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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum

Sharing Feature Parameter

Issue 02
Date 2016-06-23


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Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential i

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description Contents


1 About This Document.................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Scope.............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Intended Audience.......................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Change History............................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Differences Between Base Station Types....................................................................................................................... 2

2 Overview......................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Benefits........................................................................................................................................................................... 4

3 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing.........................................................................5

3.1 Spectrum Sharing........................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Spectrum Reclamation....................................................................................................................................................7
3.2.1 Trigger Conditions.......................................................................................................................................................8
3.2.2 Spectrum Reclamation Process................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.3 Reliability...................................................................................................................................................................11

4 Dynamic MA for GSM and UMTS DSS................................................................................. 13

5 Related Features...........................................................................................................................16
5.1 MRFD-211802 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing(GSM)........................................................................ 16
5.2 MRFD-221802 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing(UMTS)......................................................................17
5.3 MRFD-211803 Dynamic MA for GU Dynamic Spectrum Sharing(GSM)................................................................. 18
5.4 MRFD-221803 Dynamic MA for GU Dynamic Spectrum Sharing(UMTS)...............................................................19

6 Network Impact........................................................................................................................... 20
6.1 GSM and UMTS DSS.................................................................................................................................................. 20
6.2 Dynamic MA for GSM and UMTS DSS......................................................................................................................21

7 Engineering Guidelines............................................................................................................. 22
7.1 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing............................................................................................................. 22
7.1.1 When to Use.............................................................................................................................................................. 22
7.1.2 Required Information................................................................................................................................................ 22
7.1.3 Planning..................................................................................................................................................................... 40
7.1.4 Deployment............................................................................................................................................................... 43 Requirements.......................................................................................................................................................... 43 Precautions..............................................................................................................................................................43

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential ii

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description Contents Data Preparation and Feature Activation................................................................................................................44 Data Preparation.................................................................................................................................................. 44 Using the CME.................................................................................................................................................... 45 Using MML Commands...................................................................................................................................... 46 MML Command Examples................................................................................................................................. 47 Activation Observation...........................................................................................................................................47 Deactivation............................................................................................................................................................48 Using the CME.................................................................................................................................................... 48 Using MML Commands...................................................................................................................................... 48 MML Command Examples................................................................................................................................. 49 Reconfiguration...................................................................................................................................................... 49
7.1.5 Monitoring................................................................................................................................................................. 50
7.1.6 Parameter Optimization............................................................................................................................................. 50
7.1.7 Possible Issues........................................................................................................................................................... 51
7.2 Dynamic MA for GSM and UMTS DSS......................................................................................................................51
7.2.1 When to Use.............................................................................................................................................................. 51
7.2.2 Required Information................................................................................................................................................ 51
7.2.3 Planning..................................................................................................................................................................... 52
7.2.4 Deployment............................................................................................................................................................... 52 Requirements.......................................................................................................................................................... 52 Precautions..............................................................................................................................................................53 Data Preparation and Feature Activation................................................................................................................53 Data Preparation.................................................................................................................................................. 53 Using the CME.................................................................................................................................................... 53 Using MML Commands...................................................................................................................................... 54 MML Command Examples................................................................................................................................. 54 Activation Observation...........................................................................................................................................55 Deactivation............................................................................................................................................................55
7.2.5 Monitoring................................................................................................................................................................. 55
7.2.6 Parameter Optimization............................................................................................................................................. 55
7.2.7 Possible Issues........................................................................................................................................................... 55

8 Parameters..................................................................................................................................... 56
9 Counters........................................................................................................................................ 64
10 Glossary....................................................................................................................................... 70
11 Reference Documents............................................................................................................... 71

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 1 About This Document

1 About This Document

1.1 Scope
This document describes GSM and UMTS dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS), including its
technical principles, related features, network impact, and engineering guidelines.
This document covers the following features:
l MRFD-211802 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing(GSM)
l MRFD-221802 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing(UMTS)
l MRFD-211803 Dynamic MA for GU Dynamic Spectrum Sharing(GSM)
l MRFD-221803 Dynamic MA for GU Dynamic Spectrum Sharing(UMTS)

1.2 Intended Audience

This document is intended for personnel who:
l Need to understand the features described herein
l Work with Huawei products

1.3 Change History

This section provides information about the changes in different document versions. There are
two types of changes, which are defined as follows:
l Feature change
Changes in features of a specific product version
l Editorial change
Changes in wording or addition of information that was not described in the earlier

SRAN11.1 02 (2016-06-23)
This issue includes the following changes.

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 1 About This Document

Change Change Description Parameter

Type Change

Feature None None


Editorial l Added mutual exclusive relationships between None

change MRFD-211802 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum
Sharing(GSM) and MRFD-211901 Multi-RAT Carrier
Joint Intelligent Shutdown (GBTS) in 5.1
MRFD-211802 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum
l Added mutual exclusive relationships between
MRFD-221802 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum
Sharing(UMTS) and MRFD-221901 Multi-RAT Carrier
Joint Intelligent Shutdown (NodeB) in 5.2
MRFD-221802 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum

SRAN11.1 01 (2016-02-29)
This issue does not include any changes.

SRAN11.1 Draft A (2015-12-30)

This issue includes the following changes.

Change Change Description Parameter

Type Change

Feature None None


Editorial Added 2.1 Introduction and 2.2 Benefits to 2 Overview. None

Revised descriptions in 3 GSM and UMTS Dynamic None
Spectrum Sharing and 4 Dynamic MA for GSM and

Split 5 Related Features according to the Feature List. None

Split 7 Engineering Guidelines into two sections: GSM None

and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing and Dynamic MA
for GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing

1.4 Differences Between Base Station Types

The features described in this document apply only to macro base stations.

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 2 Overview

2 Overview

If some GSM sites that can share spectral resources with UMTS sites cover continuous areas,
these areas form a spectrum sharing region, and these GSM sites act as a whole when sharing
or reclaiming spectral resources.
This document addresses the following features:
l MRFD-211802 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing(GSM) and MRFD-221802
GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing(UMTS)
l MRFD-211803 Dynamic MA for GU Dynamic Spectrum Sharing(GSM) and
MRFD-221803 Dynamic MA for GU Dynamic Spectrum Sharing(UMTS)
MRFD-211803 Dynamic MA for GU Dynamic Spectrum Sharing(GSM) and MRFD-221803
Dynamic MA for GU Dynamic Spectrum Sharing(UMTS) are collectively called dynamic
MA features.
Dynamic MA features depend on GSM and UMTS DSS:
l When enabling GSM and UMTS DSS, you can choose to enable dynamic MA features
or not.
l Before enabling dynamic MA features, you must enable GSM and UMTS DSS.

2.1 Introduction
With GSM and UMTS dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS), a GSM network dynamically shares
spectrums with and reclaims spectrums from a UMTS network depending on their traffic
volumes if they provide the same coverage.
GSM and UMTS DSS introduces the following concepts:
l Spectrum sharing region: An area in which BTS candidates for DSS provide continuous
l DSS BTS: A GSM base station in a spectrum sharing region. DSS BTSs share or reclaim
spectrums simultaneously.
l DSS cell: A UMTS cell using the shared spectrum.
l Shared carrier: A carrier a GSM network shares with a UMTS network when the GSM
network is lightly loaded. The DSSTRXOFFLINE (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter is
set to YES for shared carriers.

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 2 Overview

l Basic carrier: A carrier not shared by the GSM network.

l Shared spectrum: A spectrum in which the shared carrier operates.
l Basic spectrum: A spectrum in which the basic carrier operates.
l Mobile allocation (MA): A frequency used by the MS during frequency hopping (FH).

For details about MA and FH, see GSM BSS Frequency Hopping Feature Parameter Description.
l Timeslot group: A collection of timeslots with the same timeslot number on different

2.2 Benefits
UMTS has higher spectral efficiency than GSM. Therefore, this feature increases data
throughput and decreases the expenditure on data services.

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 3 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing

3 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum


GSM and UMTS DSS involves spectrum sharing and reclamation:

l When GSM traffic volume is less than a specified threshold, the GSM network shares
some idle GSM spectrums with the UMTS network. For details, see 3.1 Spectrum
l When GSM traffic volume is greater than a specified threshold, the multimode base
station reclaims the spectrums. For details, see 3.2 Spectrum Reclamation.
The BSC requests the RNC to release the spectrums through the U2000. After reclaiming
the spectrums, the BSC instructs, over the Abis interface, the multimode base station to
use the spectrums.

3.1 Spectrum Sharing

The BSC instructs, over the Abis interface, the multimode base station to release the
spectrums and requests the RNC to use the spectrums through the U2000. The RNC, over the
Iub interface, instructs the multimode base station to activate DSS cells.
To enable DSS, set the DSSENABLE (BSC6900, BSC6910) switch to ON for the BSC.
During the DSS duration delivered by the U2000, the BSC determines whether to trigger DSS
based on the real-time traffic volumes under cells. Figure 3-1 shows the DSS process.

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 3 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing

Figure 3-1 DSS process

The following is additional information about Figure 3-1.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 3 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing

1. The BSC determines whether the DSS conditions are met.

The DSS conditions are as follows: Within the period of time specified by the
DSSSHSTATTM (BSC6910, BSC6900) parameter, the following inequation is true:

Number of channels available for cells - Current maximum number of busy channels - 16 x N


l The number of channels available for cells and the current maximum number of busy
channels are taken from TCHHs. One TCHF is counted as two TCHHs.
l The value 16 means 16 TCHHs per carrier.
l N indicates the number of shared carriers, that is, the number of carriers for which
DSSTRXOFFLINE (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to YES.
– If dynamic MA for GSM and UMTS DSS (dynamic MA for short) has not been
activated, N is the number of carriers configured for cells minus 1. On the GSM
side, the DSSTRXOFFLINE (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter is set to YES for
carriers other than BCCH carriers.
– If dynamic MA needs to be activated, the value of N must be determined by
Huawei professional service personnel based on the actual spectral resources and
traffic volume.
l The DSSSHRIDLECHTH (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter is a threshold for the
number of idle channels. When the number of idle channels in a cell is equal to or greater
than the value of this parameter, the BSC regards the cell as idle.
Based on the fact that there are six idle TCHHs per basic carrier, the
DSSSHRIDLECHTH (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter should be configured to
(number of carriers for the cell – N) x 6.

The number of channels available to cells and the current maximum number of busy channels do not
include the number of BCCHs and SDCCHs.
In a spectrum sharing region, DSS is triggered only if all cells in the spectrum sharing region meet the

2. During the period of time specified by the DSSWAITPSTM (BSC6900, BSC6910)

parameter, the BSC waits for the UEs to be released.
3. For details about dynamic MA conversion, see 4 Dynamic MA for GSM and UMTS
4. For the duration of DSS, the DSS cells absorb data services and are not involved in
GSM/UMTS dynamic power sharing.
5. If forcible spectrum sharing is triggered by running the STR GDSS command on the
BSC LMT or if immediate spectrum sharing is triggered on the U2000, the BSC does not
check the real-time traffic volume. Instead, it waits for the UEs to be released during the
period of time specified by the DSSWAITPSTM parameter. If a timeout occurs, the
BSC hands over unreleased UEs under the shared carriers to basic carriers.

3.2 Spectrum Reclamation

This section describes the trigger conditions, process, and reliability of spectrum reclamation.

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 3 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing

3.2.1 Trigger Conditions

Spectral resources can be reclaimed in normal or emergency circumstances.
Normal reclamation is triggered when either of the following occurs:
l The DSS duration ends.
l The BSC traffic increases, and the number of idle channels is less than or equal to
DSSBAKIDLECHTH (BSC6900, BSC6910) for the period specified by the
DSSBAKDURTM (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter within the period specified by
Emergency reclamation is triggered when either of the following occurs:
l The STR GDSS command is manually executed to forcibly reclaim the shared spectrum
in case of a performance test or an emergency.
l The number of idle channels is equal to zero for the period specified by
DSSBAKDURTM (BSC6900, BSC6910) within the period specified by

3.2.2 Spectrum Reclamation Process

When the BSC meets the conditions for normal or emergency reclamation of spectral
resources, the BSC sends a reclamation command to the U2000.
The reclamation process consists of the following stages:
l The U2000 checks whether the spectrum sharing region meets the conditions for
spectrum reclamation.
l The RNC side reclaims spectral resources.
l The BSC side activates the shared carriers.
Figure 3-2 shows the spectrum reclamation process.

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 3 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing

Figure 3-2 Spectrum reclamation process

The following is additional information about Figure 3-2.

