,
while others believe an earthquake destroyed them.

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⮚ China is one of the ancient civilizations with substantial contributions in
many areas like medicine, astronomy, science, mathematics, arts,
philosophy, and music among others. Chinese civilizations have greatly
influenced many of its neighbor countries like Korea, Japan,
Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand Cambodia, Myanmar an other countries
that belong to the old Silk Road.

Fig. 1.8 The Silk Road is a 4,000 mile trade route that
stretched from China to the Fertile Crescent in
Southwestern Asia (opened up by the Han Dynasty)

⮚ it is known as middle kingdom and located on the far east of Asia ⮚ it was
famous among other ancient civilizations because of the silk trade
▪ naturally produced by silk worms and the Chinese were the ones
who developed the technology to harvest the silk and process it
to produce paper and clothing
▪ SILK TRADE opened China to the outside world making way for
cultural, economic and scientific exchanges bridging the gap
between the western world and the middle kingdom.
▪ Tea is a beverage produced by pouring hot or boiling water over
crushed or shredded dried tea leaves
▪ believed that the first tea was drunk by a Chinese Emperor
▪ Tea production was developed when an unknown Chinese
inventor created a machine that was bale shred tea leaves into

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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

▪ Machine with a wheel-based mechanism with sharp edge

attached to a wooden or ceramic pot
▪ Advantages: increase tea production and trade with other nations
▪ was one of the most popular beverages in the world today

▪ the only
could be
▪ largest and
most extensive
infrastructure that the nation built
▪ it was constructed to keep out
foreign invaders and control the
borders of China
▪ made with stone, brick, wood,
earth and other materials
▪ it showcased the extent of
engineering technology at that time
▪ the wall’s construction put the nation among the powerful civilizations during the
ancient times
Fig. 1.9 The Great Wall of China
▪ this was the pride of their land and their crowning glory

▪ The
Chinese are
known for

medicines, a product of
centuries of experiences and
discovery of the Chinese people.
They discovered various medical
properties and uses of different
plants and animals to cure human
▪ Acupuncture is a form of treatment
widely practiced in China. It
involves inserting very thin needles
through a person’s skin at specific earliest known Chinese doctor
points on the body to various
depths which help relieve pain

Fig. 1.10 Bien Que was the

it is used for a wide range of other complaints.

The Chinese are known to develop many tools. Among the famous
discoveries and inventions of the Chinese civilization were paper
making, gunpowder, printing tools and compass.

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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University
bamboo were they took up too
much space, while cloth and
silk were no cheap
commodities. There arises the
∙ Before the invention of paper,
need for a more economical
the Chinese used to write on and convenient alternative.
strips of wood and bamboo, or
∙ T’sai Lun (Cai Lun) a Han
cloth and silk. Problems with
wooden blocks and flattened
Fig. 1.11 Traditional Chinese Paper

Dynasty court official, is popularly accredited with having

invented paper using mulberry and other bast fibres along
with fishnets, old rags, and hemp waste.
▪ Before the emergence of the printing technique, manuscripts
were all handwritten by scholars. It is known that the block
printing technique was used near the end of the Han Empire
(206 BC – 220 AD) both for printing on paper and for printing
designs on cloth.
▪ Bi Sheng is credited with being the inventor of movable type
printing in the Song Empire. He greatly innovated this
important printing method, so he is called the "father of
typography." However, the thousands of characters in their

written language were not very

suitable for being printed with
movable type.
▪ of the most interesting inventions in
▪ Originally it was developed by
Chinese alchemists who aimed to
achieve immortality.
▪ They mixed charcoal, sulfur and
potassium nitrate but instead of
creating an elixir of life they
accidentally invented a black generate large amounts of heat
powder that could actually and gas in an instant.
1.12 Ancient Gun Powder

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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

▪ Gun powder is widely used to propel bullets from guns and

cannons which cause countless deaths China.


Earliest records show a spoon

shaped compass made of
lodestone or magnetite ore,
referred to as a "South-pointer"
dating back to sometime during
the Han Dynasty (2nd century
BCE to 2nd century CE). The
spoon-shaped instrument was
placed on a cast bronze plate
called a "heaven-plate" or
diviner's board that had the eight
trigrams (Pa Gua) of the I
Ching, as well as the 24 Fig. 1.13 Ancient Chinese Compass

directions (based on the constellations), and the 28 lunar

mansions (based on the constellations dividing the Equator) .

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Fig. 1.14 Assortment of seals with animal
⮚ India is a huge peninsula motifs in use during the time of the
surrounded by vast bodies of water Indus
and fortified by huge mountains in civilization, 2nd–3rd Millennium BCE.
its northern
⮚ It is also called Indus valley
civilization or Harappan
civilization. ⮚ The civilization was
first identified in 1921 at Harappa in
the Punjab region and then in 1922
at Mohenjo
daro (Mohenjodaro), near the
Indus River in the Sindh (Sind)
region. The Indus civilization
apparently evolved from the
villages of neighbors or
predecessors, using the
Mesopotamian model of irrigated
agriculture with sufficient skill to reap
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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

the advantages of the spacious and fertile Indus River valley. ⮚ Perhaps
the best-known artifacts of the Indus civilization are a number of small
seals, generally made of steatite (a form of talc), which are distinctive in
kind and unique in quality, depicting a wide variety of animals, both
real—such as elephants, tigers, rhinoceros, and antelopes—and fantastic,
often composite creatures. Sometimes human forms are included. A few
examples of Indus stone sculpture have also been found, usually small and
representing humans or gods. ⮚ Aside from farming, Indians creatively
developed various ideas and technologies useful in their everyday lives.
▪ Their iron steel is considered to be the best and held with
high regard in the Roman Empire.
▪ High quality steel was being produced in southern
India the crucible technique. In this system, high-purity
wrought iron, charcoal, and glass were mixed in crucibles
and heated until the iron melted and absorbed the carbon.
The resulting high-carbon steel, called fūlāḏ
in Arabic and wootz by later Europeans, which was exported
throughout Asia and Europe

