CN Unit 2 Notes

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CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II


Introduction – Link-Layer Addressing – DLC Services – Data-Link Layer
Protocols – HDLC – PPP – Media Access Control – Wired LANs: Ethernet –
Wireless LANs – Introduction – IEEE 802.11, Bluetooth – Connecting Devices

 In the OSI model, the data link layer is the 2nd layer from the bottom.
 It is responsible for transmitting frames from one node to next node.
 The main responsibility of the Data Link Layer is to transfer the datagram
across an individual link.
 An important characteristic of a Data Link Layer is that datagram can be
handled by different link layer protocols on different links in a path.
 The other responsibilities of this layer are
o Framing - Divides the stream of bits received into data units called
o Physical addressing – If frames are to be distributed to different
systems on the same network, data link layer adds a header to the
frame to define the sender and receiver.
o Flow control- If the rate at which the data are absorbed by the
receiver is less than the rate produced in the sender ,the Data link
layer imposes a flow control mechanism.
o Error control- Used for detecting and retransmitting damaged or
lost frames and to prevent duplication of frames. This is achieved
through a trailer added at the end of the frame.
o Medium Access control - Used to determine which device has
control over the link at any given time.

Nodes and Links

 Communication at the data-link layer is node-to-node.
 The communication channel that connects the adjacent nodes is known as
links, and in order to move the datagram from source to the destination, the
datagram must be moved across an individual link.
 A data unit from one point in the Internet needs to pass through many
networks (LAN and WAN) to reach another point.
 Theses LANs and WANs are connected by routers.
 The two end hosts and the routers are nodes and the networks in- between
are links.

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

 The first node is the source host; the last node is the destination host.
 The other four nodes are four routers.
 The first, the third, and the fifth links represent the three LANs; the second
and the fourth links represent the two WANs.
Two Categories of Links
Point- to-Point link and Broadcast link.
 In a point-to-point link, the link is dedicated to the two devices
 In a broadcast link, the link is shared between several pairs of devices.

Data Link Layer Services

 The data-link layer is located between the physical and the network layers.
 The datalink layer provides services to the network layer; it receives
services from the physical layer.
 When a packet is travelling, the data-link layer of a node (host or router) is
responsible for delivering a datagram to the next node in the path.
 For this purpose, the data-link layer of the sending node needs to
encapsulate the datagram and the data-link layer of the receiving node
needs to decapsulate the datagram.

 The datagram received by the data-link layer of the source host is

encapsulated in a frame.
 The frame is logically transported from the source host to the router.

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

 The frame is decapsulated at the data-link layer of the router and

encapsulated at another frame.
 The new frame is logically transported from the router to the destination

Sublayers in Data Link layer

 We can divide the data-link layer into two sublayers: data link control
(DLC) and media access control (MAC).
 The data link control sublayer deals with all issues common to both point-
to-point and broadcast links
 The media access control sublayer deals only with issues specific to
broadcast links.

 A link-layer address is sometimes called a link address, sometimes a
physical address, and sometimes a MAC address.
 Since a link is controlled at the data-link layer, the addresses need to belong
to the data-link layer.
 When a datagram passes from the network layer to the data-link layer, the
datagram will be encapsulated in a frame and two data-link addresses are
added to the frame header.
 These two addresses are changed every time the frame moves from one link
to another.


The link-layer protocols define three types of addresses: unicast, multicast, and

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

Unicast Address :
Each host or each interface of a router is assigned a unicast address.
Unicasting means one-to-one communication. A frame with a unicast
address destination is destined only for one entity in the link.

Multicast Address :
Link-layer protocols define multicast addresses. Multicasting means one-to-
many Communication but not all.

Broadcast Address :
Link-layer protocols define a broadcast address. Broadcasting means one-
to-all communication. A frame with a destination broadcast address is sent
to all entities in the link.


o ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol.
o ARP is the most important protocol of the Data Link Layer.
o ARP is a network layer protocol used to convert a IP address
(Network/Logical address) into a MAC Address (Hardware /Physical

o The computer programs/applications use logical address (IP address) to

send/receive messages, however the actual communication happens over
the physical address (MAC address).
o To send a datagram over a network, we need both the logical and physical
o IP addresses are made up of 32 bits whereas MAC addresses are made up of
48 bits.
o ARP enables each host to build a table of IP address and corresponding
physical address.
o ARP relies on broadcast support from physical networks.
o The Address Resolution Protocol is a request and response protocol.
o The types of ARP messages are:
1. ARP request
2. ARP reply

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

ARP Operation
o ARP maintains a cache table in which MAC addresses are mapped to IP
o If a host wants to send an IP datagram to a host,it first checks for a mapping
in the cache table.
o If no mapping is found, it needs to invoke the Address Resolution Protocol
over the network.
o It does this by broadcasting an ARP query onto the network.
o This query contains the target IP address.
o Each host receives the query and checks to see if it matches its IP address.
o If it does match, the host sends a response message that contains its link-
layer address (MAC Address) back to the originator of the query.
o The originator adds the information contained in this response to its ARP
o For example,
To determine system B’s physical (MAC) address, system A broadcasts
an ARP request containing B’s IP address to all machines on its

o All nodes except the destination discard the packet but update their ARP
o Destination host (System B)constructs an ARP Response packet
o ARP Response is unicast and sent back to the source host (System A).
o Source stores target Logical & Physical address pair in its ARP table from
ARP Response.
o If target node does not exist on same network, ARP request is sent to
default router.

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

ARP Packet

Hardware Type – Defines the hardware type that the network needs to transmit
the ARP message.
Protocol Type - Defines the protocol type that the network needs to transmit the
ARP message.
Hardware Length – Specifies the length of the physical address.(48 bits =6 bytes)
Protocol Length - Specifies the length of the logical address.(32 bits =4 bytes)
Operation – Determines the type of ARP message (1-Request ; 2-Reply)
Source Hardware Address – Specifies the physical address of the sender.
Source Protocol Address - Specifies the logical address of the sender.
Destination Hardware Address – Specifies the physical address of the receiver.
Destination Protocol Address - Specifies the logical address of the receiver.

RARP – Reverse ARP

o Reverse Address Resolution protocol (RARP) allows a host to convert its
MAC address to the corresponding IP address.

 The data link control (DLC) deals with procedures for communication
between two adjacent nodes—node-to-node communication—no matter
whether the link is dedicated or broadcast.

 Data link control service include

(1) Framing (2) Flow Control (3) Error Control


CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

 The data-link layer packs the bits of a message into frames, so that each
frame is distinguishable from another.

 Although the whole message could be packed in one frame, that is not
normally done.
 One reason is that a frame can be very large, making flow and error control
very inefficient.
 When a message is carried in one very large frame, even a single-bit error
would require the retransmission of the whole frame.
 When a message is divided into smaller frames, a single-bit error affects
only that small frame.
 Framing in the data-link layer separates a message from one source to a
destination by adding a sender address and a destination address.
 The destination address defines where the packet is to go; the sender
address helps the recipient acknowledge the receipt.