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 3 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing

1. The U2000 checks whether the spectrum sharing region meets the conditions for
spectrum reclamation.
Upon receipt of a spectrum reclamation command from the BSC, the U2000, based on
the reclamation type, determines whether spectrum reclamation can be performed for the
spectrum sharing region.
– Emergency spectrum reclamation: If one DSS BTS in the spectrum sharing region
triggers emergency reclamation, all other DSS BTSs in the spectrum sharing region
must also reclaim spectral resources.
– Normal spectrum reclamation: If one DSS BTS in the spectrum sharing region
triggers normal reclamation, the DSS BTSs in the reclamation state in the spectrum
sharing region trigger reclamation only if the following inequation is true: Number
of DSS BTSs that have received reclamation instructions/Total number of DSS
BTSs in the spectrum sharing region ≥ Proportion of DSS BTSs that trigger
reclamation The proportion of DSS BTSs that trigger reclamation is configurable on
the U2000.
2. The RNC periodically hand overs UEs in the DSS cells to basic cells.
The RNC performs normal and emergency spectrum reclamation as follows:
– Normal reclamation
As shown in Figure 3-3, the RNC hands over UEs in the DSS cells to inter-
frequency cells and then to inter-RAT cells.
i. Handing over UEs to inter-frequency cells
During the period of time specified by DeaDSSInterFreqHOTimer, the RNC
hands over UEs to inter-frequency cells at intervals specified by
DeaDSSHOPeriodTimer. The number of UEs handed over is specified by
ii. Handing over UEs to inter-RAT cells
After the timer DeaDSSInterFreqHOTimer expires, the RNC hands over UEs
to inter-RAT cells in the period of time specified by
DeaDSSInterRATHOTimer at intervals specified by
DeaDSSHOPeriodTimer. When the protective duration for inter-RAT
handovers in spectrum reclamation expires, the sharing cells are forcibly shut

Figure 3-3 Normal reclamation of spectral resources

– Emergency reclamation
Within the period of time specified by UrgentDeaDSSHOTimer, blind handovers
are performed to move UEs out of DSS cells.

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 3 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing

The U2000 waits until the RNC reports that all DSS cells in the spectrum sharing
regions reported by all RNCs have been successfully deactivated. Then, the U2000
instructs the BSC to activate carriers.
3. The BSC starts a timer.
Upon receipt of a carrier activation message from the U2000, the BSC starts a timer. The
timer prevents the GSM network and the UMTS network from occupying the shared
spectral resources at the same time.
– In normal reclamation, the timer length is specified by DSSBAKNORMPCTM
(BSC6900, BSC6910). The value of DSSBAKNORMPCTM (BSC6900, BSC6910)
must be greater than the sum of DeaDSSInterFreqHOTimer and
DeaDSSInterRATHOTimer configured on the UMTS side.
– In emergency reclamation, the timer length is specified by DSSBAKURGPCTM
(BSC6900, BSC6910). The value of DSSBAKURGPCTM (BSC6900, BSC6910)
must be greater than that of UrgentDeaDSSHOTimer configured on the UMTS
4. A timer specified by DSSSHFBTM (BSC6900, BSC6910) is started to prevent frequent
switchovers between spectrum sharing and reclaiming caused by traffic fluctuations
Spectrum sharing is not allowed until the timer expires.

3.2.3 Reliability
The BSC and the RNC need to communicate through the U2000. To prevent the BSC and the
RNC from occupying spectral resources at the same time and to ensure that the BSC can
promptly reclaim spectral resources when a fault occurs, the U2000 sends check messages to
perform periodic status checks with the RNC and the BSC. The period length is specified by
Table 3-1 lists the types of faults, for which the BSC/RNC or U2000 triggers emergency
spectrum reclaiming.

Table 3-1 Emergency spectrum reclaiming for different fault types

Fault Description Emergency Spectrum Reclaiming Triggered by…

Communication fails l For the NE that has proper communication with the U2000,
between the U2000 and emergency spectrum reclaiming is triggered by the U2000.
either of the NEs (BSC l For the NE that has poor communication with the U2000,
and RNC). emergency spectrum reclaiming is triggered by the NE.

Communication fails BSC/RNC

between the U2000 and
both of the NEs (BSC
and RNC).

The U2000 is BSC/RNC

unavailable. NOTE
Meanwhile, the status of the DSS task on the U2000 changes to "not

If the spectral resources sharing status expected by the U2000 is not consistent with the
spectral resources sharing status on the BSC, the spectral resources sharing status on the BSC

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 3 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing

prevails. If the spectral resources sharing status expected by the U2000 is not consistent with
the spectral resources sharing status on the RNC, the spectral resources sharing status
expected by the U2000 prevails.
After completing the checks, the U2000 sets the status for itself or RNC to the spectral
resources sharing status that prevails.
Table 3-2 describes mechanisms for processing different faults.

Table 3-2 Mechanisms for processing different faults

Sharing Stage Fault Mechanism on the Mechanism on the RNC

Before DSS Fault on After the fault is rectified, -

the GSM the BSC starts DSS if the
site conditions are met.

During DSS Fault on After the fault is rectified, -

(carrier the GSM the BSC starts DSS.
deactivation site

During stable Fault on The BSC does not -

DSS the GSM reclaim spectral
site resources. After the fault
is rectified, the BSC
delivers the configuration
for DSS to the BTS.

During stable Fault on - The RNC does not reclaim

DSS the UMTS spectral resources. After the
site fault is rectified, the RNC
delivers the configuration for
DSS to the NodeB.

During Fault on - The RNC forces spectrum

spectrum the UMTS reclamation.
reclamation site

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 4 Dynamic MA for GSM and UMTS DSS

4 Dynamic MA for GSM and UMTS DSS

After the introduction of the feature dynamic MA for GSM and UMTS DSS (dynamic MA
for short), the BSC can release shared spectral resources once the traffic volume has
decreased to a level that two or three carriers can bear. This extends the sharing duration.
Dynamic MA is a feature that dynamically modifies the MAs used by carriers without
interrupting services during DSS and spectrum reclamation. During DSS, carriers only use
basic spectral resources. During spectrum reclamation, carriers use both basic spectral
resources and shared spectral resources
Figure 4-1 shows the dynamic MA conversion process.

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 4 Dynamic MA for GSM and UMTS DSS

Figure 4-1 Dynamic MA conversion process

The following is additional information about Figure 4-1.

1. The BSC determines whether to perform dynamic MA conversion.

If the TRXDSSHOPINDEX (BSC6900, BSC6910) value of the carrier is not consistent
with the existing TRXHOPINDEX (BSC6900, BSC6910) value and the
TRXDSSHOPINDEX (BSC6900, BSC6910) value is not 255, the BSC performs
dynamic MA conversion.
TRXDSSHOPINDEX (BSC6900, BSC6910) is the frequency hopping index referenced
by the carrier after DSS starts. If the carrier is a basic carrier, this parameter specifies the
frequency as the frequency of this carrier as basic spectral resources. If the carrier is a
shared carrier, this parameter is the frequency that uses the frequency of this carrier as
the shared carrier.
2. The BSC selects an idle timeslot group to instruct the BTS to perform MA conversion.
– Sharing process: Timeslots on basic carriers no longer use both shared and basic
spectral resources but start to use only basic spectral resources. Timeslots on shared
carriers no longer use both shared and basic spectral resources but start to use
shared spectral resources only.
– Reclamation process: Timeslots on basic carriers no longer use basic spectral
resources only but start to use both shared and basic spectral resources. Timeslots

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 14

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 4 Dynamic MA for GSM and UMTS DSS

on shared carriers no longer use shared carriers only but start to use both shared and
basic spectral resources.

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 15

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 5 Related Features

5 Related Features

5.1 MRFD-211802 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum

Prerequisite Features

Mutually Exclusive Features

Feature ID Feature Name Description

GBFD-117001 Flex MAIO -

GBFD-510104 Multi-site Cell -

MRFD-211703 2.0MHz Central Frequency -

point separation between GSM
and UMTS mode(GSM)

MRFD-211901 Multi-RAT Carrier Joint If GSM and UMTS Dynamic

Intelligent Shutdown (GBTS) Spectrum Sharing(GSM) and
Multi-RAT Carrier Joint
Intelligent Shutdown (GBTS)
are both enabled, spectrum
resource sharing or reclaiming
will be affected when shared
cells are shut down.

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 5 Related Features

Impacted Features
Feature ID Feature Name Description

MRFD-211801 Multi-mode Dynamic Power It is recommended that DSS

Sharing(GSM) cells not use power shared by
means of GSM/UMTS power
sharing. Otherwise, UMTS-to-
GSM interference increases.

GBFD-113701 Frequency Hopping (RF If GSM and UMTS DSS is

hopping, baseband hopping) enabled, RF hopping is
performed across RF modules,
and one of the RF modules is
faulty, a non-BCCH TRX may
fail to provide services on the
functional RF channels.

5.2 MRFD-221802 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum

Prerequisite Features
Feature ID Feature Name/Function Name Description

WRFD-010611 HSDPA Enhanced Package -

WRFD-020106 Load Reshuffling -

- Algorithms for inter-frequency and inter- -

RAT blind handovers in UMTS

Mutually Exclusive Features

Feature ID Feature Name Description

MRFD-221703 2.0MHz Central Frequency point -

separation between GSM and UMTS

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 17

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 5 Related Features

Feature ID Feature Name Description

MRFD-221901 Multi-RAT Carrier Joint Intelligent If GSM and UMTS

Shutdown (NodeB) Dynamic Spectrum
Sharing(UMTS) and
Multi-RAT Carrier Joint
Intelligent Shutdown
(NodeB) are both
enabled, spectrum
resource sharing or
reclaiming will be
affected when shared
cells are shut down.

Impacted Features
Feature ID Feature Name Description

MRFD-221801 Multi-mode Dynamic Power It is recommended that DSS

Sharing(UMTS) cells not use power shared by
means of GSM/UMTS power
sharing. Otherwise, UMTS-to-
GSM interference increases.

5.3 MRFD-211803 Dynamic MA for GU Dynamic

Spectrum Sharing(GSM)
Prerequisite Features
Feature ID Feature Name Descrip

MRFD-211802 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing(GSM) -

GBFD-113701 Frequency Hopping (RF hopping, baseband hopping) -

Mutually Exclusive Features

Feature ID Feature Name Description

GBFD-117001 Flex MAIO -

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 18

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 5 Related Features

Impacted Features
Function Name Description

GSM handover algorithm During dynamic MA conversion, intra-cell handovers are

triggered for GSM users.

GSM admission algorithm During dynamic MA conversion, new users are given
precedence in the allocation of timeslots for which MA
conversion has been successfully performed.

5.4 MRFD-221803 Dynamic MA for GU Dynamic

Spectrum Sharing(UMTS)
Prerequisite Features
Feature ID Feature Name Descrip

MRFD-221802 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing(UMTS) -

Mutually Exclusive Features


Impacted Features

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 6 Network Impact

6 Network Impact

6.1 GSM and UMTS DSS

System Capacity
UMTS has higher spectral efficiency than GSM. Therefore, when idle spectral resources for
GSM are dynamically shared with UMTS, the system throughput and single-user throughput
are both improved.

Network Performance
l Impact on the GSM network
– More handovers
During DSS, UEs are handed over between carriers, leading to an increase in the
number of handovers in the cell.
– Higher call drop rate
During DSS, the amount of spectral resources available to GSM and the number of
frequencies in MA decrease. As a result, the probability of intra-system interference
increases. The increase in interference leads to a decrease in the quality of received
signals and an increase in the call drop rate.
– Lower drive test (DT) quality
During DSS, the amount of spectral resources available to GSM decreases. As a
result, the probability of intra-system interference increases. The increase in
interference leads to a decrease in the quality of received signals and a decrease in
DT quality.
– Higher congestion rate on the GSM side during DSS
– Lower throughput of data services during DSS due to a decrease in the amount of
spectral resources available to GSM
l Impact on the UMTS network
– More inter-frequency handovers
To direct services toward DSS cells during DSS, inter-frequency handovers are
performed so that services in basic cells are shifted to DSS cells. UEs in DSS cells
need to be handed over to basic cells during spectrum reclamation.

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 20

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 6 Network Impact

– A lower success rate of inter-frequency handovers

During spectrum reclamation, a timer is set for inter-frequency handovers. Call
drops occur when the timer expires. In emergency reclamation of spectral resources,
blind handovers are performed, leading to a decrease in the handover success rate.
– A higher call drop rate
In emergency reclamation of spectral resources, UEs that fail to be handed over
experience call drops.

6.2 Dynamic MA for GSM and UMTS DSS

System Capacity
In GSM and UMTS DSS without dynamic MA, the BSC can release shared spectral resources
only after the cell traffic decreases to a level that the BCCH carrier can bear. With dynamic
MA, the BSC can release shared spectral resources once the traffic volume in the cell has
decreased to a level that two or three carriers can bear. This extends the DSS duration.

Network Performance
In dynamic MA, UEs engaged in calls are handed over to prevent call drops. This increases
the number of handovers. As to PS service, in dynamic MA, if physical downlink control
channel (PDCCH) is not available during the handovers, the PS service will be interrupted.

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 21

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

7 Engineering Guidelines

Before deploying GSM and UMTS DSS and dynamic MA, you need to purchase Huawei
professional services, which include RF planning and DSS task creation.

7.1 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing

7.1.1 When to Use

l If the customer's GSM spectral resources are less than 9 MHz and if 5 MHz, 4.6 MHz, or
4.2 MHz of spectral resources needs to be shared with UMTS, the GSM performance
decreases significantly. In this case, it is recommended that GSM and UMTS DSS not be
l During off-peak hours of GSM (the traffic per line is less than 0.2 erlang), this feature
can be enabled to improve throughput for data services.

When GSM and UMTS DSS is enabled, the spectrum section available to GSM becomes narrower, and
therefore KPIs on the GSM side decrease by the same degree as they do during peak hours.

7.1.2 Required Information

Before you enable GSM and UMTS DSS, collect data about the live network, as described in
Table 7-1.

