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- ,


News 12 CABARET:Maggie Moore
Outtakes 16 Maria MaggenJi meets the singer and
Eye Spy 16 her~ .->~ :......•.
Queer Planet.. 18 CABARET: Gotham
Rim Shots 20 jonn Wasser looks back in
ti1rJe••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 57
Washington Journal 22
BOOKS: Rebecca Brown
DEPARTMENTS Victoria A, Brownworth chats
Outspoken ...............•... A with the author •.............. 58
Stonewall Riots 5. 8 Kissing to be clever 59
Blurt Out 6 BOOKS: Boys like Us
Nightmare of the Week 9 Max Cavitch on Peter McGehee's
first nor;el•••••••••••••••••••••• 60
Jennifer Camper 10
Critical Conn.ections 24 MUSIC: A Month at the Opera

Bruce-Michael Gelbert gives us
Insider Trading 26 the run-down 61
Milestones 28
GlAAD Tidings 28 MUSIC: HomQ love. Songs
jim Fouratt drags it out•••••••• .63
Shopping Out 44
look Out.. 48 SIT AND SPIN:
New York~ Aldo Hernandez".64
Gossip Watch 50
Gaydar 51 THEATER: Henry IV
Otis Stuart watches it whiz by.65
Out on the Town 53 •

Field Tripping 54 ART: Collier Schorr

john Donahue catches Collier
Going Out. 71 Schorr •••••••••••••••••••••••• 65
Tuning In 75
Dancing Out.. 76 POETRY:Coming Out
Charles Sock ••••••••••••••••• 6'6
Bar Guide 77
Community Directory 79 Cover photo of John
Cardinal O'Conn()r
Classlfieds 83 by Lisa QulHones!
Personals 91 Black Star
Crossword ...........•.... 106
The St. Patrick's Day Massacre
Duncan Osborne behind the scenes at City Hall (p, 30); Avril
McDonald behind the battle lines on Fifth Avenue (p, 33); Michael Goff
behind the front pages at the tabloids (p, 51); Allen Roskoff behind
closed doors (p. 26). Edited by Andrew Miller (behind the eight ball).
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Doing the Right Thing NEWS EDITOR
"Gays and lesbians are all
God's children and should be DESIGN MARIA C. PEREZ
; ,So reflected Mayor David
tumultuous St. Patrick's Day USTINGS, DALE PECK
gauntlet-walk up Fifth Avenue CONTRIBUTING REPORTERS
with Irish lesbians and gays. Jaris Aslor del Ville, VlClora A. Brownworth, MarX ChesllJl, Joe Clark,
We couldn't have said it better. Scott Harrah, ArthLl S, Leonard, Avril McDonald, ()JI1can Osborne, Rachel
Pepper, Dell Rk:hards, Maer Raslian, Jarres waller, Allen White, carrie Wollord
" Since his queer-assisted
election, Mr. Dinkins has often Clill O'NeiU, Rex Wockner, John Zeh
protested that he is our com-
munity's, best friend, even as Bradley Ball, Charles Barber, Greg Baysans. Jay Biotcher, Peter Bowen,
he took actions which belied Max cavitell, Sarah Chinn, Anne-christlne d'Adesky, Christopher Davis, Susie Day.
that claim. Starting with his Kathleen Joan DeBold, Risa Denenberg, John Donahue. Monica Oorenkamp, -
Dawn Fatali, David lielnberg, Jim Fouratt. Beatrix Gates, Michael Goll. ..
appointment of Woodrow Noelle Hanrahan, Ernest Hant1, Joe E. Jellreys. Larry Kramer, Gerard Mackey,
Myers as health commissioner, Maria Maggenti. Jim Marks. Michael Paller, Sydney PokOmt, John Presion, ~

the mayor's lesbian and gay. = Allen Roskoll, Anne Rubenstein. Sarah Schulman, Ira Silverberg, Karl Soehnlein,
Jarres St. James, WICkie Stamps. Bruce C, Steele. Otis Stuart. Liz Tracey.
'stock has fallen almost daily as once-avid supporters bemoaned Jonn Wasser, John Wing, Madam X, Eva Yaa Asantewaa
a series of mayoral missteps on crucial queer issues. ILLUSTRATORS AND CARTOONISTS
As recently as two weeks ago, Mr. Dinkins alienated many when Alison Bechdel, Mark Burdett. JennHer Camper, Tom Kalin.
he inexplicably spoke out against the Channel 13 pledge boycott, a Kris Kovick, Andrea Natalie, Daniel Sotomayor
boycott endorsed by one of the broadest coalitions of lesbian and gay CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS
groups-left, right and center ever assembled iri this town. Bill Bytsura,Greg Clark, Desl Del Vaile, Charles Fowler, Marc Geller.
Efrain J. Gonzalez. Morgan Gwenwald, Marl~n Humphries, Andrew Lichtenstein,
Yet in politics as in life, it is often the defining moment that IL Litt, Patsy l¥nch, Jim Marks. Tom McGovern, Tom McKitterick, Myrna Morales,
stays with us long after day-to-day disagreements are forgotten. Scott Morgan. Ellen B, Nelpris. Rink, Lisa Romerein, Lee Snider/Photo Images,
Ben Thornberry, Theresa C, Thadani, Michael Wakefield
And for Mr. Dinkins' relationship with lesbians and gays, that
defining moment will always be his insult-marred, beer-bespat- PRODUCTION MANAGER DIANA OSTERFELD
_ tered and incredibly brave and moving march with lesbians and PRODUCTION EDITOR JAMES CONRAO
gays up Fifth Avenu(!, a sometimes dangerous experience he COPY CHIEF WALTER ARMSTRONG
later compared to the scariest civil-rights marches of the '60s. PAUL V. LEONE
. The mayor's gesture was echoed by a wide group of city CAMERA TECHNICIAN SALVADOR MENDEZ, JR.
officials who announced their intention to boycott the parade if INTERNS Justine Barda, Robert campbell, Ann
, Conner, Patricia Lohr, Sara Simmons
the parade boycotted queers. Among them were City Council
President Andrew Stein, COmptroller Elizabeth Holtzman, Attor- PUBLISHER STEVEN POLAKOFF
ney General Robert Abrams, Consumer Affairs Commissioner ASSOCIATE PUB USHER GABRIEL ROTELLO
, Mark Green, City Councilmembers Ronnie Eldridge, Bob Dryfoos SALES DIRECTOR BART CHURCH
'and C. Virginia Fields, and many other officials. ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES .
The glaring absence from this roll of honor was Gov. Mario MANGAN, TROY MASTERS, ARMANDA C. saUADRILli, DOROTHY
("Family of New York") Cuomo. As the controversy got noisier, DERINGER; (CAUFORNIA) MICHAEL CROSS, (415)861-3142;
the. silence emanating from Albany grew positively deafening. (NEW ENGLAND) RICHARD DRINKWATER (617)389-5076
Ultimately, Cuomo's cynical, hands-off approach couldn't have ClASSIAED SAlES '- ROGELIO A. PARRIS
contrasted more sharply with Dinkins' genuine solidarity. CIRCULATION DIRECTOR GRANT LUKENBILL
In retrospect, it would have been easy for the mayor to have imi- GENERAL COUNSB. MICHAEL CARVER
tated the governor's moral equivocation. But David Dinkins did the~: TREASURER LAWRENCE BASI LE ,

right thing. He stood firmly behind his most embattled conslituents, COMPTROLLER AJIT PHILLIPS

proved willing to alienate bigots for the benefit of justice and in so SYSTEMS DIRECTOR VON DORA CORZEN
doing put himself personally in harm's way. Whatever problems he's PUBLISHER'S ASSISTANT JIM PROVENZANO
. had with ~ in the past, whatev~ problems we may have with him 'in ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT DARLA J. FJELD
tJ:1efuture, a bond of goodwill has been forged and sealed in the cru- OFFICE ASSISTANT MISAEL MALDONAOO
Of hate and homophobia
. and will not soon be broken. PRESIDENT KENDALL MORRISON
., " An implicit campaign pledge was redeemed, and, for once, . 159 W. 25th St, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10001 •
for just this once, a dream was not deferred. (212) 337-1200 FAX: (212) 337-1220

4 ou I W•• K April 3. 1 •• 1

;' -

BLEEPING WITH lack of self-love, while white "Yes, but." And that "but" is and I feeI I can safeIy say I'm
THE ENEMY boys who dare greet an very important to me. not a racist. I also grew up
Robert Vazquez qualifies African-American friend while Jake Stevens with a clear understanding of
his decision to forgo white walking by [at] the end of a Manhattan what white ,society is (i.e.
men as sexual/romantic part- GMAD meeting risk getting the white, capitalist, patriarchal,
ners with a statement that he cold shoulder. And a boyfriend I'm writing in response to racist, sexist, homophobic,
"publicly support[ s 1 interracial .of color can be an exotic aber- Robert Vazquez's article/col- etc.). I've also met horrible
relationships." Yet, while he ration to white friends. umn which appeared in the sexist, racist white trash. But,
may not have written it, the Mr. Vazquez reminds us March 20 issue. In this article because I've met white racists
headline for his article-'T~o that his decision and views he states: "I have no desire to this does not then lead me to
Longer) Sleeping With the conclude that I'll never fuck a
Enemy" [no. 90, March white man again. What I do
20j-telis another story, as STONeWALL RIOTS BY ANDREA NATALIE concl ude is that I don't want
does his repeated references to fuck any white racists.
to white boys. Obviously, there are a myriad
Mr. Vazquez presents his reasons why people choose
decision as though it is the their sexual partners, and any
rare one. And maybe it is, in TH[,( SAY wE CAli reason is legitimate, but Mr.
that it is a conscious one: He TR~OE Ol/I? VOll £S FOil Vazquez seems to exclude
has chosen to take control of LEGS AND GO IV/TN even the possibility that there
Till 1'/. WHO CO"L 0
his own life and shape how he are any nonracist white boys.
shares his love. But my expe- Can this really be what he
rience, perhaps more limited --- . - -.--- means? Is it really not possi-
than his, leads me to believe ., , .. ble for a white man to not be
that inte rracial ity, far fro m - racist? Granted, there are a lot
being the social ideal, is deni- of white racists. There are also
grated in most quarters. Most / - many white people who are
men, white and of color alike, .... '. _' 'i-'-~. informed and who, in many
'"" J _»~'-'-
do not look beyond the color - ... J.. -:
cases, work very hard to
line for love (or even lust). < - ':?,

• change racism and injustice in

If Sunday is the most general.
segregated day of the week, It's one thing if you just
Saturday night isn't far don't like white boys. It's
behTnd. Doors are barred by something else if you don't like
racist carding policies, but , white boys because (by impli-
also by an unchallenged social cation) they are all racists. It's
discomfort with being on
. ,
) :
not true, and it is racist.
someone else's turf. Even the (Now, don't
anonymity of telephone "chat" - wrong!) But, as fo r Mr.
lines comes in distinct hues: aren't racist because, even if sit down and educate white Vazquez's little blessing on
"La linea Latina" is matched they are prejudiced, he (a Lati- people about racism any- interracial relationShips, with
by the Black "Bisexual" line, no) lacks the power necessary more," and "I don't want to lie friends like you, who needs
while white men have "TooL" to transform that prejudi&e in bed with some European- enemies?
Mr. Vazquez may still see into enforceable racism. On a American man teaching Joshua Paul Devlin
an interracial relationship as a macro level, that is true, but Racism 101," and various Brooklyn
"truly revolutionary act," but on the micro level that we all other such comments.
othe rS-"prog ressives"- . live in, individuals and their I'm a white gay man. I've Oh! Father, Mother, for-
seem quite wiiling to throw a expressed opinions on race spent most of my life in New give me for I have sinned. I
damper on that revolution. can be very powerful indeed. York. I was raised (for various am a gay white male and for
Interracially oriented men of After reading Mr. Vazquez's reasons) with a clear under- my penance I promise to give
color get an earful about their powerful Micle, I was left with standing of what racism is, up my job, private health care

April 3, ....91 ou I ."KKK 5

• '.'

and home so I can be just like and your points were well artificially produced and man-
my minority brothers and taken. I think these things ufactured by the Pentagon,"
sisters who are only allowed need to be voiced more often. he tells me , "but not by the

to experience discrimination. I just don't see things as Beast Reagan ... no, no,
Give me a break! What clear-cut as you do. no .... He's not smart enough
do you want me to do? Empty Duncan Elliott for that." I smile. "No, the
my pockets and go stand in Manhattan AIDS thing is Bush's baby."
the corner? I make a note of this in
Robert Vazquez's article LITTLE LAMB, WHO my notebook and write a little
"(No Longer) Sleeping With SILENCED THEE? star by it as he Changes the
the Enemy" was the straw that It has been some years topic of discussion from
broke this camel's back on since I attended that gay George Bush having been the
white-male-bashing. Why social mixer of the ever-color- previous director of the CIA to
must everyone, except white ful "Yalesbians" (Yale Les- Jodie Foster (whom he now
males, be allowed to experi- bians) and met Miss Foster. despises) as being the revela-
ence discrimination. Is it The friend I was visiting, a tory Whore of Babylon. My
something we are not privy to? classmate of hers, did not professors have clearly
We all experience dis- consider it too very presump- instructed me not to surren-
crimination at one level or tuous of himself to interrupt der any outside information
another. Whether we are male her amorously colorful behav- that could "encourage hjs
or female, white or Black, light ior with a striking young delusions," but the evil
or dark, gay or straight, Italian woman in the corner of the schizoid Alice-in-Wonderland
or Jewish, Catholic or room in order to proffer an queen arChetype that reigns in
Methodist, fat or thin, ugly or introduction. I was enticed by the bowels of my uncon-
beautiful, blond-haired or her charismatic personality, an scious simply cannot resist
brown-haired. Republican or appealing blend of developing this encounter. "You know,
Democrat, East Village clone feminine mystique, Brahamnic John," I provide, "that Jodie
or West Village clone, butch or carriage and just the right Foster is a lesbian. I've met
fern, top or bottom, big dick touch of that spicy, deciduous, her myself. She very much
or little dick. Need I go on? tomboy charm that has been prefers the company of
Robert, get over it! Better minted into nearly all of her women." He looks at me for a
yet, dbn't, because this is one roles. I remember thinking moment, his head tilted and-
white boy who doesn't want to how lucrative it could be to his eyes slightly askew, sizing
sleep with you either! the then-burgeoning gay me up to determine what part
Michael Runco movement to have such a I play in this conspiracyen\ire.
Manhattan popular young actress as an Finally, he grins a's.aJdonic,
iconic role model. knowing smile and says, slow-
In "(No Longer) Sleeping Now let us shift the scene ly, just above a whisper: "I
With the Enemy," you depict all some several years later, as I know that. But she'll sell you
whites as being racists. Obvi- am serving my internship in out. She'll betray you. She'll
ously, you have been sleeping Clinical Psychology at St. Eliz- lie, she'll eat you for breakfast.
with the wrong white people. abeth's Mental Hospital, Crimi- One day you'll look at her and
I can understand where nal Division, WaShington, DC. say, 'Et tu, Jodie: He had per-
you are coming from-I had Tonight I will be working with ceptively assumed that I also
to sever my ties to people (gay a brilliantly notorious patient was gay.
and non-gay), who offended by the name of John Hinckley, We talked abQut many
my political sensibilities. reknowned both for his things that evening, and I've
You are assuming that. all startlingly prophetic political kept the notebook I used in
people of color are politically accusations and hisunfortu- that session. I left St. Eliza-
correct. What are you going to nate lack of precision as a beth's that evening convinced
do when you're on a date with marksman. He has just fin- that Mr. Hinckley was indeed
a Latino who says something ished his first book, a fascinat- suffering certain psychological
offensive to the African-Ameri- ing treatise on numerology disturbances and had not
can community, or an African- and coming world events, in merely copped the insanity
American who says something which he foretells unimagin- plea to avoid incarceration.
anti-Latino, or either one who able devastation the AIDS epi- But as I review these notes
might utter a sexist remark? I demic will have on certain with the luxury of hindsight
have been in th is city ten areas of the globe and minori- and the privilege of clinical
years, and I have heard it all. ty populations in particular. insight, I am reminded of the
I enjoyed your article, "The AIDS epidemic is entirely poetic irony Mr. Hinckley


understood and which our gay LAMBDA LAMENT their concerns. Further, Lamb- versy and into the future, so it
community is now beginning I am a member of Lamb- da has promised to change its can continue and expand its
to comprehend in the matter da Legal Defense and Educa- planning process to ensure good work to benefit us all. ,
of Ms. Foster and her surrepti- tion Fund and have been fol- that these concerns are fully James M. Emery
tious The Silence of the lowing with some distress the taken into account when San Francisco
Lambs, i.e., that one is never a ,
controversy over Lambda's future events are planned.
prophet in one's own country. upcoming fund-raising event Lambda has committed itself ANTI·INFIGHTING
Eric M. Pollard at the Broadway show Miss to continue its work building It truly saddens me to
Washington, DC Saigon. I fear the ,people bridges to all members of the read of the dispute between
protesting Lambda's plans lesbian and gay community. Lambda Legal Defense and the
The controversy surround- have lost sight of who our ALOEC and GAPIMNY should Center on one side and Asian
ing The Silence of the Lambs common enemies are. Some- now exercise some tolerance Lesbians of the East Coast and
deeply disturbs me. Having had times we attack friends and bridge-building as well. Gay and Pacific Islander Men
a close encounter with one because they are the only peo- To demand now that of New York on the other. It
such killer, who murdered my ple who listen to us. Lambda cancel its fund-raiser, saddens me because this
lover of 15 years without Gay men and lesbians- cripple its finances and mort- whole incident is another
motive, I'm troubled by the and all people of color-face gage our future is misguided example of various groups
movie's homophobic fascina- discrimination and the threat and wrong. The educational within the gay and lesbian
tion and exploitation of morbid of violence every day. Hate goals of ALOEC and GAPIMNY community fighting one anoth-
curiosity. My lover's killer, who crimes are increasing against are being achieved. I under- er instead of fighting those
was no less deranged than the all minorities. Lambda has a stand Lambda has written to who are most guilty of op-

homosexual killer fictionalized long and distinguished history all its ticket-holders, offered pressing us.
in Lambs, was homophobic by of effective advocacy combat- full ticket refunds and included I have never seen Miss
his own admission. ting discrimination and pro- ALOEC and GAPIMNY state- Saigon, so I am not in a posi-
Sadly, Jodie Foster, an moting the rights of al/ les- ments in the mailing. In this tion to judge its content. How-
Oscar [winner] for her por- bians, gay men and people way, the criticism of Miss ever, I am sure that neither the
trayal of an abused victim in with HIV. When 'Lambda Saigon and the controversy Center nor Lambda was aware
The Accused, makes a 360 changes the rent control laws surrounding it have height- that the content of the show
degree turn in Lambs, where in New York state, represents ened awareness of the inane would so. deeply offend many
the victim is little more than lesbians denied custody of stereotypes that populate members of our community.
an object. There is no insight their children and fights dis- Broadway musicals. Those I am grateful that the gay
into the victim's life achieve- crimination in the military, it who attend the show will, I an~ lesbian Asian groups have
ments, nor is there witnessed helps all of us. hope, have these issues on brought this issue up so as to
the devastation endured by the Certainly there is room their minds. Further, I am cer- educate and sensitize the Cen-
victim's family or loved ones. for criticism and creative dis- tain Lambda would be most ter and Lam bda as well as
There are the typical graphic cussion among different receptive to any suggestions many others in our communi-
scenes of horror and focus on groups within the lesbian and for positive outreach, pro- ty about the anti-Asian racism
capturing the criminal. For the gay community. I agree with grams that ALOEC, GAPIMNY that is prevalent in both the
story of the survivors of homi- members of Asian Lesbians of or others might propose. straight and gay communities.
cide victims is not thrilling. It the Ea,st Coast [ALOEC] and Protest the show, not However, I see little net gain in
is heartbreaking. Gay A¢ian and Pacific Islander Lambda, if it offends you. having both the Center and
What does this movie Men of -New York [GAPIMNY] Protests, pickets and sit-ins Lambda cancel their benefits,
really say about the working that Miss Saigon is not a pro- are to make people listen to which would result in signifi-
of the criminal mind? It gressive, empowering show. you when they are ignoring cant financial hardship for
dishes out some cheap-shot I don't think it follows, you. Lambda is not the FDA or both organizations.
psychology with a blunt and however, that Lambda's asso- the NIH. Tom Stoddard is not On the other hand, as an
disgusting homosexual slant ciation with a politically 0 btuse Cardinal O'Connor, or even Asian person, I know that anti-
of defamation. It perpetu- Broadway production war- former Mayor Ed Koch. Asian racism is an issue which
ates violence. rants threats and boycotts Lambda has reached out is too often ignored. I can
In the aftermath of my against Lambda. From what I to ALOEC and GAPIMNY and empathize with my Asian
own tragedy, I kept asking, have read and heard, Lambda listened to them honestly and brothers and sisters who feel
over and over, "Why? Why?" can satisfy ALOEC and sincerely. Lambda for 17 years outraged that two prominent,
"There is no why," the GAPIMNY with nothing short has been a determined and supposedly racially inclusive,
detective repeated. "It was just of cancelling their event. unrelenting fighter for our organizations in our commu-
his time to kill. It didn't even Why? Both the eXjlcutive staff rights. Lambda does not need nity would give their support
matter who he killed-just of Lambda and Lambda's to prove its commitment to to an arguably anti-Asian,
whoever was around when he directors have met with repre- our community by canceling racist show.
got the urge." sentatives from ALOEC and the Miss Saigon event. We I do not believethat a boy-
Gregory Maskwa GAPIMNY. Lambda has made must continue to support cott or bullying of either organi-
Manhattan a genuine effort to understand Lambda through this contro- zation is very constructive at

April 3, 119911 OUTWEEK 7

this point. Tomake amends which no one else adheres? equate "clout" with excellence to seriously rethink his con-
With the gay and lesbian Asian Why the mockery of compar- anywhere in my review. On ception of "free speech," if his
community, I propose that ing a work that required some the matter of standards, I coverage of Brown Universi-
lambda offer to divert itself thought on the part of every- hold lesbian and gay work up ty's expulsion of a student for
partially and temporarily from one who contributed to it to to the same standards that I name-calling [no. 89, March
'its primary mission of gay the mindless consumer flot- use when assessing all litera- 13] is any indication.
rights and PWA advocacy and sam that washes up on late- ture-skill, grace, depth of Goff's description of "the
help take on some significant night television? Maybe it's feeling, originality, clarity, whole free-speech-on-campus
Asian rights cases. The Center Ms. Maggenti's forte to review honesty and meaningfulness, thing" reveals just how limited
could offer to help fund-raise the written word while she among other criteria. lesbian he thinks that freedom should
for GAPIMNY and AlOEC and watches the idiot box into the Bedtime Stories is compared be. "But really," he asks, "is
offer free use of the Centerfor a wee hours. But hey, if she's so to "mindless consumer flot- freedom of speech about the
certain length of time. fascinated by Chia Pets, why sam" because that's how rights of a drunken idiot to yell
I encourage GAPIMNY doesn't she cover them and poorly it is written. I'm sure 'faggot' and 'nigger' in the
and AlOEC to continue their spare us her book reviews? the people who created the middle of the night in a cam-
fight against racism. But per- Terry Diamond ridiculous Chia Pet also pus courtyard?" Well, yes.
haps instead of accosting Manhattan thought their idea "required That's exactly what free
Tom Stoddard, who has inar- some thought on the part of speech is supposed to mean.
guably done much for the Maria Maggenti responds: I everyone involved. " Bad work If I have freedom of speech in

entire community, the Asian said that lesbians still don't is bad work no matter what every sense but to insult
groups should be zapping wield the same publishing we call it. someone, I don't have free-
Cameron Mackintosh and power as gay men, and this dom of speech at all.
leading protests outside the has to do with sexism and GOFF GAFFE ,Words ,like "bigot,"
theater where Miss Saigon lesbo-phobia in the main- I'm glad I don't live in the "homophobe" and "queer-
will be showing. . stream publishing indus- States, where someone like basher" are as offensive to big-
Eric Tsuchida
try-not with the quality of Michael "Gaydar" Goff could ots, homophobes and queer-
Los Ange/es lesbian writing. I do not become president. Goff needs bashers as "faggot," "dyke"
and "queer" are to faggots,
SPARE US dykes and queers. But that's
Maria Maggenti's snide not the point, no matter what
potshot at the "sorry state of Michael Goff thinks. However

lesbian literary affairs" based flawed its application, the US
on her reading of Lesbian srONEWAtt RIOrS BY ANDREA NATALIE First Amendment exists to pro-
Bedtime Stories 2, is pure tect that very kind of offensive '
ignorance [no. 87, Feb. 27]. speech. "Universities mtJ~t
. She lumps several literary teach students the responsibili~
lights of the past w~th un- ties that come with the right of
named contemporary lesbian free speech," Goff says'. Th~
writers as evidence that the only responsibility students
p,atriarchy is not as omni- have in that regard is to fight to
potent as everyone says it is. keeptheir speechfree.
(Those silly dykes.) Further, To top it all off, Goff
lesbian writers don't measure makes these evaluations in a
up to the achievements of gay gay and lesbian newsweekly
male writers because they with a cover story on SIM sex,
don't wield the same "publish- for heaven's sake a perfect
ing clout." When did "clout" example of the benefits of free
become equated with literary speech. Goff should remem-
excellence? -: ' .\ ber how often the free speech
Why do, Ms. Maggenti or , I\ of gays and lesbians has been
her colleagues need to trash infringed in the past. It's ironic
all lesbian literature every time indeed that he should be
a bad book comes out? Does advocating the restriction of
The New York Times book- free speech for otper people.
reviewer, Chris lehmann- , I acknowledge in advance
• , Haupt, condemn the whole any objections that I'm naive,
spy novel 'genre every time' politically incorrect, an uni-
Tom Clancy or his ilk bring in •
formed foreigner, etc.
a dud? No. So why hold les- Joe Clark
bians up to standards to Toronto

a ou I LlI'EEK April 3, 1991

Michael Goff responds: This DAS OR DISASTER?

is a complex issue, but I NI Department of AIDS Ser-
stand by my argument that vices or disaster area? •

citizens have not only rights 0'1 the eek I Through my recent dealings
but also responsibilities. ..
I ····'"......-..~. . .... ........... .......... ........ ,......... ...... ............ . . . ..' with this branch of the city's
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• • • •. • • ....-. ... • •• •• , effort to provide benefits to • • • • • • • • • • • •

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. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. I • ••,
those of us in need, I am left

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• • • • • • • • • • •
... .......................................
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..........•..................... ................. .. .....
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Your recent article on chi- , . .. . . . , bewildered and confused: I ." • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,

··............. .. . ....-................ ................. .. . ....... ........

, .
0·.·. ••••••••• •••• •••••,, .' ••••••••• '"l.•••••••• ~.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

I I·.·......... .. .. . .. . ..'...... ......... .. ........... . . ... .."........"I I

· • ••••• , Although the eventual end
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• ""1 •.••••••••••••••••••••••
ropractic [no. 85, Feb. 13]. ". 0 • • •• • ••

• • •• • • •• • • • • • • • • •
• ••••••••••••••••••••• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • •• • • ••• • •
. • • • • • , •• 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • 0 • • • •• • • ••••• ,

sandwiched neatly between

• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

. .. . result has been in my favor, 0 •••••••••••••••••

·.... ....... . .. . . . . .. . . . ........... .. ........ . .. . . . . . . . ..... ..

0 •••••••••••••••••

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.................................................................. I
and the city has gotten me out
I I.".............................................
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • •

two pages of advertisements • ••••• •••••••••• •••••••• •••• •• •••• • • •• •• • • • • • • • • •••••• •• ••••••••••••••• •• • • • ••••••••• •
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• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
for chiropractors, was joumal- •

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of some sticky situations con-

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I cerning rent arrears, etc., the

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • 0 • ,.....

istically pathetic. Rife with I I························

, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• 0 • 0 • • • • • • • • •
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........................ ..'.....
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trials and tribulations one

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 0 • 0 • • • • • • • • •

errors, the article seemed more

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • 0 ..' • 0 0 .' •• 0 • • • "

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• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ... • • • • • • • • •• • •••••• o. • 0 0 ••••• 0 •••••

I I····················· I must go through to penetrate

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • .' •••••••• 0 0 • • • •
like a lengthy advertisement
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .' ••••••••••••••
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • ••
• •••••••••••••• 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • ... • • • • • • • •••••••• ' • 0 •••••• 0 •••• ,
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• o· 0 0 • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••• 0 • 0 ••• ••••••••• ,

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••• o· ••••••••••••••

itself, of the sort generally ••••••••• • •

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• • • • • •• •• • ••• • • • • • •• •• • •• • • •• • •
• •

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and find one's way through

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0 ••••••••••

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· .. . . ....... .... . .................. ...... .......... . .................. ............... . . . . ..................... I
this bureaucratic labyrinth is
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 •••••••••• ,

• • • • • • ••• • • • • •• • • ••••• ••••• •• • • • • • • • • • •• •••• •

found in the National Enquirer.
, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o· •••••••••••••

• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
.. •••••••••••• • • • • • • • • ' •

• • • ••• • • •• • • •••••• •• • • • • • • .• • • • • • • • • ••• • . . . . • ••• • ••,

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
quite unbelievable.
• • .• • •

Come to think of it, your maga- •

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I f:··•....•••.•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . I It is almost impossible to

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 , • • • • • • • • • • • ,

zine resembles the Enquirer in

• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 •••••••••••

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more ways than one! .. .. ...... .. .. .... .. ....... . .. .. .. . . .... eo:• •••••••••••• get through to one's particular
•·· .. •
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. . .
· . .. . .... . . ......... ... .. ................... . . .
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0 ••• ••••• ••• ,

I( .

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• • • •••• • • •• • • • ••••••• ••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••• caseworker on the phone-

• •••
While kissing the hind- • • • • • • •

··..... ............ ... ... ............... ............. .......

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quarters of all chiropractic •

. .. •


they are usually "out to lunch"






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or "out in the field." There

0 •••••• 0 ••••••••

practioners, your writer failed

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

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to mention the downsides of
~ ,


seems to be a lack of commu- 0



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nication between caseworker

• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 •••••••••

chiropractic. To begin with, • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

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. -
• - - 0 • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • •

every single "adjustment" a and supervisor, and some

lOur governor talks. a good game caseworkers are particularly
chiropractor performs on a
client can be done by one's About gay rights and AIDS funds. He came
I uninformed about policies
concerning the adjoining ser-
own self with a slight knowl-
edge of Hatha Yoga and a few
I To St. Patrick's parade, I vices of Food Stamps and
But he walked in the shade,
grains of common body-
sense! Chiropractors conve-
INot the limelight with queers. What a shame. I I realize that the workload'
niently neglect to tell their L , .J that DAS is facing must 'be
enormous, and that things are
patients they can adjust them-
selves, thus ensuring a steady bound to get lost in the shuffl,e
supply of customers. They thing, too). For those unable I have nothing against .. chi- of paperwork, but I feel. that
also freq uently take expensive to reach up behind themselves ropractors per se they come· some of the system could·use
X-rays, rationalizing that this to "pop" the dorsal or tho rae- in very handy when one has a tune-up, in order to better
is part of the treatment. What tic vertebrae, a Ma Roller, been in an auto accident and serve people who are already
the ~-rays really are for are to available at many holistic has a whiplash injury. Often faced with harsh realities and
let the chiropractor know if a health stores, will do the the they work hand-in-glove with real battles to be fought.
client has had spinal surgery job justfine! ambulance-chasing lawyers. In the office on 13th
or has a spinal anomaly that Your writer mentioned Onehand washes the other. Street, there appears, out of
WOUld preclude chiropractic the troubles Chiropractors had Your magazine could be the drop ceiling, in the center
adi,ustment. The chi ropractor with the law during the early so much more interesting if of the room, a tangled bunch
is really covering his own ass '60s, without mentioning any you hired some real writers of electrical wires loosely
with the X-rays. If your back is specifics. The really skinny is who know how to dig up real resembling a noose. I often
really fucked up, he won't that chiropractors were per- dirt! Years ago, I wrote for Fag wonder if some poor, frustrat-
adjust you! forming abortions in their Rag in Boston. The Fag Rag ed client will one day make
I have performed chiro- offices, and, at that time, the collective, composed of some use of this prop and solve his
practic "adjustments" on very word "chiropractor" was of the most seminal minds in or her problems efficiently,
myself for years from the neck synonymous with "abortion- gay liberation (Charley Shively, quickly and without mix-up. .
on down to the lower lumbar ist." Another fact conveniently Mitzel, Freddie,Greenfield and John Odatq
vertebrae and, honey, it is as overlooked by your two-bit the immortal·John Wieners), Manhattan
easy as 1-2-3. No special reporter is that 'osteopathic knew the difference between
equipment necessary other physicians do exactly what radical queer politics and radi- SENTENCE
than maybe a doorway for chiropractors do, using slight- cal "cheek" claptrap! I dare SENTENCES
those lumbar adjustments (the ly eq ui pment and you to print this! In reference to your issue
yoga posture known as "half techniques, but are real doc- John Connolly no. 89 [March 13] oil my legal
spinal twist" does the same tors. San Francisco plight in Seattle, Wash., titled, •

April 3 ... _ .. OUTWEEK '9

"Gay Men With HIV Given 5) That this was a case she did with the Stonewall sex." You were charged with
Harsher Prison Sentences." I grandstanded by a prosecu- Committee for Lesbian and sexually exploiting a minor.
was surprised to learn that tor running for the GOP ticket Gay Rights (not mentioned in but the article's seventh para-
Ms. Dell Richards tied my for governor, keeping him on the article). graph states clearly that you
case [to] the one from Boise. the front pages at the time. To me, Ms. Richards had were never convicted of that
Admittedly, Mr. George Her- 6) That I have a 1OO~ the means in which to write an charge, and convicted instead
bert Lewis received an outra- page scrapbook full of the excellent, detailed article on of paying to take nude
geous sentence because of mass-media coverage includ- this miscarriage of justice- Polaroid photographs of a 16-
his HIV status. These cases ing six front-page Seattle disappointingly, it turned out year-old boy and for offering
have little in common. I was dailies screaming the result to be a mediocre one. to pay a prostitute for sex.
never charged with child of my "now-ruled-illegal" Steven G. Farmer While an article ina
molestation. Ms. Richards forced HIV-test. Seattle national news magazine
fails to mention that: 7) That this case is not might not focus on the local
1) I do not fall under likely to be reconsidered by On the contrary, the article politiCS behind the case, its
"sex-offender" status under the Washington state Su- was entirely accurate, non- central point was that people
Washington state law. preme Court and will most judgmental and angled dif- with AIDS or HIV-infection
2) I was never "charged" likely end up in Federal Court ferently from most of what who are, rightly or wrongly,
with "having sex" or [with] the US Supreme Court, while has been written in the les- convicted of sex-related
any "sex crime" as paragraph I wait in quarantine or soli- bian and gay press. crimes are facing stiffer
• seven infers. tary confinement. The comparison between prison sentences, and that
3) I qualified for a "first- I do appreciate the cov- you and George Herbert Lewis the introduction of AIDS and
offender status" of 90 days, erage on my case, and several is clearly drawn between your HIV-status into the case had
not three and one-quarter important points were made. HIV-positive antibody-status, been disputed as unfair by
years. However, I provided Ms. not your convictions. Thearti- the defendants.
4) Why AIDS was an Richards with mass written cle never stated that you were When your case ends up
issue in my case at all, when information and verbal inter- a sex offender charged with in state Supreme Court, feder-
clearly it should not have been. views, including an interview child molestation or "having al court or the US Supreme


NEVER rJjf{1! ERP/ f
YOu TEACH YoU 5o.l1E "


THE. . 8.C;; .U~

AND You?
ROZ ... WAITJuST 81G-?
AN' T~£RE'S'·,-,·.f{ SIZE! PINK F()CKIN'
'Jlf.IT LfAr~ER

MAKf. .... ! SQUASH ..

10 OUTWEEK April 3... _ ..

.. •
Court, OutWeek will cover it. given much back to the gay and
I hope your letter cleared lesbian community. orrections
up any confusion that may have Noelle Hanrahan claims
at The caption for a photo accompanying the story on
resulted from our reporting, but that "Ms submission to a high- the new domestic partnership law in San Francisco in
Dell Richards did a pretty good er power [is] sedating American issue no. 88 (March 6) misidentified one of the men pic-
job of distilling the information resistance." Bullshit! Your claim tured. The men are Martin Scott and Dennis Bush. '

in your 100-page scrapbook could not be further from the at The following sentence was omitted from the discus-
down to four columns. truth", As a pel"$on in re.covery, I sion of the Opera Orchestra of New York's La Sonnam-
-News Ed. am very active in AIDS and hula in issue no. 86 (Feb. 20): "Eve Queler presided with
queer activism as well as the an aptly light touch and made a particular highlight of
KEEP THOSE war resistance. I've worked on 'D'un penstero,' the concerted number parodied by
CARDS AND LETTERS many issues and actions and
Gilbert and Sullivan in Trial by jury."
COMING IN have been very outspoken on
It pains me to do it, but.1 the floors of ACT UP and Queer
have to correct the nice letter Nation, my inspiration being the stand or at least accept it as our and use drugs safely, but for
Paul A.H. Babitts wrote about dozens of other recovering choice of a way of life. Just in some, abstinence is the differ-
my work ["Letters," no. 90, addicts and alcoholics I see case you make your comments ence between life and death.
March 20]. While he's certainly doing the same, week after to inspire change within our Why not help save some lives
entitled to his flattering opin- week. My road to activism was community or to enlighten us to by offering information on
ions-heaven knows I'm not via AA and NA, without which I'd the ills of this world: "Climb addiction and where one can
arguing with tha~the work he be of no use to the activist com- down from your ivory tower, receive help if [one] decide[s]
praised was actually from the munity for, most likely, I'd return sister!" You are certainly no sav- [one] has a problem?
colu mn I co-author with to a life of active addiction. Peo- ior to our community, just as a You've been challenged.
Madame X. And the truth is, as ple in recovery are everywhere het could not be to queers, men fdO.
our editor once said, Madame X accomplishing, inspiring, taking cannot be to women, or just as Manhattan
is the funny one. action and saving lives. We are a white cannot be to a commu-
I hope this doesn't dis- people of all colors, women, nity of color. OUT SILENT
courage anyone else from men, queer, straight. We do not I suggest you think twice Thirty percent of all queers
writing in to say kind things wear scarlet "A"s on our chests before you rant, condemn and have had, are having, or will
about me and Madame X, to set us apart from the rest. judge. Remember, we are every- have, a problem with drugs
together or separately (hint). She also claims we are where. Maybe the next time you and/or alcohol. You're silent.
We really appreciate it. "too wrapped up in our recov- hear someone standing up for Seventy percent of IVDU's
Anne Rubenstein ery, [our] righteous indignation his- or herself or community, entering rehabs are HIV-posi-
Brooklyn surrendered to a higher power you'll pause and wonder if tive. You're silent.
and too shut down ...." Bullshit maybe that person is in recov- Twelve-step programs are
as AGAIN again! We are an empowered ery, and if maybe the reason he bashed in your magazine.
I'd like to address the community who have arrested or she sounds so clear and , right . You're silent.
issues of addictophobia, igno- our addictions, overcome self- on is, in fact, the voice of em- You have the ability to
rance and intolerance of 12- destruction and are moving on powerment received from the inform thousands of addicts
step programs, and the baiting to other issues in our lives. We strength of 12-step programs. and alcoholics about the dis-
and ,bashing of people in these are on the front lines challeng- Furthermore, I suggest ease of addiction and how to
programs that has been found ing those who would oppress that OutWeektake responsibili- better protect themselves and
in 'OutWeek over the past us, arm-in-arm with the rest of ty for representing the entire their lovers during the AIDS
months and, specifically, in the queer nation. More often queer nation and cease allow- crisis. You're silent.
Noelle Hanrahan's article and than not a 12-stepper helped ing vicious attacks upon our Out Week, must we re-
response to Adele B.'s letter. organize, run or pull off that community by addictophobic, mind you: Silence = Death?
. R rst off, addiction is a dis- last action you attended. We ignorant blame-seekers such Addicts' Rights Caucus,
ease, not a choice, and left are certainly not Shivering in as Ms. Hanrahan. It is estimat- ACTUP/NY
untreated will destroy one's life. our closets, accepting our own ed that 30 percent of queers
One of the most effective means deaths and threats to our com- are addicts or alcoholics, and
many more suffer from other All letters to the edi-
of treatment is abstinence within munities or world.
manifestations of the same dis- tor must Include a
a 12-step program, a decision Her narrow-minded bigotry
name, address and
which needs to be made by the is repulsive, and your attack ease (that's 100 percent more
daytime phone, al-
individual affected by this dis- upon our community is shame- than in the het wOrld). Instead
though names may
ease. Recovery from addiction is ful. We deal with an incredible of offering only one-sided, nar- be withheld at the
a long and difficult process and amount of addictophobia every" row-minded opinions, why not author's request. Out-
happens in its own time. AA/NA day-and with people like you, offer some facts and some Week reserves the
has saved hundreds of thou- who choose to condemn entire choices? Or does Out Week right to edit letters
sands of queers from a life of communities, instead of making really support this form of big- for clarity and space
despair and/or death and has the slightest attempt to under- otry? Many people can drink considerations.

