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Guesstimate the number of COVID t

Rate of testing of COVID will rem

Assumption We're operating at max capacity. So
A seasonal factor is taken into consideration because of the expected increase in


Hospitals (includes both specialised

COVID hospitals and others with a
designated COVID testing area)

Main Channels
Testing Labs (Not all labs satisfy the criteria to
be permitted to conduct COVID testing)

Mobile Labs (Mostly come into picture

for contact tracing and cluster tapping)


# Hospitals % conducting tests

Hospitals 300 50%

Labs 600 20%

Number of areas Number of people in that area

Mobile vans 3 50
mate the number of COVID testing kits needed by Delhi in October

Rate of testing of COVID will remain same even when the number of cases are increasing
We're operating at max capacity. Some capacity increase factor to account for seasonal factors
n into consideration because of the expected increase in cases due to festive season. Please note this is a hypothesis which will be verifi


#Hospitals X % of hospitals
conducting tests X #of health
workers X #tests conducted in
an hour X #working hours X #
average occupancy percentage

#Labs X % of labs conducting

tests X #of health workers X
#tests conducted in an hour X
#working hours X # average
occupancy percentage

#areas targetted in a day X #

people in that area tested

Number of tests in a day

# health workers (conducting tests) #tests conducted in an hour Working hours

15 5 8

5 5 8

Comments Total-I Additional

These are usually deployed when

Adding an additional 500
contact tracing is done and all people in
people which accounts for
that society/area are tested. Since
150 people who can't visit the
contact tracing is now mostly inefficient,
hospital and home-testing is
area testing is done if many cases from
conducted for them.
one society are found


Additional 5% cases increase due to movement du

festival season in the last 5 days of the month whic
govt would be able to test (assumption)


Delhi in October

nal factors
a hypothesis which will be verified with the interviewer

Markup due to
Sum to get the number of expected peak in
people tested in a day October end (last
5 days)

Average Occupancy % Comments Number of Tests

Taking 2 hospitals per
10km2 area. Average
occupany % accounts for
both the size of
hospitals (as there might
be small and large
80% 72000
hospitals ) as well as the
busy hours during the
Also we have assumed a
time of 10-12 minutes to
test 1 patient

Taking 2 labs per 5 km2

area. Only few labs
which satisfy the criteria
of a separate entry and
exit gate for COVID
testings have been
permitted. A lot of small
85% 20400
labs directly go out of
our consideration set
here. Hence the small %.
Also, since labs are
mostly locally spread
out, % occupancy will be
TOTAL 92400



es increase due to movement due to

he last 5 days of the month which the
d be able to test (assumption)


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