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Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics
1. This module is a property of Western Leyte College. Therefore, no part of it can be reproduced.

2. Utilize this module well for your independent learning and submit on or before the scheduled
date of submission.

3. This module contains activities which you are to accomplish. Ensure strict compliance to each
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A. Bonifacio Street, Ormoc City

Diagnostic Test for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Name: _________________ Year & Sec: _____________ Score: ___ Date: _________


1. No erasure should be made in all parts of the exam. EARASURES MEANS WRONG!

1. Glucose is a:
a. disaccharide b. monosaccharide c. polysaccharide d. phospholipids
2. If four bases in the DNA structure are AGCT, the complementary bases in the other strand will
a. TCGA b. CGAT c. AGCT d. UCG
3. A molecule that contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in the ration 1:2:1 respectively is:
a. lipid b. protein c. monosaccharide d. nucleic acid
4. Which of the following is a distinguishing feature of lipids?
a. They are all triglycerides
b. They are relatively insoluble in water
c. They are detergents
d. They have peptide bonds.
5. A nucleotides consists of:
a. pentose b. phosphate c. nitrogenous base d. all of these
6. Which of the following statements about proteins are false?
a. All are protein enzymes
b. A given protein may contain over 20 different amino acids.
c. Proteins have specific three-dimensional structure
d. Proteins are formed from polypeptide chains.
7. Which of the following statements about membranes is true?
a. The membrane is covered on both side by a continuous layer of proteins.
b. The membrane is composed of double layer of phospholipids with the polar groups
facing the cytoplasmic side and exterior of the membrane.
c. The membrane is a rigid structure
8. The organelle that combines proteins with carbohydrates and packages them with vesicles for
secretion is the:
a. rough endoplasmic reticulum
b. smooth endoplasmic reticulum
c. endoplasmic reticulum
d. Golgi apparatus
9. The organelle that contains digestive enzymes is the:
a. mitochondria b. lysosome c. endoplasmic reticulum d.Golgi apparatus
10. Most energy in the cell is produced in the:
a. nucleus b. cytoplasm c. mitochondria d. Golgi apparatus
11. Which of the following organelles will you find plentiful in an intestinal cells that secretes
digestive enzymes?
a. rough endoplasmic reticulum b. free ribosomes
c. lysosomes d. mitochondria
12. After DNA has replaced itself, the duplicate strand are called:
a. homologous chromosomes b. centromeres c. chromatids d. spindle fibers
13. Which of the following statements about mRNA is false?
a. mRNA associations with ribosomes.
b. Among the different kinds of RNA, mRNA is the one which codes for proteins.
c. The base triplets of mRNA are called anticodons.
d. The base triplets of mRNA are called codons.
14. The RNA nucleotides that base pairs with the adenine nucleotides in DNA is:
a. thymine b. cytosine c. uracil d. guanine
15. Actinomycin D is a drug that inhibits genetic transcription. This means that it directly
a. DNA synthesis b. protein synthesis c. RNA synthesis d. All of the above
16. How many nucleotide bases in m RNA are needed to specify the position of one amino acid
a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four e. Thousand
17. Anticodons are found in:
a. TRNA b. MRNA c. rRNA D. rDNA
18. Puromycin is a drug that inhibits genetic translation. This means that:
a. no m RNA is produced b. no proteins are synthesized
c. no DNA is synthesized d. all of the above
19. Which of the following is an example of exocytosis?
a. phagocytosis b. pinocytosis c. secretion of cellular parts d. all of above
20. The universal energy donor of the cell is:
a. ADP b. Glucose c. pyruvic acid d. ATP
21. In terms of the number of ATP directly produced, the major energy-yielding process in the
cell is:
a. Krebs cycle b. Glycolysis c. Respiratory chain d. Fermentation
22. The term glycolysis refers to the:
a. conversion of pyruvic acid to lactic acid
b. conversion of pyruvic acid to carbon dioxide and water
c. conversion of lactic acid to glucose
d. conversion of glucose to pyruvic acid
23. When a skeletal muscle respires anaerobically, it produces:
a. pyruvic acid b. lactic acid c. citric acid d. water
24. Movement if water across a cell membrane occurs by:
a. active transport b. facilitated diffusion c. osmosis d. diffusion
25. Which of the following statements about facilitated diffusion of glucose is true?
a. There is net movement from a region of lower concentration to a region of high
b. Carrier proteins in the membrane are needed for the transport.
c. Transport requires energy from ATP
d. Facilitated transport of glucose is an example of coupled transport
26. Net movement of solute from regions of lower concentration to regions of higher
concentration occurs in:
a. active transport b. facilitated diffusion c. simple diffusion
d. Osmosis e. All of the above f. No answer
27. Cells will swell and burst in:
a. a hypertonic solution b. a hypotonic solution
c. an isotonic solution d. all of the above
28. Which of the following statements about carrier-mediated facilitated diffusion is true?
a. It uses ATP
b. It is a form of active transport
c. It transport molecules down its concentration gradient.
d. None of the above is true.
29. The step in protein synthesis when tRNA, rRNA, AND mRNA, are all active is known as:
a. translation b. transcription c. replication d. RNA polymerization
30. The first organ to receive blood-borne products of digestion is the:
a. heart b. brain c. liver d. lungs.

“Cheating will raise your grades but it will burn your soul.”

Prepared by: RENE B. DIAZ

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