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(a) is absent 303. Longitudinal chromatic aberration for an incident
(b) is smaller if the curved surface of the lens faces the object parallel beam of a lens of unit focal length is numeri-
(c) is smaller if the plane surface of the lens faces the object cally equal to
(d) is the same whichever side of the lens faces the object. (a) its focal length (b) one
295. What is the angle of incidence for an equilateral prism (c) its dispersive power (d) infinity.
of refractive index 3 so that the ray is parallel to 304. Sodium lamps are used in foggy conditions because:
the base inside the prism ? (a) yellow light is scattered less by the fog particles.
(a) 30° (b) 45° (b) yellow light is scattered more by the fog particles.
(c) 60° (d) either 30° or 60°. (c) yellow light is unaffected during its passage through the
296. Two lenses in contact form an achromatic doublet. fog
Their focal lengths are in the ratio 2 : 3. Then their (d) wavelength of yellow light is the mean of the visible part of
dispersive powers must be in the ratio the spectrum [AIIMS 2004]
(a) 2 : 3 (b) 1 : 3
305. Two convex lenses of same focal length are made of
(c) 3 : 1 (d) 3 : 2.
crown and flint glass respectively. The axial chro-
297. A prism of refractive index µg deviates the incident matic aberration is
ray towards its base. If it is immersed in a transpar-
(a) equal for the two lenses.
ent liquid of refractive index µl such that µl > µ g ,
then the prism would (b) greater for the crown glass lens.
(a) deviate the ray towards its base (c) greater for the flint glass lens.
(b) deviate the ray away from its base (d) sometimes greater for crown glass lens and sometimes for
(c) not deviate the ray at all flint glass lens.
(d) nothing can be said.
298. A combination of a convex and a concave lens of same OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS
focal length is made. The combination behaves as
306. In a compound microscope, the intermediate image
(a) an achromatic converging lens
(b) an achromatic diverging lens
(a) virtual, inverted and magnified
(c) an achromatic cylindrical lens
(b) real, inverted and diminished
(d) an achromatic plane slab.
(c) virtual, erect and magnified
299. Line spectrum contains information about
(d) virtual, erect and diminished
(a) the atoms of the prism (b) the atoms of the source
(c) the molecules of the source (e) real, inverted and magnified. [Kerala PMT 2003]
(d) the atoms as well as molecules of the source. 307. The numerical value of the length of a Galileo tel-
[MP PET 1995] escope for normal vision is (assuming f o and fe as
300. When a lens forms coloured images of a point object positive length)
emitting white light, the separation between the violet (a) fo + fe (b) fo – fe
and red images on the principal axis is known as (c) fo/fe (d) fo × fe.
(a) chromatic aberration (b) axial chromatic aberration 308. The largest telescope in the world has a reflector with
(c) transverse chromatic aberration an aperture 200″, to get
(d) spherical aberration. (a) low dispersive power (b) least spherical aberration
301. The mean focal length of a lens is 15 cm. If the dis- (c) high resolving power
persive power of its material is 0.02, the axial chro- (d) high accommodation power.
matic aberration produced by the lens is
309. The resolving limit of healthy eye is about
(a) 0.0013 cm (b) 0.60 cm
(a) 1′ (b) 1″
(c) 0.30 cm (d) none of these.
302. For two lenses of the same material to achieve achro- (c) 1° (d) . [MP PET 1999]
matism, one should put them
(a) in contact (b) a finite distance part 310. If fo and fe are the focal length of the objective and
eye-piece respectively for a telescope, its magnifying
(c) in any manner (d) nothing is certain.
power is
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f fo × fe 318. With a simple microscope, if the lens is held at a

(a) e (b)
fo distance d from the eye and the image is formed at
f the least distance of distinct vision D from the eye,
(c) o (d) fo × fe. then the magnifying power is
[Karnataka CET 2000] (a) (b) 1 +
f f
311. A reflecting telescope utilises
D–d D+d
(a) A concave mirror (b) A convex mirror (c) 1 + (d) 1 + .
f f
(c) A prism (d) A plano-convex lens.
319. For relaxed eye, the magnifying power of a micro-
312. How should people wearing their spectacles work with
scope is
a microscope ?
v D v f
(a) They should keep on wearing their spectacles. (a) – o × (b) – o × e
uo fe uo D
(b) They should take off their spectacles.
(c) They may either put on their spectacles or they may take (c)
uo D
× (d)
uo F
× −
D I.
off their spectacles ; it makes no difference. vo fe vo GHfe JK
(d) They cannot use the microscope at all. [CBSE PMT 1998]
313. The magnifying power of telescope can be increased 320. An astronomical telescope of tenfold angular magni-
by fication has a length of 44 cm. The focal length of the
(a) increasing focal length of eye-piece. objective is
(b) increasing the distance of object. (a) 4 cm (b) 40 cm
(c) fitting eye-piece of low power. (c) 44 cm (d) 440 cm.
(d) fitting eye-piece of high power. [CBSE PMT 1997]
[All India PM/PD 1997] 321. When the length of a microscope tube is increased,
314. On which of the following does the magnifying power its magnifying power
of a telescope depend ? (a) decreases (b) increases
(a) The focal length of the objective only (c) does not change (d) may increase or decrease.
(b) The focal length of the objective and that of the eye-piece. [MNR 1986]
(c) The diameter of aperture of the objective only 322. The magnifying power of a simple microscope can be
increased if we use eye-piece of
(d) The diameter of aperture of the objective and that of the
eye-piece. [Bharati Vidyapeeth, 1996] (a) higher focal length (b) smaller focal length
(c) higher diameter (d) smaller diameter.
315. An observer looks at a tree of height 15 metre with a
telescope of magnifying power 10. To him, the tree 323. An astronomical telescope has objective and eye-piece
of focal lengths 200 cm and 2 cm respectively. Then
the magnifying power of the telescope for normal
(a) 10 times taller (b) 10 times nearer
vision is
(c) 15 times taller (d) 15 times nearer. (a) 201.85 (b) 100
[BHU 1996] (c) 108 (d) 202.
316. A boy uses a pinhole camera to photograph his school. 324. The length of a simple astronomical telescope in nor-
An exposure time of about 30 minutes is required. In mal adjustment is equal to
order to reduce this time to less than 1 second and (a) difference of the focal lengths of the two lenses.
still get a successful photograph, he could (b) half the sum of focal lengths.
(a) make several holes around the original one (c) the sum of the focal lengths.
(b) make the hole about 1 cm in diameter (d) the product of the focal lengths.
(c) enlarge the hole and place a suitable diverging lens over it 325. With a simple microscope, if the final image is located
(d) enlarge the hole and place a suitable converging lens over at infinity, then its magnifying power is
it. (a) D/f (b) 1 + D/f
317. The final image produced by a simple microscope is (c) f/D (d) D × f.
(a) erect (b) inverted 326. For an optical instrument (like a telescope) given
(c) real and erect (d) real and inverted. magnifying power is
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(a) maximum for normal adjustment. 334. The focal length of the objective of a microscope is
(b) maximum for near point adjustment. (a) greater than the focal length of the eye-piece.
(c) same for both the above cases. (b) less than the focal length of the eye-piece.
(d) none of the above. (c) equal to the focal length of the eye-piece.
327. If a Galilean telescope has objective and eye-piece of (d) none of the above. [MNR 1986]
focal lengths 200 cm and 4 cm respectively, then the
335. The resolving power of a telescope is
magnifying power of the telescope for normal vision
is (a) directly proportional to the diameter (aperture) of the ob-
jective lens and inversely proportional to the wavelength
(a) 42 (b) 50
of light used.
(c) 58 (d) 196.
(b) directly proportional to the diameter of the objective lens
328. An electron microscope is superior to an optical and also directly proportional to the wavelength of the
microscope in light used.
(a) having better resolving power (c) directly proportional to the wavelength of light used and
(b) being easy to handle (c) low cost inversely proportional to the diameter of the objective lens.
(d) quickness of observation. (d) none of the above.
329. Which of the following statements about an astro- 336. The image of a distant object as seen through an
nomical telescope is incorrect ? astronomical telescope is
(a) The objective is of large aperture. (a) erect (b) inverted
(b) The objective has less focal length than the eye-piece. (c) perverted (d) none of these.
(c) When the length of tube is minimum, the eye is most strained.
337. An endeooscope is a
(d) The difference between the focal lengths of the two lenses
(a) narrow telescope (b) type of camera
is large.
(c) simple microscope (d) photometer.
330. The distance between the eye-lens and crosswires in
Ramsden’s eye-piece where field lens has focal length 338. The magnifying power of compound microscope in
f is given by terms of the magnification mo due to objective and
magnifying power mE by the eye-piece is given by
11 12
(a) (b) f (a) mo/mE (b) mo × mE
12f 11
(c) mo + mE (d) mE/mo. [CPMT 1995]
11 1.1
(c) f (d) f. 339. You are supplied with four convex lenses of focal
12 12
lengths 100 cm, 25 cm, 3 cm and 2 cm. For design-
331. For a reading lens, we require ing an astronomical telescope, you will use lenses of
(a) short focus concave lens (b) long focus concave lens focal lengths
(c) short focus convex lens (d) long focus convex lens. (a) 100 cm and 25 cm (b) 100 cm and 3 cm
332. The image formed by the objective of a compound (c) 25 cm and 2 cm (d) 100 cm and 2 cm.
microscope is
340. The ratio of the focal lengths of the objective to the
(a) virtual and enlarged (b) virtual and diminished
focal length of the eye-piece is greater than 1 for
(c) real and diminished (d) real and enlarged.
(a) telescope (b) microscope
[AIEEE 2003]
(c) both telescope and miscroscope
333. An astronomical telescope in normal adjustment has (d) neither telescope nor microscope.
a converging eye-piece of focal length 5 cm separated
by 85 cm from the objective lens of focal length fo. 341. In order to increase the magnifying power of a
Which one of the following pairs correctly gives the microscope,
position of the image and the value of fo ? (a) the focal powers of the objective and the eye-piece should
position of image fo be large.

