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Suffolk University/USA TODAY FINAL Registered Voters

(N=1,000) n %
Northeast ---------------------------------------------------------- 207 20.70
South --------------------------------------------------------------- 336 33.60
Midwest ------------------------------------------------------------ 242 24.20
West ---------------------------------------------------------------- 215 21.50

Hello, my name is __________ and I am conducting a survey for Suffolk University/USA Today and I
would like to get your opinions on some issues of the day. Would you like to spend seven minutes to help

1. Are you currently a registered voter in the U.S.?

(N=1,000) n %
Yes--------------------------------------------------------------- 1,000 100.00

2. Which do you most closely identify as – male, female, or non-binary (transgender, gender variant,
(N=1,000) n %
Male ---------------------------------------------------------------- 478 47.80
Female ------------------------------------------------------------- 512 51.20
Non-Binary (transgender, gender variant, non-
conforming) ---------------------------------------------------- 10 1.00

3. Do you think of yourself as a Democrat, Republican, or Independent? {IF INDEPENDENT,

“Which party do you lean toward/feel closest to”}
(N=1,000) n %
Democrat ---------------------------------------------------------- 326 32.60
Republican -------------------------------------------------------- 306 30.60
Independent ------------------------------------------------------ 308 30.80
Other ---------------------------------------------------------------- 46 4.60
Refused ------------------------------------------------------------- 14 1.40

4. What is your age category?

(N=1,000) n %
18-24 Years ------------------------------------------------------- 89 8.90
25-34 Years ------------------------------------------------------ 173 17.30
35-49 Years ------------------------------------------------------ 256 25.60
50-64 Years ------------------------------------------------------ 261 26.10
65-74 Years ------------------------------------------------------ 153 15.30
75+ ------------------------------------------------------------------- 59 5.90
Refused --------------------------------------------------------------- 9 0.90

5. For statistical purposes only, can you please tell me what your ethnic background / ancestry is?
(N=1,000) n %
White/Caucasian ------------------------------------------------ 673 67.30
Black/African-American ---------------------------------------- 124 12.40
American Indian/Alaska Native ------------------------------- 12 1.20
Asian ---------------------------------------------------------------- 38 3.80
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander ----------------------- 1 1.00
Hispanic/Latino -------------------------------------------------- 123 12.30
Two or more races ----------------------------------------------- 11 1.10
Other ------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 0.80
Don’t know -------------------------------------------------------- 10 1.00

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Suffolk University/USA TODAY Registered Voters

6. Do you feel the country is headed in the right direction or is on the wrong track?
(N=1,000) n %
Right Direction -------------------------------------------------- 273 27.30
Wrong Track ------------------------------------------------------ 619 61.90
Undecided -------------------------------------------------------- 108 10.80

7. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden has done as president?
(N=1,000) n %
Approve ------------------------------------------------------------ 412 41.20
Disapprove -------------------------------------------------------- 551 55.10
Undecided --------------------------------------------------------- 37 3.70

8. How about President Biden’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic - approve or disapprove?
(N=1,000) n %
Approve ------------------------------------------------------------ 495 49.50
Disapprove -------------------------------------------------------- 454 45.40
Undecided --------------------------------------------------------- 51 5.10

9. How about President Biden’s handling of the economy - approve or disapprove?

(N=1,000) n %
Approve ------------------------------------------------------------ 392 39.20
Disapprove -------------------------------------------------------- 526 52.60
Undecided --------------------------------------------------------- 82 8.20

10. How about President Biden’s handling of immigration - approve or disapprove?

(N=1,000) n %
Approve ------------------------------------------------------------ 250 25.00
Disapprove -------------------------------------------------------- 621 62.10
Undecided -------------------------------------------------------- 129 12.90

11. How about President Biden’s handling of the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan –
approve or disapprove?
(N=1,000) n %
Approve ------------------------------------------------------------ 260 26.00
Disapprove -------------------------------------------------------- 623 62.30
Undecided -------------------------------------------------------- 117 11.70

I am going to read you a short list of individuals and for each, please tell me if your opinion of them is
generally favorable or generally unfavorable. If you are undecided or if you have never heard of
someone, just tell me that. First take Joe Biden. Is your opinion of Joe Biden generally favorable or
generally unfavorable? (RANDOMIZE 13-16)