April 3, 1_1 au I WEEK 11

~,our ears aiD

OD ator -

bV Avril McDonald Law gives the commissioner the power Law, prohibits mandatory testing for HIV.
. NEW YORK-The thorny subjects to make such designations and that he "We saw a direct conflict between the
of mandatory HIV-testing and name- was correct in his decision not to list it. AIDS Confidentiality Statute and adding
reporting were debated in the New York The doctors' groups, which include HIV to the list,"she told OutW~k
Cqurt of Appeals last week, when the the New York State Society of Surgeons, But the doctors' groups allege that
cciurt heard oral arguments in a case the New York State Society of the statute dealing with communicable
inyolving New York State Commissioner Orthopaedic Surgeons, the New York diseases and STDs and those dealing with

o~Health David Axelrod. State SOCiety of Obstetricians and confidentiality are not mutually exclusive.
He is being sued by four state doc- Gynecologists and the Medical Society of A trial court judge ruled against the
tors' groups who claim that he failed to the State of New York all claim that the four doctors' groups in November 1988.
fulml a legal obligation to designate HIV commissioner had no discretion under They appealed to the Appellate Division
as,a "communicable" and "sexually trans- the statute and that even if he had, he of the State Supreme Court, which also
missible" disease under the Public Health abused it by not adding HIV to the list of ruled against them on May 9, 1m. "
Law. Such a listing would allow for communicable diseases and SIns. "The actions taken by the commiS-
mandatory testing, reporting of names According to Evelyn Tenenbaum, the sioner and the department of health in
. and contact-tracing of the partners of lawyer from the attorney general's office response to the AIDS crisis are in accor-
seropositive individuals.' working on the case, which is called dance with the policies set forth by the
In its defense, the state health Public Health Law, Article 7:7(0, but is bet- Legislature and the recommendations of
• department argued that the Public Health ter known as the AIDS Confidentiality leading public health experts in the
, ,nation and are not in any way arbitrary,
capricious, illegal or irresponsible," the
Appellate Division's decision read
The state's highest court, the Court
of Appeals, which is currently reviewing
the case, accepted, last month, a "friend
of the court" brief from 23 groups and
individuals with expertise in public
health, urging the court to reject the doc-
tors' appeal.
• "Although these mandatory mea-
sures might have a superficial appeal in a

medical crisis like AIDS, careful analysis
reveals that implementation of such mea-
~' sures will actually foster the spread of, ~
, •
• rather than contain, the disease," the brief ~
- •
declared. "For example, by eliminating ..,
,\ • the requirement of informed consent and

t , " . abolishing the option of anonymous test- .-


ing, fewer people will participate in HIV- u;

,l,j ;
::> "


WASHINGTON-After a weekend of testimony at a recent "Hopefully, the CDC will not change their guidelines sig-
conference at the Centers for Disease Control, or CDC, AIDS nificantly," said Belinda Rochelle, health lobbyist for the
lobbyists are looking forward to quick action from the agency "
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. "Hopefully, they'll favor
on new disease-prevention guidelines for HIV-infected he;ilth- infection-control based on the improvement of equipment and
care workers to help repel expected congressional proposals . .
on protective equipment like gloves and needles. because remov-
the controversial issue. .: . ing the worker from the workplace does not protect the
Sparked by last year's revelation that a Florida'dentist patient from AIDS:'
may have transmitted .his HIV infection to three of his Once the proposed regUlation changes are announced,
patients, the Atlanta-based agency from Feb. 22 through Feb. federal law mandates that they be published in the.FederaJ
24 heard arguments from health-care, patient-advocacy and Register for 60 days, during which period the public may sub-
public-policy groups on the contested issue of HIV-infected mit comments to the agency before the guidelines are made
health-care workers. final. Sources suggest that the CDC may announce its new
There, in full force, Were representatives from a broad guidelines as soon as this week.
coalition of AIDS, gay and lesbian and civil liberties groups, who But Capitol Hill lobbyists are concemed that some legisla-
argued that the standing CDC guidelines calling for "universal tors will-try to capitalize on the attention around the issue to
precautions" are sufficient protection from what they character- impose their own restriction on any number of money- or
ized as a "minimal" risk of HIV transmission from infected health-related bills while the CDC is finalizing its guidelines.
health-care workers to patients. "Regardless of what the CDC does," said Feldblum,
But despite nearly unanimous pleas from a broad array of "I'm sure that [Rep. William] Dannemeyer of California and
interested groups at the meeting, some in the health-care and [Sen. Jesse] Helms of North Carolina will think they can do
patient-advocacy arenas feel that something more needs to be it one better:' ,
done to protect patients. Both Helms and Dannemeyer in each Congress have
Among those groups are the American -Medical introduced a series of proposed amendments calling for the
Association and the American Dental Association, which have mandatory HIV-testing of a wide array of populations. And
called on HIV-infected physicians, dentists and health-care while each of their amendments have failed, Dannemeyer's
Workers to voluntarily inform their patients of their HIV status newfound position as ranking Republican member of the piv-
and refrain from performing "invasive procedures" on them. otal Health and Environment Subcommittee, however, is
Gauging from the bulk of the testimony given at February's expected to give the califomia conservative added clout to get
Atlanta conference, the CDC's new guidelines are expected to be his expected amendments.
largely in keeping with the current "universal precautions." -Cliff O'Neill

testing programs, thereby dramatically are considered to be at the highest risk should not have to take them all the
1. •

undermining the benefits of l-llV testing.· for HIV infection from a patient . time,· McKee contended. "As soon as
Signers onto the amicus brief "There is no doubt that there is a you make something routine, it
included the American Nurses vested interest,· said McKee. "These spe- becomes routine.·
Asso,ciation; the American Red Cross; cialities are most highly susceptible." If a patient's serostatus was known,
AIDS Action Council; the American Civil rights attorneys from the universal precautions would not be nec-
FOllndation for AIDS Research; Dr. Allan Lambda Legal Defense Fund also argued essary, McKee added. Although he
Rosenfield, dean of the School of Public that the universal precaution that all admitted that current HIV-testing pro-
Health of Columbia University; Larry O. hospitals are required to follow obviate duces false positives and negatives.
Go~;tin, the executive director of the the need for mandatory testing. ·You a __ TEaTING .. n pag_ 43
American Society of Law and Medicine;
and Mathilde Krirn, the president of the
board of the American Foundation for
AIDS Research.
However, Francis McKee, the exec-
utive director of three of the medical,
societies bringing the case, insisted.th3;t.
"the overwhelming majority of the pro-
fession is in support of our proposals.·
The Medical Society of the State of
New York, which represents doctors in
specialities, is considered to represent
the spectrum of the profession. The
other three groups, which McKee repre-
sents, involve those specialities which

• •
Ian an I

onsors I

In .,on!!ress

inequity no longer." ~'"

With nine senators and 79 House ;:
',•....~ ..".' ..,.,.'''.~
..,.,., ;..', .....ffl
'.'••:~:~",:,:"o;:;::-.:::", , members originally sponsoring or co- i
sponsoring this year's bill, the twin mea- !:.
~tj'I:!li!I::illl!lilliili!I.IIII!lil!I!II~:lli:I':;i:!:;\; sures now boast the highest number of ]
,. '.'Mw '.........'."" .. co-sponsors upon introduction in the ,~
", ..
" ~.,
. '.' . ...•. . . , '.
,.... .' '~..
' , , , ;.
::;:;:;':~:";;:;';';:;";';';';:;;;;';';';;;;';';:';K,;.." .';;;';';';,;;';';';;;""";';':", bill's 16-year history. At the end of the ~
, ,••'.w,.'••,"' "".'••.•. ,•.'.••••
" '.' ,.,•.',"".'''&.' '.'@
~t i"} t", ';;~'~;;;~;;:;;;~;;~I"
;'~;;';:;;;~t~;:;;; ";;..;..;i\, ., last Congress, the bill had 12 Senate and ~
....... ' ,·w·· ' , ,
~. ~~.-:
, ,.'m"~~;;: tt
..:- ;;'';';;;;;;;;';;;;;;;";;';;;;";;;"," ' ;,;,' .:,,""'". ';';;",
',;;;";';' ;";;;\,;;,;;,:;;;;;;,;,;;; ~
•••,n ••n.n

79 House sponsors and co-sponsors. -

........... ',Vo ~'''~''''.'
.. • •••••••• ."""",
•••••. ,', ••••• And on March 14, Democratic Reps. ~
",.""", """'''''' ":""""""',.:.""".,., "",.,.""".,."',',.,'"q""", '.",,'.."".", <u
::".'.""""' .,~' ;""""'.""""""""""""""""""""""""""' """.,.,."". . "'.. ":.""'' " ,
,." ..,•. ,< ,~» Leon Panetta of California and freshman 55
.............. ·f.··w························.·, .•..o;..u............... . .
~n~~;,. .,. :·.;i\i"'f;\;~t?~;';;?';}~;';;~';';'.":;;~t;;~;'t,.
'tw : "§1@;;;~'i~;?~'~;?~?ii':?i}};""
';;'i"';.;""'" Rep. Rob Andrews of New Jersey SIgned
• c::
onto the bill, .bringing the number of !

names on the House bill to a record of 81. ~

"I think we're definitely off to . a ~
, , , , "..,.., , ,., "";;;@
great start, n commented Peri Jude .g
, ..;. ;. "::':::::~
Radecic, the National Gay and L¢sbi~n g,
~··.:.;'iii:i;i·!~@ Task Force's lobbyist. c§:
. ..
The 1991 co-sponsor numbers' so far i..
show no change in the overall 14-t0-1
ratio of Democratic-to-Republican back- -13
, ers of the bilL And while the co-sponsor-
by Cliff O'Neill bill has been introduced in Congress ship numbers are still far short to those
WASHINGTON-Ranking members every year since 1975. needed to yield any immediate move-
of the House and Senate have formally "Gays and lesbians in many commu- ment toward the floors of the House and
reintroduced the lesbian and gay civil nities face discrimination, hostility and Senate, lobbyists this year are taking
rights bill in Congress, announcing a prejudice," said Cranston in introducing active steps toward effecting formal
record number of co-sponsors for the the bilL "My legislation is needed to bring House and Senate hearings on the bill by
proposal and renewed hope for action an end to that discrimination and to pro- the end of the 102nd Congress in the fall
on it during the next two years. vide a clear remedy to redress violations of 1992.
. Sponsored in the Senate by of individual rights.n Bolstered by 1990 victories on the
Democratic Sen. Alan Cranston of Weiss added: "By historically deny- Hate Crimes Statistics Act, which for the
California and by Democratic Rep. Ted ing civil rights protections to gay men first time included a provision on "sexual

Weiss of New York in the House, the and lesbians, our government shamefully orientation" in federal law; the Americans
measure would extend to American les- has neglected that responsibility to an With Disabilities Act, which, among other
bians and gay men the protections of the estimated 25 million Americans. To this things, banned AIDS-related discrimina-
- Civil Rights Act of 1964, maki~g discrimi- day, there exist no federal laws and no tion nationwide; the removal of the
nation on the basis of sexual orientation legal recourse to protect this minority United States' ban on AIDS and gay
in the areas of employment, pubLic when they encounter discrimination immigration; and several other AIDS-
accommodations, housing and federally based on their private lifestyle or their related bills, gay and lesbian lobbyists' are
assiSted programs a federal offense. The public comportment. We can tolerate this now suggesting that action on the gay "


WASHINGTON-The following is a list of all 90 co-spon- illinois: Cardiss Collins (D), lane Evans (D), Charles •
sors of the lesbian and gay rights bill, as of March 14. Hayes (D), Sidney Yates (D).
Maine: Tom Andrews (D). ,
Maryland: Ben Cardin (D), Steny Hoyer (0), Kweisi
SENATE: '... Mfume (D), Connie Morella (R).
Alan Cranston (D-Calif.), Daniel Inouye (D-H~waii), Massachusetts: Chet Atkins (D), Barney Frank (D),
Daniel Akaka (D-Hawaii), Paul Simon (0-111.),Edward Kennedy Joseph Kennedy (D), Edward Markey (D), Gerry Studds (D).
(D-Mass.), John Kerry (D-Mass.), Daniel Moynihan (D-NY), Michigan: John Conyers (D), Barbara-Rose Collins (D).
John Chafee (R-RI), Claiborne Pell (D-RI). Minnesota: Martin Olav Sabo (D), Gerry Sikorski (D).
Missouri: William Clay (D), Alan Wheat (D).
HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: New Jersey: Robert Torricelli (D), Donald Payne (D), Rob
Arizona: Morris Udall (D). Andrews (D).
California: Anthony Bejlienson (D), Howard Berman (D), New York: Gary Ackerman (D), Elliot Engel (D), Bill Green
Barbara Boxer (D), George Brown (D), Tom Campbell (R), (R), Nita Lowey (D), Robert Mrazek (D), Major Owens (D),
Ron Dellums(D), Julian Dixon (D), Mervyn Dymally (D), Don Charles Rangle (D), Jose Serrano (D), James Scheuer (D),
Edwards (D), Vic Fazio (D), Mel levine (D), Matthew Martinez Charles Schumer (D), louise Slaughter (D), Stephen Solarz
(D), Robert Matsui (D), George Miller (D), Nancy Peolosi (D), (D), Edolphus Towns (D), Ted Weiss (D).
Edward Roybal (D), Fortney Stark (D), Maxine Waters (D), Ohio: louis Stokes (D), Edward Feighan (D).
Henry Waxman (D), leon Panetta (D). Oregon: les AuCoin (D), Peter DeFazio (D).
. Colorado: Patricia Schroeder (D). Pennsylvania: Bill Coyne (D), Thomas Foglietta (D),
Connecticut: Rosa Delauro (D), Sam Gejdenson (D), Peter Kostmayer (D). '
Barbara Kennelly (D), Christopher Shays (R). Tennessee: Harold Ford (D).
District of Columbia: Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-non- Texas: Craig Washington ,(D).
voting delegate). Washington: Jim McDermott (b), John Miller (R), Jolene
Florida: William lehman (D). Unsoeld (D).
Georgia: John lewis (D). Wisconsin: Jim Moody (D).
Hawaii: Neil Abercrombie (D), Patsy Mink (D). -Cliff O'Neill

rights bill is in the foreseeable future. campaign with its National LQbby Days, an'unpre,cedented $1 million total.
"Each generation of Americans has held each June, to push the bill toward The first target for actual legislative
been given the task of expanding the the co-sponsor mark of 100. action on the bill will be the staging of
Constitution's protections to a new group And the Human Rights Campaign congressional hearings on the measure,
of Americans," said Gregory King, Fund has plans for a massive long-term potentially in 1992. Hearings on the bill
spokesperson for the Human Rights project to realize the bill's passage by the were last held in Washington in January
Campaign Fund. "Our generation has the year 2000, which includes upping its 1982, when a handful of AIDS cases
noble task of including sexual minorities political contributions to congressional were only beginning to emerge in sev-
under the edicts of the Constitution's candidate1i in the 1992 election cycle to eral American cities. T
protections. "
. To effect that end, gay lobbyists will
initially focus on expanding the list of
co-sponsors and documenting incidents
of anti-gay discrimination for use at con-
gressional hearings,
Also, activists are currently in the ini-
tial stages of discussing the possibility of ..
a third March on Washington for Lesbian
and Gay Rights in either 1992 or 1993.
For its part, in addition to its regular
lobbying efforts, NGLTF will continue its
grass-roots work to urge additional mem-
bers of Congress to co-sponsor the pro-
posal, combining its constituent postcard
• " .

FOURMORE lobbyists from coast to coast are
delighted at the current prospects for
tee hearings in California and Maine indi-
cate substantial support among state law-
STATESlAUNCH passage of significant legislation barring makers. A broad-based anti-discrimina-
discrimination against lesbians and gay tion bill will be introduced this month in
GAYRIGHfSB men. In Connecticut, a law may be Illinois. The only defeat so far, in New
SAN FRANCISCO-Activists and signed by the end of April while commit- Mexico last week, was the first try ever


MADISON AVENUE, MIDTOWN MANHATIAN The reign of the Forbidden Empress IV of New York
(above right) ended last week when Her Imperial Highness Empr~ssCamille Beauchamps crowned her

most Imperial Majesty Razor Sharp the new Golden Einpress Vef New York .
Duchess Electra (above left) and Queen of the Queer Nation, Rollerena, were among the many roy-
alty spotted at the Imperial Court's Fifth Annual Forbidden Ball held this year at the Roosevelt Hotel .
• .And one of the few ladies clad in ciwies, Manhattan Borough President Ruth Messinger, presented
Empress Camille, with a plaque proclaiming March 16 "Night of a Thousand Gowns Day." Proceeds will
go to the Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center.

..6 OUTWEEK April 3, 1991

for a gay rights bill in that state, and . •

activists there say they expect better luck TSOA Student

, , Affairs .. ,
next year.
The AIDS .Benefit Committee
caIifornia , •
California's Assembly Labor and
Employment Committee approved newly
introduced legislation, AB 101, by a 6.10-
A Benefit for AIDS
2 vote on March 13. Laurie McBride, MEDEA
executive director of the Lobby for in concert
Individual Freedom and Equality, or the
LIFE Lobby, reported that there is solid
support from several Republicans and
substantial support from Democrats. The and
bill is endorsed by a wide coalition,
which includes the California Teachers,
the state Council of Churches, Jesse
Jackson and even Coors Beer:
:2 campy One Act Musicals
Newly elected California Gov. Pete
Wilson has not taken a position on the To Health
All Proceeds Donated to
bill, though McBride said that they were through Chiropractic ACT-UP and AmFAR "
"optimistic" about gaining his support. Arm!llC*1 Foundation
'0(AIDS Rnearch
"He clearly has been on record in the Dr. Steven Margolin,
past as being opposed to any discrimina- Chiropractor March
tion," she said. .114 East 28th Street, 288pm
Suite 100 29-30 7:30 & 10pm '
. The opposition is led by Traditional , ,
Values Coalition head, Lou Sheldon. Its New York, New 721 8'dway (at Waverly)
most effective tactic has been to mount a York Mainstage I
,letter-writing campaign. "They certainly 10016
(212) 725-8626 For reservations call 212-924-0413
bring a pressure," she said, noting that Suggested Donation $5 "
more negative letters than positive have
been received in the Statehouse.
Similar legislation passed the lower
house's Judiciary Committee last week, ,
~ ,.,.
where the state Assembly is expected to ,
vote on the issue by April 10. It· could
move quickly through the state,:Senate
and on to Gov. Lowell Weicker's desk
for signature by the end of April.
Weicker and Joseph Grabarz, an
openly gay state Assembly member, are

credited for supplying new optimism in

the.~tate for the passage of a gay anti-<iis-.
crimitiation raw. ,
"We now have a governor who is
very, very, supportive," said Betty Gallo,
. spokesperson for the Connecticut
Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Civil
Rights. Support also comes from a wide
coalition including ten major religious
denominations, the state's National
Organization for Women and substantial
labor support, including the state teach-" DEMETRIOS SENGOS, DDS ,
Meanwhile, Michael Chitwood, the Preventative & Cosmetic Dentistry
Chief of Police in Portland, Maine, sup- 475 FIFTH AVENUE (212)779-2414 J
ported an amendment to that state's By Appointment ,"
Human Rights Act at legislative hearings
last week. Many religious organizations Amex- Visa-Master-Card-Insurance:

in Maine are also endorsing the amend-
ment, with primary opposition coming

from the right-wing Christian Civic •• ••
•,-. League of Maine. /

• •

r'", '. . Glenn Adams, a Maine Statehouse

•· •,
• •
observer said, "Chief Chitwood told the • •
• ,<,
committee, there has been an increase in • •
• •
~- ...


''OJ' -~
hate crimes in Portland, and he believes
many victims of anti-gay violence are •I •
afraid to come forward because they •
, , might lOse th~ir jobs." It is for that reason
", , <;--

he supports the legislation. • •
i" 'i:
The bill has been re-introduced in
•,•• y "
: ~ANADA:Did American queers support George's war on Iraq? While :
·,.·•,..',. ~

Augusta, the state capital, regularly since

• we await the results of a poll by the Chicago gay and lesbian survey firm, •
,.•. -~
1977. The two state legislative bodies
• Overlooked Opinions, we can look north to Toronto for a preview. In mid- •
," ,. .

I' .-
have passed the bill in different years,
• February, Xtra! magazine's biweekly computerized telephone poll found that 37 •
•'"• • •
and proponents hope 1991 will be the
, I percent of 341 gay and lesbian callers said that Canadian forces should partici- •
.' year it makes it through both houses at
,,- • pate fully in the war, including combat duties; 30 percent said that Canadian •
y ',-

the same time. Adams said that Maine

, "

I forces should partiCipate in the war, but not as combat troops; 34 percent said •
Gov. John R McKernan had not yet
' ...- .; • that Canadian forces should not partiCipate in the war; and 20 percent didn't like •
,• --"


taken a position on the legislation,
And a broad-based anti-discrimi02'
• these preselected answers. •
~ ~

• •• tion bill has strong support in the Illinois

-- : UK: Seven thousand British gays and lesbians marched from the :
~ w'

• •
--- .'• -.
state Legislature. Lana Hostetler, lobbyist
• Embankment to Hyde Park (via Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus and the Houses I
for the Illinois Lesbian and Gay Task
-- • • of Parliament) on Feb. 16 in protest of Clause 25, Paragraph 16 and Operation I
• Force said, 'There is a sense that we can
• •
• •
• Scanner-three new threats to gay rights. The group chanted, "They say, 'Don't •
• really do this~"She added that the bill will
• fuck!' We say, 'Fuck you!" and other, less-catchy slogans. Clause 25 is proposed •
have as many as 15 co-sponsors and that
• legislation that will sharply increase penalties for several public-cruising-related •
• •. legislators are "quarreling over who will
• sex offenses. Paragraph 16 would ban gays and lesbians from being foster par- •
", "".'"

. be chief sponsor. It is a sign, of the

·,··'"...'".- '" • ents. Operation Scanner netted 15 men who video-taped themselves and their •

power of lesbian and gay community,
•- •.
• partners having S/M sex. Some of the men were sent to prison for up to four-and- •
The enthusiasm is wonderfuL"
•••••• • one-h.alf years after a declared all S/M sex unlawful-and you thought that •.
••• The Illinois bill adds sexual orienta-
I America had problems wtth sex. •'
tion and linguistic background to the
current Illinois Human Rights Act. It also
: GERMANY: East and West German boys more than 16 years of age ' :
changes the word "handicapped" to "dis-
• will soon be free to celebrate reunification from a male pOint of view. following '. ,,'.
ability" to be congruent with the Federal
• months of gay protest, Parliament announced that it will delete Paragraph 175 . I
Americans for Disabilities Acts,
• of the West German penal code from the lawbooks of the new Germany. The .•
New Mexico
• statute sets a higher age-of-consent for gay male sex than for lesbian or hetem- "~I
The only defeat so far this year
• sexual sex. The paragraph took on increased significance after reunification •
came earlier this month in New Mexico.
• - But Neil Isbin, a spokesperson for the
• because the East German corollary had been repealed in 1968. Activists had •
• feared the West's law would prevail in the new Germany and turn former East •
New Mexico Lesbian and Gay Alliance,

I German boys between ages 16 and 18, as well as adults who have sex with •
said that he was not surprised by the
I them, into criminals again. •
loss. 'This was our first year, but we are
going to keep trying," he promised. The
: LIBERIA: It's not only in America that war gets in the way of gay lib. •
bill was passed by two subcommittees
• Club Lambda, the only gay group in the West African nation of Liberia, has dis- •
before it was defeated by a 24-to-15 vote • ' banded for the duration of the country's ongoing bloody civil war. Prior to the time :
in the New Mexico Senate,
• that rebel forces reached Monrovia, the capital, the grou~'s mem.bership had grown •
The law would have amended the
I to 75 and plans were afoot to start a seco~d c~apter.1n a regional capital. Now, •
current New Mexico Human Rights Act
• most of the 75 members have taken refuge In neighbOring Freetown, Sierra Leone, •
by adding the word sexual orientation to
• or Abidjan, Ivory Coast. A few of the group members who have money want to
other protected classes. Support came
• emigrate to the United States, but they must await a determination by the State ':
from several religious organizations, the
• Department on who is and isn't a "Liberian refugee." Club Lambda was launched in •
Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce,
• 1988 by US Peace Corps volunteer Tom Myers, who says that he "saw the spark" I.
both daily newspapers in the city and • of gay liberation "and blew on the spark really hard to start the fire." •
many Native American organizations.
Opposition, which Isbin said was very • I
well organized, came from fundamental-
ist groups and the local Episcopal Bishop. :L NEWS FROM AROUND THE WORLD ~:
1a OUTWI!I!K April 3,1_1

". Only two states, Wisconsin and •

Massachusetts, cur~ently have laws pro- ~

tecting gays against discrimination in ~L,

force. Wisconsin passed an amendment
<, •
in 1982, and the Massachusetts bill was
THIS! ~¥
signed- into law by former Gov.
Michael Dukakis.
~ \
W •. , .... 01\.
I ...:;::."", 0
-.." ~

-Al/en White ~ 100'Y0canoN WHITE T-SHIRTS - $12.95 50150WHITE SWEATSHIRTS· $16.95 SIZES - S,M,L,XL !6
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BOSTON-In the first major gay
.' ..
of his administration,
Massachusetts Gov. William Weld last
week brought openly gay Republican INVITED TO
Mike 'Duffy into his administration as a WITNESS
commissioner of the state's anti-<iiscrimi- SOME. ...
nation :igency.

.I .. ··" .'
' •


'/~/ --::

/ ./

f,.. '

", I
I •

I,,I\. ~

puffy's appointment to the three- .
member commission has thrilled /
activists, as cases filed under the .. LIMITED RUN •
• short gay plays by
stat~wide gay-rights law, as well as AIDS- APR(l3 - MAY 26 ...." .

related discrimination claims, will fall .

'. ;1Z·\,·
under his jurisdication. DANIEL CURZON
. In addition to awarding him the
commissionership, Weld also named \~loI._.

I. .'".,1/ CARL MORSE

Duffy chair of .the agency, which is WED THU FR( 8pm -I ../:~~~ Bil WRIGHT
known as the Massachusetts Commission SAT 7 & 10pm I :'';~:~:
Against Discrimination. MeAD handles SUN 3 & 7pm \. ~~, ... directed by
cases filed under all the state's anti-dis- ~:'10.','
• -..:h.:.l'

crimination statutes, which include race,

gender, religion, disability and sexual or[-' SET DESIGN
entation, among others. CALL HIT - TIX JAM(E lEO
(212). 564 - 8038
''This is a real victory,· cooed Duffy, • COSTUME DESIGN
27, who rose to prominence in the les- GREGORY MELENDREZ
bian and gay community just last year, ( Just Off 7th Ave. South PRESENTED BY LIGHTING DESIGN
when he attempted to unseat an incum- Between Perry St. & West 11th) P.lA PRODUCTIONS GLENN J, POWEll
bent Democratic state representative.

April =-, i_i OU I LW'BBK 19



ROUND THE MUL- human."
BERRY BUSH: Not five So goes the signature
months after conducting a line on a series of slick public-
much-publicized talent service TV ads being devel-
search, the board of direc- oped by the Anti-Violence
tors of the Gay and Lesbian Campaign, the brainchild of
Alliance Against Defamation, gay activists/publicists Alan
or GLAAD, "has announced Klein and OutWeeKs own Jay
the resignation of Steven Blotcher.
Beck as executive director." And with names like
Never one to mince Susan Sarandon, Rob Epstein,
by ANDREW MILLER words, Beck said: "We all Ricki Lake, Holly Robinson,
expected a strong and pro- Gus Van Sant, Scott
ductive match between my skills and vision for GLAAD and the Thompson, Harvey Fierstein, JOHN WATERS
board's expectations and vision for GLAAD. This did not occur." Lara Flynn Boyle, John Waters and the ubiquitous Deee-Lite
Well, that's clear, anyway. on their letterhead, it looks like the spots may be well on their
Maybe the board needs to fix way to being produced and, hopefully, aired.
that persistent vision-problem "People who beat up gay men and lesbians are cow-
• before embarking on its next ards who are uptight about their own sexuality:' commented
brilliant move. In the meantime, John Waters. "The Anti-Violence Campaign will let them
sous director Karin Schwartz know that society will not tolerate their stupid, illegal and
assumed the helm. Again. hate-filled violence." .t:1


Kudos to Bay Windows' Mark are the largest carriers of the AIDS virus, and you people are ~

A. Perigard, who probed gay sick and perverted:' commented a caller to the Seattle-based
; bodybuilder Bob Paris' prissy Asian Pacific Lesbians and Gays, or APLG, one of three to leave
•. / press presence in the Feb. 7 threatening messages on the group's answering machine in the
issue of the Boston-based gay STEVEN BECK past year, according to the Seattle Gay News, or SGN.
weekly. Speaking anonymously, an APLG member told,SGN that
Seems that Warner Books, the publisher of Paris' new members of the Aryan Nation, a neo-Nazi group, were the'
workout guide, Beyond Built, is anxious for gay men to pur- source of the harassment.
chase the tome, although its author won't talk to lesbian and Meanwhile, members of APLG have ceased using their
gay journalists. name in the press, no longer leave a pre-recorded events .caI-·
"Bob has a problem with the gay press," Warner Books' endar on their answering machine and have beefed up secu-,:'
Kelly Leonard tOld.Bay Windows. rity at meetings. ' ,.
Contacted by OutWeek, Kelly denied saying that but con-
firmed that Paris is remaining mum, and was unable to fill in WALKING AFTER MIDNIGHT: Get ready to take oW.
the blanks. Paris' Jan. 3 appearance on Donahue with his lover your dancing shoes, put on your hiking boots and schlep
Rod Jackson, whom he married last year, helped to flesh out around the Upper West Side with a zillion queers and their
his position. friends. Yes, it's that time of the year to plan for Gay Men's
"Why should you have to have an article that appears Health Crisis' annual AIDS Walk New York, slated for Sunday
about the love of your life... and it appears next to a sex ad for May 19. To sign up, call (212) 807 -WALK. And look for
a sex tOY?" he reportedly whined to Phil Donahue, presumably OutWeeKs contingent of sassy strollers there,
about the cover stories that appeared last year in OutWeekand
the Advocate shortly after he married Jackson. "We had a lot TO EVERYTHING, TURN, TURN, TURN,
oftrouble getting respect for our relationship as a couple." THERE IS A SEASON, TURN, TURN, TURN: •
Not hard to see why. I'm sticking to Jane Fonda. Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, General Motors and Philip Morris are
among the "top sponsors of pro-homosexual programs,"
STAMFORD, WEAR FLOWERS IN YOUR HAIR: according to a recent study by the Amer'ican Family
• The Stamford Board of Representatives approved a gay arid Association based in that hotbed of activism, Tupelo, Miss.

lesbian rights ordinance protecting city employees from job These companies, which have in the past also been .
discrimination earlier this month. The vote was 29 to 7, with under fire from gay and lesbian advocates, bou~ht airtime
one abstention, according to The New York Times. The during episodes of LA Law, Cop Rock, Doctor Doctor and
Connecti~ut city joins the enlightened municipalities of New The Simpsons (!), which the good folks down in Tupelo
Haven and Hartford in affording such protections. found objectionable because of their depictions of gay men

and lesbians .

. -
While that battle showed Duffy was priated $58,000, on March 14 at a gala claim Vice President Bartholomew .
clearly willing to publicly differ with the swearing-in ceremony held in the Casimir challenges. ,
mostly Democratic gay and lesbian polit- Massachusetts Statehouse. "If this infighting is put out on a
ical establishment, his new high-profile -Nina Reyes/New Yor-k national level, it's going to set back AIDS
position has been met with strong sup- a long way, n Merdian said. Casimir
port from lesbian and gay activiSts. believes that the problems stem fr9m
His sudden rise to prominence also RACISM personality conflicts, and not from race.
serves, he says, to give greater visibility
to gay Republicans, both in the eyes of
C '.. ,GES, In the statement, three former
regional board members, one alternative
straight Republicans and among gay men RESIGNATIONS
. . . board member and the treasurer, claim
and lesbians. "I think it's helped make that the executive director withheld
the idea much more acceptable, and it's
FLY AT NATIONAL financial statemen~ regarding programs
legitimized the idea of gay Republicans,· AIDS GROUP aimed at people of color from the trea-
he commented surer, Alexander Robinson, who is Black.
But even while political axes are WASHINGTON-Citing racism on "[Merdian] was able to stonewall
being buried, from the outset, it is clear the parts of the executive director and me ....As treasurer, I interpreted [fmancial
that Duffy's job will be a- hard one: other board members, five African- oversight] as my role,· Robinson said
MCADhas a backlog of more than 6,000 American members of the board of But Merdian asserts that he never
cases, a staff that is half what it was at directors of the National Association of blocked Robinson from accessing mate-
the agency's resource peak and is facing People with AIDS, or NAPWA,signed a rials. "It is not my responsibility to pho-

level funding in the next fISCalyear. And, "statement of collective resignation· on tocopy grant proposals for Alexander
even as he surveys the swamp of Feb. 18. when he lives two blocks from the,
cases-going back to at least 1984-he But NAPWA rejected their resigna- office,· he charged '
has declared that he will attempt to tion and requested individual resigna- 'There are more personality ronflicts
increase utilization of the state's anti-dis- tions instead-which have, in fact,
crimination protection for lesbians and come from four of the five. To compli-
gay men, which was enacted in 1989. cate matters further, the executive direc-
Some local activists, while pleased tor, Michael Merdian claims that three
that their electoral support for Weld has of those who signed the resignation did
resulted in the selection of openly gay not actually have positions to resign, a
individuals to fill sensitive positions, have
also expressed misgivings about the fact
that Duffy replaced the only woman on
the commission, leaving MCAD without
a woman on the executive board for the Your sponsorship of a block of the Lavender Line will help us pay
first time since the agency was created. for the paint and labor to make sure New York's Lesbian & Gay
'This is something that has resonated Pride March will once again follow the Lavender Line. Your block
with the [Weld] administration,· Duffy can be dedicated to. someone lost to the AIDS crisis, a public
replied with equanimity, "and they've proclamation of your love - whatever you want the world to know.
committed themselves to having the next In order to be sure these dedications appear in the Pride Guide,
(Mq.o] appointment be a woman .. we need your check and this form back by April 8, 1991.
, Upon acce(Xing his job, Duffy made
it ~Iear that the lack of bureaucratic and Please reserve block(s) @ $75.
political experience can be used to his
advantage, even while critics fault him Name ___
for his inexperience: In a maverick Address Apt. _
departure from the code of politicians,
Duffy announced that he would forego City State Zip _
20 percent of his salary to help offset the
Phone: Day () Eve ( ), _
level funding the agency is faCing. That
amount represents nearly half of the The dedication should read: _
amount Weld has proposed that MCAD
lose in the next fiscal year. _
"I haven't gotten any direct feea- Sponsored by: _
back,· Duffy acknowleged "But I realize
that times are tough, and everyone's got •
Make check payable and mall with this form to:
to do a little belt-tightening: Heritage of Pride, Inc. '
Duffy fonnally assumed the position 208 West 13th Street
of MCAD commissioner and chair, New York, NY 10011
salaried at 20 percent below the appro-. Attn: Lavender Line


by Carrie Wofford

IDS Clinical because trials have shewn that AZT members ef ACf UP's Wemen's and lati-
A Trial #076 is increased the risk ef vaginal turners in no. Caucuses frem Bosten, Los Angeles
ene ef those henify- female mice; because wemen will be and New Yerk, who. intenupted a plan-
ing gevernment- required to. bear any fmancial cests ef ning meeting en #076; members ef ACf
sponsored "scientific" hespitalizatien ef the baby after birth UP's Treatment and Data Committee; and
trials that demands (and the NIH has admitted that malfer- members ef the Community Constituency
action. Even the fed- matiens in fetuses ceuld eccur); and Group, er CCG. They are advocates fer
eral Food and Drug because wemen will be infermed neither HIV-affected cemmunities including
Administratien ef the risks to them and to. the fetus nor members ef ACT UP-who. were
reportedly called an ef the fact that many of their babies appointed as full members to. the ACfG
early versien ef the trial "unethical." What weuld be born HIV-negative anyway. committees in Nevember (after a year ef
divides AIDS activists is just what type ef There is virtual unanimity among ACf UP direct actien) and have asked
actien to.take, AIDS activists that #076 sheuld net begin ACf UP net to. protest at ACfG meetings.
At the eleventh NIH-spensered as it is currently designed and that The ether players are, ef ceurse, the gev-
AIDS Clinical Trials Greup, er AcTG, wemen must be infermed ef the risks ernment scientists who. defend the trial.
Meetit;lg, #076 (the gevernment numbers and facts. Similarly, mest AIDS activists I flew to. DC to. report en any new
its AIDS clinical trials) served to. highlight agree that AZT is probably not the best AIDS develepments but feund it necces-
ene rift currently affecting AIDS activists way to. prevent prenatal transmissien. sary to. speak eut against this unethical
everywhere, and ACf UP/NY in particu- They point to. recent European studies in trial. I began trying to. maintain S9me
lar: Sheuld AIDS activists jein the gevern- which the percentage ef HIV-pesitive ebjectivity, but the mere I heard, the
ment at the metapherical table ef babies dreps to enly 15 percent when angrier I became, and I ended up jeining
sien-makers? HIV-infected wemen are given better the protests.
In theory, #076 was designed to. test prenatal care. On Sunday, March 10, the first ef
AZT in 748 pregnant wemen. The "scien- AIDS activists do disagree, hewever, four days ef the ACfG meetings, roughly
..' ".

tific" hypothesis is that AZT will decre-dSe over whether to. implement their time- 25 members ef ACf UP interrupted :an
the chance ef the fetus beceming HIV- henered tactic ef direct actien against #076 team werking meeting by' reading
infected. In reality, the scientists invelved #076. The players in the cenflict include aleud a statement calling #076 "bad
ignered two. previeus trials (ACfG #019
and ACTG #082). in which AZT was
shewn to. have no. effect en transmissien
to. the fetus but to. negatively affect both
the fetus and pregnant wemen. In reality,
#076 seems designed to. maintain Bur-
re~ghs Wellceme's cerner en the AIDS
drug market.
Like the Tuskeegee syphilis trials, in

infected Mrican-American men

were purposefully net treated in erder to.
study exactly hew slewly they died and
exactly which parts ef their bodies the
disease ravaged, #076 is unnecessary

and unethical .
It is unnecessary, AIDS-activistcritics
charge, because previeus trials have
shewn AZT to. have no. effect en prenatal
transmission, and because fewer than 30
percent ef babies born to. HN-infected
wemen are HIV-positive themselves, POINT OF ORDER-Members of ACT UP/NY's People of Color Caucus reading their
It is unethical, they charge further, statement March 18..

22 OUTWEEK April 3. 1991

science and unethical." During the read- ed, as a Puerto Rican doctor' on the CCG is a relatively recent opportunity AIDS •

ing, Daniel Hoth, director of the AIDS asserted that •he was excluded from the activists have had to join directly in gov-
Division at the National Institutes for CCG people-of-color statement because ernmental debate.
Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who he disagreed with them. The past eight months have wit-

oversees the ACfG, told those reading to Meanwhile, the government scien- nessed an activist move from the street
stop, or he would adjourn the meeting. tists uneventfully conducted two further to the negotiating rooms and a supposed
When they continued reading, he did meetings. At a private meeting with the direct influence on the design and imple-
indeed end the meeting. Dr. Janet" principal investigator, CCG members are mentation of programs. One of those
Mitchell, a researcher at Harlem Hospital, reportedtp,Pave sided with the govern- programs is the representation of people
where #076 will begin, began screaming ment outbf.fuistration with the ACf UP with AIDS at the AIDS Clinical Trial
at the mostly white activists, "You are tactics. later,at the second #076 planning Group-through the creation of the
racist," and two Black members and one meeting-which demonstrators did not Community Constituency Group.
latino member of the CCG joined in. interrupt-most CCG members and ACf But many in ACf UP say that the
Mayhem ensued. Two latino men, UP members were absent. There, the CCG does not represent their concerns
one a member of the CCG and one from government scientists discussed the because it refused to let ACf UP speak
ACT UP, each accused the other of fastest way to enroll women in the trial. at a plenary during November's ACfG
racism; the same Latino CCG member Then the #076 disruption moved meetings, and' because its members have
and a Native American man in ACf UP center stage .in ACf UPs nationwide, not pursued #076 and other trials over
got into a shoving match, And numerous sparking debate between those who which activists have expressed concern.
people screamed at each other. Mean- believe in challenging government and Infighting in ACf UP over whether
while, the government scientists quietly those who believe in negotiating. During to sit at the table with government, as
slipped out of the room. the floor debate in New York last week, well as over just who sits at the table
The next day, a group of people of the people-of-color caucus read a state- and just whom they represent, has been
color on the CCG put out a statement ment leveling a further charge of sexism plaguing ACf UP/NY since the CCG
calling ACf UP "racist" and "paternal- against the ACf UP men who advocated was formed.
istic," because #076 affects women of sitting at the table with the government Meanwhile, government scientists
color, while ACf UP is "primarily repre- and who criticized the demonstration. continue their plans for #076. T
sentative of white gay men and women," ' But the '''new model of activism," which Carrie Wofford is OutWeek s nation-
and because women of color on the Treatment and Data members advocate, al CO"esporuient.
CCG were prevented by ACf UP from
"scientific discussion." White members of
the CCG and of ACf UP's Treatment and
Data Committee (all white men, except
for one Asian man and one white
woman) agreed, releasing their own JOE M. PUMPHREY
statement condemning the intenuption as
"racist" and "censorship."
Demonstrators countered by accus-
ing the ACf UP men of tIying to "ingrati- 226 Wesf 71d Streef, Nell/Vork, New York 10023
ate" themselves with the CCG power
bloc and then produced a letter from Life

Force (an activist and education group of Personal Tax Plannillg IIId Preparlfioll
HIV-infected women, mostly latina and
African-American) stating support of the Small BusillessAeeoullfillg IIId Taxes
action and denouncing the accusations of Speeializillg hi Small Cooperafive Apartmellf Corporafions
racism. Life Force claimed that #076 and
its ·scientists constituted the real source of
"patelTJaiism"and "racism."
..' Meanwhile, the government scien-'
tists put out a statement defending
#076 and quietly continued their plan-
R. Allen WOOd,D.C.
ning meetings. Chiropractic Care
In closed-door confrontations, For Peak Performancel
demonstrators called the ACf UP'men
who sit on the government panel sell- (415) 563-1888
outs, And a member of ACf UP/NY's

Treatment and Data Committee who also
sits on the CCG accused ACf UP women 3637 Sacramento St., Ste. F
of threatening to undermine a "new San Francisco, CA 94118
model of activism which is sweeping the
countIy." The CCG also appeared divid-

April 3, 1991 OU I .VEEK 23

• ,

Communa reams
by Anna-christina d'Adasky

time to create. We lose sight of what it is usual slashing of social programs like day
T ':::~bl:ked=~~ . we are trying to change, including our- care; here in New York, we're talking
gle rods tbe color of . selves. While we need direct action and about maybe a dozen teachers per public
rust, nicked and . i protest, we also need the opportunity to school. What will that do to the literacy
scored by tbe vari- .C consider our actions. rate in America? About AIDS, we know
ous sexual beats , .. i:::::: . I bring this up because it's 1991, and all there is to know-4hat it's been hell,
limbic vines twist .\. the question of liberation and social and it's only getting worse. Racism seems
and travel, buncb- :.//:::::::::::- change is very much on my mind, to be epidemic (instead of just endemic);
ing out in grapes, ',I though it seems so narrowly defined in housing and homelessness are almost
tbeir green anten- · . the gay and lesbian community as an impossible to discuss. And to top it all
nae vining my arms, and all tbat we "is5ue," rather than the way we live out off, we have the war, which is only over
know, wbich, twistedagainst wbo we are, our values and what kinds of barriers we if you have your head in the sand.
dimbs tbe trellisof tbe day. are actually "breaking down." Aside from It's not surprising that, given the
~retel Ehrlich, Our PrivateLives sexuality and gender, how personally lib- "new world order," one either feels
erated are we as American gay men and numb, frightened or very depressed.
Almost every evening, I wake up lesbians? In ourselves and with each Newsweek calls it the "Age of Anxiety,"
from a nap and look outside my window other? How fearful do we remain? How and, for most people, it probably will be.
on Avenue C to observe what is there: conformist? How do we participate in the On the other hand, I don't want it to be
Pigeons strutting on the opposite roof; power structure and capitalisrIi What are that way for me, and I think one way to
fights or deals going on in front of the we doing in our community to address challenge that is to look to ourselves as
,bodega below; the souped-up cars that racism and class bias? Who do you know the reservoir for change, to become the
rev their motors at the stoplight. It is my who lives what would be called a "politi- alternative, as it were, to try to get more
favorite time of day because things are cally radical lifestyle"? What does that of what we need from each other and
winding down a bit, and I am in that even mean nowadays? our community.
,state between dream and wakefulness We're in a period of history that, The war is a goOd examt>Iefor me,
I, when I feel happiest.· The light is turning, while repressive, offers its own opportu- because my reaction was to be so pissed
and I am allowing thoughts to slowly nities for change. We must closely exam- off that I didn't want to participate in ·it. I
surface easily without trying to give them ine this question of what a truly pr0gres- decided not to avoid the war (I did
fonn, just letting them flow to observe sive gay and lesbian community would protest, march, etc.), but consciously put
whatever comes. Call it the slowed-down look like. It would mean focusing togeth- , my energy into changing what I. might
state, semi-consciousness, drifting. I p,ut a er on collective needs as opposed to indi- within my own community. As the first
premium on it. vidual needs. It would mean questioning US bombs were dropping, I was at the
Lately, I've been talking about this the way most of us live now, in our sepa- regular Wednesday meeting of ACf UP
habit of napping to explain what's miss- rate apartments rather than more commu- Treatment and Data Committee at the
ing from New York life and especially, nally, eating out instead of cooking Lesbian and Gay Services Center on 13th
our .lives-gay and lesbian lives. Call it together, etc. It would mean an alterna- Street. I remember feeling relief that there
WlStructured time----as opposed to struc- tive to the consurperisrn and '-_,"
1111"-'1 -'";,41_
were other people like me who weren't •
tured time, which is the way we usually ism which penneates gay and lesbian life willing to see their energy completely
do things, cramming in meeting after as it does the rest of American culture. diverted to something over which we
meeting until it becomes hard to think Looking at the "big picture," which had so little control or say.
and even harder to analyze our actions. few of us need to be educated about, At the same time, I realized how lit-
• We rarely take the time just to lob ideas what we have before us is sobering and tle discussion takes place at most meet-
around, to talk about what we're feeling overwhelming. We have a u~~ .• ft ••
~. V~_
ings I attend. I mean the kind of ram-
without having to come up with answers tive president who's hugely popular. Our bling, open-exchange::'of-ideas that
or even a goaL As activists, we're so economy, based heavily on military pro- challenge me and make me listen. These
focused on "doing something" that we've duction, is in shambles. The cuts in city days, it's all direct action and infonnation
become experts at creating agendas and funding we are seeing are unbelievable: and announcements and more
slaves to completing them. We forget arts, education, public transportation, actions---to the point where every aspect
how to breathe, how to rest, how to take medical care. They go far beyond the of our activism is outwardly directed, and .'