Frame Size
 Frames can be of fixed or variable size.
 Frames of fixed size are called cells. In fixed-size framing, there is no need
for defining the boundaries of the frames; the size itself can be used as a
 In variable-size framing, we need a way to define the end of one frame and
the beginning of the next. Two approaches were used for this purpose: a
character-oriented approach and a bit-oriented approach.

Character-Oriented Framing
 In character-oriented (or byte-oriented) framing, data to be carried are 8-bit
 To separate one frame from the next, an 8-bit (1-byte) flag is added at the
beginning and the end of a frame.
 The flag, composed of protocol-dependent special characters, signals the
start or end of a frame.

 Any character used for the flag could also be part of the information.

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

 If this happens, when it encounters this pattern in the middle of the data,the
receiver thinks it has reached the end of the frame.
 To fix this problem, a byte-stuffing strategy was added to character-
oriented framing.

Byte Stuffing (or) Character Stuffing

 Byte stuffing is the process of adding one extra byte whenever there is a
flag or escape character in the text.
 In byte stuffing, a special byte is added to the data section of the frame
when there is a character with the same pattern as the flag.
 The data section is stuffed with an extra byte. This byte is usually called the
escape character (ESC) and has a predefined bit pattern.
 Whenever the receiver encounters the ESC character, it removes it from the
data section and treats the next character as data, not as a delimiting flag.

Bit-Oriented Framing
 In bit-oriented framing, the data section of a frame is a sequence of bits to
be interpreted by the upper layer as text, graphic, audio, video, and so on.
 In addition to headers and trailers), we still need a delimiter to separate one
frame from the other.
 Most protocols use a special 8-bit pattern flag, 01111110, as the delimiter to
define the beginning and the end of the frame

 If the flag pattern appears in the data, the receiver must be informed that
this is not the end of the frame.
 This is done by stuffing 1 single bit (instead of 1 byte) to prevent the pattern
from looking like a flag. The strategy is called bit stuffing.

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

Bit Stuffing
 Bit stuffing is the process of adding one extra 0 whenever five
consecutive 1s follow a 0 in the data, so that the receiver does not
mistake the pattern 0111110 for a flag.
 In bit stuffing, if a 0 and five consecutive 1 bits are encountered, an extra 0
is added.
 This extra stuffed bit is eventually removed from the data by the receiver.
 The extra bit is added after one 0 followed by five 1’s regardless of the
value of the next bit.
 This guarantees that the flag field sequence does not inadvertently appear in
the frame.

o Flow control refers to a set of procedures used to restrict the amount
of data that the sender can send before waiting for acknowledgment.
o The receiving device has limited speed and limited memory to store the
o Therefore, the receiving device must be able to inform the sending device to
stop the transmission temporarily before the limits are reached.
o It requires a buffer, a block of memory for storing the information until they
are processed.

Two methods have been developed to control the flow of data:

o Stop-and-Wait Flow Control
o Sliding Window Flow Control

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II


o The simplest scheme is the stop-and-wait algorithm.
o In the Stop-and-wait method, the sender waits for an acknowledgement
after every frame it sends.
o When acknowledgement is received, then only next frame is sent.
o The process of alternately sending and waiting of a frame continues until
the sender transmits the EOT (End of transmission) frame.

o If the acknowledgement is not received within the allotted time, then the
sender assumes that the frame is lost during the transmission, so it will
retransmit the frame.
o The acknowledgement may not arrive because of the following three
scenarios :
1. Original frame is lost
2. ACK is lost
3. ACK arrives after the timeout

Advantage of Stop-and-wait
o The Stop-and-wait method is simple as each frame is checked and
acknowledged before the next frame is sent.

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

Disadvantages of Stop-And-Wait
o In stop-and-wait, at any point in time, there is only one frame that is sent
and waiting to be acknowledged.
o This is not a good use of transmission medium.
o To improve efficiency, multiple frames should be in transition while
waiting for ACK.


o A method to combine a data

frame with ACK.
o Piggybacking saves bandwidth
o Station A and B both have data to
o Instead of sending separately,
station A sends a data frame that
includes an ACK.
o Station B does the same thing.


o The Sliding Window is a method of flow control in which a sender can
transmit several frames before getting an acknowledgement.
o A single ACK acknowledge multiple frames.
o Sliding Window refers to imaginary box(window) at both the sender and
receiver end.
o Frames can be acknowledged even when the window is not completely
o The window has a specific size in which they are numbered as modulo-n
means that they are numbered from 0 to n-1.
o For example, if n = 8, the frames are numbered from
o The size of the window is represented as n-1. Therefore, maximum n-1
frames can be sent before acknowledgement.
o When the receiver sends the ACK, it includes the number of the next frame
that it wants to receive.
o For example, to acknowledge the string of frames ending with frame
number 4, the receiver will send the ACK containing the number 5.
o When the sender sees the ACK with the number 5, it got to know that the
frames from 0 through 4 have been received.

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

Sender Window Receiver Window

o At the beginning of a transmission, the o At the beginning of transmission, the
sender window contains n-1 frames. receiver window does not contain n frames,
o When a frame is sent, the size of the but it contains n-1 spaces for frames.
window shrinks. o When the new frame arrives, the size of the
o For example, if the size of the window window shrinks.
is ‘w’ and if three frames are sent out, o For example, the size of the window is w
then the number of frames left out in and if three frames are received then the
the sender window is w-3. number of spaces available in the window
o Once the ACK has arrived, then the is (w-3).
sender window expands to the number o Once the acknowledgement is sent, the
which will be equal to the number of receiver window expands by the number
frames acknowledged by ACK. equal to the number of frames

Example of Sliding Window

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II


Data can be corrupted during transmission. For reliable communication, errors

must be detected and corrected. Error Control is a technique of error detection and
The term Single-bit error means that only one bit of a given data unit (such as byte,
character, data unit or packet) is changed from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1.

The term Burst Error means that two or more bits in the data unit have changed
from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1.


The basic idea behind any error detection scheme is to add additional information
to a frame that can be used to determine if errors have been introduced.

 One bit, called parity bit is added to every data unit so that the total number
of 1’s in the data unit becomes even (or) odd.
 The source then transmits this data via a link, and bits are checked and
verified at the destination.
 Data is considered accurate if the number of bits (even or odd) matches the
number transmitted from the source.
 This techniques is the most common and least complex method.

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

1. Even parity – Maintain even number of 1s

E.g., 1011 → 1011 1
2. Odd parity – Maintain odd number of 1s
E.g., 1011 → 1011 0


 Cyclic codes refers to encoding messages by adding a fixed-length check
 CRCs are popular because they are simple to implement, easy to analyze
mathematically and particularly good at detecting common errors caused in
transmission channels.