(a) 90 cm from the eye 80 cm (b) objective should have small focal length and the eye-piece
should have large focal length.
(b) infinity 80 cm
(c) both should have large focal lengths.
(c) infinity 90 cm
(d) the objective should have large focal length and eye-piece
(d) least distance of distinct vision 80 cm
should have small focal length.
(e) least distance of distinct vision 90 cm.
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342. The magnifying power of an astronomical telescope (a) 16 : 25 (b) 9 : 1

is 8 and the distance between the two lenses is 54 cm. (c) 4 : 5 (d) 5 : 4. [AIEEE 2002]
The focal lengths of the eye-lens and objective lens
will be respectively HUMAN EYE
(a) 6 cm and 48 cm (b) 48 cm and 6 cm
(c) 8 cm and 64 cm (d) 64 cm and 8 cm. 349. In myopia,
[MP PMT 1991] (a) image is formed in front of the retina.
(b) image is formed behind the retina.
343. A fly is sitting on the objective of a telescope pointed
towards the moon. What effect is expected in a pho- (c) image is formed on the retina.
tograph of the moon taken through the telescope ? (d) no image is formed. [AFMC Pune 1988]
(a) The entire field of view is blocked. 350. The normal eye is most relaxed when it is focussed
(b) There is an image of the fly on the photographs. on an object at
(c) There is no effect at all. (a) 25 cm. (b) infinite distance.
(d) There is a reduction in the intensity of the image. (c) 25 metre. (d) 25 mm away.
344. A single converging lens is held close to the eye for 351. While taking photographs with a camera, if one wants
use as a magnifying glass. For maximum magnify- that every object beyond one metre should be in focus,
ing power, the lens must be positioned so that one should
(a) the object is just beyond the principal focus of the lens. (a) give short exposure without changing aperture.
(b) the object is in the focal plane of the lens. (b) reduce the aperture and increase the time of exposure.
(c) the image is in the focal plane of the lens. (c) increase the aperture and reduce the time of exposure.
(d) the image is at the near point of the eye. (d) give long exposure without changing the aperture.
(e) the image distance is just less than the focal length of the 352. A myopic patient uses
lens. (a) convex lens (b) concave lens
345. The objective of a telescope, after focussing for infin- (c) cylindrical lens (d) bifocal lens.
ity, is taken out and a slit of length L is placed in its 353. Even in absolutely clear water, a diver cannot see
position. A sharp image of the slit is formed by the very clearly
eye-piece at a certain distance from it on the other
(a) because rays of light get diffused in water
side. The length of this image is l. Then magnifica-
(b) because velocity of light is reduced in water
tion of telescope is
(c) because the rays of light passing through water make it
l 2L turbid
(a) (b)
2L l (d) because the focal length of the eye-lens in water gets
l L changed and the image is no longer focussed sharply on
(c) (d) . the retina.
L l
346. An astronomical telescope has a large aperture to 354. Loss of the ability of eye to focus on near and far
object with advancing age is called
(a) reduce spherical aberration.
(a) presbyopia (b) astigmatism
(b) have high resolution.
(c) hypermetropia (d) myopia.
(c) increase span of observation.
355. The ability of eye to focus on both near and far objects
(d) have low dispersion. [AIEEE 2002]
is called
347. The aperture of the objective lens of a telescope is (a) myopia (b) hypermetropia
made large so as to (c) presbyopia (d) accommodation.
(a) increase the resolving power of the telescope.
356. When a person sees a distant object, the focal length
(b) increase the magnifying power of the telescope. of the eye-lens is f. When he focusses on a near ob-
(c) to focus on distant objects. ject, the focal length of the eye-lens will be
(d) make image aberration less. [KCET 2003] (a) less than f (b) more than f
348. Wavelengths of light used in an optical instrument (c) f (d) any one of these.
are λ1 = 4000 Å and λ2 = 5000 Å. Then ratio of their 357. A defect of vision in which the points in one plane of
respective resolving powers (corresponding to λ1 and an object appear in focus while those in another plane
λ2) is are out of focus is called
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(a) myopia (b) hypermetropia (d) because in doing so, the focal length of the eye-lens is
(c) astigmatism (d) distortion. effectively increased.