12. Joe Biden 0 410 563 27
0.00 41.00 56.30 2.70
13. Democratic Party 0 330 561 109
0.00 33.00 56.10 10.90
14. Republican Party 0 370 490 140
0.00 37.00 49.00 14.00
15. Nancy Pelosi 6 305 618 71
0.60 30.50 61.80 7.10
16. Kamala Harris 7 352 540 101
0.70 35.20 54.00 10.10

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Suffolk University/USA TODAY FINAL Registered Voters

17. Thinking about the foreign policy goals of the United States, please tell me how important it is that
the U.S. helps other countries build democracies - would you say it should be {ROTATE ASC-
DESC} a very important foreign policy goal, a somewhat important goal, not too important a goal
or not an important goal at all?
(N=1,000) n %
Very important --------------------------------------------------- 239 23.90
Somewhat important ------------------------------------------- 487 48.70
Not too important ------------------------------------------------ 154 15.40
Not important at all ----------------------------------------------- 97 9.70
Undecided --------------------------------------------------------- 18 1.80
Refused --------------------------------------------------------------- 5 0.50

18. Do you believe Joe Biden was legitimately elected president – yes or no?

{ROTATE 19-20}
19. As you may know, Congress is considering a one trillion dollar bill to fund projects to build roads,
bridges, railroads, and other “hard” infrastructure. Do you support or oppose this bill?

20. As you may know, Congress is considering a 3.5 trillion dollar bill intended to fund pre-
kindergarten, community college tuition, expanded Medicare benefits, clean energy and other
“soft” infrastructure. Do you support or oppose this bill?

21. Which comes closer to your view? (ROTATE)


22. The United States has faced many big challenges over the last 20 years. Of the following options,
which do you think has been the worst for America? {RANDOMIZE}

The next questions are about Afghanistan.

23. First off, how important is the issue of Afghanistan to you? Would you say it is… {ROTATE ASC-
(N=1,000) n %
A very important issue ----------------------------------------- 401 40.10
Somewhat important ------------------------------------------- 413 41.30
Not very important ----------------------------------------------- 98 9.80
Not at all important ----------------------------------------------- 65 6.50
Undecided --------------------------------------------------------- 23 2.30

24. The United States is withdrawing its troops from Afghanistan. Do you support or oppose the
withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Afghanistan?
(N=1,000) n %
Support ------------------------------------------------------------ 531 53.10
Oppose ------------------------------------------------------------ 379 37.90
Undecided --------------------------------------------------------- 90 9.00

25. Should the United States admit – with special refugee status – Afghans who worked as
translators for the U.S. military and their immediate family members – yes or no?
(N=1,000) n %
Yes------------------------------------------------------------------ 843 84.30
No ------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 10.10
Undecided --------------------------------------------------------- 56 5.60

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Suffolk University/USA TODAY Registered Voters

26. Should the United States recognize the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan - yes
or no?
(N=1,000) n %
Yes------------------------------------------------------------------ 145 14.50
No ------------------------------------------------------------------- 710 71.00
Undecided -------------------------------------------------------- 145 14.50

27. Now that the Taliban has taken over Afghanistan, do you believe Afghanistan will become a
haven for terrorists targeting the United States?
(N=1,000) n %
Yes------------------------------------------------------------------ 728 72.80
No ------------------------------------------------------------------- 144 14.40
Undecided -------------------------------------------------------- 128 12.80

28. Was the war in Afghanistan worth it – yes or no?

(N=1,000) n %
Yes------------------------------------------------------------------ 279 27.90
No ------------------------------------------------------------------- 601 60.10
Undecided -------------------------------------------------------- 120 12.00

{FOR 28.2}
29. Given that you feel the war in Afghanistan wasn’t worth it, which president do you hold MOST
responsible for that? Would you say George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, or Joe
Biden? {If respondent says, “All of them,” please probe to “most”?}
(N=601) n %
George W. Bush ------------------------------------------------- 375 62.40
Barack Obama ---------------------------------------------------- 90 14.98
Donald Trump ----------------------------------------------------- 24 3.99
Joe Biden ---------------------------------------------------------- 42 6.99
All of them ---------------------------------------------------------- 39 6.49
None of them -------------------------------------------------------- 4 0.67
Undecided --------------------------------------------------------- 27 4.49

30. Which do you think is the more serious challenge to our national security today - domestic
terrorism or foreign terrorism?

