CHM-203 - Electrochemistry - Lecture I

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CHM 203: Electrochemistry


Electrochemistry is the study of electrolyte solutions and the phenomena occurring at the
electrodes immersed in them.

Electrolytes are (ionic solutions) media in which ions exist. Ions are the reservoir of
charges for electrode processes, therefore, thermodynamic considerations of the behavior of ions
in aqueous solution is of great importance in electrochemistry.

Electrolytic conduction is the conduction of electrolyte (solid or solution). Two examples

of cells are presented in Fig. 1 below:

Fig. 1: The two types of cells: electrolytic and galvanic cells

It is known for a long time that metallic conductor such as copper wires obey the Ohm’s


i.e. the current i is directly proportional to the emf E which produces it. R is the proportionality
constant called the resistance. The unit of i is amperes (A), the unit of resistance is ohm (Ω) and
the unit of emf is volt (V). It has been shown that electrolyte solutions also obey the Ohm’s law.
The ability of a solution to conduct electricity is known as conductance. The conductance L is
defined as:


The unit of L is Ω-1 (per ohm). The conductance of a solution depends upon:

i.) the nature of the electrolyte

ii.) the size of the electrodes and
iii.) the distance between the electrodes

The resistance of the electrolyte between the two electrodes is directly proportional to the
length of the electrolyte, and inversely proportional to its cross-sectional area. This implies that
the electrolyte can be viewed as a 3-dimensional conducting object,

Fig. 2: Electrolyte solution imagined as a three-dimensional conducting object

( ) (3)

where l is the distance between the two electrodes, a is the cross-sectional area of the electrolyte
(the container) and is the proportionality constant called resistivity. The resistivity is measured
in ohm-meter (Ω.m). We may therefore define resistivity as the resistance between the electrodes
of 1 cm2 area which are 1 cm distance apart.

Figure 3: Resistance (resistivity) of a cube of solution

The reciprocal of resistivity is called conductivity .

( ) (4)

also, ( ) (5)

is called the cell constant. It depends on the geometry of the cell. depends on the nature
of the electrolyte. The cell constant ⁄ is usually evaluated by measuring resistance of an
electrolyte whose conductivity ( ) is known. KCl is usually used as a standard electrolyte
solution. Once the cell constant is known, the cell is then filled with a solution whose
conductivity is not known, and using equation 5, the value can be determined.

Concentration dependent conductivity

The concentration dependent conductivity is called the molar conductivity and given the
symbol (lamda). It is defined as the electrolytic conductivity divided by concentration c:


The molar conductivity was formerly known as the equivalent conductivity. It is important
because it gives information about the conductivity of the ions produced in solution by 1 mol of
a substance. In all cases, the molar conductivity diminishes as the concentration is raised, and
two patterns of behavior can be distinguished.

0 10 20 30

linear region
Molar conductivity (cm mol  

KCl (strong electrolyte)



linear region

CH3CO2H (weak electrolyte)

0 10 20 30
-3 -3
[concentration] x 10 moldm

Fig. 4: The dependence of molar conductivity on concentration

In reality, the relationship between molar conductivity and concentration may be
expressed as equation 7;


The intercept in Fig. 4 is equivalent to (molar conductivity at infinite dilution), b is an

experimental constant and c is the concentration. Meanwhile, the ideal behavior should be a
straight line with a –ve slope as against what is presented in Fig. 4, which shows the real
behavior (an exponential decrease) in each case (strong and weak electrolytes). It can be seen
from Fig. 4 that strong electrolytes’ molar conductivity falls relatively slowly as the
concentration is raised when compared to the weak electrolyte. This is because the weak
electrolyte (CH3CO2H) produce fewer ions, therefore exhibit a much more pronounced fall of
with increasing concentration (Fig. 4).

The relationship between the degree of dissociation and molar conductivity is given as:


where is the degree of dissociation.

Ostwalds dilution law

Consider an electrolyte AB that exists in solution partly as the undissociated species AB

and partly as the ions A+ and B- :

The equilibrium constant on the assumption of ideality is:

[ ][ ]
[ ]

suppose that an amount n of the electrolyte is present in a volume V and that the fraction
dissociated is ; the fraction not dissociated is . The amount of the three species present at
equilibrium, and the corresponding concentrations, are therefore:

Amount present @ equil.

conc. @ equil.

The equilibrium constant is:

( )

Thus, for a given amount of substance, the degree of dissociation must vary with the volume as


or we write

since (12)

Thus, the larger the volume V, the lower the concentration c and the larger the degree of
dissociation. If 1 mol of electrolyte is diluted, the degree of dissociation increases and the
amounts of the ionized species increase as V becomes very large (i.e. with c ). At this point,
the degree of dissociation approaches unity, i.e. . The experimental value of
corresponds to complete dissociation of AB. The dilution law can thus be expressed as:

by putting (13)

Note that equation 13 is true only for weak electrolytes.