▪ Ayurveda is a system of
traditional medicine that
originated in India before 2500
▪ Ancient texts like Sursuta
Samhita, describes different
surgical and other medical
procedures famous in Ancient
astronomy. They
∙ ASTRONOMY developed theories on the
▪ Ancient India is notable in the field ofconfiguration of the Universe,
the spherical self-supporting
Earth, and the 360days with 12 equal
parts of 30 days each
Siddhanta Shiromani, an
ancient Indian text covers
topics including mean Fig. 1.15
The Ayurvedic Man
longitudes for planets; true
Fig 1.16 Aryabhatta and his heliocentric
longitudes of planets; the three
problems of diurnal rotation;

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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

syzygies; lunar eclipses; solar eclipses; latitudes of planets;

risings and settings; the moon’s crescents; conjunctions of
planets with the fixed stars; and paths of the Sun and the
▪ Mathematicians of ancient India often applied
their mathematical knowledge to make accurate
astronomical predictions. The most significant among them
was Aryabhatta whose book, Aryabhatiya, represented the
pinnacle of astronomical knowledge at the time. He correctly
propounded that the Earth is round, rotates on its own axis
and revolves around the Sun i.e the heliocentric theory. He
also made predictions about the solar and lunar eclipses,
duration of the day as well as the distance between the Earth
and the Moon.



one of the most important inventions of all time.
Mathematician Aryabhatta was the first person to create a
symbol for zero and it was through his efforts that
mathematical operations like addition and subtraction started
using the digit , zero. The concept of zero and its integration
into the place-value system also enabled one to write
numbers, no matter how large, by using only 10 symbols.


India gave the ingenious
method of expressing all
numbers by means of ten
symbols – the decimal
system. In this system, each
symbol received a value of
position as well as an
absolute value. Due to the
simplicity of the decimal
notation, which facilitated
calculation, this system
made the uses of arithmetic
Decimal system
in practical inventions
much faster and easier.

Fig. 1.17 Ancient India and the

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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

The value of ―pi‖ was first calculated by the Indian
mathematician Budhayana, and he also explained the
concept of what is known as the Pythagorean Theorem.

Indians, as early as 500 BCE, had devised a system of
different symbols for every number from one to nine. This
notation system was adopted by the Arabs who called it the
hind numerals. Centuries later, this notation system was
adopted by the western world who called them the Arabic
numerals as it reached them through the Arab traders.
The Fibonacci numbers and their sequence first appear in
Indian mathematics as mātrāmeru, mentioned by Pingala in
connection with the Sanskrit tradition of prosody. Later on,
the methods for the formation of these numbers were given
by mathematicians Virahanka, Gopala and Hemacandra ,
much before the Italian mathematician Fibonacci introduced
the fascinating sequence to Western European mathematics.

Binary numbers is the basic language in which computer
programs are written. Binary basically refers to a set of two
numbers, 1 and 0, the combinations of which are called bits
and bytes. The binary number system was first described by
the Vedic scholar Pingala, in his book Chandahśāstra, which
is the earliest known Sanskrit treatise on prosody ( the study
of poetic metres and verse).


method is a cyclic algorithm to solve indeterminate quadratic
equations, including the Pell’s equation. This method for
obtaining integer solutions was developed by Brahmagupta,
one of the well-known mathematicians of the 7th century CE.
Another mathematician, Jayadeva later generalized this
method for a wider range of equations, which was further
refined by Bhāskara II in his Bijaganita treatise.

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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

Fig. 1.18. Depicting

Brahmagupta anf
Jayaveda and the
Bakhshali manuscript is an ancient Indian mathematical text written on
birch bark that was found in 1881.
▪ One of the notable scientists of the ancient India was Kanad
who is said to have devised the atomic theory centuries
before John Dalton was born. He speculated the existence of
anu or a small indestructible particles, much like an atom. He
also stated that anu can have two states — absolute rest and
a state of motion. He further held that atoms of same
substance combined with each other in a specific and
synchronized manner to produce dvyanuka (diatomic
molecules) and tryanuka (triatomic molecules).
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Indus Civilization?
READ history-beginnings/ancient
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Africa is blessed with natural and mineral resources. Science

also emerged in this part of the planet long before the Europeans
colonized it. The history of science and mathematics show that similar to
other ancient civilizations, the early civilizations in Africa are knowledge
producers too.
⮚ located in NORTH AFRICA
⮚ it is the preeminent civilization in the Mediterranean world
⮚ The ancient Egyptian civilization has contributed immensely and made
significant advances in the field ofs of astronomy, mathematics, and
medicine alongside other technologies.

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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University
record - keeping and communications
✔ send letters or correspondences
▪ one of the earlier contribution
anywhere in the world
▪ papyrus is a plant that grew
abundantly along NILE RIVER in Egypt ▪ ✔ easier to keep from raiders who
they were able to process the plants in often destroyed records of the
order to produce thin sheets on which nations they invaded
one could write down things. ∙ INK
▪ thinner and lighter and less breakable ▪ They invented ink by combining soot
than clay tablets with different chemicals to produce inks
▪ the major accomplishment in Egyptian of different colors
▪ It was used to record history, culture,
and codified laws
▪ system of formal writing using symbols
▪ Egyptians believed that this writing
system was provided to them by gods ▪ It
was the language that tells the modern
world of the history and culture of the
ancient EGYPTIANS.
▪ Hieroglyphs combined logographic,
syllabic and alphabetic elements, with a
total of some 1,000 distinct characters.
Cursive hieroglyphs were used for
religious literature on papyrus and
Fig. 1.20
The Rhind