358. A person suffering from hypermetropia uses

(a) convex lens (b) concave lens
(c) cylindrical lens (d) bifocal lens. 368. In a double slit experiment, instead of taking slits of
359. The focal length of the lens in the human eye is maxi- equal widths, one slit is made twice as wide as the
other. Then, in the interference pattern
mum when it is looking at an object at
(a) the intensities of both the maxima and the minima
(a) infinity (b) 25 cm from the eye
(c) 100 cm from the eye
(b) the intensity of the maxima increases and the minima has
(d) a very small distance from the eye. zero intensity.
360. Astigmatism can be corrected by using (c) the intensity of the maxima decreases and that of the
(a) bifocal lenses (b) concave spherical lenses minima increases.
(d) the intensity of the maxima decreases and the minima has
(c) plano-convex lenses (d) cylindrical lenses.
zero intensity. [IIT Screening 2000]
[CBSE PMT 1990]
369. Bright colours exhibited by spider’s web, exposed to
361. The f-number of a camera lens is 4.5. This means sunlight, are due to
that the (a) resolution (b) interference
(a) focal length of the lens is 4.5. (c) polarisation (d) diffraction.
(b) reciprocal of the focal length is 4.5. [Karnataka CET 1998]
(c) ratio of focal length to the aperture is 4.5. 370. In Young’s double slit experiment, the separation
(d) aperture of the lens is 4.5. between the slits is halved and the distance between
362. An individual with one eye is likely to the slits and the screen is doubled. The fringe width
(a) have stereoscopic vision. (b) have binocular vision. will
(a) be doubled (b) be quadrupled
(c) misjudge distance. (d) none of these.
(c) remain the same (d) be halved.
363. In the human eye, the focussing is done by
[IIT 1988 ; Karnataka CET 1993, 2000]
(a) to and fro movement of the eye-lens.
371. When a thin metal plate is placed in the path of one
(b) to and fro movement of the retina.
of the interfering beams of light,
(c) change in the convexity of the lens.
(a) the fringes become brighter
(d) change in the refractive index of the eye fluids.
(b) the fringes disappear
364. For normal vision, the eye is focussed on an object at (c) the fringe width increases
(a) infinite distance (b) 25 cm away
(d) the fringes become blurred. [Karnataka CET 1999]
(c) 25 mm away (d) 25 metre away.
372. In a Young’s double slit experiment, constructive
365. A cylindrical lens is required to correct interference is produced at a certain point P. The
(a) myopia (b) presbyopia intensities of light at P due to the individual sources
(c) hypermetropia (d) astigmatism. are 4 and 9 units. The resultant intensity at point P
366. For distinct vision, the eye is focussed on an object will be
at (a) 13 units (b) 25 units
(a) infinite distance (b) 25 cm
(c) 97 units (d) 5 units.
(c) 25 mm (d) 25 m.
367. Far-sighted people, who have lost their spectacles, [National Standard Exam. in Physics 2000]
can still read a book by looking through a small 373. The maximum number of possible interference
(3 — 4 mm) hole in a sheet of a paper maxima for slit-separation equal to twice the wave-
(a) because the fine hole produces an image of the letters at a length in Young’s double-slit experiment is
longer distance.
(a) three (b) five
(b) because in doing so, the distance of the object is increased.
(c) infinite (d) zero [AIEEE 2004]
(c) because in doing so, the focal length of the eye-lens is
effectively decreased. 374. A monochromatic beam of light is used for the for-
mation of fringes on the screen by illuminating the
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two slits in the Young’s double-slit interference ex- (c) bright fringe is formed at the centre and violet fringes are
periment. When a thin film of mica is interposed in closer to the centre than red fringes.
the path of one of the interfering beams, then (d) fringes of same colour are clearly observed.
(a) the fringe width increases 379. Which one of the following statements must be true
(b) the fringe width decreases about two waves of monochromatic light arriving at
(c) the fringe width remains the same but the pattern shifts a point on a screen if the waves are coherent ?
(d) the fringe pattern disappears [AIIMS 2004] (a) They are in phase.

375. Coherent light is incident on two fine parallel slits S1 (b) They have a constant phase difference.
and S2 as shown in Fig. 45. If a dark fringe occurs at (c) They have both travelled paths of equal length.
P, which of the following gives possible phase differ- (d) They have approximately equal amplitudes.
ences for the light waves arriving at P from S1 and 380. A double slit arrangement produces interference
S2 ? fringes for sodium light (λ = 589 nm) that have an
angular separation of 3.50 × 10–3 radian. For what
wavelength would the angular separation be 10%
greater ?
S1 (a) 527 nm (b) 648 nm
P (c) 722 nm (d) 449 nm.
381. In Young’s double slit experiment, the intensity of
central maximum is I0 . If one slit is closed, the in-
tensity at the same site is
(a) I0 (b) 0
Fig. 45 16
(a) 2 π, 4 π , 6 π ... (b) 1/2 π, 5/2 π, 9/2 π ... (c) 0 (d) 0 . [Pb. PMT 1999]
4 2
(c) π, 3 π, 5 π ... (d) 1/2 π, 3/2 π, 5/2 π ...
382. In the pattern of interference fringes, we observe
(e) π, 2 π, 3 π ...
(a) the fringes of different width.
376. If white light is used in Young’s double slit experi- (b) the fringes of equal width.
(c) the fringes of equal width near the centre only.
(a) a very large number of coloured fringes can be seen
(d) the fringes of unequal width near the centre only.
(b) a very large number of coloured fringes with a central
383. A monochromatic beam of light is used to illuminate
white fringe can be seen
the two slits in Young’s Experiment. Fringes are seen
(c) very few coloured fringes can be seen, with first order
on the screen. When a thin glass plate is interposed
violet fringes being closer to the central white fringe
in one of the beams, then
(d) very few coloured fringes can be seen with first order red
(a) fringes width increases (b) fringe width decreases
fringes being closer to the central white fringe.
(c) fringe pattern disappears
[Karnataka CET 2001]
(d) fringe width remains the same.
377. To demonstrate the phenomenon of interference, we
[National Standard Exam. in Physics 1998]
require two sources which emit radiation
(a) of the same frequency and having a definite phase 384. Soap bubble appears coloured due to the phenom-
relationship. enon of
(b) of nearly the same frequency. (a) interference. (b) diffraction.
(c) of the same frequency. (c) dispersion. (d) reflection. [AFMC 1995]
(d) of different wavelengths. 385. I is the intensity due to a source of light at any point
[Karnataka CET 1990, 1993 ; AIEEE 2003] P on the screen. If light reaches the point P via two
different paths (a) direct (b) after reflection from a
378. In a double slit experiment, white light is used. Then
plane mirror then path difference between two paths
(a) dark and bright fringes are formed alternately.
is 3λ/2, the intensity at P is
(b) white fringe is formed at the centre and red f.ringes are (a) I (b) zero
farther to the centre than violet fringes.
(c) 2I (d) 4I.
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386. Imagine a Young’s double slit experiment using elec- (a) no interference
tron waves produced by an electron gun. To increase (b) interference with only the bright bands
the width of the interference fringes, (c) interference with only the dark bands
(a) accelerating voltage in electron gun should be decreased. (d) a slight increase in the fringe width.
(b) accelerating voltage in electron gun should be increased. 394. Intensity of maximum due to interference between
(c) distance between the slits should be increased. two waves of equal amplitude is ...... times that due
(d) distance between slits and screen should be decreased. to a single wave.
387. If the intensities of the two interfering beams in (a) 2 (b) 4
Young’s double slit experiment be I1 and I2 , then the (c) 6 (d) 8.
contrast between the maximum and minimum 395. Fringe width observed in the Young’s double slit
intensity is good when experiment is β. If the frequency of the source is
(a) I1 is much greater than I2 (b) I1 is much smaller than I2 doubled, the fringe width will
(c) either I1 or I2 is zero (d) I1 = I2. (a) remain β. (b) become β/2.
388. If the Young’s double slit experiment is performed (c) become 2β. (d) become 3β/2.
with white light, then [Karnataka CET 1995]
(a) the central maximum will be white
396. In an interference experiment, the spacing between
(b) there will not be completely dark fringe successive maxima or minima is
(c) the fringe next to the central will be red λd λD
(d) the fringe next to the central will be violet. (a) (b)
D d
389. Two coherent beams of light of same wavelength su- dD λd
perpose in a certain region of space. If the intensity (c) (d) .
λ 4D
of one beam is 4 times that of the other, then the
397. In Young’s double slit experiment, the distance
ratio of intensity at a bright point to that at a dark
point is between the two slits is 0.1 mm and the wavelength
of light used is 4 × 10–7 m. If the width of the fringe
(a) 16 : 1 (b) 2 : 1
on the screen is 4 mm, then the distance between
(c) 5 : 3 (d) 9 : 1.
screen and slit is :
[National Standard Exam. in Physics 1997]
(a) 0.1 mm (b) 1 cm
390. Two interfering beams of monochromatic light have
(c) 0.1 cm (d) 1 m
intensities in the ratio of 16 : 9. The ratio of the maxi-
(e) 10 m.
mum to the minimum intensity of fringe system
formed on the screen is 398. Monochromatic green light of wavelength 5 × 10–7 m
(a) 7 : 1 (b) 25 : 7 illuminates a pair of slits 1 mm apart. The separation
(c) 256 : 81 (d) 49 : 1.
of nearest bright fringes in the interference pattern
on a screen 2 m away is
391. In double slit experiment, for light of which colour,
(a) 0.25 mm (b) 0.5 mm
the fringe width will be minimum ?
(c) 0. 1 mm (d) 1.0 mm.
(a) Violet (b) Red
(c) Green (d) Yellow. [MP PMT 1994]
[Karnataka CET 1992]