Independent migration of ions

In principle, the plots of versus concentration (Fig. 4) can be extrapolated back to zero
concentration to give the value. In practice, this extrapolation can only satisfactorily be made
with strong electrolytes. With weak electrolytes, there’s a strong dependence of on c at low
concentration and therefore the extrapolations do not lead to reliable values.

Fig. 5: Profile of molar conductivity of strong and weak electrolytes versus their concentration

Table 1: Molar conductivity at infinite dilution for various sodium and potassium salts in
aqueous solution at 25oC

Electrolyte Electrolyte Difference

Ω-1 cm2 mol-1 Ω-1 cm2 mol-1 Ω-1 cm2 mol-1
KCl 149.9 NaCl 126.5 23.4
KI 150.3 NaI 126.9 23.4
½K2SO4 153.5 ½Na2SO4 130.1 23.4

The above table shows that the difference between the molar conductivities of potassium
and a sodium salt of the same anion is independent of the nature of the ion. Similar results were
obtained for a variety of pairs of salts with common cations or anions, in both aqueous and non-
aqueous solvents. It was explained in terms of Kohlrausch’s law of independent migration of
ions given below:


where conductivity of cation at infinite dilution, and conductivity of anion at infinite


The law assumes that each ion makes its own independent contribution to the molar conductivity
at infinite dilution, irrespective of the nature of the other ion with which it is associated.

E.g., for KCl

149.9 Ω-1 cm2 mol-1 (see table 1)

For NaCl

126.5 Ω-1 cm2 mol-1 (see table 1)

(149.9 – 126.5) Ω-1 cm2 mol-1

Therefore, 23.4 Ω-1 cm2 mol-1 difference, which will be the same whatever the
nature of the anion.

Ionic mobility and transference/transport number of ions

The ability of an electrolyte to conduct electric current is dependent upon the product of
the total charge carried by the ion and its velocity under the influence of the electric field
between the electrodes. If the electrochemical valence (ne = n × z) and concentration of two ions
are the same, then at infinite dilution, when all the molecules are completely dissociated, the
conductivity of the ions would depend solely on their velocities.

For example:

Na2SO4 2Na+ + SO42-

For Na+, n = 2, 1

i.e. 2×1=2

For SO42-, n = 2, 2

i.e. 1×2=2

In the above example, both ions have the same value of ne, hence their conductivity would
depend only on their velocities.

It thus follows that:

and (15)

where F, and are the Faraday’s constant, and velocities at infinite dilution (or ionic
mobilities) of the cation and anion respectively. The mobility of an ion, U, is defined as the speed
with which the ion moves under a unit potential gradient.

Thus, from equation 14 we can write,

therefore, (16)
Dividing equation 14 by 15:

and (17)

where and are the transport number of the cation and anion at infinite dilution respectively.

Transport/transference number is the fraction of the current carried by each ion present in


Describe the experimental procedure for the determination of transport number of ions in
a named electrolyte.

The effect of solvent drag on moving ion is represented by the Stokes’ law as;


where , , , , and are mobility of ion, viscosity of solvent, electronic charge, valency and
ionic radius respectively. In place of and in equation 16, put the value of , we will then

( ) (19)

( ) constant (20)

constant is known as the Walden’s rule. This rule holds for large ions only, because of
complication of hydration. The Stokes’ law can be used to explain and given in equation
14, by separating the Stokes’ law as follows:

( ) (21)

Since is a constant, it follows that ⁄ which is consistent with the data given in

Table 2 below.

Ions H+ Li+ Na+ K+ Rb+ Cs+

(Ω-1 cm2 mol-1) 349.8 38.66 50.11 73.52 77.80 77.30
Ions OH- Cl- Br- I- ClO3- BrO3- IO3-
(Ω-1 cm2 mol-1) 198.6 76.35 78.20 76.90 64.60 55.80 40.50

Small positive ions are known to be more highly hydrated than large +ve ions, therefore, large
ions are more conducting than small ions. The hydration number of Li+ = 6, Na+ = 4, K+ = 2, Rb+
= 1, implying that hydration numbers decrease as ion sizes increase, and so the effective ionic
radius is very large for small ions due to their large hydration numbers.

The case of the –vely charged ions can be understood, since it is generally agreed that
they are less hydrated (due to electron cloud), and hence, large ions are less conducting. The
values for OH- and H+ are much larger than the others (highlighted in yellow). These large
values can be explained on the basis of Proton-Jump Mechanism.

Proton-Jump mechanism illustration for positive and negative ions:

For positive ions, e.g. H+: H+ exists in H2O as H3O+

+ve electrode -ve electrode

step 1

+ve electrode -ve electrode

step 2

+ve electrode -ve electrode

step 3

For negative ions, e.g. OH- :

B +ve electrode -ve electrode

step 1

+ve electrode -ve electrode

step 2

+ve electrode -ve electrode

step 3

Fig. 6: These figures show the Proton-Jump mechanism by which (A) positive ion migrates
towards the –ve electrode of the cell. (B) negative ion migrates towards the positive electrode of
the cell.