Steps Involved :
Sender Side:
 Consider the original message (dataword) as M(x) consisting of ‘k’ bits and
the divisor as C(x) consists of ‘n+1’ bits.
 The original message M(x) is appended by ‘n’ bits of zero’s. Let us call
this zero-extended message as T(x).
 Divide T(x) by C(x) and find the remainder.
 The division operation is performed using XOR operation.
 The remainder is appended to the original message M(x) as CRC and sent
by the sender(codeword).

Receiver Side:
 The division operation is performed using XOR operation with the
received Codeword.
 If the remainder is all Zero’s, then the dataword is received correctly
without any errors. The message is accepted.
 If the remainder is not all Zero’s, then the dataword is received incorrectly
with errors. The message is rejected and discarded.

Example 1:
 Consider the Dataword / Message M(x) = 1001
 Divisor C(x) = 1011 (n+1=4)
 Appending ‘n’ zeros to the original Message M(x).
 The resultant messages is called T(x) = 1001 000. (here n=3)

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

 Divide T(x) by the divisor C(x) using XOR operation.

Sender Side :

Receiver Side:
(For Both Case – Without Error and With Error)

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

 A pattern of 0s and 1s can be represented as a polynomial with coefficients
of 0 and 1.
 The power of each term shows the position of the bit; the coefficient shows
the value of the bit.


 Checksum is a calculated value that is used to determine the integrity of


CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

Example : Let the message to be transmitted be 7,11,12,0,6.


 Error control includes both error detection and error correction.

 Whenever an error is detected, specified frames are retransmitted
 It allows the receiver to inform the sender if a frame is lost or damaged
during transmission and coordinates the retransmission of those frames by
the sender.
 Includes the following actions:
o Error detection
o Positive Acknowledgement (ACK): if the frame arrived with no
o Negative Acknowledgement (NAK): if the frame arrived with errors
o Retransmissions after Timeout: Frame is retransmitted after certain
amount of time if no acknowledgement was received
 Error control in the data link layer is based on automatic repeat request

Categories of Error Control

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

 Stop-and-wait ARQ is a technique used to retransmit the data in case of
damaged or lost frames.
 This technique works on the principle that the sender will not transmit the
next frame until it receives the acknowledgement of the last transmitted

Two possibilities of the retransmission in Stop and Wait ARQ:

o Damaged Frame: When the receiver receives a damaged frame(i.e., the

frame contains an error), then it returns the NAK frame. For example, when
the frame DATA 1 is sent, and then the receiver sends the ACK 0 frame
means that the data 1 has arrived correctly. The sender transmits the next
frame: DATA 0. It reaches undamaged, and the receiver returns ACK 1.
The sender transmits the third frame: DATA 1. The receiver reports an error
and returns the NAK frame. The sender retransmits the DATA 1 frame.

o Lost Frame: Sender is equipped with the timer and starts when the frame is
transmitted. Sometimes the frame has not arrived at the receiving end so
that it cannot be acknowledged either positively or negatively. The sender
waits for acknowledgement until the timer goes off. If the timer goes off, it
retransmits the last transmitted frame.

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II


Sliding Window ARQ is a technique used for continuous transmission error


Two protocols used in sliding window ARQ:

o In Go-Back-N ARQ protocol, if one frame is lost or damaged, then it
retransmits all the frames after which it does not receive the positive ACK.

o In the above figure, three frames (Data 0,1,2) have been transmitted before
an error discovered in the third frame.
o The receiver discovers the error in Data 2 frame, so it returns the NAK 2
o All the frames including the damaged frame (Data 2,3,4) are discarded as it
is transmitted after the damaged frame.
o Therefore, the sender retransmits the frames (Data2,3,4).


o Selective-Reject ARQ technique is more efficient than Go-Back-n ARQ.

o In this technique, only those frames are retransmitted for which negative
acknowledgement (NAK) has been received.
o The receiver storage buffer keeps all the damaged frames on hold until the
frame in error is correctly received.
o The receiver must have an appropriate logic for reinserting the frames in a
correct order.
o The sender must consist of a searching mechanism that selects only the
requested frame for retransmission.

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

o In the above figure, three frames (Data 0,1,2) have been transmitted before
an error discovered in the third frame.
o The receiver discovers the error in Data 2 frame, so it returns the NAK 2
o The damaged frame only (Data 2) is discarded.
o The other subsequent frames (Data 3,4) are accepted.
o Therefore, the sender retransmits only the damaged frame (Data2).


Four protocols have been defined for the data-link layer controls.
They are
1. Simple Protocol
2. Stop-and-Wait Protocol
3. Go-Back-N Protocol
4. Selective-Repeat Protocol


o The first protocol is a simple protocol with neither flow nor error control.
o We assume that the receiver can immediately handle any frame it receives.
o In other words, the receiver can never be overwhelmed with incoming
o The data-link layers of the sender and receiver provide transmission
services for their network layers.

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

o The data-link layer at the sender gets a packet from its network layer, makes
a frame out of it, and sends the frame.
o The data-link layer at the receiver receives a frame from the link, extracts
the packet from the frame, and delivers the packet to its network layer.






o High-level Data Link Control (HDLC) is a bit-oriented protocol

o HDLC is used for communication over point-to-point and multipoint links.
o HDLC implements the Stop-and-Wait protocol.


HDLC provides two common transfer modes that can be used in different
1. Normal response mode (NRM)
2. Asynchronous balanced mode (ABM).

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

Normal response mode (NRM)

o In normal response mode (NRM), the station configuration is unbalanced.
o We have one primary station and multiple secondary stations.
o A primary station can send commands; a secondary station can only
o The NRM is used for both point-to-point and multipoint links.

Asynchronous balanced mode (ABM)

o In ABM, the configuration is balanced.
o The link is point-to-point, and each station can function as a primary and a
secondary (acting as peers).
o This is the common mode today.

HDLC defines three types of frames:
1. Information frames (I-frames) - used to carry user data
2. Supervisory frames (S-frames) - used to carry control information
3. Unnumbered frames (U-frames) – reserved for system management

Each type of frame serves as an envelope for the transmission of a different type of
Each frame in HDLC may contain up to six fields:
1. Beginning flag field
2. Address field
3. Control field
4. Information field (User Information/ Management Information)
5. Frame check sequence (FCS) field
6. Ending flag field

In multiple-frame transmissions, the ending flag of one frame can serve as the
beginning flag of the next frame.