392. Which of the following decides about the contrast 399. In Young’s double slit experiment, yellow light is
between bright and dark fringes in an interference replaced by red light of the same intensity. The fringe
experiment ? width shall
(a) wavelength (a) increase (b) decrease

(b) distance between two coherent sources (c) remain unchanged (d) become zero.

(c) fringe width (d) intensity ratio. 400. If the distance between the slits is halved and distance
between the slits and screen is also halved, then the
393. Interference is observed in a chamber containing air.
The experiment is performed now after evacuating fringe width will be
the chamber. On careful observation, we shall now (a) same (b) doubled
see (c) four times (d) halved.
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401. Young’s experiment establishes that With which two waves is interference possible ?
(a) light consists of waves. (b) light consists of particles. (a) In (i) and (iii) (b) In (i) and (iv)
(c) light consists of neither particles nor waves. (c) In (iii) and (iv)
(d) light consists of both particles and waves. (d) Not possible with any combination.
[MP PET 1994] 409. If two waves of same frequency and same amplitude
402. Interference fringes are obtained using two coherent respectively, on superposition, produce a resultant
sources whose intensities are in the ratio 4 : 1. Then wave of the same amplitude, the waves differ in phase
the ratio of the intensities of the bright and dark by
bands is (a) π/3 (b) 2π/3
(a) 4 : 1 (b) 5 : 1 (c) π/4 (d) zero.
(c) 9 : 1 (d) 25 : 9. 410. In Young’s experiment, the ratio of maximum to
[Karnataka 1990] minimum intensities of the fringe system is 4 : 1.
The amplitudes of the coherent sources are in the
403. When monochromatic light is replaced by white light
in Fresnel’s biprism arrangement, the central fringe
(a) 4 : 1 (b) 3 : 1
(a) dark (b) white (c) 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 1. [MP PET 2000]
(c) coloured (d) none of these. 411. The displacements of interfering light waves are
y1 = 4 sin ωt and y2 = 3 sin (ωt + π/2). What is the
404. If yellow light emitted by sodium lamp in Young’s
amplitude of the resultant wave ?
double slit experiment is replaced by monochromatic
blue light of the same intensity (a) 5 (b) 7
(a) fringe width will decrease. (c) 1 (d) zero.
(b) fringe width will increase. [Rajasthan PMT 1996]
(c) fringe width will remain unchanged. 412. If the source of light used in a Young’s Double Slit
(d) fringes will become less intense. [CBSE PMT 1992] Experiment is changed from red to blue, then
(a) the fringes will become brighter.
405. A double slit arrangement produces fringes for light
of λ = 5890 Å which are 0.2° apart. If the whole (b) consecutive fringes will come closer.

4 (c) the number of maxima formed on the screen increases.

arrangement is fully dipped in a liquid of µ = , the (d) the central bright fringe will become a dark fringe.
angular fringes separation is 413. Which of following is conserved when light waves
(a) 0.15° (b) 0.30° interfere ?
(c) 0.10° (d) 0.25° (a) Intensity (b) Energy
406. Two waves y1 = A1 sin (ωt – β1) and y2 = A2 sin (c) Amplitude (d) Momentum.
(ωt – β2) superimpose to form a resultant wave whose [Haryana CEET 1998]
amplitude is 414. In the set up shown in
(a) A 12 + A 22 + 2A 1 A 2 cos (β1 − β2 ) Fig. 46, the two slits S1 and
S2 are not equidistant from S1
(b) A 12 + A 22 + 2A 1 A 2 sin (β 1 − β2 ) the slit S. The central fringe S O
at O is then
(c) A1 + A2 (d) | A1 + A2 |.
(a) always bright
[CMPMT 1999] S2
(b) always dark
407. In a wave, the path difference corresponding to a (c) either dark or bright depend-
phase difference of φ is ing on the position of S
Fig. 46
π π (d) neither dark nor bright.
(a) φ (b) φ
2λ λ 415. Two waves originating from S1 and S2 having
λ λ zero phase difference and common wavelength λ
(c) φ (d) φ . [MP PET 2000]
2π π will show completely destructure interference at P if
408. Four different independent waves are represented by (S1 P – S2P) is
(i) y1 = a1 sin ωt (ii) y2 = a2 sin 2ωt (a) 5 λ (b) 0.75 λ
(iii) y3 = a3 cos 3ωt (iv) y4 = a4 sin 5 (ωt + π/3) (c) 0.6 λ (d) 5.5 λ.
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416. If Young’s interference experiment be performed in The linear separation of fringes on a screen placed in
water instead of air, then the focal plane of the lens is
(a) fringes will be smaller in number. (a) 3 mm (b) 4 mm
(b) fringes will be broader. (c) fringes will be narrower. (c) 2 mm (d) 1 mm.
[National Standard Exam. in Physics 1991]
(d) no fringes will be obtained.
423. In Young’s double slit experiment, the two slits act
417. Two light waves having the same wavelength λ in
as coherent sources of equal amplitude A and of
vacuum are in phase initially. Then the first ray
wavelength λ. In another experiment with the same
travels a path of length L1 through a medium of
set-up, the two slits are sources of equal amplitude A
refractive index µ1. The second ray travels a path of
and wavelength λ, but are incoherent. The ratio of
length L2 through a medium of refractive index µ2.
intensity of light at the mid-point of the screen in the
The two waves are then combined to observe
first case to that in the second case is
interference effects. The phase difference between the
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2
two, when they interfere, is
(c) 2 : 1 (d) 4 : 1.
2π 2π
(a) (L 1 − L 2 ) (b) (µ 1L 1 − µ 2L 2 )
λ λ 424. In a double slit experiment, interference is obtained
from electron waves produced in an electron gun