Table 7-1 Data to be collected

Cate Contents Purpose


Engi Cell name, latitude and This data is used to determine the area where
neeri longitude, site name, GSM DSS is enabled and to determine the carrier
ng frequency planning data, deactivation attributes after DSS is enabled.
para number of carriers

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 22

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Cate Contents Purpose


Tran Transmission bandwidth, This data is used to determine whether

smis transmission mode transmission resources need to be added based
sion on the already-available transmission bandwidth
resou and the bandwidth required by DSS cells on the
rces UMTS side.

Traff CS and PS traffic on the GSM This data is used to determine whether a cell
ic side, UMTS power load meets the conditions for DSS. This data, together
with engineering parameters, determines the area
for DSS.

Perfo GSM and UMTS performance This data is used to assess the gains produced by
rman counters that are important for DSS.
ce day-to-day operation of the
coun system

Table 7-2 through Table 7-8 list the GSM and UMTS performance counters that need to be

Table 7-2 GSM traffic counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description

1278087438 CELL.KPI.TCH.TRAF.ERL.TRA K3014: Traffic Volume on TCH

F (BSC6900, BSC6910)

1278087445 CELL.KPI.TCHH.TRAF.ERL K3034: TCHH Traffic Volume

(BSC6900, BSC6910)

1278469500 CELL.CH.AVAIL.NUM.TCH.AV CR302B: Mean Number of

R (BSC6900, BSC6910) Available Channels (TCH)

1278469503 CELL.CH.AVAIL.NUM.PDCH.A CR3021: Mean Number of

VR (BSC6900, BSC6910) Available Channels (PDCH)

1279178418 DOWN.CS1.RLC.BLK (BSC6900, L9102: Total Number of

BSC6910) Downlink RLC Data Blocks
Using CS1

1279178419 DOWN.CS2.RLC.BLK (BSC6900, L9103: Total Number of

BSC6910) Downlink RLC Data Blocks
Using CS2

1279178420 DOWN.CS3.RLC.BLK (BSC6900, L9104: Total Number of

BSC6910) Downlink RLC Data Blocks
Using CS3

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 23

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description

1279178421 DOWN.CS4.RLC.BLK (BSC6900, L9105: Total Number of

BSC6910) Downlink RLC Data Blocks
Using CS4

1279180418 DOWN.EGPRS.MCS1.RLC.DAT L9302: Total Number of

A.BLK (BSC6900, BSC6910) Downlink RLC Data Blocks
Using CS1

1279180419 DOWN.EGPRS.MCS2.RLC.DAT L9303: Total Number of

A.BLK (BSC6900, BSC6910) Downlink EGPRS MCS2 RLC
Data Blocks

1279180420 DOWN.EGPRS.MCS3.RLC.DAT L9304: Total Number of

A.BLK (BSC6900, BSC6910) Downlink EGPRS MCS3 RLC
Data Blocks

1279180421 DOWN.EGPRS.MCS4.RLC.DAT L9305: Total Number of

A.BLK (BSC6900, BSC6910) Downlink EGPRS MCS4 RLC
Data Blocks

1279180422 DOWN.EGPRS.MCS5.RLC.DAT L9306: Total Number of

A.BLK (BSC6900, BSC6910) Downlink EGPRS MCS5 RLC
Data Blocks

1279180423 DOWN.EGPRS.MCS6.RLC.DAT L9307: Total Number of

A.BLK (BSC6900, BSC6910) Downlink EGPRS MCS6 RLC
Data Blocks

1279180424 DOWN.EGPRS.MCS7.RLC.DAT L9308: Total Number of

A.BLK (BSC6900, BSC6910) Downlink EGPRS MCS7 RLC
Data Blocks

1279180425 DOWN.EGPRS.MCS8.RLC.DAT L9309: Total Number of

A.BLK (BSC6900, BSC6910) Downlink EGPRS MCS8 RLC
Data Blocks

1279180426 DOWN.EGPRS.MCS9.RLC.DAT L9310: Total Number of

A.BLK (BSC6900, BSC6910) Downlink EGPRS MCS9 RLC
Data Blocks

Table 7-3 GSM throughput counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description

1279177439 UP.RLC.GPRS.BLK.THROUGHPUT TL9023: Throughput of

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Uplink GPRS RLC
Data Blocks

1279179453 UP.RLC.EGPRS.BLK.THROUGHPU TL9237: Throughput of

T (BSC6900, BSC6910) Uplink EGPRS RLC
Data Blocks

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 24

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description

1279179451 UP.TOTAL.EGPRS.TBF.EXIST.PER L9235: Total Duration

IOD (BSC6900, BSC6910) of Uplink EGPRS TBFs

1279177436 UP.TOTAL.GPRS.TBF.EXIST.PERI L9020: Total Duration

OD (BSC6900, BSC6910) of Uplink GPRS TBFs

1279177430 UP.GPRS.RLC.AVG.THRPUT.RATE TL9014: Average

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Throughput of Uplink

1279179448 UP.EGPRS.RLC.AVG.THRPUT.RAT TL9232: Average

E (BSC6900, BSC6910) Throughput of Uplink

1279178439 DOWN.RLC.GPRS.BLK.THROUGH TL9123: Throughput of

PUT (BSC6900, BSC6910) Downlink GPRS RLC
Data Blocks

1279180454 DOWN.RLC.EGPRS.BLK.THROUG TL9338: Throughput of

HPUT (BSC6900, BSC6910) Downlink EGPRS RLC
Data Blocks

1279180452 DOWN.TOTAL.EGPRS.TBF.EXIST. L9336: Total Duration

PERIOD (BSC6900, BSC6910) of Downlink EGPRS

1279178437 DOWN.TOTAL.GPRS.TBF.EXIST.P L9121: Total Duration

ERIOD (BSC6900, BSC6910) of Downlink GPRS

1279178430 DOWN.RLC.AVG.THRPUT.RATE TL9114: Average

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Throughput of
Downlink GPRS RLC

1279180449 DOWN.EGPRS.RLC.AVG.THRPUT. TL9333: Average

RATE (BSC6900, BSC6910) Throughput of
Downlink EGPRS RLC

Table 7-4 Other GSM counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description

1278087417 CELL.KPI.IMM.ASS.REQ K3100: Immediate Assignment

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Requests

1278087418 CELL.KPI.IMM.ASS.CMD K3101: Immediate Assignment

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Commands

1278087419 CELL.KPI.SD.REQ (BSC6900, K3000: SDCCH Seizure

BSC6910) Requests

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 25

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description

1278087420 CELL.KPI.SD.CONGEST K3001: Failed SDCCH Seizures

(BSC6900, BSC6910) due to Busy SDCCH

1278087421 CELL.KPI.SD.SUCC (BSC6900, K3003: Successful SDCCH

BSC6910) Seizures

1278087422 CELL.KPI.SD.TRAF.ERL K3004: Traffic Volume on

(BSC6900, BSC6910) SDCCH

1278087423 CELL.KPI.SD.AVAIL.NUM K3005: Available SDCCHs

(BSC6900, BSC6910)

1278087424 CELL.KPI.SD.CFG.NUM K3006: Configured SDCCHs

(BSC6900, BSC6910)

1278087425 CELL.KPI.TCH.REQ.SIG K3020: TCH Seizure Requests

(BSC6900, BSC6910) (Signaling Channel)

1278087426 CELL.KPI.TCH.CONG.SIG K3021: Failed TCH Seizures due

(BSC6900, BSC6910) to Busy TCH (Signaling

1278087427 CELL.KPI.TCH.SUCC.SIG K3023: Successful TCH Seizures

(BSC6900, BSC6910) (Signaling Channel)

1278087428 CELL.KPI.TCH.DROPS.SIG K3022: Call Drops on TCH

(BSC6900, BSC6910) (Signaling Channel)

1278087429 CELL.KPI.TCH.TRAF.ERL.SIG K3024: Traffic Volume on TCH

(BSC6900, BSC6910) (Signaling Channel)

1278087430 CELL.KPI.TCH.ASS.REQ.TRAF K3010A: TCH Seizure Requests

(BSC6900, BSC6910) (Traffic Channel)

1278087431 CELL.KPI.TCH.ASS.CONG.TRAF K3011A: Failed TCH Seizures

(BSC6900, BSC6910) due to Busy TCH (Traffic

1278087432 CELL.KPI.TCH.ASS.SUCC.TRAF K3013A: Successful TCH

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Seizures (Traffic Channel)

1278087433 CELL.KPI.TCH.STATIC.DROPS.T K3012A: Call Drops on TCH in

RAF (BSC6900, BSC6910) Stable State (Traffic Channel)

1278087434 CELL.KPI.TCH.HO.REQ.TRAF K3010B: TCH Seizure Requests

(BSC6900, BSC6910) in TCH Handovers (Traffic

1278087435 CELL.KPI.TCH.HO.CONGEST.T K3011B: Failed TCH Seizures in

RAF (BSC6900, BSC6910) TCH Handovers due to Busy
TCH (Traffic Channel)

1278087436 CELL.KPI.TCH.HO.SUCC.TRAF K3013B: Successful TCH

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Seizures in TCH handovers
(Traffic Channel)

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 26

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description

1278087437 CELL.KPI.TCH.HO.DROPS.TRA K3012B: Call Drops in TCH

F (BSC6900, BSC6910) Handovers (Traffic Channel)

1278087438 CELL.KPI.TCH.TRAF.ERL.TRAF K3014: Traffic Volume on TCH

(BSC6900, BSC6910)

1278087439 CELL.KPI.TCH.AVAIL.NUM K3015: Available TCHs

(BSC6900, BSC6910)

1278087440 CELL.KPI.TCH.CFG.NUM K3016: Configured TCHs

(BSC6900, BSC6910)

1278087441 CELL.KPI.DUBAND.HO.REQ K3170: Dual-Band Handover

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Requests

1278087442 CELL.KPI.DUBAND.HO.SUCC K3173: Successful Dual-Band

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Handovers

1278087443 CELL.TCH.OVERFLOW.RATE K3041: TCH Congestion Rate

(BSC6900, BSC6910) (Overflow)

1278087444 CELL.TCH.SEIZ.SUCC.RATE K3043: TCH Seizure Success

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Rate

1278087445 CELL.KPI.TCHH.TRAF.ERL K3034: TCHH Traffic Volume

(BSC6900, BSC6910)

1278087446 CELL.TRX.CFG.AVAIL.RATE RK3255: TRX Usability

(BSC6900, BSC6910)

1278087447 CELL.KPI.TCH.SUCC (BSC6900, K3040: Successful TCH Seizures


1278087448 CELL.KPI.TCH.CONGESTION.R K3045: Congestion Rate on TCH

ATE (BSC6900, BSC6910) (All Channels Busy)

1278087449 CELL.KPI.DUBAND.HO.FAIL K3173F: Failed Dual-Band

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Handovers

1278087450 CELL.KPI.TCH.SUCC.SIG.TCHH RM3276: Successful TCH

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Seizures (Signaling Channel)

1278087451 CELL.KPI.TCH.SUCC.SIG.TCHF RM3176: Successful TCH

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Seizures (Signaling Channel)

1278087452 CELL.KPI.TCH.ASS.SUCC.TRAF. RM3278: Successful TCH

TCHH (BSC6900, BSC6910) Seizures (Traffic Channel)

1278087453 CELL.KPI.TCH.ASS.SUCC.TRAF. RM3178: Successful TCH

TCHF (BSC6900, BSC6910) Seizures (Traffic Channel)

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 27

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description

1278087454 CELL.KPI.TCH.HO.SUCC.TRAF. RM3279: Successful TCH

TCHH (BSC6900, BSC6910) Seizures in TCH Handovers
(Traffic Channel) (TCHH)

1278087455 CELL.KPI.TCH.HO.SUCC.TRAF. RM3179: Successful TCH

TCHF (BSC6900, BSC6910) Seizures in TCH Handovers
(Traffic Channel) (TCHF)

1278076513 CELL.CALL.ESTB.SUCC.RATE RA333: Success Rate of Call

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Establishment

1278076505 CELL.ASS.SUCC.RATE (BSC6900, RCA313: Assignment Success

BSC6910) Rate

1278087448 CELL.KPI.TCH.CONGESTION.R K3045: Congestion Rate on TCH

ATE (BSC6900, BSC6910) (All Channels Busy)

1278072594 CELL.RATE.TCH.CALL.DROP.IN ZTR304: Call Drop Rate on TCH

CLUDE.HO (BSC6900, BSC6910) per cell(including Handover)

1278072595 CELL.RATE.TCH.CALL.DROP.E ZTR304A: Call Drop Rate on

XCLUDE.HO (BSC6900, BSC6910) TCH per cell(Excluding

1278078483 CELL.HO.SUCC.RATE (BSC6900, RH303: Handover Success Rate


1278078484 CELL.RD.HO.SUCC.RATE RH303A: Success Rate of Radio

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Handover

1278077526 CELL.INTRABSC.HO.SUCC.RAT RH303B: Intra-BSC Handover

E (BSC6900, BSC6910) Success Rate

1278081578 CELL.INTERBSC.OUT.CELL.RD. RH303E: Success Rate of

HO.SUCC.RATE (BSC6900, External Outgoing Cell Radio
BSC6910) Handovers

1278703589 BSCRPT.KPI.INTERBSC.OUTCE ZK3177: Outgoing External

LL.WIRELESS.HO.SUCC.RATE Inter-Cell Radio Handover
(BSC6900, BSC6910) Success Rate per BSC