24 OUTWEEK April 3, 1991


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, I tell people that in the '90s I'm (516) 248-6822 •

becoming a hippie, and that's orny in 'part ,

a joke. I look out my windQW and thibk
about all Qf us living in cities that are
falling apart. I feel so frustrate<;!that
can't pool our resources petter, make big
dinners instead of eating alohe, refuse the
Dr. Charles Franchino - · . .
capitalist whip that keeps us· ~m haklg
the time for naps or just day-drean1ing' as 30 Fifth Avenue
the mQst wQrthwhile. Qf all activities. "
imagine dykes taking Qver the streti::h'ofia New York, New York 10011

sideWaIk in frQnt Qf the Cuboy'Hole the
way we dO'on Gay P~de Day, but baving
, ... ...212.613.4331 •
·. ./
that be a regular event, a word.:of-mQuth ,
. gathering that nQbQdy can charge us
money to' attend. I'm tired Qf clubs like " office hours by appointment
Pyrnnud which becQme all gay but hike '.
their door CQveralmost
, each week. 1'hat's '

private enterprise, which takes us 'back to

the questiQn Qf individual-vs.~collective
needs, but if we dQn't like the system, we America's
.. .
have to change it. Let's take care r.·Qf Qur
Qwn.As fQr the Pyramid and. other joints, Gay/Lesbian
maybe we CQuld suggest mQgthly fees, Computer
like. the YMCA. . '. . , , '.. . '
It's a funny thing about the Y. I gO' Information .
.' ' .. , 0,
: e

there Qften to' nap, too, in betWeen the

meetings. Lately, I've had this growing ;

fantasy Qf the kind Qf Y fQr gay ineri apd

lespians .. NQt fQI1Qrganiz¢ activity like
M' . , I.

the 13th Street Center, but sQmething fQr

. " •
all Qf us whO' live in postage-~p apart-
and spend tQQ much
mQney . in
restaurantS. A big space where we'~c>uld
spend a whQle day reading all the. ~y
boQks and lesb,ian maga~ines
. ., . -

gets a chance to' read, Qr see the: yideOs

and ft1ms:A place where there ~QU!d be Call us with your
material we CQuld create with, 'an arts-
and-crafts CQrner where we CQ'uld:go .
~ "

withQut having to' sign up fQr a ClaSs.We

have so much creativity in QUI'communi- . ,71:8
.ty: Why nQt nurture it. in this way? Take
1,lp where the'99s and th~ w9men's . ,849-'1614 •
mQvement left Qff. A gay and lesb!an
. healing center, fQr meditatiQn and recQV-
. ,
, .
s__ CONNECTIONS e»rO p_g_ aa

April 3, 1991 OUTWEEK 25

by Allen Roskoff
11 ;

8t Patrick's would be happy to be on the waiting list On March 7, Manhattan Councilmen

Politicos: Where if such a list existed. When the Mayor Ronnie Eldridge and Bob Dryfoos and
They Stood asked his office for the Lesbian and Gay Councilwoman C. Virginia Fields all
On March 15, Community ~d his office for European announced that they would not march if
you couldn't miss I.' Affairs to try to resolve the dispute, ll.GO ll..GO didQ't. Queens Councilman Walter
. the news. "Color It ~" quickly caught on to the fact that the so- McCaffrey, an opponent of the Gay
II Lavender and called waiting list constituted a perma- Rights Bill, said that he intended to
Green," proclaimed nent limbo for groups not favored by· march with us or without us, while the
the front page of parade organizers: discrimination pure sleepy Carol Greitzer refused to take a
I~' .. '.'
New York Newsday. . and simple. . stand one way or the other. Surprisingly,
"Gays to March in Parade," announced Council Speaker Peter Vallone, an ardent
the New York Post in the comer of its front •
opponent of the city's gay ,rights bill, told
page. ,"Parade Furor Is Settled: Gay Group me, in front of Joe Nicholson, that he
Will March," announced the, paper of would not march if it was determined
record on p'clgeB1 (Metropolitan Section).
Koch's observation that the Hibernians were discriminating
For all the dissension in our commu-
- against gays. However, he said nothing
nity over the compromise that , allowed of discrimination to Newsday, which
the Irish Lesbian and Gay Organization, about the parade fuss? reporteq on March 14 that "Speaker Val-
or ILGO, to march in the St. Patrick's Day lone will lead a COuncil contingent here
parade, there is no' question that the , but hopes the fuss is settled fl1'St."
entire conflict was , turned into a tremen- "I'm glad I'm not the Joe Hynes, the Irish district attorney .
dous lesbiari and gay PRcoup. from Brooklyn, said that he'd boycott
Just, what happened behind the the parade, thus taking a bold stand on
.,' , - -. ... '
what looked like a no- mayor." We're glad behalf of lesbians and gays. On Tues-
)\rin" situation become a victory? Who day, March 12, while speaking at the ,
~ong our straight .-"friends" was willing
Lesbian and Gay Community Services
·f~ stand up for our community and be you're not the Center, City Comptroller EI~zabCth~oltz-
'Let's take a look man announced her intent to. boycptt if
..... ', •." .• 1 •

.~ .
First, some background: '
Last Octo- ILGO couldn't march. The riext' day,
'Der, ILGO applied to the organizers of mayor too, Ed. COuncil President Anillew Stem issued a
New· York's St. Patrick's Oa:y parade, the press statement saying that fie would
"'Ancient Order of Hibernians, The Hiber-' participate in the parade only if ILGO

riiansacknowledged ILGO's request but could and wrote a letter to the ,Parade
did not issue an invitation to march. As Committee urging them to rev;e~ their
·the parade date neared, ILGO pressed True .Colors decision. The mayor did not commit to
theit request, only to be told that they At first, the mayor came up with an not marching and pressed for further
·would not be allowed to march this year. artful compromise. He offered to extend negotiations. The big surprise was Man-
The story might have died there. But the length of the parade So that all the hattan Borough President Ruth
I, Jqe 1IIicholson, an openly gay reporter groups on the waiting list, could be Messinger, would not state her intention
from the New York Post, who received a . included. That's when the Hibernians and took no position publicly.
·tip from gay activist Andy Humm, learned balked and showed the true colors of Oil the state level, Senators Manfred ,
of the exclusion and penned a short bigotry. They refused the compromise Ohrenstein (Senate Minority Leader) and
., piece for that paper. The Hibernians told and said that the Irish lesbians and gays Franz Leichter both added their names to
Nicholson that ILGO had been placed on (as well as a group of wheelchair-bound the list of potential boycotters. The gov-
a waiting list necessitated by a supposed kids who were also excluded) could ernor's was an entirely different story.
city restriction on the length of the march only if they were invited to join a
parade, but gay activists didn't buy it. The group already in the parade--and then Where Wes NJario?
story wasn't long, but it was hot. "St. only if they did not carty their own iden- On March 12, Cuomo made this .
Paddy's.Day Gay Furor," screamed , the tifying banners. outrageous statemer:lt through a
Post cover on March 7. ILGO got their Irish up, refused to spokesperson: "I certainly plan to
That headline ignited a firestorm of march without their banner and called [march), and now it looks like I may be
publicity for which ILGO was unpre- upon the city's politicians to boycott marching with our friend Steve McDon.c
pared. Initially, the group said that they the parade. , ald, a great law-enforcement hero, and "

2& OUTWEEK April 3. 1991

the Irish-American disabled children."
Not a word about ILGO's exclusion! He
completely ignored us!
Outraged, I called VIrginia Apuzzo,
Cuomo's deputy executive director of the HE STILL LOVES YOU,
New York State Consumer Protection
Board and the highest-ranking openly THE WAY YOU ALWAYS THOUGHT. •
lesbian in h~ administration. I was sure
that she would have spoken to Cuomo
. .
about the parade controversy, and I
wanted to know what he'd said. Appar- <Join us in celebrating His love. •
ently, she hadn't spoken to him though,
because she asked this reporter why I
would call her on this matter and
referred me to Lance Ringel, the gover- Easter Vigil
nor's official liaison to the lesbian and
gay community.
Saturday 8PM
Atftrst, Ringel had no explanation March 30, 1991
for the governor's lack of comment on
the ILGO controversy. He did call me
back'on the night of March 13 to tell me
at the Lesbian and Gay Community Center
that Cuomo was announcing that every- 208 W.13th Street, NYC
one should be able to march, including
lesbians and gay men. But Cuomo con-
tinued to skirt the issue of whether he
would march if we were not included.
On the day of the march, in fact, the gov-
ernor did not acknowledge our presence,
To gain a broader political perspec-
tive on this issue, this reporter conductt"d
a poll of prospective candidates for the
uS Senate. The results were mixed. Both
New York State Attorney General Robert OUR SKIN DOC 15 BOARD-
Abrams and New York City Commission- .DERMATOLOGIST , ,

er of Consumer Affairs Mark Green stated BUT AS AN '~ ~ HE

INTERNIST, ~ /' ~1
emphatically that they would boycott the
parade if ILGO could not march. Long
TOO! r~ i'.........
~ 6"'~. OUT!
Island Congressman Robert Mrazek said
through a spokesperson that he was not'
.-, ....
-' . ~
invited to march and never had any
, of attending. Former Queens
Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro did
ngt return my calls.
Of course, Ed Koch announced that .' - .. -=
he would be marching. Old Eddie,.a self- .- -- .-..'
J ,- .
heterosexual, loves sucking ~

,", .

up to the Cardinal. Koch's observation ,

about the parade fuss? "I'm glad I'm not
the mayor." We're glad you're not the DONALD RUDIKOFF M.D., P.C.
mayor too, Ed.
Meanwhile, amid all the political WESTSIDE
posturing, ILGO refused to pursue the Treatment of all skin & scalp conditions
redress available to them. They rejected • warts • moles • acne • hair (oss
an offer of help from Lambda Legal • psoriasis & seborrhea • skin cancer
Defense to go to court and fight for an Collagen treatment of wrinkles
injunction. They declined to file a dis- Diagnosis & treatment of all skin conditions associated with ARC.
crimination complaint with the New York AIDS, HIV INFECTION & SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES

City Commission on Human Rights, 140 West 79th Street

despite the urging of openly gay commis- (between Columbus & Amsterdaml

sioner Andy Humm to do so. 212/496-1400 Daytime & evening hours

See INSIDER on page aa

April 3, 1991 au. IfJ'EEK 27

JOE BRACCO on national and local cable TV and radio and shown on gay-related TV programing; and
Joe Bracco-a passionate voice on the perfonned concerts (solo and with others) at will be published in a book on lyric writing by
gay music scene-<lied on March 3, 1991, New York area nightclubs and universities. He Sheila Davis, a lyricist/composer.
in NYU Medical Center. Born on May 2: .also was guest artist at benefits for ACT UP, Joe was a very close friend of mine for
! 1960, Joe was raised on Long Island's South the PWA Coalition, the New York Memorial more than 18 years-we met on the first day
Shore, where he began writing mainstream Quilt and the Lesbian and Gay Community of junior high in 1972. I cannot say enough
pop songs at age 9. He launched his per- Services Center. about the incredible courage he showed in the
forming career while attending Five Towns Joe was unable to complete an indepen- last two years, during which he was subjected
College and, in a male-female duet, was dently produced cassette of his music, but to one medical horror after another, or about
soon being booked in Long Island and Man- one of his songs has received, and will con- the courage and love shown by Joe's family,
hattan bars. Over the years, especially after tinue to receive, media attention. When work- particularly his mother, Millie, who was
moving to Hell's Kitchen, Joe found his own ing as a volunteer for GMHC, Joe was aAvays there for Joe.
voice; to be true to himself, he drifted away inspired by a poster with the slogan "A Rub- Joe's funeral service, attended by many
from composing synthetic "hit songs" and ber Is a Friend in Your Pocket." As part of the family members and friends, was held on
took a more meaningful direction-writing effort to educate the public and save lives, Joe March 6 in Seaford, his hometown. His
songs that portrayed gay feelings and lives wrote "Friends in My Pocket." This upbeat, ashes will be scattered on the beach at
in a positive way. With his melodic flair, Joe catchy tune has been used on several cable Jones Beach's Field 6. Donations made in
crafted a repertoire of solid materiai-rang- TV shows, including the soundtrack to Joe's name to God's Love We Deliver will be
ing from romantic fantasy ballads ("G reat GMHC's "Say Yes to Safer Sex" and the much appreciated.
Expectations of a Knighf') to quirky, humor- soundtrack to a Flo Kennedy Show on safer "We will not go back, take our word.!
ous tunes ("He Tried to Be an Aardvark") to sex; was featured in a multimedia exhibit on If silence equals death, then we've got to
moving, timely pieces ("Coming Out" and AIDS at the Uddoh Gallery's Keith Haring print be heard. "-"With Our Voices," Joe
,I "With au r Voices").
retrospective; is currently being used as the Bracco (1988)
As an openly gay singer, Joe appeared soundtrack for a condom-use campaign -Ron A. Boudreau
! I~

Commentary •


TV Guide

For the second time, TV Guide has refused GLAAD's request a regular basis, broadcasts in
that they list gay and lesbian cable programing in local editions of six cities and has been written
the magazine. This means that in New York you will find neither the up by the "mainstream" media.
Gay Cable Network (GCN) nor the Gay Broadcasting System listed. We also demonstrated that it
Ditto for the five other cities in which GCN is broadcast. airs only one hour less than
TV Guidus reasons for their refusal are as contrived as they National Jewish Television,
are varied. For example, TV Guide told us that they only list those ... -, which is listed.

,lli I program services that are on the air for defined periods of time. The bottom line is that TV •

We pOinted out that GCN fits that criteHa. Then they said that they Guide is ready to lie, cheat or steal in order not to list GCN or any
do not list any networks that air on Manhattan Cable's channel 35. other gay cable station. The real impediment to obtaining this list-
il• So we pointed out that they list National Jewish Television, which ing is, of course, anti-gay bigotry at TV Guide.
JI .
. ,
does broadcast on channel 35. Then they said that they only list Send your postcards and letters to: Mr. Roger Youman, Edi-
networks that run a variety of shows. So we sent them GCN's pro- tor, TV Guide, 4 Radnor Corporate Center, Radnor, PA 19088. Or
j~ graming schedule, which includes a talk show, a public affairs call (215) 293-8666. ,
program and a male-films segment.
Finally they said that. the largest impediment to listing GCN GLAAD Tidings is a program of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance
was that it is not a "network," though they would not define the Against Defamation. For more information about the material in
term. We pOinted out that GCN produces a multitude of shows on this week's column, or about GLAAD, call (212) 966-1700.

28 OUTWEEK April 3, UHU



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- -...-- -, - 1-800- MD-TUSCH
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ile steadying the scales of


justice on St.Patrick's Day, the

value of Mayor David Dinkins'

political stock soared

off the charts.

• •
• ,.

• ,
t was nowhere rn~re apparent than in
the ~ontrast,of'twoJgreetings. One was'
warm and, effusive. The other was cold .

, .and sullen.
When ~yorDavid Dirikins
on Fifth Avenue to march with his lesbian •

and gay coruti~ts at the St. Patrick's

Day parade, 'the emotional embrares he
• exchanged with members ci the Irish les-
bian and Gay' Organization, or ILGO,
told a ~ Ofhardcwon victory.
Later; after Dinkins had ascended
the steps of St. Patric~'s Cathedral for the tra-
, salutation with the cardinal, O'Con-
nor's icy stare and cool handshake ~trayed
al1c;ther story, one of undeniable.. defeat; \' ,
During'the previous week, the, estab- ,
.'. '- ", 't',

Iished balance of power i'n the five boroughs

~f the. City of New York had dipped in (avor
of its elected mayor. And nb,oneknew, it
more certainly than the man who,as the

Eve'rybody's Irish on St. Patrick's Day:

ManhaHan Borough President Ruth
, ,
Messinger and two cute gay boys
ma'rch In the parade.



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O',C,oonpr'·s iGy,slar,e a nd '·coolhand$halle·"belrayed •

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•• ,
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ry: one ,
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•• , ,

"- ,'-"I '- h

~piril:liakreader of the diy's millions of Catholics; has< a 'pow'

,-0( '\

• ~. i_ .,~
, • <,
•• : ,<; •.•. ;c.,

led by. thdr African:~Ameritan maypr, took, center stage .. -
~ '-.-

~ff(il':pq1itical voice in New York's municipal' affairs.'

;1;~t:·.·, .,_,''. ' ", '- ". _",~
peacefully arid p'roudly, while their opponents hurled insults ,,
yA;i;'J3y'any measure,it was a remarkable turn ofey~nts: In ,,
•. ;.. • ,\1-•. 1"" ',', \ \ _,. ..I' .' ~, ''-
atthem' from the siaeHnes. '. ,.-
past, it has be~rimarginaliied gay and lespiiri'activists
"." " ',_·.r .' " ". "." • ' ." ,
Tliis 'group of al:tivis~ oniy smiled as. their mayor
,_.. f - I, '.' .

vth9,~~,ngrilychan~. il1vective~for¢ lh~ landma~k' ~theQral. " , <; aScended the steps of the cathedral to shake the hand of the
J3ur-, ;ori ,this brisk Ma.rch day, Some of thaSesameaCtivists,
; . .:, .
cardin'al, who seem~d
smaller and weaker, his star having

32 Apr_" ~. 1 .. 1
shone far brighter under the previous administration. " • •

, After the Dinkins administration brokered a compromise

that allowed ILGO to march in the St. Patrick's Day parade, ,
much of the speculation in the mainstream press turned on
what would occur at the steps of the cathedral when Mayor " ,
Dinkins, leading the first-ever group of out queers to march
ip that parade, paused to be greeted---<>rnot greeted-by
Cardinal O'Connor. ':._ .: by Avril McDonald
But that moment belonged to Dinkins, and the !?rdinal
was relegated to the role of witness, as Dinkins established f there were any lingering douts as to the depths of
"for all the world to see that New York City is a community hatred felt by many straights toward queers, then
for all the people.". last week's 5t. Patrick's Day parade in New York City
The cardinal stood on the steps of St. Patrick's sur- . finally put them to rest.
rounded by lay people, described as "friends of the cardinal" Amongst the estimated 2.2 million men, women and
by joseph Zwilling, a spokesperson for the archdiocese. To children gathered to watch approximately one-quarter of a
the cardinal's left was Bishop Thomas Daily who heads the million marchers high-step it up Fifth Avenue was a large
diocese of Brooklyn. To the cardinal's righe were the auxil- proportion who seemed hell-bent on turning the day of
iary bishops, Sheridan and Ahearn. The cardinal's unob- celebration of Irishness into a verbal shooting-gallery for
structed dais provided an enviable view of the parade. those who were Irish and queer.
Had the cardinal looked south down Fifth Avenue when There was a peculiar irony in.the fact that a good deal
Dinkins arrived, late as usual, he would have seen the of the abuse directed at members of the Irish Lesbian and
mayor, clad in a bright green sportcoat and carrying a shille- Gay Organization, or ILGO, came not from their compatri-
lagh, race to the head of the ILGO contingent that had ots but from men and women of other nationalities, some
st<;>ppedjust below St. Patrick's. The cardinal could not have of whom would be hard-pressed to locate Ireland on a
missed Dinkins throw his arms around ILGO members Anne world map. •
Maguire and Paul O'Dwyer in a warm-hearted hug, joining Taunts of "Fruitcakes, go home!" from maudlin yobs
"my friends in the gay and lesbian community,' as Dinkins screaming that the parade was a celebration of Catholi-
would later describe them. cism and that the gay,group's presence was a sacrilege,
A few moments later, the contingent arrived at the steps but who were themselves 'obviously only there for the
of St. Patrick's, and Dinkins was met by a cold, unsmiling beer, would almost-have been darkly humorous, had they
Cardinal O'Connor who introduced Dinkins to Bishop Daily not been so disturbing.
with a curt nod of the head and to auxiliaries Sheridan and Only about 40 of ILGO's 135 members marched in
Ahearn with a flip of the hand. the parade. Their ranks in the parade were swollen to
Standing on the steps behind him, one of the cardinal's about 250 by supporters, both gay and straight, including
friends gave both-thumbs-down to the ILGO members. The a contingent froni ACT UP and Queer Nation.
cardinal had a clear view of the ILGO contingent. And once Mayor David Dinkins compared it to a civil rights
Dinkins had turned his back to return to the avenue, the car- march he remembered in Birmingham, Ala. It also
dinal's face became a mask of displeasure, an unhappy scowl. brought to mind last year's debacles in the Bensonhurst
Many gays and lesbians view the parade as a huge vic- section of Brooklyn, where protesters against racist vio-
tory, and Dinkins, for a change, is being steeped in commu- ,Ienc.ewere greeted with cries of "Nigger, go home!"
nirywide praise ranging from the qualified to the effusive.
And the archdiocese, after enjoying years of influence and
warm relations with City Hall, cannot help but see that its
political power is waning. .

.1 ust prior to the flap over the parade, the archdiocese

, was rebuffed, strongly and publicly, when School's
Chancellor joseph Fernandez' plan to hand out con-
doms in city high schools to help stem the spread of
AIDS passed the city's Board of Education. Dinkins
stood behind the chancellor's undertaking, and it was
Westina Matthews, his own appointee to the Board of
Ed, who cast the deciding vote.
But the confrontation that was paraded down
Fifth Avenue has been brewing for even langer. For-
z• mer Mayor Ed Koch was a frequent visitor at St.
c: Patrick's, and the relationship between the outspoken

jewish Bronx native and the Catholic church's highest local
s authority was celebrated for its unlikely warmth. Indeed, the
& two co-authored a book, in which, ironically, Koch outlined
• •

UTwo Milts 01Hale" his support for the civil rights of gay men and lesbians, and
,.• I
O'Connor politely dissented.
The mayor was greeted by placards reading "Dinkins, But Dinkins has spoken at St. Patrick's -Cathedral fewer
you have betrayed Christianity," "Catholic-Basher" and "Dink- than five times since he has been mayor, and the two rarely
ins, beware the AIDS of March" and by a chorus of screams make appearances together. And in Dinkins' view, his politi-
of abuse and missiles thrown from the crowd. cal alliance with the gay community, if at times rocky, is
Dinkins was in good company during the parade, joined nonetheless longstanding.
as he was by a bevy of New York's leading political lig~ts. When members of the AIDS Coalition to Unleash
Manhattan Borough President Ruth Messinger marched with Power, or ACf UP, led a loud demonstration outside and
the gay group, as did Comptroller Elizabeth Holtzman, Com- inside St. Patrick's in December 1990, Koch suggested that
missioner for Human Rights Dennis deLeon and Robert they go elsewhere to establish a church more to their liking,
Abrams, the state attorney general. and Dinkins joined every other politican in the country, it
Once-and-future openly gay City Council candidate Tom see,med, in denouncing the disruption. Yet when Irish gays
Duane, Commissioner of Consumer Affairs Mark Green and wanted into the parade, it was Dinkins who made it happen.
Queens Assemblyman Alan Hevesi and, of course, mayoral "The mayor is very committed to the inclusion of the les-
liaison Marjorie Hill were also helping to fly the queer Irish bian and gay community," said Marjorie Hill, the director of
flag. But not even this show of support from politicos and the mayor's Office for the Lesbian and Gay Community, who
community leaders quelled the homophobic sloganeering of is credited with much of the behind-the-scenes maneuvering
the hatemongering throng. that resulted in the lavender contingent on the Day of Green.
Comments from the crowd that the gay presence was, The cardinal was sent a message that, like it or .
alternately, gross, irreverent and motivated by a craving for not-and clearly he does not like it-inclusion is the policy
publicity were commonplace. Such sentiments might have of the Dinkins administration.
been expected from the mouths of middle-aged, pig-ignorant It is also the law. And at least one member of the Dink-
Catholic fundamentalists, but coming from teenagers and ins administration, openly gay Human Rights Commissioner
I from toddlers egged on by their hate-filled parents, they were Dennis deleon, feels that the parade committee may also
I. I especially ominous. hilve trampled on the municipal ordinance guaranteeing
To take only one example: Hollering, "You're gross, it's a equal treatment for gay men and lesbians that passed during
disgrace" a young, blond cheerleader-type, visibly recoiled and Koch's last year in office.
screeched, ''Yuck!'' when a lesbian marcher refused to respond Deleon's office is currently conducting an investigation
to the provocation f~om the crowd and blew her a kiss instead. into the parade committee's opposition to ILGO's presence and
r But ILGO spokesperson Anne Maguire, who had antici- has promised a lawsuit should evidence of bias be proved .
pated violence, said that she was surprised that the crowd's
reaction was not worse. "It was te'n times worse during the he gay odyssey into the arcana of New York Irish-
anti-bashing protest in Greenwich Village last August," she Catholic politics began in October of last year,'when
recalled. "I was in fact surprised by the level of support from the organization made its application to thy Ancieµt
spectators. I only looked at those people who were cheering. Order of Hibernians, the all-male fraternal group that
I couldn't be bothered with the rest of them. I think that the oversees the parade each year. ILGO sought to march
people who stood there, in the midst of all that viciousness, behind its own banner. After three months o(non-
and cheered us on deserve a handshake." committal communication with Frank Beirne, the .
Maguire's lingering memory will be of those people who parade chair, ILGO was told in January that "due to
stood, mute, on the sidelines. "Their silence was deafening. physical and municipal restrictions," the group could
Maybe they were scared to show their support. Maybe they not march.
were ambivalent. I believe that these are the people we have to ILGO was wait-listed, though the parade com-
reach. The others, who abused us, are beyond redemption." mIttee declined to produce the list that allegedly had roughly
The viciousness of some of the heckling will be grist to 30 groups ahead of ILGO on it.
the queer-activist mill, she continued, "if only in dismissing As the parade date arrived, ILGO's exclusion received
any illusion that homophobia is not all-pervasive." high-profile media play, and, true to the Dinkins administra-
Marie Honan, 29, from Brooklyn, who is a member of tion's penchant for the role of arbitrator, the mayor ordered •

ILGO, agreed that the parade will bring home once and for all negotiations. Marjorie Hill, whose help the Irish gays had
110wdeep-seated is the hatred felt toward gays. "People who sought earlier; Debra Pucci, director of the mayor's Office
may have thought that gays are always whining over nothing for European-American Affairs; and, ultimately, Bill Lynch,
will have seen with their own eyes on TV the level of homo- deputy mayor for Intergovernmental Affairs, spearheaded
phobia. It is going to have some impact on those people who administration efforts to find a solution.
didn't take a position." _ ILGO wanted to march behind its own banner, but
And Honan congratulated the gay contingent and their the Hibernians would not hear of it. The administration
supporters for their reserve in not reacting to the crowd's proposed extending the parade by an hour, allowing all
provocation. "They wanted us to respond so that they could the wait-listed groups to participate, but the Hibernians
start a fight. They would have been delighted if we had demurred. ILGO rejected an administration solution that
reacted, then we would have been blamed." would have had them kick off an hour earlier than the
___ ... .A."T"E _~ .,._""_ sa rest of the parade, together with any other group that
Manhattan Borough President Ruth •

Messinger, who also had a role in the

• •
Paul O'Dwyer, another ILGO •
. spokesperson, seemed confident that
the orgy of press activity leading up !o
the parade would ensure that there
were no doubts as to the group's iden-
tity. "We're counting on you to tell peo-
ple who we are,· he said wryly at a
Blue Room press conference announc-
ing the parade plan.
And while the process had been
stalled, numerous elected officials,

Bigot. di.played their lack of

graphic talent, while ILOO'S Paul
O'Dwyer marched with a friend.

This mob screamed its hatred and

sheer disbelielthatthe mayor


would champion the cause 01 those

- so repugnant to them.

cared to join them. among them City Council President Andrew Stein, and
The media, which once might have ignored such a Councilmembers Robert Dryfoos, Ronnie Eldridge and C.
conflict, was fixated. Following a front-page story by Joe Virginia Fields vowed that they would not march if ILGO
Nicholson in the New York Post, headlines blared from the was not allowed to march with its own banner, adding
pages of the tabloids. Columnists lined up to denounce .weight to the considerable political pressure from City Hall.
the bigotry inherent in the decision to nix the gay group. Those officials were ultimately left to finesse their
Even an editorial in the Irish Echo, the city's right-wing stance: Eldridge and Fields did not march, but Dryfoos and
IriSh weekly, seemed embarrassed by the parade commit- Stein joined the parade with Stein walking with Ed Koch,
tee's stand. right up front. '
. The Wednesday prior to the parade marked the admin- Taking a noticeably lower profile on the parade contro-
i~tration's most intensive series of meetings, reminiscent of versy was Gov. Mario Cuomo. Responding to a question at a
those sparked by Dinkins' clash with organized labor the press conference just before the parade, Cuomo said, "I
week before. Hibernians, Irish gays and administration rep- know that the mayor is trying to resolve it. I hope that he .
resentatives met no fewer than three times that day, but a can. If there is any way we can be helpful, I would be
resolution remained elusive. Speaking of the request to pleased to be helpful. I would be perfectly comfortable
march with their own banner, ILGO member Marie Honan marching myself with Irish-Americans who describe them-
said, "The Hibernians said, and we reali~ed, [thatl this was selves as gay or lesbian, if anybody asked me to. What I
out of the question.· ,<' •
would like to see personally is everybody included.·
The ultimate solution came early Thursday morning. But when a group of wheelchair-bound children were
fLGO agreed to march with Division 7 of the Ancient Order also denied permission to march, Cuomo, along with Dink-
of Hibernians, a subgroup with apparently more liberal lean- ins and other politicians, rallied to their cause, and it was
ings, or at least a lower thresh hold for embarrassment with them that the governor marched along the green stripe
Mayor Dinkins would be ILGO's only banner. A similar form in the middle of the avenue, pausing once to kiss the
of this proposal was among a number originall¥ put forth by cardinal's ring.

april 3, 1_1 ou I l:.l'

•• K 3S

Aner Saturday's display, the community will have a hard

time accusing Dinkins 01 not caring.

ut the solution brokered by Dinkins was not Fifth Avenue at 46th Street, it was clear that every last per-
taken easily by ILGO members. Reports are that son in the crowd knew exactly who they were. In fact, the
when members not present at the negotiations crowd never let them forget it along the entire parade route,
heard of the deal, they declared that their nego- described by one mayoral aide as "two miles of hate."
tiators had no authority to take such action. But Vicious anti-gay verbal artillery was hurled at the contin-
with the outcome announced in front of all the gent from start to finish, and more than one can of beer.
world at City Hall on Thursday morning, these sailed through the air toward the gay marchers and the
objections were academic. m~yor. Dinkins would later liken the experience to that of
"It seemed important to us to be visible and civil rights marchers led by Martin Luther King through the
make a statement," said ILGO's Honan. "I was streets of hostile Southern cities nearly 30 years ago. Less
very torn about that decision. We seemed to have like a banner than a lightning rod, Dinkins bore more than
let the Hibernians off the hook, but in the end, it was the his share of the crowd's insults and wrath.
right decision." "One term, Dinkins, one term," yelled many on Fifth
Nonetheless, no decision can be made in the gay and Avenue. "Fag-lover" was the imaginative epithet of a sec-
lesbian community without someone objecting, and this ond bigot. More predictable anti-gay invective was ubiqui-
one was no exception. Some felt so strongly about the tous as this mob screamed its hatred and sheer disbelief
issue of visibility, symbolized' by the banner, that they char- that the mayor would champion the cause of those so
acterized the solution as "a sellout." Their feeling was that repugnant to them at a parade they considered theirs and
ILGO should have settled for nothing less than its own theirs alone.
contingent parading behind its own banner. But insiders Activist Bill Dobbs had been among those who disap-
say that the eleventh-hour solution was proposed as "take proved of the Dinkins solution. "The issue of discrimination
it or leave it." was lost," he commented. "ILGO was not let in as ILGO but
And when ILGO, bannerless, turned the corner onto was shoehorned in with the mayor."

cultural and political organization for Irish and Irish-American

gay men and lesbians to being "a support group for Irish les-
bians and gay men.", .
Since its inception nearly a year ago, membership has
grown to about 135, about 70 percent of whom are first-genera-

by Avril McDonald
he Irish Lesbian and Gay Organization, or ILGO, the group
central to the community's latest and most public conflict
with the Catholic church, was spearheaded in New York
City last April at the instigation of a heterosexual couple.
Niall Q'Dowd, a reporter for the Irish Voice, the city's left- •

leaning Irish weekly, was interested in an article on AIDS and

the Irish expatriate gay community. So he set up an informal
meeting between himself, his girlfriend, Anne McMahon, and
some gay male friends, in order to knock around a few ideas.
Out of that discussion came a decision to explore the ,!:!
wider issue of Irish-born gay men and lesbians living in the ~

city. An advertisement was placed in the Irish Voice, SOliciting Z

input from interested parties. c
A few weeks later, 20 men and three women met at a restau- -
rant in Chelsea. The group first hit on the name Cairde, the Gaelic
word for friends, but this was quickly rejected as too ambiguous, ~

if not closeted, in favor of the current monicker. ILGO'S Anne Magul ... and a pal pause to hug and
The group also changed its original mission to be a social, mug for the camera.

But after the' parade, Dobbs, who was one of a handful

of activists who turned out to march with ILGO, admitted:
"It's spinning out as a win. Gay and lesbian visibility is being •
highlighted. Millions of people saw miles of homophobia,
and a Black mayor was fag-bashed.'
Some in the gay and lesbian community are concerned
that Dinkins' high-profile stance on the ILGO controversy
may allow him to rest on his laurels, leaving him an out on
other issues of importance, like AIDS funding.
"Dinkins now has an excuse to say, 'Look what I did for •
you," said Dobbs. A similar view was voiced by longtime
gay activist Andy Humm, who told OutWeek: "It's going to,'
be very hard for people to say this mayor does not stand by
the gay and lesbian community. At least in spirit, it's hard to
say he is not on our side. n
In spirit and in fact: After Saturday's display, should
Dinkins fail to come out strong on issues such as domestic
partnership or police brutality, the community will have a
hard time accusing Dinkins of not caring.
"I think he's gotten a charge out of standing with us,'
Humm added optimistically. "That may make him want to
stand with us again."
Dinkins' choice to march with the queers was ~

undoubtedly a heartfelt moral one. But it was a political .E

one, too, and appears to have been a pretty savvy one at ~
that. Of all of the city's spiritual leaders, Cardinal O'Con- g
nor and his constituency are the least likely allies for Dink- ~c
ins. While the mayor certainly had some support among ,g
the city's Irish-American voters, it is probable that most a..

a __ THE CARDINAL 00 ... p_g_ aa

tion Irish, according to Anne Maguire, a spokesperson deeply The structure of the group is currently non-hierarchical, with
involved in arranging the group's stroll down Fifth Avenue on St. consensus decisions. Some kind of loose structure, based around
Patrick's Day. sub-committees and possibly after the ACT UP model, may be
Maguire believes that the recent furor that saw the adopted'in the future, particularly if membership grows. ;
tabloid papers launch her group to rare heights of front-page Anyone who can trace their lineage back to the Aurd Sod
visibility can only help its membership drive. "We have can join ILGO. Irish-born members get no special privileges.
received dozens of calls from prospective members since this "We don't exactly ask to see your credentials when you join,"
all' began," she commented. . Joked Maguire, "but I can't see why there would be much pOint
<' Maguire went assert that ILGO's membership repre- in being involved unless you have some link with Ireland."
sents only the tip of the iceberg of the queer Irish presence in Maguire reports that some men of other nationalities have
New York, bolstered by the recent wave of both legal and Illegal sought to join for no reason other than that they believe Irish
immigration from Ireland's counties and cities. "We will have to men to be cute, and ILGO has been firm (albeit gOOd-natured)
try and contact more people through outreach programs," she in its stance that the bars are the place to cruise for them.
said. The group also wishes to increase its links with lesbian _ ILGO does have a healthy social scene going, but the focus
and gay groups back home, through exchange of newsletters at its monthly meetings is largely on business. Informal social
and interpersonal contacts. and political discussion is -left for the bi-weekly women's and
In addition to increasing the group's visibility, the men's groups meetings and for the occasional get-together for
brouhaha over ILGO's participation in the parade will allow it to ceo, caint agus crack or good old Irish-style fun.
better focus its nascent energy, accordtng to Marie Honan, a While no topic is taboo, the most tension-creating ones
member of the group. "Up till now we have been fairly quiet," are probably unique to a gathering of Irish gays. "There are cer-
she said. "The only thing we did for visibility was to march in tain SUbjects we cannot broach without it creating a lot of ten-
the Gay Pride Parade. We haven't really been following any kind sion," said Hoan. "We can't talk about Northern Ireland or
of agenda and have been fairly amorphous. One result of this Catholicism without someone getting up in arms. We have
controversy will be a tighter organization, now that we have a some ardent Catholics in the group, while others hate the
cause to rally around. There is a lot of energy there. Our mem- church." There are some Protestant members as well.
bers are very enthusiastic." a __ THE LAVENDER 00 ... p_g_ a8

·prll 3. ...... OU I L-.a

•• K 37



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ull your convertible over to the
side of Palm Canyon Drive, turn
down the Mariah Carey, close
your eyes and listen to the spirits
ohhose who have wintered here before
you: Katharine Hepburn serves a tennis
• ball to Spencer Tracey. Priscilla helps a
wasted, thrashing Elvis from the pool.
Liberace giggles in his ostrich-feather
• cape as h~ teaches his new houseboy to
play chopsticks. Harlow entertains friends
with cocktails and cock tales. Donna
Reed quietly hums to herself as her
Singer stitches up new drapes for the BY TOM EUBANKS

38 OUTWBBK April 3, 1 •• 1

guest house. "Welcome," interrupts the
,, whining voice of present-day Mayor
Sonny Bono, "to Palm Springs, California.

Playground of the stars."
Since the Golden Age of Holly-
wood, movie stars, Las Vegas acts and
even Albert Einstein have flocked to this
tiny desert paradise in the heart of the
Coachella Valley (made up of Palm
Springs, Cathedral City, Rancho Mirage,
Palm Desert and Indio). One look at a
, map of the area shows what kind of
control that the stars have had over the
region, with roads named Gene Autrey
Trail, Bob Hope Drive, Frank Sinatra
Drive and Dinah Shore Drive. (Even Ger-
ald Ford has a drive.) But times have
changed. Although. Bob Hope still main-
tains his $10-million estate high in the .:'." .,
..:....;. ..".'
hills (visible day or night on your way to
and from the gay bars), the area is domi-
nated more by gay porn stars than Holly-
wood stars, more by self-elected queens CRUISING THE QUEER C,UL-DE-SAC
than' unelected presidents ...and plenty of
European tourists.
The gay vacation season normally supported by gay and lesbian businesses GLAD, or Gay and Lesbian Alliance of
begins around Christmastime, although and a burgeoning patchwork of activist, the Desert, a gay and lesbian Alcoholics
some people weekend in Palm Springs self-help and AIDS organizations. There's Anonymous and a very successful AIDS
.year-round. The busiest times, of course,
are holiday weekends Labor Day, East-
er, Memorial Day, Presidential week-
end-when there always seems to be
something gay going on. Last year for CYCLES
Memorial Day weekend, a few Los
Angeles promoters rented an entire gay on the beach
resort and threw a continuous weekend
of gay debauchery, which, I'm told,
makes the Saint parties of the past seem
like a,couple of nights out at UncIe Char-
lie's (The word on the West Coast is that
it will be repeated again this May.) Until
then, another fun weekend party has
been planned for this Easter weekend. A Fully Self Contained
Graee jones, believe it or not, is one of Gay Men's Resort
the organizers of the upcoming Easter
• Airport Pick-up $3.00 Hour
weekend parties, one of which has been
designated as a women's-only affair on
• Deluxe and Bunk rooms Available $15.00 Day
• Gourmet Meals
March 29. And according to jim Suguitan • New Full Facility Pool
$40.00 Week
of the Bottom Line, a local gay and les,- • 20 Person Sauna Rentals • Sales • Repairs
bian publication, this year's desert Gay • 10 Person Sunken Jacuzzi Free Hotel Pickup
Pride Celebration will take place in Palm . • Beer Bar
Springs from july 6-8, which is also the • Clothing Optional Open 7 days • lOam· 6pm
unofficial end of the gay and lesbian • . ..
va~tion season. The Country's Finest Gay Resort
713 Fifth Street
But gay life doesn't end when the Route 11, Box 94-A Miami Beach, Florida
summer begins. Palm Springs and the Greenville, TN 37743
surrounding Coachella Valley have their 615-234-0833 673-2055
own thriving gay and lesbian community ...............................................


New York


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q , 212-243-9669
Colonial House Inn
CHELSEA 318 W. 22nd SI., NYC 10011

• /v~ ••

fund-raising organization called the by dancing to Tequila (see Pee Woo~Big

Desert AIDS Coalition. Two AIDS net- Adventure). And you'd miss.the fields
works provide support to the Valley's and fields of windmills (which provide
PWAs: the Desert Community Outreach environmentally correct energy to the
and MIZPAH. To build, encourage and area) immortaliZed in numerous gay
foster a year-round community spirit porn classics.
and pride, the Valley's gay and lesbian As you enter Palm Springs, a large
You an::'inn·\'ited tn t'\perienct.> llur st!'ie \)1 populace has created the Desert "Welcome to Palm Springs"' sign greets
sO'hlll-hlltt~1hospitality. \Vhere str,ln~ers
bt.'comt.' friends c'md friends Qenlme dOSt'f.
Women's Association (in it's fift!l year), you, and the panoramic arid landscape
the Coachella Valley Men's Group and of the past two hours magically turns to
" the newly formed Coachella Vall~y patches of green grass, palm trees and
Couples Organization. condominiums, as if you stepped into Oz .
$74 . •,. ~
There are no direct flights to Palm
Springs from New York City, but the
from black-and-white Kansas.