(µ 2L 1 − µ 1L 2 ) (d)
2π L 1 L 2
− .
OP supplied with voltage V. If λ is wavelength of the beam,
λ λ µ 1 µ2
N Q D is the distance of screen, d is the spacing between
418. Young’s double slit experiment gives interference by coherent sources, h is Planck’s constant, e is charge
division of on electron and m is mass of electron, then fringe
(a) wavelength (b) frequency width is given as
(c) phase (d) wavefront. hD 2hD
419. The light from a sodium vapour lamp passes through (a) (b)
2 meV d meV d
a single narrow slit and then through two close par-
hd 2 hd
allel narrow slits. The single slit lies on the perpen- (c) (d) .
2 meV D meV D
dicular bisector of the line joining the two close par-
allel slits. An observer looking towards the lamp 425. The path difference between two interfering waves
through the double slit will see corresponding to a phase difference π is
(a) a continuous yellow band (b) a continuous black band (a) λ (b) 3λ
(c) alternate black and yellow bands (c) λ/2 (d) λ/4. [JAT (Assam) 1999]
(d) a coloured spectrum. 426. In Young’s double slit interference experiment, if the
420. If torch is used in place of monochromatic light in slit separation is made 3 folds, the fringe width
Young’s experiment, what will happen ? becomes
(a) Fringe will occur as from monochromatic source. (a) 6 fold (b) 3 fold
(b) Fringe will appear for a moment and then it will disappear. (c) 3/6 fold (d) 1/3 fold. [CPMT 1985]
(c) No fringes will appear. 427. A thin film of air between a plane glass plate and a
(d) Only bright fringe will appear. convex lens is irradiated with parallel beam of mono-
chromatic light and is observed under a microscope.
421. The width of one of the two slits in a Young’s double
You will see
slit experiment is 2 times that of the other. Assume
(a) field crossed over by concentric bright and dark rings.
that the amplitude of wave coming from a slit is
proportional to the slit width. The ratio of maximum (b) field crossed over by parallel bright and dark fringes.
to minimum intensity in the interference pattern will (c) complete darkness. (d) uniform brightness.
be 428. Two light sources are said to be coherent if they are
(a) 2 (b) 3 obtained from
(c) 6 (d) 9. (a) two independent point sources emitting light of the same
[National Standard Exam. in Physics 1991] wavelength
422. Light of wavelength λ = 5890 Å falls on a double slit (b) a single point source (c) a wide source
arrangement having separation d = 0.2 mm. A thin (d) two ordinary bulbs emitting light of different wavelengths.
lens of focal length f = 1 m is placed near the slits. [MP PET 1996]
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429. Two coherent sources of light produce destructive (c) cannot be obtained by any of these sources
interference when phase difference between them is (d) since contrast suffers when sources 3 and 4 are used so
(a) 2π (b) π coherence cannot be obtained by using sources 3 and 4.
(c) π/2 (d) 0. [MP PET 1996] 438. In Young’s double slit experiment, the band width of
fringe is independent of
430. In a biprism experiment, if the equal angles of the
two component prisms are slightly increased, the (a) distance between the coherent sources
fringes pattern will (b) distance of the screen from the sources
(a) remain unchanged (b) shrink (c) wavelength of light emitted by the sources
(c) gets enlarged (d) remains unchanged. (d) order of the fringe.
431. In Young’s double slit experiment, if one of the slit is 439. As a result of interference of two coherent sources of
closed fully, then in the interference pattern light, energy is
(a) a bright slit will be observed, no interference pattern will (a) redistributed and the distribution does not very with time
exist (b) increased
(b) the bright fringes will become more bright (c) redistributed and the distribution changes with time
(c) the bright fringes will become fainter (d) decreased. [KCET 2003]
(d) none of the above. 440. The fringe width in Young’s double slit experiment
432. For constructive interference to take place between can be increased if we decrease
two monochromatic light waves of wavelength λ, the (a) the separation of the slits (b) width of the slits
path difference should be (c) distance between slit and screen
λ λ (d) wavelength of light.
(a) (2n – 1) (b) (2n – 1)
4 2 441. Two sources of light are said to be coherent if waves
λ produced by them have the same
(c) nλ (d) (2n + 1) .
2 (a) wavelength. (b) amplitude.
433. If L is the coherence length and c the velocity of light,
(c) frequency and constant phase difference.
then the coherent time is
(d) amplitude and same wavelength.
(a) cL (b)
c 442. The Young’s experiment is first performed with
c 1 sodium light and then replaced with neon light of
(c) (d) . [MP PMT 1996] the same intensity. Which of the following effects will
L Lc
434. Interference can be observed with the help of a be noticed ?
(a) spectrometer (b) biprism (a) The fringes will disappear.
(c) photometer (d) prism. (b) The fringes will become less distinct.
435. In Young’s double slit experiment, the intensity of (c) The fringe width will increase.
light at a point on the screen where the path differ- (d) The fringe width will decrease.
ence is λ = I. The intensity of light at a point where 443. Two powerful 100 W bulbs are used to study the in-
the path difference becomes λ/3 is terference of light. How will interference pattern be
I I affected ?
(a) (b)
4 3 (a) Fringes will become narrow.
(c) (d) I. (b) Fringes will become broader.
(c) It would vanish.
436. In a biprism experiment, when the set up is shifted
from air to the inside of a still, clear lake water, the (d) Pattern will be coloured green- yellow.
fringe pattern 444. If one of the two slits of a Young’s double slit experi-
(a) disappears (b) gets shrunk ment is painted so that it transmits half the light
(c) gets enlarged (d) remains unchanged. intensity as the second slit, then
437. Sources 1 and 2 emit lights of different wavelengths (a) the fringe system will altogether disappear
whereas 3 and 4 emit lights of different intensities, (b) the bright lines will become brighter and the dark fringes
the coherence will become darker
(a) can be obtained by using sources 1 and 2 (c) both dark and bright fringes will become darker
(b) can be obtained by using sources 3 and 4 (d) dark fringes will become brighter and bright fringes darker.
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445. In a Young’s double slit experiment, a thin film is (a) dispersion (b) diffraction
introduced in the path of one interfering ray. Now, (c) interference (d) refraction [AIIMS 2004]
the fringe width shall
452. Pick out the correct statements
(a) decrease (b) increase
(a) diffraction is exhibited by all electromagnetic waves but
(c) remain unchanged (d) become zero. not by mechanical waves
446. Young’s double slit experiment is being performed in (b) diffraction cannot be observed with a plane polarised light
air. The fringe width is β. What shall be the fringe (c) the limit of resolution of a microscope decreases with
width if the whole apparatus is immersed in a liquid increase in the wavelength of light used
of refractive index µ ? (d) the width of central maximum in the diffraction pattern
(a) β (b) µβ due to single slit increases as wavelength increases.