This process of hydrogen transfer results in more rapid transfer of +ve charge from one region to
another (hence the high value of ) than will be possible if the H3O+ ion has to push its way
through the solution as the other ions.

Application of Conductivity Measurement

The conductance of electrolytes depends on the number of ions and their speeds. The
measurements of conductivity have been utilized for determining –

(a) the endpoints of acid-base titrations,

(b) the endpoints of precipitation titrations;

(c) the solubility of sparingly soluble salts and

(d) the kinetics of reactions.

For conductometric titration experiments, a known volume of the solution to be titrated is placed
in a beaker and a conductivity cell dipped into it. The conductivity cell is now connected to one
end of the Wheatstone’s bridge. The other solution is then added to the solution in the beaker in
installments and the conductance is measured after each addition. This is continued beyond a
sharp change in conductance value. The conductance values are then plotted against the volumes
of the titrant added. In each case, the straight-line portions of the graph are extrapolated and the
point at which the straight lines intersect is taken as the end pont of the titration.

Practical application of this is found when the conductivity of natural water is required.
Conductivity is mostly used to estimate the concentrations of dissolved salts in natural water,
which then provide insights into processes affecting the water. In coastal areas, the conductivity
of water might change with assimilation with saltwater, and the conductivity of water might rise
when it becomes contaminated with road salt in areas with cool climates.

Other Common Application of conductance measurements:

 Determination of dissociation constant of weak electrolytes, e.g. HAc

 Determination the solubility of a sparingly soluble salt: Conductance offers a very simple and
convenient means of determining the solubility of a sparingly soluble salt such as AgCl.
 Water Treatment and Industrial Applications: Water treatment may be used to make water safe
to drink or suitable for industrial use. In many industrial applications, corrosion might be a
source of heavy contamination. Conductivity can be used to monitor the level of this
contamination before desalinization or other techniques for the removal of the ions are

In some other industrial applications, conductivity measurements may be used to identify

leaks, where the leaking water might have higher conductivity value. Conductivity may also
be used to check the efficiency of rinsing procedures, where a low conductivity of water in
contact with the rinsed object indicates an efficient rinse.

 Agricultural and hydroponics applications: For irrigation, the salinity of the water is a
significant factor. If the salinity is too high, salts will build up in the soil as the water
evaporates which might demean soil eminence and inhibit plant growth.
 Conductivity can also be used to observe nutrient concentrations in liquid fertilizers:
Comparable to fertilizer application, conductivity is used in hydroponics to monitor the
concentrations of nutrient solutions. If the conductivity gets too high, indicating a nutrient
concentration at toxic levels, plant growth might be inhibited or the plant dies. Low

conductivities can designate insufficient nutrient supply. Conductivity monitoring can be used
as a component of mechanized nutrient supply systems.


1. The electrolytic conductivity of a 0.1 solution of acetic acid (corrected for the
conductivity of water) was found to be 5.3 × 10-4 Ω Calculate the molar
2. A conductivity cell was filled with 0.0100 KCl which was known to have a
conductivity of 0.001413 Ω at 25oC. Its measured resistance was 94.3 Ω. When the
cell was filled with 0.0200 AgNO3, its resistance was 50.3 Ω. Calculate the
conductivity of the AgNO3 solution.
3. A conductivity cell whose constant is 22.81 m-1 was filled with 0.0025 K2SO4
solution. The resistance of the solution is 326.0 Ω. If the K2SO4 dissociates completely in
solution, what is the molar conductivity of K2SO4?
4. (a) Calculate the molar conductivity at infinite dilution for acetic acid at 298 K given the
following data obtained by extrapolation from the graph of vs c:
(HCl) = 426.1 × 10-4 m2 Ω-1.mol-1
(AcNa) = 91.0 × 10-4 m2 Ω-1.mol-1
(NaCl) = 126.5 × 10-4 m2 Ω-1.mol-1

(b) The molar conductivity of a 0.001028 acetic acid solution was found to be
48.15 × 10-4 m2. Ω-1.mol-1 at 298 K, from the molar conductivity at infinite dilution
obtained from (a), calculate the degree of dissociation of acetic acid at this concentration
and its ionization constant.
5. The molar conductivity at infinite dilution at 25oC for KCl is 150 cm2.Ω.mol-1, and the
transport number of K+ at infinite dilution is 0.491. Calculate for K+ and for Cl- at
the same temperature.
6. The mobility of a sodium ion in water at 25oC is 5.19 × 10-4 cm2.V-1.s-1. Calculate the
molar conductivity of the sodium ion.



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