SINGLE DOUBLE Once in Palm Springs, you must

place is a short two-hour drive from Los . operate with one word in your head:
Includes continental bredkfast. Single or Angeles on Highway 10, through relaxation. For relaxation is what this
double occupancy. Add 9.7% tax, Subject to
parched mountains and hills of cacti. place is all about.
,wailitbility. Advance reservatinns suggested.
For rcscrpati(llls, call 1-800-842-3450 Sure, you could fly into Palm Springs Many people from LA, San Diego

'tER I
Municipal Airport from LA (approximate
time, 40 minutes), but you'd miss one of
and San Francisco have winter and
weekend homes in Palm Springs, but if
c the seven kitsch wonders of the world: you can't manage to set yourself up in
Inn Town Bed & Breakfast
- ) , . the four-story fiberglass dinosaurs at the. one, don't worry-there are plenty of
....,2&Chandler at Berkeley, BaSion, MA 02116 (617) 4'82-341)0

B-O-S-T·O-N rest stop where Pee Wee Herman gay guest houses, hotels and inns. Most,
escaped a motorcycle gang of fag-hashers have pools, Jacuzzis or saunas, and some
40 au I l'l'I!!I!!K April 3, 1991
A short distance from downtown-is a cluster •

of guest houses I like to call the "queer cui-

de-sac" a fun little area to get a glimpse of
who's checking in and who's checking oul. ,- '; .- -


even have full service bars and restau- or game~playing (but not with your
rants on the premises. • lover) to fully enjoy the Palm Springs 1{est/lurant
Just off Ramon Road on a small way of life, there are many other things ... ,

patch of asphalt called Warm Sands to do in the desert. You can hike in the . THE FINEST IN THAI FOOD
Drive, a short distance from downtown surrounding mountains and national & SERVICE
Palm Springs, the airport and Cathedral parks like the San Jacinto Mountains,
City's gay bars, is a cIusterof small, pri- where the Palm Springs tram takes you ***
(Miami Herald)
vate guest houses (a section I like to call 8,000 feet above sea level and rugged
the queer cul-de-sac). As you might lady rangers wander the trails reminding
Thai food at its best!
(Entertainment News & Views)
imagine, it could be a fun little area for a you not to smoke. You can drive through Sun,-Thurs.:5:30-11 pm
mid-afternoon bike ride to get a glimpse the Indian Canyons or park and enjoy Fri. & Sat.: 5 :30-12 am
of who's checking in and who's check- horseback riding at the Smoke Tree Sta-
ing out 0 guess this is one of the rea- bles. You can spend a day at nearby 947 Washington Ave.
sons that most of these guest houses are Water Park on Gene Autrey Trail with its 2 short bloclu from Ocean Dr.
walled-in and very private). massive water slides and beautiful, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Although I recommend lazy and, of bronzed straight boys frolicking around,
course, relaxing poolside activities like providing yet another sample of Palm
reading (books or friends), drinking (key Springs' incredible views. Most Major Credit Cards Accepted
to this heat: Consume plenty of liquids) Or you could shop. If you miss Saks



-- --
-- --
-- --
---- 1~8~~:Ii;~\\
.IT -
-- --
-- --



I N ,- T
E R H A v E N
1400 OCEAN DRIVE' MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 . (305) 5315571 . TOLL FREE1800395BEACH
I •

•. I
citizen and retirement population, you
could spend an entire day thrift-shopping
and not hit all of the thrift shops around
Where else can you fmd, as my friends
'.:, and I proudly did one crazy, lucky thrift-
shopping day, a chic white-sequinned
bathing cap, two pairs of ultra-comfort-
able, ultra-bright and ultra-stylish golf
shoes, a pair of Pucci bell bottoms and,
the piece de resistance, an assortment of
cast-off personalized coffee mugs

imprinted with the names "Lady Gator,·
"A1monda,· "laVerne" and "Babs· (and
all for under $20, thank you)? Regardless
of what you choose to do in Palm
Springs, the intense dry heat and desert
scenery is enough to keep you happy
II ;
Now that you've fmished your day
GRAZING WHllf GAZING AT STARS AND OTHER STRANGERS in Palm Springs, you're probably ready
for a little night life, so head back to your
or I. Magnin's or that cruisey suburban- qafted from balsa wood and pseudo- lodgings, take a nap or another dip in
mall feel, there ate plenty of shopping American Indian tchotchkes in abun- the pool, layout that colorful outfit you
centers to keep your credit cards busy. dance. I've always theorized that the wouldn't dare wear in New York and get
There are alsOantique shops, art galleries closer you get to retirement communi- ready to head out. But remember the
and those Southwestern-themed tourist- ties, the more secondhand and thrift - operative word, because going out in
trap boutiques with howling coyote stores you'll find. In the case of Palm Palm Springs is as low-key as the pre-
sculptures, bright green saguaros hand- Springs, which has an enormous senior- dominantly docile activities you partici-
pate in during the day.
At least one night for dinner, every
queen must head to the Red Raven'
(named after a popular '40s gay Holly-
wood hangout), a gaily (one might say,
Bavariaa ReBlauraal "drag~eenly") decorated Iittle'restaurarit

• which always seems crowded. The

Authentic German Cuisine food's not bad, the waiters are cute, and
4 German-[3avorian beers on draught there's a piano bar in fronl Ot's always

easier to digest with a few show tuneS
and old Streisand ballads gently playing
2257 Mor1.c;etStreet in the background.)
San Francisco, CA 94114 The major bars and clubs in Palm
(415) 861-9669 Springs are actually in neighboring
Cathedral City, all within a one- or two-

mile radius. They close at the ungodly

early hour of 2 am, except for e.e. Con-
YOUR TICKET TO A GREAT GAY VACATION struction Company, which has an after- •

hours until 4 am sans alcohol.
Rocks, the most barlike of the lot,
is dimly lit and informal-the kind of
• KiNNiDY place that gay travel-guides list under
"Ieather/Levi's· They have a pool table
• I
TRAVEL and a small dance floor, although
whenever I've been there, people
• ,
PRIDE TOURS remained more or less stationary,
267·10 Hillside Avenue, Floral Park. NY 11004 clutching beer mugs and singing along
(71S) 347-7433, - (800) 237-7433 (USA) to the old rock music.
Member, International Gay Travel Auocialion':' Gay Owned and Operated. c.c. Construction Company is the
s•• PALM SPRINGS on p_g_ S1

42 ou .....I!I!K April 3, 1881

TESTING to HIV. But doctors by virtue of their decision to restrict demographic repre- •
c:::::o d ..Fe» p .. g :.
medical degrees are not qualified to sentation was "racially motivated"; and
But the different types of discrimina~ speak out on public health issues." that NAPWA's recent decision to merge
tion that might result from such manda- Who else' but the doctors? asked with LifeLink,a Washington AIDS service

tory testing should not be underestimated, McKee. "Must a physician give treatment organization, was "offensive" because
acrording to Lambda's Tom Stoddard. to people who refuse to test for HIV? the group "lacks African-American repre-
"This could turn us on the path to How the physician treats the patient sentation" and because not all the group
coercion," he predicted. "If the doctors depends on their HIV status." And, per- members were informed of the decision.
prevail, the patient might never be told haps, whether' the patient receives treat- Merdian asserts that "NAPWAand the
their serostatus. This could nullify doctor- ment at all. ,:' "...' board have tried to be very inclusive of
patient confidentiality. If the result was ''There'!s always the poo;ibility that a people of color." He adds, "Before [one]
doctors notifying the partners of HIV particular physician would opt not to was terminated, there were three Black .
individuals of their patients' serostatus, it treat," McKee, admitted. "1bere is no way members on the executive cxxnmittee, so
would be more ominous stilL" to force individuals. But the history of .they had a majority ci the vote and could
Stoddard also raised questions about medicine shows that doctors don't opt out swing any issue any way they wanted."
pre- and post-test counseling, and health- because ci a risk to themselves," he said. And Casimir agrees: "Precisely,"he said
care access for HIV-positive patients. The state health department is cyni- "We're dealing with a lot of stress in
Columbia's Dr. Allan Rosenfield cal about the doctors' motives in trying to this disease," Casimir added. "I do wish
believes that the potential for serostatus get HIV listed as a communicable dis- they'd come back." Casimir plans to
to determine whether or not a patient is eaSe. Its spokesperson, Frances CharIton, address issues of racism at the scheduled
treated, and how. He said that he recom- told OutWeek that "in bringing this suit, May meeting, when he also plans to run.
mends testing because serostatus should doctors are primarily interested in testing for board president. In addition to
affect how a patient is treated, for their patients withOUttheir knowledge for their Casimir, one other African-American
own well-being, but it should be volun- own information. Probably most patients member remains on the NAPWABoard
tary, as should [partner] notification. would, in fact, consent to testing if they -Carrie Wofford
'''The problem with mandatory test- believed that it was in their best interest"
ing is that then you have no such thing Charlton continued: 'There is volun-
as confidential testing. Many people will tary testing funded by the department
have access to a patient's records who which we adequate. There is a
don't need to know a person's serosta- process
, for voluntary notification-coun-
tus. I believe that there is also a responsi- seling and testing and reporting of AIDS INO
bility to counsel people, and that might cases under a different section of the law.
be impossible with mandatory testing, What there is not is simply the latitude for EDITORS
particularly where -the patient might not doctors to do testing without consent" NEW YORK-After nearly two
know that they are being tested. If AIDS, The Court of Appeals is expected to years of directing the features section of
like syphilis, was curable, I would ,be issue its ruling on the case within a cou- this publication, Michelangelo Signorile
fully in favor of notification of names ple of months . .,. will be relinquishing the reins of his
and anonymous testing, but since it is 1.

not, I am not."
And McKee told OutWeek that "the OUTTAKES
more we know about AIDS, the more Cc. d .rc. _._ 2"'1

important it is to have early tracing and

treatment, and the only way to ensure than issue conflicts," Casimir noted.
this is by mandatory testing and notifica- Casimir, who is also Black, said that he
~ tion. "We would be treating it as a dis- never faced opposition when trying to
ease.and not as a political football." access information from Merdian ..
<5 , ·Of course, for contact-tracing to suc- Although he himself has not resigned, he
-' ceSsfully lead to early intervention, doc- said that he signed the letter "in solidar-
>-' tors will have to rely on a patient's will- ity." Although he agrees with the charges
o ingness to name names, so there are no of racism, be believes that racism exists MIKE SIGNORILE AND VICKIE STARR .
&: guarantees that the plan will work. ' everywhere, and he "wands] to stay [at
"Here you have to assume NAPWA]to fight." department and taking over a newly cre-
decency," said McKee. "No one knows According to their statement, first ated position on staff at the magazine.
how this would be done. The methodol-. " drafted during the National Black Gay "Mike's contribution to this magazine
ogy would be left to the doctors." and Lesbian Leadership Conference in is unquantifiable," remarked Gabriel
But these are precisely the sort of Los Aqgeles last month, the former Rotello, editor in chief of OutWeek "I'm
public health decisions that doctors board members experienced "a lack of
should not be allowed to make, said understanding and sensitivity to people
Stoddard. "Doctors say that AIDS is an ill- of color living with HIV disease." They
ness that they should be able to treat as allege "racist depiction[s]" of some mem-
they wish. They insinuate that gay rights bers in minutes of board meetings; that
activists have skewered public reaction their ideas were discounted; that a board
ou • lll'•• K 43

I •

& ~:-»::;:::$: w...;.~~.:::?,:~~":;i::;~::~:~~


""""'L...@, ..~ ...:,...:;i.,;l...~,~.,~'t

: •




I :::.- ;:::::~-~ .:::::
• ~;:~~:. ,~,;;.






James St.James bops down the

famous basement stairs to take
a peek at downtown's hottest, •

, hautest ~~house.

44 OUTWEEK April 3. 1_1

111 Christopher Street

New York, NY 10014 • (212) 807-7024

Specializing in:
• Primitive Art
• Animal Skulls CK
• S6uthwestern
. .' STONE
Jewelry and
Crafts 8lBONE
• Gems, Minerals

a documentary challenging
• ,
ANO SUPPORT THE NEW FILM Organizations Trying To Cure
Gays and Lesbians
,.,. ,..,. ,.,.,.,.,.,.
,.,.,.,. ,.,. ,.,. trailer will be shown between 8 and 9
,.,.,. ,. ,.,.,.,.~,.
,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. MONDA Y APRIL 1ST, 1991
8PM $5



Z 01
~ (") CD .'iII
@,'" ?t
I ~
:c en ~
-;><: 0
-; 0
z" .....
:.:I '7':'
. m
~. •
-...'" <i3
-en'" en-
CO -
, 0
Col :J


i AND KELLY FIELD -=;"II~":::: .;:;:.;.......

. :\... :.'



Walking down 8th Street, past the

ticky-tacky bridge-and-tunnel bou-
tiques and the Gray's Papaya Stano,
there's a basement staircase '. located .
between Fifth Avenue and University
. .~-.
Place . . ..."- .'.,;

Enter at your own risk: 'For inside

is Patrica Field's one of Manhattan's
hippest, "hottest, hautest and fiercest

treasure-troves. And you'd better brace
yourself, this is strictly for the hardcore
trendies, kids.
Since it opened 15 years ago, Pat
I•. Field's has maintained the highest
ilnl:~oJual:o~!J<Dff£~: standards. Her store caters to the
Tanning fashion-conscious night people, people
4 Sessions who want to look totally "now,"
without spending a fortune. Here you .
I can fmd that perfect black dress or the
wackiest go-go outfit. You can enter
.Perfidia's Wig World and come out
looking like Emma Peel or Nana
9 am-Midnight Monday-Friday Mascouri, depending on your mood.
fa am-fa pm Saturday-Sunday There's a vintage clothing section and a
wonderful makeup counter worth
• . Electrolysis, '!'laxing, visiting. And then there's Maria Ayela's
loopy,' looney, '60s-inspired jewelry
for men and women (212)924-8551 counter-big plastic daisies, long
dangling earrings, necklaces and rings "

46 OUTWEEK April 3. 1991


• video sales & rentals
• compact discs
• laser discs
• reservations & delivery
• copy & fax service

M- Th 1Oam-1 Opm
· :"'.
Fri/Sat 1Oam-11 pm
Sun 11am-1 Opm

207 A 9th Avenue
bet. 22nd & 23rd Streets
New York, NY 10011


galore, You name it. madness stands the .
women who .
, Of course, you may just want to started it all-Pat. Described as
go and watch the unfolding spectacle, "fiercely independent" and "strong-
The House of Field's its employees minded" by her employees, she
and their extended family-are ~ll nonetheless inspires -almost fanatical
leading social lights, amazing night-life devotion, As the Father of her own
figures who set the pace and standards. Voguing House, she has led her clan to
that we all follow blindly. They attract many a trophy in the ballroom scene.
all manner of creatures, from drag: ,. But the special trophy that she holds
queens to skinheads, from club kids to dearest is the Emmy she won for her
banjees, who consider this store their work costuming Shelly Duvall's Rock
clubhouse, And, of course, anyone and and Rhyme cable shows.
everyone in the scene pops in for a Once you discover Pat's, you'll
kiss and a quick look-see when they fmd de rigueur shopping for day and
are in the neighborhood. night wear. But, then, you knew that
And at the heart of all this already, didn't you?T

April 3, 11_11 OUTWEEK 47

- 4 ..

. hough the press cover- max. He's not like other

age was pretty decent, conservative columnists who
we all know that if the St. may weigh both sides of an
Patrick's Day parade deba- issue and rationally come to
cle had involved an ethnic a conclusion (even though
or racial group instead of it's still a morally wrong
queers, every newspaper one). No, Patrick Buchanan
columnist and editorial- is a loony. And he has a
page editor in New York pathological obssession with
would have vehemently this community.
condemned those freaky parade organiz- EXCUSES FOR MURDER-OUR MUR- . Buchanan's attacks on queers,
ers, the monstrous spectators and that DERS AT THE HANDS OF GAY-BASH- during a ten-year period in which
bastard, O'Connor. ERS AND THIS NEGLIGENT GOVERN- we've been struggling and fighting for
But because it was us the per- MENT. AND WE MUST DEMAND our lives, have been unstoppable. He
verts who were discriminated against, THAT HE CEASE IMMEDIATELY-OR regales in kicking us when we're down
we got a fair share of positive commen- ELSE. and gets a sick thrill out of watching
tary from some [see "Gaydar"] and a Buchanan, who is a nationally syndi- us writhe in pain. And yet, like that
whole lot of silence from others. And cated columnist, has been around for hypocrite behind the pulpit, Buchanan
then there were those vicious, demented, constantly invokes Jesus and "Chris-
relentless attacks from that same handful tian" morality. Ha! JESUS HAS NEVER
of ghoulish nightmares, including the BEEN SO DESECRATED.
Kingpin of Hate and Bile himself. A racist to the core, Buchanan,
Yes, columnist Patrick Buchanan,
one of the last to toss in his opinion,
THE POST! writing a few weeks ago about the
recently publicized police beating of a
spurted out his grotesque rant onto the Black motorist in LA, claimed that the
pages of the New York Post last .. RRV "re,al racism in America" is that of
Wednesday like bloody puss erupting "Blacks against whites" because of the
from a canker: "The parade judges NACHMAN high number of "Black-on-white"
who turned their backs on the mayor assaults in this country.
and his friends did the right thing. All
the fashionable voices are now weigh-
815·8178 And his antisemitism is such that
the Post distanced itself from him in an
ing in with shock and horror, and editorial last year, reminding readers that
Dave will be up for scads of 'human I they do not share his views. At the time,
rights' awards. But it was the booing the paper had been flooded with calls
crowd, and not its purblind mayor,
that reflected, even if rudely, native
BREINDEL and·l'etters from people who ~ere
appalled by his blatant insults,horled at
common sense and the wisdom of the Jews during his much-covered debacle
ages ....A visceral recoil from homosex- 815·8611 with The New York TimeS Abe Rbsenthal. ,

uality is the natural reaction of a In this vein, Buchanan's quota-

healthy society'wishing to preserve tions last week about queers, also
itself. A prejudice against males who . seem to apply to others: "To the moral
engage in sodomy with one another relativists who dominate our public
represents a normal and natural bias in discourse, the greatest of evils is preju-
favor of sound morality." dice, the greatest of sins, discrimina-
IT'S HARD TO REFRAIN FROM BUCHANAN! tion. But to discriminate is to choose.
TAKING THIS MAN BY THE THROAT We all discriminate in our choice of
AND SQUEEZING AS HARD AS YOU (703) 1551 associates and friends. And prejudice
CAN WHILE YOU LOOK INTO HIS simply means prejudgment. Not all .
UGLY, DISGUSTING FACE AND prejudgments are rooted in ignorance;

HIS EYEBALLS BURST AND quite some time. He was hurled into the most are rooted in the inherited wis-
POP OlIT OF THEIR SOCKETS, OR world of media years ago after retiring dom of the race."
MAYBE YOU FEEL LIKE STEPPING from the Nixon Administration, where he AAAARGH!!
ON HIS FACE AND SQUISHING HIS was speech writer. Having helped Repub- At this point, it seems as if we all
DEMENTED BRAIN UNTIL THE ROT licans slay us with inaction, he is now a just try to ignore this .boob, thinking
OOZES OlIT OF IT AND ONTO TIlE tool of the religious right. Buchanan that he's completely unable to be
PAVEM.ENT. I HAVE NO PROBLEM champions their demented fanaticism and reached through rational means, and
WITH IMAGINING VIOLENCE follows their warped ideologies to the feeling that there's absolutely nothing ,
AGAINST THIS WACKO • • we can do, save for waiting
ic e anoe 10no r Ie, until he retires or keels over.


Do You Get It N"oUJ~
DO TO STOP HIM. Pete II anzill?
This is an issue not of censorship "

but of commercial viability. Columnists o, we all Watched as "the little rµedia card from you to counteract his
are commodities, and newspapers s story that could" leapt from the Irish inevitable hate mail wouldn't hurt.)
make decisions every day about whose press to the New York Post (in a front- Though horrifying to see, the hate
column they will and will not run, page article by openly gay reporter Joe and harassment of parade-participants
according to their own ethics and Nicholson) to an international spectacle. showed the world what we face every
morals and the community's expecta- Other papers and media picked up the day. And finally, the determination of
tions and demands. The Post sure as scandal, and we made some enormous ILGO, the Irish Lesbian and Gay Organi-
hell wouldn't run my column. And it is gains. The New York Times amazed, zation, made it clear that we are every-
perfectly within their right not to. covering the story with thoroughly where and refuse to be invisible even
Similarly, there are papers that won't responsible reportage and taking the among the Irish.
run the freak Buchanan's column. The obscene display of homophobic violence Perhaps most interesting was how
Pos~which has gotten considerably better at the parade to the Sunday front page. columnists scrambled to take a position,
in its coverage of gays since Jerry Nach- When the issue changed from Irish- facing their own discomfort and trying to
man took over, must now be vigorously vs.-homos to basic human rights, there make some sense of the hatred, so sudden-
hounded to drop Buchanan and add an was no going back. Mayor Dlnklns had ly and undeniably, brought to the surface.
openly queer columnist. We must demand to take a clear stand on gay and lesbian The Bad: Ray Kerrlson weighed in
that they not sell papers on the backs of rights the one we have been pressuring at the Pest with his "Message to Homo-
lesbians and gays. Years ago there were for since he took office. (A thank-you sexuaI Activists: Enough!" a piece riddled
scores of blatantly racist bigots writing with factual errors, faulty logic and last-
colulTU1S. But many of them became unac- ditch desperation. This guy is spooked.
ceptable. That is what should happen with
Patrick Buchanan----and damn fast.
icnae He began with a litany of "civil
strikes" committed by homo-
We must phone-zap the Post over sexual activists recently. He
and over again and tie up their fax said that we ,threw "Andy
machines. We must badger the editors Rooney for a spin." (I
in person, picket the offices and pull thought that it was the other
off some bold demonstrations and way around.) He said that
protests. And we have to go after gays and lesbians "imposed
Buchanan himself. We must be willing their values on public-school
to go as far as is demanded of us to - sex-ed courses and persuaded
make this man stop affecting our lives a weak schools' chancellor to
in'this sick way. It is absolutely abhor- . distribute free condoms."
rent and disgraceful that, in 1991, our (Never mind that the Catholic
newspapers are running this shit as church did all it could to
commentary-and we're all just sitting influence these same issues.)
around and letting it happen, Then he got to the
Call Post editor Jerry Nachman and parade, calling ILGO's re-
editorial page editor Eric Breindel quest to march "inflammato-
(another rabid homophobe) and ry" because, in his version;
demand that Buchanan's column be dis- they wanted to ~stick it to the
continued. (And don't listen to their Catholic church by defiantly
garbage about how they have "no con- filing past the cathedral.'
trol" over it. They run the fucking' When the group rejected an
place.) Then call Buchanan's office offer by parade organiZers to -
directly and leave him a sweet message. march without identifying
¥ '"
PATRICK BUCHANAN, IT'S YOUR their sexual orientation he ~
TURN NOW, YOU DERANGED said that it proved that they a
BABOON. YOU CAN GO QUICKLY "were not really interested in ~

AND QUIETLY, OR WE CAN MAKE IT being a part of the parade or -
REALLYMESSY.T ([his is how my heart feels.) celebrating Irish heritage and

cont;ibutions. What they really wanted

. was to exploit the parade for their own
Anna Quindlen saw the issue for what
it was: stereotyping and prejudice, just as
• •In •many ways it is
. The Confused:
purposes, to promote their agenda." He' the mayor framed it As a columnist of easy to take on writers like Kerrison and
then went on to compare it to the Irish descent, she effectively took us Quindlen because they say what they
parade committee inviting the KKK. through Stereotypes 101, relating preju- mean, and you know where you stand
From what slime did this guy climb? dice faced following the Irish diaspora to with them
Other groups, of course, do march that faced currently by lesbians and gays. . Much harder are the columnists
with banners, and ILGO made it very She reminded us of the signs that who know what is right, but who just
clear that they did indeed want to cele- used to read "'No Irish' because all can't get over themselves to give it
brate Irish, heritage and their contribu- employers were sure the Irish were lazy tongue. The tug of a homophobic up-
tions to it-but they didn't want to do it and unreliable." She called all of us on bringing and Mother Ireland is just too
invisibly. I daresay that the Irish are our stereotypes of the Irish as drunk, cor- strong. But the rampant harassment at
welcome to celebrate their contributions ruIX potatoeaters and then turned to the the parade made it clear that the general
to gay pride at our June parade if you issue of the day--gay stereotypes. At the public they write for lives in a world
come, though, bring a banner, we want root of the Irish problem, she says, is the other than their rarified and cultured
to know where you are even though I fact that "they cbn't know any gay pe0- media circle. They would do well to
am sure that parts of our community are ple or more accurately, don't know they take note.
irresponsibly damning all Irish people know any-and so create the bogeyman." These columnists, like Jim Dwyer
for what happened on Sunday. Of course, this is what we have in Newsday and Pete Hamill in the
Kerrison isn't going to last much grown to expect from Quindlen. But this Post, swathed the hatred of their read-
longer as a colulTll1iSunless he changes week she is joined in ruling New York ers with feel-good anecdotes. They want
his tune like racist columnists of days by Jimmy Breslin who wrote in News- us to believe that the hateful, violent
gone by. In the near future, it will be day, "The qifdinal of the Irish Catholic people we saw in the street last Saturday
unacceptable to readers when a writer church, John O'Connor of St Patrick's are actually bumbling but incredibly
describes a homophobe like .Bierne, the Cathedral shares the blame. He simply stubborn, leprechaun-like creatures who
chief parade OffICial,as someone who "has didn't do enough. Because of what mean well but don't know any better.
values and the courage to defend them." turned into a profoundly disgusting day, (Just remember these "creatures" run the
This is the man who told the Pc6t on the the St. Patrick's Day parade should be police department)
day after the parade: "We don't like the abolished, or changed ...This sort of Irish .Dwyer wrote about the parade
bad publicity they gave the parade this have had their day in this city anyway. twice and had trouble both times. On
year. Let's hope they settle down." They don't live or vote here and they the one hand, he recognized that ILGO
• • •
The Good: Naturally, the TimeS
don't like it here." No excuses. No hem-
ming and hawing.
clearly should be in the parade, but qe
just couldn't admit that they were being
discriminated against in the same way
that Jews, Irish and people of color have
• been over the years..,· ..
• To him, the parade committee is not
• • • bigoted but thick-headed and deter-
mined (in that adorable Irish way). An
•.. Interview joined Spin in running that United Condoms of Benetton ad odd quote from an lrisb Voice colum-
nist discussed the Irish everyman: "He's
••• Sandra Bernhard told Cindy Crawford on MTV that the most embar- working on different brain patterns. It's a
non<ompiiance with social norms-he's
rassing thing she had in her closet was her "sexuality." Sylvester Stal- wrongly dressed, his boots are too big,
and his appearance can confuse the real-
lone and Richard Gere answered differently ••• The Washington Post ity of those obselVing him. Thick' can be
a demeaning term ...or it can mean he's
did a great piece on how more fags and dykes are winning elections ..• very determined." Sounds pretty queer to .
me, and a lot like someone who should
Newsweek trend-pieced Deee-lite and C+C Music Factory (hOWlate?), understand discrimination.
In his second column, the day after
saying that they glorify their roots in New York's queer underground. . the parade, Dwyer detailed the crowd's
vicious taunts and hateful actions, but he
Lady Miss Kie "looks most like a woman impersonating a drag queen" ..• just couldn't come out• and condemn
what happened as obscene. He didn't
• And spys response to a letter complaining about their use of "obsceni- go so far as to damn the hecklers as he
did the protesters at St. Pat's last year.
ties and vulgar slang" was "Ah, go fuck yourself." -M.G. In fact, he back-handedly blamed
ILGO for coming out: "No one had ever
--- GAVDAR on "_11_ 87

52 ou ilW•• K Apri' a, teet

There comes a time in your their hands full-the Maytag repair

life when you realize that being bill is going to be pretty high this
surrounded by pallid drug- month, considering all the damage
crazed 17-year-old sex maniacs our friends WTeakedon the washer.
who think that the primary col- Liz: That's what happens
ors begin and end with metallic when a bunch of gay men have
fuschia, chartreuse and ma8en~ watched too many reruns of The
ta was not what your parentS Brady Bunch and want to see if
had in mind when they said "get they, too, can flood Alice's room
a life." Whatever glamour you with suds. It is now a proven sci-
once found in this self-centered, 0;0:;' entific fact-all you get is really
.... ... ..... >···,·:--: y.,.h· ...
self-referential world has just '."- .' : ;_ ". '
sudsy water.
wasbed down the drain with the ............ }.
. ,".....;«-: .- 'C"f>
Sydney: Did they have to do
last hit of glitter you just sham-
(I • •


............... ,...
it while Steven Lewis1 was stand-
pooed out of your hair, In frus- ing there? I'm afraid of him, but I
tration, you scream, "Where do :- ;.
have no reason to fear him.
all the normal, real people go?" Liz: Yes, you do. You were
CO and head out hoping to find standing right next to me when he
u someone who talks about any- said, "When someone messes with
thing but the party they are , me, Idestroy them." , J
• •
o e
o throwing next week. Sydney: 'Ulat could be why; ..,
But of course, you get there I hope those laundry machines
and realize that normal, real people are just as sex-crazed and aren't too close to his heart.
drug-abusing as the 17-year-olds, it'sjust that they're not wearing liz: This is too ridiculous--dlere has to be a better way.
three dresses and a flower pot on their bead. And that tbfry are as Sydney: Well, how about the Testosteroom? , .. ..,.
celebrity-crazed among their own circles as club /and is with Liz: Now, that's closer to my idea of a party-too bad
itself.Mulling over these issues, Liz arzd Sydney sit amidst a wash- there aren't any girls. Guys can go out almost eyery~night of.the
er-and-dryer se~ fully functional, with a dozen other people at week and find a legitirrJate nightclub with a satisfy
Shampoo, the Tuesday night jete at Limelight. their needs.' e ,

.Sydney: Well, the closest thing to that for lesbians is the'

LIZ: I think this trend toward "realism" in night life has Clit Club-where I heard that the Leather Love Party featured a'
gotten out of hand-first the Outlaw Party, now this. .real S/M scene. '
.. SYDNEY: I'm not sure what you mean, but I guess liz: Or the DARE2 benefit that had erotic photos and lots·
you're complaining about the two-block 'subway ride we had to of girls talking about sex. They had a really great turnout.
endure at the Outlaw Party. Sydney: Stop thinking with your libido. . ..
. liz: The subway ride wasn't that bad, although being the liz: I meant, in numbers. But they were cute, too.
only two people who paid for tokens irked Sydney: I wouldn't be surprised if you
me some. But the really unendurable part was opened a backroom in your bedroom.
the crowd on the platfonn before someone Liz: I don't have one. I'll tell you though,
had the bright idea to actually get on the train. the Bank has the best basement for that sort
~ was sure that Clara the Carefree Chicken of th·lng. .. ...;,..
"'.""""_~,.~ ,, ~ ,~

would lase her balance, fall to the tracks and Sy<hiey: Yeah, unfortunately you'll have to
die among burnt feathers. ,. wait because they. were closed down by the
Sydney: And then it would have • turned cops for some dumb violation like too many
into a barbecue. No, the only part I hated was lightbulbs or something. . ,
when we were trapped at the Third Avenue Liz: The opening party was·
stop because someone pulled the cord. super-though I wouldn't have called it a,
Liz: Jesus, four ambulances and 12 "mixed" night. I've seen more straight peo-
police cars-they should send the bill to ple at Crazy Nanny's. If the opening is any
Limelight. indication-it's worth the wait.
Sydney: Well, I think they probably have See LIZ & SYDNEY on page aa
.. , .

April 3, .. _.. OUTWEEK 53

ob is a familiar face at the Tunnel Bar, a queer watering you can't ask me ever again." He went home and returned a few
R hole in Manhattan's East Village. But Rob's never seen the minutes later, lugging a bucket nearly topped off with quar-
inside of the bar, a rough-hewn wooden decor resembling a ters---$129 in total. Most people aren't so generous. "You get
mining-town saloon. He commands the slab of sidewalk outside, your assholes too," Rob says without malice. One guy respond-
hitting up patrons for loose change. ed to the charity pitch with a British coin, sneering, "Fuck you, I
Rob is the Tunnel Bar's resident panhandler. don't give bums money." Ten minutes later, a man in flashy garb
He gives his age as 24. His puffy face has a perpetually alighted from a cab. Rob hit him up too. In an English accent,
bewildered look, as if he'd been slapped silly as a child. A film the man said that he'd be glad to accommodate him, but only if
of dirt is tattooed on his fair, freckled skin. Tonight, under a cold, Rob would escort him through New York's mean streets to the
light rain, Rob wears a blue trenchcoat, a blue hooded jacket, nearest cash µlachine. For playing bodyguard, he was given five
white sneakers and a striped train-conductor's hat that reads crisp $20 bills. A week later, an Asian man blew off Rob by
Strasburg Railroad. His entire wardrobe, he says, has been handing him a Chinese half-yen. "I don't give you guys change,"
begged, borrowed or stolen. he explained. "You're white-rc)U look too good." Rob told him
His hard-luck story has noticeable gaps, but Rob tells it sim- the coin would bring him good luck. Ten minutes passed, and a
ply, without overdramatizing. -A native New Yorker, he fell out Japanese man walked into Rob's pleading eyes. He peeled off a
with his family and fell in with a charity scam that landed his $50 bill.
bosses in jail for racketeering. The IRS nailed him for back taxes, Occasionally, a patron will tell Rob that he can make a night's
and his roommates stuck him with the rent on their roomy SoHo wages for relatively effortless work. One guy offered him $50 and
loft. He lost the place. After being busted for selling weed, Rob waved the bill under his nose. Rob stammered that he's straight,
decided that he'd better find a new means to income. Panhan- has a girlfriend (a topless dancer, whom he says, is pretty) and
dling "has been keeping me alive ever since." isn't attracted to men but respects the guy for who he was. Satis-
A year ago, he wandered over to the southeast corner of fied with the open-minded answer, the man gave him $20.
Seventh Street and First Avenue. This was virgin How do gay men differ from every other Manhattanite hit
territory-noOOdy else seemed to be staked here. When he told up for money each day? "They talk to you more. They ask more ,.
his cronies of his good luck, they scoffed: None of them would questions," Rob says. "I've communicated with some.ofthe ~-

be caught hustling coins near a gay bar. "I don't care," he says, pie more so at this bar than at any other place." ;Oileguy
shrugging. "I'm not running for mayor." Sexual orientation is the called upon Rob for some street-smart advice. He'd been salivat-
least of his concerns: "I see a dollar sign over every head." • ing over a fellow patron but was sweating bullets about'the right
Soon, Rob vyas a ftxture outside of the place. Regulars opening line. Rob suggested that he offer a drink and then move
throw him a few coins or a token, In about four hours, he col- in for the kill. "I don't know if he likes me," the guy stammered.
lects about $40 in bills and change. Friday and Saturday Rob responded, ''Why don't you just let him know that you like
evenings, he says, rake in the most. Rainy nights are a total loss, him?" An hour later, the guy came out of the bar with a tri-
because it's impossible to make eye-contact as umphant look on his face and a stud on his
people rush by: The psychology of begging arm. Each of them handed Rob a dollar
dictates that passersby appreciate a witty word before jumping into a cab.
and a grin before you put the bite on them "I The story of the genial beggar strains
checked around with other panhandlers: when you hear from the staff inside. Bar-
You're more likely to get money if you give tender Pierre, who's been here six months, •

them a smile," Rob says, "They don't like to grimaces at the mention of Rob. 'We get com-
see you frowning." Eventually, the manage- plaints from people all the time. He doesn't
ment of the Tunnel came to accept their unof- just ask customers for change he harasses
ficial doorman. One evening toward closing them." Pierre points out that Rob doesn't
time, after Rob had been there for a month, a seem to be homeless: He always wears clean
bartender popped his head outside and said clothes and is fresWy shaven. "He gets bent
with a grin, "OK, what are you drinking?" Rob out of shape when people make gestures or
ordered a ruin and coke. sexual advances. He does get upset if people
One patron, "a nice-looking guy with a suggest that he is gay. He just pisses them off,
goatee," lives across the street from the bar. so they try to piss him off." Jody had worked
After hearing Rob's pitch night after night, he -n e r 'here since October. Questions about Rob are
fmally said, "OK, I'll give you some change, but IIII COIntlrlLled OIn page aa

S4 OUTWEEK April 3, 1991

Dr. Adam L.Nachmias Dr. Paul A. Olshansky

433 Ninth St. Dr. Bette Gonzalez •
28 East 10th Street INSTITUTE FOR HUMAN
at Seventh Ave. IDENTITY, INC.
Park Slope, Brooklyn Greenwich Village NY's non· profit lesbian/gay •
(718) 832-7300 (212) 674-4600 psychotherapy center
- Group's forming: male
couples, men's/ women's
As chiropractors, our -". ~ Sliding scale fees
Insurance accepted
goal is getting people
118 W. 72nd Street, Suite 1
well through balanc- New York, NY 10023
(212) 799-9432
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ie's olore l

MAGGIE MOORE. The Duplex. 61 Christopher St. (212) 255·5438. Saturday, March 30, at 8 pm, and .
,Sunday, April 7, at 9 pm.

by Maria Maggenti Moore: Singer/Songwriter/ Actress/Motor- person onstage." But it is more like
"1 wish 1 could drive a motorcycle cyclist," and her repertoire dabbles in cabaret with a peppermint twist.· Play-
on stage, take off my cape and cap everything from Vicki Lawrence to the ing the vampiest vamp- and the campi-
and get up to do a solo," laughs Partridge Family to original material. A est camp, Moore winks at the audience

Toronto-based chante.use Maggie known club and cabaret performer in throughout, allowing her clear, beautiful
Moore, "but the Duplex isn't ,big Toronto and a fIxture at gay and lesbian voice to tell the real story. She counts
enough for that." benefits in Canada, Miss Moore modest- among her influences "anyone who was
Her resume reads "Miss Maggie 1y describes her act as "a piano and a a gun gal in the '4Os, and anyone from,

OUTWEEK April 3, 1991

the '408 and the 70s combined, which

to me, seems like the '90s."
This month, she dons her singer's .',-, ,-.'.' ,-.'. ,-, .'.
hat (or is it a long slinky dress?) and
glides through a campy, torchy - , .:

evening of original and well-known

hits at the Duplex. For an evening of "

startling new talent, check out Maggie

Moore. If she's this hot onstage, we
can only imagine what she's like on
her motorcycle. T


GOTHAM. Eighty-Eight's. 228 W.
~ 10th St. (212) 924-0088. March 30 at
.~ 8:30 pm.
s by Jonn Wasser

8? During my adolescence, my best

friend, Jeff, and I would periodically
venture to New York, catch a Broad-
GAY CABAu.EROS-Gotham~ Trio
way show and explore some of Man-

hattan's classier nightclubs. Most of than I remember, they still serve up a part of the gay vanguard, nor have they
thej!acts we saw melded together in unique blend of comic schtick. adapted their talents to today's more
my: mind over time. But one evening, The mind habitually plays funny sophisticated audiences.
we were able to secure last-minute tricks, and if Gotham failed to excite Top Banana is Gotham's attempt to
res.ervations for the then-current rage, me again, it is not due to their lack of resurrect the clowns of yesteryear, albeit
the· musical-comedy group Gotham, verve. Unfortunately, they seem tinged with wisecracks and easily deci-
and although I cannot now recall trapped in a time warp from which pherable double entendres. Donning
Gotham's entire show, I remember they cannot escape. Unlike Funny brightly colored costumes, the trio
being struck by their adroit blend of Gay Males, whose comic routines make their way throµgh a similarly
campy comedy, harmonic renderings derive from a current gay senSibility, clo~ny series of songs and sketches.
and skillful timing. The trio's (Gary Gotham takes a non-nostalgic back- They parallel "Be a Clown" with
Herb, David McDaniel and Michael ward glance. Imagine watching The "Make 'Em Laugh," then swing into
Pace) joie de' vivre captured the Pte~ Boys in tbe Band and realizing ,that their own maladroit, lyrical version of
dominantly gay audience. your life bears little or no resem- "That's Entertainment."
Fast fOlWardto 1991 when, follow- blance to Mart Time moves
ing a lengthy performing hiatus, Crowley's birthday backward as each
Gotham has returned with a brand-new celebrants. The song emanates
show entitled Top Banana. The pass- same holds true from a different
ing years have been relatively kind to for, Gotham. These era-the '40s for
the group, and if they are paunchier guys are no longer ''jackson Jive," for

April 3, ~_~ GUII.VI!I!K

- -~, "-- '-r·- <
, • .. < .'

• , \
• ,

e;xample, and the roaring '20s for Gotham succeed in today's. environ- of the Saints. It is not surprising,
"Stepping Out:' Songs are presented. , ment? Surely, generational differences then, that Brown's latest book, Tbe
without any unifying. theme and seem abound, but age should never deter Children's Crusade, which is being
merely to showcase one member;s one's enjoyment. I wanted to enjoy released from Seal Press this month,
specific . talent, usually David this show-after all, how many gay uses the Crusades as a metaphor for
McDaniel's throaty baritone. Inter- caballeros are there in 'New York City? the dark world of childhood.
spersed are leaden routines and jokes My multiple reservations stem from The book tells a variety of tales,
concerning dildos, Saddam Hussein either a renewed sense of conscious- and each explicates Brown's
and a tasteless comparison between ness or a change in my musical tastes. provocative vision in which inno-
lesbians and elephants, Barring these unforeseen occurrences" cence is frequently betrayed and
The' primary, question raised by I, too, would be forever stuck in a there are few happy endings.
this brief 50-minute act is, How can time warp. T Brown's work has been widely pub-
• lished and well received in Britain,
• which was her home for three years
and where she is perceived as a seri-
erell,CS ous feminist writer with a lesbian
"edge" to her work. Her books have
• •
been reviewed in the Times Literary
I . Supplement-one of the world's most
/ "
prestigious critical venues-as well
as weekly magazines and dailies.
Crusading With 'Rebecca ..Brown Tbe Children's Crusade is the sec-
• ond work that Seal has reprinted,
but in the US, the author's writing
has met with a confused audience
unable to categorize her work. She
has found that response disturbing
but not surprising. "In London, I
think, people simply read more," she
notes. "There's less television-it's
expensive to have television-and
newspapers, magazines and books
just seem more important. There's
also more of a tradition of literary
criticism and less categorizing. My
'::','" :.:_;;._._::;:;' :.\ ·ii!::. work isn't labeled by my l~$bianism,
for example." "
But Brown admits that.' her work
isn't easily accessible to audiences,
British or American. "My work isn't
obviously lesbian, although charac-
ters are lesbian and refer to their Iles-
bianism in the course of the stories,"
Brown stresses. "I think what lesbian
feminist readers look for here is
somewhat more uplifting-positivef
stories about their lives. Why I think
my books do so well in England is
that the split between 'literary' and"
'popular' fiction is less dramabc." ~
Has her work sold well in the US? "It ~
would just be a lie to say it's done ~
well here," she replies flatly. ~
Brown's other US publication, if
ROLL OVER. ST. TERESA-Author Rebecca Brown The >Haunted House,

dealt with the impact .
by Victoria A. Brownworth religious and spiritu- of a dysfunctional
In another time, Rebecca Brown ai, with an ascetic alcoholic family on
might have been burned at the stake intellect reminiscent the daughter in that
as a heretic or a witch. She is. both of stories from Lives family. "There's no ,

sa OUTWEEK April 3, '199'1

YOU DROPPED THE BOMB Repent premiered at Berlin last year, and
ON ME... March 25's Oscars are sure Laine Goldman are at work on a documen-
to be spiced with controversy. We hear tary about honeymoons. They wish to speak .
rumors of an ACT UP/LA zap, Bruce Davi- to couples about "the 'special vacations,' the
son is up for Best Supporting Actor- 'gay and lesbian honeymoons' [that) ,are
there will be lots of hoopla. But don't for- memorable and significant events in the
get to look out for Susan Robinson and lives of many lesbian and gay individuals·
her lover, Judy Stribling. Robinson, and couples." Got any hot tales? Contact
whose Building Bombs has been nomi- Alter and Goldman through Horizontal
nated in the Best Feature Documentary category, told the Mambo Productions, PO Box 5657, Athens, Ohio 45701.
Southern Voice that the gals plan "to parade ourselves into SLIPPED DISC ... Listeners are feeling a little queasy
the Awards, arm-in-arm." about a song currently getting airtime. Entitled "People Are
THOU SHALT NOT... Far from the balloons and Still Having Sex" and served up by La Tour, this ditty con-
whistles of our Pride parades is the grimmer matter of tains the following tasteless morsels: "People are still hav-
reparative therapy-the movement to alter individuals' sex- ing sex./This AIDS thing isn't working." Be on guard until
ual preference from homo to hetero--and the ghouls who further notice. Or call Marvin Gleicher at Smash Records (a
practice it. Videomaker Francine Rzeznick is presently at division of Polydor) at (312) 751-0200, and sing out.
work on one Nation Under God, an hour-length broadcast OPERA HUFF ... Speaking of having or not having
documentary on the subject, which reigns in a wide span sex: In October 1990, opera News, the Metropolitan Opera
of concerns including "identity, sexuality, religion, politics Guild's magazine, published a sensitive, posthumous inter-
and social prejudices," Rzeznick still hopes to uncover view with baritone Wayne Turnage about singing in opera
'more archival footage on aversion-therapy treatments and and living with AIDS. In the periodical's Feb. 2 issue, the
to speak with individuals who may have undergone such editors printed reaction letters from readers. Two were mov-
"therapy." If you have information on either o(these sub- ing, but the third, from R.D. Bulos, a New Yorker, pro-
jects, write or call Rzeznick at 3Z/Hourglass Productions, claimed that a PWAis "a person who has ...a disease brought
35 S. Oxford St., Brooklyn, NY 11217, (718) 797-0312, or upon himself by his own , disordered actions.
meet the One Nation crew at 8:30 pm on April Fools' at Homosexual[sl...have got to stop having sex" and so forth. If
the Pyramid Club for a project fund-raiser. this misguided attempt at balance offends you, write to
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD ... On a lighter note, Opera News, 70 Lincoln Center, New York, NY 10023.
independent filmmakers Ann Alter, whose No Need to -compiled by Sarah Pettit, Bruce-Michael Gelbert

question that much of my work is she terms "my religious duty as a Ljving by writing is a struggle
depressing," she admits. "The color planet member." for Brown, as it is for most writers.
of the world is dark-it's an evolu-
Brown reads regularly from the "I've always wanted to write, but I've
tion of darkness. Haunted House ,is a works of ascetics and "f!eminist" always supported myself, mostly
Iittre Iighter-[the protagonist) has saints, such as St. Teresa of Avila and with grunt jobs," she laments. She
som;ething at the end. But Children's St. Catherine of Sienna.' She loves the currently teaches college writing
Crusade is about how we are com- work of Virginia Woolf, Samuel courses in Seattle to supplement her
pEcit in war, deception and betray- Beckett and, of course, Franz Kafka. income, but, when asked if she
al-they learn something, but what Writing, for Brown, is "religious, a would consider writing more popu-
tµey learn is pretty bleak." meditative act. My most intimate larist lesbian fiction in order to make
. ,Although Brown's literary vision relationship is with the muse. I more money, spe insists, "It's
shows the' full range of human believe in the goodness and truthful- immoral to write just anything."
despair, she is no cynic. One of the ness of the storytelling act." She dis- In addition to her two novels,
reasons she returned to the United likes much of 20th-century writing Brown
, has also written a book of short ,
States from Europe was her belief and finds most current fiction "silly stories. "My stories are even more dark
that she had a "duty to be here and and superficial." She has applied the and weird. My editor of my first book
take part in the anti-war moveme.nt, use of religious terms, including [of stories) stared at me over lunch and
to act and live as an American citizen Christian terms, to her writing and said, 'Rebecca, you're so normal, and
against the war." Brown also does discovered that there are elements to your books are so weird.' But the work

work with people with AIDS and religious writing that parallel her is simply the most important thing in
other community work that she sees own sense of language: "It's a cul- my life," she comments . ..-
as "for the good." She is, ultimately, a ture that believes in high drama, The Children's Crusade by
believer in hope, and much of her· • suffering, mercy and resurrection. It's Rebecca Brown ($8.95 pb, 110 pp) is

work is within the context of what useful language for me to know." avat/able from Seal Press.