β [National Standard Exam.n in Physics 1997]
(c) (d) 0.
µ 453. A lens of focal length f gives diffraction pattern of
Fraunhofer type of a slit having width a. If wave-
DIFFRACTION length of light is λ , the distance of first dark band
and next bright band from axis is given by
447. Yellow light is used in a single slit diffraction experi-
ment with slit width of 0.6 mm. If yellow light is a λ
(a) f (b) f
replaced by X-rays, then the observed pattern will λ a
reveal λ
(a) that the central maximum is narrower. (c) (d) aλf. [MNR 1995]
(b) more number of fringes.
454. If white light is used in diffraction at a single slit, the
(c) less number of fringes.
central maximum will be
(d) no diffraction pattern. [IIT Screening 1999]
(a) white (b) coloured
448. In a spectrometer experiment, monochromatic light (c) black (d) none of these.
is incident normally on a diffraction grating having
4.5 × 105 lines per metre. The second order line is 455. At the first minima, the path difference between two
seen at an angle of 30° to the normal. What is the waves starting from the two ends of a slit in a single
wavelength of the light ? slit Fraunhofer diffraction experiment is
(a) 200 nm (b) 556 nm λ
(a) (b) λ
(c) 430 nm (d) 589 nm 2
(e) 500 nm. 3
(c) (d) 2λ. [CMC LDH 2000]
449. A diffraction grating is ruled with 600 lines per mil- 2λ
limetre. When monochromatic light falls normally
456. The penetration of light into the region of geometrical
on the grating, the first-order diffracted beams are
shadow is called
observed on the far side of the grating each making
(a) polarisation (b) interference
an angle of 15° with the normal to the grating.
What is the frequency of the light ? (c) diffraction (d) refraction. [CPMT 1999]
(a) 1.2 × 1013 Hz (b) 4.7 × 1013 Hz 457. Bending of light about corner of the obstacle’s sharp
(c) 1.9 × 1014 Hz (d) 3.6 × 1014 Hz edge is called
(e) 7.0 × 1014 Hz. (a) deviation (b) dispersion
450. A beam of light of wavelength 600 nm from a distant (c) polarisation (d) diffraction.
source falls on a single slit 1.00 mm wide and the 458. The conditions for obtaining Fraunhofer diffraction
resulting diffraction pattern is observed on a screen from a single slit is that the light wavefront incident
2 m away. The distance between the first dark fringes on the slit should be
on either side of the central bright fringe is (a) spherical (b) cylindrical
(a) 1.2 cm (b) 1.2 mm (c) elliptical (d) planar.
(c) 2.4 cm (d) 2.4 mm. [Pb. PMT 1998] 459. For producing a broad central maximum by diffrac-
451. When a compact disc is illuminated by a source of tion from a single slit,
while light, coloured ‘lanes’ are observed. This is due (a) slit must be narrow (b) slit must be broad
to (c) source must be narrow (d) sources must be broad.
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81. (c) 82. (d) 83. (a) 84. (a) 85. (b) 86. (a) 87. (a) 88. (b)
89. (c) 90. (d) 91. (c) 92. (d) 93. (d) 94. (a) 95. (d) 96. (b)
97. (a) 98. (c) 99. (d) 100. (b) 101. (c) 102. (d) 103. (c) 104. (b)
105. (c) 106. (d) 107. (c) 108. (c) 109. (c) 110. (b) 111. (a) 112. (b)
113. (a) 114. (b) 115. (b) 116. (c) 117. (d) 118. (b) 119. (a) 120. (a)
121. (a) 122. (a) 123. (c) 124. (c) 125. (b) 126. (b) 127. (c) 128. (c)
129. (b) 130. (c) 131. (a) 132. (d) 133. (c) 134. (b) 135. (a) 136. (b)
137. (a) 138. (b) 139. (a) 140. (a) 141. (a) 142. (c) 143. (d) 144. (d)
145. (c) 146. (b) 147. (d) 148. (b) 149. (c) 150. (d) 151. (a) 152. (a)
153. (b) 154. (a) 155. (d) 156. (d) 157. (a) 158. (d) 159. (b) 160. (b)
161. (b) 162. (a) 163. (d) 164. (a) 165. (b) 166. (d) 167. (c) 168. (c)
169. (c) 170. (b) 171. (a) 172. (a) 173. (c) 174. (b) 175. (a) 176. (d)
177. (c) 178. (d) 179. (a) 180. (a) 181. (c) 182. (c) 183. (c) 184. (b)
185. (d) 186. (a) 187. (a) 188. (d) 189. (b) 190. (c) 191. (b) 192. (a)
193. (a) 194. (c) 195. (d) 196. (d) 197. (d) 198. (d) 199. (b) 200. (c)
201. (d) 202. (d) 203. (d) 204. (a) 205. (b) 206. (c) 207. (c) 208. (d)
209. (d) 210. (c) 211. (a) 212. (a) 213. (c) 214. (d) 215. (b) 216. (c)
217. (b) 218. (d) 219. (b) 220. (c) 221. (c) 222. (b) 223. (b) 224. (a)
225. (b) 226. (b) 227. (b) 228. (c) 229. (c) 230. (a) 231. (d) 232. (c)
233. (d) 234. (a) 235. (d) 236. (a) 237. (b) 238. (b) 239. (d) 240. (d)
241. (c) 242. (c) 243. (d) 244. (c) 245. (b) 246. (b) 247. (a) 248. (c)
249. (d) 250. (b) 251. (c) 252. (a) 253. (a) 254. (a) 255. (b) 256. (b)
257. (a) 258. (c) 259. (a) 260. (b) 261. (c) 262. (c) 263. (a) 264. (c)
265. (c) 266. (d) 267. (b) 268. (d) 269. (a) 270. (d) 271. (b) 272. (b)
273. (a) 274. (a) 275. (a) 276. (d) 277. (d) 278. (c) 279. (d) 280. (c)
281. (d) 282. (b) 283. (d) 284. (c) 285. (b) 286. (c) 287. (c) 288. (d)
289. (d) 290. (b) 291. (d) 292. (d) 293. (c) 294. (b) 295. (c) 296. (a)
297. (b) 298. (d) 299. (b) 300. (b) 301. (c) 302. (b) 303. (c) 304. (a)
305. (c) 306. (e) 307. (b) 308. (c) 309. (a) 310. (c) 311. (a) 312. (b)
313. (d) 314. (b) 315. (b) 316. (d) 317. (a) 318. (c) 319. (a) 320. (b)
321. (a) 322. (b) 323. (b) 324. (c) 325. (a) 326. (b) 327. (b) 328. (a)
329. (b) 330. (c) 331. (c) 332. (d) 333. (b) 334. (b) 335. (a) 336. (b)
337. (a) 338. (b) 339. (d) 340. (a) 341. (a) 342. (a) 343. (d) 344. (d)
345. (d) 346. (b) 347. (a) 348. (d) 349. (a) 350. (b) 351. (b) 352. (b)
353. (d) 354. (a) 355. (d) 356. (a) 357. (c) 358. (a) 359. (a) 360. (d)
361. (c) 362. (c) 363. (c) 364. (a) 365. (d) 366. (b) 367. (c) 368. (a)
369. (b) 370. (b) 371. (d) 372. (b) 373. (b) 374. (c) 375. (c) 376. (c)
377. (a) 378. (b) 379. (b) 380. (b) 381. (c) 382. (b) 383. (d) 384. (a)
385. (b) 386. (a) 387. (d) 388. (d) 389. (d) 390. (d) 391. (a) 392. (d)
393. (d) 394. (b) 395. (b) 396. (b) 397. (d) 398. (d) 399. (a) 400. (a)
401. (a) 402. (c) 403. (b) 404. (a) 405. (a) 406. (a) 407. (c) 408. (d)
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409. (b) 410. (b) 411. (a) 412. (c) 413. (b) 414. (c) 415. (d) 416. (c)
417. (b) 418. (d) 419. (c) 420. (c) 421. (d) 422. (a) 423. (c) 424. (a)
425. (c) 426. (d) 427. (a) 428. (b) 429. (b) 430. (b) 431. (a) 432. (c)
433. (b) 434. (b) 435. (a) 436. (b) 437. (b) 438. (d) 439. (a) 440. (a)
441. (c) 442. (c) 443. (c) 444. (d) 445. (c) 446. (c) 447. (a) 448. (b)
449. (e) 450. (d) 451. (b) 452. (d) 453. (b) 454. (a) 455. (b) 456. (c)
457. (d) 458. (d) 459. (a) 460. (a) 461. (b) 462. (b) 463. (d) 464. (d)
465. (a) 466. (a) 467. (b) 468. (d) 469. (b) 470. (a) 471. (b) 472. (c)
473. (a) 474. (a) 475. (c) 476. (a) 477. (a) 478. (b) 479. (d) 480. (a)
481. (b) 482. (c) 483. (a) 484. (c) 485. (b) 486. (b) 487. (d) 488. (b)
489. (b) 490. (e) 491. (d) 492. (c) 493. (c) 494. (c) 495. (d) 496. (b)
497. (d) 498. (a) 499. (c) 500. (e) 501. (c) 502. (b) 503. (d) 504. (a)
505. (a) 506. (b) 507. (c) 508. (b) 509. (c) 510. (a) 511. (c) 512. (b)
513. (c) 514. (b) 515. (c) 516. (d) 517. (c) 518. (d) 519. (a) 520. (c)
521. (b) 522. (b) 523. (b) 524. (c) 525. (d) 526. (b) 527. (d) 528. (c)
529. (b) 530. (a) 531. (a) 532. (d) 533. (a) 534. (a) 535. (d) 536. (c)
537. (c) 538. (d) 539. (d) 540. (b) 541. (d) 542. (a) 543. (c) 544. (a)
545. (c) 546. (a) 547. (b) 548. (d) 549. (b) 550. (c) 551. (c) 552. (d)
553. (b) 554. (d) 555. (a) 556. (b) 557. (d) 558. (b) 559. (b) 560. (d)
561. (d) 562. (c) 563. (d) 564. (b) 565. (b) 566. (b) 567. (d) 568. (c)
569. (a) 570. (b) 571. (d) 572. (b) 573. (a) 574. (b) 575. (b) 576. (b)
577. (d) 578. (a) 579. (d) 580. (a).

