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QUESTION1- What is your opinion of the New Hotel Paris
benefits plan?
Answer1- According to my understanding, for the New Hotel
Paris Benefits Plan is I was quite in favour of the new strategy
which was made my Lisa Cruz as there if they were thinking
about the employees of the organization, they matched the
policy and made the effective and efficient plan that would
benefit the employees and employees would feel motivated and
will enjoy in the working environment as, if the superiors were
not thinking for themselves only, they are in favour of their
employees. They should be picky in the Recruitment process is
very important in achieve the competitive strategy of the Hotel
Paris, therefore, it is very important for the human resource
manager in the company to imply thEe proper recruitment
process without the proper recruitment process the company
does not know who and why to recruit, besides know where to
source the candidates is important too, The result found that
the organization are competitive and profitable with diverse

Question2-Because employers typically make benefits available to

all employees, they may not have the motivational effects of incentive
plans. Given this, list five employee behaviours you believe Hotel Paris
could try to improve through an enhanced benefits plan, and explain why
you chose them.
Answer2- The five employee behaviours Hotel Paris could try to
improve through an enhanced benefits plans are as follows-
 Handling situations- This explains employees with some positive
energy who are capable of handling various ups and downs who
are easily reliable to handle.
 Superiority- Employees who are potentially enough to provide
superior customer value to the guests.
 Multitasking- Employees who are able to engage in various
activities, who are easily involved in various activity and act
 Positivity- This explains that the employees who are goal oriented
are committed towards the working environment with full energy
and dedicated towards the goal.
 Adaptibility-This explains that the employees should be potential
enough to adapt in the environment should be enough to adjust
and provide what is required in the working environment.

QUESTION3- Explain specifically what other benefits you would

recommend the Hotel Paris implement to achieve these
behavioural improvements
Answer3-The benefits that I would recommend the Hotel
Paris implement to achieve these behavioural
improvements are as follows-
1. Incentives- The employees should be provided with the
incentives so they feel motivated and provide more efforts
towards the attainment of goal of the organization.
2. Proper working conditions- This implies that the employees
working in the organization should be provided with proper
working conditions so, they feel safe and secured and can
contribute more towards the growth of the organization.
3. Goal specified- This implies that the employees working should
be specified in goal otherwise, there will be mismatch in
thoughts and communication.
4. Proper Authority and Responsibility – This specifies that there
should be authority and responsibility should be clearly justified
employees will feel over-burdened where employers will think
employees are good for nothing.
5. Proper Holiday leaves- This implies that employees should be
given a proper holiday leave , or sickness leave or any other
mutual benefits aligned should be given so they will feel
motivated and will work with full of dedication!


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