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Unit 4 Short Test 1B

1 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 Are there / Is there a lot of clubs at your school?
2 There’s / There are a computer in our classroom.
3 Is there any / some water?
4 There are any / some good websites for learning English.
5 There aren’t any / some onions on your pizza.

Mark: ___ / 5

2 Choose the correct words to complete the gaps.

1 Oh no. ___ any carrots for dinner.
a There isn’t b There aren’t c Aren’t there
2 Let’s cook ___ pasta!
a a b any c some
3 Here’s ___ orange for you to take to school.
a some b any c an
4 There aren’t ___ pieces of tomato in the salad.
a some b a c any
5 ___ a melon for breakfast.
a Is there b There is c Are there

Mark: ___ / 5

3 Complete the sentences with the correct food. The first letter of the word has been given.
1 C ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ are orange vegetables.
2 I can’t make any sandwiches. There isn’t any b ___ ___ ___ ___ .
3 I love seafood, especially p ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ .
4 Margaritas are pizzas made with just tomatoes and c ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ .
5 R ___ ___ ___ is a popular food in China. They eat it several times a day.

Mark: ___ / 5

4 There is a mistake in each sentence. Circle the mistake and correct it.
1 Can we have a crisps, please? _______________________
2 These strawberry are delicious! _______________________
3 We need more pastas. _______________________
4 I’m cooking a rice. _______________________
5 English people often eat beefs on Sunday. _______________________

Mark: ___ / 5

Total: ___ / 20

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 1 Unit 4 Short Test 1B

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