Solutions (Set I)
I1 r12 25FG IJ1 E∝
4. = 2= = 10.
I2 r2 50 H K 4 r2
5. φ = 4πI = 4π × 2 lm = 8π lm. 25
11. E= = 1 lux.
6. When the aperture is doubled, the light-gathering 52
power becomes four times. So, the time of exposure 2
becomes one-fourth. 12.
45 cm IJ
7. Luminous intensity in candela 48 H
36 cm K
= Illumination in lux × square of distance I 500
= 10 × 5 × 5 13. E= 2
= = 5 lux
r (10)2
= 250 candela.
14. E′ = E cos θ and cos 60° = 1
8. Intensity of light is inversely proportional to square
of distance. luminous flux
16. Power =
I cos θ Ih luminous efficiency
9. E= E=
r2 r3 4 πI 4 π × 35
r h = =
luminous efficiency 5
or E∝ 3 22
r = 4× × 7 = 88 watt.
Fig. 52
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197. Condition for achromatism is 259. The outer faces of the prism
behave like hollow plates.
ω ω′ ω ω′
+ =0 or =− or Pω = – P′ω′.
f f′ f f′

1 1 1
199. = + Fig. 63
F f1 f2 269. δm = (µ – 1)A = (1.5 – 1)(2r) = r
dF − df1 df2 274. See solution 259.
– = −
F2 f12 f22 FG A + δ IJ
(For combination to be achromatic, dF = 0)
276. cot
H 2 K
2 A
df1 − df2 ω1 ω2 sin
∴ – + = 0 or + =0 2
f12 f22 f1 f2
FG IJA A + δm
207. The angle of incidence on the second face is clearly or cos = sin
H K2 2

1 sin 30°

1 or F π A I F A + δ IJ
sin G − J = sin G m
= or sin e = H2 2K H 2 K
µ sin e 2 2
or e = 45° π A A δm
or − = +
2 2 2 2
Now, δ = i + e – A = 0 + 45° – 30° = 15°
or δ m = π − 2A
c c
212. v= = or δm = 180° – 2A
µ a+ b
λ2 60° + 40°
280. i= = 50°
λ is maximum for red. So v is maximum for red.
283. Dispersive power depends on the nature of the
1.6 + 1.4 3 material.
228. µ= = = 1.5
2 2 284. In minimum deviation position, the angle of incidence
is equal to angle of emergence.
µv − µr 1.6 − 1.4 0.2
ω= = = = 0.4 . 288. δm = (1.5 – 1) 6° = 3°.
µ−1 1.5 − 1 0.5
237. We can arrive at the right choice if we take into
3 FG
−1 A
δm 2 H 1 K
account the sign convention. 289. = = ×8=4
δ′ m FG
3 3 2 IJ
238. For achromatism, × −1 A
ω1P1 + ω2P2 = 0
2 4H K
292. For achromatic combination of two thin lenses in con-
ω1 P tact,
or ω1P1 = – ω2P2 or =− 2
ω2 P1 ω ω′ ω ω′
+ =0 or =−
242. When the curved surface of a plano-convex lens faces f f′ f f′
the incident rays, the total deviation of the rays is f′ ω′ f′ 2ω0
or =− or =− =−2 or f ′ = – 2f.
distributed at both the surfaces. This reduces spherical f ω f ω0
aberration and improves the sharpness of the image.
FG 60° + δ IJ
sin m
243. FR – FV represents longitudinal chromatic aberra- H 2 K
295. 3=
sin G
F 60° IJ
244. There is no dispersive medium. H2K
245. δm = (µ – 1)A 3 F 60° + δ IJ
= sin G m
= (1.52 – 1)4.5° = 0.52 × 4.5° = 2.34° 2 H 2 K
60° + δ I
sin 60° = sin FG
258. In Fig. 43(3), note that the refracted ray is parallel to m
base. H 2 JK
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60° + δ m 321. Magnifying power of a compound microscope

or = 60°
2 = Magnifying power of objective × Magnifying power
A + δ m 60° + 60° of eye-piece
or δm = 60° =i= = 60°
2 2
v0 LM fe OP
296. The ratio of dispersive powers same as the ratio of u0 fe + ue
focal lengths. If the length of microscope tube is increased, ue is
302. System of two lenses separated by distance d will be increased. So, magnifying power of microscope de-
free from chromatic aberration if the distance, creases.
ω 1 f1 + ω 2 f2 +
d= A serious mistake
ω1 + ω 2
and if the lenses are made of same material, M=−
LF 1+
fo fe
i.e., ω1 = ω2 = ω then,
f1 + f2 M increases with increase in L.
l The combination has same focal length for all colours. 322. M=1+
l Since d is always positive, f1 + f2 must be positive.
If fe is small, then M is large.
Therefore, for such a combination either both the
lenses should be convex or the lens with greater focal fo 200
length should be convex.
323. = = 100
fe 2
l The combination is apparently free from lateral chro-
327. If the final image is formed at infinity, the magnify-
matic aberration.
ing power of the Galilean telescope is
304. In the given problem, the Rayleigh scattering which fo 200
1 M= = = 50
is proportional to is not true. This is due to the fe 4
large size of the scattering object. The size of the 329. M=
raindrops, large dust or ice particles is much larger fe
than the wavelength of the visible light. Yellow colour fo should be large for higher M.
is scattered less in foggy conditions. Moreover, the 2f f 8f + 3f 11f
sodium lamps emit light very near to the peak 330. Required distance is + or or .
3 4 12 12
sensitivity of the human eye under normal viewing
conditions. 333. From the diagram it can be observed that the final
image occurs at infinite. The focal length of the objec-
306. In a compound microscope, the object is placed just
tive lens is 80 cm.
beyond the focus point of the objective. Therefore, the
image formed by the objective is real, inverted and Objective lens Eye-piece
313. Higher the power, lesser the focal length.
Also, M= .
314. M= .
319. In this case, the final image is at infinity.
fo 80 cm 80 cm 5 5
fo cm cm
320. 10 = or fe = Telescope
fe 10
Now, fo + fe = 44 Fig. 64

fo 11fo fo
or fo + = 44 or = 44 or fo = 40 cm. 339. Look for maximum value of .
10 10 fe
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341. Smaller the focal lengths of the objective and eye-piece, where
higher is the magnifying power of the compound mi- m = positive integers, m = 0 1, 2, ...
croscope. In other words, the objective and eye-piece
should have large optical powers. phase difference = m+
1 FG

344. Converging lens L is used as a magnifying glass to
2 H K
view the object O. An erect, magnified image is ob- = 2 mπ + π, m = 0, 1, 2.
tained when the object O is near to L than its focal 376. For the central fringe, all the colours have zero path
length, and the observer has to move the lens until difference.
the image at I is situated at his or her near point = D nDλ
from the eye. Again, yn =
λ is least for violet.
L 377. Think in terms of coherent sources.
378. yn = .
h′ d
h For red colour, λ is more.
I F O 380. Angular separation =
For angular separation to be 10% greater, λ should be
D 10% greater.