April 3, 1991 au I WEEK 59

doing the provocative and difficult work

of fiction is a cheap way of focusing atten-
• tion on the moribund state of gay letters.
• But it also encourages us to ask what we
on. Ion should expect of our writers, and whether
we have the right to expect anything at
alL John Preston has spoken emphatically
BOYS LIKE US by Peter McGehee. St. Martin's. $15.95 cI.166 pp. in this magazine about the need "to get it
all down," to document in as full and fast
by Max Cavitch a way as pa;sible our experiences in the
Boys Like Us Peter McGehee needs to get some wake of AIDS, without over-scrupulous
flesh on the bone. His first novel, Boys regard to frivolous standards of literary
Like a, is so thin that when stood on a judgment. His argument is that conven-
reads like a shelf, it all but disappears. Most members
of Congress have more pages than this
tional narrative structures cannot ade-
quately accommodate the seemingly inef-
book. Generally, they also have more fable scale of the AIDS crisis. He suggests
interesting things to say. In fact, the only that such structures be dispensed with in
rehash of Bill striking similarity between Boys Like Us favor of an exhaustive reportage, a truth-
and the average congressperson is that it telling that would more faithfully depict a
never seems to do anything truly damn- story too strange for fiction.
ing. It is, frankly, an inoffensive and Confronted with mediocre produc-
Sherw-ood's diverting book. The characters are uni- tions such as Bo)5 Like [;5, I find Preston's
fonnly likeable, without being too appeal- impatience with careerism and literary
ing. The range of emotions is narrow fashion very sympathetic. I disagree,
enough not to risk touching upon any of however, with his notion that historical
1986 fihn, Part- the reader's own. The plot is comedic, the circumstances (even our own) ever call
ending hopeful and the language simple for the abandonment of the careful atten-
enough for a president, much less a sena- tiveness to language and form th~t is
tor, to understand without strain. what I take "literature" to mean. I also
ing Glances. Bo)5 Like Us reads like a rehash of take exception to his insistence upon a
I - Bill Sherwood's 1986 film, Parting single mode of writing, as though ','his-
Glances. McGehee tells the story of Zero, toric documents" had some sort of trans-
a thirtysomething gay man trapped in a parent, immediate quality that rendered
McGehee tells too-safe relationship with a corporate them universally sufficient .
stud. Zero divides his time between fuck- "Writing," says Preston, "must be

ing the doll, hating his job and caring for action." Absolutely. But writinggm never
the story of Zero, Randy, his wiseaacking friend and long- emulate action unless it startS :by taking
ago boyfriend, who has AIDS and is, it itself seriously as writtng. Histor;icaldocu-
turns out, Zero's true love. If that sce- mentation is itself a literary convention;
• nario doesn't already sound familiar, toss our libraries are full of "historic docu-
a thirtysomething in a golden twinkie who gets everyone ments" that purport to "get it all down"
all hot and bothered by reminding them but that fail to acknowledge their 9.wn
of "what we might have missed." status as the subjective, interested wtrks
But whereas Parting Glances was of writers who, like novelists, live in the
gayrnan breathtakingly unsentimentaI, Bo)5 Like Us world, have careers and are frequently
is merely affectIess. In seeking to avoid swayed by fashion. ;
.the cliches of melodrama and romance We have journalists enough.lwe
that ShelWood soundly defeats, McGehee have historians enough. God knows,lwe
·,trapped in a avoids the only things that might have have more than enough novelists 1ike .
• given some style, if not substance, to Peter McGehee. And while the efflores-
what remains an enormouslY'convention- cence of an unapologetic and mar-
al and, therefore, meager book. Authors ,ketable body of gay writing is itself a tri-
too-safe reI a- and publishers who dish out this kind umph, its generally poor quality is a dis-
of pabulum cater to our blandest taste, appointment and a failure. But instead of
not to our sharpest calling for no fiction, we
tiop,ship -w-itha hunger, and leave us
wasting away.
should be calling for a new
fiction, a fiction that
Calling such run- describes, rather than
of-the-mill novels onto merely reflects, what's hap-
corporate stud. the carpet for not pening in our lives...

eo OUTWEEK April 3, 1991


• "Voicbe sape«!' and "E amore un ladron-

overs an lers celld' from Ie Nozze dt Figaro and Cos{

Fan TUIte,respectively. ,
~ECILIA BARTOLI, Alice Tully Hall, Feb. 20; CHANTICLEER, 92nd •••
I Street Y, Feb. 21; SAMUEL RAMEY, Carnegie Hall, Feb. 24; KATYA The fare the following evening" ,at
the 92nd Street Y was a concert by Chan-
KABANOVA by Leos Janacek, Metropolitan Opera, Feb. 25; UPTOWN ticleer, San Francisco's polished, male a
. .
NIGHT, Lesbian and Gay Big Apple Corps
Symphonic Band, .
cappella choir. A featured selection was a
West-Park Church, March 2; YOU'RE GO~ALOVE TOMORROW, now-du1cet, now-urgent reading of Pil-
grim Strangers (984), openly gay com-
music of Stephen Sondheim, New York City Gay Men's Chorus, Harold poser Ned Rorem's haunting setting of
Clurman Theater, March 6. pacifist protest prose and poetry from
Specimen Days, by great gay poet Walt
by Bruce-Michael Gelbert . momento," written for castrato, from Whitman. In this doubly timely piece,
Intriguing vocal recitals, music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Lucio Silla; a singers tenderly described vulnerable
our community's, ensembles and turbu- wickedly vivacious "Una voce poco fd' young Civil War soldiers, reflected on
lent drama took local stages recently. from Gioacchino Rossini's n BarlJiere di the shock of Lincoln's death, limned
Alice Tully Hall was the gathering Siviglia;and finales from the latter's La war's banal violence in jagged phrases
place for hard-core diva fanciers on the Cenerentola and La Donna delLago. Bar- and offered a simple, unbearably
night of the first New York recital by toli demonstrated agility and assurance wrenching lament for a fallen youth.
promising Roman me~zo-soprano Cecilia over a wide vocal range, but she should Another contemporary work was Steven
Bartoli, age 24. With vibrant delivery, be leery of relying on aspirates in rapid- Sametz's "Ob llama de amor viva,"
dark timbre and fast vibrato, Bartoli often fife florid passages and on heavy chest which concerns a Carmelite friar impris-
called to mind legendary coloratura voice that could cost her the health of oned for progressive views and incorpo-
mezzo Conchita SupelVia. Ably assisting her higher registers; , rates folk elements, Gregorian chant and·
was pianist Martin Katz. For ~e rest, the young singer inject- vocalists' sharp cries ~:,(pain and gentle
Bartoli executed the pure Renais- ed 'more life than most into -Rossini's imitations of bells.
sance line of Caccini -. Regata veneztana, sang Gender blurred in madrigals from
and Cesti with deftness a rousing rendition of Adriano Banchieri's comedy Festino
and grace and brought the composer's' Spanish (1608) when countertenors sang the
freshness and a touch of song "En medio a mis sweet song of flirtatious village women
mischief to 18th-century roloreS' and offered spir- and, in cackling character voices, recount-
love songs. Her bravura ited, almost vehement ed an ancient aunt's raucOus story. Music
solos were ..II tenero accounts of Mozart's director Joseph Jenning>' arrangements of

....... ..
" -


. - ."
...• ........•....:.:..:. ',;

FAR FROM nSTRAIGHT STREET -San Francisco's Chanticleer

April 3... _ .. OUTWEEK &1

, •

spirituals, honoring African-American His- ova was radiant and her clear, full-bodied son. These numbers featured ,sizzling clar-
II tory Month, were nearty, subdued~ soprano soared as she dreamed of free- inet solos by Joe Avena and lusty'trom-
mournful, exultant and campy in turn. dom. She grew agitated as she wrestled bones solos by Trudy Lundgren.
One title "Straight Street"-broke up with her conscience, rapt in the presence Broadway babies could revel in
artists and audience alike. Haydn and of her lover, Boris. Benackova aptly penetrating and effervescent excerpts
Bartok music completed the program. shaded her bright tone and appeared from Marvin Hamlisch and Edward Kle-
••• increasingly dispirited as her character's ban's A Gborus Line and Mitch Leigh and
Carnegie Hall was the site, severa! peace of mind shattered. Veteran sopra- Dale Wasserman's Man of lA Mancha,
days later, of a solo appearance by no Leonie Rysanek was a forbidding courtesy of the full complement. An
sonorous. bass Samuel Ramey, capably Kabanicha, Katya's mother-in-law and energetic march, complete with flag
supported by pianist Warren Jones. adversary, who spread gloom and doom twirling, was an encore.
Ramey proved anew his rare flexi- relentlessly. Disgusted, she separated son •••
bility and breath power in zesty Rossini Tichon and his spouse as they embraced; Soon after the band concert, mem-
songs and ringing arias from George fended off, or tolerated, boorish Dikoj's bers and guests of the New York City
Frideric Handel's Orlando and Giuseppe attentions; and had an icy last word Gay Men's Chorus collaborated on You're
Verdi's Oberto, the last an at-fust-smolder- when Katya's body was hauled from the Gonna Love Tomorrow, a delightful
ing-then-furious call for vengeance. He Volga. Mezzo-soprano Susan Quittmeyer revue, with music by our own Stephen
mined farewells "Mentre ti lascio" by made an agreeable, lyric Varvara, Sondheim, at the Harold Clurman The-
!. Mozart and ''L'ultimo ricordd' by Rossini Kabanicha's foster-daughter, who aids ater. Exploring the familiar and the rare,
the company began with Larry Moore's

for depths of sorrow and solemnity. and abets Katya in her romance.
Contrasting selections by American gay Idiosyncratic instruments of the vocal arrangement of "All Things Bright
composers Aaron Coplafld and Cole Porter three tenors in key roles scarcely jarred and Beautiful," from Follies, and a tongue-
followed. Representing the former were in this angular music. Wieslaw Ochman in<heek list of audience dos and don'ts,
Ramey's aptly folksy "The Dodger," a good- was a Boris more elusive than ardent, from tbe Frogs. There were upbeat quar-
I natured warning about schemes and scams; Allan Glassman a meek Tichon, thor- tets from Follies-the evening's title song,
I fervent hymn "At the River"; the playful "I oughly cowed by his formidable mother, with Michael Schultz, Joanne Lessner, Bill
Bought Me a Cat"; and the lively "Clling--a- and Peter Straka (debut) an affable Poock and Jennifer Joy~nd Paciftc
Ring Claw." The bass cut a suitably suave Vanya, Varvara's beau, despite a raspy OVertures "Someone in a Tree," sung
figure in Porter's "Tale of the Oyster," a fuble serenade. Best of the men was bass Aage con brio by Schultz, Poock, Gary Bruback
of social climbing and queasy stomachs; Haugland, a huge, overbearing bear of a and Dan McGeachy. The cast broke into
"Night and Day," in which he floated excep- Dikoj, Boris' stem uncle. same-sex pairs, plus "fifth wheel," for a
tional pianissimm, and an earnest rendition Pale hues and weathered wood pre- touching ensemble version of A Lif!le
of "Blow, Gabriel, Blow!" dominated in Met newcomer Robert Night MusiCs "Send in the Clowns. n
Other offerings included a breath- Israel's stark settings, with a vivid storm Playing a parting couple in. "With So
lessly paced but fluent "Finch'han dal in Act 3, mirroring the heroine's turmoil, tittle to Be Sure Of' (An;uneCan Wbis-
• vino," from Mozart's Don Giovanni; "He worthy <;>fmention. tie), Poock and Brubach bid eichother a ,
Is There!," an odiously jingoistic military ••• loving, lyrical fare~eIl. Later, Brubach
march by Charles Ives; and "01' Man Uptown Saturday Night was the and Jane Wasser competed for Poock's
River," from Jerome Kern's Showboat, on name of the Lesbian and Gay Big Apple affections in "Not a Day Goes By"(Mer-
which Ramey lavished velvety vocalism. Corps Symphonic Band concert led by rlly We Roll Alonl!). In scenes from A
••• Tom Ferguson and given early in March Funny 7bing Happened on the Way to tbe
. The Metropolitan Opera Premiere o( at West-Park Church on the Upper West Forum, a whip-wielding dominatrix and
Leos• Janacek's terse and tempestuous Side. New York's "Empress" Razor a high-heeled, leather-harnessed muscle
Kdtya Kanova (1921), sung in Czech and Sharp served as emcee for this vital and queen were part of pimp Marcus Lycus'
set in a small, repressive Russian vill.age, varied evening. stable, and Miles Gloriosus (resonant
took place the next night. Katya, who is Classical pieces included a rollicking Brubach) numbered strapping Amazons
unhappily married, has an affair and, overture to late gay composer Leonard and a flaming sissy among his troops.
.driven by guilt, confesses, her "sin" and Bernstein's candide, a coIOIful processional "What More Do I Need?" (Saturday
, commits suicide. Conventional morality polonaise from Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov's Night) and "Another Hundred People" .
I triumphs, but those who espouse it are Mlada and a serene and dignified "PavaruJ' (Q)mpany), WI)' love songs to our frenetic
I , clearly depicted as villains oppressing the by Gabriel Faure, the last dedicated to the and fiustrating city, were winningly deliv-
free spirit.· . merIlO1)' of tha;e who have died of AIDS. ered by Lessner and Joy. "Being Alive"
Returning maestro Charles Mackerras On a different note, the Corps' New (Q)mpanys hero's song) was pIangently
and theater's Jonathan Miller (debut), Amsterdam Dixieland Jazz Band got hot sung by Wasser. A heart-warming "Old
directing ,a strong ensem- with. a toe-tapping "It Friends" (Merrily We Ron Along) concIud~
• ble, r~lized Katya's rich Don't Mean a Thing (If It ed the revue.
tonal color and dramatic Ain't Got That Swing)" Staging was by Paul Lazarus, instru- ,
intensity. Making a long- by Duke Ellington and mental accompaniment by a quartet led
awaited Met debut as "Five Foot Two (Eyes of by pianist Michael Lavine and narration
Katya, Gabriela Benack- Blue)" by Ray Hender- by chorister Gary aide. ... '.

62 OUTWEEK April 3, 1991

to forge individuality and express diver-
en on sity in irqage and role-making.
HOMO LOVE SONGS. The Lesbian and Gay Community Services Recently, I observed a very differ-

ent and exciting attempt to reach deep
Center. 208 W. 13th St. March 26. 8 pm. inside and pull out the secrets gay
men have kept hidden from audiences.
by Jim Fouratt seen in slick porn mags (even Hunt, In Homo Love Songs, a queer music-
The gay male perfonner attempting OutWeek'S,bar-rag brother) and videos, theater piece, lovers Dan Martin, a
to come to tenus with external expres- along with the consumer-exploiting singer/song writer, and his life-partner,
sion of his creative muse while he cable shows that manipulate desire Michael Biello, a performing visual
embraces both his sexual orientation and encode' consumer compulsion artist attempt to jettison the self-obscur-
and hisaffectional preference often, (such as Men and Films or the tacky ing defense tools traditionally used for
by habit, throws himself smack dab and twisted Robin Byrd Show). Noth- protecting any vulnerability from expo-
into a wall of mirrors that artistically ing more needs to be said about the sure through a forceful manipulation of
reflects back only what has been super-boy/man-hunk with muscles of fake serisitivity. The perfonner general-
deflected previously. . steel and dick homed like a weapon ly accomplishes this by donning a
That, my friend, in a nut shell, is for hunting in the erogenous zone, mask of false superiority, commonly
the artistic dilemma facing today's gay and how the marketing and manipula- called "camp" by hetero critics.
male perfonner. .'. tion of this image has driven you, me Not since Tim Miller and John
The defiant reemergence of and even George Michael into spiritu- Bernd presented Ltve Boys at PS 122
drag-Lypsinka, Boy George and a al, physical and material chaos and (1981), a work that explored the inter-
bevy of downtown (NY, LA, SF, Miami,
etc.) bar dancing tinsel beauties-as a
political and artistic polemic in the
face of homophobia and violence
states a case loudly in a post-feminist
manner that flirts with misogyny only
in the imagination of the closed-mind-
ed observer. Men like these "dollies"
are not trying to pass as female. They
are playing out the roles that men in a
heterosexual society have created to
identify women, roles that have noth-
ing to do with the actual experience ,of
.2 being a biological female, As in the
J! work of Genet, these men are playing
~ women for men's attention~nd per-
~ ha~s for women's amusement.
S Transvestites and self-defined "Ies-
~ bian" transsexuals demanding to be
treated as "real women," along with
the notorious "Kathy"s of the late-night AN INTEGRATEDWHOLE?-Dan Martin and Michael Biello bare all.
cabte world (chicks with dicks), are
not significant in. any progressive artis- allegedly drove poor, drug-soaked weaving of their personal relationship
tic manner except when they reflect porn stud-boy, Ted Cox, to prove his as lovers with their professional collab-
the -meshing of the destructive oppres- manhood by murdering his gay pimp orations and competitions, has such a
sion. of desire with a ruthless role- .as a manly expression of his love for naked look at the strengths and stress-
identification. These manmade crea- the ever-trendy bi-gal. es of homo love and artists at work
tures are dealt the Queen of Spades in Today there are other choices and been presented. .
a life game that art critic Jill Johnson roles being looked at by gay male per- Homo Love Songs was staged at the
once described as the "ultimate crime formers struggling with. identity and fabulous new perfonnance-space on the
heterosexist society perpetrates againSt artistic expression. From skin-head fag third floor of the lesbian and Gay Com-
gay men, forcing them to self-mutilat~ .' clones eroticized by Homocore and by munity Services Center (which may be
in order to conform to some external Bruce La Bruce in his queer-cinema our community's safest creative space
idea of what it means, in a patriarchal breakthrough, No not dependent on
society, to be a woman." Skin O)j'My Ass, to the 10,000 dance-crazed
Contrast this role with the other multi-cultural inter- queers in search of a
e;,.."tremeso well known to the viewers twinings of the Flirta- drink ticket and
of the stereotypical fantasies of tions, gay male per- entrance into a VIP
fetishism and the hyper-masculinity fonners are attempting room-now if only the

April 3, OUTWEEK 63

..Center would make it accessible to all of discourse charts the emotional waves tively balancing • the emotions of
its potential audience). Recreqting their gay men in touch, with .the world . Dan's songs. And we saw flesh,
living room ,onstage by sharing, rather around us are forced to navigate: life, thank you very much, including
than hiding, their spontaneous intimacy, death, the meaning of friendship, dicks and ass, in a manner that inte-
Dan and Michael work hard to remove sex, relationships, support, fear and, grated the whole person rather than
the fake performers' masks and reveal most eloquently, the complex mean- simply objectifying the surface. I
the tender, sexy side of two men inter- ing of love. Schmaltz, it was not. cried, I laughed, and I saw two sexy
acting as lovers and artists. The evening opened with a sly guys across the room. Most of all, my
Michael is the writer, and Dan and wicked slide-show of slicked- heart was thrilled.
the principle performer, who sits at down and heightened minimaliza- If you care about the living as
the baby grand, operating the tape tions of graffiti-like collages juxta- much as you fight for the dying, check
deck and taking center stage to pre- posing ordinary images with highly out Homo Love Songs. And, by the way,
sent a queer version of Elton John, erotic totems: Michael also did physi- it is defmitely woman (and even het-
James Taylor, Johnny Mathis, the cal props, the very small things that ero) friendly. '"
seductiv'e syncopated back-beat elec- make the real difference in transition A cassette of the songs performed
tronically weaving with his heartfelt and transformation. He danced, in the show is available at most gay
'post-cabaret sensibility. Their musical mimed, posed and pranced, effec- bookstores.

D..J: Aldo .EIernandez ,


CITV: Nezv York


CLUB: JJ.:Ceat; 1

, \

1. "Psyche Out" by Meat Beat Manife$to
,. j

2. "The Exorcist" by Scientist

3. "Unfinished Sympathy" by Massive ,

, 4. "Roll My Body" by Sunsonic

5. "Queer Nation" by 2 Queens, a King and a Drum Machine

6. "Pax Americana" by Test Department

7. "All Right" by Urban Soul

8. "The Phantom/Swing Low" by Renegade Soundwave and Diamanda


. 9. "Be What You Wanina Be" by A Certain Ratio

10. "Tunes Splits the Atom" by McTunes vs. 808 State

64 OUYWEEK April 3,1991

they succeed in echoing the images of

endless carnage.
The individuals are missing, and '
HENRY IV. The New York Shakespeare Festival. The Public Theater. 425 they're what' make the Henry IVs more
Lafayette St. (212) 598-7100. Through April 7. than morality plays in military drag. Akali-
tis goes for the icons-based on these
by Otis Stuart all. Even.the problems are traditional, like two productions, she seems to be the
The New York Shakespeare a tendency to go for the volume in the kind of director who's better with the
Festival's marathon staging of the Shake- verse an4l1()t' its subtleties. Akalitis may play than with the actOl'S--QIldthe intrica-
speare canon couldn't have picked a bet- graze the·.unorthodox prospect-Falstaff cies of character fall by the wayside, or to
ter time to bring on Henry IV-both of and Hal are first seen asleep together in a the actor's particular devices. In good
him. Together, Henry Iv, Parts One and single bed~nd she is not adverse to hands, the going is a good time, as it is
Tux>, are about as unsparing, unhappy a extremity-Doll is played as a cankered with Ruth Maleczech's vaudeville Mistress
portrait of political leadership as you're Everywhore but, possibly because she Quiekly and Louis Zorich's Kris Kringly
liable to fmd: There are no good guys directed both plays as a piece, Akalitis Falstaff. Lisa Gay Harnilton is an impas-
and not an unsuspect motive in sight. hears their symphony rather than the sioned,if slightly piercing, Lady Percy,
The title character is a usurper, his heir . solos, .the rush of events rather than the Jared Harris is a jackhammer Hotspur.
proof from his ftrst monologue that con- details that set them in motion. When the characterizations become
niving runs in the family. The plays are This works for Hotspur but blurs shadier, as in the duelling Henrys IV and
scarier still as a bull's-eye example of everyone else. Scenes hurtle by, and the V, Akalitis and her actors take the easi-
how Shakespeare made a specific event, pace picks up an inevitability that er way out-the big note. Handsomer
the reign of a 14th<entury king, into an drowns out the private dramas at their then even a future Henry V has any
abiding course in current events. The center. The resultant energy, direct and right to be, Thomas Gibson is a three-
contemporary parallels are downright down-stage, is no mean achievement, quarters-time Prince Hal, even in the
eerie. A stealth king to rival our own and perhaps the only way to play the tavern scenes,. and Larry Bryggman's
stealth president, Henry IV specializes in endless tavern scenes in Part Tux> is to Henry IV is a dead man from his first
PR, lives for battle and acts on a single indulge their fr!mtic speech. Taking
objective, staying in power. The plays schtick. Akalitiseven politicians at
end with the dying Henry advising the uses projections and their own mythol-
future Henry V: Start a foreign war, in the film footage to fill out ogy is exactly
Mjddle East if possible. the battle sequences, what Henry IV is
JoAnne Akalitis' staging of the two and, safely up-stage, not about. ~
parts of Henry IV does its danmedest to
give the plays an updated edge. The
introductory choral ftgure, Rumor, sets
the tone: spike heels, spikier hairdo and, a
black vinyl coat splattered with scaflel:
ress OU,· ,
mouths giving you lots of tongue. From COLLIER SCHORR. 303 Gallery. 89 Greene St. Thr()ugh March 30•

there, characters and situations are cross-
, across centuries: York is attended
by Black men in black leather wearing by John Donahue logue, fears and desires are scrawled: "It's
S¢ous sunglasses, and the Boar's Head Like wet laundry blown off the line, funny how often they say to me, 1ane,
brothers' have more than a touch of Collier Schorr's sculpture seems to have have you been a good girl?'" In fact,
uptown, too. And both productions are floated through the air and stuck to the "Have you been good?" repeats mantra-
li~ered with local props. Part One opens gallery'S walls. The laundry is mostly like in several of the pieces. Occasionally
-on original music by Philip Glass in a dresses, infant-sized, all white and stiff- there's also an answer: "No." In other
soft-rock mode. Budweiser cans cover ened with plaster. The sculpture is vul- pieces, Jane reappears as well, a possible
Falstaff's room. Poins enters, canying a nerable and small, artifacts from child- reference to those homogeneous learn-
television like a boom-box and tosses a hood, like bronzed baby shoes, yet more ing-to-read characters, Dick and Jane.
bagel to Hal, whose blue pants might as fragile. The clothes are animated and full, , Sometimes the words are smudged,
well be jeans. Hal teases streetwise Poins but the bodies are missing upside-down or illegible, trailing off into
about his "seester." Pistol rides a What sets these sculptures apart, nether regions. A few pieces carry illus-
minibike. Hotspur has a ponytail. ~. what makes them artful, is apparent trations of naked women, or of their
Happily, Akalitis keeps the addenda l!pon closer examination. A dress opens naked breasts. Further countering the
peripheral and largely unobstrusive like a bell above your head, works' innocence are titles
(although she might rethink that big blue and inside there is writing, such as "Covet Slowly," "1he
blotch on Doll Tearsheet's arm, particularly revealing the secret thoughts Whipping Girl," "Be Brave,
since her compatriots are decked out in of the wearer. Across the Beware, Be a Boy."
the chalky pallor of plague victims). The folds in pencil, ink and mark- The ten plaster casts
result is a traditional Henry lVin spite of it er admonitions, bits of dia- falling from the sky consist of
II •


seven dresses, two pairs of pants with sus-

penders and my favorite, one sailor suit, In
called "Hey Diddle Diddle." Some of the
writing refers to gayness or gender prob- by Charles Sock i,
lems: Down a boy's pants, "Be a Man"
appears in red marker; up a dress, "She ,,
wanted to push her against the wall and When I finally told my parents,
fuck the shit out of her." In this way, the
writing not only cuts the outfits' sentimen-
we gathered under a fluorescent rectangle ,

tality but also for~ the viewer to look up in the panelled basement of the house where I grew up.

a little girl's dress or down a little boy's My dad sat across from me " f•,
pants. This produces its own thrill, and the i,
at the old kitchen table:
partidpant viewer becomes petYert.
The all-white wardrobe and its frag- My mom, hands folded, sat besiqe'me.
ile manufacture suggest the vulnerability Dad took my hands in his,
of childhood and identity, and how eaSily and said their house would always be my home.
small children are manipulated and over~
powered by others, even other children.
My mother stared,
At least in theol)', early childhood is also asked me what I'd said,
the time when we're all still androgynous and as I spoke, she crumpled into sobs,
and bisexuaL But in reality, even babies her red hands over her red face. •
are color-coded, enabling sex identifica-
tion, and peIhaps for this reason, Schorr
chose white to blur such differences.
This compelling work is doubly sub-
versive: As the viewer is seduced into a sex-
ual curiosity regarding these children, she or
he also wants to mother them and give
them good advice. These shells of child-
hood' seem to suggest that children are Charles Sock is an undergraduate
scolded, shamed--even loved--mto being English student at Brooklyn College. This
"good girls" and "brave, little boys." While is his first published poem ....
being coddled, the indoctrination begins ....

&& OUTWEEK April 3, 1991

- ,

I •

TUES. MAR 26. B PM THUR. MAR 26. 8PM SAT, MAR 30. 2PM SUN. MAR 31. 2RM' TUES. APR 2. 8PM Intensities of Space. FRI. APR 5. aPM Intensities of Space. SUN. APR 7, 2PM
Cantilever Two Cantilever Two Cantilever Two Summer-Clouds People Cantilever Two and Wind and Wind Cantilever Two Every dance will be
Summer-Clouds People
WORlD HEIIIERE Killer' Of - Enem les' Killer -Of -£ nemies: Plains Daybreak Killer -Of-Enemies:
Killer -Of· Enemies: Plains Daybreak Intensities of Space. Heyoka
The Divine Hero
performed with
IWR-OF-EIEMIES: The Divine Hero The Divine Hero Heyoka The Divine Hero Heyoka and Wind
Hurrah! SAT. APR 6. aPM Intensities of Space. live music.
THE DlVllIE M£RO New Moon WORLD HEM/ERE Agalhlon
Hurrah SUN. MAR 31. 7:30 PM ItlTEISITlES OF THUR. APR 4. aPM Heyoka Can!ilever Two and Wind Erick Hawkins
FRI. MAR 29. 8PM SAT. MAR 30. 8PM Cantilever Two SPACE, AND WIIID Cantilever Two . Killer 01 Enemies: , Hprrah! Dance Company
WED. MAR 27. 8PM Summer-Clouds People Cantilever Two Killer· Of-Enemies: New Moon Killer -01- Enemies: SAT. APR 6. 2PM The Divine Hero has never
TOday. With Dragon Agathlon Killer -Of-Ene mies· The Divine Hero The Divine Hero Cantilever Two Intensities of Space. SUN. APR 7. 7:30PM performed to taped
The Divine Hero Hurrahl and Wind Agathlon
New Moon Heyoka WED. APR 3. 8PM Agalhlon Killer -of-Enemies:
New Moon
music, and
Heyoka New Moon Today. With Dragon The Divine Hero New Moon
~antitever Two never will.

Brendan Fay, Irish-born teacher of
.c::C» ... t ....... ~cI ..r ....... __ ~ :aT «:;-0 .- .. r _ 3 ....
I. theology at a Queens high school and
of the hate mongers lining the parade As a reporter covering the parade an ILGO member who marched in the
route were never Dinkins fans. for OutWrek, I saw firsthand the level of parade, told OutWeek that "stepping out
That fact was not lost on Cardinal vitriol felt by many spectators toward the on Fifth Avenue was a step further out
O'Connor, whose diminishing influence gay group. The standard response to my of the closet for Irish lesbians and gay
on municipal politics was paraded up polite requests for an explanation of men, and it should be remembered as a
Fifth Avenue in front of him. abusive behavior was "Get out of my very courageous act-far more coura-
So while drawing boos from his face~ dyke bitch." I was told, among geous than the cowards who were b0e-
opponents, Dinkins solidly cemented ing and hissing us."
the support of a community much Fay was horrified, although unsur-
more within his natural constituency. prised, by the verbal violence of some
Other longtime Dinkins supporters, of the spectators. "The display of hate
including Rev. Calvin Butts, view his and rejection from the sidewalks was
championing of a civil rights cause anything but a reflection of Christian
favorably and have sa·id so publicly. charity and justice and simply reflected
But the continuing power of the a sickness and uncomfortableness with
. Catholic church, whose real estate sexual issues amongst the Irish-
holdings are surpassed only by the American community," he added
city itself, cannot be discounted. Eco- "The most homophobic gesture of
nom ically, the church will remain a' the day was as we passed the review- -'" u
force to reckon with. Ci-tyHall ing stand and the leaders of the AOH il
spokespersons take pains to point turned their backs on Ireland's gay sons ~
out that the mayor maintains a "cor- and lesbian daughters," he continued "I a:
dial" relationship with the cardinal. do not believe that their gesture was l

(Zwilling, the cardinal's spokesper~ representative of the entire Irish com- . l:i
son, declined to characterize the Car- munity but reflects more on themselves ~
dinal's feeling about the mayor, at otqer things, that "I should be hung," as an organization."
least for Out Week.) . that a good fuck would sort me out, and In fact, members of the Ancient
Dinkins' supportive stance for the that I had better jump if I was not to get
ILGO did not end with the parade. it on the spot. I quickly realized that they THIS ""EEK"S
Invited to join its membership at a would rather see me dead than a proud ""ERE EI>ITEI> BV
street fair the next day, St. Patrick's lesbian. Most of those I spoke with, who __ I>RE"" NlILLER

Day proper, Dinkins initially declined. were, literally, hissing and spitting, wore .
So Irish Lesbian and Gay Organi- their venom on their contorted faces. Order of Hibernians had compared a
zation members were surprised and The reaction of the police to the gay presence in the St.-PaJrick's
.. . Day
pleased when I;>inkins, fresh off the gay marchers was mixed To their credit, parade to the Ku Klux Klaii at a Martin
tennis courts, arrived at Sheridan most were supportive and went all-out Luther King Day celebration~ ,
Square in the West Village to dance a to protect them from what could easily This year is the 75th anniversay of
jig or two with some of his most have been a lynch mob. After the the 1916 Easter Rising in Dublin, when a
ardent supporters. And the usually parade, ILGO members and their sup- group of Irish intellectuals staged an iIl-
circumspect mayor, clearly affected by porters were escorted to the subway sta- fated coup against the British administra-
the hate-filled atmosphere of the pre- tion at leXington Avenue and East 77th tion occupying their country. One of the
vious day'S long walk, seemed gen- Street by cops who warned them that to parade's central themes was the remem-
uinely happy to be among people he travel alone would be to risk injury. brance of the rising, which, for Fay,
considered his own home. Thirty members of GOAL, the gay brought to mind the struggle of the Irish
City Hall sources playfully told cops' fraternity group, linked arms with people aginst years of hatred, fear and'

OutWeek that while the mayor is an ILGO members up Fifth Avenue. Nev- oppression at the hands of the British.

accomplished ballroom dancer, they ertheless, there were allegations of "The parade organizers and the
could not comment on his skill at tra- police brutality. spectators who abused us seem to have
ditional Irish dance. Terpsichorean And of course, there were many forgotton that two of the leading figures
talent aside, that the mayor chose people yelling out their support, thank- ' in the [up]rising, Roger Casementland
Sheridan Square for his homecoming ing ILGO for fighting so hard to realize Padraic Pearse, were gay," he said "The
after a long, bruising game of politi- its right to be there, and these spectators participation of Irish lesbians and gay
cal football-and that he chose to made ILGO's valiant battle for inclusion men in the Sl Patrick's Day parade was
dance with'gay men and lesbians

in the parade worthwile, said members an equally historic Easter Rising. It rep-:

rather than chat with ·the cardinal- who took part. resented a rising up against hate, fear
tells a story all by itself. And that Lined up with many of the thumbs- and oppression. What I did in marching
story is not likely to be quickly for- turned-down were many pointing up, up Fifth Avenue," he concluded, "was to
gotten byanybody.T that belonged to straights and gays alike. express my own passion for justice."T.


CCIJ cII "pc. P'-." 37

But the St. Patrick's Day parade

turned the spotlight on the inherent
conflict between being gay and Golden Age of Opulence
Catholic as never before in this city. at
ILGO has a Roman Catholic priest
amongst its ranks, in addition to a the- Yk~~U
-. "-

ology teacher and a number of strong 1057 Steiner SI

. .
believers. For them, Cardinal O'Con-
nor's treatment of the issue was partic-
ularly painful.
According to Brendan Fay, a the- For
ology teacher at a Catholic High Reservations:
School in Queens: ·"O'Connor is a
mouth on his own. The. issue here

was discrimination. Cath61fc church
teaching on this is consistent. The US
bishops write in their 1976 pastoral
letter, "To Live in Jesus Christ,' that
homosexuals have a right to respect,
friendship and justice like anyone
else, and that they should not suffer
prejudice against them. To me, that's
the key. That's why I marched. How-
ever, .J realize that what has been
going on has been perpetuated by
institutionalized religion.'
, In other ways, the group is very
ml!lchlike other community groups of
• --,/ ,
it~ ilk. Another problem the group
acknowledges is in dealing with sex- CELEBRATE OUR 25TH ANNIVERSARY
iSf amongst the male members, a ALL· TIME FAVORITES
conflict created throughout the com- AT OLD· TIME PRICES
munity by the last decade's shift
toward co-sexual advocacy.
ONE·POT BOILED BEEF DINNER "" ........ " ..". $695
"The egos we have to deal with
TUESDAY .. ' 1
are enormous,' said Honan bluntly. "A
lot of our male members are totally
.SAUTEED CENTER'(UT PORK CHOP "" ......... $6.95
unaware that they are sexist, because WEDNESDAY
they come from a country where it is ROASTLEMON/ROSEMARY
. .
CHICKEN ,,,""" $6.95
acceptable. Now, for the first time THURSDAY _
they have to face it.' OLD·FASHIONED BEEFSTEW" ......... " .. "" .." $6.95
A cardinal 'principle of the FRIDAY
group ethos, for which its female POACHED WALLEYED lAKE PIKE ....... " ......... $6.95
members have pushed hard, is its SATURDAY
equal representation by lesbians and DUCK & SAUSAGE CASSOULET ....... " ..... " ... $6.95
gay men. "Even if we have only two SUNDAY
lesbians and 500 gay men as mem- TRADITIONAL SHEPHERD'S PIE ,,,,,,,,,, ... ,,,,,,, .. $6,95
bers, a lesbian is going to be a co- EVERYDAY
spokesperson,' concluded Maguire, OUR FAMOUS LOUISIANA CRAB CAKES ,..,'" $695
who, in the past three weeks, has'
lived that decision beyond any point
she might have thought possible ""
previously .... •
To contact the Irish Lesbian and
Gay Organization, call (212) 967- BAR &.. .. GRILL
7711, ext. 3078. Or write to PO Box CORNER CHARLES AND HUDSON ST,
4276, Rockefeller Station, New York, WEST VILLAGE' 11,30 AM _ 12,30 AM
NY 10185. (212) 989-0313




- "Portrays one sexual man's,
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rigor and detail!'
-Richard Labonte



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" •
ADVANCE LISTINGS PS 1~2 'presents Penny's LI
Mlllrl .... Th. Millry, an emotionally
I charged look at growing up Italian in
America, which uses, among';other
RESEARCH presents The SIale ollhe
things, footage of a filmed ongoing
City: A Gay and Lesbian Perspective,
argument between Penny Arcade and
given in conjunction with OutWeek mag-
azine. "Gay men and lesbians are• vital her immigrant mother. PS 122. 150
participanm in the lile 01 New York City," First Ave. Thursdays through Sundays
says the class description. "Despite this, at 9:30 pm. Rese.rvatlons: (212) 477-
many believe that the popular media and 5288. Through March 31.
mainstream arts communities either fail
10 represent or actually misrepresent SPLIT BRITCHES and BLOOLIPS pre-
gay and lesbian concerns.' Given in sent B.f1. Rlprl" •. What if Stanley
three sessions which focus on the arts, Kowalski were a lesbian In drag and
Blanche DuBois were a drag queen?
the media and politics, respectively, the
classsswill be led by Arts Editor Sarah
Ca.plleJhbJ DIll Peck Belle Reprieve addresses all this and
Pettit, Features Editor Michelangelo
Send.announcements and listings to: 159 W. more in a hilarious send-up of A
Signorile and News Editor Andrew 25th St., 7th floor, New York, NY 10001. Next Streetcar Named Desire. Th-Mo at 8
Miller. $15 for the course, $8 for a sin- pm. Sa at 7 and 10:15 pm. One Dream.
deadline: Monday, March 25, for issue #93, 232 West Broadway. Re8ervatlons:
gle session. Ths first session is April 25.
For,more info, contact the New School - which hits the stands on Monday, April 1. (212) 274-1450. Through March 31.
at (212) 741-5600.
MOSAIC BOOKS presents Prlnny AlavI.
THE NEW SCHOOL FOR SOCIAL The photographer's work, mostly
RESEARCH presents Gay and Lesbian nudes, will be on display at the book-
Writing: From World War II 10 store. 167 Ave. B, at 10th Street. 2-10
SIonewal1. Instructor: Jossph Cady. pm daily. (212) 475-8623. Through
"The years after World War II witnessed April 6..
a significant body of gay and lesbian lit-
erature that has tended to become over- PS 122 presents Mabou Mines' Th.
shadowed by the more open homosex- Brlbl, a poetic musical work in
ual expression of the post-Stonewall progress which traces a day in the life
years of the '70s and '80s. But the rela- of Gill Clout. Written by Terry O'Reilly.
tive burst in gay and lesbian writing Directed by Ruth Maleczech. Music by
from the mid-1940s through the 1960s John Zorn. Performed by O'Reilly and
contributed to the change in cultural Sucked in by Vampire Lesbians of Sodom? High and dry Black-Eyed Susan. $6. PS 122. 150
atmosphere that helped make possible because you missed Psycho Beach Parlfl Now, THE WPA Rrst Ave. March 13, 20, 27 and April 24
the contemporary gay and lesbian liber- THEATREpresents Red Scare on Sunset,the latest mad- at 8 pm. .Reservations: (212) 477-5288.
ation movement and is an integral part cap creation by (and starring) Charles Busch, creator of
of the background of the present gay THEATRE-AT-224-WAVERLY-PLACE
and lesbian situation. Among the
Vampire Lesbians of Sodom and Psycho Beach Party. presents Homoll1Cu.'Alit', a series of
authors we may consdier are: Directed by Kenneth Elliott. Starrring Ralph Buckley, Roy 12 short plays, including seven world
Tennessee Williams, Carson McCullers, Cockrum, Andy Halliday, Julie Halston, Mark Hamilton, premieres and three New York pre-
Allen Ginsberg, Sylvia Townsend mieres. They are: Robert Palrick's
Judith Hansen and Arnie Kolodner. 519 W. 23rd St. Tu- Th Ludwig and Wagner, The Family Bar
Warner, James Baldwin and Janet
Flanner." The six sessions begin on
at 8 pm and Su at 7:30 pm-$22. Fr and Sa at 8 pm and and The Way We War; Daniel Curzon's
April 4. $130. For more info, contact Su at 3 pm-$26. Reservations: (212) 206-0523. S&M, Celebrities in Hell and One Man'S
Jim O'Connor at the New School at . "
OpiniofT, Carl Morse's Annunciation and
Fairy Fuck-In, or A Call to the States;
(212) 741-8778. What's SO enticing about Oscar that both Whoop! Roberl Chesley's Sqmebody'slittle
Goldberg (hmm) and Kevin Costner (hmm hmm) ar'e BoY; Victor Bumbalo's Show; Bil
MENT takes you on a Crulce Around reaching for his crotch on the cover of TV Guide? Perhaps Wright's Mother Father Lover MalT, and
lYIanhattan. Join SAGE on the Spirit of COMMUNITY HEALTH PROJECTcan tell you, when they Rich Rubin's That AI Pacino Look. $20.
We-fr at 8 pm, Sa at 7 and 10 pm, Su
New York-they've reserved all three visit the Pyramid to present Queer Os'car. Featuring at 3 and 7 pm. Tickets: (212) 564-8038.
decks/and offer a gourmet brunch, a
Broadway revue, dancing and views of
Mistress of Ceremonies Linda Simpson, and perfor- Through May 26.
the New York skyline. $45 for one/$80 mances by SheUyMars, Frank Maya and Diviana
for tWo. Prepayment required by April Ingravallo. Also expected to be on hand: Michelangelo THE NEW YORK OPEN CENTER pre-
'. sents Susan aennell's Sh,pllhtn.rr,
1. Cruise date is May 5. Boarding time Signorile, Deborah Glick, Peter Adair, Michael Musto, an exhibition of painters. The New York
is 11:30 am at Pier 11, near Wall Street
For more info and reservations: (212)
Danitra Vance and Martin Duberman. $5. 101 Ave. A Open Center. 83 Spring St. Mo, Th, Fr
741-2247. March 25. Midnight. Info: (212) 675-3559. from 1--5 pm. (212) 219-2527. Through
April 3.
in Golu karate. Beginners may start the ATRE presents Alberlo Adellach's
week of April 2. Sliding fee of $5-$115 present a Forum on the domestic partnership bill. Invited Sdln •• nd Lueffcl•. The play ie about
based on monthly income. Free child speakers include Fernando Ferrer, Bronx borough presi- "two women fugitives from an. asylum
whose views of reality clash wilh one
care offered. 421 Fifth Ave. Park Slope, dent; Carolyn Maloney, council member and chief spon- another in a series of oddball
Brooklyn. (718)
788-1775. sor of the legislation; and Liz Holtzman, comptroller of sequences which ultimately end in a
LIVELY ARTS New York City. One Fordham p,laza, suite 800. March 26.. serious resolu.tion.The play wa~
Also' see the daily listings for showings 7-9 pm. Info: Ron Jacobowitz at (212) 519-8746 or. Lisa inspired by a true incident which was
reported In the Argentinian newspa-
of one or two days. Winters at (212) 829-9817. pers." With Cordelia GonZiles, Marilyn

Romero and Nancy Walsh. Director:
Alba Oms. Design: Edward Glanfran~ .
presents Evan Matthews, performing a
C8lCO. Ughting: Rick BuUer. Costumes:
blend of popular tunes, jazz, bl ues and
Mary Marsicano. $10/$12/$15. The
theater music, $8 cover/$l 0 minimum.
Puerto Rican Traveling Theatre. 304 W.
49 W. 44th St. Wednesdays at 9 and 11 47th St., at Eighth Avenue. Opening
pm. Reservations: (212) 764-8930.
March 21. English schedule: Wfrfr at 8
March 6-27.