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

o Flag field - This field contains synchronization pattern 01111110, which

identifies both the beginning and the end of a frame.
o Address field - This field contains the address of the secondary station. If a
primary station created the frame, it contains a ‘to’ address. If a secondary
station creates the frame, it contains a ‘from’ address. The address field can
be one byte or several bytes long, depending on the needs of the network.
o Control field. The control field is one or two bytes used for flow and error
o Information field. The information field contains the user’s data from the
network layer or management information. Its length can vary from one
network to another.
o FCS field. The frame check sequence (FCS) is the HDLC error detection
field. It can contain either a 16- bit or 32-bit CRC.


Control Field for I-Frames
o I-frames are designed to carry user data from the network layer. In addition,
they can include flow-control and error-control information

o The first bit defines the type. If the first bit of the control field is 0, this
means the frame is an I-frame.
o The next 3 bits, called N(S), define the sequence number of the frame.
o The last 3 bits, called N(R), correspond to the acknowledgment number
when piggybacking is used.
o The single bit between N(S) and N(R) is called the P/F bit. If this bit is 1 it
means poll (the frame is sent by a primary station to a secondary).

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

o If this bit is 0 it means final(the frame is sent by a secondary to a Primary).

Control Field for S-Frames

o Supervisory frames are used for flow and error control whenever
piggybacking is either impossible or inappropriate.
o S-frames do not have information fields

o If the first 2 bits of the control field are 10, this means the frame is an S-
o The last 3 bits, called N(R),correspond to the acknowledgment number
(ACK) or negative acknowledgment number (NAK), depending on the type
of S-frame.
o The 2 bits called code are used to define the type of S-frame itself.
o With 2 bits, we can have four types of S-frames –
Receive ready (RR), Receive not ready (RNR), Reject (REJ) and
Selective reject (SREJ).

Control Field for U-Frames

o Unnumbered frames are used to exchange session management and control
information between connected devices.
o U-frames contain an information field, but used only for system
management information and not user data.

o If the first 2 bits of the control field are 11, this means the frame is an U-
o U-frame codes are divided into two sections: a 2-bit prefix before the P/F
bit and a 3-bit suffix after the P/F bit.
o Together, these two segments (5 bits) can be used to create up to 32
different types of U-frames.

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II


o Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) was devised by IETF (Internet Engineering

Task Force) in 1990 as a Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP).
o PPP is a data link layer communications protocol used to establish a direct
connection between two nodes.
o It connects two routers directly without any host or any other networking
device in between.
o It is used to connect the Home PC to the server of ISP via a modem.
o It is a byte - oriented protocol that is widely used in broadband
communications having heavy loads and high speeds.
o Since it is a data link layer protocol, data is transmitted in frames. It is also
known as RFC 1661.

Services Provided by PPP

The main services provided by Point - to - Point Protocol are −
1. Defining the frame format of the data to be transmitted.
2. Defining the procedure of establishing link between two points and
exchange of data.
3. Stating the method of encapsulation of network layer data in the frame.
4. Stating authentication rules of the communicating devices.
5. Providing address for network communication.
6. Providing connections over multiple links.
7. Supporting a variety of network layer protocols by providing a range os

PPP Frame
PPP is a byte - oriented protocol where each field of the frame is composed of one
or more bytes.

1. Flag − 1 byte that marks the beginning and the end of the frame. The bit
pattern of the flag is 01111110.
2. Address − 1 byte which is set to 11111111 in case of broadcast.
3. Control − 1 byte set to a constant value of 11000000.
4. Protocol − 1 or 2 bytes that define the type of data contained in the payload
5. Payload − This carries the data from the network layer. The maximum
length of the payload field is 1500 bytes.
6. FCS − It is a 2 byte(16-bit) or 4 bytes(32-bit) frame check sequence for
error detection. The standard code used is CRC.

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

Byte Stuffing in PPP Frame

Byte stuffing is used is PPP payload field whenever the flag sequence appears in
the message, so that the receiver does not consider it as the end of the frame. The
escape byte, 01111101, is stuffed before every byte that contains the same byte as
the flag byte or the escape byte. The receiver on receiving the message removes
the escape byte before passing it onto the network layer.

Transition Phases in PPP

The PPP connection goes through different states as shown in a transition phase

 Dead: In dead phase the link is not used. There is no active carrier and the
line is quiet.
 Establish: Connection goes into this phase when one of the nodes start
communication. In this phase, two parties negotiate the options. If
negotiation is successful, the system goes into authentication phase or
directly to networking phase.
 Authenticate: This phase is optional. The two nodes may decide whether
they need this phase during the establishment phase. If they decide to
proceed with authentication, they send several authentication packets. If the
result is successful, the connection goes to the networking phase; otherwise,
it goes to the termination phase.
 Network: In network phase, negotiation for the network layer protocols
takes place.PPP specifies that two nodes establish a network layer
agreement before data at the network layer can be exchanged. This is
because PPP supports several protocols at network layer. If a node is
running multiple protocols simultaneously at the network layer, the
receiving node needs to know which protocol will receive the data.
 Open: In this phase, data transfer takes place. The connection remains in
this phase until one of the endpoints wants to end the connection.
 Terminate: In this phase connection is terminated.

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Components/Protocols of PPP
Three sets of components/protocols are defined to make PPP powerful:
 Link Control Protocol (LCP)
 Authentication Protocols (AP)
 Network Control Protocols (NCP)

Link Control Protocol (LCP) − It is responsible for establishing, configuring,

testing, maintaining and terminating links for transmission. It also provides
negotiation mechanisms to set options between the two endpoints. Both endpoints
of the link must reach an agreement about the options before the link can be

Authentication Protocols (AP) − Authentication means validating the identity of

a user who needs to access a set of resources. PPP has created two protocols for
authentication -Password Authentication Protocol and Challenge Handshake
Authentication Protocol.

The Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) is a simple authentication procedure
with a two-step process:
a. The user who wants to access a system sends an authentication
identification (usually the user name) and a password.
b. The system checks the validity of the identification and password and
either accepts or denies connection.

The Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) is a three-way
handshaking authentication protocol that provides greater security than PAP. In
this method, the password is kept secret; it is never sent online.
a. The system sends the user a challenge packet containing a challenge
b. The user applies a predefined function that takes the challenge value and
the user’s own password and creates a result. The user sends the result in
the response packet to the system.
c. The system does the same. It applies the same function to the password of
the user (known to the system) and the challenge value to create a result.
If the result created is the same as the result sent in the response packet,
access is granted; otherwise, it is denied.

CHAP is more secure than PAP, especially if the system continuously changes the
challenge value. Even if the intruder learns the challenge value and the result, the
password is still secret.

Network Control Protocols (NCP) − PPP is a multiple-network-layer protocol. It

can carry a network-layer data packet from protocols defined by the Internet. PPP

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has defined a specific Network Control Protocol for each network protocol. These
protocols are used for negotiating the parameters and facilities for the network
layer. For every higher-layer protocol supported by PPP, one NCP is there.