1278080482 CELL.INTERBSC.INTO.CELL.RD RH303D: Success Rate of

.HO.SUCC.RATE (BSC6900, Incoming External Inter-Cell
BSC6910) Radio Handovers

1278703591 BSCRPT.KPI.INTERBSC.INCELL ZK3179: Incoming External

.WIRELESS.HO.SUCC.RATE Inter-Cell Radio Handover
(BSC6900, BSC6910) Success Rate per BSC

1278077481 CELL.INTRACELL.HO.REQ CH300: Internal Intra-Cell

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Handover Requests

1278083471 CELL.INTERRAN.OUTCELL.HO. CH351: Outgoing Inter-RAT

CMD (BSC6900, BSC6910) Inter-Cell Handover Commands

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 28

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description

1278092471 CELL.INTERRAN.TDD.OUTCEL CH3511: Outgoing Inter-RAT

L.HO.CMD (BSC6900, BSC6910) Inter-Cell Handover Commands

1278083487 CELL.INTERRAN.OUTCELL.HO. H351G: Outgoing Inter-RAT

CMD.LOAD.BASED.HO Inter-Cell Handover
(BSC6900, BSC6910) Commands(load based handover)

1278083490 CELL.INTERRAN.OUTCELL.HO. H351M: Outgoing Inter-RAT

CMD.SERVICE.BASED.HO Inter-Cell Handover
(BSC6900, BSC6910) Commands(service based

1278083489 CELL.INTERRAN.OUTCELL.HO. H350M: Outgoing Inter-RAT

REQ.SERVICE.BASED.HO Inter-Cell Handover
(BSC6900, BSC6910) Requests(service based handover)

1278083491 CELL.INTERRAN.OUTCELL.HO. H352M: Failed Outgoing Inter-

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Handovers(service based

1278083488 CELL.INTERRAN.OUTCELL.HO. H352N: Number of Failed

HIGHER (BSC6900, BSC6910) Handovers (Target Cell Traffic
Load Higher)

1278182427 CELL.GCC.HO.REQ.MSC.INTER A03506: Attempted VGCS TCH

VENTION (BSC6900, BSC6910) Handovers for Response to MSC

1278182428 CELL.GCC.HO.REQ.OM.INTERV A03507: Attempted VGCS TCH

ENTION (BSC6900, BSC6910) Handovers for OM Intervention

1278182425 CELL.GCC.HO.REQ.TRAFFIC A03504: Attempted VGCS TCH

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Handovers for Traffic Load

1278182424 CELL.GCC.HO.REQ.BETTER.CE A03503: Attempted VGCS TCH

LL (BSC6900, BSC6910) Handovers for Better Cell

1278182418 CELL.GCC.HO.REQ.QUICK.PBG A03497: Attempted VGCS TCH

T (BSC6900, BSC6910) Handovers for Quick PBGT

1278182426 CELL.GCC.HO.REQ.RAPID.LEV. A03505: Attempted VGCS TCH

DROP (BSC6900, BSC6910) Handovers for Rapid Rxlevel

1278182417 CELL.GCC.HO.REQ.FREQ.SHIF A03496: Attempted VGCS TCH

T (BSC6900, BSC6910) Handovers for Frequency Shift

1278182429 CELL.GCC.HO.REQ.OTHER A03508: Attempted VGCS TCH

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Handovers for Other Causes

1278182421 CELL.GCC.HO.REQ.UL.RXL A03500: Attempted VGCS TCH

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Handovers for Uplink Strength

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 29

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description

1278182419 CELL.GCC.HO.REQ.UL.QLTY A03498: Attempted VGCS TCH

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Handovers for Uplink Quality

1278182423 CELL.GCC.HO.REQ.TA A03502: Attempted VGCS TCH

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Handovers for Timing Advance

1278182422 CELL.GCC.HO.REQ.DL.RXL A03501: Attempted VGCS TCH

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Handovers for Downlink Strength

1278182420 CELL.GCC.HO.REQ.DL.QLTY A03499: Attempted VGCS TCH

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Handovers for Downlink Quality

1278275417 TRX.FR.UP.RX.QLTY.0.AVR CS410A: Number of MRs on

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive
Quality Rank 0)

1278275418 TRX.FR.UP.RX.QLTY.1.AVR CS411A: Number of MRs on

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive
Quality Rank 1)

1278275419 TRX.FR.UP.RX.QLTY.2.AVR CS412A: Number of MRs on

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive
Quality Rank 2)

1278275420 TRX.FR.UP.RX.QLTY.3.AVR CS413A: Number of MRs on

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive
Quality Rank 3)

1278275421 TRX.FR.UP.RX.QLTY.4.AVR CS414A: Number of MRs on

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive
Quality Rank 4)

1278275422 TRX.FR.UP.RX.QLTY.5.AVR CS415A: Number of MRs on

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive
Quality Rank 5)

1278275423 TRX.FR.UP.RX.QLTY.6.AVR CS416A: Number of MRs on

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive
Quality Rank 6)

1278275424 TRX.FR.UP.RX.QLTY.7.AVR CS417A: Number of MRs on

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive
Quality Rank 7)

1278275425 TRX.FR.DOWN.RX.QLTY.0.AVR CS410B: Number of MRs on

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Downlink TCHF (Mean Receive
Quality Rank 0)

1278275426 TRX.FR.DOWN.RX.QLTY.1.AVR CS411B: Number of MRs on

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Downlink TCHF (Mean Receive
Quality Rank 1)

1278275427 TRX.FR.DOWN.RX.QLTY.2.AVR CS412B: Number of MRs on

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Downlink TCHF (Mean Receive
Quality Rank 2)

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 30

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description

1278275428 TRX.FR.DOWN.RX.QLTY.3.AVR CS413B: Number of MRs on

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Downlink TCHF (Mean Receive
Quality Rank 3)

1278275429 TRX.FR.DOWN.RX.QLTY.4.AVR CS414B: Number of MRs on

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Downlink TCHF (Mean Receive
Quality Rank 4)

1278275430 TRX.FR.DOWN.RX.QLTY.5.AVR CS415B: Number of MRs on

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Downlink TCHF (Mean Receive
Quality Rank 5)

1278275431 TRX.FR.DOWN.RX.QLTY.6.AVR CS416B: Number of MRs on

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Downlink TCHF (Mean Receive
Quality Rank 6)

1278275432 TRX.FR.DOWN.RX.QLTY.7.AVR CS417B: Number of MRs on

(BSC6900, BSC6910) Downlink TCHF (Mean Receive
Quality Rank 7)

Table 7-5 UMTS load counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description

67202984 VS.HSDPA.MeanRequiredPwr Mean Power Required by HS-

DSCH for Cell

67202902 VS.MeanTCP.NonHS Mean Non-HSDPA

Transmitted Carrier Power for

67199618 VS.MeanTCP Mean Transmitted Power of

Carrier for Cell

67199682 VS.MaxTCP Maximum Transmitted Power

of Carrier for Cell

Table 7-6 HSPA throughput counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description

67189840 VS.HSDPA.MeanChThroughput.Total Number of Total Bytes Sent in

Bytes Downlink of HSDPA MAC-d
Flow for Cell

67202894 VS.HSDPA.MeanChThroughput Mean Downlink Throughput of

single HSDPA MAC-d Flows
for Cell

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 31

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description

67202932 VS.HSDPA.UE.Mean.Cell Average Number of HSDPA

UEs in a Cell

67192486 VS.HSUPA.MeanChThroughput.Total Number of Total Bytes

Bytes Received in Uplink of HSUPA
MAC-d Flow for Cell

67203932 VS.HSUPA.MeanChThroughput Mean Uplink Throughput of

single HSUPA MAC-d Flow
for Cell

67203850 VS.HSUPA.UE.Mean.Cell Average Number of HSUPA

UEs in a Cell

Table 7-7 UMTS DRD counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description

67192444 VS.DRD.RB.D2H.Att.RNC Number of DCH-to-HSDPA

Directed Retry Attempts for

67192445 VS.DRD.RB.D2H.Succ.RNC Number of Successful DCH-

to-HSDPA Directed Retry for

73394053 VS.DRD.PhyRecfg.AttOut Number of Outgoing DRD

Attempts through Physical
Channel Reconfiguration for

73421846 VS.DRD.RB.F2H.AttIn Number of Incoming FACH-

to-HSDPA Directed Retry
Attempts for Cell

73421847 VS.DRD.RB.F2H.SuccIn Number of Successful

Incoming FACH-to-HSDPA
Directed Retries for Cell

67189401 VS.RRC.Estab.DRDOut.Succ Number of Successful RRC

Connection Setups with DRD
out for Cell

67192607 VS.RRC.Estab.DRDIn Number of RRC Connection

Setup Attempts with DRD in
for Cell

67192440 VS.DRD.RB.D2H.AttOut Number of Outgoing DCH-to-

HSDPA Directed Retry
Attempts for Cell

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 32

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Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description

73394054 VS.DRD.PhyRecfg.SuccOut Number of Successful

Outgoing DRDs through
Physical Channel
Reconfiguration for Cell

73394055 VS.DRD.PhyRecfg.AttIn Number of Incoming DRD

Attempts through Physical
Channel Reconfiguration for

73394056 VS.DRD.PhyRecfg.SuccIn Number of Successful

Incoming DRDs through
Physical Channel
Reconfiguration for Cell

67192441 VS.DRD.RB.D2H.SuccOut Number of Successful

Outgoing DCH-to-HSDPA
Directed Retry for Cell

67192442 VS.DRD.RB.D2H.AttIn Number of Incoming DCH-to-

HSDPA Directed Retry
Attempts for Cell

67192443 VS.DRD.RB.D2H.SuccIn Number of Successful

Incoming DCH-to-HSDPA
Directed Retry for Cell

73421842 VS.DRD.RB.F2H.AttOut Number of Outgoing FACH-

to-HSDPA Directed Retry
Attempts for Cell

73421488 VS.DRD.RB.F2H.SuccOut Number of Successful

Outgoing FACH-to-HSDPA
Directed Retries for Cell

73421843 VS.DRD.RBSetup.SuccEstab.RollBac Number of successful RB

k Setups After the RB Setup
DRD Rollback

73421487 VS.DRD.RBSetup.AttEstab.RollBack Number of RB Setup Attempts

After the RB Setup DRD

67192391 VS.DRD.RBSetup.AttIn Number of RB Setup Attempts

for Incoming Inter-Frequency
Directed Retry for Cell

67195505 VS.DRD.RB.D2E.AttIn Number of Incoming DCH-to-

HSUPA Directed Retry
Attempts for Cell

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 33

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description

67192396 VS.DRD.RBRecfg.SuccIn Number of Successful RB

Reconfiguration for Incoming
Inter-Frequency Directed Retry
for Cell

67189400 VS.RRC.Estab.DRDOut.Att Number of RRC Connection

Setup Attempts with DRD out
for Cell

67195506 VS.DRD.RB.D2E.SuccIn Number of Successful

Incoming DCH-to-HSUPA
Directed Retry for Cell

67192390 VS.DRD.RBSetup.SuccOut Number of Successful RB

Setup for Outgoing Inter-
Frequency Directed Retry for

73421491 VS.DRD.PhyRecfg.AttEstab.RollBack Number of Physical Channel

Reconfiguration Attempts
After the Physical Channel
Reconfiguration DRD

73421492 VS.DRD.PhyRecfg.SuccEstab.RollBac Number of Successful Physical

k Channel Reconfigurations
After the Physical Channel
Reconfiguration DRD

67192389 VS.DRD.RBSetup.AttOut Number of RB Setup Attempts

for Outgoing Inter-Frequency
Directed Retry for Cell

67192392 VS.DRD.RBSetup.SuccIn Number of Successful RB

Setup for Incoming Inter-
Frequency Directed Retry for

73421845 VS.DRD.RB.F2E.SuccOut Number of Successful

Outgoing FACH-to-HSUPA
Directed Retries for Cell

67195504 VS.DRD.RB.D2E.SuccOut Number of Successful DCH-

to-HSUPA Directed Retry for

73421849 VS.DRD.RB.F2E.SuccIn Number of Successful

Incoming FACH-to-HSUPA
Directed Retries for Cell

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 34

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description

67192395 VS.DRD.RBRecfg.AttIn Number of RB

Reconfiguration Attempts for
Incoming Inter-Frequency
Directed Retry for Cell

73421490 VS.DRD.RBRecfg.SuccEstab.RollBac Number of Successful RB

k Reconfigurations After the RB
Reconfiguration DRD

67192393 VS.DRD.RBRecfg.AttOut Number of RB

Reconfiguration Attempts for
Outgoing Inter-Frequency
Directed Retry for Cell

73421844 VS.DRD.RB.F2E.AttOut Number of Outgoing FACH-

to-HSUPA Directed Retry
Attempts for Cell

73421848 VS.DRD.RB.F2E.AttIn Number of Incoming FACH-

to-HSUPA Directed Retry
Attempts for Cell

73421489 VS.DRD.RBRecfg.AttEstab.RollBack Number of Successful

Incoming FACH-to-HSUPA
Directed Retries for Cell

67195503 VS.DRD.RB.D2E.AttOut Number of Outgoing DCH-to-

HSUPA Directed Retry
Attempts for Cell

67189751 IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutCS.TAlEx Number of Failed Preparations

p for CS Outgoing Inter-RAT
Handover for Cell
(TRELOCalloc expiry)