April 3. 1991 OUTWEEK 71


pm..Spanish schedule: Sa-5u at 2:30 pm summer share? Owners, renters and

. and 8 pm. Reseriations: (212) 354-1293. lookers meet to benefit the l.esbian and
Through April 21. More hard facts: ACT UP presents TheTruth About AIDS, a Gay Anti-Violence Projecl Share seekers:
$15. Shars offerere: $25 first pereon, $15
.6THE WINGS THEATRE COMPANY pre- teach-in examining ten years of AIDS eduCation, politics, each additional. First drink free. The
sents Roman Sp,ctac/" "a night in the media coverage, medical and social resources. With Dr. Center. 208 W. 13th Sl &-9 pm. Info: the
orgy chamber of the teenage emperor of Ernest BrUCker, epidemiOlogist; Larry Kramer, ACT UP Network's 24-hour hotline at (212) 5H-
the Roman empire, Heliogabalus," written founder, novelist and playwright; and Ann Northrup, AIDS 0771.
and directed by David Michael Gallagher.
Featuring 'a spectacular drag wedding in educator and ACT UP member. Cooper Union Great Hall. GAY MEN OF THE BRONX and BRONX
the palace: 154 Christopher Sl TLHr at 8 41 Cooper Square. March 26. 8 pm. (212) 353-4155. LESBIANS UNITED IN SISTERHOOD pre-
pm. Beginning April 13, Sa at 7 and 10 pm eent a Public Forum on domestic part-
and Su at 3:30 and 7 pm. Reservations: Relax and unwind with JOCELYN AND JULIE at cm Club nership legislation. 1 Fordham Plaza,
(212) 627-2961. Through April 28. suite 800. 7-9 pm. Info: Chris at 601-
East. It's the regular Tuesday night dance party, plus mas- 0806.
.6 THE DUPLEX presents Caf, Ber/ln, 'sages by Shelly Mars, dyke comedienne (and now
starring Sybil Bruncheon, Bob GutoWlkl, masseuse) extraordinaire. $3 before midnight/$5 after. The MEN OF ALL COLORS TOGETHER
Jay Rogers, Thomas Stoehr and Jeffrey Pyramid. 101 Ave. A. Doors open at March 26. 10 pm. Fllllneial Affairs Planning Meeting. 169
Wallach. The Duplex. 59 Christopher SI. Manhattan Ave., 14B, at loath Street. 7
Fr at 10 pm. Reservations: (212) 255- (212) 473-7184. pm. (212) 932-3138.
5438. Through April 30.
Funny hmmm or funny ha-ha? KELLY'S presents The' SAGE preesnlll Adult Survfvors of Sexual
.6 THE WPA THEATRE presents R,d Mary Jo Comedy Show, starring Mary Jo Wobker, AbUII, an experiential therapy group for
Sca" on Suns,t, a new play by and star- women ages 21 and up to support the
ring Charle. Busch, creator of Vampire .Carolyn May, Suzanne Westenhoeffer and Peggy Boyce. recovery process and free you from the
Lesbians of Sodom and Psycho Beach . $5, plus a two-drink minimum. Seventh Avenue South at pain and silence of eexual abuse.
Party. Directed by Kenneth Elliott. Bedford Street. March 27. 8:30 pm. Info: (914) 353-4168. Psychotheraplslll: Joyce Z. Meyere, CSW
Starrring Ralph Buckley, Roy Cockrum, .-" and Robbye Stuart-Russell, MA. The
Andy Halliday, Julie Hallton, Mark Center. 208 W. 13th Sl 7--8:30 pm. (212)
Hamilton, Judith Hansen, Arnie If you're into spoken words, choose from one of the fol- 741-2247.
Kolodller. 519 W. 23rd Sl Tu-Th at 8 pm lowing: First, HIGH RISK READINGSpresent Gary Indiana, •
and Su at 7:30 pm-$22. Fr and Sa at 8 Michael Lassell, Terence Selles and Lynne Tillman. The GAY ACTIVIST ALLIANCE I N MORRIS
pm a:nd Su at 3 pm-$26. Reservations: writers will be reading from their work, which appears in COUNlY presenlll Womyn'. Nelwoll! and
(212) 206-0523. Man's Rap Group at 7:30 pm, before
the anthology, High Risk. Tower Books. Lafayette at Fourth . their General Meeting at 8:30 pm.
THE LESBIAN HERSTORYARCHIVES and Street. March 28. Tonighfs topic: 'Sex and Spirituality." Dr.
THE CENTER present Keepln' On: Virginia Ramey Mollenkott, professor of
Images of Afrlcan-Am.erlcan Lesbians. Or you can take IN OUR OWN WRITE, presenting writers English at William Paterson College and
Opening Feb. 28. Wheelchair accessible. member of the board of directors of the
The Center. 208 W. 13th SI. Hours: daily, from the anthology, Naming the Waves. Cu rated by Center for Sexuality and Religion, Is the
4-6 pm. For more info, contact the Christian McKuen, the reading features Roz Calvert, Joan guest. Morrietown Unitarian Fellowship.
Archives at (212) 874-7232. Larkin and Sapphire. $3 suggested donation. The Center. 21 Normandy Heights Rd. Morristown,
208 W. 13th St.-March 28. 7:30 pm. Info: (212) 620-7310. NJ. Info: GAAMC Gay Helpline: (201)
55 GROVE STREET presents Cam 285-1595. _
Brainard and Bob Koherr's Br/cMac, &
stU"O, performers who both appeared in Step on it! JULIUS presents Foot Friends Bar Night, for ACT UP General Mlltlng. Cooper Union.
Parting Glances, their original comedy men into bare feet, socks, sneakers, boots, shoes and all Fourth Avenus at 7th Street. 7:30 pm.
material includes two jocks who learn types of feet and foot-gear action. Here's your chance to Info: 564·AIDS. "
they can vogue, retired Solid Gol~ • . ,. - I;
Dancers, Amish rappers who put the meet in a friendly, supportive, social atmosphere. 159 W. COMMUNITY HEALTH PROJECT Invitee
"men back in Mennonite," an early Simon 10th St. March 28. 9:30-11 pm. Info: Andy Rowe at (212) you to watch The Academy-Awards in a
& Garfunkel, and the Rocky Mountain 675-7352. benefit for CHP.$50. 112 E. 19th St 7:30
Butt Boys who open at a gay rodeo in pm. Afterwards, join CHP at the Pyramid
West HollyWood; videos serve as transi- at midnight, where they present Queer
tions between livs routines; at 55 Grove Feeling unloved lately? MEN OF ALL COLORS TOGETHER Oscar, featuring Mistress of Ceremonies
St (west of 7th Ave South); $8 + 2-drink offers you a Day of Indulgence. Your choices: haircut, Linda Simpson, and ,performances by
minimum; Fr at 8 pm; 366-5438 massage, facial, manicure, pedicure, reflexology or card Shelly Mars, Frank Maya and Dlvlana
and palm reading. $10 per indulgence, or $40 for a full Ingravallo. Also expected to be on hand:
CHERRY LANE THEATRE presents David Michelangelo Signori Ie, .Deborah Glick,
Stevens' 711, Sum of Us, by the writer of package. The Center. 208 W. 13th St. March 30. 12-7 pm. Peter Adair. Michael Musto, Danltra
Breaker Morant, starring Nell Massln and Call for reservations: (212) 222-9794. Vanci and Martin Duberman. $5. 101
Richard Ventura, directed by Kevin Ave. A Info for both evenlll: (212) 675-
Dowling, ab,out a father who tries to help Now that you're beautiful, head over to EIGHTY EIGHT'S to 3559.
with his son's gay relationships while he
looks for a new wife; 38 Commerce St; see The Flirtations. The a capella, openly gay and politi- CELLBLOCK 28 presents the New YolI!
$27.50-$32.50; Tu-Fr at 8 pm, Sa at at 7 & cally active men's singing group will be performing one Strap and Paddle Association Party. •
10 pm, Su at 3 & 7:30 pm; 989-2020 time only, so don't miss it. $10 cover plus a two-drink 'For all of you who like to bend over and
minimum. 228 W. 10th SI. March 31. 5:30 pm. take it like a man." Cellblock 28. 28 Ninth
MEN WITH· WIGS, INC., presents II'. a Ave., between 13th and 14th streets.
Man's World: Ladles Sing the Blues, a Reservations: (212) 924-0088. Doore open 8 pm. (212) 733-3144.
fun-filled, gender-bender fantasy, from
the Cotlon to Motown. Men, with wigs, This revolution will not be televised ...THE PRESIDENT OF TUESDAY, MARCH 26
examine Incandescent images of the THE UNITED STATES invites you to his Resignation
blues' queens and their descendants. LONG ISLAND GAY MEN'S GROUP pre-
$10. The Producers Club. 358 W. 44th Ceremony. Also expected to surrender: Jesse Helms, sents an Open Forum. For complete
St., 2nd floor, euite 7. Fridays at 11 pm. William Dannemeyer and New York's own Mario Cuomo. details on thie bi-monthly diecussion
(212) 971-9021. .

Insid~rs expect Norm Schwarzkopf to premiere his new group, contact LlGMG at (516) 694-
revue, Desert Drag. Rumor has it that Ronald Reagan will 2407.
MONDAY, MARCH 25 even make a cameo as Bonzo. Tax credits to all who come. GAY MEN'S HEALTH CRISIS presents a
THE NEW YORK ADVERTISING AND The White House. April Fool's Day. See you there. Health Seminar: Medical Treatments.
COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK presents 129 W. 20th St., third and sixth floors. 7
Share-'a- Thon 3. Offering or seeking a pm. For more information, call the GMHC

72 OUTWEEK April 3, '199'1


hotline at (212) 807-6655. TOD (212) in Spanish, the afternoon program is in trol of your life through good planning. 7:30, it's First Night, for women
64&-7470 for the hearing impaired. English. One Fordham Plaza, 8th floor. st. Vincent's Hospital. Cronin Building. who've never been to a SAL event before.
I Bronx. 10-11 am and 1:30-2:30 pm. Tenth floor auditorium. 170 W. 12th St Bring snacks and drinks to share. Please
call 24 hours in advance to confirm all •
THE LESBIAN AND GAY COMMUNITY Info: Edith Gutierrez at (212) 933-24oo or 8-10 pm. Info: (212) 721-1619.
MEDIATION SERVICE presents a lea Martinez at (212) 295-5605. SAL activities: (718) 965-7578.
Educallonal Forum discussing media- KELLY'S presents Th. Mary Jo Com.dy
tion, its benefits and how the Mediation ANNTAYLOR presents A Taste of Show, starring Mary Jo Wobker, Carolyn OPEN CIRCLE presents Celebrlte the
Service works. There will be a video, sim- Broadway, a store-opening and benefit May, Suzanne Wlltenho.ner and Peggy God/den. Gather for the full moon.
ulated mediation and a question-and- for AmFAR. AmFAR founding co-chair Dr. Boyc •. $5, plus a two-drink minimum. Please arrive early, ae the ritual is one-
answer period. The Center. 208 W. 13th Mathilde Krlm is scheduled to be there. Seventh Avenue South at Bedford Street half hour long and begins promptly. The
Sl 7 pm. (212) 713-3089. Admission includes a chance to win 8:30 pm. Info: (914) 353-4168. Center. 208 W. 13th Sl 7-7:30 pm.
prizes. $35/$50. AnnTaylor::.575 Fifth
BRONX LESBIANS UNITED IN SISTER- Ave., at 47th St. 6-8 pm. Tfekets: Joy THURSDAY, MARCH 28 BODY POSITIVE friday Night Social, for
HOOD and GAY MEN OFTHE BRONX pre- Haber at (212) 719-0033. all HIV-positive individuals and their
ssnt a Forum on ths domestic partner- BRONX AIDS SERVICESoffers a Support friends. Fre. Middle Collegiate Church. 50
ship bill. Invited speakers include THE GAY AND LESBIAN ANTI-VIOLENCE Group for HIV-Posltlve Wom.n. This Is E. 7th St., off Second Ave. 8-10 pm.
F.rnando F.rr.r, Bronx borough presi- PROJECT Peer CouMeling for survivors an ongoing, closed group. Individual con- (212) 721-1346.
dent; Carolyn Malon.y, council member of bias assault, domestic violence and sul1ations are required before admittance.
and chief sponsor of the legielation; and sexual assault. Held every Wednesday Free. 349 E. 149th St, room 609. Bronx. SATURDAY, MARCH 30
Liz Holtzman, comptroller of New York and Thursday from 6-,'1 pm. The Center. 11 am to 12:30 pm. Info: Donna Bersch
City. One Fordham Plaza, suite 800. 7-9 ~208 W. 13th Sl (212) 807-0197. at (212) 585-5001. INTEGRAL YOGA INSTITUE presents
pm. Info: Ron Jacobowitz at (212) 519- Hatha Yoga Class. Hatha Yoga refers to
8746 or Uea Winters at (212) 829-9817. QUEER NATION DYKES and DYKE THE GAY AND LESBIAN ANTI-VIOLENCE the physical postures, deep relaxation
ACTION MACHINE present a Fund·Ralser PROJECTPBBr Couns.llng for survivors and breathing practices which revitalize
THE NINTH STREET CENTER presents to send women to the National Lesbian of bias assault, domestic violencs and and strengthen the body and calm the
Quur QUllllonl; Quur, a Conference. Party at the Pyramid, and sexual assault. Held every Wednesday mind. This class is especially for those
series of rap groups whose focus is dsfin- help send a dyke to Atlan1a. The Pyramid. and Thursday from 6-,'1 pm. The Center. who are HIV-positlve. IYI. 227 W. 13th
Ing homosexuality for the 1990s. 101 Ave. A 8-11 pm. 208 W. 13th St (212) 807-0197. St. 12-1:30 pm. (212) 929-0586.
Tonight's topic: "Tired of the Bars? Same- •
Sex Relationships, Opposites Attract." BISEXUAL WOMEN'S SUPPORT GROUP JUDITH'S ROOM presents B.cky Birth, MEN OF ALL COLORS TOGETHER pre-
Facilitated by Ross Howard. 319 E. 9th Gen.ral Meellng. Tonight's topic: "Our reading from her book, The Forbidden sents Day of Indulg.nce. Your choices:
St, basemenl8-10 pm. (212) 228-5153. Relationship to the Lesbian Community." Poems. Judith's Room. 681 Washington haircut, massage, facial, manicure. pedi-
The Center. 208 W. 13th Sl 6:3Q-8 pm. St 7 pm. (212) 727-7330. cure, reflexology or card and palm read-
LESBIANS AND GAY MEN OF NEW (212) 459-4784. ing. $10 per indulgence, or $40 for a full
BRUNSWICK presents, HIGH RISK READINGS present Gary package. The Center. 208 W. 13th St 12-7
executive director of GLAAD, discussing MEN OF ALL COLORSoTOGETHER Indiana, Michael Lillell, pm. Call for reservations: (212) 222-9794.
ways to end bias in the media against gay HIV/AiDS Conc.rns Committee M.etlng. S.lIers and Lynne Tillman. The writers
men and leebians. Friends Meeting 169 Manhattan Ave., 14B, at 108th will be reading from their work, which SLOPE ACTIVITIES FOR LESBIANS visits
House. 109 Nichol Ave. New Brunewick, Strest 71lm. (2,12) 932-3138. appears in the anthology, High Risk. the ClroulIl Reopening in Prospect
NJ. 8 pm. (908) 247-0515. Tower Books. Lafayette at Fourth Street Park at noon-an historic thrill for only
INTEGRAL YOGA INSTITUTE presents 50 cents. Then, at 1:30, it's the SAL Gil.
ACT UP presents Th.Truth About AIDS, a PATH Seminars: The Body-Mind SLOPE ACTIVITIES FOR LESBIANS prs- and Pals Sports Picnic, a monthly mixer
teach-In examining ten years of AIDS edu- Connecllon. Tonight's topic: Being a sents Couples Video Night. Meet SAL at for gay men and women. Bring food and
cation, politics, media coverage, medical Caregiver. Seminar leader: Peter the video store to pick out the 1apes.7:30 sporting equipment. Then, at 7,SAL
and social resources. With Dr. Ernllt Hendrickson, PhD, psychologist. $7 per pm. Please call 24 hours in advance to lakes a trip to the West Village for a k.d_
Bruck.r, epidemiologist; Larry Kramer, class (scholarships available). IYI. 227 W. confirm all SAL activities: (718) 965-7578. lang Party. Featuring k.d:s very own chill
ACT UP founder. novelist and playwright; 13th Sl7:30-9 pm. (212) 929-0586. recipe (though not k.d. herself). Please
and Ann Northrop, AIDS educator and ACT IN OUR OWN WRITE presents a RBBdlng, call 24 hours in advance to confirm all
UP member. Cooper Union Great Hall. 41 SLOPE ACTIVITIES FOR LESBIANS pre- with writers from the anthology, Naming SAL activities: (718) 965-7578.
Cooper Square. 8 pm. (212) 353-4155. sents Pool Night. Featuring free pool, the Waves . Curated by Clrristian
ping pong, billiards, air hockey and shoot- McKewen, the reading features Roz CONGREGATIONBETH SIMCHAT TORAH
THE CENTER presents Homo Lo" Song, ing hoops at Brownstone Billiard. Seventh Calvert, Joan Larkin and Sapphire. $3 presents a Jewl.h Women'. Rosh
"an original concert of love, passion and Ave. at Ratbush. Afterwards, relax at the suggested donation. The Center. 208 W. Chodnh/New Moon C.lbrIUon.
light," performed by composer Dan Roost at 9pm. Seventh Avenue at 8th 13th St 7:30 pm. Info: (212) 620-7310. Congregation Beth Simchat Torah is New
Martin and lyricist/performance artist Street. The evening begins at 7 pm. York's lesbian and gay synagogue. 57
Michael BI.llo. Featuring Martin's live Please call 24 hours in advance to con- CRAZY NANNY'S presents Carla's Rock Bethune St 7:30 pm. (212) 929-9498.
piano and vocals and Biello's slides and firm all SAL activities: (718) 965-7578. 'n' Roll Party. Featuring a live band.
perfb'rmance art vignettes. $7. The Center. $5/free with invite. 21 Seventh Ave. THE NINTH STREET CENTER presents
208 W. 13th Sl8 pm. (212) 620-7310. GAY MALE SIM ACTIVISTS present The South. 8 pm. Qu .. r Qu •• tlons, Quur Answlrs, a
Next Voice You .... Dramatic read- series of rap groups whose focus Is
STEVE MCGRAW'S SUPPER CLUB pre- ings of "sizzling and thought-provoking TOD'S presents a Somerset County NOW defining homosexuality for the 1990s.
sentsJaml. D. Roy and Frl.nds, an srotic literature with SIM themes," Benelll Dinner. The speaker is Delight Tonight's topic: "Anger: When Is It a
evening of cabaret featuring Ms. De Roy including pieces written for staging rather Dodyk, a professor of history at Drew Useful Reeponse?" 319 E. 9th St., base-
and .Joy Behar, Ann. Francln., RUI!.rt than solitary (i.e., one-handed) reading. University. 2 Georges Rd. New ment. 8-10 pm. (212) 228-5153.
Holmll, Fr.ddl. Roman, Linda Wallem Tonight features the first public presen1a- Brunswick, NJ. Call for complete details
and Jull. Wilson. $15 cover/$8 mini- tion of excerpts from the privately circu- and tickets: (201) 545-8990. SUNDAY, MARCH 31
mum. Steve McGraw's. 158 W. 72nd Sl lated Scenario for a Leather Fantasy, by
8 pm. Reservations: (212) 595-7400. Jim St.wart of Fetters. The Center. 208 JULIUS presents Foot friends Bar Night, SLOPE ACTIVITIES FOR LESBIANS pre-
W. 13th Sl8 pm. (212) 727-9878. for men into bare feet, eocks, sneakers, sents Brunch at the Seventh Avenue
JOCELYN AND JULIE present Cllt Club boots, shoes and all types of feet and Kosher Deli as an "alternative to all this
East. It's the regular Tueeday night dance A DIFFERENT LIGHT presents Nicol. foot-gear action. Here's your chance to Easter nonsense." 90 Seventh Ave.,
party, plus massages by Sh.lly Mars. $3 Bniisar4;"reading from her book, Picture meet in a friendly, supportive, social between Berkeley and Union streets.
bsfore midnight/$5 after. The Pyramid. Theory. 548 Hudson St 8 pm. Info: (212) atmosphere. Julius. 159 W. 10th St. Then, at 3, it's an Easter Egg Hunt in
101 Ave. A. Doors open at 10 pm. (212) 989-4850. 9:30-11 pm. Info: Andy Rowe at (212) Prospect Park. Please call 24 hours in
473-7184. • 675-7352. advance to confirm all SAL activitlee:
BODY POSITIVE presents Personal (718) 965-7578.
Rnane.s and HIV, a monthly orien1ation FRIDAY, MARCH 29
forum. Topics include: immediate steps EIGHlY EIGHTS presents Thl Rirtatlolll.
BRONX AIDS SERVICES offers a Support you can take to protect your financial SLOPE ACTIVITIES FOR LESBIANS pre- The a capella, openly gay and politically
Group for HIV-Posilive Women. Share future; getting and keeping life. medical sents Thirty-Pius Night Out. For women active men's singing group will be per-
your concems, ideas and feelings. Free and disability insurance; selling life insur- over 30, SAL keeps it cheap with pizza and forming one time only. $10 cover plus a
and confidential. The moming program is ance policies for cash; and keeping con- a movie at the Plaza Twin. Also tonight, at two-drink minimum. 228 W. 10th St 5:30

April 3, .._ .. ou. LVEEK 73


pm. Reservations: (212) 924-0088. RIGHTS, STONEWALL DEMOCRATIC THE GAY AND LESBIAN ANTI-VIOLENCE St 12-1:30 pm. (212) 929-0586.
CLUB and LOG CABIN CLUB present Do PROJECT Peer Counseling for survivors
PEOPLE WITH AIDS COALITION presents You Like to 'Be Called Queer? Invited of bias assault. domestic violence and LAMBDA LEGAL DEFENSE AND EDUCA-
a Sunday Evening Weekly Social for gay speakers include: Stephen Beck, execu-
tive director of GLAAD; Warren
sexual assault. Held every Wednesday
and Thursday from 6-8 pm. The Centsr.
TION FUND goes to see MI"
Call for complete details: (212) 995-
men and lesbians who are HIV-positive or
have AIDS, and theirfriends. PWAC Living Johannsen, Encyclopdia of Homosexu- 208 W. 13th Sl (212) 807-0197. 8585.
room. 6:30-9:30 pm. (212) 889-2334. ality; representatives from Lesbian
Feminists/Radical Lesbians; Donna ACT UP OUTREACH COMMITIEE pre- DIXON PLACE presents Mltthew
MONDAY, APRIL 1 Mlnkowltz, lesbian journalist for the sents Falhlon Fcir Action, a benefit auc- Courtney In a new poetry performance
Village Voice; representatives from Queer tion to send a representative of the that works with "found conversations,
THE MOMENTUM PROJECT presents Nation; and Dr. Campion Reed, a mem- Outreach Committee to the Seventh rhymes and rhythms of speech'. Also on
Volunteer Orientation. Momentum pro- ber of the Stonewall Democratic Club. International AIDS Conference In the bill, Jasmine, who brings you
vides communal meals, clothing and gro- The Center. 208 W. 13th St 8 pm. Info: Florence, Italy. A parnallist of contribu· "impressions of the abysmal drudgery
ceries to people living with HIV and AIDS. (212) 627-1398. tors includes: Andy VII entin, Dlyld which pa8888 for life,today" while accom-
19 W. 36th St. 6:15-7:45 pm. Info: Spada Dalgn, Lee Chappell, UYing Doll panying herself on the accordion. $6 or
Sandra Levine at (212) 268-2610. TWENTYSOMETHING presents a Rap by Amanda Uprlchards, and Mlchlll TOE 37 E. 1st St., between First and
GroUl!, addressing "Body Image." $3.The Kors. $5 admission. Visa. MasterCard and Second avenues. 8 pm. (212) 673-6752.
NEW YORK ADVERTISING AND COMMU- Center. 208 W. 13th St 89:30 pm. Info: American Exprees accepted at the auc-
NICATIONS NETWORK presents the first Perry at (212) 242-3038. tion. The Center. 208 W. 13th St. 7 pm. MAXWELL'S presents Two Nice Glrll,
NYACN/PFV Reel Night, directed by Dan Info: Andy Valentin at (212) 564-2437. live in concert Other bands will also be
, PFV screens the best of their WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3 playing tonight. In between bands,
best for NYACN members. Downtown TOWER BOOKS presents Bo HUlton, OutWeeKs own Madam X will be spin-
Community TV Center. 87 Lafayette St. BRONX AI.DS SERVICES offers a Support Marti Ameen, Patrick Moore and 8tan ning records "for your non-dancing edu-
6:30 pm. Info: (212) 517-0380. Group for HIV-Posltlve Women. Share Leventhal, reading from, their moet cation." Maxwell's. 1039 Washington St
your concerns, ideas and feelings. Free recent works. Lafayette lit Fourth Street. Hoboken, NJ. (201) 798-4064.

SAGE presents Adult Survivors 01 Sexual and confidential. The moming program is 8 pm.
Abuse, an experiential therapy group for in Spanish, the afternoon program is in SUNDAY, APRIL 7
women ages 21 and up to support the English. One Fordham Plaza, 8th floor. GAY WOMEN'S ALTERNATIVE presents
recovery process and free you from the pain Bronx. 10-11 am and 1:30-2:30 pm. Robin Morgan, political activiet and editor THE GIRTH AND MIRTH CLUB presents
and silence of sexual abuse. Psychother- Info: Edith Gutierrez at (212) 933-2400 or in chief of the new M•. magazine, in Brunch at the Dugout Christopher Street
apists: Joyce Z. Meyers, CSW and Robbye lsa Martinez at (212) 295-5605. Another Around the Wor1d in 80 Minutee at Weehawkin Street 12 pm. Info: (914)
Stuart-Russell, MA The Center.208 W. 13th with Robin Morgan. For women only. $5. 699-7735.
, St 7~:3O pm. (212) 741-2247. THE GAY AND LESBIAN ANTI-VIOLENCE The Universalist Church. Cenbal Partl West
PROJECT Peer Counseling for survivors at 76th Street. 8 pm. (212) 595-8410. AMERICAN GAY AND LESBIAN ATHE-
ACT UP General·Meetlng. Cooper Union. of bias assault, domestic violence and ISTS Monthly Meeting. AGLA is a non- .
Fourth Avenue at 7th Street. 7:30 pm. sexual assault. Held every Wednesday FRIDAY, APRIL
5 profit, educational organization dedicated
Info: 564-AIDS. and Thursday from 6-8 pm. The Center. to preserving separation between state
208 W. 13th St (212) 807-0197. MEN OF ALL COLORS TOGHETER pre- and church and upholding the civil rights
IN OUR OWN WRITE Writer's Wortlshop sent thsl r Slventh AnnUli Pilsover of lesbian and gay atheists. The Center.
for lesbian and gay writers. Workshops JUDITH'S ROOM presents Claire McNab, Seder. The Center. 208 W. 13th St 7 pm 208 W. 13th St 1-3 pm. Info: Dial-A-Gay
are held on the first and third Mondays of reading,from her book, Cop Out, the sharp. (212) 222-9794. Atheist at (718) 899-1737.
the month. Please bring work. The fourth Detective Inspector Carol Ashton ,
Center. 208 W. 13th St 8-10 pm. (212) mystery. 681 Washington St 7 pm. (212) THE ANSWER IS LOVING presents JUDITH'S ROOM presents Loul .. Rafkln
620-7310. 727-7330. Women Talking Women's Talk: and contributors, reading from Different ~
Women's Passover Seder, dinner and a Mothers: Sons and Daugthersof
,, HIGH RISK READINGS present Bob SLOPE ACTIVITIES FOR LESBIANS,pre- substance-free, sugar-free, smoke-free Lesbians Talk About Their Lives .. 681
Flanagan, Mary Galtsklll, Ana Marla sents Pool Night. Featuring free pool, evening with women of all backgrounds; Washington St 3 pm. (212) 727-7330:
Sima, David Trinidad and David ping pong, billiards, air hockey and reading from a Hagadah for women . '. ", "

Wolnarowlcz. The writers will be reading shooting hoops at Brownstone Billiard. about women. $15. 1964 E. 35th St. PEOPLE WITH AIDS COALITION:ptesenlB
,/ from their work, which appears in the Seventh Ave. at Flatbush. Afterwards, Brooklyn. 7 pm. Info: R.uth·Berman and a Sunday Evening Weekly Social for gay
anthology, High Risk. There will be a pub- relax at the Roost at 9 pm. Seventh Connie Kurti at (718) 998·2305. men and lesbians who are HI\(~positive
lication party after the reading. The Avenue at 8th Street The evening begins or have AIDS, and their friends. PWAC
Kitchen. 512 W. 19th St at 7 pm. Please call 24 hours in advance GAY FATHER'S FORUM General Living room. 6:30-9:30 pm. (212) 889-
• to confirm all SAL activities: (718) 965- Meellng. The Center. 208 W. 13th St 7 2334.
TUESDAY, APRIL 2 7578. pm. (212) 288-3236.
DIXON PLACE presents Marti Ameen and
Meeting. 1 Fordham Plaza, 8th floor. 6-8 presents Dr. Richard Plant, author of The sents First llmel1 Aprtl Fool's Plrty and and fiction series cllrated by Cathy
pm. Info: Chris (212) 0806 (English) or Pink Triangle, speaking about Nazi perse- Game Night Specially designBd for women Taylor, owner of mosaic Books. $6 or
Robert (212) 882-3404 .. cution of lesbians and gay men. The who've never been to a SAL event before. TOE Dixon Place. 37 E. 1st St, between
evening will include information from Dr. Bring snacks, drinks and games. 7:30 pm. First and Second avenues. 8 pm. (212)
t·, GAY MEN'S HEALTH CRISIS presents a Plant's recent inspection of newly opened Pleass call 24 hours in advance to confirm 673-6752.
Health Seminar: Benefits Informallon. archives in what was formerly East all SAL activities: (718) 965-7578.
129 W. 20th St., third floor. 7 pm. For Germany. St George's Church. The cor- MOVEMENT RESEARCH presents Thr .. -
more information, call the GMHC holline ner of Ridgewood and Woodland roads. DIXON PLACE presents Richard Eloylch Day PlI .. Up, featuring performances and
in Someone EI.e From Quellns I. Queer, discussion by Laurie Carlos, TIre •
I• at (212) 807-6655. IDD (212) 645-7470 Maplewood, NJ. 8:30 pm. (201) 743-
for the hearing impaired . 5322. a new solo play written and performed by O'Connor, DANCENOISE, Jennifer
Elovich and directed by Itamar Kubovy. Monson, Kate Stafford and Eileen
THE COALITION FOR LESBIAN AND GAY THURSDAY, APRIL 4 Also on the bill for tonight. EII.. n Myla Myles. $5. 179 Varick St 8:30 pm. (212)
I RIGHTS General Meellng. The Center. "does verbal improv or else talks." $6 or 691-5788.
TOE 37 E. 1st St., between First and
I 208 W. 13th St 8 pm. (212) 627-1398. LONG ISLAND GAY MEN'S GROUP pre-
sents Bar Night at Grand Central. For Second avenues. 8 pm. (212) 673-6752.
Queer QU8l1l0ns, Queer Answers, a
complete details, contact LlGMG at (516)
694-2407. SATURDAY, APRIL 6

series of rap groups whose focus is

J defining homosex.uality for the 1990s .. BRONX AIDS SERVICES offers a Support INTEGRAL YOGA INSTITUE presents
Tonight's topic: "Tired of the Bars? I Just Group for HIV-Posltlve Women. This is Hatha Yoga Clan. Hatha Yoga refers to
l Don't Fit Inl" Facilitated by Larry an ongoing, closed group. Individual con- the physical postureS, deep relaxation
,. Wheelock. 319 E. 9th St., basement. sultations are required before admittance. and breathing practices which revitalize
8-10 pm. (212) 228-5153. Free. 349 E. 149th St, room 609. Bronx. and strengthen the body and calm the
11 am to 12:30 pm. Info: Donna Bersch mind. This class is especially for those
COALITION FOR LESBIAN AND GAY at (212) 585-5001. who are HIV-positive. IYI. 227 W. 13th "

, 74 ou I WEEK April 3, 1991

Tuning In: A TV/Radio Guide for OutWeek Readers
• Information must be received by Monday to 'be included in the following week's issue. Send items to •
OutWeek Listings, 159W. 25th St, NY,NY 10001. Compiled by Dale, Peck.
ME (Arts & Ern, 555 Fifth Ave, 10th FI, NYC 10017;661-4500) 9:00 AM WIND-lV Best Talk Scheduled topic: sexual harassment ,
CCTV (Rick X, Box 790, NYC 10108) . 11:30 PM MAX Cleo/Leo A male chauvinist is mysteriously transformed into
GBS (Gay Broadcasting System, Butch Peaston, 1787th Ave, Ste. A-3, NYC 10011; a woman, Viewers interested in drag should note that a man and a
243-1570)_ woman play the male and female parts.
GCN (Gay Cable Network, lou Maletta, 32 Union Square East. Suite 1217; 4n- . Midnight RB PROD The Robin Byrd Show. male and female strippers, live
4220) ,:" ...
call-in show; Manhattan Cable, CH V/35
GUB (Gay and Lesbian Independent Broadcasters. (212) 473-1689.) "'.'
GMHC (Gay Men's Health Crisis, Jean Carlomusto, 129W 20 St, NYC 10011; 807-
RB PROD (Robin Byrd Prod., Box 305, NYC 10021;988-2973) Noon MAX Mothra Probably the best Godzilla spinoff ever.
WABC-TV (T7 W 63 St, NYC 10023; 456-7777) 1:00 P~ WBAI-FM This Way Out; the international gay/lesbian news maga-
WBAI-FM (505 8th Ave, 19th FI, NYC 10018;279-0707) zine; 99.5 FM (:30)
WCBS-TV(51 W52StSt, NYC 10019;975-4321) 1:30 PM WBAI-FM An Afternoon Outing: local news and infonnation about
WNBC-TV (30 Rockefeller Plaza, NYC 10112; 664-4444) the gay and lesbian community with Lany Gutenburg; 99.5 FM (:30)
WNET-TV (356 W 58 St, NYC 10019; 560-3000) 3:30 PM WNBC-lV Phil Donahue Scheduled: Jeanne White, mother of
WNYW-TV(Fox, 1211AV/AM, NYC 10036;556-2400) Ryan. For television's version of that story, see Tuesday at 5:30 pm. CH 4.
WPIX-TV (220 E 42 S1; NYC 10017; 949-1100) 5:00 PM WNET- TV Sex and Gender No program description was available
for this installment of the show Discovering Psychology. CH 13.
9:00 PM HBO The ,Josephine Baker StoryShe was fabulous, but we can
MONDAY, MARCH 18 only cross ourfinges about the movie.
9:00 AM WIND-lV Best Talk Scheduled: Promoting racial and ethnic 10:00 PM WUNI-lV Fama YFortuna Invitado: el director Pedro Almodovar.
understanding in New York City. CH 11. CH 41.
11:30 AM MAXA Woman's Face Joan Crawfrod stars as a scarred black- 10:00 PM GCN Be Our Guest entertainment for and about the lesbian/gay
mailer who embraces a career of crime to get even with society. community; Manhattan Cable, CH 0/17 (:30)
Repea1ed Friday at 6 am. 10-.30PM GMHC living With AIDS: health and politics; Manhattan Cable, CH
1:30 PM WUSB 90.1 FM The Ward Is OutMarc Gunning hosts a weeldy les- V/35 (:30) .
bian, gay and bisexual variety show. 11:00 PM GCN Gay U.S.A.: news and entertainment from around the coun-
2:00 PM WUSB 90.1 FM Lavender Wimmin News, songs and music pro- try; Manhattan Cable, CH V/35 (1:00)
duced by women for women. Midnight GCN Men in Rims. male erotica, interviews with adultfilmstars;
2:30 PM WUSB 90.1 FM This Way Out More queer news. Manhattan Cable, CH V/35 (:30) , ,
8:00 PM WABC-lV Barbara Walters She talks to Jeremy Irons and ,Sophia 12:30 AM RB PROD Men For MerT. Robin Byrd presents gay male porno
Loren, but watch especially for Whoopi Goldberg, who's been both a stars; Manhattan Cable, CH V/35 (:30)
dreamboat and a nightmare to our community in the past CH 7.
8:30 PM Manhattan Cable The Brenda and Glennda Shaw CH 17
9:00 PM WABC-lV Academy Awards Just watch. You never know what 2:30 PM WBAI-FM Rompiendo el Silenciu: todos los viernes, Goozalo
might happen. CH 7. . Aburto con temas y noticias para la comunidad latina gay y lesbiana;
9:00 PM GBS Out in the 90's. community news, discussion, interviews. BQ 99.5 FM (:15)
Cable, CH 56 (1:00) 7:00 PM WBAI-FM AIDS In Focus, Michael Alealey, produc 1:00 AM RB
10:00 PM BRV Ten Great Writers Norwegian dramatist Henrik Ibsen is pro- PROD The Robin Byrd Show. male and female strippers; Manhattan
filed. Cable, CH V/35 (1:OO) 1 ,
10:35 PM TBS What Ever Happend tv Baby Jane? Betts Davis and Joan 8:30 PM BET Conversation With Ed Gordan Scheduled: Whitney Houston.
Crawford doing the things that Bette and Joan do. Maybe she'll talk about her hubby-to-be. Repeated at 1:30 am. ),.;
11:30 PM Tomorrow/Tonight live: entertainment; Manhattan and Paragon
Cable, CH 0/17 (1:00)
Midnight CClV The Closet Case Shaw. Kloset Klips; Manhattan IParagon
8:30 AM WBAI-FM Any Saturday with, Dllyid Rothenberg; live call-in; 99.5
• Cable, CH C/16 {:30 FM (2:00) \
{~ 7:00 PM GCN Gay U.S.A: news and entertainment from around the country;
TUESDAY, MARCH 26 Ba. Unity, Ar;..J Cable, CH 56 (1:oo) lForManhattan Cable, see THURSDAy)
7:00 AM WCBS-lV This Morning Scheduled: Part two in a sexuality series. 11:00 PM Gay Tv. male porn; Marihattan Cable, CH V/35
(Part one was never listed.) CH 2. 1:30 AM RB PROD The Robin Byrd Show. male & female strippers;
12;00 PM SHO Cry-Baby John Waters' latest movie. Johnny Depp stars. Manhattan Cable, CH V/35 (1:oo)
. Repea1ed at 10 pm,
5:30 PM WFOX-lV Mr. Belvedere 'One of Wesley's classma1es, a SUNDAY, MARCH 31
hemophiliac, contracts AIDS and is ostracized." CH 5. " 7:30PM WBAI-FM The Gay Shaw Alternates with Outlooks. 99.5 FM (1:oo). j-'
8:05 PM TBS Rebecca One of Hitchcock's best. about a woman haunted by 10-.30PM RB PROD Men For Men: Robin Byrd presents gay male porno
the specter of her husband's former wife. Joan Fontaine stars. stars; Manhattan Cable, CH V/35 (:301
10:00 PM DIS Judy Garland: The Concert Years A Disney version of Judy, 11:00 PM GaS Way Outl Mark Chesnut and Michelle VanVoorhies host
with host Lorna Luft and all your Judy fave~: Rich Volo is the producer. CH C/16 (:30)
10:00 PM RB PROD The Robin Byrd Show. male and female strippers;
Manhattan Cable, CH V/35 (1:oo) • Well, that's it for this queer week in television. Sorry if it seems a little
10:30 PM LlF Legends in Love Speaking of camp queens, this 'documentary' slim--but then, we've known fora long time thBt the mainstream medill !
11:00 PM GBS Out in the 90's. news, information and intervtews;
profiles Princess Grace, Uz Taylor, Princess Di and Evita Peron. aren't our friends. There are some good Hitchcock movies on. Might as well
give those a tty. Or there's lliways the movies. Anyone far Silence of the
Manhattan/paragon Cable, CH C/16 (1:00) Lambs? See you nllirt week.
7:00 AM WCBS-lV This Morning Scheduled: Pa rt three in a sexuality
series. CH 2.

April 3, 1991 OUTWEEK 7S


Monday. . • Hatfield's (women's nights are TUE & FRI)

Private Eyes (Marc Berkley's Kool Komrads; 126-10 Queens Blvd., Kew Gardens, Queens;
strippers; downtown crowd, students, pro- 718/261-8484 '
fessionals. 2-4-1 drinks till midnight .$7) 12 Mea Culpa (For men, with video and live enter-
W 21 St. (212) 206-7772. tainment. $7/$10.) 47 W. 20th St. (212) 807-
Pyramid ( Ivory presents 'Gentle on My Mind," 7840.
Opening March 4. No cover, no hassles, no Meat on Friday (Xclusive performances at 1:30
kidding.) 101 Avenue A. (212) 473-7184. am. OJ Nobody's Pussy. $5.) Pyramid. 101
Avenue A. (212) 473-7184.
Tuesday • Millannium (Ladies' Nigh~ 1770 NY Ave (Rte
• Clit Club (Drink specials till midnight. Lesbian 110), Huntington, LI; 5161351-1402
erotic videos and slides. $3 before mid- Privete Eyas (YMVA Night; students, profession-
night/$5 after.) Pyramid. 101 Avenue A. (212) als, men) 12 W 21 St. 206-7772
473-7184. Stingray's (New club, new sound system. Free
.ll'Club Edelweiss (TIs, TSs, gays, bi's, sin- before 10 pm. $7 after.) 641 W. 51st St. (212)
Send Information, 664-8668
gles, couples·; Tuesdays are especially for
corrections, and complaints • Visions 56-01 Queens Blvd, Woodside,
lesbians, but everyone is welcome.) 167 W.
to OutWeek Listings, 159 W Queens; info 7181846-7131, club 718/899-9031
29th St. (212) 868-6989.
Danceteria (Coming soon: Chip Duckett's gay 25 St, NY, NY 10001. You
Tuesdays. Keep your eyes on this space for may also fax the listings Saturday
opening.) 29 E. 29th St. editor at (212) 337-1220. bThe Bank ( Controversy. OJ Patrick Butts. Drag
• Grand Central (Women's nighttonight. Mixed queens, drinking, dancing and scandal •
We-Su.) 210 Merrick Rd. Rockville Centre, $15/$10/$7.)225 E. Houston St., at Essex
Jtn[newinfo] +[women] Street. (212) 505-5033. [Please note: The
LL (516) 536-4800.
Jack Officer's Club (Cruising, Bruising, Drinking *[attracts TVs] Bank is closed until March 30.)
'ilnd Carousing. Audio, Video and Manual Canter (2nd & 4th Sat, 9 pm to 1 am, $8. OJ Peter
Manipulation by OJ Craig. $3) 505 E. 6th St., Arden.) 208 W 13 St; 620-7310
between avenues A and B. • Canter ('Women & Friends." Every first
Roxy (John Blair's 'Muscle on Wheels." Gay Saturday. Next is April 6. OJ Gini DeSantis. 9
rollerskating. Doors open at 8 pm. Varied pm to 1 am.) 208 W 13 St. (212)620-7210.
cover.) 515W 18 St. (212) 645-5156. .Clit Club (Jocelyn and Julie expand to both
stairs, Egg Bank for Dykes features guest weekend nights.) The Pyramid. 101 Ave. A.

Wednesday DJs and hot and sleazy Girl Action. $101$7) (212) 406-1114.
ll'Channel69 (Drag Extravaganza, with Unda 225 E. Houston St., at Essex Street. (212) Club Wast End (Michael Fesco's Saturdays;
Simpson. Go-go stars, OJ Dany Johnson. 505-5033. [Please note: The Bank is closed midnight - 9 am) 547 W 21 St
Sexy, upbeat, East Village fag and dyke until March 30.] Columbia Dances (SamE BuT DifferenT. Third
crowd. $5.) Pyramid. 101 Avenue A. (212) Blacglama (Celebrating gay men and women of Saturday dances. OJ Karin Ward, 10 pm - 3
473-7184. color. Bi-montly; next is Feb. 28.) Pyramid. am; $5) Earl Hall, 116 St/B'way; 629-1989
The Building (Dallas' The Boys' Room. House 101 Ave. A. (212) 473-7184. 419419 N. Highway, Southampton, LI; 5161283-
music, downtown crowd, go-go boys and a ll'Copacabana (Susanne Bartsch. Last Th of the 5001
60-foot ceiling. $101$7 with invite.) 51 W. month. Iffy door) 10 E. 60th St., at Fifth Love Zone (dancing & performers) 70 Belich ~t,
,"26th St. (212) 576-1890. Avenue. (212) 755-6010. Staten Island; 718/442-5692 '
:. Excalibur (Ladies Night. $1 drinks.) Located Excalibur ($1 drinks.) Located atthe comer of b.Girl Saturdays (Shescape presel)ts Satur,
;. atthe corner of 10th Street andJefferson 10th Street andJefferson behind football day Nights for Women.WIth go-go gilts and
behind football stadium. Hoboken, NJ. (201) stadium. Hoboken, NJ. (201) 795-1161. a guest OJ. $8 before 10:30/$10 after.) 20/20.
795-1161. Hatfiald's (2-4-1 drinks, female impersonators.) 20 W. 20th St., between Rfth and Sixth
ll'Limelight (Disco 2000, with Michael Alig and 1Z6-10 Queens Blvd. Kew Gardens, Queens. avenues. (212) 645-6479.
Larry Tee. Doors open at 10 pm. $10.) Sixth (718) 261-8484. Meat (OJ Aldo Hernandez, every Saturday; go-
Avenue at 20th Street. (212) 807-7850. More Men (Tony, Keith and Dominic present OJ go boys, videos; opens 10 pm; $5)432 W 14
ll'Limelight (Queer U. DJs Andy Anderson and Tommy Richardson, go-go boys, videos, bil- St.
Keoki. $51$10) Sixth Avenue at 20th Street. liards. $10/$7 with invite.) 239 Eleventh ll'Roxy (Locomotion; gay boys, guys, men; non-
(212) 807-7850. Ave.(212) 633'{)701. gay women, some lesbians; mix depends on
,\: , • Cadillac Bar (Gini DeSantis presents Pure Stingray's (New club, new sound system, party) 515 W 18 St (btwn 10/11 Aves); 645-
Party Production Dances for Women. Free everything else is a surprise. No cover 5156
buffet from 6-a pm. Renee Cooke, bar- tonight) 641 W. 51st St. (212) 664-8668. • Silver Lining (women's Sat) 175 Cherry Lane,
tender. $5.) 16 W. 22nd St., between Fifth Floral Park, LI; 516/354-9641
and Sixth avenues. Friday Sound Factory (Mixed crowd but mostly gay.
• f\'ivate Eyes (Shescape Afterwork Party from ABC (Chip Duckett's ABC Fridays, OJ Merritt; Serious House music offered. No alcohol.
, 5-10 pm. 2-4-1 drinks before 7. $5 before 7 ballroom, balcony, boogying; $101$7 w. Doors open at 11 pm.) 530 W. 27th St., •

pm1$7 after.) 12 W. 21st St. Shescape: (212) invite; opened Nov. 16) 17 Irving Place at 15 between Tenth and Eleventh avenues. (212)
. 645-6479. Private Eyes: (212) 206-7772. St. 643-0728.
Private Eyes (YMVA Night. Students, profes- bThe Bank (Alternative Music Night, hosted by Stingray's (Brand new club, brand new sound
siOllal and women. Door often benefrts a Lee Chappell, David Leigh and Michael T. OJ , system, everything else is a surprise. $8.)
gayllesbian organization. $7.) 12 W. 21st St. Ralph Duncan. Mixed crowd. $101$7.) 225 E. 641 W. 51stSt. (212)664-8668

(212) 206-7772. Houston St., at Essex Street. (212) 505-5033 The World (Christina Vista and Junior Vazquez
Silver Lining (2-4-1 drinks.) 175 Cherry Lane. [Please note: The Bank is closed until March present an after-hours party. Doors open at
Floral Park, LI. (516) 354-9641. 30.] midnight) 254 E. 2nd St., at Avenue C.
Stutz (2-4-1 drinks.) 202 Westchester Ave. .Clit Club (Jocelyn & Julie, Every Friday Party;
1 White Plains, NY. (914) 761-3100. go-go girls, lesbo videos; opens 8 pm, bil- Sunday
• liards & $1 drinks between 8 and 9 pm; $5) The Building (Dallas' The Men's Room, stu-
, Thursday 432 W 14 St; 406-1114 dents, professionals, men; go-go boys & 6O-
bThe Bank ( Upstairs it's Sperm Bank for Fags, Columbia Dances (1st Friday of every month, ft. ceiling) 51 W 26 St; 576-1890
with hostess Hapi Phace, DJs Craig Earl Hall, 10 pm-2 am.) 116th St & bCrazy Nanny's (Sunday evening Tea Dance. "

Spencer and Victor Anonymous? Down- Broadway; 854-3574 days Free before 9 pm!$5 after:) 21 Seventh Ave.