 When two or more nodes transmit data at the same time, their frames will
collide and the link bandwidth is wasted during collision.
 To coordinate the access of multiple sending/receiving nodes to the shared
link, we need a protocol to coordinate the transmission.
 These protocols are called Medium or Multiple Access Control (MAC)
Protocols. MAC belongs to the data link layer of OSI model
 MAC defines rules for orderly access to the shared medium. It tries to
ensure that no two nodes are interfering with each other’s transmissions,
and deals with the situation when they do.

Issues involved in MAC

The key issues involved are –
 Where the control is exercised - refers to whether the control is exercised
in a centralized or distributed manner
 How the control is exercised - refers to in what manner the control is

Goals of MAC
1. Fairness in sharing
2. Efficient sharing of bandwidth
3. Need to avoid packet collisions at the receiver due to interference

MAC Management
 Medium allocation (collision avoidance)
 Contention resolution (collision handling)

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MAC Types
 Round-Robin : – Each station is given opportunity to transmit in turns.
Either a central controller polls a station to permit to go, or stations can
coordinate among themselves.
 Reservation : - Station wishing to transmit makes reservations for time
slots in advance. (Centralized or distributed).
 Contention (Random Access) : - No control on who tries; If collision‖
occurs, retransmission takes place.

 Wired Networks :
o CSMA / CD – Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection
 Wireless Networks :
o CSMA / CA – Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Avoidance



 Carrier Sense in CSMA/CD means that all the nodes sense the medium to
check whether it is idle or busy.
 If the carrier sensed is idle, then the node transmits the entire
 If the carrier sensed is busy, the transmission is postponed.

 Collision Detect means that a node listens as it transmits and can therefore
detect when a frame it is transmitting has collided with a frame transmitted
by another node.

Flowchart of CSMA/CD Operation

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Transmitter Algorithm in CSMA/CD

 Transmitter Algorithm defines the procedures for a node that senses a busy
 Three types of Transmitter Algorithm exist.
 They are
1. Non-Persistent Strategy
2. Persistent Strategy : 1-Persistent & P-Persistent

Non-Persistent Strategy
 In the non-persistent method, a station that has a frame to send senses the
 If the line is idle, it sends immediately.
 If the line is not idle, it waits a random amount of time and then senses the
line again.

 The non-persistent approach reduces the chance of collision because it is

unlikely that two or more stations will wait the same amount of time and
retry to send simultaneously.
 However, this method reduces the efficiency of the network because the
medium remains idle when there may be stations with frames to send.

Persistent Strategy
1-Persistent :
 The 1-persistent method is simple and straightforward.
 In this method, after the station finds the line idle, it sends its frame
immediately (with probability 1).

 This method has the highest chance of collision because two or more
stations may find the line idle and send their frames immediately.

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P-Persistent :
 In this method, after the station finds the line idle it follows these steps:
 With probability p, the station sends its frame.
 With probability q = 1 − p, the station waits for the beginning of the next
time slot and checks the line again.

 The p-persistent method is used if the channel has time slots with a slot
duration equal to or greater than the maximum propagation time.
 The p-persistent approach combines the advantages of the other two
strategies. It reduces the chance of collision and improves efficiency.
 Once an adaptor has detected a collision and stopped its transmission, it waits
a certain amount of time and tries again.
 Each time it tries to transmit but fails, the adaptor doubles the amount of time
it waits before trying again.
 This strategy of doubling the delay interval between each retransmission
attempt is a general technique known as exponential back-off.

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 Carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) was
invented for wireless networks.
 Wireless protocol would follow exactly the same algorithm as the
Ethernet—Wait until the link becomes idle before transmitting and back off
should a collision occur.
 Collisions are avoided through the use of CSMA/CA’s three strategies: the
interframe space, the contention window, and acknowledgments

Interframe Space (IFS) - First, collisions are avoided by deferring transmission

even if the channel is found idle. When an idle channel is found, the station does
not send immediately. It waits for a period of time called the interframe space or

Contention Window - The contention window is an amount of time divided into

slots. A station that is ready to send chooses a random number of slots as its wait
time. The number of slots in the window changes according to the binary
exponential backoff strategy. This means that it is set to one slot the first time and
then doubles each time the station cannot detect an idle channel after the IFS time.

Acknowledgment - In addition, the data may be corrupted during the

transmission.The positive acknowledgment and the time-out timer can help
guarantee that the receiver has received the frame.


 Ethernet was developed in the mid-1970’s at the Xerox Palo Alto Research
Center (PARC),
 IEEE controls the Ethernet standards.
 The Ethernet is the most successful local area networking technology, that
uses bus topology.
 The Ethernet is multiple-access networks that is set of nodes send and
receive frames over a shared link.
 Ethernet uses the CSMA / CD ( Carrier Sense Multiple Access with
Collision Detection) mechanism.


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Standard Ethernet (10 Mbps)

The original Ethernet technology with the data rate of 10 Mbps as the Standard
Standard Ethernet types are
1. 10Base5: Thick Ethernet,
2. 10Base2: Thin Ethernet ,
3. 10Base-T: Twisted-Pair Ethernet
4. 10Base-F: Fiber Ethernet.

10Base5: Thick Ethernet 10Base2: Thin Ethernet

 The first implementation is called  The second implementation is

10Base5, thick Ethernet, or called 10Base2, thin Ethernet, or
Thicknet. Cheapernet.
 10Base5 was the first Ethernet  10Base2 also uses a bus topology,
specification to use a bus topology but the cable is much thinner and
with an external more flexible.
transceiver(transmitter/receiver)  In this case, the transceiver is
connected via a tap to a thick coaxial normally part of the network
cable. interface card (NIC), which is
installed inside the station.

10Base-T: Twisted-Pair Ethernet 10Base-F: Fiber Ethernet

 The third implementation is called

 Although there are several types of
10Base-T or twisted-pair Ethernet.
optical fiber 10-Mbps Ethernet, the
 10Base-T uses a physical star most common is called 10Base-F.
topology. The stations are connected
 10Base-F uses a star topology to
to a hub via two pairs of twisted
connect stations to a hub.
 The stations are connected to the
hub using two fiber-optic cables.

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Fast Ethernet (100 Mbps)

Fast Ethernet or 100BASE-T provides transmission speeds up to 100 megabits per

second and is typically used for LAN backbone systems.
The 100BASE-T standard consists of three different component specifications –
1. 100 BASE-TX
2. 100BASE-T4
3. 100BASE-FX


100Base-TX uses two A new standard, called 100Base-FX uses two
pairs of twisted-pair 100Base-T4, was pairs of fiber-optic cables.
cable either UTP or STP. designed to use four pairs Optical fiber can easily
A 100Base-TX network of UTP for transmitting handle high bandwidth
can provide a data rate of 100 Mbps. requirements.
100 Mbps.