Mathematical Papyrus that exemplifies Egyptian


1.19 Cyperus Papyrus (Egyptian Papyrus), an
aquatic plant found in the Nile River

1.21 Stele of Minnakht

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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

▪ Egypt was known to be the center of alchemy, which is known as the
forerunner of chemistry.
▪ Egyptian beliefs in life after death and the mummification procedure
they developed gave rise to rudimentary knowledge and a goal of
▪ Were used for both
health and aesthetic
▪ Egyptians wore
KOHL - eye
by mixing soot or
malachite with
mineral galena)
to cure
▪ Soot (black powder
that is formed when
something is burned)
▪ Egyptians believed that a person
wearing make-up was protected from
evil and that beauty was a sign of
▪ At present - cosmetics are used to 1.22 A picture of an Egyptian woman
improve and highlight the facial features applying Kohl with a wig on her side
of a person

▪ worn for health and wellness rather

than for aesthetic purposes ▪ used to protect the shaved heads of the
wealthy Egyptians from the harmful rays from the sun
▪ considered as a cleaner than natural hair because it prevented the
accumulation of head lice.
▪ At present - wigs are used to enhance the appearance of people who
are balding and to those who want to try new ones.

▪ Another important
ancient Egyptian
contribution is
the water clock
▪ utilizes gravity that
affects the flow of
water from one
vessel to the
▪ the amount of
water remaining in the
device determines how much time has
elapsed since it is full (time is
▪ used as time keeping device

Fig. 1.23 Egyptian Water Clock

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Egyptian Civilization?
pt article



The term Western Civilization refers broadly to a constellation of

customs, beliefs, political systems, and events rooted in European history and
Western culture. The influence of Western Civilization is global; defining
American culture and North American culture among others.

⮚ Greece - is an archipelago in the southern part of Europe known in Greek
as Hellas or Ellada
⮚ known as the birthplace of Western philosophy
⮚ The Early influences were the Egyptians and the Minoans (Isle of Crete) ⮚
The geography of Greece greatly influenced the culture in that with few
natural resources and surrounded by water, (the cities were built around the
Aegean, Ionian and the Black Seas) the people eventually took to the sea for
▪ One of the most utilized gadgets today invented by the Greeks ▪ they
made used of water or small stones or sand that dropped into drums
which sounded the alarm
▪ Plato was believed to have utilized an alarm to signal the start of his

Fig. 1.24 An illustration of Greek

Alarm Clock

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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

▪ one of the most important contributions of the Greek Civilization to the
▪ commonly used in agricultural processes like milling of grains which
was necessary form of food processing
▪ because milling was made possible by the use of watermills, the
mass production of rice, cereals, flours became common
▪ better than mills powered by farm animals because they required less
effort and time to operate since the farmer did not have time to raise
the animals

Fig. 1.25 Greek Water Mill

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Want to know more about the
Greek Civilization?

⮚ Roman Empire
▪ GAZETTES - first newspaper

⮚ was perceived to be the strongest political

and social entity in the west
⮚ was considered to be the cradle of politics
and governance
⮚ large and the other civilization looked up
to it as their model in terms of legislation
and codified laws
1.26 Ancient Roman Newspaper
▪ one of the major contributions of the

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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

✔ made before the invention of paper

✔ graved in metal or stone tablets and then publicly displayed ▪
when paper was invented publish matters became easier and faster ∙
▪ through the invention of paper - it became easier to write down
everything happened in their time
▪ Record keeping - became easier since paper did not easily break.
Lightweight and did not occupy much space
▪ resulted to: civilization became fond of record-keeping (historical
events and legislated laws)
▪ literature was also changed form from clay tablets to parchment
▪ according to sources, Julius Cesar started the tradition of stacking up
papyrus to form pages of a book
▪ later on, they were able to provide covers to protect the papyrus ▪
earlier covers was made of wax but were later on replaced by animal
skin (stronger and long-lasting)
▪ devised their own number system specifically to address the
need for standard counting method
Fig. 1.27 Bound books known as codex

Fig. 1.28 Roman Numerals

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▪ one of the most visual contributions of the
Roman Empire to the world
▪ considered a continuation of Greek
▪ all engineering and architecture
development was fully supported and
funded by the Roman government
▪ able to implement major projects such as
large churches (basilicas and cathedrals,
coliseums amphitheaters etc.) Fig.
Capitolium temple at Thugga (Dougga) in
modern Tunisia, c. 166 CE
Fig 28. The Roman theatre at Thugga in modern Tunisia, c. 168 CE (Left), and The Arch of
Alexander Severus is a Roman triumphal arch which was built in 228 CE, in gratitude to the emperor
for his beneficence towards the city. The arch functioned as one of the city gates, at the end of a
road linking to the road between Carthage and Tébessa.

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know more
about the
Roman Civilization?



⮚ Mesoamerica includes the entire area of Central America from
Southern Mexico up to the boarder of South America. There is no
doubt that Mesoamerican region is rich in culture and knowledge prior
to the arrival of its European colonizers.
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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

⮚ One of the famous civilizations that lasted for approximately
2,000 years.
⮚ The Maya Empire, centered in the tropical lowlands of what
is now Guatemala, reached the peak of its power and
influence around the sixth century A.D.
⮚ The Maya excelled at agriculture, pottery, hieroglyph writing,
calendar-making and mathematics, and left behind an
astonishing amount of impressive architecture and symbolic

▪ They incorporated their advanced understanding of
astronomy into their temples and religious structures. A
good example is the pyramid El Castillo at the Chichen Itza
in Mexico is situated at the location of the sun during the
spring and fall equinoxes.
▪ They were able to predict eclipses and used astrological
cycles in planting and harvesting.
▪ They built observatories so their priests could watch the
stars and plan the best time for festival, religious rituals and
cultural celebrations.
▪ The Maya used two calendars .An everyday calendar with
13 months of 20 days each was probably related to the
appearance of the planet Venus.
▪ The Maya developed their own hydraulic system