We are coming up on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. {RANDOMIZE 31-33}

31. How likely is it that there will be acts of terrorism in the United States over the next several
weeks? {ROTATE .1 - .4 ASC-DEC}

32. How much confidence do you have in the U.S. government to protect its citizens from future acts
of terrorism? {ROTATE .1-.4 ASC-DEC}
33. As a result of the Sept. 11th, 2001, terrorist attacks, do you think Americans have permanently
changed the way they live, or not?

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Suffolk University/USA TODAY FINAL Registered Voters

Thinking about the Sept 11th, 2001, terrorist attacks, please tell me if you agree or disagree with the
following statements: {RANDOMIZE 34-39}
(N=1,000) Agree Disagree Undecided
34. “I have memories of that day”. {EMBARGOED}

35. “I am knowledgeable about what

happened on 9/11” {EMBARGOED}

36. “School, movies, books have shaped my

understanding of 9/11” {EMBARGOED}

37. “9/11 had a big impact on my life” {EMBARGOED}

38. “9/11 had a big impact on my generation” {EMBARGOED}

39. “I am able to have discussions with friends

and family about 9/11” {EMBARGOED}

40. When it comes to the economy, do you think we are in an economic recovery, stagnation,
recession, or depression? {ROTATE ASCENDING/DESCENDING}

41. How would you describe your own political viewpoint – very liberal, liberal, moderate,
conservative, very conservative? {ROTATE .1-.5 ASCENDING TO DESCENDING}
(N=1,000) n %
Very liberal --------------------------------------------------------- 75 7.50
Liberal -------------------------------------------------------------- 161 16.10
Moderate ---------------------------------------------------------- 372 37.20
Conservative ----------------------------------------------------- 252 25.20
Very conservative ----------------------------------------------- 112 11.20
Other ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 0.20
Don’t know -------------------------------------------------------- 26 2.60

42. What is the highest level of education you have completed? (READ LIST)
(N=1,000) n %
Some high school ------------------------------------------------ 49 4.90
High school graduate------------------------------------------- 237 23.70
Some college ----------------------------------------------------- 261 26.10
Trade/technical/vocational training -------------------------- 66 6.60
College graduate ------------------------------------------------ 226 22.60
Masters or PhD -------------------------------------------------- 154 15.40
Undecided ----------------------------------------------------------- 7 0.70

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Suffolk University/USA TODAY Registered Voters

43. What TV news or commentary source do you trust the most? {READ/RANDOMIZE 43.1 - 43.10}
(N=1,000) n %
CNN ----------------------------------------------------------------- 92 9.20
MSNBC ------------------------------------------------------------- 57 5.70
FOX NEWS ------------------------------------------------------- 173 17.30
ABC------------------------------------------------------------------ 47 4.70
NBC ----------------------------------------------------------------- 48 4.80
CBS------------------------------------------------------------------ 40 4.00
C-SPAN ------------------------------------------------------------ 37 3.70
NEWSMAX -------------------------------------------------------- 44 4.40
PBS/NPR ---------------------------------------------------------- 129 12.90
ONE AMERICA NEWS NETWORK ------------------------- 35 3.50
None of Them ---------------------------------------------------- 251 25.10
Undecided --------------------------------------------------------- 47 4.70

44. What TV news or commentary source do you trust the least? {READ/RANDOMIZE 44.1 - 44.10}
(N=1,000) n %
CNN ---------------------------------------------------------------- 298 29.80
MSNBC ------------------------------------------------------------- 66 6.60
FOX NEWS ------------------------------------------------------- 299 29.90
ABC------------------------------------------------------------------ 15 1.50
NBC ------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 0.90
CBS------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 1.00
C-SPAN ------------------------------------------------------------ 10 1.00
NEWSMAX -------------------------------------------------------- 23 2.30
PBS/NPR ----------------------------------------------------------- 13 1.30
ONE AMERICA NEWS NETWORK ------------------------- 58 5.80
All of Them -------------------------------------------------------- 110 11.00
Undecided --------------------------------------------------------- 89 8.90

45. What is your annual household income?

(N=1,000) n %
Under $20,000 per year ---------------------------------------- 87 8.70
Under $50,000 per year --------------------------------------- 177 17.70
Under $75,000 per year --------------------------------------- 138 13.80
Under $100,000 per year -------------------------------------- 170 17.00
Under $140,000 per year -------------------------------------- 159 15.90
$140,000 per year or more ----------------------------------- 176 17.60
Undecided --------------------------------------------------------- 93 9.30


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