Gigabit Ethernet (1 Gbps)

 The Gigabit Ethernet upgrades the data rate to 1 Gbps(1000 Mbps).
 Gigabit Ethernet can be categorized as either a two-wire or a four-wire
 The two-wire implementations use fiber-optic cable (1000Base-SX, short-
wave, or 1000Base-LX, long-wave), or STP (1000Base-CX).
 The four-wire version uses category 5 twisted-pair cable (1000Base-T).

10 Gigabit Ethernet(10 Gbps)

 10 Gigabit Ethernet is an upcoming Ethernet technology that transmits at 10
 10 Gigabit Ethernet enables a familiar network technology to be used in
LAN, MAN and WAN architectures.
 10 Gigabit Ethernet uses multimode optical fiber up to 300 meters and
single mode fiber up to 40 kilometers.
 Four implementations are the most common: 10GBase-SR, 10GBase-LR,
10GBase-EW, and 10GBase-X4.

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The access method of Ethernet is CSMA/CD.
Note : Refer CSMA/CD from MAC


 As the Ethernet supports collision detection, senders are able to determine a
 At the moment an adaptor detects that its frame is colliding with another, it
first makes sure to transmit a 32-bit jamming sequence along with the 64-
bit preamble (totally 96 bits) and then stops the transmission.
 These 96 bits are sometimes called Runt Frame.


The Ethernet frame is defined by the format given in the Fig.

 The 64-bit preamble allows the receiver to synchronize with the signal; it is
a sequence of alternating 0’s and 1’s.
 Both the source and destination hosts are identified with a 48-bit address.
 The packet type field serves as the demultiplexing key.
 Each frame contains up to 1500 bytes of data(Body).
 CRC is used for Error detection

Ethernet Addresses
 Every Ethernet host has a unique Ethernet address (48 bits – 6 bytes).
 Ethernet address is represented by sequence of six numbers separated by
 Each number corresponds to 1 byte of the 6 byte address and is given by
pair of hexadecimal digits.
 Eg: 8:0:2b:e4:b1:2 is the representation of
00001000 00000000 00101011 11100100 10110001 00000010
 Each frame transmitted on an Ethernet is received by every adaptor
connected to the Ethernet.
 In addition to unicast addresses an Ethernet address consisting of all 1s is
treated as broadcast address.
 Similarly the address that has the first bit set to 1 but it is not the broadcast
address is called multicast address.

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Ethernets are successful because
 It is extremely easy to administer and maintain. There are no switches that
can fail, no routing or configuration tables that have to be kept up-to-date,
and it is easy to add a new host to the network.

 It is inexpensive: Cable is cheap, and the only other cost is the network
adaptor on each host.

9. WIRELESS LAN ( IEEE 802.11)

 Wireless communication is one of the fastest-growing technologies.
 The demand for connecting devices without the use of cables is increasing
 Wireless LANs can be found on college campuses, in office buildings, and
in many public areas.


1. Flexibility: Within radio coverage, nodes can access each other as radio
waves can penetrate even partition walls.
2. Planning : No prior planning is required for connectivity as long as
devices follow standard convention
3. Design : Allows to design and develop mobile devices.
4. Robustness : Wireless network can survive disaster. If the devices survive,
communication can still be established.


1. Quality of Service : Low bandwidth (1 – 10 Mbps), higher error rates due
to interference, delay due to error correction and detection.
2. Cost : Wireless LAN adapters are costly compared to wired adapters.
3. Proprietary Solution : Due to slow standardization process, many solution
are proprietary that limit the homogeneity of operation.
4. Restriction : Individual countries have their own radio spectral policies.
This restricts the development of the technology
5. Safety and Security : Wireless Radio waves may interfere with other
devices. Eg; In a hospital, radio waves may interfere with high-tech

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 WLAN’s uses Spread Spectrum (SS) technology.
 The idea behind Spread spectrum technique is to spread the signal over a
wider frequency band than normal, so as to minimize the impact of
interference from other devices.
 There are two types of Spread Spectrum:
 Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)
 Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS)

Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)

 Frequency hopping is a spread spectrum technique that involves
transmitting the signal over a random sequence of frequencies.
 That is, first transmitting at one frequency, then a second, then a third, and
so on.
 The random sequence of frequencies is computed by a pseudorandom
number generator.
 The receiver uses the same algorithm as the sender and initializes it with the
same seed and hence is able to hop frequencies in sync with the transmitter
to correctly receive the frame.

Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS)

 Each bit of data is represented by multiple bits in the transmitted signal.
 DSSS takes a user data stream and performs an XOR operation with a
pseudo –random number.
 This pseudo random number is called as chipping sequence.

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WLANs can be built with either of the following two topologies /architecture:
 Infra-Structure Network Topology
 Ad Hoc Network Topology

Infra-Structure Topology Ad-Hoc Topology

(AP based Topology) (Peer-to-Peer Topology)

 An infrastructure network is the  An adhoc network is the architecture
network architecture for providing that is used to support mutual
communication between wireless communication between wireless
clients and wired network resources. clients.
 The transition of data from the  Typically, an ad- hoc network is
wireless to wired medium occurs via created spontaneously and does not
a Base Station called AP(Access support access to wired networks.
Point).  An adhoc network does not require
 An AP and its associated wireless an AP.
clients define the coverage area.

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 The standard defines two kinds of services: the Basic Service Set (BSS) and the
Extended Service Set (ESS).

Basic Service Set (BSS)

 IEEE 802.11 defines the basic service set (BSS) as the building blocks of a
wireless LAN.
 A basic service set is made of stationary or mobile wireless stations and an
optional central base station, known as the access point (AP).

Extended Service Set (ESS)

 An extended service set (ESS) is made up of two or more BSSs with APs.
 In this case, the BSSs are connected through a distribution system, which is a
wired or a wireless network.
 The distribution system connects the APs in the BSSs. The extended service set
uses two types of stations: mobile and stationary.
 The mobile stations are normal stations inside a BSS.
 The stationary stations are AP stations that are part of a wired LAN.

Station Types
IEEE 802.11 defines three types of stations based on their mobility in a wireless
1. No-transition - A station with no-transition mobility is either stationary
(not moving) or moving only inside a BSS.
2. BSS-transition - A station with BSS-transition mobility can move from
one BSS to another, but the movement is confined inside one ESS
ESS-transition - A station with ESS-transition mobility can move from one
ESS to another.

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Wireless protocol would follow exactly the same algorithm as the Ethernet—Wait
until the link becomes idle before transmitting and back off should a collision

Hidden Node Problem

 Consider the situation shown in the Figure.

 Here A and C are both within range of B but not with each other.
 Suppose both A and C want to communicate with B and so they each send a
frame to B.
 A and C are unaware of each other since their signals do not carry that far.
 These two frames collide with each other at B, but neither A nor C is aware
of this collision.
 A and C are said to be hidden nodes with respect to each other.