Fig. 1.30 El Castillo at Chichen Itza in Mexico

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▪ They also have weaving loom for weaving cloths
▪ The Maya hieroglyph writing is arguably one of the most
visually striking writing systems in the world. It is also very
complex, with hundreds of unique signs or glyphs in the form
of humans, animals, supernaturals, objects, and abstract

Fig. 1.31 Traditional weaving loom

Fig . 1.32 Sample Mayan heiroglyphs

⮚ The Inca civilization
made advanced
scientific ideas
considering their
as an old civilization.
⮚ The largest empire in pre-Columbian
America, and possibly the largest empire in
the world in the early 16th century.
⮚ It flourished in Ancient Peru between 1400
and 1533 BCE.
⮚ The following were scientific ideas and tools
that they developed to help them in
everyday life :
Fig. 1.33 Quipu

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▪ Roads paved with stones;

▪ Stone buildings that surmounted earthquakes and other
▪ Irrigation system and technique for storing water for their
crops to grow in all types of land;
▪ Calendar with 12 months to mark their religious festivals and
prepare them for planting season
▪ The first suspension bridge
▪ Quipu, a system of knotted ropes to keep records that only
experts can interpret; and
▪ Inca textiles since cloth was one of the specially prized
artistic achievements

Fig. 1.34 Machu

Picchu is a site of
ancient Inca ruins
located about 50
miles from Cuzco,
Peru, in the
Cordillera de
Vilcabamba of the
Andes Mountains.
It is believed to be
a royal estate and
at the same time
earthquake proof.

⮚ The Aztecs were a Mesoamerican people of central Mexico in the
fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries. They were a
civilization with a rich cultural heritage whose capital, Tenochtitlan,
rivaled the greatest cities of Europe in size and grandeur.
⮚ Among the significant contribution of the Aztec Civilization are the
▪ The Aztec puts value on education; that is why their children
are mandated to get education regardless of their social class,
gender, or age. It is an early form of universal or inclusive

▪ The Aztec in Mexico developed chocolate during their time. In
the Mayan culture, they used it as currency The Aztec valued

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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

the cacao beans highly and made it as part of their tributes to

▪ It is a form of Aztec technology for agricultural farming in which
the land was divided into rectangular areas and surrounded by

Fig. 1.35 Chinampas

▪ This enabled them to plan their activities, rituals, and planting
▪ A light narrow boat used for traveling in water systems
Fig. 1.36 Aztec Calendar (Left), and Aztec canoeing as illustrated in Florentine Codex, Book 2

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about the
Mesoamerican Civilizations?

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LEARNING ACTIVITY 1. Identifying Similarities and

Differences (Lesson Check – Up)
The previous readings gave you a glimpse on how human beings
embarking in scientific activities in order to know and understand the things
around them. Ancient people have observed and studied the natural and
physical world in order to adapt within their environment and to make their life
more convenient.
The innovations in each civilization played a very significant role in the
development of human beings, transformation of the society, and the
formulation of scientific ideas.
Your task is to create a Multiple Venn Diagram that shows the
similarities and differences of the Asian, African, and Western
Asian Civilization

African Civilization

Western CivilizationRubrics for the creation of Venn Diagram

Criteria Exemplary (5) Emerging (3) Proficient (2)

Text All statements are Most statements Few or none of

support supported by text. are supported by the statement
and text are supported
compariso by text.

Placement All statements with Most statements Few

of similarities are are placed in the statements are
statements placed in the center correct circle, but placed on the
within the circle and all student mixed up correct circle.
Venn Diagram statements that note a few
differences are statements.
placed in the outer

Number of There are five or There are three There are at

quality more comparison to four least one to
statements statements in comparison two
each circle. statements in comparison
each circle. statements in
each circle.

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Isabela State University

On a clean sheet of paper, write your reflection on the following

1. How do political and cultural landscapes of the society
affect the development of scientific culture, science activities
and science
2. How do social and human issues influence science?
The start of the middle ages was marred by massive invasions and
migrations. Wars were prevalent during this time As such; great technology
was needed in the fields of weaponry, navigation, mass food and farm
production, and health. The wars have resulted in population decline, but
during the latter part of the period, there was a significant rise in population.
Trade and commerce among nations increased, which resulted in greater
demands for transportation technology and some of the most innovative minds
from this period.

The middle ages were also known as the ―Age of Exploration‖.


▪ After the Chinese
printing Johann
Gutenberg was
able to
invent a more
reliable way of
using a cast
▪ utilized a wooden
machine that
from juices
▪ Attached to them a metal impression of
the letters and pressed firmly the cast
metal into a piece of paper which then
made an exact impression on paper.
▪ soon evolved to be a mechanical printing
press which was eventually used all over
the world Fig.
▪ advantage: to address the need for 1.37 Gutenberg Printing Press

publishing books that would spread information to many people at

faster rate
▪ made works accessible to individuals who could not even write

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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

Another invention in the middle ages is
the microscope. Growing populations
caused massive migration and
urbanization during the period. More
and more people transferred to polluted
and populated urban areas which
resulted in many people getting sick and
needed medical attention. To develop
the proper medications for illnesses,
experts must understand the sickness
through an investigation. Fig.
▪ It was invented by ZACHARIAS 1.38 Janssen’s Microscope

▪ the key in discovering new means in preventing and curing various

The need for nautical
inventions was high.
Considering the vast
empty oceans that
separated lands, ship
captains needed to
see far and wide for
them to navigate or to
avoid dangers at sea,
hence, the invention
▪ It is an optical instrument that helps in the
observation of remote objects
▪ The invention of compass, oars and
rudders made sea travelling easier and
1.39 One of Galileo's first telescopes. He
▪ The first person to apply for a patent for did not invent the telescope, but he did
a telescope was a Dutch eyeglass make several improvements and was the
first to aim one at the stars. Source:
maker named Hans Lippershey (or
Lipperhey). In 1608, Lippershey laid o invented-the-telescope.html
claim to a device that could magnify
objects three times. His telescope

a concave eyepiece aligned with a

convex objective lens. Thus, he
got the credit for the invention
because of his patent
▪ since wars were widespread during this age, great development in
weaponry technology occurred

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▪ for open area battles, people developed cross bows and long bows
so that they could attack the enemies at long ranges, keeping
themselves safe with the protection of walls and fortresses
▪ in close-range hand-to-hand combat, soldiers should wear something
to protect themselves, a need addressed by the creation of iron
body armors
▪ body armors were heavy and limited their movements

Fig. 1.40 Several weaponries used

during the medieval times.