New wavelength is 589 +

FG 589
Fig. 65 H 10 K
or (589 + 58.9) nm i.e. 647.9 nm i.e. 648 nm.
345. m= 381. I0 α (a + a)2
u − fe
When objective is replaced by a slit, or I0 ∝ 4a2
u = fo + fe Again, I ∝ a2

l f 1 L I0 I0
∴ = e = or m = ∴ = 4 or I=
L fo m l I 4

348. Take the inverse ratio of wavelengths. λ

385. Note that the path difference is odd multiple of .
368. Imin. ∝(a – a)2 2
I′min. ∝(2a – a)2 h h h
386. λ= = =
Clearly, the intensity of minima increases. mv 2m E k 2meV
Again, Imax. ∝(a + a)2
As V is decreased, λ increases.
I′max. ∝(2a + a)2
Clearly, the intensity of maxima increases. Dλ
Again, β=
(2D)λ Dλ
370. β′ = =4 Dλ
d/2 d 388. yn = n .
or β′ = 4β.
λ is minimum for violet.
372. I = I1 + I2 + 2 I 1 I2 cos 0°
a1 2 Imax. (2 + 1)2 9
I=4+9+2 4 9 389. = = =
a2 1 Imin. (2 − 1)2 1
= 13 + 2 × 2 × 3 = 25. a1 4 Imax. 49
375. By principle of superposition at P, the optical differ- 390. = , =
ence for two coherent light waves from S1 and S2 must a2 3 I min. 1
be m + λ if dark fringes occurs at P, 391. β=
2 H K d
λ = wavelength of the monochromatic light wave. λ is minimum for violet.
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393. There would be a slight increase in fringe width due 411. A= 32 + 42 = 25 = 5

to slight increase in wavelength.
412. Due to decrease in wavelength, the fringe width
I′ (a + a)2 4 decreases. So, more fringes can be accommodated on
394. = =
I a2 1 the screen.
395. Wavelength is halved. λ
415. Path difference is 11 .
396. Refer to definition of fringe width. 2
416. Decrease in λ.

397. β= 417. Effective path difference is (µ1L1 – µ2L2).
420. For interference, coherent sources are required.
−3 −3
βd 4 × 10 × 0.1 × 10 Imax. (2 + 1)2 9
D= = m 421. = =
λ 4 × 10−7 Imin. (2 − 1)2 1
= 1 m. Dλ fλ 1 × 5890 × 10−10
422. β= = = m
2 × 5 × 10−7 d d 0.2 × 10−3
398. β= m = 10 × 10–4 m = 1 mm
= 0.29 × 10–2 m
1 × 10−3
= 2.9 mm ≈ 3 mm.
399. λ increases.
423. In the first case,
FG D IJ λ I = I0 + I0 + 2 I0 cos 0°
400. β′ =
H 2K =

= β. or I = 4I0
d d
2 In the second case,
a1 2 I′ = I0 + I0 = 2I0
402. =
a2 1 I 4I0 2
∴ = =
Imax. (2 + 1) 9 2 I′ 2I0 1
= =
Imin. (2 − 1)2 1 Dλ
424. β=
404. There is a decrease of wavelength. d
3 h
405. New wavelength is times the old wavelength. So, and λ=
4 2meV
3 425. Phase difference 2π corresponds to a path difference of
the new angular separation is × 0.2° or 0.15°.
4 λ.
406. Note that phase difference is β1 – β2. Dλ β
407. Phase difference of 2π corresponds to path difference
426. β′ = =
3d 3
of λ. So, unit phase difference corresponds to . 429. Condition for destructive interference is that the phase
2π difference should be an odd multiple of π.
Clearly, the phase difference φ corresponds to a path
λ 1
difference of φ . 430. β∝
2π α
408. If phase difference is time-dependent, the waves can- When α is increased, β decreases.
not be coherent. So, interference is not possible.
431. Two coherent sources are required to produce inter-
409. a2 = a2 + a2 + 2a2 cos θ ference.
1 2π 432. The condition for constructive interference is that the
or cos θ = – or θ = 120° = rad.
2 3 path difference should be an even multiple of λ/2.
a1 + a2 2 φ
410. = 435. I ∝ 4a2 cos2
a1 − a2 1 2
a1 3 In the first case, φ = 2π
3a2 = a1 or =
a2 1 ∴ I ∝ 4a2 ...(1)
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2π 2Dλ 2 × 2 × 600 × 10−9

In the second case, φ = 450. = m
3 d 1 × 10 −3
2π = 24 × 10–4 m = 2.4 mm.
∴ I′ ∝4a2 cos2 or I′ ∝ a2
6 451. The fine rulings, each 0.5 µm wide, on a compact disc
I′ 1 I function as a diffraction grating. When a small source
= or I′ =
I 4 4 of white light illuminates a disc, the diffracted light
436. Decrease in wavelength. forms coloured “lanes” that are the composite of the
diffraction patterns from the rulings.
437. Different wavelengths would correspond to different
frequencies. Lights of different intensities can give 2Dλ
coherence even if contrast is poor. 452. Width of central maximum =
438. All the interference fringe are of equal width. As λ increases, width increases.
1 Dλ f λ
440. β∝ 453. β= =
d d a
442. λ increases, β ∝λ . 471. Most of the light is diffracted between the two first
443. Independent sources cannot produce interference. order minima.
444. The contrast between bright and dark fringes is ∴ Required angle = 2θ
determined by intensity ratio.

2Dλ = 2 sin θ =
447. β= d
β is reduced due to decrease in λ. 2 × 450 × 10 −9
448. The angle of diffraction θ normal to the grating for 2 × 10−4
nth-order diffraction pattern is given by = 450 × 10–5 radian
d sin θ = nλ = 4.5 × 10–3 radian.
where d is the spacing of the slits 2Dλ d2
472. =d or D =
λ is the wavelength of the source. d 2λ
1 Dλ
Now d= m, θ = 30° and n = 2. 473. β=
4.5 × 105 d
We thus have λ increases. β increases. The fringe pattern broadens.

d sin θ sin 30° d2

λ= = ≈ 556 nm. 474. DF =
n 2(4.5 × 105 ) λ
449. The angle of diffraction θn for nth order diffraction (3 × 10−3 )(3 × 10 −3 )
DF = m
pattern of the light is given by 500 × 10−9
d sin θn = nλ 90
= m = 18 m
where d = spacing between adjacent slits in diffraction 5
476. d sin θ = λ
10 −1
grating = m. or 2λ sin θ = λ
n = 1 for first-order diffracted beam. 1
or sin θ = or θ = 30°
θ1 = 15°
477. When the given source is replaced by another of longer
d sin θ1 10−3 wavelength, the direct image remains unaffected. But
⇒ λ = = sin 15° = 4.3 × 10–7 m the diffracted images A and B would shift away from
1 600
Thus frequency of light,
480. 60° is polarising angle. Use Brewster’s law.
c 3 × 108
f = = = 7.0 × 1014 Hz. µ = tan ip = tan 60°.
λ 4.3 × 10−7

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