Exposed Node Problem

 Each of the four nodes is able to send and receive signals that reach just the
nodes to its immediate left and right.
 For example, B can exchange frames with A and C but it cannot reach D,
while C can reach B and D but not A.
 Suppose B is sending to A. Node C is aware of this communication because
it hears B’s transmission.

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 If at the same time, C wants to transmit to node D.

 It would be a mistake, however, for C to conclude that it cannot transmit to
anyone just because it can hear B’s transmission.
 This is not a problem since C’s transmission to D will not interfere with A’s
ability to receive from B.
 This is called exposed problem.
 Although B and C are exposed to each other’s signals, there is no
interference if B transmits to A while C transmits to D.


 MACA is used to avoid collisions caused by the hidden terminal problem
and exposed terminal problem.
 MACA uses short signaling packets called RTS and CTS for collision
 The RTS and CTS signals helps us to determine who else is in the
transmission range or who is busy.
 When a sender wants to transmit, it sends a signal called Request-To-Send
 If the receiver allows the transmission, it replies to the sender a signal called
Clear-To-Send (CTS).
 Any node that sees the CTS frame knows that it is close to the receiver, and
therefore cannot transmit for the period of time.
 Any node that sees the RTS frame but not the CTS frame is not close
enough to the receiver to interfere with it, and so is free to transmit.
 The Signaling packets RTS and CTS contains information such as
 sender address
 receiver address
 length of the data to be sent/received

 The receiver sends an ACK to the sender after successfully receiving a

 All nodes must wait for this ACK before trying to transmit.
 When two or more nodes detect an idle link and try to transmit an RTS frame at
the same time, their RTS frames will collide with each other.

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 802.11 do not support collision detection, but instead, the senders realize the
collision has happened when they do not receive the CTS frame after a period
of time.
 Each node waits for a random amount of time before trying again.
 The amount of time a given node delays is defined by exponential back-off


In wireless network, nodes can move freely. Some nodes are allowed to roam and
some are connected to a wired network infrastructure called access points (AP),
and they are connected to each other by a so-called distribution system.

 Two nodes can communicate directly with each other if they are within
reach of each other,
 When the nodes are at different range, for example when node A wish to
communicate with node E, A first sends a frame to its access point (AP-1),
which forwards the frame across the distribution system to AP-3, which
finally transmits the frame to E.

Scanning Process in Distribution System

 The technique for selecting an Access Point is called scanning.
 Scanning will take place whenever a node joins the network as well as
when it is not satisfied with the current access point signal.
 It involves the following four steps:
 The node sends a Probe Request frame.
 All AP’s within reach reply with a Probe Response frame.
 The node selects one of the access points and sends that AP an
Association Request frame.
 The AP replies with an Association Response frame.

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 There are two types of Scanning. They are

1. Active Scanning
2. Passive Scanning
Active Scanning
When node C moves from the cell serviced by AP-1 to the cell serviced by AP-2.
As it moves, it sends Probe frames, which eventually result in Probe Response.
Since the node is actively searching for an access point it is called active

Passive Scanning
AP’s periodically send a Beacon frame to the nodes that advertises the
capabilities of the access point which includes the transmission rates supported by
the AP. This is called passive scanning and a node can change to this AP based on
the Beacon frame simply by sending it an Association Request frame back to the
access point.

 Control field - contains three subfields :

 Type field - Indicates whether the frame carries data, RTS or CTS frame
 To DS - Data frame sent to DS
 From DS – ACK sent from DS
When both the DS bits are set to 0, it indicates that one node is
sending directly to another . Addr l identifies the target node and
Addr2 identifies the source node.

When both the DS bits are set to 1, it indicates that one node is
sending the message to another indirectly using the distribution

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 Duration - contains the duration of time the medium is occupied by the nodes.
 Addr l - identifies the final original destination
 Addr 2 - identifies the immediate sender (the one that forwarded the frame
from the distribution system to the ultimate destination)
 Addr 3 - identifies the intermediate destination (the one that accepted the
frame from a wireless node and forwarded it across the distribution
 Addr 4 - identifies the original source
 Sequence Control - to avoid duplication of frames sequence number is
assigned to each frame
 Payload - Data from sender to receiver
 CRC - used for Error detection of the frame.

10. BLUETOOTH (IEEE 802.15.1 )

 A Bluetooth is an ad hoc network, which means that the network is formed
 Bluetooth is a wireless LAN technology designed to connect devices of
different functions such as telephones, notebooks, computers (desktop and
laptop), cameras, printers, when they are at a short distance from each other.
 Bluetooth technology is the implementation of a protocol defined by the
IEEE 802.15 standard.
 The standard defines a wireless personal-area network (PAN)
 Bluetooth operates in the 2.4 GHz Unlicensed ISM band.
 The range for Bluetooth communication is 0-30 feet.
 This distance can be increased to 100 meters by amplifying the power.
 Bluetooth links have typical bandwidths around 1 to 3 Mbps.
 Bluetooth is specified by an industry consortium called the Bluetooth Special
Interest Group.
 Upto eight devices can be connected through Bluetooth.
 One device will function as a Master and the other seven devices will
function as slaves.
 Bluetooth uses Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) to avoid any
 Bluetooth supports two kinds of links:
 Asynchronous Connectionless (ACL) links - for data
 Synchronous Connection oriented (SCO) links - for audio/voice

Bluetooth defines two types of networks: Piconet and Scatternet.

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 The basic Bluetooth network configuration is called a Piconet
 A Piconet is a collection of eight bluetooth devices which are synchronized.
 One device in the piconet can act as Primary (Master), all other devices
connected to the master act as Secondary (Slaves).
 All the secondary stations synchronize their clocks and hopping sequence
with the primary.

 Any communication is between the primary/master and a secondary/slave.

 The communication between the primary and secondary stations can be
one-to-one or one-to-many.
 The slaves do not communicate directly with each other.
 The devices in a piconet can be in any one of the three types/states.
 They are
 Active Device / State
1. Connected to the piconet and participates in the communication.
2. Can be a Master or a Slave device.
3. All active devices are assigned a 3-bit address (AMA).
 Parked Device / State
1. Connected to the piconet, but does not actively articipate in the
2. More than 200 devices can be parked.
3. All parked devices use an 8-bit parked member address (PMA).
 Stand-by Device / State
1. Not connected to the piconet.
2. They do not participate in the piconet currently but may take part at a
later time.
3. Devices in stand-by do not need an address.

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 If a parked device wants to communicate and there are already seven active
slaves, one slave has to switch to park state to allow the parked device to
switch to active state.
 Piconets can be combined to form what is called a scatternet.
 Many piconets with overlapping coverage can exist simultaneously,called
 A secondary station in one piconet can be the primary in another piconet.
 This station can receive messages from the primary in the first piconet (as a
secondary) and, acting as a primary, deliver them to secondaries in the second
 A station can be a member of two piconets.