(Lesson Check – Up)
Aside from the different inventions discussed, can you name other
breakthroughs made during the medieval age? What do you think are the other
innovations during those times that made a great impact on our society and the
Your task is to look for other scientific discoveries, theories, or
inventions that were made during the medieval age. Choose one among your find
and create a photo essay composed of four (4) pictures to relate its impact to the
society. (You may use existing images from the internet or you may capture your
own photos to support whatever you have researched).

Submit your output via

A photo-essay is a set or series of photographs made to visualize a
story. It is a way to present a narrative through a series of images.
Often it creates a series of emotions in the viewer. LOOK AT THE
EXAMPLE BELOW. What do you think does it try to convey?

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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

Ang Hari ng Kalsada


⮚The set of
pictures discuss
The photo essay
also tells us the
importance of
Jeepney to
commuters who
are usually
traveling for work
or school.

Photos from:


Rubric for rating your photo essay

Criteria Exemplary Proficient Emerging Developing
Text - 40 % 40 30 20 10
(photograph All of the Most of the Some of the Few of the
s/ images) images are images are images are images are
appropriate appropriate appropriate appropriate
to the topic, to the topic, to the topic, to the topic,
evocative, evocative, evocative, evocative,
visually visually visually visually
captivating, captivating, captivating, captivating,
and show and show and show and show
unique unique unique unique
perspectives perspectiv perspectives perspectiv
of the es of the of the theme. es of the
theme. theme. theme.

Typography 20 17 12 10
& Semantics Title and Title and Title and Title and
- 20 % captions captions captions captions
(the compliment compliment sometimes seldom
meaning, the images the images compliment compliment
arrangemen and and often the images the images
t, and work work but and do not
appearance together together to inconsistently work
of printed harmoniously reinforce work together together to
matter) to reinforce the theme. to reinforce reinforce
the theme the the theme.
consistently. theme.

Science,Technology and Society- (STS-GEC 6)

Isabela State University
Organizatio 20 17 12 10
n - 20 % Photos are Photos Photos Photos
(how the carefully create create inconsisten
various sequenced emotion emotion and tly create
elements to build and represent emotion
are emotion communicat subject matter. and may
organized) and e veer
communica thematically. from
te subject
thematically matter.

Theme -20 % 20 17 12 10
(the Theme is Theme is Theme is Theme is
universal clear and clear and clear and unclear or
insight that well well well not well
is developed developed developed developed
communicat throughout throughout throughout throughout
ed by the entire photo most of the some of the the photo
essay) essay. photo essay. photo essay. essay.


The Modern Era includes the early period, called the early
modern period, which lasted from 1500 - present. The Modern Period covers
human history from the creation of a more global network to present day.

A. Early Modern Period

∙ The Renaissance is a period in the history of Europe beginning in about

1300-1600, and following the medieval period. ―Renaissance‖ is a
French word meaning ―rebirth‖.

∙ The Scientific Revolution was the emergence of modern science during

the early modern period, when developments in mathematics, physics,
astronomy, biology (including human anatomy), and chemistry
transformed societal views about nature that unfolded in Europe
roughly during 1550-1700. The Scientific Revolution began in Europe
toward the end of the renaissance period, and continued through the
late 18th century influencing the intellectual social movement known as

∙ The Age of Enlightenment period of the Modern Era of philosophy

corresponds roughly to the 18th Century (1700). In general terms, the
Enlightenment was an intellectual movement developed mainly in
France and Germany, which advocated freedom, democracy and
reason as the primary values of society.

Famous Scientists during the Scientific Revolution

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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

∙ Galileo Galilei - Father of Modern Astronomy; Father of Modern

Physics; Albert Einstei called him Father of Modern Science.
∙ Nicolaus Copernicus – Heliocentric Theory.
∙ Johannes Kepler – Three Laws of Planetary Motion (1) All
planets move about the sun in elliptical orbits, having the Sun as
one of the foci. (2) A radius vector joining any planet to the Sun
sweeps out equal areas in equal lengths of time. (3) The
squares of the sidereal periods (of revolution) of the planets are
directly proportional to the cubes of their mean distance to the
∙ Sir Isaac Newton – Father of Calculus and formulated the
Universal Law of Gravitation and the Famous Laws of Motion.

B. Mid Modern Period

∙ Industrial Revolution 1700’s. From the introduction of the first viable

Steam Engine by Thomas Newcomen in 1712, the invention of
steam engine was crucial to the industrialization of modern civilization,
for almost 200 years it was the outstanding source of power industry
and transport system in the West.

∙ The Progressive Era was a period of widespread social activism and

political reform across the United States that spanned from the 1890s
to 1920s. The main objectives of the Progressive movement were
eliminating problems caused by industrialization, urbanization,
immigration, and corruption in government.

