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Algebraic Expressions and Identities

Q 1 Using identity (x - a) (x + a) = x2 – a2 find 62 – 52.
Mark (1)

Q 2 Find the product of (7x – 4y) and (3x - 7y).

Mark (1)

Q 3 Using suitable identity find (a + 3)(a + 2).

Mark (1)

Q 4 Using identity (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 find the value of 1032.

Mark (1)

Q 5 Using identity (a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2 find the value of 982.

Mark (1)

Q 6 Using identity find (2x +3)2.

Mark (1)

Q 7 Subtract 7x - 3x2 from 4x + 8x2.

Mark (1)

Q 8 Using suitable identity find (7x - 3y)2.

Mark (1)

Q 9 Add 4x2 + 2xy – 4 and 7x2 – 3xy + 4.

Mark (1)

Q 10 Find the product of 4x, 7x2, -2x.

Mark (1)

Q 11 Find the product of (x2 – y2)(2x + y).

Marks (2)

Q 12 Simplify: (xy + yz)2 – (xy – yz)2

Marks (2)

Q 13 Using identity find the product of

Marks (2)

Q 14 Multiply: (a2 + 2c2) (3a – 3c)

Marks (2)

Q 15 Simplify: (x + y) (2x – 3y + z) – (2x – 3y)z

Marks (2)
Q 16 Subtract 3x (x – 4y + 5z) from 4x (2x – 3y + 10z).
Marks (2)

Q 17 Simplify: (x2 – y2)2

Marks (2)

Q 18 Using suitable identity find the product of .

Marks (2)

Q 19 Simplify 3a(4a - 5) + 3 and find its value for a = 3.

Marks (2)

Q 20 Using suitable identity find (6x2 – 5/3)2.

Marks (2)

Q 21 Using identity a2 - b2 = (a + b) (a – b),

find (1.02)2 – (0.98)2.
Marks (3)

Q 22 Using (x + a) (x + b) = x2 + (a +b) x + ab find 105 107.

Marks (3)

Q 23 Using identity find the value of (7.2)2.

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Q 24 Using identity evaluate 297 303.

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Q 25 Using identity find the value of (4.7) 2.

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Q 26

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Q 27 Simplify (xy + yz)2 – 2x2y2z. Find the value when x = -1,

y = 1 and z = 2.
Marks (4)

Q 28 Simplify: (1.5x – 4y)(1.5x + 4y +3) – 4.5x +12y

Marks (4)
Most Important Questions

Q 1 What are algebraic expressions?

Q 2 Expressions consists of _____________ & _______________ .

Q 3 T/F.
The value of an expression changes with the value chosen for the variables it contains.

Q 4 When numbers/literals are added or subtracted, they are called _________ .

Q 5 When numbers/literals are multiplied, they are called ________.

Q 6 The terms in the expression 4ab + 5a(b + c) are:

Q 7 The factors in the term 5a(b + c) are :

Q 8 A monomial is an expression in which ____________________ .

Q 9 A binomial is an expression in which ___________________ .

Q 10 While multiplying two monomials, Coefficient of product = _________ X ___________.

Q 11 Identify the terms, their coefficients for the expression:

0.75x + 0.44 y + 1. 56 zx

Q 12 Classify the following as binimials and trinomials:

2a + 3b, 2x+3y-5, a+4, 12x+13y+17z

Q 13 What are the polynomials? Give an example.

Q 14 What are like and unlike terms?

Q 15 Classify as like and unlike terms:

2abc and bac,
x2y2z and y2zx2.
7x and 3y
xy+z and xyz
Q 16 Add:
2p2q2 – 3pq + 4 &

5 + 7pq – 3p2q2

Q 17

Q 18

Q 19 Find the product of : 2z, 4y, 2y2 & 6xyz

Q 20 Find : a) 13mn 13np

b) -4xy -7x2y

Q 21 State the distributive property.

Q 22 T/F: n ( 4 + m) = 4n + nm

Q 23 T/F : p( 9 – p) = 9p – 2p

Q 24 Whenever we multiply a binomial by a binomial, we get _____terms in the product.

Q 25 Whenever we multiply a binomial by a trinomial, we get ____terms in the product.

Q 26 Find : a2(2ab - 5c)

Q 27 Simplify x(x - 3) + 2 and evaluate for x= 2.

Q 28

Q 29
Q 30 Find using distributive property :

125 X 42

Q 31 Find : ab(a2 + bc + c2)

Q 32

Q 33

Q 34 Multiply : (ab + 5)(a + c2)(b + 6)

Q 35 Simplify : (m + n)(3m + n) + (m + 2n)((m - n)

Q 36 Simplify: (3.5e - 4.5f)(1.5e + 4f + ef) - 4.5e + 10f

Q 37 Simplify : (3.5e - 4.5f)(1.5e + 4f + ef) - 4.5e + 10f

Q 38 What is an identity.

Q 39 True/False
An equation, which is true for only certain values of the variable in it, is not an identity.

Q 40 (x + a)(x + b) = ________________

Q 41 (a - b)2 = _______________
Q 42 (x - a)(x + a) = ___________.

Q 43

Q 44

Q 45 Find using identities:1062

Q 46 Find using identities:


Q 47 Find using identities:

(– p + q) (– p + q)

Q 48 Find : (2x + 5y) (2x + 3y)

Q 49 Find : (2x - y)(2x + y)(4x2 + y2)

Q 50 Multiply :

[ p2 + (qr)2 ] [ p2 - (qr)2 ]

and evaluate for p = 1, q = 2, r = 3.

Q 51 Derive the identity : (x + a)(x + b) = x2 + (a + b)x + ab

Q 52 Find the product :

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