.. OUTWEEK April 3, 1991

South. (212)366·6312.
*FUCKI (DJs Craig and Victor spin industrial,
_house, bass, soul and twirly disco. ' •
Downstairs, the Lesbian Luv Lounge with OJ
Lori E. Seid and guest DJs. $5.) Pyramid. 101
.Avenue A. (212) 473-7184.
Kelly's (OJ Moaning Lisa spins the records for
dancing dykes. Doors open at 8 pm. $3.) 46 . ,. ' '. ".

Bedford St (212) 929-9322.

Monster (Sunday Tea Dance at 4 pm; dancing Chels81{ ..' Eighty·Eights, 228 W. IOth,St, 924·0088
als!) on other nights from 10 pm) 80 Grove St , Barbary Coasi,64S~~enth Ave. (14th St) 675-0385 The Hangout (J's) 679 Hudson St,242·9272
at Sheridan Sq.; 924-3557 The Break, 232 Eighth Ave. (22nd St.) 627-0072 Julius, 159W., 10th St.,929·9672. .
Safe $lm~!lYS(Kool Komrads' party at the Cellb(ock 28, 28 Ninth Ave., 733-3144(M-W) Keller's, 384 West St/Christopher, 243·1907
Ca~illac Bar; go-go boys, $2 shots, $5 beer Kelly's Village West. 46.Bedford St,929-9322
bias from 5-8 pm.) 15 W. 21st St (212) 645- • Chelsea Transfer, 131 Eighth Ave. (bet 16th and
17th) 929-7183 . ' Marie's Crisis, 59 Grove St, (Seventh Ave.) 243-
bSOBs (Leticia Montalvo presents The Lust Eagle's Nest, 142 Eleventh Ave. (21st
, St) 691-8451 9323 •

House. First Sunday of the month only. Private Eyes, 12W. 21st St (bet Fifth and Sixth The Monster, 80 Grove St (Seventh Ave.) 924·3558
Grand opening April 7, with OJ Marlow. $5.) Aitenues) 206-7770 New Jimmy's 53 Christopher St, 463-0950 •
204 Varick St, at Houston. (212) 243-4940. Rawhide, 212 Eig~th Ave., (21st St.), unlisted Ninth Circle, 139W. 10th St, 243·9204
20/20 (Michael Fes,co's Tea Dance, opens 4 pm; Sneakers, 392 West St., 242-9830
$6; free Mimosas .& BMs from 4-6, buffet at Spike, 120 Eleventh Ave., 243-9688
7:30) 20 W 2QSt;727-8841. The Vault; 28 Ninth Ave., 733-3144 (F, 7-11 pm, Two Potato, 145 Christopher St., 242-9340 '
women) 255-6758 Ty's, 114 Christopher St., 741·9641
Every Night (or almost) West Village . Uncle Charlie's, 56 Greenwich Ave., 255-8787
• Bedrock (lesbian club, closed MaN .&TUE)
121 Woodfield Rd" W. Hempstead, U; Badlands, Christopher and West streets, 741-9236 West Side
516/486-9516 Boots.& Saddle, 76 Christopher St, 929-9684 .Candle Bar, 309 Amersterdam Ave., 874·9155
; ,
*Club Edelweiss ('TVs, TSs, gays, bi's, singles, Crazy Nanny's 21 Seventh Ave. South, 366-6312 Cat's,730 Eighth Ave., 221·7559
couples all welcome'; TUE for lesbians, but (women) Don't Tell Mama, 343 W.46th St., 757-0788 .'
open to all TUE-SUN night) 167 W 29; 868- D.T.'s Fat Ca~,281W.l2th St,243-9041
6989 -,,- Gents, 360 W. 42nd St., (Ninth Ave.)967·0659
Pandora's B~x, 70 Grove St. (Seventh Ave.) 242- - \' .
419 (nightly Gay House Party, opens 6 pm) 419 Sally's Hideaway, 264 W. 43rd St., 221·9152
N. Highway (Ate 27), Southampton, U; 1408(women)
Town .&'Country, Ninth Ave. at 45th St,307·1.503
516/283-5001 ,
Dugout, 185 ChristopherSt, 242-9113 (formerly the
Grand Central (closed Mon, 2-4-1 drinks Ramrod) . continued next page
ThursdQY) 210 Merrick Road, Rockvilte
Centra, U; 516/536-4800
Magic Touch (ethnic mix: Anglo/Latin/Asian) 73-
1337th Rd, Jackson Heights, Queens;
718/429-8605 .'
Monster (West Village) 80 Grove 8t at Sheridan
Sq.; 924-3557 , ,
• Pandora's Box (formerly the Duchess)
Sheridan Square.& 7th Avenue. (212) 242-
1408. •
The Pyramid (Look under daily listings for indi-
vidual parties and themes. Also check Going
Out'for special events.) 101 Ave.A. (212)
Spect{Um (good mix of gay men
:(. "
.& lesbians;
closed Mon- Tue, WED free, THU free .& 2-4-1
drinks, FAI male/female strippers, SAT
recording stars, SUN variety show.& free
a~mission 9-10 pm; Coors served) 802 64th St
'@ 8th Ave, Bay Ridge, Bldyn; 718/238-8213.
• TO~'$ (Night club and restaurant, Mostly
women, but men are OK.) 2 ~eorges Rd.
New Brunswick, NJ. (201) '545-8!19o•

• •

if, •

April 3, 1_ .. OUTWEEK.77


Trill, 246 W. 48th St, (bet B'way and Eighth ve.)

664·8331 . ,
Friend's Tavern, 78·11 Roosevelt Ave., Jackson Long Island,
, . Heights,397·7256
.r •• cod. lUI)' ' .'
· The Works, 428 Columbus Ave. (at 81st), 799-7385 . Hatfield's, 128·10 Queens Blvd.,Kew Gardens,
261·8484 419,419 North Highway (At. 27), Southampton, I
East Side 283·5001
- 'i

Bogart's, 320 E•.59th St., 688,8534' • Hideaway, 87-36 Parsons Blvd., Jamaica,657·4885
Bunkhouse, 192 N. Main St, Sayville, 567·2865
Love Boat, n·02 Broadway, Elmhurst, 29·8870
B[andy's Piano Bar, 235 E. 84th St.,650·1944 - , Cherry's, Bayview Walk, Cherry Grove, Fire Island,
G.H. Club, 353E. 53rd St., 223·9752 Magic Touch, 73-13 37th Rd., Jackson Heights, 597·8820 . ,
· Johnny's Pub, 123 E.47th St.,355·8714 Club Swamp, Disco/Annex Restaurant, Monta~k
NY Confidential, 306 E. 49th St.,308·8390 Staten Island " Hwy, Wainscott, 537·3332
Rounds, 303 E. (ar.a cod. 718) Ice Palace, Cherry Grove Beach Club, Fire Island,
. 53rd St., 593·0807 "
597-6800 . .
South Dakaota, 405 3rd Ave., (29th St.) 684·8376 Sandcastie,88 Mills Ave., 447·9365
Kiss, 161 Farmardie Dr., Lake Ronkonkoma, 467·9273
Star Sapphire, 400 E. 59th St., 688·4710 Westchester Club 608, 608 Sunrise Highway, W. Babylon,
The Townho~se, 236 E. 58th St., 754·4849 (ar.a cod. 914) 661·9580
· Twenty·Nine Palms, 129 Lexington Ave., 686·8299 Playroom, 590 Nepperhan Ave., Yonkers, 965·6900
, Millennium, 1770 New York Ave., Huntingdon,
East Village Stutz, 202 Westchester Ave., White Plains, 351-1402
The Bar, 68 2nd Ave., (4th St.) 674·9714 761·3100 Starz, B36 Grand Blvd., Dear Park, 242·3857
101 Avenue A. (former(ythe Pyramid), 101 Avenue Long Island Nassau Thunders, 894 Jericho Turnpike, Smithtown, 864·1410
A,420·1590 (ar.a cod. 516) 'New Jersey
'Tunnel Bar, 1161st Ave., (7th St.) 777·9232 ,. Bedrock, 121 Woodfield Rd., West Hempstead, (area code 201)
486-9516 (women)
Brooklyn Blanche, 47-2 Boundary Ave., Farmingdale, 694-
Charlie's West, 536 Main St, E. Orange, 678-5002
(area code 718) Feather's,77 Kinderkamack Rd., River Edge,
6!!06 342·6410
After Five Plus, 5 Front St., 852·0139 Grand Central, 210 Merrick Rd., Rockville Centre,
Spectrum, 802 64th St., (Eighth Ave.), 745-9611 Friendly's Bar, 6310 Park Ave., West New York,
Sweet Sensations, 6322 20th St, 435·2580 854·9895
Pal Joey's, 2457 Jerusalem Ave., North Bellmore,
Excalibur, 10th and Jefferson, Hoboken, 795-1023
Queens Nite Lite, 509 22nd St, Union City,863·9515
Silver Lining, 175 Cherry Lane, New Hyde Park,
(area co'Cie718) Vibrations, 165 Cedar Lane, Teaneck, 836-5518
Breadstix, 113·24 Queens B(vd., Forest Hills, Yacht Club, 366 Berksire Valley Rd., Jefferson,
Station House Pub, 3547 Merrick Rd., Seaford, 785-
236·0300 697·9780



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78 OUTWEEK April 3.1881

A.C.n.C. AIDS CENTER' OF 212-874-5064, or write to: P.O. Box '.. '.' BISEXUALYOUTH COMMIW4ITY Friday each month, 7pm, at The
QUEENS COUNTY SOCiAl SER- 6828, NY. NY 10163-8m3. Infon'lial social & support group RESEARCH INrnAllVE Center, 208 W. 13th St., West of
VICES EDUCATION - BUDDIES- for,BiaQxual kidsfyouth. Monthly CRI tes1S experimental drugs and 7th Ave. Contribution: $8. Bring a
COUNS8JNG-SUPPORGROUPS ATR (AI)S TREATMENT ma-ating7potluck lunch held treatments for AIDS and HIV main course for 4 people (or pay i
VOlu.... r Opportunili .. (718) 896- RESOURCES,IIIC.) '1:00pmon fourth Sunday of the related illnesses. Monthly treat- $!i food charge.1 For infonnation
~v9ice} (718}896-2985(TDD) Publishes a quartally Directol)' of montli at members homes. Call ment and research group for HIV+ call: 212-979-7541 or212-286-3238
clinical trials of experimental NYABN for 1his month's location. individuals. Treatment and
ACT UP (AIDS CoDlilion III AIDS/HIV treatments in NY/NJ, This group is pa rt of the New York research newsletter, forums and GIAAD -GIIy" Lesbi8llAlliMca .
Unlealh "-r) and Philadelphia, and has educa- Area Bisexual Network. . public seminars. Call Alice Spears Apb. Defamation
496A Hudson Street, Suite G4 tional ma18riaW seminars for trial or Ken Fomataro at (212) 481-1~ 80 Varick Street, NYC 10013 (212)
NYC 10014 (212) 564-2437 A panicipants. AlR also advocates BWS-BRONX LESBIANS for info and maning list 866-1700 GlAAD combats homo-
diverse, non-partisan group of for improvements in the trial sys- UNITEDIN SJSTERJfOOD phobia in the media and else-
individuals united in anger and 18m..25QW. 30th St,9th fl., NYC, Social, political and support CONGREGAllON BETH where by promoting visibility of
committed to direct actionto 10001. (212)268-4196. Publications networking group for women SIMCHATTORAH the lesbian and gay community
end the AIDS crisis. Gen. meet- free/donation requested. .and their friends. Regular social NY's Gay and Lesbian Synagogue and organizing gra18roots
ings Mon. nights 7:30, in The events and meetings on the first Services Friday at 8:30pm 57 response to anti-gay bigotry. Do
Great Hall, Cooper Union, on BAR ASSOClA1l0N FOR and third Fridays of every Be1hune Street For info. call: (212) you have 30 minutes a month to
Cooper Square between Astor /llMAN RIGHT'S month. At The Community Cen- 929-9498. fight homophobia?Join the
and St Marks Place's. Lawyers Referral Service for ter, 208 W. 13 Street, from 6:3()" GlAAD PhoneTreelCall (212j-866-
the Lesbian and Gay Community 8pm. For more info call Lisa at CONGREGAllON 1700for infonnation.
AIDS RESOURCE CENTER (ARC) Full Range of Legal Services (212) 829-9617. B'NA1JESHURUN
Supportive housing for home- (212) 459-4873 Free Walk-in Monthly Spriwal Gatherings and GlIl
less PWAs (Bailey House and Legal Clinic. Tuesday 6-8 pm. BODY POSITIVE tnle ca18red fastiveluncheons for Gay and Lesbian Independent
apartments). Non-judgemental Lesbian & Gay Community If you or your lover has tested a// People With AIDS, their lovers Broadcasters invites you to tune
pastoral care for PWAs and Centro Ground Roor HIV+, we offer support groups, and families. Program includes into Ol1TLOOKSon WBAI-NY, 99.5
loved ones. Volunteer opportu- seminars, public forums, refer- music and discussion led by our FM every other Sunday, 7:30-
nities. (212) 481-1270, 24 West BIDS (BISEXUAL DOIoINANCE" ence library, referrals, social Rabbis. Call (212)787-7600 &:3opm and join us &Vel)'Tuesday
30th St., NYC 10001 SUB_ION GROUp) activitie-s and up-to-date at 7:00pm to 1t00p1n to become a
Share S/M experiences and national monthly, 'THE BODY DIGMTY member of GLIB. No experience
ALOEClAPlN-NY fantasies with oti),ers in a posi- POSITIVE" ($2!i/year). (212) 721- BIGAPPl£ needed. 505 Eighth Avenue, NY,
(A,ian Le,bians of the East tive, non"judgemental atmo- 1346.2095 Broadway, Suite 306, A community of Lesbilm and Gay NY 10018 Attn: Outlooks or call
Coa,I/Asian Pacific Le.bian sphere. First Sunday 'of the NY, 10023 Catholics. Activities include litur- (212) 24&838&-ask for GUB.
Network-New York) We are a month, 4:45pm at the Commu- gies and socials evel)' Sat, 8:00
political, social and supportive nity Center 208 W. 13 Street, BROOICLYN'SL£SBIAN AND GAY pm, at the Center, 208 W. 13 GAY"lESBIAN HEAIJII
network of Asian Pacific les- NYC. This group is part of the POUTJCAL CUJ8lA1011DA Street, NYC.CaIl(212}816-1Q. CONCERNS
bians. Planning meetings on the New York Area Bisexual Net- IIIDEPENDENI' DEMOCRATS An office of the NYC Dept. of
1st Sunday and social events work. Ll.D. endorses and works for DIGNITY NEW YORK Health, provides linkagesbetwn
on the last Friday of each candidates in local, state and Lesbian and gay Catholics and NYC Health & Human Svcs, and,
month. Call (212) 517-5598 for BISEXUAL INFORMATION" national elections, lobbies for leg- friends AIDS Ministry, Spiritual the Lesbian & Gay community,
more infonnation. COUNSEUNG SERVlCE.INC. islation, and conducts community Development The Cathedral Pro- focusing in ALL health concems;
A professionaly staffed, non- outreach through street fairs and ject Worship S.ervices & Social- resource information for health
AMERICAN GAY/ profit organization for bisexu- meetings on special topics. Join Sun. Eves. 7:3OpIJt'St John's Epi&- services consumer, ,and
LESBIAN ADf8STS als, their families and partners, us. 336 Ninth St, Suite 135 Brook- copal Church 21aWest 11th Street providers. 125 Worth Street, Box
AGA.lncj701 7th Avenue, Suite fa cing problems of a psycho- lyn, NY11215 (718}96&-8482 C Waverty.875-2179 67, New York. NY 10013. For info
9W/New York, New York 10036 logical or medical kind. We also call (212) 566-4895.
A non-profit, educational organi- work with those in doubt a bout CllClE OF MORE UGHT BlGE Education in a Di.... 1ed
zation dedicated to preserving their sexuality. Confidentiality is Spiritual support and sharing in a Gay &MIDI.INIII GAYMAll St'M ACTMSTS
separation between state and protected by law. For informa- gay/lesbian affirmative group. For the physically disa bled Les- Dedicated to safe and responsi- ,
ch9rch and upholding the civil tion phone: (212) 496-9500 West-Park Presbyterian Church bian and Gay Community. P.O.Box ble S/M since 1981. Open meet-
rights of Lesbian and Gay Athe- - 165 West 88th Street Wed: wor- 305 Village Station, Now York. NY ings w/programs on S/M tech-
ists. Meetings the firsts Sunday BISEXUALPRIDE ship service 6:30 pm, program 10014 niques,lifestyie issues, political
Community Cen18r, 1 to 3 P.M. Dial DISCUSSION GROUP 7:30. Marsha (212) 304-4373 Char- and social concems. ;.w, special
a Gay Atheists (716}899-1737, 24 Topical discussions on issues of lie (212) 691-7118. RIGHT RUNN8IS events, speakers bureau, work-
hours; interest to the community in a A running club for lesbian and gay shops, demos, affinity groups,
, congenial atmosphere, fol- COMMUNITY HEALTH athletes of all abilities. Fun Runs newalettar, more. GMSMA - Dept
. 'ARCS (AlDS-llelIItDd lowed by an infonnal dinner at PROJECT of 1-6 miles held every Sat. at O,496A Hudson Street, Suite D23
- ComrIInity SeMc_) a friendly local restaurant. 208 West 13th Street, NYC, New 108m and Weds. at 7pm in Cantral ,NYClOOI4.(212}m-9tf18. .
for D'utchess, Orange, Putnam, Every Sunday, 3:00- 4:30pm at York 10011 For Appointments and Park and every Tues. at 7pm in
Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster and 1he Community Center 208 W. 13 Information (212) - 675-3559 Prospect Park. For information: GMAn (GAYMEN OFAfIICAN
Westchester counties. AIDS Street, NYC. Part of the New (TIYNoice}PROVIDING CARING, call (212) 724-9700. DESCEN1l
education, client services, crisis York Area Bisexual Network. SENSITIVE AND LOW COST 80 Varick Street, NYC10013 a sup-
• •
intervention, support groups, HEALTHCARE SERVICES TO THE THE GAYAF!IICAN port group of Gay Men of African
case management, buddy and BIWAYS NEW YORK LESBIANAND GAYCOMMUNITY AMERICANS OF Descent dedica18d to conscious-
hospital visitor program. 214 Monthly social,eve.nts for the WESTCHESTER(Tha G.A.A.) nas&-raising and the development
Central Ave., White Plains, NY Bisexual commun[ty·and friends. COMMUNITY HEA1JH is a community based support of the Lesbian and Gay Commu-
10608 (914) 993-0006 838 Broad- Call NYABNfor details of upcom- PROJEcr. HEAlJllIllFORMA- group formed in Westchester nity. G~ is inclusive at African,
way, Newburgh, NY 12250 (914) ing events. (212)459-4784 l10N UNE fUR mNS County. Various activities are African-American, Canbbean alld
562-5005 AIDSline (914) 993- Do you have questions about planned for th~ coming months. Hispanicl Latino men of color.
Il107 BIPAC (BISEXUAL POunCAL • your health? Your Body? Com- Call 914-3~mfor more info. Meetings are held, weekly, on Fri-
ACTION COJlollollITTEE) ing Out? Safer Sex? Feel like days. For infonnatiori, call 718-
ASIANS" fRlEND5- NEW YORK Political action on issues of you have no one to talk to? Not GAYrADfBl'S fURUM 8OHl162.
A not-for-profit organization importance to the Bisexual /les- any morel Now you can call the A support organization for gay
which promotes friendships with bian/Gay community. Monthly HOTT-lINE.212-255-1517The father's, their lovers, and athers in GAYMEN'S HWl1I
Asian/Pacific Islander, Asian- meeting! potluck held 8:00pm on Teen HOTT-LiNE for Healthl Call child-nurturing situations. CRIS1S HOTUNE
American, and non-Asian gay fourth Thursday of the month at Monday to Thursday, 7pm to Monthly meetings include a FOR INFORMATION ON SAFER
men 1hrough social, cultural, edu- members homes. Call NYABNfor 9pm. At other times, leave a po1luck supper, support groups on SEX AND HIV-RELATEDHEAlTH
cational, and service activities this month's location. ((2121 459- message and we'll call you varied specialized topics, speak- SERVICES, AND FOR INFORMA-
and programs. Call our Hotline: 4784 backl ers, and socializing.Meetings: 1st TION ON ONE-TIME, WALK-IN

Apr113,1I_1I OUTWEEK 79
• J

AIDS COUNSELING SERVICES INSTIIUTE RIR WMAN unions working on domestic part- Come play with usl For informa- .(212) 807-6578 for information.
212-807-t855 212.a4s.;7470 TDB IDENTITY IIC. nership benefits and AIDS issues. tion: MTG, Suite K83, 498-A
(Far'the ... ring Impaiiwd) Mon.- New York's non-profit lesbian For more information call Hudson St., New York, NY NOII'IHBIN UGHTS
Fri.ll1:3O a.m.1II 9 pm. 12:001II31lO and gay psychotherapy center. (212)923-8890. 10025. (718) 852-8582. AIJBIrwMS
• Ucensed psychologis1ll, psychi- Improving Quality of ute for Peo-
. GIRTH. MIRTH atrists, and clinical social work- LESBIAN AND GAY MOCA (Man of Color AIDS ple with AIDS/HIV. THE AIDS
! OFI\IMYORK ers. Sliding scale fees. Insur- RIGHTSPROJECr I'Nnnlion Program.) MASTERY WORKSHOP: Exploring
Social club for heavy, chubby ance accepted. Individual, of the Amarican Civil Ubarti .. Provides safer sex and AIDS the possibilities of a powerful and
gay men a their admirers. couple, and family therapy. Vari- Union KNOW YOUR RIGHTS/ education information to gay creative Iifa in the face of AIDS.
Monthly socials at the 'Center", IIty of Men's and women's WE'RE EXPANDING THEM (212) and bisexual Men of Color; Can (212) 255-8554
weekly bar nights Thursdays at groups forming continuously. 118 944-9Il00, axl545 coordinates a network of peer-
the 'Chelsea Transfer", monthly W.72nd Street 212-799-9432 • support groups for gay and NYC GAY & lESBIAN
. Fit Apple Review, bi-monthly lESBIANS AND GAYS bisexual Men of Color in all 5 ANTI-VlOl£NCE PROJECf
F.A.R. pen pals. For more infor- INlIGRnY/NY OFRA1BUSH boroughs of New York City 303 Counseling, advocacy, and infor-
mation call Ernie at 914-899-7735 Lesbian and Gay Episcopalians Brooklyn's social organization Ninth Ave, New York, NY mation for survivors of anti-gay
or write: GaM/NY, Dept 0, P.O. and friends. Eucharist and pro- for both gay men and les- 10001or call (212) 239-1798. and anti-lesbian violence, sexual
60x 10, Pelham, NY 1~ gram lIVeryThursday, 7:30pm. St bians. P.O. Box. 108, Midwood assault, domestic violence, and
Luke's Church, Hudson and Station Brooklyn, NY 11230· NATIONAL GAY AND lESBIAN other types of victimization. All
HEAL Christopher Sts.INFO: P.O. Box (718) 859-9437 TASKFORCE services free and confidential.24
(1IHIth Ed_lion AIDS Uai_) 5202. NYNY10185 (718) ~ is the ~ational grassroots politi- hour hotline (212) 807-0197
Weekly info. and support group LESBIAN H8ISTOIIY ARCIIVES cal organization for lesbians and ,-
for treatments for AIDS which lMIIDA P.O. Box 1258 New York, New gay men. Membership is PAllENTS,flllENDS OF
do not compromise the immune lEGAL DEflNSE York 10118212/874-7232Since S31Vyear. Issue-orien~d projects lESBIAN AND GAYS
II' ' AND BJUCATlON RIND 1974, the Archives has inspired, address violence, sodomy laws, Let P/FLAG help you and your
sYltem further, including alter-
j. , native and holistic approaches. Precedent-setting litigation shaped and reflected Lesbian AIDS, gay rights ordinances, family deal with the upheaval of
• Wed 8pm. 208 W. 13th St . nationwide for lesbians, gay lives everywhere. Call to families, medi~, etc. through lob- your coming out. Our meetings
men and people with AIDS. arrange a visit or to volunteer bying, educ_tion, organizing and a re free: monthly on the 4th Sun-
I (212\674--HOPE.
day, at 3:00 pm, in Duane Church,
Membership ($40 and up) inc. for Thursday worknights. direct actio". NGLTF 1517 U
HERITAGEOF PRIDE-INC. newsletter and invitations to ---------!L Street NW, Washington, DC 201 West 13th. Inf07 call Jeanne,
Organizers of New York's Les- special events. Volunteer
, night
. IIRlNE 20009. (202}332-8483. 212-463-0829
, bian and Gay Pridi events: the on Thursdays. Intake calls: 2- The National La,bian and Gay
March, the Rally and the Dence 4pm Mon thru Fri (212}99H!i85. ToIl-Fre. Service NBNYORKAD~NGAND PEOPlE WITH AIDS
I on thli Pier. Call (212) 891-1774 1-8OO-L1FE. COMMUNICATIONS NEtWORK COAUTION
for meeting schedule or more lAVA-(LESBIANS ABOUT ---------------L NYACN is the community's (212) 532-0290/1-800-828-3280/
1, Hotline (212) !i32-0588Monday
information. '208 West 13th VlSUALARll lDNG ISlAND ACT... largest gay and lesbian profes-
1I, Street, NY,NY 10011. Call for slides for Lesbian Artists' Meets Tuesdays at 8pm at 181 sional group, welcoming all in thru Friday 10am-8pm Meal pro·
Exhibition, Gay a Lesbian Com- Post /INa. in Wes1b~ry, NY. Support communications-and their grams, support groups, educa·
munity Center, NYC. For more us for change on Long Island. friends. Monthly meetings, 3rd tional and referral services for
INSTIIUTE information, send SASE to : Mailing address: PO Box 514, Wed 8:30pm at the Community PWA's and PWArc's.
for lesbian and gay youth. Coun- Miriam Fougere, 118 Fort Greene Wes1bury, NY11m 51&.338--4882. Center. Members' newsletter,
seling, drop-in center (M-F, 3- Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217. job hotline, annual directory. PEOPlE WITH AIDS
8pm), rap groups, Harvey Milk LSM Phone . (212)
. 517-0380 for more HEALTH GROUP
High School, AIDS and safer lESBIAN AND GAY is a support and information info. Mention OutWeek for one Underground buyer's club import-
lex information, referrals, pro- ADll.TEDUCATORS group for lesbians and bisexual free newsletter. ing not-yet-approved medicatiol18-
feslional ,aducetion.(212) 833- Meet with other lesbians and women interestad in fantasy, role- and nutritional supplements. 31
8920 (voice) (212)833-8928 m gays who work in adult educa- playing. bindage, discipline, SlM, N.Y.FEMMES
Support and discussion group for
West 28th St 4th RoorJ21~}532-
0280 .
for deaf. tion as teichers; administrators, fetishes, altemate gender indanti- "
counselors, tutors, etc., to dis- ties, cOS1Umesand so forth. Mem- lesbians who self identify all , ", . I'

,. HISPANIC UNITED cuss issues such as coming out bership is availabl\l only to Femme and are primarily PIIK PAN11tERPA11Iot
GAVS.IESBIANS • to staff and students, materials women 18yuars and older. Ac1ual atttacted to butch women. For Community street patrol i~'East
Educetionalsarvices, political and curriculum, workshop and experience is'not required but membership information call Usa and West Village dedicated to
action, counseling and social conference participation. We genuine interest and an open (2J2) 829-9817. deterring violent crime against
activities in Spanish and English meet the first Friday of every mind are. For infonnation please gays and lesbians. For info and
by and for the Latino Lasbia.n and month at 8:00 pm at the Lesbian write: P.O. Box 993, Murray Hill N.Y. WOMEN'S SOFIIIAU. GUIlD meeting time for West Village,
Gay Community. General meetings and gay Community Center 208 S1ation, NawYork, NY,10158 For experienced, serious Soft- call 212-475-4383. for East Vil-
,8:00 pm 4th Thursday of every Wast 13th Street. Call Bryna . ball Playurs, Coaches and Man- lage Patrol info, call 212-248-
month .t 208 WfIItt 13th Street CaR Diamond at (212) 932-7902 MARANATHA: agers. We play mod/fast pitch 8588.70 A Greenwich Ave., Box
201-863-7824 orwri1a H.U.GL, P.O. (days) for information RNERSIDERS AIR weekenc!s in Manhattan and 107, NYC 10011
Box 228 Canal Street Station, New IESBIAN/GAY CONCERfG Queens. Try-outs begin Feb. 11
YOlk,NY 10019. me LESBIAN AND GAY Monthly program meeting on thru April- or until filled. (212) PROFBSIONAlS IN FUWMDEO
BIG APPlE CORPS second Sunday for gay/lesbian 255-1379 Janet 338 Canal Street, 8th Roar, NYC
IDENTITY HOUSE Get your instrument out of the Christians and friends. Educa- 10013212-845-3351
l. Now in our 20th year, we provide
peer counseling, therapy refer-
closet and come play with us.
Symphonic, Marching, Jazz,
tional, political, and social
activities scheduled, 12:30 p.m.
Since 1973, a community dedi- QUEER NA110N
Queer Nation is a multi-cultural
I' rail and groupl for the lesbian,
gly and bisexual community.
Dixieland, Rock, Flute Ensem-
bles and Woodwinds. 123 West
Riverside Church, 490 River-
side Drive, Sunday worship
cated to demonstrating that a
homosexuallifestyte is a ratio-
nal, desirable choice for individ-
direct action group dedicated 111
fighting homophobia, queer
,. Call us at (212) 243-8181. Visit us 44th St Suite 12L New York, NY 10:45 a.m .. For info.,call (212)
at 544 8th Ave., bet.ween 14th- 10038 (212) 889-2922. 222-5900 (ext 290) uals dissatisfied with the invisibility, and all forms of
1~ Stree1ll, Mimhattan. rewards of conventional living. oppression that any queers
LESBIAN. GAY MEN OF AU. COLORS Psychologically - focussed rap might face. Anyone can suggest
INTERNAnONAL GAY & CO.uNIIY TOGEnlERNY groups, Tues., Sat., 8 to 10 pm. an action and should come to
lESBIAN HUMAN RIGHTS SERVICES CENTBI A multi-racial group of gay men peer counselling ava~able. 319 E. meetings prepared to organize
CO.... SlON 208 West 13th Street New York, against racism. Meetings every 9 Street, New York, NY 10003, for and implement it QN, Box 1524,
i' workl to foeul the spotlight of NY 10011(212) 820-7310 9am- Friday night at 7:45 at the Lesbian info call (212) 228-5153. Cooper Station, New York, NY
I world opinion on the oppres- 11pm everyday. A pia ce for and Gay Community Services 10003. CaJI 212-483-7208 for

aion of gays and lesbians community organizing and net- Center,208 W. 13th Street. For NORTH AMERICAN MANIIIOY meeting info.
throughout the Yt!ortd. Currently working, social services, cul- more info. call: (212) 245-8388 or lDVE ASSOClAnON (NAMBlA)
Qrganizing' an Inti symposium tural programs, and locial (212)222-9794. Dedicated to sexual freedom SAG£: ~Senior Action in
on Gay and Lesbian issues to events sponsored by the Center and especially interested in gay .GayEmi~
be held in Moscow and Lenin- and more than 150 community METROPOUTANTENNIS intergenerational relationships. Social Service Agency. provid-
grad in July 1991, in additon to organizations. GROUPlMrG) Monthly Bulletin and regular ing care, activities, a educa-
many other exciting projects. Our 200 member lesbian and chapter meetinga on the first tional services for gay & lesbian
For more info write IGLHRC, lESBIAN AND GAY gay tennis club includes play- Saturday of each month. Yearty senior citizens. Also serves over "
2978 Folsom Staet, SF CA 94110, lABOR NE1WORK ers from beginning to tourna- membership is $20; write NAM- 180 homebound seniors & older
or call (415)847-0453. An organization of Lesbians and ment level. Monthly tennis par- BLA. PO Box 174, Midtown Sta- PWA's .208 West 13th St. NYC
Gays who are active in their labor ties. Winter indoor league. tion, New York, NY 10018 or call l00l1,(212} 741-2247

.. eo OUTWEEK April 3,11_11

SEDIIAH GAYS, coo c:I .. Pc. po_.'" .
For all of us interested in reaching out to each other in
exuberance to spontaneously explore and expand largest place, with a fairly big dance floor
upon the SetlVJane Roberts 'Philosophy" as it realtas and an open-air patio in back. There are
to our lives, personally, sexually and politically. Call AI
(2121979-5104 about three or four different bars and a
very rugged-looking crowd (no pastel-
ADVENTURE SOCIETY colored polo shirts with upturned collars
A non-profit club offering Outdoor activities for every here). I might add, at this point, that it
season including hiking, biking, skiing, water activities
and other outdoor activities for the Gay/lesbian com- was the one. plaCe where I could consis-
munity. For information or complimentary Newsletter tently fUld a"'date."
call (2121598-4728.
Daddy Warbuck's (with such a

TASK RlRCE ANNOIftCEMENT name, there's really no need for descrip-
The legal Action Center located at 153 Waverly Place,
NY.NY 10014, has begun two new programs. All their
tion, is there?): This place offers a fair mix
services are free. The HIV/AIDS Legal Service Project of older and younger, local and tourist,
provides free legal services to people with HIV/AIDS.
Their scope of service is wide, encompassing child gay men and lesbians. There's a dance
care and custody, discrimination, hou, housing, healthy floor and piano bar which luckily do not
health planning, confidentiality and employment. The
HIV/AIDSAgency Training and Assistance Project pro- run simultaneously. On Sunday evenings
vides tachnical aS8istan.ce to public and private agen- at Daddy Warbuck's, you can witness a
cies about legal and policy issues on HIV/AIDS. and
drug abuse. They provide training, individual consulta-
spectacle that I never truly believed exist-
tions, and model policy guidelines, among other items. If ed: whipped-cream wrestling. Large, oil-
you have any further questions, please contact Ms.
Catherine O'Neil at (2121243-1313. Th. Aslociation of
covered, muscle-bound men (some
Nu ..... in AIDS Car. (ANACI just received Chapter shipped in from LA) appear one at a
Charter for the local Greater New York Chapter. They
have monthly meetings with speakers and networking
time before the packed house and per-
opportunities. Their next meeting is scheduled for Jan- form a striptease for dollars. Once both
uary 9,1991,6-8 pm. at the AIDS Institute, 5 Penn Plaza,
4th floor, NY,NY. If you have any further questions,
have stripped to G-strings, they are
please contact Janet Vaccariello at (212)340-8724 "auctioned off" 'separately to the high-
est bidders, who ,receive the privilege
Community volunteers providing a weekly buffet sup- of, slathering their new purchases with
per for the Brooklyn AIDS community. TOUCH meets a few cans of whipped cream. When
Monday eves. 5pm to 8:30pm- at downtown Brooklyn
Friends Meeting House (110 Schermerhorn St. naar both contestants have been covered
Boerum Placel. Limited transportation maybe (some decoratively, some inventively)
arranged. Info: (7181 822-27!i6. TOUCH welcomes con~
tributions of funds, food and volunteers. with cream, they, uh, wrestle. There ,
are usually three matches. The third
Meets first and third Monday of each month at 7:30 pm match recruits a member of the now-
at the Unitarian Church on Sawkill Road in Kingston. very-riled audience. The evening must
For Information, call' 914-626-3203
be seen to be believed.
UNnv94 It's diffkult enough to be a New
NEEDS YOUto become a part of itl Organizers for Gay
Games IV, to be held in New York in 1994. Olympic- Yorker stuck on the WestCoast, always
style sports and cultural event is largest in world. reminding my well-tanned, car-driving
Theme is INCLUSION,everyone is needed. SUPPORT
THE_GAMESbyvofunteering, joining or making a dona- friends there that life is more than •

tion. Call 212-732-3812 or write UNITY'94, PO Box 202, whipped-cream wrestling, car phones,
gym bunnies and pastel colors. But every
WHAMI-WIlllllln'1 Health Action And MobiliatiolL time I enter Palm Springs, it becomes
A direat a ction group commited to demanding, secur-
ing and defending absolute reproductive freedom and even more difficult. It's as if that ever-
quality health care for all women. We meet every Wed. present gorgeous sun, which has baked
at 6:311pm at 105, E 22nd Street, 4th floor. 212-713-
5966Mailing address: WHAMI, PO Box 733, NYC10009 the surrounding mountains brown, is
melting every last drop 01 integrity and
A non-profit, Lesbian community center serving CYnicISmou 0 my Ire ,pa e y. y-
Queens, .N8Ss~u and Suffolk Counties. Thurs ..n!~ht ing by a pool with a quickly melting
weekly diSCUSSiongroups. 8:30 pm, for othgr actiVities' t. ita in my hand th th
please contact usat516-483-2050. ' ,fOzen margar as e er-
---------------"'.,-,,,.' mometer hovers above 100 degrees and
Watch the men of the knights wrestling club inaction
palm tr ees hover overhead , I f,ee I more 6vel"Y r-...idoy
every Sunday at 7:30 PM at the GAYCENTER.The club relaxed, ~et more out of my head, than I at
also conducttraining classes on alternate Saturdays would on two hits of Exta t th
afternoon (1st & 3rd Saturdaysfor man 2nd & 4th Sat-
urdays for womenl for morelnformation plesse call: Sound Factory. So, I say to my West
sy a e UMEUGHt
716-639-5141 Coast friends, this is what life is all about, 6",tel" at 47 W. 20th St
huh? Tell me more about that, new car (betwee", 5th & 6th)
phone of yours .......




Personal and profe~sional networkin~
for lesbian and gay Horticu~urists. Write


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Use your modem. (212)473·9002,
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CONTRACTORS 0e "UJ What If you could eat
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, Have you ever,wanted to give someone
a massage but didn't know how?
Terry Weisser, LMT.offers introductory
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The Introduction Service for Professlonally·Orlented Gay Men Call (212) 463-9152 For InformatioR.
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Serving the Tri-State Area Since 1985
Call for a free brochure Mon•• Fri. 7 pm • 11 pm . INVESTMENTS -
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Working partner wanted open late Feb.
Ne'eds responsible person to live on
OutWeek seeks fast-thinking, patient
person with a sense of humorto answer
premises, share duties with 2 other , busy front desk phone, greet visitors Yes ,Plano. ,Antiques'

. working partners. Send'Resume: and type articles for magazine. Must
Cooper-Lambert, 9610'57th Avenue, 11K, type 60+wpm. Send Resume, including
Rego Park NY 11368(Bar in Lancaster, salary requirement, to Outweek, 159 .
" PAl West 25th Street, Seventh Roor, New •

York, NY 10001,Attention Darla Fjeld.