∙ Machine Age is an era that includes the early 20th century, sometimes
also including the late 19th century. An approximate dating would be
about 1880 to 1945. It forms a late part of the Second Industrial

C. Contemporary Period

The 1940s saw the beginning of the Atomic Age, where modern physics
saw new applications such as the atomic bomb, the first computers, and

∙ Postmodernity is the state or condition of being postmodern - after or in

reaction to that which is modern, as in postmodern art.
Postmodernism a late-20th-century style and concept in the arts,
architecture, and criticism that represents a departure from modernism

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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

and has at its heart a general distrust of grand theories and ideologies
as well as a problematical relationship with any notion of ―art‖.

∙ World War I was a

situation where
were far
superior to
bunkers and
machine guns
were far
superior to
artillery and infantry running
while defended by a thin layer of
uniform made out of cotton. The mobile
technology of the day – cavalry – was
rendered irrelevant. Air power did not
play a major role.
Fig. 1.41 Fighter planes during the World War

∙ Atomic Age or World War II. The Atomic Era, is the period of history
following the detonation of the first nuclear bomb, Trinity, on July 16,
1945, during World War II. New weapons made warfare much more
mobile - mainly tanks but also air power. That made World War II much
more about maneuvering than about fortification and concentration of
firepower to thin defensive line. As the Germans learned first and
Allies, learned next, tactics, intelligence, and maneuvering ruled the
battlefield of the 1940s, not trenches and barbed wire.

Some technologies that shaped World War II:

▪ Airplanes - fighters and bombers ▪ Tanks
▪ Submarines (started in WWI but ▪ Code-breaking ▪ Electronic
matured in WWII) ▪ Radar warfare ▪ Atomic bomb
▪ Sonar

∙ Space Age is a time period encompassing the activities related to Space Race,
space exploration, space technology, and cultural developments influenced by
these events. The space age is generally considered to have begun with Sputnik.

∙ Information Age also known as the Computer Age, Digital Age or New Media
Age is a historic period in the 21st century characterized by the rapid shift from
traditional industry that the Industrial revolution brought through industrialization,
to an economy based on information technology. This era brought about a time
period in which people could access information and knowledge easily.

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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

Other Significant Highlights during the Modern Age:

▪ It is the process
of heating dairy
products to kill
harmful bacteria
allow them to
spoil faster
▪ It is a better
means of
production to
meet the needs for population, food
preservation and food safety
▪ It was invented by Louis Pasteur
(French biologist, microbiologist and
▪ advantage: milk could be stored and
consumed for a longer period
▪ prevents illnesses caused by harmful
bacteria Fig. 1.42 Pasteurization process


▪ Modern times demanded better means of powering homes and

▪ They used animal oils for generating light to illuminate their homes
▪ Samuel M. Kier invented kerosene by refining petroleum
▪ KEROSENE was later on referred to as the illuminating oil (was used at
first to provide lightning at homes) and then was used for heating purposes ▪
the development of Kerosene established the petroleum refinery industry ▪ At
present, petroleum is used in poring automobiles, factories and power plants

Fig. 1.44 The process of petroleum

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▪ The more people got connected by trade and exploration, the more they
needed a way to easily maintain these connections and communicate
with each other in real time
▪ It was one of the most important inventions at that time and was invented
by ALEXANDER Graham Bell

Fig. 1.45 Alexander Graham

Bell, inventor of the telephone
▪ Was invented to make easier way for arithmetic calculations
▪ It resulted in the development of more complex processing machine like


LEARNING ACTIVITY 3. It’s time to Reflect

(Lesson Check – Up)
The booming world population during the nineteenth century onwards
demanded that more goods be produced at a faster rate. People needed efficient
means of transportation to trade more goods and cover a larger distance.
Machines that required animals to operate must thus be upgraded. Faster and
easier means to communicate and compute should be developed to establish
connections between and among nations. All these needs resulted in the
development of industries. However, due to massive industrialization, the modern
times again faced more complicated problems. Food processing and medicine
posed some of the bigger challenges since health was of great concern.
Your task is to choose one major scientific and technological development in
the modern age and discuss how it created an impact in your daily life by writing
a short expository essay containing at least 350 words.

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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

Submit your output via

Rubric for Expository Essay

Criteria Exemplary(5 Proficient (4) Emerging (3) Developing

) (2)
Introductory The The introduction The There is no
paragraph introduction clearly states the introduction clear
is inviting, main topic and states the introduction
states the previews the main topic, of the main
main topic structure of the but does not topic or
and paper, but is not adequately structure of
previews particularly preview the the paper.
the structure inviting to the structure of Does not
of the paper. reader. Includes all the paper include all
Includes all necessary elements nor is it the
necessary of an particularly necessary
elements of introductory inviting to the elements of
an paragraph. reader. Does an
introductory not include all introductory
paragraph. the paragraph.
elements of

Body Details are Details are placed in Some details Many

paragraphs placed in a a logical order, but are not in a details are
organization logical order the way in which logical or not in a
and the way they are expected order, logical or
they are presented/introduced and this expected
presented sometimes makes distracts the order. There
effectively the writing less reader. is little sense
keeps the interesting. Supportive that the
interest of Supportive sentences do writing is
the reader. sentences clarify not always organized.
Supportive and explain the topic clarify and Supportive
sentences sentence explain the sentences
clarify and topic do not
explain the sentence clarify and
topic explain the
sentence topic sentence

Focus on There is Main idea is clear Main idea is The main

Topic one clear, but the supporting somewhat idea is not
(Content) well information is general. clear but clear.
focused there is a There is a
topic. Main need for seemingly
idea more random
stands out supporting collection of
and is information. information.
supported by
Conclusion The The conclusion is The There is no
(Organization) conclusion recognizable and conclusion is clear
is strong and ties up almost all recognizable, conclusion,
leaves the the loose ends. but does not the paper
reader with Includes all the tie up several just ends.
a feeling necessary elements loose Does
that of a closing ends. Does not include
they paragraph not include all the
understand all the necessary
what the writer necessary elements of
elements of a a

Science,Technology and Society- (STS-GEC 6)

Isabela State University
is "getting closing closing
at." Includes paragraph paragraph
all the
elements of
a closing