67189752 IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutCS.TgtFai Number of Failed Preparations

l for CS Outgoing Inter-RAT
Handover for Cell (Relocation
Failure in Target CN/RNC or
Target System)

67189753 IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutCS.ReloN Number of Failed Preparations

oSup for CS Outgoing Inter-RAT
Handover for Cell (Relocation
not supported in Target RNC
or Target system)

73432371 VS.IRATHO.FAILRELOCPREPOUT Number of Failed CS Outgoing

CS.OM Inter-RAT Handover
Preparations (OM

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 35

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description

67192186 IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutCS.Highe Number of Failed Preparations

rTrafficLod for CS Outgoing Inter-RAT
Handover for Cell (Traffic
Load In The Target Cell
Higher Than In The Source

67192658 IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutCS.NoRes Number of Failed Preparations

Avail for CS Outgoing Inter-RAT
Handover for Cell (No
Resource Available)

67192659 IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutCS.UKno Number of Failed Preparations

wRNC for CS Outgoing Inter-RAT
Handover for Cell (Unknown
Target RNC)

67189760 VS.IRATHO.FailRelocPrepInCS.TRN Number of Failed Preparations

CSysFailReloc for CS Incoming Inter-RAT
Handover (Relocation failure
in target CN/RNC or target

67189761 VS.IRATHO.FailRelocPrepInCS.TRN Number of Failed Preparations

CSysRelocUnsupp for CS Incoming Inter-RAT
Handover (Relocation not
supported in target RNC or
target system)

67189762 VS.IRATHO.FailRelocPrepInCS.Res Number of Failed Preparations

Unavail for CS Incoming Inter-RAT
Handover (No resource

67192187 VS.IRATHO.FailRelocPrepInCS.Tgt Number of Failed Preparations

HighLoad for CS Incoming Inter-RAT
Handover (Traffic Load In The
Target Cell Higher Than In
The Source Cell)

67189756 IRATHO.FailOutCS.CfgUnsupp Number of Failed CS Outgoing

Inter-RAT Handovers for Cell
(Configuration Unsupported)

67189757 IRATHO.FailOutCS.PhyChFail Number of Failed CS Outgoing

Inter-RAT Handovers for Cell
(Physical Channel Failure)

67189729 VS.IRATHO.SuccOutCS.DR Number of Successful CS

Outgoing Inter-RAT
Handovers Based on Directed
Retry for Cell

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 36

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description

67189730 VS.IRATHO.AttRelocPrepOutCS.DR Number of Preparation

Attempts for CS Outgoing
Inter-RAT Handover Based on
Directed Retry for Cell

67189732 VS.IRATHO.SuccRelocPrepOutCS.D Number of Successful

R Preparations for CS Outgoing
Inter-RAT Handover Based on
Directed Retry for Cell

67189749 IRATHO.AttRelocPrepOutCS Number of Preparation

Attempts for CS Outgoing
Inter-RAT Handover for Cell

67189750 IRATHO.SuccRelocPrepOutCS Number of Successful

Preparations for CS Outgoing
Inter-RAT Handover for Cell

67189754 IRATHO.AttOutCS Number of CS Outgoing Inter-

RAT Handover Attempts

67189755 IRATHO.SuccOutCS Number of Successful CS

Outgoing Inter-RAT
Handovers for Cell

67189758 VS.IRATHO.AttRelocPrepInCS Number of Preparations for CS

Incoming Inter-RAT Handover
for Cell

67189759 VS.IRATHO.SuccInCS Number of Successful CS

Incoming Inter-RAT
Handovers for Cell

67190410 VS.IRATHO.FailInCS.NoReply Number of Failed CS Inter-

RAT Incoming Handovers Due
to No Response from UE for

67190414 VS.IRATHO.SuccRelocPrepInCS Number of Successful

preparations for CS Incoming
Inter-RAT Handovers for Cell

67192660 VS.IRATHO.FailOutCS.NoReply Number of Times that the

Timer Waiting for Iu Release
Command Expires in CS
Outgoing Inter-RAT Handover
for Cell

67196299 VS.IRATHO.AttOutCS.MBDR Number of CS Outgoing Inter-

RAT Handover Attempts
Based on Measurement for

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 37

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description

67196300 VS.IRATHO.SuccOutCS.MBDR Number of Successful CS

Outgoing Inter-RAT
Handovers Based on
Measurement for Cell

73394014 VS.IRATHO.AttInCS Number of CS Incoming Inter-

RAT Handover Attempts for

73394035 VS.IRATHO.AttRelocPrepOutCS.DR. Number of CS Outgoing Inter-

GCell RAT Handover Preparation
Attempts (Directed retry)

67192444 VS.DRD.RB.D2H.Att.RNC Number of DCH-to-HSDPA

Directed Retry Attempts for

67192445 VS.DRD.RB.D2H.Succ.RNC Number of Successful DCH-

to-HSDPA Directed Retry for

67192440 VS.DRD.RB.D2H.AttOut Number of Outgoing DCH-to-

HSDPA Directed Retry
Attempts for Cell

67192441 VS.DRD.RB.D2H.SuccOut Number of Successful

Outgoing DCH-to-HSDPA
Directed Retry for Cell

67192442 VS.DRD.RB.D2H.AttIn Number of Incoming DCH-to-

HSDPA Directed Retry
Attempts for Cell

67192443 VS.DRD.RB.D2H.SuccIn Number of Successful

Incoming DCH-to-HSDPA
Directed Retry for Cell

73421842 VS.DRD.RB.F2H.AttOut Number of Outgoing FACH-

to-HSDPA Directed Retry
Attempts for Cell

73421843 VS.DRD.RB.F2H.SuccOut Number of Successful

Outgoing FACH-to-HSDPA
Directed Retries for Cell

73421846 VS.DRD.RB.F2H.AttIn Number of Incoming FACH-

to-HSDPA Directed Retry
Attempts for Cell

73421847 VS.DRD.RB.F2H.SuccIn Number of Successful

Incoming FACH-to-HSDPA
Directed Retries for Cell

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 38

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description

67196294 VS.DRD.IFREQ.CS.MBDR.RBSetup. Number of Successful CS

SuccOut Voice Directed Retry Based on
Inter-Frequency Measurement
for Cell

67196295 VS.DRD.IFREQ.PS.MBDR.R99.RBSe Number of PS R99 Directed

tup.AttOut Retry Attempts Based on Inter-
Frequency Measurement for

67196296 VS.DRD.IFREQ.PS.MBDR.R99.RBSe Number of Successful PS R99

tup.SuccOut Directed Retry Based on Inter-
Frequency Measurement for

67196297 VS.DRD.IFREQ.PS.MBDR.HResCon Number of HSDPA PS

g.RBSetup.AttOut Directed Retry Attempts Based
on Inter-Frequency
Measurement for Cell

67196298 VS.DRD.IFREQ.PS.MBDR.HResCon Number of Successful HSDPA

g.RBSetup.SuccOut PS Directed Retry Based on
Inter-Frequency Measurement
for Cell

Table 7-8 UMTS KPIs

Type KPI

call drop rates HSDPA Service Drop Ratio

HSUPA Service Drop Ratio

VP Call Drop Ratio

PS Service Drop Ratio

MBMS Service PTP drop Ratio

Call Drop Rate of CS Services

handover KPIs Soft Handover Success Ratio (RNC)

Soft Handover Success Ratio (Cell)

Softer Handover Success Ratio (RNC)

Softer Handover Success Ratio (Cell)

E-DCH Soft Handover Success Ratio

PS W2G Inter-RAT Handover Out Success Ratio (RNC)

Intra-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 39

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Type KPI

Intra-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (H2H)

Inter-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (H2H)

Inter-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (Cell)

Inter-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (RNC)

Inter-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (H2D)

HSDPA Inter-RAT Handover Success Ratio (W2G)

PS Inter-RAT Handover Success Ratio (W2G Cell)

E2D Handover Success Ratio with Inter HHO

HSUPA Inter-RAT Handover Success Ratio (W2G)

RRC setup success rates RRC Setup Success Ratio (Cell.Service)

PS Radio Access Success Ratio (Cell)

CS Radio Access Success Ratio (Cell)

Radio Access Success Ratio (Cell)

RAB setup success rates PS RAB Setup Success Ratio (RNC)

PS RAB Setup Success Ratio (Cell)

CS RAB Setup Success Ratio (RNC)

CS RAB Setup Success Ratio (Cell)

HSUPA RAB Setup Success Ratio

AMR RAB Setup Success Ratio (Cell)

HSDPA RAB Setup Success Ratio

CS over HSPA RAB Setup Success Ratio

E-FACH RAB Setup Success Ratio


RNC-level KPIs do not have dedicated counters. All cell-level counters add up to RNC-level counters.

7.1.3 Planning
RF Planning
l Planning the spectrum sharing region
Before enabling DSS, obtain information about the spectral resources, traffic volume,
and carrier configuration on the GSM side. Based on this information, calculate the GSM
DSS threshold. Then, calculate the DSS duration at each site based on the GSM DSS

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 40

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

threshold. Finally, determine the spectrum sharing region based on the DSS duration for
each site.
l Planning spectral resources in buffer zones
After DSS is enabled, intra-frequency interference may exist between MSs and NodeBs
and between UEs and BTSs. This affects the GSM and UMTS network performance. In
extreme cases, this may lead to increased call drop rate and reduced throughput or even
cause UEs and MSs to be unable to initiate services. To alleviate intra-frequency
interference, a guard band, also called a buffer zone, is introduced between GSM and
UMTS intra-frequency sites.
In buffer zones, both basic and shared spectral resources can be used before DSS is
enabled, whereas only basic spectral resources can be used after DSS is enabled.
l Spectrum resource planning principles
Before enabling DSS, replan spectral resources. Spectrum resource replanning involves
the following:
– Plan the basic and shared spectral resources. The BCCH frequencies must be within
the basic spectrum, the TCH frequencies can be within the basic spectrum, and all
the frequencies in the shared spectrum must be TCH frequencies.
– Plan the spectrum sharing region. To avoid repeated spectrum resource replanning
due to changes in the spectrum sharing region, replan spectral resources for all
possible DSS sites. Also, plan spectral resources for the sites around the spectrum
sharing region.
During spectrum resource replanning, select the spectrum containing the original
BCCH frequencies as the basic spectrum whenever possible.
l Frequency planning scheme (not using dynamic MA)
In DSS scenarios, the frequency planning scheme is Gx<->G1. Here, x indicates the
number of configured GSM carriers before DSS is enabled, and 1 indicates the number
of GSM carriers after DSS is enabled.
In the Gx<->G1 frequency planning scheme, the BCCH frequencies must belong to the
basic spectrum, and the TCH frequencies must belong to the shared spectrum. As shown
in Figure 7-1, base stations adopt multiple configuration patterns (S222/S333/S444/
S555/S666) before DSS is enabled. After DSS is enabled, all the base stations in the
buffer zones and spectrum sharing region adopt the S111 configuration.

Figure 7-1 Gx<->G1 frequency planning before and after DSS is enabled

For the Gx<->G1 frequency planning scheme, spectral resources should be properly planned
before and after DSS is enabled:

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 41

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

l If the remaining spectral resources are sufficient after DSS is enabled (for example, the
spectrum is 10 MHz before DSS is enabled and the basic spectrum is 5 MHz after DSS is
enabled) and the GSM traffic volume is high in peak hours before DSS is enabled, the
BCCH frequencies should occupy only part of the basic spectrum. The purpose is to
ensure that the GSM frequency reuse pattern before DSS is enabled is similar to the
pattern after DSS is enabled and to ensure that TCH frequencies adopt loose frequency
reuse patterns before DSS is enabled. The advantage of this frequency planning scheme
is that the network quality remains almost unchanged before DSS is enabled and before
spectral resources are replanned. The disadvantage is that the basic spectrum is not fully
used after DSS is enabled.
l If the remaining spectral resources are insufficient after DSS is enabled and only a few
GSM carriers are configured before DSS is enabled, the basic spectrum can be fully
used. This ensures that spectral resources are properly used before and after DSS is
l Frequency planning scheme (using dynamic MA)
The frequency planning scheme is Gx<->Gy when dynamic MA is used. Here, x
indicates the number of configured GSM carriers before DSS is enabled, and y indicates
the number of GSM carriers after DSS is enabled.
In the Gx<->Gy frequency planning scheme, the BCCH frequencies must be within the
basic spectrum, the shared spectrum consists of only TCH frequencies, and the TCH
frequencies can be within the basic spectrum. As shown in Figure 7-2, base stations
adopt multiple configuration patterns (S222/S333/S444/S555/S666) before DSS is
enabled. After DSS is enabled, all the base stations in the buffer zones and spectrum
sharing region adopt the S222/S333/S444 configuration.

Figure 7-2 Gx<->Gy frequency planning before and after DSS is enabled

Network Planning

Hardware Planning
A UMTS DSS cell needs to be added. This cell is configured on the same multi-mode RF
module as GSM carriers. The transmit power of the UMTS DSS cell must meet the power
specification of the multi-mode RF module. In addition, the transmit power of the GSM
carriers must not decrease after the UMTS DSS cell is added. If the hardware cannot meet the
transmit power requirement of the UMTS DSS cell, a new multi-mode RF module needs to be

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

7.1.4 Deployment Requirements

Other Features
For details, see 5.1 MRFD-211802 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing(GSM)
and 5.2 MRFD-221802 GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing(UMTS).

l In a network where U2100 or U900 basic cells are configured, a UMTS DSS cell that is
co-sited with a G900 cell needs to be deployed.
l The G900 cell and the UMTS DSS cell need to be configured on the same multi-mode
RF module and share the same antenna system.

