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1. What was the ethical dilemma that John Q. Faces in this movie?

The ethical dilemma that John Q faces is he has to decide whether he will let his son die by not getting a
heart transplant or do everything in his power like killing himself and harming the people he hostage to
get his son a new heart.

2. Do you think everyone has the right to proper health care? Do you believe that it is the responsibility
of the government to provide every citizen an accessible health care? Why or why not?

I think all citizens have the right to proper health care not only because it is mandated in our bill of rights
but also it is good for our economic productivity. When the citizens are provided with good health care,
they live healthier lives and be productive, allowing them to contribute more to the economy. I believe
that it is the responsibility of our government to provide accessible health care for every citizen. The
government has the capability and resources to ensure that everyone receives proper health care,
especially for the sector of our society who are under privilege. These sector needs the full support of
our government when it comes to health care.

3. Do you think the rights of the hostages are violated? Should their rights be neglected to save the boy?

I think the rights of the hostages were violated because they were traumatized and put in a situation
that is not their fault. They should not be held liable to John Q's son transplant operation. Their rights as
a patient are neglected as they are not getting the proper care they need because John tells most
doctors to leave the emergency room. Their rights should not be neglected just to save the boy.

4. What is the ethical dilemma that the cardiac surgeon faces at the end of the movie?

Dr. Turner, the cardiac surgeon, faces an ethical dilemma by having to decide if he should let John kill
himself and donate his heart to his son. If he allows it, he could save the boy but he will face
consequences with ethical matters in his profession. He can be expelled from his profession and his
reputation as a surgeon can be damaged and marked for his entire life.

5. Is John Q. Archibald (Denzel Washington) a good person – an ethical ? Explain. What is it that sets
him apart from others? Relate your answer based on the Deontological or Teleological theories.

I think John Q. is a good person because he wants to save his son and willing to do everything for him
even sacrificing himself. His just doing what he did just so he could save his son. He held people hostage
and threatened to harm them but he didn’t intend to kill anyone because his gun is not loaded with
ammunition. This what sets him apart from other criminal, he knows that what he is doing is not ethical
but in his heart it will yield a good result.
6. “Rules are made to be broken”. On your opinion, what does this statement mean? Do you find your
example related to ethical issues? Please rate your answer based on the Deontological or Teleological

I think this saying implies that there are times when we should think for ourselves and not obey every
rule. We should use our intelligence in following rules. If a rule is unjust then it should not be followed.
We should follow rules that let us live peacefully and furthers our journey to happiness but at the same
time following these rules should not interfere with the rights of others. John Q. broke the rules but he
means no harm. He broke the rules not for the mere goal of breaking it but he did it for a good cause.

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