Pff SHIPPING POSITION People of Color are-encoraged to apply.
Fast, responsible & energetic person . ' Please no phone calls.
needed in a fastgrowing gay publica-
tion firm. 2-3 days per week; flexible
hours, ideal for students. $5/ 7 p/h, INCOME TAX
Brooklyn Naval Yard, close to F,A orC
trains. Call Michael at (718)797·1009
, Personal ~ Business Ta~es professional
• computenzed preparation at low cost. .
r----------------------, Tax planning & Bookkeeping services
: AIDS Writers : available. (212)975-6119
: OutWeek has several free- 1 ,

, ~ lance positions for talented 1

I: -; 1 '( : reporters who can explain : INSURANCE
1 AIDS·related medical issues : FINANciAL SECURITY
: and the politics behind them 1 -'mSURANCENEEDS-'

: in "AP-objective" style for a : IlFE.
1 . general gay and lesbian 1 HEALTII. or1t221

1 readership. Journalism expe- 1 DISABIUIY mCOME \

: II 1 ri~nce a plus. NY based or 1 . CHERYLIAPOW' TIRED OF HOMOPHOBIC MqVERS? '

1 out-of-townis .' ok I1 (212) 725-1220 Try Brownstone Brothers instead. Pro-
I Interested reporters should 1 , fessional and reliable. Serving t/:le Gay
1 1
I send a resume and 1 · . , _. Community 15years. Sensitive, fun peo:
~ non-returnable clips 1 • disability. mortgage. apartment. pie who get t~e job done right with no
I (no phone calls) to: 1 -S • ~ bullshit Licensed DOT 10166. Insured.
1 P.R. Coleman/OutWeek 1 1i . '~. Reasonable storage ra,les. Pianos, Art
1 159 W. 25 St. 1 -; ~ Antiques, Mrivin~ Su~plies. Mention.
., I NY NY 10001 1 ~ If eed INSURANCE Q Outweek for SpeCial Discount Fee EstI·
1 ' , 1 "; you n ~ mates. 426 E. 91, Call 289-1511.
1 E.O.E. Women and people of 1 .~ of any kind .~. E!.
'1L color encouraged to apply.
I -'-~ please call


OutWe·ek; the National Lesbian and Gay BERNARD GRANVILLE 9 PAINt JbB
~ Q
Intelligent and skilled Brazilian Painter
magazine seeks salesperson forclassi- ~ (212) 580-9724 "'! with ~p. in Eletr. wirin~ and carpentry is
, ,
fied department Publishing experience
required. Computer experience a plus,
0 back In town and looking for work. Fer- .
typing 45-50 WPM. Will train. Women ~ . ~
nando (212).594-2647
and People of Color encoraged. Contact • i1.JIJ. urnu N1'1 • ;'lI'JJtlj'. SSi1Ulsnq •
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8& au I Ll."IU!KApril 3. 1_1

• r ..... was "bored with the theatrical rage of •

gay activists" and was offended by their I I

announced themselves as heterosexual" calls to "bash back!" Well, the events at
at the parade, and he paints New York's the parade should demonstrate to Vertl~m orl~
privacy and tolerance as heaven on Hamill and everyone else where, in fact,
earth for young Irish gays. the truly dangerous and immoral behav-
Dwyer never addressed the right of ior can be found in New York. We're not
lesbians and gays to be public, saying, bashing back . ina vacuum.'"
in essence, that we should be happy for

- utwee OutWeek
what we have. He doesn't see that pe0- ';'

ple don't have to announce themselves

as heterosexual: It is' assumed, if not
demanded. By the end, Dwyer is des- Advertising Works
perate to put on a happy face, focusing
on the wonderful but out-shouted Irish I I
who supported ILGO and the mayor. He Center for Anti-Violence Education
calls them "heirs to the greatest-legacy of •

SELF DEFENSE • KARATE • TAl em utwee VertI~lD

Ireland, which is hospitality."
Of course, you remember Dwyer, • 5 week SD ooursefor women • SD.for
who wrote about good gays and bad gays lesbians and gay men • works1wps
after WHAM!and ACf UP's massive demo throug1wut the. NYC area· karate & tal
chi. classes for women
and disruption at St Pat's last year. He
421 5th Avenue
said that that action "pretty much [tookl
Park Slope, Brooklyn 11215
the wind out cl gay political activism in
the city," and he advocated that gays walk eelOutWeek
quietly and take communion, "offending
nothing in Catholic doctrine." , Advertising WorksOutWeek
Well, in this case, it was the mem-
bers of ILGO who played by the rules
all the way through. The parade com-
mittee didn't Without going into the sins CT Advertising

of the Cardinal, if 50 peaceful AIDS Men of All Colors
activists can damn the whole gay com- Together are men
munity for the Irish, then, according to
that twisted logic, how are we, and all
united in struggle,
refusing to be divided,
other thinking people, supposed to celebrating our diversity.
think of the Irish after the ,
shameful dis- I I ,
play by thousands last Sunday? Join us! We meet every Friday
Hamill also had a hard time with at the Lesbian & Gay Community orl~Uut wee Vertl~lD
this whole thing, though it is clear that Center, 208 West 13th St., at 7:45 pm
he also knows what is right We all know 212/222.9794
about Pete's painful and embarrassing Macl/NY P.O. Box 1S1a An.onia Station. NY 1002l
bout with homophobia from his angina-
inducing Esquire piece last year. In his
parade column, he steers way clear of u
civil rights and discrimination, preferring
to c\isCuss the long history of Irish thick- Bronx
headedness. By using most of his col-
umn inches to detail past Irish idiocy, he Lesbians I I
came out strongly for including gays and United In v,er t I~
In ~ 0 u t W ee k
lesbians, without having to deal with the Sisterhood
nasty bits like his own, and his readers', .
discomfort with the issue. I JOIN US!
When it comes to gays and lesbians, .,' We meet in Manhattan & the Bronx at
he would rather write sarcastically about The Lesbian'" Gay Community Center. 1st '" Advertising Works
stereotypical Irish problems with sex and 3rd'frl$faYs of every month. 6:30-8:00pm
th elf. exaggerate d ".ears 0f a St . Patrlc
. k'
I fordham Plaza. 8th floor.
BroDI AIDSSe"lces Room. I I
Day celebration gone camp, complete 2nd Wed. of every month, 6:30-8:00pm.
with "pictures of that Oscar Wilde." <;:anlael 2121829-9817 or 2121409-1131 orl~Uut weel AdVertl~lD
In Esquire, Hamill penned that he BLUSP.O. Box 1244. Bronx, NY 10462
CCIJ.n.t • .,. ...... ct .rc. ......p_g'" &3 "re»' •• 5 4 -
Cc»ntlnuecl .. rc:::»....,
page 27

Sydney: The thing that 1 like best mildly annoying. ·"1 ignore him, 'cause 1 While the mayor's people continued
about places like the Bank, More or see him every day, and I get tired of see- to negotiate with ILGO late into the night
Sound Factory is that people have the ing him. He probably makes more on Wednesday, March 13, word came of
best gossip about real celebrities not just money than 1 do." a story to appear in the next day's Post
about themselves. At the Bank, my friend Rob admits that he doesn't know quoting Frances Beirne, the parade chair,
told me that his sister claims that Ivana where his life is heading. When he's not bitterly criticizing the mayor for interfer-
Tromp tried to pick her up at a business panhandling, he hangs out on a St. ing in the parade and comparing ILGO's
meeting. Mark's Place stoop with his friend Spaz, a attempt to get into the parade with 'the
,liz: Sbe''s not a lesbian-what about short blond punk-rocker with a mouth KKK trying to march on Martin Luther
Donald and the kids? full of jack-O'-lantern teeth. Rob insists King Day. Calling himself an "out:st:\Pd-
Sydney: Have you ever heard of that he has standards, intimating that oth- ing Catholic," he also said that he and the
bisexuality? And besides, didn't it make ers on the street don't. He never begs cardinal would not tolerate a gay group
you wonder when Liz Smith and Mar- from people at outdoor cafes, nor will he in the parade.
tina Navratilova sided with her haunt cash machines for a handout: "I'm
against Donald? a bum with class. I'm not going to be Was Marching the Right Thing?
liz: Well, not really-l mean, every- one of those guys with a pushcart." T The bigoted Hibernians had tipped
-one should wish Donald Tromp some their hand, and Deputy Mayor Bill Lynch
misfortune. But whose side was Helen said that if Beirne has been quoted accu-
Reddy on? CONNECTIONS rately, the mayor would not march. At 1
Sydney: What? Sbe's not a lesbian. Cc. .. tl.,. ......c:I .rCII.... po_g ... :ZS am, however, a compromise pushed by
Just because she sang "I Am Woman" ery-give a massage, get a massage. A Ruth Messinger came to the fore. It
doesn't mean she wants 'one. But Iheard a women's bathhouse, with saunas. ,And would allow ILGO to march within the
rumor about that other Australian pop star. while I'm at it, a gay clothing bank, ranks of the liberal 7th Division of the
Liz: Which one-':"Michael where we can trade suits for fabulOuS Hibernians without the ILGO banner but
Hutchence? dresses, depending on our gender mood with sympathetic politicians, including
Sydney: No, the same guy told me that day. the mayor, by their side. ILGO represen-,
that OHvia Newton-john and Christie There are people in our community tatives Paul O'Dwyer and Anne Maguire
Brinkley had an affair before either one who have been putting some of these accepted the compromise.
wasmanied. . communal ideas into practice, usually The upside of the deal was that the
liz: Ooh Down Under. But, tell with a lot of struggle and no cash. Off mayor demonstrated to the whole city
me something, Sydney. Now that you've the top of my head, there's the Lesbian whose side he was on and took the heat-
exposed me for the sex-crazed 24-year- Herstory Archives, the St. Mark's along the parade route for doing so. He
old that I truly ~what's your idea of a Women's Health Collective, Kitchen was quoted as saying that it was'like ,
good party? Table, Women of Color Press, the PWA marching in Binningham, Ala.,, during the
.. .
Sydney: I go !Jut for the music. "Living Room," and, of course,. the les- civil rights movement One could won-
Which, 1 know, puts you to sleep--like the bian and Gay Community Services Cen- der, though, since the discrimination
time you actually fell asleep at Sound Fac- ter, where space is tight, even for meet- against ILGO was so blatant, if marching
tory. . ings. But as community resources, they're was the right thing to do. Would it have
liz: I wasn't the only person sleep- still limited by the frame of private enter- been better for ILGO to hold out for
ing, I was just the only person not crash- prise and profit. equal status, and for the city to force the
ing off of a coke high. The "big picture" ,is a matter of per- Hibernians to change their discriminatory
Sydney: Yes, but now it is the new spective. From my little window in practices if they refused to grant it? Per-
Sound Factory, and I guarantee you will Alphabet City, 1 see a decade full of haps. But it seems clear that the gay and
never fall asleep with Frankie Knuckles challenge, where the day can be long lesbian community won this fight on the
playing. That is, if you ever go back there not short, the broken sidewalk a good evidence of the media's parade coverage.
me. place to sit and talk, and my friends and On March 16, the lesbian and gay
liz: Some of us have day jobs. community the greatest source of energy marchers were the top story on all the
Sydney: Then there is always More for change. T local TV stations. Our contingent was
Men with deejay Tommi Ri. loud, proud, identifiable and articulate.
lightweight version of Frankie Knuckles. Color this St. Patrick's Day lavender.
liz: I'll just curl up here while you Now that this year's parade is over,
do another load (she indicates tbe wasber- SUBSCRIBE openly gay commissioner of human rights
and-dryer seO. Is there room in there for Dennis Deleon is initiatipg an investiga-
my socks? T. ALREADY! tion into the discriminatory practices of
the Hibernians. We hope that ILGO coop-
Notes: erates with the investigation and is able to
1. SeIf-<iescribed "pit bull,· creative director damn. receive official status in the parade next
of limelight. year. They won this year's battle. Now
2. Dyke art-collective. they have a chance to win the war. T "

aa OUTWEEK April 3,11_11



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hour. CA certified. beeps followed by pound #
Jlary 212-228-2243. Serious only~!_ ,

Deep and relaxing by good-looking. MASSAGE
guy. Also do couples. Reasonable: $50 Young Gentian Man gives Massage
In/O ut $75 Marc (212)864-0091. call Mark beeper 212-713-9339
After you dial the number punch in
HOT TORSO your number and I will call you back.
. Athletic bodywork from boyish 150# .
5'9" 27 yo with very muscular build and PLEASURING THE HEART
a nice tan line. Clean cut and friendly. Sensuous, deep, healing bodywork.
Also availa ble with Damon. NOQnto 4 In/Out Paul (212)228-1889
am. CHRIS (212)496-6710' POET'S TOUCH
. MIDWESTERN BOY Sensual Massage
5'10",150# 19y-ocollege student Beyond Imagination
with beautiful body and cute·face . 212-691-7934
available for bodywork. Very friendly. PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE BY
Call for in/out appts.l0am-4am any FITNESS TRAINER
day. Also available with Chris. West 45st
Damon (212)496-6710 Swedish/Deep Tissue
- Sports Massage
FREE 10-DAYACCOUNT! BROWSE In/Out (212)586-6149
100'S QFGUYS! THE WORLDS MOST Ex Football Player
THE AUTH CODE: 6904(818)566-7777 I
6'3" 220 Lbs Muscular
Hung 9" + Thick
(213)370-2266 Bodyrub and More. LAS VEGAS BUDDIES
.... FOUR STAR MASSAGE Call Brian (212_)988-1.442 Awesome studs.will show you VEGAS
from gaming to shows and MORE.
By attractive, sensitive, considerate, THIS IS IT!!! Porn stars I travel available Call (800)
and talented guy in mid-40's. For the The strongest, most incredibly 879-8069 ext.n
massage you won't soon forget, in sensual massage you will ~
beautiful surroundings in East Chelsea, get by a truly ha ndsome, swe,et, ·ISRAELI STUDS·
call 9:00 am - 10:00 pm, 7 days a week. exotic sensual massuer!!! 2 Hunky Horny BB's.
$75 for 11/2 hrs. $90 for 2 hours. Call Ariel 212-331-4179 Hung Big, X-thick!!
. '" MARC 212-255-8854 Very Masculine, X-handsome watch
6 FT BLONDE DANCER gives stimluting massage & Kobi or Tonier 212-356-7212
Swedish or Tantric Massage . private hair design, your place
;" . West 14th Street Area or mine. Legit Only! ......., .
'.' Robert 212-929-4019 (212)969-8836
6'1-,33 YRS OLD Excellent masage with release, tall
Swedish Institute Grad., Swed/Shiatsu, sculptured German Italian, B.ig Balls
Safe, Strong and feet I a m very g'ood, not like the
$50 In/$75 Out, Village location . rest! Call Bruce (212) 922·9'i86 .
Chris Mac beth (212)254-4527 .'


6'1· /35 Yrs / WASP
Swedish Ins, Grad., In / Out
Reasonable: Village Location ANDRE 5'11
Steve (212)777-1217 226 Ibs, 53c., 19a, 29w., 28 t, Visiting
contest ready plustan
\ ...:.

too terminally free SF native/Man- talking to you -
Hunt, the personal~ magazine, has ex- cynical or chicken hattan dweller write back, willst
panded and left OutWeek. With new ~rti- to for heaven's seeks to end years du? E.L.Outweek
sake write instead of serial Box 3315
cles on sex, humor, plus personals and·' " . of guessing. Out- monogamy. Soft-
phone-line ads, Hunt is available in gay week Box 3659 ball, Diane Kurys FAILED
films,ferron, gar- SOUTHERN
bars and community centers nationwide. BI-F FlUPPINA dening, politics and LADY
40 YO cruising the page Seeks mature
Pretty, Petite, of Elle and Mirabel- woman with sense
married child less, la. Sweep me off of humor. I'm 36,
communicate,& AMBITIOUSI But seeks Bi-F/GF for my feet and into pleasant to look, at,
lOllen's slightly academic. spiritual...vegetari- friendship, hopeful· a domestic partner- tax accountant, like
Send letter, Out- an...kind, sweet, Iy lover. I am gentle, ship. Photo/Pho- foreign films,
personal week Box 3776. sensitive, youngish, honest & caring. I negets mine. Out- books, desire seri-
ANDROGYNOUS, . Photo helpful. pretty, long-haired, love simple plea- week Box 3771 ous committed re-
GWF,27 yet strongllcono- sures of dining, oc- lationship. Send
Healthy body & ARTSY BUT NOT clastic and abso- casional travel, D.K. - WE WORKED Photo if
p~ycche,fasc;jnated FLAKEY, lutely original.Very talking, relating TOGETHER ALL Outweek Box I
by Ishmael from yuppie but not smart (both in the loving. Box 443 TOO BRIEFLY ,3905
"Fanny & Alexan- square.:.but defi- way you'd describe Manorville, NY at that ridiculous ---..,;.--- .
der. seeking similar nitely artistic look- a hand bag and a 11949 excuse for a pub- GBFMATURE
w/slmilar fascina- ing, so not really scholar). All you lishing company. I PROFESSIONAL
tions for romantic yuppie, but could have to be is wildly CHINA PATIERN had a major crush 5'8" 1351bs
friendship or rela- pass at the country clever, as .tomboy AT BLOOMIE'S on you, but couldn't sincere affection-
tionship. Must be club and JUST as they come, GF,35, 5'6", 135, quite figure you out ate seeks feminine
honest, able to LOVES MONEYI over 30 and not BVgr, alcohol/drug It was always fun race unimportant

New York City

Gly and lesbian
AnUoVlolence Project •

(212) 807~91


Help Stop
• • AnU..c;ay
• Violence

There is no cure for HIV.But there are treatment options. The AIDSIHIV Treatment Directory, published by
the American Foundation for AIDSResearch (AmFAR),is a "user·friendly" guide to the full range of approved
and experimental treatments. A subscription to t,he Diredory is the best way to receive this information
regularly. A subscription is also on ideal way to sUPPorlthe efforts of AmFARto raise funds to underwrite
research and education about HIVdisease. A one·Year subscription (4 issues) is only $30.00. Tosubscribe,
or to make a contribution, send your check to AmFAR.
American Foundation for AIDSResearch
1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10036
People with HIV disease who cannot offord a paid subscription may obtain a complimentary copy by caffing the National AIDS
Informa~on (feoringhouse at /'800'458·523/.

April 3, 1_1 OUTWEEK 91

I I"

.• for a committed . short red hair. I to listen and learn 31 fun hot creative - SAFETY TIPS
relationship no Bi want to make the and allow for a into Art Music, You can riev~r insure
Sexuals no chil- . world a better possible relation· Rock to Bach, Pim
dren write inc. place for Lesbi/lns ship. Old enough . sum Boxer, shorts, that you won't become a
phone no. to Out- . and gay'men. I to know better; lingerie pleasant crime victim. No crime
week Box 4012 also wantto eat young enough to ' surprises, being victim is to blame for the
Chinese food and take·risks? Send pampered and ,

HELP! I'M STARr- take long walks. pMto and letter , fantasy play. UR crime committed against
ING TO LOOKAT Send me some- to: Outweek Box attractive sensu- them. Nevertheless',
MEN. thing that de- ". 3804, ous 21 to 81 fun
33,5'3", br hair scribes y,ou. Out- ",
~,' , ;
loving generous these few safety tips my
.• seeks sportY-fern week Box 3845. IAMAMATURE
• •
warm gIVIng be helpful:
women for rela- 19YROLD femme to drag
tionship. Into MY PUSSY IS A Slim, attractive passable butch • Identify local "danger zones" m'
humor honesty ro- SHRINE balck lesbian at desirous of an at- the places you frequent. Avoid
., mance and treat- Followers of my 5'7",120 Ibs. seek- tractive GF pal to these areas, especially when you
ing you right new religious ," i[lga lesb}an or bi- call to invite to are alone. Keep on top of the
Enjoy cozy order practice un-: "sexual who is join U in some of
speakably:~ ,J.' ,white, Hispanic or your many piea-
news, especially the lesbian and
evenings by a fire
place. Take a delectable rituals. 'mixture of races. sures. Write; fan- gay press, to learn if a particular
" chance • on some- Devotional wot,-, ,~" A.ny.age Llnder19 tasia Box 1234 neighborhood has become a tar-

one nice. your , ship and humag' ~:.upto'30forfriend- Edgemere, NY get for gay bashing.
photo will get sacrifice. I love al'" , ; .•shi'por relation- 11691'
mine. No drugs God~schildren.' . .,', ship. re- • Plot our "safe" routes from sub-
non·smoker pre- " Outweek,~o~"3769., •,;~spond, all will be TIRED OF QUEENS way stations and bus stops to your
ferred.Outweek ) ,, ' answered. photo The borough, that home and other places you fre~
Box 3707 OK SO I ,SMOKE at' ,.... , Optionall Please is. I've left all my quent often. Note well-lit streets
, DRINK ~,. '" ','/ ; send response to girl friends in long and stores open late at night.
HEY THERE These are np! my ... '. Outweek Box 3889 Island City. Just
I'm a nice;cute, worst habits. (I'


1'- ,
moved to Park • If you feel threatened or unsafe,
• 100% lesbian who also bite my nails, ',:. ·OUT;lOUD A Slope, looking for trust your instincts and remove
needs to meet but lesbians . ,PROUD fun and fantasy yourself from the situations quickly
more fun dykes to should not have • 26·Yr.old Queer between Fourth
hang out with. No long nails any", "TS,woman tired of Avenue and as possible. Run. Bang garbage
specifications-just way) this-26 GWF"e#lusionary poli- Prospect Park cans. Make noise. Yell "Fire". Call
like to have one is looking for ' . tics in the wom- West Outweek 911' for police assistance as soon
hell of a good someone to play ens community Box 3770, as possible.
time.Outweek Box with on Tue & ,seeking friends,
3945 Wed (the worst. . maybe dates, WARM, SENSI- • Letting someone you don't know
days off possible) maybe more. In- TIVE. HONEST. into your home makes you Vtilhe:"
HOT DYKE SEEKS , or after tplligence, maturi- androgynous. 5'5', rable to robbery and .assault:·c···','-
If,you~ ,
SAME . midnight(how did I , ty, and a sense of 30, blonde. blue leave a bar with someone you'Vejust
Baby I'm an infer- get this job?) If humor are prime eyed, virgo wants met, introduce her/him to a friend ,Qf
no--will you be my you still eat meat" . importance. The to get to know the bartender. Let other people'.
fuel? Ican burn &cook with butter unadventurous you. I like to sit in
know you are leaving together.
even the most in- . drop me a line need not apply if a cafe and sip
flammables.5' 6" we'll see a movie you're new to TS

cappuccinOS, go Exchange names aI)d phone nUfIl-
23y.o. GWF short or I'll cook you women, we don't to the movies or bers before you get home.
brown hair-eye- dinner, we'll do bite (unless you just stay home
.• glasses make my snow bongs on ask nicely). Note and cuddle by • Women should beware of men in

vlsl9n pierce your


the rootOutweek w/phone. photo candlelight Let's "mixed" bars who claim to be gay
soul to depths you Box 3722 optional. To Out- keep it simple and and invite women ,to their homes.
never knew it had. week Box 4024 slow. Tell me
• A photo/phone # ONE DATEAT aboLlt yourself, • Be wary of taxis that wait out-
.will get you the A TIME RENAISSANCE Honesty,non- side of gay and lesbian bars and
same--if you have GWF,29,Attrac- WOMAN smoker, sober and clubs. Try to leave bars, commu-
the courage to tive, sincere, seeks same in drug free a must nity centers, and other gay/lesbian
·see in yourself funny, insightful, SSF Bay,Area.41, Send photo and
identifies facilities with people you
what I can show stable, attentive, les not bi.Classics letter.Outweek
illustr.Comics, At- Box 3662 know. Assailants sometimes wait
you.Outweek Box somewhat spiritu-
• 3719 al and politically lanticmo. Zen ori- for potential victims outside places.
aware seeks ented Christian.Oh where lesbians and gay men meet.
LEFT HANDED these qualities in yes-Sex maniac. mel's
ABCDE an 'out' woman Outweek Box 3718 • Carry a whistle. consider taking .'
- Seeks same. Who who is emotional- persllals a self-defense class.
knows why some ly articulate, sen- SEXY PLAYMATE
people 'click". Alii sually spiritual, WANTED GOM.42, 155, 5'6", • Most importantly, be alert and
know for sure, is dynamic yet GF Br skin mixed avg looks, secure, remain aware of your surroundings.
that I'm 32 with grounded, willing 5'7' androgynous with sense of ,

92 OUTWEEK April 3, 1991

humor, in shape sional, 6' nonsmok-

seeks similar guys
35-50, for fdshp &
er, in great shape
physically & emo- ,

safe sex. Likes tionally, wants to ANTI-VIOLENCE ,

music, reading, & meet similar non
gym excs, quiet drug using men of PRQJEcr
eves at home. No any race to date. I
drugs, smokers, 1 enjoy working out
nite. Hairy a +. Let's biking, travel, the (212)
talk.Outweek Box symphony, opera,
3699 beach, theater,
cooking, good con-
versations, NYC &
gay community
24 Hour Hotline
Exec. looking for . events. I'm very
romance, friend- self-examining as
ship, and more. welLas fun & ro-
Must be compas- mantic with the
sionate, sensitive, right man, and find
and open-minded. this an attractive
Photo a mustl Out- combination in oth-
week Box 3565 ers. Send a de-
scriptive letter,
ACT UP CLONE? phone # & if possi-
Fine with me. I ble a recent photo
know there's more to Outweek Box

than black leather 4204
and Dockmartins in
your closet Do you BEEFY BOY
fantasize about 26 years old 170 Ibs.
having a good Very good looking
straight-bashing? dark hair & eyes

Like to hold hands smooth body mus-
and kiss in public? cular I don't go to
Don't mind mixing the bars & work out
Boy Bar til four a.m. at home. I'm look-
w/reading Oscar ing for muscular
Wilde on Sunday Latin men well
over croissants and hung for hot safe
juice? Have a nice sex. Photo a must
body and not too Outweek Box 3534
many quirks? Play ':~~:~n~:rIJ:~~r:;:\.:
....,:...."" ;.;,

safely? Then you're BIG GUY SOUGHT .,.,

for me and I'm for By attractive blue ".' ..,', '~- ....

you Person of not- eyed masculine ex- ",'.

so· much color cop, 5'8", 155,very

w/dancer's body & muscular, well pro-
steel blue eyes, de- portioned, easy .
cidedly unchic brn going, healthy,
hr, 5'9", seeks a mainly dominant
light fuck buddy re- regular guy. Prefer
lationship, with op- football L~t th~ Gay Conn~rtion h~lp you find that ~p~riallnan
tions for manic ob- player/power lifter
session later on.
frOIn right hm in th~ Nnl York aru.
type for hot safe
Outweek Box 4293 fun. Westchester/ ~puk privat~ly ollt-on-on~ with oth~r gay In~n,and with our r~lnatrh futur~,
Southern Conn. you rontrol who you ~p~ak with whil~ Inaintaining your privlry.
ASPIRING ACTOR =A+. Photo appre- To lid~n to, or luv~ a p@r~onalad'for othn In~nto h@ar,
Hisp Male, 22, 5'8" d'ated. P.O.Box 132, try th@all-Inal@Gay ~@I@rtion~.
135, BL. BR seeking North White Plains,
to meet WM in the NY 10603-0'132<.'
movie industry both
in New York and
TH.(wilY (wAY
Los Angels Out- HEAD? • fONNI~CI'ION" SI~U~CI'IONS'"
week Box 3729 If U-R 18-35 clean
shaven and smooth 1-.900-4Sg--M[[T(633~
PrObability of ... t.hint v.ri ... Only 91?e por .. in.
ASYMPTOMATIC body I want you' I Only 91?e pot .. in.t ••
HIV +39 am a GWM 34, 5'10"
GWM, successful clean shaven good Murt b.11? gurr or oldot. ©Jort.l, In••, 1991
hlth care profes- looking very pas- Try our Gag Conn.dion #: (212) 967 -g&'()9

..-' ~ ,';


I. ; .it sionate and hairy GAY BLOND

serious only and no SEEKS FUN
phone sex. If you GWM 25-35 to
.Pet Ownell\ With AIDS/ARC Resource Service, Inc.
are/European it is enjoy life, hot safe-
even more exciting sex & monogamous
(212) 529-2305 relationship. I'm 30,
New York's only complete 5'11",175#. NO fats,
pet care service for BLUE EYES ferns, fakes. Send
.. HIV+ people. Cleancut, boyish, photo/phone/letter
30's, top seeks cute & fantasy. Outweek
bottom for safe fun Box 3808
For assistance, more information, / friendship. Photo /
to make a donation or to volunteer
call (212) 744-0842, or write POWARS: tel to: Suite F-32, GAY COUPLE •
P.O. BOX 1116, Madison Station, 496A Hudson St, PINEHill
New York, NY 10159 NY, NY 10014 NY 24 & 34 GWM &
GHM looking to
meet other gays
. , ,, . CAN YOU TOP
THIS? (couples or singles)
- Habitual top seeks
stronger, taller man
for friendship hiking
or whatever boys
to put me in my do in the woods

place. Me: 5'11", weekends in the Ul-
..-900-468-4.97 160, Br/Gr, stache, ster / Delaware
, gym bod, 26. You: country border
Get real names and 25-45, built, tough write Box 222 High-
yet mustache a mount, NY 12441
numbers of men and plus. Not tender.
women who want to leather a must. GBM 5'5",28
meet you! Photo/phone to YEARS OLD
Outweek Box 3696 Handsome, firm,
looking for 24 - 36
$1,95 per minute DEUTCHES HAUS Blck or Hisp. (body
Because We Care Doesn'tfit my conscious) big
schedule. Ned brother type to
GWM German Col- spend quality time
lege Student for six together. Send ,-
weeks and more of Photo & Phone # to
conversational tu- Outweek Box,#4230
toring at home Ap- "

prox. 6 hours a GET ME WHILE,·

~ .. . {

week - sex not a '. YOU CAN

object Outweek Very attractive
Box # 4211 WM,24, br / br, 5'9",
140i cln shvn, dis-.
DICK crete, straight act-
, WORSHIPPERS ing Prep seeks
WANTS friendship & more.
Well Hung Top; Me Send letter photo if

36 GWM 170 Ibs you are warm, in-
5' 10" send photo to telligent & sincere
P.O.Box 7118 Grand and love opera,
.. Central lock Boxes , movies, good food
, New York, NY 10163 & quiet eves. Out-
week Box #4127

• • ,-. GJM
Seeks a GHM OR
cute, blue eyes GBM to be my big
',. ~
and wise desires daddy that hung 9"
Gay "TALKING PERSONALS" to meet masculine Bi or + age between 18~
Nice Guys for Dating and Friendship Gay Black man 40 to put your hot
, sensitive and ma- dick in my juice
and meet Hot Guys that like to mouth and ass. I
ture to explore who
.. •
get WILD! Categories for your lifestyle! we are. Foto/Phone will give it to you
It's Fun-Safe-Easy-24 Hours if possible to P.O. like no one else
Box 20, NYC, NY ever give to you
, Gay owned & operated. $2/min; More info: (3051 565-.4455. Ext: 4322 10012 before. Please


message or
Leave a
one left by
listen to
other men
( With up to B hot guys

""AN SCAN one

( Exclusive one-on-

rematch feature


Privately coded




~ .... •

,.,. •
you get off or Strip-
.send photo I phone ter Sta. NY, NY end lover 5'7", dark Box 3493
to Outweek Box
have a smoke and
!>pread your strong . 10185-0009 hair/eyes, trim, ex- pers Get off Strip-
-- 4150 hairy legs and get tremely cut, beauti- I WANTA ping This show 4u
send letter &
your dick sucked HOPELESS ful, 25. Looking for BOYFRIEND
GWM 27 5'11" 150 without reciproca- ROMANTIC?

aggressive, muscu- Handsome, built #What U wantto
BR/BR tion. Send your Love to cuddle, lar, hung boy up to writer, 31, seeks see. Outweek Box
People say I'm photo and number make love by can- 30year old. Must be friend for fun and 3797
- handsome I am
seeking a fellow ar·
Mike Outweek Box
, dlelight, take long
walks in the park?
sexy, verbal, hot
Must like to dance,
romance. I'm 6'1",
160, dk bl, stache, LEAN SEXY
". dent male, a man I'm 22t- 5'6", 150#
I wrestle, laugh. We goatee; like books, SANE CUTEI
~ ..
who likes t{) give HANDSOME HUNG Italian, attractive would have great, plays, and Steve 160 Ibs Indiana
and receive sexual GUY 37 and REAL. Try me steamy, safe times Reeves movies; an bred, not white
and emotional bliss, Seeking other on, I might be the together. Tender- human but capable bread in bed I 40
who wants to savor handsome hung lover that fits. ness a +. Write to of greatness, funny, and looking 32. YOu
existence on many guys Big Ph/Ph.Outweek Box Outweek Box 3647 moody but worth could be 20, let's
levels, a man not shaved Balls 3688 the hassle. Hope see Photo Outweek

put off by the un- Eric 212-242-7198 I HAVE GREAT you're great shape, Box 3970 '
conventional, who HOT JUICY MOUTH TASTE ... affectionate,
enjoys relating with HEYLIITLE Wanted by two and so do you. thought-provoking. LEmR WRITERS
" intimacy and kind- BROTHER horny HIV neg That's why we'll Outweek Box #4113 I am a fello assoc.
• • . ness. Let's take Tall (6'3"), blonde white males age 50 get along. Our first with the Hrcf, I
.'"" •

long walks in the' big brother in good in Santa Rosa Calif. date, you'll say how IMPOSSIBLE? need people, to
write letters and I
~, park and then .ex- shape and good on a regular steady much you'd like to I won't accept the
kiss me...and of impossibility of or make phone
ploreeach other in looking, 35, wants
hot little brother 18-
basis. Keep our
juices drained. course, we'll kiss, finding a decent calls to our sena-
front of an open fire
ph/ph. Send to Out- 30 to play with: in- Write Doug and etc. I'm a 23y.o. sensitive man who tors concerning
-; week box 3843. tense, safe fun, George Box 282 queer, just back in is warm and funny Gay & Lesbian is-
massages, bik~'r's Fulton, CA 95439- NY, great tight with a fully func- sues, Aids issues
',~ GWM27 BlACK tights, football jer- Come soonl body,fine face, tional brain. Am and such please
,. mind, humor. Send looking for a secure call or write, let's
HAIR BREVES seys, jock straps':
Would you like to Let's fine the HOT MUSCUlAR a picture and 3 rea- independent com- make a differ-j
. sit back watch x fantasy. Rick P.O. BOY son why I should panion to share encelll call or
~. movies drink a beer Box 938 Rock Cen- Looking for week- respond.Outweek life's pain and won- write Mike (718)

der, willing to work
toward perma-
321-2589 P.O.Box
70-1175 East \
nence when the Elmhurst, NY 11310
potential is real. Am -----......;-'-
35, professional, MARRIED BlIT III
tall,slim, and attrac- 31, 6',,
tive. Enjoy world weekd~yAM II,'
• travel, nature,peo- noon tryst wluncut
, . pie watching, film, top in Chelsea I w.
beautiful music and Village Areas·. Hairy
, creating good andl or BB a turn-,
• • karma. Are you a on. Top body avail-
, kindred spirit?Out- able for 3 ways call
• week Box 3606 . Steve 989-8597

All American regu- . GWM, early 4Os,
. successful profes-
-- lar guy - 6' 175,30,
sional, 5'9", br/bl,
blue eyes, hand-
some straight - act- moustache, hairy,

ing, fun & horny
seeks good looking
healthy, 160 Ibs.
with a good sense
Lating or Italian boy of humor. Enjoys
to explore NYC & movies, theater,
each other. Your good music, dining
. Photo and Phone out, reading, travel,

New York BuddySystem™ gets mine. CIAO I

Adios. Outweek
good conversation.
See~s GWM, 25-38
Gay Chat Line Box #3994 who is intelligent,
warm hearted, slim

-. •
(212) 319-2270 lATIN STRIPPER
25 Bodybuilder
nonsmoker with a '
good sense of
..". No Credit Cards Needed. Free Information. Be 18 Hung Big Nuts humor, a sane but
Not A "900"Or "550" Call. No One Charges Less. seeks Men 50 uplf passionate attitude
- •
OUTWEEK Apl'iI3, 1991
" ,

towards sex, and be knocked out to me get my life in , NEW FRIENDS ' ship. Call Art,btwn urban frolic. I'm
who is also seeking my senses by how order. 1mnot a WM, 35, 6'1",185, 8pm-12mid, at (212) young, mature,
a serious relation- erotic you can make, loser in search of a handsome, mascu- 675-7352. need to laugh.
ship. Write to: P.O.' , being tied up and daddy. I just want line, works out, and Ready for some
Box 99, NYC, NY make to serve. You to meet someone sincere. Career-ori- NICE NORMAL GUY dates and some
10028 , could be a boy from who has the power, ented business pro- Ivy prof, 33, 5'6', sweaty dancing.
the S/M or an ag- to help me end my fessional, but hot & br/br, 135, haven't Good kisser a must.
NASTY TOP gressive business perpetual strug- creative; humor- broken any mirrors. Send a letter and

, Really good looking

bottom seeks really
man. Photo & letter
to!Outweek Box 4246
gles. Even if only
advise and moral
ous,probing, and
supportive. Seeks '
Have usual guppy
indicators: gym,
photo to me. Get my
nasty top to explore • support. 1mkind, similar very tall guy travel, restaurants, Box 3621
all the differE!nt ways NEED A int gd Ikng,sincere. for explosive ac- theatre, books hard
you can dominate GENRE PUSH Just need push in tion, intense friend- worker but love a S.I. GBM WANTED
me over make me GWM 25 looking rt direction.Out- ship,and/or caring, good time. (Narcis- St George WM. 39,
serve you. I want to for a man to help week Box 3737 long-term relation- sistically?) looking looks 39, in shape
for somebody else (but not body beau-
kinda like that Box tiful) wants BM for
7427, New York, NY friendly, regular
10163 sexual meetings
(friends not lovers). •

NJSINGLE Not looking for any

, GWM, 36, 5'11', 175 special "type" or
," has Christmas wish age. Send
to behalf of a cou- letter.Outweek Box
ple. Seeking intell, 3680
attract, GWM to SANE & SEXY
'share music, Unpretentiously
films,books, cud- masculine GWM,
dling, hugs, kisses, Br/Br, good looking,
love, life. A furry great athletic bid,
chest to snuggle well-endowed, sex.
against would be Versatile, hairy
, nice. if honesty, chest, upbeat,

caring, monogamy manly, bright, 34,
are in your vocabu- 5'8" seeking attrac-
lary,send descrip- tive in-shape mas-,
tive Itr/ph/pb.Out- culine 25-45 yr old
week Box 3736 with extra-hairy
~ .• body for unprinti
, OLDER BROTHER able excitemehf&
OR DAD pos. relationShip:
. ~,
GAM 19,5'6',140 Beard. stache or
, Ibs swimmer is clean"shavQ.n fine.
looking for a older Photo (important) &
man (23 +), who letter/phone to J:
can help me find Cort 532 La Gurar-
, the way. Very new dia PL. Box 476
........, to the scene don't NYC, NY 10012
~ know what to do
"" , Write Outweek Box SCIENCE. SCI-R
#4250. Photo pref. GYM, film, big
, questions.Bright,
PERSON TO , down-to-earth,
PERSON midwestern GWM,
Man to Man.1 31,5'8",145,bl/br,
smoke, drink, do seeks attractive un-
-., • drugs, eat meat,
make love. If you
pretentious guy of
similar build and
--... like the same, call age, into some of
...-. let's talk or some- the above for
-.... thing. The more
pleasure. The more
friendship, dating
and ...1Send to
, gain. 725-1289 x282 OutWeek Box #3790
... ,
TlGHTBOD Pretty blue eyes, 6',
seeks other com- vegetarian, 33, thin,
patible guys for sincere; wants long

98 OUTWEEK Aprtl 3. 1_1

'term cheap taw dry goddess sap. more. Photo and Fra Grp gent of 6'1'150 Ibs 28 yrs Photo a must; dis-
deeply meaningful someone clearly phone a must I'm quality objct dating old, Broad mind cretion assured.
affair w/some down , queerly fabulous. open to meet some- prhps more Out- with a fair fluency Box 3873
home Hip non- Write with Photo to one to spend time week Box 4084 in English. Seeking
straight-acting man POB 582 NY, NY together without sincere relation- WANTS TO
with a voyeuristic 10023 killing each other. SPIRITED ship. Photo & FALLIN LOVE
appreciation of Outweek Box 4112 AMBITIOUS Phone appreciated. Down-to-earth red-
sleaze. A man cre- SINCERELY JAPANESE MAN* Returned upon re- head actor dancer
atively diverse, good looking, SOUDGENnE- Into Music, Art lit, quest Send to Out- looking for some-
bright & witty, sen- Intelligent. kinda MAN5'11R Film & conversation week Box 4187 one to share my life
sual & direct. hav- funny, kinda 47 HIV - 185 secure seeks student of with. Mysterious
ing a strong sense works out,. Sincere educated trav- Nihongo Interested TAU ATTRACTIVE eyes and an unfor-
of self, a good grip 24- year old Man- elled/mature gd in exchange of lan- GBM gettable smile are
& great eyes..A hattanite seeks Iks/lrsh Amrcn guage lessons also 6'5', 225lbs, 30 yrs. definite require-
laughing dancing similar GM for a quick wit smile/nn desires romance. I Seeks a style con- ments -also a sens
sentimental bitch drink and maybe smkr/drnkr sks yngr enjoy dancing I'm scious 25-35 black e of who you are,
, male of similar fun, adventure,
build who interests witty, able to laugh,
include: Movie, the- in·shape body, ro-
ater, arts, books. mantic,sponta-
For companionship neous, sta. acting,
• •
or possible rela- no drugs, NS. I'm
• tionship. Must have 5'10·145lbs., 30 yrs.
a good sense of old and want to
humor. Photo / date someone who
Phone get prompt will be both a best
response. To Out- friend and a lover.
, week Box 3971 send photo & le,tter
to Outweek B.ox
, 3684
Msclr, dk hair/eyes, WHOLESOME
smth skin, cln shvn VALUES '
6Ft 170# sane n2 Handsome, mascu- ,
dark-haired men, line 40, 6' 2' 190,
, I I I humor, movies, bn/blue, clean
gyms, reading, writ- shaven, muscular,

. '•. _:::.-...<:;~:
.. :_t·_·_'-'=:::";'~
• ing, walking, flea

markets, sex, poli-
hung All American
with successful
tics, commitment. business car-e-er
•, I ~~~1:'"&:!::>.::m%mm%[.: I kinky sex, long con- and wholi)$.oine
versations, commit· values seeks sin'gle
ment. cooking, fix- prof. 25-45 wi¢
ing broken things, WASP/friend p~ss.
big dicks, kissing, reI. photo, and"
commitment. hug- phone a mustfor
• •
gmg, argumg, replyl Outweek Box
laughing, camping, 4193
computers and
commitment Reply WISE MEN STOP
2458th Avenue, HERE
).',:,{':It: F:'::j0Wtr #174, NY, NY 10011 GWM, 38 5'9'150 br
- '.

I / b~ moustache .~~d
trim beard, hairy,
IRISH defined, muscular
GM, 5'11,150, br/bl, build, handsome,
35, HIV-, smooth, masc., intell., un-
\. l:m~::}~*'tW4%@}::~:~;~:~::n@m:mm::;~::::~:mm::."}·:n'lf:0.w:::::~::~~::::tw:::rgw'
r ..... ... , swimmer's build,
I pretentious. Enjots

easygomg, mascu- movies theater'
line, humorous, in- photo., cooking bi-
tegrated, fairly liter- cycling nature.,
ate, sexual but not Seeking other rate
promiscuous, not find who is good
.. '
into bars. Seeks looking, masc., verY
. !: I I dark (Italian?), health-conscious,
handsome, possibly intell., well-built w /
- " I I toppish GM, at musc., arms &
peace with himself, peds, sense of
for sensual, intense humor, enjoys the I..:
, sex and more. arts, mature, hon-
I - I

100 OUTWEEK April 3y 1991


, .,


, :tv



est, affectionate, good sense of


, humor and very at- OUTTAKES dressed in an expensive leather coat,
c::::~... t ......... d .re. ... p __ ~ 3
.smoker. Let's ex- tra ctive feet and all my jewelry:
changeletterand Please send photo pleased that the editorial department will Torres noted that once they had
photo. Outweek and letter to Out-
week Box #4247 fmally have Vickie Starr's,immeasurable tal- determined that he had not been robbed,
Box 3623
ents full time, and that Mike will continue the police showed little interest in pursu-
WRESTLE GIPM 23 YEARS OD to be an integral part of our publication." ing the assailants. Torres said that while
Ex-college jock , 5'7" With this issue of the magazine, he was in the cruiser with the two offi-
lacks opponents Goodlooking, seek- Signorile is assuming the job of editor at cers, allegedly searching the area for the
and floor space. ing ~ very attra ctive large, and Victoria Starr, who has been four men, the police stopped off to chat
Slow and easy or Hispanic or Black the magazine's comptroller and free- for five minutes about the Mike Tyson
rough and sweaty. man to be Top,and
Ring, mat, or mat- H..unga ++ for safe lance music editor nearly since its incep- fight with another pair of patrol officers.
tress. Or do you just and wild sex. Send tion, becomes the new features editor. The officers also refused to classify
like to watQh? photo and phone to Signorile will continue to write the assault as a bias-related crime, despite
Photo, phone, and Outweek Box #4248 "Gossip Watch," a column that has Torres' request that they do so and his
fantasy to Outweek' become a notorious must-read for gay description of the anti-gay language the
Bo)!:3687 - HOT BLOND men and lesbians throughout the coun- four men used as they beat him.
SWIMMER try. He will also retain editorial oversight The public information office for
GBM 305'8" Clean Cut, all amer-
135 LBS ican Young/Good of columns within the features section. the New York City Police Department
Well Hung ~ood Looking/Blue eyes "I am working on a book, a per- refused to respond to repeated inquiries
time Seeking com- smooth chest tight' sonal account of the last few years' queer for information on the case.
panion for good butt, Jason activism, which will take up most'ofmy While bias-related crimes against
time. Must have a (212) 922-9186 time," Signorile commented, explaining lesbians and gay men do not carry
his decision to give up his full-time staff increased penalties because state hate-
, position at OutWeek. "And I'd like to get crimes legislation is not yet in place, a
back to some more grass-roots political- bias determination aids the investigation,

activist work." and ultimately the prosecution, because
-Nina Reyes additional investigators from the police
force are assigned to the case.
, The cops' alleged indifference to
GAY-BAS finding Torres' attackers was particularly
VIC C frustrating to Torres because he recog-
nized one of his assailants and thinks
COPS that he knows approximately where the
individuallives.- ,
,RENCE Torres said that he was.soout~aged
NEW YORK-Four men attacked a by tbe disinterest of the cops :9Jliotame
lone gay man in the Sunset Park section to his assiSlance that he rued a complaint
of Brooklyn last week, at first attempting with the Civilian Complaint" Reyiew
to mug him and then, egging each other Board, a body composed of both civilians
on with anti-gay epithets, beating him and police that is supposed to provide a
severely. But when two police officers' mechanism to .regulate pol ice conduct
from the 72nd Precinct arrived on the Liz Garro, the Kings County district
scene a few minutes later, they refused attorney's lesbian and gay liaison, is
to claSSify the attack as a bias-related working on the case. , ,

crime and only agreed to a cursory -Nina Reyes

search of the area, for the man's attack-
ers, the victim said.
"[The cop] was engaging in a con- OptionsYou(on live With~ •
versation while he was supposed to be ' There is no cure for HIV.But there are treatment
canvassing the area," recalled Eric options, The A1DSIHIV Treatment Directory,
Torres, who sustained pain in his kidney published by the American Foundation for AIDS
., Research (AmFAR),is a guide to the full range of
area, a swollen eye, a painful bump on approved and experimentaltreatmenn. A one-year
- •
his head and abrasions all over his body subscription to the Directory (4 issues) is only ,
from the beating. $30.00. Tosubscribe, or to make a contribution,
While the beating began as a rob- send your che<kto AmFAR.Youroptions may be
bery, T<?rres said that his four attackers greater than you think, ,
seemed less interested in mugging him I" American Foundation for AIDSResearch
6\(11 1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10036
than ~in assaulting him. "They just People with HIV di, who cannot afford a paid subscripnon may
wanted to beat me up," he said in a tele- obtain a complimentary copy by calling the Nationol AIDS ,
Informonon C1/1/1ringhouseat /·800·458· 523/, .,~,
phone interview, "[even though] I was


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by Greg Baysans •

Edited by Gerard Mackey

1 12 13 5 6 10 111
9. Male bee
12 13 10. Auto mishaps
11. Understands
12. Morning moisture
19 21 13. Halt
20. Catches
22 21. Irma /a __
24. Engine sound
25. Consume
27 128 27. Printer'S measure
28. Number of hills in Rome
35 1 1 1 136 30. Crazed
- 32. Aloud
40 43. 44
33. Lubricate
45 48 34. Rob't E. __
36. Unflinching,
51 38. Spasm
52 55 156 157
41. Lake in NH
43. Shopper's mecca
59 46. Ostrich or emu
48. River part
61 62 49, Elemi, e.g.
64 65 66 50. 'Sweeney" poet
, 52. Challenge
53, EPA concern
54. Some containers
56. go bragh -, /

49. Capital of Saskatchewan

51. Mauna __
57. Soak flax . "
. .

{: . -
. 1. Statute 52. Whitman poem
- •
4. Just
, 58. you didn't care
8. Totals, 59. Type type
12. Column style . 60. "Over "
14. Abundant 61. Pandemonium •
15. Gratis 62. Collar type
16, Related on the mother's side 63. Bandleader's command
17. the Red 64. Tolkein creatures
18. Hue I 65. Sniggles
19. Whitman poem 66. Sty
22, __ , rule
24. West Pc student
26. Gender: abbr.
27, Malevolent
29. Uncle __ dtlll(
31. Teach 1. Mrs. Reynolds
• I
35. Postprandial treats 2. Smell __
37. Make lace 3. Whitman poem
39. Bizarre •
4. Guitar ridge
. ,40. Vistas . 5. River in England
42. Poorly lit 6. be of any help? (sales-clerk's
44. Vendition offer)
45. '~nnie Get Gun" 7. Ebbs
47, Dromedary 8. Whitman poem




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