The purpose of configuring the GSM cell and UMTS DSS cell on the same multi-mode RF module is to
share the power of the shared GSM carrier with the UMTS DSS cell.

Feature Feature License License NE Sales Unit
ID Name Control Item Control Item
ID Name


Dynamic Dynamic
Spectrum Spectrum
Sharing(G Sharing(GSM)

MRFD-22 GSM and LQW9GUDSS0 GSM and NodeB Per NodeB

1802 UMTS 1 UMTS
Dynamic Dynamic
Spectrum Spectrum
Sharing(U Sharing(UMT

Other Requirements
The DSS duration and the spectrum sharing region need to be planned based on the traffic
volume and parameter settings in the network. The buffer zones and spectral resources also
need to be planned. Precautions
While DSS is being enabled, services are not interrupted. During DSS, KPIs are affected. For
details about the impact, see chapter 6 Network Impact.

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

After the DSS feature is activated, cell setup can be performed only when the periodic status
check between the U2000 and the RNC is passed in RNC upgrade scenarios. The period is
specified by DSSHANDSHAKE. ALM-22206 UMTS Cell Setup Failed is not reported
during this period of time. The DSS status can be checked by running the DSP UCELL
DSS cells can be set up on the RNC side only if the following conditions are both met:
l The GU DSS feature has been activated on the RNC, BSC, and U2000 sides.
l GSM spectrums are available for UMTS. Data Preparation and Feature Activation Data Preparation

Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes Data Source


Spectrum - The DSS duration is Network plan

Sharing Duration planned based on the
network traffic volume and
can be configured on the

Base Station for - The DSS sites are Network plan

DSS determined based on the
network traffic volume and
site locations and can be
configured on the U2000.

Spectrum DSSENABLE This parameter needs to be Internal plan

Sharing Allowed (BSC6900, set to YES for all DSS sites.

Spectrum DSSTRXOFFL The value of this parameter Network plan

Sharing INE is determined based on the
Shutdown (BSC6900, number of GSM carriers and
Allowed BSC6910) the shared spectral

Idle Channel DSSSHRIDLE The value of this parameter Internal plan

Thres. for CHTH is determined based on the
Spectrum (BSC6900, number of GSM carriers
Sharing BSC6910) after DSS is enabled. Each
carrier has three idle

Idle Channel DSSBAKIDLE The value of this parameter Internal plan

Thres. for CHTH is determined based on the
Spectrum (BSC6900, number of GSM carriers
Reclaim BSC6910) after DSS is enabled. Each
carrier has two idle TCHFs.

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 44

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes Data Source


DSS NodeB Flag DSSFlag This parameter needs to be Network plan

set to TRUE for all DSS

DSS Cell Flag DSSFlag This parameter needs to be Network plan

set to TRUE for all DSS

Maximum TX DSSSmallCov The value of this parameter Network plan

Power in Small MaxTxPower is planned based on the
DSS Coverage parameter settings and site

PCPICH TX DSSSmallCovP The value of this parameter Network plan

Power in Small CPICHPower is planned based on the
DSS Coverage parameter settings and site
coverage. Using the CME

This feature can be activated using the CME. This section uses the eNodeB as an example.
For detailed operations, see CME-based Feature Configuration or the CME online help
(press F1 in an active CME window).
Configuration CME Online Help

Single configuration CME Management > CME Guidelines > Getting Started with
the CME > Introduction to Data Configuration Operations

Batch eGBTS CME Management > CME Guidelines > GSM Application
configuration Management > Base Station Related Operations > Importing
and Exporting eGBTS Data for Batch Reconfiguration

Batch NodeB CME Management > CME Guidelines > UMTS Application
configuration Management > NodeB Related Operations > Importing and
Exporting NodeB Data for Batch Configuration

Batch eNodeB CME Management > CME Guidelines > LTE Application
configuration Management > eNodeB Related Operations > Importing and
Exporting eNodeB Data for Batch Configuration

For details about managing DSS tasks on the CME, see "Configuring a GU DSS Task" in
CME Product Documentation.
For details about managing DSS tasks on the U2000, see "GU DSS Management" in U2000
Product Documentation.

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines Using MML Commands

Configuring Parameters on the BSC Side

Step 1 Run the MML command ADD GEXT3GCELL to add an external 3G cell.

Step 2 Run the MML command ADD G3GNCELL to add the external 3G cell as a neighboring cell
of a 2G cell.

Step 3 Run the MML command SET GDSSPARA to set DSS parameters.

Step 4 Run the MML command SET GTRXDEV to set the DSS carrier.


Configuring Parameters on the RNC Side

Step 1 Run the MML command MOD UNODEB to set the DSS NodeB flag.

Step 2 Run the MML command ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP to add a DSS cell.

Step 3 Run the MML command ADD UINTERFREQNCELL to set an adjacent 3G basic cell as an
inter-frequency neighboring cell of a DSS cell and set a co-coverage 3G basic cell and a DSS
cell as a blind-handover-based neighboring cell of each other.

Step 4 Run the MML command ADD U2GNCELL to set an adjacent 2G basic cell as an inter-RAT
neighboring cell of a DSS cell and set a co-coverage 2G basic cell and a DSS cell as a blind-
handover-based neighboring cell of each other.

Step 5 Run the MML command ADD UINTRAFREQNCELL to add all adjacent DSS cell as the
intra-frequency neighboring cells of the DSS cell.

Step 6 Run the MML command SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH. In this step, select the
DR_RAB_SING_DRD_SWITCH check box under DrSwitch and the
HO_INTER_FREQ_HARD_HO_SWITCH check box under HoSwitch.

Step 7 Run the MML command SET UDRD. In this step, set LdbDRDSwitchHSDPA to ON and
LdbDRDchoice to UserNumber.

Step 8 Run the MML command ADD UCELLDRD. In this step, set LdbDRDSwitchHSDPA to ON
and LdbDRDchoice to UserNumber.

Step 9 Run the MML command ACT UCELL to activate a DSS cell.

Step 10 Run the MML command SET UDSSPARA to set spectrum reclamation parameters. In this
step, set DeaDSSInterFreqHOTimer, DeaDSSInterRATHOTimer,
DeaDSSHOPeriodTimer, DeaDSSPeriodHOUserNumThrd, and UrgentDeaDSSHOTimer
to appropriate values.


Configuring Parameters on the NodeB Side

Run the MML command ADD ULOCELL to add a DSS local cell. In this step, set
GUPOWERSHARE (the parameter name on the CME is GU Power Share Flag) to FALSE.

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines MML Command Examples

Configuring Parameters on the BSC Side

//Adding an external 3G cell
//Setting the external 3G cell as a neighboring cell of a 2G cell
//Setting DSS parameters for base stations
//Setting the carrier parameter

Configuring Parameters on the RNC Side

//Setting the DSS NodeB flag
//Adding a DSS cell
ADD UCELLQUICKSETUP: CellId=102, CellName="dss102", CnOpGrpIndex=0,
BandInd=Band2, UARFCNDownlink=412, PScrambCode=0, TCell=CHIP256, LAC=1, SAC=0,
CfgRacInd=NOT_REQUIRE, SpgId=1, URANUM=D1, URA1=0, NodeBName="102", LoCell=102,
SupBmc=FALSE, DSSFlag=TRUE, DSSSmallCovMaxTxPower=431, DSSSmallCovPCPICHPower=331;
//Setting an adjacent 3G basic cell as an inter-frequency neighboring cell of a
DSS cell
ADD UINTERFREQNCELL: RNCId=0, CellId=102, NCellRncId=1, NCellId=105,
SIB11Ind=TRUE, SIB12Ind=FALSE, TpenaltyHcsReselect=D0, BlindHoFlag=TRUE,
NPrioFlag=FALSE, DrdOrLdrFlag=TRUE, InterNCellQualReqFlag=FALSE;
ADD UINTERFREQNCELL: RNCId=1, CellId=105, NCellRncId=0, NCellId=102,
SIB11Ind=TRUE, SIB12Ind=FALSE, TpenaltyHcsReselect=D0, BlindHoFlag=TRUE,
NPrioFlag=FALSE, DrdOrLdrFlag=TRUE, InterNCellQualReqFlag=FALSE;
//Setting an adjacent 2G basic cell as an inter-RAT neighboring cell of a DSS cell
ADD U2GNCELL: RNCId=2, CellId=102, GSMCellIndex=120, BlindHoFlag=TRUE,
BlindHOPrio=30, NPrioFlag=FALSE;
//Adding an adjacent DSS cell as an intra-frequency neighboring cell of a DSS cell
ADD UINTRAFREQNCELL: RNCId=0, CellId=102, NCellRncId=3, NCellId=121,
SIB11Ind=TRUE, SIB12Ind=FALSE, TpenaltyHcsReselect=D0, NPrioFlag=FALSE;
//Setting algorithm parameters for directed retry
SET UDRD: LdbDRDSwitchHSDPA=ON, LdbDRDchoice=UserNumber;
//Setting algorithm parameters for a basic cell
ADD UCELLDRD: CellId=120, LdbDRDSwitchHSDPA=ON, ReDirBandInd=DependOnNCell;
//Activating a DSS cell
ACT UCELL: CellId=102;
//Setting spectrum reclamation parameters
SET UDSSPARA: DeaDSSInterFreqHOTimer=60, DeaDSSInterRATHOTimer=20,
DeaDSSHOPeriodTimer=5, DeaDSSPeriodHOUserNumThrd=5, UrgentDeaDSSHOTimer=5;

Configuring Parameters on the NodeB Side

//Adding a DSS local cell and disabling DSS in the DSS local cell

To check whether this feature has been activated, use any of the following methods:

l On the BSC side, run the MML command DSP BTSSTAT to check the DSS status.
l On the RNC side, run the MML command DSP UCELL to check the DSS status.

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

l On the BSC side, check the value of the performance counter that indicates the number
of DSS requests. The counter ID is 1282431648.
l On the RNC side, check the value of the performance counter that indicates the number
of received DSS sessions. The counter ID is 73423295.
l On the U2000, check the task status. Deactivation
The following table lists the parameters used to deactivate this feature.

MO Parameter Name Parameter ID Setting Notes

GDSSPARA Spectrum Sharing DSSENABLE Set this parameter to

Allowed (BSC6900, BSC6910) NO.

UNODEB DSS NodeB Flag DSSFlag Set this parameter to


This feature can be deactivated using the CME or MML commands. Using the CME

The method of using the CME to deactivate this feature is the same as that of using the CME
to activate this feature. For details, see Using the CME. Using MML Commands

Step 1 On the BSC side, run the MML command SET GDSSPARA with the DSSENABLE
(BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter set to NO. The following is an example:
Step 2 On the RNC side, run the MML command MOD UNODEB with the DSSFlag parameter set
to FALSE. The following is an example:
Step 3 On the U2000, stop DSS tasks.
1. On the U2000, choose Maintenance > Dynamic Spectrum Sharing, as shown in
Figure 7-3.

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Figure 7-3 Stopping DSS tasks (1)

2. On the Dynamic Spectrum Sharing tab page, right-click each DSS task that needs to be
stopped, and then choose Stop, as shown in Figure 7-4 .

Figure 7-4 Stopping DSS tasks (2)

----End MML Command Examples

//Configuring parameters on the BSC side
//Configuring parameters on the RNC side
MOD UNODEB: IDTYPE=BYID, NodeBId=1, HostType=SINGLEHOST; Reconfiguration
After you add or remove a site pair from an ongoing DSS task, perform the following to
adjust the status of sites involved in the DSS task and reconfigure the buffer zone:

Step 1 Perform network planning by referring to section 7.1.3 Planning.

Step 2 Modify the DSS task on the CME by referring to Using the CME.

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 49

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Step 3 Export the DSS task on the CME by referring to Using the CME.

Step 4 On the U2000, remove this DSS task using the Dynamic Spectrum Sharing menu.

Step 5 On the U2000, create a DSS task, and import the exported file.


7.1.5 Monitoring
Object Counter Type KPI

Performance counters Access TCH congestion rate

TCH call setup success rate

User experience Throughput

Mobility management Handover success rate

Others Number of handovers

Check whether the number of handovers increases during DSS, and check whether the values
of these counters are roughly equal to what they are during busy hours.

7.1.6 Parameter Optimization

l Adjust the threshold for idle channels for sharing spectrum resources.
After this feature is enabled, adjust the DSSSHRIDLECHTH (BSC6900, BSC6910))
parameter on the GSM side if all of the following are true:
– The DSS duration is less than the configured duration.
– DSS is not triggered within half an hour after DSS is enabled.
– The congestion rate is at a level expected to be the same during busy hours.
If this threshold is too high, the conditions for triggering DSS are difficult to meet. As a
result, DSS cannot start during the configured duration and you must lower the value for
the DSSSHRIDLECHTH (BSC6900, BSC6910)) parameter.
To prevent spectrum resources from being frequently shared and then reclaimed, the
value for the DSSSHRIDLECHTH (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter must be smaller
than the value for the DSSBAKIDLECHTH (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter.
l Adjust the threshold for idle channels for reclaiming spectrum resources.
After this feature is enabled, adjust the DSSBAKIDLECHTH (BSC6900, BSC6910)
parameter on the GSM side if all of the following are true:
– The DSS duration is less than the configured duration.
– Spectrum resources reclamation is triggered multiple times during the configured
– The congestion rate is at a level expected to be the same during busy hours.
If this threshold is too high, the conditions for spectrum reclamation are easy to meet. As
a result, the DSS duration decreases and you must lower the value for the
DSSBAKIDLECHTH (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter.