 In the example given below, there are two piconets, in which one slave
participates in two different piconets.
 Master of one piconet cannot act as the master of another piconet.
 But the Master of one piconet can act as a Slave in another piconet


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Radio Layer
 The radio layer is roughly equivalent to the physical layer of the Internet
 Bluetooth uses the frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) method
in the physical layer to avoid interference from other devices or other
 Bluetooth hops 1600 times per second, which means that each device
changes its modulation frequency 1600 times per second.
 To transform bits to a signal, Bluetooth uses a sophisticated version of FSK,
called GFSK.

Baseband Layer
 The baseband layer is roughly equivalent to the MAC sublayer in LANs.
 The access method is TDMA.
 The primary and secondary stations communicate with each other using
time slots. The length of a time slot is exactly 625 µs.
 During that time, a primary sends a frame to a secondary, or a secondary
sends a frame to the primary.

 The Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol, or L2CAP (L2 here
means LL) is equivalent to the LLC sublayer in LANs.
 It is used for data exchange on an ACL link.
 SCO channels do not use L2CAP.
 The L2CAP functions are : multiplexing, segmentation and reassembly,
quality of service (QoS), and group management.


 Connecting devices are used to connect hosts together to make a network or
to connect networks together to make an internet.
 Connecting devices can operate in different layers of the Internet model.

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 Connecting devices are divided into five different categories on the basis of
layers in which they operate in the network.

1. Devices which operate below the physical layer - Passive hub.

2. Devices which operate at the physical layer - Repeater.
3. Devices which operate at the physical and data link layers - Bridge.
4. Devices which operate at the physical layer, data link layer and network layer –
5. Devices which operate at all five layers - Gateway.

 Several networks need a central location to connect media segments
together. These central locations are called as hubs.
 The hub organizes the cables and transmits incoming signals to the other
media segments.

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The three types of hubs are:

i) Passive hub
 It is a connector, which connects wires coming from the different branches.
 By using passive hub, each computer can receive the signal which is sent
from all other computers connected in the hub.
ii) Active Hub
 It is a multiport repeater, which can regenerate the signal.
 It is used to create connections between two or more stations in a physical
star topology.
iii) Intelligent Hub
 Intelligent hub contains a program of network management and intelligent
path selection.


 A repeater receives the signal and it regenerates the signal in original bit
pattern before the signal gets too weak or corrupted.
 It is used to extend the physical distance of LAN.
 Repeater works on physical layer.
 A repeater has no filtering capability.
 A repeater is implemented in computer networks to expand the coverage
area of the network, repropagate a weak or broken signal and or service
remote nodes.
 Repeaters amplify the received/input signal to a higher frequency domain
so that it is reusable, scalable and available.
 Repeaters are also known as signal boosters or range extender.
 A repeater cannot connect two LANs, but it connects two segments of the
same LAN.

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II


 Bridges operate in physical layer as well as data link layer.

 As a physical layer device, they regenerate the receive signal.
 As a data link layer, the bridge checks the physical (MAC) address (of the
source and the destination) contained in the frame.
 The bridge has a filtering feature.
 It can check the destination address of a frame and decides, if the frame
should be forwarded or dropped.
 Bridges are used to connect two or LANs working on the same protocol.

Types of Bridges :

 Transparent Bridges
These are the bridge in which the stations are completely unaware of the
bridge’s existence i.e. whether or not a bridge is added or deleted from the
network , reconfiguration of the stations is unnecessary.

 Source Routing Bridges

In these bridges, routing operation is performed by source station and the
frame specifies which route to follow.

 Translation Bridges
These bridges connect networks with different architectures, such as Ethernet
and Token Ring. These bridges appear as:
– Transparent bridges to an Ethernet host
– Source-routing bridges to a Token Ring host

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

 A switch is a small hardware device which is used to join multiple
computers together with one local area network (LAN).
 A switch is a mechanism that allows us to interconnect links to form a large

 Switch is data link layer device.

 A switch is a multi port bridge with a buffer .
 Switches are used to forward the packets based on MAC addresses.
 It is operated in full duplex mode.
 Packet collision is minimum as it directly communicates between source
and destination.
 It does not broadcast the message as it works with limited bandwidth.
 A switch’s primary job is to receive incoming packets on one of its links
and to transmit them on some other link.
 A Switch is used to transfer the data only to the device that has been

 Input ports receive stream of packets, analyzes the header, determines the
output port and passes the packet onto the fabric.
 Ports contain buffers to hold packets before it is forwarded.
 If buffer space is unavailable, then packets are dropped.
 If packets at several input ports queue for a single output port, then only one
of them is forwarded.

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

Types of Switch
i) Two- Layer Switch
 The two-layer switch performs at the physical and the data link layer.
 It is a bridge with many ports and design allows faster performs.
 A bridge is used to connect different LANs together.
 The two- layer switch can make a filtering decision bases on the MAC
address of the received frame. However, two- layer switch has a buffer
which holds the frame for processing.

ii) Three- Layer Switch

 The three-layer switch is a router.
 The switching fabric in a three-layer allows a faster table lookup and
forwarding mechanism.

 A router is a three-layer device.
 It operates in the physical, data-link, and network layers.
 As a physical-layer device, it regenerates the signal it receives.
 As a link-layer device, the router checks the physical addresses (source and
destination) contained in the packet.
 As a network-layer device, a router checks the network-layer addresses.
 A router is a device like a switch that routes data packets based on their IP
 A router can connect networks. A router connects the LANs and WANs on
the internet.
 A router is an internetworking device.
 It connects independent networks to form an internetwork.

 The key function of the router is to determine the shortest path to the
 Router has a routing table, which is used to make decision on selecting the
 The routing table is updated dynamically based on which they make
decisions on routing the data packets.


 A gateway is a device, which operates in all five layers of the internet or

seven layers of OSI model.
 It is usually a combination of hardware and software.
 Gateway connects two independent networks.

CS 8591 - Computer Networks Unit- II

 Gateways are generally more complex than switch or router.

 Gateways basically works as the messenger agents that take data from one
system, interpret it, and transfer it to another system.
 Gateways are also called protocol converters
 A gateway accepts a packet formatted for one protocol and converts it to a
packet formatted to another protocol before forwarding it.
 The gateway must adjust the data rate, size and data format.

 Brouter is a hybrid device. It combines the features of both bridge and
 Brouter is a combination of Bridge and Router.
 Functions as a bridge for nonroutable protocols and a router for routable
 As a router, it is capable of routing packets across networks.
 As a bridge, it is capable of filtering local area network traffic.
 Provides the best attributes of both a bridge and a router
 Operates at both the Data Link and Network layers and can replace separate
bridges and routers.


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