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O Krishna!

I Surrender

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

Books Published by the Author

Art of Chanting Hare Krsna

हरे कृ ण जप क आदश कला
Prabhupada at Radha Damodara
भुप ाद, राधा दामोदर मं दर म
Appreciating Sri Vrndavana Dhama
ीवृ दावन धाम मधु रमा
Radha Kunda Mahima Madhuri
राधाकु ड म हमा माधुरी
Gayatri Mahima Madhuri
गाय ी म हमा माधुरी
Gaudiya Vaisnava Samadhis in Vrndavana
गौड़ीय वै णव च रतामृत
Appreciating Navadvipa Dhama
नव प धाम म हमामृत
Seeing Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Jagannatha Puri
ी जग ाथ पुरी धाम या ा
64 Super Excellent Qualities of Sri Krsna
ीकृ ण गुण रस न ध
Illuminations on Nama Aparadha
नाम अपराध नवृ
Radha Govinda Meditations
राधा गो व द यानामृत म्
Prayers to Lord Nrsimha
ी नृ सहदे व तु त
Radha Krishna Pastimes at Radha Kunda
ीराधाकु ड म ीराधाकृ ण लीला
Caitanya Mangala
Gauranga Gita
Sarartha Darsini
Sri Ananda Vrndavana Campu
Sri Madhava Mahotsava
Bhavanasara Sangraha
Krsnahnika Kaumudi
Sri Sankalpa Kalpadruma
A Tribute of Love
Jagannatha Puri Guide Book
Radha-krpa-kataksa and Krsna-krpa-kataksa
108 Sweet Notes (Vol. I & II)

O Krishna! I Surrender
© 2016 Mahanidhi Swami, All rights reserved
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Mahanidhi Swami-an Ocean of Mercy

I humbly offer this book into the merciful hands of my eternal

loving masters, Srila Prabhupada and Pandita Sri Krishna Dasa
Babaji Maharaja, Bhakti-tirtha. May they be pleased with this
offering, and bless all the readers with the taste of surrender.

The most thought provoking definition of surrender is this: “In

raganuga-bhakti, the mood of surrender is the natural expression of
the self.”

(Srila Prabhupada/RTW 5.1)


O Krishna! I Surrender
O Krishna!
I Surrender

Spiritual life is nothing

but one long, arduous journey of surrender.
We surrender our minds
to hear Gita and Guru.
We surrender our hearts
to take diksha from Sri Guru.
We surrender our time
to practice bhakti sadhana.
We surrender our attachments
to live as Krishna wants.
We surrender our desires
to desire only Krishna.
We surrender our love
to receive Krishna’s love.
And at last, we surrender our lives
hoping to attain Sri Krishna.
In pursuance of that goal, I offer the following prayer to my Loving Lord,
while continually praying, O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for
Your mercy.

O Sri Krishna! I am a fool, completely ignorant and I have no experience,

yet still I want to offer a prayer to You. I know that You are in my heart, so
I beg You to please inspire me and guide me in glorifying You with
transcendental sound.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! You destroy the demons with Your weapons, Your will and
with all-devouring time. You bless Your devotees with the lotus twirling in
Your beautiful petal-like fingers. You make their lives auspicious by
kindly giving them strength, protection and victory in the struggle of life.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! May I always hear Your sweet melodious voice resounding in
my heart, reassuring me with Your words: “My devotee will never be

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! You are completely pure but I am full of all dirty things. Please
purify my mind and heart, and make me dance in joy to Your Holy Names.
My mind is full of fear, hankering and anxiety. So please remove this filth
and grant me the inner peace to always feel Your presence.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! The demoniac soldiers of arrogance and conceit are attacking

the city of my heart. Please chastise these miscreants so that I may come
to my senses and realize that I am Your humble servant.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! The elephant of sinful lust has entered my garden of devotion.

O Krishna! let me remember the elephant goad sign on the bottom of Your
right foot, and thus drive out this mad elephant of desire.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! Please cover the eyes of the sinful enemies of envy within me
that make me blind to the good qualities in others, and force me to offend
the Vaisnavas.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! Please protect me from the constant attacks of my bad habits

of laziness and wasting time searching for material happiness.
O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! Please protect me from the six faults: overeating and

collecting too much, bad association, neglecting the rules and regulations
of the scriptures, unnecessary talking about mundane topics, over-
endeavor for material objectives, and lusting over mundane achievements.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! You destroy the darkness within devotees’ hearts. I am covered

by the darkness of greed, anger, pride and the desire for fame. O Krishna!
Kindly illuminate my heart and destroy this darkness.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! You dissipate the ignorance of the world by manifesting the