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

7.1.7 Possible Issues

A DSS Task Fails to Work

If a DSS task fails to work, troubleshoot as follows:

Step 1 Check whether the number of DSS requests (corresponding to the counter whose ID is
1282431648) under any site is 0. If so, the problem occurs because the cells of this site are
heavily loaded. In this case, lower the DSS threshold.

Step 2 Check whether the number of spectrum reclamation requests under any site is not 0. If so, the
problem occurs because the load on cells under this site fluctuates significantly. In this case,
lower the reclamation threshold.


A Fault Occurs During Spectrum Reclamation

If a fault occurs during spectrum reclamation, troubleshoot as follows:

Step 1 Check whether the value of the counter whose ID is 1282431656 is not 0. If so, the problem
occurs as a result of configuration modifications. Check the operation log for operations that
may cause the problem.

Step 2 Check whether the value of the counter whose ID is 1282431657 is not 0. If so, the problem
occurs as a result of a fault at the site.


The Feature Fails to be Enabled

If the feature fails to be enabled, troubleshoot as follows:

Step 1 Check whether the required licenses under DSS tasks on the NodeB side and the BSC side
have been configured.

Step 2 Check whether DSS is enabled under all DSS tasks on the NodeB side and the BSC side.


7.2 Dynamic MA for GSM and UMTS DSS

7.2.1 When to Use

It is recommended that dynamic MA be enabled if GSM and UMTS DSS is enabled.

7.2.2 Required Information

When GSM and UMTS DSS is enabled, collect engineering parameters for GSM frequency
planning and carrier configuration, which are used to determine the MA and MAIO used by
and deactivation attributes of each carrier.

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 51

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Category Contents Purpose

Frequency GSM frequency This data is used to determine the MA and

planning planning, number of MAIO used by and deactivation attributes of
carriers each carrier.

7.2.3 Planning

RF Planning

Network Planning

Hardware Planning

7.2.4 Deployment Requirements

Other Features
For details, see 5.3 MRFD-211803 Dynamic MA for GU Dynamic Spectrum
Sharing(GSM) and 5.4 MRFD-221803 Dynamic MA for GU Dynamic Spectrum


Feature Feature License License NE Sales Unit
ID Name Control Item Control Item
ID Name

MRFD-2 Dynamic LGW1DMGDFS Dynamic MA BSC Per BTS

11803 MA for for GU
GU Dynamic
Dynamic Spectrum
Spectrum Sharing(GSM)

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 52

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Feature Feature License License NE Sales Unit

ID Name Control Item Control Item
ID Name

MRFD-2 Dynamic LQW9DMADSS Dynamic MA NodeB Per NodeB

21803 MA for 01 for GU
GU Dynamic
Dynamic Spectrum
Spectrum Sharing(UMT
Sharing(U S)

Other Requirements
None Precautions
If frequencies are dynamically modified when dynamic MA is being enabled, the cell will be
reset. Data Preparation and Feature Activation Data Preparation

The following table lists the data to prepare.

Parameter Name Parameter ID Setting Notes Data Source

FH Index Used TRXDSSHOPINDE MA used by GSM Network plan

After Frequency X (BSC6900, channels when DSS
Spectrum Sharing BSC6910) is enabled

MAIO Used After TRXDSSMAIO MAIO used by GSM Network plan

Frequency Spectrum (BSC6900, channels when DSS
Sharing BSC6910) is enabled Using the CME

Using the CME to Perform Single Configuration

Not supported

Using the CME to Perform Batch Configuration

Step 1 Import the GSM side data, including the planned data of MAs and the MA and MAIO carrier
configuration, as shown in Figure 7-5.

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Figure 7-5 Import the GSM side data

Step 2 Perform batch-configuration for carriers to complete carrier blocking for DSS, as shown in
Figure 7-6 .

Figure 7-6 Batch-configuration for carriers to complete carrier blocking for DSS

----End Using MML Commands

Step 1 Run the MML command ADD GCELLMAGRP to add MAs before and after DSS is started.
Step 2 Run the MML command SET GTRXCHANHOP to set the TRXDSSHOPINDEX
(BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter to the channel of the cell.

----End MML Command Examples

//Adding MAs or a DSS cell

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 7 Engineering Guidelines


FREQ2=3, FREQ3=4, FREQ4=6;
//Setting the FH index and MAIO for DSS
TRXDSSHOPINDEX=2, TRXDSSMAIO=1; Activation Observation

On the BSC side, check the value of the CELL.DYN.MA.REQ (BSC6900, BSC6910)
counter to determine whether the feature has taken effect. Deactivation
On the BSC side, run the MML command SET GTRXCHANHOP to set
TRXDSSHOPINDEX (BSC6900, BSC6910) to 255 after DSS is started.

7.2.5 Monitoring
For details, see 7.1.5 Monitoring.

7.2.6 Parameter Optimization


7.2.7 Possible Issues

If dynamic MA for GSM/UMTS DSS fails, troubleshoot this fault as follows:

Step 1 Check whether any alarm has been reported for the cell. If so, clear the alarm by referring to
the alarm reference document.
Step 2 Check whether the problem is caused by intermittent disconnections of Abis links.


Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 55

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 8 Parameters

8 Parameters

Table 8-1 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description
ter ID Comma ID Name

DSSTR BSC690 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: Whether to deactivate the current TRX in
XOFFL 0 GTRX 211802 and the period during which spectrum sharing is allowed.
INE DEV UMTS When this parameter is set to YES, the BTS
Dynami deactivates the TRX before spectrum sharing starts.
c When this parameter is set to NO, the BTS does not
Spectru deactivate the TRX before spectrum sharing starts.
m GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
GSM) Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: NO(No)

DSSTR BSC691 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: Whether to deactivate the current TRX in
XOFFL 0 GTRX 211802 and the period during which spectrum sharing is allowed.
INE DEV UMTS When this parameter is set to YES, the BTS
Dynami deactivates the TRX before spectrum sharing starts.
c When this parameter is set to NO, the BTS does not
Spectru deactivate the TRX before spectrum sharing starts.
m GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
GSM) Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: NO(No)

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 56

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 8 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

DSSEN BSC690 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: Whether to enable GU spectrum sharing at a
ABLE 0 GDSSP 211802 and BTS.
ARA UMTS GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
c Unit: None
Spectru Actual Value Range: NO, YES
m Default Value: NO(No)

DSSEN BSC691 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: Whether to enable GU spectrum sharing at a
ABLE 0 GDSSP 211802 and BTS.
ARA UMTS GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
c Unit: None
Spectru Actual Value Range: NO, YES
m Default Value: NO(No)

DSSSH BSC691 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: Period for the BSC to determine whether a
STATT 0 GDSSP 211802 and cell is idle when GU spectrum sharing is allowed. If
M ARA UMTS the number of idle channels detected by the BSC is
Dynami greater than or equal to the value of "Idle Channel
c Thres. for Spectrum Sharing", the BSC considers the
Spectru cell as idle and starts GU spectrum sharing.
m GUI Value Range: 0~10
GSM) Unit: min
Actual Value Range: 0~10
Default Value: 5

DSSSH BSC690 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: Period for the BSC to determine whether a
STATT 0 GDSSP 211802 and cell is idle when GU spectrum sharing is allowed. If
M ARA UMTS the number of idle channels detected by the BSC is
Dynami greater than or equal to the value of "Idle Channel
c Thres. for Spectrum Sharing", the BSC considers the
Spectru cell as idle and starts GU spectrum sharing.
m GUI Value Range: 0~10
GSM) Unit: min
Actual Value Range: 0~10
Default Value: 5

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 57

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 8 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

DSSSH BSC691 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: Number of idle channels in a cell during GU
RIDLE 0 GDSSP 211802 and spectrum sharing. If the number of idle channels in the
CHTH ARA UMTS cell (excluding the channels on the TRXs that need to
Dynami be blocked for GU spectrum sharing) after the GU
c spectrum sharing function takes effect is greater than
Spectru or equal to this parameter, the BSC considers the cell
m as idle.
Sharing( GUI Value Range: 1~50
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 1~50
Default Value: 12

DSSSH BSC690 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: Number of idle channels in a cell during GU
RIDLE 0 GDSSP 211802 and spectrum sharing. If the number of idle channels in the
CHTH ARA UMTS cell (excluding the channels on the TRXs that need to
Dynami be blocked for GU spectrum sharing) after the GU
c spectrum sharing function takes effect is greater than
Spectru or equal to this parameter, the BSC considers the cell
m as idle.
Sharing( GUI Value Range: 1~50
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 1~50
Default Value: 12

DSSWA BSC690 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: Time for waiting for CS or PS services to
ITPST 0 GDSSP 211802 and release before GU spectrum sharing.
M ARA UMTS GUI Value Range: 30~600
c Unit: s
Spectru Actual Value Range: 30~600
m Default Value: 120

DSSWA BSC691 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: Time for waiting for CS or PS services to
ITPST 0 GDSSP 211802 and release before GU spectrum sharing.
M ARA UMTS GUI Value Range: 30~600
c Unit: s
Spectru Actual Value Range: 30~600
m Default Value: 120

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 58

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 8 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

DSSBA BSC690 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: Number of idle channels in a cell for
KIDLE 0 GDSSP 211802 and determining whether the shared GU spectrum needs to
CHTH ARA UMTS be reclaimed. When the number of idle channels in a
Dynami cell is smaller than or equal to this threshold, the BSC
c considers the cell as busy.
Spectru GUI Value Range: 0~50
Sharing( Unit: None
GSM) Actual Value Range: 0~50
Default Value: 8

DSSBA BSC691 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: Number of idle channels in a cell for
KIDLE 0 GDSSP 211802 and determining whether the shared GU spectrum needs to
CHTH ARA UMTS be reclaimed. When the number of idle channels in a
Dynami cell is smaller than or equal to this threshold, the BSC
c considers the cell as busy.
Spectru GUI Value Range: 0~50
Sharing( Unit: None
GSM) Actual Value Range: 0~50
Default Value: 8

DSSBA BSC690 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: Period during which a cell keeps busy.
KDUR 0 GDSSP 211802 and During the period specified by "Spectrum
TM ARA UMTS Reclamation Observation Time", if the BSC
Dynami determines that the cell has been busy for the period
c specified by this parameter, the GU spectrum is
Spectru reclaimed.
m GUI Value Range: 0~10
GSM) Unit: min
Actual Value Range: 0~10
Default Value: 3

DSSBA BSC691 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: Period during which a cell keeps busy.
KDUR 0 GDSSP 211802 and During the period specified by "Spectrum
TM ARA UMTS Reclamation Observation Time", if the BSC
Dynami determines that the cell has been busy for the period
c specified by this parameter, the GU spectrum is
Spectru reclaimed.
m GUI Value Range: 0~10
GSM) Unit: min
Actual Value Range: 0~10
Default Value: 3

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 59

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 8 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

DSSBA BSC690 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: Period used for determining whether a cell
KSTAT 0 GDSSP 211802 and is busy.
TM ARA UMTS GUI Value Range: 0~10
c Unit: min
Spectru Actual Value Range: 0~10
m Default Value: 5

DSSBA BSC691 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: Period used for determining whether a cell
KSTAT 0 GDSSP 211802 and is busy.
TM ARA UMTS GUI Value Range: 0~10
c Unit: min
Spectru Actual Value Range: 0~10
m Default Value: 5

DSSBA BSC690 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: Timer set at the BSC to wait for the RNC to
KNOR 0 GDSSP 211802 and release the spectrum during a normal GU spectrum
MPCT ARA UMTS reclamation process. The BSC starts this timer on
M Dynami receiving a GU spectrum reclamation response
c message from the U2000. After this timer expires, the
Spectru BSC starts to reclaim the spectrum.
m GUI Value Range: 1~255
GSM) Unit: s
Actual Value Range: 1~255
Default Value: 90

DSSBA BSC691 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: Timer set at the BSC to wait for the RNC to
KNOR 0 GDSSP 211802 and release the spectrum during a normal GU spectrum
MPCT ARA UMTS reclamation process. The BSC starts this timer on
M Dynami receiving a GU spectrum reclamation response
c message from the U2000. After this timer expires, the
Spectru BSC starts to reclaim the spectrum.
m GUI Value Range: 1~255
GSM) Unit: s
Actual Value Range: 1~255
Default Value: 90

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 60

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 8 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

DSSBA BSC690 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: Timer set at the BSC to wait for the RNC to
KURG 0 GDSSP 211802 and release the spectrum during an emergency GU
PCTM ARA UMTS spectrum reclamation process. The BSC starts this
Dynami timer on receiving a GU spectrum reclamation
c response message from the U2000. After this timer
Spectru expires, the BSC starts to reclaim the spectrum.
m GUI Value Range: 1~255
GSM) Unit: s
Actual Value Range: 1~255
Default Value: 15

DSSBA BSC691 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: Timer set at the BSC to wait for the RNC to
KURG 0 GDSSP 211802 and release the spectrum during an emergency GU
PCTM ARA UMTS spectrum reclamation process. The BSC starts this
Dynami timer on receiving a GU spectrum reclamation
c response message from the U2000. After this timer
Spectru expires, the BSC starts to reclaim the spectrum.
m GUI Value Range: 1~255
GSM) Unit: s
Actual Value Range: 1~255
Default Value: 15