Grammar & Consistently Generally follows Mostly does Does not

Spelling follows rules rules for spelling not follow follow rules
(Conventions) for spelling and correct use of rules of for spelling
and correct grammar. Uses spelling and and
use of complete correct use of correct use
grammar. sentences grammar. of
Uses generally and Mostly grammar.
complete indicates exhibits errors Uses
sentences paragraphs often. in sentence sentence
and structure that structure that
consistently impede makes it
indicates communicatio quite difficult
paragraphs. n. Generally to
does not understand.
indicate Does not
paragraphs use

LESSON 3. Historical antecedents in which social considerations changed the course of

science and technology IN THE PHILIPPINES
Despite the Philippines being considered as a developing country, its contribution to
global advancement of science and technology is also remarkable. The Philippines is known to
be one of the most vulnerable countries in terms of natural disasters. Many of the discoveries
and inventions made by the Filipinos were therefore built from indigenous materials or created
to adapt to the harsh tropical environment.
∙ Science and Technology in the Philippines had experienced periods of intense
growth as well as long periods of stagnation
∙ The main managing agency responsible for science and technology is the
Department of Science and Technology.
∙ Numerous national scientists have contributed in different fields of science
including Fe del Mundo in the field of Pediatrics, Eduardo Quisumbing in the
field of plant taxonomy, Gavino Trono in the field of tropical marine phycology,
Maria Orosa in the field of food technology and many more.
∙ Even before the colonization by the Spaniards in the Philippine islands, the natives
of the Philippine archipelago already had practices linked to science and
∙ Filipinos were already aware of the medical and therapeutic properties of plants
and the methods of extracting medicine from herbs.
∙ They already had an alphabet number system, a weighing and measuring system
and a calendar. Filipinos were already engaged in farming, shipbuilding, mining
and weaving.
∙ The Banaue Rice Terraces are among the sophisticated products of engineering by
pre-Spanish era Filipinos.
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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

Fig. 1.46 An illustration showing Filipino rites

and rituals during the Pre-Spanish Era


∙ The colonization of the Philippines contributed to the growth of science and
technology in the archipelago.
∙ The Spanish introduced formal education and founded scientific institution. ∙ During
the early years of Spanish rule in the Philippines. Parish schools were established
where religion, reading, writing, arithmetic and music was taught. ∙ Sanitation and
more advanced methods of agriculture were taught to natives. ∙ Later the Spanish
established colleges and universities in the archipelago including the oldest existing
university in Asia, the University of Santo Tomas. ∙ The Galleon Trade have
accounted in the Philippine colonial economy. ∙ Trade was given more focus by the
Spaniard Colonial authorities due to the prospects of big profits.
∙ The opening of Suez Canal saw the influx of European visitors to the Spanish
colony and some Filipinos were able to study in Europe who was probably
influenced by the rapid development of scientific ideals brought by the age of
Fig. 1.47 Filipino Children during the Spanish

Fig. 1.48 The Galleon Ship

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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

∙ The progress of Science and Technology in the Philippines continued under the
American rule of the Islands
∙ They established the public education system
∙ Improved the engineering works and health conditions of the people. ∙ They
established the University of the Philippines which is a research university. ∙ The
Americans created more public hospitals than the Spaniards. ∙ Basic education
science focused on nature studies and sanitation. Later, the subject was formally
called ―Science‖
∙ Researchers were done to control malaria, cholera, and tuberculosis and other
tropical diseases.
Fig. 1.49 The University of the Philippines in its Early years

∙ The Japanese occupation of the Philippines occurred between 1942 and 1945,
when Imperial Japan occupied the Commonwealth of the Philippines during
World War II.
The invasion of the Philippines started on 8 December 1941, ten hours after the
attack on Pearl Harbor.
∙ Japan occupied the Philippines for over three years, until the surrender of Japan
∙ During this time, many of the established industries in the Philippines were turned
into ashes and many lives were destroyed. Horses, cars and trucks were

∙ Under Education, the country was subjected to Military Order No. 2 on February 17,
1942which contains the Japanese educational policies that upholds Six Basic
1. Realization of new order;
2. Propagation of Filipino Culture;
3. Endeavor to elevate the morals o people, giving up, over emphasis
4. The teaching and propagation of Niponggo;
5. Diffusion of elementary and vocational education; and
6. Promotion of love of labor
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(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

∙ The educational system prioritized the opening of elementary schools and next was
the re-opening of vocational and normal schools which offers Agriculture, Fisheries,
and Engineering. This classes were composed of sixty students each
∙ School calendars became longer since there were no summer vacation ∙
American songs were banned including American symbols, poems and pictures ∙
During the time of Jose P. Laurel, he required teachers to obtain licenses

∙ Transport was a big problem for local people throughout Japanese occupation
because they were in control of the world’s rubber and many oil fields. They
forced many motor vehicles to run on coal gases or inferior petrol made from
vegetable sources.
∙ Bicycles were widely used as mode of transport during the Japanese reign ∙ Public
vehicles dwindled and cars ceased to be available for almost all other than the
∙ Generally, there was transportation through land air and water and machines were


∙ People engaged in the sale of food and medicine particularly the Sulfathiazole,
Sulfanilamide and Quinine for aiding soldiers which were at very high prize that
∙ Owing to economic dislocation and the scarcity of food, thousands died of malaria,
malnutrition, tuberculosis and other diseases.
∙ Men, women and children suffered and died from extreme hunger and tropical ulcer

∙ Rice production sank and most of the lands were planted with cotton. ∙ Coffee and
tea were produced but Erzatz and Mango leaves also became a substitute to these.