knowledge of great souls. Please reveal pure knowledge of Yourself within
my heart, and destroy the darkness of illusion covering my real identity.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! You are faster than mind. You are the master of speech and You
perform wonderful acts. You are truth and encouraging statements.
Whenever the tendency arises within my mind to speak nonsense, to
belittle the devotees, or to speak negative, discouraging words, please be
there at that moment with your lightning speed to work wonders. Make me
always speak the truth about You, glorify You and lovingly encourage all
Your devotees.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! I am full of improper behavior and desires to perform
whimsical unregulated acts. I have no cleanliness, nor do I know what to
do or what not to do. Please give me the power and the wisdom to strictly
follow the example of the previous acharyas. Please give me the
determination to always act purely and religiously, and to perform only
activities that are pleasing to You.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! My rascal mind always produces various illusions and tells me

stupid things like, “Go ahead! You can enjoy. Forget about Krishna and
Guru. Just be natural, be yourself.” O Krishna! Please dispel these
illusions and fix my mind on Your soft and sweet, beautiful lotus feet.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! The crocodile of duplicity is swallowing my heart. Please

crush this crocodile and make me Your honest devotee.
O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! You relentlessly chased the Vaisnava aparadhi Durvasa all over
the universe. Please accompany me wherever I may travel and
immediately chase away the demon of Vaisnava aparadha from my mind
and heart.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! Your glance is sweet, merciful and all-auspicious. Your glance

pacifies, enlivens, inspires and satisfies Your devotees. I am a lazy blind
fool with very little determination to serve. O Krishna! Please glance upon
me, make me fortunate, purify my heart and fill me with the enthusiasm to
serve Sri Hari, Guru and the Vaisnavas.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! With Your invincible Sudarshana chakra, please cut down the
karma and samsara cakras which are moving me on through endless births
with no end in sight! O Mukunda, please liberate me and tie me to Your
feet as a slave bound in love. Kindly give me a place in the mandala of
rasa, Vraja Mandala, and let me dance there around and around forever
delighting in the light of Your love.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! I am most poor and unfortunate. Please make me fortunate, be

compassionate towards me and deliver me from material existence.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! As Gajendra once offered a lotus to You in submission, I put

the lotus of my heart in my hand and surrender it unto You, begging for
Your love.
O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! Please touch me with Your artistic lotus-like hand, so that the
lotus bud of my consciousness will unfold and bloom with brilliant
sattvika ecstasies in pure love for You.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! You sometimes hold a golden lotus in Your hand and twirl it
back and forth, spinning the minds of the gopis in whirlpools of endless
joy. O Krishna! I pray for the day when You spin my mind in the same

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! Please cut out the roots of sin from my mind and protect the
tiny creeper of bhakti I am culturing there.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! My mind is lazy and crazy, caring not for any authority. O
Krishna! Please enthuse my mind with Your murali and make me move
merrily on the path of bhakti.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! My mind is a fickle lusty master; sometimes happy and

sometimes distressed; sometimes peaceful and sometimes agitated. O
Krishna! Please subdue my wayward mind with the cooling touch of Your
soothing lotus feet.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! There are many demons lurking within the dark places of my
mind and heart. Please enter there, find them and destroy them. As Gopala,
You maintain and nourish the universe. So Gopala, please nourish me by
giving me all the divine qualities such as patience, confidence, conviction,
compassion, simplicity, tranquility, modesty, forgiveness, fearlessness,
steadiness and self-control.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! You are the maintainer of religious principles. O Krishna!

Please support me and help me to remain austere and steady in following
all the regulative principles of devotional service.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! You are the deliverer and protector, and You are very
affectionate to Your devotees. Please free me from all material desires and
contaminations by giving me transcendental wisdom. May my heart flood
with love and may all the symptoms of divine joy appear within me.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! With Your soft and sweet lotus hands, please lift me out of the
horrible ocean of repeated birth and death. By Your touch, may I become
free from the grips of Maya and become illuminated with pure spiritual
knowledge. Please flood my heart with Radha-Govinda prema, energize
my body with spiritual bliss and make my words dance with the song of
Your love.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! With Your lotus-like hands You bless all kinds of living
entities. With Your gentle, loving lotus hand, You wipe the pearl-like
drops of perspiration from the faces of the gopis who feel instantly
refreshed by Your sweet touch. Pressing the vamshi to Your cherry-red
lips, You play the sweetest, most enchanting music to thrill the hearts of
Your devotees.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! Please lift me out of the deep, dark well of ignorance. Please
free me from this ugly body full of insincerity and wicked, worldly
desires. Award me a pure spiritual body and always keep me protected in
Your loving embrace. Don’t let me ever again be touched by Maya.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! As You hold the vamshi in Your hands, please hold me in Your
hands as an instrument in Your service and engage me in many sweet ways
to please all Your devotees.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

O Krishna! You accept all that is offered with feelings. So now let me
lovingly offer my very self to You and beg for a blessing in return. May I
always remember You, be close to You and love You forever, serving You
in Vraja Gokula as You sport and play with Your Priyaji Radha.

O Krishna! I surrender unto You and beg for Your mercy.

Sri Sri Radha Giridhari ki jai!

Sravana sukla panchami, 2016

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