DSSSH BSC690 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: After the GU spectrum reclamation is
FBTM 0 GDSSP 211802 and complete, the BSC cannot perform GU spectrum
ARA UMTS sharing in the period specified by this parameter.
Dynami GUI Value Range: 0~120
Spectru Unit: min
m Actual Value Range: 0~120
Sharing( Default Value: 30

DSSSH BSC691 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: After the GU spectrum reclamation is
FBTM 0 GDSSP 211802 and complete, the BSC cannot perform GU spectrum
ARA UMTS sharing in the period specified by this parameter.
Dynami GUI Value Range: 0~120
Spectru Unit: min
m Actual Value Range: 0~120
Sharing( Default Value: 30

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 61

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 8 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

DSSHA BSC690 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: Timer set for the handshake between the
NDSHA 0 GDSSP 211802 and U2000 and the BSC during GU spectrum sharing. If
KE ARA UMTS the BSC does not receive a handshake response
Dynami message from the U2000 before this timer expires, the
c BSC automatically reclaims the spectrum after this
Spectru timer expires.
m GUI Value Range: 1~10
GSM) Unit: min
Actual Value Range: 1~10
Default Value: 6

DSSHA BSC691 SET MRFD- GSM Meaning: Timer set for the handshake between the
NDSHA 0 GDSSP 211802 and U2000 and the BSC during GU spectrum sharing. If
KE ARA UMTS the BSC does not receive a handshake response
Dynami message from the U2000 before this timer expires, the
c BSC automatically reclaims the spectrum after this
Spectru timer expires.
m GUI Value Range: 1~10
GSM) Unit: min
Actual Value Range: 1~10
Default Value: 6

TRXDS BSC690 SET MRFD- Dynami Meaning: Frequency hopping (FH) index for a
SHOPI 0 GTRX 211803 c MA specified channel on a TRX after frequency spectrum
NDEX CHAN for GU is shared.
HOP Dynami GUI Value Range: 0~63;255
Spectru Unit: None
m Actual Value Range: 0~63, 255
Sharing( Default Value: 255

TRXDS BSC691 SET MRFD- Dynami Meaning: Frequency hopping (FH) index for a
SHOPI 0 GTRX 211803 c MA specified channel on a TRX after frequency spectrum
NDEX CHAN for GU is shared.
HOP Dynami GUI Value Range: 0~63;255
Spectru Unit: None
m Actual Value Range: 0~63, 255
Sharing( Default Value: 255

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 62

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GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 8 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

TRXH BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Frequen Meaning: Frequency hopping index of the channel in
OPIND 0 GTRX 13701 cy the TRX
EX CHAN Hopping GUI Value Range: 0~63;255
hopping, Unit: None
baseban Actual Value Range: 0~63, 255
d Default Value: 255

TRXH BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Frequen Meaning: Frequency hopping index of the channel in
OPIND 0 GTRX 13701 cy the TRX
EX CHAN Hopping GUI Value Range: 0~63;255
hopping, Unit: None
baseban Actual Value Range: 0~63, 255
d Default Value: 255

TRXDS BSC690 SET MRFD- Dynami Meaning: Mobile allocation index offset (MAIO) for a
SMAIO 0 GTRX 211803 c MA specified channel on a TRX after frequency spectrum
CHAN for GU is shared.
HOP Dynami GUI Value Range: 0~63
Spectru Unit: None
m Actual Value Range: 0~63
Sharing( Default Value: 0

TRXDS BSC691 SET MRFD- Dynami Meaning: Mobile allocation index offset (MAIO) for a
SMAIO 0 GTRX 211803 c MA specified channel on a TRX after frequency spectrum
CHAN for GU is shared.
HOP Dynami GUI Value Range: 0~63
Spectru Unit: None
m Actual Value Range: 0~63
Sharing( Default Value: 0

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 63

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 9 Counters

9 Counters

Table 9-1 Counters

Counter ID Counter Counter NE Feature ID Feature Name
Name Description

1282431661 CELL.GDSS.C R3050:Number BSC6900 MRFD-211802 GSM and

HAN.AVAIL.N of Available UMTS
UM Channels Dynamic
During Spectrum
Spectrum Sharing(GSM)

1282449286 CELL.GDSS.C AR3050:Averag BSC6900 MRFD-211802 GSM and

HAN.AVAIL.N e Number of UMTS
UM.AVG Available Dynamic
Channels Spectrum
During Sharing(GSM)

1282431661 CELL.GDSS.C R3050:Number BSC6910 MRFD-211802 GSM and

HAN.AVAIL.N of Available UMTS
UM Channels Dynamic
During Spectrum
Spectrum Sharing(GSM)

1282449286 CELL.GDSS.C AR3050:Averag BSC6910 MRFD-211802 GSM and

HAN.AVAIL.N e Number of UMTS
UM.AVG Available Dynamic
Channels Spectrum
During Sharing(GSM)

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 64

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 9 Counters

Counter ID Counter Counter NE Feature ID Feature Name

Name Description

1282432149 CELL.DYN.M R3607B:Numbe BSC6900 MRFD-211803 Dynamic MA

A.REQ r of Dynamic for GU
MA Conversion Dynamic
Requests Spectrum

1282432150 CELL.DYN.M R3627B:Numbe BSC6900 MRFD-211803 Dynamic MA

A.FAIL r of Failed for GU
Dynamic MA Dynamic
Conversions Spectrum

1282449348 CELL.DYN.M CR3607B:Num BSC6900 MRFD-211803 Dynamic MA

A.SUCC ber of for GU
Successful Dynamic
Dynamic MA Spectrum
Conversions Sharing(GSM)

1282432149 CELL.DYN.M R3607B:Numbe BSC6910 MRFD-211803 Dynamic MA

A.REQ r of Dynamic for GU
MA Conversion Dynamic
Requests Spectrum

1282432150 CELL.DYN.M R3627B:Numbe BSC6910 MRFD-211803 Dynamic MA

A.FAIL r of Failed for GU
Dynamic MA Dynamic
Conversions Spectrum

1282449348 CELL.DYN.M CR3607B:Num BSC6910 MRFD-211803 Dynamic MA

A.SUCC ber of for GU
Successful Dynamic
Dynamic MA Spectrum
Conversions Sharing(GSM)

1282431648 SITE.GDSS.SH DS1000:Numbe BSC6900 MRFD-211802 GSM and

ARE.REQ r of Spectrum UMTS
Sharing Dynamic
Requests Spectrum

1282431649 SITE.GDSS.SH DS1001:Numbe BSC6900 MRFD-211802 GSM and

ARE.FAIL r of Failed UMTS
Spectrum Dynamic
Sharing Spectrum
Attempts Sharing(GSM)

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 65

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 9 Counters

Counter ID Counter Counter NE Feature ID Feature Name

Name Description

1282431650 SITE.GDSS.SH DS1002:Numbe BSC6900 MRFD-211802 GSM and

ARE.FAIL.MA r of Failed UMTS
ADJ Spectrum Dynamic
Sharing Spectrum
Attempts Due to Sharing(GSM)
MA Group

1282431651 SITE.GDSS.SH DS1003:Numbe BSC6900 MRFD-211802 GSM and

ARE.FAIL.U20 r of Failed UMTS
00 Spectrum Dynamic
Sharing Spectrum
Attempts Due to Sharing(GSM)
U2000 Failure

1282431652 SITE.GDSS.SH DS1004:Numbe BSC6900 MRFD-211802 GSM and

ARE.FAIL.OT r of Failed UMTS
HERS Spectrum Dynamic
Sharing Spectrum
Attempts Due to Sharing(GSM)
Other Reasons

1282431653 SITE.GDSS.BA DS1005:Numbe BSC6900 MRFD-211802 GSM and

CK.NORM.AU r of Times UMTS
TO Spectrum Is Dynamic
Reclaimed Spectrum
Automatically Sharing(GSM)

1282431654 SITE.GDSS.BA DS1006:Numbe BSC6900 MRFD-211802 GSM and

CK.NORM.MA r of Times UMTS
NU Spectrum Is Dynamic
Reclaimed Spectrum
Manually Sharing(GSM)

1282431655 SITE.GDSS.BA DS1007:Numbe BSC6900 MRFD-211802 GSM and

Spectrum Is Dynamic
Reclaimed Spectrum
Abnormally Sharing(GSM)

1282431656 SITE.GDSS.BA DS1008:Numbe BSC6900 MRFD-211802 GSM and

CK.ABNORM. r of Times UMTS
CONF Spectrum Is Dynamic
Reclaimed Spectrum
Abnormally Sharing(GSM)
Due to

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 66

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 9 Counters

Counter ID Counter Counter NE Feature ID Feature Name

Name Description

1282431657 SITE.GDSS.BA DS1009:Numbe BSC6900 MRFD-211802 GSM and

CK.ABNORM. r of Times UMTS
SITE Spectrum Is Dynamic
Reclaimed Spectrum
Abnormally Sharing(GSM)
Due to BTS

1282431658 SITE.GDSS.BA DS1010:Numbe BSC6900 MRFD-211802 GSM and

CK.ABNORM. r of Times UMTS
OTHERS Spectrum Is Dynamic
Reclaimed Spectrum
Abnormally Sharing(GSM)
Due to Other

1282431659 SITE.GDSS.BA DS1011:Numbe BSC6900 MRFD-211802 GSM and

Spectrum Is Dynamic
Reclaimed in Spectrum
Emergency Sharing(GSM)

1282431660 SITE.GDSS.SH DS1012:Spectru BSC6900 MRFD-211802 GSM and

Duration Dynamic

1282431648 SITE.GDSS.SH DS1000:Numbe BSC6910 MRFD-211802 GSM and

ARE.REQ r of Spectrum UMTS
Sharing Dynamic
Requests Spectrum

1282431649 SITE.GDSS.SH DS1001:Numbe BSC6910 MRFD-211802 GSM and

ARE.FAIL r of Failed UMTS
Spectrum Dynamic
Sharing Spectrum
Attempts Sharing(GSM)

1282431650 SITE.GDSS.SH DS1002:Numbe BSC6910 MRFD-211802 GSM and

ARE.FAIL.MA r of Failed UMTS
ADJ Spectrum Dynamic
Sharing Spectrum
Attempts Due to Sharing(GSM)
MA Group

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 67

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 9 Counters

Counter ID Counter Counter NE Feature ID Feature Name

Name Description

1282431651 SITE.GDSS.SH DS1003:Numbe BSC6910 MRFD-211802 GSM and

ARE.FAIL.U20 r of Failed UMTS
00 Spectrum Dynamic
Sharing Spectrum
Attempts Due to Sharing(GSM)
U2000 Failure

1282431652 SITE.GDSS.SH DS1004:Numbe BSC6910 MRFD-211802 GSM and

ARE.FAIL.OT r of Failed UMTS
HERS Spectrum Dynamic
Sharing Spectrum
Attempts Due to Sharing(GSM)
Other Reasons

1282431653 SITE.GDSS.BA DS1005:Numbe BSC6910 MRFD-211802 GSM and

CK.NORM.AU r of Times UMTS
TO Spectrum Is Dynamic
Reclaimed Spectrum
Automatically Sharing(GSM)

1282431654 SITE.GDSS.BA DS1006:Numbe BSC6910 MRFD-211802 GSM and

CK.NORM.MA r of Times UMTS
NU Spectrum Is Dynamic
Reclaimed Spectrum
Manually Sharing(GSM)

1282431655 SITE.GDSS.BA DS1007:Numbe BSC6910 MRFD-211802 GSM and

Spectrum Is Dynamic
Reclaimed Spectrum
Abnormally Sharing(GSM)

1282431656 SITE.GDSS.BA DS1008:Numbe BSC6910 MRFD-211802 GSM and

CK.ABNORM. r of Times UMTS
CONF Spectrum Is Dynamic
Reclaimed Spectrum
Abnormally Sharing(GSM)
Due to

1282431657 SITE.GDSS.BA DS1009:Numbe BSC6910 MRFD-211802 GSM and

CK.ABNORM. r of Times UMTS
SITE Spectrum Is Dynamic
Reclaimed Spectrum
Abnormally Sharing(GSM)
Due to BTS

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 68

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 9 Counters

Counter ID Counter Counter NE Feature ID Feature Name

Name Description

1282431658 SITE.GDSS.BA DS1010:Numbe BSC6910 MRFD-211802 GSM and

CK.ABNORM. r of Times UMTS
OTHERS Spectrum Is Dynamic
Reclaimed Spectrum
Abnormally Sharing(GSM)
Due to Other

1282431659 SITE.GDSS.BA DS1011:Numbe BSC6910 MRFD-211802 GSM and

Spectrum Is Dynamic
Reclaimed in Spectrum
Emergency Sharing(GSM)

1282431660 SITE.GDSS.SH DS1012:Spectru BSC6910 MRFD-211802 GSM and

Duration Dynamic

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 69

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 10 Glossary

10 Glossary

For the acronyms, abbreviations, terms, and definitions, see Glossary.

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 70

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
GSM and UMTS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Feature
Parameter Description 11 Reference Documents

11 Reference Documents

1. Frequency Hopping Feature Parameter Description (GBSS)

Issue 02 (2016-06-23) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 71

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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