∙ Several government corporations were reorganized and new ones were created to
perform such varied functions as the exploitation and development of natural
∙ During Commonwealth, National Power Corporation (NAPOCOR) was established.
∙ There were 22,970 km of road in the country, half of which was in Central and
Southern Luzon
The human spirit to survive and rebuild the country maybe strong but the capacity of
the country to bring what has been destroyed was limited. The reparation funds
focused on building some institutions and public facilities like schools, hospitals, and
transportation system. The reparation money from Japan was also concentrated on
building highways and providing technological training and human resource
development in the country.

Science,Technology and Society-

(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University


Since the establishment of the New Republic, the whole nation has been
focusing on its limited resources in improving its science and technological
capability. Human resource development is the heart of these efforts focusing
more on producing engineers, scientists, technology experts, doctors and other
professionals in the country.

▪ The conversion of American
military jeeps
used in WORLD WAR II
into jeepneys
▪ Another invention is addition
of sidecar to
a motorcycle transforming
it into a tricycle
to accommodate more
▪ During rainy season-flooding is common,
Water Technologies headed by Dominic
Chung and Lamberto Armada together
with Chief designer Victor Atoy Llave
invented the SALAMANDER (an
amphibious tricycle that can cross not only
flooded streets but also rivers and lakes.) toxic gases
∙ SALT LAMP 1.50 Amphibious Salamander

▪ one of the major needs in the Philippines is

ELECTRIFICATION (electricity powers various
types of machines, including light sources)
▪ it was invented by Aisa Mijeno (invented
lightning system that utilizes a material
abundant in the Philippines called saltwater.)
▪ she invented the SUSTAINABLE
an environment friendly light source that runs
on saltwater.
Advantages: Fig. 1.51 Aisa
✔ safer as it poses no risk of fire and emit no Mijeno holding her SALt Lamp

✔ benefit those from far-flung barrios -

they can make their own saltwater by
mixing two tablespoons of salt and a
glass of tap water.

Science,Technology and Society-

(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

▪ A common problem in the Philippines is the high mortality rate of newborn
babies due to maybe lack of available incubators especially in far-flung
barrios due to lack of resources and electricity
▪ Dr. Fe del Mundo - Filipino pediatrician invented incubator
▪ first Asian woman who admitted into Harvard Medical School, devised a
medical incubator made from indigenous and cheap materials which did not
run on electricity.
▪ made by placing a native laundry basket inside a bigger one.
▪ hot water bottles were inserted between the baskets to provide warmth and
makeshift hood to allow oxygen circulation
▪ Main purpose - maintain conditions suitable for a newborn usually a pre-term
▪ Other breakthroughs in Philippine medicine attributed to Del Mundo include her
works on the immunization and treatment of jaundice and the BRAT diet
(includes banana and rice) for curing diarrhea.

Fig. 1.52 Dr. Fe Del Mundo and

her bamboo incubator

▪ Major innovation that
changed the
transportation industry in
the Philippines
was the development of the
▪ The iconic public utility
vehicle was built
using the military jeeps left
by the
Americans after World War
▪ It utilizes electricity instead of the more
expensive diesel
▪ It is environment-friendly (smoke free and
noise free)

Fig. 1.53 eJeepney

Science,Technology and Society-
(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University


(Lesson Check – Up)

You have seen an overview of the history of Science and Technology in the
Philippines all throughout the ages.
Your task is to describe the development of Science and Technology condition in the
Philippines by completing the Multi-Bubble Map showing the similarities of pre colonial,
colonial, and post-colonial ages. Write words or phrases to compare and contrast each
period. Remember, the similarities are written in the inner circles, while thee differences
are written on the outer circles.






Submit your output via

Science,Technology and Society-
(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University
The development of Science and Technology in the Philippines, based on its brief history, is
shaped by several factors and influences. Like in the history of science in the other
countries, it is always shaped by human and social activities both internal and external.

Internal Influences
∙ Survival
∙ Culture
∙ Economic
Activities Science and
Technology in the
∙ Foreign

∙ Trades with foreign
countries Fig. 1.54 Influences in the
∙ International Economic Development of Technology in the
Demands Philippines

Development of

Science and technology may have significant impact on the lives of the people
and in the development of the Philippine society. However, improving the quality of
science education still remains as a big challenge in the country.

On a clean sheet of paper (or email

your thoughts to :

_________________) , write your reflection on the following

1. Considering the current state of our society, do you
think science literacy among people has contributed to
the growth of our economy? Why or Why not?
2. Choose one technological development in the
Philippines and give your idea on what historical
antecedents gave rise to the technological advancement
you chose.

Science,Technology and Society-

(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

The things discussed in this module are only some of the great inventions and
developments during the time periods. There are still some more innovations and
discoveries that were made during history that changed the world.
Hence, the people along our historical roots have shown to us a great understanding
of nature. Using their understanding, we can build on previous discoveries to make
intellectual progress. Thus, the famous adage by Sir Isaac Newton in 1675 ―If I have seen
further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.”

Choose among the

different time periods:
ancient, middle and
modern and
make a collage (this can
be done on a ¼
illustration board or can be electronically edited using any photo editing
applications) of the different scientific and/ or
technological advancement highlighted during your chosen period.
Be sure to submit it on __________________ at _______________ or email
it at ________________________________________________________________
It has been established that most, if not all, of the discoveries and
inventions during each period were due to human needs and wants.
Science therefore provided different civilizations the means to survive
and understand the natural and physical world. All in all, it enabled
human beings to develop various technologies that helped them in their
everyday tasks.
Each civilization has its unique characteristic and way of living. The
social economic structures and the way their rulers rule their land
including the internal and external that took place during those times
shaped the striking features of the civilization. It is therefore important
to note that the kind of society we have speaks of our achievement and
on how we move towards progress.

∙ McNamara, J et al. 2018. Science Technology and Society. C&E Publishing Inc. ∙
Serafica, J. et al.2018. Science Technology and Society, Rex Book Store Inc.

Science,Technology and Society-

(STS-GEC 6) Isabela State University

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